HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-11-21, Page 4[a - __�_ ____ -. , - " :--i, 4 ­ I - . . %. F"M " . . . . . � - . - . I - - � � -i . . . I I 11 I , I � . . . I I ­ I �- �­�� � .. I . - ­ . . � - I � � I I I - . ., �.. * I ­�. . � -, . - I i- . : ! . . - I - - I- .. � � . -.1 � . . I ; .. .1 . . � - . . � I - a __�., � .� I ", . � ., . I � ! . �, �, �11 . - . . .. I I I . . . . ! - � . . - . I - . I_ I � 11 - I - �_ . . / . . I . I - I - � - � - , - � . - � , - � ? I - _. .. . � . � I I : � . . - I � . . I I - . � . . i - i . 14 — - � � 1. I I � I - I � . � , , �, - . . - - I . . . i . . . . . . I., r I � - I . - . � � . I . � i - � ,I I J � I - I I I . . I . . - - �. ". " __1 - A I � . . . I I � I I I I I .. . - I . - . �- . I I � . . �- �_ , I . . . I � . � . I ! � . ; . - I , : . - ;. . . I � I -1 I - . . . � __ I _. I . . . I I . . 1. I � � * - . - . - P . � I I : - � _ , I . I - I I I . . . ; I I � � � I - - - � - . � I . . . . I � � I . . I . � , � � I � - , . , � . � . ­ . � - I .. ; . I I � � � I � � � I � � I - -1 . .: - . I I � � - I r � � I . - - I . I . . . ; I � I I I � . � � . - � I � . �� � 1. . I . . . I I t � i . I � - - & I - . I � � . I . I . I I � � . I . I I I . . ; .� . � . I ; I � I . r -_ I � - T ; i . , I . - fj. , - I � � � - . x I . . . I . I . . _ - - - . I � I . . � I . . I .1. I I i . I I - - . I � � ; I ­ -1 . 4 1 f I . . . . � � I I . I I . .1 I I I 1, . � i I I � � - I I . � t I . I . . . . . � I I . - I I . I . . � . - . ! S - � � � I % . . I : . � I 11 � I . � . . 1 A � . . I . THE- HURON, ZXPOSITOR.;: I NOVEMBEla . - - _____ - ____ .. - - ­ � 1 211, MO.. . - - __ - . - -7 - .. . . I - - ­ - � � . - - � I � I . ' - - .1 - - - - - C) Z) 3D � M3 MT ID -S is scarcely possible the man can drop -scheme that would be even likely � to � )aid no notice to a pup -that ' ',was -frolic- cession. His motlier (Who is maid to be Green & Co. were votified by Messrs. . solt during the past six weeks from the I . —OF I 'from publia view, in disgrace, without lead to Annexation, we.still believe that, ng around him uniil it'by' some means at present in a precarious condition) as Scarfe & Co., of Brautford� not to en- Blyth works alone.—Reeve Kelly is in - . - injuringthe ,.cause. But, whether or worse things migh � t befall Canada than to�ched the gun trigger, setting it off, well as his wife and four children our- dorms any drafts on them made � by W. Ottawa at present.—The annual miss . - a � and thus shooting clean through - the vive the- departed. P. Scsrfe, as he was not their agent. in of the Bible . t- ) Society will be held in -injary thus inflicted will be saf- to be annexed to the United States. owner a right hand and shattering the —4 apy,nber of the friends in Gode- Scarfe called on Mr. Thom. -B-jil, and no ti! Methodist church on Monday C) 1:ZU) ]p ]M rT S - . n6t the ' I . ­ 0 even- , . ficient to frustrate the Home Rule And if the Herald or any person else left., A few scattering shot also lodged rioh'of Mrs,.: A. Green, attended the doubt would have caught Mr. Bell the ing next.—The next Horse and Catt, — ai 0 in . movement, or even Materially act ib can prove to our satifaction that it � his face and neck. The woun ed. celebration of her ninety-sixth birthday, same way, but Mr. Bell- was 'busy and - F r will be held in�Blyth on Tuesday - � n pluckily walked to the house of .on Wednesday of last week, at her resi- he left for Lucknow, where he succeed� ,December 23rd.—Mr. .r_homag V Scott V - There are yet in stock a few ends of back, remains to be seen. It is to be would be to the interests of Canada to a . i � I r. Edward Jones, near by, after in- dence ,near Nile. Four generations - - ed in getting Messrs. Cliff & Foster to of this village, was married,on we&,,' Tapestry, Union and Hem Carpets, hoped it will not. . _ � p . become politically annexed to the strue-ting Mr.'Ratz to go to Stratford were represented at the gathering., endorse a draft for W, representing day of last week to Miss - - which we would like to clear out this . � I United States, wewould not feel it to be . nd* notify his ;elatives and send a which comprised friends and relatives that he had not a dollar. It is custom- youngest _--daug-_ Harriet I . . hter of 19r. GWZ�# mouth.. They wid be sold AT - A A Financial, Panic. ither a sin or a crime to advocate such �octor. , It is hoped his hands mp,y be from all over the county. Considering ary for business firms to endorse drafts Ritchie, of Btyth. The ceremony to, , ok � . - SACRIFICE. Financial circles, both in England and 1 et I �aved. Mr. Nichol is a son of the late her advane . ed age, the old lady is still on houses with which they deal, for the place at the residence of the br I a change. - � Vr. Arch. Nicol, of Worth Easthope, very active. I : . idels. I the United States, have been greatly � --- T?!�� ' - I convenience -of the travellerg, -and father, and was Witneised by a large I . . %nd is, about 21 years of age. His —Onj Wednesday of last week, while Messrs. Gilchrist, Green & Co. had no number of the fTiends and relatives of . excited during the past few days. The News of the Week. - nother resides in Stratford. Wilson'i Evans was unloadink wheat at scruples about doing it for Scarfe. � � I I I the contracting parties. The- young Ed wa rd . M cFau 1, Stock excbanges�--the financial barom- HARD O�i Boas.----�Hog cholera is I � the gfiit mill in Ethel, his team became When notified by Scarfe i&- Co. that people have thegood wishes of all 'our � I . � epidemic in parts of Ohio and Iowa. . frighte�ed and ran a ' ' . etere—of London, New York and other . Huron Notes._--, . way. �They were yo'ung Scarfe was not in their employ, ,citizens. I I DEAD. —lionorable Justice O'Hagan, r not captured until the had crashed Mr. Green wired to Clinton, London . � - SEAFORTH. large British and American cities; chiof The Brussels town council propose r . I I of the Irish Land Commission, is passing a by-law prohibiting business thro.ug� Simpson & Son's fence, making and other places, to have Scarfe sr- East Wawanosh. - had a decidedly panicky appearance, dead. . . . . l tr through the � yard. The rested. 'He was notified by a constable LOCAL BRIEFS. —Messrs. John an I NEW .�.DVERTISEXENTS and a good, many large operators were . POTATO CROP Ruil!�ED. —Reports from men from having cross signs on the ani a13 escaped unhu : d . I i itreet. . - - rt. The wagon in Clinton'that Scarfe was there. He Albert Fothergill left for Michigan a ' y . -Washington county, New York, State, I and fence, however, showed' signs of an told the constable by telephone to lock few days ago. They intend w rkiniz in I badl - frightened., The trouble was —Mr. Alex. McKay, son of Dr. Me- . D SW The figure between the parenthesis after show tha,t from one-third to half the �ay, of Dungannon, and at present unusual occurrence., I him up and Mr. Pettypiece would go the lumber camps of that districtda-ri � , . . Ing . I each line denotes the page of the paper on which caueed by the great English banking potato crop is ruined by rot. . . —A4other of the old residents of down and get him. On Mr Pettypiece the winter.—Mr. Lemon, of Lynden w" � the advertisement will be found. � incipal of the Nile school', has been . and financial house of Baring Broth- DR. Ko -ca ExPF_r,i,,&ENTs.—Dr. Koch 08 ,. Wawax[iosb. has passed away in the per- going to Clinton- for his man', he could i iii at Mr. W. ISTichol's last Free Cottage—Our Homes' Publishing Co. (8) 1 �hr en teacher in Oe Dungannon school ' VLSt in week.-- ers, of London, getting into deep water. the German physician, 'will now experi. ( . -son of ugh McPherson, who died on not be found, as he had been driven Mr seph Stonehouse returned on. Teacher lVanted—D. Schaeffer. (6) - jor next year. . . A Farms to Rent—Jas. Snell. (5) - mentwith a view to obtain a cure for Sabbat morning, 9bh inat. Deceased away in a livery rig - has been Saturday from Crosswell, Fears were at first entertained that this' � " ,� I —While Mrs. Henry Wightman, of had a evere attack of I& s,ri It Michigan . Home and Cattle Fair—R. Wilson. (5) di htheria. . . I I 1. the.6th concession of East VVawanosh .grippe last learned ,since that Sc . e got on the having been engaged by Mr. W. Marti " . Xc4illop Council—J. C. Morrison. .(5) firm would 9 . y I . It Farms for Sale—F. 11olmested. (5) ' , go under, and had it done VAL,9E AititicsT.—E, E. Hauf, Frank wasgetting out of a bug y one day last winter1from which be never full re- train on Wednesday morning last Week to take his -horses there, he being unable Chester White,Pig—C. Rogerson. (5) so its downfall would be but the signal D. Baker and Charles Griffith, of week, she had t 9 coverel, having been confined to the at Brucefield and went to London. No to make room for them in the I . I he misfortune to break car with ' . . Property for E,xehauge—Exposltor Office. (5) for many other crashes, both in England Wilmington, Delaware, were arrested er arm. . . . ho [or a number of months. This further trace of him can be found. his 'Other effects.' I Big Stock�A. G. VaaE gmond's Sons. (8) at Berne, Switzerland, in August and' makes,6e tenth death this year within . I � I . I - - - (r vertiser. (8) I . - . —The contract for placing the furnace a ri . I I I King of Them Allv--Londou Add adiu�s of three miles of St: Helens, all Catch a Barglain—A. G. VanE mond's Sons. (8) and America. When a crisis of this detained in jail, six ,dayr, as alleaed a nd'heating appli��'nces in the new town Chiselhurst. ­ dlenfarrow. Self -wringing Mop --J. Fairley. (8) ' kind comes it"shoWs to. outsiders bow pickpockets. They have -now brought 'fall i being �ldults. . - I � in Winghain, has been let to L NOTES.—Mrs. James Workman, who NOTES. —Mr. and Mrs. Wm- Campbell Something New—J. Fairlev. (8) very dependent great monied institu- suit against the canton of Berne for ? les,sra. C46re Br4. & Co. The people of Gorrie, being desirous . I 11 — I has been sick ior some time, is now con- of Blyth, spent's few days with friends Stockman—Hugh Grieve. (9) .85,000 each. I - . Highest Price for B'gg.3, etc.—J. F airley. (8) tions and :'supposedly wealthy men ,nd Messrs. Daf.fi-6ld & -Son, of Wing- of na�i�g a saw mill estn,blished in their valescent.—Mr. PeterMorrison, of'Spo- here this week.—Mr.s. M. AlcEwen, ,of .P Card of Thanks—Andrew Reid. (5) - AFRAID OF INDIAINS. —.Many settlers - village� held a meeting the other night � � ch;�)f -6280. n . Xmas Fruits—J. Fairley. (8) Mandan, Dakota, and the ' �,Ml r � G e o rg e. --S, � u i 0 f H I I e a,_ to consider the matter. Two proposi- ar3 on each other. Had -this firm between I am, for the su kane Falls, Washington Territory, is Stanley township, was visiting friends � " " . o , tioirs Were pl:Lced before th I f home on a visit and is looking well.— here last week.—Mrs. Epplett has re- - Teriders, for Supplies—& Christie. (5) . gone down hundreds of othei institu- reservation are abandoning their . farms � � � 1. , . BI th be- -d eni or con- turned from a 1 - Indur%ted Fibre Pails—J. Fairley. (8) � purchtKts6 , - y Mr. Robert Alexander is* home from visit to Langaide, Property for Sale—Jaipes R. Berry. (5) tions and individuals that -control mil- and ranches because of Nck of protect- as 1� fit oration. One was by Mr. Martin —34r. � . lf)m_ying to Alt, .��lt,,P, , lie sum of � M .9. Ritchie and Mis - Coulson , I 0 ion against Indians, afforded by the . ontana.—Mr. Scott intends starting a and Mr a 'I of For Sa-le-W, Moutray. (5) - lions woull have crumbled to pieces ac $400. Mr. ,q%uwrer. ove into the who offered to move his�aw and shingle . . Howtek, were here for a few weeks.—mr. Auction S.ile—W. Shillinglaw & Son. (5) � '_ Government. � � I � milltoGorrieforaloL�Vof $800 for a singing school in the Methodist Church. , At the Central—J. 0. Laidlaw. (8) tee them. But Barings having been i I I a g e i n a f e'W`,W,e`e , . —Mr. John Fitzgerald is troubled with Andy Gemmillwas on the sick list last, Discount Sale—D. S. Faust. (8) BACKING JTP GENERAL BoOTH.—The =Jag. .Speir, of -�Morris, had 50 drills -term of three years, and the: other by H. erysipelas in his face',—Mrs. Wm. Piun- week.—Mr. James Bentle has' rented saved they are all safe. This also Earl of Aberdeen has afiered to S_ ndereon� who offered. for a bonus of . y Crockery—J. 0. Laidlaw. (8) . - contri- of mang6lds, each tO rods -long, from a __ kett of Burlington, iowa, ih visiting her his farm on the 6bh concession of Turn - Overcoats, etc.—D. Weismiller. (8) shows how little support much that is bute L1,000 towards putting into opera- which betook 74� 'loads, averaging 25 $500, that he and his brother John Grist mili—A. Goveplock. (8) ti6n General Booth's scheme' of social . - would erect & first-class mill. sister Mrs. H. N. MeTaggart.—Mr. D. berry, to Mr. Wirt. Henry, Mr. Bent. . � Anniial 5feeting—W. L.- Ouimette. (6) called wealth 'really has - Many who u8hels. He tlii-nks this a pretty good Stewart gave his friends a farewell ley is retiring from farm life, and ,Will ' - " Good News -1. V. Fear. (5) roll in wealth and affluence to -day, may regeneration. 400. , The F, pace: -occupied was about —There''has been a good deal in the Footwear—Hamilton & McInnis. (5) . - MR. WEST-JONtis ARRESTED. —West- 2 . papers lately about -'ancient 'churns and party and they report having spent a have a sale on the 3rd of Decembert of . . � ' Bisset's Carpet. Sweeper—J. Fairley. (6) be in poverty to -m orrow, simply by the Jones, .Birchall's- brother-in-law, was � acres. �, . I I I very enjoyable evening. . farm stock and implements, ' Profit—W, H. Code & Co. (5). I f —M r. Jas. Wiltsie, of McKillop, had antiquated wagons - but Mrs. David e . . undermining of one large, leading arresteJ in England, Saturday, on ac t Scott, of East Waw'an osh. has in her i - - Undoubtedly the Best—W. H. Shaw. (5) concern. . ' e misfortune O'lose a valuable colt . 'It � er tea-pot bearing . Stanley. . I — - . countof a sentence of,three months tteotherday. Itappears thoanimal, possession a pew McKillop. . ,imprisonment passed on him somet* stamp and'date A.D. 1582, making it 308 COVI�CIL DoiNGS.—A meeting of the HORSE DIED. —'A valua6le Clydesdale , Ime in trying to jump a fence, got its foot - ye I mare 0 The trouble of the Baring Brothers ;ago for retaining money received by him caught between t . tie rails and broke its ars old. We - cannot say it has McKillop Council was held at McNam- belonging to Mr. John Gibson, of was occasioned, it is said, by the Rus- on behalf of the Hanley -S tarbew kett IF . always - been used for making the old ara's hotel on the 17th inst. The�only the 2ad concession, died A few days ago. � - Nukou 6wXP00itot . eg and had to V�'shot. . . , I Building Society. I . ) Gas- on the stomach is supposed to be , sian Government suddenly withdrawin � Mrs. Cou in ne of the earliest women a tea, or even that it has been business of importance transacted was . — - - � - from them :6%500,000. This is a niceish — I "' 0 � in constant use, for it has had very lit- the passing of accounts to the amount the cause of death. Mr. Gibson pur- � 9 DESTITUTION im NEBRASKA.—A de. residents of C ' b8p � died at her son's ' spatch from Lincoln, Nebraska says : . 0 e six, tie handling since coming into the pos- of $19b, - mostly for repairing culverts c hased her a couple of years ago for SEAFORTH.. FRIDAY, Nov. 21, 1890 residence on th line, of Colborne ' 11 sum, and it seem,s,that to have it called The yield of corn is much lestj than . . session of the lady mentioned above, and gravel. The next meeting. of the 8175, - - out shook to th'- bottom , that old and - anticipated, the average in this part ,)f o� Sunday, 2nd-Anst., in her ninetieth on ac I count of bei � ng a family heirloom. Council will be held on the 15th Decent ANOTHER CORRECTION; " . e- . . . _ t ypar. She leaves a large family to . - � .—we are in- Parnell's Disgrace. wealthy inotitutii� the State being less than -ten bushels o , . —Mr. John Macgregor, a pioneer of her, and it would be well for parties formed that the paragraph in the Varna. . on. ' However, the mourn her loss. ... � . Parnell, the great Irish leader, has Bank of England and other monied con- .the acre, and further west even less. I —At the last monthly meeti . ng of the Huron County, has gone to his rest. having claims against the Council and news last week was scarcely correct., in- got himself in -to rather bad odor Socially. _ Farmers have nothing to feed *ith mid ' Deceased, when a mere youth, can�e pathmasters, to consult tha announce- somuch- as it was niade to appear that cerns of great strength having come to ? 1yomen's Foreign Missionary Society in Mr. John Dunkin had not sold any - ­ vast quantitieh'of hogs half fattened are , � to Ashfield and settled near the present ment of the Clerk in the advertising An old-time friend of his, named I odunecuion with Melville church, Brus- village of Kintail, from the north of columns of this issue. she to Mr. W. ff. Beatty. Mr. Dun- I Cap- their aid the danger has been avoided being rushed to market and sacrificed -at. 8418,-the.president, Mrs. Ross, was pre- eJ? . . e mor . e very low prices. Corn is.selling on the, aditted with an address and a life mem- ting a TEACHER E.1,TGAGED. — Mr. Win. A. informs us that he did sell to th-&t tamin O'Shea, brought an action in the for the present and calm one' .Scotland and succeeded in conver kin I gentleman three ram lambs, and that London Divisional Court, accusing his streets for from 50 to 53 cents per, b6r8hip certificate handsomely framed. portion -of the unbroken forest into is Kerr, soi! of Mrs.. James Kerr, of this Mr. Andrew Duncan, of Varna wife of adultery and praying for . a reigns. A London correspondent - sizes bushel. It id it�)possible to : disguise t - I home in which he was able to spend his township, has been engaged to teach the o d to the same gentleman. , also Mr. Parnell was also litked if . . - - . —Mr. George Brown has sold his declining years in ease and comfort. He Harlock school in Hull,6tt for next year *9 1 . divorce. up the present position as' follows : the, fact that in western countries there farm on the 13th concession of McKil- followed the faith of his fathers, Was - a At -, . The Barings will not go to the� wall is much destitution. Many homesteads io to a Mr. Y � � .a'salary of $3050. The How IT GOES.—One of our best and with Mrs. O'Shea as co-resp"ondent, and for a few days or for a few months, but are heavily- encumbered, and a few J ; in oung, of Hibbert, for the staunch iReformer and a constant reader this fichool had a large number of appli- most.enterprising farmers, having Made was. thus equally accused. The case my information is there will be no house have been abandoned. Women and Bu of $5,000. .Sathisis one of the .of the Globe almost from the time of its cations for this position�,, but amongst a careful calculation, says he hae this of -Barings a few —years hence. The children are suffering for the want of b Fit farms in the., township, and con- � 60ablishment. His wife survive@ him. them all they decided on Mr.Kerr and year I oat fully $175 on his barley on ae- openedonhlonda,y. Tothe,surprIS43 of , Baringswould havefailed but for the food, clothing and: fue-1. The churches Zns 112 acres, Mr. Young has . certainly . � � -, 7Among, the modelites attending we are sure that any person who knows count of the McKinley Bill co - in de a prudent purchase. . . ming � all, the accused parties failed to put in assistance. of the Bank� of England, and benevolently inclined. people are — school at Clinton, the following have the young gentleman will readily as into force. He is only one out of pi good - an appearance, neither were they repr6- Morgan &Co., Muirietta and others'. -The quietly organiaing for their relief. , Mr. John McKnight, of the 3rd eugagem�ents for next year, as follows : y - U30% . 6criteasion of Hullett, is the owner of a they have made a judicious choice. . . ,thousands who have met with sented by counsel, thus showing that assistance is given only on terms dictated SEZITTENCED. — Messrs Dillon -and duelk that laid in the spring 91 eggs ; Mr. E. McCallum, School ,Section No. I __ # . . losses. If more of C.snadass - . . by those who render it. Those terms O'Brien, two of the Irish membem of - 8, tasV Wawanosh ; Thos. Burke, farmers would calculate as closely they they had determined to allow the case after a lapseof a short time it% started Scho - Stafta. are that -the Barings go into liquidation, Parliament have be�n sentenced b the ng again, and ol Section No. 10, Morris; P would soon do away with ripstrictipp y layli up to Saturday last Snell, So-ho.1 Section No. 11, Stephen*. NOTES.—Jack Carling went off last ., to go by default. The prosecution ex- that the liquidators be those who pre. Engliah courts a year each in prison for has'llaid 36 eg6.1 . This is a pretty good J, WEDDING NOTES.—If the sleigh an,1 amitied a number of witnesses and the vented the failure, the liquidation to conspiring to induoe teu4nts not to pa 'It Getirg6 R. Gla%s, ,O,ChQQI Section N week and left a blank not easily filled.— Y rec( � rd for on� duck, . 0. 6, Tha older mill is kept busy at work Christmas bells have not yet begun - to aggrieved husband among the rest. The consume three yeam, at the end. of which reai. wm� - �� Mr. Dudley ObImes, of Goderich, McKillop; Miss Campbell, Thedford; 9 out their merry notes, the wedding I period- the Barings immense business —_ aeveral others have also se notwithstanding the high price of ap- brieulIgs were ringing out their merry peals evidence went to prove conclusive y . cured schools. . will hive been absorbed by the liquids- New York Letter. SuZeeded last week in passing.his final The examination of the modelites takes ples. ----;The corner store clerk has left loud and clear last week in the vicinity - a. I � I - the village. It is 7rumored that the � that Parnell and Mrs. O'Shea had been tor Assistance on these terms is not (Regular C exa 'ination for solicitor, and Mr. P. place on the 8th and 9th of December of Varna, Two Of those singular or I orrespondence.) Malcomeon, of tbe same place, has been grossly.guilty of improper intercourse ; wholly philanthropic. It is estim'ated NFW YORK, November 17th, 18 11 and following days. reason is a matrimonial one.—Mr. J. - , L - I DO. equally successful in his second inter- —While the family of the late Donald H&Mi4lon, our popular merchant, pro. rather doubling events took place on �, I that Parnell had visited her at sundry that when the affairs of the firm are set- - The experim'ents of .P�of. Robert m64iate examinat�on at - law, having Stewart, of Grey township, was at poses some Wednesday and Thursday of last week, e will re- I building improvements soon. times and in sundry pl&cea tinder an as. tied a million of pounds or mo F Koch, of Berlin, Upon a cute for con- take! n a very creditable standitig. in which four of our prominent young � 3 umed name, and that during main to the members. Meantime Mar- sumption, are'ereating more interest on ' I .� ­ church a few weeks ago, an insane son, —Dr.','McTa.v!sh 'visited a' number of people took part. At the residence of the tin &Co., who are so closely connected this side of the water - than any other Se __TTrank Wood, teacher in School aged about 25 years, left home, wander- friendd'here'last -Week. We learn that Mr. Jacob Diehl on Wednesday, . . c#on No. 10, Morria, has resigned. ing about the country for two days and he intends to resume practice in Walton -No- ibsenCa of Mr. O'Shea, Parnell had with the Barings, are safe. If the One - thing in - the medical line since the vember 12th, his second daughter, . ived in, the same house Wi� hL had gone the other must have followed, st -He has fulfilled his duties in a very able two nights. The poor fellow had noth- in a few days.—Our council met on Maggie, was married to Mr. James me. t Mrs. elixer of life �' excitement of last year. an&satisfactory manner and the scholars ing on his body but a shirt and . I Monday, and in.spite of the unfavorable )'Shea,contrary to the expostulations of and Victoria Woodhull, who married This time, owing to' the great eminence �, pants Clymont. Among those present were: - John .Martin, might have had her pin and eqnservatiom of Prof. Koch - . . will, miss him greatly. His successor and was without a hat. He outlived weather had a lively time. It is rum- of Hyde Park, and . , We for the coming year will be a Mr. the cold and wet of two nights, w ored that Messrs. Mahaffey and Ken. R ier husband, and that the most impro- money curtailed," � - . hile Rev,. H. R. Diehl, )ar intercourse subsisted between them - 000100w� prospect of success!: is much more promis 13urke. . the afflicted family and neighbors � ,3v. L. W.- Diehl, of Holmeaville, I . . . * ing than is Usual, and we may reason�' � nedy will be in the field next election. brothers of the bride; Rev. Mr. in these occasions. It was also proven THE Stratford Herald in quoting a ably hope that a cure has at last —,11iss Florence Garrick, of Lakelet, scoured the county looking for him. He . . 0 Walker, of Varna; Mr. John Diehl and hat on accoant of Parnell's conduct ser. paragraph from THE EXPO-91TOR Of last discovered for this most d - � , been died, on Monday of last week, and was was found near Mitchell, having travel- Leeburn. wife, of Port Arthur, another brother of - . i readed dis- buried on Tuesday. During her illness led about 35 or 40 miles in all. 1. ease. The particulars -of the, new pro- &cra- the bride. The bride was bandsomel y m —The Clinton New Era of last week ment of the Lord's Supper was dis' dressed in garnet silk, and was assisted ous diaturbancea. took place between week anent the sugpension of the Max- her ' other had not been w�ll, and her A PROSPEROUS CHURCII.—The 8 - well Manufacturing Compa , cess are so far known 'only to Prof. da Itter's death so affected her- that she says: A business man in this . . I drs. O'Shea and her husband, which , ny of 8 . t. Koch and his principal assistant. It is too u4 town pensed* in the Leeburn Presbyterian by Miss Agnes Tyndall, while the I il-timately resulted in their final separa. Marys, says : understood to consist in the main of an k worse and died on the following held a note for $18 against a certain church on Sunday, l6t1h inst. Prepara. bridegroom was assisted by Mr. V. M. . . . Friday morning. - for along time he tried i one of a to get settled,- but in vain. ffe recently afternoon. There were two new names R. Diehl tied the knotp -assisted by the in of a lymph, ,Reeve Milne, of Ethel, waF tory- services were held on Saturday Diehl, brother of the bride. Rev. H. " It is to be hoped the United States the precise constituents of which are part�, of seven who went to Muskoka on wrote to the party, offering to take $15 added to the communion roll. ,The I other clergymen present.—On Thursday, � ion,, and these proceedings to secure a jection, under theakin, I person, which . . ' livorce were entered by the aggrieved Government, to whom this criticism aP- not publicly known. Prominent PhY- a deer hunting expedition a couple of a,3 a full' � plies, will give heed to the fact that its - - I settlement. The party wrote ittle Lusband. . At the conclusion of, the evi. sicians say that suffipient data are not church is in a very favorable shape, Miss Agnes Tyndall, -of *Bluevale, was l continued refusal to negotiate in any yet at hand from which to draw a defi. weeks ago. He returned on Monday back, saying he would consider himself having reduced the debt by a good sum, married to Mr. V. M. Diehl, youngest �ence the jnry rendered a verdict that way with Canada has left an unfavor- . ever ing of last week and reports a grand mean to take advantage of such an offer, and having met its obligations promptly Wn of Aultery had been committed by Mrs. able impression up md of the nite conclusion as to the merits of the week's sport. Eight deer' were taken And although -be bad been repeatedly Mr. Jacob Diehl, at the residence cure, but concede Prof. , Koch's claims -by j so far this year. The pastor, Mr. An, of the bride's grandparents on the Parr )'Shea and Mr. Parnell, and .the court Seaforth EXPOSITOR editor. As we all to respectful attention. ;Koch h t ie party, two of which are credited d'unned,- actually sent the full amount derson, was indisposed for a time, but Line. The bride was beautifully dressed know, Canada is ready and willing to �as :Dot to h. �r.- Milne. - of-thenote. The bu " , . rantedadecree of divorce and. also trade on -fair terms with any yet made any claim to a conclusive ;re- . siness man, how- 'is fully recovered again. ' in garnet silk, and was assisted by Mrs. country, — � r. James Mullin, postmaster at ever, returned bim�83, as he thought he warded Mr. O'Shea the custody of the representatives having been vainly sent suit, though it is said he has cured two B e I f !il t , has disposed of his farm in was in dut bound to do. _' NoTEs.—Willie McManus has been James McClymont, while the *bride- , . I i ,ounger children. by R-efokm.and Conservative Govern. cases of slight consumption. The Ger- Asbfield to Mr. W. J. Irvine for the _G. 1. I y I ,sick for some time, but is now better.— room was assisted by Mr. James Me - man Kaiser has taken a deep interest in . eorge Staples, a farmer� in good lymont. Rev. L. W. Die&1 � Mr. Parnell had many warm friends ments alike to Waskington on missions handsome sum of $6,000. Mr. Mullin circumstances, living on Miss Mary McManus is leaving this 6 officiated, seekin ren; — I + A the experiment, and the Government i . �',3 ; the sixth con- 1� asilistaA h "; 1, 4-L � 5 j, ca so e arrangemenw. L, en s removing the postomce into the cessign of West Wawanosli, wee to visit her sister in York State. J a JLV er, Rev. n. n. r - and more'admirers, both in the old world It is not C, has furnished the professor with a hos- vill . committed _ Diehl, and Rev. Mr. anada's fault if our manufac- its,. age having retained the WawanoF The fine weather of the past few days Walker. Both . d entry to the United farmf on which he will erect a fine pri- o'clock -by shooting. Deceased had been tiful and handsome presents. bean- � and the new, and this terrible blot upon p THa CAffERA CLUB EXHIBITION. � ? I f - jh suicidg last Friday evening about 9 was followed by a perfect down- brides were the recipientsof some , his character will be a deep humiliation States market, and we hope the Expos' The exhibition, during the past fort. vats tresidence. . in poor health lately, -and at times tem- pour on Monday, and the roads and Mrs. V. M. Diehl took Mr. and " TOR Will —Mr. Gideon Perrie arrived home in porarilyoutof his 'ind. Dhldng one in very so ening ,persevere in its efforts to reach fields'are " ft state in conse- - the �v i � and disappointment to all. As a con- ight, of photo- mechanical picture , by Gre train iiorth from Bracelleld for Wing - the ear of the United States Govern 11 Y,, on Tuesday ni�gbt of last week of these fits be, took,ranioaded gun which quence.—Th'&e Good Templars' Lodge ham and other while Mr. and - the New York Camera Club, hail not ml his tour to California, Washington was left in the room by his soil who had ny will regret ment. We take that to be the -end it d , fro have exchanged their.old organ for a temporary remarks, " Ma P tb e fall of' only been interesting be Mr.. McClym. Places; a disinterested and able seeks, unlegs it means its language as a . cause of tb i ex- Ter 'tory, British Columbia and the been hunting, pla2ed the muzzle in his new one, with Goderich Organ Com a . at left Seaforth on -Fri- ' . I pany. Mr. G. W. 1hompson, agent, ey are expected back some I - tical value,to artistsi printers, etc c No ng, good mouth and pulled the trigger. The rebuke to those persons who oppose an cellent quality of the work, .but of ra - �r - d y Th statesman who was capable of much � rt�west, He is enjoyi put it in the lodge room on Friday. It time this week. We all join in wishing will nexation to the United States. As the 19., In health. He knew nothing of bis father's charge passed through his head -and them a long, - happy and prosperous Self -sacrifice for. his country. Few showing the different styles of photo- decease until after the funeral, receiving is a fine instrument and will add greatly I EXPOSITOR's remarks in this respect are engraving blew off his right 6ar, killiug� him,- in- life. feel much pity for the man., He was open to either construction we refrain. process. The advancement & tele'gram at Calgary. Mr. Perrie has stantly. i . to the enjoyment of the members, who . . . not young; his was, a cold, calculating from further comment until it defines that is being made in this line is some- been'�away for four years. I . - f are busily planning how beat to pay _ .0 temperament. The beat that can be ita position more closely." . thing to be wondered at. Already' I —It is said that a cattle dealer o- the difference between the old and new oBrussels . I t —One day last week, as a team be- Clinton purposes entering action against - ' some of the pictures are superior to the longing to Mr. J. It. Williams, of Gor- a Grand Trunk station organ. - RETURNED. —Gideon Perrie, of Grey - 5�id for him is that,though a libertine The Herald is to'o sensible a journal finest wood engravings, and others com- . � � agen t� on the - township, the champion hea rie, was standing. on the 6th concession London, Huron and Bruce for � damages I � vy -'Weigh b who betrayed his friend, he was not one to indulge in such nonsense as the above. re well with engravings on steel and of 1 - . . . P& Howick, near Mr. � Ayleawbrth's said to have been sustained by a - car Westfield. athlete of America, has returned home I . copper. The reproductions of old manu- farm� they became frightened and ran load of cattle shipped from the 'station NbTES.—Mr. T. R. Mitchell returned from the Pacific slope, where he has of those men, too common, who carry It known very well that it is simply scripts, time -stains and all, are perfect�-, `= ocattering the load—which con- in question I . They were destined '-for home from Dakota last Saturday. He been for the past four years. . I desolation- into many hearts and homes. begging the question. Will it please whilethe photo-grAvure process gives - ' give, Scott, the champion high weight athlete , � - W. F. us: some finer results than are d f empty barrels—along the road. Montreal, and the instructions- of the a_good report of the country.— also returned after a stay of over�v His punishment will be -great and he state on what occasion the United States obtain6 Ver ' little damage was done how. shipper were that the cattle were' to be Mrs. Simpson, of Wolverton, is visiting . ix by photography itself. This kind Y� . I deserves it. -The only reparation he can Government "refused to negotiate in Of ever.: her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Sts years. Both look well and m&ke a '. . fed and watered at Toronto. This, it is ckhouse, . ' make to all concerned in his downfall, any . way with Canada" for " recip- work is rapidly endearing itself to the Messrs. D. Cantelon and Smith, of said, was omitted from the bill of lad- this week. Miss Lucy Hoover is, home . pretty heavy team, Perry being 6 feet, ' public, and is destined to make illustra- — — 2 inches, in height, and weighing 212 is to get out of public life and to marry rocal trade arrangements." It might- tion8 cheaper and better than ever. Clinton, have purchased in" this county ing, and the cattle went through with- f rom Auburn, sidk with inflammation of pounds ;- Scott is 6 feet - 3.1 inches in . the woman he has dragged down. Their also tell us in what way the present A REVOLUTION IN LAND TRANSFERS. this season about 30,000 barrels of ap- out this attention.- The shipper claims the lungs. We hope she will be around height, and weighing 0 185 p unds. L J . 9 . The block system of registering real ples.1 PxQbably as many more were that the cattle suffered thereby, causing again soon.—Mr. R. J. Hoover bought They intend to stay. at home during the course in allowing the case to go by de- Canadian Government has " manifested purchased by the various other buyers, loss to him, hence the grounds for' two thoroughbred Holstein 'cattle from . L I fault indicates some intention of this its willingness to trade -on fair terms " estate, which is looked upon as a great making in all 60,000 barrels at an aver- suit. Mr. H. Moses, of Morris, last week, I winter. They 'were also accompanied I . step toward simplicity, , will go in at . kind." - to age �.f $2..00 a barrel. $125,000 paid The annual meeting of the Presbyter. a g 6d figure.—Mr. George McCheyne east -by Mr. Richardsoni of Dorchester, . . with the United States and What it effect in this city on January i1st. on a . ­ 0 out f6k apples in this county - oug t to jan congregation in Blyth was held on for Hamilton last Tuesday on a county of Middlesex, another noted e complete map of the city all the blocks Canadian athlete. - a." If our contem- are laid down, each having a permanent materially help to lessen "hard times." Thanksgiving Day. The reports of the visit"to his brother, who arrivbd from - What effect Mr. Parn -11's downfall considers " fair term It lef t will have upon the cause of Ireland, porary will Vouchsafe tbis' information an —Miss Jane Weir, aged about ten different 8 cieties showed gratifying BRIEFs.—The collector is busy ' number—also recorded in England last week.—The -Sabbath going , index yesri, daughter of Mr. RQbt. Weir, of progress. 0 money coming which. he has so long and with so much then we may have something more to book. At the head of each index of � in fairly well.—The shoo .1. & the The aggregate contributions School officers met last Tuesday night to his rounds, and reports Rith concession of Turnberry, fell were over $2,000, and with the excep, ability and self -sacrifice championed, it say to it. - In the meant' - block will be placed a diagram of the f i�bm a make arrangements, for .their annual ting match on itne it is grati I Thanksgiving Day was won by Lowick's retrying to urg broke hdr arm at the elbow. They expended on repairing, all the said con- his Opponents a bad best - e book and page of the recorded instru- , wagon on Monday of last week tion of $200, or a trifle over, which was horse drop dead in the harness lag a ing.—Mr. P. C. Rogers, who has been is as, yet impossible to says Itissearce- iying to those who a block, under which will be entered the and ' Christmas Tree.—Mr. Isaac Snell had I 1y possible that he will b t �earn, giving � I gre- ill. for a few daysi4a improving in health . . . - . olf the load,, Miss Weir put Robert Turney are visiting friends in *1 continue the leadership of the Irish making an offer of " free trade rela- plify real estate transactio I -her foot on gational and missionary objects. n The again, and we trust h - . e allowed to upon our Government the desirability of ments. This method will larielv sim. were haulingin turnips, and in getting tributions were for the regular co ' week ; cause not known.—Mr.- and Mrs. -pa its, and very the vV,heel and slipped. In falling she Ayr this week.—Mr. David R& e may now recover I., � . ver$80. Hopeful 1.111sey, without any more relapses ,�.:7� � � struck her'arm on something hard, with GleauerB for missions who is learning the blacksmith . .—The Ball rty in Parliament, eyen -were -he so tions " to the United States, and who likely make it possible for the owners Sabbath School raised o ' of real estate in this city to transfer it ' , etc., about $90 ; - 'ng in Electric Light Company are busy put - disposed, and it is doubtfi:tl- if there is are anxious to secure unrestricted reci- be above result. Women's Foreign Missionary Society, - . t - . Wingbam, is home with a broken arm. ting in their electric light system- in --the impul- procity between the two countries, to perty. , If the experiment proves a one- - � �7_ e While he was shoeing a fractious horse � ' another man who can keep,� I . with the same facility as personal pro. V.V'e are obliged -this w 6k to chron- about $90; contributed otherwise for - Brussels ; they expect to have i - ' sive spirits of which -that pa�rty is com- note that the advocates of e the death of Mr. John Proctor, of Missionary purposes, over' $300; for it hicked him with the above reoult. t;com- I - pew rents a little over ---------- I*,— 8t. The dyna- I � continued r,)- cear. here it will be tried in other cities, I Holm�lesville, which took place on Wed pleted before December 1 posed in ,order and subjection -as he has striction, such as the Herald, are forced and may work a revolution in land I- � $1,000. There . - moo are to be placed in Howe's woolen - � , done.. However, Mr. Gladstone and to admit the benefits of such a transfers in' this country. . nesday, 5th inst. Mr. Proctor has been was also shown a gratifying increase in Blyth. mill.—Miss O'Connor's concert last - policy, laid ulp for upwards of one year, so that the membership. , Busi-NEss CHAX'GE.— k was a decided succeso.—At the - and that the only argument the now . his death was not- unexpected. He —On Tuesday of last week W. P. lew, of Collingwood, has bought out the last meeting of the council, I the Liberal party are now fully com EDwi,N ARLI-INTUTON, Mr. J. H. Chel- wee , I y __ I lived for many years on the 14th conces- Scarfe, who has been �raveller for . councillor mitted to the Home Rule policy, �nd have -to urge against it is that the furniture and undertaking business in Strachan tendered his resignation on —On Saturday 8th inst., Maisra. Sion of Goderich township, on the farm Scarfe & Co., varnish manufactur Blyth from T. W. Scott. from present appearances it wil! pro- I United States Government will not con. Arch. Nichol, team�ter for the Taivis. now leased to Mr. Daniel Gliddon. , era, Mr. Chellew account of having removed .from the bably triumph in the next elections. It . took flour m " � A Brantford, Ontario, for the past year, is a practical man, and" has been quite village. There are also two - vac&ucies . I sent to be a party to the arrangement, ills, and Wirt. Ratz, of little over a year ago, becoming some- paid Wingham a visit, and secured an. successful in the same line of business in on the School Board on account of is especially unfortunate that this affair alth?ugh they refuse to ask for that Gadshill, went shooting in the northern what enfeebled, he�concluded to retire to order from Messrs. Gilchrist, Green & Collingwoodi where be was in co'iripany . I port of North Easthope. Ratz started Holmesville, where he remained until a Messrs. E. E. Wade and J. J. Denman � should have occurred at the present I consent, and have no means of kno ' Co., and before leaving he told Mr. with his brother. The people of Blyth leaving town. None :of the vacancies � time. The prospects for home rule whether it will be granted o . r not. wing into a swamp to start, up rabbits, while certain phase of consumption did its Green that he was out of" funds and are alwayp glad to welcome such men as will be filled until the 'annual election, I As his companion waited, at the edge for fatal work. �Mr. Proctor was a'brother wanted"to draw on his firm for $50, and r Chellew to the town. I � . Am the time is short until that takes were never brighter than now, and home I the Herald seems anxious to know our the animals. Standing at ease, Nichol of Mt. Joseph Proctor, of Goderich asked the firm to endorse the draft. M NOTES.—Doctor Sloan and son re- Pl&ce.—Miss Annie Taylor, formerly ruleand Parnell are so intimately asso. I opinion on Annexation, we may say -that placed his gun butt downward on the 1ownship. Another brother, , Wil- His request was cor4plied with, and he turned last week from & hunting expe- ciated in the minds of the people that it i while we are not favorable t . ground, and crossed his hands over the liam, ilives in Detroit. His sister is secured the money at the bank. " teacher in thiN place, but lately attend - About dition in Muskoka.—Gray, Young & ing the Normal School, has beenen- I . � 0 any muzhle. Looking intently for game, he Mrs. C. Williams, of the Maitland con- four hours afterwards, Mess'ra.GilchriEb, Sparling have shipped 60 carloads of , gaged to fill th an he � . � . . I ! . . - . . I . - i . . . I . . . I I I i . I . � - . I - . I I "I i . � . I I I I 4. - I I - . � . � I . I - . . . � � I - ]� . ,, . . � . � , � � i � j, I �,, . .. . � I - . I ;- � I I � ; I �, 1 46' . . . I I ; - . � I . I - . . ! � t . I . . � . . � i . - � . �� : . . .. � I . 14. . ,. 11 . ­ I . - I � . - . � I - i,. I - . . % " � ­ � ­­ I .- I - . I - J � � 11; . . . . �*_ . � . . _4�_ � . �f I . . � : . . .; I . I �il . . � ...� --- -_ - . il I k '': .." t 1. - .- - - - I - _.... "� . � I � . _. . - ;A . . ; I - . .� . . . . . . . I . � I . ­_ . , . I , 1.� � : . . __ - ... J__- _ , - ­ - - - - ___ - � ____ - - ___ - _ - __ - __ - __ - � I- - - - � 1. - � I - ­ . - __ - ­ � ­ . - - ­ - - ­ - - - - - - - - - . - __ �- .- __1 - , � ____I� - --�----.--�,---�--,-----�-�:=-"----�,�-------,---�-.�.- —.I---.----- __­ — _____A___ � I � — ­ - . , IMUS �R!( I ion Of ! . ftosirkH . � T , . U., -14oplaped , r, bxs *1 . . � � ijsi�bly , . - �� - �14 the baud* aj I the 130ar 1 _� 1. . � e Bakri - I ad 4 .- 000epted I h �,_ ;000 I 'I . for this 11 : �. ,tor .6pe Wants �1 . , . A% Ich was I ,� - 110"s FA% I - irag& 1had sev-�� buyel . � I $ - i , 4nd qUite a utt r,of It I I- but not f any salw 'ad . 114 � I - The prices �o ere- �� - ,. ,.-$,he .UticipsoiOns of * �Ilelxt fairwill: fis held* oi . � the , first ! Thurada, . 40ing . im�es � to be a 90 - ,&ad prom , - , - ,ai sbove was rqt4ved tOb � jB3130S.—The Richal not sold by 4uctien 11 ComiDg up to the reserve I Wauting a goo4 farm sh4 I as it is a gpod and i � R.yal hotel at 'Walton - I I ,Rg this va .Par" wand %in privately - " can barg., I Scott or . the ow'ner.�Ttl I club came heie on Fi ; itiendly match I with f t , Vlace.1—Mr. U4",, , T. Jw . new stand-J'a the Bla � Mr. Simms hat .gone int .84muel Laird vid f amil . .into town for 1the wintvi where he has beer, chi�,es . -put year or two, and: _ - . �the game position next I . - — . .t 4eBr� I __ , � From JJSE;0_1�t rn - . ff,_qo1WMiA=, NOV I . - � I)F.A-R Exros,rroa,—T .jogthat histor intom F,,�wkes made limself fil infamous, by 'his unsti( � to blow up the Comn'01 ,It is also the Atiniver-sarl by the Qatb,eO GOVe, . Jesuits of that �Uol of MA jkegh in our adnda.' � � � I . It is a very �old eveni -for this- season of the I draw a .little ploser to. i �you a few -lines witho , ing an . ; _thought of m&U y turbing the p�ate of to . low citizens 7,�dowu ait � � where WoIfO il and Mol � --that eventful � dOT, But �p rA . eacefulbor& of Msi3 . - . ' , - , .monplace eventA of the I L .might- rise' td' rema& .- 1'. . MijiAt6ba is enjaing,pe .bloody strife.is ,concernt .m6nts have been,at war- . ter part LLof Sepitember a! , . �October. Ace, rding to L . � I I er-bbservatori0s, Old 'Si - ,for a full (lay' a,Luring the. *,ober, and we'.6'an gener I . -fully boas o ; i Arger - ,I shine than air 4 the 4 Illut when 01 ... ol eanno erally weeps. This caso tion to thegen mal rule,. , L was that,we had a MIXti . and rain agafo, duritil I T sb3ve menti.oned time. , agriCUILt%r 'Al uraitit'S . I brought to aotandstill, I . i ,a still U . ,of the Lgram , , s ... mot,& very *rje acrea,p t 0 da2ext season. ; I 11 , orly bt auffered to qu � i I e SU eXb , - anual amount � f rain. - , ' --has been don � ha,3 do � tact -- that bli ht, frost zatrongcombiin, IOU, Aud� . heavily agaiii it 'the fal toba. It is � k very di properly gra& the,diffar wheat, and., of course, ui lost by grain � ealers 6 . their usual am) unt of ld is now selling at from , � cents per bushal. � Oar Attorne,'- eneral. . . Free Press ,,,,,,, � I 61, 4 hoped ihat a Is ,,.. r legal filL corded to both, und th L the Free P ", sit has sa � for nearly tivo years provenor disproven. A, afford to have such'd1re( , . against her public, men, newspaper of � 1 e Provt . Izeral at that, ai id of eo Government idaimg to.. I I . It was reportea YL I caucus of Govern an L :called to ,cona der the a pealing the Xlew Mun beautiful Act, that, ws this siufal I rld by I To ' selves. The mor is the faxt thati Ulegrard to Premier �ienway, I . - bers resiffing: i]a 18011 the C%pitsI,.v,pk hurried who is residlog at Ma, ill, but wvA it pported I aboard the - �rain to �j sMairs of the, tate. Th compl, I ob * erates s " cipalities, no ithstan, debentures:&Tr, held ripalities ia certain . . atince, the m a i i I , . . beenwiped 6i t, mud * I Derby existin � of what, bentares. It 11V1 I be a � - . Act is repealdd, and sa ma , , t 'an endless 11 ount of t , I atto the I � . Todrift i . W__ . . . j S_ IwoUlL I minion politi , , . - .1 deal is bein said jug 9 1� McKinley B1.1, and th ment at Ot 01 , , Who i I whole buA I s) and -1 that you pliythe samJ woula respep fully V,al � , . I Mr,,Cartwri ht, befor 5 more rehash �about th4 our countrk, that e knows., to produce &- Dlaced in pqwp,r that, h ree Trade in a ,reasoi his ability to eonvince I I Governmeqt ,that the I happy until they V�pl . Bill, and gonerally te, tome w9l that they.1'. 'til the houoraMMIle, geu " . give the electors a pos those points I fear . againit timo. I pres us would agreethat il ficial to :Canada coul� �..� � Ilki the one p1g.n. in I . abrograted i 1866 by because the consider , - favored th South fl� 0 �Lt Pleasautnes , : d aft ft I an T-Tnited Stao s has . yances inaright been much'lik-,e th:Vil one? Xou do so at - as I like. It L,�jri ' id- � ig Were to go to 'V�, a . positive assurance th I � 'power the:y would theri I think 'the eleeL fled in ',placing tbLem I " not glean anything . i ­=-Cs3pt a tirade agal . I I - . I I I - - r . I . I I : 4 �