HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-12-26, Page 5� 7- L ;�, �_ "' ; . I I - - - . - . . I � .1 . . - . - I I � . .1 t . - . . �, . I I . . � - . . . . . . . . - I - . . � I .1 I I . . . � . . I I . I. - - . - - . I , �. .�-�',,� - t � -ft- , . .- . I - I �, I . _1�1 . . - . - I I- I , - I � I I - I I - . I � . . I I - . . I . � I I , � : I I . . . ,�- - . I - - � - � I - - I I . I . . . . I . � . I I - I . . _\ � 1. I - - I . - . � . . . - I -,. I . � . i � . . � . I . . I I . r,44 �­ ­� ­ �­ -_ ­_­____­___­ ��­­. ­­ ,----- -_ — — � , , . I I . . I I . I ( . I I ,_�� _� -.-�'1'171r­_1_­_11­_ —­ � I � . - .. I �, � ----�---�'it��.-Xgl=���z�.,:n�----: - �­ -­��.-­Z��,V­ ,;�-�:_ �� ,,�: ." - , �.�� -% � I - - . � . � I � I ­ . . I � . � � � ­ :_1 �,K��11� ---.�­,� . . . . - . - , I . I . I 11 . � .1 ., ­ _­_z��_-­,_­��� 1-_---___-_____ _-1 � ­­­ - — , , . . ; . � I I - . 1, . 1� . � _ __ , __.______ _­ I ­_ — ­­� - ­7-_��,C�_ , -�­ �1� ­­z-__-Z�­ � . - - , ­ . . . - . . . , I � , . - I I - � I . I I I - ,,�� _� -1 - ­ �­�­­­_ ­ ,.-.- ­___,�� . � . I . . .. . I . . . I I . . � - .. I � I � II . . . . � . � I - I - . I I - . � . I I .- . I I � . � I - . - � . . . � �.� - ,4� . . � �� . . I - . � . � � .� ,I . � I . ii I . ; - I � A . . I . I . . . i . 1� � ­ ,. . � . i. I . � . 0 . � I - . � . �, � . � I . I � . . I I . I . . - � � - I . . . . � I . - � . � � � -.-�., . - � �� � I . I . � . . . . . . � I � . I I � � I - I 11 � . . I . 1; . i � i I - -,- - I . I , . I . � I � . 1. ­ I .. � . . 1 5 . . � I I � , DkeEmBEP. -26, 1890. , - . . I . . � THE -HURON EXPOSITOR* —_ � I � . . . . . - - I - -_ ---,.,. ---,. � I ­ � I I I - . . I �__­--- � o � . ; . I � . � . - I . - �� . ; I I . - that he cannot remain with them an- children, seven of whom are dead—four AT .. . I other year. The evening!s entertain- died from cholera. The four living are . . I I � . T HT .- E STAR GROCER19, . - I � . 11� M:Snt. was a good oneol consisting of George, Thomas, 4ames and Stephen I I . . . . - I - I . � many ohoice readings, recitations, disk- Capligg. Three are inShakespeare and - � � . 1, ­ �. . logues and songs. Mr. Donald Stewart one is living in Michigan. -, -1 _�­ — . . . -`17� R P ' n1_1 I V . . . . ARE YOU A BU.L-U 5JVV0 ,� . 1 4 1 and family, of Brussels, contributed L ____� I � - - . - - " � . � . ., . ',,to the success of the even- Aj�,&irs In Ireland. � . PREPARATION FOR OUR USUAL LARGE . . very largely_ . A I L - I . - . by their happy rendering of some . . I- . . __ � �__ Peopl,6 expected .at the Ing TR**10V;NY ELF.0710M. . . - - . � ,_ . '.1 I I . choice vocal and instrumental musio, in- - 1 ,-44�,� � . � . I I " in Kilkenny which took . L � If so, come and gee the magnificent value Medical Hall before . cluding the stirring strains of the bag- The elect4 I ' . . pipes. They received a hearty and place. on Monday last, and which has Ot TTR T R T W A, S -: -, T R ADE we are giving in Cottonades, Shirtings,Tick- Christmas. Our stock L I . occasioned so inuch 'interest the world � � I I ' . unan-Imous, vote of thanks, as also Ulu over, has resulted in the election of the, I . I _ . a � . - I - - ings, Flannels and Tweeds. The qualities of Christmas notion& ' , 3dr, Archibald A. Hislop, the worthy anti- Parnel I ite Candidate -by a large A - . are all guaranteed, and you will find the � I . t and- popalar chairman, who so ably per- I . . - . � .- . ipon him. majority of 1,171 votes. In spite of the I i. I - lowest cash price asked only. � � . I and presents delights , - formed the.duties devolving u Es- excitement caused during the past week Is now completed. Everything possible has been done to make our I - .. I I . . every one who comes , The song given by- " Mr. Muleahy)L . I by the political -struggle which has beenL : . . . I . n you quir�e," (aliasPhil.ip 11arris), was well taking place in Kilkenny 'Parliamentary stock the most attractive we have ever,ehown. !' - . � I - to see it, and the I received, and there were some partiou- . ,Aiistript, as well as throughout the entire. � . . � I � � - i . L . - . . - e jar ' , " larly good dialogues'well acted. The I %untry, and though the actual result - , . .EDWARD McFAUL, get a guess on th _1 L school room was filled to its utmost ca- '!*'the battle fought b6tween the Par- Our stock of Raisins, Currants, Peels, Spices, Canned Goods, . . . � of beans with eve-ry 500 . . . . ! I of order prevailed 11 Pickles, Sauces, & and will com- - - I . worth of goods you buy . ,� - U � - - patity but the beat - T C) are all of the newest and the best, I - . ;, throughout, and all seemed well pleahed Z lites and the anti-Parnellites wa I � SEAFORTH. " ,�� with the musical and literary treat that practically in doubt up to the hour of are favorably with city stock. - �, . p . . - I - I . noon, thercKwas little or no excitement - - . � I I at the Medical Hall, had been given them. The roceediLngs . ' � I . - - I . . in the strqets of&Kilkenny on .Monday. . . I I were brought to a dose ty 8111ging - Peace an . d quiet outwardly at least seem- . Seafotth. . -,&'Auld Lang 'Syrip-P This is not the '* fui ed to reign on all sides, the streets being FRESH GROUND- COFFEEA SPEOIALTYS . -first, nor will it b`t",�Vhe last success . the quietest portion of the town. Op- . I � . ' ' i ,social &,athering in Be,etion No. 2. . . , 6 . . J ., poalte and about the court house a small CTIRISTMAS AIONS 1. V. FEIRI . . __� - crowd gathered., Messrs. Parnell, � . . - I I I . . Sunshine. Harringtoit, Redmond, Scully, Hennessy We d for a laro,e trade in Hanging Lamps and Table I . - ' . are prepare M ?5 M . DRUGGIST. ' _BRiEF NoTEs.�, Ar. George Hood lost and Healy- were inside'the , court� �house Lamps, Dinner and Tea- Sets, Faniby China and Glassware. You will I . -AT * - a valua.ble mare recently from indiges- it an early hour awaiting with . varying make 9�- mistake if you purchase any Christmas presentl for your - , - . � . tion.—Wra. Michie, Jr. is home from emotions the actual annourilcement of the - u see what we have to offer you. . I . - I . . the County of H&Iton, where he has result. Though the Parnellites claimed friends until yo � . . . - - . . been working since last spring. up to the last moment that victory was . I _ 't 9 C 11) 3 - . -Mr. - 11)TJN `)AN & ITNCAN'S - . . John Healy, who is about to rem-ove to hovering over their banners, the defeat . � . - I Michigan, bad a sale of farm stock and of their candidate was virtually adrilit- . Our usual.large lup�ly.of Oranges, Lemons ' Candies, Nuts, &c.-, I . � - . w .14, hether you purchase or not. . . � IMPORTANT NOTICES I implements on Friday of last week. I � Wg) I - . — ted long beforathe close of the polls on ill be well worth sqeio )F W I . - - I - —_ - I I Mrs. James Hall is away vibiting friends Monday.- � . . � . Montreal House, Seaforth, OTE LOST. -On Monday, December 22nd, in, the county of Nliddlesex.'-Mr. Chris. . In view of the almost vitfAl importance - - ` _�`� " I A - - . N1890, a note for Twenty -Eight Dollars . Mic,hie has been invited by the Execu- of the exciting contest just decided, We have had over half a ton of Pure Granulated Sugar made into n (828) made In favor of Robert Doke by Richard ' tive Committee. of the East - Huron it is claimed that both sides de,,�ve CANDIES for our own SPECIAL CHRISTMAS TRADE. - - - - . McDool and wife. The finder will, be sultably - . � ' f rewarded by returning to'RODERT DO'KE, . ' ' I Farmers' Institute to give a paper.on th�, great credit foi the fact that no collision . . . � . I I . I � 6 I Your last chance to buy cheap goods in the year of 1890. . Look Bayfield, Out. - 1202x4 cultivation of turnips at the meeting 01 took place between their followers, and I . . - . �"T- at our Men'si $7 Overcoats for $4.50. Only a few of these fine -Over- . . . I ... the abov�a organiz%tion. to be held i -n' that the last day of the campaign at � I ; . AN WANTED. -Wanted a married couple - 'OPSLin. Men s Ready- AT to live on a farro, with's house thereon, F� Brussels on the 12th and 13th of Janu- least was conspicuous for the almost en- � - coats left, and the last chance for this grand bar, �, ;I-. no, unoccupied; must attend cattle, with the I .- � ary. Mr. Michie has consented to -take tire absence o� the personal abuse which In theToot an& Shoe Department made Cbribtmas Suits at prices to suit all comers. Every Suit must go privilege of cutting cordwood for the owner. . I up this subject, and will attend -t- on has recently 1jeen exchanged by broadr I . . regardless of cost. Don't hesitate, come early. - Steady work -will be given to a sober, industrious whichever day the committee may wish. sides between the followers and the op- I - � man. -References required. Apply at Sproat's --2vir, George Parker hat; not leased the. ponentsof Mr. Parnell. . . . I - In't brick works, Tuckersmith, or to JOHN SPROAT, . . Mothers, remember y6lur little ones. Christmas is near ; woulc" JR., Egmondville P. 0. 1102-tf . Newcombe farm, as stated by us two During Tuesday morning, as bas been ' . ro . . - for eack I He wouldn't ask weeks ago. He has,.bo,w.ever, bought the case since the polls closed, the door We offer a. splendid choice in Gen�s' Fanby Emb idered- Slipper,99 one of those $2.50 all -wool -Suits do fine ' - the straw on the place, ' . ith �he priv- of the - 11 counting. room " in the court d other Slippers. Overshoes in all qualities. Nice f * -, YARNS, YARNS � w .Ladies' Opera an I or anything else. We are bound to clear them out. � I � ilege of feed-ing it there. -A very suc- house was strictly guarded by police, thinas in warm Felt Boots and Slippers. . - . s and Caps. Of Pure Wool at 11MMAN & .cessful examination was held ia the but there was no attempt to create any . 0. _� : . - 1 - ,All the *qt novelties in Gents' Furnishings, Hat Co's, Seaforth. I school house in Section No. 5 on Satur- disturbande. Shortly before .noon Mr. - . . . . . I day l4st.-Nlr. Blackwell, the teacher,. Davitt came out of the court house and If you want a useful present for a�lfriend, the above goods are I just Ordered Oldthing a Specialty, � nothing but first-class work turned . - . �, � .1 . TALLION FOR SALE. -The undersigned . . 1. . I - - � I . . . was, assisted by a number' -of teachersi told the Amwo-ciatea Press correspondent the thing. � . I I . S offers his celebrated Clydesdale Stallion, . r_ - out. �: . . , from the neighb-bring -schools, besides a' that he (the correspondent) could accept � . . � _. I " Scotland's Farewell," for sale. - He is 10 years ; - 0 04say's majority.'- 11 9 . . . . I I old, is pure bred, and a sure foal g.etter. He � great number of the ratepayers f the it as a fact that Mr. Rew , - -,.Men's Hiah Grade Fur Caps in Persian Lamb' Beavers, &c.; Boys' . _� was imported by Thomas Bell, of,Londesboro, ­ __ -section.-Miss B. Kelly, daughter of would be,about 1,200, and that the Par- _-- 0 ' . - � I and has left behind as many good, high priced . ' of the Gth line of Morris, is nellites had suffered a hopeless, crush. Winter Caps in Cloth and Tmitation Lamb; prices right. , . horses as any horse of his age in Canada. He . . . . - � I has always travelled in the same locality. Ad- ' Slowly recovvering from a severe attack ing defeat. ___ . 11 I 0 . � I 1�1 ­_ I UNCAN dress J-OJ,iN J. PARISH, Winthrop F. 0. .- I D. Kelly, N1 Christy IiENNESSY'S -BIG MAJO' t, I . 1. - � IDUNCAN & D . .of pleurisy. -. ,isses Mary and RITY. - , � ; . . . . � ­ - t 1202tf I Halliday, daughters of -Adam Halliday, The result of the election was as fol- :,� _ fN - 7M I � - , . �of the 5th line of . . %.T.- U - I ALUABLE FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE. - Morris, are lov�a:-Hennessy,'�,527 ; Scully, � 1,359 ; - - J7JORGE1. GOODY , I . . V ,, following valuable farm property in - 'home from Goderich High School for majority for Hennessy, 1,171. 1 � �� � . It Tuckersmith is for r -ale: The farms consist of . the.holidays.'-The Christmas tree and - PAR'NELL'S DETERMINATION. . I . . I 11 Wish You A1.1 a Merry Christmas. Lot �, Concession 5, L. R. S., containing N acree, , � . 9t I . � - re �� entertainment held in . the Methodist In connection with the formal prote. ._ SEAFORT11 . — AND ' — BRUSSE.LS. - - . � - . of which ,,80 acres a �' cleared, the rewainder ch=6 on Monday evening was a success to be made by Scully against the validity . . � . - - . . well timbered with hard wood. There is a good - , . . . . -4 � . - . � birick house 28x4O, also a good bearing orchard, . in every, respect. The proceeds amount- �fl` a election of Hennessy it is -stated �, . - I . . ­ . ne barn 40xW, good stabling in connec- ,� -1�_.�, - . good frai I ed to $29.60�-Next Monday will be that 4ver 200 votes are challenged by , '. � . . T _V tion, two never -failing springs, well fenced, weU . k -council have thePa'rnellites. Immediately after the Thomas Ballantyne, Esq., M. P. P., Poultry Markets. underdrained, and in a high state of ,ultivation. -4 -nomination. . The Morris . iculturistS TORONTO, December 28. -The supply is limit- 01JR . CHRISTMA, S SA -u -n Also, west halt Lot 29, Concession 16, L. R. S. ' V - not a, vary good record to show this Sft--'fff had officially announced the re- and several..,ather leading agr . t I , ,r � , ­­ ed and prices firm. Ohi6kens steady at 40 to 50c.- . containing 50 acres. There is, 36 acres cleared, . . . �. time, . - _0pli of the polling the Parnellites. pres- of the county. - - I Mij Ducks sell at 60c to. 75c ; g . eese at 6Jc to 7c,. and � � the remainder well -timbered with hardmoge. , ' - � eat moved to the front of the court -The ladies of Knox church, _ turkeys at 9c to lie per lb. � I- . a an Mr- . - well fenced and underdrained; there F ­ - - I I I I .1 house, and with a cheer bLoisted Parnell chell, held a very successful baz%r on MONTILEM,, December 23. -Turkeys are scarce - . - . and our i;tock contains - �11 the novelties of the sevison. chard and a log barn on said place, about 19 Wroxe.-ter. upon their shoulders and gave him a Tuesday and,Wednesday, last week. and dealers are refusing to take orders ahead ; Is now going on,- I acres fall plowing done. And west half Lot 30, ' . - �11 HomE A(;Ar,sr--A large�, number of rousing reception. Parnell was aboup The total rpceipts of both days amount. choice birds would sell readily atlic, but9cto We are offering Spec1l. Bargains this week in Concession 4, L. a. S,. containing 60 acres, near- . 10c is a fair quotation for the run of stock off er- I ly all cleared. This farm is suitable for pasture, . ,� those who have gone from among us to peech to his followers when ed to $235. . Ing. - Geese are quoted at 6 to 7c, chickens 6 to as there is a spring cieek running through the 5i to make a al . n This property IS situated on the blill . � - 44joreign parts," and to school and col- Timothy and Maurice Healey appeared -Mr. James Mille, president of the 7Jc and ducks a to� go per lb. Partridge are I Kid Gloves and Mitt�S Table'tinen and -Napkins, place. ;1 lege, have returned home a i - demand, all offerings being f feely taken at 55 to I Road, four miles from Seaforth and 2J from . gain, mome among the crowd. The Parnellites as. Ontario lkgricultural College, Guelph, 60c per brace for No. Ile and 25 to 30c for No. Brucefield, convenient to schools and churches� for good., a -ad some to spend their holi- sumed -menacing attitudes and made will deliver an address beforet , Silk and Linen HrIdli1s. Towels and Towellings, a good gravel road leading -in all directions- . 2s. di�ys with their friends. Among those threats implying personal violence to Perth Farmere Institute, at Listowel, -.* - . The farms Will be sold separately or togeth*er, to It who ba7e returned from the St&tea are the Healys�in case they Aid not leave on January 9th, 1891, and at!Milverton, . Local Notices. Ties and Scarfs, � Fl:�,nnels and Shirtings, suit purchaser. For further particulirs apply I George Forsyth from I Dakota, and Thos; AccoUNTS are now ready, and parties . � . Blankets and Comforters, to JOHN. WALKER Jr , and JAMES WALKER, �! ' the scene. Finally Parnell, in order to' under the same auspices, on the 10th of . Collars and CuffS, Executors, Brucefield E 0. County of Huron. - - I ing- - not yet settled will oblige by doing so 1202; __ . . — i , Sage and Jamea Hastie from Washi prevent a row, asked the police to in January. � i I ' who new year. ROBERT WILLIS, Boots and ' - ' Dress Goods and D . ton Territory; from Manitoba and the, duce the Healys to withdravv. The 1) e f o rel,at%iee 1 1199 I Hosiery and Corsets, . I - - - .. V -Northwest, John Marks, R. B. Miller police acted upon the suggestion and the I Shoes, Seaforth. th Mantlings and. Trimmings, I TrimmingS. Municipal Electioins, Town . , THE"MARKETS. FiNiEsT retail stock of Groceries in e - . 41 . I - #1 and Jas. Ballantyne ; from St. Cathar- Healeys were prevailed upon to depart. - - . Dominion to choose from and all at the very , ship of Tuckersmith Jipes Collegi-ate, Institute, B. J. flazle. While they were being escorted out of ' Sz-AFoRTE, .December 18tb, 1890 lowest pricesat J. C. LAIDLAW'S, Seaforth. 1199 " - -1 . � � , '. - wood ; From Mount Forest Model " 0 85 to 0 88 equival�nt in - I danger Parnell diverted the attention of Fall Wheat per bushel ......... .. A $750 COTTAGE or its 1 . WITH A FULL LINE OF FUR GOODS School, Miss Elda Hazlewood; from the crowd by a speech. He said he Spring Wheat per bushel .... .... 0 86 to 0 87 cash will be given to the person detecting the . � . � MT(Dr-C310E] - I Sound Business College, Miss Oats per bushel...-....... 0 39 to 0 40 greatest number of errors, (words wrongly . I - . . -Z. 1. Is hereby giveTi that & meeting of the Electors � Owen would not be turned aside from his de- Peas per bushel .......... ::::::. 0 60 to 0 60 spelled or misplaced) in the December lesue of . � of the Township of Tuckersmith, intho County . .. - Jeau A. Gibson, Fred McDowell and termination to do his duty to Ireland, Barley per bushel.. . 0 40 to 0 48 ,, Our Homes." in addition will be given two .. ' of Huron, will be held at Dixon's Iffall, Bruce- �, . The last-named car- "." * *.'.*,. "',�!� 1 $200 each, four of $100, eight of field, on MONDAY, -December 29th, 1M, at 12 �y John J. Gibson seeing that the result of the contest in Butter, No. 1, loose ...�'_ 0 13 to 0'14 cash prizes of I .. Butter, tub .............. .. ..... 0 18 to 0 14 A10, fifty 6f $5, one Department* O'CloCk, DOOD, for the nomination of candidates It the best- t $59, ten of S25 twenty-five of , . Dress Goods & Millinery � I -Reeve and three i ried off the silver modal for NorthKilkenny was brought about by Egg I .. .... ...., hundred of" :and one hundred and fifty of $1, for th6 office of Reeve, Deputy ` om a large. number .a....- 92 � - I set of books fr spiracy. He would go through' Ire ­­ * ... "* - distributed in the order m . III kept I con - Flo'ur, per 100 %@ ................ 2 75 to 2 75 ention6d in -rules and Councillors, to serve for the next enrrent year . I of competitors. . land fighting every election, and he felt H niewper ton........ ........ 6 50 -to 6 00 regulations, which will be sent with a copy of _� � . In cage there shall be more than the necessary 9 - 1 13 , 3 60 to 4 00 We invite your special notice, as we are offering at a great red-uc- number of candidateia proposed, and a poll de- .� 'IV, - � BREVITIES.-Fligh School entrance confident of eventual triumph. . H s per 100 Ths ................ I December issue on receipt of 15 cents in stamps. d maluded according to law, th-t the elections for P � . Lamb Skins, each ................ an - .� ina,tions are being held in the public 0 90 1 Special cash prizes given away alm6st.every � exam Pelts ............................ 0 50 to 0 90 1 day during competition which ,closes February tion for the Holida,y Trade in all the leading �tyles, both in plain said offices will be held in the following places, ii7. , I I . . . M. Ross! ,� sol here this week under th(y- direc- ' millinery sales until after New viz:-: Polling Sub -Division No. 1, A. tion of Nfir. Shaw of Brussels. The Perth Items. Wool .......... .. i ... ........... 0 17 to 0 18 ist, 1891. Address our Homes Publishing Co.,. - � - , , . potatoes per busliel, .......,_i-- .., -,0 30 to 0 35 Bro,2kville, Canada. 1197-8 fancy fabricsi- and cut prices in all � shop; J. W�bp�, Deputy -Returning officer : if I Salt (retail) per barrel.. .... .. 1 26 to 1 25 Year. Come and examine. - Polling Sub -Division- No. 2, School House No. 6, 11 large. -A -Mr. James 'Bla4lock, of Minne- � - -,urning Officir- Poll - i number of candidates is 'not , - GRAND Roliday Sale at L%idlaw's will J. Broadfoot, Deputy -Rei I t4 notable $pill occurred Thursday niglat sota, is visiting friend1s in and around. Wood per cord (long) ............ 2 60 to 8 00 ommence to -day and continue all this month of . I . Wood per cord (short) .......... i w to 2 00 c f the fibest assort- I ing Sub -Division No. 3, School House No. 2, S. i I I December. A Grand Sale e . - � of last Week., A sleigh -load of young Mitchell. . -,Apples per bag .................. 0 So to 1 00 ' ment ol China, Glass and Ornamental Goods in I Smillie, Deputy -Returning Officer ; Polling Sub i . � � 3 75 to 4 00 Seaforth. Division No. 4, School House No. 9, J. Cumming i peopLe f . iGinity of Moleswortti , -Aiss -Aggie Knox, of St. Marys, 11clover Seed ..................... Can"ada. We �Vould ask our customers to give Duncan. & Duncan, 4 . . � I _rom�the v - Pa- -Timothy Seed ................... 11 76 to 2 25 i I Deputy-Roturning Officer. . i - the great rugh Any goods now ,I returning from a party at Mr. R. has returned. from her tour to the 6 03 to 6 80 I us a eftli bef ore LIE, Tan . were. . ship Clerk. I . Pork, per 100 lbs..'. .- chosen for Christmas can be laid aside until . -77 1202-1 - S. SMIL . K ­':.*.,�,.­.*.* * 1 1199 - - . I J, Sh&rplin's9 Turnberry, and when - near cific Coast. I Tallow, per lb ....... 0 04- to 0 015 1 then. J. C. LAIDLAW, Seatorth. - 9 the gravel road the sleigh upset and the -A woma,k's Hospital Aid has been ,_ . . � - I ose of I LiST of prizes at the popular bean I I - ' ELECTION CARDS. �_, team ran away. Everybody Was formed in -Stratford, for the purp LtvzRpooT,, Dec. 23. --Spring wheat, 7s 07d' I guessing sale at Fear.'s drug store, Seaforth. A � '� red winter, 7e 04id �, California No. 1, 7s 7W; guess with every I oc worth of goods you buy.' . �L thrown into the ditch, but no one was furnishing the new hospital in that city. '�Gs - - ' .m, which belonged to -1he Rev. J. White, the evangelirst, California No. 2, ou 66d ; osts, Os 00d ; barley, To the person guessing nertrest the corr�ct nuni - ��, hurt. The tet Ing revival meet- od ; pess,,ba 8d, pork, 52% 06d ; cheaue, 50a 00d - ber of beans inothe jar in our window will be A110LE IN YOUR STOCKING To the Electors of Seaforth ' Id r. � J . Belden, was not found until next is at preRevt. conducti __0_ � Viven a beautiful $17 g,uitar ; to toe second, a . I � - . day, having run as far as the ce.ntre- of ings in Zion church, Science Hill. ToRoxw, Dec. 23.- Fall wheat, 80-93 to 80-9.3; fine toned -Salzard Violin, worth $16 ; 3rd, a . - - . .Grey township before atopping.-The -�_Miss it. Inglis, concession' 6, Elms, - .85 to $0.00 ; o&tG, - 44 cents lovely combination cardinal plush Dressing Case . LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - in def erence I I , . . priniz wheat, $0 per buEh, 60 cents to for holding collars, cuffs, gloves, handkerchiefs to the wishes of & large ,lumber of Ratepayers, - - I snow is. all gone again, and farmers hav�e has been engaged to teach a school to 46 cents: . peas, .00 to and petfume (it is a beauty), and is good value And it will be filled on Christmas Eve, but you .will have to help fill I have consented to enter the field as a candidate i salary of $325. 60a, - barley,'47c to 64o ; bay, per ton, $8 ckings, Doyou,know what you eaf rth, for ,� to market their produce in waggons. Toronto for 1891, at a , itatoes, per bag $10; 4th, a German Horn Whisk Holder, value the holes in many Other Christmas stO for the office of Deputy. Reeve, of S , o � I - . W - � go cents per .. -George Armstrong, of Tralee, sold 89.00; buttor, 17c to 20o; pc . M $5; 5th, a pair of No. 7 Steel Acme Spring Skates fill them with 7 No. Then don't wait another day before the year 1891, and respectfully ask you for your . eat is briaging 88 to � S0.8Q to $0.85 ; eggs, per doz., 27c to 28c ; Cir- � team last week, which -weighed � (any size), price $1.60 �; Oth, a $1.50 Gaule of are going to upport in the coming contest. 40c, barley a fine dresqs'ed hogs, per cwt... e5.2 . 5 to 86.76. ' ,ges; b store for you. We ' Your Obedient Servant bushel, peas, 58a to 60c, oats , i cination; 7th, a beautiful pair of brODzed imo;i yriads of suggestions we have in � es 40c, pork $5.10.- about 3,100 pounds, for $300. --.40.— , you look over the m E. C_'COLEMAN. ,�, -35(li to 40c, potato W L. M, a fine washable doll, price 1,4 ; 9th, a ar rs. We have things 1201 . - I .r and 'its -Mr. and Mrs' m Somerville, of - " ation help out that tired thinker of you . f ove,, I . Dairy Markets. I pipe in case; 10th,- a beautiful combin L ,� can certainly R The mill -pond is frozen I � I fabilities for. St. Marys, have ret rned from a visit to -The best tub is sell- Our stock of drugs medicines and I useful and not beautiful) beautiful and not useful, �. u � pocketbook. L . I - smooth s-1hrfaoe offers great � ToRONTO, Pecember 23. - and prices useful and beautiful , 1� Christmas novelties is very la�,�e, Look J! taken advan- their 80138 inClark South Dakota. I - will describe. Ity 189:1. ii -ating, which are - duly I Ing at 16C to 16c nieditim. at 116 to 12c, and We extend an invitatio-6 to ever o combination of adjectives Mayora I � �, sk _ -of Sebringville. good rolls at 2c jo 14c. Crearnery is quoted at always right. y and -many things that n z . . � !� t%ge of by the young PeOP10. After the, -Miss Comman6r, . 1 2 9,s� amongst I . - 21c to 23c. - Eggs -The inarltet is steady, with body to take part in the above competition, as 11 � e ideas, ' � I � t� � Christm as ente;rtainments ar . f, e over, look is engaged to teach a school near Wel Limed selling at 22c. it is'conducted in a thoroughly honest and up- them over, and if you do t buy you ma;y get som. I I - for fresh selling at 26c. right way. The beans will be counted on Satur., Wrqs, Dress Goods, Fur Coats, � - - I I I 9 1-1 the useful and beautiful i e Shawls, ;1 . out. for the . Royal Templars' concert;i'� Tesley, in North Waterloo county Chem-Thereis"inall jobbing trade atio.1c & ar . 1 � - . - Ginn makes and'9je to 106 for sun1mer day night, January 10th, I 891, by Mayor NN i son, - : I ' ar. , - for au I . Caps, ,s Gloves, Hosiery for the ladies young and Your vote and influenc() , ! whiGh. will be the event of the season. next yb . . R. Jamieson and M. Y. McLean, and the awards � Fur Capes, Fur Set I , ' �_ . -Dr. C H.�_B makes. . � by them. Buy 60c worth of goods ,oats S�its- Hat� loss Shirts, Underwear$ Silk Hand- - i —_ ' ,_�irritt, of Mitchell, has MONTILICAL, December 23 -Butter -Quiet and inWe,at one( f' old, Overc ) 9 , Caps, G y solicited for * I — . the ,ake a guess at the Medical Hall, Sea orth. ; _ I -Silk or � ��_ . . � settled and commenced practice at: firm Late niade creamery, 22 to 23c ; earlier and. 6 ectfull . . Harlock. village of Lyndhurst, in the county of -makes, 20 to 21c; late maie townships, 18 to I. V. FEAR, druggist. 1 1198 kerchiefs, Vool Scarfs, Ties -for -the- men and boys, and hosts of resp �� �_ - __ . ' � . t I . . . � � . FLL Ift-RITED TFLIBUTES.-On Fri Leeds. _� 20c; western'rolls,15 tol7c; finest western, __ - . fancy -goods for all. . . . W � o 16kc ; medium grades, 10 to 12c. Cheese . -'--- , . ' evening last, the pupils, ex-PuPils - -Miss Lillie, d"ghter of Mrs. Eas. 14i t . Finesf,late . . Births. - � - i � W - M. -GRAY day is section turned out ton, of St. Marys, had a leg broken and - - -Nothin� doing. lun made, 91c to Re ; , Bargain Dry Goods and Clothing 5 � I - and parents Of th, . fine stock, 91 t6 Of -c " med -i grades, 91 to 9j'rc. WILSON. -In Seaforth, on the ,23rd Inst., the 'Don ) t forget to call at the I , 0 to the number of about ninety and pre- was otherwise badly bruised while coast- E ggs-Firmaind in light supply and hold; Limed wife of Mi. Charles Wilson, of a daughter. - I I I —AND— . . . 22 to 23c, and fresh stock 25 to 20c. WHITNEY.-ln Woodstock, on the- 21st inst., House of Seafortb. . I - sented themselves enmass at the house jug the other evening. i- -.* the wife of Air. G. L. Whitney, of a daugh- � I I - . of G, A.. Newton,. teacher. When order '-Mr. J. D. Moore, �f St. Marys, has � ter. I I . . . . : _. Pro,uress, Prudence an d. Mr' and Mrs. Newton contracted for 40,000 bushels of Mani- New'Y6rk Egg. Market HURLBURT.-In Mitchell, on the 17th inst., I . ­ io . i . was restored ­ mentary -el, delivered at December 22.1 -Eggs -Dull, but steady;* east- ' the wife of Mr. U. J. Hurlburt, of a son. ,� � � �. . . - i� .1 En . n Municipal were summonjed and a compli to,ba dats, at 40c per bush . . . � ern firats, fresh,,26 to 27c ; western firsts, 26c ; —.— I . I I address was read by Master Ernest St. Marys. Canadian firsts, limed, 21 to 22c. . � � Marriakes. . WM. PICKARD,, Aftairs. . I t and Mr. Newton was presented -MI Nisleolm McInnes, of Hibbert, I --.*.— � � - I Beal , r. - . . -L, ON.-On,the 17th inst., by Rev. . I � . I . . 4 a beautiful plush chair and. dress- has purchased a house and lot in Mit- BIGGIN kWS . Miss I . with Live Stock Markets. W. Craig, B. D.,)Ir. John Biggin to � I __ 0_A_M::.'1D_ - ing case, by Maste-r T. Neilans, and fol, chell, and will shortly move his family - -The local - markets was 'Mary Lawson, all of Hullett. � I I I � I . Mills and �. to thattown. I . . TOILONT0, Dec. 23. Continue so until SUTI-IERLAND-HUTTON.- In Wingham, on . - . lowing this cafffe, Mr, W. we�k to-day9 and will likely ReQuarrie, Mr- eets, Seaforth- TO TIjE p.ATEpAyERs OF -THE TOWN OF 0 . lor chandelier- -. Rev. H. � Oorner Main and Market str We.11s with a beautiful par . -Mr. Hugh Hamilton, blacksmith after the Christmas stock is disposed of. Extra the 18th inst., b3 Mi SEAFORTH.,- pole which ' they at Motherwell, has ifold his establish- choice were sold at 84,50 per cwt., mixed were Alex. Sutherland, of Peterborough, to 88 I — I f rom a � suspended 'at $1 !6 per cwt., and a lot of steers were Alice, sceend daughter of william. Hutton, 4 . Raving beten your Deputy Reeve for the past carried on their shoulders, and which me'Dt tO.Alr. J&jyl�g _Murray, of Downie, quoted .2 were (mly a few sheep offered, Esq., of Whigham. . . � 8t of many friends, , a old at 4c. There year, and at the -urgent reque o Mrs. NewtGn. Mr. for $800. ` Mr. Hamilton intends to try . s A bunch of 39 inferior Iambs —,W— I THERS having decided to offer Myself " a candidate for their presented t ex. I.. . I about 76 in all. -me good lambs at I will, if elected, en- -Ne' ton milde a suitable reply, and farM'In'g in Hibbert.. were sold at 82 each, and so Deaths. .. JACKSON BIRO, I the same office for -Ml. . - w , � faithfully as heretofore. pressed cere thanks for such m. Harris, the skilful cbeese- from 84 to $4.60. The only butchers' gattle was . his sin -Mr. W I poud4_1.; each, LAAIO,NTT,-In Godericb, on it, 16th inst., . d eavor to set',le'YOu as ff.� i d of light, weighing 80C 11. _. I Thanking you for past favors and hoping that . . -ts,b&tli on hi . as been engaged to three heal . Charles Laniont. aged 78 years. . et with your -approval. - beautiful and costly pregen maker at. Monkton, b sold at 3c, and twelve head of heifers Averaging on the 22nd "Inst. iny candidature willule )n's part also- fill a nd'�­-_`­- MCDONALT).-In Wingham similar position at Brownsville. 1 100 lbs, �ere sold at 3.1c per pou .: . son f John McDonald . I Remain Respectfully YOUrO. .; -..I--- own part and On Mrs.NoWt( ecially value The peop e in the Monkton district are 'M0:J,TRZAL, December 23. -Cattle -None of the Herbert M�,Donald, � � � _ I : THE FAMOUS CLOTHIERS,- CLINTON. 1�01 GEO. B. REXDERSON�Im. and. said he should Inore eap %1 and1gener- I se Mr. Harris. 'Z .— --gjf7 , (ie to -day up to eleven o'clock exceeded aged eleven - yeara.. k " the gifts because'of the geni , sorry to 10 bc per lb. but a few of the beft animals were — - . � —_ . I - I �le to ed. two lee. Common rough stock . . I \ - . I � - . h actuated, the peol -Professor Lamb deliver' :, -held at higher figures. . - _­. e ous spirit whic, I - Walton Cheese Factory I Eleddrsof S aforth, . � 1� . � ations of Undness and tures on Phrenology in Brockadjen sold at -from a to 4c per lb I and some of the lean - I I I . � . . such manifest -tis- school, North Easthope, last we6k, er beasts would not bring much over 2c, per lb ; of the Walton Union Lhino, wality, and said it was. a great 8D de sold at ,046 The annual meeting :' 0 people who will need'- some' ,, libe . 4 ,ar load of good Manitoba cat There will be quite a number f . . -after being arnogg re fairly attended and inter- -ac I . faction to know that which we . per head, ana a lot of mixed sbe6l) and lambs Cheese and Butter Factory Company, will be . I th t nue to enter- � per head. Ten extra beeves sold held at JONES' HALL, WALTWN, on TUES- - so long they still 'got' i ested the audience. at ,,-,I. to ?at b1c I at I o'clock p. m. - n ap- I - - em ing of good -will for him -hers - at 61c ; f1fteeni I choice DAY, January 6th, -1891, L ticularly re- now for Christmas in the way of Clothing, and to those who ca YOUR VOTE AND -a fee! - -A "honeybee" was held at the per lb. and six ot -it at 6Jc Per lb- Sharebolders and Patrons are par . I . . tain such, ot soon for- lea Fryfogle, North Manitoba steers were also bougl I . k an inspection. Any � and his family.- He could n . residence of Mr. Ch%r Ho --s ---- :Fat hogs are iiot so plentiful as theY quested to be present. preciate Something good at low -figures, We as I . I 11 - whe,re the n es, or f rom. 41C R. 11. FERGUSON, Secretary. 0 . INFLUENCE I ­ Easthope, the other evening, hwe been and bring higherpric n . - � get them. I � . I - . I — � - ,ople tripped the light fantas- ittle 'Over 4.J -c per lb. JAS. SMILLIE, Preside t. 19-02 clothinar but in our establishment . � young Pe to a I ber 21. -Cattle -Export cat- — W ad otherwise 6mployed themselves BUFlUL0, Decem store can sell you ch A -re Respectfully Solicited — ents of South tic, a I - . tie in moderate supply; best$ $4.60 to $4.85 ; � % . and it stands to reason that ., . One of the oldest resid on the 5th till a seasonable hour. keavy butchers" $4.25 to $4.40 ; mediums, NOTICE. anufacture all our owR readymades, Easihope, breathed her last � for . ,e4 to $4.25 ; f air weights, 11,3.60 to �4 ; stockers we m inst., Oatherine Crerar, Widow Of Mr. -The Pnnnal meeting of So-otb Perth ""t " - ' . � - Mrs. Capling was a Farmers' Institute will be held'in St. and feeders it shade higher. SheepandlAmbs- %.,25to$5.60; O' � $4.75to,%.25; The next Annual Meeting of the membersof . arison as to style and fit. Our large business is evi- ' . John Capliag, nd. Shewasthemother Marys O' January 6th and 7th, 1891, Best sheep, , ch lee io; beat Caha- the,.McKillop Nlutual Fire Insurance ComPanY, there is no cOmp . 0 . n - best lamba (western), $5.76 to S6. Hogs - Light will be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on ' .. native of ScDtla ns, � Alexander when interesting addresses on agricul da's $5.90 to ,%.16 mostly ,Q6. FRIDAY, January 16th, 1891, at the hour of one e trade right. . F. Holmesteds of four children, two 80 daughters, tural subjects will be given by Hon. run'and good general demand set prices 6 to 10c eceiving the Direc- dence that we niust do.tlt I I . . . o'clock p. m. Business -R, i i � and Henry Caplingi andtwo John 'Dryden, Minister of Agriculture, higher. - There were toW and Secretary's reports, the, election of four , both married -one living in Manitoba hairman of Guelph LONDON, England, December 22. Directors, and any other brismess in the interest N BROS., CLINTONJ For Mayor for 1891- . as J. J. liobeon, Esq., c . no Canadian Cattle at Stanley market to -day. ' � and the, other in Michigan., She W . - mixed shi ment of Unibed of the Company '-Treas. JACKSO . . I , Mr. Capling, who College Board ; C. A. Zavitz, B. S. A. ; The average of 9 to 5ad per lb. . �V. j. SHANNON, Secy � , , I I I I — I I V, , 4 � JR t� I, I I t I I I � I the .second wife of nada eleven D. W. Beadle, the king of fruit -growers; States cattle ranged from 5J - ,_ - - ­ - . .. - brought with him to Ca I . I - .. i . I : . � . . , I . . I . � . I - I . I I � . i. . � . i I . . . � � . . I - . - � . - I . I - I _ . - - I I . I . __ I . .- I I ­ I I I - �, - - . . _4 IN I ;I � � 11 . - I I i , � . i 4 . -2 , � I .j . . � I 4 , . .