HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-10-24, Page 6,---- ­__ I ,--­-­- � ­ - __1 I I I . �1­ I il . - . if 1[ I . I - 41 �1 � I � I 1i i - � : ­ ­­_­ �--_"_ � 1. - . .1 _____,,_,_____ ­­­ . � II I . . . . I . . ____ 1_�f­-_­;.­­___­­­ - . � -- � il . I - . I - ­ ­_ %_ - ­ ­­! ---- , , ,� I - � i i . � I � I 1� - i . , , � . I . , . . i i I � ! I . I I . . I . i � I - . I � . . I . - - I I - - _� I - I I I I . a I i , i I : � � I. i .1 ; - � qW � � I ! -_ . .. . : - --- I � �_ . I a __11-_ i . - . � . . � Wegington, Grey and Bruce. - VETMINARY. 1. f � � with long, round train sweeping in rich � - . � I I I � � . . Perth Itoras. . I . � , I Gomi NOATN­. , i par,Tr � Mixed- TOHN OWEVIC, Y. S., Honor graduate at . folds. It was elaborately trimmed with - 2.5 ; 61 I I _-Mr, Kempthorn,shOemaker, intends � , . , Xthol ...... ­__ . m 9.,1 r.ILS.88F.M. a' ontario, Veterinary College. All diseases ` Mitchell to Venetian point lage, 'and the jewels � � . � Bruimels...... - 8-06 I 9.46 � , 9.20 of Domestio Animals ,treat6d.,�,'Cfift promptly I hortly' removing . from Mr. - - 1 6.21 � 10.00 ! 9.50 ! Worn were magnificeut diamonds. . I Bluovale.... .. - attended to and charges inodoiate. T-eterinary roronto. i � Deere gave his de,ughter and his son -in- I . - . t.30 i 20.10 , 11.10 Dentiory a ce-_At wales Boys . . � W Passenger. - Ifix6d. I specialty. - offt -A party 'Of sporting gentlemen law a substantial, edding present in � . . - Go=ff=_-__ - I Hotel, Seaforth 1112 -it � I on Z -A -In A S& * PF OR W W . . [eft, Stratfordo� Saturday, for a rew it -edged securities. He is' -at the head . I - � '"lligimun...... - V. 'a. . . weeks' hunting'in. Muskoka. gi �- . GLO v. It, So Bluoyale _ _ - 8.48 11.22 5.56 � . . * Of one of the largest and richest manu- - Brueselo....... - 7.02 ' 11-45 8.66 -The Fullarton Falf Shbw was par- a ' . . � � Mal.. _ _. _ - 7.14 : 12.00 981 - - facturiug house in the country. I . ; I * . . _. I I � I ticularly unfortunate this year in point . . I I . I the son of John Dee�e, I I I � 1� . of Weather. It: rained �, heavily through- fie 'a of the I i out the whole day. � I � the pioneer plow manufacturer - A Tery, large stock to choose from. in all sizes, as London, Huron andBruce. ' � - � I I I , - -Mr. Wm'�'.Nloffa,t I t, who I � eft Mit- West.- The groom's mother gave the '. well as the mod popular makes. Now open, a new . GOING NOI&TZ_ P I assenger. 01. young couple a fine home on Staten Is- . . I � London, depart ............ 7.55*.N. 4.85P.* 6hell last spring for Uunt8ville, Mu; land, which she has spent several months lot of choice Kid Gloves. . ! 1 5.57 � � . I . Exeter .................... 916; . koka, recently met With an accident' in making attractive. The bride is - a . . . - � Henson .. .. ...... .... 9.2& 6.09 whereby he was very serionsly hurt. � tall brunette, closely . resembling the . . -1 Kippen .. .. ...... *,.::,.... 9.8t 6.17 . Mr. Anlrew Thompson and family Southern type of beauty. The groom I . . : Bru"field. w .. ..... 9.42 . 6.20 removed last week to London, from ) Clinton .... :::::'., _: .: 0.00, 6.4 Is a noted electrician , Londeeboro ......:.... '*:: I ho gh young, i t�, EDWARD . McFAUL , - .. 0.19� 7.08 al' io . - - I Blyth.... _.. .... ....., . - 10-2& 7.12 Mitchell where they had bee and s at resent Superintendent Of e , I . . - - � residents since Mitchell was a mere . � � Belgnve .................. 10.42 7.27 � I Richmobs Light and I Power Company'of . Wingliam .arrive...4-1 ... 11-00 7.45 hamlet. I d and St. Marys f oot- Staten Island. 1 . I . I . Ir AFORTH. I Gorms SOUTH- � Passenger. -The Stratf6r -Lord Salisbury returned to England SE Wingham,depart ........... 6.50A.M ball clubs played a f riendly game in the I I Belgrave ................... 7.06 A.00 Queen's park Wednesday afternoon of from the continent on Thursday night, I Blyth .................. �. .. 7.18 4.15 � . last week, which . resulted in favor of and at Newhaven a. customs officer I Lon4es1wro ........ .... .. 7.26. 4.25 - . Stratford by four goals to none . . found two gallons and a half of spirits � I Clintonj .............. . �. .. 7.65- 4.46 Brucefleld ...... � ........ .. 8.16 5.04 � -Mestirs. Hay Brothers$ Listowel, and a quantity of cigars concealed in his I I . - Kippen.. ........ .... .... 8.24 5.12 - have handled this fall about 80,00 @%rriage. The coachman is supposed to � I � Hensall .............. .. .. 8.82 5.19 Exeter ..................... 8.50, 6.88 ; 1, shipped to Detroit and have been the smuggler. , . bushels of barley , 7, - - . I Buffalo. They could have handled -Dr. Johnston, of Jamaica, wbo is ' I � . . I 'Grand Trunk Railway. more but for the lack of cars for sh" - at present on a visit to Ontario, occu- - I Trains I . I - �p pied the' pulpit of Knox Church, eave Seaforth and Clinton station ment. . I I follows: . -Mr. Geo. 'Dodd) who was one of the Galt, on Sabbath, 12th inst., both GOING Wmv�- S311A)FORTH. MUMN In th . o early days FURNACES. . boys of Listpwel i' -m- orning and evening. Asisusualwhen Passenger .. .. .. .. 1,P8 P. IL � 1.20 P. K . X ty-five years ago, but who has Dr. Johnston preaches the church was. . - Pawn 9.10 F. M. 9.27P. twen . - Mixed Qn..... ....... ...- 9. W A. M. , 10,05A.M. lived since thai time'on the Pacific slope crowded at both. services. In the even- . I Mixed Train .. ...... 6.�b P. X. 6.40 in California and Nevada, is. now on a ing the congregation was very large, I ,-- - I . / GOING EArr-- . � visit to Listowel; over 2,000 being present The doctor Passenger. .. .. .. .. 7.59 A. N. 7AS A. -Clumsy mistakes are oftimes made gave two able and. eloqu'ont discourses Leading 0oal and Wood Burning �'urnaces- PassenTer .. .. .. .. 2.43 P. X. 2.25 P. on dark nights. A St. Marys man mis- and also sang several hymns. He re- . Mixed rain.. ...,.. 6.30 P X. ' 4.66 P. N � I � Freight Train.. .. .. 4..90 P. x. 8.90 F. - took his neighbor'er pear tree for his turns to Galt on the 27th inst.,to lecture. . _. . .1 I . own. That was the excuse he made This will be his last visit to Galt prior � . . when the ownei espied him -stripping to his leaving for Africa, for which , his favorite tree -of its fruit. country he leaves about the end of the RNAPE, �a four , "S � - - " , DR, FC)WLER -The Presbyterian church at Shakes, year and expects to be absent about two sizes -5. 6, 7 and 8 --Steel Radiators, portable or Wick'set. I . I ' peare was reopened on Sa th years. He takes with him eight native - . *,EXT-. OF * trist., after being closed some weeks for Jamaicans as missionaries, and enters ' � . D 'b ANING I repairs. The.Women's A�id of the con- Africa. at Benguela, on the east coast, THE ATLANTIC WOO , U ..-, -WILDa ,a,tion having made improvements travelling on foot across the continent, . . zes-Nos. 43 and 53. No. 43 - I I greg E m two 81 to the extent of $150. establishing these natives wood. 43 inches long, and No. 53 takes wood 53 - inches long ; .. . T. P,jvkW BE f MY I Kerr, son -Mr. James. of Mr. W., points on the route. The Doctor has takes, . an EXTRA ]E[EAVY FIRE . ­ . I Kerr, of Mitchell, is down with typhoid set himiself a hard task, but � he knows no Steel Radiators, portable or brick set, has .�, . . CURES fever at Colborne,! where he has for such word as " fail." . BOX ; is the most POWERFUL HEATER; Economical, Strong, I N I C'- L ERA two or three years past held a good posi- * Durable Wood Furnace made. These furnaces are put up under the .. . � I (3 � tion as cutter in a la,rge clothing estab- All Men supervision of a mechanic with an experience of 26 years in the ftw- � i . holpl�-a Morbu--� lishment. : � young or old, or middle aged, who find I S � "The. late John i Crerar, of Chicago, themselves nervous,weak and exhausted, nace business, and are guaranteed to give good satisfaction every ti . me. 0 Lr I C '&'�� --- , left several million dollars to public pur- who are broken down from excess oe 92r ESTIMATES FURNISHED. . . . R P%. N4 PS �noses in that city. It is now intended overwork, resulting in many of: the fol- . I . I [M I � by -various heirs to try to break the will. lowIng symptoms : Mental depression, I ' Several of the.heirs Xeside in Stratford premature old age, loss of vitality, loss - and ;vicinity. Eleven � of these are named of memory, bad dreams, dimness TARRHCEA : 4 . . _� Stewart. � I I sight, palpitation of the heart,emission'sif, Kidd'9, Hardware d 8tove House, . -Mr. A. R, Walker, of -the Huron lack of energy, pain in the' kidneys, � . - Road, near Mitchell, lost a valuable headache, pimples on the face or body, I ''f' I CYSENTERY brood mare on. Wednesday last week, itching or peculiar sensation about the MAIN .STREET, SEAFORTH, . by getting down i� the stable and in- scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzi- . I AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAMTS . inring herself so that she had to be ness, specks before the, eyes, twitching I _7 AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS despatched. , She ha"d just given birth of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, . . . to a foal when found. . I bashfulness, deposits of urine,.Ioss of' . . . . T IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR �, The other day,� at Mitchell, Mrs. will power, tenderness of the scalp and I THOUSANDS Or, BOTTLES -WHILDREN OR ADULTS. Collison'o milch cow , was found on the spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire . - ' roadside near Mr. George Lark- to sleep, failurel to be rested by sleep, S1 GIVEN AWAY YEARY- ,; - . worthy's slaughter '! house with one U `E -F: 0 When I say Cure I do not meag CA I of her hind'legs badly broken. She constipation, dullness of hearing, lose of I C R'� �IT merely to stop them for a tim-, and thes T � voice, desire for solitude, excitability of tave them return EAN-A RADICAL CURE. I have made the diseajaof Fits; C2 waacartedhome and a veterinary set temper, sunken� eyes surrounded with r.pilelpsy or FaMin'in is'llness a lifi-long study. I warrant my, re-medy to Oure th4 > 0 = the broken leg, but it is feared that she LEADEN viRcLE,l oily looking skin, etc.$ rorst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send & 0 will. have to be kille ' tace for a treatise and 94 Free Bottle of my infallible Rernedy. Give Exptoss an( 0 - C2 41. are all symptoms of nervous debility ?Ost0ific& It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address :-H. 41, MOOT . . "" _ -The livery stable building of Messrs that lead to insanity 'and death unless -S.04 br&nch offleei ISO VVEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. . . r . I . Sheldon Br6thers, St� Marys was burned cured. The spring or vital force having I . I I 0 , . C3 down tho other day. All the horses, lost its tension every function wanes in . . i . .. C3 vehiclea and harness were. saved, but the . I 0 70 � - r� consequence. Those who -*rough abuse ' . 0 , = hay, oats and horse blankets were committed in ignorance may be perma- . I THE A � r" burned. The fire is supposed to have nently cured. Send your address for ' 0 � = . ' originaltred from a defect in the chimney- book on all diseases to man. Address -Mrs. Walker, wife Of Mr. A. r R. M. V. LUBON, 50 Front street East, CANADIAN, BANK OF COMMERCE . - � I (D 0 Walker, of the Hurom Road, near Mit- Toronto, Ontario. Books sent free � EstabUshed 1867.: 1 1-1 ED chell r i . ,_ died Monday night, la'st week. sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of . � , I ,.-I. 0 q Deceased was a daughter of the late which are faint spells, purple lips, HEAD OFFICEl TORONTO. : (D C -i , - Win. Murphy�� and 11eaves a large num numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot OAPITAL (PAI� UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS - $6.000,1000 fm% 0 Pi tl - 0 1 RESTII.-..- - .. I _r :flushes, rush of, blood to the head, dull - a . ber of aorrowiDg friends, besides he $800,000 0 P) CD. Z husband and six children. ,The young- pain in the heart with beats strong, ' 0 C) PJ 0 est child is an I infant of two weeks. 7 rapid and irregular, the second haart . B. E. WALKER, GENEP-AL M I . Z N . -A barn 'in Walla,ce t4wn8hip, the beat quicker than the first, pain about I "�. . go (D property of Mr. T. & Hay, Of Listowel, the breast bom, etc., can positively be Z P ca VA waFi burned to the ground ,on Saturday cured. No cure, no pay. Send for A General Banking Business Tmusacted. Farmers' Notes. Discounted. 0 5 C -t- t -d night, 4th iust., about 11 p, m. The book. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Drafts issued payable at all points in'Canada, and the principal . CA, Pi (D c.t-,(1) W ' origin of the fire is a mystery, there Front Street ,East, Toronto, Ontario. cities in the United Stabes,Great Britain, France, Berilluda,&c. 0 � ,--A having been no lightning that night and 1 118152 . I ' 0 t:r C) . 0 A no light having been used about the , .&-- I - 1. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. 2 0 C?- CD F / . � premises later than 9 o"clock. The Madame de Stael. Deposits of $1.00 mind upwards received, and current rates of interest allowed. 93 � 9) 4 . whole season's crop was burned up, Mr. It was a high tribute that the most INITEREST ADDED TO THE PRIEWMAL AT THR END ov MAY AND :NovEmBER IN EACH I I Hay, has $1,500 insurance. P L.1 0 C:1- . beautiful woman in France pEk'id-to the yEAR. I . as . - most fascinating of French conversation- ��. li . I - Im 93 93 ) bd T-T,mvffa 'NTe%+n= 66 )y P ::A (1) I ­. I . - . alists. If I were queen of m ra � spaw Atten on given tol,the CoUeetion of Commercial Paper and Farmers r_ � - i -1 nee, I �r - I .1 - ti I - ,; P _; � -- r. ri, would . ., �� I . 5 , � . " C) (1) U, 0 - � .- I r M G B iggs, constable of Tara, said Madame Recamier. "I sales Notes.' . PC #�­I a . 1� . I traced Walter a0woer, who hired a horse command Madame de Stsel to tAlk " to ., - � -a ,02 cl- , - I -­ � I . . - I I . - JOHN AIRD, Manager. i . - , F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. ', � , and buggy of r. John Telford, of me all day long." This gifted woman 0. 91 I 01 I . 0 irt- 0 : .1 V, 11 I I �, I I I I . % �i I Southampton and never returned it, all was once driving with severai'distin I � - . Cn 0 � :: ." . . � , I I . .� . I : I -, � � . the I - 1 (1) Id . . way to Toronto and took him for guished men. Suddenly they were our �0 �'., � I . Is 0 � _.� i - � trial at Walkerton. Cooper pleaded prised by a violent storm bursting over - . . . W 0 PJ tj � � I _.�'_., : . "I ­ I , - I - � � 1. i . 1. - guilty and judge Kingsm,ill sentenced their heads. So absorbed were they b _� �_t � -J * �4 . I � r _ ;. I -i ,, , e � . I o : . 1. �, "I I him to serve one year and ten months in the vivacity of her conversation, that n y GOLDEN "LION, SEAFORTH. o to' (1) � � �� I . -, _ I i 11 I � I the Central Prison. one of them had noticed a sign of the I - W I � ! .� ., � _4 , , I I I � 9) I I � - I --a I. -I0 tt . I. -An accident which might have re gathering storm. I - - I . I P . V I . '_ __17 - ,I" . : �W : I. . . � T� .!i - . sulted seriously occurred on the fair Mr. Hammerton says, in the Intel- - . . 31, P �> , i � , I . , � V I I . - - , I � grounds at Thorndale on Wednesday of lectual Life, that Madame de Steel ob- ril i , ,�, -, 0 W � : � 1. .7,. " . last Week. Mr. McLean was speeding tained her _ literary material almost . 11111111111111111 L...t.: I I t. 1�1. -1 � .1 -his horse on the ring when one of his OCTOBER, 1890. IMA. I 0 tj .� � I - 1, �.� 1-1 I exclusively by means of conversation. . 2 i -A (D ' ct* � � 1: � sulky wheels went down and his horse- ' . ­ ; - � When a subject occupied her thoughts, I I � I I vi,_ - ' . . - _t : I . -'C - ran away, plunging through thecrowd . . I . . I I �. � �.ill . � . and . knocking down-& little girl; but she she systematically directed to it the talk - � - � (D . � .. .- � .1. of learned and brilliant men. An a . � . . . ­ . (D � . � ,­ , . was uninjured,thou& greatly frightened. .04 � . I I .1 I fisherman uses a net to catch fish, so she (A . � � �. Mr, MeLe%n received', a alight injury to Q -1 (D . i used converaIition to catch ideas and We have Some Special Lines in . P> �, .. . one of his legs. I I . suggestions. , . - . 11110111 1-1 � I ,- I . � - . - I I -A very handsome granite monument � � P � 9) C,A . I � M, 0 .. I I She would write a brief, rough draft M - W . � I . I arrived the other day, at Brantford from . . i . � . . I - of her intended literary project, which � r I . I I on in Greenwood cem- . I I I Sweden, for erecti _r M I to i, I �_ . � etery in memory of the late Russell - I�A . � I �, � -D� 9)j �­` . . I . . - she showed. to a few f iends. Their I� I hints were incorporated in the second DRESS G-0 0 D�S , m ( �_ _� ­'. . . Z .� - , � - Hardy and his wife Julotta, parents of $D� 1--i � . . � I �­ I I . draf t, which she also showed to trusted I . I I - , - � L i - . - I I I the Hon. A. S. H%rdy and Mr. A. D. � . 111110111 . (D 0 . � friends. She inserted their sugeestions .� . . 1 ; , ­ , , I %1111 1"0% (1) - . I I �.` Hardy, of Brantford,and whose remains . ;. . �� . I : I I - were br6lht there from London some in it, and then her secretary coVied the - V-4 I - I ted manuscript on paper with a WHICH ARE VERY CHEAP. i � . I time ago (or reinterment. . The mon - correc (1) :� N I . U . . I I I � I broad margin for further additions. I � � I Z � - , ment, which consists oi four heavy I : : , - � " I . I I � (A ! P (*D � . pieces, is of - the celebrated Swedish During this process of incubation, the . � :� I W . I . . . � crt- �-J . ; .1 granite, sarcophagus: in style, with high. ingenious woman made every one of her : � � .- - who was likely to be of any R. JAM IESON. , "I (D � 'D P_-4 � � . I - Z �_� . ly polished surface, and is appropriately friends talk . I . - � 30 �.I: ( 0 - I ,-f, I _... " . inscribed. Frank Peel, of Detroit, a use to her. What she heard she either �-1 V . .. I V . 7 .. I, w "n : �­i 0 . . � I !i�, � A�., bro*er of the famous Paul' Peel, is su. wrote down on a wide margin or in- .. I , I W 1 .4�1 . I . - intending its erection. corporated *in the body of the m'anu- . I -a. . 1. - - per . 1. � - ii _. I - 1 �w ;.. . -On Sunday morning when Mr. Jo. script. , i I 1 4 � ­ I aeph Mitchell, one of; the elders in the She used her ears for they were CARDNO BROS., SEAFORTH 0 to 0 �)w . I .� _� I I �di I . I 09� i . I , LeslievillePresbyterian church,near To� natural providers. She used her eyes so ' I � � M J! (D �3j ­ ' I . � . Z � . , I - 41 1 ronto, was, making preparations for the little that she once said --that were it � � - . - � 4 mq Mi ; � - . I � I I � I , Z , . .. I I.. communion services, in moving a table not out of respect to custom she would i ct- I . � his heel caught in the carpet, throwing not open the window to see the Bay of HEAPEST HOUSE IN SEAFORTH X - H . � I . . . THE C t � ; I . - . �, I � him violently backward. 'He struck his Naples for the first time, whereas she - . I U) . � knee against the shar . p edge of the table Would travel 500 leagues to.talk with . ; - I III i C) 9) . I - . . P - I 01 pt 0 . � I . ng the He was re- a clever man whom she had never � � I . I � I destroyi r For Gen, i , ct- pj : W11- - knee 1 cap. is' Furn*shin* 9 Hats and C""s � � I � . moved to: his home in�the ambulance. It 1 met. i . 91 , . "r I * . . . - ' . I I I . ; � . . will, probably be two ,months before Mr. Coleridge tells an anecdote' which I . _;!� . I � : I I � -4v,n- - r � �. , - � Mitchell will be able 'Ito Walk. shows that the gifted authoress could lReadymade Clo"thing, * d 'F � 11 , - . -,MN . �� � -Tl�e wedding of Miss Anna Deere, descend to the duplicity of a "society ' X" I 1, fl�&49%� ;. AL an, White Star a�nd .... 4,;"" � - eldest daughter of Clias. ff. Deere, of woman. . ;_ Moline illinoi , I . $ Coleridge was sitting one clay with � - V . United States &Royal Z., I � . . . I I a and! Wm. D Wiman D 'S ITS TO ORDER . . I 1. son of Erastus Wimap, the well-known Madame"de Stael in her London house, , . . I Atlantic Steamships. � . 1, � 1. I N�ew York financier,. 'iwas solemnized in when her man servant entered and i I I I . ' . . � I . 14q,Congregational Ou:rch at Moline, on , asked If she should receive Lady Davey. 1 . I � ! Cabins, $60 to $100 ; Return, sloo to tom I ; . I I . � I I intermediate, $30 return $60. Steerage, .'90, . � � . Viiday last. It was la brilliant affair. I " Oh, dear!" she exclaimed, raising Everything new, good and substantial, and at prices that -will return $40. All ci . . . uses -of passage to and fr, n . I I as- I all uoints In Great Britiain '66 any I t I o � - � , I The service was celeljrated by the p her eyebrows and shrugging her should- astonish the most economical buyer. r f . I . I � I . I tor, Rev. Mr. Morgah, .The bride's at- . . Canida. it you are sending for you fetn% d , . - I I I - . tendants were Dine id number,all dressed ers: " 0, my friend, do pity me! What The latest styles in HARD. and SOFT HATS. An elegant line not fall to secure one of our repal tickete I . I I hall I do? I detest her, She is in- I .. � clear through and avoid all trouble. : . in white, while the maid of honor, Miss :upportable!" - of FALL CAPS j ust in. . - I I . Canadian Pacific Railway ,and Steamship i � -robed in'a g6wn of rose- i Irates to Manitoba . ; � � � H41pin, was � � Ticketatoall ints. 8 . � I I I . But Lady Davey was admitted, and ' We have &-yery large stock of qENTS' ,UNDERWEAR that we po, Peem I - ­ with g4 ur - � and Pacific Coxbt points. Through sleepen I I . colored satin, rait " e of Vene I - - Madame de Stael flung her arms around are selling at prices never before offeied n . swured free. Best connection to all points in � � -1 . tian point lace. The; wedding gown was ker, kissed her on both cheeks, pressed : 4f . the United States, Auptralis and China. Head � F - I I t. I Gents' Furmiu3hin and Staple D�y Goods at rock bottom prices. I I - � � heavy luettous cream satin decollete, her to her bosom and told her she was I . 9 agency for the best stock and m4utual Insursuct ___ . : . : � . I . - . I - co= loaned oq all classes ol I I ted to see her. Be ;ies.lo Money � . � I . 9 enchan � - - at west rates of interest. No troubk -1 I I I - I I - - . - .� � � � - � �. � - . I 92- CALL' AND SEE OUR NEW, GOODS. -" - to give information. Real estate and Insuranci I � I . I . -Mr. N. E. Birtch is tax collector in I - -_ Office -MARKET ST.:' Ticket, Steamboat,., and : �. I . . I . . a � . .- I . . ­� - � I I I . : Origioal and only reEahle. the town of St. Marys, and gets $175 I . "' * i releMpb Mce.-MAIN ST. I -1 . �, - � salary, while Mr. James Boyd fills the I A. STRW4 G, I I The " Agent@ � ;_ . ! � � F�_ - Beware of pogr imitations. same offee ie.Mitchell for $60... . ,CA 0 .1 I I � "Alva" I- I.. - RDNO BROS., ;4o. 1.'Cardnb's Block . . � �1_1 I � I i I ; � I I � ,�, � � . I . ( .., % ; . . . I ! . � �.' I 1, i - � �;,, 0 1. I I - . . I .1 � i . � . . . I I _ I � 11 . I - �, i I . . . . . .. I I . I _W 1 �1.7 2 .. I � I . ; .. . I � I I `� � ­� � - I I I . . I I - I I ;-1 . i . . . . - - i q � � - � . . . I - - � , . - I . I � � - � . - i . I . � - . I I I . I . � 4- - � - - __ - ! � �, It _� � i , � I . I . . _ I - ,- � I I I I . . � . � � - . I , . . - � .. I � - i . I -1. i I 1. .. I I , I � - I � - . . . 1-1 i I � I . - I I i 1 4 � . � . . I i �: . . . I I _� I .. I . .1 I I � : I . � .1 . . � . 0 1 i . I i . ; . �' I I I . I : - I . I . ! . . .. � � - i �. . . I I ! : . - . I .. ,� I � I . . . . --i . I . : . - I I I I � I . I 1. � . � I I � �, - i 1. ­ . � I ­ � ­.-I.-I -11 _-.-_11__1-_._ ­­­­­ -1-..-1_--1-- _._______ 'J_ -�,�--"--�-."-,----------t-"�-----�-�,----�-----.-� . . � HC. DOAN, Veterinary Surgeon, Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto HonZrary Member of the Medical Society Calls from a distance promptly attended to. Veterinary Medicines kept constantly on hand. Ofiloe opposite E., Bossenberry'8 Hotel, Han. Ball. N' B. -Veterinary Dentistry and Surgery a specialty. I - � 116&6 - I1RANK 8 Beattie, V. 8 graduate of Ontario Veterinary Cloliege, �oronto, Menber of the Veterinary Medical Society, etc., treats all dis. eases of the Domesticated Animals. Ali balls promptly attended to either by day or night Charges moderate. Special atWation given to veterinary dentistry. Office on Main Street, Seaforth, one door south of Kidd's Hardware store. � . 1112 1 SEAFORTH HORSE INFERMARY.- . -40orner a Jarvis and Goderioh Streets, next do6r to th Presbyterian Church, Seaferth, Ont. Ali dis - osses of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do. - masticated animals, - mooessfully treated at the Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shorted mottos Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Vetev. insry Surgeon. P. S. -A !arge atook of Veterls � ary Medicines kept constantly on handl � - � I LEGAL � - . MATTHEW MORRISON, Walton, Insurance Agent, Commissioner for taking affidaviU, Conveyances, &c. Money to loan at the lowest rates. M. MORRISON, Walton. I � . - - 3'M. BEST, Barrister, Solioitor, &o. offloe- . Roomd One Door North of the Commercial Hotel, ground floor next door to Beams butchee shop. Agents-CAmNRoif, How & CAMBRON.870_ i 4 n ARROW & PROUDY00T, Barristers, Salicl- V,W tore, &c., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. Gmixov, Q. C.; WN. PROrDY00T. 686 nAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Bardykert %J Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont I M. C. CmaRozi, Q. C., PHmir How, M. G CAMBRON. 506 11)J. DOWNEY, Solicitor, Oonveyanoer &c . Late of Victoria, B. 0. 0111ce-6ver Bank of Commerce, Main street, Seaforth. Pri , vate funds to loan at 6J and 6 per cent. 1035 . MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancer@, &c. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Grile. Money to loan. , Office -Elliott. Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. R. MANMG, JAMIS SCOTT. 781 FHOLMESTXD, successor to tht, iste firmal I e McCaughey & Hohnested, Barrister, So lioltor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor foir the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money -to lend. Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Maiz Street. seaforth. , 11) ICKSON & RAYS, formerly with Messrs, Garrow & Proudfoot, Goderich ; Bar - rioters, Solicitors, etc., Seaforth and Brussels. Seaforth Office-Cardno'8 Block, Main Street. R. S. HAYS, � W. B. DICKSON. Money to Loan. 1127 0 . . � MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans at 6 P61 cent., with the privilege to borrower of repaying Fart of the prinoipal money at any time. App ly to F. HOLMMTED, Barrides Seaforth. - I 850 . � DENTISTRY. FW. TWEDDLE, Dentist, successor to W. J�. Fear. Office in Daley's Block, Seaf orth Ont�rio. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered fo�l the painless extraction of teeth. 1169 � . - - ____ GF. BELDEN, D. D. S., L. D. S., Dentist. . Office -over Johnson's Hardware Store, Seatorth. Electricity for painless extraction of teeth. 1164 1 - - Pw' ' KINSMAN, Dentist, L. D. . ,In, '_ , Ill �7­7� . S., Exeter, Ont. Will be at I . , Zurich, at the Huron Hotel, on the *iN�Asr TiiuRoAy IN ItAcH moxm, and at Murdock's Hotel, Hensall, on the FIRIST AND THIRD FRIDAY in each month. Teeth ex. tracted with the least pain possible. All work , first-class at liberal rates. 971 MEDICAL. WS. FERGUSON, M. D. C. M., Seaforth, . Office and residence, that formerly oo- odpied by Dr. Hanover, near Goderich street. I 10alls night or day promptly attended to. 1178 . RE. COOPER, M. D., Physician, Surgeon . and Accoucher, ConstAnce, Ont. 112? . T-�&RS. ELLIOT]!' & GUNN, Brucefield, Licen. _U tiate8 Roy&l College of Physicians and SuNeons, Edinburgh. Brucefteld, Ont. 980 iG. SCOTT, M. D., &a., Physician, Surgeon t and Aocoucher, Sesforth, Ont. office and residence South mide of Goderioh ptreet, Second Door end of the Presbyterian Church. 812 . . ItW. BRUCE SMITH, M. D , 0. M., Membey . of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, &o., Seaforth, Ontario. Offies and residenoe same as occupied by Dr. Verooe. 848 ,LkIAX BETHUNE, M. D., Fellow of the Rojal College of Physicians and Surgeons Kingston. Successor to Dr. Mackid. Ofte lately occupied by Dr. Mackid, Main, Street, Seafortb. Residence -Corner of Victoria Square, in house lately occu , pied by L. E. Danoey. Dr. Mackid has gone to the .-Northwest and 134r. -Bethime has taken his practice. The Doctor will be found in Dr. Mackid's office during the day and at his own residence during the night. 1127x12 AUCTIONEERS. . . JP. BRM, Licensed Auctioneer for the . Countyof Huron. Saleo attended in &I parts of the County. All, orders left i6t T0v I XxPearroa Office will be promptly attended to. � � � H. PORTER General Auctioneer and . 11). Land Valuator. Orders sent by mail � td my address, Dayfleld P. O., will receive prorupt attention. Terms moderate. 1185_5� , W. G. DUFF, I AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY, Cony . e ancer, Collector, Book-keeper and Accountanz; Real Estate, Life, Accident and Fire Insurance Agent; Money to "n, Correspondence, &c. Parties requinng his services in any of these branches will receive prompt attention. OFFici im DALRY'N BLOCK, (UPBTAIRS), MAIN STaMff, SRA_ FORTH. 1134 - - HAND -MADE i Boots and Shoes, . I __ D. McINTYRE . Has on hand a Jarge number of Robts and Shoes of his own make, best material and Warranted to give Satistiction. If you want your feet kept dry come aDd get a pair of our boots, which will be sold CHEAP FOR OASH, Repain*n romptly attended to. All kinds of I Boots &Z Rh,3es made to order. All parties who have not,rld their accounts for last year will please ca and settle up. . . 11162 . A McINTYRE, Seaforth. - MARRIAGE LIOENSEIS . . ISSUED AT . THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE . SIM"OIRTH, OW-PARIO, � - " NO WITNESSIES -REOUIRED 9 - . I � . � - - - - r, - I ",_�_ 0A I 00A ;1EALT1t I . . i I -0 DRDHis 4 � - I I 0 ft he um a fiss �, � I * I I i 1154-52-1 - I I - � - , HURONIAND BRUCE - F .oan an� Investment �, CC)M��_A_W-Y-_ ' . , . �his Company,is Loaning Money 'on I Farm See est Rates I ` rf � Maelrleoswt. � - I . � � � s Puchased. Mortgago - SAVrNGS BANK BRANCH. . - ; 4 and 5 per C ont. Laterest Allowed on. I Deposits, &coo . rding to amount and time left. - OFFICZ.-00ner of Market Square ad North Street, Goderich. ' UORACE HORTON9 . ' MANAOXR, Goderloh, August 5th,1885. M . w . I JOHN , BEATTIE ; Merk of the Second Division 0ourt. .County of Huron. -I JOmmissioner, Conveyancer, Land, Loan, . - and In4rurance Agent. I I - I Funds InveAted aud to Loan. i � . OFFICF,-Gver ftarp & Livens' atore. Main treet, Seaforth. I, 1116tf . I ClDtR MILL. . - I Bernard Thomps6n intends running -bis Cider Still two days in th4 week, Tuesdays and Thur& - lays for a while On account of apples being warce. If a%3pepoanv wishes any other days - mides these 8 h e mentioned, will they )e so kind as to let. me know in time, L188 BERNARD THOMPSON, Hensall. - � � rhe McKillop Mutual Fire . Insurance Company. I i . I -1 -ARMT AND' ISOLATED TOWN PIROPERTY,ONLY INSURED. I . : ioFFICERS. Thos. E. Hays, Ptesident, Seaforth P. O.; W. L Shannon, Seby-Tkeas., Sealorth P. O.; Jolta � E[annah,, Manager, $eaforth P. 0. . . ,I)IRICTORS. Jae. Broadfoot, S6&forth; Donald Ross, CUs - ;on; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; George Watt,_ Elarlock; Jose h vans, Beechwood; J. Shan - .ion, Walton; Rosi Garbutt, Clinton. AGENTS. , Thos. Nellans, H�rlock; Robt � McMillan, Sea- orth; S. Carnochala, Seaforth. ohn O'Sullivan Lnd Geo. Murdle, 4vditors. - �ramact other busi�ess will be promptly attend - 'd to on appjicatioti to any of the above officers, )�dressed to their �'espective post offices. � 1189 ___ I . )ottledo Bei - da S I -you must,� go to Bermnda. Xf you do not I �will not be responsi- ble for -the consi6quences." 66 But, doctor, I can afford nelther the time nor the money." "Well, If., that Is impossible, try OF PURO NORWECIAN COD LIVER OIL. 180metimes 'call It Bermuda Dot- tledl, and MRUY CASes Of � C01HISUMPTION9 0 & . Broncbjtzs,�, Cough or Se vere Cold I bave 'CU"D with 1t; and tJW advant�mge t9 that the mOst sells&- tive stomach 1 Can take XL Another thinil. WhIefil commends It Is 06, stimulating J)v)pertlex of the My- lpophosphlteM which It contrAn& You wH1 finid it for sale at your- Druj*lstls, 11� Salmon wrapper. 11110 sure you get the genuine*" SCOT7 �& BOWNZ, Belleville- , i ff , I � - � . I I - - 1, � v ­� . . . I - j - � � - . . � I � 1� . I I I � � ; . � . . � � I - - � ; . � � I . I I , - . . - ; . - ­ I I - I � I ­__­__ W_ , I I . � . - I t - I � . I . '. I . I _­ I I 00TOBop. 24, 1 _. I I - i � � I __- I I . - , .- i 4 Gumpso of Helen I i - � I . i , ,& .6vate letter reeeiV4 - i - �! jWton, wad . published It . 1 froln A schoolmate in I .- * I I I . � cambridget gives i, lege, In L a of them( 1 1&6�11 of on - . i � i I i women in England to.dM - - - . atone#. daughter of thi . I I . � ,s, ]Cuo Gladstone is An , Wnal person. In looks ]ier father�, =d the hm, i � . I _`tality. She is w1ways lat. � telling stories She k-eeps f,n s, roar. - . ju"deed-, whe 11 �_ I turn to see '00w1hotion.,-1 Stone i.9 not I about, and A I , She is utterly regardless i � idown. to'7 0`0164 dinner, i t uld for Junches And gardi . I erxglf ,up to ,look like the i tical wffe Of A, eau hr. �geems frank, symp . �,ud has great magnet" the writers 64 Stresims 4, 4ut of her eyes, It amul I what a shock ishe wou Boston people.. If she w, - 4 Wag, Brown, � of ( D 10111 . . Would P170][1011uppe her '91 0 t',picst western woman, .� InUst be sat uPO,u and I ,costs. But her big natui - ,vitality would drown tb . zisms, -and when they fb Visa Gladstone they wo I ,her to be " a glorious or, . Relelited But T y,oston, October 14th. - I Thomas P, Murphy., 1 1 hospital on Sunday, clos( - real lif er which has raret, e:xcept - in novels. It � Inent in 1870 with Lady beth Mary Anninciate, i proud Earl Of Gainsl)01`0 . �nl: daughter of the 2event y,rrol, . that first brough� I prominence, ,And made hi � -traqgedy in real life. La brought up -in the luxur3 ,one of Englaud's proud sh,s for,sook wealth, statil love's sake,and d-i*ed ine:1 � in a strange land. � She barn of the Zvrl of Gal -was a most be%utiful w( I I - Mnrphy waa organist ,&apel. of the Earl of 3 . ,and,jvam dependent upoi . f . i , come from that source. i 4ome and accomplished,, , jLady Blanche's love wh I i I . . 1her in mume. wlhen t! �,Esrl was informed of tl I -would not listen to- BID -termed it, and it wat nol -covered his da-ughter"s ' hireling that he realized. Vloping couple were Bed, and t) -,ea asked forgivene -would not took ,upon his; until he saw her ffi I -twelve years' suffering ' - �, He had disinherited her when too late., � Young Murphy took h do . n, but soon came to Al - could not live ib Englaul � of their elopement wav, I mouth. They landed � � ,poor, proud and friendlel I one thing and then anoth band essayed to teach #Ought -tofid-d to their so ,writing. The signatui Blanc -he Murghy" attu I ,as it appeared"beneath I I . � newspaperz and magann In some way the old E 4"11glater's haidship Am � - I lented as to send -some ! ance. She became dissat 'York, and, with her hus .Worth Conway, New HA hoped to find'thB qui . they could not obtain i They built a house a. from the village out of I I from her f ather, sud t, the remainfag years of �! � engaged in artistic pur knaband tiUed the farm . _o . �on Sundays played tt. Episcopal church. I .1 . . LsdyBlanche diedal . Ago, after tWelVe y6arS C . � which she w.as not kno,,,� I I -ed a complaint. A cal I to the Earl.of Gaiusb answer was.--" Send- I ,and let me look on her I � The body was carried, thence to England. T � .. given his daughter, but Adve the man who wo Murnhv remained 0 � -after the departure -of until a short time ag( . -stricken down with. Friends secured his adir . ney hosp�ltal, and Ah4 . I October 12th, IM, the � romauce tame,to a clos I � ----------.O- I � Xaldng Rainy, I ] 4 There are cold, ro�m � days avery spring, v e ALLA N LINE of the fumily havo -to L I .- I and- when, to keep ROYAL MML STEAMSHIPS, . natured somebody mu I J* P.,RFILP FYP.IIR InHq. Tfl F11 01; I - &I ent,a,etAini I %ii A d L a * .MONTREAL OR Q'UEBEC, TO DE4RY OP. LIVERPOOL. CABIN RATES $415, $50 and $60 Single. $0, 4100, and $115 Retur�', according to location of Staterooms. Per S8. PARISJAN, $50, $60, $80 single, $100, $1,10,8160 return.i . . NO CATTLE CARRIED. INTERMEDIA[TH, $30. Return, $60. Steer4ge at lowest ratel. - A qply to H. 4 A. ALLAN, Montreal, or C. ] BE HUNE or A.J STRONG, Seaforth. � 1168-52 , The Great !English Prescripfion I I - OCures We iltness, Spermato . )rrhe Emissio , Impotency and all 04% .. I disseases used by self-abuge o ..,indiscret on. One package Z . e�xORRift $5, by mail. Write for M Pamphlet EuRsKA CmmIcAL - : *1 lo. Detroit, Mid i. For sale by LUMSDEN & WIUON Cheiribts & Dr�g&ts, Seafortb, OnL - -,,,, I I McKiUop threctory for 1890. . � � JOHN BENNEWIES, Reeve, Dublin P. 0. I JOHN MORRI!80N, Deputy Reeve, Ward S, Winthrop. f DANIEL MANtEY,Councillor,lVard 1, Beech- wood. I . � JAMES EVA24s, Councillor, )VArd 2, Beech- wood � 61fA_RLE8 DoDDS, Councillor, Ward 4, Sea- . � I forth I ' JOHN C. MoRfUSON, Clerk, Winthrop. . SOLOMON J. i SHANNON. Treasurer, Win - i th � MBERT G� ROSS Assessor Winthrop. ADAIMI HAYS, i'Collector, Sea'forth. DR. 1011TH, i�idical Health Meer, Seaforth- WN. ARCH1134LD, Sanitary Ingpector, Lead- � a � I � U4 crowd is not to . be tole, - 'Re forethought as to � help, wonderfully, to I � to 96 wet day or an, evc � ment. A fagot -party I . special talents of each n Prepare a numberof a t each with & perspio0e n . I I the fagots in a bundle, � I ceremonies draws a f I i and presents it - to I I name it hears. That � iton the fire, or in 1. - I light it. - As long as " - 5 he muA, entertain I . � may Aug a zong, , � 11, I . � � poem, domce, sketch, 1 fact, which is on L - � � � I I last flicker of the. , � , instantly,no- matter - : : i Z � a song or story. T I � and another ;ent, . k . J I - : until his fagot to b , I . � - . . . Sense as well . IW,e are rwuested , I lowing article by a fri I who says ft just abo, - 'where he lives, -F -D.. ,. Nine-tenthe of the � - I are the resalts of 01 being allowed to ru-u I ' L "I LAstureij without 'An � They marry and hii . I thby do moustaches. . . of twius bifore they. L rig of pauts"s; ; they L rry are old * arb twenty years ol& � , . . � ,Of these gosling m&Tr , L i is & ! - l- -rivht, but ft .lea � , : 7 � �. . i -1 I � I I I - ..