HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-05-03, Page 6-4
THE UROY 1$95.
lif 111 Of bat 6rL Fl%*7or Th I their own hands I
hair, outstretchec
al�avlqr, with lemon. Bake 01 1 a f f the above and toucied the- public heart. Menwho
wear at dress when', n
To. th�,rehiain- win love do their own wooing-, and he never
Bn 0
one e
STORT AN, OLD MA.ID 1 -had mad for Ighe,, par' - "I woo"
e hiryi i
Which should be � Yes my love, accept mixture in two layet t,".
I 'am: now 'old 'Womah of eighty. i I
thef most sacred i4t a �an can bestow. upon
e �'p%k of me', the other day P
heard 8on�e on dex add one teaspioorif il'of mol eses,bne ou knew a in in to fail so signally as one who
th afft b uame� h love, his of )h 'd rai i a �half cup -9f currants, in need
IL S a e f, Iis OM d iis affectionate gr4ndmothe� to
as "Thatiold old: maid, Miss'Lacell," and I -one I ounce. of itr P 6ho ped fine.' ake a qu id
ould haWly qve- they meant ne, 'for I speak a o 1wor or im. Wh ; . h, . , -'to Paper,, F
9- er you bu
Cure BiliouLS:tIcss, Sick Head-' After a' while X, ent to be 3 and 'fell this in tlWvo"+i 11te our I ' rs togf t 1- work f If u have a room
had not t , ougb tj df myself as all old,: old or fame, for love, for mone -or for yo
asleep. It must h&ve been nea r morning er alternately with %ros d clurnee an else, work vith your A Ossitle to tr Ire
spepsia, Sluggish -Liver mad, an, I 1 -now that 1, MarieLacell, ything I and Andl,ma i it P ur
ache, Dy 'when I'was a h. L i, - . , _paper ab
Ind of jelly beart,6ndbrain. Say, "Iwill," and some ion.
$in the 011, y I i�*'80111.in Belmont who're, wa efiec by a terril le crash of jellr or any -,k 'of 'el wi norin Vis
and all'Stomach Troubtes. Ve ye� ight t
& viVid d splay of li bti 'RE
10, 'C!�14- Wo ggs bet
members he -eat SOO IS, and the thunder and ning, 'Am SrONGE. day you i rill conquer. Neverlet any man -iat -was blo- a:cup , fill up t e cu
fro, --for the wind was �lowing a remendous awt et creabl, stir,,&
n e e itself gee! ned to r ck to and 11 � it to say, I have dragged you:up." DU
wreck cif the hiug boab t wn I well in a. lirge �te LP I Ul ave 99 PSW oksterev
BIUSTOS_ against ou��.. ro-c boas 11lig an n( our in a a ish, d Two marly frieudS somedmes hurt 4 man �gale� Igotupimmediatelyand ran down -ad toitoet �.4pfulofwhite sugar, ie more tb
ID hl b oung n I Who went a &4 none at all.—Confectioner.
loss of e no
t 1ptaks to iny paren iroom. I'� f und them one -ha f an a of sit ted flou I one h, i
Whre you cau get the beat
PIL !both up and dreimp rig teaspo 6f ba ing po de'r: and a TIS
the re F
Xes , eo aid, Id -1M se'LAcell Was L
f earf til Ind my fa ier ex- tinah
Tlli� is a tj of s4lt. o r in o a butte ed tin �rd oBt Too.
a 9 aL.1ca ed,was once as youn and pre" A Selection of
'at e in a oven.1 After aking L
young Irishman in want ofa flve pound.
6Wmed. 1,God t bat 1�,e,.re are no
Are Purely Ve Is who go gi a�a t to qu e note wrote to his iicle, as follows R
ty as the g ou merry so iool J
t, ar our th oven,anil h n t -is qLAe 4s
in 'b fishermen be a ght, for a cali e'from DEA -R 'UNCLP—If.
clecrantly Suglar-Coatol, and do hi I � ialy old h se t twiligh , . L W 0 ran could see how I
jai9 1 n 1 1 boat could not be nl�',ab'�jed in -a-tc nipeat like' coll, spread -over . the �,top Soln Whip )( a . n take a 'o ur 64' studies at
Ttli oe me, 10) LiS. " " 'd blush fo�' shame wh I am writing, you NEW DESIGNS COLORSO
anf-who, he th Sol e
not gripc or sicken. th p nstitut6, is pr,
aild There . s 6 t old Mi ore im sweetened and whipped to i tff the. troit 10ptical e-
sti. I i I would pity me. Do you -know lvby? Be -
La .4 1 But we 4'ave a I fe-savin" a ation and fro 1,
ha a lovej 0 PLt all Aef 0WO vision.
celel eft tridet she e r I cause I have to ask you for a few ounds d to
crew now
Poor vl�� ft9bhqr,' I c ried, �ut th en Wshud- Cup Pu�n.—Half cup of. lite'eugar, p AT THE
43 YS .11 01 k and do not know how to express I I 'happ'7 but idext of fear ran thro. mf lea. -t, when I, baff cup of 1 milk, - two eggs,: two yself. It
ea�h 8, altill-ou a e f s impossible for me to tell you. 'I prefer to AStioatisml
one i. ieni bered. that m ing er i r
wa.9 tie captain bat powd and 'kItpinch of die.'
gl� tniptoolf Hype
e me a i ny own ome." W hile I ren
of that crew, and mig it have to -go out du ugh to make a er that w S OF *4
I L tit by the i rin gazing out upon the vil- eno batt Kyopig, LOWEST Ir a storm 11 1 Bencj you this by messenger, who will 1 1
f�th ; .
as Ltl iis. lvf� er and th" spoon ; butter six t 1
tge street allotlistenig for the, evening e ;eacups '1�nfd p t. 1 a wail. for wil answer: believe me,'my dearest
mother thought also of Raj h,.! and far a Drif al of batter in e"li,-then a ittle f F41i Or aity, COM
Ity but proniptly and a Ames in t e old church cower 'to ring out uncid, your most obedient and affectionate gg-ffaligiffig wall or ceiling Sam&.
gent while we were silglit. fru t, fill half full of batter, §tea�n an l.pVr
t ieir dear Id lod Imuae and dreaan nephew,
ye rs what was that? 'The alarin bell in .. steamer; they come out of the c 8 Astigm Ism is due to Irregular price -56 Per roll.
90. Lm no longer -an old
0, Sixty 64
P. S.,Overcome with sliame for what I and Is n Ily Got ;nital, big is a tim caused by Im-
from the boat house.' Was tliere� a fishinc, perfect puff balls '1* 'b spongy anddig ILg
ep n aid, alon n n old, old bou-sej - bpt. I Am Sf have written, I have been running after the proper y tted g.1 as. -blavy"ve 4)), children wth
r ce 1;'t e pet and pride of Belm t, boat with- lie in dang or N�h was the iblo. Serve witli liquid sauce. thiaLdele are called itupid, but th properb, fitted
4wie Lace 1;'t messenger in order.to take the letter from
crew ? The alarm
vi age e e e only-daught I- atchnian o Iling for he glasses w4 become the brightest of scholarse
. �0 ven, This Is q te
RIC* IS a, b I th er. of the v him but I cannot p-
ge parson an( girl in all t e Ell rmig on. a Hea I aeorninm and datiger6us defect. Hyper-
happon to a to a malformation whic eeps the 01
oly top metropisi
the happiqst�. A Fine C nadian Poem. rant that s iething u inuselil. in constant use, whereas izille normal eye it
It mitat be the Wilid may inliary Jft
world, for I am 'Palph Gordo 'a sweetheart ! London, England SpjE kO fim, or that my letter may get loot %00 WX Paps
ecently. the..
bell," my (tear mother oys lostrdst*henlookin taillstanc!,i Thisdefbat,if
and he love m!.
I L L at I in re, arked that the beat American pi= The tincl -ally touched, bu.4 negleefed, 'way reslultln rilervoueAeoresaion and I
tiaid.'s I liYur ti
I not go. rr&e torm like
L out in 0. te e was natur
Belmont ka. pretty little* village, I- 13 as equil'to
at .,&t- me year prostration; Myop�& is a diseased
7 ated upen t e 4odky Shores of the which. bad been ublished for so the e4ergency. He replied ui,, pain, and even
gar was , 11 Samson by the yotinj Canafflgi follows.: conditionJof, the eye, yhloh should be very careft0ly
Oh, father,? I cried, let us g'a� there aqd ra
Untie oce like most seaside illagn &I fitted th prevent an ricresse of be� defeat, and
poe DE.4.,a JACTC-Console yo
... an ide mountain . I.. 'e' see, for Ralph I know will Le there.' Frederick George'Sbott..: Here is th my "reelf and
m 01 ds: hapautlifistablindness. Ppesbyop�a is a loss of,=*
poem in' f till blush no longer. Providence has heard your conni, d , on I in thei eyeJ which in Muse catarAlcb,
My 4ather commandied me to be calm,
ra te of 0 tart a
"Tth ;hill oo and meadoWs, bu on the prayers. The messenger lost your lette unless 0 ected by art
011K GRIEVE, V. S., honor Wle ifidial aid. Ft quently nervous
1 atand said, "It would do no goodi for us to go
er Us iftefr3, are
Teterloary College. All d a of Domstic eastwastli eN er -raging 0a, witli it �vhite- Plunged In night, 6 alone Your affectionate uncle, or s;ck ' eadacbes, nd also
V . tande wa v s b Im -ays �hasiug esioli o liler far p I : i
AM -1 treated. Calls promptly a d to and uV in the storm, even if Rdl " li, and the; F�,veleps or! the dungeon stone, brougl, t o� bl, one ormore of the ab a defcai, As. OA.
capped 'tee 0 ea.
r�y new;were ouf." �aked,. shiggy and- unkempt, ting y oui
Ina I)OU istry a laity tt . I menlix r no c arge f0i'teS
reaming draAmsrio soul hath dreamt.
-oharge*mOdetate. Vote r �door out into the oci Againitbe alarm bell souinded, an'd
Cam and residence ou'Goderich treat, an t I cried
Our coast wa 3 1 -ery rocky and Nias seldom, HE WAS RAISED'
zAw of r. Scott's office, Seaforth. 12tf REMIST'AND
used,,for it, va., treacherous, Only i1i pleas- n espair': 'Father, I mtTst and I shall �ats.and vermin round my feet J. Robert�S DRUGGIST,
o Play unharnied, copipaillons Owino to the ieuorm)ou--
aut summer WeAler did any one kenture sweet, FRGM THE FEARFUL, PIT AND MIRY
Spiders wemie me overhead
I Cardno's Seaforth.
f rushed to my'roblil and dressed, and go- sale of our fmous
an;'Dasi a nto Coll� nt inab Of te in win CLAY OF DISEASE.
go of ant from B&I ifi - oat. - n Silken curtains for my bed.
-Veterinary- dentists, Honor Graduaw o Ophriii Vat- terand sometiiWeh in sum r a sclul�ll, g down -stairs I 'entreated my f
ather to
mer afte
erinary College, Honor member of Marla V, t On- boat iLn lurry, As -we opened the house door the Day by d3y the would r swell PATNES CELEY
pieces of a fi hip a tackle Would be COMPOUND SET
ary Medical society, All diseaseN bf ontestic a I'Mal, h vind. blew in a4d extiaguished my mother's -Of this f angus-bliatered cell HIM ON THE ROCK OF HEALTH.
washed upo, e ocks, and sometimes the jj
tkiiflly treated. All calls mp ly ittenle'd to Nightly in my haunted sleop� o m ething G�Odi
i nknown fishermen would be? !an(, e, 81
-.day or night. Denustryan Sur ery a specialty. bodies. of I e !stood near the door and O'er my face the lizirds creep. office and Dispenaart-Dr. mp .11's; old office,. found dead upon �,he �beaoh. elied-u5nott go. INDIGESTION't STOMACH TROULES,
Main streot eatorth. T E,SLEEPLESSNESS AND
1406-62 every� HEADACH
Rios moment the tb tinder would Qvves of I on sprapo &no burn
Now in 18.95 -the coast is dott(d with at and the ligh Wrists an( ankle8whenilttirn, ANXIETY. COMPOUND.' gar
tning would flaill and lig
Axecena dt weryr b au old 6 putting on the,
light houses, bult'llever canJ foroet1he'firat ')e' lit I And my�oi Ilared neck is raw Other Manufacturers are
life-saviiag 0,%tlou th* the vi Ilage and coast r miles, and the
LEGAL at was , built, by, our I with the I Deth of bras ithat gnaw THE GREATSPHING MEDICINE SWEEPs -market inferior goods under this name.-
. I I - ]pbysiclan. # Asweegsfuuzi wseA
ntnl down in' t rents. It � Was a
Own boys 814y ralls ago,. and moneldy bV ithousands of
the noble
e, young capt i A poo; -article is never imitated, therefDro-,
S. HAYS. Barrister, Solicitor. aveyancer and e fu g1b, but cli ging closely to God of Jar wl, canst 0�64 see
crew,. with I its bi!,aN AR my 1101ce-oaptivity 7, Ladim. Is tbp only perffttly
Notmy Public. Solioito fo- the D inion kin, MY effier, m e at reached the boat li 91use. I he fact that " Something Good" is being
�m__ 0Z a p le__
Etau Office-Cardno'a block, U treat, S safe andrelf �lome lcinedbi-
lo-.,zr, R I h'G Do thy einEkwo feel rn.� inFl? In abilosi every, Camdian 'home, one or
There as th6,old atc imaii nd itwoor Ileareat th on the clank og chalps ? war# dru -that-,
ney to Man. h mer nsort e of un counterfeited is a guaranteato si4()kers
2s5 Belmont i a� I �m a4a onable stim more members saff' r from indigestion, dys I q 6f th Askfor it is
threR me bers of the crev�,'but wheie were offcr� fe or indittelnes I 1pla t, cigar on.the market.
now, but in 813 was a quiet, littl a place j pepsia, headache, nervousness or 'sleepless. the'best 5 cen
Thou who in adest. me so fair, Pau
moos take no oubsti-
very reat majo the purchasm see that our trade mrk-
AVnt,. Commissioner fc tute"or In ostage in letter
regirate . s.' mers of old, w,�l cries of Tall and n, oble as a. tree, -lose and 0 c4nts IU'
ing in the love of Grod and �:. 4 1 1 faileA to etrect a permanent (The
ATTAEW MORRISON, Ws`1ri0nF t h=ta -a and the others ? a. In the g rity of le"es Cook Cotton #0011; vo�n in -
r t where e v -pd like the Acadian far- 1 - Strongant buoyinkt as the air,
t at a 0 tl e water came �he faint doctors have -Sno=and firm name aro n exclii,
Money to lov aled
3 of peace a -two fisher 11 With thq 1 assions or the sea. cure, and the common patbnt inelicines oP a, ladif 9 only� 2 box, no other is -genuine. - Our 41,Somethilign
K�MOARMX, Walton. man, -in the 1, omp nd content-. men, ose boat h6,d been: shat- . ud wl Asend, sealedo b�r ret mall. I lullse
particu tar; in envOom
ment. My ft e the villacre mis�er, was tBred up)n the rock to which tlley� were ,ur times h4ve on prolonged suffering- and Good 3) brand is reffister6d and any one -sell -
IL BEST, Bar o 9�rfft as hr ree upon my 'feet, e
risterd Sol itor* Notary oa Clinging, Lnd-the sliout3 of the bravd boys stamM J ddress V I �-e
00=-R . Going, tIVe, GM MIMI, I _. igars
ich loved �111 ed, 'Our far�ily be- Fierce as I on in my heat, ago. I.WjUdli r,:Ont., banad& ing other c
north ofCoZ6 1 .1 �!Fluds - 6r this name will bf--
ap'dt in fathero itilt. his Could be I eard, who lia d0one out in 4,small Rending, I ke's wisp of hay How flifferent the results with thos C prosecuted.
Para longed to Be 4 a an e Who For sp3e )y Lumaden Wilso droijists, ft& -
ground floor, next d r to 0. L.
Je*elry store. aine's; Celery � Compou�nd ! tbey forth, Oi
Main. street, orth. etich house almost in t churc yard. I oat to" sa Ve thepi. All thai dt red wlthatan# my way. lave used
Empire Tobacco Co. Montreal.
Our nearest ighbors we 011, wit, r had thev aftempted suob:a dan- armts--Catperon, Halt and Can Lerou., C�nst thoi see me through the I ik have in every case'been raised to a'!conditiolt
areat friends. The g erous th� n' Would Of this ant terrapean tomb- of perfect, health obtisitpess
and they- We our de _g in thi av I al storm? and mental
ON AF�ROW PROUDFOOT, ftrriate 8 H t ley succi A ? t - I I
Blinded tl er in his den,
Gordon lam4 6's one of the,'first: families vigor. Thoutands of renevOed and re-created
*a. Godertok Ontario. J. I. GAwiov, My father and I f M 6n' cur knees and Once the rd and prince of men? rd
Wx-. F L06'reoy. M in town. 0h. Mr.. . Gordon, or The men and women'in Canada, will forever re- J U. W
'Squire," 'ad to
prAvedto G guide that boa and bring nd La
was tl Le wealthiest man iri the vil- Clay was 1", the potter Thou member that their lives! were saved
ES. Bardsiali. y back, 'but the sea was too angr With Th t� imb�aali Buloobli'dat my row >
MON How HOLM 9- age. The fam y consisted of 'himself and t ein, safe', y y I b inad6 happy by P&ine's Celery Compound,6
altars in Chancery, &O.'"Off46, out and- the wind and Waves too Roll'd at th a spital-moistened aanda 8
-H E #
't at nighf.,
wife an oc A, 'Ralph, ther handsom- Mr. Hugh J. Riley, of Q Agnes S6reet, GAwn ox, Q. C.. Pamir Ho Dui)Lxr *IMM d an onl h, h 'tud Isoon the cri 3 of the 1 perishin Into limbs between Thy; h3nds. OU
est, and best yo iia man in Belmont St. Henry, Montreal, is clue of the many
!A 'or r
"rNING 8WXT BuriAers, solids Con Ralph G was always a herc) ii� my -fi itermaen livere hushed orever by the roagr Thou didst pbur into my blo:d who have given public.�estiniony- for the W e bi.,� t value in
ei, are glv14
Soncito nb 04
rs for the* '5509- H d� S�afortl�, made
y I
�r Aliean�rywailes-. Tiereon benefit of sufferers ia Cahada. Mr. R ley 0
ohj eyes, and I do t remember the time when 0� o, theoliore we Fury of the fire and flood,
t6 on a. money 10 Wan m aited and prayed, whi Is the waves dashed And upon ;he- boundless skies arneps jever-�. ere n 6
I did not love When. we were -Aild- Thou didat fledt unclose iny eyes. writes as follows
B6 ouurl� A. NA"Ne f Rqusly 6n the' rocky beac . !,Tlie minute"s 0 C2
:7 ren together he 'Was always my playmat6,, 1 wish to publicly ackilowledae the fact by skilled workonen, nid 6
erried like days to us, un
til almost half an And iny bi ath of life was flame
and he taught me many a childish game. tl�at I am indebted to .1 Paine's Celery mater*1 use& i i
God -like f in the source it came,
ROLMESTED, suow�oeao"r tht, beta firm He was so strong and brave, and I used' to h)ur passed away will e we watched ther tipound f6r health, JroZrth and life. For 1�epairirtgg Drom y !-4ttendled to.
t Whirling ound like f arlous wind I Cot
Moo*nghey & Rohn Barrhur, so. I promp
4nd w
as a terrible sufferer
i%ii.ftnk of 00mmer M niy to lend, )'arms e severe paint;Zin the stom-
0onvoyancer and watch him with,such pride and pleasur#. as and.prayed, but our oys did not, re urn Thoughts. pgathered in the whid. over three years I w
X 801161W $or the f tkm'r errand of m rc3'- -digestion, e
h L rode tbrougl the Village on'llorseback . I" �l I .
I d 'th the other At there, was a momentary lull in the Strong Th4u n1ad'st me, till at length &all and headache, In addition to these
omoe in SooW# look, Note 111troak, or ming e 1�oys. in All my wt4kness was nty etrength from in r�"i 'Ong 0 O'�' co'
will mNe thyert'Llrviorlj
st arm, �nd we ent nearer to the water and Tortured'al'il 1, bli Lig4t Harness a s
sports. ind and wrecked, erious trotibles. I had no appetite or relish
school'be 'as"the teacher's favorite r a fault� architect. for foo
p�ered out over the angry seas.
v d, dAd hardly knew what t was to M
PI to -us for a and a eastire ran through my iA flash of lightning-reveaed have a full ilight's rest., This condition of
DENTISTRYi: whenever 'ment the -beautiful new boat tossing upon From the:woman at my side, C)
m10 too"
hear� I h6ard' str gE r3. pr.Aiilig sleepressnessand anxiety made me very ner-
Was I woinan-like t3 hide M, B rad d 0
t1fe foam, and I sank upon the sand uncon-
his mainly beauty, hit gracefan ways or his What she asked me, as it fear vous and I was fast becoming unfitted fol
LDEX, D. Dentist. All�kipds
sunny nature�, s we grew b Could my-ixon heart come near. d k After all other mediciq
at work, done known to aero e Ider he was my es !CornOr� Mai d, Jc h n Sill pets,
n, ali
minuum a d Porcelain ( r 8 .. laity. my constant co )anion, and my When Icame to myself the su b 11 w "" i i . !
-as fortunately advised to use
at all, houis. Offide an real- brightly and I was in rrqy N i Soafo h.
escort from" ' had or. 2
I ay,'Iecorned, and scorn again, . I . r
-tnd little social your Paine's Celery Compound ; and. now, I 11 answere church ftnd all c u r parties i room at bomej Cowarda who their tonghee restrain
poe over Mr. Pi kard's store, I a ro a lately occu- 137-2-tf
by mechanics Institute. ,S, for, gay la . those y ighted to F
father, mother and ma�y of in' friends Cared I no more for Thy laws am del' declare thablib has no equal
5atherin ve were very M1 rp I —
w mg, but tbby could not comfort Than a wind bf scattered straws.
a The auti imn that Ralph, -was nine- in the World for removing such dangerous rot? 0
W. TWEDDL: Dentist, 00 1 kneiV tbA my lover had perished, the I 'am dail F
far ' earth cipakod at my natne rbf�D 9
91 at a ave t -
Jr. &McInu6s'ShoeSt6re, coamer !Main and John th 3 sixty yeirs ago, and I'� y
lege. How ever (.one mised him for no And in), blood was all aflaine, gainitig in strength, sleelpwell every night,
d- v
;=,,Sesfarth, Pritaflo. Nit orw Oxide qae a li% ed tQ bum Z T JMX
I When'
ce �ver Rich teen and I se I I I
.#rdson Vel t en, he eft liome for col- troukle� as I suffered from.
d f 1 my friends, nd 411 things FIN
0 the one cou�jd sin a is could sing; talk as lie y 'Who was I, to he and cheat and my appetite is good and beaRk. I
painless extra iti,04 of teeth., 1169
g -bout my feet ?
could taIkT but ha e ce then., and I am an old, stronaly recommend Paine's Celery.,Com-
I .. i issed'him more than'any- chllngel(l sin Him who clung a
N one, or he omaii W.
P. ff. S. DE WN, gradui te of Royall all 0 f Was IM the world to me' pound to all who need a reliable and honest OAFX
From Thy open nostrils blow
People.wonder why I do not sell this old
of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, D. D. 8 it The evening, efore he, went away he Wind ana tempest min 1%nd anow; mediciu6, and one that is sure Cc cure. 0 Ni 0
routo University. office, Mafket Block, M
walked home wit. me Nrm a friend' hous6, house, for t -i does not compare ith -the Dost Than cur.�e thein up their courae
:�ntario.- a -
Farthefu hitecture of the palatial homes
and as m0dern are ry. of: their forte L
we weKe waiting in the churclit-yard �J Xj ;qd
A Mountain Preacher's Illustra- lf�;LEANSES TOE De W4, Clinton, irui to say good-bye lie took me i� his arms and �h,t are now on- the street 'They won -
D AGNEW and bowed, Z
Torturtid am 1, wrecked' tion.:.
er too, why7l Flisteft tcil' the- But the rike anv o0ie P.
IME, visit Uensall atHodgena'11 -Just: then the chimesrang out d soul within is proud - SaL RELIEVES
at kissed me. Ittye to sit ane c M
a I t u r unlearned people, these
every Monday, and'at Zurich 0141 cilimes. in the old church tower. INJ!'h6n Dungeon fetters cannot still
and somehow, a t �r he' had gone away, 1 4 THIE "D
secondThursday in 40a month Forces of the tanieleks wi 1. mountaineers 1�ike illustrations dra*n fro
loved -those chi !! es and would listen in the. I bear rumori that tb� people 'of. Belrno�t m
thin s with which they are familiar.
9 C)
hush of eve are going t I- O�
I!, 1 .1 Uilig for them to rMg, and a tear down' the old cliu�ch and 'Israel's God co o'down and see 0:*VENTS HAIR D U0, L. D the
4 gro
All my fierce captivity near where been preachli g oine. A LING our.
W 11 be at Zurich when I heard th ei C melodious peal I remem- build fashionable ne* house worship, I A up youn� men were assembled
At the' Hur;u 10 1, oNty on Let
the bered that lc�ving ki grow,pae to think that -I ma yet have to
Thi sinews feel my pains th e ha
ss, and he seemea to be y Ins. h r
'owing, dialogille, oc-
DAST Tiwsisa&T i a each month,,[[ d With Toy fingers lift my clia' Sab6ath, w ej the fo:4
en Jure life witholttt th se d
Ait liurdooles Hotel, Heneall, oi the FIRST AT nearer to me. eair cld chimes.
4 m each month. Teath: extra rted with the �'apt When he Hark ! they - are ringing now. I lovo� The , with thu ider' loud and wild U
came ome, for the holidays.�he Ela At �F.3 P
J;aa' p6asibla. All -work firawl w 0 liberal *0s, tb i, fort) Carelforo ThQuThy rebel chil See here ' john, why �idn% ye bring looked both well Lud happy, -Of course e ey have helppd me 1.0 live for, d, LIP iq� LY
I And with lightnin my rifle wheit ire come toipreaching?
h -q* ee i Z 9ghtless brain
came at once to. a bi�t not wit ui HAIDS
i ty yeafs Th h ldren are r,Lrht- am Loveleso heart- ind siplit in twain
Ito it wornan of.,� tthat old
the old-time fiedc om, for we weie n old 1 'lowe� Itwaht right to
Well, Sar
P Ln
X0$EY TO D )A V. bring it up a,08abbatb. 11 see a js t4 people then and I called him M
Zwo rn(?O mqid, Miss Lacell."' Give me splandi ir in
n my death, C
I . varmint,on the road and Jit a d
Not this slakeding duu`geon breatfi, a
Y TG and be called m* ilia Lacell. forgit I i a
LOA-2.t-StraigI I 16's", as' 6 pet Creeping down ny bloo-1; like slime' SMIT - 1: cool T
oenIL, Witl so longed for. A
inor Tillitwastesni ininyprime. I -so awfu ly
�t the privilegi liq berrawas 01 to'love mej W my phbol Reports. rn
Huh there's no use ibeing
worshipp'e d him,
put. of the principal money &J'any time, heart I but not for all the Xoi 5, HHLETT.-Below is the report of >
T Give Me back fc r one blind li,)ur P96rticular as all t a all ht
to doolittle tur �h t even a ;le A General I �aa�jng bialnesA �ransioted. 10 have liad him susp�ct it. sel" ool section No. 5, for the term ending at Half my former rage and po%� s of 'a Sab at world w o h t I thi
F. HOLMES ED, B+rz4Jip, ftoorilb, uld
After he bad gon( away. - again f �ttended EaA r. The report is based on the �attend- I And some giant crisis setid
shoo -bin' -won't hurt if ye happen to see Farmers' no ;elm discounted.'
all the parties, and sang and dancec An dilige ace and Meet to prove a h' ro's eqd.
k, merrier
demeanor ofthe! ptipils game." Drafts botig) t Ail[d iolai
than ever. Peop 6 called me a! gay youn olass-4oseph !21
Fif h Carter, Arthur Smith,
God,' -r y meroK!show-. scuss.on wag J In on i on e 3 Thou ipson. The 0 n t row The & oined aitl;er Interest all6ved �, d4posits a� the rate
R. S. S. MURRAY, butterfly, an& 11 had many. suito s,, but Senior'4th=Harry Jack- Crusi ]lot In side by those a 7oun d, and it w4s finally de- of 5 per cent. Jp'er 4'nuum:
Ale her British M cared for no one ut P-,,Th_Gor& Thomas 'Manning, Voddeu.,f
Medipal Association, late coroner lilt qui ,on At whose life tb)y soorn and poinb aided to leave it to the preacl�er. He m as SALE XOT�S discounted, tallk
a I 'Ralph Ju Jessie. Tliomp- balled, and thelease stated. collection aC. ty of Middlesex. Office --opposite Town7 Han Three P1, - 4th BY its lireAtnew out of joint. ea for
y by, an ior Lillie McOool ,
a Cady block. Reaidenoe--67 Victoria Street
X ale hone No. 80, left colleie and chime home to its.; I Such a so James McCaughiv.' Senior 3rd-1Ves-' ",Look yet-, I boys, said. ho,
I i� M
140"2 31
posin a,
fine young man,"' the people 'all, said,. and ley 1'�T)dd6n, Charlie Ty-ner, George Webb. mart come along here with eve�n handsome OFFIOK-iirst�l' door no "Proud might b "the. girl 'wh I ui�- 0 A foreign young M4
-a could Wfif J 1 r 3rd --Willie Nott, Rober� Young; d eld
116. CAMPBELL, Honor Graduate of Medical ra- H thplir6y Snell. Senior 2nd-aggie no Is of high egree WN M -vidin' olle and the others -a- X114on's Hardtivare! I
oulty of Toronto University, Ph sician, sur- hi& love " and I -%�as happy then, for I be- bl u Canie hunting a -A it across 11he sea grey horees, a 3tore,
11 ate. . Oflica-Zeller's Blac n ght 'calls- In style as befite the peeraye; -You all like a prettyl beast, aad
a. Hotel, Zurich, On' �k r, lieved "tiat he l0od me. I o aol,Allptirt Radford, Derwin Carter.: But he could not fint �%a Amerman girl you took lem. alt over.'
Then the lifeisavin oil call't see th a
station Jun or 2nd --Joseph Vodden, Wendell Jack- Who�oared b as a Dulde or an Far]. one is better thail'anotber. They are all
was built, 1�,
ARBISTROWG, MB., Toronto, K.'D. 0. M the crew organiz 1-41, aa Ral was ebo3en, -sou,!S_arahI1&dford. PartII-Ma' el Vod- And he =wl k home in the stee rage. 'pretty critters as e
Victoria, bl. C. P. S., Ontario, suce I ph b er 'Were !seen amolig
easor to, Dr. captain. All th young men in town were' den, Martha J. Crawford, Joseph Younk. -"Do you, think that ma riage is a these mountai M tv
ZMatt, officte, lately -occupied by Dr. Ellott, Bruce.- eager to join the'arew no,though there Will be diffe r- *K
a9 volunteers, an(1- blut: Part 1-Johp Vodden, Jarnes Me- failure, Mr. Askill V) ftilld, Ontario. Miss Elder, to a ences in horses, boys. When y'
181 9x62 the� girls -were n4 far behind n. ou come :o in th Albert Vodden. The following pro- young man whorr she knew to bB, engaged. know 'em no' two is &like. Well,' that man
eir e Coo'
It. MoTATISH, Physician, Bar h-aven't jot that far yet," was the fi
thusiasm; Ever�body 'Alas interested d, mot 03 made at the recent promot ank says, .'Here, 1,oys, I'll just
W n', office 9 wer iolf �o
ioorner southwest at Dixon's 'I. wanted to do son 6thing,for th ast reply, ye six f
1) uoeflold. Q co dxaiiinat�on;`From junior 2nd to -but I'm prettv - giv�
Nighl calls at the office. v ad senior well convinced that these beasts for vour own, an 8 (in �d
2S long ne �Iifk Kuwu�t Phin, 21
eded a lig it hous6and a lifeiasav 2nd --Willie 'Mair, Ethel Gliddoh, Joseph be get
courtship is bank -up6y I' tile other and ricies off. Ils'posei now, you'd 0
-,Fairs ai Ld 8004ies were Vo*dlen, Sarah Radford, Sam Leei, endell -A gent)eman riding with a� Irishman
came witliifR sig jqt Puri on 1�at
MAC 3, the money meded was soon rai act son, Eddie Webb. From senio' r 2nd to fit of' an 4A gallows, and
DFIS. SCOTT & mount y6r horses and ri(Je, af t�r him, aT d
sed: J to make I the 61blier 1hore, or at Am give ve
Goderich Street, opposite me �dfvt summer the carp nters a d boys worked Ito - Junior 3rd-.xMaggie McCool, Harriet Me- display his: wit, laid Pat, do! you see least make him letye keep ittill yer a
Ghurc h 8 forth. ra 8
RMIDMOE, next Urloulliu�w build was to be a ctilb Cauaboy, Bani,
the- station, for i Lily Carter Cfharles Hoggart Aer d Backachob es At-, that T�o be ure O� do" replied Pat.
it 9 was also, and -a' big room was built for bbrtiRadfordl Thomas Lee, Derwin Carter And whore -wold
you be to -day if the, "No; we a"in't, so ornary tnean as a 11
M660L P0'_r(R
G. SCOT, M D. 0. hi., (Ann Arbor aw entertainments. Willie Cosins' From senior 3rd to fi s had it� due'?" Oi d be riding alone," ti
via.- parties and social
A -watchnian w � to, liv c)urtl;, gallow iat, preacher." J. McLACH Point au cii
G. P S. 0. the
and* -E�nie Wall re] enei writes:-Noth.-
-ge day a re be �ip plieA Pat�
F. T. C. chat �ce. lVell, thar, can't ye let the Lord's (Is y Ing better f6r ame Back and Littabago thati. the
nd. night, men,, try D. &L. Xentlwl Plaster.
rer w pe one?
A 0. P. a. 0. -and an im. e -At a c6un fete a conju
UKAY M.D. C. M., (TrinItyJ
wa. b A. X AcL 2 ts writeaA. from Windqor: s
alarin bel I was b gon tie topofthe b' t 1 1 Good Recipes' formi;ig tl�e old trick, of producin egg A bl 'The D.
auk look at he preapher and at each & L.:Kfenthol,
-Dj E. COOPER, X. D.,, M. B., L. F house, which w itoJ be rung when nec�A_ from a pocket hE adkerchief, when e rd- PlagWr is curing Sore Backs,and
Tj�%- CAREli-Three-fourths cup white other; then ,)am spoke out- Rh
ea � �aiin -a a great rate in
OT., I sxtga�, one boy �i) fun: You've treed us, preacher. John Pi 25c.,eae Air -tight tin �ox
_LJO.. olasgow,dic., Physiolan, Surge�f.:, marked to eumatig this vicillitr,
cou , r, Constance, Out. 2) gg, one, half cup sweet milk, h In
A sary to as 11 the ,It nd .h�s �crew, fr Say, my
their hom es in th( v Iagt. Two - beatttift I bo I Four �Inother can't get eg n
yJ, ei �rd one-half cups flo ;r, . one tablespoon. gs Without riglit�'glad you didn't bring that gun." -T FORTWENTY-FIVIE
boats em built f rthe ci ew, and early �i 1 1 1 e
M. BETHUXX M D., Fallow of the y f w I er, ohe he e1189 can 4e?" "Of eotirse she can," re- Amqrican Missionary. y
3, 8�ft butt pin tea�poonful 9AIM
be 83,
Au)olleg-j ofPhyalleiMnaLand Surgeons, to Septem h- its' outfit V, plied the b�. bow is that asked
al'ing powder. Beat eg add sugar, beat
Naooeswr to Dx. Mao'cid. Offict lately occ ple was comp.eted.
by Dx, Mackid, � Mair, street Seatorth. lit, dd butt r and beat again. rain.
Real ence A de�iclation
--cornior of Victoria Squi.kre, In house I*tely ooaupi� P1 rty vi*as to be' held in th Ad milk and flour, sift bi the boy,. am d roal tughber. LIME IR L'
't 1A is lig a the conjure .he eeps ducks, "Y'ri ,plied A Remarkable T
club I I king powder with m ( sof It I I f IME
i and �yb in Belmon'twos. - o Too AaROEABL e of thQ most remarka
by L. Daucay. 1127 boust, anti od. flbur.'-! This can be bakW: n solid or 1: !-,.-Some people 11 D.N, e a 19 trains that
tion lae� -
ill joyful, ell 14. of -that, brilliaiA habit of as ,er travelled over the'rails of an Ame
tit. C�k very nice either wa Fl , roa left Philadelphia rece
eve t4s y ayor to �entin� � to overything paid to ri an
PR. F. J. BURROWS, t [them, ithopt relard to rhyme,orr(ason. r ntly, destined
g tactics i'tih 'tbOr man e I scort QLr :: Oh yes,' for oston. It was composed of 25) cars, all
sident Pby8iolart and S'urgeon, !Toronto, ly ! " Cet
Late kitq� PiP,,-,,St*ew' , fainly�" "No, indeed,"
0en any kind of F.
roa med the hillsid �4! in se, ch �1 cc Y hall omely, decorated, and every one of G TEOIDGE
spital. Honor graduate Trinisy Univemity, bf aq u a pie Of course, ndeed," "You, are
Ith w
mb r of the College of Plivaicias gnd Surp eona leaves and 6v6rgrJ �s for 'the decorations, at until 'Lender, wi lenty of --imter. I t the , from'first to last, loaded ith "Hiras' $
pili@k1all 11 --well. uFn In 0 4�pa guibe rq$ i , aiidthelit:6. Mrs.Hen�rick
oforltaria AT.'OFFICF-Sanie as formerly boot pled aud the boys 'a we and seaso! l, a Root,)eer:" There Is no question but th at ,irafo�thi,
members of the lea is one Of th0FJe Ple, Lsant, P
by Dr. Si*lth, opposite Public School, 8eaforth. V in' it about baf full People. It k",
A bowlf I of
crew, trinimed th club- h use it W the largest consignment kind
with ma;n3 said Mrs. Hobsop, w4o, Was making'a of the
I hav h pleasure in introduct bright colors.. be evettin before. the� da5 e as on Munt of me
0 baud 3133-
r tc a easl; 0 . on- 0(0,
the decoraions. ong 't. ie yl
of th� v verrof this shipment was nearly $100, LARGEST SALE 118 CANADA.
tak( o e cup sour ream and 001MBESTERIEND
gravy sh,041 be I ft over. Par the ust 64 call de at, one time in America. T ie
ng Dr. Bur, ne of bu tter. that little Miss Si-hith: is one pf tild stu' !Acton Li THEC
6o a� nay Mformar patients as a physician, in every aty I bid1been the club house e r �inet,- aiid7-l' alu
mill �, sweeten� wit soda� bo4t pidest girls I t at
way we thy of thuir utmost confidence with Ralph -to �!6-e We f' she !" interrupted Mrs.'11endrieks. and t attracted great attention am All Stan work and Vast6ring
ul- -iil4d stir stiff ith flou Di And should be lone with t1h
R. W..RR609 SMITH. were lookin forwi�rid to th. a ptLrty with sc n Is on the in p:n table- cc trad6 and railroad men, who gave the tra',n i is 111ve as
Telaphone-Na. 46. - o so plain-' Treadfully-V) Now,, sets q cement.1 Prlkeosto
inuch ple0tre. spoc at. it akes w quickly he priate name of 11 Hires' Rootbe w -------
iks e wended our a%,Jvra,� 8
X. B- -Night calls answered from offlee. as a p, of baveut ver muc[i beauty myself, but- suit the tf ea.
the st likes coel ec
borne from ontlia-6beautiful, 0 n biscuit . This an e �L "No, indeed, sail Mrii. Hendricks,. car- The cars ontained 6,460 caes n
I __ lent pi a,�d is quiLkly ma all a Brucefteld'Saw 19111
evenin I felt in my heart that I., i dially, 81,040 bottles of Hires' T I 1� I I a-
Septeffiber 'o KE PUDDI R gross, or 6 c,
m,. --One uar of
'AUOTIONEERS e, and blissfully happy. 00 r
lif loved in Extrapt, sufficient to niake 2,90" S aafoql The underiWied having
sweet !milk, thr' #.,
e. 'tables] 6onfuls I of Orn 200 1a.1lons of rootbeer, or ove
As we entered�the p'aisonage gate'and stal r JO glasss '1428
�IGEORG9TAYLORLtcenaed Auctioneer for b, !the yolks ol four el 19$, one alf H I Yourself. .4 leased the..
the stood together in t�e moon� ight, be V qu for ach man, woman and 4ild in New Brucefield Saw Mill from Mr. Alex.
A* in all.parts of th lalf !Tight yoi
County of Huron. Sales promptly attend �t his of lif de ittgap and LP battlos. Hoe R n I d. They also contained 2,425 cases, Mustard
QO a little mlt. , Place
e County- Satisfaction arms around me at1,4 asked, me to b ir oln
econ�e your own 11
teed. Charges moderate. GKO. TAYLOR of ttecilk, With tie salt and su %is no'w prepared to do all kinda
V, his Wife. gar, o� the row. Ask no favoi -a of any one, and you'll hot g 601000 pint bottles of rootbeer,
;P. 0. Y367-fPlen stove-toboll. 'DisEolvethe -corn stare better of cust�om- 06winafy On the shortest noti(le.
My darlin Rj�pb how much in succeed a thousand times than one read to drink. and m
I i loved the rest of the milk and stiz into t e lbo ing who is always beseeching some one's'in- T above figures represent nly abot, Ost Teasonable terfus.
him ; but I to d hip�; to wait for his answer' t
.WM.' WOLOY: also add tbe' yolks of the e g6 'and fluen-.e and patronage, No one can ever one -1 iird of the total amollit of �his popu
until we met at thMarty next eve.ning. The highest cabli price will be paid.
Auctioneer for the Counties 6f Huron and Pe. th, I did -not as] in to go, into.tbe hous one 'tablespobnful of flour blen e to! t1he help you as you Cal yolirseY, because lar : overage consumed in New Englan r Eass wood,
andAForitmHenoall, for the Maseey-Harris Manu- with coldmil.k. -Letthis-cook Ltil thick. F1r6sg no one will be so heartily Elni, _RemlocL-
laoturing Company. Sales promptly attended: me, for I k v,that the boys, expeicted interesoed in your durin g the season, but they give !game ea.
to, him to retu with the beaten wl'ites of four eggs, *ith affaks. The first a bep will be such a long r, TA and other salable --tim bers.
charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed M to I station, 8,134 as-socin as of.th,:. wonderful popularity thro4ghout Itb e
Onelialfe, 0 white Sugar flavored with one, perhaps, but c iving yon I Lumber, Shingles �and drainin Tile
Orders by mall addressed to Hensall Post offloe, a * 'I bade him goo&'n � 2 r own entire country of thi I
r ,ht he stooped'and kissed , lip in greatest of all toir
residence,, Lot 2, Gonb
Jett at his pie and aaain the 1� chimes rang' out thei lemon, rea -e pu hi nd the mountain y ke each one lead an- �erance drinks. -149
6asion 11, Tuck. dding with ou Ila A Temperance Drink' fb r always on hand.
4,nm4t;h,, will receiv6ptomptattention.. r icel' 'in t 1 1 -
1296 -ii brown 4 n e oveno Save cho 11 emperance People, is th7 me sweet tune. 4 ran tip to my room, .1 a 14�le other, and stand fli m hvhhi�je -you sti
of the frosti�g to - moisteit. the tp'.1 0 i nsm�, given
D, �er anotbqr out. Men-mr madefo nes most delightful beverag Composed en -
and peoring throng i the �hutters, watched browni4,.then pit;.
�'W;�y in t e moonlight, wa
hi i gratec cocoa�iit. er are not those who have li�d $5,000 giv to tirely1of n�ctg and herbs itbout'th slight - OHOPPING
IF,, yol" WA�JYT
tabedbim tbe' top to it the appear4 Chopping either.' by at
;,. - - - 1 1 1 ve nee; of. them to start w:th,' but boys who have est trace of intoxica e D- ind4-
il'ft no longer, nts, i6s, wo thy of Ith, R -S One or gr
JmLTi F.RuIT -OlnPtly and eatisfacgLon
ber or release house ior i started fair with a well-earned dollair or name, Not only is it4delici us, thi�st-
To sell, bu3, encunt Serve P 0
How happy I that,,,ni done P-
1� 'too.
farm' all on J.- 1) AUGH Lai d Agreh't, .� t Ab; CAT F_-TW4 t'cups �f wl Care S ind Netteliva guaran�
ha-.Ppy- I went't ir �n i e wo' en who I re fame have �e-Oer satisfying drink, but it ha� a wi4ely reoo In teed. Chop
of bu I ter cup of been thrust into po . 9. 20 mom.unue also Coa
rj�y by puffs bbiged, nized value as a tonic, strengthening thil n Biliousness, Iluinthe e, �,onfnpzuw -ping
at in and looked' "211 Tpoguet PIZZI
31 God�ricli Street East, Seaforth. sugar, two-thirds cup �u a n on
dresse Th �re was the lovely white sweet milk, three cups of N jr, j and Friday& A t Tuesdays,
, t ef: egg s, or paid for, oF, J Lven in friendly pirit. system and enriching T id Liver, �stay Cured an�
Deeds, Wills, A:e.,�draivn for Ba 9reatb.
t -bb �lood.
$1 eacY ate thd� bowels. �Vffgr r1al is respeotful�y-
C Ildre C ry ft r pitell solicited.
er's -Pasc irl 9 �rq rAar.
dn Cry for Pi��,herls CastoriO. PRION 20 ChrN rfw or 9 P u
Ch, 1dr
1416- J0,91AFf
a on 0 on � eth
ll�i Put TC
t ng
0 fu
g iok
_r e
t lln
ef C f
-tends. to
rightly useL In
'less ex
i 4P lig the -Wm
-tile Ueeds
--zbe -value t -o heal
T -laxative prine
1111 the Tonn hinit,
;anb I. , tue tattep v
enefi&-1 pr
t4lspcning, colt!
)28� given r&isl
met with the
pi,ofm, sionv becaw
1,iv,�r Al'a I
inallil it'
'Syrup .,Of F, 4
iris I
&ta in 1.50. irot
facturecl- by
004 only,i-,hosena.
pa**� aim the
And Nei% well-
pt a y z4halut,
Rome amts.
Varmers, Nrives freq'
.7�10 entertain un Xpect,
Amow it is notig un
.1bad to drive
Jortunrbe are" we if th
wer-S, h ay pre "-rs woc-
thands �Aose clafi'ns III
�e�ctj as t age of 0.
Presi& At of the- Vnit
-us thos rden Must hw
justitli -,game.
I thi ik it is not the
vas to stop 1
Mes mery4o]
meal the il�ex
I �e'te_ t
friends in.
parlor and e=
--out to call the=
Aown! a lien f4i ditin,;i
'VAntage of one thak, hs.
set before tbeni, at ain
Trepared., devotll�&
--ble to visiting.
The average foxiller,
-difficultv 1
it 1)reparing
_Aon -shorcuotice, and
we never make a bit 0.
A-endea bill of fare '
-can adil'the Zlassof je
had, or the can of fra
an. excelloat dessert.
inaterW at hand in a
-lareim, milk, vegetable
the ham% &ausa
go, or 4,
'Juriaz -a grtaterportic
get -up U �Iji
-notim. IA-ekin anyti
.1have the pork barrel tc
that vill' Mrnish what
of s9mething better,
-Our cift friends I
sWeet, salCpork V�
-have. it than anything 't
this Way,
S � ice thinly from the
-ok pork,..lesving the -lea
�cooking with beans. Pi
�en ia milk or water, an.
roll dm.:dour. - This - oan
inteerly in frying. Do 01
theplatter, but N*n
;pouriitoff andsetawa,
Zte.1 " into the f
r1ch -ineor cream for z
tam, nful cf flour.
�qgp, one vegeta
ing this, pieklin of w!
ncoflee - conteming nice
11ave all, that is neeessa�
demert. If it hW, ens -1
ame er norput
course �ef prep
anii -e
orustaud. a ba&,ed:�
-411 with almost, any kini
�or tazined it, Doi
ripe eurrants, cherr^ 1
c& -es. The fruit shou
�sweet. Serve with swel
the ease -of t1he earrauts,
-the can to*bWliug poin
ter and a tea;spoonful of
"Let the guest Nffio wri
edly. -finda hdarty wele9i
zraore diskaarie� than
to see A, friend ..and mO
-71 Which, ff JWt eXactly
"es, t
mutakavly giN
_T 7
�5L E- uited he�
n tha-t Prevent
ot tl�e OD�
asidethe work.. D0134 I
that it, is4done grad,91,
Vrepared maa zerved
-it isof ireater im
feel that their v I give
i There i& a elass of
�W- ever ready to visit tkeir
reaily tewittertain in ret
-,are 'grossly selfish;
they are not villing to I
to I came aud Zee us " J
-Y tle, and -ofttimes, am IAO
the C-0iiscieu* W1*1.h
be accepted. DWI,
open handly given, 0*,
some people; dying out
the almighty dollar is I
leave. little 1 me for ai
.�live move and. inare�u
iyears go by,. Tne work
.,-.)ar aitterniop. ltsduti
emorable. There is RUI
u re. Yet -long may it
ionea way of visiting i
ng countiX Peoplt�_-
Moody Praye
All of TeXas has need
1� evangelist, Dwight L_
+is 0:�dien`c'e of $,ON Q
4' Vfttly that the flood gx
yast.night when the Z4�
ed by 10,09 people fro'
AurroUnding cities, Mr.
-that ward Ud -00me &0
rain had. fall em A few
tstorm burst on Fort W.
..rain fell. Then Mr. AT
God and called - upon
join in. siingin-g) 4"_ -All
Jesus name, let 094W I
The song haa saFg
throats wilen a cratlli
..ind the roof sank anxi V