HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-04-12, Page 70 A 71 APIRI 14 IS% NONE, W expe a 4 Mily. .1, end then,. The'y ilson, or a far 0 an '�t.icotart of competent J irisdic ion who bave culdvated 0, 0, the 7ni x $hedden, James -atiney) James -Clookey, -by B. 0. $12 J. IAwaon, $11.8 A� lia ve tried to gold ky all druggists at KO .1 1 1 i 1W, t t the otppetitels well knio' n and ry blFbij recoulto ND 'Bryani Goorie Vrooto4 J. Whoeler,, -'Will. Assessoro $81 ;'Mr. , W b' td en.1-and herself i $11 a' Its effect on e ense h g -I have ever Wed, I d I tea -tasters, )157, ;- print other - preposge ising look- of taste till it has become almost at n Mal, a. a box, 6 'lice, to. take, immediateand + : I - FOV X. Btack ai�nd J. Davis, Fifth line�George, $7 0. Finkbarn, $6.1, $87� Mrs. eury is a r ens tewd. J. M a wid;w, and 41 out thirty say that in good weather this a its ore rManent. Prblct6r, A. JD-loakey, H Watson A Oliver i6 fence viewer —itio ing woman, yqa.rs of age. She has one child., delicate than in bad'weather. Noll 8 tem- -P C*t er- pound keepers E 6 . The Clark, 13. Wilkin6on I ktielolli, D.S;m ame as la4 y , ; ' F 'hese facts and ie ions ille, Wrn. . Ames,'W.* I�nes and J. - Mborley.. -Ling pathmasters are 're ce t atic study of all t 114L i for to' r -7 tsin was general throughout the dryes t e ul a I -Dakota loliIt Sunday. has yet beery made, but such a, attald 7 . . . . . uld A r'.Oase. ixth kine --J. Grasib, X� Whiteman :'-Wm. removals, the re 9 masters are p(irts bf 'Minnesota and yl J. -continued from last g existed all ve' that re- doubtless well repay the investigator. 41 El rest drought J, Dooglow J 1, Th4611, irans, J. sc 0 t thc� i the fWAs Ameri Mn Journal of Psychology. 101 mith, 1- Wm. Robb .- and Juniek Petch'� Hodgeni. S. Davv�,es I Wilson; R. gion, tvad the dust ivas k COVE EDIWITH PIM S. THE WAY - UCUR &vent line 4ohn'Taylor, A. thidsay, T. Walker, T. Willion, I M4 G. Morely, that the farmers had diffi6 It in keeping AN IOUs MAN, r orain.in the C. Box, .,Fa Mal on, the fo. n( I J. ClennMi aluil T. 1 bon�; 11,1" eve is- sm it needed. Mrs. M er of n, U in Three oirthlay anniversary )ld Ladie d at IC kelto Qleorge Pierce, James Kell A. 0. Meynu R H d the groufid. M e rain, ho Death of a Not(3d Wo A Beaytif A] eCall I'laut, W. -Filikbinar, A. Har ! t he I v f one of airy Thomps ears �rs, - iglth,liao�D. �Stalker; 11. Richu, H. Neeb, N. McLellan B ebauhn, John the'Thompson Rome for 11 id�nce, 51 Fort street west lles f B�BR__ Cali Sup'reine Court judges cc rre on e so 0 'i, I lond, C. Laidlaiv John Wh�te, Joseph I Wilapp, P. McGregor J. 1 6 n , J.' Tyler, her rfoi 41 Weeks 11b �i" Manitoba en. Mr. not' Jacksor r, P.. Ha ebb, J. H. 'Sat airday, March 30th, %vh Mrs. T on son Fully 0�1 I p I ICEI R. *Skelton, Georizel L [Q- W 1pe ugs rd#. l0e day iporiling, March 19tb 1,etter ft, 1,eor' e 611y and -James i Sholdice. Nint' Samuel Stafflake, PQ#4&le, A. Gwynnqoompleted hii 81st year.' r. us- had been sick for raore than a year, her Desc�,Ibi a-1hting ticc Fournier -is 72 years of age, a d ief deIth has been expected for mAny 0 tho,. 4—Dur the ikinier of 102,98.1 was 1 ne-11 L rn, Mouttay, Min Rio �Mibnd, it. KiVrthian W. Kehl,. Mai iellI i Gra% el con- jD a tu Jus�ibe StrIong is'70, so thatthe&ve. Taylor, J. Jackoon, R. B. Laidli.w,-John tracb'wilf be let on Monday, ay.27,16. 6 age but she possessed wonderful 'vit4litiv one cove FIMPI 0 the inside of rnyZth':gd b�6.t e n the 74ne e ankle. As hortned, D. Farquha -son age of the six judg0s is 72 yearo.,z, n so old, and succumbed only whin c nged kin! ore 1�w" anxious about It, no Ingof Jhs es:Murray. road, 'On Sunday evening, March .31st, a suffering had exhausted her life's- e niple es. - 119 rg, d to M Some Si $ryears o a b --the _WL George Grily d ht KNO EDGE nd Jai Nlvest grav�l I ig For yout' home I edfo�d (luring. Mrs. Thompson *as" =f. B, B. B., applying There are a few in- th re to" a It internally, "olle R.�Sterling, 'L t.1G,edde4, T. G le rules, electric storm passed over Th tb. doet., I od ead e 71.0 It no no t4 foll6w pla L t U J Ir M D ge n "i d '61 J�e t in a d, 8�, J_L'� 'Brin tomfort and ImPrOVID11101 t an� p which the. lightning struck and set 11 llearly T yeairs own of It to my I AN ell sousing .9s ki aim d care of time of� her \death, and f or nearIv gravel liv stock Qf Tn 14', - �064, Dan d Groorge Kiachling.. Fast nds,which,if observed will forl and y on ri so 6e nasty disease, whatever It li�l`�,, *,Zends,. toLi Per5,_)DAlL enjoyment wben., v all barn belonging �D Win. Flenjing, 'totAlly �e_ she hat been a powerful factor was. disappeored W u thre- weeks. and I . am Z) ohii Bell, Alpxalider Al La Min in 'ri make stock -growing profit - c, many, -who lh a bet- y always -n4 also all pf. his. iartri�ig im- men rightly us�d. Th a 61 Detroit. RerLch a iver re-appetred. Vm. C akley; Janies'.8ulger rk. the. city thin k1w say it L4 abie stroying it, a �rlties have be ents, feed sebd graift, four cows, one os the tet thall oili exa'And enjoy lifo more, with Veni a4 Thefeleev�lewera and poundk6eperg inthw innumirable, and- have ,covereA 16 Start with good anim, , �Is it 16 sts but It's'n. S. The J, orse* and about $50 worth of berry cratesi. entire ranl institutio# less empienditu�ro,, lby-' more prq ptly I i eVeral su�divisions ate as follows Fence- � little more' -t with ge of.beneficiAl than;� stai Pol to do this tha --:�Recent farm sales in Thom he li tillajhei W'Orl&a 1 eat Prodti�tol t0L No_11-.7amed lock, ��crubs. The-serviceoftho d El6n. county are, pson Aoine, for which a is best These lo'veOv oil Paintings, size '20X21 -ad 4 �Lp ghbreil males 'in Kidd's farm in Baygam, - 150 acres, IT A 9 t. - ---I ilk .11 &lines �rib�on and John Richmond ;'division -a ;n moderv, W es: so li 1� and in oat Mart* known,w4s founded in 197,9.- krsj.1T1omp- yo% IF ,"Ahjag ars% V-'F.'NF,9 of i ART- Q oi�af IV% a]a and a nee ck; U V ASIS, W t - I I to Jame McCrodie, for $6.000 Air v,' $ .. I sta alish. , . 11 1 LA 27 x0prige Jackson, George, KelIY Anct locialities they are io easily ocesoit le, th6t son ga e , 10,000- in cash for the X U CL U ames AM orray divi�idn No. 3 .. rGeorge ryi� Per- them -the e� tq'heal�hz of the puajli 40- The cres,1 i� W' was not see i tiofarmercan afford to use A, ecrui faiin in Yartriouth, 50 a meCeof the home, but the building the boikht the yans, 4 Charle IN16CIrea'; farmer Who persistenblv ples embraced ter, -for -$1,800,; J�mes Mc(Iredies"farm in erected piltil. '18§4, when , she A few yeRT4 ihey"8011 at $10, ood I breeds 60M Ki4d, of Bayllarn, 8 n "Han - A F Ja;mA Sharp Wm,. Nlc- thoroughbre Ml Is k Cas LE l xemedy, Syrup of Orwell, 300 acties, to M. present site, 4 the corner of R way. 815 and 620 6ach. go. 18101 o. d sires, will i stde It and Its exc�llence is due t6 itm pre enting Qracke and in fle 1, vis LO forA,15,000- Mr. Kidd int�nds starbing,a Bar ' :��d 5 codk avenues, erecting the. pubsta ow cau I get o 7 0 eltorniv weat! -6ontinually. deneo artistic three-story building at a coaf of ue P" .at hi� Alact G Itban You are- obeese factory on this farm. this ITI the Iot� rn mostl acceptable all.' P1988- John stim Thomas Hen erso Nlever keep more at: 0 WeLSt When your cash puTchases, at John Cpbley die his res 6rou:,-'hbrc4 Tz M L ?., L %riit to tI16 taste - the refreshing an L truly Prooto division No.: 6i—D. gerringthik, sure tho4t you can f 11. h� hir ne'r who $32,000. ThiB is but one of her ai 7 i n ount to $5, we will,, present She has been interested in score's of otheth. 9 --parties of &L pprf �t lax. a a a and 12 do. fine at-- New Dun�idee, on re 3rd, at the old riti+- Ate Vo store, am fi -.1 pw R. A matrong and George I Johnston., overot'o�ks -his pa"As bis-land,and Ve of 94 iyears, '3 month Possessed of great wealth, she gave free y you with one free of charge, erey, Pouffd e' . rs—Divisiqp,,Xo� 1�4james Lo- is at, the in lie )her, for e'Very met i- providing �Utive :, e5ctwally cleana* era, e'y It *ad' always e � J 'i n aniA, H ghs ; (Uti h R6. 2—Jamea r. ugh an ardet Is r a bargsiT*� Ig *e yat si ! COPI ni good heaft%* from ber store. Altho or Constamee f drought brings his cattle to � k. stirvviticih T 70U. pay us $1 for the beautifilI gilt I esbyterian e F!, SC ilispolliug cold8l, headaelles, and fevere d. ( leorga Jackson'; divisiOn NO dit, and.often makes them breachy ind was able to * attend h ittIO stO" ber of the Fort Street Pr hure i, is ey, dtL&ri&_a i it is pl*eed. andthe until a few weeks ago. r . .10 n 'C I frame in whih No. 4 ;OP. n her desire io curing clonsti atim. 3—Emmet-Soll Littlpfair divi ho attempts to wint er more 4io there-wa:fs nothing se farmer wl ck p ello 1SO3 4pe that y our We make t�hjsconditi "I'V1111.110 Lier) for, a on only because dee i Mr G. Bett d and'there is hwrdly a� delio 0 in I f It has gi�,Llll satis action to n tb�ii his feed is sufficient is ute. to find ns'and qJames 91 divi'ion N.5— residing near Dundee, i which she 'has not v4nded Id and T IN 0. auoil painting appears best when in a o ing tit profitable. w ddre.. 0 00" -k reads via. Win tri the nedical R. B10 Drin fie Fl uker ; -division stock chen, of Dunlee, are his in tte City -to tic met witb tli� approval, of the n and I:quintoh Anderson. --On Monda morning, . ILpril Ist, M so its larital le aid in Owe form or another in its US 6—A156 ukt animals matur- lAbie frame. 4orr�s, ofessioti, beim. e it acts on - t iLe Kid- 3. fleed, all m, r earl Pollington- of Hamilton, h& I the unple ant Sul ourned: �o rueef a the - i t of 200 Pr The c0incil adi ga On 1w ity. One fartner will attain we wqk. ifetime. -cls withou -, wqak- experience of rolling dow the mountain 0 - I RAILWAY, T -his it the ichance of a 'I neys, Uyer-arid Bov. 27th of M next, for.c6art -of frevision nd Mrs. Thompson left no cbild�rqrl. Xlu q GRANO' OUNK i - t 6 on is 8 rin &Y pounds ix or seven aY bowevex, she ado�t6d THE side., She �Wa kin few -feet avy missit. No two fllike. First erllflg� them and i6 isperfectly fr 3e,fiom other�buainess. months old, aritl get t e to' M, was 9 a years ago, nie(� Don�t rice for the In the edge at tile, top, knd, ialling on who is now the -wife o f7 come h" first c1loice. f Col. F., B Leys o and,he will makc ell m for there will es i1sftlion illmher 465q) zov- FiLgG is for sale by 'Matur- fro� ,,p,,, iarld 7e ys took' G Jam, all drug.; th y ground, rolled ovel: Ot Loiidon, On�. Colonel and Mrsi AT: 7 NNEL ROUTE, Syr be no checW in gi owt fro �irth To be had: only from �Plor to tile bd She escape� wilZt serious t I HULI�TT is," thq 'ity auA-no athe1r feeding. 0 neral. ANIT013A aiid Syrup. -Month of %Iarqh� 1895.. The wili'sleglee his i� is uiltil they bee orni N ES e�pply to.any J'ls mallu r iin 75c. bottleg, but i 1colX �ve An ther charge qf the f u 'L 0 .—The- fcoft�o-ln r Speciz 9. Fig B un- injury th 1. 0�. laqtured by the dalifori ii report for the' ispring Gown. STERNA -Moriis Shellaids fine tone i residence, A 'Co. only, whose n names are in order of �J�erit [Mli ClaVa,-, thrifty ancl' ee nearly .eloe'. n4io is prin, e( ever em, till mid -winter, and .I fe on the Oth concession of Bevefl -A popular design ior &`tiseful sprit: 0 8 comparly, -e na-rae, Syrup o Figs. wrth halt of Dot package, also th, TAL Fowler, J..Irwin, 1,. McGregor.. !on 01. sell fifty und lighter than 1�is wise 9 Lo(*l Age F Vo EAR,. o u ill Fourth, -A. Dale, NiV win, �V. Collings, neighbor. fd4r miles from. Glatt, '%vas totally estroyed Tow)a Is& full plain skirt, the bodicezend- ANT, u�td for -and beiog well informed, -1101 L.� J., S AR% -E I . by fire about noon on Wednbs Ing at the Nyalst; witlx a slight, point J n a- Druggist Seafmt�. = Col X, ells his -steer The Leadin &It of W _w3cep -red. -Junior Fourth -F.'Gi V,* X M 0-regor 4. One I Dme a sat t*,* years 9 t any subst tute if (Y�j ja I GE, IMANAGER. east b family 20tb, Mr. and Mrs., Shellard an tront. i It has a deep roll collar out in oij�, 6nienion con- Third;'01 old fo ig "t gets at mor-nnon than his ne h left early in the mornilsg ona, visit, to Mrs. v�ith a wide open revers,"both braided all P. S. Ask for; -a b.perty is sittiate& Good, Second" Claas,-F three 'yea�t,* ol( To dqveiope a animal Spooner, W., ro Sliellardls� mother, -Mrs. Turnbull, on -the 'be pUn 4 aires. amclaw ler, V. Dale, Firs early requi es a i rell, balance( 'tio tkh which your purchase will r i winteri Cedar Creek road, and were n4 at home e vacuum to - the throat. The sleeves 'Ing dwelling Fo I , regular round A collar band and slight vest fill E, MALT3, elied- and stabtes art -'L'I 36 QX, C. Dale feeding, omfoi -table bed, sbeltei i I Kra Class Senior, ln�.,i J. ( when the fire took place. will be offere'd; tre, and the fartnee who' are full fibirl elbow to shoulder and 11gIlt -ff. Mont Monroe, First Class J ibibings iind conoii ntiou cs 'en P4 cent. oi 4:eem n.: r e -Mr. and Mrs. I of ��lloe Mill TH FOR t of th, that it, We learn from elbow. to wrIsL Thlij can be made R edy D gomery,L gives thbis,,will fli ys. -one)& 1 ei W r a jom7� or ka e -emark �bei paid at time o' slowly , t near -Kingston, aged ninety oth MONCHIAL' -MATTE its iviien I renietin sir how; in my In a variety of mate I I C aratively DISTRTCT promotion.e. lih i P�o NO 0 favorable tt ils L S",n Me- boTliop� seven years respectively, 'ate 4 . marka Plain lown, FOt !UrtheS' motsid to 4th. cl 1, live-StDak neglecteid �lmost On Wednesday, - Al troll 27 Inexpensive are Carnel b _ air c 4t h iversa y W Till L P FOW1611, M a universa IRS Michael; 16 3rd claSs Ily,- and every spring mo Gronlafty. �,�y* cattle ocouple. shades; of drab, brown,, dark,viblet, da-pk L U; A IL S. v&V they celebrated the sixty-eig tb anniveysa dark Ion 'Nlichael, V. Dale, NANt ichael, and hogs died frain netlect and Star blue and dark claret all AIP (IR.eceived too late for last w Stevenq�, . f of illeir wed�ding. Mr. .,anct 'INITS.'Mon, llr6cu . A L Ind iniproved formuliv. -ove in a lixtuT -tones, I L!neW They still 'd OCALS.-21'he -Foresters ;of t, are tp 2nA �Jass-L, - Irwin, I J. ood,1 C. D&Ief; I can see that thbre has been great impi - enjoyin -cc -, e of gray and brown Old rem dies an; old methods* 'x-1 b bi n g is, -melit, tkn o pre t�eF x faculties o:nd are ablb o to I st. class senior, IV,. Mont� d I feei enco mch the 'are Ilent heq1th. woven to Asemble basket I work,1 and the &rnalt laving � mons�ter I !day even- retain all ir li� �,lace. Pin, C tweeds -of a similar chadoter. , Slightly I 0�110erly gospe of good farm and Imalso. try -to. move �tbe finer plain cldtbs, the,covert nervous 11cr. ini ail le, o Tor- :9 round�- arno he, e does not injure the di ICXI -The Olowing, is the prae - tice N�Iia I pre'llf, n the neighbors,' w e(' and LLOr, M6 Zeke Dobbs,' in -heNr-reaide. I dearer are vith-n 'eotics to allay, Latest Designs & ColoringS. OL E' p ese. t 1 e I I are both expe k .1, t b report of'S61l6iol 8 OcKillopi Count ry 0esitleman. boat astutnes, a material now to be "1 11 ifor im C2� take pxrt.-Yr. �Vm. Kors"Ite, f" �this ) gur�day morning, 'March bad , shades,'butober lue bol� con hs, pair digestio. based o�: dili�ence and' demevno'r of the about 6 o'clock, firie was discoversid I �r, A],. I M613Y 9 Ln�eants' to cure the _T_ rlace, has lately purebased'tu ,e -y -s perior diagdnal pupils Fourth Gawlley,Li�zie' loost witf fpshionable, coarse wove rs, Brjuce- from E'lcoat BrQIL anna, W. Cli-mie, !editor and proprietor of tj Lie, qisease. T 0PEX VP young bull Drager, Caroline. Diegel, Augus� 'H A n Evnent. urge,on his aetge-dpd variletics of %Wteds, Fashion ITUS ED irner, Who %vas driven fr ield. This -young animal is f s I e, di nore, Jaiie Rpll. Senipr Third, werno to take the directiorl of bold weW profit August Sth smoke He Ve the PINE MAIT breedin- and will no doubL pi oo a bedroom by Ing, with cheoks.of the Iddistinot ordei, Richard line t ,n hea lip There is considerable sickness ft p ir sentl AND RECOMMENDS was badly dAin L L'S 4ell irager, Joh'4 Beilliew 13 ls� in ier. but notwithsta, all Sort4, the block ab. vestment to his enterpr singe b6t 'Irvine,- le]Cea, Caro . ond, so-ine honeyoqmb patterns, like net Boo purifying f tgedr anda. Din ber o buai- u R cause rfaces -in throat 11aegy, Greorge Hanna, Jpe John4ton, Geo.' tted by fire or tit( goods Mesh. to. to dig 20-00 0 Mr. Scott tad around the village.-, R6-... I . P.kINE-8 CELERY -COMPOUD. ness places �vetle gu brionchial-f tubes and lungs. 75�/ Haegy. Junior Third, -Donald' Mitchell re unkilown. iaa been anable t( dit' ies for colds C U Ila injured by water. Causie'6f f attend.' t SlariAlcK.&Y Sarah Hicknell. �avi(i Mb'_ I the last t-,vo resident of i -d at -Mrs. NA-�illliatns, P be P' learned, but all 1-foar'sleness, Nr Arrived this week, ito, be sol r Kpe,' Maggl� Pell, Georq4'BenneuJies, Violet Then not olilY all tbi Th oat, Asth e Jnion ind Mrs. Mil have both -beqn. ill, bu Woinen`sC�ristian Temp4ranc (lied at Irvine, Archy McK�y, Matly-- �Iae&, the educated, were familiar with Latin. kud all troubles of throat DEC AP%E8 IT TO BE' THE. BEST her' home in Monti`eal on' Thu ada, �Uarch -Lt present they have taken h t0n. for th re sPecild Wboo,,r read indeed inust read Latin) for alil IUD 3, to the 6r Lizzio Egge*rt, Lol e Dlegel, SPRI'Li(I M E DICINE. 28th, after 8 0 c L' Was ie y Mom little else to read. Lvdia Dra., '�veral mout� illnes 3. ' Sh new me( idine. _)etter., Caroline Pushelbeyi. Katie Roo c, Caroline hir Ii , fie Wig adi'vity iri the as noted AW - rodhagen., ILDSI-UP.RUX_DO1VN ME AND history, philosophy, all were In Latin. iperance cause. rs. IVTilli�ins was Siti rn re,Caroline, Ki�hne,!Minnie' 4 iBU ten PINE MILVA D APRIL The batidnal literatures Were r 'g f I Id Class, -Robert- Holden, .. min& 4,t ssessed o - reniarkabl6 bus ness ibility, Wroxeter.6 only In'their UNTIL Isecol WOAE. of' Islearly a century after. the time (Recelye4 tod late for la t �ek.) gert, Annie Kiehn�,' ReDry- Die el Louisa, Zt � P THE ONLY RENfEDY TH T MAKES and as DoMiydon presidE Dt p, wformad the' dridli3s. led his HYPOP 8phitesll Loc.A.Li�Tms.�Oae of tb fu lidiuma, Mary Thornton,! Edwar Bell, Ida of Prhambs, Bnooll deliberately bur . . i t is 'os rlor concerts ever- held xn-Wro-�-Per too BRIC14T AND Rl 'I'D BLOOD. duties�of her oflicewitheminenteatisfac- M will el,. Fred. Haegy Win. IN]c ay Chas. PURE, grrjsi'�6r works in Latin In the hope of so- I Tmatead of Pine D�al ti 11 The muii6 of (lea , wa 3 peritonitis. in All Wall Paper boight fro' us place at the -Methodist, parsona es Die He ten Milton'cbose I con:fidizVk7- recommended sing t 'Deceased, Nv as a graduat. eiling for five e Tu stim during. his famo, and e in incipient b re, Dry Br��I`llsiien, To, my John 0 Clean and purifyin� the bl od,andpu of Wheato4 Semi- -chroiaie, cases, .0_ put on 11 ods re 0 best of and the wall or e �&y e Part One,-r-A4,ary. -Diepl,, Tommy nary, Nortion, -MassachiOAts. vening last. After a sumpt iton. Latin as the vc�llclo of 003�sump on tiilg the hurnan.organism in pre er working Past, the chair was taken at 8 . 30 o' - ock b� iiry B11 l poetry and did', not abandon tit. cents per rll. errnfLn, ider, is a wonk that demands %,cry special ' -The celebration i I h r (f Pri e Bi McKay� M. Harry, Buerman, o his ear LD B UGQISTS. pastor, and xcellent erg, Clara at Vied riclisrulle N�,aa without hesitatlon. Remember,.we have a larger stock Rev. W. F-.;. Kerr, (4ertie lkick�'ell; RachieI.Wesenb' f the inarck's 21'6 birthday every0ing-tho and Best. I attention in the spring scaso& Many 0 8 1 programme -was i -idre, (e -gle. a nia 'niAc�nt affair, :aitefided -by tb 11'sanas. I lalatable nuch enjoyed b t e large Stin o. Svedi;pa ei To' Erasmus� it was The N6Wep1t0$ AMost eat - r alest a;ud most exp�i 1, need physicians ae t 1422_8 e dealers combined in. G L edit is. hi to e as well n of his than any thre number wh6 were pres i No,6, STAs-LEY. 'The followiq is the re- he !Id Chahcellor$ adftess language of e opiniop ti at Paine's Celery Compound e stu- He tf the county. C, the il�t,Zdis rch, 6f t1l T 0 IV due to tile ladies U �ortr of the pupil8".-standing, basied on, the does the lo:st andiiiost thoroughwork in -the dents was �nterestin itlid shwAt(d at age pen- av4ledne erywhore,.In It or the 111 e EnglaAd, GermAjtiyy but hW cer- umber of Marks obtained. fro' ek's menta i -toether with t1feir ehergeti�c pastoi Aggr4i4e n of cl�ansing, nerve �strengtohening -and has not mfl�cted Pri cc Bismar France, admirable manner in which I the a ir was their-6-kaminatio were detulleAl.- way ew no: English or German 'and tissue building. No other medicine can im- qualiti es. A 11, the c ties of t1i e emp r' el cele tainly kii i I_tly oonducted. -Otreat interest: is be from, sohool -durinn a pAaS430oinfetheir exmisix- e his Latin carry him 011CULAR ir 9 m&ni SIGN Virt -to weak and runidown rn'en and we- bri ted th day, nQ.the Empe r 40st erance. 410, he went. And whatever ested in;the R' l Templars o cannot �e fairly arrivdil through Wherever f tion their standin ie Princ( 'L 01y To p in li even inL jrengtb,,rbbustness: dinnerin 6ror0t, hn� ry iarkg Fifth, a Pr] s difficulties of iere at &esent, member ng -e mell the grand vigorous*lst join -eN at by their aggre te n i n " ck' language befound with I OF THE SAW. and general go�d health, that Paine?s (�elery ing. Dr.. 8 i er, ince air ineeting. The lodgel here has had h, great v g �1 ­ 11 Compound gives. physician-, exp hitherto' and it s ho 6harl6tte Cook, Josepi It Cook clergyi, or Nilartba.' lie' es nd servants an; offlcers of cl rtbl� i7eests 1i it in self a s well atisfied keepers a foi- good heresa I toms be found none amopg the Dr. A. AV. K. Ne-.vton,- the eminent PI y- wi,th the 1�rii tee's lie Ilth. Hiesays­"With sle 4 tt �t may to flourish till ie. 08ter, b sician and surgeon of Boston, says the help f Provido: cb, I s a rin Camp. -Mr. Jobn FOX'l Uri grant. tions made Ill; everywlere welcom n, Jan( )und is, not a pate tit ninet -ell w m. F ota ro hibil-' Cainp ell, Jennie nnIt 11b him. I o the nobles, at whose bousles his�.introduc- p d is king. aye In Fred, Purdy, fr'eorge Dunki Paine's Celery Compt ar, fbr i rely Hea� Worl d air 'd%vin r Is His' is always a welcom f illie'Diinkin, F99ter, Henry medicine, arid it must I not be cont6und sid him i�s 1�ng a life s thtt-of his gr at Em Temple Bar. see. --7Th 'contract far build t J I's ingl the nqNv Cook, John -Hamilton,- (,'-e6rge- vV6& is, An- with the ordinary nervi ! nee, bitters and" a r- Reror." i She elped With a ROAL eMLphiII block has been aar'ded to Nair. drew - tinson:. (%Villiam McNa ighton, sapaillas. 'It is &p much superior to;th(m --Mar at"the'residence of the' bride's. ya essed woman -ashen, of this pla�e.+Our re- Saurel Jiicobs and Andre Foote did not� Showas as elegant] mks STOI�E# d - 'Tho as Rai in forinii1a and rc�ultsi as the diamond is I A- 45, by Elde arch 20th, It r Nrr. John Balla yne, has write sit all.) eni� rey you will find ill a day's w lk. She stoppe POO perb bwnship Ing e Co s, Maggie �iu mind th !Laken unto himself a. wife ill the person of less, Xvilli strengthens Ithe tie -ves,.-and is nature's food at the burb stone and gatb wed her rustl Ladies, please bear at the. P Margaret dnglitor of Arebi 'rabam, of Howick. The young Campbell, Jam ard, J kirt r liss Jessie 8 1 n ohm, Jesi-, bor- s dainfily In one baad before she,es- H POEM 1,(o for -the brain. lbad Tho)�ns n, of the townsh �p of Aid Midway 'the Mrorl&s Fair Store, Crmiebael's blo4, Ws" 'illis, of the t spected butcher "h'r`d�7 c 1 11) �I'f ed ( or t; glass. It purifies the bloc d, _ (_�&�mlep%ell ancan Ci 0 of Orfor , t( d -3mple bave the best wishes of the corn munity Gallor it-. J i Till' .1. Key6a' in bldlod oiigb. bomsmiLn a bri(lesmaid have sayed the muddy drossill ere. -The Wroxeter Presbyterian Sabbah Ffi�y McKe i Alitiie R poisonirig, received in a very delicate s larch 2qtb, 189', -fifty sw.eeP stopped b.er with a reque9t foi a a new n&l U had home trouble myself, fro lit on ticl -ore th P not i'since ( chool centributedWfGr ;issions rin Purdy, Wilbur ech. Beni r ond,-, cil operation. The forniula of Paine's, Cell years Ifter, brothers and silticys, childrellL &P with $10,000 Vorth 0 the half being to the, b I What would you do m Ith it?' she in vially months a tast year, Herbert Dlink-in, illie Camp ell;, Harry 11�0 le� it, and I was, mi ell and grandebaldren,old nvghbbrO and friends, home mission fund, "Tkir. Zndla -8 district, bArmstrong, Joseph- Waid, Ilie nnkin, quired. of novelties in to"try I�ptescribe it 'or )me n m 'e Coi' 8 u � the Is gol to PAY ple d wi -to the numl the other half to r. Pet6rRein ardt'i mis- Willie Reid,- Ada Galbraith. 4unio Third, of 50, met at tho, old h< or "Me grandmother me (I W omen stead ilf Orford, Kent county, the place. Oka- I auira -�irrrsj, Cleve. In. n who h ve no appetite, c 4n- 1 --morrow er git put. out, an -Sion in Til>et,. -Har.si-ey. Baes, 1 she ain't not slpep, and are weak and run-down. Yqr till tD bought ovei fifty -years. Adallis. Pa no wa I D rt Secolid Litne otinson, this condition, and* for disorders. of he q101, ou�l money. Cener r Go 8 which tTiey lio,4 lived ever odsol starfley Counrl. Annie Robitison, Robert Ca, ?oor boy, said th eega W100 Par d Oa took of a dinner provided. tit one as she 'ouncil, met in thd'town holl on April Ist, Firs�,-Lloyd Moffaitt, n A An -blood and nbrves it has no equal. sin, -,c, a r o'arsel,11 help you Arthur Job s, , , illis, opened her purse. "Of, c nzie, Darwin When a, man or woman has lost (14P- Ali a4d essi was read to Mr. and'.Mrs. G must&" be d is again this w4k Beirtha Cairns, Frank M n. pay the old ladysrelit. atL one -s all present. Thi� leep, and feels that life is A bur- A tit Ig nlan �givlllg his name as Joh o?clock membei the newest oods to b� had tis Byes Chester -Dunk1n;- Li- Campbell, petite, lost a put out. There, glIve box that." Spring, t Proudfot, for services I -t is in a serio ton,hir d horse and cutter from Wilson"il sce6unt of Garrom, 4 at. deni, tha person us conditio a I? Average A, 0 Pell 0 o the bOy's prescribe Paine's Celery Coin owid f�rl niy livery, ietIowel, a feNy day$ ;a 0, saying consisting d redered in" 189.3 and M94, amounting to E el Johns, NIaggie Moffatt.. p the Did. dropping tw i s Int 01 4endance, - 45. Tile' side-wall which he grimy barid she sailed o s�rrounded by $6,,06, was paid ; Dr. 1XIcTavisla W"- -paid patients whot'have these common 1: &nd;dap-' that he if lied to go out ino country to 'a, is.,4nite an i ment th improve e I?alo of sweet i6harl .�-Phlladelphla expenses in connection with suit of Hal- trustees 4ave la synlptol�s, with in He -had not got well out of 1-3 variably satisfac- rm i i Iftriped Shombergi,, Cottont WeO L us mt getlous buy a f4 t liday vs. Stanley. The reeve deputy- to t4 pr�vio iddy *&I -k.': Out trus ces I It is'the best ossible remedy re lie tried to sell tq an toe resu ts.i the owever,. befo said Aemeznb�aueeo. reev ased some new- milps lof the $4), When tie got down to . . .1 0 in, the sane case. The petition -for the the spring and sumi.mer, months," sons f asked the young girl ro- paid 810' for their expenses are. quite up to flie 'times Thei* have energy dilring tb outfit, offering it to several er aud 5flk r baS I e were each to Lep, up one's ste�ngth anN e t� lie latest p, as w eftrtains', Inew boll, and JNHUI ally, the n't It sad, adps, Friuts thO new wind bank he o. Fered it to Pa t sli Yak e.- Iii the lates -tbohilon, of the dog tax in this townshi urc'� gnS L, d p le sty other, arbielf-4 too numerous t4 mention. mVintically, to think of the roses of yes lleWe$t 4.esi John. Reid News' otes. hotel-koe 6 , who had raised the rse fro an Dress Gods in all presented by Walter Stlewat, r No. 2, H,�-Y.-The monitbRy rep ­m -t for cog- ter year? H vish, with 81cf1latilres of 90 a cold 4,119 hadsold it to Wilson. He re _L11d D, MeTa: r. and Mrs. Al�ert' Huson, of Paris, 3ph4tio shades st.pnees u pased. rbli forpts 001 SectionNo: 2 Ray, is as L "It is, 'I said the young man ell I uspectin CoMeL and loo'k at OUT new arr 't*atepayers, was corisidered and the, clerk in- foil s are (in "or4er 'Of merit: celelorrAed the fiftieth anniversary of 0eir nized the animal b.,t once, and a ally. 1*1 have an unpaid floirlst's bill of -law in aecGrdance. ows. their lioniT. in that town, on that something was wrong,made a, yetendecl -ingL tile teucted to draft� a by 424. 1 '-Chicago Record. Fif bapman. Sei�ior Fourth - wedding; at., pure iase, nd as� with same. By-l&w No. 2, confirming the man to wait until withdra n tment of patbmasters, - poundkLeeperi Banner �tb F. - E. Ross, f �qell,l Nellie. Gould. Friday, March 2Tnd. . h - bad i e m w � from the A rFourl ��J- W. Tod, -Beek ie North- tells of two Elms, e oney I I its one,41, was read and. paised., J11n'0 &tie' 8aving's Bank, he telegraphed Wilson, who one Bumper at Parting cOOSH and feiace-viewers, 11 alers,'who, with the asq�ist e of 9, boy, -sonis. The tunO Jackson. Thwd,-Sttrah J' fal" best of Uoore's convivial ohn'Gbaoman �vas l5aid $10.50, balance cott,! Henr - in an hour. orderdffithc, young men!s arrest. Johnito. I Northcott, H. wa'i "o was ,Moll Roe la tbeMbruln4n, �(owft on a,.warr d 1! , I Irego e I 'L ' (D F 'IN. 'ren killed and dresh-ed four called C41 was taken I ant &lid locke qe him for keeping 1alcolm McG 6n Wednes e Mu W: T. Busqh!­ -Add they killed , them deaf and dresa d jail, in which wn he i wifil JEFFERY eni r Secon I" Jdssi nn in Stratfo i�digent. Council met, B. econd n too. for horse st�aling. In China ordinary day lobard cpA tH �-3 ,-gain ieli.. Junior Is -Joht them clea N ve o -lav, April 10th, at 10 Q clock- a. in., for t;hle -The covrt house at Regina; Northwest he, t stan(l his trial I rd, Chinaman. at -son' 14, bad� for a on of by-laws Jack el M. Northe'ott, Richa Territoily, with alldts valuable. papers and CA-RMIGHIEL S ]BLOCK, visi I rby, enior Second 'Part, -Eddie EV the.lands public works officesp library We her Affects Health. olution Gaul Willi O'Brien. Juni�r eond I The nikorm. orris CounGil. I Munn. was i 1pletely de6t elej'ktin CD It M De �a -,on royed �y firq on, Sun - F -NT Of mecli ve 701 D 11F EXTS �10RE FREQU r -Lo isa Arrpstron�l FACTURV cinal agents is graiu�lly �h6,'31st ult. The coull cill met! pp.rsuant to adi Part -Fra6kie th tt,cora'.4uhm day ni Ista I )ills, d rau Firs XN. DAD WFATOER. the old-tiffie herbs, 1 best p lers ill the onthly spelling -A -s to th n resent-, the reeve in the chair Th e extraidt Id J U'St Word' Tlizzard struck �Den�er, on Saturday ti Alember all -y great in- etab] e rear arid, 9 e apm&n; 8 In ILE, effe iv The -stormPwas fluence of yeathier on the lieafth and tem- general use the plpasant qthery and 30 Ma'rch, and a wet allow lell J. S. Lemon'notices the: vet ute of I moeiting read and axlstil. enior morni �h liqui I Petitiort of John L ot er ma;tc 1i ere F* U for tw3elve hours steadily. tind Junior Fo r or M.01'jorthcott perament, Lnd through th6m on the cus- laxative, Syrup bf Figs. roget th !true E E Ra hblf of lot No. 2, in r n ages. - is re the terns and iaits of, -ARNESSt "'to ard Ifa tu by y ng that the south Th! rd. -H. 100 ; S Second, ge eral throughoatl th6 men taiii region and ineli of all Thi remedy see that it,is, man, ly., For ABOUT R the 6th concession, and :north half of lotsi Be4ie O'Br e anior S e tentled east as far as; the at line. reflected in the salutations of aff nations, California Fig Syrup Co. or Boon "i, of oir- Senior Second Pat -Willie -.The: Princess of Wales has �one to Cc- -Nos.:2 and .4, in the 7th conces Sutherby; bus ideas, par�iealarly in theIr leading druggists. 911 in their reli ftom School Section No. Otrien J Dior Second Part, -Louisa C. penhagen to join her sisters" the Dowager lid C4. We aro giving, the best vale in' i conce Lions of the future life,anda thousa UPI wre ptotilptt3 �.Flrst Part, -Fran of ­er flnV -It- U2 11 i - Harness ever offered in &dorthp tj Vorris, amd atta-elled to School Section kie NorthcOtt Empress of Russia and, the Duchess of Cam- ;. P existence Sick Headache and Clons Made JLJ, Y I � e, b I J IvJorris and East' Wa�:wani)sb, was 5, t17CKE1L9X1T11.­Tb,.- followi is berland. The illness, of bet mo�hert the I affee Suicide is, known to� cured by Burdock PIlls. Easy t( 8 in ueen of -Dennlilrk, is �vdry serious, an� she to - _fey ii crime by skilled workmen, and -only fir8t-&fift -eport of the standing 0 -depend larg( then taken into consideration, and the in- �f the Mlif �,ly 6n the weather, and it has materiil-u'sed. sted parties. heard in referencj thereto, tb.4,d�ffer�nt classes in School Section Noi is in a critical 4ondition., f L_J 1 --ere been calculated that in India 4$ per cent. o A YOUNG LAD i '! as moved by James Bow- 5 The- report is based Up. n 1he general rX1 Repairin- promptly attended to - CD which it w —Father Labelle, cgre.:of Aylmer, was certain cri Des Te when hot weatlier oupils. is' 'Ir AND ng,y old Coll Kirkby, that' - - ralars� d health -of idiots ring our and We a ney and attendance t the I by George ie robbed of $50 W a. gold watch by bu cold he B i�io .,.Tlarl Bad ieconded ves lac( to 0, ken on the request c Th names are given in order of merit - rwA e -inallia, . is worl ontained PF fi gi d tF HIS FAITHFUL FRIEN�- who afte rds tPok' a horse and buggy I - I � no action be ta an d with acut amendment by Se iGr Fourth Claw, ill NcDougall, ose afflicte will make them troul Mr. John,Shepherd, Who liv4bg a mile ecially dependent uppli weather, an n said p4tition. Moved in —Doug d its �Willie 8 Cbes- of'Vhitby Light Ht�mess a speqislt pro t,.Mrry Z c Win, IsbisIter or two from t4e village, by the lake, and t seconded by Thomas Code� Da�,, Willinurs e e t on the nervous system issuch that -Ernest MoGregor, 0 of Pn granted, Gives an Aecoul Lt of lot hax tb e praye -&aid inna urray. unior -have npt since been heard from. can i petitic nek, Jennie,Hislovriv, many ptisons inticipate, weather A ro .erring' the t, Mary INI c - eelings. Accidents p *—Cured oif -Per tent C -t., -tnd -law be -passed con Fo4rth,­Katie onderg ' _erienc, that �6 by )f 'Mpsals most -highly resRected changes from their own f r �One e following Sproat, Le 1B enc -iaaie.—Abiendiment�ca ed. T1 Doilgall, 'Maggief 8proat, Wal- q�'Ao� ot Ivergu- 4n, factories are'said 'to be much,more fre- 1317spepisia by B, E B. ID na-me- Murray. Seniot John Doi ?esidents, Mrs.� A. D. Fer, counts were present�df0r,pay ell' ter .1C go loon's rossing, 'died the o IWr day� All her qtfent in ba weather thati in good, and WQRST KIND OF D SPEPSTA. charity, $,18; Wm. xavin Alf. aGavin, Mary & L I .: I i,ty -_ INAisses EXford, M d. 'Aj1e(' TAndon eL to filfo Corner Main ik�df John Stredsi tt, John M. 4ife had been spent. in Mood, _r i I It $ omen like knee-jerk 'OU that for yJ! I tie,& physiologica P en bra A.Camp- jff u Box) Shelaton, 'Or ov r ent on G&NTLX 1W Seaiokh. E&ton, 'wood tO ing ib, insome measure. bad been=ed I a 'afid having1tried ation Na township, her married life, extend' e seem to beilepend cents co�por -Russel Sprqatt, vl� last.found I L 1372-tf 'oetj use of scraper, 75 A.glltdh. Junior'Third,l a period of W years. other medidnes W en re lied, Uat,' Ma ry Martin ellef and cure lor I James Choi- thi- q'I r_ . court $6 Hugh 1 Sproat, In Purdook B1 Bittom of iybieh I .af irussels, hall rent f > : diviS' —Mt. Crowell Smith, of Anc6ster4in" r.01 f Blyth, (19, $7.,50 Clark, pe3 , Mabel Cam�'ron. S took two"bottles. the result a perfect cure. Alt DIERKX-1 tt r W 't'hough 6di & young1ad 1� een troubled X 'poratioii o onior Second,� Dundap, is. the possessor of si�diary ell WItli oa- 14,mma Hud- h the time.? h. The 1)olts for. Culverts on east, gra,�el road, 80 Olin 11�dg;, L Osc�i Spi to 1848. Dyspepsia but' I n sail flow by- his j�raniilfather from about 1770 four or five ye JU ior A-ld, gravel, $7.50 ; A. so GeLrtie, Murray. So'cond, that H.S.B., do" its woric faithl liy in th worst kind 0 A. Arei 11 Every �day an ell o was n A, McDO1.1 John Hays, iade,_,aud the re- it bo ly Me for Von, BoNer Works. T i i- 'j�oss, Itreas-urer's booki, $1.75-1; Jet Die Chesney, Jacob 8�rDat, Ral-P a COUgh of Dyepepalla. and hu proved i (4r hable� ecord of We, happenings have I , - ti�mmi,3 t, a v FARM AND ISO rd 821 ; John Young 1�nd .)Suit is a V ree-quarters YOU me. on am - LATED TOVM Z keep of county wa f lop, Senior Fir4t, for th t .18" time you were'taking Ew; FsT McGRE* (I STABLIS 181P.) �0 IV T _! . ''. of AMr. 8mi Ws ances.tors ntel(%, keep 0 IflT 'Whitby, ont, PROPERTY ONLY INSUREM %vi:e charit'r, $ Itei Wright: r Of ii, ci�tu Fill OK10 , N -Moved by Thoines Code, see - —John Patterson,, tine acting teller of L Pine Syrup out' Caughs,. Cold@, and 6ft 0, M. aid.— rried. N D Ross -]Pr die t, [ed by Wul. Tsbister,thmt the above ac GRAV'S IRED all A S. `0HRYSTA Stephen, Coil the Trade" '-Bank at Strathroy, who a' of price, 2 ints be p atbmastersl� Thr And Lung Troubles. ry*W k Blank. int d North Ul members pres6nt, I miliut­168 si ed, sconded - a ut three weeks ago with over SYRPR SPRUCE I were then appointe so 0110 ;4d` adce� S4, (W of ads I �has been located -children or Mannf, ase oll handed in a �ed. the bank's, fit 51 all kinds frotn' re of' kinds.- of BUtIonary r of P. 0. -14�nde son, P. Fowler, T. esoment r TO r wolle Worms of Barrk td by the Oiva�afitee Company', at 'Izaa* Vegas, GUM adul Dr. Low's W Syrup is o� safe and sure Tabu* bat the cl�_ n)t Lfy P to orm rk Denman, R. lihaw, I JAM. 1;""fo&­8edortb; Alex. Gordlaw, IA&& I idge contract Col le 9 re buty."briiel. ott. Clinton; 00. Wa* Ratb*,; T. Go leted blOday gew'Mexid6. Hemill be 'brou lit home to. medy. ul.t.es, J J. Re�olved t Ji ie PI*111 R aguire, M. hi -also f tand his tpa n t as J;;h;b X -mm, Ri*eb-0104; 3L Xufd4- SWiffti; 0 �3 &nos iv: Key# that at tlie —T�ie t �rial ol '.Alri. Henry, of etoral B, 'I. tee 00 D STAN'DARD CURB , s INI-esser and 151 tr 40 - Martin, B. 04 ha,�re his Ur ad R. Virden, FOR COT.Ja.VS, COLDS'L. The Beet Cough Care is Hagyardlh Pe Thop., GwW A. Millel-. First line, — sof Th I 8;ctio4s TIML 01 Robb, N, Thornton, 7 n nd I IoZ E R e, A. Hughes,.J tl� licit n. eeting"to be hel' on-2Uh inst.,they 11anitioloa '-before MiLgistirites 1v1c1)6uq4lI S. ealn. it hasis the lungs and cureg Cofpghs and W(& 'ka d iffl I con( ASTHM k an I�UNG AFYI�CTION Wt ram, Sm oks, Ptj� Shoot Irioz Wirim, -.and A. Ficirrest, 'lie ggi otbani, for suppose - indendiar- toW X0111111m 4arriess, J. I discuss Warlock! ide, shaw bpn,4aries of the and Hi b d N*IWM changeo'in th it -a -N 'e Casemore, Wm. Elston F, wi hat tile isyn fire to her ovm houie, occup-lived Giay,'Is Syrup n Iform-orethan Is. John y,,Is Syrup y,,Is Syrup as bee on tria dito", Win. above sections and 6ther jilm. ; t ti Far,Ahead of Amything I aeorse Awdle7AXrc Fmcand, S, pitni, Gleorge Caldbick �v`ill. be Ith e Z th 0 f M &Y - the grbtate7jpart'of three 'days, anfl, caused 5o years and f ic verdidt of tile ppople is that fuww rgift'valys n. 0. Third Ever. Used. Also doWers' lay�� line—iVin itisthebeitiernedyk-nown. �Sc.and5oc. seat dalty. AD �itrtles dedrous to, effed Imm"ho"; ums. oad M. Wilac , . Court of Revi ion Fc rrest" octor, T1 %t: the follow in . b en 6e 0afited, lklro. great linteIrest in the tou�n. Though the Mr. john Rltzer,, merchant, W%tevloo, saye p*mp_9y atl4bded An op ul� on Und. act other James Pr perbottle. SAdeverywhere. two of, pi OM� 4146 ray,.+'xeorge lice Was strong the magistrates aid not ers(for Headadho, Q g9pHosgonlin mt of thiatio" dMom, odd u n i c iff) a evi-e Newcombe R2 - Q rout an extensive got a Hann 1P Lave often Stark's rowd rbes H., Burkbold .1 0. C&m pbell J. 'ke�ed ell, - fl' consider it sufficient to -convict, but- held KFlqRf_WATSQ*& CQ,. P1101"RICTOR3.1 ness, 13111ousnew and Neuralgla) t4� r atation. weew their. a p" F( rid $1 Kit, a t sattsfaetion Ln -1, - e and I e kv1p I a I find t4em to give the greates Is" - two -hrai qun. y re; urer, IS5. 31f the * risoner in $2,000' bail,. rAch Hip, llar ' Win. (:o(, �Ieorge ftend ileson; 8121'-�c i" T P; ITT WTn, G Nicholson FouAhline' IV jL. p J__ t :_L__,LLL1