HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-12-12, Page 67;,- - �_T�­­__�._ - ----,,-,--- -­�­_ , -,--- -_ � . I �_��­_11 _1_____1 - � __ � I I - - I . , , I . . - I I I I . , I - I � I � I . � I . . . . I I . . I . . - . . 11 . . Afoot in Scotland- zle. All sorts of peasant -folk along the I . .-' =�7 -_ I � . . 7 This is.the month of silence among roadside pursue their regular Vocations . 6%A0 ­ - ;he . birds of Scotland, writes Edgar L. in.pelting showers, as if utterly uncon- - . I . 11 I Ex- � � 11 - Kak man to the Boston Transcript. scious of the drenching element. . , . . D - T A - Slocum -S . cursions and picnic parties set forth fok .,� . r. 0 0 . 0 P I � L I � . . scou will "a all manner of them here a day's outing in a pouring rain wiih - , . . p OP1111�11,1%2I . lying lazily close to the evxth, or rumi- the same enthusiasm as on a clear morn- . 11101111�11,1%21 I a4tingly. poised upon swaying boughs as iog You will gee as many fine ladies 1"N - " 11 '�,-� - � X with pensiveness and melan- shopping in Princess Street, Edinburgh, I . LL . - 1holy. The consciousness of this au- . . - . .. . re sion ' - . I y day as on a clear one. The I . , Oxygeniz d U1 - F I indifference to the mist and rain may I � . . .,umnal silence of the songsters comes on a rain - � ­ apon you suddenly as you tramp by . ., . I . . I I 11;dj� and field along these grand old have become a national . characteristic I 11 , . - . � � Scottish ways. You turn aside with an through the universal use by Scotch peo- . , I . . I ---. OF . I iscover in the forest if it be ple of woollen clothing, so perfect in ' I . 11 �, . I . � I impulse to d )� I , . I , quality and comfortable in texture as to 0; ;Y. Leaping a wall . I . �' . I I ' � . which separates you from a cOppice sudden change in temperature and the A �- I 4 � eadytintedwith the first delicate . " I , ER OILI a seeming or a realil . protect the.body from the ill -effect of I'll - . I - . a1r . chill oi evaporating moisture. ... rr . I - . PURE. COD LIV - pen:cilings of'the frost, and plunging . � � I - . 0 — . I 1. . . � among the brush and brambles at its Not Taught in School.- - . . . . - � � edge, you find a raggcVd hollow. This n the . can be clearly traced, st � Among. the me'rits which distinguish Slocum's Oxygenized. Emulsion o far a iong distance. ,fhere is a line of developing the perceptive facul- 0 , 11 . 0 - arrow, xaight as an. The following list of questions, i - - 0 X Y; G [ H, I I I 99" I M IS101 wonderful fascination in this bramble- ties, has bcen compiled by Louis Stock . . . �, I Pure Cod Liver Oil above all other preparations are: . � . . covered swail. You bother about it for -ton :- , — '. I � I —= =-- - 0 F =—� I I . a little, and find it paved.with huge When you go to your room at night . I 1st. The excellence of its method of preparation. . stones. More digging discloses solid can you walk, directly to the match box . _r _V 17? . . walls set beneath the rubbish at its and put your band on it ? '0 :S I 2nd. Its freedom from disagreeable ,taste and odor! w old -When you turn out your light and , I adown . ,�J I . ( ' - 4 - . sides. You have discovered an - . .3 -rd. Its fitness for iinimediate absorptio d! . I.toman road. The sea itself hardly leave your room, do you haye to f amble .. I � broke the line of this stout old artef I y, for the door, or can you go straight . I r'A. -- . 11 . a . 4th. The thoroughness in which it retains permanently its good along' which once surged the iron blood across the room and take hold of the- 11 .A . . I of Rome. Stern Agricola rode at the knob ? - � . ' .1, . k ... I ... i I . I I qualities. � head of his legions past the v'eiy spot on Can you at night walk among the . I . I f 5th. And the fact that Slocum's Oxygenized Emulsion is the onl3 I ; , . - which you are standing. Almost cease- trees without running into _ them, or � I � N Q � . I - ark s not mixec ' less tides,of warriors swept over this keep the garden path as diredly as, kyou I , .. � ­ I LLL . ; Cod Liver Oil amalgamation in the in et in which the oil i - road to Mount Grampus, that :ten:thou. would were it daylight ? . . ( iij-L . sand slain and'stark Caledonian barbar- ' If you wish to estimate the - size of 1 .- _� r3F1 � with hypophospbites of lime and soda, or some other equally i . iriouf iI I I'_ � I . � �. I _' -L jans might form an impausable wall to anything, do you know enough- of feet - foreign s ibstance, and consequently rendered worse than worseless ! � . . . the mist wreathed mountains beyond. and inches -to make a fair guess by I'L C 011K 8 Tul 'INT, 'P T 1 0 T41.49 - . � . ' I . Eighteen hundred years have passed simply looking at it ? . I 11 __ " Can you guess the height of a hat by J B R 0 N C H ITI S , - ALL PULMONARY DISORDERS FIND SPEEDY RELIEF. pince jealous Domitian recalled to Rome . . � .1 � . �. ibis invincible leader of the steel -mailed sight I . F, . Can you calculate the weight of a ,&STHMA9 - IF YOU HAVE ANY THROAT TROUBLE -USE IT. ilaug . I of - I I I �. ghterera, and the glowing Pel � of book, a box of matches, a bat, a ball, a . . -USE IT. Taci"tus told the surpassing braver] . I - . . IF YOU HAVE TIGHTNESS OF THE CHEST be- i the skin -clad Northmen who fell - glass of water, a letter, by holding it in I . 2 V . I - I your hand? 11 . . . �' —USE It. ' neath his onslaughts ; but as You linger ) - I IF YOU HAVE DIFFICUFTY OF BREATHING I nine If you heai.7 street cars, where there is ., I AND ALL '� upon the old Roman - Road, dreai I - I 'OF FLESH -USE IT. - level with tl�e' a double track, can you tell by the q. ,, IF YOU HAVE A WASTING AWAY � Until the sau is almost � - � .. _r_,, .LA I 1i bLue mountaintops, flaming their blue sound which way they are going ? . I '. PULMONARY DTSEASES, � —USEIT u heather marvellously, countless wyaiths If you are ne#r a river, can you lo- ' . . . t IF YOU HAVE WEAK LUNGS - V____� ; t'. pass and repass in olde cate a steamboat by sound ? . _E�EEJ­_­� � � IF YOU HAVE BRONCHITIS—USE IT. - n battle array. Can you use your knowledge of music I - b� - ; . I Then that,it is the nineteenth and not in analyziDg the progressions of a steam � -1 � __ . the first century upon which the sun is D — -R _T_,_JCr1"J0_T#% - , T� C -1 —USE ITs shining irs recalled to u by the face of whistle ? Can you tell on which tone it .1 .... It..., ..k. , ZD0 I IF YOU HAVE ASTHMA . � yo ... J . I n keenly observant, but sorlemn collie stops ? . I . IF YOU HAVE CATARRH -USE IT. With your eyes shut, can You tell .. I ,ca% H 11 K E- VV ItrE L L ,-15M ' dog breaking between some clumps of what kind of a flower is put to your , Dg- 4 . . IF YOU HAVE A coLD—USE IT. I golden broom above your head. He has nose ? � I Take one tablespoonful half an hour after 1 . . - I been minding a flock of sheep grazing . 0 Can you tell from the ba,rk of the * ca6h nic,-il- If th-! ,Mlie"t's cliges"()rl Nvill not I IF YOU HAVE A COUGH—USE IT. � yonder on the bt,aeside; and he has ., 1A I ' * step�ed aside for a moment to interrupt trees the points of the compass I I allb%v-- tablespoon fill xr:;-- &s.ert-spoonful. I EMACIATED-UISE IT. i your vagarous fancies about Agricola Can you, by list!ning, tell what kind I - IF YOIJ ARE FEEBLE AND I and all the other grim old fellows of his of a vehicle is coming, and how many I I I - . IF YOU HAVE CONSUMPTION -USE IT. ' blood letting time, and to study your horses are attached io it ? Do you know . C.- -1 I � . - . the difference in sound made by four and -1 T_31UC�E i7,__)1 .00. 1i ' iuteutions and possibly examine -your . . . - , . credentials, You beg his pardon f or by eight hoofs ? ` -i- - . I I - .11 . THEY WHO USE IT.—LIVE. the trespass ; leap the wall to the high- Can you match colors without samp. J � I . ; . way again; gaze- back down the ,valley las ; carry colors and shades in your . - PREPA22ED 014LY I . I I I of Pure Cod Liver Oil has met with at the hand * " upon a score of red -roofed hamlets ; memory ? I � . - . . ! The approval -my Oxygenized'Emulsion - push forward to the wayside inn where By the touch only can you tell which I . By . I of the public, is no doubt mm,e or less due to the members of the medical profession, who bav you are to tarry; and, between the material is cotton, which is woolen? � ., r ,shown a ameference, in recommending its use in their daily practice. If your druggist has no walls ofits huge chamber, you march in Can you from a bunch -of different color- . I ,I .,ot S1,0cu , �Inls Oxyg, - etl E � ision of Pure Cod Liver, Oil, and will not order it for you, d, ed zephyrs pick out a black strand) � AA , eniz ma dreams from the Seven Hills ,to the 0- L u 9 not tal-e *Aiy pre;paration thwt�contains lime and soda. In such case rather obtain of him th &WA 40 Grampians, with mailed hosts and f or- keepiog your eyes shut ? I TO '""'a or'lum ests of spears, along that old Roman Can you, by the ta3t3 only, tell what " . 'P. ure Cod Liver -Oil, which, tkough nauseous and . repulsive to the taste, does. not contain an, ' � . road thtou hout the livelong night. kind of meat you are eating? , Can you I 83 Adelaide S t. "Mi 2 S t, I 9 decide what flavor has been used in a. : . foreign amd injurious substaace. . Nature wear& other aspects than tbose I'[ . � , $i.00; SIX BOTTLES' $5.0-0. Treatise and Circular 01 glass of soda water ? * . � 'i I - . . , of sunshine and gladness in Scotland. Does a rose petal taste like that of -A 41 T OP 0 N T 0;0 , = ONTARIO. Oonsumption mailed on application. Address ' I � The rain falls as though tumbled upon t , .1 . I I - ' , violet? Does hard water and soft wa er ' .. I . reet, Toronto. you: by mischievous elves who have taste alike? � . ! .______7_..- --:=::=;:;7=;7:7Z:::7-----7777777=:Z;:�. �_--_n T. A. SLOCUM, 186 West Adelaide St - watched for your unwary coming and . . - � � , the fog and mistflap about the ' - I - In short, do you use your senses? —_ — ______1;__ moun Do you train your observation, andithen I tains and slap the face of the glens and remember wb at you observe ? . I ' ' . W. SOMERVILLE) valleys like a 8hip's unstayed sails - AUCTION SALES. . General Express and T-3legraph Agenc) � pounding its deck in a storm. But you vi 0 . _t 'Central Furn.iture H, . tind a sovereignty of elation and exalta- I Was Going To." UCT[ON SALE OF VALUABLE VILLAGE I SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. Children are very fond'of saying, f I I APROPERTY AND HOUSEHOLD EF. - I - tion in wandering alone among the I - . FECTS.-Thomas Brown has received instrue- I . MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH'.. -oEx - ch way, daily. Ask ft Reenio glories of any land, gven in Scot- was going to." The boy 'let the rat tions from mrs. C.Priel to sell by Public Auction .. . I T%� reas Trains 6 la.nd through a mist as thick as Strath- catch his chickens. He I was going to fill in the Village of Dublin, on Tuesday, December - ocu, speclarproduce and money rates. Telegri glass porridge. A good stq.ff or stick, up the hole with glass and to set trap's 23rd, 1890, at 1 o'clogic P. ni., her f rame dwell- , We wish to draw the attention of the people of Seaforth and sur- phic-connectionB everywhere 1192 1 Ing, consiqting of 7 rooms ; the howe is in good a stout pair of legs, a recefptive mind, for the rats, but he did not eo it in time, , conditloii and must be sold without reserve. rounding country to our large, extensive and varied, stock of I . . - . I and the chickens were eaten. He con- There is 4i conneotion one-half mere of choice 0 -and above all a cheery and sympathetic � _0 M heart, whateveryour luck, fire the regal '� eshimselffor*the-lo land, good well and pump. There are adso t" 0 C ' iss, anLq ekCUSeS large vacant lots adjoinhig this pwp�rty with a ' a companions for such laiterings. Nature his carel,esancss by saying, "I was going failing stream cd water by its side, which I 0� Y) .never URNITT-TRE, . I'* 0 never fails to appear to single devotees to attend to that. can be purchased at a lowfixure. The property HOTTSEHOLD F V - C at her myriad doors and windows, ever A boy wets his feet and -'sits without will be sold without reserve as the owner Is go- - "I shut to noisy crowds, with radiant wel- changing his shoes, catches 'a severe ing to Philadelphia.. Txg_ms.-One-half of the ranteeit to r . I purchase nwDey down on day of sale, balance We manufacture the most of - our Furniture, I C comings, How witching the morning cold, and is obliged to have a doctor with time to Buit purchaser at a low rate of in- . . 0 . C is, half disclosing the wondrous charms for a week. His mother told him to terest. For further particular@ address MRS. C. the public. At present our stock is very large, and is daily increasing. C) I , r of valley, haugh., loch, river, glen and changehis,wetshoes when he came in FRIEL, Dublill. or THOMAS BROWN. Au9tfon. To reduce this enormous stoek, our prices have been marked awaydown. 7� 0 C 0 . I eer, Seaf ortb. � - 99� X Im ' mountain! At times scarcely can your and fi� was going to do iti but be did ----...-- -.------ --- ---,-.-. At our low prices everybody'can afford to purchase. Our establishment . , . a hand be seen before you for -the strange not. . - I LEA -RING AUCTION SALE OF FARM is open to you all, and we want to see you and all your friends. Bring � - . - eddies, curling and fa I ntas - tic I convolu- A girl tears her dress so badly that all C STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. -Mr. Arch. � . ill be very happ'�' CD �-� C) tions of the fog. . her mending cannot make it look well Bishop has been instructed by Mr. Goorge the whole family with your and pay us,a visit. We W y 1-9 There is your road, c6tu'ries old and again. There was a little rent before, Plewes, to sell by Public Auction, on Lot 2L, to show you our.goods, whether you purchase or not, Hoping soon to �� . Concession 2, L. R. S., on Thursday, December, I"- 0 0 - as hard as Scotch w4t, beneath your and she was going to mend it, but she 18,1890, at 1 o'clock p. m., sharp, the following have a visit from you, we remain, respectfully yours, THE CENTRAL V 0 C-4 feet You caunot mistake that. What - fOf 90t it. So we might go on, giving pro�erty, viz. : Horses. -One breeding mare in FURNITURE HOUSE, opposite McFaul's Dry Goods House. 'm g�j It ' instance after instance, such as happen foal to I I Sir Clifton," one mare rising 4 years 0 93 . f - is t'o the right or left, or before only ' . old, aired by " Ranton Jock;" 1 spring colt . (1) A4 0 your fancy, quickened by the morDing's in every home with almost every man sired by " Gerieral' Gourlay ;" one spring I I , _PJ 0 � awakened life, intensified by near and aud woman, boy and girl. Procrastin- colt sired by " Prince Victor." Cattle.-Iseven I M. ROBERTSON, PROPRIETOR. Z 0 0 W far . mysterioui� sounds; c%n locate and ation is not only the thief of time, but cows supposed to be in calf to a thoroughbred � � I . P (D the worker of vast inisc � bull, 3 heifer8rising 3 years old, in calf; 6 steers � - 1606 1 - -_ P M I I divine. Tramp, tramp, bravely sal you hiefs. . rising three, 2 heifers rising two, I steer rising 2 t:� 5 ,�+q:; .4 ,- may, these grow into consciousness so If a Mr. " I -was -going -to " lives in two, 8 spriDf, calves'. Sheep and Pigs. -Seven . . - ,'&- ,�.. -1 - % I . . imperative of recognition that, despite your house, just give hini warning to sheep, 1 Shrop8hiredown ram, I thoroughbred . 1P . I Cn PL (D ,-t- (D W . Todd & Ill . I ,top to He has wrought unnumbered mischiefs no, Implemento. 1. ..... 11 .., 1"'1111 � Department. -) I Chester Wbite boar, bred by Messrs. U 9. � 0 0 �:v ( 0 yourself, ever and .!Again you a leave. He is a lounger and a nuisance. 8 Wakeman Station, Ohio. ' ndeitaklm ' Drip,. drip, drip from the leaves " . listen. - etc. -Two combined seed drille, 1 land roller, 1 "I 6 , The boy or girl who begins to live with sulky mko, 2 gang plows, 1 No. 13 Verity p1mv, � . . ... - 2 0 ' CD "'a of the hedges into water basins of rock . - ,t4 the great drops striking like silver pel- him will have a very unhappy time of 1 thls�le euttel plow, 1 Brantford binder, 1 Kir- .- - P . . - xel boxes, I pair . . - ..- _1� - "I � P � by reaper, 2 hay racks, 2 gra - ­ I - lets upon swinging grass; until the it, and life will not be successful, Put trucks, I horsepower, Jack and belt, 1 cutter, 1 P ('.I 0 C -1 - Mr. " I -was -going -to " out of your pair bob -sleighs, 1 grijid otone, 1 set of double V..A. very chimes of the fairies are rung in 0 This department is complete in every respect, and prices the Iow- your ears beside the road. Not - a rod house and keep him out. Always do team harness, 1 8etof double light harness, I set ' M P P bd . of plow harness, 1 sugar kettle, I swarm of bees, est. Two first-class hearses on hand. Funerals attended to at the P away, but invisible rivulets of the things which you'were going to do. � avid . . J �._J :� (1) ____ - .7 bee hives, 3 milk cans, 1 box stove, 1 table shortest notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. ' � night's making wimple from rocks to . a lot of other artioles too numerous to mention. M F -J. 0 M U2 , W pools, from. the staccato of tenor trills to, -The business done at the Downie The w1iole of the above property will positively I M. ROBERTSON, Funeral Director. - -as r cheese factory during the past season be sold without reserve as the proprietor has . - 0 P) I J2 el - the baritone minors of stately psalms. � sold bis farni and is gOiDg� to Manitoba. Terms. ' . -_ l 0 0 CI- 0 0 Just at your side a goose will suddenly has . been an exceptionally prosperous -All sums of $5 and under, cash ; over that ___ . . O) (D- iTj W biss as if reaching with its long neck Obe, Quick sales and good returns have aniount 12 montW credit will be given on fur- I I o from the door puddle baside some invisi- -been the rule from start to finish. nishing approved endorsed notes. A discount %a I 0 1: I . 0 s:�J tt �:4 ainounts. GEORGE PLEWES, Proprietor; A. V _RM S AD THIS - 0 1--A. mist. Beyond or All Men BISHOP, AuctioDeer. 1198-3 1 _"J A - ble sheatings to shape'at you frorn be- 6f 7 per cent. will be allowed for cash on credit hind the au,rtainiDg I I -JL- . ­ ER I * Y; 11tE 1. g, to (1) W behind, f3ome chained dog, making a young or old, or middle aged, who flnd - rl- � � � �Z (D %I -S theni'selves Dervou-9,weak and exhausted, � i dismal hewgag of kennel door and chain, J __k__J � leams in and out bavinr, to his neasan� 11 11 11 11 THE 'SEAFORTH . I I � Q) 02 P> niaster of untimely footsteps. V "LO AV Vu own from, excess or I � I ow 0 cn % V W Over your head the restless abrasion overwork, resulting in many of the fol- AND PROFIT THERE BY. 1 � - oof boughs whispera that the leaves from lowlng symptoms : Mental depression, BANKING COMPANY, . . I 2 J.W 0 Ct. 0 tj I premature old age, loss of vitality, loss - I . . I P-J (1) C"t- I their very weight of fog cups. sigh and of memory, bad dreams, dimness of (NOT INCORPORATED. . I � a P1 I moan as if impatient of their suriless sight' palpitation of the heart, emissions,' I ' .. - � CD � prisoning. Hedge branches cackle from lack 'of energy, pain in the kidneys, A -General Banking business trans- I Z the . water, weight as iu the frost battles headache, pimples on the face or body, acted. . . . (A (D -o4 � I ( ofapproachiugwinter. Herearidthere, itching or peculia' Farmers' notes discounted. We beo, leave to inform you that th'e SEAFORTH ROLLER Q . t !' as the hea,vy breezes move a trifle, r sensation about the Drafts bought and sold. . I 0 1 M4 P--& . (D �p i comes the hesitant pipe of .sti I rring bird, scrotum, wasting of.. the organs, dizzt- Interest allowed on deposits. - MILLS have 'been recently refitted and im proved by the 'addition of a ;a P) P) 1-1 W the patter of wild harea'feq�t upon the ness, specks before the eyes, twitching SALE. NOTES discounted, or taken . C-94 er of the inuscles, eyelids and else�,here. for collection. . Large Quantity of the Latest Impr N 0 1-_� slipp - y lea,ves, the half-daught hoarge bashfulness, depoisiits of urine, loss of , oved Maebinery, "I (D Pi F..J a bd 0 MORTGAGES PURCHASED. . . . resonance of hidden waterfall, while will power, tenderness of the scalp and I . M Pi 1-� faint and far and 8traDgely _ muffied the spine', weak and flabby musclea, desire ' - making this mfll second to none in Canada � .1 I L__1 Uotes of school belle by little clachans in tc, sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, OFFICE --In the Commercial Hotel I I =4 t! M 0 the distance, stealing along the folds of constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of building. - . - . %E - . W � (D - 9 the clinging mist. Makiug your way is voice, desire for solitude, excitability of J. 0. SMITH, Manager. For the production of a first-class article of Flour. Our chopping -stone, I - r I sometiraes like pushing through impalp- temper, sunken eyes surrounded with F. R001ESTED, Solicitor . which has a capacity of 2,500 lbs. per hour, will be running steadily. (D :� able banks cf snow. Bat before the LEADE'N CIRCLri,, oily looking skin, etc., � -_ 105 Farmers can depend upon getting. their chopping done i3 -i a first-class I (A . :� P (D crackle and flame of the ald inn fire- are all symptoms of nervous debility manner for SIX CENTS PER ONE HUNDRED POUNDS. All( M C: -t- 1�-� .W I place, in the presence of sed -nes white as that Ilead to insinity and death unless TAKE A�,LOOK . chop will be weighed in and out of the mill. (D a dove's *wing, bacon crisp I and brown, cured. The spring or vital force havin' * At the . - I > it (D 1__J 0 an omelet as yellow as a, 'frost painted 'lost its tension every function wanes i 9 Underwear for Ladies � I I 1-t V 0 a & Co, . � OFFMAN 0 9 1-4. , beech leaf, a jug, of cream as sweet as a consequence. Those who through buse The gristim, trade will be in char e of MR. J, ST-T-AMERVILLEJ Wn . �._J W nut kernel, a fragrant brewing of tea in S, Seaforth. , I an obfiging and experienced miUer. Those who patronize us can count t 0 n Misses and Cbildrens at H 0 committed in ignorance may be perma- I _ I r the delph pot under the " cosey, " and a nently cured. Send your address fDr % I on . - . . . . - 0 0 s= > guid-wife bustling about in a sort of book on lall diseases to man. Address MCKillop Directory for 1890. 1 Grq cheery, fren'7y to make yonwelcome, you M. V. BON; 50 Front iStreet I a -i , � M Id 0 Z L Liberal, Honorable and Courteous Treatment. wq (-D - t:v have reason to be glad of the blood- Toronto, Ontario. Books sent free JOHN BENNEWIES, Aecve, Dublin P. 0. , - puty Reeve, Ward 8, . � Ct. tingle to be found in doing a balf dozen sealed. Aeart diseasev--the Jlymptomg'p� Winthrop. . Give us a trial. and be convinced that this is the best place in this x "" t- �-3 niiTes before breakfast through a genu- which e faint spells, -purple lio, DANIEL MANLEY, CouncHlor,Ward 1, Beech- . 91 , . . ine Scotch fog. - wood- I ' a > 0 P numbne s, palpitation, skip beats, hot . JAMES EVANS, Councillor, Ward 2,13eech- part of the country to get your goTisting done. If you_ tramp in Scotland -you cannot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull wood. FLOUR, CHOP and all kinds of mill feed for sale at the lowest 0 P1 0 . avoid the hurnidity - , nor can you fail to pain in the heart with beats strong, . CHARLES DODDS, Comicillor, Ward 4, Sea- living prices. Ten thousand (10,000) bushels�_ of Wheat wanted, for L - pi , . � - observe one of the curious effects upon rapid and irregular, the second heart forth I 3 7 . 8-otch people themselves. �: They are beat quicker than the first, pain about JOHN C. MORMON, Clerk, Winthrop. ' which the highest market price will be paid. �. . N, Treasurer, Win- - � .. `iher wholly indifferent to its influence the breast bone, etc., can positively be throp. ei . . or seem to possess a sort of liking for it cured. No cure, no vpay. Send for ROBERT G. ROSS, Assessor, Winthrop. Remember the place, near the rail -way freight sheds, formerly - from lang syne companionship. A fish book. ,Address M. . -LUBON. 50 ADAM HAYS, Collector, Seaforth. known as -the red mill. SPECIAL MAKES poacher will cast his hook in contented- Front Street East, Toronto, Ontario, DR. SMITH, Medical Health Officer, Seaforth. . . I Of Grey Flannels at HoFmAw I Aess all day long through a steady driz. I WM. ARCHIBALD, Sanitary Inspector, Lead- , I 1 118152 V I . . W. H. CODE & COm Ces., Seaforth. I I ; I . . . 1, . . . - � Dupumm 12, 1890. . .- �_ VETERINARY. ---------' OHN GRIEVE, V. S., no. ' Or graduate at J Ontario Veterinary C31lege. All diffewo -of Domestic AnIniRls treated. Cans prompil attended to and ,charges modemte. Yetertug, Y Dentistry a specialty. Offloe-At weiel ry - Rayli . Hotel, Seaforth. 11-1241 . � HC. DOAN, Veterinary Surgeon. Gr&duate # of Ontario Veterinary College,Tbronto Honorary Member of the Modical 8ftlety Calls from a distance promptly attended to. Veterinary Medicines kept constantly on hand Office opposite R. Boftenberry% Hotel, lien: sall. N. B.-Vet6rivary Dentistry and Surze a specialty. L 11957 FRANK S. Beattie, V. -S., gracluate of Ontaft VeterinW College, Toronto, Menber of th& Veterinax�y Medical SocietY, etc., treat8 All dls� eases of the Domesticated Animals. All 0&4 _gomptly attended to either by dayornight . barges moderate. Special attention giv-en So veterinary dentistry. Office on Main Streek Seaforth, one door south of Kidd's Hardware m store. 1112 i'sJ RAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY. --Comer 0 Jarvis and God6rioh Streets, next door J0 th Presbyterian Church, Seaf*rth, Ont. AU die a i Aeso Hors", Cattle, Sheep, or any Of the,da� .uaideated animals, suooessfuHy treated at thg . _.rwary or elsewhere, on the shortest notlas - ,harZes mAerate. JAIM W. ELDER, Vejer. nary8urTem. r. S.-A!arge stock of VeterW ary Aled.cines K constantly on bAndl . . - LEGAL -1 ATTHEW MORRISON, Walton, ingurlace - M Agent, Commissioner for taking affidemis% Conveyances, &c. MOMY to loan at the loweek MtOO. M. MORRISON, W&40n. . . - JX. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &a. ofuell.- . Rooms One Door North of the Commerelsi Hotel, ground floor next door to Beams butaher shopi Agents-OAxxRox, HoLT & OAMRJLON. 8" . - .0 0 ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Balial. toll, ft., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. GAR&01W,. Q. C.; WX. FROUDVOOT. 686 I � - __ — CAMBRON, HOLT & CAMBRONt Barriskre Solicitor@ In Chancery, &c., Goderkh, 011LI . M. C.- OAKMWN, Q. ()., PHILtr Ho CAMBILON. - 506 * DJ. DOWNEY, Solicitor, Conveyaticer, ko o Late of Victoria, B. 0. 0fdoe-ovey 133ank of Commeree, Main street, Seaforth. Pri. vate funds to loan at 5J and 6 per cent. 1095 - - MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, SoHafki% Conveyanaers,ke. Solioitorefortheftak of Johnston, Tisdale &Gale. Money *o lom Ofte-Elliott Block, GlintoA, Ontario. AAL. - . MAx*we, JAxu Soorr. 781 - � . FHOLMESTED,sueeemortotht. Wke Am MoCaughey & Holmented, Barrieter,.So- 110ii0r, Convvyanoer and Notm7. SoRaltor fol the Canedlan Bank of Commeroe. - Money to lend. I Farms for We. Office In Sioott's Block, Mato I Street. Sestorth. _. . . � & HAYS, formerly w1ch MestrIL - . Garrow &- Progdfoot, Goderich; Bar. : I DlcKsON ,risters, Solicitors, etc., S"forth and BrussalL . Seaforth Office- Cardno's Block Main Street. . R. S. HAYS. W. B. DICKSON. . � Moviy to Loan. 1127 1 � I - . - - - Z � - MONEY" TO LOAN. 7 I - - : i ONEY TO LOAN.-Stmight loans at 6 psr , I � M oent., with the privilege to barfewer . of repaying p&A of the principal money at any . , - fy--- -to F. HOLKUTED, Bard" semorm 8" I I __ - - .� I . I DENTISTRY. r F. BELDEN, D. D. S., L. D. S., Dentist. I G. Office -over Johnson's Hardware Store, i Seaforth. Electricity for painless extraction of teeth, 1166 I . I . � I FW. TWEDDLE, Dentist, OM6e over Ham - . i1ton & McInnes' Shoe Store, corner Main% and John Streets, Seaforth, Ontario. Witrous, Oxtde Gas administered for the painlen extrw- . tion of teeth. I 114P) � - � ( �� KINSMAN, Dentist, Ta. D. 'i. H . S., Exeter, Ont. WiU be at Zurich, at the Huron Hotol, enthe LAST THURSDAY IN BACH NOW=, and at Murdock's Hotel, flensall, on the Ymn .AND THIRD FRIDAY in each wouth. Teeth -ex- " tracted with the le"t psin possible. All work first-class at liberal rates. �on I I — - . MEDICAL, WS. FERGUSOIT, AL D., C. M., X. C. P. S. . O.; -Office, over T. DOy's Grooery. I Calls night and day promptly answered at the office. 1173 � - RE. COOPER, 31. D., Physiclan, Surgeon and Accoucher, Constance, Ont. 1127 DR8. ELLIOTr & GUNN, Brucefteld, Men. tfates Royal College of Physlaimis and - Surpone, Edinburgh. Brucefleld,Ont. 080 I . G. SCOTT, M.D.,,&a.,.Physle1&n, Surgeon J. and Abcoucher, Seatorth, Ont. Offloe ind � I I � residence South side of Goderich Areeb, Semad 11 Door cast of the Fresbyteriau Church. 842 ItW. BRVCH SMITH, M. D 0 M Member I . of the College of Physiciani an- d -Aurgow, ,&o.,, Seaforth, ,Ontario. Offlee and residencm same as ocoupidd by Dr. Vercoe. 1 848 - ALEX. BETHUNE, M. D., Fellow of the )Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons . Kingston. Successor to Dr. 1fa,6kid. Offloa lately occupied by Dr. Mackid, Blain Streek Sesforth. Residence-Cornerof VictoriaSquare, in house lately occupied by L. E. Dancey. Dr. Mackid has gone to the Nortbwest an4 Dr. Bethune has taken his practice. The Doctor will be found In Dr. Mackid's OM06 durinF the day and at his own residenee durint Ithe night. I 1127x12 . I - AUCTIONEERS. - JP. BRINE, Lloenuad Auctioneer for Obe . Countyof Huron. Sales attended in &I =rte of the County. All orders left st TEN rroR Offioe wM be promptly -attended to. 11)H. PORTER General Auctioneer and . Land Valuator. Orders sent by mail to my address, Bayfield P. 0-, will receive prompt, attention. Terms mod6rate. 1185-52 W- 0. DUFFv AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY, Conver ancer, Collector, Book-keeper and Accountant; Real Estate, Life, Accident and Fire'lusuranft Agent; Money to Loan, Corregpoj3dence, &,- - Parties requiring his services ill any of these branebes will receive prompt attention. OFIWI M DALZI�8 BLOCK, (ripSTAIR8), 31AM STRFM, $XA- FORTH. 11SIL I I - . - . , � EXCELLENT ,Lines and values in Hosiery and Gloves at HOFFMAN & CO'S., Sea- forth.- . � . HURON AND BRUCE Loan and Investment � - C0M:P_A_W_Y7_ - This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at lowest Rates of ILterest. Mortgages Puchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest A110WOd 02 Deposits, according to amount an& time left. OFF -JOB. -Corner of Market SqUAN and North Street, Goderfoh. I.. HORACE HORTON9 � I . 3("AGM a9derkh, Aurud 5W.M. 0 . I . . - . Z . U I . I I*, ._�'. . � . - I . __ .. � - I . � I � I � I - : F � - ­ ­­ -­­ - - I . . 11 - - . - DF,,cF,mBF,R I I . ;;�_; . - ;. .. e :Mr& 'Frank Lef I . - - I Arri 4 1 � � _. Mrs. Leslie lectut �111_ I - V, onday evening, S&Y, .­t� W . Michigan Household, � I � : i like to see and -bear t'14 11 1. . _i� 15-1 ,vested balf a dollar ii If` . �_ iuite sure I did not g -�i: Ic i I I Zf satisfaction ont of ,I IT ��� -'tf �tlydressed vvomaj I-. 9&U , I I I _r� Ziamonds, and th- - � �_ 1� . . - I _t_ . interest one. The th I � 1_�_ 'was -;'�T.he Royal Lei _. - it embra,ce&referenc6 � - � - __ . queeneof the Old W( � I � have been socially fi I ineanlng9 in ,the lectu the term, famed for ' � ,dress and entert - ain;q . . sions; were principally! .Attire and jewels,of r(' I - As there was not Im ' � ,a-uTal attention, 1 3`1 I , . 'zing at her co,4ma fbalack. embroidered � train, decolette, with� �banded with velvet. A I I pla3r,of jewollery the -Minly a brilliant stice ,80 many diartiondst� - sbe,outsbons F. LG. ! - . � the Exposition,, She . necklaee composed of: I each as large as a ail 1, ,aiamoiad pendent., ani low, corsage was a: leprays, brooebes. ap, �centre being the d1air presented her by the, nuela. - A chain 4 g from this medallion t where wasstill auotb shape of ,a bejewey- bracelets -on emh arn merable- on both ung - emerald earrings set, Fleted an �Qutfit w . L - sparkled b6ad scintfix ment. The Nlvear,er is I �ed 411 a beautifalwonij. I ers shall not judge he - !has a homely mout, - Hebraic cast, aud her used in many arch- i glances at theamall A - mounted by -a pairof L W. ey-zbrD q. And ,ob,' 4.4wimming" for "I L . only, but twicel alld � inserted a Jewelled fli an action uninistakali country school boy � cumstances Jimpossibl. der. Mrs. Leslie m said, &good businesV, high social position, -, I give literary - ability, ,quiesced in the opinib street car on the - ww� � nounced tbatit was �i, audience to offer suet tudes amd call it A 1w - I , Be On H, � If you are going to , �it promptly. - . 1f he longer you wa -it7 and dread it, the v . Be on hand. Lif I pleasanter to the pei does what he is requh - Don't keep your: You have no right to, .other PeoLple,. If you -behind time in. fulfillil I .-YOU May oa,qae a doze 'break engagerneuta, I � -plexiti i les and delays n Jast that little ,shor -which you look upon, -thin I g. � To an active, ener I person there is not ,and more annoying ti waft. I , Braie up and mal jebiftlegs, indolent, a! L feiks, and ,see if y I time I . I . If you have agree&, , Tlaoe at a ce-itain tim . :you are sick. :or ae� ,you might be excus wiqe. I If vou are * man,_ I � 'Wife walting dinne , there is some good at] and igenerwIly there i dinner spoils not onl,, the temper of the Wo, � b3g It. � � If you are a woma band says he will - O'clock t; take you tt for him. Have Y`our on, Don't keep hi�i sidewalk for half -an � � L ,fidgety borse,- while L L I your wraps and look � * In f & banj_glasa and t � � I , I and y-ourparasol Aw L - yotv bad better takle � not. Have al' I these " 'd � Snd deci, ed on bef6 fixed. � ; . I I A little _,systein AD . termiDatlo� will bell and after you onte gA Jt, you will like it. � I It is refrr.sbing to d I ,one who is always oil. -y-ou know will be on' ­clourag.e L&n(l, eonfl4�' . with whom lie VM%4 a power in spei,evy. I -the world, When i . inissed.. . J Teach the obildre� Teach them, to I Bring them up to ,stick to it,. A brok� � lie. Sometimes it il and may cause a gro, � I - pleasant complicat, 1 1 - 10, careful in %nakiag 11 you have once agree, of the agreement, And if you follow] pUncLtUa`l, preseveri� every thing when it ­ � - Ahere are ninet . � y,n4in .,dred that you will I &nd if you are not, -delightful ,conscio, that you have &A you will not be ,00 , . Able remorseful t "G . only - jcoirO to time, . QU hLand, .YOU W41 success imtead of f Weekly. - — , A Substitute I . A New York pipe Anown men who - -, ,words recently &A -vented by 11ev. Wa:1 � of the West Twent' --ist church, , Mr. 114 upon the plan, awl . �zens to make usi Messaros ste I _ps efi � .he reniarki' in's; I , � ,L_L_ ' . . � - I _t . � , �