The Huron Expositor, 1890-12-05, Page 8?
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� , i - . . . . . . � I � : 1. �����
. I - �of at the Commercial Hotel, on Tuesday this came f ro'm. Mr.. Hamilton is also intend to reside in the future. -Mr. Ed. for the - winter. -Mr. John Mason's
form was occupied by the membery . . I - FAIR AS MORNING "
. Stacks of Olothing. the lodge and the speakers. Besides evening next, previous to his departure ige number of lambip to the Campaigne has purohase(L the grocery shooting in' I
� . shipping Ala atoh on Friday was largely
: ' * . Rev. � Mr. Kettlewell and Rev. Mr. to Toronto. -Mr. - James Murray, of United Stateis market. One�of &recent business of Mr. John Robertson, and in' attended, and some will have - lots of I - IN_
T Rodgerville, treasurer of the township cargo was b 0 �
,teceived and opened this Week an6ther large Simpson, of Brucefield, Rev. A. D. Me- ught from Mr. Win. Gal- combination with his present conf ecti u- poultry for Christmas. -Mr. Charles
consignmeO of High Grade Made Up Clothing, ' I I � .
consisting ot Mon's,Youths',_ Boy a' and Children's Donald and Rev. Mr. Casson, of Seiii- of Tuckeramith, was in town on Tues- bia-ith, Howi k, and turned the scales at ery business be now presents a gobd die- Barrett is laid up with an attack of
. overcoats and Suits in all ,Varieties of styles and forth, and Rev. Mr. Needham, of -Eg- day. -A requisition was circulated and 180 lbs. W4 call Mr. MoKibley's at- play. -The steamer Monarch, on ber - -rheumatic fever. -Mr. Archie M.cQuar- IR-A_:B]I-A�
classes of clotbs. As our stock of clothing is mondville, had seats on the' platform. largely signed this week, asking Mr. F. tention to t is' product of Huron pas- last down trip, carried the largest cargo rie has returned from Manitoba to spend
now as fullv assorted as at an), time during thig I is the Lady who is well 'Wnd neatlY iltessed
fall season, J)uyers will consult their interests by The first speaker was Mr. Simpson, Holme - sted to allow himself to be Out in tures, and as him if he can I match it . ever'conveyed by any of the Northwest the winter under the parental roof. and nothing is more becoming to her oxtwiiT"
calli?g early and making their selection be. who explained briefly the objects of �the nomination for the office of Mt6yor for among the -1flooks of gerrymandered Transportation Company's boats, , con- . _. . ly, than a .
fore it becomes mlich broken. The quality of order, showing the good .it'had accom- next year. Mr. 4olmested is one of Ohio.-Priceg of farm produce this sisting of 47,000 bushels of wheat and a - Liimley6
Viestociculuberound awa,y up, prices I away' . BEATJTIFUL HAT_, ' —
wl� ., . lished, both as a temperance organiz- our oldest and most lrespecte& residents, week: Wheat 90 to 92 cents, barley large quantity of general merchandise. .
I down at the� Bargain Clothing and Dl, CITY NEws.-Mr. N. Horton returned .
f�rth. I ,_ 'O cents, peas 57, oats 338 to 39 -Captain W. D. Audrews,,the gallant from Dakota the other day, . and is took- y .
House, Sea ation and for the amelioration of the is a large property -holder in town and .40 to 5 BONNET
� sufferings of humanity, and then pro- would make a good Mayor. It will r'e- pork $5. 10 to $5.25, -The recent fall of Canadian who.bas been the means of ing well. -Two*of, our young ,men, who I DRESS and
� WM. PICKARD -,,, ' . .
.1 � i I . ceeded with an excellent address, show- quire a steady and careful hand to guide . snow bids fair to give us sleighing. saving many lives from drownin is , in went to the "Soo" lately in quest of Ir I
� T. Kidd's old stand, Seatbrth. . I go
. I the terrible evils of intemperance our municipal craft through the shoals #_ . town selling his little book entitled work, havereturned. Theyreportwork WRAP.
- . . I
i ___ , .
I . ! an, the benefits of absterniousness. He in which she is just now anchorel, but Zurich. " The Lifeboat." Personally, he has very scarce in the shanties. -Mr. R. I - .
was followed by Mr. - KettleweH, who we think Mr, Holmested,with the aid of D. S. FAU§T's big discount cash sale saved some 69 lives, and he and his crew Dalrymple, the veteran thresher, was -
In Ladies' Wearing AppaTel-we excel, and are'
EDWA RD CASH dealt exhaustively and argumentatively a good crew,- can ,bring her safely inW� is increasing erbry day,. He invites every per- have, rescued over 300 lives. Cleveland, threshing in this vicinity last week.- pleased to be able to Bay that the assortment is
I with the subject of Prohibiuion, showing port. -Mr. jame , �ummings, collector son who wants �-ood goods at lo�v prices to call Buffalo, Kingston, Toronto and. Owen Mr. Win. Dinnin, contractor, is work- yet very complete.
Wants �ine Fall Butter -in prints that a Prohibitory law could not be con- of taxes for Tuckd'rimith, has collected and examine hie stock and prices before pur- Sound, have been scenes of the Captain's ing for Mr. R. Patterson Junior, of the . " I
I chasing elsewh re. '1199 ) � —_
and roll�. Also Hides,- Sheep sidered in� any sense an infringement in about $8,500 out of a possible $11,300. bravery. The captain is now blind, and Heneall planing wills. Mr. Patterson
� . . upon the legitimate liberties and privi- -This speaks well for the fore- handedness BRIEFS.- iss Kate Foster and Miss is selling his book containing incidents is erecting a fine two-storey reiiidence,
Skins ana Raw Furs. - leges of the* people, and that it is not of the good people of this township. All B. Zattle lbft last Monday for St � —MILLINERY.--
! . contrary to the teachings of the Divine taxes remaining unpaid after the. 15th ' of his life as a means of livelihood. and dame rumor says that Bob is soon
, . Marys, wher6 they will work in a large going to get the wife. -Mr. Robert B . ell, � .
GODERICH STREET, SEAFORTH., law, as is held by some. He is a forcible inst., will be charged 5 per cent. -Mr. hotel. -Mr. J. Karcher left on Wed- . More additions -and still more coming -so as I
� - and eloquent speakeri and made his C. Clarkson, head master of the Sea- nesday moriling for New Hamburg, Belgrave. . of the boundary, treated the young peo- to be able to suit anybody and everybody -all
ple of the neighborhood to a paring bee the way tip to the New Year -with Hats Bon.
i points well 'and conclusively. The forth Collegiate Institute, was in Strath. where he will visit prior to going to Da- NOTFUJ.-Mias Bella Wightman re- and dance a. few evenings ago. It w,%s .nets, Hoodo, Caps, Scarfs, Fascinatore an� some
I ,
lodge choir, -under the direction of Mr. roy this week, where he presided a' kota.-Mr. . Meidinger left on Wed- turned from Manitoba. last Week.' Mr. very pretty things for the little folks. - .1
'an -
UJO U tX P 0, 0, i t 0 V, # J. H. Pyper, gave several niee musical connection with the a , i I nesday last I spend We winter in Sag- Wm. Brandon left this week for the a good bee, and all had a good tim'e.-
K."t - , � � ' A couple of our boys attended a party —_
. I . . . . = selections,. which added not a little to iDg Institute examinations, to which 1�o- inaw, Michi an. -Our merchants are all Algoma lumber wood8.-A successful near Lucan on Friday evening last, and . .
DISTRIOT MAIPTER6. the pleasures 'of a -very successful and sitiou he was appointed by the Minis er making big Weparations for Christmas. shooting match was held here on Sat- report having had a pleasant time. -The —DRESSES.—
... — profitable entertainment. The proceeds of Education. - I Mr. Thomas Nopper, They expect a large trade and are wish- urday by Mr. John Bell,, of Morris.- city is pretty dull at present, and some
_________________r ing for good deighiDg. We have had a Mr. E. Livingston shipped a quantity of
t of the supper aria to be devoted for the the energetic And affable - agent of the people Attribute the prevailing depres- special Prices just now in
SHOULD I P.Ei-LY.-Mr. Holmested little sleighmg-so' -far.-The Sunday barrel heading to London, Listowel .and . �
i .9 good of the poe-r, and we should judge Leonard Erigine- Works, and who, by .
secretary Of the committee on whom sion to the operation of the McKinley ,,,Silk ' �
devolves the arrangements for the b�n- - that, f rom the number. in attendance, a the way, is an old Seaforth boy, was in school of the Evangelical church, on the other places lately. -Mr. Robb. Gallag- Bill , but we doubt if this is, the cause. s and Fine Dress Ooods,.
goodly sum must have been realised. town this week interviewing the several. 14th conce9sion of Hay, Are making her took possession of the Queen's hotel It is true that the McKinley Bill does a Also some Real .
qu,et to .Mr. John Aird, on luesday . i 8 1. y, which he pureliased recent- I Bargains :in .
- members of the Council in reference to preparations 'for a Christmas fe tiva on Tueada .
evening next, would be much obliged to . great deal of harm, and may a t,
MARRIED IN DAKOTA.-MiSS Jessie exchanging the present electric light n- A big time � is expectect.—Mr. Henry ly from Mr. J. Scandrett. "' BlaCk Cashmere andHenriettas
all who received invitation cards if they Burgess, claughter of Mr. James Bar- gine for a high speed one such as is in n- Heyrock, deputy -reeve of Hay, has re- . I do good, but it cannot kill a corpse, .
. would kindly notify him to -day, by gess, of Egmondville, and sister of Mr. ufactured by his firm. Tommie a ye turned home from a trip to Berne J.unc- Glenfarrow. neither can it raise a corpse to life. Let -, 99' Dresses wide to order.
I .
. mail or otberwise-, whether or not they James Burgess, of Seaforth,' the Council made a great mistake i - I ' tion, Michigan. He purchased a house NOTE.S.—Miss Jennie Campbell and us have some excitement. - -
intend being present, in order that the - was mar- a ot when tber I 0 1 .
. I ried on the 19th ult., at the resi. taking his advice in the first place nd e, and speaks well of the coun- Mies Jessie Fraser were visiting friends ' -
committee ,may have some idea of now dence of her brother, Kr. John Bur- it now seems like it.—The Seaforth 0) It. try.' I . I in Bluevale on Saturday last.—A great Exeter. ' —MANTLES -
many persons to provide for. ' - . 0 - BRIEF NOTES. -Mr. George Tapson, a 'I- 0
I 6 geab, at Shelaon, Noith Dakota, me�l mill is doing a rushing busin' ss . , number around here are on the .sick list.
to 'Mr. 1. Hall of' that place. The this season -and farmera are finding a it . . I � Bayfleld. Almost every one has, or has - had, a farmer ef Stephen, has made an assign- Mantle Clotheii'purebased from our Stock am.
- .
I ELECTION OF OFFICER.1i.-At a regu- Sheldon Enterprise makes the'following a splendid market for their' oats. he BRIEFS. -Mr. Andrew Elliott return- severe cold,which seemed to settle in the ment, and a meeting of his creditors will cut Free. Fitting charged extra.
lax meeting of Britanni% MaBODic Lodge,
held on Monday evening, the'follo i - reference to the happy event: "Mr. crowd of tearna around there waiting to ed home last week after an absence of chest and lungs.—Elijah Higgins' hand be held in this village on Saturday.— I
, !
, I
wing Hall is an exemplary. gentleman; and be unloaded brings one in mind of ;h e about eighteen months.—'L%sf week is)�ji the mend, but the improvement is — i
officers were elected for the current - . Air. Hugh Brown, who has spent the � I
year, viz.: Win. Ballantyne, W. M.; Miss Burgess'is one of Sheldon's finest good old days some fifteen years ago,—* Nfesers. T. Burgess, D. McDonald W. ,);try slow, as he had it lanced in six or summer ia Manitoba, returned home on SILKS, . 111,
George Patterson, S. W.; Alex, Ross, ladies, excelling in good ' deeds and re- The curlers had their first game in -,he Fe�rguso'n, K. Murray and B.. Mc'Leod pseven place8.—The Turnberry Ironsides Friday. Mr. Alex. Dow and family PLUSHES, � I
spected by all, and we join their numer- rink for this season on -Tuesday even ng have also returned from the same place. �
J. W.; A.. Strong, Treasurer; Rev. arrived home after the season's fishing. had a friendly game of foot -ball wibb —The new bells in the Trivitt church SEALETTES, I
, ous friends in wishing the young couple last.—Mr; Robert Jones has opene a —Messrs. W. and J. Jowett are home the Gorrie team in Gorrie on Saturday
. Mr., Hodgins, Chaplain ; W. G. ,z,Duff, in &- again" A will be chimed for the first time on Sun- . . FINE WORSTEDS, .
healtht happiaessi and prosperity billiard room the store recently iaving spent a pleasant vacation last, which resulted one goal to nothing day next.—Mr8. Samuel Westaway died . . i -_
Secretary ; Joseph Neelin, S. D.; John -1 BROCADES,
through life. A large number of in- cated by blessrs. Hamilton & McInr ea, of about three montha in Manitoba.— in favor of the Ironsides.—James An- .
Reid, J, D..; George Whiteley, 1. G.; In I BEAVERS$ w
vited guests and friends assembled at, on Main street, and which he has fit �ed - on Wednesday at the early age of 44 -
Alex. Slimmon, D. of C.; Dr. Campbell . . Mr. John Whiddou is at present quite derson and his hired man must have ; MELTONS
, and G. B. Scott, Stewards; Johr� Wil- the house early in the evening, and at up very neatly. He has the tables t iat ill. H' I ma� friends will be pleased been doing some splendid work when Y!ars. She was a victim of consump- . 9
W, . � tion.�Mr. John May, of Usborne, was CURLS, &a.,
11 4 balf-past eight o'clock the clergyman. used to be at the Queen's hotel.—W6od mhen he is a ain able to at6d to busi- they each raised 25 drills of turnips per I
liarns, Tyler. .g t married last'week to Miss Alice Atkin-
� , ced the contracting parties hue. is now coming in freely. This will'be joeis.—On Suhday next apd� each Sun- day. In great Variety.
* . I i I .
'band and wife. The company then. sat 'a relief to a good -many, as it Was day following until furthe" . �_ � . son, one of Exeter's most estimable and - I I .
WHO Ii HE ?—The Greensville corres- � - I r announce- . I
. I — I
popular young ladies.—AIr. Joshua I �
pondent of the Dundas Banner eayp : down to a sumptuous repast, to which getting scarce and dear.,Mr. Wafter ment, service,wili be.held in the Metho'-' Hills Green. ' Heywood, of Usborne, was married on - �
11' One of the most interesting apecimens they all did justice, This concluded, Thompson, of Mitchell, was in town on dist church commencing At 6.3p p- M.— GOOD STOCK.—Mr. Joseph Hudson .
of humanity struck our town last Tues- I the Sheldon Band struck up some,famil. Saturday., He came up to attend 1he The Misses King have iemoyefd their 8 0 Wednesday evening to Miss Harriet, Mantles Made to Order.. �
of this place, purchased at the ale I daughter of 'Mr., 9�muel Saunders, of .
day morning. He. was loaded with iar and lively airs for the benefit of the funeral of -the late Alexander McLeod, dressmaking establishment to the rooms Mr. ShillingLa;j in Hibbett, on Satur- tlie 2nd concession of Stephen.—The , . - �
rusty tinware from head to foot ; this guests inside, and kept it - up for two who -was a' former employee of bis.—A r. above the store formerly occupied by day last, a very fine young short -horn -
. botirs. After this, the evening was F. W.Crich and family intend removing � - Oke farm was not sold on Saturday last, .
Remember the ,Place for FINE I
with his ragged coat and unkept bair Mr. Charles Tippet.—The members of bull. This bull is registered under the there being no offers high enough to" S'I�LECTIONS is I
made him 4 rather wild looking man. pleasantly spent with vocal and instru- to their farm in Tuckersmith next the Pre8byteritm and church of England name of "Chiselhurat Prince." He is reach the amount required. i .
Be says he'hails . from Seafurth and has mental music and social converse until week.—As .doubt has existed in the Sabbath Schools, are busily � engaged ten inonthe old, and is a perfect model. ' -
. �
spent a term in the St. Thomas jail and the " we sma' hours," when the recent. minds of some as to whether Mr. D.. D. preparing for their annual Christmas Mr. Hudson paid $80 for him, and good - - 0. . .
ly married couple left for their own Wilson will again be a- candid%te for t�e trees and entertainment. —Rlev. Mr. ju Hullett. Edward - v Uri C F. a u Fs.
. is now out begging. He was arrested in ' consider him cheap at that - . 91 1
. eived many . � .
Hamilton on suspicion of being insane home. The bride rec useful position of Reeve, we have made �n- Hodgins of Seaforth was in town this fivrel., He will'be a valuable acquisi- NOTES. -Mr. William Martin,, 'near r SEAFORTH. .
� I
presents, one being a gold watch. and quiries and we believe that he is agr4e- week. ; Londeaboro, had a horse die from gas on
but was allowed to go as no sign of in- , � —_ ; tion to the stock of this district, and we -
sanity was visible." chain from the groom." I able to stand for his old position if the . � hope Mr. Hudson's enterprise in 8ecur. the stomach'a few days ago.—Mr. Thos.
' ' 1
1 ;
. 0 ratepayers of the town degire him to do " Brussels. ing so good an animal will be properly Fairservice has sold his ten -acre farm to Miss Christina was unikd in the bonds I
TiaE- ' BEAUTIFUL 'SNow.—Winter ACCOUNTS are now ready, and parties so.—At �the horse fair on Wedneed y IF you want to buy a farm cheap and appreciated by the public. Mr. Win. Bromley, of the 9th conces- of matrimony to Mr. John D. Stewart, I
seems to have set in in earnest. The wbo haY6 not yet settled will oblige by doing so - there was a large number of good horses on easy terms call and see F. S. Scott, at BruB. - sion.—Collector Neilaus is getting along ..of the t�wnihip of Usborne. The mar- .
weather has been quite cold during this before the new year. ROBERT WILW8, Boots and for sale, but transactions were few on. eels, as he always has a number of good cheap , .
. - Shoes, Seafoyth. . 1 1199 farms in Morris, Grey and McKil for sale.-- Tuckersmith. . well with the business of raking in the riage cetemony was performed by Rev. .
week, and there is now a good coating . account of the scarcity of buye, ' 78- Also a number of Village lots with lop tt always C.. Fletcher, of Thames Road, and was
., hou
- MR,FREDERICK MULLETT is agent for . sea, or it taxes. The people of Hulle
of snow on the ground, and the merry the,e exceptionally good papers the Home Through an oversight, we understand, you waut to sell your f arm see him.� He will NOT GOING To Ru,N, 'The under- pay up well and it is quite a pleasure to witnessed by a large number of the rela. I �.
sleigh bellsiare once more heard in all Magazine and Literary Companion and will soon many prominent buyers were not noti. also sell your stock by auction, satisfaction guar- signed desires to return his sincere pay money to genial Tom. tives and friends of - the contracting par- a
directions. -, All. this is a, -'pleasant con- call on the people of this vicinity. The merits fied, but steps will be taken to obvi te anteed. � � 1199-8 thanks to his friends and the ratepayers ATTEmPT AT Roi3BERY. —Last Friday ties. The bride was made the recipient
of these papers ar,d the extremely low prices this ornission at future Be ShOOTING MATCH.—Last Friday the of Tuckeramith in general, for the co . as John MeVittie, son of the
. trast. to the wet, muddy, mucky hould secure for him consideration and a large . fairs, and thi . n- evening of a number of very useful and valuable ,
weather we have: been having for the ' who come here ma rely on meeting Brue'seI8 Gun Club went to Atwood to fidence they have extended to him in late Simon McVittie, w , returni .g
� trade. 1199--3. 1 y I as V presents and we most heartily join with
past several weeks. Theeffecton.busi- '' buyers whether they succeed in making . shoot the return match, and wbich re- first electig him to the positionof from Clinton, where he had been with a the maioy friends in wishing them con- I
ness will ,be equally agreeable. A NEw Prunes, Currauts, Raisins, Peels, sales or not. —Many �of the ratepayers of` sulted again in favor of Atwood by a Municipal, c3ouncillor, and afterwards to load of grain, two men emerged from tinual joy and happi
Valencia Shelled Almonds, Icing Sugars, Ex- ness.—Mrs. R.
' -
poetical contemporary remarks: "This tracts, Pare Spices, Walnuts, Filberts -and Tuckeramith will regret the resolve 'of scoreof4Oto43, while last time the that of Deputy Reeve, and he wishes to tbe swamp just south of the railroad Coad and children were in Winghain I
weAber looks and feels like the begin. Almonds, all of the beat quality. J. Faifley, Mr. Jacob Weber not again to accept -of score was 34 to 44. This time there state that he will not again be a candi- track on the gravel road between L part of last week and this on a visit.—
. on- 11
-U-ing of a genuine Canadian winter'. Scaiurth. 1199-1 the Deputy -Reeveship. Mr. Weber were 11 inen while at the other! only 10 date for the Deputy Reeveship, or any desboro and Clinton ght the A very interesting debate was held in
Good. The climate needs to improve SELF WRINGUNG MOPS -.—These mops has provad himself a most competent, I shot. Had the same number shot at other municipal position, as he finds horses by the bito and the other demand- connection with The Young People's
upon its last itfii.tation of a na"tive winter. can be used without bringing the hands in con. attentive and reliable official, and had this match the score would have been that his own private business requires ed the money, but John not caring to Mutual Inprovement Society on Mov-
In its youth this yea -r was inddand tact with the water, thus savinz chapped, scald - he been willing to serve there is little 39 to 40 in favor of Brussels. If our his whole attention. —JACOB WEJ3ER. give up so necessary a commodity, j umV- day evening last. Thesubj . ect was, I I Re.
ed and sore hands. For sale by J. Fairley, Sea- '
moist. The early months of 1890 will forth. . 1199-1 doubt*but be would have been re-elected boys keep on improving, next time they ___ . ed from the wagon, picked up a stone, solved that Canada offers a better field '
be remembered as dampt dieagreeable by acclamation. —M.r..J. Beneweis, the will be able to come - home victorious. Cromarty. and striking the fellow on the head, for immigration than the United States." -
' A FINE stock of Cutters and Buggies Reev� of McKillop,r. went to Goderich Joe. Ballantine and Jas. Hannah, of the
.friends to the doctors, True, the mild on hand at 0. C. Willson's, call and see them. �,-. THE LITERARY. —The Literary Society knocked him senseless. Then the man The affirmative was led by Messrs. R.
winter is easy on the poor, but an. ab- Stylish, well made and at a price to suit the on Wednesday to pay the law expenses- Brussels team, made the highest indi- met on Tuesday evening -last. A good who had hold of the horses came back Buchanan and J. C. Stonenian, and the
f snow impoverishes people in ti'nes- � - � 1199-1 in the now celebrated case of Shea 'vs. vidual score, taking 7 birds out of m 10. crowd wag present as usual. The prin. and fired at McVittie, but not before he negative by Messrs. G. Brown and
this country. When snow is scarce FINEST retail s ies in the McKillop. The costs in this case which Another match will be shot here in a cipal event of the evening was the de. had receivedantone which knocked him Robt. Fer u8on. �le d ecisio4 was. .
,money is likewise. For reasons eco- Dominion to choo96 from and all at the very have to be paid b �' the towasbi week or so. 9
I � _y p bate) " Resolved that married life is intotheditch. Whenthe youngman arriv- given by the judges in favor of the
nomic and sentimeutal Canadians may lowest prices at J. C. LAIDLAW'S, Seaforth. 1199 amount to`$1,000. Thig'*ould gravel a BRIEFS.—A charity concert was held preferable to single lif-j." The affirm&. ed home, on examination,he found- that a affirmative.
long for au" old-time winter that can B6oi-z-KEEPING. —All 'persons desirous good piece on the Northern road.— on Tuesday, of this week, and was- a tive was upheld by John Barr, leader, bullet had passed through his coat, vest . �
make up I in strength what it lacks in of learning book-keeping should attend the free A coffee social will be held in the hall of success. It was held under the auspides assisted by Miss Gillespie, Miss Currie and shirt, but never -!grazed the skin. It - �
length."' . class in the Y. M. C. A. Rooms everyL* Monday - the Independent Order of. Good Temp- of the Band of Hope and . the Royal Walton. I .
evening,at 7:30. Ladies are co' and Mr. Thompson The negative was was a lucky thing for him that'he was
rdially invited to
attend. � I . 119911 lars on Wednesday evening', 17th inst. Templars. The proceeds are to to upheld by Neil dillespie, assisted by left-handed, for as he drew back his NOTES.—Mr. A. Leach, who has for
. TH E MECHMNICS' INSTITUTE.—The All should attendi as a good time A ex. aid the poor of the village.—A. Zoe several 'yoars conducted the Walton
CHRISTMAS - PRESENTS. —' The most . 13ig Miss Scott. Mr. Gillespie was rather hand to throw the stone the shot was
semi-annual. meeting of the members of pected.—Rev. Mr. Cosine, who was as- Is 'starting hotel againL in the. old Roger cheese factory very successfully, has
popular Christmas Present in the World is a . ,short of help. two of his supporters not fired, hence the direction of the bullet- disposed of his residence here to Mrs.
the Seaforth ' Mechanics' Institute, was Bissell Carpet Sweeper. These 8%ve6pera are the sistantto.Rev.Mr. Casson last year, stand, which he will' occupy until. he being prosent. Bothaides did remark. We congratulate John on his presence of
held in the Institute rooms on Tuesday best in the world. Medluni in Price, handsolhe was in town this week visiting friends. gets his new hotel built in the ipring. ably well, but the referee decided in mind and almost miraculous escape, and Turnbull, who has already moved in.
evening last. There was a fair attend- in flnish and substantial in construction. Call —It would be well if more of out young Adam will do �a good business eve i Mr. Leach does not intend returning b�
* and aeo them. For Sale by J. FAIPLEY. 1199.2 11, In favor of the affirmative. The organ has advise him the next tithe he is belated, Walton again, as he will remain on his
aluce of members. A list' of books to I . people would avail themselves of' the this -stand.—J. G. Skene has got to arrived and next evening will be used to take in a good supply of stones before
the amount of $150 was approved of and GRA, -4D Holiday Sale at Laidlaw's will advantages to be obtained from atiend- work again in Wilson's stand and A. --farm, in the county of Oxford. The
I . commence to -day and continue all thia month of RDoe at the free book-keeping class . now Strachan in BallantiDe'S - . for the entertainment. A good time ytarting. I
ordered to, be purchaeed. The papers December. A Grand Sale of the -finest assort. : I . egg emporiu patrons of the factory are sorr to part
� in. is expected. I 0 - y .
that had accumulated for the past half ment of China, Glass and ornawental Goods in being held in the ro'oms of the Young —F. S. Scott has sold the old Angus 0 - with him. —Mr. J. B. Morrison, who has ...
year were idiaposed of, and realized Canada. - We would ask our customers to give Alen's Christian Association. Inetruc- farm, being.the south half of lot 22, fiensall. I been on the sick list, is now able to re -
$7.95. The Treasurer's statement us a call before the great rush Any goods now tion can be received at this class which concession 5, 1�4orris,to Wm. Eckmeyer, East Wawanosh- I ALL parties owing past due notes. and sume his school duties.—Hisses Jennie
chosen for Christmas can be laid aside until 9 SCHOOL SociAL,—The young folks accounts,are requested to call and settle not
ahowed ab%lance in the treasury for "hen. J. C. LAIDLAW, Seaforth. nog !nay be of the very greatest ,advantage of Grey-, for'$ ,550. A good farm for a � of and Annie McDougall have gone to De -
V 0. 10, East Wawanosl� intebd later December 15th. If not, every one troit. They will be greatly missed, as
. in after life to almost every person. low price, sti farms ate fast look will be put in Court for collection. Wo mean
the half year of $321, and it is estimated u I Section N than I
that at the close of ' 5, 'ng holding their annual entertainment in
I the financial year LOCAL BRIEFS. — The cheese from There are few ways in which a young ,up. This far went begging without. . what we say, and all those parties- will know it both were'very estimable young ladies.
there will be� a bAlance of about $29. the Walton and Winthrop Factories Man or woman can spend a couple of a buyer at a less figure.—Wat. Ainley McGowan's school -house on Monday, if they do not pay before the above date. COAD, —On Tuesday evening of last week
The Secretary's report shows'the Idsti- was shipped from Seaforth station on evenings each week more profitably.— �has this fall captured 3 very fine otters Decem berJ22ad. -The ability ofthe young RAMNIF & YOUNG. . 1199-3 James Ryan, with his usual geniality,
tute to be still in a most prosperous Monday last. It was purchased by Mr. Miss Marion Me . Michael, who has been in the Maitland, and Geo. Avery one, folks in this direction has been shown STILL GOING ON.—R. Morrison's clear- and not forgetting that he was a 11 bye"
on former occasions, and there will be ing sale is still going on and will be continued
state. The � Secretary says - "There Thos. BAlantyne, of Stratford. IThere attending a business college in Toronto The skins are worth having.—The In- . once himself, gave the young peo le of
are 3,7172 books in the library at the were iia' all 650 boxes for which was paid since last a ' . no pains spared to make this one even for the next 60 -days. Now is your time to pur. this section a dance, at which a:11 p
. pring, is, spending some weeks surance I ' i onnection. with excel previous ones, All are invited. chase cheap and good goods, as everything is
ohu Currey has sold his —We are 01111% In 0 1 going at reduced
present time, and -with the new addi- $4,500.—Mr. J here at present with friends. the late 8 have - all -been prices before removing. ed themselves.. Somewhere' =
tions authoriz3d this number will be in- house and three lots in Harpurhey to sorry'to learn that the- family of Mr. settled and the assured in all cases seem The entertainment will commence at 8 Double Stores, MarEhall's Block,. opposite Hod- morning the dancers, after returningmr.
creased to ai least four Ahousand, The Mr. F. Holmested for $250 and has pur- Chas. Soole,is being severely afflicted, satiefied. Some of "them have their cash o'clock s�arp. gins Hotel, Hensall. � - 1199-3 ' and Mrs. Ryan many thanks for their
membersh�ip,� I min glad to state, is still chased the property of -the late Mrs. no fewer than five oi his children being in their pocket. .1 - . LOCAL BRIEFS.—Sleighing is pow the hospitality, wended their several w4ya
increasing. Every effort has been made McIntosh, including the brick cottage, down with fever.—Mrs. Teep!e, wife of' . � Londesboro. erder of the day, and everyone seems to towards home.
. I
in the way of canvassing for members frame house and one lot, for $350. —Mr. Rev. Mr. Teeple, sothe vears - ago pastor . Goderich. 0nv A wrgny UlVVMT A : be taking advantage of it, our streets Miss'io,NAky MEETiNG.—Oa Mondav
. � 41%X.- meet, ng 01 being lined with sleighs and cutters. -
.since the year CDMinenced, and the re- John Clark, .brother. of Rev, W. J. of the Episcopal Methodist church in GnuptcH NOTES. -Rev. A. Courtice, the patrons of the Lon4aboro Creamery evening of last week a very, enjoyable
* Our grain buyers report trade in their time was spent at the Presbyterian.. I
-sult has beea most satisfactory, as 353 Clark, of London, will preach in the Seaforth, is at present visiting Mrs. T. B. A., of London, lectured in Nbrth was held on Thursday of last week. line as beiug brisk, and judging from the
have atready:1 joined-, 84 of whom are Presbyterian church next Sabbath morn- A. Sharp. -Divisional Officers Philpott street Methodist church on Sunday last, There was a good attendance, and church when a very interesting and in -
all quantity of grain being marki;ted they structive missionary programine was.
new members, and I feel confident that ing and in the Methodist church in the and Sweetman, visited the Salvation m6rning" and evening. His practical seemed to be satisfied with the 8eason's are giving
. at the end of the financial year,-' May evening. Mr. Clark comes here at the Army here f uesday and conducted tbp us cold, hard, solid facts.- presented. The pastor, Rev. D. For-
- discourses consisted of the devotional, operations. , From the auditor's state- The name of the party purchasing a car- rest, occupied the chair and introduced
Ist, the inew,berahip roll will be swelled invitation of the t Young Men's Christian meeting in the barracks in the evening: social and intellectual elements which went, which was adopted, we extract load of horses with T. J.- Berry, as re- the following ladies'and gentlemeir:-
, -
to 430 or more. This-incre'ase of mem- Association, anu a Collection. in aid of -A thanksgiving service, under the aus. - should pervade the ministers of the the following particulars: Total num- ported last week, should have road P. Miss Lizzie Smillie, essay on 11 Christian
bers is very gratifying, as it shows that the funds .of that association will be pices of the Women's Foreign Mission. Gospel. -Rev. B. L. Hutton, of Victoria ber of inches of cream delivered at th
' e H. Dardes, not Daniels. -Mr. H. Giving" ; Miss Turnbull, essay :on
the public are fully &live to the adva'ut- taken up at. the close of each service.- ary Society, will be held in the Presby- street Methodist church, delivered a Creamery, 41,808, from which 50,437
a.ges offered by the Institute, and that The many friends thr Arnold, of the firm of McArthur & Co., '.'Mission to Indiana in the Northwest";
_ oughout the coun- terian church on the evening of Frid , ay, sermon to the �Young men on Sunday lbs. of ,butter were made, every 100 bankers, accompanied by Mrs. Arnold, address by Rev. D. B. McRae, of 'Crah-
they are satisfied with its management by of Mr. 'David Walker, of Tucker- December 12 - th, on which occasion Mrs. evening; ' subject, "Two valuable inches of cream producing 120� lbs. of left this week for Toronto, where they brook, on 4" Rome mission@ and Aug- �
and tile good� work being done by it." smith, will be sorry to learn that h is (Rev.) Ball, of Vanneck, formerly of thin .9 to be prized. " . butter. The butter
! 0 . �
I - now con 9 so] d realized will visit relatives and ,friends. -Mr. mentation " ; address by Rev. A. Y.
- - fined to his residence and that Guelph, will be present and deliver an SCHOOL NOTFS.-Tbe High: School $9,909.94, and netted to .the patrons Alex. MeEwen, of the township of Hay, Hartley, ofBluevale, on 41 Foreign Mis-
r erage price p .
. ROYAL TE�,IPLARb OF TEMPERANCE. - there is little h4e for his recovery.- address. -We are sorry tolearn of the Board met on Friday last. The chief $8,145.20. The av etpound returned home last week from an ex-- sions " ; address by Dr. Macdonald, M�
The Royal Temptars of Temperan I ce Mr. Robert,.Logan, of this town, was in death bf Mrs. James Walker, of the business of th� meeting realized for the butter during the season tended trip through Manitob and the P.,.of Wingha n anLiberal-
Z was the con-
West End, Tuckeramith, after a pro sideritig of the report of the inspector was 19.64 cents, netting to the patrons Northwest. Hewasthere during the ity.` The choir supplied choice.selea-
celebrated their anniversary in a very Toronto on the evening of Stanley's lee- - & in, o "Christi
practioal way, and the various.meetings ture there and had an opportunity of longed illness. Mrs. Walker was one . - 4 -
in connection with the anniversary ser- hearin and architect in reference to riecesEary 16-14 cents. The Creamery has been summer and fall months, and had an Vions of music at suitable intervals.
g' and seeing the great African Of the pioneer residents. . of Tuckersmith, improvements for raising the standard managed very successfully for the Past excellent opportunity of seeing the coun- There was not a poor thing on the pro -
vices were largely attended and were explorer. He was rather disappointed and was a most worthy�'_ lady, ind was of the school to a Collegiate I
osl- interesting and profitable. natitute. two years by Mr. John Hannah, and it 'try and '- visiting his Ontario friends 'gramme And the large audience was welt
m " On with the lecture. -We are 'pleased to held in the very highest esteem by all They concluded. that an additional is likely that he will continue the man. -
Sabbath afternoon last, at four o'clock, learn that Mr. M. C. Cameron, of Gode. who knew her. -There were some, large throughout the different parts. He�says -repaid for being present. A liberal col-
.� a in -ass meeting was held in Cardno's rich, who has suffered severely for the loads of wood broug�t in fr . grant from the town council. of $2,000 agement for next year. he found them contented, well, and lection was ta . ken at the clote of th&
. om, the to the previous grant of $3,000 Would be 0
hall. The h4�11 was well filled, and the past four months, has just returned north'on' sleighs on. Thfirsday. necessary before they could :' proceed Blyth. . pro-sperous.-The Ministerial Associa- meeting. The young lady -'eseayists aria
. �
address by Itev. Mr. 1�ettlewell, Past home from Mount Clemme u 0 . 8.1 � tion of South Huron met in the Metho- to be. congratulated on their papers an(dl
. with operatio , -Principal StraDg left B.RiEFs. -Messrs. McKinnon & Mc- dist church this week. There was la the speakers -rather outdid their former . -
,Dominion Councillor of the Order, was Springs, so much improved in health Wroxeier. . Tuesday morn'31ng for"Guelph, where he Millan are doing a large business in I good aittendance of the brethren and 'a reputation, which everybody knows is of ...,
an able and eloquent appeal on behalf that he is now able to attend to his pro- BmEr' NOTE.S.—Mr. �' George Allan, presides as an examiner in connection pork -packing, and their business makes good meeting throughout. The subjedt a high ord-er. We hope these gatber- I
of tem perark,ce. In the evening the fessional duties as usual. This vVill be late assistant in the Cp6nadian Pacific with the TraiLiDg Institute e'xamina- 'Blyth one of the best pork markets in under discussion was 11 Heredity," and ings will"be he i �
I 0
reverend gentleman occupied tho pul- w�lcome news to Mr. Cameron's many Railway station here, has been appoint. tion. -The Mjdel School students are Id often as they go a 10139
1 1 the county. They have put up some whether a man inheriting strong Paz- distance in stimulating the
pit in the Mothodi8t church and preach- friends,all Of whom will join with us in ed assistant at Markdale station waiting patiently for the time when very
-d a . I � -fine samples for the old country sions and vices was to be -held reaponsi- grand work of endeavoring to evangel -
C apeciall temperance sermon. The the hope that the cure may be'perman- Canadian Pacific Railway. Mr. Allan they m%y aris� and go to f resh fields market. Their packing establishment ble for -his acto as other men. An excel- ize the world. I
members of � the lodge attended in -a ent and that be will speedily regain his entered upon his duties Tuesday -of last and -pastures green. Some twepty-four is under the management of Mr. David lent paper was prepared -on this inter- � -
body, and there was besides a large con- wonted strength and v*_ or. -Mr. Ab- wee'k.-The word competition held by of the .thirty-four students havej obtain- Dorrence, of Seaforth, who is one of the
gregation, th e other churches contri- ner Cogens, . 0 esting and oft -discussed subject by � � -A correspondent writing from Avon-
. son of Mr wCosens, West Sanderson and Miller, resulted as fol- ed schools for �891--The usual interest- best and most- experienced packers in the Rev. C. Fletcher, of Thames Road. ton says : It is reported that Mr. R. I
buting their due (Inota. On Monday End, Tuakersmith, who has -spent a lows: Ist prize'(sewing machine.) Miss ing High Schobl Literary was held on Canada. -There is now fair sleighing, Both the tone of this paper and the dis- Ballantyne (Lan side) has sold hi f in 4
,evening an oyater supper i8 4s ,served in --ouple of years in Australia, returned Perkins, Gorrie ; 2nd (set china) Mrs. 1. Frida evening laut. 8 ST
y A long And ex- and our st.-eets are dail th o ged by 9 .
the dining rooni of CardDo'sthall. The home on Saturday-Jast. He is not much y r 1! cussion that followed held man as re- for $11,000 to the reeve of- the township,
' Elliott, 3rd (silver watch) Mrs. S. F. cellek programme was rendered to an. farmers bringing in their produce and sponsible in the connection of heredity, Mr. George Frame. It is one of the I
bivalves Nvere in abundance and were taken up with life in that colony, and Taylor, 4th (silk handkerchief) Miss over -crowded house. 1.
: laying in their winter stocks of house and his particudar need and obligation fin'est properties and probably the beat
most delicious, while the trimmings 9 I
_, althou h he enjoyed his trip'very much Jessie Gibson. —Coming events cast their GENERAL NO'TES.—The Royal Temp- necessaries. Blyth is a lively business to guard against and be on defence in cultivatedin the township.. The. build- �
such as cake,, tea, etc., were 'deal t 3u t - be is, more favorably impressed with the shadows before, and t�e .approach� of lars report good results from the series town, and farmers are not slow to take the line of his weakness. The illustra- ings are simply, ".ndid.' Mr. Frame
'With a. libeiral hand. Alargauumberof advantages of Ontario as a placeof Christmas is reflected in the increase&. of meetings heid in the Temperance Hall ,advantage of its good market and 'well. tion was used that when the fort wa purchased his present farm from a Bal- -
the'ladies and gentleinen of the town residence. -7 -We are glad'to see that Dr. stocks of seasonable goods in our stores. by Mr. and Mrs. Beaman.—The Excel. stocked stores.—The monthly horse and known to be weak then the soldiers or lwntyne (John) a few years ago, and &I -
patronized the supper,, and the tables Coleman is again sufficiently recovered Mr. James Ireland has a beautiful sior Duet, a temperance organization cattle fair on Tuesday was largely at- garrihon were particularly required to be though it was supposed at the time be
were kept filled and the waiters busy *to be able to come down town. — The assortme u -t of fancy goods, fashionable under -the name of Loyal Legions, has tended, but sales were few, this being on the alert and guard.—On Friday last, had paid too high a 6gure for- it, a few - I
from about six ' until eight o'clock. All business and pr6fesaional men of Rea� glass and silverware, toy`b-� &c, all suit- been formed expressly for children. largely due to the'dull condition. of the a very pleasing and interesting event I .:
havil'ag been satisfied, a meeting was forth will entertain Mr. John Aird, late able for . years' experience have cleirly demon-
. the holiday trade.—Mr. John Meetings heldin Temperance Hall on horse market.—Mr. Robert Haggitt, . took place at the. residence of Peter Me- strated that he has made it pay. It
organized in the halla'nd the chair was manager of the Canadian Bank of Com- Hamilton paid out $1,200 for pork one Saturday afierhoon.—Col. A. M. Rose' who has been working in the Calklarry Queen', Esq., of the township of Us- is gratyfying to see 1e fine property .
taken by Mr, Jamee Boattie. The plat- - merce here, at a complimentary'supper day last week, &ad, there's more where I familY have gone to Toronto, wh I
, . " . I - rallisig into such S"d hi0d16 -
L . I - � . . . � Pro they district siuoe�sprivg', has returned bome borne, on which occasion his daughter (Langaide)
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ceived a, lett&r fTom a I
� lCoUntyin W.hiCh he "I
. - not write a letter for:
i 'giving my opinion of th
the recent defeat of
Party. I wrote him'
would be &4'tooblilgo
- I am afraid, howevei
events -the Wall �8
panic, the Indian Sea
Scandal, to Wit—have A
..a place in the raiads 01
1wiple that an article til
ber Elections here wil,
1sjLder&bky, I'L e ancient t
Ana i so told iny old �
havv made up my initic'
, -
I I iseue between us, I will.
an,d comments -o)a our it
and, if the -Editor is -wit
consign them to the wi
if he favors my friend hi
a place in THA EXPOSIT(
It goes without sayinj
I . I .
I the elections -,,was a -enrl
.. body. The Democrats A
' but t]
� the next,congrev.s.
that they would ': bury -1
- out of sight. The Rep,
- I suspicion that they mig
here and there, but they
paivd, for, s Waterloui
� AlcKinley. Cannon, m4
1 Chicago a few day' sgo.�
4 said McKinley, 41 I am I
re-elected ;. there are go
Repub . licans in the next,
follow would feel awful. -,
them." 11 Justthe -sani
self," remarked,. Cauni
well to talk publi t ,
"but there mi uo use .�
. L 'Ourselves , " And the *111
:sipate on a dish of OYS -
second, class reli ----- 1Z, I n
. ;
-any-thing occurs# that t
. ' Vc
IDUe to 15yq 116 1 told Lyo L
one Up to thix writi -
mAke such.& remeark *
I �, suit of the recent el
I �
. not be safe. Such a ;
1. hustled off 'to -the neatei
Wiihout eXAmju$&10n. L
, _ .
What was .the 4oause i
I L The answer comes with
;mity—the Miowinley .
condemnotilon of the L
That is another questiol
discussion of the Bi
I schedules—a mass 'Of
bulk to the sesston 11 ,
I Parliament At - OrArl
an 0
tiug—and that i.s quite -
pu I . f this article. �
'EtOZ1101 he rem.em re
I J�iuley Bill went into -e�
weeks befon� election A
ters did not de6y-, that i
increase the price of
' ts �it 11
inerchandise b
- �;t � th .
4Tid not claim tha � e
cles of merchandimb wo L
- What AM apt0ally oc.
it insy be confidently ..
not foreseen bi ' -either
ately upon the P: Asisagle,
wholesale mercqants be
!ending out cird.ulara t
lnforrujngthe�a of the v
I in theprice of certain;
-111 im �h _
quent upon the L e
Bill, zad the iretail dea
information on to their.
- whether from,mistake j-
I Part -of the dealers. w. �
tail, I don't know, but;
nearly everything that 1
to buy, from a -claw-h
. . low -tail cost, was in r . -
. .
times doubled in pne ,
dozen days afW the -
mgned by -the. Pvssi:
never paid so much for
iny life,"remarkiDd a ... �
neatly. "No inore
the sumv,e young -dry
it costs us more for co
used to sell it for," wa
home with blood mi he
Per to make"'h A ' _ L
lady—and her husb*Ud
rnan go to thePolls th
. vote the straight DL
Thi.sor something alm,
thousands of ins 11
- �coantry, and the resu
� whe'mi defe �Gf
. I L n1h st
Party. , e M,cKinle
. its friends claim, for i
� iti opponefitseb*rge
: 1vill'tell. It is laot at L
I there is muc�b raisappr
IftKilal .
L �
e._y Bill , 11 50, L
. .
. - Aton is;and was that it �
measure ; and that if y
Significance of the defe
. licans at the late -et
"to be laarnea in
want a reductelonof
;60 plaiin that he who _-
* L
he don't shuthis a' 11
I . yes.
, ,039in who forsook his
Vember, meant -1w - ..-
13arty leaders fo. fo
xn&wure upon the I ��
ern &gk'
10tiltUrSI AtSt L;
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