HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-11-21, Page 3I . � - I 1P
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. .�, �min 21, 1890. � . W .. I I I 3 . ..- I
� - - I NOTE � . THM - HURON EXPOSITOR � . - �
I ; , - i -6 __ . � . - . � �
- -
. ____ I �
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M"� I I .
. I __ : . . . I � I . . .
k . IMPORTANT NOTICES WeHftwton, Grey and Bmice. �
z The Praeticel F&Mer- land is low m,eildow-land and not adapt- arm in theit way so long?" Said little . I .
� -
I .[ �d to sheep raising; or, on the other Elsie in answer, with a deep sigh, 46 Is- . I I Goura OILTH-. Paseenger. Mixed.
F . Olt S�&Lg.-A first-class residence on the -
� � L Lt)i FARAMS, DUTCHES8 COUNTY, hand, they ha e high, dry soil, with n't it always fatiguing to be elegant ?" - � . I F corner of Victoria and George Streets. Rthel.._... .. 2.51 P. x. 9.81 ML 8.88f.m.
� NVO . V Brmmlv ...... .. 8.06 9.46 9120 �
I I .. t NEW YORK. nothing for tile horses to eat, from the It You had's lot, of books this yesi, Good stable andorchard. ApplytOA. CARONO, Bluevale........ 8.21 10.00 9.50 I'll, �
I .
"ftft - ; I i � -Farming may seem to isome A very middle of Jurie to October. If the didn't'you,. Mollie?" "Yes,-" replied Saforth. I 1188 wingham.. .. .. 3.80 10.10 11.10 I -_ ,
P Mixed. -
� i - cha8er of farm property does not I 1 i1r nr,& Mistre-as Mollie, with 'all' the seriousness Gowe Sotrva- Passenger. -
- i � occupation, but of �11 ways of CLOTHES FOR THE BOYSO OR SALE- BARGAIN. -One large Taylor .
- w Vialpli , twif know what the soil is' suitabld for, of perfect sincerity: "I had - five im- I I F Sale, combination lock, double door, just WingbAzu .... .. 6.39 A.11,11.10 A. V. 7.25 F. X i
I - g & lj�iug it seems to me the most . Bluevale .. .. .. 6.48 11.22 7.55 . �
makin � he must employ it farm manager who provip.g books -on my Christmas tree, . 0 . as it left the factory. Also, 2bO aer, 9 On b*Tik Brussels ........ 7.02 11.45 8.55 .4
- I
� . L i I otricate., The inan who would be a ondermands hie business, and who- can and tw'o to read. "_'Christian Regist . or. ' of Lake Huron; 160 acres clearedi E. N. Ethel ...... .... 7.14 12.00 9.31 - I
. . .
, b Practical farmer must begin life on . More Suits and Overcoats for the boys I Nice jaunty LEWIS, Solicitor, Goderich. 1168 . -
, - . 00 'a ] guide him- to a proper selection. -Teacher-,, A1.1 thliogs that cau be . ;t les I Cape Overcoats, low in price, 'and in good ' . - � .
at. . 4* farm when he is a boy; lie must learip : To me, the saddest thing to contem- seen through are called transparent." y STRAY STEER.�Came into the �premfses of I
L . . London, Huron and Bruce. I
I 0 Jay up a fence, to mow, to jualities-good School Suits' cheap I -at our Boys' the undersigned, Lot 21, Concession 4, H. - -
blow t, � plate in connection with tile farm life .of Fanny-" A pane of glass." Teacher- � - .E .-
� . h, to Plow ; in fact, become famil- I I � I � . U.S., Tuckersmith,,abou't the w iddle of July (;OU19 NoltTK_ passenger.
- thras our 3ountry is the lack of ambition on Quite correct. Noyv, Fanny, mention Clothing Department. . last, a2yearordred-steer. The owner can have Undell, depart.... A...... 7.65A.M. 4.35r.K.. �
r . - I isr with the thousand and one details the.partot farmers themselves. Thioy another object tbrough which you -can ' the same on proving . property and paying char- Exeter ................. _ 9.16 6.57 .
go to make up life on a, farm. . .A BROADFOOT. - 1195-4 � ,� �
which - do not properly appreciate the dignity see." Fanny-" A keyhole " . ges, JAME , . Henall .. .. ......... _., 9.28 6.09 -
TO obtt,in the proper sort of young men of their vocation, and do not appreciate -Man)ma-" Where is *that prett * . . - d � - - Hippen .. .. .............. 9.34 6.17
. who wift work in a practical way on the y . STRAY SHEEP. -'Came into the promises of Brucefield-....... .. ...... 9.42 6.26 .
, � ' and make use of the knowledge they tool -cheat your aunt gave you on Christ- . - the undeisigned,Mt 18, concession 3, Stan- Clinton .... ........ . .... 0.00 6.4 --
�B farm is one of the greatest problems the . . FiDWARD' McFAUL, _* E - ..
� possess. %Vhen a farm hand can make mas?"_ Sinmll Son-" In the' closet; - I I ., ley, In the latter part of September, a ewe. The Londeaboro ............. .- 10.19 7,03
� J awmers and managers of farms have to 1 $20 a tilonth or more and hie board, he but the tool@ is all broke." ' Mamma- ' . I owner can have the same on proving property Blyth.... ._........._ 10.28 7.12 i
I .� meet.. One essential qualific . ation in the seems to think he ha,i reached the limit "Mercy me ! You naughty boy! You ' and paying charges. THOS. FAASE0. 1196x4 Belgrave .................. 10.42 7.27 ..
that he I . I Wingham. arrive .......... 11-00 7.46
7 bay who works on a farm is . of his capabilities. He should grasp the m ust have been trying to use them. "- I , SEAFORTH. � SWOLDS FOR SALE. GOnTG 801727--: L Passenger.
. shall have a love for animal life, and be I spirit of the saying of Quarles : -Be N. Y.-Week-ly. � . . . . -The subscriber offers for sale a Shearling Wingham, depart.. '........ � #3.50A.X .
tell intuitively when an aninial , . I Ram, a few Ram Lambs, a few Sheorling Ewes -- * .. 7X5 4.00 �
i able to . Always displeased at what, thou art, if -The late Professor Pfoctor,' when a 1, Belgmva*. ..., ........... .
,r T, - . sick. It is A& diffietildt thing to find . . - I - . and Ewe Lambs. Also Durham Heifers and Blyth ................... .. 7.18 4.15
1 1 Is . man who can, go out among eat- thou desire to attain to wbat thou art school examiner, ssked a little girl tc) I - I � � I . Cows, registered pedigree. Will be sold on rea- Londesboro ........ .... .. 7.26 4.25 .
� 1 even a not; for where tholi. hast pleased tby- tell the difference between a man and a I sonable terms. JOHN CUMING, Londesboro.
I . Clintoe .............. .. .. 7.65 4.45
. I
xk- � - 8, allid by glancing at the stock be able P1 11934
� self, there thou abidebt. He ehould brute. She replied, "A brute is an im- - - Brumfield .............. .. 8-3:6 - 6.04
4L9 � � __ tl pick out the sick ories from those that � I : Kippen .. ........ .... ... 1. 8.24 6.12 ..
I . to read agricultural literature, take pride perfect beast ; a man is a perfect beast." _1 F-OSEY To - LOAN. -Private an& company Hennil,.............. .. .. 8.32 5.19 1
. 4.1 'well. Some farmers of a robust and - . f ;
� � - . are L in elevating his profession, in learning -The best of reasons. -Clever ton- M funds to loan at lowest rates. $10,000 o Exeter .......... .......... 8.50 6.88 11
� pushing ternpe.rament aro very g i ood at all he can about it; his knowledge and "I don't see why you I leave the - moun- t private funds have been placed in our bands
I Soule things, birt would never notice the - which we will loan -in, sums to suit borrower. - - -_
-,'I ' . experience is just as valuable as the tains so early and come down in the hot Loans can be completed at once it title satigfac- I I I �
. .
1.�O.VL slight symptoms that indicate disease 'a knowledge and experience of the doctor city, Where you' were it' must have IS ILL IT SPREADS. tory.,-'DICK50N & HAYS, C4rdno 'a Block, Sea- GriLud Trunk Railway. - .
My, -"Animal. A few people, still profe-as to' + 1, I' A L� ; 0. 1. 4. 1 I- 1 Z 4. P) T . I . . I f orth. _. -7 � 1143tf Trainsleave Seatorth and Clinton station I . .
�100* I . %old the opinion that all it requires to �L V a W.YVA, VbU %a a zjuftu a Va Ile eon coo enough or an overooa . .. I I . � . � follows: . . I -
. a farmer is main strength and a ju8.t the same, Men of wealth ,often Dashaway-11 It was."--" -Then why on - � - . . . ERSEY BULL. -The undersigned willkeop Golare WBNJP__ SNAFORTH. CrI1111011 i
� - n on his farm, 2nd .
7 � mb,ke make a grea:t mistake when engaging eafth didn't you stay ?"-" I didn't have �, ' I J during the present.setiao Passenger'.. .. .. .. 1,08 P. M. 1.20 F. X 9
z - ,am unt of pig-headedness. Of concession, 11.- R. S., Tuckersmith, a thorough- I �
atso . cqrtain . 0 managers for their estates ; they are ani overcoat, "-Clothier and Furnisher._ ' Famen er .. .. .. 9.10 P. x. 9.27P. x ... x
I bred Jersey Bull. sired by Canada's John Bull. MIxod �� .. ...... 9.20 A. M. 10.05A.M. -
� this is not the- fact ; a man can , M ` S .
t for - ; course favorably impressed with a riian who is -An, Unfair Advantage. -Impassion- LU *-SDEN &"WILSON
loa . . 3 much,push, energy, thrift, and I . Term8-$1.50, payable at the - time of 8eryiee Mixed TraW .. ....... 6.15 P. m. 0.40 , I
. I
. -
� show a a good talker and who shows po)iah and ed Lover_-�11 Tell me, my angel, what k � � . with prlrilege of returning I(neCO88arY- JOHN GomG EAOT-- �
Ouff. � farm work -as he can in I I I ale a Jersey bull . I'll,
�tru. . orderliness in I . aadress, but refuse to engage a manager to do to prove my love. Oh that'l I HANNAH. N. B. -Also for a Passenger. .. .. .. . ' . 7.59 A. X. 7.48 A. I
� ; any other kind of work. For years I calf, eleven months Old, thoroughbred. 1164 Passen . 2.43 P. m. 2.26 P. ....
I � whose a,ppeafauce is that of a veritable might, like some knight of old, battle - Mix . eer .. .. .. . . I I
i � been: . %_- E., 1-ated Balsam of - Fir . 4.65 P. M - �
. I . have thoroughly familiar with Bon of the soil. But tfie "ge'riteel" man. for you, suffer for you, die for you. .�f IR.0 lal Glyrerz -TLie under. Train .. ...... 5.80 P V. 1�
- - y . . I RKSHIRE PIGS FOR SALE. Freight Train., .. .. 4.30 P. x. 3.80,p. �
� � - lass of farm woik, and I will say - - Of BERK- :
I - . �
� every 0 ager ha,3 got his polish in the city where His Sweetheart' "' I wish you would . 1 BEsigned has for sale a choice lot - I
- .
IF � there is no business I know of in which Rig BOARS and Sows, from 9 months old down. - I
I � I be has been'a failure as a machinist, a give up smoking." Impassioned Lover tock. Also one
I can better display his good sense, " ' � 'he great, remedy for Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat and kindred troubles. "A"Illbred from prize winning s - AAddr.* -
� I a man clerk, or & barber, .and now returns to 1, Oh, come now, that's askin,g too I . IN PORTXD BOAR 14 nionths old. Prices right. R. . "
. his keenness of perception, and his gene- the occupation in which he was brought much." -N. Y. Weekly. Over . DEJ�BRIDGE, Winchelsea, Ont. 1194-4 I- .. � �
- I
�� I . - .:. '. I
y s to tile - 1. -, . _
rat ability to apply certain mean up. The homespun youth cannot boast -Contentment.-A small boy was 4 - - I . � . I
, I - I .. . - �
; * - .
I I well-defined ends, as CAUTION TO WOOD CuTTERS.-The public 1
IS i accotaplishment of farm. In agricul of such fine airs, but he has stuck to his hoeing in 'a sterile field by the roadside, 150 Boldes K'R'.old within the -last week. are hereby cautioned Rgainat trespassinz P .. I
. . - .
. .
� in the work of the - business, he has not frittered away his .when a passer-by etopped and said, 4 . I orAgned, being lot
I I . . I on the premises of the undi . a,
� I ture, too, a man is continually learning time in a variety of avocations, but :has "'Pears your corn is rather small." 1, ' . . No. 6 on the 7th concession of Hullett, and lots ... I.— 1.
. ;, � J
I I 9 anW 10 on the oth eon r-esialon of Hullett, and _ -_ I I
� - I something ; if he is irridned w1th the been daily perfecting himself - in the ' Certainly�" baid the boy. " it's 1 1 . I . - I - cutting or removing therefrom, timber of pny � I � � .
spirit of progress he is continually And- chosen pursuit of his life. All that dwarf corn." "But, it 'looks yaller." . � kind or for any purpose, also takinF down � I .
. . . ;
. I ing new and better ways to perform his class of men need is an opportunity to 11 Certainly. We planted the yaller - Wehave also' another remedy- which is f&st gaining -in fa Led in so tres
� 1� I VOT- fences. Parties detec passing oil ;
I I ' � the
APOV& � . I . ands will be prosecuted as 5D � W � X
. work. i , show what they can do, and chances - kind." " But it looks ws if you could- It,is . . � any of the above I !
" - i� he profession - of . . � law dhects without respect of persons. JAMES 0) 0 �1. �J
. . Inso6e reipects t should be open to them much more often n'tget more than halfacr6p." "Of � SNELL. � 1194x4 01 P I
. I ' - __ a P. " P. i
� '
I agricalture is much easier now than it thAn they are. It is my experience that course'not," said the boy; "We planted - ' ". .14 �
; was a, few years ago, but it requires I -strayed from Lot 36, P V 0 (t, ; .
I � when farmers fail it its the result of a her on shares. " ! 3urdock and -Mandrake Bitters ,. W I
� I . niore brains than it did then to be a suc- . � . � . 0 Concession 3. E, got Wawanosh, 7 head of - . t �
. want of ambition, resolution, and' - ,6 One brindle steer, �.affi . 0
. I - I � . � . . cattle rising 2 � ariq old. . �, CD L.dm
I cessful farmer. On the other hand, a energy, They allow weeds to 1grow -by The Bravest are the'Tenderest. � 0 - � r* U) �11
� man has a, much better opportunity to. their fences, they permit their' land to ,i chea nd effectual Blood Purifier, and one of the best known reme- ellow steer, I red steer, 2 spotted red and C+ ;:: H, - � �
rtunity . . "It wR13 the closing day at Fr6der- L . I 10te steers, I red he for with bell on. 1 gray .n CD C141 01 T. .
0. show his ability; he has an oppo remain undeveloped; in short, they do 1p - 'Try it, price 25c per package. heifer. Any one giving information that will P. - W �
I I icksburg," said General Kershaw to the C"ies for al.1 Liver and Kidney Troubles. 0 -D , ! -
duce a great deal more �rorri the . lead to their recovery will receive a reward of $5. 4 , " ( I �
to pro not apply business principles to the Atlanta Constitution, 11 when a man by 8 A. t I Address BREW WILLIAMS, Blyth P. O., or 0. ,%,,. (D col L
S& - L number of acre& The improve, 1 -'or - ale I � � . -4 -1 , tj I
M9 farm. Only by the aid of intelligent� the r.ame of John Kirklan came riishing . - HAMILTON, Auctioneer at Blyth. 1196x4 0- tj ) L :
. I
I * � __._ . x ;� P. -a �
. ment in the manufacture of agricultural well -directed work can agriculture Ve into headquarters and said : I General, I � . 0 CD
. . I -, . ___._____._.______.. (1) , I
I machinery has had something, but not carried on successfully. can't stand it any longer.' Referring to . OTICE TO BREEDERS OF GOOD STOCK. M )--- CD (1) go I
. I I I . --The undersigntd will keep duringthe �-s po i
M everything, to do with this changed As a. rule I do not think our agricul. (D i
condition of affikirs. A man may have I _ the wounded Federals lying in front of MSDEN & WILSON'S N . CD �P )-we I
oesson at Leadbury, a thoroughbred Holstein- : i
tural papers are as useful to farmers as our breast works, be. said : I Those , . I Friesian bull by 11 Lady Collins Nepthune," C) X A) 9.94 )"I -.41 � � i
the beat machinery in the .world and they might be. We want to reach the � &� 0 0 !
r poor fellows yonder are crying for water �, No. 16667 sire " Maud Hanning's Neptune," I I
� . I - 0 P., -- .
I fail as a farmer, the same as a literary thriftle'so, thoughtless class of farmers ; -they are perishing for watert-and I - No, 6870 :'dam "I Lady C,olin," No.,3734, milk m 0 i . I
� . .
I man may have the best writing mater � MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, ONT. I record 86 pounds per - day ; butter 21i pounds 0 9.1� 01 .
- the thrifty people can look out for them- came -hereto ask your permission to go I in seven days. Terms, $1.60, payable on the let P) L
i,kla to be obtained and fail aq a writer ; 0 (-) CD 1�, - I
0 selves. I would suggest that the Gov- - of January, 1891. J. T. McNAMAIRA. 1178tf C �
. - out there and carry them some.' i � . I W
I in fact, the more agricultural machinery erElMeDt stop the publication of their 11 Said 1, I Kirklan, you know it i . . � - r r, PO )_-W - I i
:ks knowledge and elabarate reports on agriculture, which . HOROUGHBRED STOCK FOR SALE. -For 30, a 0 'd W CO �
.0 there is the greater the
I I t o putt it to good use, would be almost certain death.' A - SEEMLY SIMILEN: T Sale, 6 Leicester ram laiiihs, Kot by a ram CD " i
I &cTet.iorl needed t to practical farmers are not only worth- , 6-i ' Yes,' said he; 'but I will risk it I : that took prices at the Provincial, Industrial and X, )-d )'I crq
. _.
: I and to diiscriminate the good from the less but ridiculous,, and find a way to for humnit I a sake.' �- . I . - I Western F. airs. Also a number of: Short Horn r-4- CD 0 1 4 I
r , . bad. Intelligent farmers have become I . . I Cattle of either siex, amongst which are 3 youn 0 I
. distribute really valuable, iriformAion - - I I don it llnkl ought to give you per- I . � ! 0 �_q U) ;:� ,q �
ary. educated to this point,;. they dernand of . . � � � bulls fit for service. Also some good colts ang I
based on the experience of farmers 0 said I ; but I was so I __ i fillies As I have more stock than I have room 0� cn - A) I 4
mission to L'o , I > 14' 1
1 1 � f
the manufactarers a first-class article, themselves and published in local papers struck witb�his heroism that I let him '' � -4 for, I will sell cheap on time to suit pure,hasers. 4C CD ).d. tj 0 - � .
. A .9:& : I- 9 4- 1 14, 1'. ---- . . . 0 4- : 'n A ir7", %ITT VV Sir r
J I C; J..0 8 Come and get, your cLio co- I - -1. W -14 1
� an a JUU Lo -, IM00 1.y which they read, not in agricuitur&L go. He gathered some canteens, filled JJU.V o UL)UA- 1;�i JLJJL MU a - .V cu . Ir4q L)_ 4 . I
. - of the market, no matter how . . I Ethel, Ontario. 1191 ... I -
.f I . ),- ) 0
. q goes On, journals whose subscription price they them with water'and went over, the - .
� .
I zi persistently it is advertised. But sorne cannot afford to pay. The 11, agricul. . . 0 C-< &* e -.I- �
� � � . breastworks. He got a few steps, and' - I - . STRAYED OR STOLEN. -Two M )--a t3d )-An .- A
. - , "'
- 1% � j ; of our o1d4ashioned, level-headed farm- tural notes " now published in the local came running back. I thought his cour- I - . I - I U yearling 0aers, on6 heifer 2 years old, )Do _Cn V W P I I 1�
era in the early days, without the aid of press are copit,d from one pper to un- age had failed him ;- but fi�i came to me. .1. strayed or btolen. Heifer, all red; a hole 0) 0 P-1 I I f
-saving device$, L did other with curious effect; a.61note" re- and asked if he might put up a white 11undreds take from it, yet it never apparently diminish els. Thiss through right car. One steer, red, sinall white ;
11 - -any of our labor Ito 0 En . i .
� spot across forehead, short horns, red an4 wh -1 P.d. 0 Pi I
wonderfulLy good work and showed published in a cold part of the country, . belly,white spot on right thigh, wbite spot .
. handkerchief. Said I : "No, Kirklan� (if course, is because there is a never -dying spring of supply that feeds on t:3� 0-4 (D " . I
I great skill. in getting good -paying crops where the thermometer gets below zero, we don't- vurpos� to use any flag of ' i I on right flank, lower part of tail white and a .
to market, Nevertheless, to -day a man will state that celery -should be planted the stream. � hole through Itf t ear. Steer, red and white, red M pa I:L .< :� i I
I � . MW I . I I I
� - truce on this occasion.' . - -4 - (D 0 , �
. I i - . hairs through the white, soliae white, on fore
% I will make a wise use of the beat agricul- in'a trench� ten ' inches deep, covered 11 Be got his canteen, and went over head, white strip down Lack of right *,boulder a CD " $D P i i
X tural implements to accomplish his with two pine boards Knd four inches, of .. to the breast works again, and went SLUGGISH' STREAMS STAGNATE, and along back and on rump, white around M ).-4 1-1 I
� work. soil. This, of course, is nonsense, ani[ about from man, to man giving the . ! right flank. lower part of tail white with 'red ;D )-i I Li;
; - � on left hip. small 11
. The practical farmer, so far.from di f ,,pot in it, two white spots V " CD .
ls- yet we .constantly see statements like � o sluggish stocks. ed They are not fit or O� (D 0
1 . � dtidnin,,g book knowledge, will read all ,that in the local- papers copied from wounded water. At first the enemy So d They becouae decay . white spot On top of left hip; a hole through 3 I
! fired at him ,- but as soon as they saw commercial use any more �than decayed meat. Finally, they are known '
. leftear. Any.information loading to the re-
., � __ , I . . . . . I covery of the above animald will Ee thankfully )p -0 0 0 0-- 4 i
. becanofthe writings of prOfeSSiODal journals published in a very'different cli- his purpose, of -course they stopped, mud dead,, 0 .� N .
t� agricuttarista, Between the fArmer who mate. - _ * . . received and liberally rewarded. WM. MUR- � I
; he � remained out there until he had '. I ' 1195 tf U) ;
. reads and the one who does not there is 0 , . . . DOCK, Btucefteld P. O. z P, 7 0 (D (D i
. __
no compaxison. To illustrate: Through I I given water to every one ot these poor onstant motion keeps water! in the best Condition, ___ __ _ ___ - .- ___ . � '... CL - Q . .. I
Durin' P'tracted Meetin'. ; I - . � A) J
fellows. " W I 11 �
I 6 I the window out of which I am lookin� . .0- I I TEACHERS WANTED. (" PL to 4
. C* � . i
.1 I see a good-sized piece of i _ Down in Carterville las'winter- � And a constant flow of tr�de keeps a Stock in best condition. We have -1 .;
: th-At was being a,llowed to go to swamp, . You know old Ebenezer Snider, A Doctor's Confession. -' I . WANTED. -Wanted for School =1 -1 0 0 P) r:e I
, t9 ock bec'Ause our stock never stands still. It is always flow- EACHER :
I - . Section No. 13, stanley, a female teacher 0 P1 . P) i
� - ' T 9-04 l,-4 I
: I Nose on 'im JeW's sharp's a splinter, I Humbug? Of course it is. The so-, no dead st __ M ., .
. . swale, and general destruction ; it is Colour o' nine y'ar apple cider, . .
. . now a called scienc-3 of medicine is a humt3ug ing in and flowinglout. I holding a second or third class certificate. ;51 C.", b� ; I
I n attractive meadow. Any good Good preacher though's ever you see, . �,e January Ist, 1891. Appli- I
. . .. I I . . . Duties to commen( T
. Sound at heart 'a a white oak tree. and has been from the time of Hippo- , . . cations stating salary Nvill be received up to i CD 0 i
I work on 'agriculture with which I am - . --I 0 C.< i
k acquainted wottld give you ideas how Wall, to the p'int; 'a I were sayin', crates to the present. Why the biggest - I Do you Appreciate - the Advanta e � November 20th, 1890, Address,ISAAC ERRATT, .W " 0 5 P- C+- t
crailk in the Indian camp is the medi- -� I ,9 Secretary, Varna P, O., Out. 1194xi i .
. :
you could. make that rough land a fine Eb was hoidin' p'tracted niectin', Pt I - .. ;� p U2 - � I
. piece of property. There is no secret Had the hull district singin'au'prayin' eine man. - --- cc V : �_ - 11
A - - Anlettin'converted. Time werefteetin 9 11 Very frank was the admission, Of buying always from a clean, fresh stock of new goods I If .:you do, IjE-AL ESTATE FOR SALE. Pi K 11
. about it; i.here is nothLi6g that any one Z2) . M �� CD 0-' 9-0% . �
. Fast, e said, 'a a blue wing'd pigeon, Papecially so when it came from one of . . can have that advantac,e by trading at the Bargain Dry Goods and - )P o,.
. man need understand better than his 'S he huotled'em up ter git religion. you I Z5 . b -The sub. A) )I to- )I U-2 If
I neighbor. It is simply req*uired that a the biggest young physicians of the Clothing Home. . OUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. A) CD
t scriter oilers for sale tbehou8e north of an "
cit * . H together with three 0 )". C.+ (D �
man shall putto, practical use some of You know Jed Pringle'i; second daughter yj one wh -e practice isamong the � the -Egmondville manse, �_a 0, "
f . _D _" .0 .
Bethilda, gsl with sparidin'eye8j . thouisands, th ugh he has been raduated I - ' acres of land, suitable for building purposes. (:) cn 0. P
this" book knowledge," which a few Stout's Jems but a little shorter, I . 11;, ' but afew yea a," says the Bulale Cour- 11 I I On the front are a quantity of young fruit tree& :0 (D )11 17� I
ahort-sighted people affect to despise. L,,�,&,ng.up cook on cakes an' pies, I Very ozy was his office too with - -"-U 9 commencing to bear. WM. ELLIOTT. 1116 � 0
itt ier.' WMO. PICK,A -4 A)
i If you look over the 'books of Loudon gal'n place, it's said, . � its cheerful g � te fire, its Que . en V Anne � . - -_ X � ,-. 0 0 M
'S. . . published years ago, you will find su I Face an' , figger way ahead. i * 11
, � I R, -&Z its many lounges and� f, Ma'rket streets, Seaforth ARM FOP. SALE. -For sale, part of Lots 29 ft O� C -D �,
J I � furniture, Oorher Main and - F and 30, Concession 1, AlcKillop, containing cl�w
� gestions that are as valuable to -day AR Bethilda, she sot'niong the seekers, easy chairs. He stirred the fire lazily,' . . 6,0 acrts, all cleared, well lenced and In a good . I P CL (D 0 0i � -
they were at the time they were written. I sot over agin the wall, I - � I Buildings fair. There is a 0 0 . W 0 . -
. He win tell you that too many fences are But, Lord ! she conidn't keep theill peekous lighted a fresh cigar, and went on." _.__..___0 - . et&te of cultivation. This farm is z )..4. *d �.W. '.. i
� . � g�od orchard and plenty of water. . V I
� . . Biritain 'them ; O'hern froin wand'rin'round at all, "Take the prescriptions laid down in . N �
�- a lose -if a person has to m Thar w'a'nt Dought else's I could see, , within two lots of the corporation of Seaforth 5Z CD 0 1
�: . the books and what do we find? Poisons it will be sold cho AP and on easy ternis. Apply -i
_1W � that a farin overstocked is injurious to Theril eyes they Jes' converted'ifie. a ICD C..4 W Crq i� -
I � mainly, and nauseating stuffs that O'entral Furnitur'e House, on the premises or- to Seatorth P. 0. DAVID - -
� the place for reasons which will occur to First thing I knew I were settin' would make � & healthy man an invalid. . . - . DORRI&NCE, Proprietor. 1180f - P, C+ %0
tr almost any person; that injudicious I . . I � .
�� . I . Side o' Bet' on the pen'tent seat, I Why in the world science should go to . 9 I .
� cropping is bad; -and he will inform you 'Tain't twice 'n a life a feller's gittin' ' I MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. - -VAIthL FOR SALE. -A valuable 200 Sore farm THE FARMERS .
that a inau without energy has no right So strong a call from eyes so sweet ; poisons for its remedies I cannot tell, a _r situated on conceffisioft 13, lots 22 ikild 23 I �
boest ' �
- Bethilda an' I druy home together. � We Wish to draw the attention of the people of Seaforth and sur- b king House, i I �
to be on a farm. A man can get so ir. any Conviction er love, no matter whether, nor can I find any one who c,%n. " - " I icxiijop t;ownship. They are close to the Ban
7 __ 11 How does a doctor know the effect , markets in Western Ontario on good gravel
. . .
I good, poirita from our beat agricultural . of his inedicine?".he asked. "Hecalls, rounding country to our large, extensive and varied stock of roads, and,within a few minutes walk of store, - -
I I . post otlace, school, churches and every necessary �
I papers that in regard to some matters he Stare out bright, an' nloon a-beamin',. , IS MI JL.Ul 0 Mr_r_7U_ �
prescribes and goes away. The only - convenience. The soil is of the very best and I � .
I I � has no excuse to be ignorant. Snow on the gound a dazzlin' white,'. " .
I I Clouds hangin'low in the west a-dreamin', - way to judge would be to stand over the well adapted for either stock or grain raising, (in connection with the Bank of Montreal.) � .
1. . � I One fact ought to be impressed on the Never see a, perfeeter night, HOTJSEHOLD FURNITURE. as both farms are watered by a living spring I .
I . I bed and watch the patient, This cannot be � re about 30 acres of choice tim-
I 'S pure was the earth an' sky above, creek. There a �
I I minds of our wealthy men, so many of done,so really,I do not know how he is to a house, and stables, and 3 L 00 A N & C 0-t I J
:_ , You eouldn't resist a talkin' love.
� whom at the - resent time are becoming We manufacture the most of our Furniture, and can guarantee it to her on both farms,
p . . tell what good or hurt he does. Some . Orchards of choice fruit. The farms will be sold I �
, t
I .
11 . I interested in agricalture ; and that is, Give me a horse as feels his feedin', time ago,- you remember, the Boston the public. At present our stock is very large, and -is daily increasing. separately or together to.ouit purchaser.- For BANKERS AND FINA I NOTAL AGFJM,. . � I
� L , that before they purchase a piece of Read right up an' feet a-flyfil', . Globesentouts reporter withastated . ce and terms apply to the proprietor PIETER
I I A hose's wouldn't disirrace his breedin' To, reduce this enormous stock, our prices have been marked away down. MEWEN. .1191tf Now in heir ovrn premlew on Market WIred I
I ' *
; . I I . property they,should Know wbat kind L Trot ter win if he were dyin', � I set of symptoms, He went to eleven At our low prices everybody can afford to purchase. Our establishment - Seaforth, oppoilte A. Strong's office. i
� . of I rming they propose to engage in, A hoss'u don't need much command. prominent physicians and brought back .
� I Aa 4
I .
I L - i
I is the purchaser going to raise horses, or So's a feller kin drive with Jes' one hand. n different presoriptions. This _is open to you all, and we want to see you and all your friends. Bring 40 STANDARD NOVELS General Baniiing Busm done; drafts in ud
o I . . eleve I . ;
I a 2 cattle? Is he going to run a sheep - . isit. We will be very happy By Wilkie Collins,George Eliot.Charles Reade,R. and mbed. Interest allowed an deposita.
I just shows how much science there is in the whole family %with your and pay us a v Rider Haggard and other famous
1. � I ranch, or a dairy farm.? Does he prefer " Wall," I sez 11 Bethilda " sez 1, 1. . . � 16. Stevenson, I MONEY TO LEND' I
I -1 A-feelin'm� way each �Word you see, medicine." ' to Show you our goods, whether you purchase or not. Hoping soon to authors'. All . I
to use his land for general agricultural An'puttin'a p'int ter all so sly ; . There are local disea'sies of various have a visit from you, we reMain, respectfuUy yours, THE CENTRAL For $1.00 on good notes or mortgages. � 4
O' * .
�d I �' purpose# ? A vast amount of time and " S'pose you allers ride home with me?" ' characters for which mature ,provides URNITURE HOUSE, op osite McFaul's Dry Goods House. - 1�
I Heard thn nian chuckle In the moon. . ROBERT IA)GAN, MANAGE% - ;
� poet paid. Well bound and handsomely illu I
11. . . nioney is wasted by men of wealth .for 'Saliewhisp'red;" Jim, I'd JeB'as soon." positive remedies. They may not be in- F p _' strated. The gre%ttat offer ever extended to 1058 z i
want, of a well-defined purpose in regard cluded in the regular physician's list, . the Canadian public. Remit by P. O. order or ,
to this matter. I have known a ver The same old story, jes' the came, perhaps, because of their simplicity, but . registered letter. ;
I . . . I
I I wealthy mari, whose ambition it was to Said in 'bout tho same old way, the evidence of their curative power in . - I I DOMINION PUBLISHING CO., TORONTO. HAND=MADE LLL �i
excel in. the production of first-class But Eb he says it's a 'tarnal shame . I - I - 1IN-12 1
�w We didn't go for'ard from that day, beyond dispute. Kidney disease is I I � . Agents Wanted -
. intittoxi, who bought a farm adapted L,)st religion -bad ter do it- . cured by Warner's Safe Cure, a strictly I k 4 .
. I I - I only to the rAiLaing of cattle. Another But we got inarried an' that's next to it. I berbal remedy. Thousands of persons' . � - I . I I Boots and Shoes
L , Inaln haa. spent thousands of dollars try. -Fred Warner Shib ey. ; I .
- , . every year write as does H. J. Gardiner, .
: 1i 0 __ . . I I E
: 3 on land not suitable . -
M ing to raise horse: . Undertaldng, I Department. D. McINTYR
a I t of Pontiac, Rhode Island, August 7th, A -W
a fo� such a purpose. High upland, with Gaieties. . 1890: I ' I I I . YOU CAN SAVE Has on hand a large number of Boots and Shoef
I �
Y_ I very light soil, inclined to be weedy and -Kind gentleman (picking up boy) - "A few years ago I suffered more - 16 - � . of his own make, best material And . I
ly . - - ;
ea 4Dverruu with rubbish, would make a -11 That was an awfuf hard fall, My than probably ever will be known out- - -- � - . . _N/f - 0 ]L*--T:m Warrmted to give SatiliftOdOu- I
� good sh-eep farm, if a man managed it young man. Why didn't you cry 4" 1 , . -
�ty , side of myself, with kidney and liver I
" L Prop 1 This de if you want your feet kept dry come and gtit I
'k.04 erly. It is one of the most difficult "I didn't know anybody vFas looking." complaint. It is the old siory-I visited � .partment is complete in every respect, and prices the low- - .
at- 0ings in the world to procure a -New York San. I
of . . doctor i*fter doctor, but to no avail. I est. I Two first-class hearses on hand. Funerals abt.ended -to at the BY BUYING YO(JR a pair of our boote, which will be sold
-, dairy farm that is SLUpplied, naturally, , I You mustn't play with the. 8cis- ' � CHEAP FOR OASH*
"o . was at Newport and Dr. Blackman rec- shor'est notwe, and satisfaction guaranteed.
�-,( with clear, fresh, untainted. water. On sore, dear, I knew a little boy just like ommended Warner's 8�fe cure. I com. � � d I Repairin promptly attended to. All kinds of
�rd the farms I manage we have tilree dif- you who was playing with. a pair. of menced the use of it� and found relief i . 1. M. ROBERTSON, Funeral.Director. . WALL I Boots ani'Shoes made to order. All parties who -
, . ferent systemq of water SUPPILY, and we scissors j List like that pair, and he put immediately . i ... - . bavenot paid their accounts for lastyearwill
, , -t, and AltogW I 1. - please call and settle up. I
� - I make a. first-class 'butter. - That is &I- them in his eye and put his eye on bottles, and I truthfully state that it . i . D. McINTYRE. Seaforth. .
most itupoBsible to do on ni -tenths of he never could see anything after," The cured me." . . ' .- PAPER 1162 1
� theetairyfarms, because thnee water is child listened patiently, and Eaid . ; � I ,� OUNDRY ,
corrupted with -vegetable matter : it is when she got through, 11 What was the Variefies. T 1E SEAFORTH . 5 9
` , tainted with iron, or something of that inatter with hii4 other eye?" -San Fran, 0 . . . -AND- vo e afor th D airy
�ff kind. That gives the butter a bad oirico Chronicle. - - -Mistress (from the parlor) -Bridget,' � � , ' �
, . - the front door bell has rung three times. egg I
Aavor,, and you cannot get a fancy price --A small Canadian boy who was told Why don't- you answer it? Bridget - Having coniplated. rebuilding and repairing the old foundry, and Having purchased the Dairy Busin -:I
I b �
I , �. forit. So you con -e back to where, you that a mis8lonary to Chin% would have (froni the kitchen) --Sure, murn,#if 01 . I Wind.ow from Mr -Roderick Grey, I beg to solicit a eon -
� ; ining as many in ' duced the latest' equipments and the most im,proved , machines, tinuance of the patronage which he has re-
, 1 atarted ; to the important principle that charge of a district contai i opened it the furat rung, paple wild trO " � . ceived in the past. With the advantages I I
! � - you people as there was in Canada,remarked I , � now prepared to do I ,
, '_ must be careful to buy a farm d the dure, . a - have in my refrigerator and situation, I hope to
. ada-pted to your -purposes. Some gen- " My, won't he have to holler !" I � be able to give my customers satisfaction as to
- � an' Oi wudn't have any wan Vhink me laz'y I 9hades .1
say Oi did nothing but tep.
�� I , I . . I I - , - quality of milk even in the very hot weather. --
i Venian farniers*buy the most ridiculous -A pretty fan was presented to a lit. -you worry- A ' ' -
, � -Forid, Wife -What afe z
n- � 1 farm -3 in tile world, They get an archli- tle girl four years of age, and she, wish- � . Realizing that the ouh system if the Most -
,. q -Husband (a -- f Machine Repairs
, r, ing about .this evening? . P011 Kinds 0 L
�� toot to layout the grounds and build- ingtoshowher new treasure,. hung it �- I AT- just and satisfactory to a1l concerned, I have
, yonu -An important casel , -
� ' ig lawyer) . �i " � I � decided to sell for cash Only. .
, illgi ; after they have ,bought, the farm,c on her finger and held it out at arm's " I . I I.-,
- . , have on .hand. My client is charged � . .
�L . and the fences are all. up, .and the build- length. A lady on enteriner the parlor with murder, and I can't make up my ; sr Ticketi supplied at reduced rates �
r L - IAND GENERAL F ^%. ^ -- L
1� int'i are all prGperlv located, the place eculi- L OUNDRY WORK. 0. W. PAPST'S,
,) . was attracted by the p ar &�titude of ; . . - -
� - I- mind wfiether to try to prove that the 11 I .
properly stocked, �h y find they have I the little girl, and finally said' to her, deceased Avas killed by soine other man i . T. T. COLEMAN. 1300K STORE, sEAFORTH. 1171 - D. D. WILSON.
Ir I -foot rootamong�he eheep because the I 11 Isn't it very fatiguing to hold out your - . .
, L . or if atill,alive. I . - - - ..
I � .
. -
. . .
11 I .
� - . . - I - ' � . I __ I �
Is. . . - I � � I _ L __ . . . � .1 �' �
, __ . I
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� , I � .. - . .1 : � � .
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. . L . . _.
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