HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-04-26, Page 87 AJL-XVJLJU SITINin THE HURON EXPO ------------ romher I this -week - dead wood of - bride' on Wednes- nesday afternoon last. The fineral was iron, etb.,-was fstpF d APR * y all t mother, in this. town, pu maker, jr., at Roe eater.' The -'4t`ou' in tlie'f Rffi.- Out 4 IL 2,& s Gash Grocei m. the. li be a cdebraa to Aton.-Ohe o le mai sewers was AY9 Wilson 'displ ts well day afternoon, when Miss Lizzie Hallett, largely attend0d.-T4re will FRtu ay, to f li ing ng to, allow healthy, 'active negro weneh;` is, ed se bikithei, an ' d pa L ein re + "ve the A.goo(t mulch only daughter of, the late Sergeant E. E. tioli -in Exeter ot the' 24th of May. -Mr. o tied !out and epa to this sl in large letters in the advertis ent asif back. Be so toov PO surfacei ter ON r. D.S.cott' P Sugar an"yrup oheapet. than ever. i ve art now ge Vallint 28 Ib& of No. 1 82. she wen f f $1 a more of an attraction to purchaser& 6f niadjare. Begin now to ght ihit, littib" Hallett, was united in marria to Mr, R.H. Collins audvMr. J. Elliott, barriaters, egress for the Surface! -Wroxetet v t d, in Toronto 36 dackin ' ich on Friday last,, on busi- lot. vas ife eqen e lbj ; at Z'firdtLciass bright eqffee a Ib8- than the saw mill o the pine Wood. Peter rascal- of a thrip b * 11 f- Harry Mairtin, of Blytb. Rev. &. Galloway 'were in Goder fair tj ne- -David of a good yellow sugar -for a g!1,011 pure sugar -of the Sheriff of coldvater, soap SUCIS Paris qre n officiated. Tb6 bride received 'some very ness.-Mr. Ed. Christie, liveryman, par- last welek diring WHO Ten Broack was the 'dame for 4to per gallon "an e purch 6 the emrpet weaving xt -a bri bt Uble Syrup useful -and handsome presents. -Mrs. Smith, chased a new, top carriage in London last Mille, having as ru th e County, and he Seems to h4ye been,driy- day of two.. is - there -among the LnanY 11r 6V per pllon,L and is chgice ne w in ema- le syrup I A . L. — I with week, which, is the beet- in town.-IMessrs. 'loom 6f the late folin -o6k7 3repaxed to storft that shows a more.'at- eas, Con and ink a. flourishing business a& his annotmee- of To6nto, mother of Mr. J. C. Smith, en, fr&otivL. stock of first-4asis mil - tor 9ft per gallon. our Et6ck of7 of the! be t qu g!n- :home. Sheer'e & Bowden, bricklayers have the give satisfactionio thak: line. -Mr. Beld ent groceries -is all new and of lafids c6ver several Sim. -Tb # -1 indrew her daughter, Miss Smith, returned 9 Ing I all I 'LSEd the picture gal- [6west cash prices Aswoeol-forcll% meats of Sheriffs sales e many f riei AS of N ea. on Tuesi ilding a two Storey brick cot- of M bought tbaL I columns of the paper. J. C. Elmendorfe was Caldei, of McKiUop, ani form Tbigham, hay tery th&,n we do? Olirs ood a 9erly 0, 6 k lay4-Afr. Townsend, from Guelph, contract of bui I Mrs. alkerl. or two days in RE Drtrade only, we make no bad d.bts tost, few daysi looking up. new!mem- tage for Mr. H. Bishop. lery froin W each did assortment 4 H ti, Mn- torners have to Pay., conflo n . uaran- post master of, the towA and Johnjreml er forth, will iegret.to leart tl atilie, be is here for a L for doft* tee our 0. 78 to aat,11111 y the 6 and :Abraham I. y :'coofined to bed through 41n, rotor thelsociety of the Knights of'! Mae- weeko - ill shortly be a p od and pric Hp6abrauck advertise dr as,' for lover. six be nets I'lowers, Ribbo4, Laces, picturs ilk business. call sulexamine, our good4 coil e our P Ices,then I Spain, one 'of the Summerhill. and'all so'rts of ri g00dBand groceries, while Abraham. Ehnen- -weeks, and his. condition. h not yet much cabees.-Mrs. Patrick' All 'who wi ml - tbei you can -figum whether you. n aft6rdItobuyst should gi v 11. -Our base ball 9. -oldest residents of this 1,towh, died Thurs- T T WFITTM-SX aL YS M VF uk open to your inspectio yod credit Priem thme,.bard timei'a not. In 1 dorf advertises his firth for sale and M t improired, although hil I dical 0endant STRY EETISG.--The annual vestry T Crockery M ve him a; e )n i tlie.24th to play niorning, aged 'Van Stbenbergh advertises his wife Hannah, tliinkk he is slowly recl )vekli' g. .Iig tiouble day 79 years. Paralysis was rheeting , in connection with St. Peter's to Wildmay Uickly - or Glasswire we have some b ins so 6 of the eam go can inalpe your choice vince finest Dinner, Tea and Tbilet se t b t the 'her t province mad t, .1 ilodg Stan se church here was held on Friday evening, ;at, ne Of the beat teams i and do it, too, wi WHOTA )m game prim as common goods ust "! OrImps the p'ublic t plicated wi I d- the cau of death. mily, Id! cautioning agains giving is lo, g rippe, corn There U ome k she -.-has left his bed ing sore leg. 'He is a mein jer of the Can- pense. a Tartar credit on- his account as which financial and other reports were re - sad lamp good I jalk as to who sells th cheAp- every cheap. Pu KbInailon nd board without any just -cause orprovoc- adian Order of Foresters a -ad they are Greenway.- Mr. John Wright was chosen war-,, FarqT I w. BSkingL ceived. Powder at law- than best. sna a W ITEIIS.-Misi . Mar Tt t the a Xmice. Highest price paid for But4r, ggS and 1t'will thus be seen that the kindl,r showing him very * attenti e BltiEFS.--- A Gdapel Temperance meeting den in the place of Mr. William Io*ery,- Lompsoit, of the est, buL tore thatl ation, ft. on- Ain loi world was ruanin just about on the same hopq lie will soon be aroun again. I will be held, next Friday everan .-Mr. who has resigned. oundary line between ert and Usborne 9' C- 'L' -linuesninety-five years ago as itis no.*.. —o Robert Hamilton, who bought Mr. Man-. NoTEs.-Miss Mabel Sheppard has" beenj wers last Sul] isited at a Block. S )614" SVOorth ILLS e the farm f 11 idai' E 1374 13.% Co CammissroxEr-9 e agency -Lic L. Ns.E Tlie license ping's mill,p"sed through here With over visiting lately in Seaforth.-Mrs. RoberV, 'has see uron met at oftimber,and in chinery this Miller, who has been in forsometimei4s; r. Duncan Hay first -C -Rain:,or s L hm7 A PiXASAz - EVENIN7G.-A most pleasant- coh irj i8sibiners South H thirty loadi the Provincial roV ife we goods for money -thei choir of $t. Hodgns' hotel,- eftsall, on. -Friday last, ofr cases. doy is not to foap& Al I So, i sbeial evening was spent by pers a other day. -The boys hive, started the foot slightly befter.-AIrs. A. Cosins, has been Friend is You have to buy. 01. 'ble Peop-l" - has been ur-ance. C60mlpD b" T than e n:s,. wer granted bell iolling again, with, W.' T. Ulens,* a . y is a h s ler, and, n' dou t will make a -in the cuuni - The e " an. James churob at the"resIddlice 'of Mr. *)ien the followl g, cap- on a visit to her parents bere,-Mr. George W. tio.n 1 8 - not -hen tain W. Belt, vice -captain ; MT. England, Johnson has had his home gladdened by the o6d a en tr leading citizens Immense variety of Travell", by !ihomas Kidd 16n Monday evening laft, licensas: Stepben;-Winiam 'Moffatt and Some Of fashionable- dd- organist -of the church en- Willialm Horn, Centralia; Hill and r rV,.Aecretary- reasurer. arrWal of anoth r -Mr. W. John- keeepte -i'Deable gooO in the Where xrevou'woij the invitati to a feast Of and Aen Walti lr Clark, In i w -i a lbc a- 4 the choir' Crediton , - V 'i' It 'Fa ffil Miss Maie'XI president.; Y. %Vicke daughter. th % 31 a Holt, -Miss Co4 Wirhin, of Parkbi t finer qualities, e i ving i al orl h.'O b6t at. 0 'ak O'l tF efl n, t m, W( red foli 6t team or ke 0( It visited son has engaged for the summer with Mr. CIA which are being tertained who had at the residence of Al r. 1 'ohn! Bell las in At the plaei Thomas Archer. -Miss -9tt Farquhar spent songs bysome 010 ably assisted her during t Easter Khi iobue, rviount barmel , a sold at the prices of pomxo'.% _Jie speeia va, John D I Miss May Wilson here last week evening. Speeclie an ry ilks) Dress - 11 Free Fal Firms and Sleepers oAtalns full service. .:rhe J;evenin Baca Rleasantly James Hannan, §hipka' Hen inert, Sunday with bersister, Mrs. H. McBri6n. re alaw indii1ged. in. it thlebest flo of he talent present w THI-N-6s.- Our S i uttraVel. SeQuxea.copy Itee. acing and at an Dash, vood Josep Bre Gran Bead We 40n!telaim -to, Information 0 h usic, songs ang taallc Lumley. Rev. Mr. Stout pit eached a very instiuc- 1-1 1j. Thomas Hunk in Llso treated some of Goodh, and our new xiiterialc­ gral re just, ffings t - a license will -be I ed the Corbett -at Are its. -Apr h1b e th( young eople of 1 1 vicinity to a go? for qi jea and Wraps,; a C.P.R. 6press.. hour in ihe morning all departed with no Us.. LoCAIJT I winds and s wers ar tive sermon on Sunday.. last, on The Verity should hous4 .8 repaired. r 5 in uni y and 0 property 11 vt of the Resurroction."-At the last meeting fee I of ta y last IN e esday night.--4vliss ea for this Sp Jarge share ceiling of go d will that 2 unless, the Woodhi iin Stevenp, T-IFe ast in all ch irs. 'bornel,-Joseph A. hereagain.: After t i,e long- -cold inter the, Thomlis what a want ring- ve -y a N deeptable. neing subjectwas, "Resolvedthat a dirtygood- ne to ae See aur Sierge and, C qraph. oy the Templars a. debate took place; the lsl . P.R. Tele- Devon. villiain 2 ichol- warm sunshine i, of a -vett, Servant giril of TYU Wate'rs, Hayu 7r and seedina is the o -der of the -4-alil - r co var d, had thei'midoi old one of J OF -CANTADA.-This son Blake Chnfles reib inct. J1. Y-1 reine, natured, wife is preferable to a clean ill- VU Ulu --r us# va ominion xPre= ITHE w= D 1Lo , wERS W1 1 d : Zur it d A. Neil a ann are 'bot I puttin er hands with a dis Mr of boiling lard, JUL soon be N Mr. o be IIW, and - 01 and the g od wives of eigh- natured wife,-? and after fall discussion. the Avh- ch she was in L tl e Times are said t no bener Dominion Willi co w ich; W. R. aiid J a up fence h n 9 aet of taking out of J. JACKSOIN, Agent. 4owers as with a ca . I is. interesting wdrtb, ffensill, Sta nry 'Shaffer, negative side.eame out rious. oven of the sto-v money scaree,, but you 6an haye- n e - I -M of v 7 t borhood are busy -t hing the hot ge out of 7 hee It will he s616 tithe gArTELEPRONE 32. 1404 to hear. that Spleni7iLPd pri es are ' to be Kip' n 1. George Fach, o field ; Wilson herhouse- your pick of our new stock at the wi4dowi -e season will soi n e here beftore she win be abl lbe Jbftt v to those who kE ow 'the 'Wild Coor,- Varna. Tucker it B., Webui for spring . gardeui g,.-Mr. and M- 9 Casey, Constance. holl diities.-Mr. Ff -4.'Borelaod is laid inp. prices to suit the We en ever ffred,- auidl -0 v ni K lowers of d"ada: by name, form and'color. Egmoud ille ; Willie, y Tuckersmith.- k ay4 being th owing a very large ranger- XF uropean and Am e-rican 'jad res of - floral-, Charle's Witt . eld. d' of MitcheR were visiting in this vicinity. TINNGS.----fflhe Templars have added wi4h a sore eye, pin cause of. are sh 115, STOPS MA 8 Brlicefi Bit & 1 2 O 'A 1ar way. Our last Saturday end Sunddy. three new members to -their, ranks lately, ro4 le.- lasters 7homas Xitiony and -of Hosiery Gloves, &to . r I e sa Ciana sboud Te.so carried 'Elliott, E. R. Swarts, Jan es o cek,* for Corsets, V0 8, atid look and expect shortly to initiate others into e,- Allen,, W* ho I topplo with. their At $20 and t22 St.' When you are passi jig. take a (a r minu i a *ith the beluty of their own native six 'months. Ex ter, -NN illiani our- desire at hall see- at Pickard'a Great flargains in Ulot ln , rt will ay '.. f W. I awksha-v r, Job IS a. the order. They have also purchased a unkle, Thomas C paid 3, visit to -n( I P171 : I please you. rt ill y you. I Will m ke -you feel -bloom as to ensure an- acquaintance With the W. T. Achesoni n umber of the o14 church s6ats, so now the the ir par nts n St I last -them, a 1 how e ce&l rch. Never before Me webs , such a- leverage on Wild Flower6'of Canada; by every man,' Leathern'; shoo, Farmer Bro F. J. NOTES. -Mr. Dan Waltman he.4 returned n thev th4e­ asi hikvin Jdat b t largel to, hall is -well furnished "in this respect. 7 The i are. The store t at y a i the. clothing, bu4be d rl in the Dominion. In, Knight. Seaforth,.--4. J. te' 'ens,'James -work for his uncle, Mr. J mes Hambleyi besi goods you nothmig to C& ufact and at members are- working hard to make the. eld. 1 cleartng lines fro-ra leadind-g ad the choice ne sl goods for oursear; prim astonishing.. Over five I adred suits at hiaaco t Montreal Star is coming Weir, James Dick J. H. i che F, Win. after spending three weeks at Mai' home in, jitteetings, interesting and profitable, a boc of less thin half price. We vow Bella enuine In for much praise for i. splend k it is Flannigan ; a 0 )PDa on W1 olessle, Woodateck.-Mr. John Livingstone, our I I. F. Edwards a Re4dy-imade Over&l pan* increase in attendance is ample proof that an -boigbt direct; trom, found Son: Th i ca nmi sioners Eopular thresher and horse. laya, has got 10. V-%, others, w a qkso EAPE suit for $5 25 This line, with xiblishing en tled "The wc J I;oowrets Of lEr. J 9 de'llin at very low prices. -it will CH ST F 33 maitufacturqrs and 9 g is they last. This Punjwer' i u ewers Will med 9th. is famous. Clydesdale stalli , "Elevator" their labors oe not in vain. -Mr. T. Hax- ul t anad rucell 'd on April -1 with us as Ion S , en ta at I .; 0 - ha rented the farm lately- oc- 1428 1 . shouU, win. not isist long. Our trade. inif this de en I aOrtfolio form, six' : risen, who pa3l you It you buy these goods. I is the ptace where y0iL r. ivingstone W n the VLe. n ea6h'portfolio, three hundred plates' home M L* start o Miss Key the a bylon. h 'Ale invite- cupied by Mr,' F. H. L Sqhoales,' has moved libTEs.-Miss. v I Of do your tL rading. 'Mexes Black C-otta oTors and natural size-, the road. next week. -Mrs. T. D6 IgatyLis spend - n all, nait5roil c 54. 101r, week. - Ta out to the village and is how settlid in his wA a guest at ' Reeve Burns' t you to call and see for your- LocA B=E s.,-Mr. i Wth. 'th h WM. ROKARD, 001's. hole forming an invaluable tre are for the ing A few day's Wi er par a,. in Fullar- Mi. John Morgan last.. week received the new home. We wish him every success.- eTed, a hors a to Mr.: James ton. ielv s 16w welt We oaW suit lu able .1 or deliv _Miss 'Ida Hotham, our or music a House ill ibiary. For.4 limited time thelge va, b' here, or o e death of' a niece, in Threa I Bargain, Clothing -and Dry Go Arch old-, i Mond r, ic r iv ,ich he Mrs. Hugill ii at present ill with pleuris 896( intelli f th, you. Mike honest o6i pxriaon y; rtfolios; ini obtained - from the Mon- teacher, has'been enog§i p ay theppe D roit. Me was unable to attenda the Every lineguar, Seafor received $160. 'Air. Tayl is- sell as! freely 9z you kkA Star or local newsdealer at fifteen cents believes; in ra' organ in V116L Methodist c at He but we hope to hear of her spqed recovery. 3 goc we ing )od horses, aind'he ge Pr.Pea'or -The football : dub intend holding their -MissesAnniietand Blanche Scloaleshave er , which'took placen Saturday, it being week wish to call rour at ach. Amazingly cheap. 'Aliases Park, the new asson, y 9 f them ---George C es ev. annual meetin on Saturd returned home, after,, having spent a pleas. do, irt day',here.-The tention to abotit a housand good:value- my night. .9. M - . I - -1 i dollarV worth of odi , ends of- Afen!s Wbite-wrt, W. ( asson, of 11arriston roll aut week with friends in Goderich. dr -,so-makers have opened mit a new and 'I yd of Sda TRMBY-75 cents a -copy. at Lumsden & forth, ha;d a narrow eppape fro fownii,ig tw Ity stock of intillinery. Mr. 4rames Stur- Carpets, dd Clartains, &c., and. 142 4 gc )rjreeenft purchased on Wilsons. in the river th6i e, daring a cent flodd, MCKMOP. Clinton. ie of Mrs. Wal-" a lot of Boys' Suits &I A la to, is a wise policy.. Theii be -etty wed- aregoing zo let go at, while.cano, H' - canoa upset, but he A 'HAPPY E VE T. -A very p. wi a's frame oases on Alain street, and this Meb!A Perale Shil Sure, when psinting, to use the weather and water- WEST HuRos L=Nsmq.-The Com- land: which'wei no r a and In I su rlor to any eml . ' Is me to a ek had it moved to his on the lake figures away below V i6ir rea, of paint, it costs, ras iortunately 'pulled on in ave dinst took place at Maple Lane McKillep, rhissioners met on Monday to.reconsider w. ,e bf nk.-Laat week Fred Baker, U. Colloday t, 'Sold by S. gumxw & Cc doing, 17th st., when -alue.foi caA. wenty DISTRICT MATTERS. er.psint In the in his life. -Miss isabella B irr, daughter of on Weduesday e the applications for licenses not. granted at left f r Go4erieh, where 1 1428-1 Rev. 41. Barr has, been e4 age a: teacher Miss Sarah Archibald, eldest augl ster of at d Alex. ergIason tl % -largest woortin previous meeting. John C96d, SaItford, was ind this w tt ey - are en Ili) eek GIR-Li WANTED. -A' 'good reliable lgin county, and Mr. William Archib d, was'uni J9.Wl' in a school at Kingsmill, I t ed in mar ranted a yearly* license; Robert Mason, THO EVENT.-Oahi of the )u; work, can last to, A bert Vatist: South Bay -Last capable of doing I kinds of h( 6t herge. - to Mr. James Hays, of the iame town- : left fo left -,on Saturday Clinton for three months 5 d John HaTnil- pro iss-iepsi who is i osition as The ceremony was aL peti By* M* r, refused. 9 here was tari '!was vitn A. F V, h. 1421-1 fftCF sti4ncrest things that, ever hapj n af good placeand est wages on ap lication to M194 Bethune ria performed by Tuesday, Airs. Stalk', , whd has been eased b', 0 ORBES? I a Square, Seatort, ship" ton Berimille -inter, e, retprned to he'r ba,'617, in On 0) -N ur a esence of al ending the Nvi teatiher iii the Ayr public choolx a 'ent the Rev. Mr. Masgr ve, in -the, an'ecdote editor in that classic ckty, &iat- : D. S. Perrilas, Soda Biscuits rediteed fro p r' ion gainst the latter, and one in favor of M we iotend, to atilu -The about t- ted guests. n home at 'Grand River, Ohio. --John Fer- e0par%'Ha sa G'roc Easter bolida a at her omel here. wo hundji dd land fifty invft I 25 cen tA to 9,9 ceii ta a bpic at th 0 and order to A0,04, foid, recently. A tramp -mark he* word D ry ds J u ins.i. *ater'cart ma, e its appear ncelfo'r the first Mt. AdkLm Ha s, f Seal tl' acted as SEitious AYFLicTloN-. 31r. Rattray' re. A= left on I ue.-,d iy for Cleveland, aftir went ta a house there and rang the door int the ' er at his home. hete. R vur prices of We I A- ,,NUA,L MEETLG. -Tlie' 'Iau 'iai meetinj Qme ttis season on Saturds I t. It was- groomsman, while Miss Mary A, , hibald as- r . ev. rm bell- The door being opened byltbe lady of ceived w6rd from Monbre b wire -on Mon- U Imst, kind vt readyTo had t qtdp dusty. sisted the bride. The bride d[ bridesmaid an r. urnett preached in St. Audtq& Se of the Seaforth Curling.and Skatihir Sbelety,will be needed, as Main street aii day -that his son Willi a gone through d is o preach com. C4JLJ 9 -or goods 46 ! C­%Ixe hou ', the tramp said -now what do L. Street was wore pretty dressesiof wfiite tulle silk, and church on Sinlay las n t infen .w School SuAA held at Dfckfs B otel, -on Wednesda -,:Blay let, 1895, In 1886,.nine years ao," an operation'- amd was rei v low. About a F - . 8 rou think ? 4 "Please, lady, givd me a piece, ­'JDr"o"4, Sbe . 14L28.1 111 day next, i aorning and evening. at 7:80 p. m. . GEd. E.'Hy wa ere time t iat i e S1 dizzy.- t d for the first aeon ork the 'bouquets of W-'hite 'flowers.' Next morning ear since I a revolver d ;charged in his n 0, 1 of soap." Our anecdote editor is st'all 1 0 i . I WARN-ING, t -Purchas allawamower Same datd,April 20th, --- A D tatCil ed race took 'Mr. and Mrs. Hays 'took up h usekee ing Cast pocket and the ballett entered his Serge Suitsw in Si4, this season befor yolii oe what a c e . a we arel abowiag, and I ;t St Louis. Saturday, )etween Dr. 'on the 4tb concession, followe'd y the est bod, 'below the heart. Sereral unsuccessful -A-rF-r Y IT TP-Av-FT-%'­In ihis age then yod won't bi disak'iefled, for the i How S improvement Faust d It is *bi riewond6iful, ttlngolosito f lUiLe, *ne(ibyAlr,--'Fredl ost(r, formerly wishes of their many friends. ear I lsailor Suits, School. of the tele and other inventions ences, flower attempts were made to locate the bulle( and D.. S. the nicest an Invit - &IIL &die@ to Pay is yea bi at di"Play of in 'that he 1 ill d wiInt hop Wn and has been setiousl ill,; rapidity news wibeds, etc., same k ope &was. S. Murkpirrr 00. al kto iMMiE 8, 1 nother fast it is surmised that this is hi's present trouble. roc a Invit onice Df ClilltOil astonishin t Bi, ne A d r to poet oveq.-Mr. running Th6rae, i His brother is With him in Montreal, where d. will be pleam d 0 o thqMw rough. 41.28.1 -ing in I the 1111 1110ijery for his ree esu v Das4wood HAS. On Friday a telegram was receiV &I ord, tr@wel. ed _ t the ens o of recently in the ens Runif fre 'a iss UZ Anothe r fre h line of Coria,l 6'as and -To-, of Dr. Ric by tNv. 0 1 ngths. The ITE -..%IS. Miss Mary a both were. working., "See t for $agin M chigan"' on -95c line oes jas arn e , an runn a ain iatch, fo Thomas our been a BRBvrriEs. - Mr D 6itmore is an- weler, is, this weeL all, assistin lover, the Great Noj thwesterrjl Telegrwph aced orses-thave ag mat, t d (I 1 0 L V the ied r $,500' Shutter le d with J je Mr. Company's vvires, by a part frp in e C013; eob'er pruning trees. M j C. Stonerna y in im n, P ii, atthe Opeirx use Grocery. -whiel -Mr. Foster will t ke his horse 9 L J. closin --good. A] Daivei after Thursday f last week.. e jr. Eb has Mbms. o -M l. F. a 14,28 . . to New York tdc"ompete ii tie Brooklyh returned hom'e froth dorif re ee. V. Mr. e wish It' L SUCC 88. es Boys' and o1ril? Minnesota, inquiriogi . particu- A' %T WHEEL.?­:- 'et our''price NoTms: Tll;je co4ncil will Inei S in f and J hn Zetiel"S.,nd" famifie8, and da; a aentleman named j. B. uport, of BeTr, our well known hors lutyer, a few Do You TV handicap. Fred has been panicut Krupp will Vreach in the Me bho4ist church at at the ys ago shipped another ca eload of ve no, of the Comr*qial hotel, on any of the totlowing rel able km: The Whit- township hall on the 27th intt.-Fall uis Pei: and is e r.'J Dhn'aftafroern I y lars, of the buxnl wheat Air. r; from New fine horses to the American. t iarke lyr. sm9e worth. the By the gent,i the Rudge. the tunate with hishorses. Ile on-Bunday next.' in town, as thf- sender.was supposed to have is looking rell, having stood the winter Ifamburg, been here attending the W. C. Smith, Barri.ster, Seaforth, was M- U, a yal'-Mail, the Cupid, the has, purchased theframe re side ice formerly SuiciDE.-What could bavd been more Fleet, the Spa of ?A ]ff Peille' chld--Nick relatives stoppiric, theie at the time.. How- C Splendidly. The Morris news did not show, f neral - '111s, it this week ienewitti old frienc - a e' ie vi g rescent, or the utt either for ladles or gents. occupied by Alr.Lt S. Dilling, and has moved shocking tq the residents cf, this vill j,6 bc4i- resid(u Of i ,all or witi up last wee . This 'is not the -first time ever., even h46d there been relati .-es of his in Youtibs' wheels, ftm U U6 for pricei ster, who 1:1aY for ships. -Theatiqual meeiting oft eXechaice We are Lead ' it to his ow pro erty oi 1 hen Ithe news was hea d on 10 onlai d to' eeswi te that no person to LumSDKN & Wi4so,Sea drth. 1A2S-1 . 13 30 ke moi kL er this, I ti tut-e Will be held, e, i -The l9sa sitst %bythf . adian Bank no on even the hotel, it was forttni some one has blundered. -Tuesday was a o, er ured. HOUSE Compl A of inorninji, that Mr. William Balf 'had com-. i. Id day, and overcoats and mittens May 6th. -Air. D: Uiqiihart ushin on. wi uild- a. e morning Were in v eek.7--Mrs. Kol6hl r, from near Cav- i of Commerce by the da ag: ng f tAeir b' mitted Suicide? He got 1W Tepsand.-Some s y we will have' a sugar aler, North i Oti 1 is 'her a visiting her Alabastiat Calsomin aria, White and Ready Mixed GiIc4 Va 6 fght. Qw aoN Baoq., her, Who be'cn very sick, but, w tly reated ; wit his oatme8l farm operations on Airs, 4 Paintp, quality and, a es a r ing in the late went out 0, the biLru to fire, has been a sfactorily the same as usual, storm yet. -Wood bees are over once more, 11 io.ther, who ho, is which he recea 1428-2 , settlei codipa ly. The feed t'I'e cattle, and, not coining back at his SAD DE&TH.-A vcry sad death' occurred Seaforth. I 'by theL in armers are in o see ain ba in, town, on Satiiidy morning last when aud the f t ch earnest. n 3w better. ;ain., She intends to staT min, saw mill and gr vin on the mar- , Jr" C. Tillson's I Dlled '.ILheat at. -the Opera damige was appraised t soniething "r regular time -for, breakfast 'the went out In Yin _The Stone masons have star ket, he willhave a partic usy seasOn. - Norman Russell, only child 0 J. 142t1-1 13 f tel tWork il- t)iree cathi.-:-Mr. J1acob Werner 0 'Air, Geoi r 'oo of V rin ham wis House-Orocery. 58 D.L to see after him, when they wet e surprised C Smith, passed away a e very early age of though it is a little. cold on the fingers, yet. f in 9 b i Mr. ' W R H d in -t th In. Oil Sprit a, has' e hore visit .-Our fla) oinenclerciead! ten months. d cOmPaII.Y hojiel, KiD Sh five years and also a;fall line . o NoTxGE. --All bicycle repairing -done,.ea n Itown, oti Tuesda. e many friends of to find that he had hanged hit iself 'in the, till RussOl was a shortest notioe, -of tirm and sundries, Mrs: 6'rood heme,% iregiettolearntlifttahe barn. Ca se,uuknown. Tledepartedwas Rev. Mr.,McConnell, ofToronto, will I ar6uts for a as mo re particularly bright and happy thild, and ]preach in Belgrave Prte.! ylZan church on a re busy sowi i fla. Lud 'are making good by Mr. J. Zueflej merchant, shoe - parts always onband" re4ldiog of tires a apiclifty. is -Re, r. R- P. -was a r ati ve of Ex 8 i - - not enjoling g6 . healt . He eter ins r was the licolit and sunshine of the' home. s. muujaw &Co.' 1428.1 57 years of age. 8itnday next, 8th al people are I eadwky.-T1 ii Dr Ins ector aud August maker, to the north-. side- of the lot.­ McKayyyl,of oron secretary cf tt e Foreign Cityj Devonshire, England, and' had been About two eeks atyo he was ettac -ed with B I id up with a bad cold and lato Guhr investi rated le o called Zan eardBley.'s abredded Codtfis I a.pack- '-Mi'sio ,back. ch rs. (Rev.) J. S. Cook, of ( rant Be d as here a bte ding the fun- ana il or . w a resident of this coui try fc r about thirty (rain a r. Gab. Holtz- -th ge, 'la, grippe, which -settled on his b6in, and, age, at the opera House Grocery. 1428-1. few Jays - O -L formerly of here, has been i i e. villa era. of Mr.J. C. Smith's child this Week.- yests. The remains were interred in the after Suffering eXtieMe pain for 'a 816ion, lip- poo, ET7-B OK Lom--LoEt Friday, M -Tuckersmith. nianit. has mad( a g ,ei t im Krovement to his rR.Willisinte dserectinganeitd,, elling ) 'xeter cerneteryt; He. leavesja widow,. during -the past week, renei ring old :ac a lot n Poderi 11 a wastak-entothatl NN 'where sliffering J'SL I ropert H s1as edi is stable to the quaintances.-Mr. T. Palmer, jr-, has se - April 19th, some I cle on the Mill Road or on the on, i is vacant reet during PERSo.xAii. -Aliss Sarah Wattbrs, of Da- m( v e N' c , e (1, i n g it-kerinjith, or 4tween the twoi children and friends to mourn his loss. 2nd Concession -of unknown. It, is an sad afflic- k pocket -book with an elastic )and around the goming summ r Mes rs. Tyerman & k6ta, is here on viit.-Mr. Thomas Wat- r ear ent6i hii i iot's rj rMsed it u;p eight cured a very good situation at. tailoring in -el t e Instable an er it, tion to the.i repts, w o, aN heart- a der f3et, and Will .1 a -bills uiring the ters, of Deaver,. is a ending this' week at. Walkerton. -An agiation is _04 foot to4de- contained over 410a In bills, a numl 6r at due p rliug are y engaii d 61 ulle orae. lery iniiny friends. I H tt. his home iss Mary Townsend on; but the- fet-t sympmtby of t10"v and a note. The note was -in favc r of the under- nerce here. iss izzie ipp Detroit is h 11 Maitlad- signed or bearer and was made I y David Cheane . -d e done to the Batik 6f Cornli' Pp.0-PEItTy SOLD.-ThQ he ise and lot on I vide ap our present school seati Tfle, remains;were in -i-N7 in the spent last week WiW relp tives in London.---- I I Is. herare ats, a OL ine her return She y r'ec at fire.-Mis. Dr. Mc- scheme does not meet with it least RE YOU W, blo k byl the c Mon ijk. will be suitabb the 13th concession, contail Ling. five and a Aj purchase a hous ali lot from John bauk emetery on The ftnder rewarded on leturning, it en yisiting rs.- Broadfoot, sr I MIcDo to the und6rsloed, land,' the pt blic age , hereby Na ghton, o ., left last week to visit in the village. marms. McDo ell Brothers, Brsse1g, h a be quarter'A''cres of'land, and p t of the estate GAINS I 'IF cautioned against purchaaft or nei otiating the notes frie do here. - 7 1i a Aggie I cIdtyre , nurse her daughter in Kansas. I fartman.. * e itude tan her brotherWill our enterprising hardware mei chants, key& OrftGA-Z%f REc-iT-,kT,.-The orgmi recital in or due bulle syment of them k as been stopped. of -the; late George Cannin, rham, has been DE.4,T4.-The Serious illness of Mr. Her- 'r iove into iti Alr J too Demuth has gone contracts for putting mh- a lari e number of- of Toronto' is ting Jri' ds in town. - S. Cusatisy, ISea otth.,. t D Ashland a I . 1428.4 &MOn sold to Mr. Walter Cutiniiii wh 5 there *as, St. !#homes' church thi., (Fridag ;evening, some of the 0 owns beit Watters, as mentioned laat week ere he inten a to furnaces. The last one they Pa. SAXPL The re is an ag tat proffiises to.be very good. "T o9e tak-'- A fre4h.land wel e town, fo aid wfks pneumon a, v this a Of H all ing I assortedis 0'ek of Christie 'Itu ag peop e -the adjoining farm. The )rice P. develo, vhich P ovej 86y for Mr.Henry Cook, the I r the establish- ped, into .-re noted musiciauis; while t e organ Brown Bi8c4ite at the Opera House rocery. 1428-1 $730. f t6unis . tub here. This fatal. He had enjoyed fairly. good healdi Revs. Campbell, of Lucian-, and Jz. S. Heil - part a. it o a f itself issaid to beparticula.rly sweet in SPRAY Vump.'-For use on a barrel,, with COUNC11, NfEETII G.-The lullett council 114, be an e. eel ent idea, and, as'Seaforth until a shrt time. ago, whe he was troubled Blue derson, of Ca pel Presbyteria church, ex - No chatge is be- agitator. . best spray pu p in the market. it met in Bell's hotel, Londesbd -o, on Mondey,' gh. The abbatk tone and rich in compass. Vfl for elf in one sea n. I 'ery fruit grower m( at in eve C3 Win-." with a seve P piso ingniade for adm'ission, but OLJVi g to the is always upp r other game, it Aplril 22nd. Metobera all - )resexit' re cou deceased was a NoTxs. Mr. Williani Cor tt. traveller changed al. it n. 8 Mr. 11in- Bb.oXdyh&Ve S. JOHNSON BROS.") 6aforth. 1428.2 in I awn! native o this township, althoxigh for a ffir Cowan & Compimy,hir&ware Lerchants, derson preachea the charrooli, rL -opening ser - I should make a g9j: d showit g i 'I A nnis, Whiteley's offer for supplying a car load of ONE ?a limited aeatirtc, caacity of the, church, LAWS spen ai it wmRs. -The best, Lawn Mo ers, besi es this, i WC aid aff6r I profitable and number ol years he has been engaged at the; loondon, t Sund, y w ll his. sistdr, Miss vice's fit Luemi-Mr. J. A. Iraylor spent s ben issued to tlIe "'number -cedar at $14 per t pusand, di livered at Lon. nowe le ant amusimle A 3017 St. Doherty organ factory, ClintoiI4 Hie was a, orbett.-Miss MAry Kyle, of Tor- Sabbath at his old home in Strttford.. enW.!e Panneyliania" our r. - iso and r, eaItion during de8boro Station as accept id. ' James I Lnnie C which the hurch will convenient -ly hold. Md th anadian makes.,. c.11 and exx , Ine. e'long Sumn V, UUjLHJja.--Mr1-J.Q Gre' brXhlb and promising young man, and was c ato,spent Sauday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ross. On Saturday afternoon, from three o four, JoqX809 B a., Sisfoith.- 1428-2 Igy John Was appZtad hm Aer for r pat oad d" 't I russels, preached GrOy-i, alIns 10 - to of, Jackson & e g, was in Tor6fitq this ighly es eemed I;i ill whh knew him. --Rey, Mr. Cobbledick,,of ea Albert, Coats. -e a, short recital,for the NG par asers of harvesting 1 ,. Sol Lye will -i% vision No. 18, i i6t eng 8, k buttons Al my a to would do 'Won to ball at wee on busiln so. Miss bilu Duncoi. left f, the doml a Itee appointed member of the Odd F llows,, he was i 1 the Methodist chur h la it Sabbath morn- bXATHS.-.1J"t weq)k death sad - Machinery 6r impleme From the report c uried skela iile& children of the 8und chool, to wh Gh the Frost & 'Woid's *aceroame, Main stree16 Sestorlb, be on Wiednesda for Brant& , where She will by them.. A great i man of his i ig.-Miss Maggie Patilte6on, of Glenmorris, breaches in two fgmilies in this. towshi et o examix e = g childrea of the other schools are also invit- at last me the locality of p - fore orderi r elsewhere - examine the now Walter A.. Joinwherfath, A-1 . Ju -114 a Duncan. --A cor.. br friends and chool-matea followeT his re- i ras here this week atti,eadi ng the funeral of 6rL Monday, RacheL the beloved daughter. of; the proposed ne idp o-, -r the Maitland, ed. Oa Sunday, Rev. J. C. Farthing, rector Wood singl cany.as binder, the celebrated, Buckeye respondent fr amains to their last resting place in Tarnei's I er grpdmdther. Mrsi ohxi Patters oe, saby dbbau, 43rajA of Woodstock, -will pra-ch, and Sir. Lye mower. , W are in,no co'wbination, and are here to . 0 1 rquhar nforms as th the connc'il came' Ito. t6 c nclasion that On, Richard angi Eliza R 3rd coneession, rfte- le box - Jilinuilog bral -at sell all kin ; Of im lemelnts at the -lowest possible the "tafil.pf ie 9te! Jo LL Hackney was cemetery. dio has beehin poor health all winter, was -ad n- ain. over 0 organt there is no pressing acces ty of uilding a sponded to the call of *her Ma ster a clerk was in - prices for It rot class goods. H.MoUnosn. 1428-1 valup.d i stead of $2,491, as stated h t ken suddenly il I do6y evening Will kem. tered. into the house not ma -esent. with hands, 'bridge there at pr; and d ed TueWa 23rd inst. Z7 Deceased had Kippen. BARGAI 'S in shoes; for citsh on '86turday in -agrp] I i, t e Items last week. r1mornin urs str'ucted to ask -tb towns ngineer to a an atack of rippie albout i D TOY. p P' a Patte r SONG Al '1%9'A av 0 , of St. Paul, Minnesota, was M26 - dtwo, A XIG11T OF SCOTTISH Come ith the crowds. ROBERT- NOTES. -Monday last was a busy day i on, wfiose maiden ame -our bargain day. h to the 'co, ticil at. years ago, and, like others, COA. ftacyb.orderad tandik e -It is oh veLy r uc4 enii- WILLIS, tWC ghoo atores,-Se orth. -142B-1 nt a day on wl le u born in h sumption set in and did its adly work. -ire occasions that is qt orese in o n. We understaiid that our village, rigs coming in from the four garet DLylor, waa Cott, concession. 6,With a, view to settle -Ly, the Mr. Alexafide Da idson as decided'to re- n -was mak- Pvoxb oroshire; near d to .nent artists as Mr. Dur vard, L, 1ecetland, an ' 0 1 N, LADY Luc the course of dit6h along 81 leroad'10-1-1,and - quarters. Mr.Cantelon of Ch' ton She was eofilited bed f#r about fiv.e famed Scottish tenor, pay our town 4 isit, A FoRkER ,x. -.The build th 6 C&nmer ial hote I building. He ihgo @ofhis biggest shipments 'from our settle near Galt,'in 18, They remoed weeks before her death, Misal 'Roe was an 4 V tithe followinb, paragraph, will com also to notffy the owner) L terested to be n 0 mencel at C 'le in I She Was buried exceptionally fine young lady ud universgI 40: and his appearance in Caxdno's iallf here, on lady refe4ed to i tice, and bopei to,: have it station on that day. -,-Mr. William Ivison is to ne r'Bluevale in I -3&11 y 3rd, will be gre ted'bynianywith 'which WE' take froin'the Oil City Blizzard. present at -'the same tim.,. Councilthen hav the interior of his dwellin oa-W,-dnesday afternoo, in tpl, e for the fall trade'. -Mr. giliouse re- n, and a I arge num- embivderim U0 adjourned. regret -is felt over her demi.964- 8he w - a Pi Flu . - as, beav ii 00 Much delight." The press peak, in the high- of Oil it3 unsly.vania, will be remem- J.'H. Broadfo t's planing mill is running m6deWet -;--Rev. Mr. 31cKibboh, cif Embro, ber of relatives and f6ends gathe -ed at the conistent member of. the Metjiodist-churchi 4c -Y t" ZWoWd liu4ker4leb I me, at fan r 61 to Show- their last token A and a teacher in the scho The cst terms of'Ur. Le1v as an eloctitioni' atid bered many -qf our , r6aders. She is a again at fulf-t' d witli,the usual com- is spendfirig a few days with' friends at the respect L. 8 01 ed coittan tOwt* 40 *9 Bi ucegel(' 1W vocal-ist, and in all the large citi a where he 'native of Gr6derich townshi. ement of liar do.- -Miss- ergus Campbell, post offic I -rs. Patterson was.carred, to the funeral took place ou Wednes afternoon, e p, and is the th e -Mr. -Lang, of Exeter, was in to her has appear d, lie lias inet with great sue- rwife 0 Mi. Sai uel Hanah oL CARD OF THANKS.' now 617is- 4eachier of Ryth who was spe ding the -Hav jn sold! out my during last eek, introdming grave by her six sons, Mr. Frank. Patter- Rev. Mr. Waddell conducting t e Aervice. ence of her'uncle -and fmin present appera wold, toba. The ]Blizzard says : "'Wrs. - taster holiday at h Ing business 'in this v liage I desire to and selling fruit tree, sprayers. Mr.`William, Son, Wiinkham; C , ier a t e resid I John, of -C le'n 9 thank my customers for their pal konage Iii the past oiInterment was made at Brusqe1s cemetery. 60; VJ -ill be no- S bility that Seafo.rt Hie inah,* about whose speculating in Oil is abiping large quantities of haj IrchiboJd,, Robert and Walter, c f Bluevale, 0 every pou 1)1r. R. Lums(,en, resumed, her luties oil and hope they will contioue to gl ve as liberal a ps!. Cudmore Mr. and Mrs -,Roe and fair ily &re deeply U recently san nipeg, - comment, has- ouday.--- The anr ual ball' -' d r the &us- tronage to my successor. All accounts must be Set- 'from the Station.- ggwSonsarenumetbus and Will, of Windsor. i: Besides her sow, thize(Twith in their . -soirrow Miss - =n, an therehas )een considerable n e S -to d Battalion, tied by the fifteenth of KAY, and &#a cost of collpe- in our burg at present. -The 'man so; -bm v friends she leaves one daughter, birs. Pe- At Fowler, pices of the 0 r vate letter from, pers in that closed the'deal, an& was sio fortanato, a cel*s f the': §r Mon. S. J. POLI OCK­ 1-121x3 of Miss Ma Eeepaas 29 Years old and w.4 borri` in -thia Zo tilantowell town has, been in. dat bier ily re o mended. sell r of at an averpg,re priceithin two 0I who has fee Was held in ' nton" on Friday evening last. giie in air, n very io r on % ras a in township. -On Wednesday -one of the old.. block, MAI lit FA -Rat RENTED.: -Mr.. :3. Hi gins has Mrs. Lely,, 611nn ad-complis ed iar ist also, as - cents )f t0e top noteb'reached. 'Ikr broker i It colild sciirc bel called a. financial sue- 9 and wil poorly'for some time with lagrippe, will be other, a oQd wife a residenteis assed 'pearefally:away at the - sista'him- ij the programme. has of yet figured her -ac t, but rehtoa his farm on the'Bayfield cess, as there as considei: able app ease roving.- e remembered for 'her i, any loing vaiieed age of .77 yeaim, in the person OF to M dis' - oint road, -near I d to hear that she, is imp states tlia her profi, I foo -some- here, to Mr. William Aiketiltbad, for a term Darmers are all busy, seeding being'now in' a eta. have ment about th attendance. However, the -r. attgrsonand faml' the. r.: i "am: Fulton; of the 14 ,h concession. p I y Mi. Aikenhead j thing over'. $30.QW. She commenced ing .116.11 w, ly filled,, and - all present of,.iyears. etapossession at full swin -.-causes out, village to have 4 hy of th I community in eir ti me Of The deceas I was bofh- in -Ayr-shire, near - 4 conifortalb 9 g, which el -4A very pleas aat soci4l was held' ats ort the preieni aavan once, but Mr. Higgios :will sti . '! . . lla SOCIA1 'I I . veral fro a holiday- sp le I . -9. oi ut 9 cut a most elijoylable time. Se In. It continue 0 -Mr. Peter Grant, Kilmarnock, Scotland, and united im iai -vhe baaer ent of the, Presbytekiaj church Ade on: cert: P pearance. most (f Q!r moneywas in tten'dance.--Mr. Joseph 0. Occu the rbsidence, and his many friends our well were. -411 a known gardner, has got started on i dp.-vrpoe of V, marriage to Miss JaAet, Off; themme, on Fr ,,kenng last for the bough pon. the dolhir point. It pleased to know that he does not in- waE -8010 - Rose has moved in o the residence oh -West will another -season's work, g6tting things' in e new assists", pastor, Mr. ceaied liensall. locality, who survives him., ad e 53 inotj an( welcoming, th thin ikup, 'ten years ago that I Mrs. Han h Areet, f by' Mr. jal- tend removing from here. He will now de- tasty olrder. Those who are n I ormerly 0 ius Ot too'busy aul" ,g t 0 ago. umily in oil. This she d er_ IDUU.C%_n. been 'We a e*now being fav AfaPherscu 4ad givin the nien bers of the lost 110- -fdr.! George Murray has vote himself exclusivbly to th urance LqCA BRIEFS.- In IS51 the f left $e to lbedome ac with business are looking after thi3 suckers or- loc i act of watering thestreets or- Stewart, of Clinton, withweather tat delights nsylvania, atonan opport ined ince at time a ie has -arded the C 6tit1r; 'Congreg th business, as he represehts several fire ins d ated in t qu4iated aitli hirti, A good rhu:sical and ni to tepover a N% ompanies an& 'the North Ain at the pond. -Rey. Mr. , U L it e farmers where they lived or threO years and' -to been.' pec4laina with varlQus dev 7ees Of, for th6 iiummei, -at twienty-four a,"ce e erican nd gardeners B' as are al ; will' conduct the 'services in St. Andrews A Opera WSW 11filbiry 160 litararypX)graniriie 'was rendered' consist- "es a few h un'dre(r lollars, Life. then eato .9 -sametim 0 and Hills Green diucheii next Sabbath. Rev. e to Oxford county,*! Ontario, and 'db succe --cents an hour. His tender was the I west ad ti = live ing, -Pf Be clioi;is by the church ehoir, an 119 Y going 0 in our village.- esided there - for four rsi fte which) tah e d and. Sometimes -almost' penniless. received.-- Mv. Robert BWa tie, formerly of Mr."Acheso'n will take Air. Steward's pulpit. Mr. James Coxworth,3 the "Centennial r bmes 100 4 lot tt I i hOL I ip in 1858, taking. ls on and 0 e pe -r Exe er, tel, -V ho is b they moved to.L I ias.OuTner tal duet Vylvir. J. A, Wi: uts , ound this tow But sh stuck, t it.with commendabl Beattie Brothers, left on Monday for Lon- ito halve everything neat readirlss by 1*8 Low- AL0 ly & (i in jo d order 6 ut -hini, is 6i ,g hi up land, on the 16th oncession. Mr. Fu sistesic. , having bee r mo ths tho on don, where he has secured' a good Loqu, TEFS- -'Mr Ambrose Cottle in- ton was - a hearty, hard, -,we, ing man and rie. and D . 0ampbell, a sol 0. by Me- n fo" BR Wroxeter. hAll, d a t of the gallery, i ,here Alie said in a %'tor6.-Mrs. Greig, of Clinton,. mother bends having another iuction Sale. of land the Methodist Leart and a vocal duet by Aly. Jaines Scott occup roller Loc.m haw'been cliurelij raised -up and go . enjoyed the best of health. A number OF no in. b t kept on knitting and of Mrs. J. & Jackson and I Ir. J. U Greig, i gates, etc.,,, on Sat- irday afternoon NOTES. -Great interest od brick founda. d M as L. Davidson the thin , u wat4ing years ago he lost his right no Z arm a a threah ' Doubve wlatb 4 the i mlllkpt. She -proposes to invest -her of this town. has' will manifested in our Royal Templars of Tem- t.ion put, under it Alias DeLon is going to e ie pro- 0!0, chair. Aft6r tl' been siari usly ill during next Mr Wiji. AicCloy, f Hensall, lug in& m. ter with Mrs.- Hannah?" ladder While climbing up to 4 maw in thi- 11)ond ud discontinue speculating. WhtkiVs 6e past week, but is now improving. -Dr. be-tK allc4oneer.-Mr. 11. Dardis, of Bos. perance a Is shop pu tor owupied -th Wa 'devoted d6ciety,for some -weeks ast, occa- njove her stock millinery -into the chine, and lastummer.)i M from gramme as finished, the tinig I a w move ma tile Li de -to increase o ned by Mr. W. Davis, and recently. oc. to social c verse and the refreshments pro- J. G. Scott has purebasec handsome lit- ton; 4. d B. Aubry, of M6ntr'eal, were buy. 13 nedbythene barn, and felt the effects o r Some time. onies, orn Mr. Hugk ing It raes here on Wedues( f y. -Mr. A. Me. zc d1h i A n Mock 4%raw milOX 0 tle buggy-forhis oniet, the membership, as well as provide enter- ', pie y I f.it f, 'i and 0 r e, a d e t :hna am 1ro ra foi d' th --T r Its u a a all 4 re a M r wa Jacob 'a in Sdafoit" this week, being call- lCiodforj ajoy' 'tCX N -'DVI OTES. ings. Sides were vided by i he ladies. I very e N -1% 1 r.. Y. Orie`Ve.-Mr. C 1; Donel will be at the, Centr hotel on Sat t inment foi the meet He w." a grass eed on,. 90tiday, aitd ida M ilson haimade a satis 0 iug able affaii. was only I or two days Uric, to his de - 0 Ke. J. factory settlement with the ins rance com- urdiy next, towpurdiase 11 es.-Afr. R. Sk. ur most popit re throual ha p, of'B"erlin-i paidi a visit: t osen.captained by two of o ea tb tiiie illfiess of her ister, cease Heart failure was iiveii theause- - P rt on Monday, Ir. 8jairitz dongs panyforhislogaLip the r(cen fire.-4iss Lang f seeddrillson I r young ladies, who each alternate' even- Xrs. Forbes. Sutherland, -assistant r y atl;. A REWC, U1.61 M ar., bf t the rm of Shantz &18ons, button manu- K. Michall', of-Torlopto, we, a,,l ,uest at th d had to provide the progra, me, Mr., Fulton was in. au wool re oore, , and Ar.Broadfoot, jr., last,-Mr " 1). A Anderson and Stir ister, Seafort!l Liberal— ze all wool ise P politics and held to the PLresbyterian. thur-6h, - 0 ix teresting a, and has ha ge f6i - some in' t leaux, songs) recitations Ot, o in t fictarer cha residence of Mr. Th6 as K dd this week.-- wife -speut last SundiLy i'll I litchell.-Mr. J. etc. Each had th( same place, l,',gni ndville, has showa "us an be village one And was P, man f sterling There 3 ears of' the Meh emigratibn to the.' old; A respective value in, marks, new memi- e tenij late relic in th a shape of a neatly prin te a sixteen Mr. -Sidney Jacobs !has. pu.-chased the, Clarke, of Seafortl 'wa he guest of Me. It r upo4 friends. -Our were ei t children in thipo fam' y, vi7. Mrs. ans, u in M' essett, property on Ale] -.et k treet, from Win.'Southcott. on 8 last.-Chief.of ra h ancolumn japer called the. "Ulsl,e County dia Northw( has bee also having their value inarks to the .64t e id' residents have good' faith in our for 119c T -!L- Le e pro -icular part o it. ro. Oeorge, 'the 'river ,bank Mr. Jolin-Lyonj ap4 will nove the house: Police; Skervin curing them. - The stated number of vijlagi Q antion, Ivierulop, published at Kingst Ulster c rder fDr'some days, and an atnuel. Walt -6r. and that part r. -; Duncan, 16th qoncession,;Grey; Mrs.Easton, Cou.Aty, United States by samuei Freer and las. been swarming w h a 'fish LAncyry to the comer of Market and streets, wor'th of Ingersoll, spent tub Sunday in eetingshaving expired, the side,making- DELnie a tely pumhaaed an ad - C, 4 ­ . -he, di Jan'ti*ary 4th, 1800. It crowd.-Mr.'r A. C. V mond i; at nallest score haveto provide a grand sup- di .On w ed a year itgo, at Walkerton; Miss cq froe ions on ',aturday 9 faoing'on High street. The 0 "hop he Exetet.-Miss.Elliott, pf A. itc6ll, Who has th f I t f ground he had Fulton, at 11ome- Williahl ot Cranbrook- tesqrva,iion. 4 U use now n, visiting her r nine Loch improving the ap-p arah6e of -h s test- bee sistel, Ars. (Dr.) Ander- q-ameillcArthur, is st4l, M, in excellent state of pi will have moved to I where the he per and entertainmeA for all ieinbers of purchi Lae n A 0 0 Geor e, of London am Itcontain i. a f till account of the ob i6quies of Wde an4 store, by ha ng the wp(dwo'rk Son lodge, and preparations to that effect ot erfine' g J' es 'a d John, id stands. . Mr. A. Catdno pu Toses putting in' during the past few weeks,,.returned tlLe 'his recent new surve i. Patter 30; as a 0 pure (,eneral Washiingten, and the inside pag6s I eatly paiated,- Asih P, t y ears. th, t -f axe now under way. This novel mode of Y' ceased. Mrs. Fulton is upwards of 70 yeaTs rosts plate glasswindows in the stdr Satt r4ay last. -'Mr. W e --occup d' home to Mitchell. on med. (if age. mourning, -while the columns are f winter'have loosened nian) a"hoard in our Mr. Cardno. edure has been the means U adding an th fine lot ir t .0 Urcf in -deep by. Mr. A. C. Peniticost. ab.. and M . Robert Sweet, a 'Credit n, were P7 c ame ourvey.-Miss rs 0 ly occupied by eulogies of the, deceased E Aewal U-, :and our ne pliLthmaster 'will- =s k e e o the times.-Aless ues -a. - Henry two dozen new name to the roll.- 4 'h visiting over M4be Dent, of itAiell, is lier6, joust rs. Tyer the g' ts of Ah Harris. Huron Statesman- 4nd aipple loy, ment I k ping th ings, in ps up t B ricklaying has begun here for the seSA?n, h int, Mrs. therland.­-Wiss Bon eived!on Goocl Fri— _eJ a f ttirgs in tli6 vil-. on the Grdgery left for Walkerton on Alonday. last, t ro e, Rodgerville,14s re- day, of the sudden death of George, eldest The ad vertising columns. are also S n are makirg ir provernerts streejt, on Wednesday last. -Mr. Win. A. -A telegrain was - rec it g of Mr. Ja nes McMichael. rp ,tvellsupplied with official advertisements of al safe coadi L n esidenoe Jimes Pugh With. a gang of men having th 6n, of Kelvin urine from g !friends in London.- of Alex. Forrest, oL various kinds. Among the advertisements. I ge this Qik: Mr. Pat"Cain Can -Mr. Atthur Forbes, who. aad his eye so, Where he has sepured a situation in - the An n ade a start to veneer Hemphills house, on son the 14 h concessiorL oved on 'Wednesday 0 , the re., i severely inj tired at the fire I ist eek, 'is ncw d6raon & Compan fs furniti re factory. -The -1% Loudgy last. -Mr -Bob itntp oving the appearance the phraseology it d etc, e Fortune, veterinary, NITT Arnold is we notice the tallowing, of y of L eat of Elm&. He dropped dead - fkorn what is 'which he. purc ase som I, opera Ing on a. gre of his nice dwelliagi:jby the addition of a -WhIbh will strike people of the present day h d. e time agQ from. able to be ;of attending ti bu. iness.'-Mr. farmers are very busy seed g'*this week.- at man y herds supposed to have Txen apoplex . Deceased and op ThundayMr, Rose e this spring, with his dehoraing appar- ;5 somewhat odd : It is as followi: "For Mr. Martin, D. D. Wilson has sold the )rch%rd lot ail- News reached: heri on I londay mo verau h.-Messi a. MeRwen D. Bums had b ming edn in Manitoba fifteen years, having 0 aale, the one half of a saw mill, with a con-Jinoved his family t Sea6rtlu This means doinitJg his residence, to ams. . During Jast year, which was the au.44 harles Me ye .si recently attended a 'settled on a farm near RossUrn. , He was- Xr. John Kline, last, that Mr. Wjn 13*11, o Dashwood$ who ivina in the town two.comfortabib dwellingi to rent,'a very *h is already making prd1hrations for tl[Id runs a furniture store then bad ewo amitted first, his operations extended over 500 bead. pe6ia meetin f t]lie Masonlic lodge at home to see his people Venieut place for building,; , ,,, 0 . -has, se4ured a situation in a riiore,Uving last winter. He was f ROchester. By the mill is an inexhausit- uncommon Oircunistance here -Ou.,jr...village erection of a neat new ' Side'l.ce there*.t-, suicide lh ham ihg-'himAelf. He W uri --James Jones 4 .-Mr.,9R.T'u4 _purchased a fteady, industrioUS man, and -much re - able quantity of Pine wood. Andl also A is assu its usual trini. su inmer a ppear- Miss Sarabel I ied )u thursdavy in the Exeter cemetery on Wednes w mill up in the Pat ry Sound distriet,and he6filj le of lots fr o Ur. Jarnes, Fetty, ad- spected by all who madia cquaintauce, Ming h r dutibo leaves for there this week. -Messrs. Hamil- Joining the tailwa NEGRO IVENWIL once.. asaudyards re being cleaned to Stratford, to-tesume. r - his 4cLean retu Law t the -Mr. Win. Wood" an old and eme treating a lime smd a regular attendant of the i Preslqterian f1TOU T HEAxTiry AcTrvr, in lined to purchase, may know up and gardens put, in 60et.-Now a, the Kindergarten school in-th t cit.V.-A,pleas- resident, died on: Monday evening t, an ton & Sanderson shipped a lot of cattle and Jiouse )n one of. t] lie many fnends-Of church. Beinganinarried, hiis!property willb Any person ushE a, if uc done.. ant event tookpla q e at thd resid ence of the Was buried in the Exeier' c( mj .tery On Wed. p ,,a on Monday laist.-A carload of old Afr, i Samuel ars I>y applying to Jo4n SolloGn. time to trim shrubs ndb tf H me the partioul r0ftet to learn pass into the hands of his fath ,r. A+ 2, all -0 snen1g; -60o bw tor 26a s7ft Oath vadsts '(fat"t stylm,' while'.-colbrs, hon :undetwaur at aStA ,quilts, loge eize, Vlat outthis i QN E awl