The Huron Expositor, 1895-04-19, Page 7R c r
ntr .1 4.vj all k,-nd.�l bt -Paid tone or griljldet
on Ta a,,vF;.
ana a 8�rong,'ruggOct -lace, WnlCn -n �%rnlll 1 can try re ra ahead bt v ever used, and I JiY� its 11 es, that be b0 seen thIq service lot. p odoce, but rix :Sold b all druiegisfIl at yiere �orl womeu, and had gone i have 104 aT13 ahe a bard I fo in some fO,saheneglon of thisL ng for female enfranchise- inany .N�ce'to t4ke, itc-medlate,and because hat sort of treatme I Is,foreign if lwore but her violi 26c. a ox, 5 box -a I mortal i Ineyard. Vol 129 lr�comtnsvd thim. They 'm G snowea ]lad had her hea4 611 of theories 9out a pliances, our kni ves.and saw" jaQt, hoW ever, b0c laso of the pain bhey MY LAu VS V OLIN. 00 i I Prcssedlovinglybenea, herohin, ment, the little her, of the balrashes would pjD rm neat. to their deas. 'I - . 11 I "Who I was a �,oung manill lie re- shr tic b iss I ave 'r (.1 the fate of tl4e other Ient for q Toad' that probably h e period, nd ihe - law- Id neippa are promptly cure P1 is. dy to talce, sure EROUIOUb �RfENDMIP.' TO oelethe throbbing o each voill jsuinbd,L' I was delpot qg i.. H�adach child Lit bl Pardo, in effect trom iove6t led skein o. the wilds of Texas. The mae ren, of �1 Mr. J. RAUNSHAW, ft giver eflarsel n n ve been lie ON ard of. I�fel fla, 'Xi -m- Come souildii,as soft as rain tI0dI alid I had A I?ecull Ow Incident In the L g8o as t not well set I"dian Macread When storm -clouds ently kissl 0011, ; r y a 061- metime,of it out' there. The Beat Cough C Tr is Hamp ird's- Pect4Wral IR Ple& an#ies- Sam. 1thealsth6lqngaai d ouref Couhe slid Goldo. Fractical, opelcian. Gra If Icro�but her vi lint Botwo�n- IM-acreadT an. d -n y brother never k ew �any minute thatl would not Her wooing, cooing violin I I of the Toronto School of Optim, -ed thenext,'4tid t1rain,wreckin' Hello, Moses, ot's de hY.1ter lip! Charles Wsted jit ki ad of fer):0 nis friend- be attso 9 id ye hto%,dr he may itive. re but her violin, �acrend*, wb Tf I Ive was a fir qudilt occurrence d1a the line. Indigestion." ow's dat I be at a r a With envied place benc4th her chin, "Oxie night I ivas sittbig In till P ship. A, been In rivate Jjle, had- weet would be the note t thente ectil arl 'Oase
o little had nuthin to diges lately." A �!
depot J)y t) a lonely railroad track keeping --A great many' asels caery oi I ho-liv ft Mercer's Jewelry.Stpre rijuplyli.orrible,tbii)por,,-atid olwaiiin-tbo 'C I . I siig hands- tra waves,au(l Nvbenl� habit of i using at relientsh) I O'd even in I'd yield to her cares ok of 2e trains over the wires, when the puepose of stilling the rllh 3 trmsuremlitch her skill deniands, ni aftses all theship-h�as tod6isocastt6r CQVERED WITH. IPIMP LS. an unde itono when Acting t 0 most bur something happened that I will not forget stor -oX- Or servile be as slave who stands si-Ve-lta uago--languago Y��l b 6y brother till.Idlc� There was inthedepota, coffin oil oveeboard. To kiss the hand which smote, of.. N mu, S IM, AN. that b4d be -Getit (lookind into,tbe a, ba passed by *fth If I were but her violin, 'xcuse me, tl6es All niusial composer): solniitfll ,imll,0: but on brought there on phe mid
Her heart subduing �iolinl night traJ4, stra go to say, unattended li� MY pited3 He Ifu t e Uesdvg Apr 160 which h: occasionally botly' ie-,� ,it ee ,
e Di�eaae is did n t I eroady'. c���� antI3 && any one. It wa addressed to some' party ecretatrye.Meyer ive here? Th Thr
mind M KNOW100 dresst lin�.as."beasi,'iJi. t111' e obj cted if were but her violin, in the heiglibo ood, who, according to o. He lives an( etave higher. Weteks b It 110 To r6st no abre beneath her chin, My Prefill1lipdo... had' been detained by -professor Smitl No one can conce ve 3& ba Fully ,it his -6yes, his 1. mljg****- nd h In-' How sad,4ould be the day le station of tile slow and mi fal D ewc it. Brings cumfort and improvoinext [111% to hau . olog Cal E esight Tested. ternall, s - . coupled Jth,1 Invective Wien ' icI0Uu'hter,%vas brought low, swollen stroams rein coming to ti 3 i I ; .. -mellt wliell 9 0 9 a o 'Lno . I Stei,-burl tht wfnto - of'1892-93, I was y '8011id enjoy terms oddly mo h, the great P Ad NmVhcn,;VitJ2 tremblink"handli nd after lt, bt, so I bad he ghastly time." , Brow I dont ve- 'ad DFAY. Iftle 0 of m.y -tends to pef Irrear, 9 it ca,Teliter workn . for -me by the da.. covered WithRiftle qn t a ink , right log slow, 4 between tbis kneo an the ankle. As I nev il., With wliom'b cobstintly boutit, free charge -rightlyused. Tbo inrvoy, who live bet- tragcqif. A casket plaoedil.tbedopob toawalt the I0 er bad Sh � ay me R bow, man w4o J�Iled. for It., - It was a railly ything bt the kin beto I ww anxious a tifer than or oy. life mpre, quarreling, had a grimrcipectil and 1 king Id I with the uscICS" I Ig to A my bay Ch4r es," said ef of the author after 4mb' because, 11' is snelx &I ROVIC �, but iretting no Tell idreve night, atid-os there wag btit one room to and sought meoc r r from her touch ,sa experi(liturei, 'by mere pr1in for hlm�. He know -him to bb genrti man An old, neglected violin, a dear little I �'Oh I'd c4l. him 'from the doet-r I tri d a h Utt of B.. S. B., applyinic og 'we] as us ng it inbernalkT, sq! 0 a ing tho w, cut, soundleag t I at na ty'divesee, whatever P iet and, -T.H6ssoy in -Midland Moutl ion. tha h spectacles at a. IL I jr and one v adapt DrId's bes mpe- .4 violin I a depo my William Dean,' am nd, I lbe Hbw sorbe of Is tow A rare chance toet youreyesp
v he
t prdu q to and a �,:w tb t I had the corpse for a compan 'a irie Df r,
tent Udge of ple.turesq -an lit and bad about made up and to my surp a I vih the n6eds -of physical being, will a-ttest wat. disappes. acute dramatic or"Itle. mind to 1 qkelthebestof the situation 80 alucl wfthin *6,% veekoi. and I am On, 6 a 000kslon a gift for courteous thankful to "y I ba! never re-apiwared. reiAonale price. -.the Talqe to healtb of tko?puro liquid d I -The Hibernia UP* a4y- 1140lig i* play --d ello 1, and, till mornl. q. It was about 3 o'clock, an. and
A PECULIAR CLOCK." wasoilokiil ai6ywlthm telograph4ey. speech was seldoni'l etter displayed than f by' carman, xan. Dont fo.rget the tiae, 'April 16 - Iaxlviive principles ,m�r'artud -in the iny'bTD�hcr not being In b ORS4, 9, certain Irish boarder.. His landlady, a. re'lliedy, Syrup of Fi4s. IwIle-11, I, boa d a nolsq in the direction of place', the tr igbdlah thus addres d'... h in: - cast, n1il� Simple ind Acctirat� Vineplece, and �asant-spoken "Ibody had pour I bln� a I war t �ou to go in -fri6nt optolienn, give the coffin.- urning with a shudder,� I,was P1 Its excellelice is dge to its presenfing ea and pre4titly inquirid if it as it Rifn by,! Alcolloi. frLIgt to see the lid of the in the forin mosti acdeptable Rnd pleas- mpA bd -tll and'eaOdlld opfirl n: as crazed with Mercer s JeWd to W 2�crj ts of my t no T4oze n this city A d coffin burst and�! a live corpse pop his bond ist to III ste, Mrs. 'Geand ry/ look that for o' t lit, runk R0
to� A. -1 m I uracy surpasses the his- actini. O' A JIl -414 to tl I a t"te, th e r freshing an d truly 91 ty rl�d ace Mllistan a wake and an Te4 i "'bow I played d h I too ed. I o . up With* a plsto� In his ban . d and start eduld., a as I lolke�i it." Store;s "beaefick.1 prb perfect lax. perti of It rl 0 e of Benjamin Franklin.' It Is the ji 6 re, af- -a ��;'Jdoa that I shall 81 Yself Ward ne.. C9 Ly have rd Eckbar t 1242.So6th "What did I do? Why, br -Quilt Look Ill i a i effectualry �Iv tlifsilng t1le system$ Now th anC"to .used P r, iy.of"Gerha, oke:thr6ugh . omer (angrily Mr. Xulftsh&v will visit, this stoe g lkrt t�qil, - *Ilat do you moan lj� sending me this I FQU tl struoted on a .amou 0 al .4i'spellilig e01,3s;I.hea laelie&,nn(l fevers to go t d t, P 9 the bidk dour and left the -fellow in the bill secofid Vinie ? Wh, m aid I monthly. Ugh a ,�reji;e,ud
coal a lam i eal nod by one toppled trunning 4i perui- natip reaPsbl� e art f OthdI1 , and n nk Is t a rec t for neutly 01 ring �co ation *1ort In rionth agoi, and g6t a rec
Roberl -Saloch. that bill a v tow I d, t. close o the until I was. p, nille,in the Woods, I As soon it ha* given satisfact ion to imillionsnd trage y d'got, Tho framework In sba, it !" Rafton (consulting the book 49 I pred I)kd an elon ; - Arel YOU w ID71 u a disdr nlp sical i ondi- ag I recovered I *erlb back and WAked 'the ppro I'd of -the -tiledical ight, Ali! Yes, I isee. Well, doil,t Inimnd. at). met the a gated iorseshoo, about V.% cot 11� be only �two , d1ozens of , the placeI1 and'we tidn' t l'at lie was. all pe s I lot 1 and -prof&Wwn b�cause # acts on tlieXid- and f -ohi its center han Wheel 4% went td the'depot Of course the robber my g -at d preser: W4 had taken all -the money I bad* abd flod. 9 fo�m � ]e Month it rat - I Fra, et�r fello*., -Youf seei my son U meys, L liver and B 'thout weak- in6hes In didmet -and a 2 inch'. w1d,,& a iged. from business colle .and 1.1178 v pits looking speta ie, by KI iss Oo as to be �,o - epin'." '�4tlafita Oonstitutiod. is This i rhoel Is Inclosed to 1b it O 0 6 " h, I or
ing.the-nianditis lfec�ly free from ?IPP so e of his doable entry book
brbthibi duly:oc, U seat I r the t-11 Do. yon think you .e-very*objJcctiw14V,e ��bstl'hcc. p &Ir'gI t. Along itif 62ner Arcamforence u rin . n( en if YO itign of time-kepper in 1 ur ro t row of the.dress efrole nd nar mwy. 64 ewith cmild fi I the pog sa e the performane''e,fioin beginning. Dg for lickeit ac's ia.: Syrivo�of Fi a i 1 by all drug. witcjod I are 16.6111all partitions cc ilbe& �ac�s Abou Crowing. f f a pu boiler factory ? The noise is very iryi 'LAST :Xista iA' 7.5c. ottletrr eabl otherbynicans 0 ro- MIA it ii; maini- Crowing aniong the roostitra ilforded P to en, 1. 1 Then he bobind the scenes ne.-not used to Aip'lictnt 1(conte�pt- All Ulf y's-dresHingm6m. n Fig -SyruI7 "ll size of a pi hole. lacturedz '4r Oe Califoriii e� . . fessor ifamerik another interesting study ed to L. a jan�tor LwAY &no, ; opaired to Maerea uously)—Hnmph I us CRAND' TRA X T ie wheel urnlg on an ixle; 6 Inches d I THEWAYTOSECURS' CO. olliviWilosp iialn� is printed 6" ever.V TIJe Artist Was being Al�srob Eidby Ills Jresd- He noted tl�e: crows. of over five- bundre in a j�blie school." of Fir�S.r llinj I! 'bout which to coiled the'Uread by E roosters gnd never founil. two whd crowed If the wheel s suspended. Now, &Hke. Each'after a little practice could yon will no( arinoni.r. e and being wel �19AT Packaq;,� also the name,- Svi-11 r. � E r an I was pantAng with e3 CIL ement in an Will T LROTJ' info A -B aU if no were empt, accepp aby substitute if Q16red. ell, beast, what the 6. partitto there would readily be distinguish�A from the. other. Staii1ey Council,i Was-ftl ke?" Pbe othing to prevent the thread about The uration of r-,ro7 a n.Ig is Iletween mil Council met in town hall,Varn on '%)'ed- JV06 , R - 41 1 and M� I rother told him that! he bad di ir InCbiling f #or* Spec, a rOBA. I _ .0 W last per- afid.-the wbeol failing he night pid- neon. E,ac 6 rom three nesditv, April 10th, at 10 o'clock m in. IC the bi,,Obest gratification fro the' &)ply to any down. As a.counter force, t �breforel` eight meml;ei3 were all present, the reeve in the W B to seven seconds.' A It In. sters way S4ARCHER. of, i he parbitions aii, filled with alcohol, forni n pe and ho'Jind neverF �play time of Lily if it is 0 mr, Crow at any s r 0 TcM.. P, 1,�&l Agentfi. Oil Paint, Otb nore superbly. nillolge pleoah eb air. The by-law for the removal of 'the of the .91
V�netjL andben bothreaA begib's to unwind . ! Con_ cent n '- dog tax was he .Not Nany Valvablies tost on- Tr�dn ir. his speoch to the an s130fiate moolklightor they are aisturbed by a light'L 'read and finally passet the al-,Obol on one side is higher than on usy scenes wivii 14gg i vero splen- tbey%ow t�e inost fiequently at dawl):, or clerk was instructed to plr6hase anew ul -MANAGER. tb 110 widering ibLe Anitiuzat of Travel. R14L d, one the other. the ol e termin-al. stat, Ong of all r Hroalb dld",' 40 murder 4 Eio�denl lin I Vas superb, r seal for the use of the eouncili 14121-13 C�liscqpontly the force of gravity acts r your At th just befo e Als;,to have 9,00 cpies e.
led i o be sort of tele- being unfit forbse. Fo hom g Jill The croNvin%seems -the on'r5jo 0Omln trains are searolidd. and d' mitably. aci e dy � a face ng li eets f � i-� to priivent* the string fro'ln untwitti the roosters, accord. of by-1wivs printed ai revised. Council i lor things leit b passengers. The moth- ligb q up More and incre a graph se etweei b b other. fartlidr. It here that the pinholes come n on Monday, ey are sub- a1154 ered his mhn�. qu6rles "s ing to Professor H�nii -rik, for invariably in again as court of revisio Ity 'fol, as the alcohol es through a. .: 11HE ods tay vary in Ideta i 1:, but th 1. EV, IV 111, a neighborhood wher( there are Diany chick- 27th, at 10 o*.clr T! Tis Avall, beast, lie o ser, -ed at. in SfJ SIOW13 OOZ: -Opor li�vcl, the -then) in order to scele the P1 el eng the crowing' %vays started in'the At the Pennsylvalitn station In JdrWy "thl W I—Vety well, fili thread unwinds a little molie, the bno Bide t O7, 17" t morning by the same moster., ately v�hij d' School R: ors. oiiv - Inimedi -I _y there arc three searchers, twp.wor OP ls.ag4in ralsed slightly,"and so the thread response c4megLfryoni 11 the- other, roosterk, y.—The follo'win- is the report nLud dno- by dy' y -Pe e N -y -oil paintings, ill fit. Of the day men, east by-sArcol tible st(ps slowly' d LL OURE
hn enevally ther4 ar6 about seven crows given These, lovl irches the thro-UL-h trains -and the 0 l PC, ted.for �.`Tlelkt d, ils f the L adbury MS of ARM L th ten seconds, and then f the �iandibg of thepuil 0 Cali Rua rfCCtL I a _: lind. in an interval of tre GE -other the way trins.i The nioiont the 0, witb* candor, r 11 d 11ifice iblic school for. the months of Jwl.iury, brdthbr caglt. Is- instrU there is silence foi the, space of perhaps On tb in eep, slr!,!�G. e ruary, see them. train has ha-tod. in thtl station the searcher ur�ed out in,tb b anel Maroli, the names, bel 4
iliorl k I t. ta k es -for the wheel when di J- -Ti III ju t 12 hour twenty, seL�ond the first, rooster starts steps aboawd th rear J'plauforin of the last' tion order of merit: ' Fifth dlms,—L. Hu 0 'l6au ill, and the pe I.- .1 . -A few years ago they Sold, $10,. to'dCE cond the distance of tvvo'feet. lt� aga rfor ii&uce is repeated. A PINE Mi an Knney. ourth clas,—S. Hudie, N1. '3oll- o front,, He II,ca;r works toW.4ird th �up log ter alxvays-crows, too, Ebortly after eat- $15 and $20 each. 13catland.0ver a. Centnr$ -Ago, easily -d aln ljy-twist- 1100 Js the 7.vorlto Xf medy for Colds,Coughs, ard J� Dennison, A. Holines, R. 11eLaugh h reced- GAIVe an �11 ailments, c ronic-or 0 A& e -free t tek the tbrc�ad lkpon tll()L�axlo. To g,- and eni r third class —H.- Hude, acute, i)t thp� 4roat and lu g@. ItiefistJ -one,s straight aheid- following tb TI 6, produco.was darri�d I:h sacks on ing bi ile�er'fails to voice his joy i a �Ieep La How can I Ing Wae of though be hors �.back or oil sledges. X.Act Iiine of ( be 4ay there is toned crew after he vanquishes a riyal., Dennison, Al. FLV.on, J. Driscoll and F. "When youir cavh purchases, at this or—]' Cer �n the iark the c 1) it0old-fvLshloned.Uf.350IeDt1d 'Walks right Won.- notlij ng escapes his prao th� framo a i j i toublep, *,o. lonc in use, olten century—on tunibrils, Nvbich ere -i ledges constructed ( 11 Oho side. o: The Professor has, discovered, a hit or ilet Scarlett, equal. Junior Mrd class, -8. stolj more irmiru 1 than b �ve .'will ticed eve. Whatuvcr he takes to : ellefid amount to $1
on -%jImbling"Itiviieels-of 'sell( woo -i wiW 'straight dial ith div sionE as olose as five other tbings, that c.ens liai�e ery reau 6f in foriuz;tion. There a record Dennison,, equa; F.., N L, IMPS Eq;, Chatbaim,. a prominent yoU'%VjthLone free of obarge, pro Vidiag the bu volvi�g. tol c, .- A single an(], baAnced upon -vision, but —M JOH aI - s acute sense iof tas.te, bearing and Scott. Second class, woodoll axle. tre6s,.,all -Hcoxavin, W. nt, whtes in febru�ry, 1895: "La 9 made of the thing foubd, containing a (I'll sq'sma'I that lack the Fense of sinell. The most powerfal ere or the n. lo of tho' defice dlD� 'wheel, points 0, pay ui $1 f be beautffu Grip y 0�u The, q: machines worq.-oft Scott, L. 1rinioldby, C. Berry, J Shann left me with chronic tbroat xnd escription of lit, 00 maks; if any, and ble to them. Ali fjlloN�ilg 8 broncaii tr4pble, attended with a c?uLyli. e in wbich A is placed. 'hupon;vvhi-eh1t%Tnsf ullid.,ThillgS iwa narrow passar, e Carter cou'ld-lift the bme upon the Sea Ies of avid are impercep9 J4,'A.ST NVWAXosit.-Thc hows the trai o tb N -Jr.- 1,�alocb told ' porter that be had experiment ith arnillonla, proved that th-it Je ed 1411 rowedies until I struck fram thc�n bo'dily, for thoybold litt o moi I the tanding of the pupils of - School Section e this condition only becauser telne. pinexalt. Thatgave
of little -valtic, are kopt awitingthe own. ".rc the n(w ad We mak �T )t been at we rk oil this ingenious device dUr: though-overconiewith it the hen the -month endhig Mal -all -sixinotiths. Thingsof con- a -vyl lbarrow. They Lbad Ni boals q go No. .13 for me Imin diate rolief. I here testify, to ar's c1nirn for h I alf . In diameter, nu de of th ing t1jo w blindLy into the same danger repeated,ly. ri ofthenew.medleine.' Itu oil painting appeats beat wheii in a ,liole of the suirmor. Ho,bad and The 'report is based on a series of daily -the g a, W07 to siderablevalucru kept a ye4ror niore. s exceedingy well de- Moll were a -warded the pupils, CONDUCTOR TIJ03 8 HEATLY, Petrolea, Out -9 itahle franie.* plec,N of Nvood plilned"togetli r like a but_ tried all sorts of substan,-es, vOateri. oil, The sense of taste i inapkings, w I sU 'Things finally uticlhned aro,!glvoll back veloped. at o served :a�qs: , -my -%vife- was -a sufferer from for actuality, go 'e. to the searcher, who4s, howuvet, called up- tor-, Orkin, and which quic,.-ly. yvore'but &., titilm (uric nonespservicealilbas %The Professor f reque od condhat, and diltigence Thisis the chance Of A% lifE� Therdl�,-ofcours noverygroat a, chicken after eating anything it, articu- brou I for years, all remedies failln 9. on to ninku thelly good should �thp 'be and 1[became utterly shapel s, so that a' -nice]) Fiftph"elass,—Mable Naylor. Senior fourth, it. No two alike. Fint .1 Pine-fda t and 1irpophosphites- proved Don!t miss uckle -as latly relished give vent to a peenliar qll Xay MeBurney, Wilbert 'edy in her cue." mous for the merit to tpo Clock as it is llow, except Jrst choice. —Ada Xadiei the rd� reiil Claimed subsequently. load of COO liminds wds en ubtedly meiLn Clam come -has dwa - animils to d . . . lec even such a sho Iv 1;1cco. that was undc t for an x Wightipa, i, Charles Black. Junior fourth,— J. F ROBERTS) drusrilet, Parkhill, Ont., says While In the course of a year "many , � 5), rag IV, y complicating ninters, how- ation of pleasure. Tl�e sound is a lo I soft, .9 Pin )$sit t have had in stock but a vobi:.- Nvoro triumplis 0 lizatibp By slightl Fred Coio c, Willie Taylor, Harvey Black. things ore'found in %ho carw, their number -ne secondo." few %%%eks,y1A-ouJy dheoth r medicine To be bad'0111y from wh(6 be the ceii- ever- adding, four whools and unInTging- int o.iation, continued for soi -to great n ber of trav-, y came Itouse w, on f I . 8eu:or tb v ),--Nellie AndersonAL lorton Nay- sells'f*lWr,, It has caught the public." 11M. I . .: � 0 wlicel Mrs" alboh says that -lor inpared with the tury.was young, the a le of the wlicel M) Anni � �,dwards, Lena hath. Junior alid as a nlattcr�of fact the -elers Is small, y - News Notes. —G. ulie Wightnia, Gordoh Wight- nvention still, and the clock caii ran from -thi ce to.ton years -�alue, usually um- COrts are"a later I third, V,-'FEARs re generally of small t be�i ono, 11) 1723, first, car led Its tiny -%vltli a descc6t of only abo it a foot and a —Mr. Louis K. lickert, of Sebritigville, maii, Alulty Wightmali, Horace Sowler, pa Ckages of one sor brellas. ovLrshoes and load of coals frpili East Kil rld6 to Cam- -half durilig that time.—St. Ldnis Globv- was one of the recent graduates �f ti.he Oiii Clara, JacksaR, Unra Ben, Milinie Bell. C Drur Seafort. ing t, 9 The Lead' -,or another. People seem goneially to ban, Kelly, Maggie Them- FULAR buslong, "Orowdsk-pieople,", It Is reported 'Democrat. tarioVeterinaryCollege. 'econd. ol as, -James GN on to rojilly valubIe'things. --At the same S. ul rtitiqllib"01. hool boar lle�cy Black, Willie S'nell,% Laura, %volit -to sco the Nvonder: --tisowel public sc- �l are bonsid - pson 3e �Cars occasion- . I � i i �, I P. S. A sk f6r a ticket UpCin foun I I th lleav'lly Handicapped. time there are -se i erinfgthe-it(l��isability6f.estv�b�isliing�a fifth dwards, tharlie nell, 11ary X'Vilkinson. o ianl th surpri chase ill be puelied. ally watche,i, d. , loji(f, Poo kbtboolks (usu- They ]coked wi nd rotiimod' SAWO �
F whiell'your pur .k THE witli, astunishnient. " In - r )ally parti of A c d Yankee iiaLl boon hobnob forifi in the Atibilic seboQ1. 11art. second, — Wilbert Tiylot, Albert ,ally colitirdlig small anlotmts), musical cilial edinr aW series of Nethery. The average attendan insr-rurnents and pG-Tsonal RX'Opexty of al-" 6ns at a fa-. co- for tlie� owlands they%�oro no6. in ordinary- bing with con --Rev. A. W. ain is. holding a, -on till 1760, whilo in the noythern vorito little bi,irroom d ling a bli�zard, c meetings in the Qcingregational. month was twenty-tliree. Vise".ey evangelisti Most every possible descripti., districts sledge'dr croels di the backs of a and the holir " as late w b ally clalTned e d011Dbd Iii. church, Listowel. -d:'S- a r Valuable things tire uSu wolneri w*ete chiefly eipploy d to the end wraps and staTted for buin is jait was n Wo ri .1 anies F. Hay, of elita, MM i- Get the Best; they arie Only TeA pretty promptly. The losk sometimes of the contDry. Thewret(j[h d condition pf unsteady, 411d lie was scarcely well out of i Ir Cents, goes fr6ln the train. to a stelimor for Eu- bled and fell bn a toba. is -in Ontitrio to i-ee his mother, 'Mrs. the door 1)(1for �410 sturn a tile chief ea, se of the - re- lying very ill at Strat- I who rope or oil a long n I t , er j aari,.,ey. Ntarloug Gir- 1). -1). Ha is V iluctaiit--,adoptionof,-cnrtEf,.II 11 plio of Iilinb r h that, The only pure,barmless and unadulterated ST01kip-is pt ford. ourastances sometimes preveUt the prom iq load. of liquor %,v fiich--,fiurdenc� . t I In thb dric.&,t weather the4oads were un- with ti n claiming of vauables. Clafms.are some- ., V, fr. Henry Gethke, of. the tratford dyes for home use, aie the Dia lend Dyes. �vdt weather al- his powers, lie illd not C up. onatbal, —), '-�irhlges and in Each -package colors from one to eight times mado after the lapse of months i fit Hardbuttq). narne—succceded road, Logati, has a'hui)) (if new barns to LaAies,- plase bear in mind thO the eN on foli �Iorses—decp in Ills mo�t iliSV ber POullids ef goods for ten conts. r or inore. P-brsons plaim iure,-but buildthis'season,in ild-lition to annin t Mi7ebielzo bloblr - to asliting Post E 4D World's Fair perfia s a yea ruts -of Alro, co or wl hl iri- ralsing ach eolor of Diallionlil Dves will give �tore, Car des cry of other jobs. .Ing property nro required th , �Ihjlls� to avoid could not regain bi f t I spite of, ev three to.eight beautiful ind bandsbme i Lights n dow 8 co f f rom is a new st0l* hat- opened up inot ks and to tell upoli w a -ing.1 UP be. -with its 'Being at length e hansted, he sat —The parlor concert, held at the resi: 6;" is 6', bid -b dg, It Wa �JJJSL precarious offorl shades. it. When proerty irema. n 13 1 11 fer, of Mitchell, Arain they lbgt still'ana ' ulted�unti-1 heishould recover dence of NIrs. Wm. S01a ach many months ago iwith $10,000 Worth the road which o )I'Igcd judges to IV The fall and. explicit directionaupon e unclaNaed has 'about it evidences o. ies' Aid Society of Xnox th to- extri :Ing netted the -ult, a ad a, --pro a�e himsel F Trow Lad 0 shilple.thm eve::f a child can I coiripanyz endeavors to ri di�. Oil 01T( t1ce bbgajp\hs a enough streng packae are s 1 of uove]Cies M .its ownership, the. it s ot ined as a dlgni- his -predict) men t. And h le thus aiting Church the sum of '"20, nderstand -them, and ei�sily match any de- 1 0�slcal nocess, yyVa r u fast to tbelum- T-estere it to its owner., ro stl t d d Mr C. A.Hone, - §q -habit,: so that ill 1744i 1.,ord Dun re- his trousers fro; It-fr. T� 11. Legaft an sired sh de. cat increase of travel tb.,r(I "With the gr wbis trouble iner ased, bu luck- a things look like IPU I I 'ghed bis: judgeiihip 1�ec 480 he vas no ber'. The both Logan farmers, 1ad ill their cattle de Diamond Dyes malte ol, Alaral, D4LJ ods, islij] increAse in tbo number of tb � �); - Gen 'Ion, -er able to `r1do on air 4it."—Scuttigh Ily a belated friend pasEi g that 'Way n`� hoined lately. Th%:work Nvas done by r. new. You can color dresses, coas, Ltrs, bat propqrtiofistely 1 @- -1 .9 dound In the c �e Review. I ticed him. Shillinglaw. wraps, qieu's and boys §r4ts, shalil, Searfil", And is again, this wee asserted with ber of ting -4 so found Is not grea "Say,--.36�1inthan'. YO2 old foq)1,11 be a1est 'of other goods,any num I - i 'be rage i4 Colborne hose, ri�bous,. and 0 in the Time"ei th Candle. —Me ufte 1, vi gs are q In thistespect.tbe pe �116 drawled Out Lwby don') �oa glb up, and' nods to be bad this Spring
,than formerly. desired 4hade. the newestl 92 - " r ' bin there. -for township just ibow. , Mr. Wni.,.Good has rdo not app0ar to have undergone on f r Dearly the first n sit Diartiond Dyes give the best and strongest . . � In donlostic lighting . 0 go boi c? What are yo ut as forget ft] I moved fro the' farra which he ha*d rented .change. They are just abo colors, a yon are always s4re of good re- consisting of halt of the present coiitupy candles held secli aliglit-as th were—no inore, no less.—No, from Mi s. �Fisbev to his own fitrm on the 4th up�dlsputed sway. - Old st4#ers may, yet re- oul to g1l; up," �en ,as they "Well, �how be I a-: 8 you use them. York Sun. CE affu concession. 'Mr. Win. Fisher moved to the nits w trilked Sh-omberg.l call the ilr b I v the Lord's dimlylightbdWarlor,'the 0 - bawled Jonathan, (I just left. 'Mr. Abe - Wheu� you go to a draggist, or dealer to ottom, Wool n-
taloo s?;,— faran. 400d -ba hbre thb N creation 15 filuz fast t do not ace he Dia- 4 Ing ro,ftly In the e rPy pantaloo ept any but t A Blue Breakfast. Fisher -has returned from Michigan, where buy dve L ant Silk Crepons kept blind ninfils bolidaT. T�o'befi IV Utica end they alone are guaranteed. mvtbat Mk. RdmundFus-* i . ie has been living for the Last few tears,and 111 A A blue brcal;�fi e rung,'apd -Mary brings in cafidlos, a pal arni, which 0 1n the latest shades, Prints in the itgoll tells about i4 -both sugiestiv' and idlesticksl has moyed on to tl e. John NVise f of molds In tal;11 15thsa Cal bright Not JAlk Rabbit. The First Drink. -sa Goods -in idl u,sing. it in sumbier time of a� lie has bought. newest designs and Drc
mcl, w�tli snuffers ow A tray—a pol4he, If you 6y Jack Ham to -it Texas cowboy, . --oa In a city�NyherelLwasl —Thursday afternoon, 28th ift., Mgglel Uarles Lamb, -.-one o shades at prices unurpassed. _r.qe lie say. . gbarp bicai,�cd..snuffcrs of steel, with in f the brightest lecturing, it society (lame asked.a num or -%v I , th a spap, and be,will la6gh at you arid �hcn ask f YOU eldest daughter of the late Henry' Keys, Of spirits ever extiliguishe1d by &ink, -%yrote rf% little breakfast. They found ti;aVoppiled Shut mean a jXWk rabbit. ut your name Grey, passed awa� to the rest prepared for looking ba:ek upon his child- Ul Come aud look at our new arri-41% of frie,n d -,i to a .. cqlothjng� sinigtor In their' appearanc& mourn 61 I -V011 tbougl -every Goci's children.. The deceased was well 9 theirlbostess exquisitLily gowned inblue, d be the right one, eye hood th- to mrbom tl;e 6 Tbero �vero �platcd , candlesticks all . ,ess- : 0 M �fast table, nufferk., too, for 'occasions of sti mail, oll)[kn and child in the I md, Of known in the locality, haing kept w di vor first glass as delitious look C) �;. I
.presiding over twautiful break . S- ate, with Lpus call�otls calls him a rabbit ar d.shall 111k-ing shop in E, tbL for some time. 811e, fla or tl�7 6der- Me jo%: H & the center ot whiob, tip to the-PlUtO 114, spolli into iny clesolution, and be made to cooti silver brauChes th4t suggested the Iii-orning gib to the onki of time. 'But, when(ver or afterwards rerno %�eid- to Hes peler, frorn which was one Jnss.Cf blue 'but there Was also a lainp, I stftnd M"liat a (treaty tblag iti when a inqn r mlem, i t a few ` t of 3011E wh4tcvorJ3rou call him you niw�do place' she came : hoille qnite poorly, with imand tcnqrjl. "I'll is arbistic of.0, "bro6zb that toweied feels hi6is'elf going (IONVIL a precibice ttin g a# ted 8 state y- a' qui�kly 6r ju, � s and passive to -see hi 11 pnis, but t1le blo, I 'ediflco 0 he'*ill be out of biring. until JEFFERY
, ' I 6�cr tfio'fanilly'orle at tlines an months ago. anil'she �radnally failed .3 was produced bv filio wire no d shed' open eye 8 a glasses of NVR ter, In lwy, I C I Sonle ray�tho jack hare Is a7 taper of life was "tinguislled- .Over graduate gencrous and geiiial ligbt when SO in- 730 structidii, and not have the lJoNver of will t .-.the delicate st i and ylet QAR�311031AEI US BLOOKI -sh. -The harniony of blue and fo- wom &111- om-biniself; tb perceive all oist and fr( Des, 0 w6te 1. .1 t i cnis af tile v ept that Is literally true, for 1118,inakeup I to feel i � all the way enian (IiIned. But wba6 a donion ltwas to sinoke Inpludes'a, pair of unc6mmbnly goodbind 11 01, in aDd to emell 1 A�nd it Wofuld burn when The Great6st Thino SEA
ied out through the entire' t 186'also. I His ofirs are from 5 to 6 ineb6s , t I � I green as carr 11, nothing bu ness en4ptied out of him, and yetnot ue Co�nton it hb q iiath, but his -measure I The greatest thilig.a womani can i.10 is to Z in le gs often �el 1A bl the 0 at a fabulous specifically endow- to forget the time when it was otherwi to service—one courso. in o y- 0 bind le I 0 . green MajOlica,4011,0-w- -Vnair Round. acro�s a towiish do the thing that shelwas how be, would avoid th fi,st temptation china, -then one in cles I as- the .do, �nd that is to bear tj 1p- Ju$t a Word
price &r gillio �.All lZe, t Is spe ed and ora�ained to —a grandinother's 9 6f in point, of 8 ed. by a third Mil thoin for the uses and. ser- drink iritie? atest length of b ad and bodyof bill children and tr' gre r -ween and blue arld gold bands, VWhAtIli -In a k ng A 'bares, measuring the, world they are born into, and 91 -tted the most interest and or sbor Drtakiiig the Ainrioan from 22 �ice of - z I The Evolution 13utwhutexG el - - � tsiglited'.0vi 0 ly,built I such w6ien as �re morally or-dritellect- I 8 Dibbs (ratb to _8 I h0s, but it Is more slender SOUT HARNE8
- a op stranger 9 on nt to ,apreciate the full de- a-dn'liration was a set of him on bac ents is -gradually relegati pale blil and -s appirl' an th y p.lai.tes, just the tint -of �tl]Ei - th polar bare'f-St.. Nicholas. Uad, inconi�ete of, inedlicinal ag NY -- �rtjn beh�iiid)—Hello, old follow, how are --e- greii,ter a, - -time herbs, pills, draughts and veg- ork Oes�ert notement otJ ibis, Nvho ha, ni the old 1> jag. gloTics. When a8hed 2; So �Julad - to se We are giving the best vAjue in beautif u -I mOrJl eomagainI Who'd bition for, aggressn e .,e3s o: conspicuity than etable extracts to the re,,tr slid bringing Wtq Plates, ;tlio hostess wby He. Sees Double. munique -ral use t4e pleasant and effective liqui(I about'these 0 thought of raei)t-7'!� will. -be gene EQ, : !4 af6rth, ,nder, turquoise deck-- I v they llave for f ul,filling their mission,: Hamss ever o
toucb�d with ber slL or;--Gohf aund you, sir, how are Tl?o eqson that,a man sces double who of Oie case laxative,,Sy4up of Figs. To get the true -nost as 0 r - the - inclined to resent this statement by, skilled workmen, and ouly'flrat�-class ed hatid her plate, which seemed all �- an has Sazeditoo long on wine when'It Is � it. is manufaotured by the jr3trike lie rl, indignity, Writes the 'eev. Charles H. remedy'see thil in that b1i)ckguardly pian
rare bnd fine a's hcr ioNvels, and said. 'Yes, - re, -careful' , that changed For sale by C1 �]r? You 011ght to be 4!llo red tis thai the. nerve centprs tire Parkhurst, D.D., in the April Ladieg' Home Wifornii, Fig 3yrup Co. cnly. aterial used. d these on ]My trip abroad. They by tire action of the dlcohol.. There is a Iinc�ed that 11 Re- DRIptly attened to. per n. I ase uIve got the right Joutnal, I have y4 to be con, leading d Tts. pri tbemus- pairmg g-rea.test c-,ctravagance and are cllar4, and we P1bbs--Rcj%ily, must Apologitc, wtknt of harmony In the action Of any very considerable' an ber of the'sex are Biing alo-ag 'your old the eyeballs. Conso- ly unique. I could seenie- X110 cles which move disposed to resist, Nat A -�OLING LAD will make them -work. aid to be litera b4t I took )?oil for thia E A of B - ! It., e's intentions for to use tbem I of both eyes being focused but nine, so wlien, I wish J14eness is really wond quently, ilistond tbeni, but the actu�tin impulse o those AND -HaiMeSS Spf.;Cialty. o that number all objnot, one �ye To- �Light 113,ve to limit Illy guests! t diflbd)—Stq. no simultaneously on dobtless a pa*sion for some sort, rn� ;r (greatly, who do is' These unique blue plates were for a nu ieat. , I"odite see bov the, ' c6iv"cs 'an impression independently of the of celebri ty, and an inipatience at the see- HIS R&ITHFUL FRIBND. i� re, air, I ont PP^ society. A few %jj -ilk Of all J cent weather, other. The two impressions tire conimu ber of days the t, sta o.occurr0d. IM40131 Insiop antl the restraints which femininity, I'' I . 8 d -k weej-S aftorthe little blue breakfast one of the brain, and the object is es upon them Theyare. E est McGregor,of . me ro .dric
I I 11tit.?*Good'ni6iningtb�0 goodniorn-. nicated to so-Constroed, impo M . Wlatby,. Ont frequented part , i th Gives an Account of His EX 00 guests, visiting (in un ii"n"fl—LO13don StandnTd. therefore soon -tNyiec. not nt�nt to be known only in eir child- pe ren, land tha is on -o n- Streets,
y dlscov� en- o i- Cured of - Persistent G ner M and"Joh 7,tof the City on ,,,_I er.rand.ot charit I I The! inflamed condition and loss of � e good reason why their rience r ain re a small,- g�hr I� the IrAln6 of Illuty. Jntbe brain- centers from over- If Jochebed Dyspepsia by SeafipiO. '191w ed on tho pavement bOfO chil ren p,re o littl� k 1 by china store, s The ScripteTs 11�said Deacon Din guss, doses of alcohol also account for the stag i *11at tile fo 1 an gering gait of au in ORST KIND OF DYSPEPSIA. blud pintes—ultarked 12% COO' toxicated W fLys distillot �411 World. 5 write to Intonn you that for yearm IAit DERICH Fire �Ioach, ,Was hi4 laoniq is soon parted. Yoilk" NV`hatl lime? oubled witti Dyspepsia, and baving.tried 0 'the NOXWV, Mutual . the hostess of the blue bre bad been tr fast atteirlptin.; rt, clevernesa-or in�ipu- ,,I allbiv,then,"14id the grocer, Whother medloines which entirely fal ed, I at last found A- trade, "I al- William the -Bitters, of which 1. Uslunde C9MP=y* denceF'—Philadelvilla Leduer. �30111 the deacun does. ll.� Robert, the eldest son of relief apd cure in Burdock Blood ct cure. Al- eat orkol 3n tbat.Vholl yoLi ketch6sonic pore Conq 4erdr, was called Short - Boots, from I if you have a,epglz took ty�o bottles. the result being a perfe low, tb( thongh only a *Voung lad I bad. been- troubl$d with TOWN git. e6eout 30 fact that he always.wore a pair, of ow (ESTABIASHED ISM.) FARM ISO ATE, V! Per co "n'le you were up an: Per the years, but I can say n to rain.. . it is -77 fe ler,har. takibg D�iliitpsla for four or five Chinese 31ndifr4rent t out f I ini Yoa� think YOU boots �hat reched half wily to the kn�e. dully in the wore% kind =-Ly 'INSURED. -ice as 'police P( that B.D.B. does its'work faith PROPETY four yc� 4 of sery C611t. I trus of Dyppepia, and hab proved itself the only cure foi &I -.4— I Un,111111 tolkerVir out the crip- ysi- jigt a surgeon 1-0 an Fraiirisc(i, 11, -said RAY'S RED" me. Ph 0, H inoinf at, Tribune. JR. : - . cases of !Jidea. �arly'hs 1695 a paper was read to the re e ta of 0- W 1,1 saw $01110 Pretty s0vo Whitby, Ont. D' Bowl President i sooiet� of F gland on a natural gas '�non, 4L and Ch 116ya a;y r to ChryeW Black, 91;1 sestorM P. o.i ]"abbot ,wounded Chi- .,.place of, I 1ablI6 RUP i Of all kinds of Stationary murdie, Inspector of Los&4. 8"torthV, 0;- Tbi�,Lflrs� use 6f gag I well il LancashiTa: Miattf, r re Noray PlneS ea Cou womon tOO—And I declare tileirinsensid etini t = in- ghs, Colds, and all el, 10right & Tubulaf t in I seeniod to be alm stabsoluto.- ailluse"100 was �11 to , I I yrup Mir I i I 0 P11 0 as ex- Price, 25c. and 50c, Ib �HE C(;rit-' HAD A PISTOL. Throat and Lung Troubles. Z Ondiner, Lwd- ogull as a] St 1,%rt of it, I bavoiip.doubt, isdueto racial, 03. 11, 3 wag. d is�on t i D ued bury.; Gabriel zolo.m.Clinton Goo. Wstt. Harlock d T IR OLD STANDAPI) CURD� peet*o0; &Afoftl; 31ain6d 'c f t �Experi- lie A Teltpprg-h operatoes To r 0 s from cb*ldren or Jowph Evans,' #U Inherent StOlcisni, but emOve w ring of all kind q udlop 6 c3ml �QR COUGHS, COLDS, e 11knd sure i 6L14se the a I R S -line fat I also in� b r I LE
n tj;nt t1lo Chinese do, nob ence In EL Tex" Itailroad Dep46L adults Di. Low's Worni Syrup its a 81V Tbos. Gtibutt, AV -n to ttle opil)io romember,the Wor. '11A and all L'UNG AFFECTIO'-\-S. retnedy. Isn 3moke Stacki, Sheet Iror W AMMi 6 CIO. ASTHT 13& It P' f orliu6 - . - - feel pain as Nv 13 ht down iigh� on t1he Did 31an- alkabolit being scared to death, why, *40- bas. Nalls"s, Harlock.. ltobk 866fo ,,jail who Was broug' e ec .case of a o [uring g.entlem@n, you don't know your B Cis' G ray's Syr.0 his been on trial forinbre than fainted i iything I Have IjamesCumming.F.9won4vills. isbn ward from ChirlatOW11 Sb Th.r.bride nea y at ar ea 0 (;ecrge Mardle, Auditors. to tho city lyr it all her father- un'd a have -served i n flie, railroad bust- 0 years aud the Verdict of the people Ls that literally split open in #V13 the :r-emd:ny, and 3 .4 Ledykno-wn. 25C.audroc. Ever Used. J 160 d4h re In Upricht. and Ifforizontal Slie Val�i it is the best re,. 00cwtv. At Pardee dtArous 60 effect 11millf"aft ar Jrav*- pess YO Mr. John Ritzer, inerchant,'Waterloov "Va ad on tier, ' I had'to do when be. th e f ron as 1911 ineg. Itomade-Out-I)a upoort:her- perbottle. Sol6- tillnew-will be prompfAy attIlindat in 0 of ftlio highbinders' baOiet cl�14 do to s It I everywhere. bg condanijy on get other bL
places by. all �JCVO be Wks menaged I wal qu c n )o have given Stark's Powders (for Ileadache, Costive- IV i of V a andpa ppUc&tiontouyofthe&bove afflom. addremodle a `=&4i mrn on to the last --l. 0e—And yetJ be e xteasive trial, f ft, eboit notice. Jilrom tbo[ ver 117s ItIl,, pilice th�e cero- Tl� speaker was a man beyond the bOr KirfqAY WATSON &CO., PROPRIETCR3 ness, B liousness and Neuralgia) an it Us# Godt*16 their respective POO 612iftc no indication of, t Support bOth- Of ., 11.1 - . �1 y bait and them to give the greatest fiatisfaction In my k G. %he died—She gave age, with ir*n gfa e I think u- Brooklyn Ld der I'n6s of middle r to her ini pain and did 1106 even refe, ries. The Clitnes dislike our surgical aP- Ctk t r a P!tCh* Chitdren GrY for tw
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