HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-11-21, Page 2_', _ - _r— rn -- - - -_ - W- - I I - - � � � � I
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2 - . . . . I . � TUA - HURON EXPOSITORf, . " . i - Novmwla 2.1, 1890. ..
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A STORY FOR MARRIED The wife went out, -and � the husband one � of her bonds. . I's Then let me I ake J . � . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. . Z� J
I I . �
. MEN. . was lef t alone. He had sin interesting MY confession. I have stood It I �ot _� a ,� . � . UILDING LOTS FOR 48ALE.—Thf under- .8EAF0 � H � �
� I . 1.
. book, and he ,began to read., it. Reread ,whitbettdr. Wheal left the iouse . . I I . BpIgned has a number of fine building Lots . . : . I
"Where are you going, George?" till eight o'clock, &ad then he began to - this evening, I could bear it no Ic uger. I �. on Goderich and James Street@ for sale at low �
saked-Mrs. -Wilson, as her* husband. yawn, andjpfer frequently to the dial. I found that this was no home fo - me ; � I . prices. For particulars apply to D. D. WILSON Musical InstruMmit
- � -
&rose from the supper-table'aiid took his I The book.d,rd not -Unterent himm usual while my sweet wife was absei t. I � I I . . on. I . � � . I
halL - - . - Evef a#&-ition- he would come to a pa -1: 'thought I would walk down by. nole . - o VELVE-1TEENS. � � A,RMFv'R SALE. -Being Lot 11. Concea-
i l �� . taining 10D acres, 76 Under crop, balance good -- -r
" Ob—I am going out,"was the care- sage w,hich he kn - ew would plea" his 4ohn's and see your .face, if possib a. I - .. - � Fbion. 0, Howfok, county of Huron, con :M!&:.P01:;?41 .�rl&
Ion response. - , wife' and instinctively he -turned ike had gazed upon your - empty chai till. .%_ I . � . ; .
.- !, L . . � . . hardwoodbush, good 'frame nouse, bank 'barn ____�
.. 41 But where-?" - tho;ghL he would read- it &load, but MY heart ached. Full Stock 1 If you are in need of enough for a dr6s, and beating oribard� 81 miles froinwroxeter
" What difference does it make, there was no wife to bear it. At half- He kissed her as he spoke, and 1 then � , "I station. Easy terms. Apply to WILLIAM I .
Emma T I shall be back at 'my usual past eight be,- &rose from his chair and added, while she reclined her head1upon L - I . - . or for the trimming of a dress—remember the Place BAYAN18,13rumelvP O., ont. - � 1178x20 SCOtLt Brot
time." . I beganto pace the floor and whistle. his arm— . I - I . where you can find the best variety of shades and ARM FOR SALE.—For @&I I e Lot 31,'C on- hers, -
1, The young wife hesitated, ,and a quick Then he went and got his flute, and " I have learned a very good losson colorings, -at the most popular prices. Cession 5i L McKillop, containing 100 acres4 .
. I *in .- 11� - F
flush overspread her face. She seemed performed several of his favorite air@. Your presence here4s like the bu 9. *;�, about go acres cleared and all In a stood state of PROPRIETORS, -
-1 I cultivation. it is well underdraG� and well
I . .
to have made up her mind to speak -After this begot& pack of cards, and forth of the sun after,& storr,a ; ano if : . .
I fenced. There Is a good brick house'and good I . .
plainly upon a 8ubject which, bad lain played a game of "beggar my neighbor" you- love meas I love you—whico" of I" . � frame barns,' stables, shade, &c. There Is a _'
uneasily upon her heart for some time, with an ima,zinlary partner. Then he course, I -cannot doubt—my presence large bearing orchard and a never failing SEAFORTH - ONT
. ! EDWARD McFAUL, - . �) #
� �
and she could not let the opportunity walked the floor, and whistled again. may afford some sunlight for you�`. At � spring well. If"is situated within three miles
. . of Seaforth and will be sold cheap'. Apply to
pass. It required an effort, but sheper- Finally the clock struck nine, and- .his all events, our next experiment ah4l be �, Porter's Hill - 1158tf 0S.—Dunham New yor
� ,
� � JOHN 21cCLURE, I 0. � PIAN I -1,
severed.. wife returned. to that effect. I will try and see 1 how' I � I.
i . W. Bell & Co., G el�h -- Dominion B
" Let me tell you what, difference it -I I Well, George—I am,. back in good mneh Home Comfolt we can find ivbile � ) SEAFORTH, J - u I . laro
makes to me," she �f id, in a kind bat season. How have yon enjoyed your. we are both here to enjoy it. 'I I I �� -VARM IN STANLEY FOR SALE.—For �stale Company, Bowmanville. 11 � I
5t , . ; _U cheap, the, East half of Lot 20, Bayfleld .. . -
tremulous tone. "'If I cannot have self ?" I Emma w0is too hapipy to express her � . I . Road, Stanley, containing 64 acres, of which 62 1 -
i � . I acres are cleared and in it good state of cultiva-
your company here at home, I should at "Capitally," returned the husband. joy in words, but she expressed it never- ' k ORGANS. — w. Bell - &
� i - tion. The balance Is well timbered with bard- C, Got
least feel much better if I knew where ' I I had no idea1t was so -late. I hope theleas ; and in a manner, too, not to be i r wood. There are good builAings, a bearing Guelph ; Dominion Organ Compstin
I I I � .
you were.' you have had a good time." mistaken, I I - I orchard and plenty of water. It is within half a Bowmanville; D. W. Kara
� : I . I mile of the Village of Varna and three miles a & 0616
61, But you know that I am Fafe, f'Oh—splendid. I had no idea how The next' evening was spent at home: : . . Woodstock.
?)7 1 � from Brucefield station. Possession at any . . I .
Emma, and what more can you ask much enjoy ment'tfiere was away from by both husband and wife, and it was a � I time. This Is a rare chance to buy a first cla,38
i ,
11 I do not know that you are - safe, home. -Rome is a dull place, after all', season of much aDjoyment. In a short' �' � . — farm pleasantly situated. Apply to ARTHUR The above inatn2ments always on hand, S10
. I . . � FORBES, Seaforth. . 1144tf nd Pianos and organs for
George. I know nothing about you isn't it?" it time George began' to realize how' much. � I - � .. � L r I ealeatfrom $25 upwards. Instruments sold om
, 3 i VOR SALE OR TO RENT,—For cia)e to 8�lt cull.
when you are away." " Why—no—I can't say that it iA comfort was to be found in a quiet and I . '10 � A R11 the instalment plan, or on terms
�� � - or to rent, for a term of years, Lot 12, Ccn- totners. Violins, Concertinas and small l,nstm.
"Pooh! Would ouhaveit that I returned George. 11 I rather like it." peaceful home ; and the longer he en. . �. F
y ! TRADC a , i
am not capable of taking care of my- " I'm glad of that," retorted Emma, joyed this comfort the more plainly did � MARK. � cession 9, McKillop, containing 100 acres, of ments on hand; also sheet music,books, &C. -
self ?" � � " . , I which about 90 acres are cleared and In a good .
69 - "for we shall both enjoy ourselves now. he see and understand the simple 'truth . . I � t tate of cultivation. There are about 70 acres .
You put a wrong construction upon You shall have'& nice, comfo.rtable week —that it takes two to make a happy . . I seeded to grass. The fences and buildings are
my Words, George. Love is always anx- of it. 'I . - home, and that if the wife i one party, . . . VRE I goA and It is one of the best farins T; the - SOOTT BROS,
I . is I
. 1 countv. It is within three miles of the village
ious when its dearest object is awa . If George winced a little at this, but be the husband must be tho other. I I I �, � ! .
y . I 1: of Winthrop, and 8 miles froin S.eafortb, ang a
I did not love you as I do',. I might not kept his countenance, and deter i'ined to - .
-1 . .. I 1A9TEA . good gravel road ;3ast the p place. It Is with!n a 8 � 111 -
be thus uneasy. When you are at your stand it'out. � I A Suggestion. I mileof school. Itwillbe sold cheap, or rented
place of business I never feel thus, be. On the next evening Emma prepared I 101RUNW8 (FORE for a term Of'Years. Apply -on the farm,or Ce Me Whl nialls
cause I knom I can seek and find yon a,t to go away 11g%in. Jeweler: " You say you want some I � address Winthrop P. 0. ROBE11T G. ROSS. - . V47
. narne engraved on this ring?" lal"00=61W I 1181-tf - - - -
any moment; but when you are absent " I shall be back in good season," she Young man: G' Yei$ I ,va'nt the - - .
during these long evenings, I get to said. . � - , aim V1 IN" SPLF,NDID CHANCE. -Two, .houses and _
I � words, I Gdorgo to hii dearest Alice,' . 11 - — . . — I Alots for sale, I ntly situated in the STOV AND
. � I
wondering where you are. I hen I be- " Where are you going?" her husband engraved on the inside of the ring." �� . . -village of Fgniondvifilee,"baing one frame house,
gin to feel lonesome; and so one asked "'ls the young. lady our sister ?" '1�11 j . with stable and half acre of'land -c-a-uted with
64 y �
thought follows another, until I feel O�-I can't tell exactly. I may go The growers and, blenders of Ram Lal's Teas "k you to give thein � fruit trees, and one now brick cuss, %ith
" No, she's the young lady to whom 1 i' T large frame stable and one and half -acres of FU R N I %S H IN G
troubled and uneasy. Oh, if you would to several places." am eniza ed." � '!a fair trial for the' following reasons : i� � � -
. 17 �
- So George Wilson was left filone i � room and closets, brick basement, cistern and
stay with me a portion of your even � , , 9 � - 0 )and. The house contains six rooms, bath
I ' Well, if I were you, I would not � lst—They are absolutely pure. I
inga!" again, and he tried to amuse himpelf as I have "George to his dearest Alice,' eu- �, all nece oeary conveniences for a first class fri. 2=4- 0 _U S M1
"Aha ! , I thought that was what you before ; but he. found .it hard work. � � 2nd—T11ey are grown and prepared on the estate -by the most vate residence. Will be sold in one payee or 1 13
. graved on the ring. If Alice goes- back , . separately to suit purehaser. For particulars .
were aiming at," said George, with a- Ever and anon hew.Quld cast hiR e i �Skilled labor �a-nd improved machinery that money can buy, whereas ,apply to SAMUEL WALLACE, Egmondville �
. .yef On Ymy, you can't use the ring again." I
ptayful shake of the head. 11 You upon that empty chair,-ind the thought A 'What would you suggest V! Phina Teas are picked and carried by natives long distances before P. 0- or to A. STRONG, Soalorth. 1168tf 9 I -
would have me spend my evenings would come, 11 How pleasaint it would be � "I would suggest that the words be, being made ready for the 'market. Seaforth, , Ontario - '
_�] -DARM FOR SALE CHEAP. --$6,000 willbuy .
here. " I if she were here !" The clock finally 1, George to his first and only love.' You �
�' Well, can you wonder at it ?" re. struck nine, and he began to listen for I 3rd , Ram Lal's is a blend of three Teas grown and prepared T 100 acres on the Oth conoession of Me.
, We are offering Bargems In
see, with that inscription you can use 1 � 1 Killop, belonging to Thompson Morrison, who I
turned Emma. "I used to be very the step of :his wife. Half an hour the ring half a dozen times. I hav lespecially for this brand. Will always be the -same flavor to -day to � is reaiding in Dakota and does not intend to 4
� 0 had . ; I
" -
' -
happy when you came to spend an eveit- more slipped by, and he became very experience in such matters myself," ten years hence. . . ; return, eighty acres cleared and the balance
ing with me before we were married; nervous and uneasy. I __. .1 . � . ' t I ' � good hardwood, maple and rock elm, within 5J Coal & Wood Parlor Stouea.
declare," he � � . . 4th— Tis cheap ; only - Fifty Cents for a pound pack6ge, which inileb of Seaforth and within J of a mile of -
and I know I should be ver� happy -in I muttered to himself, J . 0 school ,house, Methodist and Presbyterian �
"I � Ile Couldn't Strike. . �*ill go as far as two.pounds of Q All Stoves Guaranteed. -
your society now." after.hp had list ' ened for some time in ; , hina or Japan Teas. � Churches, stores, mills, blacksmithing and
ng.. i ! . I
" Ah,"'said George, with a, Ile I vain,"'this is too bad. She ought not , He stood on a step ladder, trimmi When giving Ram Lal's a.'trial, if the first cup does not strike wagon making shop, post office, &a., good build.
� am 0 , ` C� . I
"those were business meetings. We to Fitay out so late !11 the dead limbs out of a fruit tree, when ings and water for cattle, and good gravel roads A fall line of �
. palate, .try a second one weaker ,than the first. After using, a att of the townsh p taxes the owest
� - - your _ - - to any p I
" were arranging then for ' the future." , Bu - t he happened to remember that he & ln&u came along with s0m0 t0018 in : of�any of the bordering townships. ,A mort ze
t'And-why not continue so to do, my often remained away much later than his fi,and and stopped and asked : . yound you will only drink Ram Lai's Pure Indian Tea from henceforth %Nil[ be taken for $3.000 at 6 per cent. Zparly I I . I
I " How many hours are you putting in , I � to JOHN C. MORRISON, Winthrop P. O�, Ont. M
husband? I am sure we could -be as that, so he concluded that lie mustimake . _=Clary's Famous Stoves '
happy,now as ever. -If you will remem- the bebt of it. - for a ilay's work?" I i 1176tf I
. I
� For Sale by 'Mir JORDAN � �
' ..
ber, one of our I plans was to make a At fifteen minutes to ten Emma " I'm .busy from daylight to eight or � 'i � , . I -VARM FOR SALE. -F or sale, Lot 12, conces- . For'which we are'Sole Agentm.
- HONZ.11 - came. nine o'clock at night," was the reply. . _U sion 4,11. R. S., Tuckersmith, containing
. 66 ,� 100 acres, k5 cleared, 53 seeded to grass, 8
" And haven't we got one, Emma?". '.'A little late.- ain't I?" she sa'id,look. t 1?0u't you know that nine hours is 9. , AFORTH, ONT. - Great Bargains in Table and Library
is: day a work ?" , � . � . sown to fall wheat. The farm. is well-fenoRd, Lamps. 1.
VVe have a place in which to ing up at.the clock. " But I fell in . - I well under-diained and well watered by a
live," answered the wife, somew:hat with sonic old friendi, and We made an "I've heard a6, but be won't let me never failing spring which runs through pipes �
evasively. evening of it. How have you enjoyed off at that." " Then strike on him VI . . . � into a trough. There is a brick house and �
, . kitchen, frame barn, stable ant! driving shed.
"And it is. our, home," pursued yourself ?" " I can'tvery well," : _
George. "And," he added, with a sort 6' Dasn't you 4ick ?11 . Good orchard. The farm is altdated within C. M. WHITNEY,
" Firbt rate,"' returned George, . I THE NOVEMBER SALE, two and a half miles of Seaforth, with good .
of confident flourish, " hom,d is the bravely. "I think home is a great .1 It wouldn't do any good." - i � --- gravel roads leading in all directions. Will be ,
, I MAIN -ST. , . SEAFATH. ',
� wife's peculiae province. She has place, " � "Some rich old cuss who wants to - i . . sold on casy terms. For further particulars ,
charge of it, and all her work is there; " Especially when one can have it all grind you into powder, �h 911 ' . � � I apply on the premises or to JOHN PRENDER- I
' GAS.T, Seaforth P. O., Ont. 1136tt
while the duties of the husband call him to himself," added the wife with a side- " Well' lie keeps me at work. I be.. i . � -- -, —15 -
to other scenes." . long glance at her husband. lieve I put in thirteen.- hours every day." � ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, the south halt .. . i
66 fly F of Lot 23, Concession 6. Morris, coritainin
" Ay ; I admit that, as far n But he made no reply. Then you are a fool . . 100 wres, about 90 of which are cleared, well I I �
� duties are concerned," replied Emma. -On the next evening Emma, prepared " May be so." . feficed, about 70 free from atumps and well I - �, I
Bab you must remember tfiat we both to . go out as before; but this time she 's He ought to be talked to." � DUNCAN I& ]DUNCAN underdrained. The balance is well timbered . I I
I I .
need r6laxatiou from labor; we. need kissed her husband ere she went, and 14 Yes. " '. - - � . . with vardwood. The cleared part Is nearly all I
. time for social and mental improvemPtit seemed to hesitate for a moment. I I ( Why don't yowiluit ?" . I , . seede -i to grasq. There Is a frame house and I . . . � I .
and enjoyment; and what season have " I would, you see- but I am the Cold I tratue varn, also a email orchard. This is one of . ... � I _�
- " Where do you think of going ?11 cuss p you a I ttie oest farms in We township a"d has no . 11
we for this same our evenings? Why George asked in an undertone, re talking about, and though I broken or bad land on,it joid is good for either I %e ��
-_ .
should this. not be iny home in the even. . my man can get, his day of nine houri, 1 Montreal House, Seaforth, grain or stock and will, be sold chen It i3 I . 0: �
Is i may drop in to see Uncle John"' � . , within three miles of BrXifsels and w bill a ..=1 , . "
ing as well as in the daytime and in the I have to put in three or four more or I I- : � .. , .
I repliedEmms. "Ho-wever,you won't things will - I � quarter of a mile of a school. Apply on the n :1 I I
-, :�! '
_�,L4 . �
q .-
. . premises or to Brussels P. 0. W51. or JOHN - ==
be uneasy. You'll know I'm safe." � I 1=. 0 ,
1144tf I - , C3 , ,
. , .%f
� W " RTAP -
. night?" get'behind. "-Detroit Free I I W , I't,
. 64, : I �
Well, isn't it?" asked George. . " Oh-bertainly." - Press. _. . . - � R013B,jr. REMA �r,,,, I
- .—O. I i . � —_ -1 11 iil t
� I I
" How can it be if youare not here? When the husband was left to his � Napping. I I AR]bf FOR SALE. -Containing 119 acres, �_ i 1.
What makes a home for children, it it own reflections, he began to ponder sery i 'Fbeing parts of Lots I and 2, on the 8th . I �1'1
BY flRACTICAL EXPERIENCE I ' concession of Morris, 100 acres cleared and 5 . . .
be not the abodecof the parents ? What iou8ly upon the subject'thus presented i . -
i ' S9 MANTLES , acres chopped, The balance good hardwood . I . I
! fairy fe -
home can a husband have where there for He could not read-_ " What can anybody have to 8 y i - I - MANTLE ' : bush, ced and well underdrained, good
consideration. . - on I �
is iio wife ? And what real home cdln* he could not pla -he could not enjoy - a � I I I . L
such a stupid oubjoet in this wide.a iake � � frame house 'and kitchen with woodshed .
forts can a wife enjoy where there is no hicmelf in any y � age ?" I hear njy reader exclaim. T . I . attached. two frame barns and fratuo stal)le, An . I . "
husband ? You do not realize how soli- w&s way, while, that .clfair . ere For style and finish cannot be surpassad. Ladies in want'of a nice- ,good orchard and three wells and a soft water I I I .
� empty. In short, he -found that- is, however, a gread deal to be said on i I cistern. Within two miles of Blyth, where .1 � T I . I .
tary I am all alone here during these home had no rep6l comfort without ,,his the subject, I can assure you, prosy as . there is a good market for all kinds of produce, " , U . .1
long evenin They are the ver fi�ftincr garment, are reco�amended to give us a trial. ALL TAILOR -
_gff, y sea-, wife. The one thing needed to make the title may soufid. I 0 0 school witffin live minutes' wal� from the housip. .
. I
sons when. I am at leisure to ea - Every one agrees that the present is I I . Would take fifty acre% in part pay. Thisiss
_ joy Your his home cheerful was not present first class farm and parties wishing to buy 11
companionship, �6nd when you would be � ' ' an ag ' ]KADE. ,.Our stock of -Cloths are all of the newest desi,n. LL . ,
. f, dAI eof action and notone of repose, I . 13 . would do well to call and see it. Appl� on the . _ -
-at leisure to enjoy mine, if it is worth -64 I declare," he Eaid to himsel - I , POL - .
. � did not think it would be 130 10ILesome, and there is more fear of o%ierwork tian I . - . - premimes or address B.1yth Post Office. NICH. ., � . .
enjoying. Theyarethe seasons when, of laziness. Jubt - OLAS CUMING.
And can it be that SL on that account there .1 , , , . -..-- - 1189tf . .
the happiest hours of home -life might. be he feels ag I do are serious daugers which threaten the . . I
. � FOR SALE. -For eale, lot 6, ebticeesion
I ek we intend offering some Special H ,
wbpri she is here all alone? It must I)e LL his we R
passed. Come! will you not spend a " It , women of this generation, to say noth- - . . . 1, R. S., township of Tuckersmith, con. 1
so," he pursued, thoughtfully. . I�AR .
few of your evenings with me 9" . is . taining one hundred acres more or less, 97 acres
: jmt as she says.. Before -we were mar iDg Of -the Men. I address myself to . . -Bargains in I
" You see enough of me as it is," said - women, for the old saying, 11 WhOL edue �leared, 80 of which are seeded to irms, well a n. CONTAINS t10
. . r
the husband, lightly. . ried she was very happy in her child. - I qerdrained, three never'Jailing wells. on one Alum, Ammonia, Lime, Phospliateff,t
46 hood's home. Her parents loved her cates a woman educates a race," can be , . I . Pty of said lot there is a log house, frtmve barn I I on ANY UQUilcus SUBSTAMIJE.
Allow me to be the judge of that, 9 ap died physically as well a S and ,very superior orchard, and on the other a
and her brothers and sisters loved her, �
George. You would be very solitar * tVhen I was marr- ,-ood frame house and barn, stables, and srood- Z. W. G I LLET I , -
y %nd they did all they could to make her 9 "'t"lly'. orchard. The whole will be so CUICIGO, =
� ied, a quarter c f a Id together or -
here, all &.1one." comfortable." century -ago, my husband's mother in ide - FANOY DRES, S. . GOOD N each fifty'separately to suit pureba"ra, located . "f4%t11UF'A1,1TUJ1ZFl OF I
"' Not if it was my place of business, After this"he walked up and down the � the one request that I s�ould at some i . �11 . I 11 miles from Seaforth, will be sold ri3gsonable SM CETMRATED ROYAL YZUT CJM ,
as it is of yours," rammed the young room several times, . and then stopped time during the day take a nap, or i eat I I I �- . on nasy terms ag the proprietor to retiring from
man. " You are used to staying here. - awhile. She attributed her own re- farininiz. For further particulars apply to the , -
All wives belong to home." again and communed with himself,- � . i It's considered we hold the I largest and finest stock of the line west unaerfill"'gried on the premises, and if by letter to . I
. #Is 1� " I can't stand this. I shall die in a markable health to the fact that she had � SeaforthP.O. MICHAELDORSEY. 1175tf -_
Just remember, my husband, that always made ,a point of doing this. I OfToronto, and out of the lot we offer to our cust ' ' . ____ __... — .
previous to our marriage, I had pleasant week. If Emma ,,Oere only here, I think had been in the habit of doing so occa. ! � . I I omers this week I ALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. -A NOW
I could amuse ti�yvelf ver'r" well. How I I I
y . . q Good Dwelling House, wo,in part, jexu 11
soci6ty all the time.. Uf course I re. sionally, and during the firet few y(ar I V
, , *
. I t i and 14xiS, ij stroreys with kitchen 32xid and a
mained at home much of my time; but lonesome and dreary it is I And only - 0 .1 . . - - John S. Porter' .
of my nia:ried life I continued the a rt first elms celiar under all the main part. There . I
I had a father and moth' eigh& o'clock. I decl re I've a mind to - . ' - I
er there -and I though without marked success. To 121C is also a good well and clitern and youn L
walk down by'Uncle &John's, and see if f 500 yards in fancyl shades at i.) I orchard,with plen . tv of land for both garden an --- a i
had brothers and sisters there ; secure a regular nap seemed utterly i 1� . I Und and FU . ;;; I
. sh'e is there. It would be a" relief to see .-i lawn purposes, also'Cider M111.25x40, with stable
evenings % 0 1 . . " I
her face. I won't go in. i
,ere happily spent. Fin 611Y 1 possible. No 'sooner had I n ,, and wheel house attached, In first clam working � .
gave all up for you. . She sha'u't worth *20c. ture Eminoriu - ��
I lef t the old know yet that I hold out . than the calls at my door begaii-in:)re order, with good trade established, The six Aw" M, 1;
home, and sought a home with my hus. so faintly." .. constant and more imperative, &a it I I . - L - One villoge lots adjoining to and forming part of SEAFORTH, . ONTARIO, - � �
band. And no%v, have I not a right to- George Wilson took abbiher turn seemed, than At any, Other hour of the . ' . � the above mentioned will be sold sepmately or
expeot some of your compapiolaship T across the room. glanced once ino � - ' I together to suit purchaser or purchasers, afford. OUTSIDE OF THE COMBINATION. � a
re at doy. With -a growing family, cares and ing a good chance tij any one desiring to pur.
. the clock, and then took his - h6t and -1 9,
How would you like it to ba-ve me away responsibilites iucreahed, 'and as I was 11 I 250 yards in plain colors at, AINCI worth chase a good new dwelling, first claEls in e Funeral furnished o oti
ey ry eyening, while you were obliged went Out. He locked ,the door after fitr froin titron ', I , determined that ni � I ' . '. I .. . respect, or lots on which to build as the sli't't,Z and satisfaction ga I cm n the shortest n ca -
9 y '. . teed. A large assort- '
tc;eremain here alone?" bina and then'bent his at � - - 30c to 35C. - . I I tion is equal to that of atay in the village. This ment of Caskets, Coffins and Shrouds, &c.,
2 eps towards daily rest should be secured -at any sac- i property will b6 sold at a bamain as the owner Ways on hand nf the best quality. The best
"' Why, I should like it well uncle John's. It was d beautiful moon- ritice, no matter wh * , - I I I I
I . ' 0. or',what had to I . - , intends securing a farm. For full particulars of Embalming.FMid ae6d free of. charge and
enough." I light night, and the air wai keen Bud mait t6 be attended '-:ta'.,,- This decilion R.PplY to BERNNARD TH03fPSON or G, � J. prices the.lowest Fine Hearse; 11
" Ah, but you7 would not be willing to bracing. Be waii walking alopg, -with was warmly seconded by my bubbisk d, . . SUTHERLAND, both of Hensall. . S. 'T. HOLMES Funeral Director Reef-
. . 9.50 yards. in assorted colors at 2r, -worth —
try it." his eyes bent upon the'path,- when he -without whose support ull my e rts - � I I I . De ) I . , dence - GODr-uibH STREET, dfr;�tly op- -
� . I ARINI FOR SALE. -A rare chance to obtain i posite the Methodist church in
" Yes, -I would," said George, at & heard a light step approachiugl� him. He would have proved I a fine propcity,� being Lot4s.11 and 1-0, I formerly occupied by Dr. Scott.
venture. looked up, and -he could not! futiie�.' At , the 35C. 1 � F � I
l -
S -,
� .
V, 11
X t
M, rER
O"a, I
i �
lv 14(,
Igan, - -
0 =
.a and
_ �
,,.be mi8- -stated hour a biird with the significAnt . I Con^ession 13, Grey township, 11-uron Colin
44 . -
Will you remain here all the .even- taken�-aaw his wife. Rig first impulse inscription " Resting "-was hung 0*11 a . . . . � . I . containing 200 acres, 145 acres under cuittv'a: .
ings next weex, and let nie upend them was to avoid h3r, but she had recognized small book outeide my bedroorn .door. " tion, balance drafned and partly cleared, with . I
� - . the exception of 16 acresteperved for firewoo
among my female friends?" hin-6 I � . Low prices in OThmeres, Henriettas and other cloths.. We would , d,
- I Children and servants were then' 11 ti- and fence timber; so!], rich c!ay loam, rolling . __
. '
W 'd in surprise, t " is fied thatnever, except in case of anci. , se in ,
Is Certainly I ill ; I assure you I ".George," she sm. ad vi . tending buy�rs to call early and have a good choice, as we and very productive ; a conlinodious frame — I
shall Dot be so solitar as you imagine.,, this you !" I . - m . . - dweRing. large cellari with wo6dohed and other I I TTON ROOT COMPOUND. --Com ,
o C.m d Of Cotton Root, Tansy and .
y . dent, was I to be disturbed when taftt , �pd clearing the lo,t out'- they will not last long. . c9nvenlences attached ; two large barns, one , ..
With this the husband went out, and ", It is," was the response. - card was Buspend-i on the ,'^ ; 0 .7 4.1- .. I
Wag So r Is . WA. W . � � . � U I swine 8tauxing underneath, besides othei ! y .Y- —Prfpared uy an ompuy,
on among his frienda. E[e was a And you do not pass your evenings fringement of this � . dan. 1* successfully used n6i
. Z rule on the part of I out buildings; t la%e bearing orchards of ' dh4
-home?" - . BLACK AND COLORED SILKS A SPECIALTY. wo , I b thousands of women, aud bai b"A
steady, industrious man, and loved his at . . � the children involved an hoar's quiet re- choice fruita, besides iety of small fruits, prescribed in a practice of over thirty
wife truly; bat, like thou'aands of � " This is the first time 1 have been - ornamental and shade trees : 1,400 rods of
flection in bed after Aheir father's re. ' . straight rail fence, r.-cently put up,aportion Ara. Price; $1. Will be ruailed to %ny addrew -
- .
� rt of the servants, . . I 0 underdrained, watered by t . .. Doctor'a eonsul-
others, he had contracted a habit of Out, Emma, upon my word, and even turn. On the pa [ RW Highest price paid for Produce exchanae. T, Canada and UnitedStates.
, spending his evenings abroad, and now I have not beeu: absent-, f , I wo never failing tation hours, 0 to 11 and 1 4 -. Vise" of '
. rom the - their m.L4ter's ditapprobation proved a . I � wells and a spring privi e e.for stock. This es .
fann is plessantly 'situat , has an even our.
thought it no harm 'His only practical house ten minutes. I'merely. came out ' - !7 ,women treated only Sealed p,trt'e,ulars two
sufficieutcleterren't. This became our . . face and drainage facilities that cannot be stamps. Ladies on) A,Idrew- -PON�D #WLY
idea of home ae�me4 to be that it was a to take the fresh air. But. where are simple household law, as inflexible as surpassed, while the buildings command a v COMPANY, No. 3, Fi�,ho Bloc 131 Woodward
placewhiah his,wife took care of, and You going 9" - . - Medea- and the Persians. - . low Avenue, Detroit MitLig_ln, 116343
that of th . of the whole property and a large portion of ,� I .
. where he could eat, drink, and sleep, as " I am going home, . .'George. Will q Duncan �, & Duncan, Seaforth, .
Eve'n children,may be taught reepDn- � . I the' surroundinz country, adding much to the -- .—
long as he could pay for it. In, short, yon go with me?" sibility in the matter of caring for tf,eir - ! � _______� beautv of the place It is distant 4J tuiles from I .
he treated it as a sort of,private board. - "Certa' he husband. I !_ Brussels on the G. 'T..R., while Post office and I
, b6alth, and that they should be shown churalesare no, far distant, good roads. Will GODERICH � . ..
ing-house, of which his wife was Ian& She took his arm, and they walked home what a wonderful body God has giien be sold reasonable. For further particulars � .
- lady;, and if he paid all the bills, he ia silence. - � . apply to D. &.I. ROBERTSON, on the premises ' R . -
� ihem, and then made to understand how I'l t . WILLIS, SEAFORTH, or to Cranbrook P. 0. 1174tf � I I
considered his duty done. His wife had When Emma had taken off her much they may do to keep it, in g od .1 I . . ______ 8team Boiler Works. , .
. � -
.frequently asked him to stay at home - things, she eat down in hAr rocking- order. I shall never forget my sjur- x 1. . � . SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE.—For sale, .
. � .
with her, but she had never ventured chair. and gazed up at the clock. prise, on one occasion, when visitin in � Lotl9, let concession, Tuckersmitb, con- - (ESTABLISHED 1880.)
- 9 � taining 300 acr#s, nearly all cleared, well fenced
upon any argument before, and he had "You came home early to-nighi," re- an English house, at seeing a -row of - 1*1 under -drained and all seeded to grass. There is
no conception of how much she missed marked George' r "
I � a1arge brickhouse with tin roof and contain- Chrystal & Black, -
five or,s�x children lying fi--tt on their eadquarters for Boots � and Shoes. .
� him. She always seemed happy when The. young wife looked up into her backs on the floor. Their hands were . ing all niodern improvements also a larce bank
he came home, and he bupposed she huaband�g face, and, with an expression - . � I barn with stone stabling capable of accomod
Z - crossed, and they were as motionless as I I
. � - - ing 8 horses and 32 cattle, also straw house
could always be so. . half smiling�and half tearful; , . "' Manufacturers of all kinds of Station,'
Monday evening came, and George swered , I she au� marble effigies. By way of explatiatiou, I root house, btone pig pen, driving and impleo. ary, Marine, Upright& Tubular .
� the mother told me that they rested in . - ' ni,ut houses and all out buildings usually found . - . .
. "I will conieaq the truth, George; I that way every day while -lie read to immelase on a,first class farm. I
Wilson remained true to his promise.- An ' stobk suitable for fall wear at REA- The buildings are all I
I - - E PRICES. . . trood repair. - Also the adjoining farm being lo
His wife put on her bonnet and shawl, have given- up the experiment. I man. them. It is said that Gladstone��t - , U 20. containing 100 acres, ,I rly all cleared and
and he said he would remain and "keep KgBd to stand � it last evening; but I butes much of his good health to N! he , seeded to grass. There is not a foot of waste — . I I
house. " . could not bear it throug�h to.night. fact that when he has fidd any ex a Some very nice hiaes of Ladies' Axigola Boots and laud on either farm. 0:1 Lot 20 there In a good
I I What will you do while I am gone?" When I thought of you here all lone, I strain of work which involves losq . f rame house, fraine barn, two large sheds etc. I . 't Tror. .
� I a Salt Pans, Smake Stackm - �!
0 Gints' Kangaroo. . There is a good bearing orchard on each farm. Works, etc.
Emma asked. wanted to be with you'. It didn't seem sleep, he conscientiously makes tip 'o - . These farna are situated on tile Huron road one .
! Mile and a half from Seaforth, and are among Also dealers in Upright and Horizontal Slide
" Oh, I shall read, and sing, and enjoy right. I haven't enjoyed myself at all. it either beforehand or afterwards. If .
" me bat this. " ; tile best farwsln the Huron traet. TheY,A*!lIb6 Valvc Engines. Automatic Cutro,ff EnXjncv#
... be v
- 44 ,P as I often feel impelled to do, I were � I , sold cheap and on easy ,Old
myself generally I have no ho I R WILLIS
I fit Say you so ?" cried George, moving preach a crusade of health, it would � � � terms. They w specialty. All sizes of pipe ,ld �*.e -4ftin i
Very well. I shall be back in good hi . I a] ._g .
- J) � � togetber or Peparately. Apply oil the prewisef3 coustanuy on hand Estimates faroj6had .
scason. s seat to his wife's side, and takinj mloug some such line"as this. . or addrcEs, AVAL FOWLER, Seafolthp. (). short not -tee, .
. , . . . I � i I , . , CORNER OF -AIAIN AND AIARKET STREET,S1. 1193-tf lvorkd o.-pos!te G, T. AIL Station (;,,ucx�cb. .
. . �
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.1 il I
It" I
NovsMsm �
I �
The Frawix
I I _Vle ,DAV'11) V. 111DWA1
'OLD It,'
- I � . WA 'um, 01
�� __1 . - NEW
� - arming ma -V "el
. FA
� . . ilg occupation, I
I ottar Ili 11i
I - 4
I --making A 111viug it -
" I I - icate, The W&I
"_� - Intl
w �
I good practical. farm,
� , . hen he is 6,
1: a farm W,
- '_ I
, � tiow U
I � -1 - - throb, to 'plow ; in
� -
. -
- � ur With the thousat
. . - make V'
- - -which go to , 4
- �;� .To obtain the prope
I - I .who WE I work in �a I,
. __ I . 1�i�, larm is one of the gi
.. - , I JoWVer#,s-ud managei
- � ineet. One eSSCUtia
- � . � boywho works on a
. -*hall bove a 10v*e fol
I � I Ive
11 . . ,sble to tell ifttuiti
"I'll -
- is Ack, It is -a dIffil
. ,,ev.ea a man who can
�� . tie, and byglancing
to pick out the sidk
I I are well. $ame fari
I I pushing temperamej
I I some things, but wc.
. tht
,light symptoms,
an animal. A few I
- . hold -the 00'r -ion ths
. make a farmer to nu
- . � C.'rtain amount of
. zoume this is not thi
I ,how &s much pusb,
- . orderliness in farm ,
- any other kind of V
� have been thorba
� � every -class -of farm I
. DUA-Iness:
I there'is no i I
jk, mancan better dh
IU*f keenneqS of perci
raf ability to apply �
. aocom plishmenz ,of I
- . in the work of the 7
I -ture"toota man is A
� something - if he is:
1 spirtit of progress be,
ing new a I
. ad better
work. I
I In. some respects
asdcaltare4s much
wAv a tew years aig
more brxina than it �
'c",eful flarlmer. On
- man has * much Ut
, . . ;
.. ow ability; hi
t4 produce ^.great i
SaM19 number 4 4w
- ment in the manufs,
machiner I y -hat had i
� � everythin to -do �
airso .
gilt I
� _1� conditiono
- I
the beat machinery
fail as 4% farmer, the
lban m have the �
I we to ais obtained -a
in fact, the more agi
there is the greater �
,discretion needed to
. and to distriminsto
. � bad. Intelligent fal
educated .to this poii
the manufoLcovers a
# I and if it is uot fivot-I
I I -goes out of the maxi
persistently it is adi
,of our o14-f"bioned.
,ers in the early 4*yil
, , any of our -labor-i
I � wanderfully goo& ,'
great skill in getting
, *
, to market. Nevertl
will make & wise U64
� . I
tural imPlemento ..
- . work. .
�. The practical farn .
I daining book ,knowt
he , can of the writij
sgi ulturists. Jaet,
reAs andthe one `w
- I no comparison. To 1
-the window out 6f'V
lace a go�d-sized i
that was being,*Hom
- �
I � zwale, -aud general
� now an attractive v
work on agriculture -
acqualuteid would gi
� you aouldm.,%ke thal.
pieceof property. !
I I . about it - A,here is 21�
man need understa
- i,eighbor it is Aim
mau shail put to p, I
this 44 book kunwic'
I � . ahort-ai gh to & �,ftopl
I ,- .
I, I
aojc�._:' I
if u over
"I 1)
I PUG e4 years &go
Jazestio a ,,&hat -are aw
they were at the fit
. He will t ''It -y' -on th *
, n
a loss if A ..I on b
i that a fir oversto
� rm
I the pluew',for reason
. Almost �way perso,
cropping �is bad ,
I � � that -a mau without
� to be on a farm. A
good Points from ov
papers thu .
, t in reirm
.- . bas noexeuse to I)i
One fact ought to
- � � - iniuds of!our w"Itt
.. . whein at the pre*tn
. I interestea in agrica
, -
. that befo!re they p
Property � th ey thoul
. Of farmiog they p
. Is the puirobaser go
. �cattle ? Is be goiti
ranch, oi. % dairy fa
. .1 . to use his land for
1 7 1 purpose4i? -A v"f,
11 money ia.waisted b3
- want of a,well-defiz
L . to this m4ter. .1
wealthy #au, whol
.. excel in i the P,
,rnutton, irho I ou
,only to t e log __
. I
man has ipeat,tho
- ino, in -ralner-h - I
. . for'such -A pu . e.
very lighi volt, i
I L o
I I *verrun 'with rubb
. in'.
good she�p farm.,
- properlyv_._` It is -on
thing�a itt:.t&e wodd
Alairy fiarin -that in
with cle4r, fresh., u
the farm$ I manage
ferent systiemi f -
.- ., tnalre a first! n'% 01 :
- - 1"s
.� - Xnost impossible �t I
�, 10
_Ltl1(S b,
Ile dair ilarms-
�n I
corruP with Ve
tuaitited ith iron,
kind. Th9t gifte
I Ilavor, and you.
- for it, So you,eon
ataTted ; to -the il I
. you mne� be �01 ir
7 lg_
adapted. to,you P
, I . tie -man farmers bu.
. . f -arms in the wori-A
. tect to Jay ont the'
ings : aftir they - -
Rod ihe4en-ileelis"M
1. ings are all Ptop4jr
I -
,, properly itocked,
I . 100troot Smong thl