HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-11-07, Page 5-NovkM1M 7, 16VU.
,61a England," aud men carrying lighted
- jorches. In addition to the lo,rg.e fol-
� - lowing, crowds had assembled �all along
. the line of route, and as the carriage,
I d along the occupants were repeat.
redly cheered. Flags were ,hung� from
various private houses, an'd the 'residence
- of Mrs.Bellinghara was illuminated with
colored lights. � I
I At the entrance to Walden Place a tri.
� umphal arch had been erected having on
the- front the words " Welcome' Honie.'�
, A large portion of the. crowd followed
the carria-ge, into the grounds and upon
alighting I Mr. Douglas Pelly, briefly
thanked them for their kindness, at the
,same time intimating that he wonld do
so more fully on another occasion. The
.band took up a position on the lawn and
. I under -the leadership of Mr. W. Auger
,played a. suitable selection, while &large
nur�ber of people perambulated the
groundst -which presented a pretty ap-
I pearanc% the trees * and shrubs being
- .
� � hung with colored fairy lights.
ADIANS. � . : .
9 In response to an interviewer of � the
I above paper, Mr. Pelly expressed him.
self as follows of Canada and Canadians:
The, interviewer asked: .
As to the country, Canada, what im-
. pression have you formed of it during
yourstay ? I .
I think parts of Canada are particular-
ly nicO. I have seen pretty well the
whole 6f the country, and it is not in
anyway what emigration agents would
,have -people believe. There are one or
two places which yon might say were
perfection. In the Eastern Stites and
Ontario was: the finest farming country
in the world. I
You don't think- of going out there
. I?
�Agam. . I
. I may go out to see Canada agaiu, be-
cause I have made a great many friends
ij there. Clerks engaged in London bus-
inesses going -out there can get any
amount of occupation : the pay is bet-
ter, living cheaper, hours shorter, and
- they would have & far ha,ppier existence.
I - Is it true that you have had offers
I , made to you. Did some one wish you to
� ,
BID t a hall ?
�� a ,
uh, yes (smiling). It was done simp-
__ ly as a matter of - advertisement. They
� will do anything there to make money,
which is their sole idea. I must say a
man can do very muoh worse than go
" '
overthere. With a small income -a man
can live there very weH a.nd have an en-
joyable life. After the offices are closed
the clerks are allowed to ;,smoke inside,
. I
and people there don't think of going to
business in a black coat. The people
showed me enormous kindness -in fact,
I . I never met such people for kindness.
____ I
: -
Leadbur�j- � '
, LOCAL DoiNGS.—Mr. John,McLaugh-
- : lia's sale on Thursday was quite sacce§s-
ful. � The stock were in good condition,
and were sold at a high figure. . Mr.
McLaughlin is: equally sound in politics
L and Stock raising. -Mr. Thomas Roe
got severly hurt the other day. A
ladder; which he was climbing in his
barn gave way at the base, by reason of
. which he fell a distance' of ten feet. on
. the hard floor, breaking a number of his
ribs, and otherwise injuring himself.
We are, however, pleased to say that
� he is likely to be all right again boon. -
There are some po t lot
of mangol�s, carrots and turnips, which I
still remain in the iground. and the I
I owners thereof are somewhat unhappy
in couse-tience A Snell of fine vveather
� I �
would bring every thing right yet. -It
is estimited that between 200 and 300
barrels of apples have been shipped.1
from the Leadbary 'R110 this season. I
I .
When we consider that the orchards are
mostly young, this is a, very good show-
ing for this year. -Through the gener-
o8ity of Mr J. M. Campbell, merchant
� I
of Prince Albert, your correspondent is
I �
� in re alar receipt of the ": Saskatche-
f, __ I I
Wan, 'a neat and newsy little� paper pub -
� ,
' I I
lished in one of the most fertile belts of
I ;
our western Territories.
� . I �.
- . .
Perth Items. .
I a t �
, �
-A handsome new organ has been
placed in Monkton Presbyterian church.
-Thetea-meeting at the Methodist
� I . �
church., Ca,rlingford, on Friday evening, .,
� .
%th ult., was very succesof ul and realiz-
� � , �
ed over $5b.
-The. Mlitchell tax -gatherer reports
. ; .
� I
tax money coming in much more
. �
� is is a good
promptly than. last year. Th
sign'of the times.
� ; -
-M-ra.Wilson and three children left
Atwood last week for Dakota, where
. .
� � .
. she goes to rejoin her husba ' nd, Mr.
Henry W ilgon. .
� I
-Joseph Batters and Thomas Stand-
. I
� i
eaven of Motherwell, have go e to the
I -
I �
. .7
� -
Michigan lumber woods, prepared for
� �'
;� u
I I . � ,
aign. .
the winter's camp i
:4 .
-Constable T. )�. McCarthy, of
� I
� �. -
84ratford haoxented the farm recently
� I ,�
vacoded i� Mr. Wilson on the Shakes-
, i-
. I - .
. pgare road, and has just moved thereon.
His father, the ex-ohief of
� .
I I � � I
police, took up this farm from the
1 � i-
�: �
Canada Company in 18212.
-MiaaBe88ieR%in, who left� Mother-
: .1 .
. well, over a year and a half ago to at-
; I
� .
. Z
, I
tend a ConservIstory of Music in Min-
I � ,
I . �j ;
ntapolis, is expected home in a few days.
� �
. 7
f the thirteen out of
Miss Bain is one o .
I I . ,
over one hundred studenbs who were
� �
� .
sucoessfal in obtainifig. a diploma.
. � I I
� ,
-Mr. Wm. Lou& of Tralee, has pur -
I . I
! 5
chased fifty acres on the Second conces.
� �,
I "
sion of Maryboro, the pri-.e paid being
I I � ..
, �
. -
, 'Mr. Henry Brodha,gen,
4boat $1,500.
1 1�
1 4
who has; had the place rented during the
. 3
last year has rented one hu�nd.red acres
. 1-1
. � �
4 11
,soon to
in Wellesley where he int��&
I �, .
reside. .
. I :
-A, few days ago while workmen
� � -
were engaged in levelling the newly so-
ouired grounds of the. Stratford Collegi-
I � �
ite Institute they unearthed a bed of
� .
stones blackeneal by fire, below there
I , I I . I
wew found a number of interesting In-
I ,
than relies in the shape of flint arrows
I �
I and knives.
- 'Mr. John hibson, one of Stra-tford's
. most va � lued citizens and a reaident and
; -
business man there for the past thirty
. .
yeae'R, b�as removed to Port Huron. Be-
fore leaving Suatford he was given a
I I 11
public reception by Ahe Odd Fellows,
. I
and presented with a jewel of the Ok -
I � �
der and a purse of $150.
� -F%muel Ankerman has rented his
. I
farm in the Gore - of Downie, to Hiram
� .
11ouck, and will remove to the laeigbbor
. -
hood of Hickson, East Zorra, where he
. . .
- -
. I
intends to engagein horse dealing. His
. .
sale of steak, etc., which took place a
. I
few days ago, sggrega,ted $1,915. Cows
� .
� .
_. -
%verag calves
.ted W to $55, sPaing .9
*6.25.' -
-The Stratford Beacon says: i 'The
11 .
corporation team came under the ham-
. .
Trier of Mr. D. R. McPherson, on Satur-
, I .
day, and after some spiritless bidding-
. .
. i I
Z a
� .
- -
- .. .
-__ 11 ` --
� -, I I �
-� 11 1 1 ;..
,� __
� x
, '. I t - Z
ia ��
7w- -, I
� - � 1� I .
— k � .
I - I I -
horse -flesh not liping In great d6mand-
became the prOpetty of Mr. John R.
Fraser, tailor f r his farm near Ben.
tryn. at $215.'% hanks mainly to the
pasSage ol the ... M Kinley Bill, Mr.Framer
secured an undo bted bargain. .
-The trustee-Ef School Section No.
2, Elm&, have re -engaged T. M. Wilson
until the mid -summer holidays at the �
same salary as t is year. Mr. Wilson
is a ,clever and &ular teacher. Mr. J. .
W. Ward has re'signed his position as
teacher of the El ',a and Wallace bound-
ary school. He ,�will pursue his studies
after New Yea. 'a unless something
pretty tempting is offered him in the
matter of a school. - . -
-A fire broke�out in Simpson's livery
stable, Listowel,�,a few days ago, which
caused considerable damage before it
could be subdued. Some sev6.n ;or eight
sleighs and -cutters were destroyed, also
a quantity of ha�l and the building was
pretty, badly wrecked.. The. grocery
store of Mr. Morrison, in the same
block - was flooded with water, as was
also �he room above, occupied by the
Listowel band b6ys. - � I
-The city papers of the 29bh ult:,
contains the following despatch : This
morning Mise.Lizzie Phelps, a' society
belle and heiress,, �vho lives near the city
of Binghampton,�New York state, was
married to Wm, Slattery, the family
coachman. Miss Phelps is a niece of
the late Judge Phelps. The bride is
about 27 years of age,and is worth $100,-
000. The groom is illiterate, but of
good appearance,.', and is from the county
of Perth, Ontario, . I
-On Thursday, 11vat week, Mr. Win.
Gormley, Grand Trunk R,*il%vq.y agent
at Toronto, and wife,'were en routo
from Chicago back home, and got off
the train at Strat , ford to make- a day's
stay at Mr.. James Corcoran's. On
-alighting from the cab at Mr. Corcoran's
residence, Mrs.Gormley made a misstep -
and broke one of her ankles. The antici-
pated pleasant visit was unfortunately
interrupted, and Mr. - and Mrs. Gourley
returned to Toronto Friday morning,
the lady having to be carried into the
train, a
-The St. Marys jonrnal of last week
says - Services in commemoration of the
establishment of the flourishing congre.'
gation of Knox church, were held on
Sunday, October 26th. . Sermons were
preached at. the morning and evening
Services by the Rev. J. C. Smith, B , D.,
of (4ruelph. The discourses were clear
and forcible. Mr. Smith is a true type
of the practical preacher. His sermons
evince both breadth of thought and
scholarly yeeearich, .and were delivered
in a manner at once fervent and impres-
sive. Large congregations were present
on both occasions. .
-On Tuesday, last week, Mrs. Janet
Crerar, wife of Mr. Peter Stewart, of
,North Easthopp, was called away at the.
ripe age of 68 years. Deceased was a
y I
daughter of- - the late Peter - Crerar, of
Brocksden, and came with her parents
to Canada from Glenquaich, Scotland,
in 183 ' 2 ' bhortly aft�r settling' in the
wilderness in North Easth.ope, now the
garden of Canada. The family _strug-
gled successfifily through the vicissl-'
tudes of the early settlers' times, - bat
had- the satisfaction of gaining a com-
peteirce, living:to good old age -a to reap
the reward of their industry. -
, � i
r .
On Friday November 14, at I o'clock
p. m.,thoro�ughlbred grade stock,the pro-
perty of L. Hu,nder, Usborne. Rig will
meet morning train at Exeter, A. Bis-�
hop, Auctioneer.
On Tuesday, November 18th, at.
I o'clock p. in � .. on Lot 19, Concession.
3,. McKillop, Farm Stock, Implements
and Household, Furniture, the property
of the late James Calder ; there are ten
two year old steers; W. G. Duff, auc-
tioneer. ! .
On Wednesday November l2th at one'
p. in., on Lot 26, Concession 5, L. R. S.,
Tuckersmith,Farm Stock. James' Gem -
mell, proprieto:; Thos. Brown, auction -
I , I
eer. �
Sale of Bankrupt Stock, Dry Goods,
and Tin ware, in Campbell's block, Sea -
forth, at 1-andl 7 p' m., on Saturday
November 8. Tb4.-Rrown, wictioneer.
On Saturday', No
O'clock p. in., at the Commercial hotel
Seaforth, House ana lot, and House'. -
hold . furniture.'. Wm. Dorrance, pro-
prietor; W. G. Duff, auctioneer.
. � .
Births. '
1, ERGUSON.-In Turnberry, on the 26th ult.,
the wife of Mr. Edward Ferguson, of a son.
HORNE.-In %V ' halen., on the 20th ult., the wife
of Mr. Richard Hcrne; of a daughter.
HICKS. -in Stephen, on the 24th,ult., the wife
of'Mr. John. Hicks, of a son. i _.
. Marribaes. .
BALL-DOBSON.- At the residence of the
bride's parents, on the 28bh ult., by Rev. J.
H. Dyke, b rother-in-law of the groom, as�
sisted by Rev. H. Irvine, Mr. Wifliam R. A.
I Ball, hard%ure merghatit, Heneall,'to Miss
Ale3dna Alnia, eld6st daughter.�of George
Dobson, Esq., of Tuckeremith. ' '
ARMSTRONG -SIC WART. -At t&��Vethodist
- Parsonage,on thc2Qthult.,LTRev-.J.Cas-
well, Mr. Joseph M. Armstrong, of GrcV, to
Miss Margaret Stewart, of Wallace.
MAcKENZIEMAcKEL1qZIE.-At the residence
. of the bride's mother, Lucknow, on the 22nd
ult.,-by Rev. F.A. McLennan,,'dr.Atexander
Ifac,Kenzic, of Ashfield, to Katie, daughter
of the late Murdo MacKenzie, of *e 6th
concession of Kinloss. �
PHEBLES-KEYS.-At the residence of the
bride's father,on the 22nd ult.0by Rev.James
Walker, Mr. S. Peebles, of kinto, to Ellen
H., only daughter of Mr. Win. Keys,
Stanley. I
COOK-COLOSKE .-At the resid&nce of the
groom's inother, Mrs. William C"ook on the
28th ult., by Rev. Mr. Cook, Mr. -.!Thomas
Cook, of I*nsa i, to bliss Maggio Coloakey,
of Daghwood.
TREMLE-LOADN X. -At Exeter, on the, 27th
. - ult., by Rev. 8.1 F. Robinson, Mr. Edward
Treble, of Exet r, to Miss Jennie Loadmin,
of Ha,y. T
SWEITZER-WE,114-At the residence of the
bride's father, Crediton, on the 23rd ult., by
Rev. Mr. Staebler,,Mr. John Sweitzer of
Excber, to Miss Magdalena Wein, d1ugAter
of Mr. Matthew Wein . �
SIMMONS - CRAIVFORI�. - At Port Huron,
Michigan, on the 17th September, by Rev.
Mr. Jennings, Air. John Simmons -to Alias
I-fattie Crawford, daughter of Mr. S. Craw-
LING-MATTICE.-rAt Port Huron, Michigan
'�er, by Rev. Mr. Jen -1
nings, Mr. Ben. Vmg,to-hiiss Hattie Mattice,
. formerly of Brussels. .
� . I �
Deaths. . I .
xoltRiSON.-In 4ensall, on the 24tli i�t.,
Helen Revis, (Nellie) daiaghter of Mr. Robt.
Morrison, merchant, aged 20 years. '
WILLIAMS.-In Grey, on the 26th ult., Sarah
C. Williams, aged 33 years, 4 months and 18
days. �
SMALE.-In Brussels, on the 28th ult,, Charles
Dickson, infant; son of D. & Smale, aged 10
ironths and 6 w ' eeks. ,
McKIBBON.-At Pioton,Prinee Edward County,
on the 23rd irr8t., Phillip kcKibbon� formers
ly of Wingham. '
WIGGINTON.-In boderich'townshi.p. on the
28th ult., Sarih A. Wigginton, aged 58
1 0
YeArs. I -
CALDER. --4n AlcKillop, on the 30th ult., James
I Calder,� aged 54 �Iears. . .
- �
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. �
. -
. I � THE
. .
. . . .
Local Notices. �
FOR SALE, at a bargain, the St. Julien
R.es4arank�geaforth. This restaurant is the .1
oldest, an(I'does,the largest business of the kind
In -town. 4 hiv" q-ulso for sale a Food quiet driv.
ink horse, 'a %uggy, outter, harness, robeis,
blankets, &c.—a -full driving out -fit. For
ticulars apply too the iroprietor on the prem nft'r,
A FREE - HOME.—A cOttaR8 worth
.$750 will be erected, -o.r its equivalent In cash,
will be given .to the person detecting the g at -
eat num ber of typographical en ors in the De-
cember issue of our monthly journal enti led
" OUR HOME�." Three hundred and fifty
additional cash prizes, amounting to $2,300, will
ale6be awarded in the order mentioned in rules
Foverning competition. Prizes Payable at par
in any part of Canada or the United States.
Send 15c in stamps, for.complete rules and
and sample copy of " Our Homes," which will
be Issued about Nov. 20th. Address, OuR
Hosixs PUBLISHING Co., Brockville, Canada.
forth Seed and Feed Emporium. Asthis is the
season of the year we can't sell you any seeds,
wearedetermined to be to the- front in the
flour and feed line. - Remember we can giveyou
better value in -0ileake, Pure Linseed Meal,
Horse and Cattle.8pice and other foods than
�ny one can poasibly,do-'who buys in'small quan-
'tles. To farmers a*4 others wanting Fioue -
Bran -or Shorts, we'guaiantee you those at mili
prices. Give da -a trial and we think we can con-
vince you that we have one of the be6t equipped
Seed and Feed Stores in the -County, Ourmotto
beinZ small profits and quick - returns. ROBERT
ScoTT, Willson's Block, Main Street, Seaforth.
. 1 1194
. - SNAFOILTH, November 6th, 1890
Fall Wheat per bushel........ .. 0 92 to 10 94
Spring Wheat per bushel .... .... 0 92 to 0 04
Oats per bushel......-..,....... 0 36 to 0 37
Pam per bushel .......... ...... 0 67 to 0 68
Barley per bushel ............ .. .. 0 46 to 0 48
Butter, No. 1, loose, . .. .. .. .... 0 13 to 0 '13
Butter, tub,... , * **'**' ... .. .... � 0 13 to 0 14
Eggs ................ .. .... ..... 0 16 to 0 15
Flour, per 100 VA.. .. .. ... .. .. .-. .. 2 76 to 2 75
Hay new per ton ........ ........ 6 00 to 6 00
Hides per 100 The ................ 6 00 to 6 60
Lamb Skins, each.; ........... � .,-V. 6 60 to 0 76
Pelts .............................. 0 60 to 0 76
Wool......... i ...... ..........
Potatoes per bushel ......... ***" 0,3010 085
Salt (retail) per .barrel.. .. .. 1 26 to .1 26
Wood per cord (long). . .. .. .. .. �. 2 60 ' to $00
Wood per cord. (short) .......... 1 60 to 2 '00
Apples per bag .................. 0 50 to 0 0
-Clover Seed. . ................... 3 76 to 4 00
- Timothy Seed., , z' . . .
Pork, per 100 lb� ...... ::::, *., *,.
� I
I -
- ---.*— ,
I CLwrox, November 6, 1890
Fall Wheat per bushel .......... 0 92 to '10 94
Spring Wheat per'bushel...'. .... 92.to 094
Oats per bushel...... .... .... '.
Barley per bushel ...... ......... 0.4� to 0 48.
Peas per bushel.. ......... ...... * 0 0 to 0 h 8
Butter ...... � ................... b -12 to 0 13
Eggs .............. * * * .. .... ;.;. .. 0 1510 0 15
Hay per ton..... �.,_. "... ...... 6 0040 6 00
Potatoes per bush0l,...." . - -.�... .. ' 0 30 to 0 35
Hides per 100 -lbs, ................ 6 00 to 5 50
Cordwood_ ...... - . ............. a 00 to 8 00.,
wool _�er lb._-..... -_ .. ........ - 0,17 to 0 18
Pork, per 100 ths ...... :. -... - ... 5 00 to 5 25
— 4
ToRoNTo, Nov. 6.—Fall, wheat, 84D, 96. to 10.97 ;
spring -wheat, 80,98 to $0.95 ; oats, 40 cents
to 43 cents; peas, per buili, 58 cents to
58c; barley, 60c to Ole ; hayi per ton, V.00 W
$10.60 ; butter, 20c to 21c ; potatoes, per ba -
1�0.60 to tO.65 ; eggs, per. doz., 22c to 23o 9
dressed hogs, per cwt., 16.60 to 95.60.
Dairy Markets. .
TORONTO, November 4th.—Butter—Fine dair-
ies are in active deniand at 16c to 17c, with
mbst ready sale for the finest ,Tyaliky at the ex -
treme price. Other grades neg ected. Cream -
Pry, firm ; a. car of summer odds and ends sold
for export at 20je. Quotations—Creameries,
pe � r pound runs, 20 to 24c ; dairy, good to
-choice, 16 to 17c ; dairv, mediumB, 11 to 14c -
common and store packed, 7 to 10c. Cheese—
September, 10f to 110 ; June, July and August,
9,k to 10.1c ; skians, 7 to 71c.' Eggs were steady
and in good demand, with soine sales at 21c, but
the majority at 20c.
MONTRNAL, November 4t4.—Cheese—There
seems to be no change in the general position of
the ifiarket. We quote finest Septembers and
Octobers, 91c to loo: good to fine 9 to 9ic ;
medium, 8�,c to 9c. Butter—Quiet and dull.
We quote Fall Creamery, 20 to 22c ; Fall Town-
. ships, 19c to 20c ; Western, 14c to 16c ; med-
ium, do: 11 to l2e, Eggs—We quote at NJ to
17je, for linied, and 19 to 20c for fresh.
Vvei, N. Y., November 8rd.—.The cheese
market continues Inactive and without any fea-
ture of encouragement. Transactions—Seven
lots, 736 boxes, at 8je ; 42 lots, 4,370 boxes, at
8je ; 16 lots, 1,350 boxes, at 9c ; 2 lots, 108
boxes, 9Jc ; 23 lots, ,2,065 boxes, 91c ; 12 lots,
1,045' boxes, on comunigsion ; total, 102 lots,
10,673 boxes ; ruling price, Sfc., Transactions
.same date l"t year -8,875 boxes ; ruling price,
9,1, C.
LrrTLE FALLS, N. Y., November 3rd;—Cheese
market dull. Trat)sactions-16 lots at 811c, 68
lots at 9c ; I lot at 9�c ; 1, lot at 91c. Butter -
66 packages sold at 21c to 22c, and 22 padiages
of creasnery butter,at 22o" to 23c.
Live Stock, Markets.
MONTREAL, November 4tb.—There wiLs an ac-
tive doinand for the beat Qmttle, but there were
no really good beef critters on the market to.
day.and the best butchers were very dissatisfied,
as they had to pay 4c to 41c per p9pnd for cattle
not suited to their trade,a . nd would much rather
have paid from 4 or pound for good
animals, Mr. Bickerdike tought 160 stockers
here and at the Yards, paying from 2,1 to 3.1a per
pound for them. The Montreal Meat I'Acking
Company bought a number of common cattl �
here to day payin from 2c to 3c per pound for
them. Common gry cows sold .at from $23 to
$30 each, or from 21c to 3c er pound, and some
of the leaner beasts WOM not bring over1jo
peryound, yet prices were better to -day than
for some time past. Calves were in good demand
at from $8 to $14 each. Mutton critters were
scarce to -day, and lambs were considerably.
higher In price.' Shippers continue to pay alsout
3,,",c per pound for suitable sheep, but the season
will be over in about another week, Lambs
sold at from $2.60 to 86 each, a lot of 20 superior
lambe ware sold at $4.76 each. Fat hogs are -
plentiful and sell at about 5c per pound.
19,UFFALO, 'November 4tb,—Handy butchers
stock in moderate supply and .demand ; choice
inedium cteers scarce and a trifle'higher ; choica�
heavy, $3.50 to ,84.36 -. fat �: middle weight.a, $4 15
to $4.25 ; light handy butchers' in good supj�ly
at $3.35 tp 183.60 ; stockers and feeders sold.,
falrl� ; yearling stockers, �$1.60 to $2.96 ; choice
stoo ers, e2.50 to $3.10 ; f-6edere, $2.76 tQ $3.30 ;
bulls-ir� good supply ; good cows in fair dairand;
. coirm-fon quiet ; good, $20 to $33 ; choice $30 to
83U@ ; calves dull and lower ; butterwilko.
$2.50 to 83.�5 ; veals, �5.60 to $6.25. Skeep and
lambs—Market- dull ind values declined ; mar-
ket, ened- ith li-i e ices avked. but buyers
wo4r ,W� , i
I d not deal : iderep!r fancy, eb to .95.25 ;
0oice, $4.35 to -$5<; lambs, best Canadas, ranged
. 1
$6.26. lloz.sL:�,Faic local trade, but outside de-
mands Unaited . values urchanged.
. � - �
, Buffalo Barl6y MArket.
]BUYVALO, November 3rd.—The barley market
continues strovig, and all the good barley offered
is readily taken. - Prices are quoted strong : No.
1 Canada, 94 to,95c ; extra, 9,6c ; No. 2, 90 to
9�c ; No. 3 extra, 87 to 890 ; No. 3, 84 to 86a ;
Michigau, good to choice, 19 to 91c; fair to good,
1 72 to 77c ; No., 2, Western, 77 to 78c ; No. 8
ex*a, 74 to 76c ; No. 3, 68 to 71c ; state rbix.
rowed, 90 to 91c ; two -rowed, 82 to 85c. .Only
a fpw ears 'have been reftived from Ganada
since the increased duties Were levied, and the
blullopof that in storo was what was imported
previously. .0
� Now York Egg Market,..-
Novemlier .3rd.—Eggs fIrm ; eastern firstg,
fresh 24c to 25c : western and Canadian firsts,
23 to 2*c. . I
. 0 '
—Mr. Jasper Pridham, of Mitchell, is
suffering severely from an unaccount-
able pain in the side of his head.
; I
Ry.NVilkie Colling,George Eliot,Charles RcaAe,R.
L. Stevenson, Rider llagg�rd and other famous
I authors. All - �
- For $1..00
Post paid. dsomelL Wit-
strated. The gre%test offer, ever uxtended to
the Canad,ian public. ReutitbyP. 0. order or
registered letter. .
. Agents Wanted. 1190-12
. I
�. . ., -1 I
� .
I I I . I
i . I
I :
I .- I . . I 11
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. � . IMPORTANT NO'nC �,.S � I . - - I.. Are You With Me?
STRAY STEER. —,Came into the ,,,premise of - I L I - L L I � I . I
E the tifideraigned, Lot 21, Concession 4. H. - L -1 -
It. S., Tuckergmith, about the widdle of July . � - I . - - a
. I
lut, a 2 year old red steer. The owner can have , . . .
the Same I I perty and paying Char- I
on prqvingfo
0 g W I
Sea. JAXE9 BR OT. 1 1195-4 SCHOOL BOYS. . nf Course You Areir
t- . I . .
I . I
CHESTER 'WHITE PIG.—Th6 undersigned . -
will keep during the present season on Lot - � . . .1
. I
3U, Concession 2, Tuikeramith, a Thoroughbred . I .
Chester White Pig from luirrted stock to which . . Then listen to my little stcry.
& limited numbier of sows w ,, be taken. Terms L -The rollicking, romping, live school boy needs a I
$1, payable at the time of service, with. the pri. - -1 I
vilege of returding'if necessary. JAS. CRICIL' I Suit or an Overcoat that will stand t6 ,16 wear anc MY'
L '
I . ! 1195X4 - ted'r, 7) aS Well as being heat.fitting. The boys dotl�-- . t
I I -
I I .
I . I
HESTER . *HrTE PIG.—The undersigned ing we sell has been made to stand- the test. We/ . Holiday Goods, I will, for the next - . I
C will keep kor service a 16 months'vld, Ches- have the Suits and- Overcoats in'all sizes, and guar- . fifteen days, ofer My entire stock * .
ter White Pig for service on Lot 31, Concession __ �_
9, McKillop. . This pig is from imported stock - antee them to'be the very best that can be made for � � ' -
on'both aides, and is'of the same -bred--',, as those the money we ask. , � of Watches, Clocks, 'Jewelry, I
owned by Air. Delcoursey, of Hibbert, which . . - - . � � .
have taken prizes wherever shown. ' Terms 1, ' " I Silver-plated Ware, Failey Goo&,,
payable at the time of service, with the privilege -
of returning if necessary. PETER DODDS. TAUL, SEAFORTH'. - �
I . I . . I195xS EDWARD M . Spectacles, 'Pipes, &c., at a stiH
., - I
IFIiIG FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned 4ill . L
JE keep at his place in Harpurhey,for service, . . . lower reduction. Pardes wishing
two Thoroughbred Berkshire Boars The onei Is �
an aged hog and is too well knov�n 6 need fur- . . I Solid Gold and Silver Goods for
ther mention. The young pig is from a register- I . L
� t.
ed eo4and his aged pig, and- is one of the beat . -
animals of the kind in the county. Parties com- , I . � — I Xmas presents, shoidd leave their
hig can have their choice of pigs. Terms 81 per I
sow, payable at the time of service, with the pri- . . orders at once. c �
vilege of returning if necessary. ROBT. TOR- -
RENCE, Harpurhey. 1196-8 A SEEMLY SIMILEE, . .
. . I
I .
. I
C yearling cattle, two steer@, one heifer, I �. . I
trayed or stolen. Heifer, all* red; a hole - � - I . _�_ �.� I ! I ;
8 I 1pt W. R. Oounter, �
through right ear. One steer, red, small white L
soot across forehead, short horns, red and wlifte .
gbelly, white spot on right thigh, white a ot
, right flank, lower part of tail white any a Our Stock, is Like' a Stream.- -1 THE-
�ole through left ear. Steer, red and white, red V . I I I I
airs through the white, some white on fore- . . .
bead, white strip down back of right shoulder
and along back and on rump, white around PEOPLE'S JEWELLER.,
eight flank, lower part ot tail white with red I I .
spot in it, two white Spots on left bip, small Hundreds take from it, yet it never apparently diminishes. This, . . -
hite spot on top of left hip; a hole through of. course, is because there is a never -dying spring of Supply that feeds
) it ear. Any. information leading to the re- MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH.
overy of the above animals will be thankfully the stream. I
�� .
rpeeived and liberally rewarded. WM. MUR- . -
,POCK, Brucefteld, P. 0. L 1195 tf
I CurtainS, etc., Of all mak-eSut
I � EXCELLENT Sodosluggish stocks'. -They become decayed. They are not fit for .
�ines a,nd values ' in Hosiery aiid commercial use any more than decayed meat. Finally, they are known � . 1, .
Gloves at 11OFF)LIAN & Oo's., Sea- as dead. . - . -
forth. . I . , . 8eaforth Roller Mills. I
- ______ - ___ L Constant motion keeps water in the best Condition, . �
___ - .
no . Wheat Wanted, for which� best;
Farm'el 0, Read , 'This And a constant flow- of trade keeps a stook in best condition. We have market price will be -paicL . .
. I I no dead stock, because our stock never stands still. It is always flow- - 1_�
, I Ing in and flowir�- out. I .
i � -And Prmfit Thereby. b I . I Gristing,- Chopping and Ex- -
!, I � change. .
. I Do you Appreciate the Advantacre, I
We beo, le Ive V - I WW,b I
[ GENTLETREN,_ 6 . - I I Flour and Feed of all kinds on
tb inforni you that the Seaforth Of buyino, always froin a clean, fresh stock of new goods 7 If you do, hand for sale. - .
4oller Mills, haxe been rece itly in L -
you can have that advantage by trading at the Bargain Dry Goods and- Satisfaction guaranteed in a1I - -
refitted and -improved by the a di- Clothing House. -
tion of a large quantity -of ihe 4 0 � departments of the business. . -
� . I -
1 test im machinery, NVM Give us a trial. -
.% '- g this - I L . PICKARD I I
a " mill second to . , I I
none in Canada for the produc- . ��
tion of a first-class article of Flour. Oorner Win and Market streets, Seaforth. � W. H. CODE & CO.
L � . 1194-13 -
Our, chopping stoiie, which haS a . . I - .
capacity of 2,500 lbs. per hour, � �
(ALLAN Ll * NE' ,
- JL1 JL R k* 0
cf�n depend upon getting their el op 'ON,
will be running steadily. Farn ers V1 ST OF THE SEIS ROYAL MAIL STEAMS t
ping done in a first-class man er " . -
for six Cents per 100 lbs. All _. I . CHEAP EXCURSIONS TO EUROPE.
chop will. be weighed in and out of . MONTREAL OR QUE�ECJ I
the mill. . - I New Valencia Raisinsf very fine; new Vestiza Currants, extra TO DE1>vRY OR LIVERPOOL. '
� �
:The -grisfing trade Will be in choico; new Salmon, flat tins, best in the market. Also in stock— CABIN RATES $40, $50 and. $W Single. $80, $M
L . and $110 Return, according to location of
charge of- Mr.. J. Summerville, an Cooked Corii. Beef in tins, and by the poand; Boneless Chicken, Duck .
� I Staterooms.
Obliging a . nd experienced pliller. and Turkey,;, Potted Ham, Potted Ox Tongue; Lunch Tongue,.Dun- L No CATTLE CARRIED.
INTERMEDI&TE, outward, 025; prepaid, $30. ..
Tiose whb patronize us can ,count dee Marmalade, Oriental Pickles, Curry Powder in. bulk and bottles, Steeiage at IoWest rates.
. -
OIL liberal,- honorable and cour- Spices whole and gro=d, all pure. - Apply to H. & A. ALLAIN, Montreal, or C. .
I . BETHUNE or A. STRQW04 Seaforth. -
� tdous. treatmapt. Give us a . . . - - 1 1168-62
triab and be. convinced that this is Teas in Green, Black and'Japan, from 25-c per pound upwards. _`_�'
the . beft place in this part of the I EXTRA VALUE'
. I
. I .
� countr'-to get your gristing done. In Grey Flannels at HOFFMAN &
Y I _' - Sugars, aH grades ; piices low.
Flour, Chop and all kinds of i�riitl . � Oo's., Seaforth.
feed for sale at the lowest livino, .
� � . 0 I Highest prices paid for choicei Butter, Dressed Chickerm, Ducks,
prices. Ten thousand bushels of L etc. Post Office Grocery. THE S EAFO RTH ,
Wheat wanted, for which the high- - � - . .
est markel price will be pula. Re-. I � .
member the place, near the rail � BANKING COMPANY, .
freight sbeds, formerly know 'aaYs ' J. FAIRLEY, S E AF 0 BE&- 11. �
0 - -
. -� . L ' -
the red mill. . ,�L � .- - - A General Banking business tram -
I . ,,
. .
, � -
W. H. CODE & CO.- N . actes.
, Fdrmers' notes discounted.
- ' . GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTHO Drafte bought and sold. -
YARN89 YARNS I Z . I interest allowed on deposits.
� 'Wool at - HOFFMAN & .1 I I . - SALE. NOTES discounted, or taken
Of -Pure. . I ; I
1.1.0's., Seaforth. � . . I I . for collection. I
L .
. - - � . � GOLA SHIRTINGS, GREY FLANNELS1 NAVY OFFICE --In the Commercial -Hotel -
. building. � �
� .
. lr� HOLIMTED, SoRcitor 10-6
I —
. I
I . - Desolution of Partnetship. -
I 11%d:.0111q_._.M_Y", .1
I- $1.50 TO $78 BEST VALUE IN THE TRADi IN The irrtnership heretofore subsisting be- �
, . . tween e undersigned, under tl:Le firm naine of
. BY BUYING YOUR . � . Scott qnd Crich, Seedsmen, Seaforth, has thfh
L CREAM AND WHITE LACE CURTAINS, TABLE day ba6n. dissolved by mutual consent. Tho
W � I . � business will hereafter be carried on 'by 31r-
- Robert Scott, who will pay rM claims against the
� � ALL � G8j &G, IN late firm and is authorlsed to collect all debts: I
. . RO,BMT SCOTT. 1. .
� � .
I . � . V. W. Clam. .
PAPE R . . - � I 'he late firm should be
I � N. B.—All debts due t :
. I - �, I � � -
- . ld to the undersigned 'before the 1st of .
I . A -e%-Ai U_ _QnL1in1TF_14 M T, - .
- . Window
! . I -
I . I
! Shades
: -
. L I
I i
i I
i —AT �
1P. W. PAP�78,
I �
� � I I
i - I I .
: � �
I . . . I
. �
� .
, June 30th3 1890.
I With� pleaslure I bear tuti-
� I
t � I
m6ny to the benefits received from
. �
the uce of I. V. FEAR'S A. B. C.
R6medy. - - I have no hektatio ' in
� � I q
P�onounemg it the best I luki.g rplm-
I I I - 1
edy I ever tried. I : � �
� .
I i
. �
I . . T. W. COSENSO'
I -
I .
I I I .
I � I
i �
I .. . .i� .
I ;
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: �
I .
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. . . . .
. �
I ��, � I
. �
. -
. I � THE
. .
. . . .
Local Notices. �
FOR SALE, at a bargain, the St. Julien
R.es4arank�geaforth. This restaurant is the .1
oldest, an(I'does,the largest business of the kind
In -town. 4 hiv" q-ulso for sale a Food quiet driv.
ink horse, 'a %uggy, outter, harness, robeis,
blankets, &c.—a -full driving out -fit. For
ticulars apply too the iroprietor on the prem nft'r,
A FREE - HOME.—A cOttaR8 worth
.$750 will be erected, -o.r its equivalent In cash,
will be given .to the person detecting the g at -
eat num ber of typographical en ors in the De-
cember issue of our monthly journal enti led
" OUR HOME�." Three hundred and fifty
additional cash prizes, amounting to $2,300, will
ale6be awarded in the order mentioned in rules
Foverning competition. Prizes Payable at par
in any part of Canada or the United States.
Send 15c in stamps, for.complete rules and
and sample copy of " Our Homes," which will
be Issued about Nov. 20th. Address, OuR
Hosixs PUBLISHING Co., Brockville, Canada.
forth Seed and Feed Emporium. Asthis is the
season of the year we can't sell you any seeds,
wearedetermined to be to the- front in the
flour and feed line. - Remember we can giveyou
better value in -0ileake, Pure Linseed Meal,
Horse and Cattle.8pice and other foods than
�ny one can poasibly,do-'who buys in'small quan-
'tles. To farmers a*4 others wanting Fioue -
Bran -or Shorts, we'guaiantee you those at mili
prices. Give da -a trial and we think we can con-
vince you that we have one of the be6t equipped
Seed and Feed Stores in the -County, Ourmotto
beinZ small profits and quick - returns. ROBERT
ScoTT, Willson's Block, Main Street, Seaforth.
. 1 1194
. - SNAFOILTH, November 6th, 1890
Fall Wheat per bushel........ .. 0 92 to 10 94
Spring Wheat per bushel .... .... 0 92 to 0 04
Oats per bushel......-..,....... 0 36 to 0 37
Pam per bushel .......... ...... 0 67 to 0 68
Barley per bushel ............ .. .. 0 46 to 0 48
Butter, No. 1, loose, . .. .. .. .... 0 13 to 0 '13
Butter, tub,... , * **'**' ... .. .... � 0 13 to 0 14
Eggs ................ .. .... ..... 0 16 to 0 15
Flour, per 100 VA.. .. .. ... .. .. .-. .. 2 76 to 2 75
Hay new per ton ........ ........ 6 00 to 6 00
Hides per 100 The ................ 6 00 to 6 60
Lamb Skins, each.; ........... � .,-V. 6 60 to 0 76
Pelts .............................. 0 60 to 0 76
Wool......... i ...... ..........
Potatoes per bushel ......... ***" 0,3010 085
Salt (retail) per .barrel.. .. .. 1 26 to .1 26
Wood per cord (long). . .. .. .. .. �. 2 60 ' to $00
Wood per cord. (short) .......... 1 60 to 2 '00
Apples per bag .................. 0 50 to 0 0
-Clover Seed. . ................... 3 76 to 4 00
- Timothy Seed., , z' . . .
Pork, per 100 lb� ...... ::::, *., *,.
� I
I -
- ---.*— ,
I CLwrox, November 6, 1890
Fall Wheat per bushel .......... 0 92 to '10 94
Spring Wheat per'bushel...'. .... 92.to 094
Oats per bushel...... .... .... '.
Barley per bushel ...... ......... 0.4� to 0 48.
Peas per bushel.. ......... ...... * 0 0 to 0 h 8
Butter ...... � ................... b -12 to 0 13
Eggs .............. * * * .. .... ;.;. .. 0 1510 0 15
Hay per ton..... �.,_. "... ...... 6 0040 6 00
Potatoes per bush0l,...." . - -.�... .. ' 0 30 to 0 35
Hides per 100 -lbs, ................ 6 00 to 5 50
Cordwood_ ...... - . ............. a 00 to 8 00.,
wool _�er lb._-..... -_ .. ........ - 0,17 to 0 18
Pork, per 100 ths ...... :. -... - ... 5 00 to 5 25
— 4
ToRoNTo, Nov. 6.—Fall, wheat, 84D, 96. to 10.97 ;
spring -wheat, 80,98 to $0.95 ; oats, 40 cents
to 43 cents; peas, per buili, 58 cents to
58c; barley, 60c to Ole ; hayi per ton, V.00 W
$10.60 ; butter, 20c to 21c ; potatoes, per ba -
1�0.60 to tO.65 ; eggs, per. doz., 22c to 23o 9
dressed hogs, per cwt., 16.60 to 95.60.
Dairy Markets. .
TORONTO, November 4th.—Butter—Fine dair-
ies are in active deniand at 16c to 17c, with
mbst ready sale for the finest ,Tyaliky at the ex -
treme price. Other grades neg ected. Cream -
Pry, firm ; a. car of summer odds and ends sold
for export at 20je. Quotations—Creameries,
pe � r pound runs, 20 to 24c ; dairy, good to
-choice, 16 to 17c ; dairv, mediumB, 11 to 14c -
common and store packed, 7 to 10c. Cheese—
September, 10f to 110 ; June, July and August,
9,k to 10.1c ; skians, 7 to 71c.' Eggs were steady
and in good demand, with soine sales at 21c, but
the majority at 20c.
MONTRNAL, November 4t4.—Cheese—There
seems to be no change in the general position of
the ifiarket. We quote finest Septembers and
Octobers, 91c to loo: good to fine 9 to 9ic ;
medium, 8�,c to 9c. Butter—Quiet and dull.
We quote Fall Creamery, 20 to 22c ; Fall Town-
. ships, 19c to 20c ; Western, 14c to 16c ; med-
ium, do: 11 to l2e, Eggs—We quote at NJ to
17je, for linied, and 19 to 20c for fresh.
Vvei, N. Y., November 8rd.—.The cheese
market continues Inactive and without any fea-
ture of encouragement. Transactions—Seven
lots, 736 boxes, at 8je ; 42 lots, 4,370 boxes, at
8je ; 16 lots, 1,350 boxes, at 9c ; 2 lots, 108
boxes, 9Jc ; 23 lots, ,2,065 boxes, 91c ; 12 lots,
1,045' boxes, on comunigsion ; total, 102 lots,
10,673 boxes ; ruling price, Sfc., Transactions
.same date l"t year -8,875 boxes ; ruling price,
9,1, C.
LrrTLE FALLS, N. Y., November 3rd;—Cheese
market dull. Trat)sactions-16 lots at 811c, 68
lots at 9c ; I lot at 9�c ; 1, lot at 91c. Butter -
66 packages sold at 21c to 22c, and 22 padiages
of creasnery butter,at 22o" to 23c.
Live Stock, Markets.
MONTREAL, November 4tb.—There wiLs an ac-
tive doinand for the beat Qmttle, but there were
no really good beef critters on the market to.
day.and the best butchers were very dissatisfied,
as they had to pay 4c to 41c per p9pnd for cattle
not suited to their trade,a . nd would much rather
have paid from 4 or pound for good
animals, Mr. Bickerdike tought 160 stockers
here and at the Yards, paying from 2,1 to 3.1a per
pound for them. The Montreal Meat I'Acking
Company bought a number of common cattl �
here to day payin from 2c to 3c per pound for
them. Common gry cows sold .at from $23 to
$30 each, or from 21c to 3c er pound, and some
of the leaner beasts WOM not bring over1jo
peryound, yet prices were better to -day than
for some time past. Calves were in good demand
at from $8 to $14 each. Mutton critters were
scarce to -day, and lambs were considerably.
higher In price.' Shippers continue to pay alsout
3,,",c per pound for suitable sheep, but the season
will be over in about another week, Lambs
sold at from $2.60 to 86 each, a lot of 20 superior
lambe ware sold at $4.76 each. Fat hogs are -
plentiful and sell at about 5c per pound.
19,UFFALO, 'November 4tb,—Handy butchers
stock in moderate supply and .demand ; choice
inedium cteers scarce and a trifle'higher ; choica�
heavy, $3.50 to ,84.36 -. fat �: middle weight.a, $4 15
to $4.25 ; light handy butchers' in good supj�ly
at $3.35 tp 183.60 ; stockers and feeders sold.,
falrl� ; yearling stockers, �$1.60 to $2.96 ; choice
stoo ers, e2.50 to $3.10 ; f-6edere, $2.76 tQ $3.30 ;
bulls-ir� good supply ; good cows in fair dairand;
. coirm-fon quiet ; good, $20 to $33 ; choice $30 to
83U@ ; calves dull and lower ; butterwilko.
$2.50 to 83.�5 ; veals, �5.60 to $6.25. Skeep and
lambs—Market- dull ind values declined ; mar-
ket, ened- ith li-i e ices avked. but buyers
wo4r ,W� , i
I d not deal : iderep!r fancy, eb to .95.25 ;
0oice, $4.35 to -$5<; lambs, best Canadas, ranged
. 1
$6.26. lloz.sL:�,Faic local trade, but outside de-
mands Unaited . values urchanged.
. � - �
, Buffalo Barl6y MArket.
]BUYVALO, November 3rd.—The barley market
continues strovig, and all the good barley offered
is readily taken. - Prices are quoted strong : No.
1 Canada, 94 to,95c ; extra, 9,6c ; No. 2, 90 to
9�c ; No. 3 extra, 87 to 890 ; No. 3, 84 to 86a ;
Michigau, good to choice, 19 to 91c; fair to good,
1 72 to 77c ; No., 2, Western, 77 to 78c ; No. 8
ex*a, 74 to 76c ; No. 3, 68 to 71c ; state rbix.
rowed, 90 to 91c ; two -rowed, 82 to 85c. .Only
a fpw ears 'have been reftived from Ganada
since the increased duties Were levied, and the
blullopof that in storo was what was imported
previously. .0
� Now York Egg Market,..-
Novemlier .3rd.—Eggs fIrm ; eastern firstg,
fresh 24c to 25c : western and Canadian firsts,
23 to 2*c. . I
. 0 '
—Mr. Jasper Pridham, of Mitchell, is
suffering severely from an unaccount-
able pain in the side of his head.
; I
Ry.NVilkie Colling,George Eliot,Charles RcaAe,R.
L. Stevenson, Rider llagg�rd and other famous
I authors. All - �
- For $1..00
Post paid. dsomelL Wit-
strated. The gre%test offer, ever uxtended to
the Canad,ian public. ReutitbyP. 0. order or
registered letter. .
. Agents Wanted. 1190-12
. I
�. . ., -1 I
� .
I I I . I
i . I
I :
I .- I . . I 11
� I .
. ; I
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P - - ,
. � . IMPORTANT NO'nC �,.S � I . - - I.. Are You With Me?
STRAY STEER. —,Came into the ,,,premise of - I L I - L L I � I . I
E the tifideraigned, Lot 21, Concession 4. H. - L -1 -
It. S., Tuckergmith, about the widdle of July . � - I . - - a
. I
lut, a 2 year old red steer. The owner can have , . . .
the Same I I perty and paying Char- I
on prqvingfo
0 g W I
Sea. JAXE9 BR OT. 1 1195-4 SCHOOL BOYS. . nf Course You Areir
t- . I . .
I . I
CHESTER 'WHITE PIG.—Th6 undersigned . -
will keep during the present season on Lot - � . . .1
. I
3U, Concession 2, Tuikeramith, a Thoroughbred . I .
Chester White Pig from luirrted stock to which . . Then listen to my little stcry.
& limited numbier of sows w ,, be taken. Terms L -The rollicking, romping, live school boy needs a I
$1, payable at the time of service, with. the pri. - -1 I
vilege of returding'if necessary. JAS. CRICIL' I Suit or an Overcoat that will stand t6 ,16 wear anc MY'
L '
I . ! 1195X4 - ted'r, 7) aS Well as being heat.fitting. The boys dotl�-- . t
I I -
I I .
I . I
HESTER . *HrTE PIG.—The undersigned ing we sell has been made to stand- the test. We/ . Holiday Goods, I will, for the next - . I
C will keep kor service a 16 months'vld, Ches- have the Suits and- Overcoats in'all sizes, and guar- . fifteen days, ofer My entire stock * .
ter White Pig for service on Lot 31, Concession __ �_
9, McKillop. . This pig is from imported stock - antee them to'be the very best that can be made for � � ' -
on'both aides, and is'of the same -bred--',, as those the money we ask. , � of Watches, Clocks, 'Jewelry, I
owned by Air. Delcoursey, of Hibbert, which . . - - . � � .
have taken prizes wherever shown. ' Terms 1, ' " I Silver-plated Ware, Failey Goo&,,
payable at the time of service, with the privilege -
of returning if necessary. PETER DODDS. TAUL, SEAFORTH'. - �
I . I . . I195xS EDWARD M . Spectacles, 'Pipes, &c., at a stiH
., - I
IFIiIG FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned 4ill . L
JE keep at his place in Harpurhey,for service, . . . lower reduction. Pardes wishing
two Thoroughbred Berkshire Boars The onei Is �
an aged hog and is too well knov�n 6 need fur- . . I Solid Gold and Silver Goods for
ther mention. The young pig is from a register- I . L
� t.
ed eo4and his aged pig, and- is one of the beat . -
animals of the kind in the county. Parties com- , I . � — I Xmas presents, shoidd leave their
hig can have their choice of pigs. Terms 81 per I
sow, payable at the time of service, with the pri- . . orders at once. c �
vilege of returning if necessary. ROBT. TOR- -
RENCE, Harpurhey. 1196-8 A SEEMLY SIMILEE, . .
. . I
I .
. I
C yearling cattle, two steer@, one heifer, I �. . I
trayed or stolen. Heifer, all* red; a hole - � - I . _�_ �.� I ! I ;
8 I 1pt W. R. Oounter, �
through right ear. One steer, red, small white L
soot across forehead, short horns, red and wlifte .
gbelly, white spot on right thigh, white a ot
, right flank, lower part of tail white any a Our Stock, is Like' a Stream.- -1 THE-
�ole through left ear. Steer, red and white, red V . I I I I
airs through the white, some white on fore- . . .
bead, white strip down back of right shoulder
and along back and on rump, white around PEOPLE'S JEWELLER.,
eight flank, lower part ot tail white with red I I .
spot in it, two white Spots on left bip, small Hundreds take from it, yet it never apparently diminishes. This, . . -
hite spot on top of left hip; a hole through of. course, is because there is a never -dying spring of Supply that feeds
) it ear. Any. information leading to the re- MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH.
overy of the above animals will be thankfully the stream. I
�� .
rpeeived and liberally rewarded. WM. MUR- . -
,POCK, Brucefteld, P. 0. L 1195 tf
I CurtainS, etc., Of all mak-eSut
I � EXCELLENT Sodosluggish stocks'. -They become decayed. They are not fit for .
�ines a,nd values ' in Hosiery aiid commercial use any more than decayed meat. Finally, they are known � . 1, .
Gloves at 11OFF)LIAN & Oo's., Sea- as dead. . - . -
forth. . I . , . 8eaforth Roller Mills. I
- ______ - ___ L Constant motion keeps water in the best Condition, . �
___ - .
no . Wheat Wanted, for which� best;
Farm'el 0, Read , 'This And a constant flow- of trade keeps a stook in best condition. We have market price will be -paicL . .
. I I no dead stock, because our stock never stands still. It is always flow- - 1_�
, I Ing in and flowir�- out. I .
i � -And Prmfit Thereby. b I . I Gristing,- Chopping and Ex- -
!, I � change. .
. I Do you Appreciate the Advantacre, I
We beo, le Ive V - I WW,b I
[ GENTLETREN,_ 6 . - I I Flour and Feed of all kinds on
tb inforni you that the Seaforth Of buyino, always froin a clean, fresh stock of new goods 7 If you do, hand for sale. - .
4oller Mills, haxe been rece itly in L -
you can have that advantage by trading at the Bargain Dry Goods and- Satisfaction guaranteed in a1I - -
refitted and -improved by the a di- Clothing House. -
tion of a large quantity -of ihe 4 0 � departments of the business. . -
� . I -
1 test im machinery, NVM Give us a trial. -
.% '- g this - I L . PICKARD I I
a " mill second to . , I I
none in Canada for the produc- . ��
tion of a first-class article of Flour. Oorner Win and Market streets, Seaforth. � W. H. CODE & CO.
L � . 1194-13 -
Our, chopping stoiie, which haS a . . I - .
capacity of 2,500 lbs. per hour, � �
(ALLAN Ll * NE' ,
- JL1 JL R k* 0
cf�n depend upon getting their el op 'ON,
will be running steadily. Farn ers V1 ST OF THE SEIS ROYAL MAIL STEAMS t
ping done in a first-class man er " . -
for six Cents per 100 lbs. All _. I . CHEAP EXCURSIONS TO EUROPE.
chop will. be weighed in and out of . MONTREAL OR QUE�ECJ I
the mill. . - I New Valencia Raisinsf very fine; new Vestiza Currants, extra TO DE1>vRY OR LIVERPOOL. '
� �
:The -grisfing trade Will be in choico; new Salmon, flat tins, best in the market. Also in stock— CABIN RATES $40, $50 and. $W Single. $80, $M
L . and $110 Return, according to location of
charge of- Mr.. J. Summerville, an Cooked Corii. Beef in tins, and by the poand; Boneless Chicken, Duck .
� I Staterooms.
Obliging a . nd experienced pliller. and Turkey,;, Potted Ham, Potted Ox Tongue; Lunch Tongue,.Dun- L No CATTLE CARRIED.
INTERMEDI&TE, outward, 025; prepaid, $30. ..
Tiose whb patronize us can ,count dee Marmalade, Oriental Pickles, Curry Powder in. bulk and bottles, Steeiage at IoWest rates.
. -
OIL liberal,- honorable and cour- Spices whole and gro=d, all pure. - Apply to H. & A. ALLAIN, Montreal, or C. .
I . BETHUNE or A. STRQW04 Seaforth. -
� tdous. treatmapt. Give us a . . . - - 1 1168-62
triab and be. convinced that this is Teas in Green, Black and'Japan, from 25-c per pound upwards. _`_�'
the . beft place in this part of the I EXTRA VALUE'
. I
. I .
� countr'-to get your gristing done. In Grey Flannels at HOFFMAN &
Y I _' - Sugars, aH grades ; piices low.
Flour, Chop and all kinds of i�riitl . � Oo's., Seaforth.
feed for sale at the lowest livino, .
� � . 0 I Highest prices paid for choicei Butter, Dressed Chickerm, Ducks,
prices. Ten thousand bushels of L etc. Post Office Grocery. THE S EAFO RTH ,
Wheat wanted, for which the high- - � - . .
est markel price will be pula. Re-. I � .
member the place, near the rail � BANKING COMPANY, .
freight sbeds, formerly know 'aaYs ' J. FAIRLEY, S E AF 0 BE&- 11. �
0 - -
. -� . L ' -
the red mill. . ,�L � .- - - A General Banking business tram -
I . ,,
. .
, � -
W. H. CODE & CO.- N . actes.
, Fdrmers' notes discounted.
- ' . GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTHO Drafte bought and sold. -
YARN89 YARNS I Z . I interest allowed on deposits.
� 'Wool at - HOFFMAN & .1 I I . - SALE. NOTES discounted, or taken
Of -Pure. . I ; I
1.1.0's., Seaforth. � . . I I . for collection. I
L .
. - - � . � GOLA SHIRTINGS, GREY FLANNELS1 NAVY OFFICE --In the Commercial -Hotel -
. building. � �
� .
. lr� HOLIMTED, SoRcitor 10-6
I —
. I
I . - Desolution of Partnetship. -
I 11%d:.0111q_._.M_Y", .1
I- $1.50 TO $78 BEST VALUE IN THE TRADi IN The irrtnership heretofore subsisting be- �
, . . tween e undersigned, under tl:Le firm naine of
. BY BUYING YOUR . � . Scott qnd Crich, Seedsmen, Seaforth, has thfh
L CREAM AND WHITE LACE CURTAINS, TABLE day ba6n. dissolved by mutual consent. Tho
W � I . � business will hereafter be carried on 'by 31r-
- Robert Scott, who will pay rM claims against the
� � ALL � G8j &G, IN late firm and is authorlsed to collect all debts: I
. . RO,BMT SCOTT. 1. .
� � .
I . � . V. W. Clam. .
PAPE R . . - � I 'he late firm should be
I � N. B.—All debts due t :
. I - �, I � � -
- . ld to the undersigned 'before the 1st of .
I . A -e%-Ai U_ _QnL1in1TF_14 M T, - .
- . Window
! . I -
I . I
! Shades
: -
. L I
I i
i I
i —AT �
1P. W. PAP�78,
I �
� � I I
i - I I .
: � �
I . . . I
. �
� .
, June 30th3 1890.
I With� pleaslure I bear tuti-
� I
t � I
m6ny to the benefits received from
. �
the uce of I. V. FEAR'S A. B. C.
R6medy. - - I have no hektatio ' in
� � I q
P�onounemg it the best I luki.g rplm-
I I I - 1
edy I ever tried. I : � �
� .
I i
. �
I . . T. W. COSENSO'
I -
I .
I I I .
I � I
i �
I .. . .i� .
I ;
I I? I
. I
: �
I .
- I
�— Va.
1193-4 1 . ROBERT Scolar� .
- I .
Of Frillings, Oorsets and Ribbom, -
at 110YFMAX'& CO'S., Seaforth,
� .
A Famous Clothing -House.
. -
I �
Imported, Improved YorkshireWhite
Pig, Despot. .
- � - �
Pedigree Certificate.—Sire, SWton, (Imp,jflo
. - -
dam, Duchess 3rd, (Imp. In dam) 38 X **
1. .� byXX
(Imp.)_[20], i y �m
trate 3rd, (539 m
. We are famous in the clothinj line for our great assortment of
- ,).—Derry, "I
3rd. (747).—Lad,y Derry 8rd, (17V.),by Magid
gOO4 and every purchaser who alapreo'latos 0,00d goods shou14 be one
I b I
3rd,, (539).—LRdy Derry 2nd, (1210 by
trate 2nd, (348).—Lady Derry, (372), '14 Colonf-1, .
sister to Great Eastern, by Duke of York, Yofk- �
of our customers, I
. . I
I .
shire,Lw. - .
The -undersfgaed will keep for service during
the resent season, the Improved Yorkshire
' -
lot 4, eoncessioif 6, HiA
WhileFig, Des t -
, est, and -the
We are one of " Ale IgTgest estaIjishnaei4s ix the W
,,,,on -
l,tt, to ,hich r .T
ited nutaber of sows will, e
� i - !
fack that we do an I immense turn -over is good evidence that our cus-
� .
t4en. Terms $I,Vayable at the time of.serv� -
wjth the privilage of returning If necessary -
1 -tat tt ANDREW SNELL, Constance P. 0.
tomers are satisfied. I �
�� I .
'i I
Kippen .Stiam Camage
When the reader of this advert"IS'ement is in town, take a run' M
Factory. ,
and tells us you want to � see our ,goods and prices, and we will be
I A�
While thanking my many customers for their
. � �
pleased to show you through, whether you buy or not.
liberal patron age in the- past five years, I woWd
remind them and eveWbody elee that I am in
i I
the best position you:ever SAW 70 Do UP IVORK OX
At the present time we are boomimy a $10 Overcoat, and when we
0 1
� .
say there is nothino, in the c6untry t,o approach - it for value - we are
0 1
. i
honest ia the statelment. � I
. �
. . I r%f-%
I !
. �
; t
THE snolmwT xoTidl.
I -
Anything that Is made out of wood can be
m2de at my Factory. Also Paiiiting, Trimmig, -_ ,�
Saw ShaWening or any thing else. JuaT BjLA4&
On hand a lixrge stock of cumRs AN.V, 0LE1011X
for sale cheap.
- -1 HORSE&
Abe for sale a go -ad drivWXiiiare 3 years old,
sired by Fulton ;'I geldinir rising 2 years old�
sired by,Jot Gale; lagedfarmhorse.
84', A good, fresh milch cow wanto& I
. "
11VA4 1VX_ 1G. KWI Kipp6a
I �
. a