HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-05-10, Page 2flow -
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-,11 RON Ided there wal blood 0 hilil - ha� ds -;ho
111 AL XSTA'�Z FOR SAL�- cent P
A D1 TURBING I blood of an.. 1�110, 'soup wpom he
THE BIG A 4;9. -For 1�10', I OD F LRX FOR I )rth lbalf e only �iad lic
- Let I �t have 4dqii
dtted if
GP 1, Concessio.�. 2. Ust W o1h I 100 couleage. Poor.-Pilatel H. consele4co N ras
aw a, I
es gobi fences, good orchard and n, ,ler-fa ling F,_E iv. DF� ELOQUENT�SER Ap)ly to PHILIP-HOLTUoderlh. 278 Great Nortli - Westorn afte r * hbn, � ap4 lie knew the sta1A wol ild
The MONION THE CONSCIENCE4, novbr be wahod fr rlglit'�iand oi
LIARMS FOR SALE. -The underal ed as tw ntiv Teegraph. the loft hand, and U bo dq of it#
lei � Forms for sole In the ark- 0100uhlo at e might ash in 1611 N
ty of I he Province -, ill end, pric to! suit. Foriall ntor.mation,wr-ibeW�Oall erson Christ 1B efore Pilate- -Tho Power of the i the 1�oman cmpir(t, there wo Id
Tr S. ee avers of
Casdian Express : S I Ulu *ed
No trouble to ihow that i. F. cor Bifi "Still, Small Volcie"-The True Cofivez- be still c ght fingers and t,%v-o th bs
P. O., Iice. sion ).L WaBli in the Glorious. Gospel at tho, tips. -VARSI P ale, ILM40t.5, Cc cessio the po�ivcr of conscl-enoo when it: th
)R SkLE F rs ontAining 10 acres, in a go stab of 14Wer- -Pardoning �fercy. f U 111- arobe(I I With; wl 1p qf scor . Ionh
_U� . Hay,u Idinp. I P, I .1 P
Dorlainian Steamship Ulle. Cultivation and� with od but be fa ces 11 Iare also good and the far "is well watered. Tliel c�. Nsw oim; May P.-Raiely does tin I over a bed of spikes in p . h of midilighl
a fit - itchases guilt. Aro-th�.,ogh6sts? Yes,
rb 11 acres of fall heat. It is one He trot" a discourse hold an aud ienco with suc 11
school and two miles tio E.eter. Fort lllpa I tense int 3rest. as did that which Rev.� DI. not of the gr4voyard, bu� of oneg; mind
Ti�4 Insurauce 0 1 - l (n the place)aH 'addreile, MRS. 'I ROBE---- I ..I Phoel * 1) -in tl c ni�it at rest. a7 a9p ay P.O., lit '142ilfur I M III. AY, H Talmage delivctqd this afternoon I of � 11 11 Acadnni� NI 'sic. He foi his &nd thus, -Brutus, amid hl$ pjumbie�ing host,
ML i-; joct 0 �t Be I ��articd with C saris stahvart ghost.
ated -bo 1-4, i
gZ1,,4ttention, is called par imlarly "to te tw lut; ROPERM FOR SAMForislalel dhe4p, a co o isclonce', the to -lci at aved Companies. fortatle fratue hous 0 on South ain treet, 1iV4- Mattlie%N' g4- "He took: water And Macbeth looked at hi� hand after the
con in$ washe ihou before the n
forth, near ;he Rail Won., T is W . rooni c. wood 7hodl ifid all' eass convent. d �s hands 'M I Iniglit assassina a says: ezee.s, also The house it@ o one of the saying: wn fulipocut of the blood of 11this Wi I I all great Neptu w�ash this blooa
0 t,,;wo good lots ld tolrother or sep-4r. L '
W. SOMERVILLIE,��' propert� wit be so just PC on. See yo to it."
-iy 1liand? a-,
lCH& ROKIIN-- from n �bis my haud will
BU' tely. ApIlyontheprel,31sewtoR I At a tit. 7 -O'clock in. the nigrningil
-press 1�di-ig` 2 - . -1409.tf rather
Telegralih and E� SON, Seto ,th P. 0.� Main Street; St!oiforth� the in 10 Stairs, of -a plitce, �Ibd acroE k 'ni multitudillous set� iea�adine,
SIBER FARM FOR IALE.-For i We q set half o tholloor 3:of richest mosaic, dud under 6ei X i king the groan one re r the Vest halt, of Lots 4 of c
PA F RONS' NOTtC. E. and 5 Ceti cogsion 8. 'ings dyei with all thospleDdors lix, The Voice o 0 01 cue Stanl-y, cuitainin fig acree, all i*11 I timbered. and betmeen snowbanks; of white I ]Per every sin, great or f a conscience,
About 30 a wes of good Mirdwood and the bw1mvice, -is TO TUB PARONS OF THE SEAF H E -3B anfock. "glist nIng sculpture, passes a poor, P, 141,; w i tell - is the voice.'of Gc I has a reproof,
well timbe ed with blacl oak� cedar abd bf FACT0mi��e Factory will start on th of koads sick. you I)g m4kii, of '88, 'al- '1� qondomIne Ji M e or less emphatic. This prope ty is well situ ited and h w . g)c . . . . .
a Charles 1X, re
3tky ne�t. All the Drawers and Patron mulit be I
lending to' it ibill is`V ithin three x Mes of Kippen to dmt1 oil ]its way to be condemJne I
t. Barthol)l
ready it possible ky that date. r a. sp nsible 'for S new masacre,
mills.' At �Ill be sold cheip and on ea iy t4 on THOM' Is his nanie.1
AS IDICK96N. Nazaret 'bltte p norles, and in
ply toJAMES COOPER �Ippen]?.O. 1423-tf Was obased by the r it Comit. 1; out to weet.him,96n this tesise his dyiAg moment said td. It doctorr Am -
Life Assuranc 'r, 1� formle, Llot I Conces? lated pa, �pmic' al s e OR SALE, -Good fa ��nt is uns-Srupulous, 0 Ix bzcge Parry: 111)octor, I Oj,�'tknow whatle
blon 12, in the town ihip of Stanley, ritainiog Prot in a fever a]
F itsink, timesorvIng,' wwardly thc mattorwith me; I ei
100 acres, 90 acres clearel'. Frame barn, eds and of O., na,d:a witt 'a few traces o.. oynnpatby and aJ r- body and mind and, hava ; Con for a long
stables, large brick be live and late - hard of [ ng loft I hisco up6s tiou- 111c t -wh Ile. Oh, it I hail onlyi 8 ared the inno-
splendidfruit. This fart s.will be ool4 an ry easy deal n to'retite.. 6 encum� Pon iius,:
MONTREI terms as the proorletor to to' retire. Did OVOT, iuch OPPOsit(s cent, and'the Imbecile it L the clapiplel"
briance, convenient to Be nd Qhuroh and well M ewe ? luxury and. A self1slines an Rousseau decl I Id watered. A on, premises: to ROBERT' pply �red in o Igo that 446 St. be
sum, XXXIIJAL REPORT F013 1894. IYELGATY, or arrogaho nd humility, YoUtil L still ga I V9 ! kl�ny OF THE- Boxl4. B lrld�. P.O. lawtf ion Oki iy; :813 idommittcd� in his 111
and Gil iess, midul.171 it an I midpoon. Icepless nights. Ch�rlos : I'of Spain could
-VARM FOR'SALE.-I ovying dispoeW 4 f e. I loated lippoll Fovernor takes ltbt -ep unless he had in the room 4.con-
Newl,de Applicattoria. tyed during T - not sie
_U I will offer the remi 6iftg .4undied ac ros, which 0-0,290, 16 t, bu Q 3 rlsoner stands,WE
let of Lot 12. There a. between forty and fifty oushiow d -sent, bu ell
......... fesso)r and two friars. Q line had i ou
761,48 $3, com I lncret!�;ver ............ ' In a so, nicircle aro�'Iin
Ing blair c alefi, mind allacled. n.11P.-Jil Cash in me for year ea De-- Reres, of bush, a large par 'of It W bitter memories he was st*tlod at the
ding &1st 9660 muipally haidwo( are t1 o . liedrists,' w least soillid. -Ca djui . Ll. utort, vina
ner c mber, 1894 the remainder being pr: d. - Mhlire Ithe prUJ, b
ling sprin
re -fsi ad Qf it, fist
Inc over 1W 48 is A "vOit 0 w k flushing, �ies and br indis
and about 85 scres rely oiact`p 6oclgwhil) PT054 - slalik the Duke a Glouce'ter, often oe
Assets It 31pt D be sold aM. ecemb 4,816, 19 0 pard(oilars, a ply to MRS. InC_..T9c over 18DS ... .. ........ .. 6-14, 42 73 1 FANEf Oting tJds cam In tie n -of reli I 1, night would say: ay, away I y do
a big. bargain. For go : r4 WALKER, BoX 219, Broil �61111. for habittereso perse"kutiops ha*e been i- you look at I a tell 11 III, -h ving
Reservel for Security of, I �olicyholder* 4,068, 35 62 t no bus I rdseentio no
(Achording to bdralt ion Govern- OR SALE, VALUAB6k F&RM AND VILLAGI� ns,, wd *beqsatan taes' slain his Awo i wa, ould some , ee
ment Standard) hold. of a J6od man It � maires up by Intel L- I
FPROPEftYA gc� . hundred more farm in n the i�lgbt shout from !its couch and
Increase over 189S.. ......... 696,471. 09 fair state of cultivation, lbeing lot 15, In the 12th fitty fi�lir )11)Bvity of ocon att''OU. If YOU ha'VCL clutch- hi " sword, lighting Oparitions., Dr,
Sur over alltabilitles, axcept capital 46S,$73 94 conceasion., of the township of Grey. A -good Brick novor�swnaneocicsiast[cal courttrying,a
mrdingto Dowirion Govern- Webster, Daving slalh Par ppan in Boston,
mentStandard) EloteT.-in the Village -of 0 1 nbrook, in the , Will town- mary thl in you have no idea of - thel. foam.; and while waltibg for 1�ls'doom, 'Com�
ship, known as" The Bee Hose", also a saw I us oer all liabilitiet and capital mill. SUTI and 'a good frame store in. said village. Anyone Ing infernalism of theis 3 old religious san-i, plaijidd �to the ja lor that he, Prisoners on
at oo� . ............ L ............. 401,473 94 thin (Ac, -ording to Dowin �oln� Gove* I ivesting wo d do well'to bxamtne . this hedr-Ists. Governor Pilate cross questio Si tile otl' wau, ia�l night long
ran -I 9 ior side,of �the
prop i L 11 the prisoner and finds r)ght away h
mentstand rd ill be I at , very reasonable Jee P is I kept charging -him with Jilsi crimu; when,
one or more tee s to suit purchasers. Life Assurance in force I t . at.., IS95 31,628,1�89 74 PT I D.- His Ca 1 th ners oft L the otb r sido
Furtiler Informistionwill is fr. ely supplied' 'to any- nd wants to lotl him go. 0 -9 ero Were no priso Incre4se over previmis year.. 3,723.,M3 23 [dressing tWunde irntd, it -Brueselti. G. r.; i on a so licrease w 201,(�30 6L I one ai� Y' Some Oil v 0 of the -wall. *It was the 1p ce of hi i own
Diiathelairris paid during IBLAIR,, Solicitor,, f. S. OTT, Auctioneer.. comes fo the governor and whispers DecreiAsetrom. 29,477 C�i h S' cons�ienee. or puts his hand bell* d! From what did and Eve try to
car. The govern I'Lis car. so as The losperous conditi n of the Sun Life of G knalla GOODIVE MEM-Forsale,ats, bargain-, L �O catch the words alinost I h16 when they liM all �orld to them -
ST w
is doub less due to the fair'treatinent of its Policy, a fine 2 storey,brl block with good store- audible. it is a message A. from Claud a selves? From their own c' lipcience. What
ditional icy bolderi-, its pon-forteiting and ancon houses at re-tr and all -0 red with Iron roofing. This who has' had a droa n and !pro alpt payment of or t ian
fro C
1procula b is wife lia a dro made Cain's gnishinent 1 block comprises three tin stores with dwelling rooms T. * above, and all liented t )od tenants. The growt out lt�o innoce e of this prisone3! ax d s R. MACAULEY, h pould boar? conscie ini madd
y ith bp pop iei, its; thou
o ISce. and Actuary. Presidi n#. and it of Hen.,�Alt surrounded as it id ut the danger of executing hin�. ald�- 1 Ahab cry out to the P the T-Ir"02"'(14rrming countri,!, make othis an -A No. I In- -Eh
A. M _CGREGOR, e aa�ons fronj this morning dreiph_ 11 fo"a me, O'IniliO CUCIlly What -made
vestment for atF capital. Satidfact9'ry Managerof Loodon District, London_ .3one having ;t ime reasons for aellin�. For 2�rthair particulars apply, to to end the iximage to her hug an* 1, the great Folix tremble, )ofore th little
WFUSON., Agent Seimforth. eith,r.T. f Ill &LL,,,bwner, or G. J. SUTH9R- tben'V the judicial bbneh. And whii mi�s
ionary? Conset wbt made Bel -
test o his wife, and LAND, ot ary io and, Conveyafider, Uensall PJO. with thO pro the v� i'e! sbaizar's teeth; chat 7 w 1 a chilli when
Ontario. s n Cola
tr the cutir, fa. 1- he saw a fingor come . 01 t! of the � black
HE S AFORTHL! f hi sell -nee, am PLEL tire o the sanM rist ve:-of the midnight v d write bXi. the
NDID FARM FOR SLE. -Lot 25, - Con es- f s to malrb ou their Bloc at I on 6, Township of 3 lorris, contain Ing 160 a res (aso, r so ve to It h G c ve dor Pi te re 1 as s arfe pla�teflng? Conscience, colisciencel suitable forrain or stock BIWA ed two and a alf the prisoner from custody. A Gr C' miles from the thriving vilage of Brussels, . a g-od Mve Ile t Bier. upical llnstrliffentl The Fanati6al Sanhedrlita i
gravel road leading there;o; 120 acres -cleared n �,Vby is it that thatman hi this audience,
free f rout stumps, 6 acres )edar and ash and 1�0�lft a But ho intimation of" such a thing with. all the pilixkB of -,v�qrldly prosperity
hardwood. Barn 61x60 ith straw mud hay, a ed
EJ 11 s r1pon-Itho givernor an equi octiol Upon him is tWitated wh0o'l speakd L!
L, L 40x10. stone stabling undprneat1h both. The�.'hci�'Ise 'rill toriT illffignat�on Tbeyvvill oport now ftshed-aud is 311
is brick 22x32 with kitchi a 18x2d, collar underneath ow Palo, and then the
Iboth b�iidi�gs. Al� are n W. rhere le,a Ine young 11 lin iolthojamporo Rome. Th y w I breath is uneven, and th boad§ Gf . per -
orchard. School on next ot. I e land -has a g6Od Nave hi�n recalled. hey will send im spiration -oil the forlica and then the
I h P natural drainage, and the firm I in go6d;. cond ESTABLISHED, 1873. Satisfactory reasons for a illing. Apply A*TtjII1J;n I ome, acIld be li:io hung for cs n r look of unrest comes to look of borror ind
s rosrrm OFFICE or 'rL or on the �roxni,es. Wig. rat B onto has alrea(I'V a s ftspairif I know not. But he knqws, and
Brussels. icion in regard - �o -Pilate, and, thd �s s- God knows. - It wity I)o that he 4e.spoild-
011 s ban- a fair yaung life and turn d innooence in -
Owing to hard mes, w e have b . - yKcibn does not ce ise until'Pilato
OR S&LE.-That valu �ble fartu property known
os and Organs 96t, F as the West part of t No. 22, Conedediall 1, el: an comra t4 a wa U, and the smile ci� hope I into the
dlUded to sell Pia I'll I d its suicide.- So Gqernwx
ntilas Pilate cQmpromises the of the Township of Hay., � ndofi Road Survey, Oon- 0 iatt er brazen laughter of despair,', Or it� may be,
tatuing 377 acres of land. rhis fine property is right d proposes that Christ be wh IIi.001d I n- that be has in his possessigm the Orbperty
adjoining the rapidly groi 71r)g. vil age of Hen'gall, and embraces oer 14 acres ad of assassinated. So the pri'so and by some s Vegem lbe. keepi
Gre�tly Reduced -Pric is of what isl known as the Hen ner is of othel i� y
Ball Race rse and Driving'Park and upon %v�ich ened toalow PtIlar, and on his bent and it accor Jin g to, law, a lie ku�ws it isi
considerable money and I ibor h2s pen exppndeq on ax d back- come! the thongs of loatheri nothis own, aIV that if heart h 1
filling,. it up, and it to a ie of the very b!38t inj the IOU . d
his 9 a gran '2 pieces of. lea4 and bone intertwiste, Stop beating this moment �e we in
Orgaiis at $25 �nd upwardp, trnt). )hance of purchasing what =d ad t al ost be termed i Or it village erty at.a [re&. 0 that every stroke shall be the more alv- hell,ftirlwor. xnay b "the is e.,ponsi-
ChAst litts himself from the scou - bl fd I r a great mystery, th3 di p Ce
piaA,os: at CmTosponding pncioo. Boriable price, and vihiqhlroporty kil?alwayeboin-- 4UL, creasing in., value, with �� he growl h df the 'villikire.,
For further partionlari,. apply to MRS. -M. OIL-.: �ng' with.flulied obeek slid torn and qui 7!- of, some one who w�g ncv� i beaxq f, and
CHRIST, owner,' or t�p G. J. BUTHERLXND Pring and n�anglcd flesh, presenting a the d tectives were buffied i and the itracks
I Notary Public and Conv lj4,ancer, Housall P. 0. spectacle of' 6!tiffering in which Ruben s, were 11 - covered up, and ie swiftl. borse
E BE U 9 BEFO E PURCHASI^�NG. 141841 the painter, fo�hd the theme for his gr t- or -the rail train took him 0 Lit of r"4, and
est masterpiece. there aTe only two persons 4n the universe
But tho sanh&lrists are not yet satisfie who know of it -God and,. bimsotf. 3od
Sic `TT BROS. 8PEOIAL - They have had fome of his nerves lace pres t at - the tinio of t to tragedy 3,nd
iiid'- the'- wan� them all liac:e�ated. Th y presei it at the r(ttrospectiorl and conscience
have hall some of his blood; tboy w ---conscience wifla stlugs, 0onscience with
of it, down to e last corpusd1c. v- plue rs, coj)s;clvneeWith 4ails,.consol(nce
_S REMOVA NOTICE 'O udicil: -a G ornor Pputius Plate, after all this nier I- with :urnnces-is upon hi#i, and, until n
F Under and b. virtue da Judgment of the Chant-ery ful lies ; ftation, surrenders to the demo I- man'i conscience rai�ses M he does.not
made tbat,farnier convefted
Division of the igh Coart'of Juscice, dated the 16th. 1; acal cry of " Crucify him I 13ut th'
e g v- tepon What
dsy ofAji Fit, 1 � 5, and rrade in the matter ot� the 'ernor diandaftr something. 'He sends a to Go I go to his'infl. 1 not,klibor and Bay:
Estate of Hugh Robb,�z deceased, Robb vo,Elobb. Slave 6 ttoggitsomethifig. Althoughtlie 'Neighbor, I hAve )ui O.Uyour sh
Frank "Rilards' There will be offered for Oale by Public Auctioa: at Cap.
cons es arq.�in haste to take the prison er rhey uno over intom iy folo six years ago.
the Royal Hotel In the t qwn of Seat orth, on Select, Steel,- of— to ex' tibn 4nd the mob outside aie fia- rhey had your mark- upo* them, and
M;0.1`�DAYY patie to gl on their victim, a pause -ban ed it to :my mai k. want you,to
lip �THE 20rh DAY 0 WaU Papers is nee sit,a= Ywider it comes, awa3h lave 3hose sheep, and I w at you to b4ve
lilcungs. basin. Some bure, bright w4ter is poumd he ii terest on th C ney, J.nd I want �ou
MAY 18,95 0. etc. in
Into It and th�eii Governor Pilate puts I is o-hax,e the lincrese of thp fold. If yo
At 3 olc]O'ck p- m., shar , the followin; land s in the white, Oelicato hands iiito tho-Waterand want to solid. ili oWACfrr-. son, TO CADY'S BLOCK, i T o t, shall make no
rubs them to�ethe I and then, lift It complaint fidel heard of %
village of Harputhey First. -Part of Lot No. 14, doors:north of Post Offic in the let concession, 10(.S., Tuckersmitb avilga, dripping, fortthe towel fastonb( e rnanl� converstop, and iogalil: NOWnow,
frontage at one chain ald sixty links on I I e a Jrth hw rooms lOVf OP i slave's ilgirdle I wh ca s: if you bave gop then h a you are wel-
I at t
t on for
side of the fluxon Road, by two a '11y, Ba,
hains and 11tv- iine U) he Vrac
Inspe ti hands c f this; whole homici &I come to them int nothin of
links, containing- sixty-six perch a of land, wifh the "I;wash in, I( 0 buildings erected thereon used as 'a t
pork pae -ing BiLi6ii0ii. - I was i my banos of this - the* bouve and refrigerator., Second. -Part of lot No it, In papering, paintio Isomining, out tran Be things a a] ' 0 just go
U11 n, the let concessionir H.R S., Tuckersmith, havi g a workmauship andprot ipt4ess is unexcelled tire re8potigibility., Yo vill have to ar from me. Soinethl; has ot hold of .
is the me tning of 1111 tox-t:*b an that I don't ur d. I ou e
frontage of four chains and eighty-five links, dn 'the it'" Tbaf =tn
Huron IM in the. �y card V lid, by a depth of. 2 climixta and fifty. ine ty. it saysi: 1-lRe,took-Water and wash6d� ]its doW-U- at those iollgi us inifetings."
links, containint one acre and twenty per&os of ii� a par I JIM the'
I "a' N. B. -Full instru(Itio- - given t ��ies bands 1befors the mkiltitude, Ing: Converted Tnp6n w uld-not allow thl gs
In6nd together with the dwel Ing house the reexi, I n intending to bang their a paper. th t c innoceil the ccUpOtion of Mrs. Hugh Robb-, Third 'Lo�t.is t of the blood of this just person� to stand in W and so the ihi d
'I I : ea; pkv M9 he'
in Lewis and GaIV& Survey, of part of the V Ila � of, - Window Si ades ye to it.", I said: I I Nye)!, Harpurh together with the -dwelling hous now
02 erepted I i a pl, up, ai d 6 cent Interest
thereon, a the occupation of Lachlin Gerd I�flatels W"h Basin. value of the s p
TERX -The.-purchaseir will be x7equired 6 pay to Fine WaR pap r .1 Pic*t lay ay
utes. Behold In this that'cerellic' amounts from that Unto to th s, an I shan't athe Vend re' Solicitor at the tim.e of sale, a deloolt to nothing, If therel are not in Itcorre- anything moro .bou it. 1 ust go ay
in the pro ortion, of $10 for every $100 of his parel iase Picture mes. -er w he
money, a d will he req sp It Is a go)d' att
U11red to pa the balante ol -his 1424 ondencies of heart and life from in W�At wa the 4� e hands. 66d created two farmers.? In the one c o a convie ed.
purchasem oney into co.urt, without intereat, wi hin ____ tbing to th three-quarters of the'world wt�ter, and in "conscience leading him to Igonesty, an
aone moot., foromthedayotsile. And upon paymap in
of the fiame the purchaser will be entitled to rec ..-I the other case a convited eq science wa a conveyai tee i ad be let into possession. of the laudo. that commanded cleanliness,'!!�ij ' d wh n
the andients di& not take 6 Ilig
16 all oth r respects the conditions of sale will be the C, hint e against infi4clity, WALL . I standing � on ttous, of sale of the Hign, Coui t of plun ged the whole vtorld under water a. d Con'Verte Healits.
Justice. furrier particulars and conditions of We rr ky b kept it there for some time. Hand wa. h- Thomas Oliver wa:one of: John We)31eyls,
E) oUalned on application to F. HOUIESTED, B-rrigter, 36%forth, &�d GARROW & PROUDFOOT, ing was a religious! ce�rcmdnyidmong o preachers. The earl� part i]if his Wo had
Barriatera., Gpderich. I - v dessn�ss, an 4 lie had made*
PEIL', Jews.. The Jewish Ulshl.�a ga k'3 palic ar been full of reck
direction how that the I hand must be debts wherever h Id botrow. -He,,Ias
UALCOLMSON, Moster. at Goderich. mu 1428,8 -0t: then! he went forth
'Dated at Goderich this 22nd day of A pi it, 1896. 1 e
thrust three tiiiies up to the w�ists in a- converted to God,' a -
ter, and the palm of tb6 'haU4 must be to preach- and pay I�Js deb!ts. He had a
I carry the largest stock if new desIgn# and finest rubbed witai the closed list 0 o ot r. sma a o tofprollert�Qthinlandijn-
Oda at the lowest prices f any -house I he county. All. that. well enough fbr a i'mbol, ut mediat ly set out to paylis �debts, and (v -
w ad sold as eheap as iny old stock
C t
DONT DESYPAI d 90 br. out of herein the text is a mail who reposes erybod� -new be was In a,ri,mest and to
ate goods. Why I can do o to beaiuBe goods boufrht now &% bought from I to cents per wash aw h 4 consummate the last pay4ient lie had to
roll less than ay the guilt Of Sir L: Which
they , rbe w.te,,, old o k Ify.expenies are low. does not quit and of which io does 310t sell his horse and saqAle andi bridle. Tbl�t
I bave� g 'k an ne the money. Wall aper make any repentance. Pilate s wagh Wdn was ednscience, That is Oonverted. c cents per roll dow sh%des, lilculd-'
irnice polls, &c. &c.j as cheap as - any n the was dead failure. science. That Is religion. Fxank Tlebout,
trade. City Wall Paper Hpuse, Main Ot. Seatorth, Ceremonies, however beautl Ul. and ap. a con�eA d rumseller had a' large amou rit
opposite John St. propriate, may be no more tha this hy�o- of' -liquor -on hand at the Mijic of li�si c n -
critical ablution. In infancy we may The version, and he put all the
kegs ai4id bi r -
sprinkled from the baptismal f ntiaind,,io rels and -demijohns in a wagon and to k
nau�hood we may w Lido into P.1 x� them down in front of the old 'chur It
, In
�oe Im
siobs'aind yet-novor como,,to k 'I wh verted and had v -
Practical Paper H �,, �ora ere lie hall L*en can
fi-er and Painter. pu cation. We may kneel without pra. erythlno curptied into the street. Th �is
re and bow without reverence, 11181.13rr it Why the t1housaild of doll s
-1 have secured the Rer%;io! a of three first-class paper outlaby accept6lice. All yi; ur creed a, Is sent evc ry year to th Unitetl States tretjs�
"hangers and can do work a; the shortest notice. All liturgics,4nd sacraments an I I E ury at Washington as "con science mo C
work guaranteed gon, u0surplosed. For proof of the U Lcto
above call and see -for yourlpi and' r igious Con.vocation1B anio o Why, it shnply`mean� there are pos'tmas-
Illit nothin, unless your go ter$, D1 there axe attPri)eysj and there are
ro Wiilt paper tf� thein., �Vlien, that b�rouzed 6 avb =k flo offl
��med f ree. ciais who so.uletii,iiLs retafi that which
the. proonce of Pilate tbat Jvasb basin, b does. Eqt beloil g to tl�em, apd these men
7owhs pway none, of . Pilate's (ruelty, 0 are con-�crted c r undor Poworful pressure
bip of �McKillop. -0 nes§, or -o resti't
L Is E. Yop PiLie'S �Mck d Pilate' f co"illence and Wtion. If all
We giatantee Dodd's Kidnev Pills to cure, , ny COURT'OF Wasfi thle Ifeart., the mopeys out of which the state and,tbe
cas6�of Briht's Disease, Diibetes, Lumba W6 all have United I States treasuries ave been de -
Dropsy, Rheumatism, Heart Di_%ease, Fem loe' The Court for the Revialah,of the ABsesiuvent -Roll othidg against cr6ods fraudetI should . come back to their right-
Troules, Impyere, Blood -or money refund d. of the Township of McKillop,; will be held at Oraw. thhe, , either written or implied. Nothing
Sold ay all dea s in medicine. or bylmailon ;ord's Hotel, Dublin, on against ceremonies; they are 6� infinite ful- exchequers there would be money
enotigh tp pay au the state de')-� and all
recelpt of vrice, -,oc. per box, or Six boxes $2.50. MONDAY,MAY 27th, 1895 imoort4noe. NOthing.against sacraments;
the United States debt by do after toMor.
DR.1 L. A. -,-SMITH _& CO- To.r1ont . at 10 o'clock a ro., of which all persona interested thek are �Iivinely- comill.h.nded. Nothing
vill please take notice and gover� themselves aecord- against a rosiirj, if therebe as manyheart. row. peals will be received 1-uptil the 140 of Conversion amounts to n)thing und so
. Ingly Ap felt. Pr rs as beads counted. . Nothing e
..The .01d Estabtishe( The owners of all property that has chafiged against. i icense floating'; up from censer tbo,heart is converted, and. t ie pocketbook -
since Lhe assessment was nkade,, will please. e. amid Gothic arches, if, the prayers boas, is converted, and the cash wer Is notify the Clerk of such chanz con-
AROADFOOTs JOHN C. Mo4rsON, Olekk. genuine a; th ing verted, and the ledger.is nverted, and
e aroina is' -sweet. Notb the fireproof sa is co iverte and the" pi-
PlanT Mill and against E IlphAny or Lont or Ash: Wednes,
-iGood Friday or Whit�' - geOnholeconiaining hocor*spoudenc'eis
Township of Tuckershilth. conyorted, and his improvement is noticed
tide or .1 alm Sunday, if these symboh ash and- Door Fact0, I I - — *eyen by, the canary bitd tha J Bill ' ln�the
.4 haie behi III pheih genuine repentanco and r
As ence an V - s an consecra- after the meal, and ithe do that co es
The Court for the Revision of the 8iiessment,Ro tion. Bu - coraniony is only the sheath to This old and well-known establishment Is the Township of Tuckersml be held oun ing from! t e kennel o greet hinL
running at (till 41ask, and now has better facillt�es yle's Hotel, on the - �word it is only the shell to the kernel,
tb�n ev1 o t a good article for; a MONDAY, MA it is only^ Jhe'lainp to �the flai�e, it is o' A man lialf -converted, or qu or convert -
Sash and doors of all pattern Y 27th, 1895, nly ed, or, a thousandth part co-4�� � ed is not
Erioderate, VrLce. I * the body the spirit. The oiitward must I
was on hand or made to order. Lumber dressed an i,t 9 o'clock a.m.. of which'all per8onE interested "'!I converted at all. What lb the great be symbolical of the inward. Wash the W-lu I
short not0o and in any ay desired. , All kinds �of )ease take notice and go�prn themselves according. book in the day of judgm At Conscience.' lumber for sale on reasonable terms. SMagles k pt . Appeals will be received iintil th � 14th of 3ilay. hands bylAll -means, but, more than. all, he owners of all'ptoperty that has, Conscience recalling oonstantly on hand. 1�otimwfea for the furnJshi banged hands wa.§h the �cart. lsini&oved oppor-
ol bufldiniZs In, whole or in pa4t given on applicati( e the assessment was m�d e will. p easepotiff the tunities. Conscience recallin'
Behold, also, as you see Goverpollr ig Unfo
None but �IIO beat of material used and workwan. 'Merk of such change. on. sing. Conscfenee bringing Up � tb pas .
elilp guariateed. Patronage nolicited. A. G. Ski LLIB, tius Xilato thrust his hands into this as
Clerk. J. 11 BROADMOT, Seaforth 10429-4. basin the 'Dower of onscience. He.bad n Alas,,for this governor, Pollius Pilhtel
That night after the court d1adioarned
I'tit, 31-0
.. ......... . ........
I -Re
&nd Ute sanhedrists bad gone nome ant:
In6tlj Ing was heard outsfilo the room bi v
the stop of the sojatinel,'I sco'Pontius Ei
IaO � Lrise from his tapestried and sl�ople 5i
couc i and go'to-the lav6T and begin wasl his hands, orying:,"Out, out�, Cri son f pot V Tellcst tbou to me and to G c
.and to thonl1gJlt,4mycrh)1e? Is therew
alk I to reinoVe these dret6dt I t I 1 1? therd no chemlAtry to dissolvc�illri;acal!n Must I to the day of my deiith cariy tll(
blood of thisinn6cent man . -on in;.j heari
and hand? Out, thou crimson spot wo�.st thing a man cah have is an ot i "T, i 0 I
scl$nce and the best th Ing 'a man cai hw,,(
to what Paul,calls a gpod consciencel Sunlit Dim I eu�xtlon.
But is thexo no such, thin purl
fleation? If: a man' is a sinner onee,1 musl
be always be a sinner and an unfotglyoi
singer? We have all had conisicience aftei
uls., Or do you tell nio that all the Nvord.,
of 'Your life have been jilst right,. and aY
the thoughts of your heart have been jusl
right, allid all the ations of your life jusi
right? Then you do not know yoursblf,
an ta ze e responsibility of saying yor
are a Pliarisdo, you are a hypocrite, you ar'll
a- Pontius Pilate and do not know it. . You
commit the very same sin that Pilate com.
mitted. rYou have crucified, the Lord ol
Glory. But if nine -tenths of this audieneA
are made up of thoughtful and eariesi
people, then nine,tentlis of this audlencl:
are saying within tbemsolveB: "Is there nc
such thing as mor4l. purificatioiiF 1.4 ther(
no laver in which the soul, i�ay wash an4
be clean?" Yes, yes, yes. T�11 It in 9011g,
tell it in sermon, tell it in pr4yer, tell it tc
the hemispheres. That Is lwbat David
.cried out for when he Sa ME
thoroughly from xny sin, an Cle 0.
froin mine iniquitics.". An that I at
in another place be cried on for w; he
Will, " Wash me an d I shall whi r than
snow.." Bohold the laver (if the �oppel,
filled with living- fbuntains;. Did youlevei
see the Picture of 'the laver! i� the i rioient
tabornaelo or Jl�� the anciont.teniple I �The
laver'in the ancient taborna0lo ww iWide
out of the i women's, metallic Moking
glasses. It a great basin, stan� Ir g on
a beautiful pedestal, but when 6o. 30]L Pie
Was built then the laver was . ai - ny xr, ense
affair, called -the bra7,cu sea, and, o I, how
deep were the floods there gathered I T nd
there,vvere ten layers beside'"ve a the
right and five at the left -And ch laver
hall 300 gallans of water. And 1he of these, lavers was carved and c has(d With
palm trees so! delicate out you could i-hinost
see the leaves tremble and lions go x6c to
life that. you, could imagine yc n s tw the
nostril tlirob,�and the chorubim'with. out-
spread wings. That magnificent laver ol
the old dispensation is a feeble type of L the
more glorious laverof our disbausation-
our sl�nlit dispensation. A Grand Opportunity, Here is the lver h6ldl*Dg TIVOTS (if sal-
vation; bav ng for its pedestal the Bock of
Ages, earved with the f1guro of diplion of
Judah'sl tri be and having palin bralicher,
for vict(jry and Nvings suggestive )f the
soul's 11fght toward God in pryer a d the
soul's I i0T # -heavenward wa die.
Come, y at ditory, andwash a-tvayn I your
sinis, liciweFer aggravate(],.' and all your
sorrows,J d-onizing. Chinc to
this fou4tailn, bpen'for all shi nd ur clean-
ness, the. ftirthest, tlje worst. )�k need
ndt Carry your sins half a second. Come
aud wash In this glorious gospci laver.
Why! tht �is.an opportunity enough to
swallo,%Nr up� all nations. Tbt is n op-
portuiiit7 that will yet Atand on t Alps
and becl�on� to Italy,,and yet staild )n the
Pyrenco.)and. beckon to Spain, and it will
yet staDd oil the Ural and beckod to Rus.
sia, and lit, will stand at the gate of
and beckon to all nations. Pardon=
sin, andl pardon right away, throakh the
blood of I the Son of God. A little' child
that had been blind, but througWskillfu:1
surgery brought to Bight
mother, why didn't you te nie t �o erth
R.pd sky are so beautiful? Why di4xilt you
t611 me?" " Oli, " replied the motb&, "my
child, I did tell you often. I oftbil told
a how beautiful they are, but you were
ud,.and you uldu't see!" Oh, if we
co ild have our. eyes opened to �eo the
glories in Jesus.Chriit, we would feel tha
th i half bad not been told us, a�A you
11nVld go to some Christian man and say,
Vhy didn't you toil me beforel of the
glories in the Lord Jesus Christ?" aud
tbiLt friend would say, "I did tell ' but
you were blind and could not see, �Ioul:you
Wdre deaf and could not bear." ' I
.41story says that a great a 'y -to
cAOture ancient Jerus%lm and n his
ailmy got on tli� hills 6 t�iat t h o7y W the
�tts,Bwd the towers of Jerus*le , ey
e a :hout that made We earth t emble,
a4d tradition, whether true or f e, kays
pt fit so great wa -the'sbout,'ea � c fl'i,19
tLe air dropped ubd46r the at M1 I gerto
rous . sion. � Oh, if e could i ly , �t6b a
k"MpSe of the towert1i of tbAs 9 spoltem-
Pil13 illtID Ithleh you a*e all invi O ome
.1 WaSh, thetew'duld be
� ;a :s,o,n ub�llant
a0d wide resolnding, at o usalem
seen,- at Now Jerwaltim. taken, the hQ'san-
lihs of other yvorlds flying midatr would
fold their winks and drop into ou� closing
doxology I Against the disappoln�lng and
iusy�dlcient laver of Pilate's vice land Pi-
l4te's ..cowardice and Pilate's sin� I place
tbe., brazen sea of a SuNIonrls p4rdoning
Ne*J MexleoIs Climate.
Vor . Yhriety. 6i climate Lew M(-3 too leads
tlio-lother territories of the Union.' This is
part to her extent from�'north to
du , in
south, covering as it does seven degrees of
latitude.' Mare still is perhaps: due to dif-
fe�.euces in altitude, which, within her
boAiers, ranges from 4,000 to 4,QOO feetl
Conditions of aridity and rar tion and
highly electrical Conditions of � 0 atmos-
phere dependent upon altitud e 'increase
the divergity beyond the mere luestion of
cold and heat. In establishink !an arbor
day for the territory the legislafure at first
selected two days, one for then ern and
bhe other for the southern ha :of Now
Mexico, but -these proved insi fficieut to
nieet the conditions of climate t fill Imali-
ties. So the designation of the dT in cach
,ounty Is now left with the doijilty w,hool,
niporinten dent, who is supposed to Jax It
it the best -season for tree planting I his
let the cream bf Cod-liver:, 0h w h
1�ypophosphites, is f4r Coughs, IColds 18�re TQat, Gridinchitle, - W a e k Lungs Consumption,
I Loss of Fleshv
a a
Cro ing Childr mo
Poor others' My
Scrc4ulao Ansemia; in act, f Dr I all con0itions call- .-ing zt. 'quick and! effepti'e'
noui-ishment.. Sendfor Pain
.p'il Scott & Sown Belleville.. All Druggists. 60C. Ik 6i
31A Y I VT
Is What LandSurveyars, 11orn Bulls lit i
I Red, good w
terviii to suit the I
Dilioroughbred I
TooMbe old, uith �klayfiela road -RUT STON preserlption W. 4 his quo 4
U for Infilints, cas oria I he, sultalol alridge *Wwe� will 8 neither OpinMo, XorphlUe UOr 0 It "!T
0108 n War, 411 Wo is a harmless substitute ell otip Sobthl-na Syrupso, and Castor OIL rare...( orle; rty I yeaW use thi It S C W4rms sLud allays lastorid destroys Mnions Not#e -_yxPDRT&'1T
Pori prevent$ vomiting Sour Curdw iL order to Tieduce"
lumber. - we will �01
Castoxia relieves colle. es Diarrh Wind ----buyers from now 10011
%ouses Alled out at . llatule=3%; Constiption a0d at=, Denwooa, te Mlnw troub regwatew-� the stomack cancria assi a eg c food* ooK OR B -Al;
_OT hW of ttor oul
g bealtity an -1 naturitl aleevi- uefflers, a, herd of 22!
ea-th Xothees Firiend- bull& ll these Pau" fooa is ho,C Tiu*,g�iveim it requiv
essiam s. Hibbert, iS
CastO312L . Q Won JL U
t 26, conces
m3elileni CUtotik I a ant 1jent eAi�lne for chil -tCasWrijig�gowelladaptedtoechfldrMdm* too uorobred Durl.
o 't, ond -red in voit
dren. X�thfrshoi c-elirepeateIlly told me of Its recoipm-tend It assuperiortoiiinypreawtPUM same, HFJW)M'x to good effeO fx pan i aeft- labildrik known M A. AWES% DiLl G, 111.So. Oxford St., Brodklyul, M. M, 0USITO LET.
clilldre deput- 41 Cage A i s theibest rei4ei r e ldren of Our Physicians in the 1xied hy -L O� Itose.;
WrItich I M cquainted.,, I 4( po e is not meni hae spoken bighly of their axlliwi- hickg,' )Igmodvilli
hirh eface in their outside pkaxtice with CA"or14 iar dis wiennJot1jers wit cp�dftrthereial �h. ir c#Udrez4 out [ lis4 Cl &Orl In- and although we only bave among aw fnteregt "), OUSE. TO M
stead of :'i ariot s quackiioitta 3M Which am medical SuPPlies what Is, known las reguUr M d tt eir loved I oues, by I 3g opium, products,;ret4Wes" free to confew thatMo imad * vmtei
A Kod tapsir, morph1i 101]1ily p lad tMh hurtful merits of Cwwrls bus wofi us tO 100k VOM' i ne']!M g syrtip to $LAC LAMST
dolvp thei r throws, It4e y- sending favorupon ir." them to priBix Aturi) grv,wl UITICID HOSMAL AND ]k"ZMVy- Bostafte AUM, -I>TJLL FOR SAW
K IN CREvoic, jD -bwn bull, 12 -i
C)n,vay, Ark, ALLZX C. 6XrM, PrM, e.
t -or C4X�almr� OPM],anyt Now York CUT. The' 77 Munray s1kroet -_TLERS)w BULL1
-for serylp
i1boroughbried ie
tobich a unattea
Tema, st mt the -0
f returaing, It I
twelve nionths -old,
Highm,Bred,Sd! otchSobdilathorn's V-niae f S t I
r Z0. ra
Awab good
ON— \�E,QNESDAY,, MAY 15th, 18951 or Implame'atl
wolow-8 WAre-rix
irL At TN E=4 PAR*, Seafbirth, 0 n'tario', Canadat vidring - elsewbel
Wood)vingte ,canvi
ABOLUT,0NE MIL� 'FRO'M G. T. A. STATION. eye'llower. We a
to bell Ali kinds 41,
prices for f1ratiblao
The proorle4- -,'having sold h s fame, offer� for sale by auction his entire herd, consisting of one imi- or I )Ars old I one inported bull ci�lf, 11 me'rithe old - 13 Imported Lf le3; four home-bred -Soo �111 me-brod" female: i. The imported,4tock is principally of choice Ctulc4shank_ oreedling, Irom the celebrat d heeds of Win. Dutb.ie and W. S.'Marr, imported for breeding purpos6a.' by the proprie- tor - among thet i! are aqimals pred. by the � followiLog celebrated sires:-" St-ongbow Grsxesenid;� 100 'bone
A, P ning." The latter was VIM- pie+
t6ax Bonin," 1$tandatd Be&) er,, " Willia�n �f Orange." and 11 Pride - of 3for charnDlon at Aber Iten, �698, and . %t the Royal *If ghland, 1M. This off ere a rarP opportunity for obtaining 'first-class show or breeding stock. _HA
�ATALOIIUESJI 1M., ON APPLICATIO14. ,Tra'ins arrfv Be -8.80 &.xr., 1.10 p.m., 6.10 p. in., and 9.10 p In.; from the West --7.43 am., d f�om or'
pin), and 5.26 P ra. Alsoeta efrom Bruceflold, arriving at Seaforth 11 a. ra., wilts at Bruoisti&d for �4rrva of train fro O M.jdon ;d Clots south. SALS TO COUBLENC&A .30 P. in. 1428-3 D. D. WILSON, Seaforth, Ontario. FORSE
ramilb, a Q
41gri ad will idt
registered T
t1mef serviciew
cJTV4 0 r w ben be Bigned-b"I
op M d ban- 'Berkshire bear. Uh It e Ir X;. B gold en 'A Irawlelne C A thow
*0 best b�y Itself IC I V Internal p0n. JIMiWd number I
Vital ial %.4 of wum-r or milk (warm T con 4 vAth the pd-�
iliarvice on lot W
IETT & COO -7-1 tor vale. bot
-adhT. 0. zr
Iffm iD 9 P 1.01 LaMaed e, �ntire stock of the 6 rM Mullett & �Se C804, h,' b solicit the continu ed patronage ;y given, to t�e 6 d -firm, ndbyelose prices and strict Atteil- t 0 a$a
ne gll"trust ot nly tibn -buo to 0 to retsin our present, cus- tom rs, but to add ni6 ones also. Our itock of Shelf Hardwar Stoves., Tinware, HOU0111i time18 C*Mplet�, aud i3i, addition we hae added a line of TINWAP�*]F, at pri�lled. �evoe'r oiffered before. For in t snce_-�_ One 1 qu ut ish lPan�j two Pails, Paddin,- Dish, Di -pper
and Mattffii Pafe for FIFTY CEN1111110 Or one loove--ed Btead Pal:l, three Pails, Dipper, Pud 1 ding Dish, Skim-
imex, Du# PA -n and. Wash Basin, for ONE DOLLAR.
'We S, pay spe�ial atten, tion to FURNACE W JJX_ hall �aliio! C TR40t�NG, PVETROUGHINGf, ROOFN G, NE AN Gt AL JOBBING as befor'e, 3t iji�lzps Old
Star I S., & C 0 Seaforth.'
ITH. us
And jigst here, as. We .9 d'on_lpl��f 1895, we -wish to thank out numerous
pustouiers of 894. YMNITUREII-For 3'0 we have been studyingood, Varnisb, oil.
S�Ild U hol t r, a.-nd *ork ,s er Mabis P,as applied tof-arnituxe. It has tauht ux'
.how 9 buy ive bu: ),.c4eap an iell cheap—thaes all, �2'�DETRTAK I I here that hould be hee.
the exp�rience, the c The goods,
Ompe�enc3 with prices in your favor.
Al.-IN-U13ACTUR NG AND REPAIRING.—Here we make You some -
,thing n�w of i my desigil, or repair you somethin, g old without ny desig,n-,
ourl pocke b. G -4 -is a specialtywith us. You 1�now I I .1 our W -
manshil� and prices are b th rigilt. 04
ORI RTNON SON Wareroo mt—strong s Red
Blck, Main Street,
British A
I -Our rates 11
10'suit eveirA
.1ST CAPS fal
-for further W
IM Teain
cuution'. ��
21171111 ----
laigm Wfughaw,,1
ed a
eromith Up 14
� 14294
British A
I -Our rates 11
10'suit eveirA
.1ST CAPS fal
-for further W
IM Teain
cuution'. ��
21171111 ----
laigm Wfughaw,,1
ed a
eromith Up 14
� 14294