The Huron Expositor, 1895-05-03, Page 4C , J. - R Fr Moors Owl 7 1 4. y _39 18950 1E POSJT R . RON! -Ay 4 f, " hA i jo win be was buried on Saturday.' The first issue, of the rim Lent, but W [th this forthcoming. The Aon.iClark Wall cwhas, 1, is $5Q,090,. bid'thd a at besides is an 4 The! loss 0 a, n, 'Gove" 410. averw Rose, Wro)deter. Grey,-ThomaslIcEwari i Inney. - . . i, I may 3 Md to -mi rial which is now on file in this office was date(I d rtj t. e U Ado' -In 11,11 Fie, I : lqc. a to 11,01 hii party frieAde and evidently, 'forgotten Bayfield har )or and a it, ,erb­deter i d that Jamestown J. Schaferf Mole 3w4rth about 000,; inp A7 K AT'Y-OVRL BE a fejaonr -io, of $6 If: mine. I ure Jq- )ruary 17th, 1866, under the aditprial xa)a ienients.-The Ur -S Querrin, Ethel; J. Long, ibi g Joseph 4*ok'; for$200. mansigem f Mr. Hack -in and in associ- orier or era t9roug io at the county of Bi the.promisesi. he -made to the good p wple of tb i salaxy 4ould bei ent 9 91 d ' the Thames Tb ir v 'A [Stih. Jam ense in 5 $25 000, and- thatthis C, Ziliax Mr. Wood perso James O'Leary, A. 'and as )1i'dM4nue, - T. E. Hak.11 All that is sa a about 3 n, X n4 - -huraday, p 'died ifte bsciriptioiL price -of thlb EXPOSTrolt, that village last June.- Thero are i Joe ap. A )uld include -everyth ould eVfin dte of some saiiin with Mr e1i next Sunday,,.oervii He is tho ghty amp, The Su is Oil we cordlallr' and' rou ing, it Harry. J ames, ]Brussels. An exte asibn of. sr., oflefiburn. For -The License Commissioner of South 11 a m. alika 7 if paid n advane ONE _area . M. 'gel; Me- t s far 0 Dple to have -to pay -atthe dr.. daae -1 e y are at Sebringville on spent Sat sisi 'Valton,'for the over a ex ,y'h strictly'i ompeterit 6 11 he posi i with d rodit to propriatione for a'. number of nf w post thin be a three - onths was granted t Geoi im6 -a vanced age f 77 years... h Perth. held their meeting office bu Official, wh er, he ad. iday -mtEi r 0 Moo-tieth, of 3 opkr Gfol DOLLAR. ililinge in clifferent towns. Rill Kim, 'V Royal he iiiild 3. per.i d of tw grant the licensei'for If you do no bre M04ths hiniWf and knows v y little Wets d. here, 'a wiqh hisfamilY FridA3r,!2lat ulb., to efore H, t renew within e Fhe satisfaction of the public, It, of oranbrook. A. J. Vul lcfllll Of' live All the --hotels It is 6tated that the- Government hkve b lit Canada- lie comes here and c arid she 'a date o oint Farm,which ps having -MeN -at, q, 1 ibhfirt 1.9 ofth n your label the cc willl be Fordwiob, waarefused license for tile Arow on his farm AjoinitiI i last year were s, -'%Vr hil -while, from ai a, tyi poi nt of -view, lid hals 4 mteeirig :Iteaverylittle -ijut4afterhe` I rij haviiig a few of license granted license w%4 her, parent within six pasi,ied an Order-Jil-Counbil guaria aj goes away. lingtowhouee. he dole red u , not witil ed t. -was on his way hone the $1.25 if you do not re 1, ;16 L Cin ;JAMes, are mar- joranother - year, except the bete nehi The I y earn )nly objectim that- ession, Two. lat PrIos_ litoi months of the date on your I pirice the Hudson's Bay Railway Compan y 91 cash 'T country is. not in i i a te',bf proaperity - -Edwin Sparling, of the 5th cc the ha rdabi a inoiden* th the pioueeirs. I pact Hill, kept by'31ra. Iffenrijr, A largel. neighbors' -with a tpin will be No paper -v _ldnst Nis app inti: lent is, t r vill e sent gar tirgedl g a it an h. as would excuse I hi a lit'vish expendi- How ek, has ii, ewe L which d a d four of his ions, i bonus.of $2,500,000., But, Parrhanent Wi I daughters, the that had . inadc,m bein ad to a seeder, the b signed petition had been. presented to than one year before g pai for. be --hilehe was'still a lambs recently, and they are ailF i vell an - ried and* r side the *1 !Thiee nigsionern, praying that Barely net. r any such gra t. The ture of money." op 0 Would n licenFe be eriea arid i'an. J% Send renewals direotbi thW' , offilce. of the atify Pe at object 'hearty- Colborne Mrs. Couin ihis' T11111111 oti(ally so, Mrs. John Walte i of, mp! ber gial4tu, e or pr4i nted. -give many Millions of #a . .,I 'R; -fiv trongl Gvernme t have n I t th ialary, evek if il"It, remain-- -Last week the borne of Arthur l' don, Willid i than , a gates, 8 lacoll a a A , Bulike,of A ioni New -York; Mrs. notgra pas 1, an -t smi Ca, PaL g Money sent by registered lot r, -thus leaving tl Go ei nment )per to the 1i a§ 70 cc I qdi&n -On Tuesday raorniiig, last eek,, Mr. was broken excep -A dollars to construct, the' C a at irl, ]Dakota, and a n 00,L if this cqvered everything, but 3rd line, Alorris, bad a close call h om fire,' Rober i Molr ris, of G 'les I money orfler, express money -otclar -or, dr'ft I , j in at John Ogilvie and family, of Kirktan were dharge of uyii t 4p, 'port of a re resent. hter v o real edvith hi Sorry tosay thatone Zf oil to' ui Railway, find surelt Parliament will not be cc on'the back of iv a sum. More than -The cause was from some articleu being too son an I d6xlg bors is troublea with sore, is at our rialc A post -office, otdek , to wa, re-varing to start for Algoma, lan.W u h do* n ma6in t6 p PO ative..by,tlke; 11 lie Of in offioe his 6b-6 close to the atovepipe. ii, hoi ne, with. his ii, ow te crazy enough to gra ft a large bonue to an- double for extras is simply an outragei and going upstairs found. their quently has to wear ii urn his costso lytwo cents. pr -The job. of veneerin the $unsbifie me 5i inva for 12 with Straw to .Save bW 51 - d in aclme in tances, Jection migh, 1 0 9 "so. ho has be ck keiidd daughter, W gI other. road -to destroy, the one in wh' ch they it is surprising that the people ba borne Methodist aburch has been it to an an i but in thij I . . Mr' I . le Thomas a flitit bri I of: Mr. vv,. Iff. bed.* Shehadbeenap B it rL a no w igb.. Lot him have is o 1 1% Turnberry %rs deaLd in parent.- ruineaa,ltoget6q.-Mr. C, The change on your label will notify Von alrew have Be large an interest, and as- witfi it as long as they Scandrett, of Belgrave. There we a seven Elliott , Jo 11, coiice -of out receipC of Che money. If not chat has al be p , ter of the have. -or eight. tenders.- Theworkwillb done at was df stro ad b fire on 'Monday fye:UijeriXI Lmore than USULti for the previou received from New Yoi Wood wavi all as Lin ser -ed does his lalary of- $50, a .qar, u morning- lays, u4notbing serious wasi expect a W,L 's roj Ila a ; - pecia 000 b tiet t b,e Wt a ;,a 4ewiah Gazette, printe'd -sy -with. 0 apply nearly. enough o*f usiness 'he last of gock 'r j6l tt i was! awak- The ke were interred in the iPlresbiyter. wngnage. Being unable .eek d nmei A i &rd and we, will Govel: 1, ull m, atb I the co, try" to, be hat of 4as5 ., o'clock. few in thre it. once.. A -k b t an mains trace the inatter,url. icy. 4 W a tl Id n t no a I -Mr. Wilhelm, of Khiva, has recently About two L cemetery, KirktQn, sind the f4mil left _h _an-_ their pol w is w cou hen the 6 guage, a u- dous to be ers lindi a Be.1 N 1 1 . I -penses. -a havin at =A in th in ke the exiating.road pay 6, S ftame _R "MIA Who read A for and orders payable to McLean Bros cam 0 1 view. The U Vis, the. older Provinces have 'now News of the Week. and has got it ex ceediugly well stoo ad with kitche iL attached to h .0 e. I c- for Alibina next dwv., I him I cheq4cs be no such t alf offi.4 lei i procurco. % 100 acre farm irom. Air. broederi ened, ibe fi can Address kit latt and make al 'a 1, of'Xitchell,- who has Cam he very finest breeds of cattle o tairriiible the al Slid soon a, number -Mrs. J. H Hil More -than this , b elected. at! the re- TTLE PLAIt', I diatelf gavi, ar, When remitting money do' hot A . be I,- I done, a ioujh for Manitoba and the -North- Ji. attle plague -is ra y fail to give - 7 beenlingering between life and death for Potaflo a naJori y; and was -a f the nei I I a Is t )era gau red! arid did all. they bent electi n b, rig in several 6f the in the district. a post office &ddres west i ind' if tb& people of that country a Gi'. ernments of Son * I he, died on Tuesday, -last week_ TenoN-Tai, April 929. -Di a.. -Mr. V. Ritter, one of the oldes1f settile'ra a he many Mont pledged supporter' 0 a Gover6Merit. In u sia. Im ould, but they were unable to subdue t When notifying Us of charive -of. addreas want any Tore. railways they shoi ild pro-. flames and it Her ewe was a most, remarkable one and count is improvin One ' t 7Cbfisidef- FlEy 17181ir .'WLA w -The Queen of. the 10th concession of 8, tepbeq, ba re whi ,h a to - the house-, I -and ithortan baffled the Aill of 4 do not, fail to g'4 both ol(f new post addition to, the 3e t dau' h a solved to retire, and has sol l his handE ome was a du d to ashes. -1 pbysiciins. Her rited the BiLle of an , a 0 an te-irly 411 the ro videt4em themsely 'am, and not bleed the Do f H 11 id, and, h r young daughte softened and crumbled till her zwmers last wea, 0. office address. ations; he r6a 8 represent4tive posi. 1 1. . : . bones had all in mini 11. he Queen, arrived in Londoq, n farm to I] r. Keis, %,lie moves on to it in the conte to re saved Insured in t 0 ul- -or a trifle over 1 89 W. in not over thitteen inches long. She, demand for I*cAd "count ion and accep' wi - the full, ikt rday on a visit. near future. real Utu f on :house sp i was a of the' other' th, could notbe move -3- In her bed without at er dal the H Mr. Elliott intends to re -steadier. 40ara; on the trS HEA , DILEAD.-Th price 7of bre4d n -The olmeaville bl ck- and conten.. -deafers sell Iou a lireaking one or more bones in her ei and Look at Your: Label. approval of ti as, , who elected' blm.-Au Notes a Con=ent' d 4 on 7 1 heater has been reduced fro amith met ith a rather painful. accident, bai e. -,at 60 view of these if ic si then,, we 'can not see in four a that T, a Toronto, legram seldom spekka - and hqlf cents a6afi': While fixilig'a set of iron harrows the 4 . yet she lingered ' lor months in rig objee rench wh ch be Was u@ing slipped, er u gh- f Perth H-e—ms... tionj till death gave her &'happy !release on British Graft NEW AD"RTISEMENTS. anyth i 4I6i4le in i the 'appoint , ment it lit a' . ing'so ething. Here is- a late PAyn o' TELEPu(0-,%a,. LThe long d a-. w w wy either in Mr. An a telephone between Paxis and Lend n ing one of I is fingers badly.: -8 Lin i 1g, of Stratford, I]Ias op Tuesday. 1.oN_-mx April 029.-,T1 ,,a Government. or 1 1 64 ened, p sqi il b: When n,, N. Clarke Wallice borne with,, the nt- seldnese I' indry inMitchell. -Mr. Joshua Freeman, died quito )00 -AfWr i long illness, I press, in its weekly revie C&Trie figure between the parenthesis after each od is Thq fact of a man hay. a over 2 alls a day, at the irate of $2 al Wo =1 : e d gas he page 61 the paper on which, the a a& a of the sitival ibn, his referenc a is an- o most patim suddenly at his residence, r St. rain trade, sayyz -Flourl one. denotes t p r each call. ee and resignation, Miss Maggie --Mr. -05ver.Daffie of 'Whalen, . has sidvOrtisement will-bi found. ing been a Tpeniber- f the UgiBlaturd,should Maryi, on Thursday, the 18th iiit,j ag" tirel: - to the Job wl ich he is holding down HER UNPROFIT IDLE. -The cost of Beck da hgiter of the late Andrew B mki, gon a tj Mit %ell to 1 11 the tailoring. for botb English and - A3 5 ye be on hei -Jacksom & Greig. 0) not be a bair to'his appointment to *a 1JQ_ na ntaining the Ta' 100i ult., at the residence --Among those whof:1 k he -ighest Und price; i Rain or Shine. I . al last year as died on Fri lay acre 8,6 the 65 ars. He was an active main. r of the h T1jeL new store -A. E. Fentecont. (0 not 13 the iduatior in Manitoba." A, fair telal-T. V., Rutledge. (6) tion under the Gov rriment, pr6viding the 6 3,125, andAbe reverin amotifi-fed to $11 of bar unch Joseph Beek, Saltiford. We item Medical Colleg was. W. D Methodist church, and was honored.an(T English wheaft, To-deii Chap RESOL highly respected. He Usives a wife &nd:LtWo Special notice to all -A. G. Ault.(5) is no other tangibl objf' otion, -and the pe - A few day's replying to a question A NOVEL UT N. -In the 111in is ';..-M rg. E itt has - sold her cot ge w Ple, of St. Marva. aing dearer, even darnap Take your h,l:jFE V F al Dry Goods Co. (6) giblAture, the other lay, a resolution -,6s the Catholic churdh, in Clinton, to r. Captaii W.1 H. lbi4ialey, of - Kirkton ditighters, Mrs. R. J. Treleaven, of Aylmer, :tw good. ret Rooms to rent7 ple whoseireprnt sen C w 0 0 is an enthust! -whites 25-s. Calif4mis - n ativ lie British House A Corn and Mrs. G. W. McLaren -of Xorden S*le of'Stock 9 iffinjlj w and Park. (6) he Was,. and put.i i t n1lons, Sir. nt cill need Telluestin, i he daughters of id. Holden, ofthe Soo, I for the sum of $ )0. has started iia hot beds have to rov' e for.his 't fiekpiiiaid! d Grey, Pa iamentary 8 a not to aceept t it hand -in mar r -acre lot in addi )n. asti der en toba, and on hn an, Alad No. 2 'redwintiiir a I rs-. i"' _ [ term' a 6 Edw 6r cretary 'of ,,ag, of There is a quaiie two a' a. Jo W. Freem Harvesting wooginery"! tosh. (6.) provide for in a 6ny p lately at A., Pgincipal of Waterdown High Be Xarn'Organ Co -J. L , Do mio. (5) Mrs. Kito leaves shortly for Dakota. Wer cc - ,l h id y is 641' -to a 3. L ; donsentin parties fo'tb) arraingembrit. t the I orpigwoffice ated quite clearly that arson who ii ii',not a citizen! of' he tundrum so ia a barle To Coutraotors-A. David ri. (6) .9 D a a n a n n 0 d a. r E V LO§ aid a r . y 3 a 'a h lar a ne I" a % b qere 'I h to a to w p l a it n n e Till d n t rn 0 a can me e, W id INIr. James of 'W a dlitim, &"a he pro- ILI, iilat and rouna,li -McCoshA Jeffery. (8) the If iw Jrited States. -The other day as Snell, grark ou;3ew T A ayton, wFo is at home, to mou in Rargains--MaCwh Jefrety..(S) rem are held for 6a rue., Big.drop is difficult to ot serve an, hard and fast r le ritish and Egyptian spheres o B?,c6.Ninw4AAiERicA XiElo.-General Hu lett, 4as lifting a barrow out of ihe cee death. rig- a were flueb covered the- whole 'Nile w e way, -The town of.Mitebell his now, another einflo, in matters of tl iokind, in doing io an A at oat the set winter has port a ilis -ur 11if Annuat meeting, Wm. Moore (8) - Yt or, Booth, of the 8 ition Army, in 1-fo wagorl, it fell, one of the teeth going cc m e Be re"fr, le, trees in Lo- to tice to ofintraotors.-A.'41 Ismillie, (6.) Ea h and at imy ancroa6hinorlb by France in eAs aspect, -Which iivill most lik No justice might ver easily be done. Ea will becorrie ati American citizen. JHe pleely throufli his great toe, inflii3tinq a Ai n -u r Of yo g spi ;w suit in pr T, House to let, or iell-R. Ilicks. (5) hay to be fouibt out iii t ecourts. 'h'ye ke,ow,11 Merits. that a looked upon by the "made a formal a0plication at the Cov, . pailfi, e Dairy- o Court of Revision-4ohn 0. Morrison. (5) cMe must lie ju ige Upo# rri ry wduld b Ilty hip at Ugi M h office in J Birthdayl "lerk's ersey 'City for the nee A,! "'p, -,VIo_"-Tft ),x ay 10t. Clourt of RevWion-A.GSwill1e (6) an unfriendly 4- David Ni ell of Elm&, and sister- _4Queen' ill celebrated %n is going k to sue the indi.: c, Vi go , i&wd of health to; Briti h G vernment as act Be usil, members of the I t Opening of NoVigidit!013 J. 8. J;okson. (8) v "? I . in-liw ci Mr. Alex.. iahol, 5th line,'M)r- r ac bas; ball, lacra ax i y papers. Afitchell by- horse, little -or not ing 4onc TTv% n"Lm n rV _V_ 0 years. 'ver 9700 larizu'usain n kuwers-Reiii m 00n. %5,; V 1his ias raised a term in the F non papers JVRESENTE 1,011ILi)REN.-I bn April I th,'aged 6 re Q, LU C01111a.011012 -Hug I I C :D B, HE Nilliard. no, dio& and other sports aud the e"y fee Sprsying, pumps-Reld & Wilson. (8) )There istroulole again 'in Upper. an with the smallpox case that pawed throng Creamery 0. wbonate of Copper—Reid'& Wilean. (8) a land may lead, to something more serions, ountain, which waks P esented to the it Nic iol -4as drowne ie the river Maitla id -All the Mite ntO Aounced, mei hall etchal will I here )l eare aggro,, Mitchell Lost fall on his way home to logf i.- uliesp Sugar -C. WiWn. (8) College. Since the remo al of this motitlu- thou h, that result isnot at all a li6ly one. f Chicago by de chil ran of the We. d a son 0 2 bile crossing in a b( at. after close- hei -bu jL lelis places et!seven tion anl in quoted at 11 Now Is the timo-Gilroy & Wiseman. (5) omen's Christian Temperance Union, Was dur opring freshet. o'clook in tl As th itit Daii ry ge it) he *anted to go home, tion to its hew site, *hi is locAted ai con- e.e in m ing to us , Y. -hat b Notice to-.Cttd1tor& -& 0. Campbell, (5) is gaorr&Kut him, thinking t W r. G. A MOT gart, of Clinton, I as Ri V i . J. a U'ridorio g,",hed and sarne. ew butter, 'W, Pattons"Notice-T. Dickson.'(5) 'If the. corresponds to sent out tnveiled an I dedicated, on. Saturd r. ihe ev. ome siderable dista ace' from. the hear ot -e the ran ed t a Taylo r farpi, Huron road, Gode- ox al gan W to 181,e, ,' Emtorn Town Bisaults reduced -Fred Davis. (8) ountain cc it and over '300' anniversary ear hure Listo. the best place for him. Nim Lo xiois English papers are to be believed, hildren, I v ica ict to nship, to the present tenffnt, Mr. wel, last Sal Pbat4, ge congrega- -fancy westerft,,12e to I Cneap Meitia-Fred Davis. (8.) cifyi it has bi?e Aifficult to kedp up,th6 at... VO r r suing Mitchell -for letting him go home to rig in Europe. and' Amei lar Sualh -Fred Dav is. (6) IV. tio, his father's. cht soap I tendance S in D blame rm Tal lei or one year, and sold it. to loe to i I.P.. Eggs,-Recii Steelliwa mower", Uglietc & C -).(s) the py.1*661pal for t d A I euiwn outrage 3.Were ite as bad a's ontributed to the fund. nal U're orb 31,1 and tw4 i of bar _Cdonel V. V. Ashford, the Canadian Screen Doors ---S. Mullett& Go. (8) this, and oth Is blame the locojo, the ty. cot sensational rep nJCa d a them out SERIOUS . N-UNDAWO at Mol kk, ullett, subject to this lease; -Mrs, Afty, I J. This -On Siturday, ue veri heavy and bu - J 7 V— 0 foe to 11j tt Wco.(S) Ppinal, in 'France, at, immense reser (fm - a to the bZdi Waterproof PAint-8. Malle are r - -iMr . 0. Pattison, of Clinton has s(ld daughters lave le Tord.T to. - In who Was imprisoned at Hoj;61u1u,,in connec- i - I voir -on insti.tution is ur d tobe, The Armenians istian peo- 4e.. church and a much a, was a- *129. ToRoNvro, APri s they will tion with the late re ellion ther Rprxy your fruit trees s. Mullett& U, 4i) fir the control of the Gov. a h mrst, and i lundated. the. surrounding coun- his art on the AbLitland concession 0 "Socis I a Look out for the Queen's Birthday. (6) Orr-mlent -a ted, plei. 11 ring in Turkish territor prid are our- 1 0 ,but th G.overnmefit have deleg _b to4nship, to Mr. Charles Hanley school inate, at Port Hope, of Air. Race, of' New spring shoes W. H. Willis. I(% ry. There was a serious oss of life, and an. rid raiised. . I ; . i J choi-ce small r0la in -0 a committee ad by the Kurd ; who are Moslems.. mmense d of C lint n, for something in the Iieigbbor. Ala d son, 1 of! W, itchell, the Mitchell, Recorder. The'last timethey To, fit the lrurje &, McFahl Dry 00040 Co. the managerne& appointed roun estruction'of property. - Xr. Jar ies 8 ills -Qaotations are" Large x ci es, Wi h a. a The Turkish author Iies, it appears, are UNFO-RTUNATH.-Thi: parents of b boxes, Re to I' !Hot weather requiAtes-R.' Willic (5 by what is knfA rn as. the Old B "a As- ina hoo,lof $3,000. Thereare 87 a bave' retio-ed to '81 eat I i4e -a they met was at th Hid] 4' hous Mi 2Wb; lj6 I 'mew spring stock -J. A. Jaiiiieso's. (8 oy ry, and seventeen ye lall,- the young Englis h girl who lo Like rid.outbuildinge 'a ased. in W -.a abl, bake J when he was engaged all dairy rolls in barn ars agoJ const,,,,, tly mistrustf ber pur h -SM flitan. wanted -T. Brown. (8) sociation. Thii a soocialion. is 'coin osed- of ul of the Armenians, Uouse to Rent-Isaine [Angst p ife'through a criminal operation in a De. -A letter from Chakes Itoze of i Paw epiTing th historical andt ratb will run tha bus eso writing. and pri -hoice, in hawkets, Ito.) H. Olis. an this f Gre town icriptive matter for the 'Perth Mli tch i had a 'a, Queen's Birthday Celt-brAtiou-W.*, ates of h school. Race d, I iaving. heard"that. they in tended to rfe- Pam-,. Alichigan, formerly 0 Wp, co, grA4 fly, roit lying-in hospital, iare very poor, rid -Two 1; med hod, Zrf W bprxj, your fruit trees-Lumoder atlas.- The Colonel has been pardoned Se to -90 I. )i bet, n9ited the Kurds to -attack them, annot'afford,,to'visit tbe United, State to und,lr ditte of April 19th-,: says the' ate narrow es(apel t & vilsm. (4) coinn ttee of In, -nagement decid to make ro Wni ng -1 t If; other on =7%; creamer uhs fre! Bioycles-Lumsderk wil,4on. (a), uraue, the case agaiiis Rev. Jonathan B U, nice y i ettled in their new boine 'and out day, - ba-vinj t ­4ei boi it In the mill condition that he leaves the island mi sing the latter all the plup er tbey Up but he a chang in the--- teaching staff, and with -this. Pro mer -made, So to 1-96c. k Theifisch c46her pond -1 he girl's supposed bettayer. tbrd agh with seeding. )01 t had tic, be taken to the hospital- as his health. -is easier.. Them 'were a Id see -re, and immunitiT from punish-, end in view gay th ritare stafli notice to CPU U' ti ibolm, "S, THE ROLIFIC Gri"Ll"HITE.S.-The Want ism `6riner resident of Hay 'townshipi On- _.Mr. Adam Se n, i1ller ' 8'r of B is so iewhat cri Cal 'In) alke to daya;t Jeonti The Armenians hd v6ver, were too tario. quit ft cert.% ape I "ad dat hi ac- nient. Deaers are jobbing I of the lat ' Grand Duchess of is in Chi*c-ago att( -A named Donaghy li-id a h r tort; a. ill I'd in act oi: Davies' Young man 10%f er a cert.% . I . I t les ei, ' -Mr, Andrew Morden,while! turni g. ight is narrow escape from dearh by dr tion taiseicj qufte a fu *'a- in the! i ",ne-b. for the Kurds, and Nthen this became daughter of the' Duke if Edinburgh a- faith cure. He i e`poi ts thlaf h is f- ye ownm on A 'resm Sep i I im terribi-ereare v p1res ald ar Turkish regulars I the 706 direct dese at a well'which was* being dij in Sunday afternoon, 21st ult., at Stiatford.. ainonle, Wse int n ested in vb a colleg Mg. ran, forty grand Bat;e Born,- loto AIi4.e sent against n'dant-6f the Queen, win( lit improv 31ow-ing -are the re Sev- ate ,hbi hali' li '%I proisent Blyt i, !on Wedne$day last week, b sbine ' _j He had gone down to Victoria lake, and 7 _qd nine child essrs. _n McDon d. of of full creeim Septet SEAFORT FRIDAY.. V' 17 3rd, tionk a befialf of* th them, and several villages ,"re 1895 eral dele a Y' a, a principal utterly,de i lildren anZ( twenty-6tie great-grandchild- rnea 8 illowed the bandle to slip nd Was holm, got Be 3and th -fine tto tili aking a cou.iDle of planks andan oalk beam, fin: i iiriib for! (I mail lot$ to 'I P stroyed, meni, women and children, 1 eing 6j. the head by it. His head %vaa ion., 11 Zyco, , at Listow Springl8how, t -o hi A f thle staff bave waited -one of these descendants. are stall sort ;f raft on which he flo a*ted Ile. PoIllud late, t and 4ber ulep I n. Sixty stru k made -Murdered indiscriminate AA att' t I ving. preqy Isevierely -cut, necessitating quite a in a class of fourl, c- rinment mp on the water. - He had got out a onsider- Gove Appointments. -on the Go v ernm al it io urge the withdrawal ahere, Qc. smav lots 0 -PTo, -Harry if iVirlLebalaea, hals rent- h was ridade 'by the T FATAL ]VII.NE Ex qiqN.-Tbere wbs an feW titiches by &,physician. able distance from the share, -when t e The Dandas BanIner rem of this dismissa' on er. In each , instance urkish Governme t 1c plosion theotl li following firms have the contIlact planks -went from under his feet and Joh at _90 to Pie- E arks keep ihe matter quiet, but -it I erday in a coalpit at Denny, ea the Dui toevf";rm, nea r X irktork; lately the b avy to -;&Y, ancl price eaked a t bout thirty miles from' Edinburgh, which for uildiin Mr. George -Denstedt'i pew occupied r, 1. 0&46, and i bur, -eur Be ercipitated. into the '7 -Alostof thIa -a were Plums keep falling in -to -sir OliverAL10- the doverammit 1 e ined to giye anT prom y &rnat &man Was p, BiLle -spite A them. This -is, the story told I -ad thirteen of the miners. g lyth: Stonework Alp. liaao plo an wat s ha for distribution amang tb ',00d ises,;' -they say 'y al 1 .11 resi enqe n 2 deep. GdorgeKarle,aboyof fife M, tt at having handed the hin Q ;eeding. 141 The shriev 4t, ]a SWDV PAss.,koE.-Teii da a and two hours Brown brickwork and plaiter1,ngJ1%1edir8. Uft J . ordan, bf Cc rhogford,died a few -were, aa -e boys of the *party. Y of manageme4t, to Ais committee,. they do' not the - (orrespondents. There I is still; how y Lot a long pole with which he reached ytining -ing- is fairly Btea4:y,.. &9 is vacan agby, and thus pulled him, ash re very;5, nox ' il Addington t and the.reg,- to ta ke i out. of their hands a - er, little or n i now the record f roin,Bombay to Brindisi. 'Howard & Son; carpenter we&, 'Alloolsirs. on Wedn d last week a- ad i 76 year's. Don 0 desire now o cifficial Jnformi%tiou, Of alli of Bra. at. v Ele Peninsular and Oriental stearner Cale- Cowikn McGill -, interior furnishi He atten a le Spring, ir inl Ali tche)l, istrarshi at. Who are to be the I *gs, much exhausted. this 0, t 'i i. The committe Bay. course if the story turns out to be rue,, ',be Live SWO lucky in ? If the Patron pla were adopt- ritical jun, d, !nia, which held the previout record, made Messrs. Werry (IL, Ingram. and was app -ently ui -hir. Win. Greatrix,' of St. Marys, ha's the *1 iole Bra ve to tliatith6sdocili3 oinglbehind; tha;titcaxi, little s n of ed b GrL14 ha Chris :rian powers will ha ere; '011 a mes.'Horri'on, of GL-4sGoxv, April 20.- coninty -of a ve to inter and i April 2nd. , Tb time includes all Mrs Richard Graham, who resides'just -A shown himself. to be a genius. Hip basbeem -led to the palls to decide wh6 hould the u ispeakable Turk 'N likely to 11ohe 40 8 and the transit &rough the Suez north ifriorrie, has a goose. which s, 840rt Blanshard f a i out n- onday winter 'making an PrAdSe be cail not iittractpupi a a nil hey think ff a more. hi p f w or, on amusing hifiiself this past again stronger, nal. .i h mg 9 night, lost -4 e,-ek, a arm at elegant chair. The frame is of 'solid oak, e to 114e. get the registrarship. - But if at 1w hear popular staff a te c4ei bold i a urQpe. time laid an egg measui incheg in I'd his Is were secured it OT, April eircum erigth, nicely polished and well put-togdther, That be -corree the office will be filh d by SLIE D-uD.-After an f rence ibd 12 inches -in- I very h MR9. FRA. -K Lu' the elbow, lobe -of Saiturday 1 Iness of aye r strong demand - lirial a-ror ore,,Mrs. Fr Lea- From that day she bks laid twp good i ad -The wood foot ball ited may O am have rei ary, but the 'acce table nianwithout all this trion fle and. could be made iq re populax and canoe- The siays at Sir t be anything extraordin - 0 -jeer ex enae. ML was divor-ef d 7from the the agridult al grounds "a, the h i I I its --computea atit p a u well-kno*lri t at pla amentec quentlymor BU.% & I a, w.b eggs eveiN tinrie she has gone to bar ne iip for manner in whi c air is orn - -4 Olive owat qxpects to leave" for England IT ew York publishe now deceased, aboqt - -Dicgii a horse . n in the season d for which h the 8 h horns from 'is m be all true.' The 'acancy in of atter Is, however, that ne whicliii has been driv ey pay _4 Ist rr, 12t to This m The fact uni and embellished wit _xtmonth. h principal occasion -qf his age,. ied at Shokain, New Mr. Petkir McLaren's' :or d1ver buffaloes, from T o r m- 12-te - poor to IXLPahiw t wenty years Of exas f teers, spil from J 71ioe ; , f * Lennox d Addinctoa has already been there 19 now n D need for any such in- * ' r aci ;e10 . - Ora. - going. his year is the prohibiti9'11, case, ork State, the otb ar day, of heart failur . eleven years is a partic larl sa iousi ni rb 1 ary bovines is -very extraordinary indeed. in en tol. Hardy, of tratford, and _)&vTaNAT., April filled bya v6rygood man, and it ispp sible atitutio.n. It long since, outlived its, whiel i'goes to the Judibial Committ e of the he bad been leading it life of solitude in. mal. A story is told of hii t a a a -be Mr. . I There are 94 complete borne and pieces o .11 7ettlarifer, of: Tivistock, have wa;rk-et wasthe -strong 1% be at cenke( .aspr.eA 6hom'onj'probation, by the chair end their artistie arrangetfient ra- 7 1.. _ . L n. may eal . i , and. I - I a in the Evangel _-i a abolished Privy Couricil by wyy of appeo,1 f6m the . LEPRosy CASES -IN BR,obKLYN.-There ittio I i great credit on the maker. . -Mr. JW- t1la-t an equally good ni for u efulness. It oh) ld have baen tae Catskills for the past few Years-. was lei loose, and hearing t tr i is le, been li lie at 'rted on thei jump and was t 1) i flecte of 7): the old biii di g was desdr Supreme Codrit. Mr. Maclaren, Q. C., wh a re four genuine cases of leprosy in Brook. his position &t the atati before the ar ival On, of Ellice Wood is uphotatering.1t, it Will bean a r p sin. t _ a vacancy in. Brant. But, bad thi i 'Pat- when red, -Itdoes 0 p_ YA"A r a, eclual y fair of the 'Ws. A.- 8 F a n adqpted,. it i k- that a (lone fully' as well if incial side of tile quilaiticin in 1, n. All the victinjo 1 are negro childrep, taw logo in aj: exhibition in his window. w t a beei the wor aTgu(d the Prov to tbemilli yl ard tlrj improvecl demanel I Avonton, 0 lati*, had the misf ortune t iissumi: thatgood men. vi,01114 also have not better,by thq ii schools &"rid colleiiate of Barbadoes, W ----:.AL NVinghaii pap r says: A st1rarig -Four youths have been fined at St. the courts -here, will arghe tha case. before eat Inflies. One Is on the whole W, ci le_ who 61 et ,institutes, ain i elated in the Kingstbn Avenue.' Hospita l, who bad pattaketi of More lime-juictlithan to have one Marys for disturbing public wors L hip at theL b ea' sale! kted.' Surely tne pe' a d is ,rin.cipadly k hislep$rcikeiiat the 4nkle. market apt up for!- -the tribunal of last resort, and is.to:leave I lit the tithers are at largei and his brain could c mtro big tirilei on f -The ftro the benefit f 'th* few who (]a not like to the Health 1, had a of` the season in Wellburn. Methodist rehurch. The case was od business was t: a Govemment are equally competent to b a barn-rato smailljagipy-offemd, i ostA)C aistrict, h ur $ for d is purposeiwhen the time for the hear- -1 'apartment officials say positively that the horseback fa Wh gham last week. He 8,18 t e R ii,04-'e on -Sat' tried before Robert -Patterson Esq, anct I Mr.' E. We at the officials. As- to the troilble and. bar& their, sons -i Li agaij ot the cam Robert The)* were, ion npd. e; endeavoring to a( a bow fast the horse could day A-D&I'l Ton injis determined and aacerfail Apei rid Wilil th, When' Garner, Esq., J. P's wh fined 'hard in- Some d iseas' isnot contagion year. Xpcirt stock xpense, sixe considerationa the. ihoii6 pop:lar matitutibins. run on the !rant: treat. . The Mayor di4n t and ab;ut y men- put up e rame, prominent English council a e. t be associii 1 9 . I - areadysalaat 51c per like his actions. It of eat within ttri. at wo f ncy that whatever mav be the re- Whatteveil,'intere§t the- Vince &has in i it, -ated-withlilm. TheHon. 'dwardBlakels' Huron Notes. and he had to pony opa farm., -audtihe 'proopotets.,ar( ore overninfint should d* fine, together wif ii the inevitable costs. I -James Gorrie, formerly turnkey iin tliIe days j ' and 8h ttom Zd She alt i4 d bse cases, there is' ac, cioubt but in theref , the - G is- - a said h been retained ome of the Brussels now has a. hourisbing bicy4le Mi Peter Ca 2. Ion, jr., of CIffitort, iias jiil at St atfbrd, was killed while cleanin don and costa or in default, twen ;abiU kigher in the near: pose.of to thos av 9 ty 0 1 J. 1 A the litigittio ub. bought h Townsend, Tucker- ;ut a jwall at Milton f, W. I oth' ew days a the jaiL . Mr. J-. Judd is was -1 I osb inE tances the people would no be- ci wi h to keep it py er parti,:i to 'from Jo i days in buy they are r 6 ( ispo, ad to assume hain brass band has be ' e- buck t slip 11%. days Aiffi6lty in Aispo udgp tl ase for the s&tisfaction of mak- ing andif -Win(, an smith, the lot on P'rinceab street, in Clinton, The he remains were in rred Of 1,011doll, appif*'red 'for defendants o,ganized. -6,00d beeves sold at 4( ,he chqiqu them selves. However,the 4ues,, entire expense arid cc ;itrfi. of 'it, the elvil.-ge Th '.-Pan-American Congress, 'Y)bich Will just west of Mr. Menzied, p ying* -therefor st Stratf4ris. and Mr. W. C. Moseirip, Df St. Marys, f9r 4 Xet e tow J -at The iimi corne tuated and n the prosecution. The Zihicials of the church 3 should lie close I -ely, the endo in ' t meet in Torouto.in July,' promiges to b - a -Mr. Bobier will ran the E er cream- M. It is a r lot, W11 si -The bae ifilor's ball, -held, in tli, c.to 31e. ion altisme is not one. of vital importance 6n. if an ey tl ' L - I 2 . exceed' -also very strong,, is year. Mr. Cantelon has seelirtid 0 at a reaso;L able hall, Mi t6hel [ion Wei Inead last regret . at this severe -method ell- I ng mery. arge pd. interesting gathe my evenin I y th ing. The -A number of horses now being tralln- price. It is his intention per 1% dx *,durial d the difference ig largely a sentimental given io the* u iv,er dty, and the b ildn& erect a dw, week, 51 elaborate and successful E'L'ffair. should have to U ado pted, but the nuisance Zbestimll r Me. th a main. thing is to secure the best devoted to sorne m6r - useful purpo a. It r izati h i had its origin in the Parlia- a I on the Brussels track. irig on it. The b' fwaia,gajLly decorated an', Doked had become so annoying that Isom -ething bad 41 neu fort beRpositionsi and at a reaso able would make a ry good asylum o eat of li. iono'held in Chicago dUri in Grey opened for -Mr. S. Appl ,by -has bou t froml Air" bright and attractive. A! num were to be done to put a stop to it. to-daywAill -The cheese factories jr ir h spital Ing b isiness this week, n Lasharn a fa -in of 40 acre on the 9th job ridin madefreelyat w eat tq tl a public. As a rule, we thi,qk this building, and would -be much more Usilful -the orl Fair, and a great many of the present from l3urrou g toi -no. -Goderich band has disorganized. Lack concession, .51'ealt CATS. HuHe 1, being ar of 1pt 15. -A Lord Russell colt at the sge of one Er usua.1131 done Under the present plan, as it, and profi tnible pt t, to such a; purpos tl i ' most P omineni men in Amerion, will be ofou ortfronA the town is the cause. The farm has a go A fraifie ?On e Morris. eaeh, ae to Size and qui an bam &,rid ear and al , an months, th of a. prope t-Y NoTps.-MT. john ouldaf no doubt,L be done underi tl e that, or which i; .80 OnoMiC an( t" lit '$I 'Soo" of St. M BU a, is owbeing.'used The prese at, to di use cc religious A - - ild ducks have been quite numerous other buildings, apd was bou r, George undel, RUB, ipped Young has engaged WA ), April 29 - the vicin at which figure M . with. a farmer in IN 11i Li* t war., fty of Goderich lately. ApVleby T La sectiFeA a"; the scales h i other aay at 1,385 a ilagton -county. near, 15e lo I All ,of a atem. Generally speaking- the Prov,!Ilucie has ri`6 right, to. ibe subje AS. It is expected that -there, will be undo, ar any of he Pol. Attila, for the summer. -Mr. Thomas Scar.' rither slump v. -Mrs. 04kes, sr., of,Clintonhad a severe good proppritT cheap. a has had itrent. Where is is 6qual ? -and is, fu Awards, o the close vern- expense about seven thousand delegates altogether. I a . " I a , ha.B lett, of Belgrave, has the contract of ntOmts made by the Ontario; Go or resIftoibility of teaching -oke of paralysis,,one -night- recently. ad for severs, years. rt R pai g m),n- Wood -f1r. doing work at the church in Sunshine.,- 4 T741,ers A to -t likely L ner r. re has dy been confi d the brick -1 to his bed for li` 'a Ma( L by -1 sever t a PO4t si 1). Kelly, P. Cantelon and W -io'scm t: V.2& eat ax such as would be mos a to those *who think they: 00 -Messrs. Polly & Hicks, of G-oderich, -Mr. Dan7]kosa, of Stlanley, alias, ool& at V Altho%gli_ Mr. NicGreevy has been- dd- al ipped 39 horses to England last week. undergone two operatialis for the r ejmoval illiam M.Iahie the people (lid they hay. goo(d or ioo. btairl'an weeks, w! k f be mat the. high bl ' be 4 too U Oa -7 ciaitica 1rheu- each bid &,cow di - again in remo ! f f w lie Is loc IV A I Mak claxed the successful candidate. for the Corn. -Messrs. Clegg and ;Dames shipped two' of a cancer from the int,6rior of his mou6, e this spring. -Seeding in election in their own hands.' lent and well con uated ass. well advauced z coal ion *t ome a matiaml, i ve ; slow progri tead fo are t tb--e axe i Larkbe Snrpy eav mons in Qgebde West, and 'has taken his eg r loads of live hogs Irom 'Brussels last but as it still troubles I him a towards r 01'eiry but the growth is not very r left on Monday morning ast we It or rapid yet. Rain is needed badly. -witk a lilghter ca or, usuall en who have filled representative instituti( w hive. The Gave in"ent. w!ek. of I in Parlia,61 -Miss, Sa)hie C. teel.", -A large. seat ent hislife there promises 0 f Kir on, amount of corn will be f ake a In re popul a bas been -corn pas the -i t, of the pe I -The Brussels cheese factory will begin Detroit, where be would meet Dr. Ellio tj whos' health " _1 Planted in this town- clearxnce was made pple and under could' . not m gr mol a than to bd anyihh' iplet ly ted ig but pleasant. The other ol erations on May 6th, Thp outlook this late of Brucefield, ftd 'be put under treat- under Dr, A at4- eson's skit u: treatim ship. -What about the base ball team this the system, these are'the men wbol to abolish Upper Can a College. ant, _$4.510 to $4.60 ; fair t Aay- a leading daily bf Conservative -per- y air is very favor4libie.. ment for the removal of,' I a F ublesome af Yesr?­The maple leafs should got together t w $4.65 com th t will shortly one voullh nattirally exp4't, meet joi j 4er youngel- brothor at and practice eatchin arid get read to la --$3,Z- heaxy Um suarsi n asked if any one Would ever bo Will- -A botanical society haal been formed in fair. Brussels. ! I Jana Y. IV with pa ic. favor. So n ent. a iriendly game With Some local e, to good,,$L90 to 05.0 thav, at -ter a - , it lJo nasals. The obj .ct of the sociaty is da s. ing t be paired with Mr I - to -In the olden of inton high -The ;elis icaervices hal in Knox as fishing has star is McGreevy? -a 1v an d W does not - e6ke very much difference which The big politi, n4kaq6 practical stu yof Citnadiain iplants. school, three'boys who a' ttend d it and were church, Tavi 'ck_ . ted we maiv. 6ar tell Of 3,fa Ist 11 chine at Ott i,wa, have been losed, and TOROX.Tl(), -The stock of J. L. Courtice, of Holmes- fibums, were ' ,ttct ell some,big yarns, to say n bout the way it a, On the one side there would still grinding, bid, b sinese is no - t being- 'Do '13ill" tatt "Jim,". PaTke Messrs. Roger, he eviitigel- othing "There was a Sti eas in Saturday Night, predicto a mitch whopper that slipped of ok.-Mr. of and "Billy" Coats. T are now ists, are i, w at rig similar creaite( vii a, has been purel seed by Mr. Pickard liese risons ' : 7 pe v a aerie of I b li hter 61 be the ex nue, a. citement and turmoil of rushodyet. The ppp:)sition seems tAobe'i ge than the' Government had t is Roberb Blair is b n Ion session h t village, at 63 nts on the dollar. Rev. W. It. B tt, Cebtra ia; Rev. J. F. meetings in St. t MCI' ready for the f the 1' drew's chiveh, North ma... and fi. ' usy b tter, %mlit 01 an electi contest evei y time a vacancy o'c-. good fighting trir i, dx d wort7 'and 3 d supposed when.they abandoned the idea of- The Clinton d Parke, Clinton-f"and W.,Coats, town clerk, mers. ArIQt1ronj has the 'bv 0 u a res now fe close every ani at hakespeare. deole're 'Was Eastbope framing. -Air. J,. Cook lost a working hokse the- nirred. gainst this, the Gov- the election for a session. He seems Clinton, and they had the pleasure of great - c t4,a a. set off a 5 tl eV -ning at 8 o'cla wi h the exception of a --Mr R Y Fi of Waterloo has -Atk dernamd h 0overnmentiagood shape, bli a an to, be V 11 rent, the other day. -The mirday evenings. ing each other. on Monday of last week, and ad a a; i ' ' , roads are good, being Sa "is was 'own takm ernment viirotild be relieved of a troublesom a have most of th Jui ito - themselves. t a in posseision,of 'certain, ficts that lead him tore in . is, wel, for the -purpose 1 104 ild of the Goderich Die. 'Of dry and dusty. -We wander what town is -The May meet: talking oyer the old'exporiences. storing an pi cki g eggs for shipmen .ifirmer- Some eiIf supporters I t. He I d " to su pose thatduring the' oin to celebrate the 24th of May.--jamell; and often' embarrassing duty, ulhile the Bus - Gov r men an are not in presbnt session trj, t Methodist Chit ill be bet -Mr. Matthew Lou0i, Inspector of. the will make Lis owel the d at Hen- centre. Point foria, -weighing -ou -ansyAral buying supy is u 'ink mood. he tak 6 of sa British Canadian Loan 4 Inve an has engaged with A.. bl PiGi011 Of iort Lou a t a th scand its will be unearthed that will lead to on May 15th. number of eg ga Nichol t eriri lbs ea&, sold for 44o I usyge Mr. -G. Shiple has told' to Mr, John pany, iember of the Provincial Land district, hie Will ame through the line 'Mr. Georie Parker is b & ly merely a suspicion, would a removed, the opposition d a in silence, and" ough they(moval of one, and perhaps, two, or' and a n be puflupwan ther read at tti -of wwm, keiferiB -and 4 stment Corn t4 , jr- M.­ !a a 9 Up argo of horses for theold 0 101'1 -in gg they,'ri'LL I- H Hett, big SU sociationdi6d at his residence, once Untry a Blg1ZM*, of the 2n eoncpsslor . u rveyors' As D and the. representatives -Who ha Ve a wr fi ces, they a utt j three bf the ministers. He also says that market. Jileaum to eldom fi 101 Bloor street west, Toronto, on 'Thu .-A large , number thorobred bul Thomas Ke r,'sou of of. -hogs have been Sold for from Sic to' t W. Mr. Samuel Kerr, taken ip L tfiia a cattle oweeds the 6ffi cial flesh -pots Would be more elren. a ;queal. The order has; evii lent] y,. with a double-barreled, policy -the tariff. r. Morr on ll rented his 50 of Kirkton' die a few daydago, f out - of this t6wn acre day. Mr, Lough was for several years T shi ild ivA I a ter a spring. -A good many b indt;pendent of the Government if they bad 'gi:)ue forth -on ne' overnnient Bid 3 th it and emedial Jegislation-it must Urm on the 2nd 6, c es46n, Hullett, for one an- ager of the Molson b k * 01' ton and Ion*- and i!ain M n in I illness. At tht f"eral their fat bome Joi StIch go;d ­fts to bestow. the tvvo there is not to be aft initte I thatehanges and bie ad was a conducted inthe c4ttle away for th its wvefage 9.1 th, ide winds are : year, to Mr. John ilDble. respected by, -the 'g' a May market.-Thoma8 per, 11 more talh iiq to enerally he divine service w Russell jr., D. Steele,- x and Brant, can be &,,-aide be ex. )acted. If a scandal be -unparth6d to III -Mr. John Cal ago, and. family,, church, bv Rev. eviog cases ingtanced, those of Lenno. d. 1 Th Yni late of Chic bILS leaves a wife d this .week to work W.1-th are are two reasons f )r 1,0W:lbo im, th, stone masinis. -Mr. Thomas Russell, sn, cattle, 1,0W lbs -al we i chased the full iii ure . and undertakin -On Saturday, 20th ult., wbile Adam deceased in his last illnes iand from what know of the appointees, 9 1 a an& Istered this : First, the (tesire a short se 3s* . n, -arid the ft rther weak- E. Cornyn. Steis' the edging saw.at the the sacrament. will have a st6ne wall built under his shed cattle, ill w The %V, ening of the Government ti iness in: Wingh rr of -, Mr. T. 8 was running I in Iciapieceof itrip this summer.411r. Joe 1w axe sure they -app- the rne;n who would second, there.,i re a good -many tl In s ill t the, rati Will leave' the abi in droves, 4 -Me. H. Lem a1x bas! taken up his resi. Starmill,Cranbro go- lodged -A:v' pb Smith has, anq ery pretty wedding aer ony took an -eatitle, 990lb Averag gag ost likely be selected by.tho ople did the deuce in Wingham, re about ton ad with -una .4 .iw , m H. Ha for the Be ave will not stand h w sh stirring, up. aviog sold his farm to between the sa?Nva, whtch we at the reisidence, of Mr. H nry ason. -,Mr. 1,W5 lbs, place 'It a liki pro*e to the thoughtful -a d teachable peo- L ioh- Robert Thuell, has got ge to 17th ult., Isel tions -rest wilth them rge Pattison of 14wer Wing am. inches apart. In reaching over mith We ley, of Stratford, onWednesday fok bicydies. With regard afterall, ma jori- -miss May. Irwin, sh him* success. Mj,; ZZ Y,, therefore, tb al the opposition wi I ba e ple of the Dominion, tba;t Mr.'Geo We WLi aLn a par of Cliriton, has passed left hand to take it out ',his hand came i whenXiss Li7zie Axinstrong, flangbier OL IT ell has Brw4t registrarship, the Woo-d8tock m' '" t of tolie: talh- ii to themselve f iLn for deateris 08 one wheel 'a got Y a as- ties ate made iip of sell -interested p iier 3rd vear examination at the Oj itkrio I cot; tact with a ie b4c Mr. James Armstrong, of DowiA6, and Air. 6ople ne- of the saws, and tl an is learning ta ride!tbe -crea- _ann there was Nvery; tes of tbe a am enditure for 't a -who a we little- aboat la ge and patriotic Medical' Colla e taking first-class I onors of his hand received a v ture. 'fee tinel Review, which se a t D speak with tlnla rrent ary bad gash. T e James H. Laishley joined ha in 'rrmtri.. a weaker Liu) u ear ha and the secie prize, i cords and small bones of three fingers were mony. Rev. -A. hei W L rds which ma cLUOL , ions a knowle4ge of the facts, says y ve been ulimitted., and ths,, an e mpasu res, and who are little influenced by Q. F. Salt4n, pronoun- ,r,*i;ee hogs having In far, L that will! be two ye 9ld cut. It is femied that be will lose the usei ced the w t Faranbstr -Th , Top tAt Wood A -T -,,p P f. V_ f -ii _Afi ister was exleAed todeliver 11; _I de h! man I and -JVViLi VC WL 1 1: guD If conscience. next September, belonging to. Thos. 8 ok a", of his hiind. Wife. A a 15C 1 has resigned his seat in the LekiQjt_ gs ivere from spepch to -d.% siness will likely, ther'-, of Grey township, presented her owner with ..-Alex. Fdrgie, son ot Gilbert Forgie, of -Rev. Mr. Steele, %,he has -Mr kney, a student he . . i n the in- of the W te 'Off the cam. i - ly. ... a - William Hae Other ur to accept. the pos tion of Registraclof fare The ar says: The Tay ca a fin as rn Aledical t commence. 1,6 hLim' next week. It is Toront St' fisj a c,af one day re Turnberry, while driving in a bugg' with cumbent o Xirkton, and Tam - xillege, is!home on ea ty, rendered. vacant by the death of the 0 ently. 5 11, on a 3ide n to 'h for near-. a vacation. at last market da"U., upervIsion no, settled fald under the,s of Ron" JobnHag John Robinson ihas entered a imim George Churchi ad lea -mrs. Jarries Jj&wrene of Me- lait T S. Shenston. Mr W dl's friends a aiAinitted by' bet i'sides 9 ly six year 3, took leave of his (X A Ion the table below. $ ferings were light A; t gart, 1emi oit;3 1 -man of diplom against the . corporation of Clod,Leri h for the 6th ecitibession,: the the eve fell in both parishes on Sundayi,,' 21-st last week. -Mr. and Mrs. Nrhocit 16 h t a ti , Killop, visited friends in this neii who have been watch' Ing, a erreer in the that the deficit a the las year B ranaac- atic econii, juries sustained byfalli I ithout a in d uni Le ilslature for sonn e., . ve damages for ng on head foremost out of t] a rig . a- ami versal regr t. He has4,4i Donald Parke, of fi a years past will regret tion's will rea,11 five and a half r4illions, omy, iad as a. r( ' ixqe last.y ar .8126,:1 and a defective Bid al 'ment's warning. Mr. C; urchill did what position (f chapl4in at cepted the Cromarty, were the - if 1. . ( i -the' feeling was guests of T. Aud Alo. Ird He the usirantine A. Hodgert last Friday. h- et-rement was rapidty gaining a a9e.x1enses1$2,5)0. Alessexpert financier _yearlings iold. ut publiQ1. debt has been increased All were quicklVAI on of influence and of mor4 than ordin- 1. inight have fared worse. McLean. of Goderieb, i has purch ad a were' the guests I explee 'I n $266 048,9 to $278,177,817. -The he poor f llow was dying to to po 13 bell and e, of Hibb ance, thinking duty there',on the first" of Air.. were alaq AlightfY fi frot pornmen While the -Will.and Frank McLean, sons of A, P. he could for hi` and the went for assist- Station o' i Gro I le near quebec, and -Mr Alex,, Camp- Vn ert clothing and a' fu-rn'ishing busi - a in He was conveyidd home, rid a medical Sundayin unday;-Mise t* usefulness in the House. H s industry, gent' John Cottle last S m'a d, e h Ii estimated -expend ure thie year is som ex ay. Amelia Hinz has Aboidt,--wory coal turned from. Lo the market, C-alveli a. b1lity and good judgment, a %-cry a tWP The Dundag tanner izLys The pr Stratford% amivation provied the tro, ble to have been L itowel. Bibner regrets to record -be re thaar the tota6l a Be of -Miss Dais McGregor has been an aged a fit, brought oil b over ork 'and anxiety. thedeath' tending the !*,edS' bu V :Of a fel: OW newspaper worker in -her cone in vaiijuable meatber in the Governmen ranks. mil ion dolla. T les rit where she bad anat to be a consi xPandi- made. in the, Hall Commons, b Mr.: of little better to To' as it seems derable a ping last yetti, are yet the sup-. to teach in school section No. 1, Hull tt in . -About 10 6'cioc ue day morning the a a of in --Mr. John -ferings.. Prices Talk! do)vn from auch a position to ltec ti,'even eph H_ 'Hacking, who hauling lumber for the erection a finae Mulook, that the salary of the "Governor as Mr. Jos Wiestlake, is bu a, place of Mr. Mckay, who has accepte I the of last week, fir - broke o the attic of 1died at Buffilo, 1ew 7 per head only exctm.' rars1kip. J 3'q, t i plementary ettini be brought 4own Gen' I Nrokk, on the l8th tilt., new barn.4 olf he Rlindle farm, in place of so &ad an Office ae a, Regist is I of tb us 0 ad by Mr ami ful. illness. I -1 -i -.-er. I?i% ealves and pl a; should be cut down from $50,000 to principalship brLsall school. the he ' a in Iyth James' after a long and It says - tl r Wood ivhi probabile that has, like i %ny ch will., in all ility, bring the s) $25, _T a following lie noes have bee u ummer.- I a 0 9 a year, is likely to createa stir, al- n rant- Dodd's and occupied by Mrs. Love. The " The gh not kn th oyeid by fire last a Zogetherat $5 per lil' others, 'purstiedpolitics-at a great yersonal timated ex I i - ad b- he had a w] Zo a yo mger gen- While Mr. Atch. Hodgert Was in the act of pendit rb to 9 million dollars the i 'we cl not look to it bein y the commissiorlers in East H ran : fire alarm sounded, and i a a few minuites a em -tion, , d g ca&ried net to a with a growth I sacirifice. Few litisiness men can do qther- eading a spirited young more. All these things ill -likely, he out. Sine McKillop, 'Thomas. Crawford, D blin, large crowd had gathered and willing hands an4i prosperity. f Ligtowel horse out of the ing, hoi4ver, million tb0 early stable th wi e. It ia scarcely surpris a 1867 nearly three 0 a other day the animal re d up Toronto 1. ever, be made 'plain in a d Ilars Thomas _E. Jones, lje ,dbury Korris,- were soon at work rem0I the furniture, d4s, When the E raggle for existence and itruck him a vi' are forilklr. AVood to yield when a positiptl of w days, during have 3ee'n s#ent on this offic a a a Iton; E: Li and Vhich they suceee the hose a, an aver' cious blow on f Mrs. Charles Sage, ivin ton, de4 in doing without was surrounded I many doabts7 and difii The commissiold hai'lior atind.:of reasonable emalument'is pffer- the budget debate' NNTe n tice t114 0%, with One -of itA fora t er a hundrid th usand dollars a yea it Belgrave. Turnberm, - John McDo ald, a breakage. Considerablo time was lost in culties. In feet, cau an 7thent ecently. to eni the tr ­ub '119 7 ri u times of 1866,when wound, which willlprob bl slug qo eriab, Poit Al- costs Inore faftbe niaintenaned of Ride heyll y, Bel- n9i th 0 Y leave a Bear.- tiessit Toronto uui" edhim" 'it is not necessary to say tihk4 be are appropriation for Bluevale. Howick _ John Lamonb getting up ateam in the e' ne : but after it the 'country; w Wift fi14 the PO4tion with ability and creoit. a eatened with serious 'XIIere are now fair roa Tfi!- -nany friends will be glad to know that bert and K ie huxbors, bill fhe. -long and"f(Ir salaries for mplayees that more; JohnHasket, Lakelet - Johnyb own had the de troubles, which ImItnated in the ill fated peau of -building a -eport iia the the a i lldo 0 p- was once up the firemen new public hall in t 8 village, the comin, ea In" a, 08, the- 'Ban- summer. A meeting of th 9 articles publish bell and George Brown, C, rrie ; Alex der vouring flames under controL The fire is expedition of a hbrde' of fanati 14e. Ims takerx the step,' not only with* lthe promised aid for ayfield harb6r X -.,not yeb for thb Goye nor-Getier I's ialary. T sal. Orr, Ford-mrich; John, ofton and. James supposed to have started from a burning ner was launcliedi Vle a shareholders tinto existence by him who rsitv aftire were will be )ield in %Veatlakea hotel, on Frclay be ia the line of fi T 0