HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-04-26, Page 277:-f APRIL APRIL 269 it ;95 TH. I 'HURON EXPOSITOR now IMPOUTAII, do 'You are down. -1 oil will have toge to e R TRADI AL thinkIng about them,! and nVother Iook-' '0. �w i C 0 FSTATi1FOR-18AL' '! Iwo 0- 30 ed up!:and said, " Miss, won't you sln� S —For tode. Sun:Utle Assurance BATTLE. tb 'dogs. Lend ybu 6 dollar? I -al t mel FARM F04 116, � vorth half] 1. $1 C lend you 5 cents to keep you'fro=j, $weet Adme, befo. -o 11 1r-_-6 of Home, f Canada. A oncesa on Uq1 Wo.04,004b VC. I r -Kmz 'A coo, goo M.14, Don %ores r nd never-Wiltiv lo Yon are deba'lichod. Get. out of Apply� d PHILT) and t a 'Were off, and the,igervice was� .00d ien d �rchard -REY: OR. 1,ALMAGE'S SERMON AT THE And tliewthe tattoo'.was Bonn 10" cmelL t 11OLr, adeidoh. 12781 1113� sight nw. � Down. *kou will h ive or, Member 0-14'FICE Ha b, 411) "na-Suiveytriij Dublin, NCA JEMY� I'' -hoso brul read, Dan the resurrection and the life;"' o �y down. And thus t sod ARM'S FOR SAL9—T unden I d ho twenO and battered me -o ar some' �s sal i In F 1mo acco, and i 'hon or of the dearted the musketsi SrMMAr,-ZO THE A2'qXUAJL,RFPO-RT FOR 891. Faboice F&rims for AsKrumn the b#a�- I when buying Your. dyes R MT m, up. T F; 7Q !aAh con=To; nor COUDt�r Of the -Provine ; &II stz,�#, add 'priets t by those who ought to lift the 1 9 were Dftd d d the command givon:� o -P esent., Fi slilt, For full �#_formatlom write or call jersor The] �,IoquentPreachiaronlnfltl nce,:Tenip- acres of flnt Alive pattv the last 'v�!stigo of hope is, tak, otil AP New Lift- App leationoreceived durilig -show them F. S'. 30or tbrough the hirm. p I No trouble 10 tat; on and the Wiles of the'Wo'rld—Story f1lip.m. Thus tho who ought t6 go Ituo thero was shingle set up at the .................. .0V200,2 4 16 p. Clinton marble Works, trippink gee that your dealer joining farm ...... 1 751 0 8 88' of be Good_ Angel and the Bad. lift and saw them are guUt.Y, of head f the gmve, with the cp1taph'ofj ROPERTY FOR SALE —For Ph a, -cheap, a th6 slain. th Cash income f)r year endin qCOM "Lieutenant — in the Fourteenth Mas-! hands ou out e ni- *The point I wan '"LLW FOR rame house )n South HaIn4i) , Se N Yqp��, April 21.�--Thorc Is. nod! t to make, is this: 1� sach etts rogdlars,"or"Captatil­ irO cember, 199-t ...... i Mello fortable f Vet 'y -h Increskse ovc r 1893 ......... 133,1:8 48 foijil, pear the Railwayab don. TI a Ouse contain ers fbatagsemb Hrp Z011811t to) r 1899. to Sunday to oult tio-w Od neat. -e i�t numb le- Is hrd, cruel and merciless. Instea of -Fitconth regiment of.So"th Carolinal Red lnufEn -in Assets at Z'�Jst Decembt r. 4,61(3,4 �9-63, seven toonts, wood4hed aid 'all necessary ceonveoi the U good anilvals W, 614,6 �2_ 73 ences,also two good lots. Thehaueisoncii9bith from I'Sumia o- listen to the helping�i% mail tip it belps-blin doWD,,anR T�juui cer. " And so -now across this I -be ]AN Inc -DiAm6nd t Reserve for 8(curity Of Policyholders. 4.063,925,132 IoL and the property will I m iold Uether. Or sep4r, eloelt'Ont-sorlioris of Rev. 'Dr., Talmage. -.when, liko 81 1 and his coinradds, you eif clbthes lo It'd' great "Iftedd of moral and spirltuat battl6 ok (Accordiq-to Wininion Govern- i ately. Applyonthiprou qtoRIJHARD�ROH19� -or his subject "After- tile on will come and steal Y) 4 an b. "I Becatise I T6da y- he chao f thefield, lilt I I ch - ed into r ient Standard) SOX, sestorth P. 0. 14094 Ur ailgols of God come walking among, iAn oldfroe_k or sui V REAR VULL Bhttl o, Xho, text selected being I Samuel rd and holmet and shield, leaving, r e -ce, pa kage. Increase ovr ISIDS ................ 580,61'-05 SWP 1.011 the slain, and there are i-61-ces of comfort,' ne-W one J�y a t n Dyes. D7��mug4b,edl)u inotiths old, Wift regist liabilitles,excepteapital 40,4'3 94 GOOD FAP04 FOR' canio to pass on tho m6r- to the jackaland crow. and v 61cos of hope, and voices of resurree 1.4 -NIDY tlon,a�d voices of heaven. _Bayfteld read Wit Work, plus over acre n -irdin Maim Govern- ng th illage of Wr6xe irdin a row, whon 01o' Philistin6f; c,-tmo to F;t to Don At or sale, .11 1%, _; p Sata d I ient Standard) ttr beinesouth.pa' of conces"41 the, ilihn, that they found aut and lids Sur -lus over 111 liabilities and chpitAl Tr aBut the world and satau do not do h1l, A ]Dilemma. ainon Yes r. o. Th rei 140 &�rqs ties 1 ------ P 94 A, iownshlo of 4 nty colors, ..... ...... 401,8 r m so, oftha, thfedons (ullon'in Mount Gilboa. and th, y come jn r FpIrOdula or futt I ed, 6ed bank ho, , th work Ivith the outcast and ababdon- oplo 0 yo 0 One 211ght saw 4 tragelly on the corner e method T ................... (.kcjcOr4ibto Dominion Govern- two never faill g Iis S f u were at S * nth Mountain or made �for hon eiiit 4t IQ erA. respectable impenitent'm and a 11 3entStandard) dr6so, lioi[A adway and Houston street. A young 1,628fi,69 T4 P Shildh, or rBaWs Blnff, pr Gettysburg, on at' do' rics of Dix on the p mis:es- , � S' st4ne, "tie for 0 Assuran , in force. lot Jan., 1695 L -Y 12, W,6., 15 to die. 14o is flat qn his back He Aiko Ad is eas ox nortl*n-orsouthorn sideand I ask yon I man, L4 -v Idently doubting as to which diree- �ry�v4ere- e ioli ook WAII bi Life an&the resulv� t -,m n e Z. and wridge 'Eton 3,728,13,3 '23 Sold evt Increase ov r previous year.._ not get lip if the hap llr rft- 4 e k -e, his hat lifted high' ftel se was on' e. Xd ilon'b a h d b ttcr ta es 0 �horO is afiy Sadder right tilan a battlefield dyed Deatji claims aid during 1894 ...... 207 030 64 _F r, sale Decrease f m 189S.. �hsjf 01 fin 5. con 20:47 6 R, FAI FOR LE, est modle'al skill itind gentlest - nurs ag enougli, so that you could ee he had an forty T"'th'," West ilf Sol m4lint 1!i after. tile gnus havo. stopped Z.ing? 1, have becti'a failui'W' He has 'conia to his forellead, stouj? chb9t; be had 'NYXLL & IqH*RDS0 inton cut Stanloy, oontaln.bg 0 ores &I well Vifi the floldof Atic :Court, 00=tv 7Z of good hA a d he b04nce 14, tam juSt last hour. What does satan do for such elopment. Splendid The prosperous eqndition of the San Life Of Cs nadvi About 30*cm of 9 h46 after the con doubtless due tor the fair treatine ored v ith black ce Ar and henitocki a 'Ire t ey yd"ung 1,And 1. is nt of it5,'FMicY- welitimb flict. Tliesconewas sost a man? Wby, lie totebes up all the Inv pt, man., Oul ed young mun. Honored My ��ftw holderv, Its non-fortditing and unconditional F 01i rky lawell sit 04 has r enl�4 sgbnalll not describe it.. Every ialu- This prope 9 able. and 1: Wing things in his youngma Why did lie 04 there whIle jgjv -A ays: "Do you remember those so in, i,ny going up anA doi itlu ad oTi easy terins. R. MACAI:LEY, It will b sold hohe _T_ ll�residcnt ply to J A31ES COOPER 111 P. 0. totf t1io dead, for'there are -always 'vultures See, and Actuary. chances you had -for heaven adis,�ed RE ANT a gobd angel thern? Do you. remember all t):loke la 'SOS slid abad ititigel contending for the mas- and prompt pay ment of, claims. load! g to it atid Is w It e-Imile . disagree, lArro con taken from tbe bodies life. keible thing hall b He s fact 19 thdt every inan h TT- E boverin'g 0or and are' A L u nd abo' t hii army, A. S. MACGREGOR,. !f le, 'Lot I ,C*inces- and they pick. up ,.the wate.hies and tile we will ofrt Manager of London District, Lond n. OR $ALE.- Good 1hr 5 Until buyers in conduct? Do yon remember ali t?, -s,, and hQ letters,. and 1423-6 ni F oion 12, In ti St mley 'odin'tildink ..i 3:n6moranduni bool; 060 tery of his spirit; and there as, a good an- -in Seeforth a Alled out At c 41r" - , ffilliam Pickard- has conducted C, WILLSON, Agent Seatorth. 100 berm, 90 tic] 4815 lear ni ru sheddi'and opprobrio, Lis words and thoughts 'and fW- gol And a )ad angel struggling with that Djj =_ the past t 1101181M 4EV" stable&, iariis ond IllaT Ack ho 6 a'na.tliol tionsf Don't' remember them, ell? I'll youn The gi ordhafd' Of the, dagborr ot 1 1. s SOW at,the cornerlof Bioad- splendid fruiL This -far, Il 6 OR - v,ery eisy, 4pplyijlig them to their,9wh uses. j 9 cipal reason given for suchsucoods is simple very succe2iful bu' in r, 70CR For-. S41-P- mz�ke you remember them. And tben way and Onsfon street. 4 in as the pr prietor w b�i a. No 15110111111- be tak and easily under8Ood. 1�ai mes 16 t OWWU TH E SEAF-OkTH terms 1:�. r The dead illike no re0otdilce. So s straight and honest, lising all ah nt to sch A ches -well 11 the past and empties it en Adc o goo ng bil e, conven fid es a onto -v rith me, " said th d angel., brane t An ly on e 1) '1 -Will tah a yaA home. I Will a prices, givilig, liberal in uc6biqnts babe. Ali thessAre rq -watered. Ap 0 that deathbed, as the mailbags hrb emp- adlers, a JOBI�RT i are, SIWAYS 04MP followers going on and 6rd 612 tO d i for cash and always gi*ii19 custaineris 9b6d, io I x 14, Ba fil P..(. is8&tf after an arm,�, as whati Scott�ivent down prow, my -T- DELGAITY r .1 tied on the postofflie.floor. -The inau is sic L V jin ov�pr your pillow. I Will 10 Ink when -Napoleon arched vingly value fo r Money. Time given If reqUilred FOR SAILE.—Ill, g �,Isp lfo under super�at_ Thi ;Arm is 4 t "ic,- Ahis to th Iup toward'Moscow, Then the. man - 8&tAh: in ural protpe on. I -wilUbless every. cup YOU e very letter.' Why I ;, Mexico,! as 0 cannot get away fftrom. 6111'. ; - 4, filbbert, Sk' NusieO - I ment osed, of Lot I escort you h e all 11,41 offer the rem as,whon 1140 Becaus I g hufidred acres, which y i There etweqn, fortyl and, fifty went to S-edau. Theie I� a sit i ail I ur scene in Yon t d me that all goods a In Ina or thei agents, an consist of'Lot 12.- There ave deceived tile. drink out ft every couch you rest on', i ev- d imported direct of buoh, a large p% It bf d In tCM-t. i � I . once Ing bi (1k an would be well . . . . . . u. said threwotild 3o I will conseciate hmd Scotland rMll ny and the United State& SPOT 'CASH t the P ardi a you dnter. ne Oro u. cry doorw rance,, lemainde y two, r being' pill im There Where Saul jLay Dead. i hover-fallilag Pprfng 1. iwater t V no trotible at the last. l'ou told.ine,f your tears, Nvhan yon wcep, your sweat is ood, and W ii t �e closest pos*sible- pride& ncblor.� �Saul and -his army bad been horrilyly cut pidd on g and about 26 acres ready brd Out I. (lid So and go y u. won: d do so and e. herbtst I will hand BEIRT Oil when you oil, -hnd at, a iDpf bqve been larger than ever, aild the lam of no . ly to MRS Thi S ng our drnpor a big barvain. For part blar is toplecos.. Mount Gilboa- Was ghastly with. Now. you corn6l over your me, an edge m p -ore t e p6ole Of se�- tbg-dead. �Oxi the morrow the straggler.,; thing evit 31 c -into t.bc hand of the bright sequ(ntly we can, place bef nergo m6 Ili angel of a'Chifttlan resurrection. In ah- ULIS Vola, SALE, WALKER, 4ox 219, Bru Is. goods are a hi ber' -rade, cd# h and subj ev B Ll 8 IZ D 1: 1871 canto oh to the 11old, and they lift�d �jio lja� Ila 1, s.�is satan. 141 forth an(Ij vidilnitv a stock 8�' h-1 r been Aown here pieviotsiv. -31 FOR A)LE-- t 87, 06nussion 8 only fooling swer to yopi father's petition -and your as pw peve latobot of 0, 12( - It Ism irth for met s 11�e you suffdr.. :the lidlinet.from under-tlie ebin you. 'Bullso 13, Bullet mother's pinyer I have been sent -of. the R months? -bid .1 .CHOI i CE PAR I I' - # .: " Also t, 150 anr ��Iear. the- balance B tboA4 and they piekc�, up the swords 1 1 have been for 30 years' d bjh Well under, --suit the times. tained. lVaier for ever PI tt _119 to get you Loid out of licavento be- your guard ia 4 in to ha d times we have op- "Oo M ice to esttbo ju u are. . It is h r� for you no kre� workshop I with io with said the good 6ft62 with iltone t6moor of thehetal, said they op6ped the It will be worse for you* a. te r awhII6 It, "an nd rana W, spirt, on' " 6, - 1 and . kitchen with stone cellar, fra, 'Dress: _01V field Mitjy in,15. &ere Oelds; Good Uiwe bouse and bent ht ontbeir" ' st where yo 00ods; 010thing aladed to sell -os a tone cellar, 2 barns, 1 b %bk barn unearthly s�mphony It stabling. one barn. 66x80'L with, etWing! and. lative, WaUe�ls '"d counted the coin. �Aul lay plcnse� ine. Lie still, Sir., i D�64't fil. el in a -voice of sitt ;0e -%,'vo S '�r)c W, e are ilow prepared. for trade t thi a,, bat --wbiqh drops fro a t nch or All -wool een all- er,geg, Prio department. 5cotic6loout; trouti'o-g a good gravel ra4.d, clibse. to mills, market,,, _f house TArge 6rchard. This farm Is el� � sit�ated,. akmq the ground; eight or n1pe feet'� shudder. Conip, no tkar off. from u 1. 20 ; all- B I toqf heave fi wb a �d&ph breath on to all-mool lie], A edwed I In Ionmhl '�nd I sup an -wool bout school and chUrCh. Appjy;W OUIL ifHenry,-Blyth P.0 -pQqo the c6wardly yon tile la,,it 1. don.' I will itt. "N6, no," said the bad angel. 11C me wool Heffrieftas, 25q� to $1-3 All -wool Suits-, $4.�M Up. ag of expecOL 1 Y, rend aw4y 'frojil, 142Ox9 P1 hisi%iog, to show the r brav r leaped your soul tile last hop bave somethin4 better too or. "Box Cloth, 60c, $1, 1 th ew 'with =6. I up�n the jtFIlik of his'carcass and j erd 'Will lei -6 you brefor th' Th� wines I I d 'be- -Heather Mi e new ie 3 BOYS' Suite, $9- Up. Xioiyter. WILLIAX e J)eafing of ibe tips. Blacks, All -wool LE FA,1 M. AXD, VILLAGE p ur are from ch4ces of OR SALE, VALUAB at iho'frdfe� slain- and whistled ston;i. Itis lYbusiniosstostifipthoslain ;wItching cajonjax. Tile dance 1 leadis the new T r prin oftweedTauts for 8-1. Organs at $2 5 and 1 mw ds. ,'m'd F,PROlPERTk,—A goOd hu �dred,acre farm in a wee e e of bis holmot. Before While vion are j robust b( rl � A g9od li'n the i4ontli,; !alth, and,i over floorte.sellate(Iith unrestrained in-' Wine Moths. of Vening. t orn 'te A,- 04)rres.p01Idin9Tr1V',S- concL.ion, of the townsh of Gey. A good Brick th so carniorhats, had tak( good, I r it Gloria Silk In the -Waterproof. Coats, all. guarant . eed for two mitiyation; ing ot ), in the 12th. fair state of Pianos at �p evervtilin' and. th Igences'. 11hore Is no'God to'frown on. a aHotel, - in the Village,of 0 in rot n t C*sald town- 9 their digestion I,, P ill, hades, Our,.Celm ed Ho valu�ble froni th6fhold. �'.'And it came to are strong, they 'think tbeli, I t befit shades years. fie tboro�&bred abi 11 Ol LI'S of sin where I- worship. , e sbi uIll 4 et npl, 11 convinge you of the greafi i5wt Lor"A I -OU 010 111OT- fely through the skies are Italian. The patfis I tread are P of Mr rknownas"T d H.g.. roW when the PhilistiDes Ill- got them �n 'ny addresF post a good frame stor strength ),v Sam le!j'?VijjLbe, �cnb to -,t A look wi C Ws to ritilp mting w d 0.. ell -to exaniffic , p - - P thinking bd 61gin bt th�y fo!ubd last cxojgeu(� j vdl.ues iii his depattment. 11A ING ofjnv� ;y. Tbeysay It is 003, coward- through mclado"ws, daisied and ed. aid. OghV11# And* I pr1i P roperv, which will be 0 at a very reasonable S A and his, threosons falh�fi in Alount, Iy womm who tire afraid ht the laist and C bulle 'it th6`001 ice, in. one or more, re a � to suit purchasers. ollio with le. Thooung Man ll �si- Stook pr Further Information will fr e any s4dftss On APP111 j rt in, "Walt -till I conio to die. tated at a time when hedtatJon wa. upplied- to any- cry out for God; bro I gtt through- today I will show Wb1hred T B' one addressing the unde vned, G. YOU Wolit hear MePr,�Y, aud-the bad pmgcl SIX]Qte the good ft'r OS gel AnC EL -AR, Solicitor; FF. A y -it tile salile process. is goin -On ll nor cal I for hite, Blue and OTT, dop sproading nor want a ebaptar until it wings through nporti�l PlannelettA 9 in Fink and W 379-tf t rorld .61 -or and. day, and. tht read nic froin the Biblo.:" But aft(lx tile tile, starli h Vin, all B lue, all -C�rexin,. in fact an immense wh pward and away until a olois. Cottons, Tablings, t re ric 'OVEySTb' block' with iggod store- man be(�n thre el it' a ick-roOm door flashed open in the sky, and fo�ever 11hese goods are fast c 11 a. 30 inen GOOD I N� %I n- t a fin 2 s Wo so far Ir.01111 pitying' tbom orliolp� ),is,,' rates r 6� tme led Soo d all c Thia to -%vork to I alio ly coll1pa Nock comprises thL 6ions are not nywhorc near to in g pot prj�;ed 74DO -borrow_4 b'iLron �00flitiz. 'ickings, Lin The Dr. Rou'k Tr erves re not to steady, and his worl& tile -%v That was the To��-elhnf-1 �,hirting, ens, Butofier's Linen,' kouses at rear an ifig tAelfi, go Lawils, Du6ks- and Dri Britannia ree ffin tftres with dvvieffing rooms I t I, hat young n us st-TPP1110110 alicer Min �ip, aDd !he is pe�sudcd that lie for, th od ,Vl fl he li�-.sitatod nc ?rds above, &no all rented to od. tenants. ;rhe- grouth vlia6: little 0106 i:� 1 W14.0na, C 86teens, -osp IHTen ll it is with I letea and or prity of Hensll surrounded a slain. physical Courago is jong,(,r. 1111b K te(i oil it. pjjt1jNN.-qjy jvjji(- ilsent post paid to any widress. nust, qui� Ili. fit) ebt farming countr3L, 'of yotill" the fl. mxke sthis'aff A.No. I tbou zands - i Tb n -ire ten% of - 11 gonct. 'ft- -at I he opening, but blasted at I CATAR�RHL, AST1119A vestawut for an3 oue hn incr capital. Satisfatitor% QOjjjjtV.N' *0500 S men el HxTiA ntatons or hel!j tit, For F irth _-particul�ro t6 y Too the laqt. Our-., INd DIPARTNIENT is second to none. Our Oide#(I waer or*�G J. They �oine N%Ith brave CHRONIC BRGRCH'IT��% itb,, J. P SuTREEt- to our, gre� t *s. for a few 6f our Jejuhips at tile fal of a te4spooh in a lrr!�, ob Of the ell Ul givipt, 1vork iii Men7-A 0 �pleAdi4batisfaction. Just drop in and ask L.A.-ND, Notary'Publi,_, an Coxiv,�,Rnce�, iensall P:O. hearts andgTrid.- 'lie coua-w He- hivt,rs it the fflea of going The lind T gel, I' MippgN -Oabario.� 141M widing the way, opened prices Oil oit 0'rder. -BOAR$ and rit each gate the Zom! A f try I s sit down in thd,vjllagd.grbcery, T MIS" 1AR 3 414 C X S wit vy. 0, "Says I don't think illy gato aftor gate. has' rettil, id will this season give to the people so*thing their feet on the iron rod round tbo. iafj(j0ij-y N_ goi to t. at 'DID PAR SALE.—Lot Conces.; Iredho' -i lit, ke in through. For becmo rougher and the sky more 111rid, In --Nlillin ll�, be foumna-wi h us, as we control -certain designsn goods. ai the most rvti PLM\ Nt FO, t slt6vo in tile- evening, ta-IL ng over sit ied r th;,ffe �roubles It sion 6, Towns] tj f orris, containi 160 ae're lGod's sake, don't up the ebildren ard what Was; pvcifillar a.,4 the gate slam- 'Ithe prvspectsof -illeL young man NN -110 hs -a waD t ni es�j 6f any 11tindly id -op a card, stating -as nearly as yon -can. wh4t Yon iie lee 40o. E r YCLtreatnient. ever devir to S P consists of combined local i d tit, ional t at silit1b)e for grain or = situated two wd B to do tjs I dolic If yon feel llik(' T..mikeninit, a thori ) it, m0d shut It c inic to with az jr that indf W, t. lem to TO m!! do a considerable trade with people who oannot, ment, wic not only %i, ant. opeedilv relier-0 the miles from the thriving v lage of%Vrusselo, 'gone off to tbe city. Two,orthreeof-theni wish -you wo I as thaf it I ould never op or niblili.! 4t tr our sample syste -in eradicates the c red d i think ul ell. PaSsc'd get in eve trouble, but thoiOwlily P-11, gravel road lea in there o 120 acres-( lea d rom a verse or two'out ca�ed ju linalt perlha, -be my get r), tIJUS ia8jjXi6g oL perfect and peribanent. e, ev in! free fro a , pos acres dar and'ash o& balance along very of r6muio's abliath sc4gol hyninbooi or oath portal, tficre ws a grinding of locks apparently hopeless cases. m well'alld, sue -CM, bu� tl`16 most of thein AXWOWE -130) hardikood.. a ix6o Fith stvayv and. baY e& Testament." Satan breaks in and a, shovh1ig 'of bolts, and tile s But 0chitis, Iiing is brick, 2 2 qn 18-v26, cellar underneath 0 . know in be n oad changed from, cheese n th tal wh we yr both buildings. A I are new. There Ili a largevoung: �igion trash -and it lie. Don't give up at gardens to eserts, and the Juno air be- vdth terw e an great su BE cured., call or write &t once, tit you cannot, in the came a clitt ng Dobomber blast, and the -ides orchard. Schoo,l a i nextjOt. IV jhe last." B(-, TrGublepr an other chr�hjc disease, anj WANT To e tOsp 0 'Z -w" - ver int (ecess In KARR & CO 8 ii g un40rneath hoth. . I sy, T agg win kej IF YOU, FEEL WEAK WR8TCHZDj DESPW D- '40x-1.0, sto pr6phe . f..1ilure,jor j it is very hard' to and stfys: You he RNT, if Von h�_ e Catarr�, Asthma, Br kitch " s thought re- o eitherside of !the r The land hass good b DR� ROURK is favors bkv kn n bri will , of the bad angel turned',to Satisfactory reasonil for a Wng. Apply at Tian Ex�l Thi� Battle of Temptation. rack. Die as you lived. Witli my, great, sacke oth, and the ey-es of light bee -me I t widely and natural drainage, aad the4aimlsin good condition.i. the world. Our Yell llave to.live, got off on thht throughout Canada,being A graduate of Qu, 8 University and of the Academy Terra Man& Li - Brussels. ftlou lack wings I shut oi�itthftb light. Die in holl6v with hopeless grief, and the C0RNEA,1qA* A -%0D MALRXET' STREETS. oroug bred ' tiate of the Royal College of Physician 3 &�d r, POSITOR Omoz, or �11 th4 remises. WAL BARRIE1 But our yqung man has a -flne pos foun -on iot 26 A�Do geon, member of the College of Pbysicic us and tur. In a dry.goods store. The month Is G'V(lr. idarknc.­.,;. I tend from you that last �,talns that at the stairt had tossedwith IAL -VOR SALE, -' x, va uc4 e arm propbrty kn geops of Ontario and Quebeci LATE _Tb �� I bl f 0 He gets his wages.' He is not ccustople(i rcstig�):Qfhop�. it, is 3ny business tQ strip �Wlne oured:forth bubbling tears and $4 i zable A SL-PER[,N-E.1VDENT OF LONDON GE -NE L oil the W6st part of p �ptNo. 22, Coneessionl� to so much money belonging - 1c slain." & - retumngui HOSPITAL, etc, of the Townehip of �Jay, L.6ndon Road Snrvey, oon�, to hini foaming blc d, and on, the right side of jar age, b*hj rid therq w Thirty years'practice. tilling 37 acres of land. This fine property is righ self. He is a -little excited and does not A man -. who had rejected Christianity the 46, w Ls a fzerpv.nt, and the ma3l' As niany good things ar6 likvly 4W F4 CoraiilEation' free and confidential. a.djoining the iapldO gro-N Ing village of Heniall, aw know exactly what to do with -it, and 1�o ind tliou' g_-7ht itll trash came to d1o. He -said to the. W! angel, "What Is t;bat ser- you. are safe -in running embraces over 14 acres ol 'hat is known as the Hen spends in oanq Vaces where he ought as id3tlic sweat of a great agony, and his pe o answer Thht is the the ritk 1-1 Q01 on or. address it pon whicl if you ke�ep a bottle oft DR RK sall.Race Course and Dri-fing Park, RLd u up' new companions So r ta not. Soon. thero 6dine ife said, "We liad better hav@ some SLI King re-morse.), On tile loft FRANCIS; RG I considerable money and isbor bse been expended'oj P bred Be4st4ft filling it up, and it is onle of-. the VerY beat in thi jLnd acqual tancesF"from. tb6 brrooms and TaYer. _Mfiu, iiot Ja brelith of ho, " side di roa P4erry Da%ftl 76 WooDwARD Avxx there was a lion, and tile County. This is a grau'l chanee of p;uroblising wha the saloons of the city. - Soon that'y said. "The -word of prkvL-. -ed tho bad angel, "What Is thilt I.- DETRUIT, MWINGA Ii. oung almost be termed as village property, at a reaL too 8�vean. alsm lit mau. Om lion?' and t] _dTIJ e price, and which. prop:46y m ill always -be In begins to 4av'er in the battle of t p- Would roll bAck on -�ne like rochs on a answer waq, "That is, ttie:�, bj neuing in val tic, with the. growt) t of the village tdLtibn, aj�d 960n his soul"goes down. In -a ONVII]Dg nVir lave.come o, io our lion/ofall. do4puring despair." Avulture' PO P. A -SON -MADE r fur S, to 111(s. M. GIL f test. I ha( i 1 2� ther . particular apply few'months or few'years' li" 11 as fallen. t chancO, but I forfeited It fie* through the sky� and the man &sKed 'T, owner, or to G. J.1 SUT o,,T S 0 1 believed in i liar, and; lie has lef ERLAND ]Ell re -Notary Public and Convey4ndic �r, Hei isalf, .0, Is morally d EA He is a c f nic. in the bad ane, 4 NVIlt Is that vulti,-irefl I wb wase Tary, bri Of ilg m Tom Pan That is -the vuLlt S lim at . he once The b -be.lur ji. N 0: 'Sj. Lrpie of sin /an(! the anw�r Was, snuff up tl�ie tain.t ar by carca His garmetits radually� gie �A , k -e ha ind pitch It into the'llre, 6nd let it I And then 9r� man began -to tr7, to hand. It' 'a never -failing P�iu, off NOT10E pawned -4is watol '�alt md bjjLrn, aslillyself Shaul soonbi h16 0 McINTY'RE I. His h is �ailing n the f6las of sawamnethin hat had aiitido tie for Pains ofall -sort-,,. k Esel On -sand Shoes o hit ticq, th bbn His viodit perishes. He is too poor ith the foam, 1% d wound him round andii%oeiitbn1dn, d he said %,1(1 by all.. D =ggists. hand It large number of Boot d The travelling public w%,tPIQ"e �ke D ALnd then on his lip, n IT own make, best material and the bridge, kmown ecanes �n Lo so., in th)' Ing' wildly the airi be sts" �d cohie on th6 field*. hat book that 1 -swore' and lived by vialtig for J.14o sses, of the at to stay In the city alid h6 'is too poor to is bauds to.,;sin to the 'bad angel, "What 4 0 -it that -061 tni'Ahalf rjaw of waw a r naik twam if convelliat.) Pit seco�d and 3rd co�cesslonj, in the townsh P of Hit - 'Pay his way home lo io country. Down ied out: �'Blckness 0 - 7 9 of, d arkness,11 Oh, me in thl I convoIjItIol � and the WaaT=ted to give atAtCloti �3111 bert, is at pyesent tinsafe and ought to is awfu avoldei t redown- Why do the I fellows df the city, fny God, too. late!" And the - spirits of answer "s, '_'Tha-W ih'the worni that z Lev you want your feet kept dry i et, a Pa: r a- until it is put into a propo�rstate of repair, or a nes r w`-Stj1O14- to him so epl sclYP' Is it to help ss wbistled lip from Our boot*, which will be sold",. line built in its lillace. no the epth an4: dr dles.!' I A Mj;!i s�dd to the li and ipiritual life? 0epled, around *nd a morp round it stripping bad Is A 1427 THOS. R�AN, Iteeve'411 Hibbert. kim tbaA to angol: WhO Oos'-ail this in6an? I S, C,0 I yo attended to., All do of B4Ote tr a Qh, o w ill tell you'why they stay; N I tea fiq whi& idikit iho, c6irner, bf '-are �hllistlnes stripping the slain.1 is a luxury now. It exbilaratioi ties woo have Ot Re airing piomptly T Shoes made to order,. All pat TEI -Tj_E- T T GHEAP FGR.0A they 1e slai n r d -point, b'at yonder 110 tory now. it 'after owhi.1,6 lit'l 'o _.j6u tt V 'Do:6ot look wherg I w. It is vic _T all, ib� pald their amounts for last year wjI1 plesse call t4 decetl6d Addressed to the itildersi Med arc Invloo for th 5 s a' mail Who 'onee bad a beautiful it is collision. It 'is d It i� extQr, a:nd-. -it im� d' , 1 nt forth stock of the firm pu . MCIN.T.YRE. eafol th, Royal Hotel Block (H tel D ig Store and -Roomi) ome in this city. His house had elegant minatio It Is jackall' Iti iih -Ila asl4d ,of s robbing le ving reh entire -arbibi Ar -children Were beautifully e sla GIV, Mitchell, upL to 'a;d incluI 0�- the 300k of �f,4,njt the d& Oar r everyU pril 189, ��IUett &.Ta�kson, h46j solicit the continiii ed pat tire, his Id. It Is strip frbm tfiq�p Q. e y YOU 9 ronfi�e THE FARMERS' Or, X.' ATATAI -�Ijjd'v hs name was sy us lth- hon- At lip today--�-give it - P, how you have ed iny'chiq'xcb f&,inaziy all0Z year. W' ut, f D7 Y 170 by close prim and Ct att&L- forfurther in one iven old firm MITCHELi,, ApJ Oth, 1896. 14M3 or htidXisoftilness, b I babitL knocked been 'glicated 0 b o r, tio u h It.d$ed that filif the o J. gh�t Oil t stri at his fro, t doorr, kn6d�e 4this ack-door, to -All these years you ed -my trlui4pb. Now you are h r thing Allotlier, gain anXing HLOUS tin to neiis �'trust not onl io retain 0 $tatiot C -ed at ha! P1, y ur preserit cus- knoeked at'his parloi do , knock hig have been under it evil in! story that yon re. Come, now let You, are obedroom door'. Whrol Is tb 0 , liTihat have your compan- d �jners, tti e0ano? Sold' underSto d us 1111 these two' lees of :fire an nk ones also. Our stock �of S P es Tra E �'JAL ne the,irent.. NVhere Is the hariick? lons done. fo a (In connection with- the Back of Me trial4l.) 1: to� pay 3/ Yell? What have they done together to d L- and wod and de4th,. Sold to meel� 6e b�vtohcr's bill. Where are for yourbealth?, Nearly�rulned it by�ca- Haff I Hall. h,lygutig man, will the rousal_ IV)dat haTo they dol: e for your for- good angel sent f6rt :,;hr1,s1 or the _b t th Viet rdware, oves, T OVAL NOTIC the ci�rpots? Sold to get bread. Whcre-is- LOG AN; 0 REM V XX ad Shelf H S inware -rift angel-sant forth _O HOUS6 A(l to g Whoo tt the�war(ro Sc et rum. t e? .41iiitnst se. eyed it byspondth 5o go ry over .146 L !AGE r are th dt, ter,q?- Wkdn- theirflngersi behavioli our soul? Thel I�ERS AND FINANCIA have they dono fov'your in are fi3terlocked OF-_L4t 19( off in imily togethor rep t 'to e t with good this "moment above� you, contending for T to hoe� ibc f, ti 7 n?l Almost ruin d I Furnis'hings, etc., RE NI OVF li me: Lh�3,'111LA'o they done for your !in- your destinyi as dbovo tile Apennines s until overytIling is go 0 IT. vz:� — 'Or 0 -cl io Almost insifed its of' - cagte To the Commercial Rettel Building, Who is, ing 'up the front - steps; of a, or and condor fIghtmidl sky. 'Phis hour ain St, et; tha go 1jaQ t. COM AGeneralBanking Busineiisdone, draft If1juOL d tHat hou 'Tfiatjs a creditor, -hopingito Frank,- Will rd�' t�fow. Jbagty decide, your destiny. aud iu. additiou we have added a lin& of eai�hed. Interest allowed ou deposit& findsorrie el aitt or bad 04.� -has not been I Q.. on t�j hipw at PH elect Stock of� T I _N W 11F'� otered re tho.se two gentl You are hasrening;Du toward the con- ket. MONEY TO LOW S lovied. upbnj Who ft" The 01:� oixkm Bu, ces,�ev-er before. For instance— tho fro it s Tli summation of'�-ill that is sa. Today you Old 0aketi hucket" �was wriitten On wooi notes or mortgages. men now g6ing UP Tli6 Pape s )p anck thin -j, but it is only for a. mo- by Woodworth, a. -,printer of New York AMIsh Pail,, ROBULT LOGAN TAG �P f one is a 0;. the �,tbcr Is the sheri st( quai L Inept, ai�i(j t'11CUL YOU On WO PARS, Pudding Dis14 Muner. Why do they go there? The unfortunat is 'will tramp oil, and A anebf almost evdtk ot�er Ar*ericau city. We 1068 N*11-aullidiligs, letc. -morally doid, soc Wly. dead, finane ally 'the 610se of this service you Vill go out, Not far from the printijVg,offibe where he and, dh TY -C] TO CADY'S 11 LOCK,. SNTS* Two dead Why do they go th 1 tell and the questffin will b%.: "How- did yoi� 'was - employed tb�re�w T i_ds a dramshop e,_ er Or: one cov re &13 P doors north of I -lost :Ofric yon-whythe'ared brs4 and the constal) e d �rdad P t�ree Tails, les, kthe scri-notiP And 'ong� man will jwhich he freqpcnted, ailo'on�a hot suint WEE ad"Ibe heriffs go tbl?r�. They*- e �6nia say, "I liked it very'well," and 0 T, 0 E S P A Dipper' L Uddiilg�DjSh, Show roonis now fop, -n fot another afternoon holstrolled iii thereand called' onIt-beir owil account,,�and soj#e on ac man will �ay, I ididn't like It at all, but for brandy. It was pou Iner, MM -Pan and, Wash Basin, for ONE DO red out, and as lie Goat inspec count of the liiw stripping the/sl L*R O� u* &t$ I to d I robe y� IL 0, M od ol b r 1.0141, d PO 14x lie aln. neither of the qnswers will tough the tre- held up the glass he remarked to a bro4- or In opapering, pt6inting'* L-Alsonlining, Our mendousfact, that, ifimpe4te Ur OTHER TMWAU Cro*ded All His at, you are- printer, "There's nothing. 114,6 that." E IN PROPORTJO�T..-�E3 1vorkinanship and prol tless j "excelle 1 g at, 30 k4ots an hour goinj� tqwarq ship- "Yes, ere is, ".responded the other. "A 94�linty. in the An. ex -member of conidss, one of the -most eloquent men thlat cter sood in the wreckj Yea, you are, tn a battle where you drink ofcool. well water from the old Oak- N. B.—Fullinstruct:$ns given. to 1�arties re. FL11 will f111, nd while yo4r, 5jilrylving, rela- On bucl, et that hangs I a illy father's well." h 'd 4xi 4isAast We sliall a] P Ira house of reprsenf so pay 84 deijil attention to FURN intendinc, io haii v tlieit lon paper. tivps will take -.yollr roma61ng estate, and N moments: _Toodworth went, back to.the printing oe L AOE WORK, dying the cenictory wffl take Your body, the mes� TROUGUTINT01 Ace, s4t down at a desk and began to. white, CONTRAOTING, R VE ir ork a borrowed- bed covered b- aI I - -noss "Will t k your soul and It the course of the afternooAfinished �_T, li use �ui,l t by p heet., inn44­11 ublic e Ito V indow had6s. borrowed s se.ngei i of darl. and come and g) about you tripping the the so The music is by Riallmark, and. AND GIWERAL JO NG as liefore"i3t 1�.idxs ��Qid Kip" charity. Bury me uii(7 er t�iat tree in the. Fine Wall pap'ers., pictA CHM middle of theft(zM, where I shall- bet be the me y is that written for re,8 slit -in. fod Araby' stand, are c -ing ou� I Man t "I adnilt am )Daughter. 'Picture Frames, y -r� crowded, for I have be�n crowded all my slain—I admit i1c I, On what 'battl 1424 effeld, Me." Whero� were tile jolly politict ns illy brother-.;? By what weapon? "Pei- LLETT with. him. lauglPing at Iiiis joltes, applaud- luted imagination, says one man. "In - S M i and tlie dissipatib g comiradp is who had been -_U Wb toxicating liqll ing his eloquence and p1jinging him in' )r, says another man. to W1 My own hard I wart, " says- another man. U sin? Theylialve left. Why? His'lno us 'WALL lyp'y Do yoti realize tlis? 17hen I co' me to tell 4wit Is gone, his roputatlon is gone, fiis witi is Counthin gone, his clothes ai-c gone, overythill g 'Is, ya that the oni nipotent- Christ Is really to Walk across this battlefield and revivo' and L OU YO �WTT 9,5 11 R gone.', Why should they stay any -.Iougdr?' I FoT' all the' a' ments of Throat We guarantee Dodd's Kidn v ill� to curc a y I They'llave completed their well-,.' They resuscitate and resurrect your deadlSouf, iseaFc, D'ibetes, Lumba -e ungs thl' is no Cure sp case of Bright's D Let It im tak ; rour rub away and L I have stripped the slain, nd and �re Dropsv, Rheumatism. licar Disease, Fein le the numbild-ss: your hl�iad and bathe off and �permanent as Scott And just here, as. ly, top of 1,1895 we wish to thank ou -frotibles, linpure Blood--ot money refund d. -Thore is' another way, ho*ever, of doing quicki S 0 r nilmeroUg Sold by all dealers in medicine, or by niall an that same work. Here 4s a' man the aelii_D'W* vorir heqrt and AtoD its wild Ernul6on of Cod-liver <)il. It is customers of 1894. 4 receipt of,price. f oc. per box. of Six boxts $2.50. who -he throb. He brought Lazarus to life; + ough his sin, is proqrate, HeAcknow.1- ��Inf, h -lib 0-bc nn thf- 'Tiririet ripl% 'OTTID'M rrTT k AJ -"n. L- JA- oxont .6-. new des gns and finps% DrOUgIlD J.alrus claugater, to 11fe;. hd �r or 4 Now is ra we ,00ds at the Zestlpriceo Of any housain -the couiit�. tis that be has done wrong. have been studyiq- wood Siwn Arnish, oil -nd upholster an work applied to furniture. 'It has tanght us, brouglit'tbe tQmach and effective v young- man of Wain to life, cAte aS, siew goods Ict is cheap as a d sI t time for you' to go to that man and say, )ck or out 9f 1 1 goods.'IWhy I can do sTy and these are three proofs anyhow that lie hov� to buy; wer b y ghe. 4 Sell. eheap—that's a,11. - The �Ud Established. ;,,ate i a Ob'e q goods boug t ousands Of pcojpI6 have been as far Uss than -tb life. ftw are bouKht frqm�7q to 10 ceats Pei roll can bridg, you they were when old stock * is. My e) p y ask u are and get back.".. Now is, re lo When the -Plillistinei'came down on the ve a b'g stock UNDE�.TAI�D' BROADFOOT'S hav and need ;be mane,,, Wall e th ti o 2for you to go to that man and TG.— Everything here that should be here 1 te: Jaeld, they stepp�d �etw en the co�pqos, The goods, he expetie A rom Sicents per roll up, Window ihides, � o I 1-b of tho omnipotent grace of od—_ nee, the competency, *ith prices in you' ngs, Corrdce�pollq, &o. &C., L8 oheap, 3s *any 'In d theY rolled over to dead, and the r favor. y Planing Will and A . Isufficient for any poo Now, r. soul. tit S -City �Vall Paper liohs6, Mail' St. Seafort took away evvry�hing that was v AiqUFACtUILING 1 L3 the Mine to go to tell aluable, pposile John St. !him how swearing sa it was with the people1hat follov�-;, n, m AND RE PAIRIN _ke you some - find U.'sio, G.—Iffire we Ina 7 4; Sa&h: and Door Ft ctorlh Ichni3tinyan,ltliroiigllltlie.grdco6f Giod, I hing ne� of any dpsi gn,. oi iej,# You something old without- oil- after the armiep at ChanWlorsvillo, I any rward Q1 t6 the elestial city. Now 0 0 at� and at Pittsburg Landing, and at Stone stimulat�$ id R e ( JA S,,* G 'ie ap�etite aids th AV] S9. is the tinic' to'6 to th'a inan and tell him River, and at Atlanta, stripoing tile slain,. This old and well-known eat. �Ifsh a t is 11 liow profl, dig)reSiioq oi Other foods cu res PICTURR, YR. MIN Q ipm to Newton mm�, through 0011- but the northern and south rn wom a,'specialt '.Praetical Pap r 1-1 en Ywthu& YOU knOW. work- r-Unfling tt full blast, and now haa battet. facilities wanshil) �nd pricefBi 8 w turn out a good Artl ale for; ft Solt than everbefore ab al I d P�11114,y version, to be'� a world renowned pr 'her Coughs and Colds, Sore Thro yi both ri God ble!�s them !—came on the Ileld with! ght- of righteousuNk-s- and moderate!price. Sash and doors f all pa UW6 &I. NOVY Is thO t11110 tD tf-ql basin a. d pads and towels and lint Bronchit�s,and stren;t� a gives vital ways on bar.d i short notjt�a and in any way deal All kinds PO s naul 11 AWA Od. I h rag- and tho poor fellows that lay there lifted lumber for sale on �reqsonal;le terms. 81,10gleg k pt erve se(eu�, ed t e services ap( ishment fo .,Babies and Children )f three 11rati6lass p r 1 ang 6 an A ged through all tbosewei I or mado to order. Tumber iresRed on that man that niultitti(jos who have beeii cordials find Christian encouragement, , besides. '-It ihas no equal -as nour- undedwlthollthe�flailsof I j L LL R comitant�v an hai�d. Estimates for the �urnlshlog n do work at t io short:8t fttice. I ion tit 1 .1 V N up their arms, and said, 1� Ob� how good I- .� A i vt fork uaran -4 t . I (INS of balldints In whole or In part gi On on sp ansurpasicu. p f of th( as ave risen w posluve, plicatior). j! ol W 9 n0l. thrive, culd., overcomes bove call an- nOmlnlOf1 (A that does feelsinceyou. dres§edit!" Nonebut the best of material uac-4 and workw1u. of SO, Face for yoursel moral power. An Condition �'Wastingg'. ..arerooms� oth(,rs looke.0 up and said," Olii he y Red Block, Main Street, ship gaargatecd. Patronare solicited. Yon do not iell him that, do yot No i or Wal�'paper trinimed tee aho me think of rnymotberl" ar 269 J. It BRUADVOUT. SeAf th P d St You say to 11 iin Loan you inoucy? -No, Tell the folks at hoi o I died Scott & Bdwne, Beileville. Ali DruggIsts. 50c. S T T I ers said, +