HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-10-31, Page 2- � .T_ � � i , � � - , . I- . I � . . - — ; BY $. P. M'LRAW GREENE. T,neir inautWotuimiL wuan auu uLpAusuma. , MkUVTW U"Ay W"w %#V__..-1 ___ ---- .----- . _ . i � � z . � � � . i I -i q 96 Why shouldn't he get a divdrdo ?" live. " - � , I The colonel bore the -scars of his wars the'voice of &-Torpedo judge was heard All day long at her various duties and - upon his blwek, weather beaten, bearded squeaking, rather excited and high. recreations, like ei took looming up per- - L.&TE ARRIVALS. . I � � " � ! I � : face. 11 She was insane, ,air. 'I aiitently in the sea of her. lobt humsix. � I 11 ! � � Mrs. Lestrande, .with the smooth, un. I I Insane, air? Get a divorce from a faith, the colonel's great form road. be- � . I � . I ' a blemished features- .of an angel, bore woman because she became insane,,sir ? fore Mrs. Lestrande, and the solemn, be- I . I � ' � I 1, -y here not leas deeply, as is the manner of M' God.iir P' - � . nign tempest- of his .voice rang in, her i I Among the new goods lately to hand, are �Some vei ' . - "'. 'ad 'the voice of the olono ears. - . i . . � I -d Black, also women in her gentle heart. Oer 1i . a . . I desirable Mantle Plushes, in Sealan, at, � She was a widow, still young,extreme- roikrod through- the room at quite such 'I 11 Imp6asible ! Not the least chance: few very choice Brocades for Mantles or Dolmans- ' ly beautiful, and, after hardships so in- tremendous pitch. All conversation in the world." She heard Cedric's even . . rings and I . tense that they were even dramatic"the ceased -as at some natural calamity of tones, and saw the' sorrow of another'for- - and another lot of new, patterns in, Ulste . heiress, by a sudden unexpected turn of the elements. The Apollo of the sun- lorn hope deepen, on that hind, scarred, ' Circular Cloths, Call early for the �best selections. . . I . fortune, to -considerable wealth. I bath,glanced down with rolling eves to weather-beaten fAce. . I Sometimes at night the memory of the see if the dishes were safe.. Tfie �olonel � At dinner she dame down all in white. . I I I weak, wild, cruel love that .had killed himself 'had risen, and his great boots She dressed with a sort of passionate � joy ,and hope and mortal faith in her, thundered out of the .room, unheard by ardor, as though about to encounter, the EDWARD McFAOL, stran e, heavy tw�ya travelled, deeper- himself or ady of his itudience, IF inspection ofthe holy. I I ,. 9 . I . � ate heartbreak, tears, a little grave far Mrs. Lestrande's big, handsome eyes- Colonel Miles was not at 'i e with , . I - away, were like a physical weight sink- dilated with the sudden fear or joy or the Torpedo delegation. Mrs. Les Iwande ing her,so that she woke gasping, strug- wonder of the fawn, who, stopping to *as absent, pensive in manner. . . I SEA,FORTH. . I I -gling after the feeble., af�iost escaped drink by a quiet rill,lifts its head to' Cedric, who had expected a tasteful I breath, Her physician.assured her that, scent now tumult in the air. pyrotechnic display of bright looks .and I . ! I . I : with so. strong and vigorous a wormw,. It wasan altogether singular iook,and persuasive accents as the result of .the - I � . this affect- on would disappear with time -,.I r�marked as of more interest to him hopes he had held out in the mo ning, , . - ! " . . I � And by day Mrs. Lestrande certainly than anything else in- the room by the was agreeably disappointed, and accept- ,!. I � � � . neither fainted nor wrung her hands; Hon. Carl Cedric, who sat at Mrs. Les- ed her mood with respectful admiring ` I . . � I ! . I I — ,_ � - - � i I but walked stately and smiled sweelAy, trande's side. sympathy. 14.Miotheone,"he said, .: I I -P . . I I thGughoftenestnow,it must be said, This scion- of distinguished wordly conclusively,. to his austere cone.cious- . - N_ - _. with a touch of pensiveness., fortune and vast wealth, with his slen- ness.. . . I 1� .. . . The proud woman's heart --hid been 6r, virile little form, and close -out, red- - .'The colonel had been working late at . 1111,FMIC :! - . � a� I I,- i r� bonestly broken. She had faith in God dish -gray hair and, mustache, was re- , the Capitol. Mrs. Lestrainde had left 44A11K, I . � . ; f I . 1 _14 � t, 4. .— U 4 ­ 1,-. a -din her with an amused smile in the Main nom when he entered � I Ift am . ; Vb �UU`Vyj LA UVA4V %A cib" J 5 b 5 . I ; mah love, except as it takes the pitying his keen, appr ving eyes, i . There were stragglers here and there . � 0 � I � V form of the mother to the child. As kIrs. Lestrando became con ' scions lingering over their dessert. The Tor- .. . . I � She s6lemnly believed that there was 6f his look, a very beautiful and a pedo judge was among them, I I . � no happiness in life, at least for her; ex- strangely angry flush overspread. her. " Where,"' ea*id the colonel, looking I .. . DU I �ept a certain amount of intellectual en- startled fe4tures. - i : up without rancor from his lukewarm . - . . . I Joyin, ent, and the ever subdued and qu.ret "The colonel-Colbnel Miles," Carli soup, a reflection on his face of the same , I . happiness of doing good, though her Cedric hastened to say, with gen,tlel genial, indulgent look with which be . . . 40" 4. .;. h; ;1. +1 h+ h A L A 11 : A. L A: & : : 4.1, I unconscious smile was still like the ry- . � ple of summer brooks and sunrihin6. �- " V,UUL K;O.Y, IMO_ - 0 0"A US AVUS ch I '. been only of himc 11 our-a-uoblo .war -1 - a muse n ato rec on L, e morn- ing-,1 where is the girl who sat over ' . I i0wou"bMT �_ . . , Inthislatter feature she resembled horse, as he.+triil�y is, is too-a_'r'abid,t . ! there this mor'niDg. Not gone' yet, . - ----,- ______ __ . . the colonel, whose dark face became too impracticable. He wastes himselfl . . . . surely ?" - a ' . I I . � � I beautiful under this spiritual irradiation, in - great ideal directions, instead of . " No," answered the caustic voice of The gio*brs and blenders of Ram Lal's Teas ask you to give them . whose keen eyes, that had been red spreading himself out more equably, as the judge. " She's got the great Cedric a fair trial foi the followino, reasons - . - 11 with the fire of battle,usually filled with it were, an as won prove o in nite y . -in tow, and he's nibbling at last. . rl ! I I I ist-Th4 are absolutely pure. � - tears when addressing especially either a, worrian or.& child. more advantage to himself." I . " A rare fault, surely," said Mrs. Le- She's well graduated, I , can tell 9 with a fu 11 diploma, and a widow, e- I . I 2nd --They are grown and prepared on � the' estate by the most , . The colonel, with others of the Tor- . strande, with extraordinary quickness. �� sides; but Cedric� will soon mend 11 I skilled labor, Ind improved machinery that money can buy, whe�eas . � . pedo delegation at W—, -occupied a 61 Do you condemn -it in him?" ,that." I China Teas arel picked and carried by natives long di.stances b6fore central table at the small'and select ho- � Cedric.had withdrawn his eyes, where. The colonel sighed with a smile on his being made ready for the market. tel, the Wadsingliam. Here the advent � � of a, newcomer was remarked, the de- the quiet smile still lingered.' He � had learned her story. Duty covering the �, lips. Things that a man knows are not for him.he may admire religiously, nev- - ' 3rd—Ram Lal's is a .blend of three Teas grown and prepared ! I . _ . ; - �- I- � gen. . partare of an old guest a matter.of errors of the rashly chosen, bitterly ap- � , ertheless, and he had noticed Mrs. Le- especially for this brand. Will always be the. same flavor to -day to . eralinterest. So when Mrs. Lestraude - pointed way, sorrow bearing through! strande for her singular grace and beau- . ton years bende. - - -, I sailed in -to the breakf&8t-ro6m with that - � weary, hopeless days the wounds in I �� ty. He'would ha,v,e liked to have her - � . 4th -'Tis -cheap; only Fifty Cents for a pound package, which peculiar spirited Bearing which some , of fine breeding have, even I flicted! by a . character of terrible selfish . weakness and cruelty, all the more ter- there to look at again this evening, .though he had.been so engaged at the ' 11 ras two pounis of China or Japan Teas. ,�,, w _,� . � �� . . throngh the lowest throes of misfor- . � rible and cruel for beii�g hid in a form of ,' _ Capitol he had not thought of it � -i When giving Ram Lal's a trial, if the first cup does not strike * . � . tune -but now appearing unscathed and . , manly strength and beauty. . I . ,before. , . . I - � I- I . ' your palate, try a second one weaker than the first. After using a � � � adora,ble as a perfumed morning flower � I � I -and was ushered to a table tacitly un- Women should not go through such � � . � trials, Cedric thought ; they were dam- He took the evening newspapers from his pocket and went upstairs with,them. I . 'you will onl drink Ram Lal's Pure Indian Tea from henceforth- pound y I . . . I . � I � � I 1� I derstood to be that of the wealthy elite. � I of the house, the colonel, with the, aging and unbecoming ; but thisone had somehow come out oi t. e fire with an 'I At the parlors he paused a mdmeut. There he knew by i . I - I - : For S:�ale by M.- JORDAN � . was a,voice stinct I � : - others, watched her advent. m I enthralliuL- arace and A strange power to singing inaide-a voice of no grea I com- � � � . � . I . ,I . � I - Bat he could muse at her more indif- I - I I . I ferently, and at the same time with a interest him. � - - he, ,for his part, wis used - to felicita- I ' i pass nor of any operatic affectatio 9, but tender, thrilling, sweet to a ma Ps in- � I I SEAFORTH, ONTo . : - far tenderer intelligence, than the others ting himself on being 11 the great catch ". I most soul. , I . . I ____ ___ I- dreamed of. Battered oid war-librae, as I uncaught, though he *As not unwilling, � Mrs. Lestran,de, seated with her back I � I - � � he called himself, what had he -to do � � with choice exotics like this yonder, . after all, to be -mated, should ever Heav- i � I � en send a female;example perfect enough 1 . toward hira'at the piano, became con- - the' form looming I ' . Central Furniture se, I � - I only to admire them, as he had a hero's : and fair - enough in his way. And to' scious of colonel's up at the door. The Apollo of the sun- bath - .'Hou i . __ _, � - heart for all weakness and beauty ? . - � "'Ah, 80 vain, weak, irresponsible, have made up his regal mind at last to pursue a woman I I with -a history I it . - . was turning the leaves of her inusic. - . . I � I .1 STREET, SEAFORTH. . heartless, all' of them, even the love- But Cedric was duly conscious that I She looked up at him with her pensive, innocent Bmiig. He bent over her. ,.MAIN � . I I /' . liest!" mused the colonel, very kindly. � i , 11 Well, so they should be, since sd should this rare creaturle's grace or en chmntment fail at any point, his ad&jira- . - , �' Call in," she said, softly, " the Tor- . We, wish to draw the attention of the people of Seaforth and sur* I they are." . . tion and ptirsuit- must neceissarilyJan- pedo-its representative. I mean -the- rounding country to our large, extensive and varied stock of . - % He sighed, realizing that such softness I . I and beauty had not been for a lot like guish of. themselves, as they had already . done in so many fatal instances. Colonel, is he not9 Introduce him. . Human nature is our study, you know," . � I ,, HO -USEMOLD FURNITURE. . � I � his. . " * When . " What I condemn," he said, lower. - . - her .hands meantime conjuring ap,Ue mistiest veil of music from the ke�e.l - li I � . almost as soon al he had inher- ited them, he had lost through the war ing the impressive yAce that could thrill -a �.� . " I I 11 Why, thertainly," said Apollo. , We manufacture the most of our Furnituro, and ca guarantee it to . his magnificent estates in the South, his Senate, - moat of all in my sex is an y -cruel ty-practised toward - woman. The colonel was turning wistfully i the public. At present our stock is very harge, and islaily increasing. ' b fiancee, the sprightly and accomplished What I admire most of all in yours, away. � . To reduce this enormous stock, our prices bav6 been marked away down. Miss Lynch, had deserted him, and he had found it in his heart Mrs. Lestrande, an acquaintance of some Mrs. Lostrande rose. She wanted to make the colonel's heart *beat b that � At our low prices everybody can afford to purchase. Our e9tablishment ' : I never to re- proach her. - two weeks At S—, fortunately taken up again here-'.'., I gesture of rising and moving to I sofa � is opqa to yon all, and we want -to see you and all your friends. Bring - - I Since then he had led a life singular, . � He paused with perfect self -command ; near, and making room for him �eside . the whole family with your and pay us a visit. We will be very happy � . I ... ,a, ,of adventure without reproach, had heldv) I his deep voice, his lordly promise of tone her. Women have away of accom- - i to Show you our goods, whether you purchase or not Hoping sobn to I __ 'THE I � � � the Indiana at'bay among the struggling -and manner, left a thousand things to be P 118hing such designs ;'but if the col . have a visit from you, we remain, respectfully yours CENTRAL I � , I settlers of the West, had sought to re- . deem his own fortunes in the natural . imagined, and conveyed more than any Words, as Ccdrid had intended. onel'a heart was stirred, he'had learned so to wrest his emotions into impersonal 2 FURNITURE HOUSE, opposite McFaul's Dry Goods House. I I . � wealth of those wilds,. but fortune had � - - - - . not yet sailed into his broad, - Mrs. Lestrande's alert, deer -like atti- directions that though his eyes filled as usual in contemplating her and I . � : I KROBERTSON' PROPRIETOR. i ; . patient .. � hand. . I - I . tude grew suddenly pale and- weary, At 'Vou are *very kind," murmured this ,weak lovely sex, it was with a4 M--iration and ' , � � I . . . I . I I I-Home-ka(e, air!"' said the colonel, � poor wretch with a history,. but men- for her even more, than with his. � . ! � .1 I - rousin), from �hi8 reverie at the remark I I 9 I tally..',gritted her teeth and r erred to an .pity own longing. r ... 1-5 �, . . .r" . - I . - '%.. . � A 'S I . � . � . � - of one of the! delegation at his table- . expression of ,her unchas ed youth. It Mrs. Lestrande was conscious that the � - � I I I � �. - . i "Ay, sir, we'll have home -rule at Tor- � pedo� or I'll make that Territory from f I Very well, ndy lord, but I'll - see - you - . colonel held his papers negligently in his broad hand; that his'boots occ upied a . . I , - t: � I r, T)n Undertaking � A "'Ppartment. . 1. � � z � . its utmost bouundary'4t Whistlecave to hanged first." She had recovered her usual compos - � - . substantial portion of the -, floor before . . - � I r7- �t � the lowest strata of rock at Slamledge � are of manner. I them, and were dusty. This was seen I - - '-- - I 11- - I . i �.,l % a -I) I . + 'r;l � ' . . . I 11 This poor general -colonel, I mean ; vaguely through the sense that she was I . - - � - . - ' : , I : 1, . - 111le-ah! heatah I" softly ejaculated in , I , - � -, 3�1[ � ,4,1 . �ff �, I & derisive whisper a gilded at the -Colonel Miles, of Torpedo -will he . 'r , very contented and happy.- and i - 9 hat she had some how known the colonel through . "' This department is complete in every respect, and prices the low- :� youth : ­ � ­ I 'Itr _; .. �� . frt� - 4 Lestrande table, who had recently elect.. - . 0 . 0 get, do you think, the Governorabi-13 ID 1. I . ! Torpedo ?" . ;* . a great many years. " eit. Two first-class hearses on hand. Funerals attended to at the � . I � � f., , I . �. �ed to be an athlete, f�id whose skin 1 I : , . . ,, 'seemed Confidence under these cirdumstances Shortest notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. I � df�,� . . � sV- � l. I 0 . showed as mistily tanned as an infant's I . - , 1 - - 1 �­ �'. - after its first sun -bath 11, he -ah ! he -ah I I i I 1 mpossible !" Cedric's reserved smile became obviously humorouc. . "He hardly necessary, but it was de- . lightf al to know how gentle and low he - . i M. ROBERTSON Funeral Director. I � � I � � . 14 I . � Colonel Milth the wah-horth -is about I " would be leading cut the male rosotlirces . � could make his great. voice, enough so . --- 11 I . - - I - I �� il _� - �_ " . . � 4 1 1 .*I- to discourth.' I of the Territory to take arms against the that only they two should hear. . I � - �. I 11 - , 14" 11 3 '_ - - � I . I ... 11 � ­ � .f � . - , . t , - - '.. 11 Colonel Miles could put you in his I - . ! pocket, little sonny; he could 686i".you _4 wrongs and crying evils of mankinil, a composite ' Knights of the Holy ro ""' I She won a little of big story from hirn had that I ., I . , 11 HAMILTON & M JNNIS, SEAFORTH .. rt ,.c . �� i ... I � � li ; ... 11 �� without winking," replied a young girl � , .4 ,-Salvation Army.' Really or -some hing i ; she grown artful evening to the very point of inspiratiom Cedric . � I I . TV f 1. - : I i � I . - . - � I � - ­ ,of the period,, who' oaf .boldly opposite I z f � . .. .11 ! just al)out as imperson er'ical. al and chim Ile's a noble old boy, knovO-all thought he had never seen her look so . � I . _� I � I' I . . � I I . . - - �� � : . I the gilded youth, and addressed ,him 11 __ ! I � � 11 �11, . d , .. . i it C . .� - with the easy familiarity of long family . , .1� - : -, -, - "Heoouldblawyou you ' very beautiful, but always this dinger . of drifting into .- the ideally im practi- timid or so beautif al. The colonel, thus played upon, rel%ted . � _V_—W, TZ__E1M1E0_V__R'_',1D �� r: I -eship. , - '... -acquaintan.r. � I . � I . -, z a . f � I -,:!'. -W , i , � , , ­ i away with a breath of his mighty nos- ' . I ; cable. t him ; No, they won't appoin some of his adventures dryly, with. all . - — . I . I . : -, , I r I i .. ,.,. � . , I � . ­ 1� �t trils, my baby Sullivan. I adore -the �: :_ - � - t I I t, . � � '�,i , colonel. So mind the whale bait. Belay t.the least chance of it. It's reall no - - y unfair in some ways, for he has : con- the heroisms left out. ' It was different when Mrs. Le,itrande spoke, his listen- . . � .1 I . I ' To John Logan's old stand, on the corner of - Main and I � z , , �� . �; - a �i � : '. - , .. -�i --t i there I" she added, gutturally, with: a t. , , , �: � ;. , ,�Fl � I structed and managed the whole affair thus far, and well, too,well, too." 1111114 face beamed, and he seemed to t swell visibly with sorrow and cumpas- � John Streets, first door north of M. R. Counter's I ­�v � � -,; I I.,j __ I - _: Tather loud sea inflection. This young : ��� . -1 � .. I , ... ... � ' I i - � . ,, ,, I lady's usual-monitreas was not down to _,� � -i �_, . ' Of -political matters Carl Cedric drank . 8'on' I 66 � Jewelry Establishment. . I ,q �- � . 1 �� I— - - .4 breakfast. The gilded youth snickered -1 - . I _1 . from the fountain -head, and his . report Am I mad?" thought the woman; . - 1 � . � , :V � I.. - � I I 1 � , �c - !,#,�: . 49 My dears !" said the youth's moth- - � - - I ,,::: : i was august as law itself. "Thisis.-con. i but the bliss and rest of it swayed her . . , I : I'll � 7 . . I 4, - _- IS -1 I J, er, I I The Sonator,your father ' - r . , � r , � - gra,vely., I fidential of course," he added quietly. with a hidden ecstasy beyo' d her voli- n � �4i , I!.. - V� � I , I i ed addressing the young man, I . ; --- � she add , . Lestrand's bea, Mrs.. heart with an , tion. It was bliss if he questioned her ; - . � 1 W'. .1 - r . ­ I i "during his lifetime knew, and Was a � , I . impulse she co-uld hardly coiitrol. it made her heart beat wildly. She We are'now opened in our new �store, which is fitted up in first� _�X� - LL11 ­� � I � . 7, very fond friend of Colonel - Miles., He i, ,- - �,, 4'� - I 11 What i pity, his staying on here and - hinted, she even spoke of things long . cl* ass shape, and everything made for the accommo'dation of our cus- � Z - I - , � - I � � - . , . . � 1, -first knew him during his more fortunate , I . I ... ­� J,4, 1 . . , �, days, but always father said c,f -t WO rking so earnestly for it I" Shespoke . sweetly, indifferently, with that st4ange sealed upon! her lips to any soul, and . that she ha4 believed- long buried and - I tomers, an -d. we are prepared to do better for our cust mers thantever I 0 �, .. your I � X, , I . �� ­ I- .i-. � f '1� �v �,-''y hinithat he was the one hero he knew I heat of sorrow and indignation r 'in � put,safely away. Once her lips grew before. We have plenty of room nowi plenty of light, and everything I I ,,,, - � - - , ... a �I' !'-" -, sans pour et sans roproche-without fear - - ' within her. That this younger an, dry, and a sob choked in her throat. � -made pleasant f Dr ever body, as well as Boots and 'Shoes at right y � I 1.4 �'11 + � 1. . i and withoutt reproaah, my dears," trano- J whose life had been all endowed wbalt 0 " I am a fo'l," she thought, bitterly,and prices. - � I . I . _Z� . , - - I . � . � I _ I . � tr 4. , lated the good lady, simply. , ", , - �_, j., � . * . s I . _4 i The gilded youth and the bold girl I ; : I and loud success, should speak wit h smiling finality of the lion in the toils of � belieVed :he had disgraced herself ; but : at least he was sure of one thing, h 0 - Don't forget to call on SATURDAY,. August 9th, as we will be I i . . � . . . I __q; -_T I � ; v -11; snickered moie unrestrainedly. . � I 1. ' his " lost causes!" . . � " would never tell of - her." . - ng - gi �i Special Bargains that day, as 8ve will celebrate it as our Open- I - 1 �, .1 --A : I 1 z , I � - i -:,, 7.--1 � "My dears!" again said the good I . -_ � Y_ - - . I - "And would he," she added -"-that - But the colonel said, with hiq kind ­ � I ing day. ! � - � � I � 1# -,- 186d . I . I , � ,A� .�� � - _-Ir Y. � . I. :�_,� 1 I blatant remark-, you know, that recent 'eyes, and in the voice he could make so i I . � - , w� 1. . . '. � ", t - � 1,�` t " Won't you join our kindergarten, . I ; I � . � , thanidensf6rin about the insane wife- - � . l,ow-it had even a caressing tone now, ; g � . I I , � � �- � � , � ': - i ��estrxn4e ?"said the wicked girl. !� � Mrs. t . I � 1.� I . � . -, � L­­� I . would he stand a test like that, too ?11 I � - Blatant'.!' "I - Really, as i! ih e po e to an intelligent child : I " � - + — Boots, Shoes, Truln�ks and V lises a . - . _ , � I �f, hlri� Lestronde, -smiled kindly, 9ven I ­ i . _4 . . excuse . me, I h i,��. T 8 8 ill very good, very happy for . . . �.. . 14 , -,: " - 7 - - 4, � I wistfully. She reme rn-bered another light i 1, .41 � . I I - �­qt' � . Mrs. Lestrande, but that is exceedingly � you ' You. ' an thank God, you see, for . ', ' . I 1 . I . - - L.L. � I I - 1 41 heart,' 1 '. , . just so �reckless and gay of speech � �__ � I inapt as applied to the colonel. Ele's. gIvi Ing you so much.. This is all t i I . I — I A�, 7 1 : � � ZZ, -.-�� f -U . I - ; . 4 -1 before sorrows smote� herl and turned to - . genuine, poor fellow ; he's true -steel- - you more wisdom and power to help - - . I i I . _ � , �._; I I I --- 1 ..'�_­� se with the elder woman. � - , 1 .conver : .. - - i ... . - I � L � I., I .,*.- i ; � � . - v, � - ;� q I I !`�," -e . � � q - , ,t.. � The table was long and narrow. Th � ij_�4­ true. In one sense I never kne* quite - such a man. I make no doubt h�nw he 'a and save, and to Inake you more lovely, more beautifu I'll _. 1. I . � � 7 NIS, HAMILTON * AT . � : I 4 �, b.. � wicked girl ! bent a little forward and ; " �� ��; would have treated wife under any- He was gone. Mrs. Lestrande was- 'very ___ ___QI i __ � . � . � , I _a :" ;! � : 11 ; - 1) � w sp I : I_- hi ered to ihe Apollo of the sun- bath, ; I �- t I � I I I- � "I think Mits. Lestrande -is exquisite. I - h . I i ; . - circumstances of misfortune, since he did even that very thing referred to for half-brother brilliant for the rest of 'the even- ingi Cedric was amused. . - i t J. LOGAN'S OLD STAND I ATAIN-ST. S AFORTH. Y. � 11 - � , " 1: � z . �1. . - . . . I!m i going to write to papa. I've al- 3 � t a 9 who became demented "She is perfection still," he at' g e a d to . I f + I . I . I I : I � I . � � I Tra I la I I � I ways wanted ja -mother-in-law. . through their troubles and losses in the I � his thought, 11 even to her naivette. She � ____ i - �.. . . . . I ; . r 11 . . I � - . .n Baby Sullivan. " . : �. � 1. . I I I - 5 " I'll thank you to wait till I've pro- South.' The colonel gave a good part of I . his life for him, guarded him, supported is sweetly unconscious that to arouse my . jealousy she should -have played off a . NDRY : I . - ; : -Z - . � : ­ I., poth; to her myself. You don't seem to : ­ . ­ him, put all that could be of comfort, I . more promising card than poor Colonel - . ,I 5 - . � ! . � , 1. know that Eve been thmitten-deeply yes, of joy-, for the fellow is radiant, in- Miles." � I �'ent � ! I � . . I � -i : 11 I . . f- - I _­ e '� __ thinitten. Yloth, indeed. Tra I la !" . I . � side, though he looks like a charcoal pit burn,er-yes, of joy into his life to the 'Wbdn Mrs. Lestrange to her . . . light � . . i I I Having 'd ­ I - . I 94, y � : � - - .-. -_ on? My f oodneas I You'reengaged ,_1F last 41' . . - spaciou own' 9 apartments al was complated rebuildinc, a repairing the old foundry, and . ' _Q ' . I I I - t i � . to roe ! Where a your new ive - ; l � -ry mount I I � - . � ; . � . Who ever got the better of sweet, de- . � abinipg through the door c1f the little I . hall bedroom occupied b or Colonel i ntroduced the latest equipmenti" ap� 3 the most improved machines, i �� . U I , , - I - edlhote book that I gave you Christmas, I d . - , � ,; . I I � 1, - + ceitful woman ? With that simple y p 10 Miles. ' I I I �am now prepdred to do I . f . I . I I I I . .:,z . - I should like to know? Well, that's � .1 - � - _f 2�. . cooll Tra, I la I" I word "blatant" on her innocent. lips, - � As she passed that room ai!2d light she 0 ; � Al i I I . ' i - I � -, �, m i. , � � t -- , , ­_ "Am I? T�hat'h a blow; but if I've �E Mrs. Lestrande had got much that she. wanted to know, and in her triu'mph fifted. her hand and made a little sacred sign on her forehead. Her eyes I M . All Kinds of Machine Re pai rs 1 , I ;A ,#�,! r -, I _; i rl - - noted it d own, I'm doomth. " 4� A ._. I I was thoroughly master of herself. I were b ri h t. � - . � I I A � , ,` .. � , I I Here the sea of debate was heard to be d It., -.1 4. , , ''. 11 'Impracticable ! Beautiful ine. h. e colonel had had man admirers, y ; . 1 1 _ . C. I- I . ; � . . - . _1 - surging up again at the table of the Tor- �j! - deed!"' she said, with a look of bewild- especially among little girls ranging in - M AND GETIERAL FOUNDRY WORKII . , I .if, � �� .." : . pedo, delegation, where the great, broad- I � - . � I I - ering grace at Cedric. "Let us all be ages from four to eight. Theme had Ifol- � I _� I . - �, �1141 1 � I ,­ j 1 I �­. I -11 � .- � chested, genial colonel seemed to be . .z - 1. beautiful, then, and die." . (Coi2tinued on 3rd page.) I I I I . - - I � T. COLEMAN. - � - f I %, 1�` - If. - i -. . iCl __ I . ; � . T. : -1 - � - . .. . . . . - I . I � : I - . � .To i i � I � � t i ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. DUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. --Tho under. U signed has a number of flne huilding Wx n Goderich sind James Streets for sale, at low rices. Forpartilculare apply to D.P. WILSON . I . 909 . I FARM FOR SALE. -BeIng Lot 11. Conces. sion 0, Howick, County of Huron, con sining 100 acres, 75 under crop, balance tood tardwood bush, good frame house, bank arn ,nd bearing orihard, 8J miles from Wroxeter tation. Easy tems. .Apply- to WILLIAM � RYANS, Brussels P O., Ont. - , 1178x2O L I . ---% PARM FOR SALE. -For sale Lot 81 Con - cession 6, McKillop, contsining 100'acres, - 6bout 90 acres cleared and all in a good sftto of ,ultivation. it is well underdrained a�d twell enced. There Lie a good brick house fatd Ifood I . rame barns, stables, sheds I L &e. There is a arqe bearing orchard- and a never failing pring Avell. It is situated within three miles if Seatorth and will beaold cheap. Applyto rOHN McCLURE, Portees Hill P. O� ___ - ..1168tf ___ F&RM IN STANLEY FOR SALE. -For isale cheap, the East half of Lot,20, B�yfleld toad, Stanley, containing 64 acres,�of which 152 cres are cleared and in a good stato of cultiva- !on. The balance Is Well timbere4 with hard- vood. There are good buildiDgo, a bearing xchard and plenty of water. It is Within -h%lf a aile of the Village of Varna and threemiles rom Brucefield station. Powe0ion at any Ime, This is a rare chance to buy �m first class arm pleasantly situated. Apply to ARTHUR �ORBES, Seaforth. IL144tf , rARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -For imle or to rent, for a1erm of years, Lot 12, dran- tssion 9, McKillop, containing 100 acres, of vhieh about 90 &cres are cleared and in a good tate of culti vation. There are about 70 acres eed-eo to grass,� 'The fences and buildings are ,,00(�'�aud it is one of the beat farnis in the !ouo � ty,� It is withi a three iniles of tlie villaie d Wintbrop, and 8 wiles from Seaforth, and a ,,00d gravel road past the place. It is witbin a aile of school. It will be sold cheap, or rented or. a term of years. Apply on the farm, or L' Adress Wintbrop P. O.' ROBERT G. ROSS. 1181-tf , - . — -k SPLVNDID CHANCEL -Two houses and lots for sale, pleasatitly situated in the rillage of Eginobtiville, Wing one frame house, Ath stable and half acre of land planted with ruit trees, and ,one new brick house, %ith uge frame at -able and one,and half acres of ind. The house contains six rooms bath oom andologets, brick basement, cistern and 11 necessary conveniences for a, first class ri- ateresidence. Will be sold in efor eparately to suit purchaser. For particulars pply to SAMUEL WALLACE,. Egmondvffle . 0. or to A. STRONG, Seaforth. 116stf - __ FkRX FOR SALE CHEAP. -:-,%1`000 will buy , 100 acres on the Oth concession of me- d1lop, belonging to Thompson Morrison, who ' residinF iii Dakota and does not intend to eturn, eighty acres cleared and the balance ood hardwood, ma�le and rock elm, within 5J ffleb of Seaforth and within I of a raile of -hool house, Methodist and J?resbyterian hurches, s6res, wdlls,* blacksmithing -and ,agon making shop, post office, &c. �i good build. igs and water for catt'�e, and good pavel roads ) any part of the township, taxes. the lowest f any of the bordering townships. ,A mortgoiye rill be taken for $3,000 at 6 per 6ent. APP o JOHN 0. MORRISON, WinthropT. O., Ont. I I 1176tf � . I � FARM FOR SALE.—For sale, Ldt 12, conces- siob 4, H. R. S., Tuckersinith, containmig DO acres, 95 cleared, 63 seeded ito grass, 8 )wn to faU wheat. The farm is�weU-Ienced, ,ell under-dTained aiad well watere4 by a ever failing spring which runs t4rough pipes . ito a trough. There is a brick I house and itchen, frame barn, stable an t driving shed. I ,00d orchard. The'larni is sltu�ted within l of Seaforthl,with good ravel roads leading in all directions. Will be Ad on easy terms. For further' particulars pply " on the -premises or to JOHN PRENDER- -AST, Seaforth V,. O., Ont. 1186ti . -------- FARM FOR SALE.—For sale, the south half of Lot 23, C6neession 6, Morris,- coritamimig DO acres, about 90 of which are cleared, well � ,need, about 70 free from stumps and weR nderdmined. The balance is well timbered itb iardwood. The cleared part is nearly all ed( -.q to grass. There is a frame houseand -am e oarn, also a small orchard. This is one of , .ie oest farms in the townsbip o6nd has no roken or bad land on it, and is Food for either i rain or stock and will be sod che4p. It is Ithin three miles of Brussels and within a uarter of a mile of a school. Ap'ply on -the remises or to Brussels P. 0. Wk. or JOHN OBB, Jr. . . 1144tf TARM FOR SALE.—Containing 119. acres, L� being parts of Lots I and 2, on the Sth mcession of Morris, 100 acres cleared and 5 ares chopped. The balance good hardwood ush, fairly fenced and well 'underdralned,good atne house alid Idtchen- with woodshed ttacbed, two frame barns and frame stable, ood orchard and three wells and a soft water �steru. Witbin two miles of Myth, where �ere is a good market for all kinds of pfo-duce, ,hoel within five mbiutes'walk from the house. �ould take fifty acreg in parb p�y. This is a rat clasa farm and parties wnhing to buy 'ould do well to call and see it. Apply on the renifiseF; or address Blyth Post Office. - NICH- LAS CUMING. 1189tf . - -­ :�ARM FOR SALE.—For sale, lot 5, concession - 1, H. R. S., townsbip of Tuckersmith, con- dning one bundred acres more or less, 97 acres [eared, 80 of which are seeded to grass, well un. erdrained,. three never failing wells. On one f ty of said lot there is a log house, frame barn nd very outerlor orchard, and on the other a ood frame ouse and barn, stables, and good rchard. The wbole will be sold together or wh fifty separstbly to suit purcha4ers, located I miles from Seaforth, will be sola reasonable n easy terms as the proprietor is r tiring from I krming. For further pa .1eulars ply to �" ndersigned on the premi es, and if by letter Z eaforthP. 0. MICHAE DO EY. 1176tf . I RI, SALE.—A V Good Dwelling House, mai part, 16x24 nd 14x18, 1J storey8 with kitchen 2x18 and a rot class cellar under all the main fart. There ; also a good 'well and cistern and youn rchard, with plenty 8f land for bot' garden oZ 6wn purposes, also Cid.er Mill,25x4 with stable nd wheel house attached, in firs c ass working rder, with good trade estabIl J.. The six ne village Iota adjoin to and for�ning part of �e above mentioned �1 be sold s parately or Dgether to suit purchaser or purcn ers, afford. ig a good chaned to any one desir ng to pur. hase a good new 4welling, rot el so In every aspect, or lots on which to uild the situa- on is equal to that of any in the ,v .11age. This roperty will be sold at a bargain as the owner . tL[cU1&r9 itends secunn a farm For fU114 par pply to BERVARD THOMPSOX or G, J. UTHERLAND, both of Hensall. I 1375tf. __ I q1ARM FOR SALE.—A rare chance to obtain L_ a fine propeity, beiag 'Lots III and IL2, oncesgion 13, Grey township, Hu�on County, )ntaining 200 acres, 145 acres unoer cultiva. on, balance drained and partly cleared, with ie exception of 16 acres reserved for firewood, ad fence timber ; soil, rich clay loam, rolling ad very productive ; a commodious frame welliny. large cellar, with woodsbed and other )nveniences attached ; two large barns one underneatb, besides 4her Lit buildings ; two large bearing orebards of �oicefraits, besides a variety of small fruits, rnamental and- shade trees ; 1,400 - rods of ;raight mil fence, recently put Up, a portion nderdrained, watered by two never failing . 'ells and a spn , ng privilege fo . . 6rni is pleasantly situated, has even our- 6ce and drainake facilities that cannot be irpused, while the buildings command a view . F the whole property and a lar,,e portion of ie surrounding country, addi g "nuch to the aautv of the place ' It is distant 4J miles from russels on the G. T. R., while . ost - office and iurches are not far distant, gooX roads. Will , , sold reasonable. For furthet, particulars ?ply to D. & J. ROBERTSON, on the premises r to Cranbrook P. 0. � : 1174tf �ARXS IN TUCKERSMITH AND STAN. - LEY FOR SALE.—For sale, T,ot 21, Con- � � ,ssion 2, L. R.. S., Tuckeromith ' containing )O acres, of which 85 acres arre c�eared, free om stumps, all underdrained, well fenced and i a high state of cultivation. The balance is ell timbered with hardwood- Ther'e W a good rick residence containlLng all the� latest Im- rovements and conveniences, a !good barn ables, driving house, sheds and i other out9 aildings all in good repair. Th' L Ore are tbree, 7es of orchard and garden coutaining all Me of large o6nd small fruit trees and the holefarm is surrounded by maplo and other Me trees. It is close to school! and is con. , � lways, churches, etc. id good gmvel roads leading in eve ry directiont hete are three never failing wells. This is Ore 'the best faribe in Huron and H be sold ieap as the proprietor desires remove t6 Anitobawhere he has purchased ,more laud s, or addre Brueeffela i . 0. GEORGEPLEWES. i - . . . . I : - � . I . I . ! ! . . . I � ! I I I . I k - . - i � . I . � . I I . . � � I . I . . . . : I . � � . . - - . I I � - . � � .. . � I . � I . . . - .1 . t . ! 1. � . . 1. . : � z I . � . I . � : I . , i I i I I . ! I I . i . . - , . . . � I - - - � � . I i! - I I I . . . .1� ­ - ! I I ; I ! I II I � - , - - . I . I I . I I ­ ____._ -.1 - � � . � I . I . .. . � I I . I . � . I � i . I � .1 : . I . . P � . � . I � � I . . � � � � � . . i I � i � - - I . I . I : . I . - , I " . I I - - 1. 11.1. I - , � , - - - I � I � � I � . .:11 I . � I I I _­ � . I 1� - - . , . : . " . . � _� . T , --� 1. I . I .1 � I - I - - . i I 1. 'N I i I I ­ � �, _­ ­­- ­­ � 1- , 1. I ... I—. ,---,---,-.-' �__ ­ -���l.-�.".�----,,----,—,.��.��----!-� _� I I I I I I . -1 ...... I i . I I . . . I ­­­­ . OCTOMIMIR -.31, Ift. - . I i . I � � I� I - .- . U - rted" tare5sed hi I �p Do , I . I I.. or s6ud ourse, and oll - I � I � -, - . - ; � V trande ba4.- etilt m4ch Nit: sical Instrument . and an ho � I . -_ or in her,h4ir I i . laid what he resolve , J - - 9 ould d4�00V,er as Mi 3M1&1=01R.*1"a � - at, prefoi%noe'Jor I . . � . . � I I ­. I . . .: � I ,,,we lucompre-hensit I � . . I - . I p � . I .- I � - sp�joe. I I - _­. - � ,r followed him nor a .. I he � , Scott Br 0': thpars 11 Ir .he blushW 'exquisitil . . � She al,bPe4r--d� USA] . I I him- I ; �_ I Of the stairs going, al I . It just as the icolonel. was, I . I I PROPiHETORG, . . . . . . ., I., Always 0auiedon tb . I . . 6 .th tier. - For wc .- -0tiat wl . SE_A,�FORTH, . . ONTO ': in the dMiffing room I I . 1, i � I . ear that there wei Wrl�,AIYCW-Dunbam Newyor.� I � . B 11 & Co., Guelph ; Ddm'i U*ion Niat - �, a .. . . her side wh . � Comp4ny, Bowmanville. . I Arew uear�- I . � � ,� 1. . . - ,soure that ahe would be - 0 not .to driw ne ORGANS. - W. Bell & : act :* appoint her for I Guelph; Dominion Organ ()ompco.t i . � � %Uys principle that he . Bowmanville; D. W. Karn A C� I vthin�g Woodstock. 11 : , AM , a child expec , . . � I I" . � I I I i I � . I - lu I The 4bove instruments alwaYs on hpoid� &ko � Adwhereas under the blandi a few good second-hand Pianos - I little adoreirs, with tiny � sale at jrom $25 upwards. and I lot - e 1w � to (u,ld , � ing at his th P Instrume ts smo 0� �_ troat and nie - � � � _Sul! - the instalment plan, op o te s sult a - - I-, � - in his pocket, A oq , a . tomers, Violins, Concert! and iama instra, � . gone up Xrom. mentson hand; also shee usic,boo , &C. - , the -c . . � . . � . I . III he nevAer kit'kny .1ml - ' ri 0 $ . . I I fmin, weariness. at least, i ­. � SOOTT BROSS " I.A�_ I ide's Pres6nod- Here he. . - i;��__ analysis drop in,-,% state ic ! 7 _ � I I - I i 101,watent- J I AV hab . udvrlys,she . ,good luoll . � A I/ . - 1) said the hoad chanib4 C. t Mir Whitm, ­$ 1 8 *__0k_ M-, I t ,_ 1. Im Of wiui I � _,Wisly dusting A, Pie I i , , 1&tli )&Ts. Lestrande's -room. : , . Vill � ; STOVE AND . ."44 ilow go, Id WnIe T � ; -z- 'a lig :� I I ; stoolouel .Miles 4tehed hi I I I . ; . -1 - .1 VA; - t de, do' -knob,, and he I � . - dolles fo' to mend it ft F U R N I S H 114 0, -ft - _ w q I to he doue � it?, 110 ' ' I i . -1 . i . I (D -US -R, __ ... -; - ,laughed derlsively, -al � . 3 her head without furthi � I I � . , ' I ; � . 0!-!I,kf You will bring it to me al Seiforth On tari o. , - another two� i 5 -WA word, here's I � I - : fo yo I . . �F Minnie. "' ' , We are offering Bargains in wrlAgks " -said the grateful r - 1* � I . � .� : I I jq"*Ug Vnth ,alacrity for ti . . - I - . � . 'Mfg. Ustraude, with eager vi CW & Wood Parlor Stom, -*st' . I I . I � ' VM .picked out the lAinful, III 1 All Stoves Guaranteed, ijVl-otory's atitchea. She proc I I make such a work of -fixt in co"ve I A f#11 line of let, none could ever have toli � _. . ; . *g *8 tent had been there. I . I I 11jecoloneVe p.ocket# were ft Mc 61a a-, Famous f3tOVeS I@r the world, as she sat ther". � .. � I _wouia Mrs. -Lestrande have; Por which we are* Sole Agents. -he miscellazi0ous nature . I . I . pet � I I I 01110111m., but as� she worked, mi . Gre1at-Bargaius in Table and Library *-theovercoat, &;Isheetof -p&p I Lamp,�. - . 1W int I I � I ,o the shape'� of a ball rol i I I � � ,M pocket on to thie�­door., I I I nEthel.11--­-mhe saw the I -0. M, WHITNEY, cw&d circumferencep it wm . � � I Um-Etbel Lestrande. It . & - Mrs. Lestraude picked MAIN -ST., - SEAFQRTH. 01, I . I JW4 �smoothed. it 'trembling]. i nd read: I 1� __ . . � � . � - H i 49 Dear -olmes --��till wAitin I . ? -, 'Will make To f - . ,� &;N71MJR - --- " � - Vvers that be. I - A a ,_ _ � 99 I , ­. � *,the U. _&if we get ti - I *6d t � I . .. . ... I - � - L, , � � Bud I believe - ,we wil - - 11 I ... . . 1_ ! - im � ___ A— -hard h:ft 'this ti . . - I I'm 1. 1-1 I I at G_ nothing tio, J I � I" �'w . , !, 1.- 6traude, t1le t 10 I, - , , 1. ___ ­�., - 4 "'ana z Woo You of. Roneitly, I 1 i � �e I ! - ftdi I _ = -a constant yeorning.7 such i __ - , " Wlin ot the heaftitrin 'a, WIM E�FF - _:� I , j -_ g . I " r r- U111a; soul before #� T.1oveber- . � Wri I I, � I : I - , , W : - L-4 11.1 , I I kave sometimea' ,".ffively "REA 14 �� .9X 1,�',� � � I , .1 �. = � M *zt, poor and ugl�," I am. .,. - 1. I --- t.- , 11., '. I =ke her happy. i . I : I 9 But this is a 4reanf. I A i . . I I - - "I i _�, sough to attempt to lighten P � ...... I - I i . L L I . I ��Iling you, � old boy, t�, J91vidently he hacl-chAnged his. 11 Ais point, and crutnpiea the, I I . - � . I- - I -Anfidence into 4 WL) . 41f . .. . . . . � � . I . aver think'�of m1p in that I � . UQes, the is angwized to a- , wabetter maa�aa bedric.', I L - Mrs. Lestrande icrushed I - *4 into the pooket, and r-0116 WDER lod been taddionly endo"M I- � - I =,s. For aperson who I 1UROST, STRiONGEST, BE$; and happiness into the ,i J . I I I CONTAINS NO . vound, her manner was certi I t A1�1111 Ammonis, Lime, Phospliaton, 4"ful to wituess, She mug 1 I I 01.3 ANY INJURIOUS SUBSTANCE. - I kinnie. � ., � E. Vi. G I LLETT, -Xw1oziTo, ONM I ',Put Colonel Miles' over( ' I f1W.411FA1T11J1,EJJ C,F C-mc.&GO, 1W Itinuire, so. that �e will find 11 TX, IRNmD R Would you ai Im �F, , "oYLL YEAST CA11 1*01" home, Ae -to go to the � eirout thig Here is the money for the ti� L I . ftne trinkets to 'niake you �' I - I You!re not to tel't litoe thingi - io do, Minnie, inind." . I 11 III % Lawd punish me r-eb� J hn So Porter9 . - i � I I Ober tells one wo'd of it, ;7 ,.. - �.Aft $1 ' I . 1" .V� I *aid Miniil;3� joyfuiW . 1 .V7 - , , -and . 11 11 L I fie next moraug, wheA I I � - I - , - I in Mrs. Lestraude�s M I tureEmnorlum, - - I I ting the vartious work ( - . ' � -1 Do ,c SEAFORTHO - ONTARIO. duster. ' , olonel . #ftbea ,ae Way hia overeasit I I :)'UTSEDE OF THE COMBINATION. I'Matr " said jahe, 44 1HIe � - ` ry, I � F�nemlx furnished on the ehortest n ' 4%er�cculd you do I't in . I ) -)2p - . and sfactionirwk anteod. A I % ry - . meo of Caskei, Coffins and Shrouds, &a,. 41,Ah ?" I alwaiys on� hand of the best quall . he "' Viet'ry said- the could] OfE balmlag Fluid ased fribe ol ch *&O - , I ' pri otheloweat, IfteRearse, L 4ftwience tell a lie, but she I ' s. T. HOLMN, Funeral Direator. . . . . . . Uck on Mis, Leattry nelth den(e - GODERICH STRFM, directly 6p - told Wim. she uev.'er Aone -it W, ii e t4e Methodist church in the boo" forn erly occupied by Dr. Scott. I � AWh done it." � I W . Miss Finch ,was the elde � 0 � I *kr of the prqyletor of th . Mhom the colouOl had show - I � - I .. heroic attentions. fle L I I ed ]Wiag Finch a Jittle waya, I I ON ROOT Co31PoU,ND.__0w I . I IL d of Cotton Root, Tanq and 149 Walk that MOMM& AM nnyroyal-prepared by Zn old pihy- *Ande had seen from her -i Iciari. is aucces8fully wed =04W � 41,8he laid MUs Finch did .y thousands of women, snd bas bW � � Ztescribed In a,practice of overtbb# i 31TS. 144trande laughed i years. ee,S1. W111bemailedtowyaddrm �� Anioally -, than ishe went I In I ads and United States. Doctoes conW, � vinaowand the snost-ridic tation hours, 9 to n and 1 4. D100AM of � I* 11 womea treated only , Sealed partlealars, t%V I - tears,caime into her eyes In � - dinner Cedric, wh eta __ s. ladies on 5 AddresE POND My - _: r At t : oh com , No. 8, FL, -he Bloc 131 Wooftud : I& Mind finally, to 'Propose Aven e, Detroit 11f,:higan. nes-13 Aftude some time jurfi;ig - � I . � ftlatessually: "By -the - L I ftloueVs fiste Lis ,Aaelded. I ; � LH to Lt*_ -d I I GODERIC Aftts were 9.11 mad `a L . I L 1M-0, from Governor to � L , It V 8team Boiler Work& -4 titution made out . I . 111ts- I'm sorry to says &f ter 4 ! . . 1910 ; 7 I , I osed by Colonel Miles. I (ESTABLISHED 1.880.) . 6 I _ e had alresAy dropped ' LLLL '"tiversation w:hen Colonei C rystal - & Mad; ; ._'U�`thedi'n-iug4�om. 116' * . . -NU-Possessed,as usual I Maniffacturers of all kinds of Statioi4 %14 his face just as Izeniall ry, Marine, Upright& Tubular 140tralude saw how Very 1P I I I W he looked. : , , 0 ' S.he hatl never seemed it I ". its. " Ay, what a orea; B'O I L E R St LIL I Iflutle ga,ye-ties, of home 'vi I 1P L4'7e Made her , mille 1. � Atho L Salt �, ano, Smoke Stacks, Sheet ROD . I 'he sun-ba,t] i Us. -Apollo of t 19 Works, etc. * Ifiping love to her. L ' Also dealers In Upright and Horizontal Slift .Vkheryin her eyes and ' i : � Valve Engines. Automatic Cut-off Enginen *ftiki : * I L landed. a Estimate I J = ty. All Sim. of pipe &nd pipe fitti* - - She * hardly 9 tl on hand a furnished 44� 'IT i .- -_ rinj dinner. 4 short i loyloe. M.-ftel duri -G. T. X Station, "MCL I � � 11�w & fs e I Wor�s 0ywootte 4 0 ,c&PWM ? , - �; I I ,I I I - L - I - � . [a . I - - .. � � I ; � ., : I - � ; . - - I . - - - . - � � - I L : ;7 � - i 1i I t; I I �� . - I I I I � : I __= - - I LLL __ , I __�_ � ­ -