HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-11-21, Page 5I I ­ . I k . . - : . -f- - . . 1. - . , - - f . . . I . I t I P� � �; . � . � ,� � I I � . A I 11 . . . - - ! 4 1 � I �' � . - I , - � . . I I . . I � . I . T I I - I - I - . . . . . i : I . Z . . . � 41 I - . r - - . I I I . - . . � i . - � - I �_ Z_. I I . - � 11 I : . - I . . � . I I t I � - - � I - , 1� � I - . . I � , 1. ! � 11 . . I . . . I � � - � - . - - . � i . If . I � I . I ._1 - � - , . . . � i ! . - ; . , - - � . - V � I . � I � . . � ,� , I I I � I . . - - . � . I - � � I I-- . I - I � . I - I . - - - I .. . 11 . - - - � � � e . I � � . . � I . - I . i . � - � 1. ,�� . . I - � % - . . - � . � . . I , � \ , p , . . . i: i I f . . 1, .- I .1 1. I . � . 11 � I i ; I I I \ , - . � - . - . . � I , � i - I t 1 . I . � , - I � � . . � � . . I . i I I �1 . . I . � I , . � ,_ I . . - - . I � I I . � . . � - I � I . 11 I � . - I j� . � I �� . � . k I I � . - I i. - -1. . � . , , �_ w �. . I I - � b � . . . . I . .. � I - � , - � - � � -J . - .1 � - r �_­ �L � 1 � . , , ", - -.:I � � I � - I- C� 1--, ._�- , a, - ,; .� " , 11� _ ,_ -_ I I � , - , I , , I I : - - � I , I - �­ I . , : � . : - �. � ; — � � � ", : :.�,�f : , -_ I 11 - " - . I - ,. . -; , �._ J: -- - - 'i - ,�, , I -i;�_t, -,!! �: , - , ,7 -� "": - I I - - - - ! - . , I I . I � - I I I I � . I . % , � . _7.� , � _; - I e � , I " , , , �� , _:i �� , � . , , , I � I ,Z :,-I---.- � .1, � I - I ­ ..,_ :� , I 11 *_ I - � I - , I 11 - - . , - . . - , — � - � � — - I . -, �' , , I ,� , � , I � , , _ - - " 1. - � - 11 . . � I __ � � - -_ - I - , . .1 - i , - - - ­ , 1 - - - , -- . � . I . . � - � - - � . - I I . - , I I :_1 - , -.-- � Avl� ': ,�, - �. , :- I � i, � �_,� , ,; _. - , �, ­_ � - _­ � I I . I _ , , _ — . _. " � - _ — _!�. - - ! , . I - , - - I , � 4 . ,-,z, _A � � � . - - - � . � , - 7 ,��, - _' - 7 � , , - , , - �� � - — �_ � .. , ,- � -1 . ,� _ - - . .1 , � . .: - - I . � I . - I . ­ . . . � � � . � - , - , _1 - . - ­ . , �, — —_ 1 I , I I . - � 0 I 01, � � . I . A I I � . � J11 I , - I � � ! 1, . . �. . . � . I � . I - � I .. - ; ; I I . � I-% �, " - � I � - -1 . . I I . : i � - . � I - � � I 5 � � : � I . . . I - I I � . � � ' . . � � - . . � I - � 'NO, ..1. . I � � THi �__ ; 1 30.� 1 i VE I I . I HURON * EXPOSITOR,- � - I . , . I . I � � " — MINION ________ � —M-ft,w �N&N__ _� - . . I � I ­ I - �11 � I � _� - . - , . . f � . i � - � - . , I . - . !, �� ' I . !� � - . . �tm %a . , re,dgnstion of Miss Richardson. Miss ernment. We require something more 1. stockers and feedirs plentiful and unchanged, �, IMMATANT NOTICES . � I I - . � 01.75 to #3,35 ; bulls limited and higher, fat .$2 ' I . I . . � Is, ift , :Hanibly has also placed her resignation substantial than inerely, a play of words. - I I : I ,a. I to $2.65 ; milch cows and sprin erg iet, - I � � raset ,in the hands of the Board, and it having L, 'Yours truly, I erally $6 lower - calves su. 5 Irv, en" -DRP,- FOR Zxdt[TZGE.—One hun. . � I � . as ,ERTY4 keld it,, ,been accepted the Board will advertise � i W. BARN �tiher, 5i to oc'f or choice. P11iyee pligahn!1 lv,�.Iubs. .-JL Ared,and-sixty acres near Gladstone, Mani- I I '. I . , � tobs,�,, will be exchanged for Seaforth or 0an I � ' , ,lea 81 A MM . I , even- - licants for this vacancy.—The - � . - . - - . ranged: Fair to good eheep,*4 to$5.16; othef�,itown property. Apply at . THE EXP . - S FOR MEN - , for app . western lambs, culls to beat, $3.75 to 86.15 ; TOR Office. 1197X4 . Cattle, r ,]fforse Fair, which was held here lost - . Perth Items. —A deck or ,OVIERCOAL . 0 - , -CanAda lambs, 05.86 to $6.20. -.�Hogs ,!!: . — , , cteqday. � . week, had several buyers in attendance, - two of prime heavy weights going at $13�55 to 9%. . : I I � , .1 1��tK f horses were offer- The residents of Ajibohelt !ver! good weighi Yorkers sold at $3.40 to $3.50 ; -a : ICE,—Thq annual meeting of the Lon- 4 ,��4",� ,and quite a number o i I L! . treated to A real old-fashioned char N deaborough Butter and Cheese M2nufac. . . I . - I � ,,ed but. not many sales were .reported. ivart few tops at $3.60 ; light Yorkers, #3.25 to $8.85, '�_ ' � . last week. . if selected choice.$8.40 ; pigs, $3 to $3.25 for the Go. will'be held in Bell's hall, on Thurs. . best ; skips, $2.25 to $2.75 ; roughe., $12.1b to sa. turin rovember 27th. More new lines in Tweeds, Beavers and Meltons ! offered not being up to d The prices SLy, I%rriet ' - I J Director@ meeting 9 a m., GldeZ I � the - anticipations of the sellers. The -Mr. E. Day. of Kintore, one day 1110INTRUIL, November loth.—There was not a ' iolders 10:30 a. m., General Meeting 1:3o Good patterns—well made and well finished --a large V took next.fair will be held on December 4th, lately threshed 2,000 bushels of oats for really good beist among the herds offered to- M.31 All . persons interested In dairying ire I bride's ',being the first Thursday in December, Mr. Win. Hoseack-one'day's work. day,*and one of the butchers remarked that un. tvlt6f to attend. W. L. OUIMETTE, Secre. stock to �hoose from. We can't mention prices here, 1 6 Ilk . -The various societies of Christian lea -better cattle are brought to mai*et soon he- , tary 4GEORGE WATT, President. 1107-1 but we g�iara�htee them to be as, low as first class I i � r9e, I ;&ad promises to be a good one. to ld not supply the wpinto of - hJV ouet9wers, Ir. I Overcoat' can be sold. - . I iies of -Tke above was received too late for last week. Endeavor ia ftAtford w 11 unite for the '&'cud when tbeZ will a4k f6v *-& go6d rout he W41" ! nlE� LCHER WANTED.-Winted a male or fe- s . I . I purpose of forming & Uniou Society? Qdvr thot-,i 6, ,,urkey. None of the sales to -day JL i d&le teacher with third class certificate,for I � young, ' � � I . I ffl BRIE:Fs.-The Richardson farm was , the y� ar 1891, for School Section No. 6, Hay. � H Our shortly. e:�ceeded 4e er pound. and very few amount- � , I r . � not sold by auction last week, no one ed to 310 10., with common dry cows, rough � Fop rficulars, address application enclosing - � . I . -An Epworth League of - Christian I teiti 6nials, stating salary expected oi- apply l coMiDg up to the reserved. bid. Parties oxen and thrifty young stock at about 3c per , I . I wanting -a good farm should see this one Endeavor has been organized in the pound, while the leaner beaut would bring less j perso- tally to I?. SCIIAEF.eER, Sareptp, P 0. EDWARD KFAUL SEAFORTH.' Methodist church, at Carlingford -which - than 2c per pound. Mr. Biokerdike bonght 130 � 11�w . 7 &a it is a good and cheap one. -The stockers to -day, here at the yards, at about 3c ' 11 - � Z I w rk ' and 11 promises to be a success, . I - . Royal hotel at Walton was not sold. per und, and this will probably wind up the � H ;STER 'WHITE PIG. -The urdersigned i I . I t an a Partles wanting thia valuable property, n catt 8 ipping trade for this season. Calves ;'C � lill keep on lot 10, concession 9, Hullett, a . � ; 9 -Mr. Nicholas Pre'dergast, of Lo- Fee h �, � ! zing ii, I gan, left last week, with his family., for were scarce and generally of poor quality, and ,; ; . can bargain privately with Mr. F. S. � thorooghbr6d Chester White Pig to which a 1, I . , I � . - . , li!nitidd number of sows will be received for ser. I. -I ....... .. - , ­ I ­ I 1. . � I ' d i Montana, where he'holds a good situ- prices are frorn $3 to $10 each. Mutton critters url'ag - Scott or the owner. -The Atwood Gan - were not plentiful and rather higher in price. i . 11'ernis $1, payable at the thile of s . ervice, i . len,we's[ a -tion at a salary oi $1,000, per annum, A few of the best sheep were bought by ship- � vice . I club: came here on Friday to have a � with ,the privilege of returning it necessary. � � 1 1 - . i n � I reek.- �n friendly match with the club of this .Miss Maria Douglas, .of Mitchell, pers at about 31c per pound. Lambs sold at ; CHA*�Eil ROGERSON. 1197x4 ted oa an employee in - the - Windsor hotel from$2.50to�4.50eacb. Mr. Joseph Richard i ,� I---- - . — � : place. -Mr. El. T. Jackson is now , . Pat hogs con- � 4 a �'higan - , I , in Stratford, had her face badly burne 9 bought 26 good Iambs at $4 each I A] MS TO RENT. -To rent for 9, term of GOLDEN - LION$ I his -new'stand in the Blashill block, and -1 4 tinue dull of sale at from 44c to a little over tic 8 I -1 wit I 9 , Hullett, also Marti )� h carbolic acid the other day. . per pound. - X !ear Lot 5, Concession 7, ' I - I I ,of I . 131 Mr. Simms has gone into his old place. , ot 9 lConcessior 6, each containing 160 acres. � �unable , -Miss Nellie Dewar, teaching on a � TORONTO, -November 18tb.-Cattle.-Good fat � . � - � Samuel Laird and -family have removed third class certificate at Poole has been butchers' cattle brought from 3J to 31c per On L( 5, there are 76 acres cleared and in a � I � with , I good �ate of cultivation. There are 45 acres �. into kown for the winter from Lak4et, re-engaged for 1891, at a salary oil $350. pou.nd . light stockers, weighing from 850 to fall pl)wed, there is a large bank barn and good WE SHOW1 THIS WEEK A FULLI LINE OFw--;AN- * , e I unds, from 3 to 31e. Light export feed- . ' I - I where he has been 6.1i ese maker for the Miss Dewar's popularity as a teacher 1*8 960 po e sale of i frame%ouse, also a good orchard and plenty of I � . . . past year or twior,- -and will again hold . ers wont at 2� to 31c. There was on � water 1 It adjoins the village of Kinburn. Lot I - - � , .: the cause. 25 steersat 4c per pound that attracted some I � the same Position next season. � I . �` acres cleared, all seeded to grass. This GOLA SHIRTINGS, GREY FLANNELSy NAVY I - - attention, owing to the good condition of the � 9 I'" �Iaipbell , -Mr. R. L-. Halpenny, a well-known animals. Owing to the closa of navigation on farm "" to b leased for pasture only. It has . I . _,l . . � . farmer in- Elma, near Trowbriidge, who the 20th, export cattle were sent right through. � � ',o� w:ter and is well adapted for stock. I 11 , I � .Ientl ; friends - : Term 4easonable. Apply on Lot 5, Concession I has not been well. for a ear or two, There may bei a fe�v late shipments, but not - FLANNELS. I ALSO SPECIAL VALUE IN. BLANK- 'en-, . 'TELL, JR., Constance , of From Southern Manitoba. . y . - will be wanted for � 7. or ddreaB JAMES 8.19 I - I I . ­ � died at his home on Thursday of last many. About 2,000 stockers f . , 9--iawr"", November 6th 1890 diiitillery feeding this winter, but these will be friends 1� . � I . � � P. 0. 1� 1197x4 ' iveek. Ile has � 11 As re- � - � " been a resident of Elm& bought up any time within the next few weeks. 1. ETS AND COMFORTERS. WHITE QUILTS FROM - DEAF. Ex-posiToR,'. -"This is the ev-en- for over 27 years, settling and clearing One Toronto firm claim that shice May they , . .-The und�rsigned I I . - U.'r. -1 . - On,, .of * . ,jng tha,t history informa us that Guy up a bush f&rm. He was 52 years of have Befit 3M00 head to the Old Country, and �3 ffers for sale cheap, his valuable Village - . . �. . . that since i�e -trade opened with England their ' Prope� ty, known as lots number 63 and 64. on F&Wkes made him6elf famous, or rather age, and leaves a widow and six I the $1.50 TO $7- BEST VALUE IN THE TRADE IN -. _M,l r.. , total shipilTent has been 240,000 cattle. Sheep , no-thsideof Queen street, Petty�i survey, . - it I , ast� - infamous, -by his unsuccessful attempt children. . . and lambs-Sh6�p were not asked for, butone :Villagi of Hensall, and east side of Railwa I . M 50 each, and I , y I . rented to blow up the Commoners of England. - - � bunch of 31 s xpoft sheep sold at $5., track,1 3n which lots there is a fine frame dwel I It is also the anniversary of the payment a bunch of 13'sol.cl a $ Lambs were selling : lin 2 '32 in flirst-Class repair, and a good frame CREAM AND WHITE LACE CURTAINS, TABLE Local Notices. acl 5.25. � . Turn- ' . at from 83 to $4 ; a few very choice ones , Stolle Ox26. There is a splendid well on the I I by- the Quebec Government to the premi s and the lots are nicely fenced with a . Bent- ' Fop. SALE, at a bar gain, the St. Julien did bring ,q.25, but priees ruled -,-cry low, as - d. fine n' wire fence in front, the lots are al o . Jesuits of that sum of money. that is still Restaurant, Seaforth. This restaurant- is the the supply wa's much beyond the demand. , 8 LINENS, TABLE CLOTHSt TOWELLINGS, &C., IN i - will fresh in our minds. � oldest, and does the larg , est business of the kind Ho s -Hogg -were a littler weaker. Mixed lots- � nicely . planted out with ornamental ttees and . � )er, of L N. t 3J to 4c per pound, the demand is ' ehrubk, also with all kinds of small fruit. This . � . I it is a very cold evening in Manlfbba in town. I have also for sale a good quiet driv. sOla a - . T - �r , . ig horse, a" buggy, cutter, harness, robes fairly good and all descriptions are wanted. valuable property will be sold chettp as the GREAT VARIETY. � n , I . for tW season of the year, and I will- 'Ulankets, &c. -a -full -driving outfiti For -part Picked lots sell at 4c to 41a, owne� intends shortly leaving the villaze. For . . I - . I : full p rticnia-ro appl v to JASIES R. BEIRRY or . I - draw a little closer to the fire and pen ticulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. . . i G9. ' I - JAIrEs BuRoms. . - UTHERLAND, Conveyancer and Notary 11 u a few lines without any seriou 1191 . . I � I lesdale . ' . YO a . IMPORTANT NoTic&-From the Sea. I th Pubild Hensall. � A CALL SOLICITEO. . . thought of making any history or dis- . 36n, Of forth Seed and Feed Emporium. As this is the ROSE.-Aln Egmondville, oa- the 19th inst-, the ' N.B'L'Possession of the premises can be given rs ago.- turbi - ng the peace of mind of my fel- season of the year we can't sell you any Beeds, wife of Mr. Joseph Rose,, of a son. .in a month's time if desired. The owner has -, . R. JA M I ES 0 N. , low citizens down at the old - -0itidal. we are determined to be to the front in the ROSS. --4n McKillop, on the 12th inot., the wife � . : also a line Tro ion rising to be flour and feed line. Remember we can gi _ 3 years old. . . - - where Wolfe and Mont3alm met on ive you .of Mr. Alex. Ross. of. a daughter. , 1 which: he will Isteiin, ,ortle, hange fo� a pair of good . i . ' better value in Oileake Pure Linseed Meal, GRANT. -At St. Marys, on the 15th inst., the . I . I pur- � that eventful day. Bat to return to the -Horse and C , . maresi This Stallion is broken to harness. I �G for - � attle Spice, and other foods than wife of Mr. D. C. Grant; of a daughter. � JAMES R. BERRY. . I ,peaceful borders of Manitoba, and com- -_ny_ one can poss :: � I ibly do who buys in sunall quan-' MILLER. -At River View Farm, Killarney'Man- p . I : I ____ c : I monplace events of the present date. I titieg. To farmers and others wanting Flour itoba, on the 22nd ult., the wife of Mr. lEaa . I Boots Shoes andj Footwear � re in- I ; SALE.-Blyth'Brick and Tile Yard, con- . J - I . � -migh,tr rise, to :remark that althou Bra.0 or Sh6rts, we guarantee you those at mill S. Miller, of a daughten, � . I � h � FOR ining 6 acres of choice brick clay 12 feet I a i Yarna - M 9 prices. Give'us a trial and we think we can con-' WILSON. -In Morris; on the 3rd inst., the wife - ; ' � � anitoba is enj.o i far a I deep. i This property is adjoining the Railway . I � ot, in- : I , ywg peace as 13 a vince you that we have one of the- best equipped of Xr. Mattliew-Wilson, of a -son.. I . ' i . .bloody atrife is concerned, yet the ele- Seed and Feed Stores in the County, Our motto BEEOROIFT.-Iii East Wawanosh, on the 6th i Statiofi, and affords good facilities for shipping- . . , men,ts have been at war during the lat. being small profits and quick returns. Ro.BF,RT inst., the wife of, Mr. Win., Beecroft, of 0, !There re two good tile kilns, onetile machine, 4 any � ter part of September and the mouth of Scorr, Willson's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. son. . one I Ick machine, one portable engine and OF ALL KINDS10 . ' -1194 McEWEN.-In Stanley, on.. the Oth inst., the boiler together with barrows, racks, &c., all in . . . Dan- �October. According to our local weath- Boy WANTED. -Smart, in tell igent, for wife c;f &r. Duncan McEwen, of a daughter. ,full ri inning order. There is also on the I . . I that : ! mises " comfortable dwelling, ivith good celiftrLer, . I . I er observatories, Old Sol did not shine the Dry Goods Business. Apply at once to 1� _� � . � that I ' M also hard and soft water and a good stable. I I also, -for a full day during the month of 00. HOFFMAN &Co., Seaforth. 1196 arriames. This a very desirable propertv, and well adap- lVe bave just received and passed into stock large quantities of I cc he d ii[manufacturingbridic and tile on a I I . . tober,andwe cangenerally and truth- FRF,E TRIP AROUND THE WORLD.- McCLYRONT-DIEHL.- Attheresidenc ft to fo.. arge - - Women's' Boys' Misses' �- fully boast of a larger amount of -sun- Via Nellib Ely's Route, or its equivalent in gold -bride's father, on the - 12th inst., by Rev.. H. scale, nd will be sold at a bargain as the owner Fall and Winter Goods. All kinds of Xen, 3 . I is given by BEL,L'S MAGAZINE for the largest isdeJous of--goiing into anopher business. This I . ' . .t and shine than any.6f the sister Provinces. list of words constructed out of the words I 'Bell's R. Diehl, of ffyde,Paik, assisted by R -.v. L. is oing concern and a fortune for the right and Children's Fine and Coarse goods; Men and Boys Long Boots, . I made, I W. Diehl, of, Holhidsville� and - Re,v; Mr. * ' n! For full particulars apply to the proprie-11 � I But when Old Sol cannot smile he gen. Magazine." A18o Pianos. Organs, Parlor Suites, Walker, of Varna,"Jdr. James McClymoDt, large stock, which will- be sold away down; erally weeps. This case was no excep- 11 T, Men's. Felt Boots, it very , . 5 this , Gold Watches, Silver Tea- Sets, Parlor Coal to Miss Maggie, sebond� daugh"r� of Mr. to on the premises,'or by letter to Blyth P. 0. � on ac- .. tion to the general rule, and the result Stoves, etc., etc., all positively given away. Jacob Diehl, both of Stanley. . I Wcl.' A . IOUTRAY, Proprietor. g 1197x4 Overshoes of all kinds and all sizes ; Alen's Lumbermen's Rubbers and i � Everyone sending not less tban twenty words DIEHL-TYNDALL.-At the residence of the . oming , Wa's that we had a mixture of rain, snow. - Knitted. Socks a f till line of those and a c,00d, assortment bf light rub- . will Fet a present. Send 12 cents in stamps, bride's grandfather, Stanley, on the 13t�� ATdTION_ SALE CrF FARM STOCK AND ) i ;_11) . a good - - and rain again, during most of the mentioning the (p.)ur paper% name,) for rules, ult., by Rev. L. W. Web), of Holinesville, a iMPLEhfKNTS­Mr. A. Bishop has been berS. � � with . I .nritru�ted by W. Shillinglaw & Son, I Propriet'ars . * I abave mentioned time. In .eonsequence, illustrated - catalogue and copy of paper to assisted by Rev. H. R. Diehl, of Hyde Park, I . , nadWa agrioulturail , pursuits were almost BEr,UsMAGAZ1,;E, TORONTO, ONT. 119GX6 and Rev.: Mr. Walker, of Varna, Mr. Valen' to scll.-�y Public Auction, on lot 27, concession We have just openect out a very large a -ad, well -assorted stock of I � they GRANBY RUBBERS AND 0VER9110ES.- tine M. Diehl, youngest son of Mr. Jacob 12, Hibbert, on Saturday, November 29, 1890, at Men's Fancy Sh ' and any one wishing to purchase a nice pair of brought to 'a standstill, the greater part V) O'cl6ek noon, sharp, tjie following property, ppers, I This year surpasses all there8f; for neatness of . Diehl, to'Xiss Agnes Alvina, second daugh- -. .. I I 1014 .of the grain is still u�nthreahed, and � vm: H Gentlemen s Slipp s will do well to give us a call. I know we can I r . appearanceand durability. Amongthe many ter of the late Mr. Tyndall, of Bluevale. . orses.-One sparY heavy drauglit mares er 0 I . � mot.a very large acreage ploughed for new styles this year we handle the followingA, HOUSTON -STOREY. -At the residence of the -SUPPOO , ed to be in foal to " Rackerfleld," 1 heavy .. . I , 11 and inext season. Poorly built stacks have specialities. "The Model," Ladies 8 Button .' bride's father, on the 19th fust., -by Rev. Mr. draught mare 4 years old, suppo§ed to be in foal suit you both in st�le and price. . or ins horse; I heavy draught horse 4 un to . Overshoe, fine edshmerette, white flee6e1ined. Needham, Mr. Samuel George Houston, to to M t* ' Also, a nice, sthek of Trunks and Valifes at prices to suit the pur. ,�dding 6uffered to quite,an extent by the un- " The Mader," Ladies 8 Button Overshoe, Jersey'. ' Helen, fourth daughter of Andrew Storey, years �ld, I heavy draught filly 2. years old I : peal& I ,usual amount of rain.' What threshing black wool stockinet lined. The ladies of Sea- Esq., all of Tuckersmith. heavyl.0'raught entire colt 1 year, old, sired 'by chaser.. . . . has been done ba,3 demonstrated the forth should call and examine these goods. DAHL-COTTLE.-At Kansa Clty, Missouri, on ;"Rackarfleld;" 1 drivingleolt 1, year old by Ordered work of all kinds, and repairing a specialty. , �Cinity . ' '. "The Horne," Men's U -ht Plain Rubber, low the 6th in8t.,by Rev.T.W. atts, Mr.John M. ,, Joe Oalej" 1 driving horse 4 years old. Cattle.' � 1> � , � fact that blight, frost and rain is a -Two�thoroug, lar or � ramp, pointed toe. 11 " Dahl, of Kansas City, to Sarah, second hbred:cows,supposed to be in calf, I Tne Hero" Men's Light . I strong combination, and they have told Plain Rubber, high rampe, to;, cap, pointed daughter of Mr. George Cottle, of Clinton. I thorbughbred heifer 3 years old, 2 thorough- . . , Oil calf ; ­ . Ve . heavilly against the farmers of Mani- toe. " The Eclipse," Alen's Light Dress Arctics, SCOT 2-RITCHIE. -At the r . esidenca of the bred 4ifers 2 years old, supposed to be in week, Jersey, black stockinet lined, pointed or round bride's father, Myth, on 1c 12fh inst., by thor ughbred bull alf 8. Dawith8 old. All the toba. It is - a very difficult task to .Rey. J. X - 111bove attle registered in I New Herd Book. Two HAMILTON & R-ToINNIst - young properly grade the different sample's of toe. "Canadian Rubbers and Overshoes,". all ,. Parke, of Lis bowel, Thomas W. grade heifers 2 Years old, I ateer calf. Imple- � . -ca of Btyles of Canadian Rubbers and Overshoes in Scott, Esq.t of BI th to Miss Harriet . whea-t, and, of - course, no- opportunity is stook constantly. A call solicited,ROBT. WILLIS,- . Ritchie, youngest dlyalu�hl er of Mr. Gideon nients �-One binder, 1 reaper, I horse rake, I � � No- Boots and Shoes. 1196 � Ritchie. . , new h bd'roller, I new fanning mill, I cutting SEAFORTEL ghter, lost by grain dealera to do more than I KAY-GIBBINGS.- At -the residence of the box, I hand tmiting box, 1 scufflor, I ang plow, J. LOGAN'S OLD STAND, AIAIN-ST, ­ .1 in Mc- their usual amount of kicking. Wheat bride's father, on the Uh inst., by, Rev. Jo. .1 Hill Olow, 1 chilled plow, I Bet tarrows, 1 . : � were : - . is now selling at from 50 cents to T8 THE MARKETS. Be Nvagon�'Jhayiack. The whole of the above will - � . - - p,C� Edge, Mr. WilIJ. 'ay, to Miss Carrie end . . cents per bushel. ibbings, daughter of I J. Gibbings, Esq., be soldl without reserve as the proprietors int , and _. I SNAIFORTH,Novertiber 20bh, 1890 all -of Clinton. . devoti,, gtheir entire time to grazing.� I'mums.- . -General haseued the su, sof 85 and under. cash�;over that P ' ular Christmas §vfile, . Our Attorney HOSKIN-ROWE.-*At the Iresidence of the, All- The Most op bri . do's father, London E ad St phen on the ' 12 month I Free Press f or libel, and it is to be Fall Wheat per bushel ..... ... .. 0 90 to o g2 ' amou , a' credit will be given on fur- a , . Mr. � Spring Wheat per bushel .... .... 0 90 to 0 92 -v. A. L. ' , u�'sele r. lirthur nishin , approved joint notes. A discount of 7 A and I hoped that a f air leg8d fight will be ac- Oats per bushel ................ l5th inat., by Re 1, M per ce t. will- be allowed for cash on credit Present in the orld is . . corded to both, and the charges that Peas per bushel .......... � ...... 0 57 to 0 68 Hoskin, of Exeter, to Ni 3� Nellie Rowe. anioun a. W. SHILLINGLAW & SON, Propric. her of . 0 JOHN' S-CROOKER.-A-t th� Methodist church, , - . . . omely the Free Press has so liberally made Barley per bushel.......... . . .. 0 45 to 0 60 Lucan, on the (Ah iniit., by Rev. R.C. Ren- tors : 1�. BISHOP, A,uotioneer. 1197-2 siated for nearly two years will either be Butter, No. 1, roose.. .. .. .. . � ;. 0 13 to 0 14 ders, Mr. Wellington Jo4ns, to Miss 1#61a --- _r I the pro . . 0 13 to 0 14 Crocker, youngest daughter of Mr. Richard. 1� I Engagerhen-ts. - � � Eggs ................ .. .... .... 0 16 to 0.15 Crocker, both of Exeter; ins : � OSS -S N M. In S *� I j� I - . . Butter, tub ............... .. ..' R AU DE - alom, on 6th L., by _J,usica - — BIS,4) , ven or disproven. Manitoba cannot I -, . afford to have such direct charges made Flour, per 100 IN.......,.......... 2 75 to 2 75 — E -L � S CA WEEPER � M. Mrs.' 3,nd Miss Annie Sage, ob Walton, Ont., Against her publia�men, by the leading Hay new per t ' on ........ ........ 6 00 to 600 Rev. Dr. Middlenalsaj` of! Elora, Mr. Thouias hav completed a most sucedsoful season in r, H. L Hides per 100 lba-I .............. 4 00 to 4 00 Rose, of Fergus, forme�rly of Brussels, t . F the . newspaper of the Pr6vince, and a Lib- Lamb Skins, each ................. .. 0, 50 to 0 go Miss Mamie Saunders, GO b . 0 theim ted States, are. now prepated to -accept ' eral at that, and oCicourse our present . pelta .... . ; ., - engagenente to play at concerts and etber en- With latest in-1,provements, These swe6pers" are ni-e-dium. in,* [I ......... 0 60 to v 90 F nlem. Miss Oil . . piice, yet �-Sda,y, ­**­­­­ OW -At I lam, i ottri, tertain nents in Huron, or any other part of the . � Government claims to be the same. Wool .......... ...... .......... 0 17 the Sbh of Octiber, UrIGleorge Fowler, eon Provid ie -of Ontario. For terms and other par. �as perfect as the most expensive. I . I was Potatoes per bushel ............. 0 30 to 0-35 I of Mr. Peter Fowler, of the Bluevale Road, . . ticula� . address . . . I '_ . - ingest It was* r6ported yesterday that a Salt (retail) per barrel.. .... .. 1 26 to 1 26 to Miss Lulu Brown, both of Gilliam. I . .0 . I deuce Wood per cord -(I 2 60 to 8 *00 a C e '11; SAGh, VValton. .�� caucus of Government meni-bers was ,ong).'.� .......... GRIFFITH-19cEWEN.-At the re iden e of th J, MRS.. A. E. , . Wood per cord (short) .......... 1 60 to 2 00 - bride's father, Morris, on the 12th inst., by 1196.4 .. ; � Parr called to consider the advisability of re- 1. 11 I . � -essed Apples per bag .................. Rev. A. Y. Hartley, of Bluevale, Mr. Ww. � We have also a choice selection 'of Family Groceries bf the very ,. pealing the New Municipal Act, that Clover Seed ..................... Griffitb, of Howick, to Miss Grace Ann, A ,,INE ASSORTMENT * 1 75 to 2 25 daughter of Mr. John A. McEwen.z . i� — L Mrs. - beautiful Act that was brought into Timcthy'Seed ................... I best quality.. Select Valencia Raisins, Vestizza Currants, new Peels )ride- this sinful world by their own dear Pork, per 100 Ths ................ 5 00 to 6 25 NICOL-BONTHRON.-At the rew.dence of the 0i, . � Of illinas Corsets and Ribbons, Lemon', Orange andi Citron - - - extracts of all kinds Chocolates, Cocoas, ' . f up- � selves. The rumor is streuigthened by 0 � bride's parents, on the 12th inst,", by Rev. . 0 7 i y J ' isted, the fact that a telegram was sent- - east CUN roN, November 20, 1890 � Jame's S. Henderson, Mr. David Nicol, of I at I FFIIA-.� & CO'8.) Seafortb. Crosse & Blackwell's Pickles, Catsups, Sauces, and everything t3 be I to P - Hensall, to Miss Lizzie, second daughter of �L I I [� R.. - . Fall Wheat per bushel.....'..... 0 90 to 90 92 James Bouthron, Esq., farmer, of Hay. . � � &,st-class gTocery. . - remier Greenway, and all the mem, Spring Wheat per bushel .... .... 90 to 0 92 . I found in a , I . I - MoNfICRAEL-LOVE.-At the Manse, Londes- '. McKillop Council. � Both -west went to Oats per bushel...... _.... ...... 0 39 to 0 40 ill Our Teat; are giving excellent Satisfaction. Blacks, Greens and �. � � bera residing in the south boro. on the 19th inst., by Rev. D. Al. Ram- I I I . - bean- the Capital very hurriedly. The Speaker, Barley per bushel ....... .... .... 0 45 to 0 50 say, Mr. Alexander hicMichael, to Miss IvIaly I the time to. .buy Teas. Satisfac- , . k_ land I who is residing at Manitou, was very Peast per bushel.... I .Love, both of MeRillop. - NotJ o is hereby given to all parties condeir,. Japans selling very cheap. Now is Butter .......................... : 0 13 to 0 14 *** ­** ­* � t 5 � . I ed that the next meeti tig of the NIcKill% Coun- tion guaranteed. ening . ill, but was aupported by two gentlemen Eggs .................. .... .... 0 16 o 0 1 . cil will 3c held at Fulton's Hotel, on ONJAY, I Ving- I a -board the train to go to help in the Hay per ion .............. ...... 6.00 to 6 00 I Deaths. DzemlBut 16th, -when all who have accounts Goods delivered promptly to all parts of the town. I I init the corporatioti are reque,3ted to'lpresent . I aga �, and , � I affairsof the State. The Act in question Potatoes per bushel ............. 0 30 to 0 36 forth, on the 18th inst., Jas. .. ' Fri- I completely obliterates some of the muni- Hides per 100 The ................ 4 00 to 4 00 MURPHY. -In Sea them c r hand them to the Clerk before that �, I Murphy,aged 70 years . I co-rdwood ........ . ............ 3 00 to 3 00 date. Pathmasters arealso requested to hand - � :some . I cip%lities, notwithstanding the fact that Wool per lb ........ .. .......... 0 17 to 618 WESTFALL.-In Clevela�d Ohio,on the 12th in their returns with the amount of gravel taken J. FAIRLBY, S. shinz I debentures are held against those muni- Pork, per 100 N ................. 6 00 to 6 25 inst., Henry Westfall, eldest son of Mr. from th�. different pits. Pathinaliterawho have . I I Frederick Weetfall, of Egniondville, aged 30 taken g -avel from Coleman's land, lot 13, con, - . eroue ripalities in a certain name. For in- r f — : I � years, 11 months and 11 days. cession �2, will make returns or the last- two . I stance, the muuicipality of Derby has ToRoxTo, Nov. 20.-Fall'whr.st, $0.96 to 90.97; McINTYILE.-�­In Fullarton, t the residence of years. I I . been wiped out, and where e - e - � 1-197-1 JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk. � . . . . . 1� Derby existing of what use is Derby de, to 4.6 cents; peas, per bush, 68 cents to inst., Hugh McIntyre, sr.,aged 70 yearg and I ! - - � ' 65c; barley, 62c to 63a ; bay, per ton, $7.00 60 7 days. , :_-_ . th re is no spring wh at, $0.93 to 10.95 ; oats, 45 cents his son, Mr. Hugh McIntyre, Jr., on the.Vth I 7 I .Grey - bentures. It will., be a wise' move if the $11.00 ; butter, 20o to 22c ; potatoes, per bag GARRACK.-In Howick, n .the 3rd' inst., FARMS FOR 8ALEN I I . . � I e Act is repealed, and save all concerned $0.60 to $0.65; eggs, per doz., 23c to 26o; Florence, daughter -of Janies and Jessie . . � . . I - � ight . - - I home an endless amount of trouble. I dressed hogs, per cwt., �5.60 to 9q,26. 1 � Garrack, aged 16 years. ' � � WNSHIP OF McKILLOP. . I I ' . - . GARRACK.-In Howick,on the 7th inst., Jessie, - ast &If 9 on 9th concession, 60 acres. West . � has To drift into the wider field of Do- I . wife of Mr. JAmeB Garrack, aged 43 years, 6 t half 7 o loth concession, 60 acres, -7 . - : � , F. . minion politics, I would Bay that a good Poultry Markets. months. , , I I i TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. AND PROFIT 'THEREBY, MACGREGOR.-At his residence, Kintail, on � Nofth hitIf 30 on 8th concession, 100 acres. � . � . I 1, e, te, � - deal is being said just now about the TORO?ao, November 19th. -Chickens, per the 3rd inst., John kla�gregor, aged 64 1 South fi alf 21 on f5th concession, 100 acres. I I �r anc I . � McKinley Bill, and the wicked Govern- pa!r, 30 to 45c; old fowl, 25 to 40c ; ducks per �. ; � . years and 10 months. . � I TOWNSHIP OF GREY. I �ke a . . air, 40 to 60c; geese, per pound, 61 to 8c ; tur. - - i � meat at Ottawa, who is blamed for bhe teys, per -pound, 8f to Ile. . � =1 I Lots 1. I and 12 on 13th concession, 200 acres. � � . feet, I whole business and 1 see, Mr. Editor, 'INIONTRRAL November 19th.-Geesc are in .� . I.O.WN-SHIP OF TUCKER&MITH. GENTLEMEN ' � 212 - I that you play i1he same fiddle. Bat I over supply,'and sales were made at 6 to 6kc, Card of Thanks. "a Lot W; on 3rd concession L. R, S., 100 acres. I - I � Turkeys are worth 9c, and chickens 6hc� ' For Urnis &c., apply to the undersigned. ea. In would respectfully call a halt and ask - I . . .. . �. . I We beg leave to inform you. that the SEAFORTH ROLLER . - F. HOIXESTED, 0 7 rads, Mr.- Cartwright, before he gives us any . I Having had the inisfortune to have my 1197 tf. � Barrister &c., Seaforth. proved by the addition of a . � the � i . Dairy Markets. barns and effects d estroyed by fl re a short time I . 31ILLS have been recently refitted and im . � - more rehash about the trade figures of ago, and baViDg had an insurance in the Mc- __; _. I � I . I YAIRNNs YARNS � inied. � I - ',- our country, that every school boy ToRo-,To, NoveTuiber 19th.-*Butier-Good de. Killoo Mutual Fire Insurance Company. I beg : . - I . a guarantee that if -mand for choice at 16c to 17c ; medium steady to state that the officers of the said company Of Tfure Wool 'at HOTFMAN & - ,�ater, knows, to produce I Large Quantity of the ,Latest imiaroved Machinery, toted . . placed in power that he will -bring about at 12c to 13c. Inferior. lots quoted at 10c. Cream- have settled my claim for loss most satisfactorily ' . . . K . . f ery quoted at 22c to Ze in a jobbing way. Eggs and h . ave treated me in a most fair and honor- Co',W,1 Seaforth. I 1.1- I I . - ' i M 11M Mid to none in Canada I - Free Trade in a reasonable time, and o -The demand is good and prices firm. Sales of able manner, and 1 have much pleasure in re- a�ing is mffl see . ;Vling his ability to convince the United States fresh to-da,y at 21c to 22c per dQzen, and of commending the Company to my fellow farmers ; - . � I - I I . ming 11 never ge limed at 19C. Cheese -There is b6 small job- a"ne worthy of patronage and at all: times de- i I i � . I , Government that they wi ; 31 ____ I j � --- irst-class article of Flour. Our chopping, bing trade at 10.;c for aur,umn makes, and 91c sirous of acting honorably and fully tip to their I I stone, .-h on happy untii they repeal the McKinley to 10c for sumn�er makes. . engagements. I 4 or the production of a fi Z5 . I I - 1. I : . aidws, . Bill, and generally tear down the Cus- MONTREAL, November 19th. -Butter -Quiet, 1197 ANDREW REID, Hullett TENC ERS FOR SUPPLIES, 1891. which has a capacity of 2,,500 lbs. per hour, will be running steadily;. � beat- - toms wall that they have erected. Un- with a fair local demand for bett-ergrade8of. - . i . Farmers can depend,upon getting their chopping done in a first-class I !beert til the honorable gentleman is, able to creamery and dairy ; choice late made cream- . The u dersigned will receive tenders for sup- 1 6 ' � ery 92c, and best townships dairy, IS to '20c. SEAFORTH MONTHLY . E HUNDRED POUNDE15. All m1th I give the electors a positive guarantee on Cbee;e--i-othing doin(r in the way of new busi- . . plies u" to noort of WEDNESDAY, DECK11- manner for SIX CENTS PER ON . f M 890, for the supply of Butchers' Chop will be weighed in and Out of the mill. - laver - thoie points I fear he is only talking ness or actual orders. At the wharf tbi - I I Meat, B I , Oatmeal, Potatoes, Cord- � . ing 1,000 cheeses wero offered and bought in at 0 ,Ball . against -Uime,. I presume that moat of is morn- H rse and Cattle Fair. "" " . . 91- to 9je. E ggs-Stron- with a steady deniand. wood, ci c., to the following institutions during The ' 11 be in charge of MR. J, 7 . I . . � rade wi I � us would agree that it would be bene- - the yea '1891, wiz.:- .gristing t SUAIMERVILLE F4- Fresh laid, 24 to 25c : held stock, 18 to 20c, and - . . . � The I syluni for the Insane in Toronto, Lon- . . I In -treaty . an obliging and experienced miller. Those who patronize us can count ficial to Canada could we have a limed,,17i to 19c. . The First of the -Season. don, K; agston, Hamilton and Okillia; the Con- Z5 . aom- like the one signed in 1854, which was 0 1 tral Pri ton and Mercier Reformatory, Toronto; on . � . .- . . yna- abrograted ia. 1866 by the United States, Now York Egg Market. The first Horse and Cattle Fair for the Ecuon the R ....ortnatory 'for Boys, Penetanguisheine; 11 , . �Olen because they considered that England will be held in the Town of Seaforth, on the Ins itutions for the Deaf and Dumb, Bell last- . : favored the South. in their little un ' n -firsts ille, a'd th� Blind, Brantford. '- Lib . . November 10th. -Eggs, firm ; eastor � eral, Honorable and Courteous Treatm'ent. I - 26 to 27c ; western � do, 25�c to 26c ; Canadian Wednesday, December3,'90 'Two utficient sureties will be required for " I the pleasantness, and since that date the do, 22 to 23c, fresh.. thedu fulfilment of each contract. Specifica- ' : - � I . . �. 0 -­ , I 11or United States has not met our ad- - . For the sale and exchange of Horses and Cattle. tions a�, d forms of tender can only be had on Give us a trial. and be convinced that this is the best place in this 11 . 11 lit spiriti their tone has. - Live Stock Markets. . The marked success attending these Fairs last makine application to the Bursars of the respec- : . - a On vances in a rig . season induces the authorities of the Town of tiveinslitutions. - � I part of the:country to get your gristimy done. . : lb I LIVERPOOL, November 18th. -There were 300 ; nill feed for sale at the b ' r - N.D., -Tenders are not required for the sup. . I the been much like the big boy to the small cattle at the Stanley market to -day. Demand Seafort'h to hope that they,will be liberally pat . . I FLOUR, CROP and all kinds of i )-west . do ply of r. ieat to the Asylums in Toronto, Lon- - Wiest - OUe? XGu do so a6d so, and I will was steady, best Ca'fiadian steers -being; 'quotable ronised again this year and will result in mutual . " for t of as 1 like. If Lau(rier or Cartwright at 111c : good to choice, Ile ; poor to �medium, benefit to both buyers and sellers. don, 'Ki! 3gston and Hamilton, nor to the Cen- living prices. Ten thousand (10,000) bushels of Wheat wanted, , I Parties desiring to dispose of their stock by 'tral Pri n and Reforn�atory for Females, To - man were to go to NVashington and get a 10c ; inferior and bulls, 8� to 9c. The 'Supply of I , which the highest market price will be paid'. I . Canadian sheep was fair, there being 360 in the Auction can have an opportunity of doing so ronto. I 0 - Ldies Positive assurance Oat if thev were in auctioneer will be I� westorany to . i I �'ion, L - . market at Stanley. Best sheep were quoted at FREE OF CHARGE as an ii provi- The , Vo.r not necessarily se- I S, formerly .. power they would grant Free Trade - Remewber'the place, near the -railway freight shed is 14c per pound, Sheep quotations are : Best, ded by- the town. Free yard room w I also be cept I , '�� . R. CHRISTIE, I 13 - � akeg . - then. I thin k the electors would be just - 14c ; seqondary, 12 to 13c ; merinoes, 1U,to furnished. I 11 . - I - tAr A large number of buyers, have signified T. F. CHAMBERLAIN, known as the red mill. ierlY fled in,p'lacing them there. But I can- 12ic ; inferior to rams, 9 to 12je. 0 BUFFALO November 18th. -Export cattle rifent Building I In th6r inte'ntion of being present, p�ctors of Prisons and Public 'Charities, cad- not -glean anything from their speeches good supply and steady at Q,4.10 up to $4.70, JOHN AIRD, RO)BERT WILSON J I�Iir�fis" gs. . W..B,,:. CODE & CO. I , I Sth November, 1890. 1197.2 1 i en- - . e'Xcopt a tirade against the present Gov- medium to;heavy fat butchers', �'3.40 to ,�4.25 ; Secretary. 1197-2 Miiyor. I .f4�11to, 1, I I . . . _ 1 ! . - the; I . I F . i� I I 11 . i . � � � . . . I I . . � I � I I . � . J I . . I . J� I . � II . 11 - I I � . �- . I . I i I . . . � I I I � I � . . �1 . . � . - I � � . I - . . - I - I i � . - I � . � - . � . I I I I i . . I I . . I ; I I . i I - - * . I . �* ;�. _9 � 0� . I . . . � .. � - _1!TT 7,0- �,v I f 11 � I I f �a 0, I I I I I CK '� I � �� ot 1, I' I , � � I I I � ! - i �, Ili , 0 i� �1t " 11, F, J� ,J ­11k� :�,Ms � �1' 4D 1�_11 e!t c It J. tv, , I I I . I " � I � . - . . I I . . I � . I . I . I � I ; - . . I I i . 7 . I . . � . . 7 I . . . - - - . . - . - I . : � I . , I � I . I I I I I . . . . . � . . � .. . � I . I I ; . I I . I � . . .. .. - I . r . � i � . - - . I I . . I . . ­ �1 I I . � , I I . � � ,I . - � - � . � . i I . � � I I - - I -, �­ - ,__�.,__ - � - _,______ , - I - � . - . � - . � � I . . - 1- . .- � . I 11 I .- . - 1-1 . _­­ ­­­ __�1111­11­ . - ­­­ � I I ­ _4 . 1_1-1 I I.I.- — � -_J _.,__.__­­­___._ . ,--,--,—.--,-,—.,�,------�--�----.----��--�—.,------------ __,_____� I - a E : jgeg = 11 7 � I � � I �, I I GOOD NEWS, . I � ,That popidar Guesg- . � . . - I Mg Sale, at Feaes &ug- I . store is agam in full �_ I - - ­ - blast. A zguess With . every ,.50c worth of I goods yon buy- Tha . � I j ax of beans can be seen ­ . in the window, ah- d Vae _ � I presents are handsonie . I I and abundant. List of � presents out in a few __ . 11 I days. We have some , I ' � special bugaing in al- , f_ - bum -s and Chns-tmas - I goods, and drugs in ' .1 - 1. . abundance .at Medical - . Hall, Seaforth. 1. V. FEAR5 . DRUGGIST. I . - I � I : GOOD VALUE f , - i &nd new styles of Dress Cloods . . I at HoFFxAN. & Co's., Seaforth. , - I I � � - - i � i - Are You With Ale ? � � . 9� I � . . I . ; t Of 0ourse You A me, ' I i I � I . I � I ---------. . ; - � - I . . I : . ittle stcry- . i � Then listen to my lu . � I . ... 11 11 I In order to make room for my . i . � ---- i " . Holiday Goods, I will, for the next -- i I - ! I . - . i fifteen days, offer my- entire stock- I i i 7 r of Watches, . Clocks, - Jewelry, . . . . . ; ) . . - - * Silver.plated Ware, Fancy Goods, . _ SOppectacles, Pipes, &c,,. at a still . lower reduction. Parties wishing- . - _. . j Solid Gold and Silver Glaods for - . I I � . Xmas presents, should leave. their __ - i " , orders at once. - ;-�__�_ � (�7���__ . 1�� . . . _4 . � - -We R. 0ounter,-, � � I . I . . I � �� I .... i - . � , . . . � : . I PEOPLE'S JEW—ELLER, --- I I : I . y � . I MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. �t , . - , � � - - . . — - - — - — - - - - — —1 - - . I . . HOFains, etc., of all makes at . I I F31AX & 0.0's., Seaforth. I � � � � � �� . . . I ALLAN LINE - � ROYAL MAIL STEAMSMPS, CHEAP EXCURS100S TO EUROPE" - I MONTREAL OR. QUEBEC, � � I I I . TO DERRY ORUVERPOOL. � . . CABIN R&TES $40, $60 and $60 Single. $W, $W � and $110 Return, according to location o,f i � Staterooms. , No CATTLE CARRIED. �' INTERMEDIATE, outward, $925; prepaid, $30. . � 11 Steerage at lowest rates. . . � - - Z Apply to H. & A. -ALLAN, Montreal, or G, - - i" BETHUNE or A. STRONG, Seaforth. 1168-52 __­_� � - � . . — i I � EXTRA VALUE . : � I In Grey Flannels at HOFFMAN & f I CO.'s., Seaforth. - t � - — i � � THE S EAFO RTH � 1. I i - . I , , A- � BANKING COMPANY, �. . � (NOT INCORPORATIKI). - . . I � , .. . A General .... . � � � , acted. : I �� I Farmers' notes discounted. - �. I ­ ; Drafts bought and- sold. I I.. I Interest allowed on deposits. I i f , I SALE NOTES discounted, or taken � I for collection. - I ­ MORT6AGES PURCHASED. i I i - I � OFFICE -4n. th� Commercial Hotel I . . - i building. - . - I J. 0. SMITH, Manager. ' I I I 041%rw oft 510%Aw I% I . . � 1 At the Underwear for Ladies, , � ; , � � Misses and Childrens at HoFF3iA.N I I � . _& CO's., Seaforth. I . . * 41 i Kippen Steam Carriage � 1p1h - I A; Utory. - - . I .1 . - While thanking my niany customers for their � . . . liberal patronage In the past five.years, I would I remind them and everybody else that Ir am in I - the best position you over saw To Do up wouiL ox ' - I THE SHORTEST NOTICE. I '- Anything that is- made �u'� of wood can be nisde at my Factory- Also 1��ng, Trimming, Saw Sharpening or any thing else. JusT Bpmia IT ALONG. i � . FOR WINTER. , - On hand a large,stock of..cu=ns AN -D BLEIGUS . for sale cheap. . I ­� HORSES. ­ , Also for sale a good driving mare 3 years old, sired by Fulton; I gelding rising 2 years old, � sitedbyJoeGale; lagedfarmborse. I 1, � J:ay- A good, fresh milch cow wanted. � - � ii94-4 WM. C. KYLE, Hippen I I � - Notice to Cheese'makers. . Tenders will be received by the Bluevale Cheese and Butter Company up to 10.30 o'cloak a. in., Thursday, November 27th, 1S90. for the � waking, curing and boxing the cheese In their , � 11 fwtory at Bluevale for the -season of 1891. Ten- . : ders to state rate per hundred pounde and fur- , nish all necessary supplies except cbeeee boxes,- , � also to state rate per hundred pounds for mak- - ing, curing and boxing alone, with all supplies furnished by this company. The lowest - �or any � tender not necessarily accc ted. All tenders I must beutarked on outside orenvelope - Tender .__ � for cheese making. Address, ,., . JOHN BURGESS, Secretary- Bluevale Cheese Co.,.Bluevale P. O., Ont- k . 1196-2 . - . . � I � . . - I � - I - I I - . � , - - � � : � I � I � ; * , � 11 . . . 1 6__'�Wa, -1