HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-05-17, Page 1'thing our, ot. VUL kus are the w ,na,ke the price rear, it may be- 514VM M EAR on -LEANT BROS., Pubilimher.s. NUMB, IR, �,431-. SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, MAY 179 .00 ar in Advance. was& ino,wiiis pur�=d hadbeenthere DAPE AT LOGGERHEAU KEY. matches, au4 �on&ninin terms tion. Mr. M d w 87 arl an is no per Pon -tc Air. Robert'McNaugh -few
b6fore. . I . 1 . 1 [is ind in severe ton, of congregation, Neit dayhe spent a the recent slugfing ma es at the Grand is still bright ana active, ind his i�. tqr t in -his ied from exhaustioq before- pleasant minutes in our office, snaexrm- PARASOL- A Turtle Hunt at Night 11, I he Drr -Tor. We found our victim was� a loggerh9s. 0 era house. -as p The hi ats r( tukus. ot ibout 200 �p6unas. , And for the next nieeting A% quite en- passing evoeRts , keen as ever-. '(,' eph i ached. - It bad boeen. sti ed the ploeasur6.it gave hiin to visit sotany thusiastic and unanimous' None of the —A coulpeti ion for a Demoi es Tu wiek our ineutt a ell6d t.u-r+l-e. t � ilver late t it t, e cattle shoul be delivered ai former friends and to notice the many Jim- peelal Corresponal in'ej p tEss - speakers condemned I 'the - ilteatre ow sport, medal too4ipla6 in TeesN vater, on � Tuesday 4,.3'4 look'. U e morning, before the heat of prov L ED. L; SABINE. eniants ;Zich bame takenPlace in i own. ri 'at been Of V, Mr OGGRn RAT) KEY, Dr.� ..G.?tugas,. May) but protested a ainht the abuses of the evening of Iasi -elitors the I& 10--Loggorhead key is I is.. i week. The cc np yt t 'I hey d i not, get to the Station, since he left btre Mitchell h I Ut d thft;4 b eruption of rain& and sport y Vbe introduction O`- wereFfed Thompson, Ra ph Wah o; Willie t H ir until 9 o'clock., shoing every,- engaged for Some time in evange%stfc VU 0 A Remedy an
Required. Dick,' Ad�rn AtcKay, eotge C Ivin and ym O' tho great Florid reef. Iti i I ious elemen a. Tnocle Sain's I It is and his "ryfees are in great demand. EXP alter Muir, of Carluke, near Ralph Orr! f having been over - riven. LOV E S DFAR, rron,—One i qession oU the. .—Rev. All tl d Jurnpinggfe ploe.in-60 ed them, the ntei sciiiheast.. U-1 i o a 4f the drovers to sue the farm- —The people of Poole were ihoAed on et hth Parliament of Ont.ariO is past, nd Dundas, opeived a call froui the Pre selves very creditably, but the j dge de- era o re ar4he meney paid for the cattle. FridiLy morning 6th ult., -%vben'a tele ever! h re son re�rets islob is ianious for its Uirtles 6 d'l'rccei�t- Patrons have been promised a r per ichnar- byterian, N ch eongreg tion at Brucefield, cided that Pph Waldo was entided to) the 1r.. 3t6art� Clarke, the fanious New arrived anno that William Z, a b !reha�ing it. g000 art ielc 2, ly engaged in a Aurtlo hun- ; here with a ve t of'amend�ienis in the 'law, as farm-ers Huron cou 9. n medal. Yor - ph - i I A gist, is delivering a course of, young man 27 years of a e, w) ac10 e for ni on:e- il's w rth ha 3 merry arty from Key West, ar concerned. i Yet, I fajlo�d to see —The ba; a'- e ini the Dominion Goveq. —A litte Guelph boy, named ime Week in Stratford. bl ichiga:n a few d a' revio&ly,had Sit' 0 lect res 11 � d ed. 'by is Ole of the ment Savii gs I ank on April 30t , was Cra inill, 8 wallo'Ved a large bean itse col —Char' Rehberg, sr., has rented the by butting his throat with a razor. Th re- th �en the means The light ontho 1. best t they have it of alter 44 obtair ed and- SaW - 9 �10 -is irder $117,055,044 a decrease durinK the month of autl A� this season of tl MEFS 5n the coast. It of the 11rst C he year; e�e ,town 1p He was taken to the hospital, lbere a()�nl north fif6l -cres -6f Air. Comrad Deteric's mams were brou lit me for .4dion lasts as long a th 3 can C16,rk will notib while i�mkin� ut the. p h- interrr en't. - $42,000. operation wa f und necessary. wing V farm near o be seent5 miles. - Thorb Are'only sev .a : stock, for a, term of years. The family th ' ung man are -ver ds are ir :use. Quality. , YI) _y 8, 14 grea in in: the hf 6ving on the Atlantic � seaboard. t 1justic odged too far do, n I o,b( —There Lre Some cases of scarlet fever IV respecte nd uch symp matbteir's list '
eii such lights �Alexan�er Cai�pbell, of'Kincard ine, has the bean athy.is fell lor he esser, ial part, - aio,� e i�towdr is 162. feet high, patnted half relating, UD statfite labor,, and- yet the Pa#ron been appointed inspector,of licenses for the otherwise reache T. It around W A esley, and -the eparate -school. tbein in the dis ressig circnistace' of it was necessari r to ak( us,: w n b it k half white. As the rp be. yo. uee�l ih ing, had not yet: membe were I blind to 'this fact 113 0- lice�se aistn'ct of Centre Bruce, ini,teadi. of an incision in thf roat, which was done, ecount for a. time. their so&s death. Deceased was a at t 4 has been e In 3ed on this a A the port ould nd begin - -till id set- an Killop, on the Ooncession ibes, six 10 q �m John Irving, deceased. and the bean rey ove is nev ( oina —The I etbreii -of the Lo fir t cons e ed. You W !Xht, I clinib one road division. In some I sections,gvbere oinbei (if Strathroy, sho� a very uic, al -Orange industrious youn man. -airid price. —Mr. Pincc ely I eet the 196 ste4l to the lan- Lodge No; 327, -Hibbert, have decided to —Millbanklo.s.9neo I farina ;are well improved, these six Iota ball —The InLinlAm and friends of th ( mul celebrate in real n0er regr(t a pureha4 beautif loon the other -iiig in t f f -ts aldest and Y iost 36m.' �Far ezound.gpread thp,gulf, wit.1.1 f aorn at i I te coming' deifiostration )ected titi4� 4n Friday morninggg, ortwice as much statute IaUor'as a �Ots th, �attd we are sell- 101 do 9t our establiiahment ere and there 4 reef speckin' vicinit. .. The bird measured four feet Wx Pe ple's 8 iety 16f the First Pres -t riat Seaforth. ult.,. in the death 61 Mrs. John Ritt�n�. Till i8i the rin I are prjco�s to fit an3; the surface' in another di 'I 'on, whei e eho 4 �L.t�e water.,, &,ide the Ilg4t burn- inches [rem tip to. tip of the i a. urch, Lo don, OsembleA the ot r i dgh I; '—The h,4 v I , Jes crythe Lislowel Methodist fi, e o clock the previous eveing..she had. # ot so- well i roved; the oiqe siectio �,has lat weekwlfr. Thomas- in th4kleet re room and enjoyed a 41, 4ig itfu' Z —On Monday of It church be] Y. essful social on 31,ou- sented to be in as j pod health as usu�l.. At the 'time. 11 h r4de Goo al It
dS to make its o roads, nd-pay tax 1 to Snaith* of near Cliesl measured a blade' of social :Cc 'zed about- hour nained sheL 'e_�t out to d one side of the. 'glass set'in the tdwer I I It was in the form of a am( day even �th inst. They real�l _Vf .0 in tL a little it the tables with the es, $53. the prty,� ani make roads e other section. I cl &*'in grass a, i 11 o'cloek.a. in. and at 5 P. 11y, a �trlp of crimson. When % vossel,sees gardening, for .v.bkh occupation's -he ad. L9' yv Grade Price - th4t every loi should all for an ual te t lis.1 danger fAgnol,'she n a there is a . i piqal views 116nC!" & r..Ge rg T, T! same day, when he�` found that the bl�de microico e Finley and family., have both taste and In. less than an hour amount of sthtut6 1 bor,"d should be ed had grown two inches, were distri�uted t e wasi found a Ol ahead. SOnie ligbisolav'o several roort, uhiZ moved b&ckfrom. Clinton to Mitchell Air. after lying unconscious -on the according to sessment� the man ho, Finl Thei e is, no qu 5t,ion about the s ic� strips, representing as Many shoals. v --One night last week lightning struck. a was beauti tilly decorated. ey Min f has secured a situation iln groun 1. In spite of medicalaid whi& was tyle c r low pri a8sed Way adn- eIti does not impro his, farm generally a] nd tree on John Longford's farm in Flambto �A valn ble piece of practical e igii ieer- Toronto. -1 Goo dh quality, of e equipmeut*of a lightl ouge Is pro- pronil tly on hand, shep an -the man al --Owing o,the increase of the'.price of ing unconscious to the end !;�e li� Mr. T4 r tore time on t roads th ho Centge,, and eight she4p and three 'lam a ii�k is the orbes draining scheme it. A V�est- eV.
a e. v arbitilly neat. At Loggerbef 4, as atev i iakes int rove nts. The act of -the. Ow" which Vrere huddled beneath the tree, weire' �ern 0 utari . The result is that 8,0)0 9cres li U qrs, thi, ;ratford hot6l men have de- Fafel, New :,Jerusalem �8wedenbo na cry I�igbt, three keepers live. Each man M c t ad nistra:ti no all6wing farmers'al y9 to killed. of marsh la A in Tilbury East has, in two cilled to chd e 14),cents for whisky, brandy,' minister, conducted the funeral services, takesi his shift at waf6bing in the tower. e asse 'aged as J. int owners, to save, al ute —'The jury, in the ckse of the four Victlips years, bee I converted into n6 arabl - a-nd. te Iman lightsthe lamp -and stys beside —The Listowel Bannerf last week says t Ot ruff , mud I ibor 19 al lo a fraud. By it, in some p i cesp 3e;xfortL Menift. Un&xweax. it tM 10*o'cloek; -another 'keops -vigil till of thecDonald fire, 'at Mont�eal, recom- There areeiht in les of main.- drain i, each �Woe are i iorry to learn -that Mr. R. H. The !services. in coneetion with he n will only do 'tree c n fifty. ad -es, f4ur me 277 feet wk and he job cost. nearly $65,- B rt, 0 formerly of Seaforth, has anniversay of Knox church last . Su ay. ays' road work: and bave- four mended a change in t e law to compel own- ar 2; the third finishes the d ness. At a if li -hell,
MeW i English B� d -b gan, 161:1 sizes, $1 shoal li Pile era of factory, bal ing o p ace re 'escapes �000. The ater i Dumped i#to Janettels beei 1. coin *11ed.to give Up WorL 9 pe ght like this the kee-pel a are allow- I k altogether were highly suqessful. ' In the evening the ,-honor of 1is son. r' 11 haiv oine suit Men's ich Balbrk,,gap, all RizeE, c n the next farm one man , wi on.the outaidlo. I creek, the capacit�,of the puirmps b ei ng 32 not bold ces, Fz6 ed to have their fitmilles wid them, but zfor k. t= oi 0;accol of ill bealtb, Sister congregat�ons did his bridey both of ays w r only one Vote, nd or�i One- 6 .slip- and the S1.5c, amid $2 —The report of the epartment of ari�e &lion a Minute. -Mrs ury Bcoultz, r suit;. Meiis National We 1: at reef lights, tbe nio�t lonti� ly places of Milverton, large m4ditoritim. of Knox church d Balbrigg 9,11 sizes, $2 per suit. the world in f)urth a w6h use of the road ne re on their Wed a his geigh shows that t6e total n1t1m er of wrecks �n- ! — r. WillialmIS oe, commerafil trav- pe ion a I of dndeli r, :In 1i perinJ tted to 6 on flowe ' which was filled to its i full capacity. The Rev. tAy I Ors. tber 416M I in favor of� comppll!' CaInadian waters during the last fiscal ye�Lr eller, livin� �t 42 z ark Toad Torn tok and was, tying1l tests no WO311, ng tin w" atnigl�t. LoggOrljead-keyis III of the ly -for a the'kitchen floor and fractured W. J. Clarke, of Lonaon, c6nduleted I Dth f Lrmers to g 1 , �v
tatute labor I indl ha�ing was 86, representing the loss of ten liv�s brother of t. F. S., Spence, t ie wi .11 - own h0'0Leg. largest of the F 1011d keys, d% the quar- I It will be laid up forl some time. 'services -and it is seldom thq' Listowtl con- OW. of slare'very pretty. . Cocoa i i all done 7 jois. I am Toryl in that, as temper�,nc 'public lib6ri.eloied. the past gragations he been favored, with abjer or t�io i -ell as forl cee and $322, otganizer, was! ranniEk ross —Lihto,�ore ing. all the money pos4ible le cattle� forithE 1,�a enter,and anoldreai;. he trucks t6 post a letter 'i6n the U R. year w�ithj a 'lance on.hand alfliabili- more edifying discourses, He is -a' oser 6 the'long, cool hou, 5c, and veg- —Mr. Mdrrh; ye Ing T, Mrock sPalms Shad a b home. dent of London, Whr g, w ien.1 e al pp6d ties, 6 $9,42' There dent and It an it working on a new train -that was just leaviii etation. peculiar to tbo-oclimo I i abuDdant. JOHN 0. MORAISON. 11 are now 1,462 volumes man who -is a thoujZlitfUl Blaci C st col I 2,for 25c house, fell tweut� fe a asswl ovi r his ;I In i�s dwelhil to the ground on' and fell. )tie of the wheel in't -his treatment Of his�i ub- &I otton, ors. 5c, or A squidl drove 'LIS into tbd d velling, and e itiftm'aboutne half of Which are irial manner -lack Cas ro' Friday. He wds s6. badlyinjured that left arm, c rushing it so terri I y the t it h works T&u xittorri, f t� color� '2Z c ; B h - the Sitting oin wits.well filled. Tho floor flct;on. joe'!P',gt and-ita preientation.- iniere, 25 and 5 el ; Llama wool, 35c Lisl, was as white as scrubbing coL' -6 it. Death of"111r. -A. Ikel*Urchie 'he in die. to be L amputated. Mr.; 8 rice?s brothe ,ed 18years, eld- 10 M ry Nugen 0, ild inak of led'� couple.o II&L L 0 �Sentley left or thread,1 - )e The, clean walls were- fidorne, I Clinto'n. flavlr. McDougall, L ' Cape Breton, whb 'was kil f months ago b- r bein eat Of Rev. F. E. X4.gent, died Huron with pio- Notes. 'has been cc to his room in the Ru a yet or as �re, he intends to tues. Though not unexpected, the death of Ott nfined ssell �;hrown from a wagon. after a t illne at her father's —A fire alarm was sounded in W, am� T in Alexander lilc�jLurohie, : reeve � of Clin "im,ij As'' storm was brewing, t io members house, awa, since the opening of the sea- —A despatch from Duluth, on I bf i 8159 hom. ra merstion, on Saturday, 4th a Says Ot just. on Monday, lafvt, -week, at noon me In 11 has inst., The first pf the Sa ia e Found. of G Orr which -ocourred IThursday of last week, ill 810n, w h ains w re interred in the children had been playing with match n- ie in'tho party thought it best ni � to) venture it , infla imatory� rheumatism, lia muei . i ts sufficiently recovered to t6ke his seat. pteamers t arrive this! Season in as6d the Alett 4r, Fred Ta �aw 11 out till til cause a feelij ig of intense sorrow and iad. 0 i�s ceinetery in M tthe rear' of' the Park ho e, - o weatherwas settle 1. S6; with der a shed Tas on T. aesUy. comb. and cordlou and . w, i1stling for ness wherever t�his gentl man was know —Toroutb Presbytery has decided, to sub- icanal in a thick fog this morning, nd wentl _�_] d Mrs. John McCurdy. of Kirk- and - theiramusement set -fire, to a aa As m BLual we s oiw till at shapes an mit to the General A h ly the name of 4groand in a mud bank on lie it ping.. tooled �br*'L`t�d the 25th an 'in and he was pe"onally Acquainted iwi niversaray of their tity of strawi �wliicli quickly e ter, was Visiting xqusio,a daneb was called. TI cy ere all, ts dren's Boy Dr. Stalker, of rgh, Scotlan , or groun p. styles in fine straw na foo, Edin d f d, about a mile andl ba f th werldii g a few day�. ago. Mr. Medurdy has �_k debate old and youn -P and the dog, murril, tin great many Of �he res�donta 'of the co' ty, The abed was slightly damaged, but the 9 ie (ap A Youi hs' ind Mei -to the cAa. of"apologetics and Outh of the pier.1 a, t thdL Ourip6ces are low fo 1yout one end tO the oth r. For- sorme tmel appointrAnt ward TI t hO been pwtiriasteratKirktonfar the put 24 evening, in the measure of a Virginia rehl when flames were put out with a few bucket; of ity. o'nothesitl ast, in faci e ha's be good quali Lte about comin4. S 0 me on the sbol b sinbe 1882, 6n a suiter- Old Testameht history i Knox College. steamer c �aima the' �0 whi itle was not, years, � Ludls highly respected in the- -com- water- The firemen did not go tothe soci ne. er which refr tev t4p� 03'. , Steve p In and loo ing throug�. the stock. from diabete Ex -Alderman John &xter died in Tor, blowing. Dn board the toat 'were a arge, muni.3. —There passed iaway on Wednesday, I ast :1 merabers'ar W e qua�anth e station at e re- as a puot;h -om el' i w ich 41.timatel,y causedbig I " (leath. � onto on Thursday (1v nin of' -last week, number of passengers, nitin tom erel —1, raluable lioun(I belonging to Mr. Joe week at the resience of Mr. R. A. Grabi Lm,.
Lr. H. C. � smitl* Gorden key hreo miles 4wa He was in Vaughtin township, y- and was not, ce re
York, on u ust at, 1835, from. the effects, cf at& ytic stroll, - str ick. She Win e elder, of Aostock, was poisoned in
�10ndkV the 94(l say, Nv-golng to walk tho� beach. a badly frigI tened Nor Y' a' Winiain Margaret Robertson, :aged 79 ed e?"L n ol ir an.; his father was one ben the bD 11 aknowit last week. The animal ,dead. 'He left on Want to be wb�spcfci I. Ing therefore, a ceived a year or so ag . Deceased was a was afterwards taken off,safi, . so-neLl
Cd Leav meni er o i was a,% aluable uuting dog, -years.. . The dec . eased resided for - many ,in, to attend the Hot W ther 0.1othina. f the otb of the first settl4 irs in Yo r. b f th neil 16r 27 yeari. —A brem ch of promise case ore than' and had been era dE noln I turned 4 Lnd slid out f rk. Me-, years wif. her''brothir in Stanley t0a 9 K ;eLi,do clist, of Halifax, who uf &use of the ced ages: taken to Muskko a several times foi that hip V Lud about eight years Murchie remained on the ri u —R. Gu t�,bicy �uatinter�st, b'ec a var ot the door m ith Steve. Util I and his daughter, e as **Ve earry abi :range of fan y Coats Vest I is beating is wa on a wager from,' that -of plaintiff will coir e up for . purposl 4 . 1 24 y am to liv
isiting, friends itak ears of age, �pi(king u t le �Iand defendant
g the beach" and 'WrWng a She c.m jh e. Until e r h 3t weather, n. all classes o, 0 as shortly, T e vrit: —Xi. Nagle, 4? BI iuits fo e t-tirtlol I are t tins peculifir to thesoregions. uw4n lucat4on ears she had ri8sided at. Carter left on amd TW i and information he , c 59 Ili c1ty to Winnipag, reached H�milton Friday, trial at t. Thom anshard, had a ibad lasteou of y
.r�v oi.
Every new a d desirable ca runa,*av the other morning, good;, where be w" cut rtained by the Hamilton w ich w" issued by Mr. .1de tog t, 0
a situatioA while driving bat failffigheath;necesitated h MiRS e
be nd in our present stock- Of seasonablil Ila the scasr tbo female' tuxt1e, hoavy moved to Clinto'll nd to situ tiob �� as siving a traveller for the I kte M. for h6i�, and she had made er ,elf'rev and fhn�il:s�; Selee ns. Thl �,,eutire stool: was bought fo with eggs, cr..-,vls' up on the sind to lay. Tivcal.i ga who Bicycle club, an left Saturday for ' the A lmer, dlaims $5,000 � damages nd $30 to St. Silarys. N1r. Nagle and two school one to care was then engaged in the, manufac ure 1 of west. He is ninel'�das ahead of his tkme. C ts from the defendaiit. Th a I girls, V ho, were . ith him, were thrownout, home at M r_ Grah�m' . The dece d t, wliere She wilI� She swims quietly to the- slialiows, and a ase a resitlent oEf your judicious Japproval. C . bine and 11 e , fe Ilnutcs to see fanning mills In 1862,, ll, company ith —Prominent anionkst the Canadial ar- a idow of 67 years, - au& is i rpe�ildnebi� �kfft oisf of th, arriage, -but were not badly hurt. W native of geotlatitd, near Edinburgh oine there halts' for, sw # that ........ the the late Jose�h Ch A ley, h a bee me a part- tists at the Royal Cai�adian Academy xbi� Y rmouth. The defendant w.o is a TI es were stopped in St,. Marys. the coast 'is cloar. She then scends was never married.
6r, and so rem iti A until 1882� When bo' &$- bition of pictures, held r�cently inlorcnto w tby and highly respected , rmpr of the I—e 11,0� the Easter examinations atIthe agri- We are ad in Our Line.� beach, often.goijag �O ydrds aia(I'more from n —Assessor -`W4t�on fur the folli iw- re' were two same township, is a wiaower, alid said to cultu- -a college, Ouelpb, A. G,. R�tcliffoa, of
sumed enti control; shortly afterw rds wellknowniand clever local art Ing particulars concerning Morris Xum- the wdter. Sbo' dij-, a holo I t] ' and g bon ........ isti, Mr. Homer Waesou and Mr. Car. A. be 78 years of age. Andetson, pas e is first year, takin ithe firm -was enlaged by#e'admission of ber of acres of land, 54,520 ; numberof'si(rs
X� Rapson is at with her flippers, and there eposit her —Afrs. Hunter, who died a f4w days ago era in Many sub .e. Messrs. D. McCorvie andl A. McKenzie, Ahrens, of Doon, rear Galt. L. W. Lang, of St. cleared, .42,9402 -, b6ildren from 5 to ler yc ars eggs, a largo number at a time. She cov- : 3i, I —Rev. John Yo g, of St. Eni(ch's inlBeverly township, near Roe ton, in her MarMyo,jama E unn of Plove Mills,were- a��a,rrental roof-- which has since be n known under the a- le IP , of age, 714 ; ch 1A en from 16 to 21 ye 'Of
Hugill is M al. ch ureb, Toronto, hams. een given a. cal by. 87th year, was a native of A roughs hire,
a an re 00, of McMurchie ok, Co. Mr. McMurc successful in their second year,and - also age, 337; total`�alue assessed p Scotland. She has been. have �heir names welt up in the honor list. $17,637.81 ro illness.— - (�n I St. John's Presbyter an church, H n, Lt severe i s & C rea dent of Bev an left ori name ja in for honesty and in eg- to fill the pd1pit, wbi(h has been V' can for erly for 42 years,and w - personal property, $3,41 0 ;
rity.. He re rde(11 a man's woid i all el - k own for —P,.ev. R. H, McIntyre, of Alm. a, son of persons from: 21 t� 60 years of age, 1,41 4 ; flySEAFORTH, �ONT. as w thin a of as in ch 1-alue as a written ag.-ee� M -te Robert McIntyre, Blansha here they go to ayear. The � salary #ered is $1,800, with a, her kind dud hospitable nature , an C ris- thela rd, and a 9 number of days �Of � statute, labor,. 3, 1?1 0 Cole was so un- month's holidays. ti4ii character. rs. Hunter's lIus )and waS graduate of St.. Marys collegiat institute.
inent, and wo Id c Lrry out to the letter,any number of dogs, 324,; number of bitel es, Aluable co lately. ,e en if it meant a financial h , the last of the killed by an accident 35 years t o. She -occup�ed the pulpit'of the Methodist 4 tot -al population, 2 849 - cattle 6,8;: Fr ad�b, promise grau I ren 08
oiim, al got its leg =e he , ealing fleet to return I to St. Johns, New- leaves eight children, 34 d6hil and church, St. IN a' on Sunday evening and III )r nine years he has been 8 .had to be shot. Sheep, 4,014; hop 2,529 horses, 1,81' foudland, has arriVed from her second '18 great gr ndebildren. Mr. Geoge Run- ve good g6ipel sermon. land umderwoocl,� 5,619 - Swamp, Reeve of Plinton, an office he held at the I here for the 2-2ad- In thii positio, of Strat rd, is one of her sons time of hi death. a he en- trip with 4,000 seals. Her return ends ter, anic Stark, of Mitchell, and. his -wife, orchard, 691 ; steam. boilers, '7 aeres'of
L good turo, out to joyed t el confide e of the. public. Even One of the most tioccessful catches on —One of Berlin's oldest and mos� res� ect- have from that town. It is fall,wheat, 1 5115 * to bis 104g 4 living to- Ls.—Greatprepara- STORE record. ed citizens b a's been c&lled ime, conj� Ured that Weyarenow i :h I I I . those at times regarded him as unduly I Arch d Gordon, of T �tbe Sunday --q ow �Thomai e I ot Mr. c utio a nd calref il, knew that he could 3 Henry Russell has been taken in th persoi the under 'e: Stars and Stripes. They a L. Von Neub!ront, Iftir ge e drove into Winghian on Saturday aftern on �ears behind them, 4th inst., with 'a high spirited horse at- the Queea*s birth- -hot. f rom. London jail to the reformatoty at, many tea:cher of the German de)art- have ft sever unpaid bills itetional wrong dotng. PAnetangui bene, whete he. will serve two ment in New Hamburg public sclioc I,. as inclu 4 again. —The Terr�- ExtaN agnll�cteL imi Droper use of public funds three, months? house rent and gro. tached to a bVgy. He went to Jobb?a ARE, YOTT FOR BAR- erite for a moment, and, he -is to have a� stead� 116 wo6ld not to)rTl( years for lacing -a tie on the Port &anley well as in Berlin. In, Ge'latter plam he per'y i ccounts. bla&wnith shop for a pdir of harrows,wh b. t c railway tra4 lo and nearly causing a serious taught for IT. any years. Deceased.--leal es a 1: —N 7bile Th�maa Hopkins, of St. Marys, Mr. Jobb had repored f6r him a -ad when L� two new" n�mes G-UNS 7 IF SO, STOP.RIGH-T was a mos guardian- of his p94i ent prospedts. pre- trust., Un reck. large family, most of whom are girowr up was t iking a: spin. on his wheel the other going home, HERE. BEtO W IS Al us ywell informed irimunicip- witkthe harrows in the bugry, ease. The district al affairs; p 88 98i g well-tratned � mental —The cruiser Petrel, while patrolling,on alld loing for themselves. He�belongei to �eyening, he abeidentaly collidedwith athe horse took fright at the rattle of he on, the 22qd inst., SAMEE OF P ICES faculties' .. an it all the com' lex and 1 in- lake Erie, a bout sixteolii miles off ii�Zeau, a good family in his native land, a -ad served other local whoelman, and was thrown into iron, or something on the road, neitr the, r Harbor, captured five fniles of fishery nets for some years as an officer in the German a dite htf9et in tailel f any pub I lelegates 94. bee im, tricate det c matters depth, breaking a rib way track crossing -the town plot,and mu ATI M. - n th eif supposed to have beeh,put in by American army. iers of Cop-4ance -4 HE NE_ thoroughly a.�t 0 mand, be Was a mail of i away, throwing hipi out, breaking his A l,ht ating this eyeatp as- more than )r'di ar acceptability at in�!tni- fishermen, of whoni la�tl present no trace can —Mr., Charles Cumming, !of the 6 n" �f e finel i frame barn of'Mr. Edward nd otherwise injuring him. -He mm- arm a aipal athe�in 3 .41 A so well Was this known Dumming & Powell, furnitu rie dealers, It, -he idth concession of Hibbert,was !portunity o$ enter-, W -STORE be found.', Roacl , of t aged to get back to Wingl:; s-mand have �� is ONE PRICE CAB : - has retired from the business, on accou I L oy by; re reciently, together with a in the order Irma and 'ap recia et that his opinion, much . —While it young in I) named Krupp liv ed arm set, but it was bad break and -it will n sought after, wa amiost invariably accepted ing near Mr. C intiting intei g di the district New Dun eel was plowing on failing health. d r, to pa n of h6rses, nearly all his farm' be qre� he is ble to use it.
fa h� r6biefs, 9 Ing be a long time f, Pa*rofpins,.Icl, ney b6rdered ndke e k, a thunder storm take uphis residence o a large, 300 apre 11 pleiments q n and bay. 1 wit , ut questioi . As-, a member of the rat Among the rmer 14 A le -doz6n.'; embroidery, came up. Mic plow In raes were struck by stock and dairy farm, ailes Will be b eav insura itl present ting 1C agate buttons' 11 sizoig The loss fo Clintonians wba- A if- viciity.j, a slKcein ; v nelennes lace,- Ic yar(�,7 county council, lie was sh ply invaluable, ituated four d nee ligt. Cause of ,fered by the -late are in Hartney Muitol a, in rega -d to land assestrpent. lightning and instantl killed, but, beyond from Owen Sound, whic i he purchased firle, unknown,.4 especially were Mr. E. Bow&a, harness maker. d slight shop William ENTS. k, the boy'was uninjured. Mr. and pii�aln, . Kough, the widely -k L-�Rey, Mr. 1 Steele, late incumbent of Mr. J. Young, bardwareii. dealer etc,, -(A )n e a d ; hair pine,crimpidl Knowing person il almost evev farm on Bab_i ribbon, ion, —John ]VIcillabon, la.Biddtilph farmer, breederof Galloway cat le, Land presiddit.of Kirkton circuM' has . passed � through a sue- of Ivirs. He every epnces§iOn of 0ie county, his.vahlat4 a $2,1 DO spool of threa 90; nr-v Ybang) who, lost their first' X ; trini m ng bi aid, 2c 3 ard living a few miles north of -Lucan, was fined the Great Northermn sit Compam: of cessfiil o wration, rformed by Dr. Aluthie- children's hose, 2c, 'of the- Equal no ization Com- t, This is� of St. ML -stock andlia loattrance. $5 and cc ts by S ter. Irving, ary —Mr. Thomas Jewett, �cf Bay-fieild, *- whem a membef nday las A mem- ire Lacey, the other Owen Sound.; On this I u -m. was brei the sdn' assil ted 4 is Jo- 3 DE NTS. mittee, -was acceptf d as authentic. 11 �P ME -LOGGM(PEAD KEY. ber also *01-rhte Roti 3e of Refpi+e Committee, day, for a saulting neighbor, John A. herd of thirteen GaHowayH which was and is r 6pidly ire6overing. He ex0eets in a ceiv4bd a 11 d me, presen three and- a� halt No. i i sil,k ant! I sa4a iribbon, So yard I frill, So KE I is RESIDE tfrom We s6n� 11- ern- fe ay� to les.6 if Tottenham, he fther fancy borderud bAW kerchiefi, Se -braEs pins, So erS �his beat e mete Hall. :The disp4e ar e 0 er a land roller selected by the Ontario, and Qud for his new appointment la,%v,,Dr. Wan so given to this question bee Go W at 64 pounds. Mr. lill Jens' kore, So a i. carefully'With', abone live Inches !f which the t o men. joil tly owned. for the Columbiao exhibi0on. at G Pse Isle, 14uebec. wvrelli at. Iringed cotton, And- down on.the until the matter wi s- carried'to a succes day,in 8:: U a. very handso'. -cov, w- of any other child I �of S Ad and jumps up towels, 3c I ul 'On Tue a, of If at iveek Reuben C. —At one.of the Princeton -4hurch sst he realizing f ally the benefits such an on Williaiin Urquhart, whose home is ed 0;�rriage. ewett �ays it i�s not fb" a dark night I je, and 11 p1li t c) Pack It.- She ear Ect n, was the morning of May 5bli, when the ther- 'in Allarton, and who worked in Messrs. a gift Which -n but ne r.1 'ENTS- for t1 e eration. . In two weeks gbe is apt woul I )e -to- the e i -or of Ith' Goraline, of loomfield, n 0
a -as ot 4� 4ffil ca appreciate, institution o,
Elm -hed yard;. fine Swiss and Cambno county. Mr. M lurchie was for -years a crossing the road in frc at f his residence, monieter was- climbing, ell up toward the WS ',shop in mplain- be' enia Lemb bitrberl Mitchell, cc which -place and lay anot bbr,.�aaltch ehvor to fully enjoy. ,,om Smith's F embroleyifs, 4d.; Swiss and Cambric insertion,! to roi st tlie a when a bull, which wai bei g. driven -along nmeties from the beat on thesun, theearli- *ed of a sore ardi, and after doctoring it all —At the monthli meeting of the W!st Saturdiovy, mas hot. 4e; he N -y factoryl. tton, 4c; lnf&nW bibs, 4c The I Lunter takes a lantern a d "tro's member 'of �, Wil i i P�oesbyterjan Church, the road by a butcher, rus ed at him in eat arrivals for the ni� Mg servicehiund trustee n1so, ai one of the Board of winter with effect, went to the bo'spital Waw-anosh Insurnce Coompa noi for col ndkerchi ; 4c ;-towalling, 4c yard fring- the st. ro tcheg of satid, He � see t �e deep ny, on Tues( ay ore, ha knocked him dOwn, injurin him so serious- the windows closgd an the thermoti eter in' Toronto. Yeriioint, ani I i D long as his strength amIca y L towels'4c (for 'a Agl turtle n ack;; f the aninia On had contracted, iand everything possible was justed. ',NNIr. ThOT-11'" Lind, of 7E "t Ww 7a- e s ach. Manag Uwas found that the cords f last week, two claims 'Were bT d
es' t ab �d, Cott It ly that he didd.:" ready to explode from !. e intense heat tr oulTall regular attendant on the make i tr in' dous o%V aE she dra w .Ow, wM Ith. examining the caul3e, t e 'a a: rest in the . :t 5 ENTS; 0 98 ervices.of the of ch. Politi ally he was a —This week- ibe city of Guelph' is' w- furnac 14 the done to save th� lirn'Li, but 11 to arpose. nosh, Whos' house was recently destrw -ed 0 no e
do, 5o pair ; be 8 an n ning a t.—Mr. R. 11115611* Stocl inet Areps s at brass p1ne, hier ol ol.),- and If tbor6 is but o, e trail be ada few ye - ars ago was re- out a water pply, i without fire pEoted. basement were found ru V full b ast. It was amputated at theshoulder ut t - en by fire, was allowed the full amount of ' in- iffon embroidered edge, 6c; oll V tauncla Liberal, village I on Tuesday faq(j papere, 60 o: 3 t up, and at.the end be finds"Mrs. y fasillon tnagaztnes,� f r May, 6G ; faney Earter plastic,. auested to,allow' 1: i a name, to go before a tion. The waterwo�.Iks a stem has only one Further inveitigation r , aleed the fact ',bat days ago. 1 burace, $400, and $W on the coutel ts. yard ; ivory was ing buttons, orintil. The man then turns 1.6r over on J.N6ning is now- ain, ancl it burst �fri lay night, -entirel a prominent member d well known citi-* 50; col ton challie,: 5, Liberal onvent, or, but he � positively de- in y —What i �t ave been a serious accit. ,Mr. 'W. C a-meron, f West Wawanosb .1 rag leely inproved and her to -, Where she 'Is' perfect] 3r helpless. cuttin 6ff the water' fr)m all parts of the zen had put in the fires mig colov, 60; heal I hed handkerchiefs, I lnoh e was able i.ly all ,easy job. - :The crea- clined, y care and'prudempe h ithout appftre at red on Sunday, near Monktoin. allowed 8.100 for his house, recently destmy- trees are naw -bem, 6( ; alass tow ing, shirtiaga.prints, light. dark Thig iiot alwAys'an H ity The factories were all'compelled to realizing thh6t the heat 'of a blazing sun was David ving Mrs. F. to leave is family. well ro ided for. e 0 grey an I blook, all 6 � 5o yard ; union dim goods, be ture a �despeiately"to escape and Adair wa*1 Irwin and d, and $9200 pdthe contents. tifirl garments of 8 ugglo shu� down in consequence. more ifian sufficient foro'comfort without a two ch ard ; ivide width 1 i k, satin and moire ribbons at 5c leaves a wife, on( Son anxt-A daughtem. ildren o the boundary behind a flings on nd and pebbles in stinging �Iouds: =After a long delay the cas e- of Js -in poportiop *-e, yayd ; � Iress lining, a yard ; infanto'bibs, 6.c ; trinf- —on the morning of the 7Jtb inst., fire. i young and r fractious colt. The colt, ton vs. Greyzownshilp has been ton atundanc& 'tlii.-- wing is ces, (butter ilors), 5c yikrd ; children's cot- A lo go, beadi too, bites like a decided d ca, e unmanageable.' Afrs.Ir- Judge Falconbridge, the fol, 1 Mr., John Burnett" saw mill, at Wed. an
pair,; -1 � llinif, 4 001019, fio yard safety Og! ad Is not very good'� . g ond,fs .9 ing .more haastartedto, ton boa a, 6 Canada. be' izes, .6c dc W. 1&ilau, was struck b b htning and. Perth Items. winjumpe froth tlie butty with ne child statementof the easein Jd ir. !)in$, MU a - �lprized for her' eggs. But if t iere is no 11 I -inegs with Al ler iiis �een fined burned' to the Troul TTq soeas6n's 'The - Motherwell lad.; have organ n her and hurt er back severely. 'on motion by plaintiff for Interimiu lnj.0 A Kin ston n *sdea 'grc. in [ttlo at ban John --' McGregor: 9 d ihie' n'ati, es do not- Ing: mmo, The b eceive4 some slight damage. It a rints, light and 6dafk, $50 for h ral literature. sa:�ng had just een comple ed, ikud s1l base baU club. a I agrgm, tion restraining the finalpas ing of a &n in- - ' I Ito dine off the* other. :-did and M'.j t ; t
S,ipeal; J lot of reg, a_ a
visititu,g friends itt. has scild -they a, gc ticling for Qc a nele to twilled, %vide Width, —Mr. seph Martin, th tock of abingles stored in the mill were —Listowel,is to'have a 'grand celebrab n is. a intacle. that escaed so well. age by,-Iaw4 turned by consent intes, Inot LOIL 4 return - /liked �Ta flesh. . I - I—. . A ; � .. -9
era h&-. io j)c twi iou skirt lin 4 t e -$10,000. in 11 cone, Agment.- Held- that the effects or ir- dd i es linen 0011SIMiL his oatin ib;ll at Ra destroyed. No* surap 3e. Los'$3,0C0. on th'e Queen's birthda, �—Imformatio iting one Vancy Hen- for ju g,oc; o siz, W r �h,'worth 20c; skirting, 9e.yafd,. a started down the beach.' Overho'd in Lake Huron, so .0 to clear out at 9c. es —The resbyterian chure at Brandon, —The farm: h6us of * Mr. Henry — bu Rve ire- era u em, hunt a new fisbinig 'tile I sky, WDA black, and' the, wind blo�w Rev. Mr. As ry d family It di on, who emigrated from 'the County regularities in the by-law hdve_ bee -ed anito to Atwood from -Chesley� 10" CENTS. sharply. , The,sand was soft and yielding. I b biujex�ended a call to 'Rev. 1j.. A. Einwaechter, n�ear N r, Hamburg, was moved rone Irelandl about the year - 1840, will by registration and4publication of Uotioe n get up a foot. waist lining 1 ose.e., 10c; wreaths, IW; rlb� I lenry, o Knox gollege. burnt to the I groun on Thursday of -�--Fre& Olim of Rostock, burned �,iiis bT6'tha_n'�fuIh.,'_:Leiv0d by her brother. An- such registration, and the -section JA ihe s lots ot oire, 1,0e; new There i ,10c At o r Met th6 tido.splashed. hundred bon, w -de width, tgatin, silk and in —A nu ber of 1veiy -fine 1�ck bass bav week. Part '6f the household first kiln of lime last wo A,, drew Hendo�rsoin, X11bank, Ontario, Caa- municipal act in that behalf applies th last 0 etlingra'all colors, cleAringst craN ate od baldly. till we were. u )on them braceff, i0a ; a lot 0 I e6n caught � in Ithe Oran v of fhe' da. When in..1rebinS, Miss Henderson the debentures have not been issued. oli hose, W d �i er at Galt furniture was saved, I�ub everything else —Ensign Kinton, asf 10ttimt'editor 7oc; print, 10c; 8h ltiDg 100; ladies fastblr. and t. ion scampered off on Q al is of their J�Gc pair musba, W 0e width, 30 inebes, for spron&,- was consumed. The pr6perty was insured War Cry, is in Stratford writipg a kedch as in the o6miiloy of Captain Sinclair, t ford `v. Chatibstin, 16, & C. R,1,-2351_, toes to where the- lantern's rays reached Hiram �G of Strathroy, for,$i,100. 'qolly Hill, and.7 wli.pn last heard from in ed. Held, ;also that in so fair us the 1 loc yard Frank of the city. c ebrated hia7 'A Winnipeg despatbliayFi: The skele- , —Mrs. E. Charlton Black sten IMAIR
ii� goirt,, to. have thein no longer. These creatums are -the Is, birthday by turning a '2 ciNTS. ry ore of Bo ee 1$47, she Ww and ted to OlArge and assess da s;re�iditig in New Yorle purpor t he Qu pest of tlic reef. ..They bxirro%v e 6 wh' band spri g. ton of a man was founfl near Cannington: Agnes Knox, is St. ar �! at 4 d married a 0ioerhakernamed -James,D. I he V id th d r goods, 12je yard; 16c waist, N'aSLt.�&JoUnt Of vel, tation. visiti outside Orthe toownship of Grey. t by
DO 0 lining, fi ir 124c 26 flowere, IZIe. t of hors t racirtl And destroy —Almdute'a driving park, which cost th6 Manor, a few,days ago, I and the coroner's' present. SELwyer, was ineffectual. The defendants the toi rn- We to �cd on throijkb the little'desert rilinal o ners o% -D o te okin old man who gave his ship of Grey submftting "ing ad footbll i6, OF, N TS. er $3,000, has. just b�een, j4ry brought in averdi�t that the bones —Miss 11aggie Oliver has been appo d A hearty 16 to ameA their )y- 3 ntil the point of tile k6y -*vas galnpd. We 8 ( for $ 00.; se of F. R. Blagden, of Moose leader of the choir of th6 First.Presbyte �iw itlie as 96, wan e .0 minute trot or Block tr ,w sailo 1�� i 6c 84 sheeting, 2 yards %%,lde, had seen nothimg save FAnd and wave and were tho d'red nt the Straii;rd po-. la,%v so as to omit the agsd8siment of all 1 da
3y an ke, drivers trot or d th rl -on, blil� satin and moir, the —The 1, e Colonel, Shaw, of Brantford, 14ountain, who was lost in a blizzard eight, Church, St. Marys. i IL'Oe court on Sat'ardt' d asked for accom-. outside of that township affected there )y.. a; f as4 black shaped b ab, the -old marks of iii,turtle, nd a sea g
Walking- race for Mular ed kind fo C I ft an Ostate of $30,000,. $7, of which is years ago. —INlr. John G. LemoA will build a 4ne m6dation for the", g he said he belong- The action will be dismisse a pair. biralf iiwldng past. Thonerriment In the d without, cv. ts. haJf mfie heats, 1p r,o 4 roperty, to Air. R)ss, of the firm of new residence in Mitcheil this coming sum- �d to Sarnia and� w on his way- bak f rp!n ---:On Saturday afternoon, 4th inst, a Cars. We re_. —AccordinL �,veryone house faintly reached our -�Canai ian tobacco man ifacturbra.. sold Thomas Rosal'Song, who own or control mer. 'Toronto. He worked, his way from Sarnia runaway team
ttatdol be': yods, double wid-th, for tr=6 01 r path and tried the oth eir half Of in7Exeter cased- elonsiders, Jle flaitthea will be ia 25c all W I ser lait year 10,692,040 cigarette 3 in the coubi twent� cheese factories ft Argenteuil coun- rR T.'Hamilton df Staffa, to�arun to the ueen City to interview Colonel excitemnt and perhar t�e los; of lette a I Eizes, 19c.; wrea, Dis and the beach. try, and exported 10,88,180. ty, Quebec, there are go)d pTospects-for the to itchell on her, %cycle on 2 on Ir IV i"ri e tither spo S in the 190 ; fi I la '1�.d white flat hats, i9c - black day D� ison. - The old man said that he served The ��ni belongs -, to bingl. f,", - iti. flowerli, :::: We ha d not proceeded ton et on the —The Market hotel, We ',land's stable iln the rebel] stal- and whi es a T*W, I I 8 coming Season. Last art miner they had six- ni r ion of 1$37 and 18.38� as, a- Ist Road, I I miles west otFrancistown. It
19c ; gent's soc ties,'cbdice new 1loR 30 yards alicad, tl�e dog r! of last week. � I - . .
turda - hL--, for l9c; ce �U n net, 19C. and a couple of'dwellii3kg liduses were de- teen factories, and sold the' product for a D. Glen, an oldl resident of Nil ver- benteiiant and wished Colonel Dehisonwith pears he had left - Rollin, & Williams y kicked comended to bark f urfously. iii Flarriston ! �he other day. round sum of $60,000. rheyj �Le badl-v i a well as *timate this tojp, Iropped dead o4 Punday morning, of o1e was well ao�quaiuted, to assist kE!1lcxc1almcd_8tcvo.. "[Iehasa 3 ames B ughes, -wifi of the school sieason's outpuCit S75 O(O ier f 04—The -J�v Corae*,all size :1 250; blaok �ress serye, 25c.; rs� to hear 4imease. in gett, I a pensioni 7i 'am. street., t611s e U inen,a5a.- ra es 2 ; 60 tll�tle, I bet! " We 111ado a. spul t, for th Herald was re ! - tor 25 t 110 Ing have�ft , rled-.- am- I it c f'Tto braces, 2 piecea,-china washing sili Is l 'deliver an ad- —The editor:of the Brue 3�tihel Wagner, of Wellesley, hits a I Mr. ohn Barr, a aged, respected and ton), he went e, - is t st 26c. 'scent of turtle so, p was ho our nOS7 he of alfal homes bee& e
5c; Bilk Plush 'd ress e Ore t London Teachers' Associ- d with'a taste -of the first fine, ilec fa clover, sample stals irell-to-do resident of lot 25, West Mitchell sons on the Ion eent
a the trac whi h ntIv favot appearanct-, — The S01 A.L.q. trils.. a ion on May;03r+ ranie I ever gro'Nvn inj thd coMitty of Briice. bein '18 inches long. Road, Fullartbin, 41ed on- Tuesda -th frightened and started, t, a breakneck Sur a ellough, the dog. had one. He had rynai parasoJIS t� 39c upwards 0 'by, 1; was cap. �enting the infield of 'Ladies' ; ladies blouse, —David D of Paris, Who is attend- The fruit grew ion an lorange tree raisedl tt rtle weighing A5 pound t., in the 71st, year of his aie.' Re ddle- up Main street.' : One of the boys an. ane siee,ies) both black andl '(Ilstnibe� - her just as: she was seeking it il - I ture in the river Nith, near Topping, A few d t t patch this yea, waist$ (10 Lest styles, g the Canada Bi siness College, Hamilton,. �1 r.. W. E. Norriah, 6aretaker of the codinty ture eased was well and widely known, having bags felloff the load near the Main -a upwards ladies cambric 11 o had -attacked the Uuge'� In id the misfoftun -. to biealc I�is knee while hita c(lors, Iron, 59c spot f )i 1, mbuild-i-bgs, Wal�keiton, -and, though rather days ago r aided for 50 years on the old homestead. Methodi rope - When ri, 171 2 4 clean it of weeds, ces honey comb nd wh n w6 Sr- _rty ea beast by 310 rig)q Bank, a ot church,&
undemear at ast( ishing low. Pri paying football r( eutly. small sized, wa� equal iii flavor to its more' - —Alw. Lochead's. . house iii Elma, and was a native of Glas His wife the MeGpolita)il .-r, X. Carrick atteml —The prospectS arp - :1 gow. quilts, 131 ge slia, 69(-' rived 3he was benga retreat t the sea,'- i g of the citizens of Ham- southern brethreW. part of i �a contents4ere dest�oyed by . fire ed three y d the surviving to stop their mad eareeri and was imforti a- .i:hurchea will unite, 1�1 ly assaulting her reA!r A mass ears ago, an cut cut t -and lie wm el e Association haill, last —The Lyned6ch , correspondent of the on Wednesdaylast, Wee�. a ildxen are Mrs. Robert Ward,Fullarton; ately- caught bythe wagon tongue and c one conaregation. his 0 O.- 1�d bring it with you. i 6�cdted il bon was be. i col, m1n I The frays of the, lantern dazed. in A 3 prptest,against immor- Norfolk Reformer says: Mr. John Marsland —A nt mber of cattle pn the trains g( inj 41ra. John McCallum and Mrs. John �riday evenin _iles, ried about a rod. wli6n the front wb her for'i moment-. ality in amuse ena and brutality in t made Mr. John Charlton, A - P., a short into Toronto on Tuead last * k, die( 4pth of St. Ma a; Alexander, of Orillia, strtte� a s4ade.tree in front of the hoW 0fe London asylum 8 a. a I Kee 0
ry Ii don lr:nd visit last Saturday, and the two enjoyed a exhanstion. Mr. T1 of Mi, �ch- 44d Robert Hume, John and James, of d r, the coneumion causuny the tongue to NO, old lady, yo E way this 34r. Hugh M occup'ied ithe chadr, 0 00 ed vaue of Brussels t 90 30 Jon ergyme A denominations good long talk over early Lyhedoch days. ell, lost i � valuable anim I from' this ca, ise. Vull�rton. S1 N BIG SHIP. ))I I said Steve, and he shook. I is finger n an I&v man +M1 break frowthe wagon, an . the horses and rK. Real property, at INVant to I or. �urn her, boy?" eKe. on the, at rim. About 600 pbople r. Marsland and Mr. Charlton were prom- The are-* era say that death Was causm by —Says the Mitchell Advocate of last Mr. Carrick fell. in'.& heap. Theformei!- .,454; income,, C h ds'un- 1% re present. k urse I did. So I put MY Re olutious were passed ex- inen't members of the Lynedoch Lyceum. in over feeding and furions driving by the week: Rev. J. W. Mitchell, M. A., Who wereot butt, but Mr. Carrick was 11c eid ,his is a. Shrink dei the edge of her shell and with ighty 'emnation of recent its paliny days- of t7en years ago, and farmers, vho delivered! the oc�ttle at the �,as for many years pastor of the Knoxl'up uncouselouli.-and taken insid tmeji�- m P easing unaninto a cc d
�4t year, Dogs, 73 All; Es, "cc d Iwould a of a vicipus and immoral, tendency; t, Mr. Corcoran, Of 0 a twn . , was aguet of his sis- cal. aid ocallIed. Ali an was Ahle to �Aeep,. 7 hogs2 - 40 hea re over she went. - I PN�aS boun p were among the bea d ters'.of the half trains. Mintlo towni iip, hurch in ti OOUL he tur i her If she WOW] ed a ton. The Oog. a sinat bettifig in conn ctiott with sports 6 'score or So of bright fello, a who contribut- who ship e 7 from Haue.yer, report d that t6r.u-I6.w,,Mrs. W. W. Hicks, over Sum be rernovtid be was taken to ia son!s, a ad' ines, of I( Sri. He ee fine cattle, fo t --eveni g pre is i 9. critical conditi - I any/a. thi r which he paid fiVe � , n lon,. i t4e first onda-t S f0fths Dulled - brave]Y- at her IcathcrY against brut lity in f otball and lacrosse ed to the success and fa' e of that org n a day ;a d in the n ached to his old �e vi
Ihia e;
In ry �h"'
0 th
T, 6 la� -th
0 7t
as ,ow priceq �e C P 01 a I Nei lo ecLe
,et! p
t 6f
kle —Alm
'thing our, ot. VUL kus are the w ,na,ke the price rear, it may be- 514VM M EAR on -LEANT BROS., Pubilimher.s. NUMB, IR, �,431-. SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, MAY 179 .00 ar in Advance. was& ino,wiiis pur�=d hadbeenthere DAPE AT LOGGERHEAU KEY. matches, au4 �on&ninin terms tion. Mr. M d w 87 arl an is no per Pon -tc Air. Robert'McNaugh -few
b6fore. . I . 1 . 1 [is ind in severe ton, of congregation, Neit dayhe spent a the recent slugfing ma es at the Grand is still bright ana active, ind his i�. tqr t in -his ied from exhaustioq before- pleasant minutes in our office, snaexrm- PARASOL- A Turtle Hunt at Night 11, I he Drr -Tor. We found our victim was� a loggerh9s. 0 era house. -as p The hi ats r( tukus. ot ibout 200 �p6unas. , And for the next nieeting A% quite en- passing evoeRts , keen as ever-. '(,' eph i ached. - It bad boeen. sti ed the ploeasur6.it gave hiin to visit sotany thusiastic and unanimous' None of the —A coulpeti ion for a Demoi es Tu wiek our ineutt a ell6d t.u-r+l-e. t � ilver late t it t, e cattle shoul be delivered ai former friends and to notice the many Jim- peelal Corresponal in'ej p tEss - speakers condemned I 'the - ilteatre ow sport, medal too4ipla6 in TeesN vater, on � Tuesday 4,.3'4 look'. U e morning, before the heat of prov L ED. L; SABINE. eniants ;Zich bame takenPlace in i own. ri 'at been Of V, Mr OGGRn RAT) KEY, Dr.� ..G.?tugas,. May) but protested a ainht the abuses of the evening of Iasi -elitors the I& 10--Loggorhead key is I is.. i week. The cc np yt t 'I hey d i not, get to the Station, since he left btre Mitchell h I Ut d thft;4 b eruption of rain& and sport y Vbe introduction O`- wereFfed Thompson, Ra ph Wah o; Willie t H ir until 9 o'clock., shoing every,- engaged for Some time in evange%stfc VU 0 A Remedy an
Required. Dick,' Ad�rn AtcKay, eotge C Ivin and ym O' tho great Florid reef. Iti i I ious elemen a. Tnocle Sain's I It is and his "ryfees are in great demand. EXP alter Muir, of Carluke, near Ralph Orr! f having been over - riven. LOV E S DFAR, rron,—One i qession oU the. .—Rev. All tl d Jurnpinggfe ploe.in-60 ed them, the ntei sciiiheast.. U-1 i o a 4f the drovers to sue the farm- —The people of Poole were ihoAed on et hth Parliament of Ont.ariO is past, nd Dundas, opeived a call froui the Pre selves very creditably, but the j dge de- era o re ar4he meney paid for the cattle. FridiLy morning 6th ult., -%vben'a tele ever! h re son re�rets islob is ianious for its Uirtles 6 d'l'rccei�t- Patrons have been promised a r per ichnar- byterian, N ch eongreg tion at Brucefield, cided that Pph Waldo was entided to) the 1r.. 3t6art� Clarke, the fanious New arrived anno that William Z, a b !reha�ing it. g000 art ielc 2, ly engaged in a Aurtlo hun- ; here with a ve t of'amend�ienis in the 'law, as farm-ers Huron cou 9. n medal. Yor - ph - i I A gist, is delivering a course of, young man 27 years of a e, w) ac10 e for ni on:e- il's w rth ha 3 merry arty from Key West, ar concerned. i Yet, I fajlo�d to see —The ba; a'- e ini the Dominion Goveq. —A litte Guelph boy, named ime Week in Stratford. bl ichiga:n a few d a' revio&ly,had Sit' 0 lect res 11 � d ed. 'by is Ole of the ment Savii gs I ank on April 30t , was Cra inill, 8 wallo'Ved a large bean itse col —Char' Rehberg, sr., has rented the by butting his throat with a razor. Th re- th �en the means The light ontho 1. best t they have it of alter 44 obtair ed and- SaW - 9 �10 -is irder $117,055,044 a decrease durinK the month of autl A� this season of tl MEFS 5n the coast. It of the 11rst C he year; e�e ,town 1p He was taken to the hospital, lbere a()�nl north fif6l -cres -6f Air. Comrad Deteric's mams were brou lit me for .4dion lasts as long a th 3 can C16,rk will notib while i�mkin� ut the. p h- interrr en't. - $42,000. operation wa f und necessary. wing V farm near o be seent5 miles. - Thorb Are'only sev .a : stock, for a, term of years. The family th ' ung man are -ver ds are ir :use. Quality. , YI) _y 8, 14 grea in in: the hf 6ving on the Atlantic � seaboard. t 1justic odged too far do, n I o,b( —There Lre Some cases of scarlet fever IV respecte nd uch symp matbteir's list '
eii such lights �Alexan�er Cai�pbell, of'Kincard ine, has the bean athy.is fell lor he esser, ial part, - aio,� e i�towdr is 162. feet high, patnted half relating, UD statfite labor,, and- yet the Pa#ron been appointed inspector,of licenses for the otherwise reache T. It around W A esley, and -the eparate -school. tbein in the dis ressig circnistace' of it was necessari r to ak( us,: w n b it k half white. As the rp be. yo. uee�l ih ing, had not yet: membe were I blind to 'this fact 113 0- lice�se aistn'ct of Centre Bruce, ini,teadi. of an incision in thf roat, which was done, ecount for a. time. their so&s death. Deceased was a at t 4 has been e In 3ed on this a A the port ould nd begin - -till id set- an Killop, on the Ooncession ibes, six 10 q �m John Irving, deceased. and the bean rey ove is nev ( oina —The I etbreii -of the Lo fir t cons e ed. You W !Xht, I clinib one road division. In some I sections,gvbere oinbei (if Strathroy, sho� a very uic, al -Orange industrious youn man. -airid price. —Mr. Pincc ely I eet the 196 ste4l to the lan- Lodge No; 327, -Hibbert, have decided to —Millbanklo.s.9neo I farina ;are well improved, these six Iota ball —The InLinlAm and friends of th ( mul celebrate in real n0er regr(t a pureha4 beautif loon the other -iiig in t f f -ts aldest and Y iost 36m.' �Far ezound.gpread thp,gulf, wit.1.1 f aorn at i I te coming' deifiostration )ected titi4� 4n Friday morninggg, ortwice as much statute IaUor'as a �Ots th, �attd we are sell- 101 do 9t our establiiahment ere and there 4 reef speckin' vicinit. .. The bird measured four feet Wx Pe ple's 8 iety 16f the First Pres -t riat Seaforth. ult.,. in the death 61 Mrs. John Ritt�n�. Till i8i the rin I are prjco�s to fit an3; the surface' in another di 'I 'on, whei e eho 4 �L.t�e water.,, &,ide the Ilg4t burn- inches [rem tip to. tip of the i a. urch, Lo don, OsembleA the ot r i dgh I; '—The h,4 v I , Jes crythe Lislowel Methodist fi, e o clock the previous eveing..she had. # ot so- well i roved; the oiqe siectio �,has lat weekwlfr. Thomas- in th4kleet re room and enjoyed a 41, 4ig itfu' Z —On Monday of It church be] Y. essful social on 31,ou- sented to be in as j pod health as usu�l.. At the 'time. 11 h r4de Goo al It
dS to make its o roads, nd-pay tax 1 to Snaith* of near Cliesl measured a blade' of social :Cc 'zed about- hour nained sheL 'e_�t out to d one side of the. 'glass set'in the tdwer I I It was in the form of a am( day even �th inst. They real�l _Vf .0 in tL a little it the tables with the es, $53. the prty,� ani make roads e other section. I cl &*'in grass a, i 11 o'cloek.a. in. and at 5 P. 11y, a �trlp of crimson. When % vossel,sees gardening, for .v.bkh occupation's -he ad. L9' yv Grade Price - th4t every loi should all for an ual te t lis.1 danger fAgnol,'she n a there is a . i piqal views 116nC!" & r..Ge rg T, T! same day, when he�` found that the bl�de microico e Finley and family., have both taste and In. less than an hour amount of sthtut6 1 bor,"d should be ed had grown two inches, were distri�uted t e wasi found a Ol ahead. SOnie ligbisolav'o several roort, uhiZ moved b&ckfrom. Clinton to Mitchell Air. after lying unconscious -on the according to sessment� the man ho, Finl Thei e is, no qu 5t,ion about the s ic� strips, representing as Many shoals. v --One night last week lightning struck. a was beauti tilly decorated. ey Min f has secured a situation iln groun 1. In spite of medicalaid whi& was tyle c r low pri a8sed Way adn- eIti does not impro his, farm generally a] nd tree on John Longford's farm in Flambto �A valn ble piece of practical e igii ieer- Toronto. -1 Goo dh quality, of e equipmeut*of a lightl ouge Is pro- pronil tly on hand, shep an -the man al --Owing o,the increase of the'.price of ing unconscious to the end !;�e li� Mr. T4 r tore time on t roads th ho Centge,, and eight she4p and three 'lam a ii�k is the orbes draining scheme it. A V�est- eV.
a e. v arbitilly neat. At Loggerbef 4, as atev i iakes int rove nts. The act of -the. Ow" which Vrere huddled beneath the tree, weire' �ern 0 utari . The result is that 8,0)0 9cres li U qrs, thi, ;ratford hot6l men have de- Fafel, New :,Jerusalem �8wedenbo na cry I�igbt, three keepers live. Each man M c t ad nistra:ti no all6wing farmers'al y9 to killed. of marsh la A in Tilbury East has, in two cilled to chd e 14),cents for whisky, brandy,' minister, conducted the funeral services, takesi his shift at waf6bing in the tower. e asse 'aged as J. int owners, to save, al ute —'The jury, in the ckse of the four Victlips years, bee I converted into n6 arabl - a-nd. te Iman lightsthe lamp -and stys beside —The Listowel Bannerf last week says t Ot ruff , mud I ibor 19 al lo a fraud. By it, in some p i cesp 3e;xfortL Menift. Un&xweax. it tM 10*o'cloek; -another 'keops -vigil till of thecDonald fire, 'at Mont�eal, recom- There areeiht in les of main.- drain i, each �Woe are i iorry to learn -that Mr. R. H. The !services. in coneetion with he n will only do 'tree c n fifty. ad -es, f4ur me 277 feet wk and he job cost. nearly $65,- B rt, 0 formerly of Seaforth, has anniversay of Knox church last . Su ay. ays' road work: and bave- four mended a change in t e law to compel own- ar 2; the third finishes the d ness. At a if li -hell,
MeW i English B� d -b gan, 161:1 sizes, $1 shoal li Pile era of factory, bal ing o p ace re 'escapes �000. The ater i Dumped i#to Janettels beei 1. coin *11ed.to give Up WorL 9 pe ght like this the kee-pel a are allow- I k altogether were highly suqessful. ' In the evening the ,-honor of 1is son. r' 11 haiv oine suit Men's ich Balbrk,,gap, all RizeE, c n the next farm one man , wi on.the outaidlo. I creek, the capacit�,of the puirmps b ei ng 32 not bold ces, Fz6 ed to have their fitmilles wid them, but zfor k. t= oi 0;accol of ill bealtb, Sister congregat�ons did his bridey both of ays w r only one Vote, nd or�i One- 6 .slip- and the S1.5c, amid $2 —The report of the epartment of ari�e &lion a Minute. -Mrs ury Bcoultz, r suit;. Meiis National We 1: at reef lights, tbe nio�t lonti� ly places of Milverton, large m4ditoritim. of Knox church d Balbrigg 9,11 sizes, $2 per suit. the world in f)urth a w6h use of the road ne re on their Wed a his geigh shows that t6e total n1t1m er of wrecks �n- ! — r. WillialmIS oe, commerafil trav- pe ion a I of dndeli r, :In 1i perinJ tted to 6 on flowe ' which was filled to its i full capacity. The Rev. tAy I Ors. tber 416M I in favor of� comppll!' CaInadian waters during the last fiscal ye�Lr eller, livin� �t 42 z ark Toad Torn tok and was, tying1l tests no WO311, ng tin w" atnigl�t. LoggOrljead-keyis III of the ly -for a the'kitchen floor and fractured W. J. Clarke, of Lonaon, c6nduleted I Dth f Lrmers to g 1 , �v
tatute labor I indl ha�ing was 86, representing the loss of ten liv�s brother of t. F. S., Spence, t ie wi .11 - own h0'0Leg. largest of the F 1011d keys, d% the quar- I It will be laid up forl some time. 'services -and it is seldom thq' Listowtl con- OW. of slare'very pretty. . Cocoa i i all done 7 jois. I am Toryl in that, as temper�,nc 'public lib6ri.eloied. the past gragations he been favored, with abjer or t�io i -ell as forl cee and $322, otganizer, was! ranniEk ross —Lihto,�ore ing. all the money pos4ible le cattle� forithE 1,�a enter,and anoldreai;. he trucks t6 post a letter 'i6n the U R. year w�ithj a 'lance on.hand alfliabili- more edifying discourses, He is -a' oser 6 the'long, cool hou, 5c, and veg- —Mr. Mdrrh; ye Ing T, Mrock sPalms Shad a b home. dent of London, Whr g, w ien.1 e al pp6d ties, 6 $9,42' There dent and It an it working on a new train -that was just leaviii etation. peculiar to tbo-oclimo I i abuDdant. JOHN 0. MORAISON. 11 are now 1,462 volumes man who -is a thoujZlitfUl Blaci C st col I 2,for 25c house, fell tweut� fe a asswl ovi r his ;I In i�s dwelhil to the ground on' and fell. )tie of the wheel in't -his treatment Of his�i ub- &I otton, ors. 5c, or A squidl drove 'LIS into tbd d velling, and e itiftm'aboutne half of Which are irial manner -lack Cas ro' Friday. He wds s6. badlyinjured that left arm, c rushing it so terri I y the t it h works T&u xittorri, f t� color� '2Z c ; B h - the Sitting oin wits.well filled. Tho floor flct;on. joe'!P',gt and-ita preientation.- iniere, 25 and 5 el ; Llama wool, 35c Lisl, was as white as scrubbing coL' -6 it. Death of"111r. -A. Ikel*Urchie 'he in die. to be L amputated. Mr.; 8 rice?s brothe ,ed 18years, eld- 10 M ry Nugen 0, ild inak of led'� couple.o II&L L 0 �Sentley left or thread,1 - )e The, clean walls were- fidorne, I Clinto'n. flavlr. McDougall, L ' Cape Breton, whb 'was kil f months ago b- r bein eat Of Rev. F. E. X4.gent, died Huron with pio- Notes. 'has been cc to his room in the Ru a yet or as �re, he intends to tues. Though not unexpected, the death of Ott nfined ssell �;hrown from a wagon. after a t illne at her father's —A fire alarm was sounded in W, am� T in Alexander lilc�jLurohie, : reeve � of Clin "im,ij As'' storm was brewing, t io members house, awa, since the opening of the sea- —A despatch from Duluth, on I bf i 8159 hom. ra merstion, on Saturday, 4th a Says Ot just. on Monday, lafvt, -week, at noon me In 11 has inst., The first pf the Sa ia e Found. of G Orr which -ocourred IThursday of last week, ill 810n, w h ains w re interred in the children had been playing with match n- ie in'tho party thought it best ni � to) venture it , infla imatory� rheumatism, lia muei . i ts sufficiently recovered to t6ke his seat. pteamers t arrive this! Season in as6d the Alett 4r, Fred Ta �aw 11 out till til cause a feelij ig of intense sorrow and iad. 0 i�s ceinetery in M tthe rear' of' the Park ho e, - o weatherwas settle 1. S6; with der a shed Tas on T. aesUy. comb. and cordlou and . w, i1stling for ness wherever t�his gentl man was know —Toroutb Presbytery has decided, to sub- icanal in a thick fog this morning, nd wentl _�_] d Mrs. John McCurdy. of Kirk- and - theiramusement set -fire, to a aa As m BLual we s oiw till at shapes an mit to the General A h ly the name of 4groand in a mud bank on lie it ping.. tooled �br*'L`t�d the 25th an 'in and he was pe"onally Acquainted iwi niversaray of their tity of strawi �wliicli quickly e ter, was Visiting xqusio,a daneb was called. TI cy ere all, ts dren's Boy Dr. Stalker, of rgh, Scotlan , or groun p. styles in fine straw na foo, Edin d f d, about a mile andl ba f th werldii g a few day�. ago. Mr. Medurdy has �_k debate old and youn -P and the dog, murril, tin great many Of �he res�donta 'of the co' ty, The abed was slightly damaged, but the 9 ie (ap A Youi hs' ind Mei -to the cAa. of"apologetics and Outh of the pier.1 a, t thdL Ourip6ces are low fo 1yout one end tO the oth r. For- sorme tmel appointrAnt ward TI t hO been pwtiriasteratKirktonfar the put 24 evening, in the measure of a Virginia rehl when flames were put out with a few bucket; of ity. o'nothesitl ast, in faci e ha's be good quali Lte about comin4. S 0 me on the sbol b sinbe 1882, 6n a suiter- Old Testameht history i Knox College. steamer c �aima the' �0 whi itle was not, years, � Ludls highly respected in the- -com- water- The firemen did not go tothe soci ne. er which refr tev t4p� 03'. , Steve p In and loo ing throug�. the stock. from diabete Ex -Alderman John &xter died in Tor, blowing. Dn board the toat 'were a arge, muni.3. —There passed iaway on Wednesday, I ast :1 merabers'ar W e qua�anth e station at e re- as a puot;h -om el' i w ich 41.timatel,y causedbig I " (leath. � onto on Thursday (1v nin of' -last week, number of passengers, nitin tom erel —1, raluable lioun(I belonging to Mr. Joe week at the resience of Mr. R. A. Grabi Lm,.
Lr. H. C. � smitl* Gorden key hreo miles 4wa He was in Vaughtin township, y- and was not, ce re
York, on u ust at, 1835, from. the effects, cf at& ytic stroll, - str ick. She Win e elder, of Aostock, was poisoned in
�10ndkV the 94(l say, Nv-golng to walk tho� beach. a badly frigI tened Nor Y' a' Winiain Margaret Robertson, :aged 79 ed e?"L n ol ir an.; his father was one ben the bD 11 aknowit last week. The animal ,dead. 'He left on Want to be wb�spcfci I. Ing therefore, a ceived a year or so ag . Deceased was a was afterwards taken off,safi, . so-neLl
Cd Leav meni er o i was a,% aluable uuting dog, -years.. . The dec . eased resided for - many ,in, to attend the Hot W ther 0.1othina. f the otb of the first settl4 irs in Yo r. b f th neil 16r 27 yeari. —A brem ch of promise case ore than' and had been era dE noln I turned 4 Lnd slid out f rk. Me-, years wif. her''brothir in Stanley t0a 9 K ;eLi,do clist, of Halifax, who uf &use of the ced ages: taken to Muskko a several times foi that hip V Lud about eight years Murchie remained on the ri u —R. Gu t�,bicy �uatinter�st, b'ec a var ot the door m ith Steve. Util I and his daughter, e as **Ve earry abi :range of fan y Coats Vest I is beating is wa on a wager from,' that -of plaintiff will coir e up for . purposl 4 . 1 24 y am to liv
isiting, friends itak ears of age, �pi(king u t le �Iand defendant
g the beach" and 'WrWng a She c.m jh e. Until e r h 3t weather, n. all classes o, 0 as shortly, T e vrit: —Xi. Nagle, 4? BI iuits fo e t-tirtlol I are t tins peculifir to thesoregions. uw4n lucat4on ears she had ri8sided at. Carter left on amd TW i and information he , c 59 Ili c1ty to Winnipag, reached H�milton Friday, trial at t. Thom anshard, had a ibad lasteou of y
.r�v oi.
Every new a d desirable ca runa,*av the other morning, good;, where be w" cut rtained by the Hamilton w ich w" issued by Mr. .1de tog t, 0
a situatioA while driving bat failffigheath;necesitated h MiRS e
be nd in our present stock- Of seasonablil Ila the scasr tbo female' tuxt1e, hoavy moved to Clinto'll nd to situ tiob �� as siving a traveller for the I kte M. for h6i�, and she had made er ,elf'rev and fhn�il:s�; Selee ns. Thl �,,eutire stool: was bought fo with eggs, cr..-,vls' up on the sind to lay. Tivcal.i ga who Bicycle club, an left Saturday for ' the A lmer, dlaims $5,000 � damages nd $30 to St. Silarys. N1r. Nagle and two school one to care was then engaged in the, manufac ure 1 of west. He is ninel'�das ahead of his tkme. C ts from the defendaiit. Th a I girls, V ho, were . ith him, were thrownout, home at M r_ Grah�m' . The dece d t, wliere She wilI� She swims quietly to the- slialiows, and a ase a resitlent oEf your judicious Japproval. C . bine and 11 e , fe Ilnutcs to see fanning mills In 1862,, ll, company ith —Prominent anionkst the Canadial ar- a idow of 67 years, - au& is i rpe�ildnebi� �kfft oisf of th, arriage, -but were not badly hurt. W native of geotlatitd, near Edinburgh oine there halts' for, sw # that ........ the the late Jose�h Ch A ley, h a bee me a part- tists at the Royal Cai�adian Academy xbi� Y rmouth. The defendant w.o is a TI es were stopped in St,. Marys. the coast 'is cloar. She then scends was never married.
6r, and so rem iti A until 1882� When bo' &$- bition of pictures, held r�cently inlorcnto w tby and highly respected , rmpr of the I—e 11,0� the Easter examinations atIthe agri- We are ad in Our Line.� beach, often.goijag �O ydrds aia(I'more from n —Assessor -`W4t�on fur the folli iw- re' were two same township, is a wiaower, alid said to cultu- -a college, Ouelpb, A. G,. R�tcliffoa, of
sumed enti control; shortly afterw rds wellknowniand clever local art Ing particulars concerning Morris Xum- the wdter. Sbo' dij-, a holo I t] ' and g bon ........ isti, Mr. Homer Waesou and Mr. Car. A. be 78 years of age. Andetson, pas e is first year, takin ithe firm -was enlaged by#e'admission of ber of acres of land, 54,520 ; numberof'si(rs
X� Rapson is at with her flippers, and there eposit her —Afrs. Hunter, who died a f4w days ago era in Many sub .e. Messrs. D. McCorvie andl A. McKenzie, Ahrens, of Doon, rear Galt. L. W. Lang, of St. cleared, .42,9402 -, b6ildren from 5 to ler yc ars eggs, a largo number at a time. She cov- : 3i, I —Rev. John Yo g, of St. Eni(ch's inlBeverly township, near Roe ton, in her MarMyo,jama E unn of Plove Mills,were- a��a,rrental roof-- which has since be n known under the a- le IP , of age, 714 ; ch 1A en from 16 to 21 ye 'Of
Hugill is M al. ch ureb, Toronto, hams. een given a. cal by. 87th year, was a native of A roughs hire,
a an re 00, of McMurchie ok, Co. Mr. McMurc successful in their second year,and - also age, 337; total`�alue assessed p Scotland. She has been. have �heir names welt up in the honor list. $17,637.81 ro illness.— - (�n I St. John's Presbyter an church, H n, Lt severe i s & C rea dent of Bev an left ori name ja in for honesty and in eg- to fill the pd1pit, wbi(h has been V' can for erly for 42 years,and w - personal property, $3,41 0 ;
rity.. He re rde(11 a man's woid i all el - k own for —P,.ev. R. H, McIntyre, of Alm. a, son of persons from: 21 t� 60 years of age, 1,41 4 ; flySEAFORTH, �ONT. as w thin a of as in ch 1-alue as a written ag.-ee� M -te Robert McIntyre, Blansha here they go to ayear. The � salary #ered is $1,800, with a, her kind dud hospitable nature , an C ris- thela rd, and a 9 number of days �Of � statute, labor,. 3, 1?1 0 Cole was so un- month's holidays. ti4ii character. rs. Hunter's lIus )and waS graduate of St.. Marys collegiat institute.
inent, and wo Id c Lrry out to the letter,any number of dogs, 324,; number of bitel es, Aluable co lately. ,e en if it meant a financial h , the last of the killed by an accident 35 years t o. She -occup�ed the pulpit'of the Methodist 4 tot -al population, 2 849 - cattle 6,8;: Fr ad�b, promise grau I ren 08
oiim, al got its leg =e he , ealing fleet to return I to St. Johns, New- leaves eight children, 34 d6hil and church, St. IN a' on Sunday evening and III )r nine years he has been 8 .had to be shot. Sheep, 4,014; hop 2,529 horses, 1,81' foudland, has arriVed from her second '18 great gr ndebildren. Mr. Geoge Run- ve good g6ipel sermon. land umderwoocl,� 5,619 - Swamp, Reeve of Plinton, an office he held at the I here for the 2-2ad- In thii positio, of Strat rd, is one of her sons time of hi death. a he en- trip with 4,000 seals. Her return ends ter, anic Stark, of Mitchell, and. his -wife, orchard, 691 ; steam. boilers, '7 aeres'of
L good turo, out to joyed t el confide e of the. public. Even One of the most tioccessful catches on —One of Berlin's oldest and mos� res� ect- have from that town. It is fall,wheat, 1 5115 * to bis 104g 4 living to- Ls.—Greatprepara- STORE record. ed citizens b a's been c&lled ime, conj� Ured that Weyarenow i :h I I I . those at times regarded him as unduly I Arch d Gordon, of T �tbe Sunday --q ow �Thomai e I ot Mr. c utio a nd calref il, knew that he could 3 Henry Russell has been taken in th persoi the under 'e: Stars and Stripes. They a L. Von Neub!ront, Iftir ge e drove into Winghian on Saturday aftern on �ears behind them, 4th inst., with 'a high spirited horse at- the Queea*s birth- -hot. f rom. London jail to the reformatoty at, many tea:cher of the German de)art- have ft sever unpaid bills itetional wrong dotng. PAnetangui bene, whete he. will serve two ment in New Hamburg public sclioc I,. as inclu 4 again. —The Terr�- ExtaN agnll�cteL imi Droper use of public funds three, months? house rent and gro. tached to a bVgy. He went to Jobb?a ARE, YOTT FOR BAR- erite for a moment, and, he -is to have a� stead� 116 wo6ld not to)rTl( years for lacing -a tie on the Port &anley well as in Berlin. In, Ge'latter plam he per'y i ccounts. bla&wnith shop for a pdir of harrows,wh b. t c railway tra4 lo and nearly causing a serious taught for IT. any years. Deceased.--leal es a 1: —N 7bile Th�maa Hopkins, of St. Marys, Mr. Jobb had repored f6r him a -ad when L� two new" n�mes G-UNS 7 IF SO, STOP.RIGH-T was a mos guardian- of his p94i ent prospedts. pre- trust., Un reck. large family, most of whom are girowr up was t iking a: spin. on his wheel the other going home, HERE. BEtO W IS Al us ywell informed irimunicip- witkthe harrows in the bugry, ease. The district al affairs; p 88 98i g well-tratned � mental —The cruiser Petrel, while patrolling,on alld loing for themselves. He�belongei to �eyening, he abeidentaly collidedwith athe horse took fright at the rattle of he on, the 22qd inst., SAMEE OF P ICES faculties' .. an it all the com' lex and 1 in- lake Erie, a bout sixteolii miles off ii�Zeau, a good family in his native land, a -ad served other local whoelman, and was thrown into iron, or something on the road, neitr the, r Harbor, captured five fniles of fishery nets for some years as an officer in the German a dite htf9et in tailel f any pub I lelegates 94. bee im, tricate det c matters depth, breaking a rib way track crossing -the town plot,and mu ATI M. - n th eif supposed to have beeh,put in by American army. iers of Cop-4ance -4 HE NE_ thoroughly a.�t 0 mand, be Was a mail of i away, throwing hipi out, breaking his A l,ht ating this eyeatp as- more than )r'di ar acceptability at in�!tni- fishermen, of whoni la�tl present no trace can —Mr., Charles Cumming, !of the 6 n" �f e finel i frame barn of'Mr. Edward nd otherwise injuring him. -He mm- arm a aipal athe�in 3 .41 A so well Was this known Dumming & Powell, furnitu rie dealers, It, -he idth concession of Hibbert,was !portunity o$ enter-, W -STORE be found.', Roacl , of t aged to get back to Wingl:; s-mand have �� is ONE PRICE CAB : - has retired from the business, on accou I L oy by; re reciently, together with a in the order Irma and 'ap recia et that his opinion, much . —While it young in I) named Krupp liv ed arm set, but it was bad break and -it will n sought after, wa amiost invariably accepted ing near Mr. C intiting intei g di the district New Dun eel was plowing on failing health. d r, to pa n of h6rses, nearly all his farm' be qre� he is ble to use it.
fa h� r6biefs, 9 Ing be a long time f, Pa*rofpins,.Icl, ney b6rdered ndke e k, a thunder storm take uphis residence o a large, 300 apre 11 pleiments q n and bay. 1 wit , ut questioi . As-, a member of the rat Among the rmer 14 A le -doz6n.'; embroidery, came up. Mic plow In raes were struck by stock and dairy farm, ailes Will be b eav insura itl present ting 1C agate buttons' 11 sizoig The loss fo Clintonians wba- A if- viciity.j, a slKcein ; v nelennes lace,- Ic yar(�,7 county council, lie was sh ply invaluable, ituated four d nee ligt. Cause of ,fered by the -late are in Hartney Muitol a, in rega -d to land assestrpent. lightning and instantl killed, but, beyond from Owen Sound, whic i he purchased firle, unknown,.4 especially were Mr. E. Bow&a, harness maker. d slight shop William ENTS. k, the boy'was uninjured. Mr. and pii�aln, . Kough, the widely -k L-�Rey, Mr. 1 Steele, late incumbent of Mr. J. Young, bardwareii. dealer etc,, -(A )n e a d ; hair pine,crimpidl Knowing person il almost evev farm on Bab_i ribbon, ion, —John ]VIcillabon, la.Biddtilph farmer, breederof Galloway cat le, Land presiddit.of Kirkton circuM' has . passed � through a sue- of Ivirs. He every epnces§iOn of 0ie county, his.vahlat4 a $2,1 DO spool of threa 90; nr-v Ybang) who, lost their first' X ; trini m ng bi aid, 2c 3 ard living a few miles north of -Lucan, was fined the Great Northermn sit Compam: of cessfiil o wration, rformed by Dr. Aluthie- children's hose, 2c, 'of the- Equal no ization Com- t, This is� of St. ML -stock andlia loattrance. $5 and cc ts by S ter. Irving, ary —Mr. Thomas Jewett, �cf Bay-fieild, *- whem a membef nday las A mem- ire Lacey, the other Owen Sound.; On this I u -m. was brei the sdn' assil ted 4 is Jo- 3 DE NTS. mittee, -was acceptf d as authentic. 11 �P ME -LOGGM(PEAD KEY. ber also *01-rhte Roti 3e of Refpi+e Committee, day, for a saulting neighbor, John A. herd of thirteen GaHowayH which was and is r 6pidly ire6overing. He ex0eets in a ceiv4bd a 11 d me, presen three and- a� halt No. i i sil,k ant! I sa4a iribbon, So yard I frill, So KE I is RESIDE tfrom We s6n� 11- ern- fe ay� to les.6 if Tottenham, he fther fancy borderud bAW kerchiefi, Se -braEs pins, So erS �his beat e mete Hall. :The disp4e ar e 0 er a land roller selected by the Ontario, and Qud for his new appointment la,%v,,Dr. Wan so given to this question bee Go W at 64 pounds. Mr. lill Jens' kore, So a i. carefully'With', abone live Inches !f which the t o men. joil tly owned. for the Columbiao exhibi0on. at G Pse Isle, 14uebec. wvrelli at. Iringed cotton, And- down on.the until the matter wi s- carried'to a succes day,in 8:: U a. very handso'. -cov, w- of any other child I �of S Ad and jumps up towels, 3c I ul 'On Tue a, of If at iveek Reuben C. —At one.of the Princeton -4hurch sst he realizing f ally the benefits such an on Williaiin Urquhart, whose home is ed 0;�rriage. ewett �ays it i�s not fb" a dark night I je, and 11 p1li t c) Pack It.- She ear Ect n, was the morning of May 5bli, when the ther- 'in Allarton, and who worked in Messrs. a gift Which -n but ne r.1 'ENTS- for t1 e eration. . In two weeks gbe is apt woul I )e -to- the e i -or of Ith' Goraline, of loomfield, n 0
a -as ot 4� 4ffil ca appreciate, institution o,
Elm -hed yard;. fine Swiss and Cambno county. Mr. M lurchie was for -years a crossing the road in frc at f his residence, monieter was- climbing, ell up toward the WS ',shop in mplain- be' enia Lemb bitrberl Mitchell, cc which -place and lay anot bbr,.�aaltch ehvor to fully enjoy. ,,om Smith's F embroleyifs, 4d.; Swiss and Cambric insertion,! to roi st tlie a when a bull, which wai bei g. driven -along nmeties from the beat on thesun, theearli- *ed of a sore ardi, and after doctoring it all —At the monthli meeting of the W!st Saturdiovy, mas hot. 4e; he N -y factoryl. tton, 4c; lnf&nW bibs, 4c The I Lunter takes a lantern a d "tro's member 'of �, Wil i i P�oesbyterjan Church, the road by a butcher, rus ed at him in eat arrivals for the ni� Mg servicehiund trustee n1so, ai one of the Board of winter with effect, went to the bo'spital Waw-anosh Insurnce Coompa noi for col ndkerchi ; 4c ;-towalling, 4c yard fring- the st. ro tcheg of satid, He � see t �e deep ny, on Tues( ay ore, ha knocked him dOwn, injurin him so serious- the windows closgd an the thermoti eter in' Toronto. Yeriioint, ani I i D long as his strength amIca y L towels'4c (for 'a Agl turtle n ack;; f the aninia On had contracted, iand everything possible was justed. ',NNIr. ThOT-11'" Lind, of 7E "t Ww 7a- e s ach. Manag Uwas found that the cords f last week, two claims 'Were bT d
es' t ab �d, Cott It ly that he didd.:" ready to explode from !. e intense heat tr oulTall regular attendant on the make i tr in' dous o%V aE she dra w .Ow, wM Ith. examining the caul3e, t e 'a a: rest in the . :t 5 ENTS; 0 98 ervices.of the of ch. Politi ally he was a —This week- ibe city of Guelph' is' w- furnac 14 the done to save th� lirn'Li, but 11 to arpose. nosh, Whos' house was recently destrw -ed 0 no e
do, 5o pair ; be 8 an n ning a t.—Mr. R. 11115611* Stocl inet Areps s at brass p1ne, hier ol ol.),- and If tbor6 is but o, e trail be ada few ye - ars ago was re- out a water pply, i without fire pEoted. basement were found ru V full b ast. It was amputated at theshoulder ut t - en by fire, was allowed the full amount of ' in- iffon embroidered edge, 6c; oll V tauncla Liberal, village I on Tuesday faq(j papere, 60 o: 3 t up, and at.the end be finds"Mrs. y fasillon tnagaztnes,� f r May, 6G ; faney Earter plastic,. auested to,allow' 1: i a name, to go before a tion. The waterwo�.Iks a stem has only one Further inveitigation r , aleed the fact ',bat days ago. 1 burace, $400, and $W on the coutel ts. yard ; ivory was ing buttons, orintil. The man then turns 1.6r over on J.N6ning is now- ain, ancl it burst �fri lay night, -entirel a prominent member d well known citi-* 50; col ton challie,: 5, Liberal onvent, or, but he � positively de- in y —What i �t ave been a serious accit. ,Mr. 'W. C a-meron, f West Wawanosb .1 rag leely inproved and her to -, Where she 'Is' perfect] 3r helpless. cuttin 6ff the water' fr)m all parts of the zen had put in the fires mig colov, 60; heal I hed handkerchiefs, I lnoh e was able i.ly all ,easy job. - :The crea- clined, y care and'prudempe h ithout appftre at red on Sunday, near Monktoin. allowed 8.100 for his house, recently destmy- trees are naw -bem, 6( ; alass tow ing, shirtiaga.prints, light. dark Thig iiot alwAys'an H ity The factories were all'compelled to realizing thh6t the heat 'of a blazing sun was David ving Mrs. F. to leave is family. well ro ided for. e 0 grey an I blook, all 6 � 5o yard ; union dim goods, be ture a �despeiately"to escape and Adair wa*1 Irwin and d, and $9200 pdthe contents. tifirl garments of 8 ugglo shu� down in consequence. more ifian sufficient foro'comfort without a two ch ard ; ivide width 1 i k, satin and moire ribbons at 5c leaves a wife, on( Son anxt-A daughtem. ildren o the boundary behind a flings on nd and pebbles in stinging �Iouds: =After a long delay the cas e- of Js -in poportiop *-e, yayd ; � Iress lining, a yard ; infanto'bibs, 6.c ; trinf- —on the morning of the 7Jtb inst., fire. i young and r fractious colt. The colt, ton vs. Greyzownshilp has been ton atundanc& 'tlii.-- wing is ces, (butter ilors), 5c yikrd ; children's cot- A lo go, beadi too, bites like a decided d ca, e unmanageable.' Afrs.Ir- Judge Falconbridge, the fol, 1 Mr., John Burnett" saw mill, at Wed. an
pair,; -1 � llinif, 4 001019, fio yard safety Og! ad Is not very good'� . g ond,fs .9 ing .more haastartedto, ton boa a, 6 Canada. be' izes, .6c dc W. 1&ilau, was struck b b htning and. Perth Items. winjumpe froth tlie butty with ne child statementof the easein Jd ir. !)in$, MU a - �lprized for her' eggs. But if t iere is no 11 I -inegs with Al ler iiis �een fined burned' to the Troul TTq soeas6n's 'The - Motherwell lad.; have organ n her and hurt er back severely. 'on motion by plaintiff for Interimiu lnj.0 A Kin ston n *sdea 'grc. in [ttlo at ban John --' McGregor: 9 d ihie' n'ati, es do not- Ing: mmo, The b eceive4 some slight damage. It a rints, light and 6dafk, $50 for h ral literature. sa:�ng had just een comple ed, ikud s1l base baU club. a I agrgm, tion restraining the finalpas ing of a &n in- - ' I Ito dine off the* other. :-did and M'.j t ; t
S,ipeal; J lot of reg, a_ a
visititu,g friends itt. has scild -they a, gc ticling for Qc a nele to twilled, %vide Width, —Mr. seph Martin, th tock of abingles stored in the mill were —Listowel,is to'have a 'grand celebrab n is. a intacle. that escaed so well. age by,-Iaw4 turned by consent intes, Inot LOIL 4 return - /liked �Ta flesh. . I - I—. . A ; � .. -9
era h&-. io j)c twi iou skirt lin 4 t e -$10,000. in 11 cone, Agment.- Held- that the effects or ir- dd i es linen 0011SIMiL his oatin ib;ll at Ra destroyed. No* surap 3e. Los'$3,0C0. on th'e Queen's birthda, �—Imformatio iting one Vancy Hen- for ju g,oc; o siz, W r �h,'worth 20c; skirting, 9e.yafd,. a started down the beach.' Overho'd in Lake Huron, so .0 to clear out at 9c. es —The resbyterian chure at Brandon, —The farm: h6us of * Mr. Henry — bu Rve ire- era u em, hunt a new fisbinig 'tile I sky, WDA black, and' the, wind blo�w Rev. Mr. As ry d family It di on, who emigrated from 'the County regularities in the by-law hdve_ bee -ed anito to Atwood from -Chesley� 10" CENTS. sharply. , The,sand was soft and yielding. I b biujex�ended a call to 'Rev. 1j.. A. Einwaechter, n�ear N r, Hamburg, was moved rone Irelandl about the year - 1840, will by registration and4publication of Uotioe n get up a foot. waist lining 1 ose.e., 10c; wreaths, IW; rlb� I lenry, o Knox gollege. burnt to the I groun on Thursday of -�--Fre& Olim of Rostock, burned �,iiis bT6'tha_n'�fuIh.,'_:Leiv0d by her brother. An- such registration, and the -section JA ihe s lots ot oire, 1,0e; new There i ,10c At o r Met th6 tido.splashed. hundred bon, w -de width, tgatin, silk and in —A nu ber of 1veiy -fine 1�ck bass bav week. Part '6f the household first kiln of lime last wo A,, drew Hendo�rsoin, X11bank, Ontario, Caa- municipal act in that behalf applies th last 0 etlingra'all colors, cleAringst craN ate od baldly. till we were. u )on them braceff, i0a ; a lot 0 I e6n caught � in Ithe Oran v of fhe' da. When in..1rebinS, Miss Henderson the debentures have not been issued. oli hose, W d �i er at Galt furniture was saved, I�ub everything else —Ensign Kinton, asf 10ttimt'editor 7oc; print, 10c; 8h ltiDg 100; ladies fastblr. and t. ion scampered off on Q al is of their J�Gc pair musba, W 0e width, 30 inebes, for spron&,- was consumed. The pr6perty was insured War Cry, is in Stratford writipg a kedch as in the o6miiloy of Captain Sinclair, t ford `v. Chatibstin, 16, & C. R,1,-2351_, toes to where the- lantern's rays reached Hiram �G of Strathroy, for,$i,100. 'qolly Hill, and.7 wli.pn last heard from in ed. Held, ;also that in so fair us the 1 loc yard Frank of the city. c ebrated hia7 'A Winnipeg despatbliayFi: The skele- , —Mrs. E. Charlton Black sten IMAIR
ii� goirt,, to. have thein no longer. These creatums are -the Is, birthday by turning a '2 ciNTS. ry ore of Bo ee 1$47, she Ww and ted to OlArge and assess da s;re�iditig in New Yorle purpor t he Qu pest of tlic reef. ..They bxirro%v e 6 wh' band spri g. ton of a man was founfl near Cannington: Agnes Knox, is St. ar �! at 4 d married a 0ioerhakernamed -James,D. I he V id th d r goods, 12je yard; 16c waist, N'aSLt.�&JoUnt Of vel, tation. visiti outside Orthe toownship of Grey. t by
DO 0 lining, fi ir 124c 26 flowere, IZIe. t of hors t racirtl And destroy —Almdute'a driving park, which cost th6 Manor, a few,days ago, I and the coroner's' present. SELwyer, was ineffectual. The defendants the toi rn- We to �cd on throijkb the little'desert rilinal o ners o% -D o te okin old man who gave his ship of Grey submftting "ing ad footbll i6, OF, N TS. er $3,000, has. just b�een, j4ry brought in averdi�t that the bones —Miss 11aggie Oliver has been appo d A hearty 16 to ameA their )y- 3 ntil the point of tile k6y -*vas galnpd. We 8 ( for $ 00.; se of F. R. Blagden, of Moose leader of the choir of th6 First.Presbyte �iw itlie as 96, wan e .0 minute trot or Block tr ,w sailo 1�� i 6c 84 sheeting, 2 yards %%,lde, had seen nothimg save FAnd and wave and were tho d'red nt the Straii;rd po-. la,%v so as to omit the agsd8siment of all 1 da
3y an ke, drivers trot or d th rl -on, blil� satin and moir, the —The 1, e Colonel, Shaw, of Brantford, 14ountain, who was lost in a blizzard eight, Church, St. Marys. i IL'Oe court on Sat'ardt' d asked for accom-. outside of that township affected there )y.. a; f as4 black shaped b ab, the -old marks of iii,turtle, nd a sea g
Walking- race for Mular ed kind fo C I ft an Ostate of $30,000,. $7, of which is years ago. —INlr. John G. LemoA will build a 4ne m6dation for the", g he said he belong- The action will be dismisse a pair. biralf iiwldng past. Thonerriment In the d without, cv. ts. haJf mfie heats, 1p r,o 4 roperty, to Air. R)ss, of the firm of new residence in Mitcheil this coming sum- �d to Sarnia and� w on his way- bak f rp!n ---:On Saturday afternoon, 4th inst, a Cars. We re_. —AccordinL �,veryone house faintly reached our -�Canai ian tobacco man ifacturbra.. sold Thomas Rosal'Song, who own or control mer. 'Toronto. He worked, his way from Sarnia runaway team
ttatdol be': yods, double wid-th, for tr=6 01 r path and tried the oth eir half Of in7Exeter cased- elonsiders, Jle flaitthea will be ia 25c all W I ser lait year 10,692,040 cigarette 3 in the coubi twent� cheese factories ft Argenteuil coun- rR T.'Hamilton df Staffa, to�arun to the ueen City to interview Colonel excitemnt and perhar t�e los; of lette a I Eizes, 19c.; wrea, Dis and the beach. try, and exported 10,88,180. ty, Quebec, there are go)d pTospects-for the to itchell on her, %cycle on 2 on Ir IV i"ri e tither spo S in the 190 ; fi I la '1�.d white flat hats, i9c - black day D� ison. - The old man said that he served The ��ni belongs -, to bingl. f,", - iti. flowerli, :::: We ha d not proceeded ton et on the —The Market hotel, We ',land's stable iln the rebel] stal- and whi es a T*W, I I 8 coming Season. Last art miner they had six- ni r ion of 1$37 and 18.38� as, a- Ist Road, I I miles west otFrancistown. It
19c ; gent's soc ties,'cbdice new 1loR 30 yards alicad, tl�e dog r! of last week. � I - . .
turda - hL--, for l9c; ce �U n net, 19C. and a couple of'dwellii3kg liduses were de- teen factories, and sold the' product for a D. Glen, an oldl resident of Nil ver- benteiiant and wished Colonel Dehisonwith pears he had left - Rollin, & Williams y kicked comended to bark f urfously. iii Flarriston ! �he other day. round sum of $60,000. rheyj �Le badl-v i a well as *timate this tojp, Iropped dead o4 Punday morning, of o1e was well ao�quaiuted, to assist kE!1lcxc1almcd_8tcvo.. "[Iehasa 3 ames B ughes, -wifi of the school sieason's outpuCit S75 O(O ier f 04—The -J�v Corae*,all size :1 250; blaok �ress serye, 25c.; rs� to hear 4imease. in gett, I a pensioni 7i 'am. street., t611s e U inen,a5a.- ra es 2 ; 60 tll�tle, I bet! " We 111ado a. spul t, for th Herald was re ! - tor 25 t 110 Ing have�ft , rled-.- am- I it c f'Tto braces, 2 piecea,-china washing sili Is l 'deliver an ad- —The editor:of the Brue 3�tihel Wagner, of Wellesley, hits a I Mr. ohn Barr, a aged, respected and ton), he went e, - is t st 26c. 'scent of turtle so, p was ho our nOS7 he of alfal homes bee& e
5c; Bilk Plush 'd ress e Ore t London Teachers' Associ- d with'a taste -of the first fine, ilec fa clover, sample stals irell-to-do resident of lot 25, West Mitchell sons on the Ion eent
a the trac whi h ntIv favot appearanct-, — The S01 A.L.q. trils.. a ion on May;03r+ ranie I ever gro'Nvn inj thd coMitty of Briice. bein '18 inches long. Road, Fullartbin, 41ed on- Tuesda -th frightened and started, t, a breakneck Sur a ellough, the dog. had one. He had rynai parasoJIS t� 39c upwards 0 'by, 1; was cap. �enting the infield of 'Ladies' ; ladies blouse, —David D of Paris, Who is attend- The fruit grew ion an lorange tree raisedl tt rtle weighing A5 pound t., in the 71st, year of his aie.' Re ddle- up Main street.' : One of the boys an. ane siee,ies) both black andl '(Ilstnibe� - her just as: she was seeking it il - I ture in the river Nith, near Topping, A few d t t patch this yea, waist$ (10 Lest styles, g the Canada Bi siness College, Hamilton,. �1 r.. W. E. Norriah, 6aretaker of the codinty ture eased was well and widely known, having bags felloff the load near the Main -a upwards ladies cambric 11 o had -attacked the Uuge'� In id the misfoftun -. to biealc I�is knee while hita c(lors, Iron, 59c spot f )i 1, mbuild-i-bgs, Wal�keiton, -and, though rather days ago r aided for 50 years on the old homestead. Methodi rope - When ri, 171 2 4 clean it of weeds, ces honey comb nd wh n w6 Sr- _rty ea beast by 310 rig)q Bank, a ot church,&
undemear at ast( ishing low. Pri paying football r( eutly. small sized, wa� equal iii flavor to its more' - —Alw. Lochead's. . house iii Elma, and was a native of Glas His wife the MeGpolita)il .-r, X. Carrick atteml —The prospectS arp - :1 gow. quilts, 131 ge slia, 69(-' rived 3he was benga retreat t the sea,'- i g of the citizens of Ham- southern brethreW. part of i �a contents4ere dest�oyed by . fire ed three y d the surviving to stop their mad eareeri and was imforti a- .i:hurchea will unite, 1�1 ly assaulting her reA!r A mass ears ago, an cut cut t -and lie wm el e Association haill, last —The Lyned6ch , correspondent of the on Wednesdaylast, Wee�. a ildxen are Mrs. Robert Ward,Fullarton; ately- caught bythe wagon tongue and c one conaregation. his 0 O.- 1�d bring it with you. i 6�cdted il bon was be. i col, m1n I The frays of the, lantern dazed. in A 3 prptest,against immor- Norfolk Reformer says: Mr. John Marsland —A nt mber of cattle pn the trains g( inj 41ra. John McCallum and Mrs. John �riday evenin _iles, ried about a rod. wli6n the front wb her for'i moment-. ality in amuse ena and brutality in t made Mr. John Charlton, A - P., a short into Toronto on Tuead last * k, die( 4pth of St. Ma a; Alexander, of Orillia, strtte� a s4ade.tree in front of the hoW 0fe London asylum 8 a. a I Kee 0
ry Ii don lr:nd visit last Saturday, and the two enjoyed a exhanstion. Mr. T1 of Mi, �ch- 44d Robert Hume, John and James, of d r, the coneumion causuny the tongue to NO, old lady, yo E way this 34r. Hugh M occup'ied ithe chadr, 0 00 ed vaue of Brussels t 90 30 Jon ergyme A denominations good long talk over early Lyhedoch days. ell, lost i � valuable anim I from' this ca, ise. Vull�rton. S1 N BIG SHIP. ))I I said Steve, and he shook. I is finger n an I&v man +M1 break frowthe wagon, an . the horses and rK. Real property, at INVant to I or. �urn her, boy?" eKe. on the, at rim. About 600 pbople r. Marsland and Mr. Charlton were prom- The are-* era say that death Was causm by —Says the Mitchell Advocate of last Mr. Carrick fell. in'.& heap. Theformei!- .,454; income,, C h ds'un- 1% re present. k urse I did. So I put MY Re olutious were passed ex- inen't members of the Lynedoch Lyceum. in over feeding and furions driving by the week: Rev. J. W. Mitchell, M. A., Who wereot butt, but Mr. Carrick was 11c eid ,his is a. Shrink dei the edge of her shell and with ighty 'emnation of recent its paliny days- of t7en years ago, and farmers, vho delivered! the oc�ttle at the �,as for many years pastor of the Knoxl'up uncouselouli.-and taken insid tmeji�- m P easing unaninto a cc d
�4t year, Dogs, 73 All; Es, "cc d Iwould a of a vicipus and immoral, tendency; t, Mr. Corcoran, Of 0 a twn . , was aguet of his sis- cal. aid ocallIed. Ali an was Ahle to �Aeep,. 7 hogs2 - 40 hea re over she went. - I PN�aS boun p were among the bea d ters'.of the half trains. Mintlo towni iip, hurch in ti OOUL he tur i her If she WOW] ed a ton. The Oog. a sinat bettifig in conn ctiott with sports 6 'score or So of bright fello, a who contribut- who ship e 7 from Haue.yer, report d that t6r.u-I6.w,,Mrs. W. W. Hicks, over Sum be rernovtid be was taken to ia son!s, a ad' ines, of I( Sri. He ee fine cattle, fo t --eveni g pre is i 9. critical conditi - I any/a. thi r which he paid fiVe � , n lon,. i t4e first onda-t S f0fths Dulled - brave]Y- at her IcathcrY against brut lity in f otball and lacrosse ed to the success and fa' e of that org n a day ;a d in the n ached to his old �e vi
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