HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-04-12, Page 1r
4 '
NUMBER, 1,426. rd:
F0, -FRIDAY ;4.00 a Yeai; Im
ENT -H' YEAR. A P tJL 12 189.5,0
Perth Items.
Got 14,000,000,000 tons and ves the admiration of
Walk to these pwple2 and tbc4 aro'charm- were fruitless untila Bliort time ago, wh n cum h6adref
a. ich it ball club hae
carried by'tfi6 wbrld's r i1roads"of wl L Sayrer, U D" -is to Marys' Oriental -foot
They are ivt very the long absent pardil f heard o 1pne sop, eve i
'innesota;,-k- con
000,000, Were carr t ed for 1895.
In o u r. . ,E' S 'OF ing convergationists. 000 Duluth, )seph, in
familiar ith the topics that. araso, eagerly 8,_ iod on the railm ads james, in ratula Toulbeing the firs Cauad- beeA.re-organiz
w k6 United'States. In other word the Brantf d Mrs. Cole, in ian who has 04ss.ed this examination in the W. A. Plunkett; of Io
y- know of I rd, and the augk et hWscussed In northern 61ftes. Th4
THE'RIENCH X- little and, 1 iinaglu% care less about the railroads of 'the UlAted States carrle& e immediately started out o Seinitic langu4ge in t is country. in N-11tchell visiting his DE86ENDA'NTS 0F1 Ore Toronto. H a
1) via. He has been fi ve, years In the West
gold, r the per cap ai
wind* W., --ILES IN UISIANA. reserve o R4, of oirbulam than ail the ste' era, the sailing vbs;els visit them, and haal been spending some —16. Frank blichol, an enterprising'
9 of all there `,ce is done well.
-thetariff is an. unsolved PUZZ16 &nd -the,railroad tthe fitne'making, as it were'/ the acquajnta yo"g I rme of ond6n township hus pur- utphy, barrister. bas beel'i"
t1on, H. B.
-a in the' roina nee based 'Thomas Brittle, a farm of
There never wa
-ipea3c. of Frencli'llist ionorary-pres
B tt - world. of hisous and daughter e tom' I electt ina. 101), 1 arms ovy? if the Aca 0 p. by accla
of rhei Qpalut Old Dw 311inxis 'nd e fig ' es such another magnificent trib —Viscount Hill, the i;aris,Oatario,edi
Yo U will see displayed a range d see glow. aer, S.on 0 dssiou 11, LA townsbi len7s Liberar Con_
their.:, fai6eg 11g
than exl1e; an .'sucli supurbmonument, totboprosp ty who recently ialierite I a peerage, has f tj le al The farm is one of the Listowel YOU
unfinished Wor ted Suitings in th taii"Iauy Ancient Featur0s--The.Pecp1t: -AmUseructt dancing-, riding and the af- .,The p pal v46 5,000. servative Association..
of'o own p6ople.
for E ngland to tak6l wer his new po i s- 0
and how f the nept p'. & rties in the township
ThIngs, 4n'd._'Old 'Vray-* BeAt faifs of thb Lart are their text% Will. Pomeroy has Jubved fre. U
newest shades and patterns, and,the CHARI.Es APPLEBEE. ions. cost M lariA t le 60 a fe sv years ago.
Y. eloquent s the sormon I Just a little bO- -the de It oce Alifebell .,to. Fullarton Corfters, where lie
Louisiana Itospitalit at ur o.d
—At St.'John N,
of which bapnot be -beate -ring are.the Inrush of norther H I est', if no, a a ly the 1* taken possession of -b*s brotbefs atore,
n capital Lo of the i ot
ty wild( 9 1 Word Aboiit ttelle.-
Cb Qji Sa turday of A D 1M Boyne, one of tie
Corrcapolidell.q.01) ride mills, sit nids aged re t of Tive n. ecently
_ f Special of sawmil e( run the' ftsl ess.
I leading temp keror - Deceas a and the hum erauce apa W1
These- goods' were-, formerly., iold for tTon.--I have J _.Nlisses. Amanda
h would DR it 'Pw ust J, passed 1 LWay 1 e a
La., kr relliaeries and a W -
zu PArtvs , di anti a n7tirve of Wymouth. I d 9(' Lear 1 Xrji. cDe caaed the list i
ji C c4 titect cai;s. T ey -is gre i pir' that there t in ig 47years Old,
-rather drtve -a armid, rellict of a w io b.jdixty_ y u -far X r b
a suit 'and wer- r: A. B. Cowan, of Galt, ierdal
e well worth. t& 1 1 the 'o ttlo aftel.4, gather the E
(I not do I iii the Pro,% ince "of Quebec till t f pearniid, was ouie of the'
d shaped fo a colnu the lai'( Bible- Society in Sebrin-ville, ainouilt col
a7 0 thei Al
Aca. aua in OW6. " He de. 'cml fruit of vinO 4nd tisoo, siAoke o
on. I the traveller, fell in with a crew qf 'Ch l
inoney asked for' them, but we have the - ch sente ce of death, being passe af Bruce,.,and lived on I
ea rliest a6ttle t le bei
ofeest of his: desoriptl us unO hLi pipes ilud be 1144-PPY.
mdA. fpUcltous phrises: to the land t -on 1 8 iLLTonothftlg to, be proud 'y aof wreic4ed crimi al Cliattdll .1 a, con wict
e With. JIB toughs one night lately, and was beaten at d nd connet io 1,dn the whiich she
izesJor sheep stealing, luts
bought lar ely of the Aiid at a;yv The splibol, Shean, of Loga
of the paTish settlements say a ew
which oil, anfleitbor thro arh In Most the EXPO81TOR permission I W1 L. Thompson, of the Daly He as
9 6y, ere driN and, robEed. died, for ovei,', years. the Perth s
h a ud' we I ie,
cierf ul sacrifice, ow offer you words.on t is ln#tter, Chaftelle, I beli, b us ,
f catur d -4ir 'chi ldren,. to 3—ClmrRs iR. Badlin' one of the most been tAken to. Kingstim pewentiark.,,
11 lari tli its maturail or weathy fa ies th atie who is not possessed of any bf fug rsoll; gave Ili gs a keg of our . e
d They drang their and we e made roari g
Iftorb an a passing Word "to, t; leir POW cated. A 'large nuu bor i;ude d so f -a, but h a a low countr wh6e extensive ope-rationi ffi Ca - Wars.
'st fo got:,to five -Orle 0 n' d organ: swindlers Rill the 7bere' his hoill"e 'Will be for th e next -
your choice, iudo and tr imnd in"t e to Ixet to the contra New Ansi or farther north tc bekodu clever pia _I
vr, 0ritual or finer'feeling a r u
N tire to a woMerf ul degree. 7his 'ilrunk; fighting each other like hum
I)eat possible mann ew brutal na 4 --andir Hendry. formerly a re-
er 6und iome-in the pine strewn pretple StIlde.3 d 'I'dr'chil4ren glMid ada, aii L the I Jai bed St tes have ma:de him a _,N1 f Alex
to n t ve
m. being$.
Indee -tl ere. is not so I -mee ex- a,
nuch, dfff cr t
tol f4getting We old do" net b any meats, however, make Ross, Of 8 orra., crook(fin L-natinal fepute,- va.s arrest d spected iesident' of has takeri an
colle I by the press and —Ch
00 PC Y' n commolli
e, asTalleged
e delicate '1118a tie terest in the Cam ,bell Brothe NI., nufac-
cipt h climate, bel Ulu ore Q ebee I He w wn among his in at Niag k1le the other day by thep9lie in
as sufficiently f kna
lights of y friends' as Abe people all over the c* o tui -turing Company, Chwagoo He is
a rill Ifaire b ille -lel
hich -tbey were ex- pomp on it h He ba, si h
catlon ,%ud that front w a fallen
weather propliet, 6ir to:A,. 4
c Aca- t9 find his . treasuret of the large k
way from "Barnia to Listow6 wor -a. $17.00. tied, d6scribed as aboundihi -in exquisite e ta of threm , by
his way burne; he worked for partiei on the 000 in cagh. He has been. working. o
,racel ul, wide. who AN -m. Hafakney, I
dians, The 6 for tbirt -seven of r ahar, for
youn and ol , I' L —Rd V Rla; isha &, y I
Murmuring pines and the hemlocks, i&nt wiLy '- wf never d-gabted Jis sanity ; he Schaeferli farm.
rk litill a styaent2 f -9
13eard'e d- with moss and with, garments green, brimined,lia, a and ibe lux
ass of goods that 'are specially . .. h ary
made pt*c lase in t4e toivn 'of St. M —The Church of Eagland Deacoliess'Home ao itte6ted with tile ministry of the merIT
'It is a cl tndistln et in th6 twiligh . are noted oii every hand, at d -,hildlik-9 Atetbo 15t, C Air th iq Odtario,- died "at Ober- 'titue, has passed with honors U* second M
and the in rchants-there had no idea of li slid Missionary Tr4ining House,' at 61
I I es ay 5 week.. For the tioli at -the Lonaoti I -edi
"forests!pr, eVaVlandthe expressi6p of trustfulness ii i -seen in man" 'in, Oh.(;, Oil W
ill n t Church street,, Torg L year -
noted for durability, and if you.- are Here are the . a madman. 1.`will n nto, Iiiis.new five Can ing at Oberlin College.
in bil r ested as a 'pas tm yei
b, i litifigs -like faces. Hero and there is on) a voter, ha ting t t rs -Ila I been
Jisi j ay g b en snpCraultuate
Spanish mesa Awhip your e trai are Waiting t d, ob an resident -of Full
-xious tosae money, -we recommend 9T'y readers by dwe ningund; others
an- ec 'llinj odatesin! W
0:hostly drapQry from every nakes a an of the "lost cause" who seems a dir i I I ith h o —J n N
cruel and merpilesis act at Lito*el. Tt enter'. ) ' L I Li
ke of t 1 township. lingering illness of
Id gui xd. . They %r i ter'
most effeactive detall in the picture of -voge- dOcendAnt of the'o - —1he dwelling hoiise. of Mr. perki Three -dekE a au ered a -stro du.
this line to,you, Don!t take our wora or the French Canadian yeg ng, 0. je some ten d'ays
d aay
ree evoral a,
table life and luxitrianbe t hat -everywhere pilolid of their wa ords and exploit th i Would be well, f k resulted in his 4eatl'4 lout&, passe
for, it, but co -me and examine the goods' ?Ie to remember: that the English speakiii Oakville, destroyed by fire the Other a .11y, of English chr h
tern, mr
ab6unds. deeds,6f , th a outl bli, a pride I -tie —M B ats amilton, cha ago, and was buri - e,,l in the
the passf. ileopI6 of.!this Dominion have no hatt.; raorning,;aud a large .qtock of fa y rdstie ag
ainst cemeterv.
for yourself. At this price they- won't The r4ce of ti pipess. whoiie. im* tuosity is softqu Jd by with i usi 114r step -c ildr u,'a- d He Was aged 79 years,.
whatevertowards them, antlthat the Do- work consumed, that Mr. Perkins bad beet, rood
Act of' b —Thi; Debatiu Societv at Linv
The Acadian s",whoi In th6. flual ing of.a. th0d of a century. at have".0iie law for all. T working on all winter whom, ueL Pills tu that effect were found the last- Friday
01 mim6h mil th r
The air o July, a
he t#_ ei last entertainmet ;u
last long—the beat c ors will go first;, romance is everywligrikJil. evi t, the recent assizes, was
tbCNarJO118 011allgOS-whICIL NOV& S00tiall e-,bf the rible carnival of grime.wbich 'has been gonjig —A number of Barnardo. boys attracte(I a,' bv t6. rain) eting i -n March:- The society is now go
inake. your- selection w. bile. the range is dencein we; o go on at
i0torsillLp underwent, were exiled by land. The fr grevX deal of atteutim4 grodild the streets: o' 9110 t ispended sentence, an eV
propr ;v accept a.,
-on for.soiije time,, must -be,. checked by tj e 01 it, tirr
of 41 preal ang el - ol plea of
beloved setv-, pages Tangeline" -is a er the e medbani46s? instItute with
the British in 1755 from tbeii capital punishment on thet offenders. A.d London the other day. They ere en r common ing to org&'niz I a tainment.
Ong am,
an tile roceeds of the wint6es nter
complete. the studl ople experi- at of Lo'n'don, and, bavin v, usaull haviii been madd between the counsel
tit were no, respect 6f A. peculiar people, an
tlenic e the better class of our pe to towns we r npb8ll Was in 'Alitchell t,
D. S.Cal
eqnceraediz lie e
ate as th0r( ighly familiar witht4o events ay minut es to spare, tpok in -the sights. age.
I race.. They were simply French Poo enced' a sense of satisfactioh the other,, d e sold her brick -
a few dys this week. 8b
n, bf Strath
tated to the naW Id' to seek ot the all depakture. from their north- Dewar, one ring
had emig wor acquittal of the. youtig Frenell —Mr. Win oi. the oldes —ilra. CG [toy, is eliffe J;olin
through the i in the east end -to 'with their erbo or cate. gone ng. cottage tend lot
mome favora le conditionse They found e7ft home a i pray in the district of Moil- best known citizens t Listo' wel, has from I load oat A frs. Cowan, a few Ove into wNt-
. I i Canadian woman P...
QUITE. WLIKE wh one of her fin- T. Barley. Mr. Baxley will in
f ettile and rayer, y t on ajtrip i ra asplinier into
ttrA -sect-ion whicb. to' chiitn fre'al, who slew her, perjured bet n the Pacifip coast, ere soi n, 3 days a in -6e falt.
Kaudsoxi ef Pictures. chellto li
these same peop e to tl t e vile care re the wound had bealed she -eree
reside and eire contVnted:: nd . happy. el la, th, c a member4 of his familyl reside. ers, and bef Somolaaal toms are ampug the nost (le- Aek w4s eliga e Win Fletcher of Anderson, has
d oil farm a large windmill 14 fact in
They called er home Acadia, or L'Cadid, Of1 the infaipc rer, Chattell !, will )e - —The leading fruit- growers of Es g some colored yarn.
The (Jrdinary reaymade clothing is feature$. T1 e iiatu- 9. 4e I
lightf til of Acadian t ilie peah iger
the placd of I iappines , and wher i the tragic strung up to set a wholesome example ;o county say tha trees in that 81(- Her fi i came painful and began, to mpl III all and that E BI ensued, but the doe-' diameter. Tile. i ement
tha. 'siiown hwe for boyg. Our goods e entoccuri,d whioli drove Viem out the iAl Frenclil vivacity.btibbles forth others who i ay be equally as vile and nit r- tion have stood the w nter well, swel 00 poisoning of Mr.L own listids, an& fe 4 p
-7 casunes. The almost porpetu suillf
theirpi lina as lie is. there are good proapeett for a, large 6ro recovery.
e Acadii ms clung to then i, nor have ,derously inc ter i:n attend ce has hope of her
i ier gives. opportu. they yet lost it. Yours reopectfulry, lei evj'lolin ncDougall,' missionary Wilfre4 Willibins, aged 11 ) earg, gram
ta lk) o7ar prices talk, and nity for " & t out- year. vel for beuty and utility. d-
—The Hofse Show to be held in tito"
are-down:town c6me in an& Here amoz tg; sug- %lights a:nd f0tes, f J. J. IRA E. I
see tha I th 'Lo sianariceand door do 6nd TAi to t a. in the Saskatchewan district, soil of 'Mrs. Thomas Ford, of AlitclAl, Jjed
oath t h great, days, pr,-
oMCKIL oi, April Sth, 1 95. on e
lands, the dose dAnts of the I r the jolly gatheripgs lbon th l8th inst. and following* and' ]:a. McDotigall,'returned to the North-
c1o, thin- we talk *bout. it is uch ar ait'the home of his father,: Wil
In and oas may 'be so called,' in -o the mises to exceL anything heretofore atteni p
originpl, exiles 10 SOUK41b f1eeilo a d 'W'est [ast
lv4k liavini spent thLree"months *Vo wecks ago. Th6 body. Was
ad there -and laid eof
nicer to see your boy ressed in. a well- peace under. a Isouthern sun, (venings joyful. Winding here Det n'ctive Fire at Ooderich. ed. in CiLnada. $5,000 will be aarded R in Out ario,- a4dr6sshig meetiiigs' in the in- b Ong Sill
rouffilt to Mitchell,
prizes. gall 11as
Mr. MdDou ery.
dyas" t Ong the fams, with their batil, s fringed
fittino, suit made by a reliable h ' is a colrdmon. degignatiom' Oft terest work. his Ze bees in the M&.hodist ceraet
The worst fir:e that has beed-seen in God- of hi ife in this work, andlia of 't.
is pronounced by the average Utizon,and n "iling festoons Of L Spanish IiOSS' arfi on Thursd4y' --lNlr. George Davis, of Parkdale, el
crich for years broke out spent Imost of -big -It Dr. Lou Mitebe lot he bayous, not deep,'but clear i d still. week, in t]
6 be thought of as a race e --opera house flfty-five feet from. a roof at tile corner -Tume of his experi nces,wh h
than a poor suit that will,keep neither they have come t morning. of 16.8 prepa iig a vo but'who has been a, resident of
oats ride at anchor here aild there, and -ad the Bloor-and Brunswick ivenue,Friday moral a&, . falLof ioterest and many - thrilling i a r several art, a people block,at the c rner 0 W68t str et a yeaTS
-whose. nati country is f is
aha -p6 nor appeaance. Boys' Suits— AP T, Grange, Georgia, fo
qa( la. e 6-1 Aline, t inst 3.4 -
pleasure shells and lov=4' voices conle a breaking his neck. -He di a L.. sional.
mot France, btit A Il " The. term is frc re. fire originated in the ba4e- 'tures. i, e has aobi- decided profes
5 0, -$2 $3, $3.50 64 -84-50 ver the waters t fidquent iiitervals at where h
to, tal
inAc&I by those who know ment of Qie main store of Armstrong; & aeously.'
ting of tile Han -ied recently, to a Itighly
qui At the monthly mee success, was mAri
Thq are made in single the day's work is don sual, —Word Ifaa been received at Galt, of Prison Gatelission, Toronto it was
1A -tory I Here the boy had tis- u 'be and accomplished vouing
and nothing of their. I Company, W lady. bf that -Place,.
Of the Aemllau do., bondants, I'tL is said In d6ath bf Dr.Robert Miller,G&Ws 6rst doe, ot.
spectl the' 6xilo i vas of lighted a fire shortly before' .8, o'clock. abownthat the profits from the laundry for 'R. giddell, formerly ember In many W.
es, and we uaran n7ate that 'there are 50,00) in Louisiana, but he having begun practice tbere in 1932. He
"iteria1be to thi s attendance
breasted styl people. rile elim, some ay the fire broke through the pi e8 March vrer4 $12 . The daily in St. Marys Collj te 1 ustiute; haj been
figurd throu died in London, England,
:of Louisiana Is fax near r tha of Francoi ;his iiaA quick pr9gres h' the Xoor *here he; ba ty-one, sixty- retaine(I on behalf
-_ t fit. is' hard 'o verify or disprove. and I d' rd- I a bf Tor-
t6e a Perfe -a have ught about fi-remen iided toi man for the month averaged eigh the stude --cas n.-th
-lie y years. te
-of.'N rho changes of yem bto
tl ova, E lootia. T and up into tlie-op6ra, h use. five adults and en children. Forty onto University to Aefexid their - e i 03
. I elk, n p
the aqo me three I I iov* cial 8jigation into Ylliverisity
''reno, settlers, onter6d earoor. y upon , nich transfnrni usAn families and ctis- were.qu ckly on hand, but for some ti' —The- late. William Peers, Of Woodsto a and ,onicilan(I four childre L
Our Line. rj in Inve
'we are aders in Om aBea ch -
"170 , and largo i as to make it difficult to distinguish were unable':tQ.. meet therequirenient' of left a legacy of a 107 -acre farm near a
uiti 41on of tho -fertile' were Smitted du'ri
a i ing tbe-niohtli, and V- affaIrs, which will shortly start.
to portCU(
adian -and the Paul's'Cliurcb., The reve, iue
aow between, the true Ac Delays an on ren wer di loff,
plantations w ;itl i 't he great wh] the situation. d 6onfusion in the Ville, to Old St e adults and five child e _1&. I. W for man
julapsions and asLure or two of : ogrocanns ore
-i the. futherlad at a colu-
tare miiig;! A -wit4i he old Act than bd lie rave come fi;oji a year.
ref.,onfly ated French who &orts made allowed the fire to get great deriyed froin its xental will be about e3OO- charged. -at Creek fac-
I y thecheese-maker -the Bla*
hemlway, and it. was not long until tl e our Toronto b6ys whose ages range tgry- of Thomas Ballantyne.&I -)ns,. has re
paratively iAu h more recent period. —It will interest, the people f Western
steads tl 4i dot the entire'soutlierP. Louisi- wholeofArnitrong's and the-oper Aiouse Mr. Steinh,69
Ontario to know it is all so from:12 to 15 years, were foud Satni-rday in moved to tratford, to resid.
Worl was the"n ttl4d that th
Honest Comfort was - a roaring furnaoe. a bo caf in the Chicago yards in a nearly wasengaged iii ad-diess-
oat of the winter in
landscape. A
ONT. ' - 6 adian 'Pacific - steamer-, EAFORT to the corner aild the West street Can t of Toronto, on
itch 'obaffr" condition. The ouths started itig Farmers Institutes eas
Sacrea Dwellings. -The hospitqlity wl rlMd directed
h will start from Windsor itna call at famished
pict ures ksmith, " and thE buildings, and for a,'time it seemed as if on NOiie
1 These `holllestca dg are Of 01 d both Basil, the blac. f e0m. Toronto four days pr&lous, to seethe dairy subjects.
I of Saunden's building Sarnia, will also,stop at -Mackinac Isla6iii, od
tiniQ art in axcbltecture and iiesent, with farmer father of LongfellW. a heiolue ex. ly. the brik wal world. It was their. intention tb travel on —The oWer dayr, afij two -Well known Elina
e destruction. qA lia,rt' of D.. her up trip this season. Listo-wel, th
their long, eeep sloped yod, their outside ists in all its pristine stronkth. The stran- would a op th t -night, but when they left gentlemen were di to
veral studets 0 ins a
as hastily removed, and -se 6f the Woodst 3ek freight I
tl family, 66d al- 'B. Citlbick' stock w, d to find "their Wrappings
A FEW ollixiineys and ovens, and their queer ger made d'he of le ore 'Toronto they were locked in box car and were surprise
the Cab
'Jaities Robinson's stock was
d Baptist College
inventlow luickly pack -e attended could not Lret out. T Aorttinately the discovry Was inade
though he may miss the newer ay, diso eying the hey s ffered sever4aly fire.
-trith but little dam, church on St. Patrick's 1) dolle, and the fire
o lf) the cities a, thing in boxes ati'd carted off food and'vAter. before dainage vir
r- from lack of
that go to- =Iako lif tincipal's orders, and they have, been o
ivelless thal age. Meallwhile Itfie: occupants on 11"eist asily -put out. It originated from
of casand inay find a'primit
Kred to remain inside every evening until —Win. Martifi. has boualit the farm of AVIIS e
were fe m&raph and 6xpress office- Easter. f Prospect.
REASONS he scarcQ couM have believed existed iii street tti a move on, and eve4_ Weal Ta ylor; of the 14th concession of Yar- pipes they were smoking.,
one of the nations oldest settled commu- body f lojit , outb,, near St. Thomas oii]sisting of 70 Mr. Joseph Sheppard, Hill,
r Jones, of Tor
to Miss Pitcher's millinery store wap remov- —Street ConimissOne
nities he. willm nevertheless PC charilled otato patch scheme. acres, for $4,500. The*f&rmz- -effects were is havinj zi tougb time of it ut
13 an poisone
their goods and chattels with more has inaugurated the D th ago be got bi . It d d, aud.
with the siTaplicit, the , hoiriUy coinfort, inj
ded over to a Poo man for ul- sold on Wed-desday, last -week, realizing & inon
he Oi-eineh -got the' H -an
mrry speed than care. T e has h lid up for gsonie time. Wlielv eady
the compl"o-tit ev-so -and lack of -,I
6 hoole stairw and, tivation a lot, on Badgerow enue, 150 by 7,11. Dairy cows averaged $38.62 ; Sheep,
-y that are a part of the life of roof over the open ELYP well lie got the same hand bruised so baAry and hun aet, and will assist i6 to 4 eagerly -sought at 58.25 ) per 4ie.ad,' mud sters
flahies their 100 fq procure see own wood, -
these modern Acadians. Cutting holes, heeke lie hs I;e unable to get big
hinitelf. - rising. three years at $35 mch. The max
work Doing helped
riling, eek, lie fell on
exiced for t
y' Yop- r I Numerous though it is, the old race ij ,by tit the' Aonday me
wind which blew if he is unable to get it for
You Slould Bu sive from the north,weE ta's'llearly noon —Operations have eomm he mum pr! lee fof a hors .. e netted $1 3, and the ice and hurt big neck.-
fast passing away, and 'the progres t on. ininimitin. 953.
before all datiger was P 'i, d a niost,u-n- dri%.ig of anothe mineral wet a Ong those who obtained certificates Goods' at of new Immigration are driving out -wn its a Middlesex to —Aul
D,r us The place is,alr ady popularl kno —Thd grantg allowed by examinations of the &i
old way a. It will not be long before th6 sightly gap and 'a he p 0 smoking rui the recent ry
ne3tion with the Ontario gri-
was aill that was -left a , d health resort, and with- the Adition of the the county hih schooli for the last six
ch a,, -part p
I th4 school in con
cadlan. race will be as mu it will I be the- ara. months of 1894 ' e - Parkbill 305. IS
istory difflars worth -of 00 8 Id he beautiful new SIQ,000 b th-house ar
the 00t'i 9 cultural College, -were J. H. Scott, of CrOm-
world's past histogy as,is
toga ot C ,ille $213.36
d opera usej A. Chalmers of Monkton - Av K,
N, N of the Nova Scotia exile. report of tb ott' ru
PE TECOST'S 0. M. HA and coay, gran I Strathroy, $59 .39 ; Wards% )aked
Armstrong & Comp y sayeAutvery lit- —The"annual e banadian Pa- Gleno , $322.20 ; Lucati, $311.93,,. London ar,
RGER.- O 11aIN f Motherwell. Mr. Se'
e arrinigs of year, to be
offic r ilway shows th a e Collegiat Institute receives a fixied- half- 3,,5-1 sueresgful candidates.
tle of t1leir i nmense a ock, and . their loss I e county of $600. The third &men,
y. Mr. A mpt o g says be had the company to the end 6 yearly grant fro* th F. Misner took i
will beeav —The funeral & the late
AN AMAZI G INDUSTRY. hundred d thirty-nine
T insur- two million seven D place on Thursday, March 28th, to 'Rostock;i
over $18,000 worth of ood4, , nd Iiis Oii.66ri 0overnment'gralits the -same amount
One Price vidod between the thousand seven hundred illnety-three 'to the schools outside of London as the d tber
cemetery. Thedeceased had att-gine
rron 13 Some in, nee is but $9,000,
Cbsunce X., Depew Glirei
London &-G obeand C Liconomical Com- dollars. cotult,3; sgeof6lyearsand5moutho. Heheldthe:-
who' d don"! Advertiser :—Mro,` high esteem of, all -AA o knew him. -Rev,
terestina RailwAY Statistics- e —Dr. Thomas Speer, ed Frid ay at
CASH STORE ,pani 8.- —Says the Lon
Corresponden.ce.] I be a total -residence, in Tor t i widelyland nun I a Taylor, the colored lady wh assist;ed by!
ADI s AN [Apedial one as his UO 0 died the Mr. Dierlainin of. Milvertoi ,
iN At Mr. Calbick's 16ss 4 E
a man wh6i
Wn. T, a bad
Ch he had n whatever. Another favorably kno . other, lay at the residence of her davgh.t6k nducted,l
)3UTFAL0 April 9.—In u7ie of a ,,.,Mr. M r of Sebringville, eo
6 t qLLrio to the in been a sur- m 7
us ppearanc '0 d b 11 street,owned'a, con- 3 y
porches,"a ni
recent addrLss before the I a ranch 6 world, ha
tisgs, like the misfortune forbirn was to W1 hile in the seen much of th 12 A] ra. I' in& of N11 Ma th6 funeral ices, the former'speakitig"
stranger. Son -se. of.'these:ho der -
ds chit ang besides break- ge n e
of the Y. M. 0. A., not yet'91 Ql out fol store,getting goo in the British army durir g a consl eerr an Ian . ate d the ttler in
one of iho-'Clacst ilin the 0 siderable amount of property. She *as. 104; n gu an
'b' inning his rib he wiJ quite severely ion o is eyears old at ber death. Her will has been English.
parish, woreilil nearly at the 09
t pew preson t1gs, bifted, and inlitifed ca isidorable snio Unsworth, -bi prep6,illed 4or probste, and this morning wa4f -the recent examinations at Trinity
Because we btre the or us ted some into I; Isaac inker,1 Florened, re —At
, : The Au4i 0 --- liter
of the century. 0 dau
Andrus hou]. general publication, Mr. S a ey M De* ing two of able t, h,
,!!Is I
r atl
y ol arly the domi alit bosi, 13eorge Acheson, probrie0or of th era contly'received a letter from his R. T. Rutherford, of i
was erected .1815 and: Z so well preser - showing vei e signed by Archibald Augustus aged Toronto,
0, t- tion of AJtierlcan kaLlro4ds- 1p had an insurafwZe' the in Germany, which bad been at th torn . . r I . I I
iginators and cwqm ed that W Is by -no mean; a J)ad dwelling use, Of $3,500 106, fid wh6resided next door. Vr- Maim, North Eauthope, pasaed the primary am -
There' are 400,006 miles of, r ilroad in of the ocesn, having gone Wu it n*tion%. -wig,
who i also dolored, walked down town and i A. G. Lud
Yet.. It bas, con the. family's headquar- thb world, of which about half e with In ouse, ill-fated Elbe. Owilij to the i5alt. the
Harry Hart, managei of lle opera I signed the doeument without using spec- lying a.
ors of low. pr ces ters all these fowecore y r , being ha6do what sticl y, but the i ead- pose(l,the $amQ examination, rece
the boundaries f he United S This Will lose between $200 ,Ild- $300 0 the paper wag some taclea.s certificate of, honor. Fred arker, of trat-
failier to son
down from until iV has be- as been aicated p aot scenery and appurtenantos of the opera i —Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sim,- of Wood- ford, passed the final examinations a -ad - car -
enormous mileage It ing was quite plain.
almost sacred, and ap. offer to pur: Z
have all the 'latest come, cally within the last' half century, and it house, including the piano. —There areat present three hundred and stock, met witk a,saA accident. last Sundy,. ried off a certificate of honor aa wll as both
We chaseamemberof thefainur ouldbecon- I ltinE than one to has virtually revoltitiOnIzed the business Charles Blackstone bad Me J$8W insur- nin4.ihree convicts.eiuploye i in the Ce Aral sidered scarcely legs inst. of I ern moralug, Which resulted ift 8iins the college 9n(I univemi. y gol meda
of the world ana mrknkind's.mode of 111fe. iight gas from the coal ring
w 0881 .
buy the roof whiob has she ;oiod severa ance, which' ill cover his prison,: Toronto, and the ma:orit death. During the I J. D. Monteith passed the
sty -les. "In 1850,"- said Air. D6pewi "It cost Harry Hart, Harry Ar natrong, D ntistl belong, to the worst class Of or-iral nals. stove escaped, and both feeling the effects first-clais honors, while H. 8. Krug, of
ra th this expe ve been - Irequent, end
7 genorat ons,of ancestO about 20 cents per ton per mile to get the Richardson, the Star office I and Miss Pitcher Schemes to escape ha Of the gas got up, but were too weak . to do Tavistook, won seceud-clem honors th
rience duplicated on every li md numbers unusual vigilance has been reiidqred necess-
products of ,-he farm, the il Line r the fa- all suffer more or less fr in the. hasty re 'anything. -Wrs. Sim dr9pped into a chair sameegamination. Alias D Mackt.1
have go the designs-
igns. of thes6faiallies have 90 tory to inae. , and for a' 10 in moval.
We show': many des and died. Mr. Sim fell ;n the floor. They Stratford also passed the final examinsition.
ilel baul a7ry to frustrate the
"aristocracy, and! ey seem to OleaJof BranIord,
just about th6 whole value of t e product, —Lawyer Charles E were found in these positions when a neigh. —Early the other morning, while Miss
arrested on Saturday, ch4rged. wit i ob- are ex.lusively have e=ed oads the was. bor broke in after church. r. Sim Is very Nettie Ireirbairn, of St, Maus, Was looking
that Welles do not mccess&r r i boun.A in i a but by the introduction of ra Canada' in Measks. Baird & compan r W
has been reduced to 2 taining fro low, but, is expected to recover. Both are -Abe noticed 4
cost of.. carriage but of the post office W*dow
of Gr
Navigation has been open all :thi . week surn $50,, the p oporty of Miss
fertile land, and the Aoadl4n r old ver 70 years old They formerly liveil about. On the The Ila cont§ per ton per niIle on the average In 0 inW roil -Of bill# blowzq4
,oU:r own famallies aromot all w war V9 tle'
U, gl bher
d the s hools are Over- mone to hi fifty -
Europe and eight -tenths. Of a cant ton at Sarnia. and with frauduleutly appropria in (I on Zorra. h fouild,
destructive Of many 5 fo .4, S. Per —Winnipeg public 'use., 'He -*m r e i"Vdeom IT 0!0stiy in
'fe t here a r xidle in the United State I . —The body of Alexander Saiidersqn, for- thatah t*
iness PO i , - - airof $ is own
prossion in busi has crowded. a b 100.
sult of a reduct on of 1prIce
We think a leased 'Ust'ml nierly Qf Griswold,'Manitoba, ws found in small bi%
c o er is The usual re 6hestayealn ar
P Well as in sectibn I world's lilill. is '11, of L 1know, 9 nearer 1b] that somebody uffers, but the r 0- —Postulagtef M. Campbe u —Rev. Dr. W in. Gregg prefessi of the Yellowstone river,, near Livingston, in about hilf 'an hour a farmer _*4a'A.
'Ways 16 Id' 1 11 is iki ly to
r1rd we tiong -t Lsed 7 the is, 7 years o Coll 0
in the cost of living ca church history in Knox
ngton ci i2ens is tting, in yeroxs in, Vhe# he;
_L uvu' .. v .9.
the best advertis&nent a -honiestead Montana. No money was -found on the kbr w ' as seen 41OWIY Wfilking 4
A'visit to one of these 9 d —Leami will ask tht Gov. resign agon. He and had
ofillfc., It is a$* if one railroads, which haye,nia4e It possible for body. Last November a bloody -faced. as if swchiof something
k, no Hf
eveal, lit too wrty
P g 17 s a now phas 00
p base oUrSelves by pleasin large populations to exist Where no , ex- ernment to bonus the beet sugar int ustry. feels the work a e t strang6r appeared on a ranch near where roven laft, the money was aturued to
wore a eill to 6 foreign' David McIver, while dru:nk in:W 0 for t-*enty t on '% wa rejo c; Ten
uddenly transport t a World I any- onnected wit I ge E lu
isted be'fore,,havenot cos. th the body was found, and sa . ijiwen
id.. 'now people.
land anil were set, am the other night, was robb d of $650. 1 8 or doll rg amount h4
g, but have been a clean contribifflon years, and was formerly of COke's
01,1. thrown from a train. He acted wildly, and f the origiiial
of Acadian' ave been prOpared for utiliz-
Many of' the adult inem to mauldild by the construction of the —Plans h (1hurch; To &ttacked a, rancher, but was driven off at away and Wm Uct recoverea.
fatullies can speak -no, Eng h,,and in the er df
railways. - It has been d that ing the water pow the d ini omps Leako, C
achine n
e quafity firs, homes F J uch is sJoken anost entirely. ' I —The 0le ever lkille this the point of a, gun. He ran and jumped in- --- Mr. The _gineetk, of the
d emonstraT lieved. Listowel PW_040*5, Jn0t fith
We think of th' a the r llways by the ke uct16n of., cost Rapids. untry Was l4tely seat frolia P V 'Sound o the river and disappeared.' It is te
To ity custom and man- —Camada's sealing flel.t have rbached cO
They are donservatf. of transportation since 18 0 rreturn to W. Patterson & Son, i:B cijeni; a few days a
the r a_g
m.a.ke ner and cu"ng Naixaclousl ., to the habits and ayf tl)e -the Japanese c6ast,'and.1have comt enceil autIOH - * It that Sanderson h been robbed and vere ac on a 9
'the -n the 16w price, to people of the United States one measures 6 feet 4 inches -from tip to tip of thrown from the train, and w." w.Wly in- some repairs ab t the tai&inry His
ways of,their forefathers.. per ions. -a badl, above flie wiut, the
total amount of their stock and be ds as 0 Mon. wa lacerated
Sid a uslness-ninn in*o, e of the lead but r trained nurses received inedals the *ipgs, and from the beak to tb- tal ured acsto dethrone his re art_ rics of the arn were seVered,
over 4 feet.. The eak is very hewry, and death occurre4,recently of two of cords and'
frieM s., d,' very year --that is. to 8
he parish:"' I went out last a divid omas a the Guelph He
Ing t hborhood of bad gashles inade along and acroxg the
uniper b mi of a.1-jadyau for the railways it would cost the pedple of the claws long and harp. he oldest pioneers of the neii and wrist. No
the fai: f 4111 UTI -tit ol Waterloo county, William tht bo4es ho
-half the aniou
I was repare I ifor considera- the United States one late J. S. Shenston, (if Bra tford -:-It is currently )ortad in. Wiladsor New "Dundeep -arm
the doctors, i
and although ds more t an it now will close down Hunsp, ley,sr. The for- were brken, and Lf ter working
rebond that thes"tocks and bon 'are x tunne erger and Jdh Co
I d not I - ade t that the Sarnia n
b16 pAraitiven( left $65,9,2, Several.'bequests ed in gettin
would costs to live as they 6xist ioday 8 644 -that -er died on Friday for ab6ut fo r
!Oof March, on the hours, succeed
The Great Bargains W I 2 tsb I , id.: !,'he fam11y:was -ties of the Baj tist church. shortly for three or four week s 1e "There are employe! d on the Ilroads of the schex Re arkeiie -ords ititche
be ar h4 loii occupied and .which' he tool, a tied up and the c
unted 0
e quite poor, nd porli Rev. Samuel Lyle, of Aamilto , lia6. all Grand Trubk'Railroad freight,
Y a closed._ Xi. Leake has
A a thi Lt acco
s cl It is said iat 011 c- w en a' ense -forest itiany.years ago, and .,and the won
a dverl ed last week a the world about 3,000,000 of PeO 10, 1,000,- 10"ed at Wind na
7exteFLt for the cotirse: taken. In the ' In the United S es, or one secured his egree'of D. D.. from lje Pres' I it h d
some 000 of them turneil 'it isince been. doin# veryell 911C 1, Isi't 0
otint of th4 soft co smoke the tunni.-I has ;with inlastrious erseverance,he
iQ stuiitp n College, Mon real. I a
ard wa. of 'a pi ie tree. It had _6 a2
17 farm a in Uat his arm 1
not all gone ye iiian, to every 70 of tbe population. But byteria it t.0 one 6f Jbhe at and cleanest v not 1 e seriously da
A Very dirt,K, I itnd it is propos, !in
b out, and bending over —The earningi of the Montreal i Street become Ithat locality. rAised -a sturdy- fatnily of —Mi,. B. Al. Britton, Q C., official referee
eon lie
e, there is anoth& feature of these statistics c1leaning.
ge pest was the hus- Railwaly Oor4any for the sii month ended give i6 a Act, held ourt in
is Itand i q.1ing-ah —aniarvellumatheinatios, a rontanceas dcDo'nald, anative of West ten children, nixie sons and ne daughter. under the Draiage
ISE and, I ing Tice into or as near to Aprillrst, were $462,262. —Dr. J. J.
W RD TO THE W b uea4q, 2nA inst., to bear
'A W4 as a -reality. 'The qarrying power pf Zorra, recently died! 'at La, Grande, 01 -egon. He was Ai strong, hard wrking man, con $tratfona on 7
flou as he bould approach, The_grain had 4-Tbe steamship Parisian, has -just ll rougbt vThe
C as a - hou ir. th
SUFFICIENT. the vorld is the measure of the prosperity th I e -case of Mrornin&n
-unty in e early ientious in his iconvictio nd eat
-and wiftnoWbd in the 0out 136 English orphom boy p for adoption by Deceased left Oxf4d co, p4te,,was the cost of iniproi -
been ei t jy hand of the world. The carrying power of the He wag a strict member of, maitter in dis
d settled in. the west, wh0re he 'his dealings.
is was an exceltional and u Canadian farmers, eased real -
wind. Tb canal, jsteams d sailing the Tuiiker persuasion, and
_T raington $1,200 to 4ZOVer their
usual case but it shows th it ib is not nee- orld by rail, hant won fame aifd fortune for himself.; as 84 years of ing Whirl Creek. EM-ce am
the. live c Air. Copley was born at Elston Not- -dents of Mo -
-4 wh4her he store of Robert Pye, in e -,ge. I
-customs vessel mark can 't a'meaville md-. n Sun. oian. Two brothers sarvivellim. 'k and- on essary io 'go abroad to And odd t eral- ailor, Th w" burglarb e - wr
cbmfortably or whether Dcgiald, of Matlewood, and L. H. MT i fingbamshire, England, in 1800. 14 the -share of the expense of t1i,
A. E. PENTECOST and ways. of em- day. morning and goods to the vaue Pf $100 'year 1850 with his wife and fanlilY, behalf -those interested, morningtoil
tarve by of be,
grate or a t. Marys:
Lotus katerf. tak n. t 'the assessment.
—A to Qanada, locating at Paris.' c9uncil appealed igains
ployment. You d f6r maontlis ep uhy, -of Glassco's store, t the recent ou vocation f e s. emigrated
On tile fothei hand, progressiveness Is '0 R ilroad just being in 'Mr. J. P. 314bee:appeared for the to-4miabip
S er
the Operation of the raillwaYs, of the United iiyd !The Great. Western a
families. -o-thirds of B t is biteria oure of construction
CASH STORE, seen in nila nyr of tile old French ran ford, is enjoy;ng a visit f in 11, -1
States, and within that tbne tv t once took a of ancl Mr. G. G MoPe Ion
had neither seen n0T heard M. A., B. D., Ph. of Preston, Ontario, c
contract, and while at w(
The )rk, excavating
ONE RIGE youilger generations are feeling the lather, whom he succe ten e) vilship of Ellice. A nurnber- of
0 in th6 i Call inee
Influence bf orthe of staxvation: Ton days inore of railrood rabic, had the misfortune of being struo -and coy eng,
Ian uages, as
the case Mr. Mabee ralsed
which is pqburing sa rapid Into the south. a-'ghorb time ago that his father wa alive.
a in '63, a n d cuneiform k of eath. When ex- but early in
tilepeoploof the United Stateswould dio he for the tov
0 years, and he was not awa e until havin assed the
PA the n of -for ation 9 rs were on hand to give evidene,
pamlysis last summer during the Deb iscripti no, brew An Lmaic, ered by a falling baci
N'S OLD S' They are U.uyipg improv The father left this country tv. sometechitical points involving iion o
DUN ed inachInery and made hundr found alive, although ter
str1ke won-ld have (ds of thou- le, monumen a. inscriptions, etc , WAS tricated he was
ing in touch with th3 modern bu. has travelled extensively through th States S I yrij. 'ka he u the part of the Effice ootindl
I ee ffered , p1jance on
sands -of people suffer for400fi, 6ltliou li and other countries,. finally settling 4 own in resented. by Prof moor Dr. Coussirat, of ribly mangua. For six w
nes However, theyy do not hurry- they had the money to purchasb, he e of D. D. ba finally recovered sufficiently to attend with certain leg4l fomalities in h, the
eaforth Dakota, where he is an extensivi' lend- MGM Uni-versity, for the degre
Vfe is lolwwith tifern, d the balmy The appeal was then a C"W2 N:
plies they needed. 'There were about, 150, - remarked -i presautin o his dutie's and a vear after he moved to by -laws. -
91,11f breezes in- Owner. The fgmily formerly lived i I Hain- Professor Coussitat 9
southern airs the farm n New Dlind where he lived Ellicelby-law setaside,and the tow= p f
tempoTea by of tGns cairled upon the oeeas t not oulr passed th4 most di
000,000 him that he
See ecial. advertisernei)t 011110thom to presek e solll Of thb manly,. ilton, but all efforts of the father to ind the hrst* honors, tver Ellice orderea to Pay All costs.
I ost yW $out lo, 000, 000 ofl tons were since.
our sp re tha b waS cliat-wtelditic of the ba- A fainily, or the family to hear of their parent, cult examinaii6its, but with
t1l& canals of the United
I caTried uDon!
n paj
sin of Gralia,ire,ll
- - - - - - - - - - -