HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-05-10, Page 1t
matter how,
attv have to
k?o�r choice MOLEAN BROs., Publishez s.
0 Out, of out
ENTY-8 TH' FRIDAY9 MAY 10, 1895 $1.00 a Year in Advance.
e- tile price TW EVENTH YEAR' -SEAFOR
tbe. Want$ WHOLE NUMBER, 1,430.
it ln�v 1�e Or Mo rules, alld IS too iuzy 6r contrary to sustailaeq- fracture Of leg
to her; ne�v� of thib injury td the trade in dairy products younger nimrod
A few years after removing
iave couzTeci in, tyus t)ourgooia elysium is
to the smoking car. H from Canad4 which must, result from. a law - �-and several ribs,- biA afte#
e lim a lower home, Mrs. Munroe died, h9ving niade nbl 1'107 �one
slaw ill riddle, the sblvingof which is 90 h �' will. � suit �by thO department being entered bad been held it was -found thart,'e!viery
be mention, of the bank deposit in er PI.R-.e of
and makes a foot cushion of the Op
Good Z!he At�thor of d1uncle I Lomas" at MA beyOnd Mo. On reaching tbel�
Oh the floor Of the hou an old gentle- POSRO seat. One would tWnk that 10 is Looking over someold papers recently,�nem against a mprehant whose trade interests was in its place. t'b
Hon, a 1n Atla� ita. I fish 41' in
ecable. He is, bers of 'the household discovered the bank' were opreadrover forty or fifty la A it was evident at the,
rge cities, I spo
tA whiskers were
man.was speaking. H too indolent to be-disagr (Special Corrospon 011ple.) a not traveling. In the. morning he dent, course sympat
PE by with them over the ai6cident
IL fty Mnroe'si"pred -was fio let tfie niatter d
very *h1to, his face wag V )ry red and his WhE book. Wbatwas their stir rise to fincl that! arnof-the opiniouthat th ru
ATLANTA, May, O.—Joel. Chandler Har ts himself In frolat of one of th e Ke mammoth not with *their bait
hea�dmas bald, His hat,; which had what Plall 0 wa.8h the anioulif standing to Mrs op. Be RAROL� Qua Iris, Ji!., or "J. C.'.11 as he is called, has just bas4ng in th6 lavatory, extends his sharp it, instead of - being $55, was no lessil t�l theesia b ly achieved all that was —The other day Mr Reddle,of
a sppcar�d to be amass of i 3otes and refer- tpassed ls..elgbth birthday. He is a sturdy to cover the other two and $998.64, accumulated intereo h in w3vertising the dairying ler, -was in Clinton with &
on -upon the t I y on the bench elb
ws so as axi g in -1 eX cited rem i e;riean. gfey e
littl .01 nOt Unlike father in Many oes top Of It, I grown of the A
day before. He
quite (,lose to ldl�n- Near y all the mern- 'kee other people away. cretsed the principal to that amount. hey AS d C specimen
He puffs, blows nad& and the excellent and
Harris has alw yspromisod-his g hisnornin super. r - e, p:4 %uality of onr cheese." which he had shot, the
way .. I - , in that localit for
beri4 1� r th' e tring their hats, and! snorts while performin g willeeure it from the bank.
�'Woy, were W
big dinner
A person never lrearc ts son be could have. h4 first - ablutlons,l as If it were novel to him., —The death of th4e aged persong is rel —�AIT&itlI t e other dpy, while a flock claims that it has been
'from the
'o t. tb Is took not a littif away d that its mate is still
purchasi�g a good artic'6, I The se who have been crowded -0 KingstoiI Mrs. Richard �ta 4 shie� lee the past two an
on this birthday - 41so thathe w uld stay at bu w*s being driven along Col. yearF
you aw1V mak Ported from William I 'ro
it resp�cfttbillty )V the wh le' affair &oured 7.feet, 10 inches ai, 83
home and share it with �. im. At first rem ixks which sound something liko evesi. a reeb,'tbe ii"imals, when opposite Mr. G�b- there., It in
OVES their money's Worth' bas felt th it It WE 9 right for tilem to do soi ton, of Barriefield, aghd 78
w as thought only to I avql the small com- more speciall r they iore tall hats of: I'ho;." Then -up comes &drummer, with 73 ; and William Gr�rahft`m, Portsmouth, bard"� bolted into the open d -I the wings. fbIlio ?nng
been obtained- and 9 panliot�s of qur young 9iiiend but Mrs. tho enitnently Proper order. Ills Suspenders dragging on the, floor, his 83 years. VII they were being i3based out _Xrorn tile asscssOt's rell the gle faction lasts as long as es rolled back, and his shirtfrOut n 9- - —The o her day son of 'Mr. 11. - et ic g the door tliev sta
0 t tiotics about W
s k-ept adding t!o her Ist and (10old d P jhi !gayirL, � inst ad of takin fligbaul' are w, iea
slecV tT� . , -
Whab tb6 o. di gentleman, -wag talking c , as if he into I W_ 700 ; personal property,
oods an in use. Quality to.giV6 a luncheon to the I gown up �Olks uded to got into the basin of Orillia, wa, ba ng,with a dog,'whon the j,amped through the big Plate glass Winao I Income, $4,
d at I arid h 5 a: d in and bit the lad on the siLt
about.: couldn t.:at first tell, b6oausb of his ' 79 4Z8 makil 9
a children's pare later, afid Uke a bath. He places his brus e I anim I turne n erfumery and toilet articles in 050 ; real property, $,4
is'the esse4itial -part, al iveiry. He had the high A 000
ratber pecullag d 61 tote, of %555,458, an Increase 4
i . re
Tho 1�1arrls home is 8� taiated at -West ve
FS i t is d "I glish method
c ir bs and a flask of whisky upon the of 1894. Thre -vere
slab, eye, bursting it an totally destroying the i pments of- stock from the ortl - over th
vith us, when -buying, End, Atlanta's si�biurb, d might be toned', a- of produe- 'con sight. e assesemel. L it
Ing IA voi tf t-mothod which snobbish and as s as the fat man wabbles hesh year. 45 birth -own last
t L Inijtafe� little slid-
fl,rst considered. You + called a country home'in.the city. There tie drummer taies possession. But, as he -_k' man i' Lmdsgy received damages west e I -egun earlier than usual this sand 2% deaths i the t
Ameri ils ry t with n According to the assessor's fil ures
a piarchIse We acres and.acres of ground, all laid off, I largo enough to 311011OP against the Bell Telephone Cqm�any for.. om Aen days ago Messrs. �Gordon and
ever regret t corporeally
cess, b ev". In c are -1,64;- dogs in the -town.
in terr* ws, flower -beds, trees of all descrip- he 3 the other basins, soI of the other $6QO, for injuries received by epillI -on-L -on (f,Deloraine, Manitoba, shipped
,ou neeti, r ade at our establi o aid rel)ost with variations )ley,
—Dan McDonald (councillor), of Ri,
!gtiabl garndem Mr� p isi �engers have a chance, or. would, did tact -With a live wire carele 4trung on the ve ain 14 a a of ogs, etc., by the. Canad
tions and a flue. v( then he would asly
oat M two or three nes -; and ion against. Huron t)WII- -
for ort, and more for has entereait. act
price. 7— Harris. as never got O� r 3hs fo dnes n A theasual woman with a patent smile stre, r ' ific Railwa or exp ty an
for $1,000 dmal
the country and willnot pi r rm:kbl� on thr u It. a loreg, long' -sentence ew-i§ Irothers o., who have reeent� ges, for the inj iriE s re-
t with an inch is e
lent in Hgh Grade Goo;ds :sOladqnWIth i ilifying, clauses thatwben id pelichant f�r intruding put in an ap Toronto on Saturday, bi k y his wife in iall"Ing On the sidealk.
of his ground, nor'does he ike -to do away y eclarge pork packing establishment ceived by
that he p m1ance Instead of remaining at the adva4eed from 17 to 20 cents a gll )n
ive I on erW
Ott to' the en� of it you, found last winter. Dan clablis that a L mmb
'he !rolas
he 9* orle t
Ices to. tit an', Lbw Grade Pricc S with any of! the trees. %t present, the L,vatory loVld�d for her sex and taking her Canadlaugoods, andl5eents on impo; t
d as to dang
home Is W10 ;:the gre bad said, or rat h 3r asserted, nothing Aft pr d and the council was notifii
like ring itself en tur, as a lad '011 d, she presumes -qpon' An- advance of half a cent per pound as e en do wment fund for the age
SP study and da�ro, I , .1 walk� but, hey failed to
er awh Oil close dition of the
il rut mird sters of the Presbvterian church con
a; d sb Tlubbery, ba uyf.air.-,- and 'the Us dcli rately to' that place beenmade on sugar all around. hsh to-do
1 lo0es. nounce, bor 3ex and )f ada 1has now rea ed iceremoved. The case
foulIld t his icanibg was
There is no question about the' i ,
thoosands of'jbirds that 1111 i &m bough to pro �ided for the men She knows:tbat the —Wm. Sexton, ex6M.P.P., died,ai an ch' the siI of have tbe.suow and
the 1principle of bimetallism, but he bad tried at Goderich at the fall as.- am.
560! y
qualiy, a e or low'prices of bough. he ma, ority of men do not knovIi the: differ- residence in Hamilton, on Thirad it receqtl" received from, the will be
any atide. sach"a may of 4 1' lalifying the assert -Ions ight, of eI borne, a legi Mr. Win. Dixon, of Brucefield., met
Mr. Joel Chandler Harr 6 isa shy man, puriesy, and ing of last week, oged 77. Oil* f last enc 3 between iniPositn and c wa
the best known nien: in the county, andq w a -from the liday,
would make t1 ii It In reality he wasn't de- late with a. painful Ocident on Mo,
i as the. world knows. Wh m the Intorna- other of $3,000
only saying. thil s proves that sb 3 is unworthyl of the ing his daughter Mrs T.
noupoing It ai 8111. 1 1 He: was i _&�h a Cameron. When the endow- week, while visit
tional Leaguq of Clubs met in Atlanta, a staunch temperance advoeate.
nothing in a c( u Aeons way. latter. ter W hile . Cleaning his
OL t;ie1J,*** t Ireiii h 6 he sum-. of $180,000, -Sir 'R. Suell-t at e AID orse
ii"s Undierwean u their colle i�romisedtoadd $20,000, horset-hehaltei
�'00 ts "y ofhe delegates had a, great curiosity Th so types of travelers are flo id on ev- —The Mendelf4ohn choir, of lion
The gentloix en ar6und him, who wer r shank broke nd the
sep. Mr. Raftis. � But they ory trail L and In every sleeper. one Is as Quebec, have presented
cition Of onald Sir, i bw
to meet and rowing Mr� I rixon
eech in varioifs postures erT I
listening to IIIE P �made a bolt for 11bert
yot6ne.-conven- 200 splendid works,(I with the tbe1ory, lie round $9200 000.
11sappointed' s they be- &king ip an
Men's n a ggaLn all Sizes, $1 cameaway of dignified' et e, would Occasionally ro. nui neroi is as the other. Perhiap in e, a.L befor he -coil! d rew
I tion Pid ho. attendi and feW Were the peo- e At Is necessary to be disagreeable art, history, etc., of music, to MeGill'suf w —A,. o ng Englishman nam L wn
he horse retuned, And St' pPed
what excuse o pal path library�
all si, es, W and " Ow -ow I ain his feet t
suit ; Men'f F en.ch Ralbrigga nlark,,'-'Hear, I iver in Canada about 25 g
31.50 and s. 1, per suitt; Men's National AV, D evert on -is
0 'hw -nd carno upon �Ibim u*awarQs. —Jarnes icTaggart, of Thorol, shot ear o dieclat the General hospital,
ple introduced., goveral 04! them went to arrived
f Now and t1 ny how 0 of them while tr%yeling. But r - Peter Red on h -side, frae two rib
rt e per his office*, a qnd go out -when the old lial ion an b,e offered f6r the woman who 3rd,, M re, Leonard
th' Intro- Balbri ggan, %1 siz s, suit. 'i , would get ay, and was buried in —On April 2
They inrodiIaced ornsolv alv; as , wants f'JoWer sleeI I Every himself in the bead there last, Suoday after-.. 'Toronto,: t 1 other d
w gentleman's of putting It began -to Having no relativei of Manvers, Durham county, entered into
6' ox
-,IeaV �St. James' emetery.
duced and were kindly invii ted.too down. tra; rieler has- met her—very often. The first noon, , killing himself., Deceased �es 4 siad
pall too heavily 3ut he �took no notice (if George's 8 ' t rQ. rest, after a e vi need
)on be coach and %I
a six. grown.up childien. It is in'tbe coui L , the St. ocie
"Just, have chair. I'll tict %i: ij slie does, after entering a
on A4L I d along se- I eceased ww � the-
a �Ion, but ramble 'in age of nearly 90 years. D
& this inapprecial ed he was temporari insalie.. videa. the grave, and the Young ten's
through, said 'Mr. Aldrils. I g h n some on B sets.
ren ey -the situ- L�Canada took from European �e6un rie� osodation V Of Mrs.
i. Hosie'ry- Thov*sIt6rao- ely, saying nothing either in general tIII or bundles o e else's suppos ly 3ok charge of the mother John Downing, of B
number 101
vitatiol, Tin ke paI , Mr. ury
;.A copted the in* - Sea is t6 I ook around and s ' Christ beer� b1fnd. for the pR,8 t five
e s. haxe boer-, or particular ul �971 the principle of bimetal ),031,gall�ns braody, ftinerO�u,kiow friends,whose acquaintance The old ladyhid
15c or 2 for 2I5c Harris continued. writInC. The visitor Tf E he , sees a man occup hig aower in 1894 no less than 194
Black Cot-tCn, fast colors, lism. leiiII his arrival, attended the years Mr. Meyers dieq about five Vears
5 son of Xr'_ nained Mr. JUrris kept v41 cluty Of b1V hellad ma.,
Tan cotton, fast olors, 25c tied �t $303,386, yielding go
Black, 6sh- stll1r:or seated, and g4e is miserable even if she herself �ghe funeral took Pate ion Thur aday,
th audience, of rather .1
90 '&Ill a! funeral and Actedi is pall -bearers.
and 50c Llama Wool, 35c Lp'le on with his pon sorato'hing secrilip notle S400i000. M gin, 428,4 r,
took gly for- gallons,
i one. But if sh
ruesday aftiar- tnere, 25 the SPcctaVt402tIIO:ed 'what was being baf e has not one that man's tinual low last week.
-nec of -h' s digtifiguished : ver —�;n consequ.. ce of the con
ductoi, Porter 1$157,151,. the duty on which iwas 0 * of
tl�read, 0c. getful of tlic pkesL said with close lattcr�I -Evidently they do4 III is scittled. Neither con f child ot Mr. Isaae Be7
price!Of grain in anitoba and th N' th —A younj
or guests—:801tietimei there Wiere two $900,00(h
est --the mitu!hlmself would have peace un- rli hile play-
ky attended' — 911 or It nivy JIG & t 4 Clinton, a
saw ch nor X did t,� resulting n 'y � r1aliz Lged about four y"rs,,w.
xe alreadv orthreeI til she, go't"that sleep I 'nevor had a —The other night; in Paris,Harold JoneE Wes iug about the b -W Aneiclay, 'havl a feeling of awe waI upon, or. 8 farmers, theWat- ouse on . v
a ha �Tue th on of irs.- Ste upon their claimi again tr
itce.—Mr. When patie In'' doa to �bo a virtue. r but onceI least that I was 7 Years of age, * youngest s in
ce Va ii loi rer sl of a ottle of linime
greatly respect the kanufacturit g Comyany, of Ayr, have wei
them, for En , hinon h so son ak, got hold
eStraw Hat$. and an intuition told -the ilinger to wait e to. k after the train ptilled out— art Jones,, -while *in -company with rt -of the -ph par -
9 machinery thereof 5b 11 which laudauuni was: pa
govornrr the accidentally drowneaby concluded to go i ato vo untary - liquidation
S 1 turclay hesitancy that I schoolmates, -was I�n::: 'few
oil a n no ilonger, then d1d lie mak a m It' with some the u Ill. und an a.
a � running comment in a an e ation, a
also they t ITt. t7pon th drank the content
Iatt�mg of a boat, near Perlm"'s t, e directi)n the cou
w the ord.0, 0�. d I or ticket on ips, 1. the poison an to
As usual, we show the latest a apes axe YOU going?" asked Mr. arr a second occa- te the win
turned round to look at M:ePtOd 11, ding -up order moments the effects of
OV r low whisper. cc mpany a styles in fine Straw hats:; Children B' up,surprisod. "Come, Sir see 1 �i me —The grand jury at the Toronto asims ion
0 Us m67gatn! lba,'itltheu the kind agent assured i npt me I
They were all N�ell s
Youthe and Men's. Our prices are low I r Am sorry I,ain �o busy to ay. And so and study th Mi tbat the co was not likely to be ovier- returned a true bill against Arthur A. Wicki a en ranted, Hugh McCulloch, Esq., show themselves, but proi
dressed e main they were Engli h
B�d. 1ZIn t charged wihi, the murder of his wife� by sr., of. p1t, being appointed provisional sistente saved the child's life.
0 the visitor left not to rio) Do not hesitate about c n*9 ngil ed. . I oti —On Wednesday mornm
good q4ah tiot different Parts of ced a lone woman in the
in and looking.through the stock. jh9r. Harris, wbre his Su dai clothes to. 'me 19 0 Setting the house in Which he rbsidecl OLa liq
those country Who ha I come to London -to sfay 0 P, ID) OSIte 10 or" looI around as if sh Yrida,5 morning anentire grain Mrs. Wilkie wife of lir. J. e, wof
o office- Tuesday, so ther would be no. hafilost soijaething. Finally the porter fire. y auddefily. She had been
but a sl ort whi.e. The members of parlia- St. Law- Clinton, died NrE
do one, td;l- )reigr# whiskeyi prin Scotch fleeV on it a way 4owu the river
T� A. Robert, time lost In'dressing when be cal*e back ted the constituencies caine to me'with: "Boss, I dean' 11he-to ich had not been
ment w [i repr Ison Pne-eiWli American), came into renc1e was detained below Prescott by the in her usual health, whi
at �12:30. He did not got o Is bAS cus- 0 li4comfort you,"but dat ar leddy woul(Fike (About c y good for some years, up to the r-
Ird. This Vwi to whid ]i they b ilonged bad procured them
tw up
Clothin telI hev dis -,:yer berth. Oh, yes, sah, she Canada ast year to the extent of 217'$089 low : I atex at the Gallop rapids. The water er of the day previous, and had be,
Ws Hot 'mVV athr 9. tickets of adu Ission into the stralage'rs gallons. 'valued at $287,930, P%ing duty was isaid- I o be lower than it has been in noon
—je$t opposite—but she defers to hour
ho I one twenby y,.ars, Okla - prior *o the at
-Mr. Albert!"r gallery. vould of $461,816, equal to $1.60 gar gal on. A a strong - east wind bad and around for an
Cc to . I yon v never 3poke
We c bi ange, of fancy Cov�Lts :EtS ba ) dis o
arry a � ig r gentleman sat down 4n- nb, believin dat -she. fell suddenly and
ceremonV After thooh —The Canadian Rubber Company is get- the effect of lowering 'the water a foot and when
nderson B. and suits for hot weatheri in all clisse pf as also florid of face, , ob.cege a led canal at that point, making afterwards. She wasa resident of C inwri
other member bo w ting rea dy
a shipment of',30,000 airs of h If, in the
ound, mentally measurdd the
goods but inuch yom igor, got lip, took off his
of abotit eight�- . �verything new �nd desirable .411 looked 81 oboes for A so -been aa�g ion �impossible until there was a since 1866.
be found in our pr6sent stock of i(eason�Sble� ustralia. Orders have sE n
andsaw at shohadequallyas good abain, of Hifflett, wh4 has
-very charm r at arid politel r intimated to the speaker ca from that country r- many thous- chapg of wind. A -large �amouut of this —Mrs. - Far
berth arid !could not imagine why Bb receive(
a g
4')l crea, h- that the honorable member for—I forget vs.&, cbrisigned tablo
Come -SI: to and fee of hose and belting. i Tuesday morningJais
gelectioris. ne entire stock was bi moiI galietly
In C4 an e. ntreal. been very ill for. seeral t weiIiIi-,,
Your judicious approval. idn't know quite W abed 'to ange, unles It was from the - passed away on
.-e, The briqez, the name of th) placo—d —Th Bellevilleityp6lined have grarlited Qfieell'� Univer efforts W
fo ce, of haab In troubling men to satisfy most
u 3
of the bride. ------- as much cone riling,thei 6 ct he was *iuu T, i the Sun newspaper on condition tic U ok iplace on' the Ist, illat., and -was a6 Although the
dee�pet b y her attending phy lelaub
e. en- h( 7 Whims. e of L. L. D. been Put forth
vwn, of a as he ffilghth4vo umn and a -halfp:uff bri iant function.' The degre
talking of thot th y publish a eel
We are Leaders in 0 Lin tide of ease, -
r supported 1by �Mio precocious child is another type. it nf&red upon Mr. Samuel Jones Way, to StaY if Possible the
tally I agreed v5 Ith him. In a g neral ay
presents Were ..... .. he sailed into. the old. geu'tlel but be is,, ilko'FIglro, "here, tjiian and every- of the tyinone-hundred0d fifty news- wEu e( no avfLil. - Her death is III
papers n- Canadn. 1�Liea6llant�Governor and Chief Justice of they were of
he esteew. at w: �ere,,' I mal in& Ufa miserable for -all the Atis r oll Theall, ed all the more sad. by -the fact that only a
was 130 courtoo as and SOTO lit it tl �ts —Ch IST C the deF th of
ra Ford, accused of* murdering �Sottli raH&,;; Mr. Go e ''0 -shorttimehas elapsed: since
t eiE a qaill ig ilI and encouraged .,by Its pare
g Frank estwood, was on kturday night j)f Cape owni South, ca, a native of
ire field bv.tb you felt that It wasn't much o PC
re i Wh, believe t is the only child on earth,' Un Mr. R. V. Rogers
The supper, Jackson G ly in after all. i found 0 at the Toron- We, r C., Mr. Farnham.
t uilty by the jury, Buttn and Fred Boyf-
aid it.is—ot its caliber. man'L —Mesrs. Jesse
and the ta6les i0ZL CHANDLZR IS. 3D U5. �S�ARRIS. My sympAthles went �ut to the poor to celm naf assizeii The �, erdiet was,re- I Kings dn ;'and Mr. G Christian Hoff
The cryino babe—but here I draw the ferd of Wingbarn have purchased frOnl
kt of delicaotesi rode to the ipeaker when I reflected u on the fact tl at ceived with loud cheers 1by- a crowded ',Oti he Governor-General was pre-
ONT. nt of the house, Jut P
"SEAFORTH, tom, in fro In.. J. M. SCANLAND. r4 Mr.D. L. Taylor of ],ondon, the pai entee,
�iee to. Every- by a side' he didn't- have the privilege of lgettillg JUP 0 court. enb, and ald Med the students.
end of 'the - blo,* - afid 'car io in Kit of the Mail and Empire, is writing right to make, and sell the cdebrs-
time untilthe. gate. Mrs. Harr A bad well played.ber part and golng,out c the eloquence of i �Is —The Bratford factory f the Consuna-,
ibitin K and
ussIng ted Taylor " me chants' �exh
ho'cruests had ar- brother Inns became too try- en leased by a fro New ork at presont. In disc r
went so, and most of the guests - hanientar Canada. er.'s,'Coj age Company has be ing racks. Their territory amsis
I the of ho�tc There he sat listening, his head and company consfEtilag of INT. K. th 'fashion
411 ishiny Is. ing. partnex ship i she says There are no old displa(
]L*T.MI 0 rived. - All 9 ith 370 �aettlers entered the Al-, hair Of the couill
0. F 71 _=J were askin' for Mr. Harr W� m( y, of Quebec ; M. Co: molly, of Mo- We en in- is grey �ies of Huron, Bruce itud, rey,
not to come shoulders covered with along flowing � g. Last �ewYork. There '
"It would be just like him be rta distri CouriI . white h Columbia, ard the
his fame as an expression of w ry ohn Connor, St. Job ii New' Bruns- to 1 be , sul 6, but then, hair is as ana Manitoba, Britis o ise- know him so well,' ed a gen- Upon An O.N dd farmer has realized $806 for, tre4l.; Northwest Territories. They have
fasllionabV any other shade, and it is so
wick, and!P. L. Connor, of 1 rantfor&
in. He locI as tir( -911 surprise to me he ever Pa A of the world
tleman. res of land.
plea grow on seven,ac be. -waIved,i apii L �.Scusfiioned I and rimped, and cured the right to ln&nufacture
Ito vanities as ibe keeper of a theater b &I -�-Fifty male bicyclists aro to ear III in
consented to be pr9seAt.." �_HEimflt% livery men want the bic app to be madend Sol " the Dominion. -
'STORE ycles 4, on rel a nobby liltle bonnet set atop
I'W he cot Idn't'very iwell get out of ofI 'In the estibule of the house a 11pe fore the police magistrate Brantifor the
seil Ot ! 1, y injure the livery trade. I So big , with sleeves The following allotmejits of mil ii0ters
ian told ipe ta e 1: as 10 pavements and of itj afid gtandma is
It, laughed the� charge of riding on West DIstriet wer-e made at the recent
e Irorninen 8mart capes, and flying in
s:been looking H dro pIng policen I�geri icI is look rig towards the forma -
It t1te resideaeeot, Harris. He'
PrDmising J. C! so the E an e long, &4'he believes that lie gets a, e �Aary of 45,000 a year. !It sidowalks. They inclid t, resi artiskirtsivit
ica Anaso
'VellIng, rece, n of a Ru ne, ety. dents and business men, anq a numb conference of I
ARE YOTJ� LOOK INCT '�B Et- dren. If is too little.f(r,the job, I think. 418 pit an er have I follow me, lads," that she has forgotten yuga, -. �il freh, P. E. H. G.
e. The refriash- 1pp in J looping his word with e chil t at le ist double th The n.. e. shoppers have fat in dins at all. She -is aizaire South C4
GAINS IF SQ7, yo a win excuse Ime, I'll go. and seef; if his should ge earn been summoned.. how to be
I. frequerI an(I rid al pearanc + ar hi re- old doll ; g;'Luntastic phantasm." W er and. j. umbach, New Hair burg
After awhile i inothir member Ot Rev, Herbert G *11erl M. A.;! has a Drager, togethet HE BE, LO IS A car is coming." got ate her incorpora- . P. of the orand1runk 1. If. -Schwalm, Worth Hasthope F -Meyer,
The. car hM come from town and gope began to explai a to the rest what a Chat will celebr Si d his position as �priri pal of Huron —The management
erg were unspar. ti n as a dt on -July Ist. I ; the Tavistck ; I.- M. M er Stra,
FLB OF P�LJCES e servant told Mrs. Hari fully bad thing it wotild be forhe Bug price College, London. ItJ , pr- le that Mr. 9ilway, W � h a view of estabhshln�
ds making those b again, so th —Hami. a bakers have raised the urn to t, e, e4i �ivet service Of Ir6posed N 'onal.8anitaritim for consunip- Wagner and J. StaebI e o r
Lnd at homeI She walke 0 som bread f: 8 to IQ. cents a loaf. d win generously agree
n thl- t were aid pted. He said. -' e rather b ip in M 0 the- church of England ;I , ad, tives, has III,
rl d oil nfng room, working classeh'if the bimetallic stan"ra 01 Miller will ret d to- fiie free auf%.,Wjdd1eton ; H. Dierlarrimp.
the truant e V.
it& work. for the- AT THE Nli and there o a vor=da"-�t _E to nsbi uskoka aind I arry elect- Becker, Alaitland:
it leeway. things' about i be way that the we lea+e for the old count in i uly. transportation to a point that way 8
be niamber "Why Mr. Harris, ion a n 'red poor ashwooc , J A-8
.no C W, d e owing neW post- L IL Devitt Aldboro.
'ring. tho -m t of
ill ve a cheese factory this ri
u been statesI Ame1ca bad tr1ed to flood �Sbun --�-The foll )ffieps :eure ei- !ed alcing-their Briefer one'llund Zu ich E. Eby, D
1bur el keeper -STO -fo host to
yhot MICE CASH r -A be? How long have yo atients,&u,d to give special rates to allother Crediton.
tablihed in Ontario arin
ir right away It' Money market of the world with oil ror - al "ie � 111, rasica,
arh latively Of it t —The, rary f ce anty C Arlyon, !gatients. AdditionaL valudble
rrespondent being hirl andcomointothOP thelateRev. J. W. 9 concessions —At her home At and he summed . up deproc la Apiil -. Audley, Onts �o elovedife OU Mr. u inhullo
d h.ndkereld4ft sli e said 6 -him. Aimis, M. of London, has been sold at 'given that make the proposition Aary, li.
raper co"try In geni ral, but he did It in sue 1 a Simooe - Hardwood e, *nI Long- ave been
�eedy recovery i:i of pins, lo fiinvy bordere on ar&ys
can isizes, le dm,,et�-;--etnbro�4ery O, Lord no angw d be. "I'm not Ink Railway a clver theiriver-of
f Ki�ljurn, a C -, agate buttona, &I usual P&r1larn6utaryway. Vothwell ; Man i Aluskicka ad 'of the Grno Tru: ve. t liberal crease
t md 15
d de. politewiy—th4 bank V, a,
Valericiennes lace, Yljl g9ing in there, They'll ink I'm —,A big lizard and a four -inch flih came IV on, bias April o)-th,- aged. , 70 yomrs, 6
South Htlrou,wws silk, !a a skeln,, I losing.. �one, -:Senator
enjoying this ihat I.couldilt take offense.. Sound; Whittle Sanford, of
t�ined down- town. I'm of- days. The di-,miaea with her huab ad,'Ye.
NTS. n who was tl roll h the nozzle of the Windsor fire hose, Pallry
2 GE
�lasing e.'rgs— 1 turned to a policems At d _�_Alr. C. 0. Claris, of arni% - died the !also communi6ated. with the promoters,
pins,crimped and -It give me up e. ol e., In garil-
sby ribbon., 2eyard ; bair I gw� ae nc!w and the boys c to
B ttle lei- Ing close by an d asked him wh6 hew as. other day, in his 80th:: ear. i: The surviv f of 160 acres 01 ce"10n
i3, also on the roac al t] Ter day, aliv ing Iering to, give a arm sided in Grey townshiO, lot 30, e
moving in
bMo x -, t 6 In ng braid, 2e 3 ard spooi of -thm d 1-96's (Hi i Was. Watching two or larce 11 —There are sixty-one -children ing to triske a .14, for,abolit teu yeitre, re
me!, In an igper he* told me that be e, members of his familir! are His As, bter, �toba should it be foufid desirable
at ei of m arl Silcox, wife of
children's hose, 2C. i man county) Nebraska, *be they
rg c 0 X, 1 Ocat
01 Itin the t, ken care of at -present in the Girls' I Sher
ther fanco, lol�i VT ReV41 E. A V ion in t 'at province.
'Somebad—I couldn't quite ca;ch, M have reside
_u�mplre. NO) it -not going to was Sir d ince. The a ect -thip
Stir from Who. He Wk d a great: deal -about 1e I amilton. Paris, and his two soni, Re
_w e C I ire,,,
and ave been working notice was bom In Newcastle, St
-Xo 5 silk an I satin riVbon, 3e yard 1 trill, Sc;. - said 'I'd be home for lunch, —Three ale tramps h JL,. Lo4don, and Mr. John A. Claris, Si on Notes. Sh 10ST"
kerchiefs, go ; brass- pins, 130 , n. and workingman, Ad this sir, and ro ic people at Galt. -Each car- C. England on October 5th, 1-82C
o philaut �Mr ne iter to
bordered hand that.diiO n't mean. I Was to sit dow the e: �Lawrence ouser
nith. tis"bose, Be; fringed wfiton- Im 1I Ifts that would accrue to him by th-elov t nan late in141kman f Exeter, 4one and
ud, Ulk to 4 -the past hold ili loy
y Machine Tool - ' . I
=ling, go'; childre 6 lot of- pe Dple. a 110 r n ter arms. r aring, a husband, two
nee to the monomet dralkightsman of the I iond
towelai Be pair S. wave -of isrumplat'a WWII, t�rahr i is ambitious to have a carpet tqtial rounds ing memory her ife.
lialn Caruochali. of. dead or anything, btiI 14h any, has gone to, Boo on to cc gin has bequ going his- t
to boom cc py in, a bandage. He ac- —An adjourned meeting
1E NT8- A there. standard Re 13oked like a retired brel ror son foot of the West Hu -
rig etory, a d a movemen H e won th Silver week Nj ith hi's head
44 and—"I'm bot 901 Situation. held in the,
of two of his .-the h ad attai acid to the possession o a im ant
i y&rA ; fine Swj@8 ard calftbrle� who :h maty wire nail pro- ron License-Commisisiouer-S Was
11s. Mr. Green, of Bleaiched co n, R uyielded! to her pe Is. asions-:-and a concern to the extent of $3pOOO. 1 triLwing aid nt Ill ran against 8; 1
me al of Ontario for 'mechanica linton, ri Wednesday,
fine SWiss and Cjimbrie insartion,ii d assisted in good manner &I ter a long process of 'eu ti- of Tilsonburiii above him, which en- inspector's office, C
embroderie into, tho' haft Mr. J. G., Bottomleyj tru1din 7rom. P;
heavy fac his
months� old bull, cetton, 4e; illfantio bibs, 4d'; fOI, h Speech 0. E. tw6 years ago.
4e; 4c yard ring- eel quit( c omplime , to. tell the #uth,. trotting horses to Mr forehead, causing a very 'Painful last week. The license of MdTfins hotel,
w, of rchkds, AC ; towelling, making every one- s sold his _�-The bronze staItte Of 80 John I laodpn- terpead Is
colo I . I Was themoAt logical anddonvincingone of M.artitis hotel- SaItf6rd,were
'al. These are eael, ed cotton toWe 9, 46 each. and w4f very glad indeed it) see -them. what be 1! re ner,- of London. ald which 's to surniount the men orial to wokind, Goderich, and 9
good p 5 GE NTS. e Is- listiLrally a long the whole -lot. � I don't say that —On May let Archbishop Fabre cele- I I I Su-, Joseph Finkbiner, an esteemed transferred to the new tenants. A OfOr
h - I entreal,
fairly Tie lHarris tabl A anniversary of his be �rectedn Dominioq Square, 11 a t -'O 1111-r.,
6c pair ; b are five- child. -e rated the twen aecon position on Saturday after- re lotel,
ild est brass pins' a, but it had gaid came within a mile of- the cause of the derit of -Criiditen,has gone to his reward. and also a new license wea -grante
-out, except Oue, one.! Theric i ed
Stockinet dr ave sheldp, lie that at present exists In wai placed in lintor * L
L—Mr, Herber U I papers, . ge who leased Mason's I
Be ; chiffon embroidered ed twlc( �. the lepgth to flmancial troub hop of Montreal. of Be
na" "; been extended WM04 Insecratiod as had been suffering for some time Waly'
ey garter el tic, noon. The figure lit, D er,
=ion Mag9Z nes, h d When the world—far from � it—but 1�is ww r of sto r. framm nmiller, ape xed be
rhaii be; fan e the 9'nesto-Juvite —Mrs. Robert es, Canifton road, near is t*elve feet iw heig 1wi I and was re- er
two fine Du bono, accomin odat talkthg round d at the thing -was rather an4 weighs three thou and eight hundred h 6hrofife fnach trou,
ivory WaShiDg bu ard 8thve-pipe hole in Thursday, 25th ult., tpre the Lissioners,;,a
Cotton cb] d kerchiefs, 1 inoW 6d all he e(
)I it -�Ir- Harris eville, steppe to I 4eath on
0 Z01 m.oriths Old, t" g tete hand the guests were Seat. erl all CA hem art He Fat nea a- ing on onds. A wife 'and licensebegrantiod to B but,
)Iors, -prints, ligbt, dirk, neck as Ind forcof 11. the floor of her well Sunday, and POT and 9 months.
9 Broadfooi, bw 0 glsj k toelling. obir.ting 'on oting to say. Alexander Wilkie, the 'I ential aged 8 Y
bern, 5. as the house has &three months C(nyse,
gToy and bloc all at 5o yard ; union dress goode, Oc bad g C t inj 'the' I n6ticed thai all these g',entlemeii stcored t le below the knee. Mat ai� left, to mourn his the
bulls tbiw spHrlI t vent4rinig liroke her righ VV. D le�rs & fat A
w 4th lk. satin AD ItiL� aay tllegroaittruthtlia� I&- cle�k of tbe,firm of*1 ruing, April 28
wide W d moire ribbons At 6c a' Mons 3, PO a Ition. '—Duriugt 1894,.102. prisoners were cow- th, after a
an oronto, 'was 0onvicte `of1hav-. �Sunday ino matter was left; in v�qdit g -took
on ing, bo yard ; infants' bibs, 5c ; triril- - smallesi sbare to thd conve] )fripany, of T
d dressl A, of others, or. arid labor I Joue has the �.ower to )ro niitted the Walkerton jail. The total C( severe illnew, Wellington Oliver _4 quiet but veii, Pratt
the thir mill aces (bi tterpolors). be yard children"i cot- e Be 3med to enjoy the money f -om. his I n reek, at
rria and ly th'ey ream ned tiog� was ingernbezzled large Sums of 3119, . t
t on, be yxid; qvife�y lace, Wealth. Practical IqLeiboro, departed this life. He was on'WedAmday eve
". t frilung, 4 001 at of maintenance of the institu place
Manitoba. The ose, 5c, par brilt not D1100 did'he comme Con what they 0 em I, and has been senteficed to Sery . e of E ieter, it
I in! the Standpoint that mo#ey itsel 'of plot h Ifts. Vosper,
pim, all sizes, 6e zen- - - I ;: t years old. A post-morte-M
as the silvery n peni- on b0tit
IIS L old. Thev wen With �Im, -it ;2,034. � : t the residenceof
-were �sw ring. th a t 0 r in augh-
the w he,
n kind or other, ha e power to. : _The Watfor& and Zion Congregational, t tiary f five years ill the Kingst -out the the marriage ot her
,ces werevery sat - 9 CENTS.- -Dall arked to I nTievealed a turno A nbale a
4' lance. He �Occasionally " o wealth Their debate reidly ffas an'imous c pas of 'the % L
nto JiLght and ark, ic urchos have extended a un &mongst the er the Sa'r-.' ii of a igoeirk egg on the baek.'Part' ter, Viz esew',to tar.
tL C f reguilar 12jo-pi t6 him: "This I mighty good. sengers 11
s1pecial lady; no, o whe�her a single or a doubbit sft 6d- t of Fergus, which bas been i7l I., . ; F Steph-
J tev. A. Harge t ridiLy werel b pro
ticking fc r 9c ; flannelette twiftd, wide ividth b farmer of t 0 to
-on it Is?' An berfo
) r: ",This Is tbo
od, all to e
he!coffudl inet 9C t
go! twilled sk Irt linilag go; odd tizes linen coliI What do you dinian, arriving at, Quebec, �on ils _Mi 5
i rig like this. hrd of'm ney I as the better for the -pr- Hart of Wingham a The ceremony wm PI
ce,�tod e. men, .13 1 or
to oilt, Al 9a each 1%%--orth 20Le; skirting, 90 y4rd. first -tiine I'eiver three families and some a
the � meriaber--�� of the world by lWg- 'who passed recently at raph Bery of lit. J. H. George J wokson, i� the p Of
-IR on
YOU k Nv I d 't go n o Diety, ind MY �allln g of he Nv mIth isi Landa, Belgian farmers, bound for than 1eaA arid' leased, ibe, pbeI Roult us acted
WAS instructed to, 0 occul; to the lishop's is the first 1, i, in Rip medii6e relatives
c this-kinclibf land. It didn t seem t College,j Letmoxville, xan: le fOr One year,and took ist FAS
se� Cypress River; � a' ISO 12 f tmili6s, - 6 souls, Ale
askin- te�i.der:�- qaths, 10 wife 11 L never been -u ek.. Miss -Las bridesui&id while Mr. Win. Bap low per -
waist linini Ice ; 17 . am illat the jgwz t a medical degree as n oil Wednesday, Isiat W6,
roses, 10c new , and wouldn't k -n P-w-ftom Ad i seal systeid'otthe World ewess v 'hobas received the grae �l
UcLa's triloWi Ke(lat _1 silk ind moire, Toe coold 4ronger than Ruissian farmers, boil d fo
b.00, wide midth, satin, in reality v cha n that is no )y Agent t Le, afid her "he 9r004 6 The
I veilings, all colory, ideanng at I wish we had birthday Canada.. whole of the above! 3g r( ported if an artist of high repul formed similar dudes for t
River, One feet I bra ioc lot Of bow to fix �o a. A b Teput
MI- hi eE t liiil and tba� to,somo Of tho, _Scibo F. Harper, who was sentenced at -11, work _v no doubt be appreclated by -Rip- ceremony over, jkll, oat down I
feet -Pn at: priKt, 1C 0 ; 8 irting 1Qc ; III ies faut IblaI hose, the time. its weak Doyle as I I of a fine' i icull Ural elm
Xc '36 inenes, jor *pj�oiNg, lualchei all. st comprehensive minds 01! oronto in In of years in the prep
-k their dep; ir- it aild me 1893, to a ter ared. for the o0mion Th
keenct iniodle-i tge 10C i Mr ce Task r a
Pair mui fin, wide width 0 - o. Bru
letJ at -XvIe'zs hotel At 3 the 911 sts t )( 0 62:1stiDg money troubles are.. ed on Friday — ? sud vabfi
100 yard. -, le th ngstoA pe'nitentiary, eacap -This following figures are taen, from were numerous, costly
St I r amily or 84'mcoel "h( Metho-
or man residing wit]
ture to 3 111 room f thb li We fOlk-s J I' t
$romonitteiris of the gnapping of thes( iion assessor's roll f this year Voper Was Igthful *arker tin
ottosay a Cli
11 at the clerk'-- 121 CE Ice at J. C. vening. atriek of in- street, Woodstock� w 1!'kd dead in bed th it of real �propex
d8L ttoburch and.-wi
wid�h d�ress goo wa.1st ppm Ing . I forig -weak link g and that �he strong link—Eng the Westm -ty,W7,680 personal dis I receive the betwishies
12.Jo yard ;L Mr. W. Fitz y Stillness Amouli
Double I�es to be a 111611111801116rulft'n the other mormning. Unusual
instrut. ted to, get r1s, Jr6-, Pro!", or In common with ( the first baft of the _R22 300 - taxable income, 89,7 a large circle of friends.
I! ning, for 12�ip 26a Urid—musti S I ter cheese d ber' husba id, a d- 00-; of
ILS GENTS. weak link. �roporty and taxable in- —Henry ance a well known ber of 0 le f&nllij. Mr. 'Ifactor 4old of his wife attracte n .
s'per pound They s SP
Harris S getting a new book. ready for pril,mAke at 1, cent thinking she was still aslep' b 9 kewl r6, Per 01
Pr 11 Block stra sailors 16c, - 8J abeating, �ysrde Towa�d.12o'31ock'lcwnOawaYfrOn'th4 vere delivered in London, of arousing ter. Rili c III 99,680. Do* cattle, 36 merchant and one of the old
L on above d&vs at ilk satin ano moirl the publicallon, to bib.outl cc ly Sgirtme 4ouso of commons and meandered along -t( the intention 1-69. POPUlatiOn, 2,461- Goderi," died on F3
150 ; wide wi th ribbon, and -was h4rse 11+ %ai black all id hose,. 15c LEONO I SHE th ult
16 fLpf kindness to animals were cloel UrII few accau regular 360 k nd for 15c xhy don, whichlies ?:a In-tbo east end- o —Sermons oil this, be examined her more ba. De -
)reached in a large number of�Hamilton ;her evening, while Mr.- W. after An . illue"
T was born in the town 0 Uieffi-
lleet a-aill, aa a Pair. toll and Slave, ud Ptotestanti on horrified to find her dead. pronjoterS f�__ThiIi L ot
'a - LDndon where the pbdr h Catholic a initlisoh, of Clint6ni was driving through eased, who
�ul its, t
19 G 'Ir MON&z Firs he Hudson Bay Railwa ky of that name,,;=. Eng-
U'lSes.imeat, roll Ott ENTS CC M _T is way home, a lurch ter, in the 004113
i for T11E HOUSE.0, thought over tt e debate on mY WaY E eter on b suddeu
reso goods, double w -d ay last., nipeg- on the most el remp ry
o7dw--k, and fat 25c &ILI W I Fallin
15 .1 - go- mieff, 19,; a and 1 bad been amused b wbU( and contractors returned to g on his right of
14 wrea it, but afteF rrow $45,000 to build a land was
f annel. te ,h hats, FI—IDISLte On Bimet- It! A by -la t6 be 'Friday night from their trip of� i4pedtion re W him df. the rig. ha-vingthe
thought of it, d tic oulder, be diblo th
flowers, 19c ; black and ;vh1te flat 19c 3art Ikeinneift 009s fhad become Orions." 1. kva er-works system for fire and omes cated it ; a doctor re- ye
strow, i9c Kent's soc ties, choice ir the proposed route. AlItheCiGhtractors a ars in thk-19
A1110,1n. -at underlying! Significance for the mil Ove know him, He served 2
aud wl ite, ish ipes, se has en carried at Orangeville, by 54 A he proceeded home, but has
-NF say the countrylis a Most favorable one Ior meed it an 9
16C Battaion, of. Royal Art ree� iving, z o.
for.19c 25o e curWn not, 10c. [SpecialCorr. spondence-3 itions that labo�' Ma ority. to carry his arm in- isling,
Woods. d the has, railroad construction. Surve tas Eire a ce Ili
141 Vow, April 29. —As I entere his diselia real a silver
a wo
25 CEF4TS. isi Etta; McAuley, f 'Kingston, )�Jr 0 nstl uc- —Tb6' following is the nulhber of qandi rge a334
M or
1ibers in c.�dF�ten(_,e Com black dreos sergiJ25a; -of a sanitarium b4g ganized) and the the.e4trance medal for good cmudia6t,and 16
oizes, 260, es, cb1na wasbir Bilks "Mrigers' gallerY.MY qrst bression was il TYPES OF TRAVELERS., 3een -appointed liad nurse - common e in i �wo d ass; for and public School is
ironwood whose �i Mississippi, at $1,250 per tion is anlioutteed to 1 -1 recioilmoridation
an"840abraces 25c; 60piec tHo sniallness,of the it Aberdeen, It 9ving � examinations --I hes at -26c. thatcf sta rise at vapectiviely in :East a strongly worde(
for 26c ; aft plu's rP weeks. librarian for the ebee, Lit
Xs�ure In it ton, 112, 35 W colonel. As
housjle ijit.struok me as being a most PunY some 0bserv*ton;_ofH year. $g mammoth cheese ex) ibitei at I uroli -.—Clin ; Seaforthe
lor, turning to a SPECIAL. ent is bei —Ontario 38 ;, Brussels I , 48'- - erwry omd Hi�tor"l Society for years,
maing 31)c upwards; Mi louse itud ificant pl ef In OhIch to trans- —The Dominion Governm rig the Worldfa Fair and afteAvards Aipped to Wingbam, 61, a ve kindly
Ladl ea' pal molo from es I us gniWficant P1 the release of Davison, the 3 19 Fordy, frow that b6d
and -great There [81w Correspondence.). petitioned for G7eieiaVs :�4i 33, 12 ; Wroxeter, 4 n -Ce
styles, large eleeveg) both bls� England, figures"in' the Auditor -
It Ileithet ation., [SIPMle
upwards ; iadieB CLtntlriC art t' affairs of appI6 dealer of Burlin tolI who two. years Mr. Robertsonnakes th i�6 �26 13. Totali, 363-201. iegtin%oilial. Sergeant 8 n
W colare, trom 0 CHICAGO, Alril 15.—HuMau nature e following St[
of dr�y- hone, I 1com hing imbosing or'st riking ab lit it- v years' imprison- r - . iorouglily milL
ear t - astonishipg 16w iprfces,� b was 1.,o� UiI to e opo I. tells the foHow. longeic
underiv I - aii1roa ago was sente rard to it On accoi it, of the -�__Tbe Exethr Advocate Waa 86 VeteMn of
all. fit in with my idea of the seen in all its. natuxalne" on a r note ith reg which befol two fatheT Wile and
wit, all(, ter quilts.1arge I ize, 59C. 1�ld at ially you are traveling by th ment for forger of the firm in England to Mob, the interesting eXpenenee e Gibraltar, A d
destrov it. It '�'Tnd Power of Zug] md, and it cer- car, espec fu
lit late Mrs. re OrtingL riliage-D,
and bring it with 3-411, eive it I also in the Ar
at out -this ad. 41 le are seldom —About twenty years since, the cheese was --re enthusiasts- Ofth&t village "Whil
C int of b( natural else mamr ioth eAd - to i. at o - h,,q brother) Utioned LL
.,.6re foyC, that (A inly gave not a h r arrokance and long haul. Pe railroad they seem t) Anne, Munroe was a resident of Toronto. re no 9 ur nimrods were driving to C
adied while itationed
had a mod st, where, but on the reed upon, the was almost of our ainate anci
It the P] ice 8,91 McGilli.
PDXWOO(I -4,15 T")OU11-d spirit of'domineorlu . as di a- During the -years she lived there, by careful, 1 �avorite fishing- resort in vray, tillely
all NY-ith the approva
Mel to ature as of tb e Minister of Agriefilture turdsy
ble si 0 action
Afrii liocre and, above e 11, a iloinfort4ble air. throw off 3serve and become living, She amassed a small cornpetence, a reven ie in cash frt?m it. horse became two n43,pliews tire n6w in the Life
ii ;ak U:� ble—as near ifternoon, their _h_
r of ci ri�fort one felt Agrees, 'left ed there
in the an4- in Gu& -f&.. Mr.; Spence carrK
'wood i,ii Arge But despite its ai On any, tral ion of, 'which was deposited ijhten�d 6 a I roller which was
port, re c o ancestors. 14 to -lei cess the xtgo, and h"as
SIG4 OF BIG SHI that it must be an Iter sely respectable wete our elect, y6a. merchants, bank.'ofthst city. The amount was Aken che to ddle of the r'044. 'The horse made a some thirty years
oo c that you may o the I He was & fitaun0l Cal toer"tve
lid one hull- place., If the speak badi,raised his voice or In -any 855, and a receipted bank amou for which ide, tipping th b ever since..
well informed mind audof the
Ir n,. I wouldn't will find. deposited wu a consider jump to . - , one a e
off of, a by in b the cashier. company. throwin the occupants
�(Iil alterriatiII -in the leading book ven y oome ye ible for or an i �to nte 4npolitics, of
[Ing. First of was entliely r Id d
Jus' bout the same class of POO- ats Thomas TA ton an
it, would have ple--they . ISO travel 614 that the rM atrietest illtogtOyi,
lq' grext have b�en a bit surprised. roe removed
As - -E,,-. PENTECO ago T gun with her family at first as,though thel
asIt looke
is the ifit man, WIL64rivaIrlabl'y t. Of, It
well with he ton6.of the sur- there d 'West Zorra. the arigins]. oos the� eese, 44t in view tell.
sound cunditioll to Oxf! settled in.
accorded ord county an
w s-g�ncra_flst Ilelit could, crooked �Ioqs; Aways omok:inv�
aeafofthm 'i i roulldinas. He
atw-kis ti, insects,