HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-11-21, Page 1I
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And Well -Made Clothina for Men
and Boys, at
- Edward M'Fau I's
. — —
, '
- —
Birchall was hanged at 8.29 o'clock
last Friday morning. 'The prisoner ate
I U good supper on Thursday night to for-
. tify himself for the last vigil. It was
I after midday when he rose and dressed
himself, and 'his first meal of the day
: was about two o'clock Thursday after-
noon. The afternoon was spent in re-
ceiving the visits of the Bishop of Hu-
ron, and the Rev. Rural Dean Wade.
I and afterwards Dr. Rice, the gaol sur-
geon, was with him for a considerable
time. At 7o'clock Birchali just finish-
, , ed supper when a carriage drove up to
I the door of the prison. It contained
I Mrs. Birchall, Mrs:. Weat-Jones and
Mr. Leetham. All three went into the
jail, bat only Mrs. Birchall climbed the .
- circular -iron stairs to her husband's cor-
: ridor. Her sister and Mr. Leetham
. went into the Governor's office to wait
. for Mrs. Birchall and did not them -
a e. -see the prisoner. At eight
o'clock, she and her companion left the
jail and returned to the hotel, leaving
I Mrs. Birchall in the corridor with the
prisoner. At 9 afelock they again went
. to the jail, dismissing the driver with
instructions to come at 10 o'clock for
. them. At I o'clock came the leave-
-taking, between Bird -hall and his- wife,
who-waa lud- out through the barred
door and down the narrow stairs. Turn-
key Forbes was present at the leave'-
. taking. Mrs. Weat-Jones had been
I waiting downatair8 for her sister, and
assisted her to the carriage. When they
alighted f rom their - carriage Mrs.
. Birchall walked up the stairs of the ho -
'tel with a firm step, and went imme-
diately to her room. ..
I 'The time during the hours after Mrs.
Birchall left the jail were passed by
- Birchall and the divint-, i -n reading the
Scriptures, praying and talking. The
turnkey took a nap while ' Mr. Wade
I . yvaa with Birchall in hig- cell.. Dur-
.- - ing the night Mr. Wade came
- - out of the cell, and Mr. Forbes,
I .who was one of Birchall's executors,
r e time with him
I I - .. talking about his temporal affairs.
; Birchall has little to leave except a
11 legacy, which he expects to fall to him
next spring. The extent of his prop -
L erty was the $1,500 he received for the
I autobiography, and $150 - he received
by his agent from - the proprietors of a
Toronto museum for the clothes he wore
,on the 17th February, and also author -
i. Jty solely to xhibit a cast 'of his head,
, bust and figure. About four o'clock
I . guard Midgeley went in to see him, the
Rural Dean passing the tix .e while he
waited in the -corridor, with a newspa-
per. Birchall gave Mir1gely a gold pen-
cil for his son, and said he had left in-
structiong to have a sword sent out f rorn
i England far the old . soldier himself.
. .
I Birchall had, early in the eveningi ask-
ed for the cook to take him up a. supper
at twelve o'clock, but it was uot after-
wards asked- for, and he ,ate nothing
. during the night. He preserved his
I ough the night.
I The hangman disguatedj7 every one by
his noisy talking in the jail during the
night. Jailer Cameron visited 'the
-jail about three ol:clock and then return-
ed to his house.
I Birchall teared that by some means a
I&I-Led confession might be worked off on
. the public after his death and to guard
. alfr,ainst this he made out this document .
: WOODSTOCK JAM, November 10, 1890.
1 If, latter my death, there, shall appear -in the
pious or in, any other manner weatgoever, any
confession that I ad any hand in the -murder of
-Mr. F. G. Benwell, or any.personal knowledge of
said murder with intent or malice afo . rethought,
or any personal connection ,with the murder on
. the laith February, orother day, or any kno,h
ledge that arly such murder ,was likely to be
committed, or any statement - further than any
that I may have made public previous to this
date. I hand this statement to the care of Mr.
George Perry, of Woodstocl , Ontario, that he
may know that any confession or partial confea-
wiojis are entirely fictitious and in no way were
ever written by aie, neither emanated from me
in any way, whatsoever to. any person, arid the
. whole. ari fictitious and without a word of
I truth, This likewise applies to my story in the
Mail, in which I have. made no confession or
partlat confession. This holds good through -
011t. (Signed). RBu. BIRCHALL.
At six O'clock the prisoners were
L ttarted at their, work by guard Midgely
Un., hour earliar than custimaxy. This
was to get them -,out of the way during
I the execution. They swept down the
corridors, cleaned out tbe-ALr .cells and
made their beds.. Birchall's - breakfast
I . was served at six o'clock. It consisted
of poached eggs, toast, ce.nued peaches,
canned raspberries and coffee. Birchall
- disposed of a couple of eggs. T'hen he
began to prepare himself for the final
. terrible ordeal. He put on a whiteflan-
- nel shirt, with Coat and vest over it, but
L 1 ,4,* bad previously asked Turnkey Forbei
to see that this was replaced after the
. execution by an orZary white shirt
I and starched collar and tie, He would
not wear a, starched collar at the execu-
tion because he said it iniaht interfere
L . With the placing of the ope. Mean -
'time, aboat half -past six and from then
dyn,, a crowd began to collect in front of
/-- I
,- ..
---- I
Uounty or ruce,is reported as telling an
altogether different story. Mr. Hunter
the jail, chiefl newspaper men from all
legs. At 8.30i the convulsions had
time conductorson this line have serious-
Frerich Cable Company, by which the
5,754 in four hours. Mr. Cook, of
Lougheed came out. A fight ensued, in . .
over Canada and- the United States, but
ceased and at 8. 35 - Dr. Chamberlain,
ly inconvenienced travellers by rashing
m*ess4ge was forwarded, who is one Gf
Trent Bridge, witnessed him perform
which Kenyon was knocked down. Ken -
including a good . many residents of
who stood with his band on the body,'
past Dumfries station. It is to be hop-
the ost expert operators in the world,
the work. This seems almost incredi-
yon jumped at Lougheed with knife in
Woodstocki. many of whom were s ub-
declared that life was extinct. There
ed they will take warning by this accid-
, and who has been in the business all his
ble, skinning nearly an average of
hand anci cut an ugly gash in the mug-
sequently 4dinitted - to constitute the
was just six minates from the drop until
ent and be more care ful about Nuding ;
life, says that this is the fastest time
twenty-four frogs per minute,—but Mr.
cle of. his right arm, narrowly escaping* I
jury to be empanelled after the death
the doctor .declared Birchall dead. A
" .
passengers at the proper st6ppino, place.
z 1 Z5
that ever was -made for that distance.
Pollock can accomplish this feat.
severing one of the main arteries. Ken-
. '
of Birchall.,
post-mortem was held by Dr. Odlum,
—An -enormous scarlet radish was
Mr. George E.'Carlisle, the ,night chief
--Mr. Peter MeCrimmon, of Loebin-
yon was arrested - and taken to Sand- .
At about &'quarter -past severr Deputy
and Coroner McLay presided at the in-
grown this year by Charles a. Feere, of
ope Ator for. ' the Canadian Pacific Rail .
var, Glengarry county, died on the 5th
wich., He is a young- -man of about
Sheriff Perry showed up and the doors
quest. Dr. Chamberlain said' the neck
Crowland, Welland county. .It weighs
wa who sent the message from Wood-
inst., after a long and distressing ill-
twenty, both lame and paralyzed, and
of the jail were opened and the crowd of
was broken. - .
six pounds and ten ounces, and measures
I _
9t oc I is one of the brightest young
ness, at 66 years of age. He bore his
comes from a good family. Ilis widow-
waiting men admitted and passed straight
two feet two inches in length and twenty
ope ators in Canada. , I
long illness with great fortitude and
ed mother and sister are bigW_1 y respect- - ,
through to the yard in which the *scaf-
All day- Thursday Birchall still. re.
- 19
inches in circumference.
Since the"McKinley tariff law.'hay
resignation. He was greatly esteemed
ed in Comber. . .
fold was erected. About a hundred
tained his nerve and was" as gay and
. —John Lowrie, clerk and treasurer of
has dropped to $5 on Wolfe Island, near
by an unusually large circle of friends,
—On Wednesday last weX the death ..
were admitted, but the number was snb-
light-hearted' as I' Lord" Somerset of a
the township of Sarnia, died suddenly
Iiin stonj while their neighbors who
1 , 0 .
and was noted for the uprightness and
was announced of Mr. Josiah Black- F
sequently increased,by about fifty. The
few years ago. He chatted pleasantly
of neuralgia of the heart on Thursday
li-ve,within a mile of them, but ,in the
integrity of bis'life. He was a promi- .
burn, of the London free Press. He
executioner appeared upon the scene at
with his guards and related many a
I .
morning last week, aged 5-1. The de-,
United States, are refusing $8 p r ton
nent member of the Presbyterian
died at Hot Springs, Arkansas, where I
- - .
twenty-five minutes before eight, rope
good anecdote that helped to while
ceased was -in town the ,preceding day
for the same. quality of hay. Nor J
church, being a deacon of his col3greg&-
he was seeking a renewal of health. I
in hand. The ,door -keeper, who stood
a;way the time. A store or mom of mes-
and seeffled,4n hisusual good spirits.
this'; confined to hay, but also applies f6j'tfon
for eleven years. He took also an
The decesiped commenced issuing the
taking tickets, was .kept busy un.
sages from cranks also served to divert
. . Typhoid -fever, of a mild form, has
-many other things, as peas, beans and
active -part in Sabbath School work.
Free Press in 1855, and in the general "
til after eight o'cloek, and then a
his attention from the fate that awaited
attacked-- a number of the students in
i '
f He was keenly interested in politics and
election's of 1858 he was a candidate on
- 0
crowd of curious ones "stood ab ut the
him on the mo rrow. One fool telegraph-
Toronto, none of the
Knox college, .
'Master E. Hicks, Victoria, met
a warm supporter of the Reform party.
the Reform side, but was defeated, and I
jail door and crowded agtiiust the bars,
ed from New York, "You are to be*
cases are considered serious. Active
-wit4 a very painful accident recently.
: —Mrs. Birchall passed a comfortable
f rom that. out he abandoned all preten-
- ut, of course, not able to see anything.
hanged on my birthday. Be a- brave
measures' are being taken to discover
, -
He Wient to blow the horn to call his
night Friday night, and next morning
sions to parliamentary honors and de-
Inside the jail a line of -tip-'staves di-
actor. " I
the cause of the ',"Outbreak.
brother to dinner, and in passing - the
was more composed than at any other
voted himself exclusively to the news-
rected the incomers to the West yard.
—Mr. W. A. Milne, teacher of tbe
ar turue and blew- it at a calf stand-
time since the execution took place.
paper business. Some,few years after- .
For half an hour a couple of hundred
, The only fear the condemned man
Quaker street school, Norwich, has been
ing ear. The animal springfng at him
She still refuses to be interviewed by
wards be joined the Conservative -party. .
people in the yard, for the crowd which
seemed -to have was that the hangman
appointed principal of the public school
pushed the horn into his mouth,- cutting
reporters. Mrs, Birchall and Mrs.
As a private citizen, hem -as highly ee-
had been able to secure admittance num.
would make a bungle of the job,
at Calgary orthwest Territory, where
his tongue and otherwise injuring his
West -Jones will remain in Woodstock
teemed by those who knew him best, for .
bered so many, stood about kicking
" He is a smart -looking fellow," said
eive a,,' lary of $900. .
he will rec'y sa.
in Ith - .
for a week or two at least, as there are
his many sterling qualities of head and .
their toes to keep away the frost that
Birchall when.he got the first glimpse
—The initial number of Onward, the
Bertram, of'Dandas, having
some business matters which have to be
-.heart, and as an editor he was an able - I .
. I
still-gliAtened on -the grass. ' The trees
of his executioner in the afternoon,
I Canadian organ of the Epworth League,
found that the Australian's exhibited
attended to before they sail for Eng-
and brilliant writer. . -
outside the Aest wall were occupied
" Yes," replied Deputy -Sheriff T6rry,
the publication of which was authorized,
theit native wines at the international.
land. It is stated that another effort
,- .
—Rev. A. Henderson, M. A., of At- .
with boys,and a' platform and partly
64 and they say that he is quite aii on-
by the Montreal Methodist General
exh bition at Edinburgh, it occurred to
will be made by Mrs. Birchall to get
. .
wood, delivered.au excellent address on .
constructed* w I all at the new county
- thusiast at the business." ::
Conference, has appeared. It is a bright
him4hat a business could .. be done by
,possession of the body, and that if she.
therecent Sunday School Convention, I A
- .
building was c - rowded with & throng of
" So I'm told," wai Birchall's cool re-
eight -page paper.
Canadians in the same line. So he went
is successful it will be interred in the
held at Brantford, on Tuesday evening, I
I -
. ,
1. -
niken. . Deputy -Sheriff Perry Was officiat-
—A pumpkin pie social was the latest
to a'merchant and got an
-order to have
Church of England cemetery in Wood-
- I
in his own church. He spoke for over -
ing actively, but the feeble old sheriff,
' After a moment's pause the man who
. . .
entertainment field in the Separate
the Pelee Island Company send two
stock. .
-an hour and a quarter, giving a brief .
. 11
arrayed in -the uniform and sword -of his
I .
had but a few hours to live went on,
school, Sarnia, and lovers of that deli-'
. . led - hearts'
barrels to see how it would suit.
Edward, Royal * Mili-
—The late Hon. David Davis wrote:
"Each every local
outline of each speaker's address at the I .
office, was in the jailor'soffice bef6rethe
But does this fellow make any mis-
cacy rega themselves t their
-- Major of the
year paper gives
convention, and, reciting every item of
execution, and followed the procession
iakes ?" . -
content. -
tary College, Kingston, speaking at- 0,
- e)
from $500 to $5,000 in free lines or the
. .
interest in connection with the three , .
out to see the hanging. . .
. " I'm told not," said the officer. 11 At
—As Mr. Nicklaus Meyer,, a farmer
chureh temperance gathering on Tues-
benefit of the -ommunity. No other
days' meeting without a scrap of paper.
. -
Dr. Chamberlain, of . the Provincial
Belleville they say he did not do a very
of Wilmot -township, was nearing the.
day evening last week, said that absti-
agency can or will do this. - The edl 'tor,
'does "more
Not many public speakers possess such .
Prisons'luspectorate Office,wa8 present,
good job, but he himself denies this."
village of Phillipsburg, about four miles
nence was a good thing for drunkards,
in proportion to his means,
a remarkable memory.
L y
and so were Dr. Me a and Dr.. Old
" Well, I hope he Will be successful
from New Hamburg, he fell from his
but his ideal land was where mild beer
I .
for his town than any other ten men,
um. Dr. Rice, the. jail surgeon, went
ith me and I g ess he will from what
wagon, -which passed over him. He
was On tap in every home, and every
and in all fairness, man with man, be
Rough Seas. -
up to Birchall's cell early in the morn.
I've heard of him.. Does he pull a lever? :i
died in an ho ur. . -
man ,And woman drank three half -pints
ought to be supported, because a local
I - The last vessels arriving at Montreal
ing and joined the Rev. Rural Dean
6 I No, he pulls a rope." i
—on Thursday of last i'veek a woman
I .
a day.
paper is the best investment a commun-
for the season report terrible hurricanes .
Wade. Birchall's friend and college
left Montreal with four young girls for
—The " Picton Times says: The
ity can make. It may not The crowded
and continued rough weather on their
chum, .Mr. Leetham, of .Montreal, went
., .
Discussing c pital punishment somb
the Staies, where they will lead an, im-
steam barge Alberta, lying at anchor at
with great facts, but financially it is
11, -
way across the Atlantic and several nar- - I'll, .... -
up to his cell at 7.45 o'clock. At 8.14
time subsequen y, with the deputy,
moral life. The police are endeavoring
Grenadier Island with a load of pressed
more of a benefit than both preacher
row escapes. Last week,the Vancouver, - -
o'clock Dr. Rice came down from the
sheriff, he seemcd to favour hanging
to check the crime, which is too preva-
hay, bound for Ogdensburgh, was tossed
and teacher. Editors do more. work for
one of the best vessels of the Dominion .
corridor and left the prisoner alone with
life imprisoninbrl' . I . 11
lent in,the city. '
over on her side by a puff of wind and
less pay than any man on earth.
Line, had its' wheel house and chart I
his friend and spiritual adviser. - Dr.
"It's like thii i, Birchall," said th'
- .
, —Buffalocanal men state that the
147 bales of hay went overboard. This
Patronize your local paper, not as char-
room swept overboard, and the captain
Chamberlain, too,- saw the prisoner dur.
good-natured deputy, "as long as tber
season,bas not been profitable, men and-
makes 213 bales of .bay that Captain
ity, but as an investment." .
and one of the officers- went over with
ing the early morning. At 8.15 o'clock,
r .
is life there is hope.,"
!1orses being ke ng for grain
C. p idle waiti
Gus Hinckley has had the misfortune to
—Much is being said, written and
them and were drowned. This week ..
the hangman, having completed the
- The doomed mat quickly caught th
in that city. The trouble is attributed
lose ov?rboard in his last three trips to
read about bad crops in Dakota, but Mr.
the Corean, of the- Allan line, has had a
DreDarations outside ca i and took
idea and his face lighted up with
' to the Chicago speculators, who I-eepr,
Joseph Hunter, of Eden Grove, in the .
narrow escapq from destruction. I A I .
from his black valike a 11, - 6ing black Prince
bright smile. " Yea, and after you ar
back the grain.
B. Attie, the Wray
. —The little son of Mr. Alex. Ames,,
Uounty or ruce,is reported as telling an
altogether different story. Mr. Hunter
Montreal despatch says: The Allan line if . -
Albert coat, and, removing his hat,
in prison for a time the true facts of th
—hdr. who owns
met with a peculiar accident on
Corean, Capt-ain Menzies arrived in-
about in the - jail bareheaded.
case will become known and you will ge
farm, adjoining Mount Pleasant Mills,
Sunday. He was on his little bicycle,
returned last week from that territory,
n '
port o Tuesday, and the officers report
: ,I )) 1, :A
"n f 1.4 A f U. I I e.; + 4- a
."A .#, +h 4 — h A . ; -f ;ft - a ;"
where he realized hundsomelv from a
I . I
Night guard Midgel6y, dressed in nis repr eve , . U& WA 7 U% AVAIA " F- w . I V M F- L Qv Q a I that one had a terrible encounter with
* -' M f . his hand. He fell off the bicycle, and farm which be has there. On it was the sea. The Corean left Liverpool on
best clothes, stood on ther gallery beside * 11 Or by rkood behavior you wi .ge Spanish mill dollar, dated 1704; also a
- I The coin must the scissors ran into his face just beside grown 4,650 bushels of wh t 700 bu h-
Birchall's corridor door. There the old out in ten, or fifteen years," remarke quarter, dated 1 24. . e& ' , a the 30th ult., having on board 185 pas- - -, -
' 8 or the eye. Both prongs ran under the elsof barle and 1,000 bushels of oats. .
soldier stood until - the deputy. have been in the ground for 60 ,year y sengers and three horses, besides, of'
THE SAD PROCESSION 11 I would not care to take chances o more. .1 skin and muscles almost into the ear, The soil is black and rich and contains a course, her officers and crew'. From - -
..passed out and down the spiral ;steps.* that. If I were guilty I would rathe —Mrs. Henry, wife of ex -Mayor but the bone was not pierced. It was a large quantity of salt which promotes Saturda . November let, until the I-Ith,
. 1.
. hang, but I'm not, and that is why pe Henry, of Napanee, died on Tuesday narrow escape. the growth of serials. Mr. Hunter is- y
At 8.23 o'clock Dr. Chamberlain,depaty . I the Corean encountered 4 succession of ' I
nheriff. Perry,'the jaileri Mr. Cameron, haps I had hoped so strongly for a co last week, while a doctor was prepar- —It is said that Welshlbard coal is as of opinion that Prohibition in Dakota is gales from southwest to northwest and I
bav;i qggoiie into the corridor the execu- ,Mutation of my sentence. The facto ing.-to examine the action of her heart. good as Pennsylvania coal and that it a success. . head seas. On the 7th, the same day as . ..
tionerwas beckoned to go up. He bad .Will come out someday about this mar. She,had just lain on a sofa when she.ex- could be laid down in OtU`w'a for 85 a —Gadbury, an Indiana business man, the Vancouver experienced such a heavy.
been wiklking I around the rotunda, in his der and then you will know that they claimed, " The Lord have mercy on us ton, whereas coal is now .selling there obtained. a decree of divorce from hia gale, the Corean lost one blade of her
s I hanged an innocent m&n." I .- : all," and expired. for $7. It is suggested that some wife two months ago, and was awarded
hand the -straps with which to secure . I propeller, and the steering gear also
Bir'chall's arms, waiting for the signal MADE T11E.DEPUTY A PRESEN7. —Old veterans to the number of 730 wealthy member of the Sons of England the custody of .their only child. .9 I
I I . Mr - broke down. On Sunday, the 9th inst.,
to go up.. He put behind his back and Before Deputy Perry left his cell have r?p?rted to G. Merrilli Belleville, should make the experiment, and it is Gadbury secured the child surreptitious- at noon, a heavy gale sprang up, and in -
partly under the skirt of his coat: the Birchall grasped him warmly by .the as having been in service in 1837-8. predicted that the .patronage of the ly and skipped to Windsor,- where she crea ,. sed with hurricane force -until nine
russet colored straps, and went up the arm and said: "'Good-bye, old man,-. Many of them speak of promisee.pf land members of the order would make, the has relatives. The father found a clue O'clock on Monds, . - The bar- ..
. - . * y morning.
stairs, A minute or two be took to will see you in the morning, but before made to them when the companies die- enterprise a success. and followed, but the Canadian law pro- ometer fell very loW,,reaching 28.70. 1
. I
strap the prisoner's arms behind his You 90 let me present you with this me[- banded. The veterans of Quebec are —Mr. John Sutton and wife of St. tected the mother. On Saturday while - The seas rose to tremendous heightsiand I
back, and then the awful march to death mento," and the murdereF drew from reporting now quii *rapidly. George, formerly of Drumbo, celebrated she was in consultation with her solicit- the steamer rolled and pitched in it ut
began at 8.25 o'clock. ` . his pocket a photo of hirpself, on whichi —A Prince Edward— county farmer, the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding ois the father and boy went out for a terly helpless. To make matters worse -
, I
First came the Rural Dean Wade, in was written in a corner. "To Job . . speaking of big carrots, gays he, bin pelf on Thanksgiving Day. Only the mem- walk and kept it up until they reached a storm of sleet and snow 'was r .
his surplice, and reading the Ch6rchdf -Perry, Esq.. Doputy Sheriff, Oxf=' has this season grown a carrot that bers of the family and a few of the im- Detroit, Mrs. Gadbury and her rela- agi%- .
I - tions are searching in vain for the miss- and the scene altogether was awe-in
England service for the dead ; behind County." On,the opposite cornerr were weigbed eight -pounds, and that ten of mediate neighbors were preiierit, with inspiring enough to make even the v -et -
him Dr. Chamberlain, followed by Mr. - the words: ""From Reginald Birchall, them together weighed 62 pounds. And the exception of Mr. E. R. drhas, of iDg boy. ' eran seamen shake their beads with ap- -
A. D.Stewart and Deputy -Sheriff. Perry. November 13, 1890." - ' . : he has also grown parsnips as large rela. Woodstock, who had the honor of -at- William Gifford, of Halifax, some prehension. The hurricane phiyed-havoo - .
I ; .
. 0 -
The prisoner came .next, deq6thly pale - WANTS'IT AUCTIONED OFF. tively as the carrots. tending the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. time ago entered into an agreement with with the Corean- Duting - its height it
but resolute. His jaws locked with the Birchall gave his wife a list.of the ar; - . Mr. W. G. Boyes and son lef t ,5utton fifty years ago. I George Thompson for the sale of his carried away a number of hatches,boats, : .
fixity of death. He came down the ticlea he required, and these were Nairn on TuesdAy last week for Port . —Mr. Peter Kemp, a well-known (Gi5drd's) wife and family for $40, 'to
] -the bridge ladder, wheel house door,
purchased at McKay & Huggart's. Natal, South Africa, where they litenid commercial traveller for the drug house take care of the children until they , i
stairs with one hand on the railing, for, , , , steam pipe casing, and parts of the rails, f
Birchall wanted a fine flannel shirt, ope r to reside in future. Mr. Boyes was in of Northrop, Lyman '& Co., Toronto, reached the age of 16 years. ,Since thell I
from his elbows down, his arms were. the chart -room windews, etc. There
free. His step was steady. The pallor in front, with a turn -down collar, f6,r business in Woodstock for the past died somewhat suddenly in Montreal a Thompdon has been living with Mrs." were three horses aboard when the I
of his face was like marble. He was the execution. There was nothing to seven or.eight years, and was highly re- fe,w days ago. He was talking on busi. Gifford and ber obildren, Everything Corean left Liverpool ; two died on the i
. .
dressed in dark colored tweed cl thes - a be bad in town to. answer thp'purpOG6, spected as & gerlial and pleasant citizen. niess with Mr. J. E. Burke, druggifit, . in went on serenely for a time, but now voyage. and the.,remaining: one was kill- - .
white flannel shirt with & black%w'at, but the firm secured one in London. After Captain'Williame, of the Dominion his -store on the previous day, when be Thompson is charged with cruelly beat' ed by a heavy sea shipped by the steam -
the collar and light patent leather shoes. the body was cut down the flannel shitt Line steamship Oregon, has been made complained of feeling indisposed, and at ing two of the children, and turning an- er. The stall in which it wis confined
iiite lin I in of the Vancouver, in succession Mr. Burke's invitation he accepted his other out of doors.- He has also made .
At the foot of the spiral staircase the was removed and a fin6,w en o v capta . . aft was dashed to pieces. On Sunday
procession reformed and his friend Mr. substituted'. Birchall ,also sent f r to Captain Lindall, who war, washed hospitality, -and went up -stairs to lie it very hot for his purchased.wife,whom night the storm was at its worst, and,
' .
Leetham walked on one side of him, a pair of black cashmere socks 3d overboard and drowned during- thb down. In a very few hours he breathed he looks upon as a- poor investment. . according to the officers, had they not
. with his day erry on a fa hionable atadd-up. collar and tie.-- Vancouver's last trip across the At- his last. Warrants have been issued for the, ate used thirty gallons of fish oil that night -
a, prehension of,the children, who will
the other. J or Cameron followed As stated, after the execution the lantic. I —Mr. Louis Rau died on Friday, 7th they could never have weathered the I
&,ivard, George P flannel 8hirt - was '- discarded, but —Carl Eugene Miller, the German inst., at his residence on the Wilmot placed in an institution. . :
them, and after'them the hangman; the - - - s ry singular career, says the terrific seas then running. The oil I I I
aged sberiff was supported -to the door Birchall thought it Would not be alto- cowboy, whose operations in Blenheim road, near Berlin, from the effect of , —A ve saved the steamer. As soon as it touch- .
- ther valueless. Holding it. 'up In the town ev. Barrie Examiner, had old Mr. Handy, -
overlooking the west yard. The march ge . A ship have become notorious, has taking Paris green about a week pr . ed the surface of the water, there was .
was slow along the corridor and corridor, he remarked jokingly, " You been sentenced by Judge Jones, of iously. He was very anxious to have whose death we announced last week tranquility around the steamer. The -
I out into the yard. On ,one side of the should call in an I auctioneer 1 ,tq-morrow Brantford, to 23 months iii the Central - his medical attendant -succeed in de- Coming from Ireland in his young daye,
. I big rolling waves would ,corne on toward
. . and see what thi ,,*ill - 4 ing ; the re- Prison on each of; three cliarges of lar- stroying its effects. It was impossible, he settled in the township of Esis about
prisoner Mr. Leatham, walked close I m, . ' however, to make a complete c . ure. Do I the brave .ship, bearing down on her
ancl held one hand in both of his ; on his porters *will make the . bidding rather ceny and false pretences, the sentences . the year 1826, but afterwards removed with threatening attitude, but aa the of -
right aide day guard Perry held Birch- brisk." , . I - 4 to run concurrently. - . ' ceased was a man of strange- combina. to Sunnidale. After a time there he ficer puts it, were repulsed and: broken
all's arm. Walking in front of him, - I —Four students of Woodstock Col ,,tions and powers. In spite of all draw- came to Barrie and built a shanty in up before doing any damage, Over
and partly backward, -the 'great burly Canada. 1: . lege have been expelledi the outcome of backs he became quite wealthy, leaving what is known as I I Boys' Block," where sixty ,gallons were used in this wise dur. .
- he has lived eve'r since. About. 1840,
Deputy Sheriff grasped Birchall's right The Ottawa Anglican c ch com- p liallowe'en prank. They belonk to" an estate worth fully $20,000. ingthevoyage. Theofficere areenthu-
h%nd. Theactors in the tragedyston- mittee on Giving,has passedlrresolution Toronto, Ottawa and Chicago. Th -e -of- ,—Britton,one of the man charged andwhilthe was still a resident of elastic over the grand effect of the oil in
' fence consisted in introef'ucing a little w g cattle in Colchester, had Essa, - he began lending money, and fol- .
ped with their charge about fifteen feet strongly condemning bazaars. . ith stealin 1. quelling the troubled water, and think
' 9 * d. deny rig. lowed this occupation down to the day .. -
from the gallows and the - solemn tones —The Rev. W. W. Carson, of King- pi into the collage building an . - his preliminary hearing before Mag of his death two weeks ago. . Although it an example that all steamers should .
of the Anglican service thrilled every- ston, has received, a unanimous call to - ing it afterwards. tratie Bartlet at Windsor on Friday last I emulate, specially at this time of the
one. Birchall's eyes had not a trace of the Jefferson aven,ue church, Detioit, —Win. Muir, aged 9, and Curry and -,was remanded for trial. 'He ad- he had accumulated the nice sum of .
the frivolity that had lightened his im- with an offer of $1P.j000 a year salary. I Morrison, 11 years old, of Windsor, mite taking the cattle, but says that he . $1.40,000, he alway,s lived in a small- Year, OVERDUE STEAMEMS ARRI . VE. . . .
. have filled their boyish minds with dime did so at the instigation of Isaac Levi, miserable hovel, pparently in abject' -
prisonment. As he stood 'listening to —The Whyte liroo., Gospel singers, #.- &me poverty. . The Sportsman, which was twenty-six . I
the low -toned priest they were fiNed on are assisting at a series ov revival ser. novel trash to such an 'extent that they who is now awaiting trial for the a days out from Hamburg, "ved t f- t -
the blue sky. - vices in Broadway Taber . nacle, Toronto skipped out'on'Tuesday last week in charge, Britton said that Todd Quick —John Shannon, of the sixteenth line, his a I
. ., cc East Zorra, was arrested Friday night ternoon with a cargo of sugar, and the .
2 I I - . nt charging him oflicers report the same awful experience
At the words." Dust to dust " in the The church is -crowded each evening oea&h of adventure," and every-tffort was at the bottom of the lawlessness I
. -1 , is to lecture in To- to find thqir whereabouts has as yet been that has for years terrorized the people last week on a warra as the Coreau, Word -from Father ,
service Birchall stepped- firmly forward H. M. Stanle , . I with. shooting George D. Damm, teacher
and took his .place under the scaffold ro.nto on' the, 0- ; inst., Mrs. Stanley - of no avail. of Colchester South. of school section No. 10. The accused Point says - the four -masted steamship
with his face to the south and turned up will accompany him and Will 6 . coupy a —Rev. R. TorraAceplD.D., of Guelph, —The town of Galt was last, week was brought to Woodstock,sud remand- Amarynthi&, of the Donaldson line, Cap.
slightly. He took Mr. Leetham's hands seat in the audience. .Public School Inspector, etc., intends to honored with the presence of & distin- . -
. .. - ed by the Police Magistrate until Fri. tain Creighton, from Glasgow for Mon, I
in his and the friends kissed each other —" The death of Sarab, the wife of leave on the 15th day of December for guished guest, and one -who holds a very .
1 7 ar - place in the affections of Can&. (lay following. Shannon was not re. treal, passed in*ard at 12.30 a. m.
UNDER THE GALLOWS. Abraham, ' ivas Rev. W. J. Clark's sub- the. Old Country and a tour -round the w in te es, -
The executioner put a strap around the ject on Sunday evening'at Park Avenue world. He will take passage from dians without distinction as to party, presented by counsel, but shortly after She came through rrible w th- I
prisoner's legs, just above his knees. Presbyterian church 'London. The Liverpool by the Empress of India, the viz., the Hon. Alex* Mackenzie, late had an interview with Ashton Fletcher, er and mountainous seas, She lost
- * Q. C., who will conduct thecase for the One Of her lamp trimmers named
The clergyman took Birchallis hand and church was cr ;ded. ' .. new Canadian Pacific steamer, to China, Premier of the Dominion. M-r. Mae- ged Macpherson, a native of Glas -
kissed him. . —James A Smith,, of the Sarnia and thence to VaPeouver. kenzie has made frequent visits to Galt, defence. The accused is a farmer,a gow. He .
' . . and expresses the great pleasure he ex- 45 - years s and lives with his father, a was washed overboard and drowned. .
. As the Dean entered upon the Lord's registry office,: has seen four registrars —All the dry goods merchants in 8 L
- that periences in coming to this good 14T very respectable and well known res,- Tremendous seas washed over the hip_ - -
Prayer, the executioner, put the black die during the time he bas been in.. Guelph have arranged to close their . durin an entire day.
office—Messrs. Gla9s7 Johnston, Sinclair - places of business every SKturday even- Scotch town. He was accompanied by dent of Zorra. The son is unmarried 9 9 No one saw the
cap over the head of the doomed ! man . . and, it is alleged, was paying his atten. unfortunate man go over or heard any
and adjusted the noose about his neck". and Proctor. - I I ing during the winter months at'nine Mrs. Mackenzie, and they were the .
' — xploded in . a o'clock, This arrangement will con- guests of Ron. Jas. Young. tions to Miss Higgerson, when Damm, SP- cries for help. Captain Creighton says: -
Birchall did not -say a word after leav- A bottle of nitric acid e . peared on the sc-ne and won her affee- "' Perhaps others may have seen- as
ing . his cell, except it might have bepn Thessalon drug store, severely burning. tiftne until April 4th, This is a good —From the Campbellford Herald we - - heavy weather at sea, but I certainly
to mutter a word to Mr. Leetham -or Mr. Culvert :on the neck, face 'and mo- ve-tbat .should be adopted by all learn that Mr. R. Pollock, of Trent tions. ,Shannon, the Crown alieges,
I I then became jealous, and attempted to never saw anything like it in all my ex
- '
Mr. Wade, when he 4ade them good- hands. It is supposed the heat of the other,cities, towns and villages. Bridge, is one of the most experienced efience." I
bye. The words "deliver us from evil" room expanded the liquid, causing,thq —4.he Canadian Pacific Railway Tele- and successful frog catchers i this pro- Ent the sehool teacher out of the way P - ' ' ,
. was the signal, and a quick pull on the bottle to burst. I I graph Company had two portable in. vince, and all his operations 1have bpen y shooting him. Shannon expressed no The AlIsn line Sarmation escaped with I
. . Wood- on the profitable side, fron-L-some of surprise when arrested, but stated that little damage. - The vessels now in port .
small rope by the executioner released —Miss Aggie Meikle, daughter of Mr" struments in the gaol yard at ' .
the immense weight. of North Duinfries, keen which he has realized largely. His he could prove by every member of the are endeavoring to get away as quick]
It fell six or eight John Meikle, i who stock on Friday, and there was a y I
inches into the ground by the force of is engaged as teacher at Westover, Bev competition between the two leading latest catch was in Lake Scugo-g, and family that he was not out of the house as possible, for fear of being caught for
proved an unprecedented success. He on the night of the tragedy. the winter. The Vancouver has been
weight, Birchall had been placed close. erly township, inet with an , accident on European cable companies in getting the . -
don. Each began operations on the 27th of Septem- —At Comber last Sunday night, a repaired, and is expected to get away
to one of the uprights, and the jerk' of Friday evening last, while on her,way news of the execution to Lon o- stabbing affr%y took place between . two to -morrow. Further news of cattle
the noose drew his body first obliquely, home, which lLkily was not as seriots company had direct connection with the ber and continued*until the 21st of Oct - young men who were attending the Sikl- losses were received here to -day. The .
and then up. The body was jerked into as it might have been. She took the cable offices at Canso, Nova Scotia, ber—about three weeks—during which
the air about five feet and fell until Canadian Pacific train for Dumfries over the Canadian Pacific " Railway , time he took from.tbe water 2023 Ibs., vation Army meeting. B b Kenyon, Straits of Magellan, from Montreal, sr.
its feet 'were within two feet. of the station and as the train ran past the sta- wires. The message that reached Lon- . which when sold netted him $500. The -. the young man who did the stabbing, rived to -day at Aberdeen,
claims that Lougheed, the victim of the the loss of 161 out of 665 head of Cattle,
ground. The drop was made at 8.29; tion Miss Meikle thouD,ht it was not go- don first occupied exactly one minute only assistance he had w%8 one moLn one I ,
- ing to stop,so . she jumped off, landing in and a quarter - in transmission from week and two men another week., Mr. knife, had torn the lining of his hat. and shippers appiar ' to be -expecting - I --
the convulsions commenced half a min I . to Pollock is also an expert in skinnin This Lougheed denied, but Kenyon was furtherlosses. This is the second serious - ,--
ute later, but they were not at all vi'lo. tw cattle guard. She was considerably Woodstock to London. It was sent a 9 bound to have satisfaction. He left the loso, the Linda of Newcastle losing 3W .
lent, more resembling heavy breathing, bruised and Ptunned from .her fall, but Dalziel's Ca1le News Agency. Mr. f rogs, -and from his own te tiniony we . e until head. . -
with slight twitching of the hands and quickly recovered. This is not the firot Austin, the American manager of the learn that he recently took the pelts off barracks and waited outaid I I-
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