HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-12-19, Page 2. b
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. ., . -1 --- . - - - � -_ DF,cF,mnr,1t 19, 1890*
: � HEART OF'GOLD. . Her tears ceased altogether. Heramiles your fa ' - I . - -
. I J� . - - I came slowly back. . ce every day. Aunt Margaret . � . REAL, ESTATig FOR SALIC. . 0 0-0 !_� �__
L .
was not to blame. You made an . im- /
I I I 13Y L. T. XNADE. "Ridiculous I" she said. -And then possible request to her. If you read the . L � UILDING LOTS FOR SALE.—The under. SEAFORTH
she broke into a laugh. .4L, Cecil Beigned has a number of fine building Lots -
(Published In Pamphlet Form.by John Lovell & - _Cecil letter. you will -see." .. Mantles and Dresses Made to Order. on Go6rich and James Streets fai sale at low �
I . . Son, Montreal.) Grey! Bukl'n - i not going to marry for 11 I will not read the letter. . My re- . I I prices. For particulars apply to D. D. WiLsoll
- (Continued from last week.) years and years. I've never eved. quest may have bee� impossible, but it' , - � - . 909 MUSIcal Inst '
r. thought -of marrying, n . - runiav%
I GHAPrER VI. or of lovers. was refused in such %way that it killed " ' -We have just added another lot - � of Sealettes and - OUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE.—The sub. � VIA
I Poor Cecil 1.�he must have looked very mother. She might. have come down- H scriber offers for sale the house north of .
. "You understand all aboAt it now, funny. Did be, Hope? I wish. he - ha Mantle Cloths to our stock, aiid purchasiarg will find - acres of land, suitable for building purposes. . _P0n:E'UJ&
� d she might have,writteh'tender words- . the Egwondville manse, together with three
Hope?" said Cecil. "And you will � . . Elm_
. asked me for You -I'd have loved so"�`to she was rhotherial only sister. She know * our assortment very complete in the different prices . .
speaK to Jocelyn, and let me know. i I � . On the front are a quantity of young fruit trees _____�
� -watch his face." her life was in extreme danger, and she and qualities. Several lines of Dress Goods and Silks commenoing to bear. WM. ELLIOTT. 1116 �
- I Perhaps if I could put off going away " It's all over, then, - for him," * said wrote her such a letter that she died. I . . are* being -cleated at a bargain now, and any orders I
just for a day she could see me, .Do Hope,ritiing. "Iwasn'taure, for.-y'ou sawhetdie,and*of the letter. Aunt i I ARM FOR SALE.—For sale, part of Lots'29
yon thinkso, Elope? Do you thknk� and he were always great friends. But Margar.etis nothing to me now. I'll left at our .Dressmaking Department will receive F and 80, Concession 1, McKillop, containing Scott Brothers
. pro7p , a � 0 scres, all cleared, well fenced and in"& good I
� there isanychance? It'somfulnot to of course, if you can talk like that--" neither1read what she writes, nor accept , , t ttention. I state of cultivation. Buildings fair. There is a .
have seen her for nearly a fortnight ; -it " What other way could I possibly assi8tatioe from her. And Jocel n, I _ good orchard and plenty oi water. This farm is
, Y i I . PROPRIETO ft
has balf.killed me -it has, really.", talk ? Do tell ine how he looked, will say it: if you are worthy of - being � within twe lots of the corporation of Seaforth.
� . "PilspeaktoJocelyD," said Hope. Hope.)) . . � mother's daughter, yes, and of being our - ' It will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply RIM.,
. - 11 Idon't think she'll be prepared -I 11 Very earnest Y I I on the premises or to Seaforth P, 0. DAVID
, most hon- , DORRENCE, Proprietor. .
, and maul , and hand- father's daughter, who was 9 � �'. . 1184tf .
L don't, really, Cecil; for you have a]-: some. He's in love with you, Jocelyn, bl n, youwlll� put t1hat lett.r into ED W,A. RD, McFAUL., - . SEAFORTH, , - LONT"
I ways been a sort of brother to us both, and you ought to be awfully sorry for the fire and give it no fu'rth,sr thought. . I AR31 FOR SALE.='For sale, Lot 31, Con-
. I you know." . . - d ' - I,m' - . . . � - I . I - P I AN 0a.-Dunbarn, New York
I - " Well, I'll be your brother still, an him. " You owe it to our parents to accept . . Feession 6, MoKillop, containing 100 acres W. Bell& Co., Guelph; Dominion piau,
� i not -it's to � about 90 acres cleared and all in a good state of'
. A 0 funny. - He loo-,k,ed 'nothing from_Aunt Margaret Seaton." � '. SEAFORTH.
� something nearer to Jocelyn. $he maul ? Nonsense, he's nothi . - . cultivation. It is well underdralned and well Company, Bowmanville.
. i y ng but a Here Rope's voice changed. Her ! fenced. Thereisagood brick houselfandgood -
. � couldn't make that objection now, could boy.' . �
I I pliable, expressive face grew full of a heds, &c. There is a
� I she, Ho 0" 1 4( He didn't look like a boy when - frame barns, stables ORGANS. - W. Bell & Co.
I I F large bearing orcha' '
ts. - he great tenderness. rd and a never failin
�7 1 No, I'll certainly speals to' her., talked about you. - Well, I'm s9rry for " Doar little Jo, poverty need not be I — — spring well. It is situated within three -miles Guelph; Dominion Organ t
I � Only, Cecil, Jocelyn and I have never him. You are quit - = of Seaforth and will be sold cheap. Apply to coinpanv.
� J � e positively certain,. hard if we stick together, and are of one 1 . JOHN McCLURE, Porter's Hill P. o. - 1158tf Bowmanville; D. W. K&rn &, ,
� - thought about lovers -never once." Jo, that you don't care the least little mind," she .said. "Let me burn the I 1. P.
� i _
� %
� . 'PAR111 IN STANLEY FOR SALE. -For gale .
� "But you've got �o begin. Therehas bit in the world for him ?" . letter for the sake of a] I the -hap y old Woodstock. cill
. got to ba a beginning to dverything, " Ca,re for him ? Of con , p T"DC - MARK. a, , . 3 � _ _U cheap, the East halt of Lot 20, B,ayfield Theabove instruments always on hand-abo ,�
� I - rse not. He's times, and because we. both love our Lai Road, Stanley, containing 64 acres, of which 62 1
. r You' I have lots of lovers yourselt, Elope, , a great deal too Young; he's not the mother." . . a few - good second -hand Pianos and orga�s for
1.1 I .
, presently. , Oh ! you needn't color up. style of,man I'd have for a husband,and But Jocelyn was I i . - .. I &cres are cleared and In a good state of cultiva- sale at from $25 upwards. Instruments sold on
aDgr . tion. The balance is well timbered with hard- the instalment plan, or on terms to
what a jolly sort of a I'm not going to -tie mysel� to anybody came' close to her. 8he pushed her ... . wood. There are gqod buildings, a -bearing tomers. Violins, Concertinas and srnall instru. -
I - "' � . VRE suitcus.
I Yon don't know ' y now. Hope .
girl yon are. Of course, -heaps of fellows for years, and years, and year@." - away. - . orchard and plepty of water. It is within half a ment8 on hand; also sheet music, books, &
� I I . . I mile of the Village -of 'Varna and three miles ..
; t. will be wanting, you, and you"ll have Hope seated herself on the hearth- "Yon are* all forJ,Ileroics, Hope," she A. I I from Brucefleld 'station. , 0.
. �
�, only to pick and choose. But now rug. - . time. Thisiaararechanceto buy a first class
1 4 ! Possession at any'
� said, "I dare say they look very well . I X]D1A9TEA' f farm pleasantly situated. Apply to ARTHUR "
. I abont Jocelyn. You'll speak to her- " I'm glad, for m u SOOTT BR
- -
: , " Y .part," she said. i a book, but they aren'c at all interest- 11SOUTELYPURE F ORBL�S, Scaforth. I � � 08.
4 -
� .
� � you'll give her my in essage -you'll make We'll be very happy together. We ing in real life. Now, I may - as well - - 1144tf �
�, � . I the -most of rne you c%n ; and I'll come won't mind being poor -not a bit, after tell you plainly that I a 93WHUFAMONM
I �
� down this evening to get idy answer. It 'we've got over the first I . m sick of this ____
� AWN1 FOR. SALE OR To RENT. -For eale
,tI 0
1 1 � rub." � everlasting talk about poverty. I hate . CARJUS IN INDIA For to rent. for a term of years, Lot 12, Cc.n-
� i can only be. the best kind of answer can 1, Oh ! b ' - - -
� r . ) - � cession 9, McKillop, containing 100 acres, of
. �
� r it,, Hope ?" �lng poor. flow you do barp horrid dowdy home-made dresses. I I '. i ___ .- I 4____.___ whieb about 90 acres are cleared a -rid in a good Ce Afir WhItney's
� - I
i I on that string. I suppose Cecil is well hate pinching and contriving. I really I
I "I don't know," sa-id Hope. - It off.,, � htmte of cultivation. There are about 70 acres
I seeded to grass. The fences and buildings are -
I I I don't know anything about the spending - The (yrowers and ble�nders of Ram Lal's Teas ask you to crive thein good, and it is one of the beat farms in the
: _� seems t9 me that I don't understand. 6 'I suppose so. He said you and he of money, -but the income Mr. Frost is a fair tri 0 0 STOVE
. I I'm very sorry for yon, bat I don't aym- al for the fo'llowino, reasons : I AND -
� . cOlintv. It is within three miles of the village �
. �, 9 , I .
q rl. could begin on eight hundred a year." oing to allow us every year would I of Winthrop, .and 8 miles from Seaforth, anA a - I '.
- 1� pathiza. I suppose it's because Jocelyn Jocelyn pressed her band tober chin fancy, be spent by me in a single da Ist-They are absolute"ly pure. I
I If � . good gravel road past the Place. It Is %%-Ith!n
I and I have nev6r thought of I overs. " in'meditation. Y.
F.� .2n . a F U R N I S H UN G
J )) I see nothing for it, Hope, but you 9 d -They are grown and prepared on the estate I p, or tented
I , " I don't'know for' a term of 3,ears. Apply on t
�L f I "You'll do your beat for me at -least what eight hund�ed a must go your way, an by the most mil90f school. Itwilbe soldchea he farm, or
I said Cecil. d I'll go mine. I Skilled labor and. improved maebineiy that money can buy, whereas address Winthrop P. 0. ROBERT G. ROSS. -
4 year means," the said, " But it sounds have quite made up my mind. L I have China Teas are picked and carried by' natives long distances before! 1181-tf
I ,
1 �7 � . Yes, Rape could promise that; and a good lotofmoney. Then, by -and -bye, beepniakiDgitup for the last week
- then it was arranged that he should, call I'd be Lady G - , , being made ready"'for the mariket. A �-Two bouses and 0
11 .. 4 ,
11 k
L ;,
. 11, again that evening at nine, and if notb- Grey's Park. rey, and we'd live at since I saw you getting so horridly I . _A_ lots for sale, Pleasantly situated in the , . .7 �
I �? I- Hope!" screwy. Aunt Margaret has written 3rd-Rarri Lal's is JL blend of three Teas 'grown and prepared lillage of Egmondville, being one frame ho I "
I I ing had been accomplishea-for Hop6 " What?" said Hope. . use,
1; * ith stable and half acre of land planted with
� I �;?, very kindly. She has given an explan.. especially *for this brand. ,',Will always. be the same flavor to -day to fwruit trees, and one new brick house, %ith Seaforth
Z� .
1. e must find a fittiug opportunity, and thkt " Did he really look v,'ery manly when tion about what you choose to consider ten years bence. . ) Ontario,
� . I � . , large frame stable. and one and half acres of .
� t; might require longer time than between he spoliesboul; me T" - . her unkind conduct t mother. She land. The house contains six rooms, bath
� I r.� . .
I t " 4th -'Tis cheap ; only Fifty Cents for. a pound packagre, which rootu and closets, brick basement, cistern and � We are offering Bargains in
. d now and the evening -he would post- " Yes " (a fierce light came into offers us both a home wi0th herself, and
I F I I � all necessary conveniences for a first class pri- I
!�d cie his departure until noon of the fol- Elope's eyes), 11 a thousand times too for my pmrt I am going to see her, will go as far as two pounds of China or Japan Teas. vate residence. Will he sold in -one parcel or I
. - r0owning day.- - I and
W manly to be married for. his money or talk matters over with her, ..and that's When giving Ram Lal's- a trial, if the first cup does not strike -
I ;-.�, -
I _. Cecil went away, and Hope, pushil separately to suit purchaser. For particuian
apply to SA31UEL WALLACE, Egmondville Coal & Wood Parlor Sto '
� .t. ng position." what.I want the five pounds" for. I'm your palate, try a second one weaker than the farst. After using a P. 0. or to A. STRONG, Seaforth. 1168tf I -
� --
I ,!I ir in a per I
e Z. . c Ed . plexed manner, - " Oh, -of courme," said Jocelyn, shrink. frank enough Hope. You know ever * I __ va.
� ,7_ went into Jocelyn's room. 0 y - pou I
. . - I
. .1 _. iDg back " W`hoev`er thougiit of such thing now." � nd you will'only drink Ram Lal's Pure Indian Tea from henceforth - All Stoves Guaranteed. I
It was true she did not understand, a - thing 9;' . . 9 . . ARX FOR SALE- CHEAP. -$6,000 willbuy
I - I but it was alqo true that her heart was � "I have a reat mind to refuse to give
. - You the five pounds," 64 F 100 acres on the 9th concession of 31c-
full of an undefined ache and pity for CHAPTER VII. . said Hope. I For E�J_'ale -by M. ' Killop,belongiDg to Thompson Morrison, who A full line of _�
I I Cecil.. His face had grown quite hag- Cecil took his dismissal * quietly pn. think you ought to be protected against . I I I JOIRDANI is re8ldlnF in Dakota and does not intend to I I
gsrd in the last fo'rtnight ; there was no - yourself. This conduct i.j not hono"'r- return, eighty acres cleared and the balance
ough. He turned very whitei but he able." good hardwood maple and mck elm, within 5J Bleolary's Famous Moves -
I - doubt at all of his, earnestness, no doubt did not say much, nor did he ask Hope " You refuse !` said Jocelyn, her eyes ' SEAFORTH-y ONT.. . milef, of Seafor'th and within I of a mile of .
: school house, Methodist and Presbyterian . I
I . . . of the sincerity and dep'th of the feelin'98 to plead hiscause any further. flashing angrily.- . Churches, stores, mills, blackswithin- and -_ For which we are Sole 'Agents.
I z I . which caused him to speak. -1 "Thank you," he said, as he rose to S� Oh, Jocelyn hoiv changed you arb 1 . - -on making shop, post onice, &c., gooT build - ,: .
.. Jocelyn was lying in a luxurious atti- gd awa . " You did your best for me, Yes, I have a great mind to refuse." CARDNO BROS. ings and water for cattle, and good gravel roads Great Bargains in Table and Library
:. Y
I .
. � tude on, her oafs by the fire ; her cheeks and I'll never forget this to you -never, "Then I tell you Wh . , ISEAFORTH to any part of the townsh.p, taxes the lowest Lamps.
I at I'll do-wbat `� of any of the borderinq townships. A lortga e ,_
were slightly fluahed, her red lips a I might have known I wasn't half good I've been mak* will be taken for $3,000 at 6 per cent
� Very little parted. Her beautifal e3 0 0 lug up my inind for the � , App y . -
bad a c res enough for her -I always feared it, but ,last week t do, until Aunt Margaret's . . . to JOHAN C. MORRISON, Winthrop P. ., Ont.
ontented smile and a light in I'd just a sort of. half idea thdt she .'letter saved me. I'll write to Cecil and I � . I 1176tf 08 MI WHITNEY, ... �
them. Hope was conscious of a feeling might put up with me -I mean, that bring him back ; I'll marry him for his . ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 12, conces- � .
.-. - - almost of'repubdon as she glanced a', she would have allowed me to be a sort money." , � THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN SEAFOR"TH F sioii 4, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, containing .
,�i Jocelyn's Smiling beautiful face. of comfort to her. However,it's all at 4( dh . luO acres, 86 cleared, 63 seeded
. . to grass
. you -fenced,
ri� - , Jo4ielyn !" Hope gave a sharp ' sown to fall wheat. The- farm As well SEAFORTE
-11 "She had no righ.� I , 8 MAIN -ST. 9 .
, , , ,*lmost to die of an ead now. God bless Ho * ' "Eve�n Aunt Margaret is better For Gents' Furnishings, Hats and C dri '*'% S well unaendjaint;d and well -watered by a — �
z" 1) 9 ,pe ; , cry.
w. grief for mother, and?now to look like good -bye -God- bless ypu. � than that," she- said, �he opened hei
�f I never failiDg spring which runs through pipes
- . I..,
. 1; ing 11 out her solitory five -pound - CLF into a trough. There .
i her reflee- said Hope - "even though � kitchen, frame barn, stable an I driving �hed. I 1,
.if his heart, for her," ivaF 11 pursia, took is a brick house and
- that, particularly when Cecil is break- " I'm ever so sorry for you, Ceci , �
Z,i P I don't ' �
I �. tion. prehend your fteling." coin. note, ]aid it on the table, and went out . I ng, Good orchard. The. farm is situated within I
��, 6t of the room. - . . I two and a half miles of Seaforth, I'vith KOod . I
. . -
She came forward and stood moodily It's awfully good of You -your turn � . � � I gravel roads leading in all directions. Will be
7 ..
. k by the fire; Jocelyn looked up with a will come some day-Bure to. It won,t - sold on -easy terms. For further particulars ...
i._� -_
. �
- . - mises or to JOHN PRENDER- . �
you were ere no more luxurious flats in P. O., Out. I .
i �, " My Knight of the Doleful -C6unten- I good to me now. Well, it's at an end, London than those to be found . ply -on the pre .
t,� - VITS TO ORDER c"AST, scatorth ___ i . I
$: � laugh. be worse for you then that - There w CHAPTER wir. AND S lisetf .
�' . in Albe- - _ . -
1, - ance!"she said. Then a little petu- andI'm off to Oxford to -morrow. I marle Mansions. They were ivell situ- � — - -
�i lancecame into her voice. . -
� I
I I I,i "Really inight have known ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, the south half = 4�__
1. % of Loi 23, Concession 6, Morris, colit - �d .
I I a ning � -
100 acres, about 90 of which are cleared .,*r . ,
- well "M ..=- . , .�
Ir Fii Hope, when I am doing rny beat to get look at me. She's miles, miles above fair,-clo3e to everybody and ever thiDg' fenced, 'about 70 free from stumps and' well Fi - _: :2
� ,"; . she wouldn't ated. They were in the centre of May- . F e X I
� � better, and to 'cheer up after the terrible me!" Everything n'
I j7;
�i �' Y ew, good and substantial, and at prices that will underdmined. - ,
;� ;1; think you might aid - W 11!
I f� Way I suffired, I In -themselves the flats were large an� astonish . The balance Is well timbered I I ,
I t ious ; the reception witb iardwood. Thet leared part lonearlyall 6- - , C:3 , 1��
� " Oh, don't, Cecil !1, said Hope, r . the most economical buyer. ,
. -
L me instead of looking like Patience on a lievi e. commod -rooms were REAM � % N;z I I -
;. FM ng her strained feelings by a sudden spacious, and there were plenty of th m. seed6n to grass. There is a frame houseand I . = J , 1 -5
1 .. monument, and all the other dismal laugh. " It does sound - so e The latest styles in HARD and SOFT 'HATS. An elegant line trame oarn, also a small orchard. This is one of . - 4'. RTA
I 1.
� �f
. F.r - -
-_ - -
. ..i� horrid things. Before you went ont you . - ridiculous- In every way the flats were suited to of FALL CAPS just in. the nest farms in the township and has no .. -_
. 1_: � . - poor little Jo !'.' . - , I
ghten me into m grave with . broken or bad land on it, and is good for either I - .
� r, tried to fri , Y Cecil's face fitisbed hotly. the requirements of fashionable people, We have a very large stock of GENTS' UNDERWEAR -that we grain or stock and will be sold cheap. it is . I
I 1 7.- . . . �
., . ana in'one of them Mrs, Seaton and her are sel within three miles of Brussels and within a �
I � : visions of a bread -and -water diet. Then You don't know what I feel," he daughter Lottie'lived a lu I ling at prices never before offered in Seaforth.
I � 64
� �: 0
- I xurious life. quarterof's mile of a school, AyPly on the I I
I T- premises or to Brussels P. o. . � .
� � .
i t� yon stayed away for quite two hours said. ' " And,even you don't know her, Mrs. Seaton was about five-and.,forty Gents' Furnishing and Staple Dry Goods at rock bottom prices. W . or JOHN � I
� , 11 r and now behold Minerva at least. �, I
� �: 6 I not as she looks to me �
i - Oh, don't liken me to anyone else," - There' ROBB, Jr. I 1144tf I � -
� . ; one fellow in the world worthy a 01317 -a hands'ome woman, Young looking --- - .
� . . . said Hope, an' of her, for her age, with a slightly full -figure, . �_ I - A ,�'�
�Z �
� -
f ddenly laugb-ing. - I am and I hope to goodness he'll fiever come a � ALE .-Containing 119 acres,
, .
� � ,
�, ,_� , Minerva, and Patience all across her," I . � ,nd a slightly arrogant bearing. She . _IE2 F b�ing parts of Lots I and 2, on the 8th � � .-
. I Was a widow and enormously rich. Her . . sion of 2riorris, 100 -acres cleared and 5
i 4 in one breath. Listen "That's rather selfish of you, Cc d h acres chopped. The balance Irood hardwood sn� R
i q
7- , Jocelin ; I have conces
� r�,
- 1- got something. really very interesting to What'a ti oil- husban a�d been the well-known city
I . � �, ie name of this -wonder?" bush fairly fenced and well underdrained, good
I T_ say a a I
. .P
.1 '. z frame house and
I 17 I., t last. It w 9 quite true about the merchanto' CARDNO BROS., No. I Cardno's Block.
�1� � .. " Oh, you Deedn't laugh ; his name is f the -name, When talkiDg I kitchen with woodshed
- . I - I pow:vrty ; but you need not share it, Markham. He'9 a chum of about -heri 1 people had added to 'her - � - � . attached, two frame birns and frame stable,
r , 1: li
. �"11 lug . -
� 1 1 Mine at OX wealth, making it fabulous ; but a]. - good orchard and three wells and a soft water
, I ,_ �4arli . No, thank God, you c%n still ford -he's awfully clever.. Ile's ugly, tho WOE
,;t__',._ -
;,. ,�
. I ': I f �'. — cistern. Within two miles of Blyth, where ,
� gh it was not that, she had a, great ere Is a good market for all kinds of produce, 11RES n STRONGEST, BESJ -
� - ha,vethepretty dresses and the nice too, but he can twist anyone, man, WO- deaul more money than she knew bow to school within live minutes,
- I .
i -
4 � -
I j � j things you ought to have; that you are man, or child, round his little finger. sp walk from the house. CONTAINZ NO
� i - - I!. � ! th
; . , � �,
,�� - I i
: 1�, . I ; I i suited for." nd, and - Hope's 'mother had been a Would take fifty acreq in part pay. This is a Alun4 Ammonia, 1imo, Phosphates,
� �� , - � -11
I t -1 : 1 "I knew you were frightening me for If he asks.Tocelyn ,to marry 1-im she rigeht when -she i, A BUSINESS OHANGE
��4 1�
� - , w,in't say 'No."' aid that Margaret �;ea. first class farm and parties wishing to buy OR ANY INJURIOUS ZUESTANCE. �
" Q �
I �
� . )_ f . nothing that timep" interrupted Jocelyn. d 6 From'your description, he in I ust ten. would not. miss two . would do well to call and see it. Apply on the
� k�il ; n:t
. - I , " The mome b ' ' thousand -, premises or address Blyth Post office. NICft_ TORONTO, ON -M
I .
". . OLAS CUMING. 1139tt -0 . 0, 3LI .
� 4 . i � . IN L ,
, . 1 � -You mentioned . easant. We *Will trust that I 11
��� M r. unpi e pounds. In one sense that was true in ' Ir W GILLETT,
- !� Frost's name, I was sure of it. He's an 10 another it was u t. Mrs. . - MANUFAOTURER .. c111CAG
I �
� , spread his toils round Jocelyn. " Seaton was - 'VARM FOR SALE. -For sale, lot 5, concession -J
I -
.; .
. I
� , 4
.;p �
j � 4'. 1 7 ,� � ogre, and, in my humble opinion, keeps won't bye, Cecil. I am deeply sorry -for 0 cing her'banker's book, and _ _U 1, H. R. S., township of Tuckersmith, 6on-
I ; -. our fortune for himself." .STAND.
I ,
� I , I : YOU." f lying &wake at night counting over taining one hundred acrep more or less, 97 acres
I I I il
'_ � ,
. � . I I cleared, 80 of which are seeded to irrass, well un-
, I'- I r, "Oh ! -will you listen ?,, cried Hope 64 her stocks and shares" and the various - - .
. I p. ,I ry
I I 'k. � : derdrained, three never failing wells. - On one
: , : d I
I . ii ' So am I for -myself. Good-bye, items which made up her great wealth. -1.1-1.9 M
� I , -
-1 �
� -
.. . r.�
1: t . .
o � 1, not that at all ; we are poor. e�ll'be Two thousand pounds on the wrong side an very superior orchard, and on the other a 000000000� I
clasping her hands in despair. I I R is Hope ; you're a brick of a' irl ; h R. BEA 0 flft� of kiald lot there is a log house, frame barn
7 11 Y) It is -it a lucky fellow who hag you for a
� : is----
-, good frame house and barn, stables, and good -
J : 8 of the ledger would not have Have purebased the store, dwelling and stock of Jmes McClinnis, orchard. The whole will be sold togetbe
i � - '! sister. I only - wish pleased
I .
I I -, ! ,
� -
- , - � .
.. - � - - � .
. �, k manners are q, bi e
. , . .1 � � " We are poor?" said Jocelyn. "Your mine !" I . the luck were her, and she decided to deny her- dying in Sea-fortb, and hope to receive a continuance of r or John S. Porter"s
I ,,, I T
'! the liberal patronay each fifty separately to suit purchasers,
7 , .1 1. uite enough to turn any- Then' Cecil went a ster's request. In this -particular 0 11 miles from Seaforth, will be sold reasonable
, - � ,
z , ,� __ I way, and Hope con- located
, I . . one s head to -day, Hope. . Do let's drop -she so long extended to their predecessor. They intend making it on easy terms as the proprietor -is retiring from Undertalding and Farm'-
: ;�-44,1 : .
7 . . �. I sidered'i showed great hardness, but she was not I
; . . - the therne. .
. I , - *V ,�
- 1, �� i -
� I - I . hit episode - in their lives quite generally considered a hard woman, and farming. Foi further Particulars a pl , to the -
I _. � I - . I am to have pretty dresses at an end, . � .
�,�-. . - J : undersigned on th� Premises, and if
-.; - T -..-- " i still; that is one comfort. Do Von in many ways could be kindness and .
I - �i �Ko In a day or two Jocelyn cam I E ietter to
I , � :
� '. - I" e down- . I
I .
: , 1 4 �- :1 know, Hope, I have been thinking -I'm ,generosity itself. Real, Interest' S TV V1 SemforthP.O. giCHAELDORSEY.y ture Emn * P . I
- r % - stairs again. . Mg a We I as Prditable forCustomers. 1175tf -1 -N,011UM,
I � . � � ; . She was quite well, and - .
t ,
. I �
i, ,, . - . . _. z afraid'it's a little rude to say it but still no longer particularl . sorrowful. She had one child; a girl ALUAB1,E P � SEAFORTH, . ONTARIO.
I . I �
. t- - -
;; , -_ - -
; 7 �, t 1" �'t 1� 1 3 " Y f eighteen, -
-, . il . F SALE. -The undersigned offers for sale or -
� t �,, com ure, not the to rent his Brick Block of Stores, situated in OUTSIDE OF THE COMB INIATIO,VL.
,; -Y - I- I fear deep mourning won't be as be- Neithei could she any longer shut her a fragile, white faced creat 0 They bave added a fine now collection of Sugars, Teas, Canned Goods, V I
�;_ I , il3g to You as to me. I have be�n eyes to the fact of their poverty, least like herself, for she and all kinds.of Spices. Also a full line of .
L . , -
I . - .. :_ and wall* full of . the Village of Hensall, which is well known to Funerals furnished on the shortest notice
. � ;' � - fretting about that, for I want once or twice she itality and energy. Mrs. be the Liveliest and Smartest Village, and besb and satisfaction gu,t anteed. A large assort- ,
" _ , ;i��J � . � r4ther
. � I
a � ki Yt-.- �_,�i V
I - 0 � 1; � � you to look very nice when we go ou 8 inclined to be Seaton con- I .
way,, lese Double Stores have a frontage of 44 rn Z-
- -
: - Z-t,Tl- - � - � r isulky over the'liornewa siderea Charlotte a beauty, and perhaps q Market on the London Huron and Bruce Rail- ment of Casket,@. poffins and shrouds &e
� - .
I .
i J �_� � rouxid of visits made mourning. . ' '
� presently. But when I With all her faults -and -she bad the glamour of her wealth might have always on hand of the best quality. Th�' b;;t'
11 - �i
. I" q,-- f :
� �
I.... lt,* feet wiph a depth of 50 feet with Iron Roof and of Embalming Fluid ased free of �40h g a
7 -1 - ( made sOme-People agree with her. But � WAkE ar e nd
11 I , was writing to Mme. de Pompadour I plenty-Jocelynt however, was a ver CROCKERY AND GLASS
� � � - I - . � . .told herto put as matty frills and #oft goGd-te . . 9 Fire Ptoof waffi;, and best stand in the pl&ce.
.1 �
:, I., I 11 � mpered, sunny sort of girl ; any to unprejudiced eyes she was Isimpl -_77— Prices the lowest. Fine Hearse.
I 1� . � I taimmings as she could possibly d6vise as all his time the shoe of poverty wa d y a arry . For full prarticulars as to rent or purchase sum, S. T. HOLMIS, Funeral Director.
�� '� , �' I I I t very fragile, uninteresting little mor I We will also c - on the Pork'Packing Business exten Resi
�. - . i .on both our dresses; so 'I tru a tal. sivel this apply to j. P, MARSHALL, Proprietor, Hen. donee-GODERIOH STREET, directly o�
� � �
I . I - " at, the only preparing to pinch, - I) fall, and will iy sail P. 0. e B. -There is also a good new posite the Methodist church In the house
I �. f - v ti effect won't be so bad', as far as you eire and had not How bitterly cold it is mother .
; : I ,,� I I f , she � - frame Dwelling hear the Store, which can also formerly occupied by Dr. Scott. 10
4 - - yet given Any very bard twinges, she said, on this par - I . be rented or purchased, and possesejon of -stores
. .
t i�� - nuary day. or Dwelling can behad on the 16th day of Feh - -_ _M -
T ��, concerned, Hop . Of course'I ah '-It -be and Hope lived happily enough at O.tk. " How detestable England is at this ruary, i8oi.- J. P. MARSHALL, Proprietor.
11 - , . - 5i e ticular Ja
I - 1�� 4 ' a!
I . �� . -
__ , 7 �
: t -, : .� .1 atl righ,t, with my fair complexion." dene, during their few remaining days time ofyear; why do we eta .Pay the Highest Oash Price for Dressed Hogs I 1198 tf. .
� . L . 'J " I think it's only right and honest to there. Y hero ?_ -
.1 i 4
- L I ,1 why don't we go back to the. Riviera at . � -_
. - �_ I � tell You," said Hope, in a blunt voice, At last came the morning when Mr. Once ?" .
I', - -
� -
�, - . �" -
� �� - OR SALE. -A
� t - Al , L We are meeting the hard times more than half wa by giving V Good Dwelling House, GODER10H
L t "that when I went out that time it was Frost wrote to Hope, tellin fit
# __�,, f� ,;� e a
" 4 7 �� L �
. r,�, � - 1i that she and been rather upset, y . - in part, 16x24 . .
I " L . �
- -, -
, M ..1 � ret class ellar unaer all the main part. There 8
.i padour, telling her not to execute'your Your poor Aunt , . x18 hen 12x18 and a
- 9 her that all Well, you know, darling, I have FIVE� POUNDS OF TEA FOR 25 CENTS. ., storel
I - " � , I i to d apat'h a telegram to Mme. de Pom- 'debts were now paid, and nd 14 1) ,a with kit,c Ira
� -
. � :. � .
il � �, �. -�'j. -, At Make you be- into a cold world, with fif Is also a good well and cistern and young /
, -p �0, . �
. I I � lieve in our poverty ?" pounds a ing, and then my resolve 8team. Bo
� i
. � . - Jocelyn might walk forth free maidens Amy's sudden death ; then our mourn- Give us a call; it will pay. 1;9P- Remember the place, first door orchard, with Plenty of land for both g4rden and . /vair W012hr
- , fi
t:. L� -i order. There, will th - �
7 7ft, year to sustain them. 'Y suggested by .
. -j Jocelynoatupri hton her sofa. An . I .
i - . � ", I' on tl,6 same day You, if you remember, Lottie th of Hawkshaw's H lawn Purposes, also Cider 31111,26.x40, with stable
. 9 Jocelyn had a letter fro ' -that w'e sou otel' Muilm' Street, Seaforth. - I and wheel house attached, in first class working
11 I- I - r .
- I � - - � angry spat glowed in one of her cheeks. It was long, and M M's. Seaton. should invite the girls to come here, � order, with good trade eidablisbed. The . - (ESTABLISHt;D 1880.)
- ,
I � I- I
. _
t .' � . 0 from ,her . ' six
q _
I I _ Bar eyes, sparkling and eloquent wfth mann anions fine village lots adjoining to and forming part of —
:, � _. - � I , to judg offering them a'home as comp The best brands of. Flour, Bran and Shorts, als'o Peas, Oats and
-1 darling."
.1 I 1_*� -1 er, was of absorbingInterest to the Tppj I te
. t, reproaches, were fixed full � the above mentioned will be sold separatel
� - . . - on her 'Younglady. Barley, always on hand. . rus al & Black,
.. I I y
I � .. together to suit purchaser or purchasers, afford. .
�� -1 � p�, s re .
7 4"', .11 � was she that ,Lottie' f tful blue eyes brightened.
- I - i I , . sister. So excited , or Chijkjt
r I V I fi( r1g 8 good chance to any, one desiring to put- .
I our affection for mother ?" - chase a good new dwel)ing first class in urers of all kinds of Station:
. , 's disap roving V1 es .
� - she failed to notice'Hop ", Y
I 7 � . e
- ., I - �1' � I � Is this y tones. This was th first letter rp , Yes, of course," she said eager- 1, R. BEATTIE & CO Manufact
� � A.. � � eceived ry
f - I , � she said at last. "Are we to wear no o a respect; or lots on wh
- , . -�; & from Mrs. Seaton sie ]Y- " But . not only' P68 companions. feb �(; build as the si" arys Marine, Upright,& Tubular
- �'.., nee ' . � tua-
� ; I tion is equal to that of any in the village. This
-, L � � ,f �L: i I That sou7d like the kind of person that Z� �,�� property will be sold at a bargain as the owner .
I . mourning for her?" the day when .
I . I - � Mrs. Karron had died, bnt this fa ' , 8 -_
: I - .? L" -1. 4 � _. 'L, Yea, the best we can make ourselves, also overlooked by Jo ct was writes your letters.for you and . reads intends securing a farm. ro
. ` - � -
i i I 44 1, � .
., -1 _1.�.: � Pf " � " cel yn. r full particillars
L , .
I I 11 tv ,i:L ,, with Jane's assistance. "Lend m ; aloud ; that kind of person can be paid apply 10 BERNARD THOMPSON or C,, i.
L T: ��n� � e five pounds," she 9s, BOILERS
: . - ,9 - � " Hope, you haven't a bit of heart." Hope. I I id to for. I want sisters, equals -g jig SUTHERLAND, both of Hensall.
�L I I � �� ;- K � ti,: ,: i who __ I
I 11 . 11 75ff. -
� . i �.__ z ; ondon to will Put-& little variety intO my life,.and _ . 0 . - Salt Ps
I I 1� I 7
. . ., Do'wa went Jocelyn's head on her -see Aunt 1 must 90 up to L R WILLIS P
;�1_3._: 1_,i
. . I
-T-1 .
-11 - it, .�,! .� - � q, - , pillo'Wo, and violent sobs shook her when you have re'ad it you wil ame to you that, I am. Oh, L . PLENDID FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, no, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron
. I . __ - 1�� ; - - S concession Tuckersmith Works, etc. .
Margaret.. There is her letter; be just the L y SEAFORTH
-1 - . �' olight' frame. 11 . I under- I hope they'll come . I - Lot 19, let con-
, - ,�.:. I f - , - stand. " -I do earnestly hope I tai , nearly all'cleared, well ' .
L k -1 I .
� - I , I ning 100 acres
. - - � � i : those tears filled Hope with compu they'l I come." ,I under -drained and all seeded to grass. fenced Also deal
7 I � . 14 "'; , i �.' I . no- Hope pushed the bulky envelp I There i erg in Upright and Horizontal Slide
_ � __ � � � large brick house with tin roof and con tai I' Valve Engines. Automatic Cut-off Enginesb
�� -1 tion. She knelt dowa by the sofa, and aws _-pe Mrs. Seaton gazed full into be n-
�,._ � .4 ,;;� Y. .
I . .
, .-i ing:all modern improvements also a larve specialty. All sim of �
�_ I ! r young Headquarters for Boots and Shoes. . bank pipe an
� - il utting her arm roU_DL
:-; , I , d Jocelyn's waist, P) daughter's face. A shadow quickly 1. ... . I . . barn'with stone stabling capable of acc-omodat. d PlOa fittin&
� L. -.0% . " You forget, Jo4iRyn sle said, in a passed across her brow. . ing 8 horses and 32 cattle, also straw house, constantly On hand Eft1mates furnished
. 4 I 47- - ,
_Ii I ,k of her neck once or voice which she in vain short notice .
I :� Maed the bac
T_ .
. " - L f � I 'rie L - I
.1 twice. 1. , . . I
i- ��_ 7 z unemotional. — root house, stone - .
�;:i t 4 - V . pi6'1 pen, driving and imple. "POV-te G. T. R Station Goden�ch
I i " I told you once what I , .
. - I � t d to � render' " You have been in the world e . Works o * ' '
L Aa
I* I I � � I - er ment houses and 11 out buildings u ually ound . - -
': . "I 8
_ 43�, rlotte he —
� �.4 � 1��, - f
I . . . On a first class farm. The buildings are all in
� , __ , I I have thought of Aunt Margaret. I will not said, "and yet you are the An immense stOCk suitable for fall wear at REA- rood repair. Also the adjoinir lot 40 STANDARD NOVELS -
�. , , t "Stop crying, Jo," she said since you were born, Cha a 8
r I � , z not told you my news---zthe news which, read her letter. I willaot talk of her lately unworldly most abso- . ig farm being
f 1� �i . -4 T - ', after all, secures to you the pretty nor to her. person I 20, containing iwacres, nearly all cleare �
.- .: � ever came . d and I
I -, " , , , : . , It is a disrespect to our acrossi' You talk S 0 N ABL -E PRICE S. * RyWilkle CollingReorge Ellot,Charleg Reade R I
I � --;i ,-. dresses.'? I - mother, Jocelyn. 11 � - ot the possibility of . . seeded to grass. There is not a foot- Of waste
r � . land on either farm. Ou Lot 20 there in a good D. Aider Haggard and other famo'U
T .
1 .
� w i C , your cousins refusing iny offer. 'Do me very nice Laes of Ladies'Angola Boots wad frame house, frame barn, two large sheds etc. " -
:: . - '� ' ; ' .__� , '. Jocelyn half checked her tears, and Jocelyn colored. So . L-Stevenso
i ,_ ,As authors. All .
. 11
I - , . Hope. quietly, but not efficiently, plead- u don't understa, d", she . will do that?" . These farms are situated on the Huron road one
� ; �, - � , � Yo You think it likely 6at penniless girls Gents' There is a good bearing orchard on each farm.
. - . - ,ed Cecil -'a suit. . said I Kangaroo.
a -11 I � -
� - " You are a very prejn � I . . I mile and a half from 'Seaforth, and are among For $1.0o
. I , I �- 1� -i - .
I ,
E x 11 . -, - . � �' -This was Jocelyn's first proposal. In Hope. If you don't take care, you will ful ! . the best farms in the.-miron tract. They will be Post paid. Well bound 0 and handsomely illu -
� 4,- . udiced person, "Are they penniless ? How delight- _.
- I
I - . . I see.hardness getting into . hem sold cheap and on easy terms. They will be sold the CanAdtan public. Remit by P. O. order or
�.l � t her way she was as innocent as Hope. grow haru. I ,What fan it will be getting t R. ILLIS 8trated. The greltest ffer ever extended to- �_k�
r_� I . �_ X, " �
. t�. � . _� 1.� (Continued on 3rd page.) I together or separately. Apply on the premisft registered letter. I .
. . - - - - -
, ��, I , ; 1, . . . � or addrefs, WM_ POWLER, Seaforth P. o. . DOMINION PUBLISHING i
, .
, � I 4 ) !, � � . . .�. I . �' CO., TOR02
. :�4, ; - I � 5 . � . . I . 1193-tf Agents Wanted. -
am, i Ift
R -M
0. ff.-;v ER
9 a
0 M
I . t
�o 11 _. - . - 1 1190-12 .
� . .
-i �4 I . .� . .
4 � . . . . . ,_
'. i . . - .
I - I
�%'_ X �. . . .
_.'11441 - . . I . - .
.11 11 t'� .0
I I � . . .
I . .
I I . . . -, S .
. . -
I .
� I � I I . . - .
� �, I . �
z ,
� - . . - � . - - �'A
. .
11#; - ,
'*�11 .
I., —I---
. 1�
-, I
L 1.
. -1 .
I � . 1 _4k,
1 . D=Emfu I
. ,
I � oil they can possibly I
. � are you sure ithey will
..., �_, it yes, I am sure."
I 11 : 4A When Aid you wt
. . ,9,9 Yesterday. Lott
. I to see.you roused au
� - hen
� 11 � this. W. -the girls,
F� I 0 to Cannes for a montl
- ibout until it- is time I
. -1 - ,;7 We �n
, - for theseues. ,
1;1i I
11!�� at Ronle6,, � I
� � - We might. It ,
. '_1 .. ha
�_ there last k"r, W
� .
I .-. names,, M'Other ? It
"I � - washould never hav
- . 271
. � . - years, I
- - � Urjf. 8eston't face fli�
. - 6 f, I will tell you Ah�
. . I . time,)l the aaK Is Tb
I , *11-adm
luo doubt you w:1
Lottie ; for xny part, I
titles. The girlsare,c
I I .
- . 11epe. Thie � y are t
Inother, poor thing, Vs
� tell me they were ver5
. 4 �
� * Vhat sweet nan
, j1ope-particulafly 1
feel -more emcited,xbou
ing than I have -ever b
I in the whole 3course of,
u4interesting-s6 terr�
to be alone." . .
"Audyet you hw
ft"a. always Alone mi i
for you. 2) .
. �, ])ear mother V
Lottie wen't up, rail
to theelder won-ta-a's i
I caress without mixehv
� ,Sauk down once Mort
. little chair opposite a
, �
- At this -moment �
__ . was noiselessly opened
. footman brought in I
salver. -
Lottie sprang to her.
hands, excitedly. I
. 11 Is it from the -
claimed. , I
"Yeal c1hild, ves,-�'
ewer, williams.11.1
. The footman withdi
� � Mrs. Seatbn tosxed�.
- .
, paper into her daught
, � I. You will Inake mt
, girls," she o4d, with t
.� bitterness in her- v,c
- I
. - h is likely td be I
, wig I
� They are coming fast I
� - h
; The telegrain �on w
: .
- feasted was brief :- �
z .
s - :
. ;
: -
� 41 Please expeebofi�e 4
� answer your -letter in �
. 41 Joe)
, 4 5 It is half -past t," I
. I
- Lottie, looking at the,
- long time we shall h&v
I I we go to meet Jo3ely-11
- mother; We can IoGi
- Brsdshaw�. " ,
1-1 I should prefer t �
� 07
� Lottie. I will send B,
. ton in the brougham.'
I I ,girl must reinain for:
� V�ektalnly is
. _ , eager to od,
414 11 think ,that is 4to'
- wonder if she is like "I
- % like I
11 and fair; I don'
,fair. I wonder if she 1
I - I hate my own ftetes.i
� weary life is of _. Mothel
. it's awfully uninteresti
, I'Mydear,Lottie, t
11 you art getting quii�e
I :
� "Aml? I suppom
find everytbiag*o dull
,that riches he,dt'one ba:
I Riches are jubt auoihi
I sorts of odious - prop
should so like to talw
I Paddington this aftern'
the platform and l9ok;
then bring her fiomf
I Thafe what I ishould '
doing propriety In this,
, �
4,9 Lottie dear, you aj
, such wild -nonsense tha
- send for Sir James Poi
� You raunotpossilily b!
-I- � - 11 I SIM -1*11 in mLiud, -n
How I wlslf�my fath-er
his h e fortune, 'le-
Inuc u' e I
h Joll rbon h _
_r ! '
P %tr',
i _
enny the p a
Irv. SeatOU C010re _
some face with intense
" How dare 0 I'" -
Then shAo . ansed. _ �'
- my child L _" shel
. . again she stopped. I
from her obeeks and lill
chalky white. �
Lottle,surveyed berl
�of her snug chair,with I
. 81111le. I 1
44 P L 10
. oor pap1w - leap, I
talked to me about �
what funny -stories be
; you remember the ,cne,
� . savelo for supper? J
� y .
� ,story when lie zolept ut
I and found -a threepenn
But the drn,wing-roo
almost noisily ; Mrs. I
11-1 her daughter to her r_e
, I
: At xb&,ut half -past t]
I �
z I � rived. Herlace was
her big eyes had a wid
glance in' them. She L
. Sea -ton holding out bo��
cate color coming -and
- " You have a lo* o
sadd, and there ,Was r
� note in her voice* .
� " Only o voryalight
. I responded the good Isi
� . pleased in aplte of her.
L "' Your mother -was mi
I I ever was. I am g1&X
e 11
ChaTlotte.-Lottie, thi
Jocelyn. " I
� �ocelyu was cerWinl
� nor Ai�. after Lottie!-s�
leis pattern. Her hal'
tr4e, but the gol was
c(Afiplexion wotoream'
. blue eyes werethsded
lashes, .her L, rows w
. . rk, an her figurep
er age, looked genero
tious beside h6r shi
I little cousin. IN7attr
Jocelyn With & jnofit�
I .
takil ng manner. She
hand now, gave it a eq
I Ugain to her aunt. .
" You wrote ine 4mal
. Aunt Margarit.." �
'64 Well my 'd',ear, LL L
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glass vereen between �
Are your feet,aold�- ,.
furls. What �axquis,
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