HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-05-17, Page 2IIL MAY I
IIITHE If IrRON EXPOSt TOR*, IMSY IL79 18950 rUll crime, wmen, lime RIUL RiTATE FOR SALK. I . Oobfts, SLIng WORDS TO YOUNG -111' N The Righth Step. that touch them. Ofi, for rucire . . . I 4 Word tile, next: Remember that it IE- no] 1h halt ne aperfA thqt put In- hat Is R i'�t r n g OOD FAK FOR, U law h. 100 Lot 31, Couft lkAW&W lee in on] a sak4li 0ir, life hive -1.8 Pop, wl
are to wres good finoes.okt ca le great primer tylie,and v �1,iorcvam imil nave .1aflin nonw. REV. DFL TALMAGE TAl,KS-T0 TI- E BE- omoat* Less, 04n your -Anger DOI creek. Apply to P t P�H "orich. '01 Or agAtel You have all seen the p"s M 33rillafit
.1278 pa lei np, .11 I Q Itre 44 ........ 0 col INAt y 'r'*Iiole bod h qu Is di grim"il egativo.' He took a� I to- GINNERS IN LIFES BATTLES. ph ?t graphor's n th,hbacoin Ba, i ness, ARM11 FOR SA undersigned hs4ltwent'� -ttil o froal, It 10 or 20 ypar on pared with the nex�b) 1�e. ft.�ee Farms filzjale In But Huron, he ban- You ask Br� gs �.feqe our, a
su ppose there are not mor than li,- ion d i ff-E rent lines of goods and for the -ap, and prices to 0 g* n r hi i # w for a picture from that sa�fy. a n of the Provinbe',; ad siz The Soul, the Bd As I- For full information, write or �qall personally. y, the Intellect, the att vel He opens the g doz, ai I)cof)le In this world 100 yeitrs Oldi. lver4er We want 8ortietbin reat thestb nt g �ool and comf6rtab)e. These goods vviU. be hilo1rouble to show them. F, S. SCOIT, Brussels he Goal and a Glance . Ahead But a very feW peopiq in an JLJ tboroighbzed 0 -1 'th
piration..1; t negaties of 1885 or l8a y found in larm padtitiesapd g�od qualities at in� ho black 4monthr, 1A
P. 0. reaffli 80. The majority Tf the human rac An 31unpirin n orce ul Sermolk to an, he reproduces the pictIrre. ()if Ig exp re befo LE.—For sale, cheap, a com- the'Vo Ing. lni�, u, your incitiory is Inade lip of thb no r6 80. Now, �vhatan equipois� JE foitable frame so on.South Msin*Street, Sea. i a ons deration. If things go So at a of an imino, EAT BAR(prA rtfLl% photograpliy. All 'Wropgj'it'i only.for a little while. Havc Department 'I OP forth, near the Rail station. The house contains 9E W, K,; May: his audic CC -t ti M lou see or hear goes into.your soul �,o savan roo* Wit III and all, necessary cnveni- ICKA kCO.'$, Dress Goods
6t.iiho-- *at the Academy Of Misic Dr. Taln age, YOU DOt 011011911 moral pluck to stand thd ences, k( picturol for the aulle, suitable for
also tw The house Is on one future, �� You W 11 . 4 - at his qua" a
0 g 0 i0str1ing, and die Injustices and the mis. i I loth -and �he ro I be *oold topthor. or separ. 'meets inny hiindrods o'y urig ine-ii f oin hail 0 w4h you till the iudgnient'da� "'a haps Of Ulu 4 i nall, Tarent Ve�on& )9tripe Muslin, Stripe and heck Isertiobt BAKM C.
ately. p in the limes til RICHARD ROBIN. parts of the [Minn' and �robre n Ive of 141 the badpicturesy, hav hesi between thfl )r spo� uslin Cfieck and 0.� jSO4N, Be 0 14094f th two cterniti(6? It s a good t1ling1to got Al uslin, Bea�t ifis Fr9lich Sate( us, iBroche Sateens, Printed Lans, White and Colm(l M 'ev looked tit I and 'of all sentfu 1 LlIllos �eVor'V call I ng and, pr as- 0 docau V -0N I ATZK HAving decided to go out if tho I oot a. ready for 04 ono mile this side the' mar� Challies, all -0001 Delsf'ineE,,all�, voot i .'izit'hatns, Silk Grenadinesi beautiful Wash Silks ift ourt �CeunW
R F &RM FOR SALE —For sale east 1, add S$. So q Y,�L b Sho,,j nie the 1 slon't u 41 �0. T them, he specilly add mi, have read fiW(st half I t Lots - ed,his disool this aft ixed Strip% f�r Bi( -3c, beautiful Creponts and Shoe busipess, I ow'ol E rn(son, the sub ors u ttDj an,(! the boo s you ble, slab, but more Important to get uses litt 40c, bealit Oh 1 ry Effects for Blouses at I TI Uh a 4 a d Cqnoosslou a, Ject n wspa YA;�d -W
in Bu -ter, Pink and Bldette fdr: �lq%ises at 19c;. Bluette and s well t1pillered being" ords &�th,Young Man."- 1 roi and I w 11 to you what are your f�r Iny whole stoeG, of Stanley, con up for the! Interminable iniles which ve" and to 0 acres, A:1� k Duck for Dresses at 8tretch Out. �nto the distances beyo*1 the i , etc., for Shi aists, at 10c and 12e. 1 About 80 sorde of g h%rdwood and the b+nce to 12c; lovely Pt nts these goo'ds will be lworn, I apro,�pccti for 7oll b ngi-in this life, a -lid well timbered with black oak, cedar and li6mtock.. FAYETTE I b- An al This propert Is wel I situated and h Ls' Kp�d 'road@ : IlEveim D'Si i—Wo, the underignw. qlng lee 1, 000, 000 years Aled of Kippen -�Ille mud, Now Orleans r1Li1i6AdW what will be yptipresid Inarble slab.: A fewyear ago on the Nash- d re the lal est prodction. MPORTANT O
leading to 't. and Is withinthree x eainetit re. dersof your sermons, empecially re- a I or the 8t6r on which wel now live Shall wore Laces will be nsed eon�ider Laces will also order to reiluce,
BO or insertion'work�we hae them. OTS and mills. It will be sold cheap andon eazy -terms. A wakedilp e#rlyintlie morning ajpd told -will Of
quest t - P" hat ou uso us a sut Ject, for 861.16 Qn61 of have dropped.out of the cont fe ip great deniand for Print Trim have them. lannelettes in Bluette, Pink lumber, we
ply to JAMES Pool IER, Kippen P. 0.� 142340 r er ice t (d.1atlon' ' Il:�-w niust tako'carriages for some diAtance. pvcr tr, vef oil tin day _all your futu ons AdV- oy liligm -buyers from v mol
-4 ly, re4m luul. rmip ctfu, 0 unless It' be a casel- d it host'Of fan ir Cottons from 20id up ; Sheeting, none pheap,� P all.Mkod. I tt At COST and u der. SALE.—Goo I f rinforsale, Lot 15, Conces- 1-11�1 Of necessity or marcy.. .But List autunin I But we soon saw er; Ose, st black -I LOTI CH Art LEs T. 131101:* 100;2 pod 'h kiii, i l0e; Ladiej? Vests,'5c ; Curtain Ends cheap 9
F. 0. 1�ji for ourselves that, while the Arrt four Or IFORMIOD 12, in the to ship of Stanley, contaidin in I idia ig a city plagne J struck. By five spani'of the bridge up, faril de 40 "MCK FOR jSAIJ.
Ito acres, 90 a, Frame barn, bede -ang F. 0. Ui i tlo,rn X. E. Et.nrm. ier Ott 'S R -APE RY, CHENILLE —In t1le llun� wn with. CARP l?,T,),* L CURTAIN tbiw stables, large use and J. I,. f3fil RWOOD. S. J. ALTMA. xods tille People we�o tl� w Ithero,was a span that had fallen, and,wo r ar in 0 bead,of thoroug
splendid ttarful. 11nes, We went to the gpothe- ent v e�otttclass anything Of town; our trade is -immense in -these lines we fruit. wild s I m will bq mold -on very say Those six young mew, I suppose, repro- coul&hot butshudder at what)nIgllthav6 si!afleiM a herd -df 224
cary's to vcrlti�e (if the fever, the gooil, bulls. All these are i
fafW.8 U thii- rfli !!!! wishes to retire. No an ni- get some pro the s!11! 61 � a sell brance, eola=t hool and churohes,,,and ell nu ornble. young niom who I �.bocn itilo possibilities. When your rail we -given H require
to Iand the Aacio %�as crowdeti with, JnYldids,, I 'Ll .—We have lit ti,secure more help in the Millinery and Dr The public, sh u ld, ta, e a,: Apply' o the a bout und rta Ing the battle of life, id nd we had nolconfidence in ithe pro%iont- train Starta on a long bridge, you want to MORE IEI ess Goods 8, Xlibbert�, S;
111OL 0 or Box 4, yfieFdrIP707 1386. tf wh, e
DELGATY, o, have interrogation points' in be suro that the first spn of the bridge Is Departmen;s Td will be able t e!our custoers more attention than -we have beelli, viLnta of t is gale, as ad; No we p irchayd from the Hin(lo(js." 'rho ge I - - any printer's case e r D �,,By-
0 thdir tI an IX11 right. But what if farther on there Iii able to tbie rprIOROBRI r _LftmvIbg disposed of Loti I nbb I evening. leather goods are ad ancedl ARM FOR SAL Iniu r ail trai n was, to start 8 n&�V�e:have bee' �tislied so. L Lot 26, iconceus
dred Acres, which a spun of the bridg� that Is all Frank- I thin contained, or rinter's lingers ever set p� I will offer the re6aining hun a k the c Insist of Lot 12. h#6 to bet*een forty and fifty GENT3' FUI�NIS41NG I iWs Thorobred Durbi
in, rice from 10: t a roe of bush, a lar a pprt of It being blac k ash, and I se us I w"Ong" T�11 BOOM—Prices -will tell and while others aid, molid led in coloi
Xtit few pI who have passed 50 ye �s ox- How then? What then? In one the t
ge ii gtving advice th Is p lice with the C '11 .
A of! ago it oil able of urn cities the Sreshets 1had I 'Ien-- sue
ICome early p I Are tc� t out of Ok ried nnplCin, v e Ong ratul to ourgel
cent, � r dvIco jyesit( on cm. Our trade in this dellartment has been H-ZIIB=T�
t. a reipainde flat a principally hardwood. There train," and we took it, not feeling' i.� . youn in many begin teir colin. a] tof t, DI op iii find en( e the pHce of our Suits made tA) order. We calis.%ve the b6nefit of the low ricem io a never -failing sp ng of water through- part of it, 9 e away a bridge, and a man knew th4t the ndreds sod about 85 acres " for crop. It will be a old at by.'forgetti ng they over wore youug-m n ito oo infortitble till, -we were )in 0 froll) to $0 n a $uit of -this -ki d y -xprc,;s traiu would soon conle along. 43o, -iniles away. I felt ive were il Ibi bargain. For Wculare, apply to MRS. dANE.. )I U
a themselves, NLovember snws do not u* gilt in, le ligilted a litntern a�d sAarted. UPL the A E C -ty-OVUSE TO LET �;=R. Box 219, r"bels. ng fr ill the. plague'. Welli the air in THING, E PARTMEINT. —Having just cleared froni, the JLL pirable popa,
f Aorstaiid Mh time btossom week. TheeaA Oad by J. O, Tiose. 'TT R' . -"A I xackto stop the train. But Ibefore he bad IRE, AD TX D. McIl f cities is struck tbrough with r an ;J. y man!nfactutr 0ve &� nits, 'e can fford. to sell them at astoishing oo(I ARM FORh84L sale, Lot 28, 6licession 'wind nevot didl x.tuderstand the sotith winil. I I ;ottareuoughu the tihe wind blew prices, A Hicks, Esmondvill 0 Qnr - iiigup the plague of corrup 'I wee nit $j; ; I oys' Suits ft�bm I. to $7 Rubber Coats, gaarantee'd two years, $7.50 -in Stre)t, AeafoAh. t and -d 4, owns p fl containing 100 acres a T)oOr fist t ds lantern, 4nd standi up 1�, $1 5 good weed �1 'a in F 11 --A 6 #0 of utuninal gQ1loniodi niak& mnabI0 litera ng ' '[� - Pa" which ake cleared I �est It well timbered with ture.. Get away,froni it as )ut the light. of its, ior 1427-4 lecturin'g aboi�t early violets. '160110fal I A U tile darkness #is tho tra�* came up h(l To Rghw
t�rew the lantern into ti at locomotive, �Don't fo et �o set a of anything you want; 'we send them to you imt, poultr house, 11 a goo Ina I . I [ . (dies,. minds and souls of 'a mull lt4do I 1 for 6ain6l .,cornerof Mark
maple, ash and c�d : 6o&frame barn, 40x60, :aew, 0 on ams -p ssible. It has already ruin9d the I ;161;
d log house and other aarh,L, :k has rhQuinatisni in lihi right -Hard And -molt w;�Ur,
lard and plenty of small fruit fw on out buildinp, good Is P)tcpiripeouttodiscuss juv "ifle PrYM92 "StOPI, Stopl" A,rd the Warn- i dch, I! stood in solld' column, i vould P�id. -Drop i an tim iand e -4il 1 be pleased to show you anything -you want to look "In 000d repair; %;I
treep a never fall -spring creek And two welh. ty. Nat one plan out Of a hund IOrHE - - IG gas; in thne to halt tile irain� And if ela let This I rm Is well ad d tog grain or pasture 11; i4 Xe tch fro n Ne1v Yo.rk Dattery to G ulden at'. .,Come an ni� ke, co 4&risqns ;L6 be convinced. We are the onl.importers in town to ISAAC LANGME
:attention Of e ally of you by evil habits are �hast�eving on ffio buy diiee from oldicount h- ecep, pie
can enlist 10 k
oni t o ' flat fron a and 1hras from HOR"ll li�rn; Theplit,guel' Tboplaguel �Pu es. nTono M' It w,M be. sold ohe�p.� young after- tiore isa bald'spob on le toward brink or precipice or 'all in span I fort Tile Fourthf -9bep. - ISE FO
'Yes! r I he " ticu, apply to GEO.;Z, GREENS. cranium. throw this Gospel lant( I 1 TOr R SA
T�1, -Great For 01 from arn at you� mad, ea- e. n LADE,, . I Word �he lipat: Ne r go to any place allarge meeting in Phlladqvl� Ye 4-13top I Stop I The e id thereof I attended r kr: I r *heie �oa w6uld be ashmned to die, 4dopt death I" Young -man, you i re caged now TpIq �y aph phla; assenibled.to discuss �ovi the Youug OR SALE, VAL JA L9 D VILT4xqR A taint seven rooms wi
PROPERTY.- A Dre farm I Mon's Ch oily F 1, :uEntire A a rhsti4n ass9ciaton' Qjat� plal 1, �pd you will never go t1) any by ninny environmont4, but rou Will after isAtted with sit mado
tive fo, ian fair state o cultivaio be ng t 6,- in 'the Mh might.b iadi,3,, tn r youi: dvil aniul, einjunp nor be found in compro- a,while got your. wings out. �press Tl:aj conceftion. of the N wn Ip of Gn y. - A good . Brick e in morp at -two I uftbgooagi
when W in arose and made sDil io itsing sirroul dlug. How.. many, star J LA41DLAW, Seal
a Hoter, In the villagi of raebrook, I the said to14, people, 1301110 Ono caged a Rocky ni ountiln eng] A I 6 , ing Niin the past with brious tor f w V!ice. a MIR k House �1, alwa daw mill. rugge4ions tick lul few Ye4trs Of andkopt him shut Sk, e. up between the wirci A X�T91) V OORNTER A [A N AND Af RK�T STREETS. W If stillya
an Im, frame Otto In vim V lage. tk voice and a mAnnerfliat seemed to do lo, ion called sudoenly out of this world, and until all the spirit and courage b n II,:yone. a(Il g Ur. good Ulkers, smal
In ng of Inv tin r W aid dv well exam c ncwspaper,� surprised us when; they Out of it, Rolewsed one day h om, the ca Ithill: that eVcrytfiin� was going to ruin, ivb(a rf E) pro, ow Paminion Stliamghip 14i I wl I bo sold at a ry -reasonable an old, fr lon a of ni ino, fit 75 NtrS as YO LID rl Oientionci I the locality and the compan �ftuplqymebt, jn a goo
ce, one or r iore;,parce e 6D it purchasais. 1011- the CiLgle snemed. to want to return to t; pwuds. Accordingi
be tri ely plied to ing awany (in and s a YC BLAIR, 8 OTT, (In place, becauso if you depart this -YERSEY BULL Fi
F�I,benix Fire hisur ce plicitor; ISC Au near. ad yeju a me stlying t)l life in;sn(li oleunistances you put wings down. But after he loo, up at the sun, turning his &ad firsqp t Term
j ust CS -1 not to go to ally such had. all gone out of li 11e kept ing the nd�rslgned,,at seals. 'G. r gro nil 3 oil ought
Ione add rthe, I formadoi will a6y- in feet' o at 20 itrosd �11 Tc put It on the least Important foriner prison. The fact was hat the ca go d flit ' .,�- A w -forb d iIeres d in Low Pri i youItig inn Iwould Do soon go and spen 11 officlat- X0 E T T.—For sale, at a bargain, all evpning -along such funcreal tones i1fl �,g ministers in geat enibi AfAttentsion is called a b block,. with good store. 1de, and then that side, an4 then- on know that Terms,41 some Of the Ministers be- one wing, and then the other wing, & id In roofinz. This of Irtflilring, it. M-6;
block comprises thr stores with dwel4ng roonis that brother seems to bve ado I th-vo thati:101 Nvho leave this, life go straight began to mollfit until tho hill X% e�, J T
pted th niagmiflc6. j rip* stock for Spring and Suminer at I�articttlarly tc the t� last 001) INV� A voice and fu nurcal ideas of r( ns ad Comp It & fine 2
housee at rear and. 11 red with Iro Aigioul wbi I I I Wt re -n above, and all re tenants. The growth At 116twell, however t] he wotild goaDdspond tile evening in Lau- �Iey lb�ve acted in under his foot, and he was ont olf" sligrit I'l ,st ye� nai4ea.for strictly first-dass.good.s. aladprosperity of In a surrounded its it is with price'a. the llow� cirjot�xy..' And iyet Y011111i Q is world or whatev r t havo believed. \-OULLS FOR SAV
SOMERVILLE the finest farming 0 u t , make athis an A No. 1 in- My brother, wholl 1 Y:)u rel Hill c e lie the empyrean. aDd.aII Y011119 IILLVO &I Ch urround- leave th is rbatoos r a aither patticul4re apply to vestmen viug capital. Satisfactory men of Obi To got you thr i roin su life, If by the grae o� GodiYPu H li T-elegraph and Expr e ng. 0 f H PRAMEi IN L DEPARTMENTSt 1429 tight to ask w1lo ]]ad Ig theological un.dertak- ard prepared, you will conto out Of the!ca Street. ortb" many ot,)-1 t5 pither J. P bIA ALL owner, or G. J. BUTHER- IWar! ana tho' Ing. One (if he most arduous : ad be- LAND, Notary io and, Conveyancer, Hensall P.O. .1loso 4 an appalilig, gl� rtunitios c f stadying'this d of this hindering mortality, find, lookiig T ft A RTICLE9 1,11 (4k R I =V4!.: IOntario. nextworfd -o givo llcll)ftllfiLl MOO it sweating efforts of that kind 014 I ever u p to tho heavenly beight, y 'to what themivq oflifoonoo, adopt I know of Nvas fit the obse-quies! of-': ;e Cal
:8.6n. Life Assuraw 0. lig] &go a Man ing for lm�nortia,flight, i ONEST.QUALWY EVERYWH caving suit! and ERE9 IFA M F R SALE. 26, Conces. and What da ltrets he Ought to t; . At� who was found dead In 11 813ONVIan QJPLENDID —loot moon and st rs belleath in - to, E ASSOIRTIVIVM youilig llio!il lliul" L But the I" ME NS of Canada. 0. slou 6, Towns 1p of Morris, containing 60 Boras two 1 - hisruni jug close bes! 0 --- A N
suitable for grain a stodk, situated i a half glories that nover fadnnd splandors whir- miles from the t ing good The First Step. �mlnisiter did the work of happy tkansfer- nev r Your boy is the cag6j. YO, ir village of Brussels, -iblo, although it (lid or Imlemente"
I ONTR Soul right. You sev once. HEAD OrME A ravel road lead in thei eto ; 120 zeros cleared and 141irft g.1 as ivell a -s po'.,;% oul is the eagic. I fred from stumps, aorei i cedar and ash"and balance i. Wood'! -Toom,
st valuablo part of you. �VthiLn O'
fiardwood, Bam 610i with 'etrv;w and hay bed th [it he I littlo ingipproprili,te The Ninth step. NO biim, lilissing, evee the best. The qualityL Will
MX f OF THE ANNUAL REPOltir, M Iordering lsewbare�'
FOR 18 taLbll g tni "Blessed aro the (load wbo die in the Lord. 4Ox7O, stone s��bll erneath botb. The house, Is tile most ihiportant rooixt in your house.11 Word the next: Fill yonrSvIf N�Iffi bic tell the prite lw�ll -ell it., and that is the reason yo t ;2 It b 2W2 wit kitel an 18x2d,.cellar underneath It is ibe Thoy rost, froni their labors, and their �eye Xower. we Arw
G T parl r of your entire nature.. I -Lit raphies of inen who did gl()rloi0, in X to tell all kinds efim
�ew Life Applioxtionsreceived d.vrrlhg' 11 b th builin. I are law. a Is a large young the best picti Ircs on its Putthebest Nsvork,s-do follow If yo ily. t9get your Bagains from our plendid S, �01 Nva orchard. School n ngx, lot. The land has a good u "aye no business or occupation orprof(-�slon,vou ........... 8 0*290-244 U natural drainage, nd th music under Its arches. It Whriporuin' mercy upon have inercy kipon li-4e of prices for first 0 ,I
Increaso over 1893.,� .............. farw Is In good condition. t.tO cho. M: 'S 33 t, and the. are about to choose or have alre n. Satisfactory reaso a for ailing. Apply at Tint Ex. have the kit,� the ministor'who n�ay be called to offleite I -
en righ (1111lih GOiD- to bo niftchaiit' Read up P( ta Cash Income for year ending b1st De- Fog omex- n nh 300 rrivAi
a ..... %... ...... 1,373,506 60 ITO& premises. WM. BAI�RIEF roomight, i id the cellar r (I hil Cooper and Abbot LawrenCoa id Jan: e I t, I Ight, an fter your damise. Die at home, or in sorne
Tricrease over 1803., Brussels 1335-tf 138,11.0 48 the oth plce of hollest business, or 1 where the Boots 4id h.96§, Trunks and Valises. 5100 1%tes-0i
63 or roo oty ur witure A, A-awto at 91A December, i891. 17Tllt; but, Lonox"and Williani E. Dodge 1, d Geor�r C amid companionship e ln(�reaae over IKS ....... .... -DORSALE-��-TqatrtvLolft.blefirin property kdowh O'll, 'the parld th( soull Be par 700 b0rr0*
73 ticular laughter is loan, or PUlbOdY. Sea ho -w illo§t of the i iorchan't's lReserve for securit of Politybolders 62 X as the Lot No. 22, Concession I pure and elevating. Remomber that. any abou1; the gu, l o enter it. Slint it at the start Diunched thtelir noon t $1,100 pleted (Accord' i ay liluch i nK to Dcminioa Gova;!n- hice we go to Illayi bf.corno bur startin of the.Townibip oi�. Hay, London Road Surve, Con-, doors in thel i s of those 'who wou)d de- p 9 con, in'tido up of dry bread an a hunk V41,1 itbini
taininffacrespo, and. Thisfin property to right poin & MOIN .500
nt Standard) g th a 1:11ic
a ra I I, t for tbo next world. When wo enter NISf C4. h Increase-oZere 1893.. 630,6f.L 05 adjoinir wing village of Ilensall, and spoil and. poll utelt. There are princes and of cheo'so,behInd. acounteror fi a'store- ...... ....... - the harbor of heaven qnd, the officer of -S.HA3?:A
-to com 403,873 94 embraces over 1 2raf, whatt is known its the H kings who ould iko 0: into it, T Ourplua over sllliabllitieff,exce�t capital 4 room as they started In a bust which while tli6ro, a assassins who would like (According cc Dominion Govern- sall Race Course �.*,o ng ar k aud 'upon whie, light colnes ab6ard, let'us be able to show, I . . bronglit them to the top of influenceg ment, Standard) considerable mon and abor has heen expended that our clearing papers were dated at the P an §Urp' us over all liabilities and capital 'filling It n, t is ne of the very beat in to dome out I rom, b6. I ind it� curtains, and 0ilch enabied' them to - bless :the world Th! sstock ................... ; ....... 401.3to 94 lCounty. grand'ehance of purchasing what With sil to arl(I right port. ont foot attempt thb despera im With 211illions of dollars consq(rate il might almost b t d to (Accord!nl�to Dominion Govern- rined qa village property at a ran.' muidorons. Let the KinIg coine In, lie The Fifth Step. sonable hospitals and. schools. and clililclic, ment Standard) price, a wbich. prop,!rty will shvays be in- IWord the next: AS' 9 and Life As rance in force -lot Jan., 1595 S L, 155S 560 7il, creasin in vat a witil tner growth of: the villa;rd. s now at CA -door Let line be usher to SOOD as YOU Caft, by vl-vate benefaction.,;, where neither right I-nerea e,over previous yeac ...... r further p r ipuilaro, apply, I to mRs. M. OIL announce hi; arrivia and L 'introduce the Industry and econoiny, have a home Of 3,728,dif$ 23 hanl nor left liand knew what:�the other 944 Burns are sooffied at once Death claims- paid during 1804 ...... 207,094 64- own or to G. J. SUrKERLAND, King of th Is xorld,theRifigo, all worlds, Your wl at do I mean by a home? Chew FMtoM.- a
f I hau I did. Going to be a physiclaz ? Read With red pedi
0 w on Deereme from 1-893 ........... .... 29,477 E 6 ry Public a Convelyanear, Hensall P. 0. the King cl prual, immortal, invisib f _Iblossing of'God lip Har%,ey and Gross and 8J.r Adam inean t o ro is and the time of mrvloo with
141841 M on `b6th! of tbem—one . rool, HUGH MoOk
like room, '6tand b4ck. a, the w.1y: I for slufnbor, Perq Davi The prosperous condition 01(the Sun 'Lit of(lanada Q�Jko and James Y."Slm,�Jso the dis- OD s prepara I AD,dh U :01shipi tbo'KiDg. Have him tiou and 00 pAr- COV rer of chloroform as a n n Destbet! ataking. �hereof. Mark you, I would like holderp,l its non-rorfeitins icy �'PEC =e'folr�',vroli'ir g !a flottb' ess due to the fair treatment of its Policy- O' for food, it f and unconditimal PQ AL .uest,,aud It doasnot.mako ana,Leslie Recley, who, notwi b3tanding 1) thoroughbred andpr ipt pay mantoi clainis. to b,ave a home, with So rooms, all lip- ice who comes'or goes. Would tbodamage done byhIs Inownpetent PAIN KI Ri 1 t B. 3�,CAULKY, R. MACAU ho -sterqll i t -ad nil statuetted, but I I a, 'OU 114N 0 a warranty- aginst : iloral - dIs- p c, ui it d, ifillitators, stands one of the bene See. and Actuary. i "realden i ster at d.sur �ty of a nobl Carl er? Read an qNvn at,the minhnum. A f dt6rs of the cc MACGREGOR, REM6VA It kts out the fire,-reduCeg the i `ng riturles, and all the other pr(�Ventg blisterin:g. it ad w i -t least one chapter of the an ife, wh4 cannot be happy On' and Bible on your n i,ghty phys Hanager-of London Diatric Londo icians who have mouded bro- mees e, iery d ty, of your I i fe. Wi a -Norne made up of two rooms would WILLSON, Agent Seaforth. k u b nes, and enthroned again deposed t and efectu�al �h 'be y -in heaven if they got there. MCA remedy I'The Second Step. no; app, I tel4ts. and given their livesi'to hcaliiig Frank 111'ards. 11 -le whd wins and keeps the affection of a t isltnown. K-eep it by you., Wor&�the n mt: Have your Uody right. the long, deep gash of the worl4's agony. ;good practical woman lias done glorl tr Ously. ]�[Ow are yc ?" I often say wlien I, meet GoIn to be'a mechapic? Read up the in- ITHE SEAFOR H� I -is over a Tonto of sonving machines and cottion Select Stock of— filen4 of' mme in Brooklyn. go �What do I mean by good woman? I I0 I'L inean one who loved �;& 1 before she loved gins- nd life savig, apparatus and the anc lalert i nd vigorous, and i -try. prom- you.. What (10 I mean by a practical we pers wau Pa inent in thd I iw. His answer is, "I am M Mon. *he as architects and builders and N�OLU ' mean one,who ca a help youto earn' m I t livnganthecipitalof wellspeiity0utli.11 anufacturers and day laborers:h -ftsical - Instru., a a livIn for a 1-Ime comes in almost every avemade etc. On tb64 coin g? Ithere are hundreds of We !of 80 years in thIsPonturyw9rth 4 TIT C 0:0 Mans life when lie is.flun IOur Airect OC]KL, thousands of �oold pp9ple Who g of hard mis-- more t1han the f4ii 100 ar� of any o�hqr are suffe EPORIUM. TO CADY'8:'R iTwo r- fortuae,,-and you ilo not want a weak- ye time sta
ing t1te �esifltf Ad: doors northbf Post ()�Jce. of .ulysius. The r'co 'a century. �,Ilg �l se g ent-ire Stock of ihe firal of. 0
lt .1 going undthehou whinlD Undgiliff if i Ood'41yes one- a ;ieiV heart, but -acut how she had it"before You six young men of 0 to and ialli the Show rooms �ow open for ling nevi �b ou i0ar- I 6tt ks*!h -b ID �v),d, the. Psalmist, had, to other young men, inst-cond o; wasti yofir .e he continued patronage ESTABLISHE d I e e sImpIeL reason why thousando S as to hbW L e solicit t tion. cry QyAt Rer aember mot 'the sins of my time on dry ess 'Via finen never goton in -ay to d, great gtvei -to th& ma, n by elb,10 prices and strict auen�, British 1041 -
the world is be- things, g) to the biographical a-ldove of In rk�mmperinig� y0ath j6.ypuug man make hisbody nting, "Isomining, our usin a wine closetIl. tt� rum jug, or a whIsky neeryour villi ge or city library and ac A�uot hOt onlY to retain -our present ous- ails thoy married nonentities and we ang flion ;0 st, pre4ptness is unexcelled Ot - C voli it. The on! quaint 1h Ing �thal Job's 0 or, i beer barrel, and smoke poise ed urates -are
Owing to hrd tim es, we', h� ve a n-" in the county. ourselvc 3 with inen who, in the sight of t6me 8, Ut �e ibnes also. Our Stock of I garqttes -:mt wife propose for his boils was a warin IL his hand tremll loO, an he C -claded to se.11 Pia as and 0 s at oultice of pr fanity, aying earth an I heaven and hell, did the great N' given t� P;krties --d suilt
is bla4k UDder the eyes, and "Curse God f flfnvr
intending to hang t" his cheeks lall thing4.. cinciabor the greatest things are he r o vn paper. Ond die." It adds tc our admiration bf And then at yu faurther:4 r e, ves, ous Isome church se%and tild yet to be one. If the Bible be tr' it S el 6 Tinwo 1r tie, or as a� tou H" ey 1he manner In which ho con- ic W ha rc gion. i tot all tlie praying e ca4 do Job - n Wesi 1 had be ter put It since the Bible is be- -,station G.,.
Gr�atly fleduce' ind�, S* iles. quared domestic. untappiness.' His wife w ill not hindei -the physical con . 'a" had slandered him all ever Nngland iin F gs, -et yod all qobtroversy true, the greatest bat- Fine Wall papp'rs. Pictu Of hatUral law fract tle is yet to be fought, and compared with ured. You x young �� I I hin cog
.Yes. standing In his pulpit in City Read chape :I Tra Seri
Organs ht $25L C S, ai Picture Frainas. an of Ohio and all the young pen t he complained to th 1, it Saragelssa, and Gettysburg and 43edan IgIC01 npl�te, �au. and upwa a people, sayinir in roof your (yes, those windc ws of the have been 0 were 0114d's play with Wy pistols. a4dition we liave added a line of ]ag P 1424 an halrg d with over' Wo gr=d ry crinle In "VIV E lough d priees re4,er offered before. 0S at Corresponding P �S�UIJ Take caretof your ears awl listen to even know tho name of the battle, ti T� For instance— the.cataloguo x(eptartinkennes 11 b $I w on Ira" T"T* O"
ngtliffig that d,,praves. Ta-hechroofyour wearon9t cortainastowhare itwill be !1- t1l 3' back art 9 the fought. I refor to Arrhageddon. The qlrt 1 Ps and see that they utter Do I rofarilties,
T lice c � chuch and s Id "J(hn, you know' libilt bis� P, n., t*o pai s, pa are of your nery SEE ,V9 REFORF, -'PURCHASI G, as by '�t were drunk las r Ight " Then Wesley Fx- his wife arose p - 0 greatest disc varies we yet to be mkde. A ne ddM& Disk Dipper
h WIN ILL i nougt 4 d avoiding nhealthy exc i d hai., recently discovered in the WIT OF Ito non S, 'Tha udl kltC4 Sa -tie for 1; IFTY J NT claimed, I Got, the catalojuel is b taking outdoor qxcrolse, hothfr �y complete. Wh air something which w4l Yet #val elec- or ska e of horse0ack, la tenpl r 2 a in n marries, 116 ln� !�Icrlty- The most of thIngg ha4e not yet vVer d 13rea I Pap, throe Nils, DiPlPbr, Pudding Disb, Skim- �*ilarating cycle, 1 if y Ig ries for heaven or hel. and it is SCOTT BF 0 PER sit tf�r moreiso been Ifouind out. Am explorer has recently Or '�,on co You sixyou�ai; I I When a woman marrie m�r, Dust P' and W-6sh Basin, for ONE DOLLAX fir d do not join that th D f Beverri men in Fayette q., h d better look on found. In the valley. of the Nile a whole 0 hundred thowands who 0 whe Ifleet of thips buried ages ago where now 4e el are Ing I carry the largeat stock new desiornii and finost Ot Itivatin TI Le Sixt Step. CP-OTII�A TIN -WARE IN PROPMION.-" g crooked backs, and cramped goods at the lowe�b prices 0 an v h3use f i the con thereisno ;�ater. Only jix out of the New good sold as hemp as hny ld "tV., ch ests Word the next: Do ot rate yoursf' too 800 grasses have been turned into' food like. IUU11 DESP 11 R stock or out of- and defo�.ilaed, bodies, r 'pidly com- y ite goods. Why lligh. Better rate yo rself cando 'o Is he jrf) do goods bou.Khb in � down. to alrd all fours a ad the att - I tQQ IOW#' If the potato and tl;e tomat6. There are. �ate now are bolight f m 1 to 10 ob its per roll less than n 0 of e be. sts that parish. Anytbin you Taf0 YOUTsE lf� too ow; tb th were when o d stock e worldl Will hi2ndreds of other styles of food �0 b di as. Afy tsxpenses are low, I ey t1hiat bend bod � mind oi soul to the e t ate yourselF too covered. Aerial navigatioti wi be' :pay special attention to FURNAGE WoRy h.ve a Wg stock and need 'a Como up. If y r W6 shaill also e "JulleY. Wall aper r :t IS' I Mgh"'t1le , I
from 3J eents per roll tip. I 'ind iw shAdeg, ould- Ishnneal y. Oh, It is a gra r d I world, will s Come doft. mitd6as-safe as travel on �d Barth'. CO.XTRA0TTXG, EWETROUGHING, Roo I inys, Cornice polls, &a. &c. Ai cheap as an -in the
trade. City wel!iI,- biit d not opend on ph i ac, ;It is a bad thing'whe a man gets si�_ex- Cancers and consumptio rosies Wall Paper Houoe, Alain St. aggerated an! Idea of hi self an did Flarl of aforthi be le opposlte John st. and the doctor., to in :],-a you �eli. sta are to be transferred fro4n a., ls'od' op e of AVII GE 'AL JOB�TNG as 'before' at KjdTS old 011. Ifead ohn odd's Manual wi Buchan. whose sp�pecdh allantyne, th� Ed- incurable disease tothe ou tOg sta d. taeblTe Ideudleal I'Coombs' Pbyst)logy nd e'verYthing y,,, oil a Ot set ii for �ub- men are now sticces - fully experlmenting Inburgh pfinter, JASA GRAVES can la-Y'You'r hands on bout nasticati linattou because le b d not n �p- with modes (;E transferring discqes t1froal. --ondob e ough�c
0 alid;d1gestion '.nd )n. itl I's aniong litAl type. ii t LETT, COO e
-n I S-� MIM
a asslinilati Rei eybeif th t weak constitutions. which caE row Xokr5--
YOU find one h(ialthy nian, or woma, 0 a o.pg wi hout you 11 Practical Pal er Hancrer and Pai the World g t �a S' laforth. Y themoff to tout constitutions which are Ifind -60 half dco d; 0 Vn (n 6,.0d years berorelyou.. ere borj:, a FrcTm illy mparo, able tc) throw thoin off. Wp'rlds like Mars 6a,n togtify that, being a saiple O� �less 1�,,ifle nietcor ollides with us or son,.e jgoftisu.. I have secu and I lie moon -will be within haii1ing dis- fed t eservicesof tbrl hangars an s the De first-class paper the gyrnnaslulli, )nany a tinlo j st beforo explusioll oce world Will Id can d work at the sortest notice. All Continu�d on ta 111tai " - 9 prob �11 a work guaranteed unsurpassed. F gOt-bg to the piilr,tll(,,l brs and ullollin y last sov, al tlidusand years after .... .. or proof of the 9 you� ba,�s and pulilo'4 0 dead. aliove call dud eee 'or youreelf. weights thought IC ree. in Was abor t thklng'possoss, h of so- Wall pi Lpdr trimmed f Tlie Seventh Step. ITH', us Icl. and th W6l:d he nqxt: WliftbWa wril
0 9iutch and the orld, but Do A p9stp,one too aft r one hour 4� c i1g do Ided for God,, U1 f lim.bingand I : Ifting and long e� Mug 80111411 I hu- 20 Y rs WivCbaa4d
Township of McKillop. Andjust berd, as.we httnd 0 so 895, We wish to thank our nunler(mly TWILL CUR Pil' 11,39 1 felt like hastening ho as to iatilty and yourself. T ic greatest tblngs on to of be thoro whad -tile -millen1fin 11 set. Ill. have 1, ean don b f 40-rearsofago. Pas- Cott's the fqrmula for makin customers of i-1394. We gurantee Dodd's Kidney PON, c r btobt ruii every C. Brit�htls Dia�bctes, I umbak -OF hEVISION. I find cal at go, Gf)t1us at 17, Rom-. 41y co R� 11 Y� Emtls'6n his been en Ise of X*c agood. l,i6 triof I a or ed by .)ropav, curnatism, eart isohsd Fema e The Court f t th Reisio of the Assesswenti Roll in �Ilat habit, villilch I havo kel t.up since ulus a 20 itt' t.- 22, Wteflold- at; 24 FURNIT [TRE. phy-; icians of the whole W` rl �Vor 30 trs h, roubles, I ; ure Bloo —or money iefnd of the Township 0, No Ve been studyingwood, varnish oil ol by all ealvrs in ne, or1v nMaKillo will be held, at Craw. years, I, Illead the aforesaid Todd7s Bonaparte at 27, It andupholstery., apd, workmanshii Iviliomi
ford's Hotel, Dubl n, on t secr(t about it' This is n of its 'M app ied to furniture, It, hag taug rinedici ail Ignati�is Loyola t (CS $ 0 Moro reicilpel''lon than- �n any- . . In* the world ifeel Uff recel it of price, 5oc. per box, or'Six IY6 2 ifaudup'll ' I d , RaDbael �t 37. b t MONDAy, MAY DR. L. A. SMITH C9.. Tcy:r9nt 27th, 1.8951 thipg else. Thoseslig ni�cn of Ol�iowlll their virtue or th Ir vice, and th6 bigiest stro� gest endorsements. lit the how to buy; `;we buy cheap an, ,,Il �0.heap—thai?fl all.. at 10 0'clo�k a m. yO will probably make stror gest endorsement . .1 f which I pe Ong into need au possil Will, Please take no I rested Ile nerve,,Od all lJossible st' �oritho possible is ce and gov,edn th meelves accord- eya�i truth or arraiffst fie truth., UNDER AKIXG,—Every%g here that 4h- ght, and al I POssIblc musaular dc,�ol- ill be before in t I e vital siriligt1l it V. Appeals wil I be re untit the 14th,of! Op gives. ould be here, The goodN t
The Old Establishe'a. 31�fagy�. The ownerwof 11 Votice
erri& you r
a prop�rty that his changed ment before they get throughthe t' each tile meAdian of life. Do��,Ot the exper1pned, the corapetency, witil. -led
:hand4 since the Be prim in vour. favor.
not mfneq- was made, will piease ggle (if, th is life. wait for something to turn up. (36to ify! the Clerk of!8uch chapire. work 'and turn it up. Th-�rcj is no 4ch by the
The Third Step. MA$U]�ACTURING A N BROADFOOT'S 65C.0 be recelved
I JOHNIC. MORRISON,-Cl,,k. thing as croiDd lack. N REPAIRING.—Hee 4� Itiol
Word th Take care of Your.inti6l-' n t at ever th ing new !of -we make yousomo- enwilth up to 10
14294 0 o ia y re ai Ptla�--iny X11 and lived' has design, or 4wo 16f two QQOW.s
lect. Here com s tho flood of n had a better time t:4a 1 I[ have I YOU something old without any. dea%il
�vclettos go out of 100. be ittling to;ev(ry one had. Yet I L never hadi on your pdcko. tbat� any good Itift. 1311;tl spftift0,
-township of. Tu6kersrtlith. s and Ddor Pac iton ! opens thet -I i inst "ad thereof k1nd Provide ico b n. come. &prav ed news- cro ALEX.
W �cd nl�, life with mercies, I r IVICT" SMAL71 0 RT OF REX18ION. ail v aood and elevated -on wil H M&ATIN '18, 06 special COU nova accomplish much ins lo tDo tYwith um You kno Ame-rIcaMl i064 w Our work -
The Court for ihO Revisin a ris ng a., you, go nourishes. It does anship a b bit h ri re f nd the minute you. are: Babi sand Growing Children thaii This old and well-knaw. n of the AssesR nHerecombsbNvIlole atlybur%�ork oil ' r,,weak M prices are
n COU ligh ment Roll lJorditto ted abonitnat a Wen§ Is tit 11 of the Township 9f, Tuckersmith, will be held at nofpria ion, stop 4-t thtIl tirst minute. it is runing at full'blast, and no* has botter acilitl ected and than ever before to turn out a good siftle 0 Kyle's Hotel, on on the breakfat tpblo and tea table'and� 1lawful. to quit. 'Th ny ther kind of nourisbn'ent. It I for 13 reatly useful and rns al� 0 good liews- moderate price. Sash and doori of all patt MONDAY, MAY 27th, IJ39,5, parlor table. Td.kc at least on I"Dom
pap6r. with ab"o oditoial atid reporters' 8 sful-men of the ne t can ury tren estud -&Yvon, hand ormade to order. Lumber.dr edc" at 9 o'clock a.m.. of which all perefons inter w t will be Weak Mothers wand re- fhort notice and In. any way desired. All fnds please take notice abd goN, tho thol began half an hour before ey s,torpo health to all sufferiP, -arn themselves accordi 00cupi d with helpful in N n9- Cou"Ins mostly oacupi g from the OoumefdaL
of A Lumber for aslo on reasonable terms. Shng 6 kelil l. Apgaalswhl bereceiveduntl ivere requ I work OWN9 ,6 I the t4th lay. elligence, annotincill . atleasthalf a� at 00113l3tantlyon hand. EBtimatesfor tho f marriages m4didtion. and General Debilit Vad hour ter they Might hqve quit. Y. The owners of all property that has hanged! d cat s and reftirniatcry and, religloils as Unless of buildingsin whole or In part given on:a h4n s pp catio slace the assessment was made, will F hs, Coldst-Iore Throat, Bron Warergo material used and wi rk - w; a leniblages, and yhn�ltios bestowed, and the liqlpt's of ti I tp�,C tug I Lungs, Consumptic n, Blool —Strong Block
None but the besi of please notily b6 yolti, aro willing sometimes to worl: 1� 'I :h s
1110 guarwilte0,' Patrnnavp Rallefted., C11ark of inch change. �feak I Red
A. G. SM ie day you will- remain 01. the j i Main
? loicigs of good neople, and giving but lit. oss of -Flesh. J.H.11RgADFOOT,;Seaforth� Ise s Street, Ius and L .4 loiv levels, and your life will be a prolong, a place to 71 ;tv divorce cases and to�' d� Pumdruin.' owne, Belletille. All Druggists 60c. & $1, C 111dren Ory or I.�01 fticher's Castoriall Ire 41 ISO
g 0 4n
jahu'!'Id,, t i3 4 d r [I,& i 40,