HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-12-05, Page 6- . � . . � . � I . � I - . . . One of lAfe's Joys. in things great and small ; and when this v:ew edifies for public worshi wail I � . . . - I , I . . - ' _________________a�_" . P ! . I - � . . . . AUCTION SALES. � . -RINARY. I 4MAT OF . P�TTIXG BABY TO S1.4EP WHEN she desired dresses, pleasures or journeys on occasion of unusual -interest, not only- rr� I . . - . . I .. I . . VETE . . 16S MOTSBU 18 OUT. - which were beyond the family, purse, to the people of Epworth, but to the - I . . UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPL -------__ I .- . i = . I P-' TOES GRIEVE, v. s., she carried the day with tears or 8ulks, Methodists througboutGreat Britain,— I . AMENTS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &o. 110nor graduate 0 1 Did yo� ever try to get a baby to . .: #J Ontario Veterinary - College. All diftalij, I I sleep? Not an ordinary, phlegmatic, or posing as a - martyr. The parents Western Christian Advocate. � . L . -Xr. George Kirkby has been instructed by Mr. of Domestic Amfinals treated. Calls propapUr sacrificed and suffered for her sake, hop- . . . I - George Brown to sell by Public Auction on lot attended to and charges moderate. vet,erl" spiritless baby that will fasten itself to ing finally to see her well married. � t� I I I - 1 18, concession 18, McKillop, on Wednesday, Dec. Dent try a e sit . o a , t Wei @ Roy,, the perforkded end of a rubber cap The Main Point. ; - I - 10, 1890, at 12 o'clock, noon, sharp, the follow- is sP ci y fit $--A r, - - They parefully hide7,her faults from her - - Ing properky, viz.: 0ck.-One span of working ---------- 4- . � 84 �, Hotel, Seaforth. ped over is quart bottle of milk and suitors who seek her hand, and she 'is � A boy, particularly when he is small, � . . . horses, 1 ware supponed to, be In foal, I span of 1112-tt- - in i FURS4 C_ DOAN, Veterinary Surgeon, G I ,vulgarly gorge itself into a gluttonish not' given to sophistry. He haw a 11 *_ . . coltari8ing'two years old, 8 good milch cows . raduat,6 I snooze, but a real lively, rollicking ras- ever ready with tm-iles and allurements charmingly frank wayof -disentanglin I I I I I . 8ripposed to be with calf, three stee " -and two 0 Of Ontario Vete ' 1. r - g a . I L . rs onomry rinary Colle-gel Toronto cal of a bab who doesn't intend snooz- to win the hearts of ,men, and the subject frorn quips and quibbles and f I . . heifers rising three years old, 6 yearlings rising Member of the Medical Society . � . ly � � i 1111 from a distance promptly attended to ing away any more of his valuable time I . two years old, 8 spring calves, 2 spring pigs, 60. - " . average man ,,Is a's blind to the faults of cominR directly to the main point. A . I We have several. lines of Furs to clear, such as hens. 1mplements, &c. -Two lumber wagons, Veterinary Medicines ke�t cOnst&ntlY On blind than he has to. . . a pretty girl os a newly -hatched bIrd is small boy hid a dog that was rough, as � 11 Ladies' Astrachan Cap3, Muffs, Boas, &c.; also a one nearly new; 1 double buggy, 1 Sin e Ofllce Opposite X Boseenber,ry's lJotel Hen: I � buggy, nearly new; I -pair of bob arly _. - re Sleighs!, top sali- N- B. -Veterinary I blind to the worms upon the trees about most small bbys' dogs a - , and a young number of Gents' Persian Lamb Caps --cost pricb ne a specialty. Dentistry and surgerr � I . . There; have been evenings, I dare say, him He thinks h(jr little pettish I - - � � now; I cutter, I Massey binder, 1 mower and . ,whea the! pleasure of puttin ',baby to * Ways* girl next. door had a kitt6n,sly as all cats �t will carry them ol ea harvester,'l sulky horse rake, I Boaver c I I 1166.5 � ined Seed drill, I gang plow. 2 general purpose S. Beattie, V. S., graduate of ontari, 9 - are mere girlish. e are. .One day the b c _ . I . � om- F"" , sleep has b -. Your wife has becomes his wife' -and reveals her selfish Veterinary College, Toronto, Menber of the had a sick headache, or she hai wanted . antly into the girl's presence, and t plows, one nearly new; 1 sod plow, 1 land roller, Veterinary Medical Society, etc 1 pair of iron harrows, 1 Clinton tanning mill, " treats all die. ' and cruel nature he is grieved and hurt after some desultory conversation, he' 1 eases of the DGmesticsted Animals. All a" to 11 run ov ar to mother's," or into one to think fate has beeu. so unkind to him. . nearly new, I platform scale, I grinding stone, of the neig ibor's houses for something, said : I romptly attended to either by dayor night � -Ella W,heeler Wilcox,inLadies'Home a � 2 pair of whiffietreesi 2 sets of double harnese, I hargee moderate. -und you ha,7e said, I I Oh, no; of course j . ' You know my dog, Barca, and your EDWARD McFAUL geterina Special attention give, to. ournal . � . I 1 . Bet of singlq harness, a quantity of ry dentistry. Office on gain stree -not," whenishe has asked if you 'Would cat, Darling?" � . green feed, a quantity of potatoes, 1 steel crow- Seaforth - . - . bar, I sugar kettle, pick, shovel, spades, scythes, Hirdwai; I � i . one door south Of Kidd's k . mind getti4g baby to sleep after she ' " Yes." k � . . - . I . Store. . A Woman's Will. i . cradle - R)rks and other articles too numerous to '1112 has undress d him. q I " Well, my dog had a pie . ce of . meat, mention. Household Furniture. -I cooking Q RAFORT]a HORSE I - Perhaps, if it is a first experience,you At the old Conant bomeatead,on Pearl and he thought your cat was a -going to i stove, -1 heating stove, 1 cupboard, 1 kitchen RKA'RY.--Co � !, mr1l . Z . are ratber glad, of the chance to con street, East Somerville.. Massachusetts i - . - I . table, I milk can. All is to be sold S Jarvis and G rusto - , -take it away from him." t . . 'without OdeTIch Streets, nextedoer jo ib , � . I Vince your wife that she has fallen into a few days ago, Airs. William E. I " Thought!"- exclaimed the wise lit- I - reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm. Prel3bytern Church, seaferth, ont. All d ' . It TERMS. -All sums of sip and under, cash; over d 1404 0 Horses, Cattle, shee or any Of ths zdew- in I . that amount 12 months'eredit will be, given on ii i iticated aninix1g, guece%k, the hab.it of wasting a deal of time i Blaikie died a few hours after giving '11le girl. " What makes you say that -i � Ily treated at:Q, getting, that. youngster to sleep evenings. birth to a son. For weeks sbc had felt 'the dog thought? You know dogs don't .i � . . furnisbinz approved joint notes. A discount of _rwary or elsewhere, On the shortest nofAc@ You have a wayi�,felt and said that you that she would not survive the birth of 'think -they instinct." I . . � I . - . 7 per cent will be abowed for cash on credit -hfix,�es m iderage. jAXES W. ELDER, V66MF. � I i narySur-am. I could get hi to,sleep in a fourth of the her child. Her own mother had died is ) I � � amounts. GEORGE' BROWN, Proprietor - P_ S_ -A Urge stock of TOO& Well," retorted the boy, - "I don t' I I GEORGE KIRKBY, � Anot,.oneer. 119,3 ' ary Afel.cines K constantlyon hand, i � I . � time she SP -nds. All that is required whon.Mrs. Blaikie was but a few hours care whether he thought it or inatincted I . . I - . i - . is a little ru-iness. The baby simply old, and a foriner wife of her husband it, but anyway he killed yotir cat." i � . � UCTION SALE OF FARM ::��� I I - . STOCK A.'Lq'D I 'wants to be made to understand that it . bad also died under similar circum- . --------- *-- ' � A, 1XPLEMENTS.-M r. A. Bishop bag been LEGAL . � . is bedtime and that he inust go to sleep. stances. These facts intensified tructed by Mr. Samuel Landsberough, to sell 4 her I - -----------_ A Woman with a Mission. by Public Auction, on Lot 23. Concession 4, H- IVIATTHEW MORRISON, Walton, Insursuce That is your theory, and now you'll put forebodings and she made every prepar- - V ; A RMERS, P�EAII) THIS, -'1ns8,, Tuckersmith, on Wednesday, December it into pract . `Yes," said Mrs. "Jingle to. the � i__ Agent, Commissioner for taking affida-vit., . I . lee, particularly as there is a ation for death. Shortly before that . . � � 10, 1890, at 12 o'clock-, noon, sharp, the folloAv. I . minister, whq was mak call. � 11 I I Conveyances, &c. Money to loan at the lowstj I . event She made her will, whose strange , I I - Ing a ; ingproperty, viz.: Horses. -One aged working .. long! editorial in the evening paper ; I rates. At. moRRIsox, Walton. i do delight.in deeds of charity. Why, i I . L horse, 1 mare 6 years old, aired by I' Pride of 13 provisions have just be-�ome known: . . i and an article in the magazine. you : ­ � Avon;" 1 horse 5 years old, sired by I I Honest ------ �_ the Dorcas Society, of which I am presi. I X. BEST, -Barrhster, . I .L � Donald ;" 1 entire colt 2 years old, 81red by Solicitor, &c. t ozoo- i brought ho 'e with you that you want to It provided that if her child was a dent, Sent twenty-five s of trouser � is Roonao One Door North of the Coinmerftl ; , �, I daughfer She would rece I pair 8, 1 AND PROFIT THERE13Y. "Tontine;" 1 colt one yeir old, sired by " Ken - i read this ev ing. ive all her ; ; i - . which -ie made ourselvea,to the heathen � . . � ,Hotel, ground iloor - next d r to Bea but I Well, ma ma, departs, an mo &her's property with the exception of nelworth.1' Cattle. -Three cows supposed to be 00 me 0he I ) . . � i i inAfric . shop. Akents--Cmmnox, HOLT & CAMISLON. 870 It . , . p7h,V her diamonds, a. I . ; . in calf to a thoroughbred bull, 2 farrow cows, .- - ,V r -h ; � - , 'a � - � I b&Lby, roobsod, in bis little " nighty "-the ,which should go to Mr is . . i I two year old steer, 3 two year old heifers 3 i UDFOOT, BarristeM - " � o j . Blaikie. i L Maw," yelled her young hopef al .1 0 ARROW & PRO nearest thin to " angel there is on But if the child were a son &I : it . . steers one year old, 0 spring calves. Sheep �nd 'kX tore, &C., Goderich, Ontario. J. LT. Bond. . 1. earth, no ma ter how he -n&y cut up and the mother's property, with the excep, from the stairs, when*yer goin' ter stop : I . - Pigs. -Ten Leicester ewe�, 7 spring pigs. im. GAwM i i . 2. I tion of the doll chinnin' to the pastor an' sew that I plements.-I Bradley reaper, I mower, 1 horse Q.C.; WM.-PROUI)FOOT. , 6" 11 � tear around In the hour to come. L ar necessary to legally . , . . i, patch on my pants, so's I kin get out o' 1, .ake, 2 wagons, I gan;r plow, i scuffier, I hay � f establish the son's birth, should go to I form you that the SEAFORT11 ROLLER ' AMERON, ]ErOLT & -CAMERON, Barrisi�n, � You pick I tim, up and say, fondly, but . bed ?" ' I 'We beo, leave to i rack, 1 set of iron narrowt, I Set of wooden b,%T- � . thistle cutter plows, i road cart; I fan. Solicitors in Chancery, Goderi* O&L ,, 4; firmly : her husband. I MIIi LS havoe been recenlItly refitted and improved by- the addition of a .roi' n',"'in'ill, 2 grind stones, 2 grain cradles. cream - , - I � - - � ': - . - ,I � 'papa's little baby boy mu8 "'hat led to the L V 0. OAMIRON, Q. C.,� . UOLT, X. G. � . . " N GLW, t draf tiog of so strange On Monday last week the Grand � cry box and cans complete, 2 loggi OMMIL01q. - . �= I ng chains, I 6" go. right to a .eep. " a will? Why did this young mother - ! - - set of bob -sleighs, 1)ong sleigh, I wheelbarrow, � ,; .9 . 9 Trunk shops in Stratford were placed on 1 turnip cutter, 1 J. DOWNEY, Solicitor, . i Goo, goo," he says, which is his leave her son entirely unprovided for . Large Quantity 6f the Latest Improved Machinery, set of whiffietrees, I pair of- Conveyancer, ho c nine hours a day, an increase. . In order � _X, Scales, 1 set of double team harness. I s - B. 0. i z lwav of saying "good night," and also No one seems able to answer. . i et of Sin- D. Late Of Victoria, OjAce-over. t . his way of - Mrs. Blaikie was the granddaughter to do this some fifty men were die- � - gle harn�ss, also a quantity of hay and other BankofCo meree, Main street,. Seaforth. Pd. I 49 Saying forty other things. ch i making this miH second to none in Canada - articles too numerous 'to mention. The whole vate tunds to 10&12 at 6i and 6 per cent. - � " of Ezra S. iConant, arged. and a reduction made in the i . , � 1086 � z NOW, b by, shut his little eyes a wealthy w,hplesale � � . I of the above pr�perky will be sold as the proprie- - . i 0 1 i ; . r grocer of Boston. her wages of -the men employed. . . tor has ]eased his farm. TxRms.-All sums of $5 -SCOTT, Barristers, SollolSOM � . You Say, ag ou cuddle him in your When her mot I i i ANNING & I . . . For the production of a firs�,�-;class article of Flour. and under, cash ;,over thatamount 13 months' COuveYAncers, ke. Solicitors for the Bmig, I - Our chopping stone Of,lohnston.Tisdale & Gale. Money to lom 4 arms. died her grandparents took her to live -The other day Master Charles Vi M � I . 0 ) credit will be given on furnishing approved I I " he says, with, his eyes . 1 " Goo, goo with them, and from them bhe inherited pond, of Elma, got his hand caught in a which has a; capacity of 2,560 lbs. per hour, will - be running steadi joint notes. A discount of 6 per cent. will be Office -Elliott Block, Clinton$ Ontario. � 41 An � , ation ir, a good deal of property. She married ly. A, IL i I . . chopping mill and torn in Such a fright- Farmers can depend upon getting their chopping done in a first-class "lowed for cash on credit amounts. Every. MANNINO, JAMU Soc".. 781 � - Wide open an a sort of iati..m I i � Wrn. E. Blaikie, now an architect in ful. manner that two of his fingers- bad thing to be at the purchaser's risk as soon as - � - � 1. will shut them when he . knocked down, and nothing to be remove ------ -s -i gets ready to do so,. but not before, Boston, and after the death of the old to he amputated. The other fingers will manner for SIX CENTS TER ONE 11-UNDRED PaUNDS. All d un- HOLMESTED, su6cessor to tho, iste firm I ��. _r - � . . til settled for. S. LANDSIOROUGH, Proprie- s McCaughey A Hohnested Barrister so. - - "Baby," y)u say, a little more sever people went with her husband to live in be saved with diffi.-ulty. � chop'will be weighed in and out of the raill. I tor ; A. BISHOP, Aucti 1198.2 licitO , and Notary." solicito, - 7 I e- " . ,. tl � � . oneer. r, Convoyancei i : . ,ly, papa wants to read his paper, and I . I the r for, ; the old homestead wbere she had spent . -The 66th annual report of the Alis- ., . — Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money so Ion& . LEARING, AUCTION SALK OF FARM Farms for was. office in s tt,g BI k, Ilal . - -will'be in charge of MR. J. SUMMERVILLE, STOCK AND IMPLESIENTS.-Mr. Arch. street. Soxforth. I I � baby must go to sleep." her girlhood. It was there she died. sionary Society of the Methodist church . The, gristing trade I I on 00 a aby said "I lntri- � - But why should she wish to diSin. shows that St. Marys district co C _. If ever a won't do it" an:obliging and experienced miller. Those who patronize us can count Bishop has been instructed by Mr. GeorZe . � ­ . i th hi3 heel I herit her unborn son ! No one can tell. buted during the past .year $1,806.19 ; on I - I wi yours said it about this . � . � . to sell by Public Auction, on Lot 21, ICKSON & RAYS, formerly with Meier#. time for the,' Stratfo�d.distriet gave 61,413.70.; Exe- i P=1% D & Proudfoot, Goderich ; Bar. � my he lets his little -pink , 0 ion 2, L. R. S., on Thursday, December, Garrow heels fly into the air means nothing else A Visit to EPW0rth--'-:. - ---- ter district, $1,682. � 18, 1890, at 1 o'clock p. in., sharp, the following ri8terg, Solicitors, etc., Seaforth and Brus"Ig. . .. - � , property, viz. : Horses. -One breeding' mare -in Seaforth Office-Cardno*s Block-, Main Street, than adiatinct and positive "I -. 1. I -Miss Oertrude Lawler, of 'Guelph Liberal, Honoircelble and CourteoW Treatment, I won't. " � BY D. STEVENSON, 1). D. - I I f i . . � foal to " Sir Clifton," one mare rising 4 years R. S. HAYS. . W. B. DICKSON. . old aired by "Ranton Jock; 1 spring colt I You then 1 hold him firmly in- a B. A. of Toronto University, whose � .' � " Money to Loan. 1121- , I aired bv "General Gourlay;" one spring : a Cattle. E _� * -7— writhes and �wriggles with unexpected "Behold flattering character, has bqen appointed ..even . � your The name of Epworth hLis .-been -to testimonialis were of an exceptionally Give us a trial and be convinced th t this is ihe best place in this colt aired by " Prince Victor." Urms and - he begins to squirm. He me, from my childhood,like a h - y ' 8 a es part of the country to get your gristing done. cows supposed to be in calf to a thoroughbred . 'MONEY TO LOAN. . ' word. I took th train t Ch ter -for assistant English teacher in Stratford bull; 3 heifers rising 3 years old, in calf; 6 steers . ,strength and pluckily contends for free- the birthplace of Methodism. . FLOUR, CHOP and all kinds of mill feed for sale'- at the lowest rising three, 2 heif era rising two, 1. steer i1siD t loans at 6 p" ' dom, tmtil you let him. go through sheer The town i't' situated five miles .fr Collegiate IIiStitute, at a salary of $1,900 . - two, 8 spring calves. Sheep and Pigs. 9 ONEY TO LOAN.--Stmigh . 0111 per annum. - Iving prices Seven - . admiration of I his grit, I' * . Ten thousand (10,000) bushels of Wheat wanted, for - Al cent, with'the privilege to berre*ey Haxey, the Zarest railroad ebio,tionj and sheep, I Shropshiredown ram, 1 thoroughbred of repayin L "GOO, 900,1' he saym,'which this, time � -Oae day last week, while Mr. John which the highest market pr'ice-will be paid. Chester White boar, bred by Mess & art of the principal money at say � - i " is coanected with it by omnibus. EPL. Love, of Elma, was leading a horse be-- I � Sons, Wakeman Station, Ohio. Iniplemen time. App y to � means "Ah, ba ! I'll show you a thing . . ­ to. Sedorth. US F. HOLMESTED, Barrist" � etc. -Two combined seed drilh, I land roller, 1 .. or two." ; worth has about two thousand inhabi- bind his buggy it became restless, and - Remember the place, � near the railway Ireight sheds, formerly sulky rake, 2 gang plows, 1 No. 13 Verity piow, ! I 850 . � . "Baby, deir," you say plaintivel , itants. It bag grown V'elry little, if any, uppetting hIlm- on the hard road, injured -known as the red mill. . I thistle cuttet plow, :I Brantford binder, I Kir- C . . y in the 'last hundred years., Near the his shoulder and cut his head very � I . DENTISTIJ�.Y. won't papa,' 11 baby go to Sleep now ? centre of the town, in a spAce called the - by reaper, 2 hay racks, 2 gravel boxts, I p ' that's a good baby." I . badly. air . I . . � trucks, 1 horaepower, Jack and belt, 1 cutter, I market place, is a stone structure, con- . W. H. CODE& COO pair bob-oleigbs, I grind atone, F. BELDEN D. D. S., L. D. S., Dentist.. - Then the good baby,manifesto his de- sisting of a series of c -The factorymen in the Listowel. dis-' � � I set of double G. Offlce­o��r' Johnson's Hardware Sto , � ircular steps, de- I team harness, I set of double light harness, I set re - Adre of getting down and crawling all creasing in Size from the - lowes�r, and trict have sold the bilance. of the sea- I ­ f5eaforth.. Electricity for painless extraction of ­ � I of plow harness, 1 sugar kettle, I Swarm of bees, teeth. over you. Wa little fingers clutch -your terminatin son's make - of cheese. Sonia brought . I 1 7 bee hives, 3 milk cans, I box stove, I table and ­ - 1166 - .g in a shaft eight or ton feet I a lot of other articles too numerous to mention. -beard and you haven't the heart to high, where, it is said, John Wealey oe- 91c., some 94c., and about half a doze . d / B The whole of the above property will positively W. TWEDDLE,-Dentist, Office over Ham. - his place factories reached 10 cents, among the be soldwithout reserve as the proprietor has F. flton & McInnes' Shoe Store, corner Main , I hard that your eyes are full of tears. the streets run Dut, not in ` straight but latter being the * Wallace, Moleaworth, , IF sold his farni and is going to Manitoba. Te and John Streets, Seafort'h, Ontaria. Nitrous - shake him off, even when he . pulls So casionally preached. From t i " LONG BOOTS for.Men rms. I � Thet he pokes his fingers into your nose in I Elma, Bluevale and Huron factories. . I , -Allsums of 85 and under, Oxide Gasadministered forthepainlessextrac- 4 slightly purving lines to the outer, OYS cash; over that '. � .1. I-e,y,es and ears, giving the result of his � , .. � , . amount 12 months' credit will be given on fur- tion of teeth. � 1169- J edges of the town. .. This will wind up the fair for this sea- . - - . . nishing approved endorsed notes. A discount ­ � juvestigation ,In a series of gurgling About two hundred yards from this son, The output, on acco.Int 'of the . � . I . I I . of 7 per cent. will be allowed for cash on credit KINSMAN Dentist, L. . D. " goo-goosl " indicating that he is as wide radiatin point a large , iron gate opens luxuriant growth of grass, has been . . aTrounts. GEORGE PLEAVES, Proprietor; A. awake its he e-�'er was in his life, and he 9 BISHOP, Auctioneer. 1198-3 R 8,, Exete4 Ont. Will be at � into a beautiful avenue, leading by a,. large and the prices very fair on the -_ Zurich, at theHuron Hotel, enthe I ( _� Jt thinks he can hold out three or. four average. � " I GEORGE GOOD . I f. M91;_1 V LAST TnuRsDAy L,q xAcH I(ONTII,. t gradual ascent up to the churchyard. - . . . 1� I . . � - . and at Murdock's Hotel,. Heneail,- on the ynm - I hours yet. You baul him down into This avenue is about thirty feet wide -The other day in St. Marys, while . � " 11111111 AY in each month. your arms and 'say: I I ou , �1111!1111 I C4 AND Tnian Farn Teeth ex. I and two hundred ya Master Daniel, a son -of Mr. A. Baird, - I ffisse tracted with the least puln possible. All work I - i rds long, with a . 6�;�2� = - first;clsss at i I 'Now, if baby don't go rightto sleep wall and a hedgerow and shade-treies on * was ' > ,�� ���� I 0 = liberal rates. . 971 1 playing with some other yourig . i papa. will ha,ve to whip. Shall papa each side ofit, the branches of the trees boys he found st pocket book, wb141 OFFERS FOR -SALE A MAGNIFICENT STOCK 0 .. �,�� . . . . , Whip baby?" The " goo -goo " be now intertwining overhe,id- U pLon examination proved to contain ' . . . 0 1 1 -neans " Do so at your of this avenu . Inithe centre I ab twenty dollars in I cash and I I � I- � I I !�: MEDICAL. . screeches out ;I � OF i own risk." Whip him I There is more e, through ts entire' out � L . I - r" I �. 1� ' length, is a walk of c eqnes amounting in the neighborhood = W S. FERGUSON, M. D., C. 31., m. C. p. S_ 11;, or less of the flat stones about - 0 . , . - . brute in every man, but four feet wide, -which has been there of $300. Some of the other youngsters - � I = 0.;—Ofllce, over T. Daly's Grocery - I �' you inwardly-, thank God that your - 0 - -, 1000 Calls lilght and day promptly answered at the- * F L, The en- w 0 C:F office. Ej I since the days of! the Wesleys. anted him to spend the money -and say ; or - .11 brutal tendencie's don't --run in the -di. trance from this'avenue into the church. nothi gaboutfinding the purse. - But *I-- , "M 11773 I � F rection of pounding babies. n ong Boo � � 7 � Ir they yard is through another large iron' gate. Danny said he would ask his father -.. . 11 = E. ,COOPER, M. D., Physician, Surgeon .1 " . _ � I I — did your wife is deserving of a divbrce' The yard is about an acre in extent, and e . . ,- 6'� . about it first. A receipt among th' I � it. and Accoucher, Constance, ont. 1127 1 1 and everythin - -D 1'� 0 4 � -1 _. free of chdrge g you have other papers led to the owner (IMiss I ( .1 is almost cov6red with tornbsitones. . A. - �. r F_ . on earth as alimony, Prominent among them is that over the Dale) having the purse returned to her � � I � I . it P) RS. ELLIOT.T & GUTIN Brumfield, Lloon. . � ' ,� " You simply cuddle him up in y . IN— I �" - 0 q_ Dtiates Royal College of Physiciam and : �_; our grave of the father of John and Charles before she knew 6f the loss. , . I I (D Surgeons, Edinburgh. Braceficid, ont. 988 � I � . .1 ai I � -_ ,. %W 0 P .; . I ______ — ., �., . ms and begin rockinj him to -and fro Wesley. It.is only a few feet from the , _____!!!!!T_ , C-1 "I . .. � . � I . . I :. in such a manner that he couldn't go to south side of the church, and is a plain . � 0 P (I ) JF4 0 J. G. SCOTT, M. D., &o., physician, Surge -on I 11 , IS# and Accoucher, -Seaforth, Ont. office and I L I "I . , v . A sleep if he.w-an�ed to no more than you marble slab. -about three feet wide and THE SEAFORTH. BEST' AND MEDIUM QUALITIES. �, ,T 0 Opio W residence South side of Goderich street, Sewad I . � cou - Id I if laahed to a trip'hammer. Then six and a half feet long, resti ng- laori- . . . Door east of the Presbyterian church. 842 , . �� - you sing every hing you know, from zontally upon the grave -walls, about � D: (D .� fl. I . !4 �� "Rock of Ag a" do w -n to " Annie' - ;! g R, W. BRUCE � three feet above the level of the gro d. I . - . " BANKING COMPANY, Member 11 Rooney,"' all in one. un I � 0 9) W SMITH, M. D , 6. 3f., 71L . � &0.,. of the College of'Physicians and Surgpons, I ,key, for ten to one, On it is this inscription : , I r_$ C -t- t-0 �_ - I 1�i you can't sina a no (NOT INCORPORATED. .1 . W Seaforth, Ontario. omea and '�� 0 tc correctly to save I 0) � I . rodaenoi. If your life. I . HIER11 I fame as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. ,�, I PJ 0 h I - Lieth all that wa-; mortal of i A General Banking business trans- 0 , vt- (D - 848 7, This concertl�stsl an hour apd a half � I , � � ; ;i SAMUEL WESLEY, A.M. -acted. . Also an ;� Extra Quality of Iff EN'S F �O r-ro 0 — L . and baby iveal, through it all and has . � ELT ' LEX. BETHUNE, M. D., Follow of thc- � I I -1 vitality eno Ile was Rector of Epworth 39 years, ax Farmers' notes discounted. - � .. ARoyal College of Physicians and Surgeonis I - gh to pop up at the end of .id de. L � ! I -2 0 C`r (D '--a- Kingston. Successor to Dr. 31ackid. Offloo- I parted this life 25 of April,1736, aged �2. Drafts bou lit and sold. " P � it with a c eer ' i . 9)" I � : . .9 1 4 - lately. occupied by Dr. Mackid. .1 I 11 As he lived so he died. in the truo Cathoiio Interest allowed on d I I I I- Mala Streei, I � " Ya,* ya G4 -goo !" eposits. i I I � Seaforth. Residenoe-Corner of Victoria Square, I - SALE NOTES discounted, or taken I ". Faith of the Holy Trinity in Unity, and that Je '� . 0, t..2 o C -t- in house l&t01Y Occupied by L. E. Danoey. �� " Now, young man, I've had just Bus Chr6t is God �'. incirnato and the only sa- Dr. Mackid has gone to the Northwest an& 4 � � I :. gh f this. You've simprly . I Z , viour of mankind." (Acts iv. 1�.) for collection. . M 9) P) .1 � W Dr. � Bethune, h i I I � . _i::� (D as taken his VActice. The gat to go to slee� . Go to sleep !" the dead URCHASED. � . Doctor will be found 4 p . "Blessed are which- die in the - -MORTGAGES, P ' . . � ;a Pi 'ss in Dr, ackid's office i Now You've mhde him cry, He slips Lord ; yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest MADE TO ORDER SPECULLY FOR � �sj - 0 (D 02 W n th day and at his own residence during . In I ' . . 0 P) 1._J . I . from their labors, atid their works do follow . OURSELVES. tdhuer'n I . 1 7. limply down int 3 your arms and opens them. " (Rev. xiv. i3.) OFFICE --In the Commercial .Hotel I I I a U2 L-1- F9,hte 1 1127XI2 ... - I-_ his mouth in onj prolonged yell, f6llow_� - ' , 41. . building. . . . 0 C -t- 0 0 ---------- � � I- I 1. . _'� I followed the custorn'Of pilgrirfia to . I � ---------" - AUCTIONEERS. � . . . I . ; � 'emittted about a ;housand of them. You - J I . L ed by another an I another'until he has this spot, of stepping upon this tomb - 0. ' SMITH, Manager. I � � - (A 1Z (D t7j 0 ca _______� ; TED, Solicitor - 106 .: Auctioneer for the � walk the floor with him, you jounce stone, and standing where John Wesley I F.HOLRES — Gents' - and Boys'-SChOol Boots, %as 0 PJ " P. BRINA Licensed -1 ; you coax a stood, when, not being permitted to use � . , - Ladies'. C) �­­J. t:4 -M is' COunlyof HurOG, Sales attended W " him up and dow nd wheedle the church of which for rtff of the County. Ali orders left at Tm , --go many years . Ws Fine- Boots, ') (1) =rroiL oface will be Proulptly attended to. and scold and fame, and I dare Bay his father had been rector, be preached , Miss :s' and Ohildre . swear a little. P t r . I By and by his cries grow weaker and , t I o ' the"People in the churchyard. At the _Un'd'e-rwear for Ladies, e� Rubbers and Overshoes 1 3 i-- -J ,­�, (D f"S H. PORTER General Auctioneer Anct ' The church, as originally built, is six I .� P 02, � ., . . Land Valuator. Orders sent bymaii to. �i8llittle form relaxing Mis8es and Childrens at HOFFmAN . my address, Bayfield P. I fewer; you feel. hundred, possibly eight hundred years & Col . Poo D O., will receive prompt. 11 S I � . I in your-iarrns, his little limbs hang limp- , Seaforth. , 0 CD V W attention. , ly, his curly head lies- heavily on your old. Additions have been made to it in . . I - "7 A_ _t Terms moderate. 1185-52 .. . - . I , , I ,.a . C - 0 - ' I shoulder, -his ey I more recent times. The style is Gothic. -&r-v M0 3msr-r ,-T-,a:-NT-Twe--,dN--Pmo:pllr-rs- -I.. W- G- DUFFv WI e material of the bo e. OP Directory for 1890. 1 vith the most Pitiful of sounds, the sob- It is strongly . . I . - . C � AUCTIONEER FOR, THE COUNTY, Convey, � -_ d. dy of it is ston - - tt � ancer, Collector, Book-keeper and Accountant - 10 _�Iids droop slo y, and, I Th buttressed from without. mexin , . %-V �_ Z 0--� CD d in its slee the little — I 1� . bing of a chil p Rising from the front, which looks to JOHN BENNEWIES, Recve, Dublin P. o. � Real Estate, Life, Accident and Fire Insuranft" fellow wanders . into dreamland. You the west - a Equare tower � . JOHN MORRISON, DeputyRe.eve, Ward 3, � - . CD CD are free to lay h in dow - At the Winthrop. I �> PAagrents; Money to Loan, Correspondence, &e. _; n npw and take left of &'a"Outh Side en DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor,Waxd 1, � � , ca .44 tie requiring his services in any oftliew % � y Beech- . i up our book or paper, but you don't next to the town -an ,nce, the one d. Q I (D branches will receive prompt attention. O"ica ! always do it. tr' on 10001 d �the ly one I woo I INDALzY'aBLocs: (upSTALM),MAIN STUXEr'SNA. � JAMES EVANS, Councillor, Ward 2, Beech. I I ; Sometimes You Simply be�ieve that ig now used -is a large wood. - 4 � I FORTH. � � sit down gently with the baby still in I . 11 ;a P) P) " .. 1134� 1 plain, stone font, the bowl of, which is CHARLES DODDS, Councillo- 1 C-4 . W -_ I your arms and our, eyes fixed on his f Orth r, Ward 4, Sea-' . N . ------ � I y about two feet deep and about two feet ' - M 0 . : . . -9u,shed little fac You are sorry you in'diaineter at the i im. JOHN C. MORR180N, Clerk, Winthrop. ORTH I AND . BRUSSELS. M 1-4.6 EXCELLENT � made him. cry.�' Every one of these It ia doubtless SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Win- SEAF (D p, 1---a 't : slef-ping sobs gq right to your heart. I the font at -which the Wealey children throp. - - I - $Dj P --a Lines and values in Hosiery gn(r, � ; I - . : were baptized. The building bears -the ROBERT G. ROSS; Assessor, Winthrop. . � ; � �� I There you. s t for an hour, mayb6, I I . OMNI - CD 0 iuto his marhis of age, and lacks the cheerful ADAIR RAYS, Collector, Seaforth. - I W � (D Gloves at HOFFMAN & Co's., .Sea-- ,-,, : n DR SMITH, Medical Health Officer, seafortb. W, - fortb. vine tenderness in your heart that makes CH I � to,)�kino, ace with a sort of; di. light of modern church edifices. �ik AR" IBALD, Sanitary Inspector, Lead. : THE - - ' thu troublesome little bit of humanity The rectory is a third of a mile from u � I ' (D :� :1 � t -d - . I I I . .A. I _ (A HURON AND BRUCE - Xtent, aDdare surrounded by,a . . �- C'E :� P CD - W in your arms a treasure for which you the chureb. Jts grounds are about two CANADIAN BANK �OF COMMER -wc,uld lay down your life. � acres in e .W- SOMERVILLEV I Established 1867. . . . , M C.11.. 1_� I I . I . I wall seven feet high. The part in front 1 General Expres8 and T,31egraph Agene , I : . P-4 - of the hou8e is laid - off in beautiful I C�l y) . (D Loan . and Investment P. S. -I forgot to say after you bave walks and flower beds. Back of the SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. HEAD -0.'FFICE, TORONTO. . - > it O'. 0 - very carefully laid him down and house i ­ I . crawled away r m. his cr. 8 ia grass lot for horse and COW. I - CAPITAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS - - 1----J 04 - [4 0 C) 3DV1JP_A�W7_Y7_ , I fr %dle on your The ho . Two Express Trains each way, daily $6,0009()Oo '"' — use is the same, with some Im, . Ask for REST, - / - - - -_ - . - - F". 0 1 our special produce and money rates. Telegra- A R. - hands and kne,-s ao ,as not to awaken I provements, that was built in 1709 or phic connections everywhere 1192 \/ Farm Security at lowest Rates . him, you are pa -alyzed by a loud and. B. E. WALK�_R, GENER L 1 - $80O)OOO 0 t This Company is Loaning Yloney or.-. .1710, after the burnin , of the first '. . � 11 NIANAGE 1--J. 0 - _�> distinct " Ya ? yA ! ya!" and you b a ve i rectory. I % C� I � � — 1�1! � _— I L__J - � to do it all over 4-ain. . . . � . SEAFORTH BRANOH. I ;a Pd (D UQ - Of Eterest. . �' . (D - 0'- 2; , — , . - ke Poor Wives, X - ,_ - , ' I .Methodi8m in Epworth to.day is re- J OHN BEATTIE A GeneMl %nkin Business Transacted. Farmers' Nottes Discounted =q CTirls who M4 pre�ented by three Methodist Chapels- - 9 . -it C1 i o Drafts issued payable at'all points in Canada, and the principal . � ortgages Puchased. I I never see a p � Otted, pampered girl the Wesleyan the Primitive and the Clerk of the Second Division Court . - H M . ; . -New Conmxion. Th' congregation of I ' . cities in the United St les,Great Britain, F Is I who is yielded to! in every County of Huron. I � iL. rahce, Bermuda &c. 09) W -" SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 11 ' t whim by I the Wesleyan chapel a"lone is larger than . . . . I � ) I � �> I., 0 . . 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Isiterest Allowed on __ serva ts and pareki s, thatJ do not Sigh I �hat of the parish church. The Wes- - SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. L . S of , C't- saj . Deposits, di , to amount and' - with pi.ty for the,1man who will Some I leyans are worshipping in their third Commissioner, Conveyancer, Land, Loan , Deposits of $1.00 and upwardi received, and current rate interest allowed. I � I � L accor in day be her husband. It is the worship- I chapel, erected in 1889. It is a beauti- and Insurance Agent. INTEREST ADDED TO THE PRINCIPAL AT THE END -.01? MAY AND *.NOVF I I time reft. , ped daughter, who has been taught that ful Gothic structure, built I ____ - L YEAR. . . ,MBE]& IN EACH . - her whims and winheSL are supreme in a I $90 000 at a cost -of Fun . 'Ir . I . L - L It is known' as the Wesley ds Investe ' aud to.Loan. — OMCE.--Cornerof Market Squiae- a marria e - ' ' . . 1oueehold, who make 9 a fail- Memorial Chapel, and will seat about SPecial Attention given to, the COUeOUOIL Of C0==ercW Paper and Farmers'. SPECIAL MAKES and North Street, Goderich. . vre all her life, She has had her way five hundred persons. OFFICE­wOver S & Livenie store, mailm 5908 Notes. I .1. L . I . i The opening of treet, Seaforth. I . . I � . Of Grey Flannels at HOFFMAN & HORACE HORTONI : . . . - I lilett F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. ; . � I I I,- - . i JOHN AIRD, Manager, Co's., Seaforth. . 31"A L am. , � I . . I 1 006", AugudS041M #a � . . � % I- . . I I . . - . . � - I . I ) . I . � � I � � . . . H . H Ca W I r e n k 1] I i" b I , 2 1 "_ 0 0 0 ;00 I I u h ! I I I � I I _% . I I I � / * I � . . 1� I . . . I � . . I I I I � . . . I I I - . � . � I I . . . f . L . -1 . I - I . I . - - . . � . . . . . . I I . . . L __ . - I r-. !- . - . . �� I I ) *­. 't � � . �*,_, 1-10, � : . � ! i . . . � L ­ L- I I I �.l : . 11 . . . I ik;jjl�z_ I �� . . I i I L 4 � . I- �'_ - L .. ! . . 1, - . - , i,_ I . 1. - J. . I I I . 4 . -_ ,- - . - � - � I � - __ .. ff. - -1 I- - .,f ­_ I � - , I I L I I � ­ _ . , . ". ,, -". ­ ­' _ " ­. ­- - '­ ­ __­­_­­­­_­ ,�,�.''-."--,,��L",-.--,�,.�,��--.-,.".�.I.�-I.-�,�..'�-�--.,�l--,-,��--�-,-�,�iailii",ii���-- 1-1111.1.1- ... I -­ .111, I � ... �, _. 1-1_1-1. —________ woft-vid . PL � _"L _ _­ - i � ­­­ ­ � __ , i- - I � - - 1 ! . i . ; - .1 - . I i ; I 1DS,0RXftR 5, � ���� . - Town0luiP 01 - I � , Z, , vouils.—The eoune " __ - the . ,� . to, adjourillneu,t in 3-forvA., on Xovembei�,_- ent. U,oved by , - I _011 pres �y � jam � .40co,nded I , . es -1 ,*A I be paid S20- f, - _ 3hortreei Vy,m. Pultner during I � ,L ,noutho, and that he b ' I . . week for t&ka.ug care . . - th -ut " G III . e f ut.3 —Carrie � . � I , j�aidbick, seconded by I . the bon,ci tendered by I -.Wcepted -ws Satisfact -goved by 0-1 A, flo .C,eorge Kirkby, that . � _.. . . _19r,auted,an otder for . .� � L I- ling " I . ,pauses on Ouc I,. - ,tr )a sureeles. — 4 ..- I esiurer - I'M& -�by janiis Proctor, ,seec � ­ d ie 4 . �.rried, th , jKirkby an . � -1 � , Ag ounts be "Paid: J L ..-I- 0 iver, � t 31-51); 1 ; - � x burying dea& horse, I, I .. I -1a ig - I butL , ,cuI14rt,V; A � ". I 4o - Aurent Brotht . � � 43- 1 - - - *_Howick Insurance Com I L : �on hall 50e.; 'GeO. Pier, 10 ,A, slo;nl 4,,ra�els VJ.85 . � .grw7ell $1.35 �' TY'ler I - 557 1 I $10 Duff jL& StewAT . ­_ .Georie Proctor, re . bridge, $52 0 ; G�eOrfe on M_axwell's bill,, $2 -Jumber;naifa �,nd buildi . W. Rutledge�.puttitig it L Xi . _.sea Exford, ,charit I - - $irrts, rep,airi�g scrape Jackson, diggin-a ditcl - ?1D I L ,jackson, cubvi-ert., $6,5( .1 diggwg ditch, $1-50,- 1 . . aigging diteh,18 ; IL. � . � . r$8; J. me-A."rter, grav's � . ArLte'r, repairIng appro � 'bridge aLnd'C0JVert - . �, $� . repairing 0lark';8 W� I - I � - bridges, $93 -, isel,ectOra, _$4. Tb:e Council �th(. meet again �on � the 15t]. L 4CLAP , I .1�, Clerk.., : � L ' . Gar-m—COUtIcil M61 vCranbrook, -N�yvemberl adjournment. Membe . the matter of Win. 8 to Council in, referen,64, : drain No� 2, in the 17, . ' ing iu,sUffi ' ciell� as a0 I &-way the -vater empty], . ,other dre,int constru Vitclies and Waterco _L I Mr. Bolton� LtOW_nSl;ip A I that he hadlustructlet - -council, under a petiti�, � of lands interested to., Is drain with bratichim � the 14th, 16th and 17 I - Elms, thenML WeSterl . , . . -watercourse to an lot � -Beauebamp oreek, WbiL . t1mough the G.overutno L , I ..-sioti, 17th, Grey. c0 latgo and tso R&rdin� the tands, adjoining ti . -tion 4f Thornoa,Calder I build a fen-ce -On Mad a] lot 9, cono.eEsion 12. 11 � ward Bryan) seconded I that the, Ree - - - I . structed to exa�min`S � . report at text mee� I � -Carried. A -by-law _W� videpolling plaeeB at' , I I I -returning ,officers for I -for the year � 1891, &I place for holding nomil. of James AieX,air -and i ,the tap Arain at lot . .-cleaned ont. J. F.'& I I Srant of $20 to gravel I � . i xrey and Elmal at 101 . stating that the El willingtograut -an ec I -*by E.Brya% seconded that Mr. Brown cont . 'llor of F-Ims, 1 -couuci matter.—O&rried. M . lop, seconded �yiwlx .foll�owl,ng Acedunts I -Smith, gravel, $4.80' Zean, I epairing hill at � 17 and 18. $50 A. I . . � I , I -aulvert at 10 25, colic McCallum, abderdr-ai C11eat lot 7-0,coneess .� share $2.50 � J. G T, - boundary GtOY and . �i � - 4 I �, 1291, Grey ghVire Z§-5 on culvert and Aitch 'On 3911ma, engineees Av 88.0() - J, m:cLecid .1 . .at boundary Grey' gineer's aw�rd, GT John Fosteri, Pa. bridge contract At 10I vcessioW2, $7,50; A01 I ,,fund dog twx, $1 ; I . and culvert �on road, sions 7 and % Onglul- I Rebt. B.et,l* breaking .4, concession 3, $1 Z filliog i�,pproach to _' 1 :20 and '21, conceset . I Mines,.building brid I �couceswion 2, $20 ; 1 1 and box st, lot 20., �c Mines, repparing top . . 20 -a-ad -21, iconceseloh . .Mccutcheont filling � to bridge at lots 20 -a I 1 89; Daniel Stewal ,paintingsafe for tr L � Sinclair, filling CUIV4 'gravel, lot 15-, conce - board of health serV11 . cleaning ffit6h at � -$1,5,0- willit%rn Spet I y ­ - Machan. suit. $10 ; J � - ing.Kitchell!s bAidgA throngh the river, ef lumber and cedar -,$17157 . And`rOw I , - I Un ary, , rey A Vernes, gravelling and Elm&, - isha - Pollard. ditch and , concessions sand 61 ter, balauce of bridi ,. �20 and2l! ,conceSSIO, � then adjourned t Burtou'a hotd,�, Et, ,6ember wtk. . __ . Girls AWaY �� � r The girl who 437 � Itome _qaite by he I ;have to travel 10r -nights .on the car atrange hotel by, -be, I � advic � e about What I ra.y be many, 80 I - . this little para" ticket for the trip a for her sleeper, � . will. arrange . that if - entire seeltion the o� , Clalpied by a lady. ­ -1 +U- . 90 to bed, tile p will arrange the e , . * � I out of the :small L provided she will I or delaine dressing. intends to sleep, ,- � room &,qd put thytos � . - I A � - 'I .