HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-10-31, Page 3, �­ V, - I 1- ­ �- ­­­­ --1 11- - -". � I - -—-1--.-.--—,1-- ,­ � - —­. ­­-­­ �­-:� -- I - I - —­% ­­-­-1---- rr�- ­ ­— -- ,­­ �—­ ­­­­ , -1 I , � — ----,- � -- ii, --1 . ­ - � I - . -r . . . , ­ 'a I . . . . . ., .. . � , I ,; J I I I / I . I - Z � . i I I I I - - I � . I I , � I I � � � I . , . .. . I .- I I a . " . I � - - � . . � i . .. I I I . � � � I � . i I � � I - I I i � . . . - t -- � . - - I i . � I . - I I - � ! I � I � - ! I . . . - : I I i , � i ; � . - I �. ! , - . .— I I � - I . I - i . I � . I I 1, - � � ... I . . I I � t ,-, I I i � � . . . : . I - I i ,� , I - ; � . tJ ; - - . , - IT., -I � . I , V . � - 11 . � �i I . � . : - I i . C � . . 7 i . . . ; � . . - I , . i I : I � . I I — I . 1. . I I I . . � I - . I . 1 7 � i � . . � . I I . ! I I . . � q . - - I i � I I , . . - I . . � . :. - . � - 4 . , --,- . I . . � 1 . - . " , - I . I . � - . - .1 ; . . - � ­­ -- - ­- . I- � 7 1 . I � . 7 ; � . � , I I . Z . . I - - � ­ I . - . . 4 I I . I - . e I - I , . . - - . . I . . ; I I - . ,�. .1 . � I I . - illi, - . ; . . I . . ; .1 , ': � . . . I . . . . - 7 � I . . � : -601 " F* � ; . . . ! - -,: lv^ � � I . . I . - � - � . I . I . . . I I . � . ..�� - � I : i I- . . � � I I f . �, I � - I -:�-­­ � . I I � -24�-� . . - "-' , -,. . I - . I � . I I I \ I I . I I . 1. . - t � � , . . I ! . : - I � . I I 1.� ; - I � - � . . I I . 1 . I . . I . . I . . i . �. . I f � . � I I � I � . jk.;, I . � . ., , , i , I � - ! � - . : � - : � . , I I - I � ,� , , I � i I . � I . I . I .� i " 14 . -- . : . � I .. I -�, � . .; � I i � I . I . , � � � . I . I I ­ - - . . �. � I � �, : .1 -1 , , , - -r � -., - .1 � -­� ­! . , ,� . � - -, I � - , , . -1 ': � , �,%�. � 1, :---1'. . I I I i ; i - .... -� , , - - , . I � -1 I I . I �. -. -- -C, ; � t " , .1 I I �� � . 01 1 . � , � i. 1� '. I � � I --- -1 , % . �, 1. *�: - L �- -�.:�.-:, '. I I I � , � " . . , - ­ - - -- , - � -, -, -: - , - , - -!,.�J­ * I " � , ; � - . - , � I 1; - - I I I . - , , , I � - I . . I, I—' � � 11 . - 1 � .j � , j Z,�,­:L". . '�: ,; .- i , - . � " . 'L ,, �. �' :, -, , - � . - I � . ,, . . . . I � I 4 � �, - ­­ - L - , " :. �j , , . � - - - I 1, . - . : , ­ - � , -1 - � . . � I I � , � - . , 11 , � - -, , I --� - ! : '. - � I - - , 7 -. , 'T I - I ..-. �­ . . . , . , , � I ! .1 ! I - .F I . . � � � , � ­� �, , 1�� , I - � I . � I , . � - I - - i f . I . . - - I . � . - I . - - , , " � - I �, � ` , - t - N, . . I '. LI; �-­ - �,' I ,-.. , � , �. ­ f� . '7 , � - . . .;, - , - � . - . � � - ; L—i - I ; � - --- �6 . I v ­!: — , � -.1 � - - � .— . I . � I .. � : I - L I � � . � - , - I I -- �, -, :" - - -� ;, ; , � . r � , . 1: i . � I - I , - - - �, ., ., , . . " , , � , " : , . I . I - ­ . ! . I . . i . . - � .:1 . - I -� - � , � - - � �, ,w-- ­"-�-- - -�� 7. -,-. � i, ,� .t-1 I - . I � — I I I ;,�— � - . . -; 0 i . � r�I ,7.— ­ A� . . - . � - - � � . I . . I � I : I - I � i . - I : � . A � I I . - - � � . . . , W I � r i : . . . . I : '� : , . I "� . . ; � � . i I I . I . . I . I . I . , ; - � � . I I � � . . � . 7 - - i I . . - , . 41 . . I . I � . I . . I ,. I - � i , � i 4 I.. - , I - , I , � t � � I I � . . I � � . : . . � . � � i . I - � I . I I . A I I I - I - � � I - I . ; � . i I - � I ; I I . I � � - . . I I � � . . I � � - - . . . I � I . � � . I . I . � I . : . i. I j - I . - - I latfu-f � � ! . I � . � . . .. I . . I I . . ' I . - i- � I - - � � � I i 3 1 . —"—"—'-4—ft,.ft� -OCTOBER '31;� 1890. : . . . THE HUIRON EXPOSITOR. � I J I I - - � � --- --- . WH : -- . - I ------- I � I --.-.---.---- - --. -.--.---- � .. I -.—.-.--------- 1­­­­�­ I ---.--,- I I I - - . I - i I ' TEACHE118 WANTED, � loved him, courted, caressed him, &I>-: gently; and yet it wrenched hiin at wondering at thiki lo,.ig delay, a wide, � IMPORTANT NOTT(.',E$ . ; I . . - .Iliad mother aad nurse, and clung to heart, after ali, her lightness and gayety sympathetic ouriogily in his rsmile. BLACK :DRESS � GOODS* I � . �i � alone. , - : i . in the face of misfortune, . I Mrs. Lestrande st,,.pped in demurely. I .1 .. . I . OR SALE. -A first-class residence on- the 0 EACHERS.-For School_ Section Wo. 9, ;,a, 4 h corner of Victoria and George Streets. T G y, a school teacher *hskviug a second or umellt Id F . re.Lestrandebad stillmuch of the Heate little, soun ribia roni the " By -the -way, colont-1," said she, turn- � We are showing some very fme Black Henriettas Good stable and orchatd. Apply to A. CARDNO, third ( ass certificate. .DOVies to commence I ' ,�ilats color in her hair &ad on her lips. table-. fie was going to lit.s.rooni to fin- ing. amilipg, ut Vie fo'ob of t�e stairs. I 'Saforth. � � . � 1183 January 2nd, 1891. Applica ions stating salary .. I with Silk Warp and Wool Fittings ; also a lot,. j . - -The colo�ael laid what he res�lved that ish packing, for fie expebted to Leave " they tell nie-you Nvill not leave by the I . � I desired, must be i 2d to JOHN Mo 7orld: eL should di Mrs. Les. W— on the morrow, when in the eavy traii to-twirrow-l" . . wool both ways. Along with these most worth� HEEPFOR SALE. -The subscriber has for ,N AUG] IT, Secretary, Carnn)nock P.O. 11924 scover as, - �—­­-- 'o' 6 I . S sale a nutuber t -f purt: bred Sbrol shire — , . evident preierence forhis so- hall, he was colisuious of I% swift li, III, 6.1 10, I , . i " 9 No," ha I nel, a triflogloom. -6 ), � Down Ilani Lambs. JoHN T. DICKSUN, Cu- rvEAQHER WANTED.-IVatited a female . t�:de a i'l mit) oolo* oods !are the ever popular Black Cashmere, and the . oety to thiaL same incompreheosible juv- foot -fall behind Idui and a touch uu 1jis ily,' "t-fly.m6,I; inipor�aut bag,,age is Stripe �and Brocade effects -all a deep rich black4 tramorst Fartr, SeaforLh. .1193-3 JL te4cher,holding a "cou'd clan certificate to , � I ,,Ue C&price. � i I I arm. - . not quite keady." . 1-15 1 . L I . ­ -- teaeli i6 School Section No. 10, Hay. Duties to you know there is a great difference in blacks, an PL in -ft er followed him no s. Lestrande, but with the . 0 IG ASTRAY. -Came to -the promises of to c0`1mence on the 1st of JaDdary. 1891. Person - ill 'qhe neith Jerry Wondered why so commonplice - . al applications preferred, If by letter address VV8 - . we know it too, so we provid:e the best. undorsigned,lot 27, CODeession 2, McKillop � -shed exquisitively at same eolor on her lipi, and mocking a remark"from so ugly a man as the . . - -e � 8 ,. 8 ERT - I asmall�iawPig. Theowner will pleabe proi either of the undersigned I tru t e , ROB - I hira, bat she blu , . � CARLILE,WM. ELDER, WM. MOIR, Hensall . She appeared 'usually at brightness in her eyes. . � I . light of him. I 'Colonel colonel should have met with such sil- I . d takw her away. ; - l L . . . .. I L ty, pay expenses an ; 119lx4 . � 1hi head of the stairs going down to Miles " she spoke quickly, hearing oth = .4 P. O., Ontario. fts - - very laug4ter f roin the beautiful Mrs. , RICK GRAY. 1191 ; I . . � .. I 5 1. L I breAfaSt just as the colonel Was coming er steps on the stairs-" you will do. me Lestrande. ' EDWARD'McFAUL'i . rVO SCHOOL TEACHERS.�-Tescber Wanted � - � , when he alwa,ya paused oil the land- a great favor? Drive me this evening. He Eaw her ascend a few steps, , and L I I 11 OR SALF,B,&RGAIN.-One large TAylov JL for School Section No. �2, Grey, holding a � . . . . I Safe, combination lock, doub)e door, just . opt , i F third class certificate. Dtlti�s to commence on � . ()Xt - for a -chat with her. Foi a person I have ordered iny ponies. The night is the colonel go to the balustrade to spe&k : . as it left the factory._ Also, 250 aerc a on bank Ing . - - ; . . of Lake Huron; 160 acres cleared. E, N. January 1, 1891. Applicatioin� stating salary will so, courted in the drawing room she die- divine. I have never been able to drive . with her ;1 what. was murmured there . SEAFORTH . I L _ be received bv the undersignod up to November , . I .. I i LEWIS, Solicitor, Goderich. 1168 - ,- I i 'L X-�eW Y,ir. pla,yed marvellous ingenuity in always at night. I am so tin,id. I don't trust even his hushed and willing ear could 11 .1'� .1 . I ! I 1, 1890. JOAN STEWART,Secretary-Treasurei� . . L I I I I . I . . ! . brook P. 0. . i . 1191x4 � n . . X I � in view I ; I m Making it.appear that there :were wido Sambo with the, horses at night; but not catch,1 but - of the events HOROUGHBRED COTSWOLDS FOR SALE. 'Oran . . I - � . wior,.Pjj�,j ,:steal Of room by her side when the you -And you �are going away'! Oh, which soc;� followed he was often heard .. - I I - I : T -The subschber off ers f or sale a Shearling EACHER 'WAANTED.-'Wanted for School I tone � don't deny me !" � to say aft6rward that the colonel's face, I 'i � Ram, a few Ram Lambs, a. few Shearling Ewes Section No. 6, Hulleft, a male teacher I drew niar. . � . . I. I I �, . and Ewe Lambs. Also Durham Heifers and T . - jqe was sure that she would be disap. Af Deny you! Why, no," said the col- as he turn -ed aWay at last, was "cer. . -- I � . I I . :-- Cows, registered pedigree. Will be sold on rea- holding 2nd or 8rd class cettificate. Duties to . � 3ell 6 - �iuted w6re he not to draw near, and onel. But this handsome big girl in -W- ly a plcture!)) � I . . I - I . sonable terms. JOHN CUMING, Londeaboro. commence on January Ist, ,1891. Applications & , . in i 4! . 11984 accompanied by testimonial� and stating Bala i Com %.mkt re could not disappoint her for his life,, white seemed to him 'just now more � . . * . desired should be addressed to the undersign:7., pmy. - - Arn & .� on the same principle that he gL 6 never heedless and heartlese'than - any cherub � 0och Aye. a � . -Private and company Harlock P, O., on or before November 15, next. p � , . O.&EY TO LOAN. 119SX4 L 06n 01 DERFUL- SUCC E -S S�il - THOS. NEILANS, Secretary,". . -nYthing a child expected of in flannel and lace he had ever set eyes . . 0 funds to loan at lowest rates. t10,000 o( . forgOt i � . 1100ch aye 1 this is an awf U, worl" - -1 � I X I � . I -L . I � private funds have been placed in our hands . ; hial.0 i . On. There's �ittle dDot o' that, frien's ; � . � � . � i I i . . L . L , . � i r which we will loan in sums to suit borrower. 0 SCHOOL TEACHER$. -Teacher wanted I .,- 01i hand-; ske I I S&mbo was at the door with Mrs. Le- We're to guffer many a dirl . T . and org - I Bat Whereas under the blandishmenta. -- . . . . . I � , Loans can be completed at once if title satisfac- for School Section No. 0, Stanley, hpIdInir . trande's ponies and phaeton. The col-' Afore we ken what's what, frien's. � ,L � I - second or third claam certificate, male or female, utaell6 L _ L of his little adorers, with tiny fingers 81 . Hooch aye. . I , " I I ' I tow. DICKSON&HAYS, Cardno's Block,Sea. Applications stating salary �desired will be re - yd, onel stepped in after her. If 'it was de� 'he purchal, . 1143tf 4 to 04 � adel for the fall trade of 1890 - have been- a grand forth. . . : small, it 0 grappling at his threat, and ,iiis uncut , I es M I MAIN � � ; . 7 . - I by the undersigned tip to November 20, � 4 aeWspaper in his pocketi a � sigh had manded of him to try and show a light Gin we flotesaw the uned Jinks I -est cheapest rd most ' I - Personal applications preferr d. M- t I success. � W� arb confi4ent we have now the lar y ERSEY BULL. -The undersigned will keep 1890 - e bockf� L - heart at his own f aneral-well, he would . V . . Z5 1 _ 'BATES, Secretary, Box 15, Bayfield P. 0. - ,,,Through whilk oor late wad lead us, f rien's - � I -� . souletimes gone up trom, the colonel's , �d h ed � 'st I i during the present season on his farm, 2nd � I 1198x4 - I � not disappoint her oven in that attempt; e ra.� er no to forge sic links, carefully select ock of . Scotch Tweeds, Canadian Tweeds, French concession, H. R. S., Tuckersmitb, a thorough- ; . . ; �� I ly ut� , I � , , fe�r I � sou he never felt any impulse to ,, she vadna heed us, I rien'g, . Venetian Finished Worsteds and bred Jeney Bull, sired by Canada's John Bull. . I - from weariness at least, in- - Mrs. but surely happiness could make people , I . Hooch aye-. Pantings, Cork Screw - Coatings, -------­ RO . ZTh", . . . . - . I - � Terms -81.50, payable at the time of service i � 8 very oblivious and cruel,he thought. He Overcoatings in the - - � ! JOHN . I . . . � ; with privilege of returning if necessary. - V � L."trande's, presence. Here he let the ' � And yet N611 no be discontent I . I �. I PHOTO ENGRAVINGS -------, meatal analysis drop in a state of bliss- would thank God for pain ; perhaps he There's mony ha fare waur, f rien's, I . I HANNAH. N. B. -Also for sale a Jersey bull . I 'M. I � , . � i IT PAYS TO rLLUSTRATIC' YOUR BUSIN might help others the more for b vi . calf, eleven months old, thoroughbred. 1164 � � ful. content. , I 01 119 It's aften them wha get their bent : � ' le,yls..' had such bitter draughts of it. Wha calana sta n' a scaur, f rien's. a?o J�,q- OY S -W, .:FOIRI�lc STOCK. Portraits, and cuts of col "ges,hotels, factories - s, Vict'r e ERS'OF GOOD maebinery,&c.,made to Zdi�r . n I ,Y, ah 4 hab good luck, dat'a, In this f r me of mind -grave, tender, . Hooch aye. I . I . - NOTICE TO BREED I from pbotograpbB. I certain," said the head chamber -maid, a . I - . I -The undersigned will keep during the Prices Low -Send stamp for specimen sheets. � q .1 m . I 0 1 * compassionate -the colonel bore with . - - Leadbury, a thoroughbred Holstein - I � curiously dustine a Diece of',winged mar- Oor fortubes may no be sae bricht Beason at � Metropolitan Priss-Agency, I : bie in Mrs. Leat�anae's rooA . . Mrs. Lestrande's caprices, and- they As ithei's that we ken, f rien's, The Gents' Furnishing Department is crowded with as fine a Stock Friesian bull by " Lady Collins Nepthuoe," . � . e 4D it Minnie 9" . � were many., For, it not being accord. But let us ever d ae wb at's richt, as could be selected. We have a special line of satin lined 1qeckties at No. 15667, sire, " Maud Hanning'a Neptune," 1I83,51 . . � New York aty. No. 61;70: dam, " Lady Colin," No. 3734, milk- !. .. - - ... � � � How fie, ing to any recognized . model of society Gude Wth, we can be men, frien's, . I . � . , i � . White Shirts from 35c lip. A . 7 ti Golonel M ilea cotched hia� light ov er . . Hooch aye. 35c worth from 60c to $1 each. Men's record 85 pounds per day ; butter 21i pounds-- I . � 1� I for women to tell men when they love ) � - � -1 I - � W&t'ginA de do' -knob, and he lef' Vic' -� I ) In seven days. Terms, $1.50, payable on the let-' C *-d% I I them and are sorry for them, poor merry Fortune, ye ken, is like a lass, - -full range of Men s and Boys' Underwear. All the latest novelties in of January, 1891. j. T. MoNAMARA. 1178tf N�w'Mus[ Stoll'43 I I ,� 'N Q Vry two dollays fo'to mend it fo, him.." Airs. Lestrande,with her heart breaking, It mau� be wooed ere won, frien's, Men's Fur Cap - Cloth Caps, Corduroy Caps. A special line of Men's I 1 ' � I - � - Has, he doue it ? How' does it An' lame6 are - - but let that pass, i HOROUGHBRED STOCK FOR SALE. -For : . I . . was well nigh desperate. 1: s' ORT H . f took?" � That sil�bject we maun shun, frien's. , Soft Felt Hats at 50c, worth from $1.50 to $2. A large and well T Sale, 6 Leicester ram lambs, got by a ram � IIN SEAF: . -ely i and ele- All'of the things that the heart of: wo- - HQ' och a;ye. selected stock of Men's and Boys' Readymade Clothing, Overcoats With that took prices at the Provincial, Industrial and � ­ � I � %, man could conceive to soothe And en- � I Weatern Fairs. Also a number of Short Horn - � � ffl U.inuie laughed derisiv , I I vated her head without further com- - Wen Fin D&me Fortune's looks be black or without capes. . � Cattle of either sex, amongst, which are 3 younq . � meat. � I courage and charm and bewitch and tan- An Efthing round be gloom, irien's, � � bulls fit for service. Also some good colts and Pcipst ,& 0"Oonnor , q # talize and beguile a man into a confes, Draw in Yer chairs an' gies yer, crack, . - . i fillies As I have more stock than I have room � . A - 41 If you will bring it to me and never . a, Lestrande tried on the coloiiel . An'n6,er fash yer thoomb, fhen's. I for, I will sell cheap on time to suit purobasers. Have c I )pened out next door to Jordaes Grocery � ano, mon, Mr . . I . ,ai a word, here's another two dollars � . � I Seaforth, an � I . . Hooch aye. � Come and get your choice. DAVID MILNE, i - I : without effect. I , Dress Good's Departiment. 1191 1 I for you, Minnie. ` � - . 4 . �Ethel, Ontario. I � Line in- ft 1'ry . He made her think that moon -bright Oor ay be lang an' . ORGAN AND PIANO- DEPOT. . anks " said the grateful Minnie, W struggles Bair, . . I .16. 3 . . . - � night of a picture in her room of a I, little hop at a', frien's, , . . . departing with al&crit for the over. .. , I . Y. � strong featured soldier lying on 1he de- But --bang the man wba wad despair, We have one of the largest stocks in Canada. No old goods, 1EXdELLENT . DEATH TO HIGHPRICES NOW. Theyliave . . . . ; coat. serted battle -field with a. wound in his We aye will vvork awa', frlen!a. the agency of the THOMAS ORGAN, wlib r, sto,ueo, : white - fin- I Hooch aye. nothing but new and fashioAable goods, the newest checks in all the Lines and 'values in Ho'siery and Scribner`8 Resonant PI Combination. They , Mrs. lAstrande, with eager : , have also le I : I head. . : latest- shades. Remember, we have 600 different kinds of Dress Goods Gloves at HOFFMAN & CO'S., Sea- Violins and ot er small Instruments. I , . �teed. I gers, picked out the painful nightmare She realized with a sort of terror that Gin I could turn the wheels o' fate, . . . I � � of Victory's stitches. She proceeded to after driving far they were drawing - I Your troubleE wad be snia', frien's, to choose from. We have the most fashionable stock of Mantle Cloths forth. . - nr Please Give them a Call. 1161 I � make such a work of art in covering that naitead o' gusbin' like a spate, - � -- . I � fatally near home again. Sambo's ebony Frae you they'd rush awn', frien's. L rent, none could ever have told finally I we could secure. If it be your wish to have your Mantle, cut, there - I I . - that the rent had been the're, - - form stepped out of the basement Hooch aye. will be no extra charae for that. . I - I I door as they drove -.up. Jerry,'the . n , L I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. I -AA&W..O� 9 . The colonel's pockets were full. Not But as it -is we'l thole and thole, . A full line of Factor 'Cottons, Bleached Cottons, Table Li.ne'n, . ' � house -man, had been keeping him com- 7 I . : 13t"el fortheworld, as she sat thqre alone, Tho' big oor share should be, frieu's, OUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. -The sub- % . � . , I - pany, and, ran up -stairs to answer the Deed, tho' they come in shoal by shoal, . Table Napkins, Crash and Linen Towlings, Cottonades,. Ladies' Vests, H acriber off ers for sale the house north of -1. - .. . Agents. would Mrs. Lestrande have learned bel I I when they should ring. They We'll fecht them till we dee, frfen's. - Gloves, Hosiery, &c. We alre now prepared to meet th6 many wants the Eginondville manse, together with three . . I even the miscellaneous nature of their ,� - Hooch aye. I acres of land, suitable for building purposes. . - - I . , . watched Sambo *drive off the horses, of our numerous customers. , Onthefront areaquantityof youngfruittrees - and Libr contents, but. as she worked, � mani-pulat- standing in the heavy porch of; the anwho ii,rives wi'iteady will, I I commencing to bear. W.M. ELLI . OTT. 1116 1. .- 47 1 - : . � ing the overcoat, a sheet of paper crtkm- gloomy quiet house. - Is he wha.rul -the land, frien's, I I 11 �­ 1. I I rol - I � pled into the shape of a bal led from "It is my f . ate to say good-bye to- Sae to yer licari s taW comfort still, % --- " Our � !mill 'in, ery Department ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, part of Lots 29 1! I � - � I r one pocket on to the floor. : . A better time's at hand, frill" . I F and 30, Concession 1, McKillop, containinK � ; I - - night, you know," said the colonel ; . . 1100�h aye. I : . 50 acres, all cleared well fenced and in a good ,� I � y 41 Ethel "-she saw the name on that " but one thing you will believe, that . I ' There is a 1; A) NE ) - : . D. L. Is now in full blast, working on the numerous orders that are coming state of cultivation.' Buildings fair. ; I This farm is I I - her own you have always my deepest heaet's a . ' good orchard and plenty of water. 0), 0 . ti I y crushed circumference, it was - � "I �� Z . in daily. New shapes and new designs arriviDg fast., ! within two lots of the corporation of Seaforth. I � 0A P name -Ethel Lestrande. It was too wishes for your happiness. I leave for * I i . � : . Gaieties. � ; I It will be sold cheap and on easy term$. Apply C) � . P. �-1 P. ; ).-- 411 much; Mr I AFOW a.. Leatrande picked up, the the West early in the morning." -990 onthepremisesor to Sealorth P. 0. DAVID ' CD ' . M h, mamma,1" said a little boy 1184tf 2 :� 0 - V �' 0 CD I ball, smoothed it tremblingly open, " Then I'll wait here," said Mrs.' IL � W - . -� e* ,to some DORRENOE, Proprietor. i - � 01 —7 . and read : . . - I . I CD I . : strairde, with no suggestion of gaiety in sunflowers, " just see thosip pen-w'ipers I ' � �.J. )..d . " . - . 11 Dear ffolmeB,,-Still waiting on the her manner now, "'seat'ing herself with if , -NGAN & DUNGAN ARM FOR' SALE. -A valuable 200 acre farm )-- (-+ En . � . fresh from the city' pointing DU t1i -- I I I I . situated on concession 13 23, 0 . C+ growing over there.' . ,­ F , lots 22 and CD , C-4. *" 0, 0 - I -N.V-- : powers that be� Will make Torpedo a sad grace on the stone steps. � - I - cKiliop township. They are close to the beat "" j -4 11W -Would Put the Fire ,Out.-Sopho- , - M � 69 � I I I - I I � 641 )) . pa I � . ; .... I I . . tore. - . CD �e.� C+ � )-A. . I � I " Yes; you would probably not have 'MoAtr6,a I t, , , I . : model to the U. 3. if we get!! this thing You will wait here 9 . more (opening stove door)�--VVefl, here ' I markets in Western- Ontario, on good gravel " � (D L through, and I believe we will . . . . . I House Seaforth-, - roads, and within a few minutes walk of a � � .... ' goes my -last month's -es�ay. ' Senior- J post office, school, churches and every necessary 4 0 - )-I �� , . . . . . . � � � � - � 1 0--d L 11 �� . liolmes, I'm hard hit this time. That me called in the morning, so I'll Wait Hold on. It won't btirn; it's too, + ,� � . - I convenience. The soil is of the very best and i ).-d C) � 0 CD V � . :� . � � � - i I bullett at G— nothing to it. Mrs. here." I fresh. - i �-- - I - - well adapted for either stock or grain In: �.Jp 11 -1 Ethel Lestrande, the% young widow I � ra siag, I (D ' r:4 0 . Her gracious wamanly form bestowed - as both farms are watered by a living siprin 1 �1 00 _ Ro. . wrote you of. Honestly,, I never felt -A Non-Seluitur.-Prbud Mother- creek. There are about 30 acres of choice tim- l P W &CA i (-D (D on the stone steps had an air of sadness - walk. Cruel a ber on both farms, a house snd stables, and 3 4 � �; )...d - Oh, John, th baby can FUIRNAC]OLUS. 0i I -1 'each a constant yearning, such a teasing and dignity softer than the night roses Father -Good He can Walk the floor � orchards of choice fruit. The farms will be sold �i C-� 0 � � i 0 1 � ing of the heartstrings, toward any clambering near her. But what last with himself a � night then'. I � . separately or together to ouit purchaser. For �� pull] i . . - . ET 0 �L :� :' human soul before. I love her th price and terms apply to the proprietor P ER � 0, . 80 - at heartless degree of coquetry was this ! 1191tf 0 4.4 4 H I have somiAimes positively thought 11 Mrs. , Lestrande"' said the colonel' -Humorist- -1 suppose this little joke . � . MGEWEN. --- will go at regular rates if accepted? i ----- � � I i that, poor and ngly as I ams I could hoarsely, biting his lips, -.:--For sale, 0 0 1 P ).-a � � i Editor�Yes, ' guess so. 'It is too. old - D � � ).d t� " " � � "there are Leading Co a-1 and Wood Burning Furnaces. Fill ID - FARM FOR SALE. - I I make her happy. I ,some things more than a man can bear." to travel for h If -fare any longer. . -- Lot 11), Ist concession, Tuckertmith con- a 0 :! so al, I I "But this is a dreanf. I �' am selfish . 6 EiLng 100 acres, nearly -all cleared, well ilenced I CD ),I / � I There is never anything more than -Little Brother - (be'dtime)-Why I I enough to attempt to lightea it a little a )) - . . . - � under -drained and all seeded to grass. There is = �Zj � )"I CFQ I a wornan can bear that I ever he rd of, don't you take your stockings off ? . a large brick house with tin roof and contain- I � , � � her foUr Ing a1I modern improvenlents also a larire bank i - o - I � . by telling you, old boy, � that's all." said Mrs. Leatrande, putting up Little Sister (whose mother buys' the . I . ,Q) H 0 ." r+ CD is I zy barn with stone stabling capable of accomodat- I . 1. � T COAL FUR e, cn,� 0 1 � . (Evidently he had chAnged hi mind on hand with. a bit of gau scarf in " it chea,p black k nd)-l's dot all of 'em off NACE in W 01 I A Z . . I . this point, and crumpled the needless against the stone pillar, with what com- J G ' AR,NE " Ing 8 horses and 32 cattle, also straw hous 310 0� , 1� I � I at will.come ff. - I or brich set. i root house, stone pig on, driving and imple- i � 1.) "She could he nigh sizes --5. 6, 7 and 8 -Steel Radiators portable CD )..a. : . � confidence into a bad fort she could for t t.; ) , . I ment houses and all our buildings usually found � rJ 0 - I -Mrb. F. -They must have some very I I . . I I. -i . 1 . on a first class farm. The buildings are all in A C..4 V i P never think of me in that right ; and Something in hervoice and attitude heavy ­i�inds i a Boston. Mr. F. -Indeed I )-- 1 �­ I I besides, she is engaged, to a far richer xood repair. Also the adjoining farm being lot ; I 0 1 awoke the colonel as from a dream. they do. Mrs. F. -There is an item in 'THE 'ATLANTIC WOOD 11URNING -1 I . � I : . . i 20, containiDg 100 acres, nearly all cleared and A) e--� . e,* C* W, - I I I and better man -Carl Cedric. " "What do you mean?" he said, the paper about a safe being blown open ' zes—Nos. 43 and 63. No' �3 seeded to grass. There is not a foot of waste M 0--a �-dft - I I Mrs. Lestrande .� crushed the letter quickly. . there. I I FU NAGE in two si . , land on either farm. On Lot 20 there is a good, 30 W V �r C-01 P � � back into the pocket, and rose as if' she &I . es wood 53 ong ; frame house, frame barn, two large sheds etc. 0 , P 9.� J -d f � . had been sudden -1 endowed with I shall die if you go:away and- leave . _Mr. Honcymoon-Did you sew that takes ood 43.1-lehes long, and No. 53 tak HEAVY FIRE There is a good bearing orchard on ,each farm. 0) 0 1 W y n on my coat, darliDg? Mrs. Steel adiators", ortable or brick set has an EXTRA ).an . CD 0 . me now; perhaps I shall die aDYw&y-" butto y p I These farms are situated on the Huron road one -4 - -, �31 )....w PLI� R '� has put all arranging " I , wings. For, a person who said Mrs. Lestrande, tenderly Honeyrboon-No, sweetheart, I couldn't I 7 )- is the most POWERFUL HEATER, Economical,' Strong, mile and a half from Seatorth, and are among - , I i the best farms in- the Huron tract. Theywillbe I . 0) r -L , .94 , I dim back- I I sewed up the i the sold cheap and on easy terms. They MW -11 - CD . BOX A) � y A0.FS1 hope and happiness into the' a little -more of the gauze scarf between . i find th6 button ; bu - Dura, le Wood Furnace made. These furnaces are put up under will be sold :� - 1. ground.,, her manner was certadtily won- her rose -tinted check and the� pillar. button -hole and it's all right. I - s in the f ,�X- together or separately. Apply on the premlsefi t) - 0 ?hosphat6h : derful to witness. She rang. the bell for I I Ethel !" the colonel's voice thrilled L. _Mi�s Pyrte-What makes you such superyision of a mechAnic.w1th an experience of 25 year . or addrbes, WM. FOWLER, Sealorth P. 0. (ID I )-.1 go P . I � A 1; 0 E. . I U-innie. I I ,over her with rushing joy and wonder, a confirmed woman-hateri Mr. Olebach? nace business,: and are guaranteed to give good Satisfaction every time. 1193-tf M pa H , �� P1 I I . I . I . ----- - � I ri:'. w\T- � "Put Colonel Miles' overcoat back, and questioned her unbelievingly. I when I was a young I � V "4 (D .- (; ar I C-1 G 0, Z1 � Mr. 016ach-Well,. . i. I I 01 (D p I . Minnie, 8o that he will find it when he She lifted up one little" inviting man, a woman made a fool of me. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. . AUCTION SALES. 3. M �-1 � CD tj ; Uv� ; � aw comes home. Would you and Victory hand. Miss Pyrte-And you never got over it. ! " I 0 0 � ;J )-d. ,71EAST like to go to the circus this evening ? He knelt down and lifted her bodily, i UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND % . -Prospective Father -in -law -How do 0 N ------- - the tickets, and flower ,.tall and I I OUS� A IMPLEMENTS. -Mr. 0. Hamilton has 2 , $a, � W CD (D . . Here is the money for and held her like a yon exPect to get along without a salary � . . , . Ki ds- Ha'rdware d 8to ve H .e, been instructed by J. Allardyce to sell by Pub- � 0 r -e you look fine arried ? Young . IlcAuctionon Lot 2,Concession 13, Hullett, on .L I., . r Rome trinkets to '.mak - broken against his heart. Her white if you are going to get W L P ).- � . - - sy, November 3rd, 1890, at I o'clock p. in., � � Mond . W � You're not to tell little things I 0110086 arms in their frail covering of lace Smiley! Bask ei-That is hot the point- I . I following property' Horses. -Ono 0) " � CL W 0 - to do, Minnie, mind." were outlined against his -rough coat- how . I to et along if I don't get I I sharp, the old, -4 0 . : if . a-TREET O-EAFORTH, 1 -' . working horse 14 years old, I horse 7 years 0 I . go � 11 D Lawd punish me rebelliously ef Ifer face was discreetly hidden in the 9 i , ars old, in foal to an im- - e . a! .1 to I - I I brood mv,re rising 5 y� X 0 C"4 ; P1 ter . I ebber tell& one wold of it, Mis' Les- only refuge open, that of his breast. marrie boy -Oh, - you needn't I MAIN, 0 0 ported horse; I filly rising 2 years old, I suck- 1W ' I . -Misl ' 01 - ing filly. Cattle. -Five steers two years old, M ;F� � I ,"-A V 93 � I # stry," said Minnie, joyfully departing. For the colonel -he did not think talk, Mil. ou was bound to have me. . . I sucking calf, 2 farrow cows, 4 cows ' M . C"4* :1 - I � , 2 heifers, , M 0 4 The next *morning - when she was much of his lost cause -he only could You can't say that'I ever: r n after you. " BOTTLES supposed to be in calf to a thoroughbred bull. I - . f ..4 1 HOUSANDS 0i -1 6 1-�'. I de's room, lightly and the rat Implements. -1 reaper, I mov I . !gain in Mrs. Lestran not see why God should have taken a Oldboy:-Ver true, Mari��, .1 . . k of art with i GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. , wagon, I pair sleighs, 1. cutter, 1 road cart near- . M), luspeeting the varions wor , poor begg'ar like him suddenly out of * trap never rui is after the mouse ; but it 0 � go 02 - I mighty I When I say Cure I do not mew ly now, 1 hay rack, 1 set iron harrows, 1 gang -A Uer duster. d set him in such a place him in all the sanle. - 0 plow, 1 chill plow, I set of team harness, I set cc . 11 Do colonel was gather� I � V P1 � K -� � 0 ver, 1 horse rake, I to " 0 5 ,CL et. 1) NT - the bitGr sea an � -01,oms merel to stop them for a tiva% and thes . :� i pleased de way his overcoat looked, Mis' aa this. � I -There ar( too many 6,f us who wear .1 UR�L� fft I y the d ness, �%hiffletrees, logging chains, I M )0-" . : (D . �-�- 7W^1 �. " tave th mretum Again. I MEAN A RADICAL CU RE. I have made ism%* of Ffts single har forks, shovels, -ropes and A) " � W )-1 1W �xATIWN- � Leastry," said she. "He said, 'How But kindly and grateful as he -had our vir ue as ;he Irishman paraded 'the pillep y or Failing Sickness a life4ong study. I warrant my remedy to Ovuft thl grain cradle, acythes, )A ).d. , - now receivin a cure . � <D� . . . ebber could you do it in dat a way, mu . tila ion of his ear which was pierced Zrst c es. BecAuse others hiLve failed is no reason for not . Send a- pullies and other articles. The whole to be .sold on 0 P r* (D been in misfortune, his face was now � - alve Flxpt-ss� an( without reserve as the proprietor has sold his ).am, . I . . : .rtest natk$ - � Vict'ry ?" ! all alight. He spokeslightl at random- by a b Bet as be was �6,nning awayl ince for a treatise and a Free 80ftle of my InfalliblO Remed - 0 i �r 11.� ' . cure you. Mress:-H. 0.400T farm. TERMS OF SALE. -All sums of 410 and un 0--d I 0 rp ; � ?ost 0 cc It costs you nothing foi a trial, and it will i I ; 0 P � . - 11,12CX ..., cc Ah ?;) . the poor Colonel',[ was so -unKccustomed to panic-stricker, from the �nemy. "Yes C69 ranch Officeg 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREETy TORONTO. der, cash ; ever thstAmount 13 months' credit X I CD ).1 - ' � couldn't fo' her coun- IL I will be given on furnishing approved endorsed i ?--ft The 11 VieVry said she bliss. . I our, I larst th %t ear in sar�in' me - the dollar allowed for cash -4 . L . L � - . , . - notes. Six cents 011 0) 0 � in' I . I ID ! 0 N �.t ;hArge Conscience tell a lie,, but she wa'n' go -It is a divine night, Ethel. So �ou-. thry. " - . I - on credit amounts. J. ALLARDYCE, Proprie- P --d L � - X I L back, on Mis' Leastry neither, so she were not engaged to Cedric 9" .! i I � I . - ter; C. HAMILTON, Auctioneer. 1193-2 " '14 0 1 O� (D ,ectf.or. ROd' I . � � , � el- ' or told him she never done itait all, Miss Little C at in the Garden. l - - - pa P. i CD 0 �;a ' There was a negative motion of the A * I � . 'g ct'y . I . . UCTION SALE OF THOROUGHBRED AND 0 - r E Finch. done it." ri . n the hodo I I I I COMING 1. -'0M1NG-.--! . lovely head. But the colonel was '6610- 1 ',Pretty ba soil hers for"a garden, I C - .. IMPROVED FARM STOCK.—Mr. W. G. I PO C.) .�. j . . A P.d. � . - Mis� Finch was the elderly maiden scious somehow - he could not' tell -.,how isn,t it?,, 8 ,the potatol vine. L Mrs. Richard Me- Z - V, hd )-,. I ,, L I I - ai - Duff, has been instructed by N I * his"arin's "I should think it w . - — " ­ -4 � Sister of the proprietor of the house, to _that the exquisite creature in as'), said the . � 11 /'. - : Kee to sell by public auction on lot 8, concession r, CD 0 � - � . I whom the colonel had shown some mer- had changed from her forme n onion. - " I'm losing 0 1 . � . -11 I 1 12, MeKillop, on Tuesday, November 4th, 1890, 0 � � (D C.4 W 79 , He$ had escort- I - - tre gth every day, I I . — I .1 commencing stI2 o'clock noon, sharp, the fol. $'-L C+ W , I I ions. I that a laugh, mysterious, _Unaeeni* WAS and I never had much to - begin with. COMIN6 INTO STOCK DAILY I lowing pro rty, viz: Horses.—One Imported'. --- - --- I mft �I - . I � - I . � ��-�� . - ed Miss Fidchi a little way on her morn bubbling up somewhere in that innocent I don't get ab ng worth a, scent. " - � . Clydesdale Mare, supposed to be in foal to Im- - � I - : I � S I ing walk that morning, at Mrs. . Le 1. I I . I - � ' OuND. k - breast. " I can't g �t ahead here," said the rted Crystal City; I mare, 6 years old, sired - d . TQ- . G�00:D F — tyo Enterprise and euppo.sed to be in foal - t , TaW 10 e h orn her window. '. Hi :F TJ to � atrand ad seen fr 11 When shall we be married, Ethel ?" cabbage. " � 'm going to leave." -A.- . � - � Crystal City; I Percheroh Mare, 6 years old, We Re 0, 6unter, an Old Oy' � ti S 1. . W , it t "long at all," � I . - I I I y i . I he said Miss Finch did it'P" - sternly. I 11 I kno can ge I I - � used Oh�d* he hastoned to say, --- -supposed to be in foal to Crystal City; I aged I - ' I 11 - - I - and blawl . Mrs. Lestrande laughed � little hy- "Very soon, I hope," said that half - said the cucu ber. 41 N1,r I," cried the . : . - I . � . mare; I Carriage Gelding, 3 years old, by Bon- . � I . ,�.f over Iterically ; then she went over to the I I ner ; I heavy draught gelding, 3 years old, by thered, rippling voice; "it -is ouch asparag I don't get, 'long or tall.:' . ter - 1 Yearling Clydesdale I � Us. I . Imported Lucky Gel, . It I Say addrW fo smo I filly; I sp mported I I or . . window, and the most ridiculously 01- haid -work courting you. " "This phsce isn't'fit for a berrying ringClydesdalle colt from i IS EAFORTH9 ctoes . . ish tears came into. her eyesi. . �, . Ppened last week a laige assortment of made up Clothing of 'that I � . woof A 6 1.km, -strawberry, 11-but,here � .ring colt from Ente rise I Disell , I �, , ectly compet my ground, said the n 6 mare ,,ad Crystal City ; I fil IT, by r- At dinner, Cedric who bad made up p�erf ent to do - oted manufacturer�' o,00ds we have been handling the ' past three years. dam and sire; I op ly, 3 years o - �'�-cuiars t" ,, , comes the san, so dry up� all of you;"� own courting madame," said the colonet I I . nd Drawers, and a lot of Bmallwares. I —THE— POND 10 : his mind finally to propose to Mrs. Le- I i Also new Carpets, Undershirts a Scotland's Farewell; I spring colt by Rankin . . —looking- � so, indeed ,'-, that office is Detroit Free Press.. 1! . Boy. Thoroughbred Durham Cattle. -2 cows, 6 : I - � i 1-31 woc&ww atrande some tinie during that evening, .. . . Opening this week a large importation of Dress Goods bought years old, onenear calving; 2 cows, 4 years old, �� 7 1163-13 . � Iftid,casually: " By -the- way, the poor henceforth-enfirely delegated to me. -6 I factuiers of Bradford, En,'olland. Also a lot of supposf d to be in calf ; 2 heifers, 2 years old I I . I . 1. e will bc married'Tuesday. Na A By Hb3 Own Prescription. direct.from the manh - W y I ii ed to be in call; 3 yearling heifers, imp PEOPLE'S JEWELLERP I - . - 0010nel's fate is decided.. The appoin,t- hy not? We will be'ruarried to-mon. Id and Fr 11�h Dress -Goods Blaniets, Bed Covers, Gloves, Hosiery, Table and sup,epdol be it, calf ; 1 bull calf 9 months old. , ­ .-, I w 'An Africaii chief had a bad cc I 0 to - Meats were all made to -day outside of I)), I � . . It cattle have regiatere TorpedG, from Governor to: judges, and row ., I sent for his family physician. The gen Cottons,. §heetings, &c. fAl' hese a pedigrees and � . � H- , . tiButthatisn't 'courting,"' gasped- - Fl or. Cil Cloths, f goods from, Glasgsw, con- are from -the very best and most fashionable Is holding out Great Inducements. a Constitution made out vitally differ- tleman could no more culr an Next week -we receive our importation o strains.) Durham Grade Cattle. -4 mileh cows, . , � 4A, � the subdued rippling voice; "that is any civilized. doctor, an4 was as little . Bed to be in calf to a thoroughbred bull ; 3 f 'or the t"'orkst . elit, I'm sorry to say, after 'all, from that 78, UlsteriLys, suppo .. - 11) . I Present arms!' -Forward, march V— likelyto confess it.- Hip business, of Sistina of Scotch Tweeds4 Worsted Coatings, Mantliiig - ' heifers, 2 years old, supposed to be in calf; 3 . . I lz� propo!ied by Colonel Miles., . . , ears old; I yes -' I I . - f what do you call it? 'Forward, oun, course, was to give a prescription, not' Sil knd tinen Handkerchiefs, Silk 'Scarfs, Brown Hollands, Silks, yearling heifers; 6steers,2 y Ir - I I Re had already dropped ,this topic o render 1'" I little out Sal - I ling steer; 3 spring calves- Sheep.—Six ewe. . 4 . impossible to be made, but a ,MS, Velvets,. and -a host of other goods. � lambs; 4 ram lawbo ; 1 ram, two years old; all . � 00riversation when Colonel Miles came ..4 Oh, you—" said the colonel. . of the wayl o as to inspire confidence i IVIiSS Me,jae cities, where she has well-bred Leicesters. Feed.—About 15 tons Of Next ----,,.30 Days. I . I I itlt6 the dining -room,. HeWascalmand e I hlan has returned from eastern I . . I I lover hay, and about 25 tons of timothy hay, all � � I . . � I I ack. Self-possesaed, as usual, the radiance Such loveliness and wit and beauty and suggest anatomical study. He pre- I I . , med to h-irn e I ittle fat cut from the heart beeeii looking into and purchasing the latest, newest and nobbiesit styles 9 the barn. A large stack of straw- to be fea on I . see absolutely (unnamebl . scribed " a M in there is comfortable and - I ' I - from his face just as genialf though Mrs. .. . . I Ahe farm where '39'- To all Customers wantin goods in I wear- He stood in adoring rapture, unconscious of a fat man," Unhappily, for the d6c- in millinery goods. modiousstabling'. Thewhole of the above valu- 9 - � of Stat!00: Leatrande saw how very -pale and ' old as the proPmetrem his line. - � I that she whom he loved w s I tor all the attendants, of the chief Our trade being large and on the increase we have bought larger able property must be s I - �11 abular I ied he looked. in his embrace, and that � the '� were lean, bat the doct6r himself was ) has leased one of the farms. T-ERys. -On the I - , She had never seemed in such high smothered 4 than: usuall and expect to cater to the public wants still more effectually � tock all sums Of $10 and under, Cash ; over . stomed ' iven on I - clasp of his great arms had a rather I fat, an*d the chief, being, unaccu I . that &'Mountl2monthB credit will be & . � . Spirits. - " Ay, what 6 creature. far the . I this fall than in -past seasoiis., We invite. inspection, having no doubt r indorsed notes. The hay � I I � m,e � I shall vice -like intensity. I to wait for a 3ything—f ai, -less a cure for use of Seaforth will this. furnishing approved, GIVE 141M A CALL.. � I 961itte gayeties of he when - � I I S), I Mrs. Lestrande let her own right 4and I a cold—imrnediately put him to death -whatever but: that the Bargain Dry Goods Ho I and stl&w will be cash. MRS. RICHARD 31c- ., ' h&ve'made her mine "' thoUght Cedric. - eoution. I I . . KEE, MminBtratrix; 11 W. G. DUFF, Anctionser. I � - I The Apollo of the * I- a" p deftly down the colonel's arm. The I and p.tit his Advice into eX fall surpass all previous seasons' records. I . 1191x4 ; sun�bath made aud door -bell was just behind, She stretch- I . .0 ; 11 . . I , love to her., There was o Sheet Ir':o I ble li%ping . ! -- ; . - � m � . '9�itchery in her eyes and flame 'in her . chievous smal cre A FINE ASSORTMENT lu& y � . ! . rang the bell. . I of the,'Landed Banking a�nd Loan Com- 1. . -PICKAIRP, . � ed out that mis ' lhand and —Samuel Slater, se ' tary-treasurer ' 0 R. Countelff ., 011W ,31W Cheeks, � I . . 1. Wme 1. Of F bbons, I � I - I . I I 1W T at the . Thecolonel caught ll�r arm in pany, Hamilton, was killed while on a I I ! rillings, Oorsets and Ri , I - fr 'Eng -10, I' I . S4e hardly glanced once clinging lace, but too late. it" I hunting trip in Muskoka last week by p, - ' ' Co's., Seaforth. , MAIN STP,EBT, SEAFORTH. . I . I pipe . 4010net during dinner. " Ah, who will - . J � Main and Market streets', Seaforth. at HOIPFNLAN & - � � NNOMMONW, � M * J - OC' mwww""� -- ' �1�' I 7edb ad ni . 11�ellt ; L3,10D 1 31.1 , _� f ! I- 4 1 a" f4 so 811 - Zt'ra I . I 1 �40 ,g � - W �E I : , 1� I i r 4 Y i . � ::i . . . r M1 _ AMO I I " I - o' 11 ra " C b r , bOl" wl� I '( t , � . ' �' , ( -t D �1� I T 0 . iuinisbed ed grinning at the� door, the accident; d discharge � of his rifle. rner . � I , follow a jaile captain?" he sighed, Jerry appear . io . . " I . n I i . � I � . - I . I �. I - . - I . I ,,DoderfcbO I I . . I � . � � . . I I I I � � I . . � I . --- I . � I I I I . . 1. . � . w . � . I I . � I � I I : ! I I . 14 ! /, I � I . I I I . I .. . I . . . � � . ! ; I I . I I . I � I ; . � . . : . . I - . I t � 4 I 1H V I . . . - . i I 1. I -- . - $-� i . �� e� . . - ­ — - 1� . � . � � I I I . - , I- . I I . - . . — - . I . .. 11" I . . - . . -,.. - .. I � . I I I . ; . I ­1� 7 . - . I . ;, I r I I I . I . : 1� . . . � r . - '/ � - i - � . I I � I I I . I . . � ; . . . . I . � � : I . . I . I . . . � I � � I . . : . - - - !, I I � �t,� i . , . . . . i i I � � I -1 � . I i I . . I I . - ; I � r I . . � � I I . - � � . I - . � . I � - I I . . I I � I I I . . . . . - I � . I . - I I � I .. - - � . -L­i­­�- . --- - .1 I ­ - -­�­­­.. � : - � I I . I � - I I � -- I—- ­­­­­ _ : ­-­ � -1 ­­.- ­.­ " ­­--­-, - - -,. -1 . . —-------1- -11-1- - - --------- - . - - -, ----­-..- � - ,� � -- ­ � .1, I---.,-- - ­ -1 - I � - I I. I � 4 41 "M