The Huron Expositor, 1895-04-26, Page 6-7 F �IOSIT THE HUROX.FIX-1: ORIB her wit the youn way do wn-, and she passes so close�soelosey, been thinking she might not be o an r., W�uld have sci L THE H N E,HUMES A' I 0 -A man, it is.as it you Were spe ing to her -L with me, afte'. all -for she's a queer kin o ;a- 5 so gool. a wench .!--and then the Was ayl r 13RIST0.106-1 b mored tliat th midlet sulk� Oh, she's I've h d'her say things us she. went. by. creature--veg generous and iftivimug, an hu ey c, -ay wirLrAASK 13"PIL a clever fi4, is 19an And looking Fancy ng as that- actually listen- -0I I would like to be set right witb her I y well, ifig to n,:o n!ar Sarsapiarill ell. 0 iAid Looking ar icu art N voice; that i i better han when no harm call be done. It's a diflicul 1 ouA . n 1, wofider now w&tchi ig her about a -mile off along the business -I've be ' at it two or three nigh' I CHAET 11 3nt L.041 vas befter. for her.,. --W iy, it's Parad( ! Nowlet'agoklid cif there are �-to got everythilig clesI 1 air e all to be over there.- any aq tis of her." And hardly had they Illos, Ar d ade it posel the a I gest thing- He took up these sheets, and was soo� fo ir Sci-,itica, Ncural� Suo f 6rhal i le t ou side againwhen he exclaimed j0I 'in the contemplqtjon of tbetir, for it as a i ight 10 Aa ) it 't behind Iiat wind ow-o�, s ' t d no�j p tri f an z-11 U- It -and ev r� Yes, -oes a bit of shop at the t y t 80 ; always T­untion ithing neat ail l_n 1111 les, I thong I Well, sometimes -she d, - , ;l -1 -Y d h is ! And the -every ii� , ng if he were speaking to Nau� Hq studie : bright and ne about iis tillie , )on er a e t 1 11, be bc 11 phrases and passages here and there, t ping. etimes she L goes OUtL 0 4 -she was sui ith the peramb ator ; they and then. som A nurse' laid *1 d trim- d bits c : flowers 're -the end of the pier, and; sits in a slioltemd -an ST makeure that he could not fail to under hi 'fi iro-just a Alinos, certainly U011ALD 0 t here. gow stand his meaning. I ce there, smilitlg� au4 nodding to that pleyer ci�ature le nge tonFq h4e* and there!. I,' Arn(I to think of her mind �ou, Dick, keep . iyl back -keep -well little idiot does 't understand a' 'Word For ies' the real truth that Is in thi, i aspiring tc� the dignit' f b !-the back Oh, , you'll' see her 3learly enough ia mot er sometimes a lady friend of id -yo 11 find hercome i�uite clos� by the let -ter. And it never was true 1 that I go i 'sh'e says ; iind ng U, cheek of lid loo C III a -B hers comes -out and 4ts and ch�is with her. as eve young an tired of Crowliurst,lor of the way we lived- retty. lyd,.0 -.99.1 _arid -Pight- window.)' So RO: CLt Then it's back'-boma toward's one -luncheon as p there;' no, indeecl; it was a proud and rted t6;o-tslkWg', and laughing, ou And then a§ after on�iderable -wait- en again in the afternoon helL Havia,gtwin a coul I presume ; and'th said -I d to bw that, Dick -I like(Tto 'ing, when an and her �inall chargeat and J wished it con] me d he e forever. Bub it was on -hupband,-and- sbe.go.drmng�au s gone on her -drew near, he became �niore and.more ly .' the,Detioit � Optical -In hear that 'that -was Nan's natural selfi�­I. ICIIII t I.. takes the rdins- trial, after all; and I knew that in any c"( liked to lieu about ifie young mother oil the excited. ' He spoke in undertones, in a sort pared tdflt all de1ec Jjoes�ft she sit well, Dick ?�hasn't she 0 MV time would probably be short ; so whei eo-., f trembling ecstasy -of delight. sea,frout, smiling and talking,so that I sa the chance of your being well an style V her father interpolated, eagerly. ple wer6 quit . ith the look of Don't you -think she's prettier than ever" Then tl4y.appear' to hav -one or tw e -o: 114pily settled,you may be sure I welcoinei her." Dick ?" l'in-certain the %se% -air suits er Aotigmati M, -401erl friends down thet*eL -and sonletimes�, they HeAlrag' - rambling on., in a vague maze of -.Did you ever see such a freshness of eom. it, And then I came to see thAt it woui yopis 'd some vould malie,it smoothe NIS, dine with thent ; an t6e the! �rieuds be easier f6i you, it en e -D ironderanci-deiight, when of a s'dd h lexion "? And how finely - she walks !-a for L com ro�n(L Bat here, what the Ldevil are yohvitli all- of -the Hume fami�ly, if Oi any CO Defe we Ripilnion, and tried to slink Iree, light' his col step -that's good health and good i Dtek cri -,'--�abruptly.:J wits out of thewa� ; and that�, is why, I ptd, back a little, thotl h iiiiI ed gure. they were both spiritsI, you know, as well as a Vood' fi C�rcs Old Ch onic Cas� Nirhere oing?", ed We gripped vei forgotten to driuk ba.health V,k tended to be� tired of Crowhurst, and lef i Askinatism I due irreguls, I ent -sly gani ut 9 suffici, 8 t Corner. For at No wonder: the Worthitig urn and is usua cdies" fil hose. health ly I el ere folk r5und you free to choose your own friends ; s, I this m oment there drove up to the front of to look -at the p I fitted- ea. ILI] Y a ing should go well'; bu6 noi v ta lled at upd,. but ?6tty yo�ng mother !-I foLr 391st rhy, the lord a,u m0i�r-the j�n a file liouse,,�,hey were scrutinizing an open. al -y good man6ra, Dick- re c Be sw arii h Llppose it.isn?b vei that everyth ro Stec ask your'Drq' P t 0 o.0 hirdr'y --the imports �­Iperson- in low the4ruth, t ns eqte ff lasammo they nia become, tb( br heir aiv h se wailt you to ki and M I ' .1 and fr(�n it� a lady descended, a silver- but I like to see them do it -I like it. The glaw your. iasi ill not be delivered until iVs all over with This is quito a cc almon and d knic S hold ! Fill. I b Is, old man , �tbat's 41- - 7 �ag g an of unusual stature �ud oom- queen of the place she is !-the queen of.tbe a iation wh haired Won tropis 18 a pietr Pol I Q ',84; antl Foo4, at nle,� so that no barm can be (lone to uscle thd� Sh passed in by the place !-you should watch a shopinsif"mirk In co List mad, whereas le. ie it ; s ud, I can give �ou :hisjname,�too for manding carriag one, 'and you.need not worr Tha 14 is at rest when Ookin U a d �sta 8 osses the paverneut to what I most want. to say, ar Nan, t I& � neglecud WA reaut if I thtgbi I I night As Well - look in 4 the gate, crossed'the garden , went up he teps, and smile when �e ci (e 11 1 nery P - pain, - and even proatiatlon.� M apar nd rang the bell her phaeton - for slid was always. so gooll- regis rar's, just to have all �lle 1 TPU need not n any way grieve about Re, Come &NA -4, come way said natured alid friendly with every one -the conclitionof thee3e, whicb�bo -So hqr s have happened when you A 'tid to preveni an increase of right and prope�. e� o the hatever may attire in making iends youn f hese last haps ultimate blindness. weeks I have received far more commodation I the eyei James Sidney Hufne and long come out with Now, Dick, not a. whisper Summers, anxiously 11 She inay,be calling cleverest ore u -they nI which ig gentleman, b� the siyl� �Ocl �itle �o for tb6t this letter; for. even within't riayb 1wivil es They came along, The.: young mother than any human being dewrves, much es 'filed@ correct by artificial aid, ass But Nan's father did not taiie his Ig -1 carried in her hand a folded newspaper- r sick headsc[les, and al'o %Vell Dick Ervidge was nothi ath, 2 ou-9 a=zVz,'V. S., honor graduate of Ontario he'see upified., Dick-cl r ed li�s. with `- I u 10 one;li'ke me. All these three weeks I� b v crought od by one or, ingre of th Domestic f wa wo o'clL o�k they r probably she bad received it f rorp the post- Veterivary College. all, diseases of orit s well pasti t med a In nd DU M a will. Th n.be, chanced to Oo over been in Worthing,: a e - me no cht a fox testini y 0 as'orthing be eeing you ber rl Autmal treated. promptly attended to and would bavp to walk back to house for man just as they were leaving the What's up now? Not 1�k his h altb dkyl s*netimes twice or thrice a d ty 'ry a 4pecialty I Vote rinary'Dentloo ford they en off andwith utaftes moderate could, in security, g t some snack the wrapper was not yet tak- -eat, and the bdy too;� and the deli b, Offfive and regdWace on Go�oerich stj one doo That's high treason--:-" soon as they this instrument sl J, S., Roberts,! 11120 of luncheo4somewhere. But ie was engaged in teasing sAnI Sootte offlee, Sftforth' Oh yes --bis heAlth-I par- hen I saw You -but I cannot write a U� I a . 'from house, Me. her.precious infant, so as to draw his at-., it.7 - were,at J& safe Aistauce'froni I was q;ite close by you, ni4ny a I e do� aid the other, quite And 0ardno's Block� G. HL, 0.1 B13, SuInmeni' jubilation broke allibounds. tention towards herself, wb�le she smiled and' 'But right, . at the end of the pier. Some ight, then-wbo was tallod and laughed to hini. They passed -% then he added, with t� tinii Who was i times I conl( VeUrinary SurqeOn. and Dentist, Torm Ito College of at what Aiil bear a, few words when -b did You were passing you Ray - ]L3 VaterinaryL dentists Honor Graduate ol Outarto Tat- Dick ?'�'he said, with kind of, triumphant so c ose at ea in some stray WaOID a was the name of thO boy ?" ic y 13EXCH!!3 and you may imagine *what that sound, was tA rn Veterin- Y011 srinar College, H�Inor �member of On eagerness -and yet still in an undertone, as ance, involantaral fell bak ; but Nan's e -The' eat FU-KAI� es of domestic anim.al8 44"Why, James. Sidney ': Hume -and a ni afterbeingso long away. Iayagail 3ry Medical Socipty. All diseas if the -very. walls had ears. -1 You were ather remained loo in her, in a kind promptly attended to ke it !" that I don't believe any human being eve six I vidifully- treated. All 1101 vdylpoetty compliment to 1you, I ta g and Sur exy a specialty. I h necessity of my of entrancement. v, g day or night. De t tr 1 Mr. Summerssaid, hastily- always do4btful. abo it t e he vision passed a;lmost prdmpfl no V deserved to have three weeks of such splen officeand Dispen r, r. CampbeLl's old office, I iving England ; but now I can show you, instantly ; then -there was nothing but this curp 41 and he appeI to be mueh. pert arbqd; el did happiness, much less. me; so ther main street SwortlL 110&52 - -now I'aan prove it ! Do you�'kn6w who wide, bare concert-rooni, with its open doors They could not mean that. They could- nothing for you to be sorry about - Nan that was who drove up to the house ?" and its stacked chairs, atorrhi, n'tave been thinking.of me��-Ntin C0uldnI I've,had my day, and ani.,more than- con. goes roun, 'sr6Cfs0. LEGAL have been thilikin- of m e_Xfter r the wav I o, I don't, was the, reply. .'But ometimes she (1, and walks fent,'as well I might be. . . There's 4not4e 0 she would make a rare good figure in a up and down --the pier again, her father corand left her at Crowilurst.'It's a commoli na�me, thing that I've spoken to �ou about of To S. HATS, Barrister, 3olloisor, Cxx iVoyan ballet of Amazons -the Queen of the'Anfa- said, in aft excited undertone, " and,some- efore Beot* ano b Notary Public. Solicitor for As Dominion.. zRan-it *btild naturally occur to them� eonside 4 11. Zo Atham rate witl I R --centre of the sta, the bra, times she chooses a. sheltered corner to sit You must show yours4f un . office--Cardno's t look, main St reat, Seaforth. just as Tom and Harty miht--they cc uldn't. fons you� husband's family; not -proud ana inde. lirmitsf, iZnsai%UP,,Consuinpt. on money to loan. 1235 r choice -she'd be wor 1 h6r weight in in-" I have been .'thinking of.me- at, all. You: penderib, even though our husband hinicelF 11" b"0 pscribed 'over 3 gold toany management- I'll find out in 9. second," said big com- ReliAb's aA must be mistak6, Dick you�re somatie Is the o�lv should be in ATI!HEW 2� InTuran S cc clined to bcl.- you up in that 'ON Alto Mau %live, talk sells 31" Summers ex- panion moving off to the other o en door.. knoum. AskdruggistforV 0 MORE Ag' t Isitive le U give u L4 ent, Commissic nar� for tak afficlavita mistaken, you know; you re \ oo. p I. r it's a difficult thing f v N ko. Money to loan at th Dmil -arly inno quarrel- "Cautioasly-oa:ut-i6lisly, , I sum- 0 o? peop owoes rskee. about things claimed, th.ough he was cl. U their prejudices.; and,you' oughb he offeri isome worthless le HOARlso2r, Walton. 'Home mood. 11,Thab was Mrs. Hume !- mers said, almost as if be would restrain to bf Inclose price lo letter, and i we Well; ItTh positive ab6ill!"tilis �bhing, grateful, insteadotindelp-,ndent. Itwillbe maiL I "ce, cup package, that. was Sidney Hurne's ther the re- him -but indeed the yountyee man showed anyway said -Dick boldly 1�0:that - its. fat the best in the long -run; and it alwa'ys was please, a Av win oAre- PiniPbje L. N BEST Ba i t r Solicitor Notary, &0, sen. P, 1 9 nfi the utmost circunispection. M"doors ao;ih ofCommercial I h -pre -e of the whole f r dl V : it will be easier as tha.t young c ap is called '14mo he is tath L nily-thev'll all easy for you.to be frien The '%V�o er floor, next door to G. L. called aitbr you. , take i fllbw -wh e she leads-anc didi"t I t;ll ),oil Andin about a minute lie had returned. otel, ground t as you li�e, but She is reading the newspaper," said he. than keeping up any farnif� division. . You, n Jewelry store,, Main stroat, Seafortb. Goderiob tbateverythingWouldge, ell---and-bappy must. look to them nc�w. Here's Dick tryo. For Sao by Lumeden & %il sgeut"ameron, Holt ajid Cameron. 121,5, there's the fact." with Naul", So that if you did want to get away -if ifin forth, 01 t. - For, several seconds the eldee of fbe two Is Tt)s I eat thing 'to have a call from 'You tbi�k this is rather a risky place -we ing to make me believe that the Austral" no gr 1-4 ARROW & PROUDF1 �GT Barriatim, &IICJLlI men: was sileut 'sIIn4,plunged in profound aper von were reading on the �ier wm %Jr AFo.,GoderIch,On%I�. GAR&OW. I one's mother-in-law," Dick said,' peevishly. , inight get safely off now.- Q- 04 rererie. Thin he said, slowl and' almost WX� PILOUDROOT. 684 . �j 11 There*s some things I can't drive into I would rather wait -if you don't nind, Eeca.use you -sometimes 4ad a thought far MLort, I a as if to himself your poor old Dodo ; and if it was so, tbaVa ge, Sal eLI of chap" said his friend whose eyes nineteen twenji "Stie's a strange gir *haps your head, Dick, and that' the - fact," his my kood HOLT A; EEOLIKES 13arristore go- 1, is js-itn. P very kind'of vou, Nan; And the n'amina of eths "AXICR02 , . companion rejoilied with iniptience. ."Do hungered and thirsted forsomeurthei,even. 12 n IV Mtoaln Chancery, &o.,God4'0I, 0211 , XT. 0. she may not be thinking so hardly -of me the hoy-if -m not too presumptuous in of [an I in the Villag you think tbat:AIrs. Hunic, or sI of the the briefest, glimpse of Nan. 11 We ard Hot Jl." I - at V -as anoth: �r thing made me ille 0" ftm� Hota, DuiIrxr ary after a would be going ne gue ng-tb Co T n by an ealrly ;train next' at 4hat li;use if I safe.- She would-, never. dream, of coming we r 21 1110iste 4ey webit dow nde whethe, you -ware so very exed' ANNUNG scol r1s, Solicitors Can I . had remained in Englaud I saw well into this empty and drauA,,,,Iity building. Ana but they did 9f qo on to:West with me becau ie of thf way I left you at Under a6d by virtue o voyancers, &c. lialtoft for t1I of morning h how the laud lay. And I dont: �heii, y9ii see, Dick every aditional time Crowhurst. Buiit'stotaeni ad',, in a, ertain wortage bearIn Johnston, Tisdale & Gal liloney to loan. Offioem� Worthing station, for fear of being recog- you musttum J can have a look at her is something an da�of brIiary.�IS9J,(wbiPhwi Elliott Block� .0 A� anybody. Why should I blarne any-, that Clin, n, uj%flo. R, U11""169 nized ; they stopped at NVvrthing propqF ; nou d be gr�tdful for civil- tre�ttndllt, tinte of ate) there will 1: a offeref TAMM SCOM 781 CUML body ? People have their pre" adices- quite for me to. think back on when I am out yon-, that is the least vou cap do. . And auction Thomas Brai rn, ai�cti and first of all-, with great cir spection, natural. Only, dont-you see, my lad, as der. You don't mind, do you!" th dd t hunt� out lodgings 1 in a my dear brave 114118s, his is to say good-bye, Hoteli I the Town of Sea fort 11 Holm to. firin KSTLID, sueoessof to ilit be soon as I was out of the way, then came the Mind'e" said Dick -and itwas all he 9-th d of April, 180s, 2 O'clo secluded part'of the to-wn.' Then. calmo the MOCLUghey & Hohnolled, Barri4ke'r, On from m,liatever ]%uarter it-. may.come to 43 'Be an Ulodtor,'Conveyaneer and' -erything bei -ide right fbr would s%y. Vis fo ou'se an chance of e% ng m4 tt 11 wing h land, tbogd p f, lKolIary. Solicitor for the question as to how long these humble apart- You .18 Or tMete land, b Canadian, BAnk of Commeo0e. Moueytoleud� Farms Nau. And it's Dick ; it's -work- So they remained in this deserted place He put the leaves a little way aside, and Egmon ville, township ments iniolit be vanted. Mr.. Suni'mens if �Uc 1bT sale. Office in �RCIJDWR Block. Main street, ing.;. tbev'll all; come round to her -you but their stay was not of long duration for towards his companion.' 0 glanced gui . I looked up. H# eyes seemed soinel1rhat by adul asureirent. on fourth mark my words-- shessuch a clever crea- a few minliI thereafter the), perceived ap- 9 I --will take -them by the week, Diok," he tired. inore cr lees, and balm omlios ture ; she's got such a trick of taking hold proaching a lady Whom both recolized g DO" - side Stanle strpot said. usee, I am uncertain -when I I I a friend of Nar0s, thoiigh neither new her Did, you say yo were tDlUg with me .1100.. nd Is, township of ?uckere W. 0AMER.0:N 'MITHI m&vs&i1 1; and I should not like to. g� 'back of p e -i -s ier pretty eves d6wn to Plymot U� being A of farni, lot b o. il�, In 01 geolaughe'd-a little, -'sliort laugh and name. I e asked. Huron oad Sur�ay, Of he Certainly," w t�wn BA R R'l s 11T E R. without having an evening or two with youl 0 as the prompt answer, in the 16IIilover for for t . lid sake of old Units-" he strack the clinched fist of his right hand Sometimes slie comes out and takes Nan d County of H ironj Sobeltor of Superior,Coutt, Com i Aye, and if it weren't for the grumbli farm 10 No. 11. In the 3id cone taking Affidsvits in the High Court into the hollow palni of his left. away for a little walk in the town to see Couraysucier And surely to goodness the lamb, of the old grandfather, Id go all the trip the sa township. of Tuqkel'urit, of Juatice" (21. " Man, man' Dick, I told you !. I told the shops, very often. We'd better be t th - scre of land t t ent can�t last more, �than a fortni out with you. Well,-. we'll maybe -meet un- m re ;Lend rea' in vou ni-� wky was the.right way. You were react , Dick-" Erridge said. NIVell, yds, better ta -e the - - y der tfie Southern Cross again -and that not mer- always a doubting kind of � chap. And The warning was given just in time. money 10 1 an r11 T n and d-oacrilied'as C&n be consulted after ofilde hours at Com ing at t a north eautt-fly anile a clal Hotol. rooms by, theweek. Right you' are.. You so lonrr &,way, on the Aotth bids of Stanley str Ve-when you've tieen These two had hard1v returned to the op- ge about meals afterwdids.1' HENSALL. ONTARIO you, can arra lage of4gruondville. thence son Mrs. Hulne herself drive up to the house '! portune recess by th� front entrance 111 Tive you the letter bn the Saturda th- b l t Dick was quitd, jaunty; lie. -wa� 'icr o y inu es, vrebt opq chain A Q1 , norning, said Mr. Summers, -absently, IAnd it has.all been so successful -it 'has all the little cortege outside, carne Iinto� sight; to"'tKe north wesierl�, angle' about with his (rre&t ^friend and hero id thab was 1 .11 for Nan, as w any of it or tiot. Perhaps tbencip ;borth nine degreps and hinit 1�.Ut Mr. a. opei� Ifive a s and ninety4our )in anouZ for gone so we I kneiv it wbuld- and -as they passed the door fragments hetber I alter -e i, R� G. F. BELDEN, . D. S., DanU st. All kinds tiabl that it makes it all the moi ecesscI I of their talk were,distinctiv andible. 'Tan will understand it as it is." And tb niers was mos� pi, . y au.4ous, and leven' bank of he t BiLylleld. River, Dof work done known to M d' n D ntiatry. get ila�?",Nan ws �sayiag. '$ Well herewith he put the sheets in an envelope, 'two de sea and thirty-five iiiin a Itate as 't4ey nbw�'set out for IV should take every precautioni until I Christi d ac'e'd that in his traivelliog-b4g. At southerly bank of said �Iiiyer Gold, Aluminjim and Porcelaia'Crowolse oial d, est ty. safely away to Australia ag -on pl Doo bell answered at- all hours. ca and resi- W-orthingy liej� kept gazing far. ahead, 1'&4d Q11, they'veasked us to Ellefdale he family Ln links; thence south mine degre on't find me going too near !. F-11 wate'll gatheringi. you kno*-and Sidney has been lie same moment the landlady came.in. dance ovor Mr. Pickard's storej in i s lately occu- glancing nervous]S, down each succ4siVe utes,ta$tfive Ohainx and twe the lam . And that was a signal and place ol'beginning. BotbI sai ad by Xechanica' Institute. about. I'll go early, and look arod-ii(l, and so kind about it,leaving it to me to decide; p thdrolighfatigh Dic�- had assured him- twentietho of a there was not'the slight. keep out of danger, until my opportunity but I think I w6uld i rather spend a quiet suirimonw; for this was the hour at which together nluteeh heir es c��nce of � C W TWEDDLE, Dentist, Oflloe O�Iqr chardson , com I'll choose nly time ; for, after all, Christmas here, with you and Sidney and e wits used to wander along to West or less. There W a fraiva bduse McInues'Shoo Store, corner UAili and John encc in i1ii. quarter of' es. said property and a good welL T. Dick-af ter hll-if gin were to be down on Stephen- Torthing, oil the chance of getting a 01 chard ;.of twenty fruit. bearin Streets,, Seaforth, Ontario- itrous x1cle Gas ad. town. fteetb. 116P the sea-front-walkin alonix in the way That is wron,- that, is wrong'" said her impse 9 $A do" on d&I if sale and the tainistered for the painless extraction Q?l It's too great a risk-[ 5 ouldix't have, 1* of, Nan throu lithe newly lit win - you told me- well I'Xli'ke tW be Juiji& a lit- father, Lowa. 'Linder his breiah,- when, they had within o a month thereafter wit done it," his companion -k�.pt repea� �ng The 4Tkness of night ad to th satisf4etion of the venc TN& If. S. ANDERSON, graduate of Royal Coll I yielded, -.IY!ck. I'm P1 the co%�- tle nleare-r-jut to) see 'she was the same got well away. " She should have gone to' had fallen ; tb!d JLJ of Dental Surgeons,, Ontario, D. D 8 o f Yoe lyl 9 . rd - resery Yunher partiou . ba streets wore almost . deserted ; in the dis- - I -erafty. oface, Market Bic ck, Mitche p y kind of creatu.re she used to be at Ellerdald. But perhaI travelling with the knowhb day qf W ronto Univ 11 Look what i; is 1. pit t, i a d ageralll the Crowhurt-Id like to' see ber as you -de- child would be awkward. Weli, well, 0,11 in ance they could hear the sullen 1n'oan of eaforto, -V,.n'4or's &I Ontario. 1402-1 happy state of affairs f, at, wa4 bronght - -all in good he Channel. Both men' walked for the I - scribed her-4migbing and nodding to. the good time -ah in good time Auctlo er. AGNEW, Don Clint;on, will about bv a zood. deal f k a ering. Y�s, ost pa, V in sileneq, for there were many Date 6th 3%rch, 1891. ensall b H Ddir '-Hotelz good bii, inj fad. I baxl liad time tha lit6le fellow'--tintil the peopleturned to ook tinie" 1t's 11 going right now one at the motlier-' because she as so He followed her hings to think of, in view of the imminent every Monday, a at Zurich the' night -I left ibrowhurst ; a d A bad timei the W withtraining vision, un- secoildThursaayine.unitiplithl288 on ang I sailed awayl from Plymouth; pretty�,Pouinogok. a -t-1 He brought hillis'elf til she was hardly recognizable in the � d is. �ieave-taking at Pl�mouth. Yet the elder da 11 . ",.Well, I'm un infernal fool, tance, while Dick Erridge stood by in me- Of these two was inino sombre mood. ALL KM, too-I'dare, saylsfid the up sh rt. D and I . . Light the TT KINSIIAI Denoss, L. Dick. 'I beg ur pardon -I won*t talk all c uieseent silenc6. But it was reserved foil' It won't be so bad, Dick, goi a," ay Exeter, Out. Will! be as Zurich letter rather cilliel-sbe I ' iy ;have cried a the Hurn Hotel,! o$Ly on the little- on see, .1 had t0l h, WHO y k rotigh. more. Bu rut -perhaps you undexistarY ick to make a fiotable discovery, when at this time, e said,! presen I've in le 1 - Dick I shall be such., a short time hi Eng' length they Wf t the empty concert room '4een -with my own eyes t tly. or LASTTwmaDAT in ea4 month,and rough to get it sm it hat everythifig is al -Murdook'a 11otel, Hensall, .00th. Roll�h to get on the :FlAhT FsI that every- land and -and this glimpse of Nan means and passed round b th and PAL 11a owh monM. Teeth evtr&oUd vdth the 14ast smooth afterwards, And no y e head of the pier. happily fixed with Nan; Pm talZing. h ing is going right, I here a I risking it al ea Iter Tau 'way with me whole heaps of fine things to pain posalble. Ail. w a good d I to me." Thev came to,the she ed part that N ork dra"I"s s0iberal rate& in I and ungry as he was, Dick needed no, sI frequiDntly chose; here, by accident, ink over. I wish I coxild give it sovereign I -e selqshness, that's what it is, en of Dick perceived a, torn. piece of. the girl who brings the lamps into Xai��s -Reu grasped his friend's 4-rm I They' bad ogy ; it w0- enough that -.be' had be imper . that MONEY TO LOAN, some servic��to his great hero, and . friend. the wind had blown into a eq: rner. It look- bar e BEST gain, when they )iad sought the. ed like a, newpapor wrapper; and wben, --at least not until the're seated at the come to the top �bf street, &�- the far pa And then, tC inIng-room ; she dly ever N be down the of, which the sea and thg sea front -were lind pal visible. seclusion of a backward -lying inn irk Worth- out of 1,dle curiosity, he , p�cked it 'up; a �able , ver� kind of the wench -if she only ing Jim Summers had not a thou*ht for the ne ,neli arrower of! That's thd - way sbe along A oul time. t on at, but it had Nan's marrie drew near thelhouse, they went I, f4eaforth. But ineal that llis:,a7 ,,,n,ion ordef�d in. and no I t d As they. asked, hurriedly. a0i -not goArl, Ti4by was troubl�d with so The dus le lie said, " the,'dusk name and her Worthing address on'it. orward with greater caution; but, indeed down there yet. No, no I indst lay plams, Udod " Palmo-Tat Soap." the A Melbourne �aper?" said lie, with ere was o one . about'; and when at length tbe'�cres disappe I must see every'thilig lear-­. wilj� be my best time for getting near tQ nrea, skin whi and the child jgot Nrl -ridge Eaid. to hini. house. I can get. as near to the house as I some surprise. d It is a, fler one, -J E(r ".That was a Melbourne hey ve it;re right up to the low wall, And it hey could ;survey both house and garden 25c, Big bake. They will be indo6rs by iio, -awl! we. can s long a 0 ogly like then. iNight afternight-.s. was readim DR. "S. S. MURRAY, I I conles from the office; I suppose she gets it *,ithout any fear of detection, for they were d lin e a look ai their house with remain in 14iirflan�=tliat will 6e my safest go ali Member British Medical Asso,13tlo, [ite coron�r County of MiddWex. Office -opposite Town Hall CO rativ safety,." chance." - He ltialied to himself, � and rub regularly- �ffectilally screened by the hedge of tamar nt paper her father ia- lisk Asyetthedining-room window was* n the C�Ldblock. Rm-dence-67 Victori% Stre't good fellow, there -mus I)j. anticipation and i bed his ban "A Melbourne Telephon1e NO. 80. delight.'' '.1 And i for that time at least, lH 1400-621 parati e ) mu'st be absolute sletY St 8tautly repeated. Let me see dark ithe � ights were all on the upper floor. is P1, Smil mers nsisted. I not n for tb He took tbe'torn wraper inito his hands, But u the- waited, the:blick panes were will o amyutrle Uck-' at tilue at least -Nan will have DU. CAMPBELL, Honor Graduate of Iledica ri,� near, urtl�ess I am po�itive -e her old bull -dg )ack and gaved at it long and thoughtfully. Then suddenly c auged to a dull yellow; a ser- culty of Toronto Univ 8141, yvalcian., 8 r- JA d geon, etc. loek; Ight c1sl Greb'a Hotel, Zurich, F, nee 9 al not be seen--' he at Dick with some diffidence, vaut-maid ad -brought in a lampi which A Go'neral, Badkin bus 1387 Arh do you imaine, Dick -could in- she placed on the t4ble. Shewent away can rnana�ye it -I can manage a I t Farmers' 'notes discouns Oni. Ila -interest lier-in an Australian paper. d �ithnotker; there was now friend rejoined 0; he had. acquired a per Ct CHAPTER XXIN., and returne. Drafte bought and sold. ARK -STRONG, M. B.,. Toronto, If. D, 0. 1 - Why, the chance of hearing somet . hing quite'a cheerfftl glow in the room. And so. r f h' h- Interest allowed 'on depo knowledgeof the to' -this ei rridge m ade answep bol� DVictoria, X. C. P. S., Oiltorio, ouccesso t pography of'. far as they could make out -for they were of 5 Elliott, OffiGG lately OCCUpled 1by Dr. to borood. L WN. I per ent. per about you," L For a moment, Summers lookea be 'ilder- looking at an upward angle, and from some, annum. Iteld, Ontario. .1y �rc%em ate And so they made their wa" circtii on There was.a, brisk kouth-wester w -ALE NOTES dincou keepingell back from the ed ; then be said,'�lniost with a frown:! little distance *she forthwith procedded to, I se blowing, with ng s ireils of cloud tlici collaotloll '11. MeTAVISH, Physician,] Surgeo6, &a. offils No no! That is impossible, '.'that is lay the dinner things, while, having no fear to J ID corner southwest of Dlxonvo1e4 Bruoedeld. til Mr. ummer's guide siRified to him' shallow wa'tes of -the Channel, racl and do e with. 8 wo einj sp.�w ul Night calls at the�otllee. 1323 stop. chasing,E- . hivered i ail er Lin Tit all he uld not be thinking of b I ' ponin this secluded neigh -L OPF'11DE-4 11' or n ft . r, iD lnat is ithe house over' ail der swi 'ursts IE� 'bt d to . let down the - i it C . yonder," D�'Ck lof sunlight ; whirl' thick-seethingr, op, que aboutte. I told I t , go her own b al e had oini e iiaon's! Hard ware Store, DRS.SCOTT MA11*AYv said, in. an' unnecessary whisper. . P ' Th e' 1tawny-yelloiv waves broke 'and - thun( ered and leave me alone, Bl�',ntl enough I7toTd' blind. Gode#ch Stre dining-roorn fvindow is to her -bluntly enough." An yet-somelhow She the room again. B� and I y lef t b OFFICE, ot, Oppodta mthoclist 'the left f tble tumultuously u e sl elving beach y r ced oh,Seatorth. RESIDENCE, nexii iAg, cultu I stof -e was t1I sound of a gong resentiv C4ur )s ;,bl t I don't suppose the coill see ing agafii witE a lona roar of grii ding he did not throw aside this worthless' tbei ser'ap of brown paper.' He smoothed 'it, there or youngish pej- appea�red four younk, us -not e, -en if they came outsi e., ravel. It was a fresh tora er morn- c 9 invig tin rather; and folded it; and eventually, ple, who entered in i , ormal sort of way J. SCOTr, M D. 0 St., (tnn Arbor and V4 -ivas� Ather large house .1 -eni� 1 Jokri's, qor jtkie! )f irregular 111I of jAw. nb and �hange ani, andcl. wl�len Dick wasn't looki. (r, placed it in his talkin 0, d laughing to each other, n fact a ion; it ;v�as ea�p, o ",ru6s that Nan v ket-book,- Here, in r oN their plac coustraction set in a -garden tUt was at r- %p I t 9 C -j 3f -K y 3f Uri1altyJ F.� - T. M . Poe eed, was atimbe Ao -and t es; Nan coming up t9 J mi� cu'lla rounded i)v. il � Idw wall of blac t -gray flint dot remainlong ip- ocrs oi� s d Lich a dky talisman to sumnion tip, isions and dream. the hither end of the table, so that, when and red brick. 'On the southern Sjde a rpw Over two Nvee' a-liearer three weeks- -when lie was far' am a� *oil the black- 'she sat dowa, with lier. back to the window, n3 2!a ees sepirated it front, the adjtte­ ofil-batyoirmigh cil! perfer;t,lbappiness, E CO -0 I. B., L� F� F. and 8, of young t� heaving-vilaters. "all that her father could see of ber,in-tbe illaag..#, &d., Physician, Surgeon and ent -Aen ; and al- aroo P int s sayl 19, ill, 118 nd within the fl -N -e and. That afternoon, as the Jusk was corning light 6f t he outline of her toca r, Uoustanc Ont, L�i Summers,wa he lamp, Was t try f e ed�e e and trick wal 1, there W h 11 an 48. a sozine deliberate fashion t its I e d. UcYc Erridge down, these two were iii . Mr. Sunin ters' cheekland a soft aureole round her har., A% RETH 'E X. D vellow fthe Roy spindrift-resisting-shiu� The gate wa8iof waked along, , Worthing pler together. dugn1n r, and he wm 80 ted at a table,,�itli P11 O.Ocessor ego orp yalotans "a. SurF, ngston. lat'sago dloti Dick. That's a good Co� 00*8, 41 oaken bars ; there were jiiteps 14 �adiug 1up'to A��other cture I" he exclaimed, in to. Dr 'Mae, 10 Ige pf w�ilten, pa -g �s before him, whisp�red ta+ion. " Another picture a n �Xpli -id. Offlec lately 10 1 the front floor.; �fid�.rotind one portion of lat, even if it %vere spread over a whole life .10 by Dr. haokid, Seaforth! Eta Dick stood before the fire, the inevill-tLble a house late y ou the buildiucy there - was� s, b con to take aI with me! Dick, my lad, Pve. one. iNure -Corner of Victor! sqff4ra, I &I -Y, on -er had a cigarette between his firicrers. had someluck-I'�e had'some luck this oup y, on he time. Many L poor devil has ilIeN E. Dancey. ore the y. to single day., I Lud when � am %wby back- in This is a I ,e il it' w'af not a yelry etter," MiD.SumnlerS was i Ma rkable-lodking plaae: bu this Melbourne ag dn,;there'l� be such: heaps of rema, 4y- ikn Frying to putl to- trip, ind no mistake I. ing, which I have beer -- on ver For �L long t1ino I sm0ered DR. F., BURR St gazedatitwith the intensel"t interes t thins to remember-" ether ; and I- hope to Ve iil over to Bitt, I say, what's that going 0 our ach one of its windolva, indeed as if 0" Die made answer, almost in an t is B*ok so soverelyi that TAte resident Phyal inn mud Surgeon, T ronto Gen e p But ook herd," sa'il Dieli, glancing e eil he it e, ineyitabfe� ci then a xaig4t. M� �w advised )ing before t th ife oratHoupital. Ho or gruduato Trinity�,University 'chance some liminer of a Ilinian *she pe. rittlier anxiously dround, 11 isn't'this rather undertofte. I lastet I tiled Itan garotte between his fing s. was wember of tha Coll ;Ce of Phyalcl%n�L And StArgeons might ere. . But t�liere, His eyes had not been so'much engrossed 0. C. uNTU f, , q.s no si 411. too open ? I 't this rather 0<)nspicuous' ? I . V, of fttario 94"OF 19F-Sa6ie as formerly occupied. of life. 'A -fish -Mon (ter's bot'eas'ing ci, small I 'IT -his is a lettdr," Jr. Summers �Ias PrIc# 25r. by Dr. Suilth, oppo te Public SLhool, Sec�foltth. - -h f you jare so ent on leaving Englaiid with- tryi to put as his companion. He. had chanced to dibs- terrier-which seems to e he iliatural saying, wfi.ich f have I e�n 9 , at- the farther epd of the garden, and at- out ba�iug been'recognized-1, - ier togetber; and I hope to rto' I have much pleasure in introducing Burrows titude of a fish -monger's bot -was *the only 11 111 -show rou, Dick ; -you just wait ,tive it the arkened side of the house, the tioullmytprinorpatiento as a physician, n every Creature th�y saw in all thiO�voiceless waste epingbefore sail diFriday. YrOr dusky figure of a man, who came cautiously minute ; Pve 'ound the safest come i r ii the wa,worthy of their utmost confiden6e. of villas and gardens. whole town,' his compai�ion said , confl- used to such thihgs ; I i I haI owrit� it over the low wall 'parting a way for him - R. W.. BRUCF, SMITH. It's theArangest thing.,l to be so n all over again, if I can fl 7the ti ie---�' self through the tamarisk shrubs -and who Telephone -No. 4 ear dentilyj Nall," her fbtlier said -and' he also spoke -in I'm going down to P ymouth with you, then peered warily around. The end of a . B. -Night 608 answered from offico. So �Ifeivalked on,to thd end of the pier, all undertone,* though it L� quite' uncalled which s mainy occupied by a large know the other in�lerposed. ladder ne�:t appeared, being pushed over build- You for. " Many a night durifig tile voyage, ing i ,r in , the season to concerts, 'I'Vklill ylpu really? ThaVs like from the adacent gfilrden ; s;nd finally, given ov you,Di k. -as lying, awake, I ued o : think iecturesi and the like - but UON out of Ithe Well, thi 'a letter for Nan; and yo4 are ot hen 1 t when the ladder bad been haule(t through, A EORGETATLO Licensed Auction or gor the Sh c seeiped millions' and rilillions of miles season,'it had been dilinantled and Nvben to take it Wher or send it to he i un ess a seoond figure followed. All this bad been Yniattencled away, and that it was not possible I should they entei�ed they ound �Iie place practical- sometbing has, happend G County of IT ron. Sales prompt to In all parts. of th County. Satis a I guaran. you hear that to but dimly visible-,- for the only light finy- ever Caine witAiin sigbt of her again. �ly .%,here reaching this part of the premises teed. Charges mod rate. GEO. T Kipp And ly empty,save for be stadked piles of chairs, me. tether isn't lik o be a long My - 0'. 113674, fen she's just over there ! It's � a good bi-, while through the pen doorl, the 'winds of one anyhow,- I rely on -you, Dick that of a gas -lamp in the public road - .to keep Was igger i"se house Dick. � A bi f than Crol�"­ heaven 'blew, free Then'Mr. Summers this letter 'Until you bear that it's ail oker way, and that a some distance off. burst. Why, they're thieves !" said Dick-, 'in WNI cLoy But'she won'b havd'a 'difliculti 4 showed recess just within the front with me; then you cau give it to lier-�tlt stie's the cleverest creature -of a *manager y ee great excite Auctioneer for the uron -probably at other times -used as a �iot til It ment. By the living jingo, 11 iPC WOE untlas 09 and Perth ou entrance� I theii. For the fact is, I didn and AFant at. Henoall fa llfan�' ever saw-sbarp and prompt- box for tl�e tic�ket-collector and adjacent :any use in her believing all her life thro g we'll nab them Curt SIC AT eVery 4 cnif� a in .2 A"Iffu al Coat ad to, Nonsense, nonsense Mr. i Summers all w' of the that I wals really impatient with her at mestj 13iliousne fcturing Company. Sales ioniptly a *,ten a .29 mlivru I d the books to be cheeked-I caii tell yo I a was a in� owlommanding Torp ive d Breit*- T charges moderate and earletaction rafirmteed. brought one or two of these' Henley trad. s- wbole.length 4 the pier. Qrowburst,! and that' I left because I i ras said, impatiefitly-for he was lobth'to have Wders by niaLl. addi7es8ed to Hensall Po it Office, or id. ive men t th6ir senses. to take away his eyes from that glorified �h A*�w M left at his residence, Lot 2. Coneessfor 11, Tuek. And reasonaBle. with N6u, do You understan Dick V he tired of did place ; now, for example, ier otsmlW will - recelvi prompt attention, 12DO-if reasonable, �)ut­teasonabl firm, Pi" I r'r s4d , ea rly. I c"an tee IlI come all the getting those Australian papers -I (continued'on prga 7.) 4 re 10 e 71 w y d yo me 3t tra 0 )t Z-ot a] ion 4 .1 an a Zir—re7o -0, *1, b :aor ........... . ...... APRIL U J E Mind Far, ` toie defec-' * X,,,,,!S P1,01W B(l0figi belldwi *guer two buckles--$1.00- �ifexifg Flow B00k, 1*11OW-0 tongues, �.Q laced EWomen's Low Iiaced.; Show to 75c. 4. 16f studi8s at jtn4--' Shbes for- 9titi tte, is pre- All kinds of Roota jq� 0! visioD. 9pring �ud Samituer. A great variety 6f Oxford Shoc&.. ]UTOWU� n *op* �resbyopl,%, Goods -bought for spbt caqh c1leaps,. 33rings comf4rt mid --tends t40 and will be sold for i3pot cash. pergond, ier -xigbtlyused. Thlo ingn to sell cheap—nb� --ter than otbeTsanaiahjv r Shape of the eye, This enables us ofte4 caused by Ira- C P-1) 011001 children wint faucy, prices, by wIt4 properly fitted adapting the worl&a�bi lgliWsp of scholars. for cheap BOOU allcl Headquatters or defect, Hyper- the needs -of pbysioii b� It keeps the ciliary Shoes. -,be -value to health of. JR. the normal eye It -laxative. -orillI nc,.%. ' Thisclefect,11 6us derres6ion and Vruwaf -Figs. yopik is a diseased T. Xe ''R U TLUGEJ.- Its exceilol is'alle t." uld bevery carefully the 4cfeet, Abd per� FT, SBAFDRTH-- '5U. the fiwyli- moot MAIN SIRE, accep �op,i Wa loss of - ac- olay cause Cataract, miit to tbotazte, the mG. Fre4uelltlynervous '13 efleLd prope ser[dus Illnesa, are elaboVedefects. Re- iative 'ORV ur ey�. 0AUT1 "dispell-kag coh%. h ;ana pei-minentiv, curit HEMIST AND DRUGGIST, 0 wina to the euorflI It. has given mitisEwti0W Strth. Taot with file approN -I ,sale of Our famous Mug 'Liver and 130 1101DINI M- -en ing Vienian a it it m -A h Remedy. Something 0004 bjeetiouable in 4overy o I -ages Guaranteed to y. und permanently b 1 formis of Nervous G 9411s -r bottles, U factured by twhe C-a3ifor. olmpotencyandall Other manufacturers are pwittAg on the- 'Co 4h1v W] ior goo& under Umne" Abuse or Excesses. market infer illLs n me. 'Worry, exce-38've uss - A poor article is never imitated,. therefore- And 1;ein -11 informed coo, Qpfunt or StOnu- the fact that " Something Good ", is being-. if f&soon kad to Is- .,*zcept any, s counterfeited is a guaralatee to -smokers that IvZ au early grave. it is the best 5,ceut cigaf on the marat. w-, for a 10101, rs In thousands of Zronest Xedicine In h that tradp� -mark The Eurc "Jngsee our-, V Phosphedin4i; If nowshbe) and firiii nam.6 are'on esI Tbe�,'re -a-it workwvn-,!� e In place of this, box, no other isgenuine.. Our."Som6thing.:. Vad 4 Was; well t1mthi in send by retur�a Good,, brand- is'registered. and. any one sell- cl-rownea by the su. gem sfi� so. one will ing other cigars under this nai�ie will bi--' r L6okat thedi-I beach., free to any.ad, drew. prosecuted. it 60MPany, their boots I -They're 8� c1sor, Ont., Canada. Empire Tobacco Co. Alwntvial­ I.crackers, aud'thej�ll h&j, Son, druggists, Sea- 1�ook at them �neakinj� CA bashes I CoM'1- along, ca have U0 idea what an awfli. House and -into thi-, J Journey 'But stiummer4 shrauk bi iof,an- acre i ca K 3�of Egrnond- No, n(,3,2 he r 21018e; the people would f HUron. 0 ca i house - anti Nin w4aui fiu,' :J C2 er of eale contain. alto let the fellowis takie �L' ir date the jacteenth 0 -0 0 �cx ..Or things�what7�$ the �di It be producEd at the 7; r"m, W�ir, t1own, to the sea, I for sadeby public 0, oneer, at the Ro3 al. -- along a couple of policzmel h, en Saturd-&)-, the He suiltlenly.stoppedts-w, ck in t1I afternoon, tered. All viz: Parcel 1. Dick," said he eifig in the village of Ii -f , " if,' cerinultl;, containing may,. a- they were to get of 6a � acre of land, qm� if Nan ��Ie by oliance t,) I d of village lot No. 9� -why, the fright migh -9. � III 'Pr. iii the village of Eg. fright ini Yht k h with, afaiesald and �p 0 0 the 3rd eoncesilon, !Z Ldde4f, between ship of Tuakerswith, M W illey shall not get iut ?A -reel. 2. A part of ession, U. R. S., df Then eome rrund by f h. containing sevela, Diekr said as they hurriedl )rlegs, and nity bp (A follows: Commen M bush. -4 They %h 0 W it: 0 I'll, I I village lot so. C> lavnl. We they led. �at, in the said vil. th eighty degrees and It was a matter of Rule nd twenty -fire link -snift moveynents werp, Cox of said Village lot, %Itky rpinutes, west by -the walland the heilge. Then, kB to the southerly trees. when ence south seventy. �Young Utes, east along the 0 -ever., the firaf thing -he sx'. no chain and, forty tn' Udder'haa been Placed,` 4 v min- es and thirt. M t4 Z, balcony, And that '01:1e , Of fity-six links to the 0 Z w . -lip- -1 whfli 61 CD rp, If af d parciel-a containing :i 2. '1* a �,see tim ijon the' im acre of land, more is - littli and a gnod stable on : ��Iso dirqr� Aud There is also a good (A It gu fate thati g trees. TERMS. With balmnee to be paid a bound as -ofwa! hoUt interest, sectur. a -pr6y, Summers vas :11p*1 or.. Tberewlilbe a- as went, --with two strenuous made a lars will be -4 threat. be h4d from J. -M. M rA 0 ff iclWr t T. �,BRUWX, 3 Here Dick-pid him! it he stiTS-rll1gq th -the*, 1425-4 ute." a v this thris t -But b he Ott t4 Red the balcon and i 4 AOTHEF�S �on the tqture '-w-hile as' for himgslf 'he NVII HAVE Ut! ED !;d 14 Tat in a trap-Uhlefr14 ind Jzj 0 -�iisk the hold of eeriiin 'rA against ths- a MO R80AP trained up ilis Turstier raon-aing thid MOW TMAT tr 1m, -way UP-Lbalf 15 THE' X I num, as a last d P BASYS SOA end of the locladr, and wif a t6 waor M� pi� t"brew it fron! Lim -. for and swaw'd, then -it a 1 A heavilty, -with Sumwqqrs i 1 J..a mras the cmh -that . stayflA res on bead and leiriL :1W ict - ., 4 3 11, a very short time became III and .,out, to see wbat haA happ ectly well.' They found'Dick Errid omli^ Crediton M prcist rate and sen -i -JI 'thieves-he'llad thou if e-+, . r when he saw his friend.bt Ai 0 re youhurti old �cha & 00*09 bd -Not b;dly, do you thili aJ There was no answer." 0 if We must icarry hill ness tratisacted, Ww;� gave a w6 &6 )wff two -men t Sitti at t was afr- ter I he rate *0 -aid, them -and -we attempW d,.or taken for # them. Don% bell her, if � would rather tot have But this was X10a 'he orth of Reid heaA of the steps; and it cryof aiiguish obe � repej der- they - bore into.-tht FORTWIE.NTY-IFIV9. YRAIM -with wfinging hands sbI .,to the'room. They laid �14eumatiza Dodo, youhave -00M01 ID U I i back to m 'you have -come she c1ting to the urtpsI There Vf" no -reply I'V4, -he -n - aud t asbe grey faw weanwlafle coduSidii Pre one rulin�g for b e THE' 001CS�nr Inmeff for a S C TFUN1 LAAGIEST SALEfft CA:NADA. tinued herldespairing -a her voice. Dodo, W013ft YOU Rheumatism In Nan 1 -We au thifli I could not even sit, Brucefield Sa W* 191* 11.11 3&n�t -you hear me? IV a D. &/L. Menthol III A Soon going about aU haV.5 talking tD you Sweaes carnem -he ino The uudex%igned havilir, leaXed -the, -And at, last .�and h d Brucefield Saw Mill from All. Alex.. eavily 4 vve-1111ed S1 tip Mustar'd,is now Prepared to do all kin&� 'tr8 -I&Y half 'Of cUstom sawing on the shortest notice, Wag silence, and fillort, and most- temonable ternis. When JCID 0611Y be Tagnage The higbest eash Price 'will be paia, it was Nan�# eyes he fou eageri to imploring, $0 for Bass wood, Rock Elm', llemloci-- tion and -Oolnpani6inhip L an otber salable timberz. Yoor buU'Aog, N LUMbeT, Shingles and dvaining* Til,& with something Of say, always on banct been-hara hit�-this U you!ve wine at yolf ve come ba& tO we OH, PPINO. ;-XW9,7aUN* inord . %A!rbd;dy8 il lebte I Chopping either by atolie' or grinder- 3r RS d one, promptly and satisfaction gua,ran- and -Nmalgla yon -1 neyer vals tire& IdTongue-'Dizzi- teed. . Chopping done on Tue4day& sudd6niv wig face a, Co69patiosL And Fridays. A trial is respectfully q.ixiA,.g&sPin9 �br o stay cured -short , �� iiI il� ION " TAIM. solicited. - seeord the�i 't �s 1416- J0,91AR NvrAT'sox them tbilt is to sa.T1 bu iseeln't; realize v0st her husband half iconse th Jr When Si re Fa 4, 1. E T �.J