HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-11-14, Page 1­-- - ----1-----,-- --- - ­­ � � � , , ­­­­ � . I -- I . � I . - — I - � I . . . I — I . I . I I � I . . - 4 I � - . — I . � -- - i - 4 . I . I . i . — . ; . I . . , - . E . . . . . I . i I i i I . 11 � i . I . Net ; I . I I t:E�L � � . 1, � ­1­ � . . I . ----- I - , I . � � . z- . i+ - . . . � I ! I I �. I I � f e . I . � I - . i 4 I � � I I . . V - I � - i . . : i I � � . I � � ! . . ! I 11 . . . I I i I I � I � I I i — ; , I I � — I � . i I I T i I � . I i f At I . I � I i � � i i I � . , i � 11 ; I I � I 1 1 - � — I ­ I I . I . . I . I � ! — — � . I . I 11 . ; - . � — . . i , — 0 ! I �, i I I I I —� I i . . I — I — . - I - . I . I . I � � i � I . I r . . . — . 4 ­ e - I . "I � : - .... : . �t& � . I I — - . 11 I I " � - � . � — f � 11 . I — — --- � � .1 � I . I I . . I � I :.---- — I I . � . I . I � .- I i I TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. I . - . . - I XPLEAN BROS. Publishersi, � - , . SEAFORTHo FRIDAY.9 NOVEMBER 14, 1890. . !@1.50 a Year, in Advance. r, . 'Ga � WHOLE'NUMBER 1,196. - : I - . I ­ , . � I I - I I . -- ---. - I . no- -- . I . -- . . ---, '_0 . . I - I � . - I I � to- - the ill-treatment of Indians by Buffalo thin a seems clear : An exceptionall tion. The change is made in Accord- the members of the Church of England services will be conducted by Rev., Mr. couple, five of whom are.-, still alive. � ' - Ino- . Bill are false. The Indians will soon good opportunity exists just now an ance with the reports of the high school bought the property, and 28 years ago Ridley, of 1, rinity church, Galt; and on The defendant sets up no marriage and I I - NOVEM B E Re d, by Rev. John Downie, of alleges that they only lived togethr.r. onl- - arri,ve here and will be sent home to will be -available till the opening of nex inspectors, and of nearly all , the high took down the factory. and made a Sunday, 23r g . . - their reservations. The Wild . West year for Can&da. to got her fcoting o school masters. A large portion. of the church of -it, and the cottage was used, Berlin. Rev. J. Edmonds is Rector of The alleged marria e took place in . . ' ew years ago, the church, and Cbas. D. Brown and 1864. 1 the ii public school trustees and teachers have as a parsonage up to a f $1 I . �. ita A FINE ASSORTMENT show is laid up in Strasburg for the . this market. The business can be pu so favored it. - . when the present fin rt C. Tye are the church wardens. -The prospects are that Montreal - - 11 winter, and Buffalo Bill will probably to a thoroughoest during the next four al I I . . 1 " . - -Liveryman flood, of Woodstock, is will be visited next season bytwo if not I L% a, OF_ engage a new force of Indians in -the months, and provided that goods of the - -The population of Ottawa; is shown built. w three large new steamers. One of these i . ;ul,a I . � ,11ILLINERY, . . spring. � � . -1 finest quality are sent, -that the utmost by the assessors to be 43,122 against -A publication issued by the Truth looking very anxiously for a fello 8 steamer 16 Labrador," � ---- �� . I I � - I � attention is paid to packing and that 42,728 last year, a gain of 394. Seeker Company, of New York, entitled whose name is supposed to be Michael will be the teel : I � TTLES . , LIMITING UP AFRICA. i ,. i -- A student building at Belfast for the Dominion . � � At AIN 7 0 is -Rev. Dr. Cochrane, BraDtford, has the Free-Thinkera' Pictorial, has been Judge ; and for this reason - . . . - Henry M. Stanley, -the exploter, has arrangements As t freight are sat , bad one of Mr.- Hood's tine. Her capacity will be 6 000 tons, . I � - -DRESSJ�S, - arrived, and is renewing his old ac-- factory, there is every pr,.-.k)ect of the received E100 from the Presbyterian seized by the collector of Customs at of the College ' . . . � � i& tto . . I . tanees, besideg preparing for a � lec- enterprise proviDg suceessfut. Canadian church in Ireland for home missions 'in Napanee, as being an immoral print. Its rigs out in the country, and on return- and she will be 400 feet long by 47 . I . SHAWLS, , qpain ing saw a man standing in the liver beam. 48he will be able to carry 800 L' lurid WOOL GOODS ture tour of ,the country. Ilehabinia-de cheese, it may then be: sonnd, has great17 Canada. purpose is to travesty and ridicule the y head of cattle, and will be fitted. with L - L - I I . I elpIly to the charges a . gainst ly helped to,prepare the Way for Can- -Upwards of 20,000 bushels of wheat Holy Writ by means ,of ludicrous en- .stable who hastened to his assistance. I � very full r. : . L . - . . rigerators for dead meat. The Allans . I .L UNDERWE.kR a I - I him concerpiD the death of his - lieu- adian eggs. � were marketed at Brandon last Fri- gravings of Bible scenes. Believing him to be one of the stable ref re at Jleii- , Made'Clothing for -NLIen tenant, Ma' a . 11 -day and 15,000 on Saturday. As high -Mr. Vogel, a timber land explorer, bands he gave him $1.50 in payment for are also building two steame I . . - ; L And Well T 0 Jor � rttelot, and claims that : ' - . ba the rig. The man put the money in his derson's yard, Glasgow, which will be I � the latter met his death fate deservedly. Dairying Reminiscences. -418 82 cents was paid. reports'that in Northwestern Manito ready next spring. They are to be call-- -- I . I I and Boys, at . L -A baker in London, Darned Bartlett. he found a 114mit" in which 150,000,000 pocket, and now Mr. flood would like to 'L, Arlongo I I I . _ . 7 1 1 He accuses Barttelot of atrocious cruel- The annual supper of the Listowel �:' I ed the I I Numidian " and the .. I I . � I . � . I (el 6 i � L - had been killed by ,square accounts with him. � 4� A nail feet of white! spruce I � I last died of lockjaw Saturday. lian.-" Both will be near)y,as lar e as I � � I ty, and the other officers of the rear Dairymen's Association was held - - - . . pierced his foot a few days Lpr-eviously, ,fire last season. Most of the bark and -Last Sunday morning when the To 9 . : Edward Wraul's guard, he says, were selfish, irresolute week. A large number of prominent I 'L, Pari 'an," andwillhave accommo- i I I . sulting in his death as above. s, besides a foot of the moss and ronto train reached Montreal there was the , In I I I I . I I . o and cowardly. Many mien, undek Bart- dairymen -and buyers from various parts M _ I D. - ; L . . L - .. - SEAFORTH. . Thieves entered the slaughterhouse vegetable deposits upon the ground, among thg passengers a small boy with dation for both passengers a d cattle . I x1s telot, were flogged to aeatb, and:over a of the Province were present. The fol- I - a black satchel. The conductor con. There is also an. addition to the Black I � 7 - I hundred of them died of starvation in, JoWing.extract from the report as it ap- of George F. Morris, London, on Friday were burne& . . I - 7 1 ;;�- - -- . — . � : re f or him- Diamond Line in the steamship "Cape I I � � I New York Letter. one place when they might have been pears in. the, Li'Rtowel Banner will be in- night and carried off four dressed -As Mr. Alex. Clark, of Embro, was aidered him too small to qa Breton�" built at Sunderland, to carry . I I � . � - � 1, I - - (Re saved. Barttelot was of a most/violent tereefing to most people engaged in the lambs. - I . going home the other night, after a self and handed him over to the police, 2,500 tons cargo. Sbe is just now bring- . I - . � Vlax Correspondence.) - : e wa� attacked by who found in his satelfel 200 Toronto r . N,Fw YoRK,,Noveniber 10th, 1890. 1 temper, and was shot dead by af. native dairying industry : - . ')) Strathroy pupils signed a petition day's tax collecting, h Railway tickets. His name was ing coal from Cape Breton., and will be � .- ., : its. - . n �e robbers, oife of whom Street � chief whose wife be was, beating and' The toast of "Our dairy industry � early ten feet in length for a holiday on two would-] ' engaged during the winter in the West - . q � � . I The attention of the public the past - Friday last, but it was refused by the seized his horse while the other tried to Henry Wande. His father is a street - - � . I I . and the India trade. -1 I � . I : I week has been., of course, centred on the kicking for disobedience. Stanley says was responded to by Mr. F. W. Fear- �. nductor in Toronto, .� o � . S ----- . I . ip&l that half the horrible truth has not been man, of Hamilton. Mr, Fearman is the Chairman ofAhe Board. pull bim-out of the buggy; but drawing railway co ways very pa I . � - , I am al rticular about i I . . election, and the subject of munic I I I Itah- -Picton, Nova Scotia, was last Satur- his revolver 'he fired two shots, frighten- boy thinking there was a brighter, � - - I � � - I told, and th'6t he has sufficieht evidence owner of the largest porkpackiDg es . � 1, � . t, ift - I i politics has overshadowed everything day visited by the worst fire experienced iog them off, Clark thinks that one of future for him in Montreal, stole big getting on the . right traiD," a well- � . I ; an ent in Canada, and gave first An I known local commercial traveller said .1 I . I to vipdicate himself in a legal ' ' it- lishm father's satchel and decamped. I I . . I else, The campaign this year has not er at the Police them was struck. ' - I . . - I � � 7 1 long one, but has been a very ' do& on'Saturday, -The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- ... , I With charges and counter -charges like interesting outline of the development for 20 years. A prison lately. I I Of courie, at city stations one o I been a Station perished with the building. -The funeral at Lon . I � . Party ties these we may well ask, do the natives of this business so closely conuectad not of the late U. A Long, was very largely 'per was observed in Knox ch . � I . - I . I I brisk.one while it lasted. 'a � W - urch,, can scarcely make a mistf�ke, but at - of Africa really need such "civilization't" with dairying.- He was probably the -Murderer D y, at Welland, has I . tr'ine -are not . . . ; have been in a great measure thrown aside . . � I bi6rs of the - oodstock (Rev. Dr. McMullen, pastor) smaller places, where a I -, � ILLINGTO1, yet lost hope that the judges in Toronto attended,' 4i3ont 80 mem ; �i I . �. oldest cheese buyer in Canada. Forty- � � � combined effort of all outsiders � EDWIN A N I ravelers' on Sabbath, 2nd inst. Preparatory ser- labelled before starting, Ws the easiest 4 � I I . and a . . only cheese trade done will decide the disputed questio.ps in his Western Ontario Commercial. T . � 1 :7 has been made to take the reins of city five years ago the fi*vor and set him free, . Association being present in a body. .vices were held on Friday, and most-dx- thing in the world 'to go wrcing. The ' 11 '-: � I -----"*'-- glandi was with American cheese. The cheese . -saw an instance of the fact . - . . � � Canadian Eggs in En . i � � . . . I government from the present rulers and ' -Seven thousand lambs ba�e been The pall-be4rers were: Col.! Lew a, J. cellent discourses were delivered by other day I . . I I . Pf of St. Lawrence County, New York, . K e Rev. Dr. Fraser, of Knox church, Ham- that many people whd� travel'yery little I . . : , : . plaae them in the hands of men pledged (By the L"don, England, correspondent . shipped from the Smith's Falls district H. Fraser, J. . Clar , W. J. Reid, - i I -. 11 I � . . The Globe.) � was the finest,then on the market and w members were re- are anxious to impress upon everyone I . - I . MUM-- to manage municipal affairs regardless , during the past two weeks at an average Geo. Robinson, Judge Elliot, Charles ilton. Sixteen ne ii I I . I I . . . Both last week and this I have had sold for 7 to 86 per pound. They were ficate and six -on pro- that they know as much about where a .. I � I ;�, of national politics. The idea is not a ice of $3.25 per head. Elliot, Ferpson and Hayward. ceived, ten by certi . a . . I . ' � on new one, for it has had its advocates at some conversation with one or two of large flat cheese. He used to go to Buf- pr_Rev. Dr. Parsonh, in Knox church, -Mr3. Large, widow of th,� murdered fession. Notwithstanding the state of train is going to as does the conductor J J . . : I nearly every ,city eleation-for many's the leading London provision dealers falo,aDd buy culls And leavings for Cana- . odatock the weather on Sunday there was a himself. A young couple, who were I a a, I � i � �lds - - 3 and 4c per pound. Toronto, last Sunday morning, held Bir- missionary to Japan, left Wo f communicants evidently on their honeymoon, were sit- ; � I , with respect to the scheme for the traDs- than market at attendance o I � ' �, 4wer year. As, far as New York goes it has fer to the British -market of the egg They were bad smelling and in the trade chall's fate up to, the younger. mem- this week , for Clifton Spring, New large tiDg in the car in which myself and ; I I 11 heretofore almost invariably met with . bers of his congregation as a solenin York, for a couple of months to recoup present. j, . I I . - therto carried on went by the name of 11 Canuck." From . -A barn and its contents, belongID some -1ithers were, - when the ticket- I I . � ry defeat, and the election on Taeaday last trade Canada has hi warning. her health. � She expects' to return to 9 i L and - - that -,on he traced the development of ' ives' about punchier came in. He looked at the I . � - � was no exception. Tammany still rules with the United States. 'The informa -Near Riga;ud, on the Montreal & Japan in July next. She is' accompan. to Mr. R. H. Snider, who I 1 L 41 . - ! i . � the Canadian trade and the factory by the, groom, and . - I the . Japanese maid .whom she rd, were de- ticket handed him ; althoughhe got badly frightened. The , tion thus gained will be found, I think, two miles from Brantfo. I I Ottawa Railway,John Boucher was hand- ied by a I I I - -1 tumble' to the fellow right � ),Me , to have some practical value. For, -system which, has e n eeined to . I L ., . r - � I .r have been ling a quantity of dyuamiteLwhen it ex- adopted when young. k a. Large's . stroyed last Monday night by fire. The - 11 I ' - . forces of the party in powe volution in the; trade and referred a :traight. I Where do you think you re . : � . I of too well discipliaed to be overcome by however remote,the prospect may be of f ul rIe uloded. He lost both arms and his eyes little 19 months' old baby can Bpeak both. loss is very heavy, ineluding i pair of i I . lave finding elsewhere and intregard to other to the fact that the finest cheese made I , volunteers recruitbd in a few weeks. . were burnt out. English and Japanese. ! prize mares, valued'at $1,000, a Suffolk going?' he said, speaking very oudly. , � 1, I wer ." I - in Canada came from the Northern or lliou, valued at $700, a bay On being told, lie continu'Od, 'I thought I .. - i Ily been disastrous to and more important commodities, profit -14r. P. Cook, veterinary surgeon at -The revival services in, the First Punch sta . � The result has usu% It just befbrewlet� did; i - ­ mare and three colts, four cows and no. Your train l,E � ; �U.E � volunteers, and the handling of the able channels for the. trade which the Listowel district. He had visited ' I � _ - LuckDow, will shortly remove to Char- -Methodist h.urcb, Stratbro�, in which of I wish you people would make a few in- : I - s 8� e ' � Ex� * . ave the palm to Capa _ 000 bushels . thirty and odd millions of city money McKinley tariff will cripple or crush, many lands but g intry on lotte, North Carolina, to attend inedi- the Mis e imBdale have assist d the several pigs ; also 1, I I -& several quirie before you get on these trains.' I . . . . F - . I a, . � . total L I I has been left to men who make politics there certainly f,eeme reason td believe da, which he called the finest edu lly to the street -car horses of that pastor during the last five weeks, closed grain, over 30 tons of hay An a � . th, a sentiment which c en he continued in a jocular way to I - I on Friday evening. Over 160 persons implements, or an estimated-, value Th . . I a. business. that in this particular- direction. a favor- the face of the ear i cit at a salary of $1,500 a year. . i . Ding exists. I elicited great applause. , He gave Borne y � L � . OUR 'NATIONAL JIORSH SHOW. able -Mr. John Oliver, a well-known and .have made confession of faith during of S5,000. Insured for $2,200 in the make the young man end his blushing � . cen - Otph'e first place, the English market particulars about the breeding and fe6d. d each of Brant Mutual. The blaze ii supposed companion change their color every � � � I � . - flee t A I The Madison Square Garden is under . In highly respected resident of Blenheim these services, and it is expecte ond by a speech which seemed to last I - I . I . kble .1 . T a'.. great transformation now on ac- can take all the eggs Canada can send. ing of hogs. The class of pork wanted township Oxford country. was stricken the Protestant churches will receive an -to hsve been incenJiary. ' � � I � � � going . , e sides I . - Ki returning to five minutes, all about their having � . - I � I of, � The demand here is on the increase .&I- is that producing good ham, wid � I i Mr. James I P! . � count of the exhibition of the National - with paralysis on Thursday last week accession of membership. -they were on the � � -1) � - 11 d although the supplies from small heads and respectively small ppr 9 ti h Columbia, made a bad start . . ­ I � are,� � Horse Association, which begins to -day ways, SDI I and lost the power of speech. -A scheme is being promoted in Chi- Woodstock from ri is . . "I I . : , - at. He instanced caseE o connect brough with him some fine tamples -of wrong track going in the opposite . � I I I ' - I i � I . 7 -, I . and I The- France and Italy and Austria, have also tion of fat- me ' t 9 1 - la.sts" until November 15th, r 'er made $600 profit on 400, -The Rev. J. W. Mitchell, of To- cago to build a ship railway t apples Rind potatoes, one - potato be direction to that they had intended the I I . I I � I steadily grown of late ,years' prices have. when a fa m Georgian Bay with Lake Ontario, --so .. . - ' d�l stage on which the Strauas and Soidl - tend- , hogs, by careful housing, cleanliness ronto, and for A number of years pastor . I � . : I Core ' from Chicag to broughtbeiDg 6J pounds in weight. first day of their married life.� No, sir, : ; . concerts were held during the summer not fallen. On the co�trary, the of the Presbyterian church at Mitchell, that grain can be sent 0 � ever above making sure which. is ! I . . . lied, - has been removed And the interior now ency is still upward. Then, in the and Attention. In reply to the toast of has received a unanimous call from the Liverpool without breaking bulk via This monster was grown by Mr. McKay, I'm rn � I I . � I rere. second place, the present is Just the 11 The Buyers" all the buyers present Presbyterian church in Thorold. I . Lakes Michigan, Superior, and Huron, of Ashcroft. This season a potato was 'my' train. " -le I I I presents a magnificently decorated oval , response'. I a The -The Sarnia, Canadian of October I � I nse apportanity for putting the matter to a I made a shorter or, longer I grown there that weighed 9 lb . ar d � i . .1. I running clear through from Madison to don, complimented -Nineteen Chinamen p ased through through Georgian Bay to Lake Ontario, Mr. Hodgson, Lon a The I . . �: a , for at tast. Montreal in bond � over the Canadian and thence to the St. Lawrence. ;pp es were of the Gloria Mundin and 29th says it has frequently rem ke � - � Fourth. Avenue, thus giving room FROM SEPTEMBER TO MARCH the factorymen on � the appearance of ing of Tompkins County varieties, upon the breezy freedom with 4hich its . . � - � , . . . rlin � . least 4,000 more'spectators. Fifty more the demand is greatest, the their factories. ' He mentioned the Pacific Railway from Boston to Van- railway would cost about $12,000,000. and one of them measured 151 inches in neighbore'across the river treat the mat- I I . � I � 11 Ira. I arena and tier boxes have been added, every year being the finest ap- c0liver last Friday. They were dressed. -A man named Wm. Gabe was found The others ranged from rimonial relation; but it has never had ; 1. I - digs, , . together with balcony seats for 3,000. supply shortest, and prices consequently Bluevale factory as . the national costume, and bad plenty drowned in the Grand River at Elora, circumference. i � I - � I all reap . up. These were grown. by occasion to remark a more peculiar case :. ,lape I fie shows are big af- highest. For instance, Sir James Hud- pointed and beat in ecte he In - . � i . . I . I The national hor . ' 11 There is no of money. Saturday Afternoon. He was Been go. 11 inches nd Mr. Colley, both old than that of Mr. Chas. Wilson, as re- i - - . tely son the senior partner in fludson knew of anywhere, oward8 his house the previous Mr. Peers a .- ' fairs, as many of our wealthiest men 0 eese made -Mr. Donald McMaster, the well- . ing t . I - I 9 Brothers, the largest firm of ;the kind in doubt," he said 11 that the ch ut' did not fI66ibb. it, and on residents of Oxford County. .. ported in the pr6ceedings last week of � . rag- are interested in them. The prizes thi, . known Queen's counsel, of Montreal, night, b I � I . London, tells me that the average price in the Listowel district is the -finest pro- of the Salvation Army- the Circuit Court in Port Huron, Mrs. . . , . 4ng . I e Was married on Wednesday of last Bear4ing his body W'ao, found in the -The members i I . . year range from $50 to $500, and th of the .fines� quality duced in Ontario, It is better than the t throughout the world are observing this Wilson was Miss Bell& Carter, of Port I i - i �ady- cNasification is as follows : Thorough- he has paid for eggs - rivee not far from -his house, Thenigh I - - I . . during the period named is Ila �er 120, London, Woodstock or Ingersoll Bee- week to Miss Ella De Ford, of Balti week as one of special self-denial. Huron, until she married Mr. Wilson in 4 � ., - t the home of the bride in that was fearfully dark, and he evidently I I . � breds, Arabs, trotters, roadsters, Clydes I re the . - 1885. In 1887 Mr. Wilson told her to i I . ; � I d ires, back- while during the summer months the tions, and this is attributable partly to more, a mi . stook the way and ,walked over the There are no particular rules, nor a . � I . ,,re ... dales, Normans, English sh is 9d � per- 120. But the climate but largely to the care of city- . I , soldiers asked to deny themselves any make a long visit to her mother in Bos- � . , � figures were 8� - bank info the river. I - I �auk, neys,. coaching stallions, horses in bar-. ' Mr, Caswell, of Inger- -There were exported from the Wan -A Muskoka lumberman recently particular thing, but members are ex- ton, gave her $200 for expenses, and 1 5 � another point to be borne in mind is manuf acture. " - i - , in I carriage horses,, tandems, four -in- bausbene consular district, for the quar- pected to judge what they can sacrifice kissed her a fond good bye. As soon as . I I ness, ntio to the fact that I � iter* � hands, cobs, ponies, horse and cab, sad- that Russia is just beginning to try to soll, drew atte n r ending September 30th, lumber stated that last spring a- dealer offered . Money saved ,she was out of town Wilson applied to i . . I I develop a trade with this market on the while some fActories in this district te - P.M dle horses, hunters and jumpers, fire en- amountiDg to $296,000 ; box shooks, him a fair price for all the lumber be- for the good of the cause same lines, -and it is obviously to the certainly pmduced the finest dhees6 it to inabil. in this way i's handed in to help carry the Circuit Court for a divorce, netting i r ql t - - i � � 10 h drunkard and .. . . - lur- gine horses and- po,lioe horaes. ' I $22,000 ; shingles, $10,000; telegrap had in stock. To -day, owing ill in on the general work of the army. At forth that his wife was a � . I I advantsge of Canada to start at least on was not all fine. When English buyers - - . . � � i I I � - Pre- I A E;iglciuE EXIII331TIOX. ititor paid the northern pri-,e for northern �oles, $6,000 ; laths, $1,000. ity to obtain cars, the lumber is at Head -Quarters, Toronto, everything bad. So str ngly did - 'Wil- : i � . �ithL l utual Benefit Asso- level terms with this new c6mpe -Mr. V,eale, superintendent of the the mill yards, the market is gone, and the temple, 0 � The " Teacher's M' e they expected the product to'be - f many of the clerks agreed to give up the son present his claims before the court ... I I - � rather than. after hera To quote. an- chee8 a received orders to the lumberman has to bear the lose o I "I . �. 1 6bb, one equal to the 8 or. 10 factories who Lre Fisheries Exhibit, ha I I IM r, elation," WE ch is composed of teachers other authority, Mr. Jubal W ;the interest in� carrying over the stock even . use of meat for the week, and several that he was granted a divorce on Sep- ! . � ain- in the public schools of this city, are ar- ay did not � all ship eight cases of Canadian fish to ; ther sacrifibee . in the eat- tember 26th, 1887. In February, 1888.. - ] , of our recognized experts on all matters Oping best work and th( n0ing if the price: a should advance to the old are making o . . i ranging for a grand fa cheese this Jamaica exhibition. He is Be ed to Port Huron � � ;are ir to be held the Mrs. Wilson return I I - � I peo second week in December. relating to dairy produce: Canada, if come up to the mark. May the samples of salmon, cod, lobsters 'and figure next season. . able line. - : I I - I The object she starts the business at this season of �ear was defective and some of such fish. ' � : -Afewdayeagda man giving his -The social'event that has keptWind- audwa-emetat the depot by ber hus. � - - is to increase the funds of the Associa- some time, band, . I factories had to concede to a reduc- ) They immediately removed to . . I ihea I 1 a upper crust talkiD for I I ' � . tion which are used to give pecuniary the year, and before Russia has got beat e -Mr. Joe. Heos, the well-known tem. name as Winters, hailing from Niagara, sor 9 of Iqenator Flint, where they continued to reside to- .. -1 - , I � tb 0 chers. Re- ahead of her, .will have a level road - be- tion i in the price. The cause of Ith perance lecturer, has published a book went to the house of Mr. Sherwell, of that of the coming marriage : I . - . aid to sick and retired tea . - a8grain to Mrs. John. Dougall, took gether as husband and wife up to Aug- � � fore her. If she delays-matter8 till say defect should be carefully looked into. . C - I � I lief is granted entitled "Out of Darkness . into Light." Oro, near Barrie, and represented him � I �, oc- to female teachers who r, she will have a Mr. Caswell'o: remarks led to a very, place Wednesday morning last week in net 15th, 1890, when Mrs. Wilson, by � : r. text spring and summe of self as an Englishman wanting to buy a ; I wish to retire after 35 years of service r . iscussion in which it is supposed to be - the experience - � � - dteep grade to pull up, I useful informal d t his bwn life. farm. He was entertained - by ',Sher- the ebapel of St. Alp,bonsus' church. the merest accident, learned that she . . . . . -, .ren and to male teachers after 40 years' ser- HINTS ABOUT PACKING.1 salesmen, makers and buyers took par Rev. Dean Wagner tied the nuptial was not Mrs. Wilsbn at all, but had . I � �e largest of -The death is announced, at the age well's family and given the son'a room. . . - . ' . . hi& . vice, The organization is th Last week the main point on which and which presented a good illustration , RY411, of Pat -is, He repaid the hospitality -accorded th knot, and the ceremony was strictly been divorced by her husband three I 11 . ,,, as its kind in the educational world, and my information laid stress wa-s the nee- of the value of such occasions to talk of 63, of Mrs. Thomas piivate. The bride is the widow of the years before. She asked for an expla- ert during its five years of existence has Re- .who, with her husband, was among the him by stealing $50 and decamping with the Senator met nation, and Wilson said that be had got � � I- i � maity for more careful packing on the matters over. Mr., S. Howard, maker I late John D)Ugall, and � - � ent fund of $50,000 i pailiest pi-ODeers of Brant county, and the booty. - " ale ou,mulated a perman her last season in Ottawa. She was an the divorce for the fun of 3 � . 1-1 . ' � . . P%rt of the Canadian shipper. It was in Gorrie factory, stated that in his case , tly esteemed by all who en- -The mill men at Obtawaare Ps a unit - the thii g ; I . . �- an contribn-ted entirely by teachers of this generally felt that this wotild in all he traced the trouble to the practice of re- was grea accordance with the that he loved Mrs. Wilson an dearly as I .� � I - in saying that the lumber season is the Episcopalian, but in I , � city. The heavy demands on the treas 'the patrons in'the joyed the pleasure of her Acquaintan'ce. ,room, who is a strict ever be did ; and he would not oppose � . Tse al e[ement in turning the whey to . worst for many years. Owing to the wishes of the g I I I lar, ury have made it necessary to increase probability prove the cruci d milk -In Marlboro township, county of oman Catholic, she espoused the latter her if she wanted the divorce set aside. . I I .uoh this permanent fund and therefore it has the whole scheme. Mr. Webb for-, in- cans. As Mr. Gray remarked. tainte , arleton, there is &musical prodigy, a depression' in the lumber trade men se- R Mrs. Wilson wants the Court 'to annul . � . � � achers' stance, was urging the vital i portance .was worse than sour and spoiled the, C five years of age., He customed to obtain employmer t in the faith. I . �felt been decided to hold a monster te of the use of only absolutely 5y' wheat whole make. Hogs were sometimes fed little boy only -Hugh Wilson, a well-known pro- the divorce, and Judge Canfield orders I . I :1 ath fair, the like of which has never been plays the most difficult music after woods there during the winter have left - Wilson to appear in court Novem- I .. I � . The most unique straw, and I knew that in one or two right beside the milk stand and the nine for other localities. Some have gone to vincial laud surveyor, died at the Ros- Mr 11 of undertaken before. 3g taint. hearing it once,', and can fender h V He be� 17th and explain. To the ordinary . 1 4 � . Mg � and important part of the fair will be quarters the impression prevailed that milk could hardly Avoid becomb a 3 . New York State,some to British Colum- sin House, Toronto, tast Friday. ; I � , ibly find' that the ,ed. If the can& were at once scalded or songs once after bearing them u g � is Canada would poss king bia, a large number went to, Manitoba, was born at Lachute, Quebec, about the Canadian mind, an explanation would :I I � i . ad the exhibit of the school children. Th � ' Is seem also t i , � - I beat she could do would be to send us .clean after the whey is emptied out, no -A man named John Bose, wo and more recently 4 large number have year 1829. His father! died when h o be very desirable from the � . . a-alhort tima ago 'young days be Court which divorced Mrs. -Wilson from 4 1 . . on a farm near London, was a child, and in his . . re- will include speciniens of the writing, was done, but the trouble was I I I a I drawing; sewing, &c., of all the child . eggs not so much for domestic conatimp- harm was getting over a fence with a pump- been sent to Michigan. used had to earn his own living. He was al- her husband in such a fashion that Mrs. ,, ,� of tion as for what I may term ,manufac- that it vvas almost impossible to havel i -A great deal of talk has b en ca . - ized ren, and will be by special permission The result of! kin, when t fell, and endeav i t - to posting of the ways studious, and learning from every- Wilson never chanced to hear anything . � I -, turing use. But the arrival oA Monday that done in every case. . Forlig 0 He of it for three years. � � - � . e the Board of Education. i don market of a trial con- a discussion on this subject by Mr., R.1 reach it he lost his balance and fell, in Ottawa by the publ, -no he could get a lesson from. I . . . � . M. ! . I I ; I I IRELAND'S ENVOYS. . on the Lon wasi breaking his ar i names of certain delinquent debtors for 0 N , I ignment has gone a long way to s6t Ballantyne, Air. Cornett and others � sums ranging from $5 to $300. Some of was a student at Rockwood Academy, 0 1 1 1 A large and distinguished delegation 11 ese could bel -Mr. Eli Ebenbeck, Respeler, one a tc see their and finally in the University of Toronto. -A correspondent of the Stratford / I I . st these doubts at rest. I Mr. Hudson tel.1s that while the beat che lug the castors of the persons who do not car . ot Iri.8h leaders arrived in this city Is . 'properly cloan4 evening lately, was fixi I He passed as a provincial land surveyor Beacen, writi;rg about the experiments 4r, . . � � me that on his attention being called to made if the cans were �taring down from every dead I J I � week and are prepari�ng to make a tour � !� a bedstead, using a sharp screw driver, names a in 1858, and became a member of the made at the Ontario Agricultural Col- � � 'I he found the eggs of after'holding whey' yet the danger of, Ave taken legal pro. i ' � ay ol the country in the interest of Ire- the consignment A when it slipped and pierced the palm ef wall in the city h board of examiners about 1867, and Fel- lege at Guelph, says: The experiment. I I this not being done in every case was so I , agency. I . I I capital quality -admirably packed, ap- . I ceedings against tho collecting at present being carried on I . I I � land and Home Rule. Tl� no factory should allow the his hand, going through the fle8hi and a their low of the Geological Society of London, at this at-&. . � Bed .e'y have come parently in the manner in which tbey great that ! I . is ha d. Nevertheless they ought to P Y land, in 1874. Mr. Wilson spent tion with lambs should be of interest to . . : � I I oil to Rddresa the American people as the t to the United States- whey to be returned in the cans. I coming through the back of h cu- just debts, Eng I .. An � have been son � in Montreal finds his oc . d representatives of the Irish, people, and -One man ighteen seasons on mining and Govern. the farmers of the country, seeing there . 1 7 . � ; g6bd condition as many con- . - -The Toronto h I : . . I I - and- in &E pation gone. Mr. Dubamel, tr arket - Sh,�- and Society en- e ' � fly.. ughts and aspirations of ' ' nt surveys an the north shores of is likely to be a trade established be- : . explain the tho - � . I - . L I I is signments of Normandy goods which Canada. I lerk recently appointed to collec; the joyed ,- �P­dk last Monday evening from me tween this country and Great Britain the latter in their struggle with the , I . c nese gtu- lakes Huron and Superior, and no one . � I K, : . . a 8 to the with fat lambs. Professor Shaw bought - reach metropolis. Ihe top pr ce for the , hokse tax, says that since the MCE inley Mr. Tc- � Ohuoj a young Jap . I do- Tory Government. The funds which 12 from a University College, n short- in Canada was better po ted a I . .1 ;6, finest eggs on offer was I Is an I Is 3d, A stranger obtained 81 Bill passed into law the horse trad; has dent at 11 they hope to coillect in this country are . e perienced Woodstock firm on a forged check. ethi g like a mineral wealth of that country than he about 540 lambs And put them on rape . i a, nof� as might be supposed,to relieve the and no great difficulty was barrels of apples have dwindled,to nothing, and that the posl- .hand in Japan. For som, about three Weeks ago, and now he has I - I I 1� e in placing a portion of this co signment -Over 5,000 � this f all. � tio is a sinec - thousand y�ars the Japanese ave had a was- - t 50 of them and taken them - . . ' �Ven q. impending- Irish. famine, but may b been shipped from T%ra I n ure. - phonetic alphabet, but it is 6)y lately -On an appeal from a Vaster's re- shorn abou . .. pe-, -used for that purpose if found necessary. at once at . . --1,1,vangelist D. L. Moody,is expected -The Wiarton fishermen are now re Jk. . port in an alimony suit before Chancel- in to begin special. feeding, intending to I - I , ' be eceived A hearty , THE VERY FAIR-FIOURE ' turning from their fishinggrounds. I The that they learned from the ericans lor Boyd on Monday of last week, a fit them for the Old Country market. I I The delegation has r on Brothers to visit Winni eg shortly. . welcome from our citizens and will be of 10.9 Per 120, Messrs. Huds p is to, be: in- J. H. Jones brought in three fish. boats the art of shorthand. Now i is being . . rather romantic story was brought to The rest of his lambs he has yet on rape f � everal cases to give -The electric system I ' I 1- of given �' grand public reception at the themselves taking s troduced into the Winnipeg street car in tow Wednesday last week, with their taught extensively to the is bjects of - and also about a score of steers which I ­ . � I I . , ' I - ' . I i the the trade a start. Assuming these con- �rge load of fish cars. the Mikado and put into pret, y general light. The parties reside in the town , . Alletr4olitan. Opera House to -night. . gangs, and also a I � - i ship of Harwich, Kent County, and the he intends stall feeding during the winter. I - I . � I . on, ditions are fulfilled i future shipments, service. of : n -Sixty Canadian cities and towns are On the whole, the past season has been use. � . From here they will proceed to Bost es, this new ,development seem a - likely . Mitchell, of i Waterloo defendant is ex -reeve of that township -A very Bad accident, ,which proved Mr,4 Chica&,St. Louis And other large citi resented at the Jamaica ipxhi-- a fairly auccIessful one with the lisher- -Rev. Mr i and said to beworth $30,000. Julian& fatal, happened to a young mannamecl - - , I , . - ear I ill sep%rate and speak therefore to turn out well, so f be rep � . . Presbyterian church, hao declined the I . . was a Spaninh girl, and was George S -itter, living on the 5th line . � on this side of the Atlantic bitioni � Men. Bartolini . after which they.w Mr, u . . . � I _ be judged she met the de- of Morningtou, son of Mi. Casper Suit- - Mr. � s of the country un . � I ; in different Bection I I n. and during this seison ot the year. - -The English farmer delegates were -The Woman's Christian Temperance call to Erskine church, Harnitton. only 15 years old when til New Year a. The delegation co . . z' ' prize in eE was a guerilla soldier in ter. He left home Saturday morning, I I . r I - A 6 - d health,with . I of u quetted at Ottawa on Tuesday Union in-Orilli offers a f ch of Mitchell gaveas his rea83n foi declining endant, who Prima facie it ought not to � . the highdat three rooms in the "'ublic that be has only been with th � Waterloo f . -�sold i " I Mexico during the mining trouble. She lot inst., in apparently goo - I sists of O'Brien and Ditlon who escaped more difficult for Canada than for night. j irious congregation a little over a 'year, and . . . "this ,heir trial for in- . � suite, has School, for an essay on 11 The In t of one of the mining en- the intention of going to Stratford. . 1 5 . ., from Ireland during t e, and -Lord Aberdeen, with his Otice'to his was a servan . . I : . I I the � ullivan, Har- Russia to get a share of the trad . . ngland, and declares effect of Alcohol on the Human Sy tem." that it would not be doing juo I by the defend- When coming home late in the evening . I . . timidation, together with S 8 especially so if the steamship'� companies safely returned toE e them now. The congre- gineers, and when askei . . I ompetition will take place At people to leav a 'a I -1 CIM-- himself amazed with the resources of The c red great. Ant to marry him professed her iguor- ' and when opposite Mr. John F rrell . rington, O'Connor and Gill, all member act up to the promises they are now � � , gation at Waterloo has prospel . . L lup- of Parliament. � I . Christmas. a ance of the marriage ceremony, but waa farm his borne in, someway got into I � offering as to the facilities they wish to Canada. - -a .. ly under the reverend gentleman's eat, , � .. -, I ritc � . . - the -NDIANS. le -Mrs. Birchalf has been ordered by -A Hayeville correspondent v ,eply attach. satisfied with his assurance that if she the ditch and upset the rig. The plung. - . I - : B(TFFAL0 13ILL'S I t Mr. I the p � � I . I - to , _100king man, over sixfeet afford. From April to Adgus rn home to England at on Saturday last Mr. R. C. Tye ad a and eople there are do An athletic I . think her father to retu' lived witb him as his wife it would -be ing of the horse in the ditch a arined � � ong h, ed Hudson, I know, is inclined. to . . � � their pastor. . - . - L � atty air, a fur -lin _ . bee and Moved the old Christ chu -ch to od to I � dent writing all right and the marriage would be the inmates of Mr. Farrell's house, and I ia height, wearipg I at the hot weather and tho distance once. i)rrespon - - . and overcoat and aq, immense sombrero, ar- th . 'He intends to make ;6 car. -A Haysville c, considered legal, This she did, and on an examination being made the horme . � � 7 -The Salvationists are complaining of his farm. I I The 'ew! Episcopal . . I I i ,ly would combine to make L t`1`e venture week says: P continued to live with him till August and rig were found in the ditch but no . . � I . are IS .t week and iromediate I % � atest pussible care their want of pollee protection in St. riage house of it. The buildin,,, was last 4 i rived in town 9 aj o, by church in Haysville wil [ be, opened for . I I risky, unless the gre last, when they separat�ed after a dis- man was seen. After some time the � � I ins, i created a sens%tibn. However, he was ess before ship- Johns!II Quebec.' � first erected some fifty years . I - 1 -14 was taken as to frealin X� - cabinet factory. Divine Service on Sunday next, 9th pute, he having called her some harsh nei hbors succeeded in getting the horse I � im- - not Bnffalo Bill,as most people thought, ' . -The Globe announced in its issue of Frank Couains, an a 0 1 . - � .� . I I � - ment and:kood arrangements made as carried on the business here for a inst. The sermons on the c asion will names, and, it is alleged, accused her any rig out. The horse died shortly � . � ­ tly bat 11 Buck " Taylor, king of the cow 6ge. In addition there is, of Wednesday last week ithat an important He c reached by the Right Re erend the ; . . old - . boys. He has been travelling with Buf- to cold store . I ge in regard to the admission Of pu- good many years and then sold t e pro- be p )p of Huron. Mr. Harry Puddi- with incest with one of her sons. Mrs. after. The body of the unfortunate . :�� . � � I � � . . . . i � : . aa I course, the possibility that the lower chanj I g -and moved away. After b left, Bisb( ofs of her man was discovered later almost buried � � � - td West Show for sevem igh schools of Ontario, perty I church, Netherton possesses no pro � I falo Bill's Wi a - h the Memoria 1. . � ­ - . .1 . i then prevailing lwould,leave but a pil into the ling combo, organist of I of prices In rriage beyond written acknowledg- in the mud and water. Life was extinct. I . I . ed on by the Department Robinson & Cole rented the b iild ; � I � � years, and, having made a snug sum I of profit I for either has been decid ondon, will preside At t e . . 11 . I retire; - He very narrow margir anufactured fanning mills for a L she in -his He leaves a wife and family and re. i . . nioney, has concluded to f E ducation. Hitherto there I have and in 9build. ments by her busVknd that . � . ,,- � 7 : . oducer or the shipp�r. These, o large the offertories will be in 'Aid 6f the A I t � 6 is . W t a show of: his own, but the pr annually ; in good many years, and carried on wife, Ten children were born to the a cted Parents.- 7 i 'pe 11 - .I ; I � .. � � . . . . -. ill not star sense questions for been two examinations - fund. On Sunday, Nove�mber 16th, : I . rth ,will probably embark in some other however, are in one future, there will be but one examina- business. Sometime after they left, ing , I I � . ; - I nt thefuture. As regards the present, one 1 1 . � . I . : I I . I � im- Imsiness, He says that the stories abo . . I I f � ­- . � � . I f � � . : . I I I I . I . F I � - . . i �$t a, . . . ; I ; I 1. I L z � - , I I � I . � . J L . rl I I L i " a L . -* . I . f ter. I . L � ; . - � , . . " I.1 I- - I . : I : � L I . I . . - ; - . . I : I - . � I ! � . - I .1 � . - � I . i . . I : . I I .1 . - . . I I . . . ; . - I I . ; I I I I I . I " - r , , L I , - L . I L . I 11 - c . . . V i . � � ; � � � � -� � . I i I � . . . � i I . I . I L - , M WA , , , i I - i � - - - - - ��,i,�,,,�-- - , I I , 'i ,- ,11 T4 , , � I It T-11, I I , I I , i 11�1 ( I I y - t I I I, I I � - I I I L . . .; -- I L I - - . . I a - . I . I I . � - . � � -1 . I . I I � . 11 � I . L - � I . � . � . I . I I . I I ... -11 � . . . . I . I � . .. I .. �� � . . . - ; - . � � . � . . . i - I . I - � - - I . . I I � ;. I � . � I . ,. I . I � . . . . I I - - � I . 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