HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-10-24, Page 5I - -_ _", , _ 1-_.-_-_.1 —_ __ __1_7_-_ - -- ----- - - - --- - -- - --- - I
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24 i 1890. . THE RUIR N1_ EX -6. Wks -- . --- . ;
. 11 - _ I - __ __ ___ __ - ow - - I I
00"Jalo I . . I - . - - - - __ — ! - I 1- - I I
. - - I .. I i I . . IMPOPMANT NOTICES. -1
. OV -0-010@00 t - - ! L I
. rr:: I . ; . I __ - -
I - 9 &llo . Iffe 'no ton r , . changed,'with little lmdUese doing 0@4W. W. SOMERVILLES . I ---
I ulatious allo Lge Marriages. Late -made creamery, 20* I& 22o,;: summer , . i "OHM wANTr,D -Wanted for School .,
iia!=., . . ho , bat he' I I ! I I Section' No. 6, Hullett a male teacher I
meals fro a the . ALL18017 MON`TZlTH.--4t the residence.of makes, 17c to 180 ; finestv towtselilo daig, 'Soto 071 . -
I . 01117 - . ,, General Express and Telegraph Agazi i T I I
, - . U p Ilion fare by any the bride%. tither, Usb9me, by Rev. C. 20o : western, dairy', 14c to 14;er; med um do, i I holding 2nd or ard clan coacate. Duties to' I ,
r "
, A -A& not live 0 . Fletcher on the 22no inst., Mr. John T. loctol2c. Cheese is distinctly a easy . commence on I
I. . WW- A His wants, In this respect are . . on th SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. I I I Januarylst, 1801. Applications
. .0u,A11111 Allison fl Well Jennie X, only daughter of @I and little encour- I : - ,;, i accompanied by testimonials and stating ", .
1 w—dea to by a special , Cheri;; Monteith, Esq., all of Usborns. do, with buyers indifferent I the wbart this . T I dorsiin:y,
agement.from, the other Lido. At I desired should be addressed to the un - _.
som pose, who; gets up in the jail MARTEN—BISHOP.— At4he residence of the I . only the Two Express Tralue eash way, daily. Ask for - ! I Harlook P, O., on or before November 15, nexL
11 morning 1,300 boxes were ]offered atA pecial pe6duce and money rates.. Te1s9Xz- - I , I i
* the Pur 00 boxes, and the our I THOS? NE11LAYS,-Secretary. 119SX4 1
t Ile wears bride's parents,,on the -i5th Inst., by ttev.M. very pick brought 100, some 3 phic; connect ns.everywhere U92 1 — . .
C. Camepon of Harriston, 9r. C. R. A. Mar- balance want for a fraction ader; say down. to I I H 0 S I I F. JEN)", 51 I Lr
- ,&. delicacies as he desires. t I I I I . .A
- I
- 10, own, ,clothes, and I is. always Clean. ten, of Mln? , Wellington, formerly of Ten- 91o. We quote : Finest 6`ptembor and vu- -- r f I I 0 SCHOOL TEACHERS.—Teacher wanted I
I - I . lead sp on is a myth, and don, Enirland, to Miss' Agnes, daughter of dek, W to ift, and D olution. of Partnershi *_ I I . for School Section No. 8, Stanley, holding . I
Jum, The I tober, 10io to lot : fine st ,es . P ; T
, - i - -
( . I — - . I
B - ibe are, the quill pens. Birchall is John Bishop, Esq., of Girey township, Huron medium, Sic to.0 0. . . second or third clan cartificate, male or famile,
County. I I - . . - i Applications stating salary desired will be re- . ;
K , - 00 0 to put! an end to it before . _________4$` . _k The partnership heretofore nubebting be- I
, fad, of lif f SMYTH—POLLY.—At th residence of the I Rw beWme of late yeam a very important branch of celved by the undersigned up to November 20, - -
- +ime Very elose watch , tw sen the undersigned, under ti: e firm name of .
I ,empointed time. ' bride's parents, on the'8th fast., by Rev. T. Jjive stock -,*arkets. - Scott and Crioh, Seedismen, Seaforft, ban 11his u , e8q, We are Up to the mark 9.8 1990. Personal applications, preferred. M.
e I the Dry'Goods bu . -
it, however) kept upon himV' and Jailer Harris, Mr. S. M. Smyth, of Seaforth, .to ]av""o, October 21st.—Cattle—Common , day been dissolved by- mutual consent- The 6 RATES, Secretary, Box 15, Bayfield P. 0. , . - -
. I I Mists Nellie J. Polly !second daughter of butchers' stock and mixed lots of cows, heifers, business will hereafter be carried on by Mr. zou ofboth Ohildren!sand laclies?9 . lim" .
takes every precaution, while . alwith a wolend* lot
erou Captain Polly, of Amherst Idend,AildingtOn etc., were lower. Sales of extra prime export I . _.r - , . I
lie little &SL Possible Wiih -the I Rabort Scott, who will pay all claims against the . I
county. t " steers were at $4.45 to $4.66 : choice steero,1,400 m JB' ck Cashmere and Ribbed Goods, also a lot Of I
-fering late fim and is authorleed to collect all debts la . FOR SALE.—A. valuable 2W acre farm .
e -1; . . I - er"11 Comfort. hereL are moments, JEWITT—ERRINGTON.—At the residence of ds, $4.15 to $4.40 ; ood, due the drm- I FacterY Hose for good honest. every day wear. . ated on concession 13, lots 22 and A ;
6 . --- er,.When Biro all is alone, when I the bride's father, by!Rev. R. Godfrey, Bel* 1,a()o to 1,400 pounds, $4.10 to $4.25 ;, Aloice RO11=T Sown I I ER,h! Otpu township. They are clos to the best I I
, - fL gmve, Mr.. Isaac G. Jewitt to Mim Isabella butchers' 1,100 to 1,825 pounds, $3.66 to 44.20 ; P F. W. Cmm. . marketij in Western Ontario, on '1good gravel I .
* I and resolution ail him and I . I
ft !As. couragle I Errington, both of:Morris. light and handy butchers', 950 to. 1.100 pounds, I I I roads, and within a few minutes Walk of store, - . I
. through.hiii frame -,although he AP.MSTRONG--STONF,.—InGreenway,byRev.J. $3.26 to $3.65 ; Michigan stockers, $2.60 to $3 ' - ft and every necessary
. ,, Dliqujver t office, school, church :
it - 1 way to his emotion so as to E. Holmes, at residence .of the bride's fath- yearlings, $1.76 to $2.26; no Canadw stockers' N, B.--LAII debts due he late firm should be ' post .
over gives nvenience. The soil is of the very beat and
. -
_ er, I . .
1 , Mr. Albeo Armstrong, to 'Mills Mary ht -re -. poor cows and backward springers hard. aid to 'the undersigned before the Ut of cc
-, Ile endeavors as much as . , I EDWARD KFAULY SEAFORTHO, ell adapted for either stpek or grim rXi 'Mgt
I , $40 ; Lecember. . . w - _
. - . ring,
e , ,bed a tear.. Stone, both of, Greenway. to sell at any price ; best milchers, $82 to 4 - RoiHicirr ScOTT. i as both farms are watereid by a living sp
, is anguish from his d 1193 .
, I losible to conceal h i . . CODF—MARTYN.—At Park River North Da- common to good do, $18 to $30. Sheep an . I — . . I creek. Thereare about 30 acres of choice tim-
I - . . kota, at the residence of the, ;Iae's brother, lanibs--The market was 'dull and the offerings I I her on both farms, a house and stables, and 3
, 1
_ I - . pards. I chall's spiritual on the 6th in8t., i . -and qu to a, number hel& over. I I I . f choice fruit. The farms will be sold t
I _. Wade, tir dr. Benjamin 'Code, of that mostly common, YARN8ii YARNS . i . t orchards o -, - . i .
- -
11 F, eV. I)eau place, to Miss Amelia E. Martyn,-of Stephen, gale"Oniman __ Vtra sheep, $3.86 to $6 ; . - I . eparately or together to suit purchaser. For , j
4 , I I is a consto;ut attendant upon Huron county, Ontario. Wool at ROFFNIAN & 81 , proprietor PETER _.. e .
. rice and terms apply to the j
I .
- - or To hi western, common to extra, 85 to $6.25 ; Canadas L Of P re I - . 1191ti .
", Oner. m it 1 is said the HALLORAN—ALLEN.—In Exeter, on the 14th So to $6.60. Hogs—The market was strong and I . L
I , 813619 L 2 eaforth. T , VcEWE N. .... !
.- 0 Co 8.5 ; . .
: I I I 05oner still stoutly deni4 his guilt. . inst., by Rev. S. F. Robinson, Mr. Thomas higher ; sales of good to choicZYorkers, 84.40 i
I I L 4.60 to $4.70 ; I ?
. _ Halloran to Miss Lucy Jane Allen, both of to $4.60 : medium and mixed, - _____- s
t . I - - .1 Wingbam- I . choice heavy, $4.60 to $4.76 ; pigs;1$3.26 to $3.90:. - otice to Creditom i r - AU CTION SALES. I . . I .
1; . . i
I Usbome. ; I NICKLE—BROWN.—At the Lutheran church, roughs, $3.25 to $3.50. I . .
. I
: Howick, on September 30th, by Rev. Henry MONTRINAL, October 21st. --good cattle were . A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND i
e EVENT.' A very pleasant - I for Men, .4 BOYSE Hamilton has I
.1 L A IlArPy Brooer, of Normanby, Mr. John Nickle, of I scarce and beeves at higher prices, but common URSUANT to Chapter 110 of the Revised OOTS .A 1MPLEME1M,Xr. 0. - -
. #Vent took place at the residence of Mr. Wallace, to Katie, eldest daughtor of Mr. and inferior stock continue dull of sale and bring P Statutes of Ontario, 1887.. All parties bay- I . I , I , been instructed by & Allardyce to sell by Pub -
_ I . I claim against Richard McKee, late ol- I e"*1 lie Auction on Lot 2,0oncession 13, Hullett, on _ I
(,)harle$L Monteith, of the Thames Road, Philip Brown, of Howiok. . low figures. A few head of the best cattle were Ing any - *
.t 11 . , STEWART—MORRISON.—At the - residence of sold tit from 4c to 41c per pound, aud prime ship of McKillop, In the County of I - Monday, November 8rd, 1890, af I o'clock p; m., t
. the To ;
. i . in Wednesday. This was,'the marriage the bride's father, in Lucknow, on the 22ad animals would readily bring 4Jc do. Cc . rmer, deceased, who died on the 19th Q' ' sharp, the following property -, Horses.—One i
. . mmOn Huron, I I -
z i
T z 64hiter of 'Mr. Inst., by Rev.Mr. McKay,Mr.Charles Stewart, dry cows and rough oxen sold at from 2J-_ , years old, -
e - I of Miss Jennie, on do to*, day of A 3ril, A.D.JWO,are required on or before . . Working horse 14 years, old, I horse 7 L
ears o d
': Monteith, to Mr John T. Allison, E6 son of John Stewart, Esq., Berimiller, and Xith lean beasts ai d hard bulls at about 2c per the let d yof December 1890,ta send by post pro. , 1 brood mare ri ing 6-y. I , in foal to an im- . i
1 . Is T
- - Admiralitra- . ported horse; I fill ri 2 ears old, I suck- . I I I
A . of formerly of Seaforth,to Miss Mary Morrison d Mr. Bicktirdike bought 131 stockers at. *d or c eliver to the unde ned 3i e ste y ., .1
,. neigh- . v un . , pal old,
-1 r 1perollil young farmer Of the both of Lucknow. . 0 11 W to Sic Per, pound, and -. bout 1.00 steers trix of the estate of Ve said deceased, GE GOOD - ing ally. Cattle.1— Pvolzag ers two years . - I
11 z I from - I ve claims, with , G"111 0 i 2 heifers, I sucking calt, 2 farrow cows, f cows 1, 11
i 9rhood. The ceremony Was -performed I and bulls were bought at the yards to -day to a st&tei iout of their respeoti I I
Y % . 1
by p,ev. Mr. Fletcher in the presence of ship to Prescott distillery for feeding purposess their christian and odrnames, addresses and de- supposed to be in calf to, a thoroughbred buIL
a. t Deat&iq. e from 3c to 35c scription, the full particulars of the claims aiad . ImplernentA.—1 reaper, 1 mower, I horse rake, I
;; I atives and friends. I . the prices paid- wer per pound . I
11 . Ago dly number of rel I I
. and PERRIE.—In Grey, on the 14th inst., William for steers, and -f ram 2c to 9; c ditto for bulls. the nature of the security (if any) held by them. ; - wagon, I pair sleighs, 1 cutter, I road cart near -
ii i The bride is one Of our moist popular Perrie, aged 76 years and 6 months. There were very few calvesi offered to -day, and After the said lot day of December next the sald- E A MAGNIFICENT STOCK ly new, I nay rack, 1 set iren harrows, I gang
I t eaffietso Wdd I
11 )ung ladies, and the esteem in prices were from . $2.50 to 812 each'. Shippers Administratrix will d istribute th fthe OFFERS FOR ;S 1. 1_ _. I Iowll Ichill plow, I set Of. team harness, I set
, , 8, %
.I- amiable y( GERItY.—Ir, Brussels, on the 12th inst., Ernest 3 per pound f or suit- estate having regard to the claims onLy of which sin le harnem hiffietrees, logging chains, 1
i which she is held was abunilantly mani- W., third Bon of Benjamin Gerry, aged 24 continue to pay about 31i . OF \ 1, I a n cradle, scythes, forks,.shovels, ropes and
_ I '' nd smaller sheep notice has been received, and will not, be liable I
f, he number and character of years and 1 month. able sheep, while the leaner a 11. I -_ " I 9 I I
i - 76 1
t- I . LAWRENCE —In Mitchell, on the 18th inst., are bought by the butchers at from $2 for any part of such amets to any person of . . I I es and other articles. The whole to be sold 11
I fested by t . I , i - I.- - I P __ I I
I : I
, 'he received. The many from $2.49 to . wit out reserve as the proprietor has sold his I
_ the presents 8 I . Edwin G. Lawrence, Manager Merchant's to $4.76 each. Lambs sold at $4.60 whose claim she had not notice at t?e time of
I % , I I . farm. TzRXS oir Smii.—All sams of $10 and un- i
d . friends of Mr. and Mrs. ' Allison wiil Bank, in his 34th year. each. MaoDuff Lamb bought 20 superior ambs such distribution. . - der eash ; eye .
. , the 14th inst., at $4.30 each. Mr. Richard bough b 16 good lambs CHRISTINA MCKER, I - r that amount 13 moriths? credit.— - i
, =1te in wishing them a happy and pros- NEWMARCH.—In Clinton, on I
. It , Hannah, relict of the late Robert New- at $4 each, and three fat cattle at $60 each. Fat Lem4bury P. O.- will be given on furniohing_ approved endorsed
- . while MOM EX-VOSITOR, Meta- I pply, and sell at about Dated 20th September, 1890. . 1189X6 i allowed for cash
_. perous life, . Mens and iBays Long Boots notes. Six cents on the dollart I
I . . . march, aged 70 years,. hogs continue in good su I . it amounts. J..ALLARDYCE, Proprle- i
i - . I -
. phorically apeaking, tosses its befit' slip- BOLTON.—In McKillop, on the 21st inst., Bar- file per pound. .- . I I on cred , ;
! I I
r- V I - was expected, ILTON, Auctioneer_ 1193-2 1
1. them. - - are and 5 months. Li -f zRrom, October 21st.- As SHIRTINGS, . I ter.; C. HAM
I- ; 1 per after 44=1 net Bolton, aged 73 ye . I 0 1
J_ Jae. and Alex. - . priceeforeattle have experienced a decline, a . I I . ..,
.,-! .NoT.gs.—Mesars. fall of Jo per pound having tak6n place, and beat I I A UCTION SALE OF SUPERIOR FABJ1 :
%_ ,
t ;
I - i
1, I Fraser, Win. Mitchell and Paul Doig, Cottons, Cantons, Tickings, Cotton-
- SALE REGISTER. beeves are now quoted at ilic for the to . The 11N .fJ STOCK.—Mr. Archibald fthop has been . I A
I i
. of Farquha,r, JeW this week. for Califor- I . I i
11 ; , I decline is due partially to large supplies from adeS, etc. Choice stock at ROFF- i I . instructed by Mr. James Broadtoot to Bell by i
ir their fortunes in that land of On Wednesday November 12th at one outside markets, and also to a falling Off in the i . Public Auction on Lot 32, Concession 3, L. R. -S 4
38 il n1s,to push enquiry,the demand to -day being weak in almost MAN & CO'S., Seaforth. . I I imith, on Tuesday, Oetloi ;i
I ng . in., on Lot 26" Concession 51 L. R. S. I . ,Mill Road, Tudkerl the I following
. ld rhe, former three are yon p 9 .ity cattle suffering the 1 28,1,890, ail. I O'clock.p. in,, sharp, :
; ; I all climes, middling qua] wer prices, raught .
. , I e out here. last Tuakeramith,Far'm Stock. James Gem- Most. Theseare bringing much 10 a I to cc St. f
r, Ct"Chmen who cam EDIUM QUALITIES property, viz: Horses.—One heavy A
- - as it In the Surrogate Court of the BEST AND I M are 9 years o'd, supposed to be, in foal
_ spring,—' n Monday evening next there mell,. proprietor.; Thos. Brown, auction our] are very slow of sale. It would look I . — — m ' I
. I . q dealers want only the best stock, and arrivals Counly of Huron. I Stephen;" one general purpose mare in foal to 4
re il will be an entertainment 1%nd social held eer. I from Canada of late have not 'been of such a 1 19. __ 1 . i I '_ :: St. Stephen," one two Year old Ely aired by . I
F_ . I i I I I
1-- - in tha Thames Road Presbyterian church, Sale of Bankrupt Stock, Dry Goods, quality am would encourage saleo. The quantity , . ; I Fulton," One two year old filly sired by " Dick ..
i K and Tin ware, in Campbell's block, Sea- of law grade cattle that have been offered lately In the Goods of ANDREW MURDIE, I Norton 11 one year old filly sired by "' Joe," one
r- under the auspices of the Ladies' Foreign 7 p. m,, on Saturday from Canada have much to dowith 'the priebs f . I 0 year OR getoling sired bT 11 McGregor's Imported
I 1 ]dissiou Society of that' congregatiun. forth, at I and I A
I -
I s - November 8. , Brown anotioneer. that were paid to -day, as they succeeded in , Hackney 11 one year o d entire colt sired by
t I r attraction', ad . Tbos 9 The creditors of Andrew Murdie, late of the Also an Extina I ality of. MEN'S FELT I'McGre oes imported Hackney." Cattle— )
. In addition to othe I effecting a decline in even the better class of Qu . 9 . .
? to be in calf. to a thorough- - I
; Y1_ dresses will be delivered by the pastor, On Saturday, November Ist at one jL that was on Bali. The prices paid in Townshipof McKiUop,Farmer, Deceased, who . . Two cows supposed I
I I stos exact)i the sameRS- died on or about the lot June, 1890, are required . . , - two heifers . I.
a- Rev 0. Fletcher, and by Mr.A. Bishop, o'clock P. M., on Lot 24, Lake Road. Liverpoolto-day are just I bred bull, one calves next month,
. I they were a year ago, llie per'pound being the on or before the 16th November, 1890 to Rent to in calf to a thoroughbred bull, one calves next I
s- . ; M. VF. The. former will give a de- West, Stanley, near Drysdale, Farm, r steers this time last year. the ,undersigned Solicitor for the I&CUtors, 1 BOOTS I month,; five two year old steers, well bred' I
d . soription of his to the Northwest Farm Stock, Impl6iments, and Hbus - 'OP Prl*e to 01holo' a MANWent Of ! old , i
I At Stanley market 400 Canada cattle were on sale particulars of their claims with three two year old heifers, seven one year . I
I trip - Jo" Reith,proprietor ; The following were td -day's quotations the securities (if any) held by them duly verified , steers, one yearling heifer.. skeep.—Four i
umbial and the latter. hold furniture. to -day. I .
A and British. Cal 4 . ile kxe6utors f .
1. Bishop, auctioneer bein calculated at $4.80 to the ;Z (sinking the by affidavit. After the osid date Leicester breeding ewes. The whole of the .
ie impressions of. Great Britain, formed on. J a rl uto state of the de- i .i
f 4 off zl . Finest steers, llic ; good to choice, Ile; ' will proceed to di t b the e 4 above win positively be sold without reserve as . .
his late visit to the old land. Both ad-- On Saturday, November 15th, at r to medium, 10c; interior and bulls,7i to 90 ; ceased, among the parties entitled thereto, hav- E SPEMALLY FOR OURSELVES. the proprietor is over stocked. liRms.—Twelve . 1
is: I ill, no doubt, be very interest - o'clock p. m., at the Commercial liotel, West sheep,14o; I ; secondary, 12 to 13e ; werinos, Ing reference only to the claims Of which they MADE TO ORD I L month8 credit willb furnishing ap- ;
dresses w se and lot, and House. Ili to 12jo; inferior and rams, 90 to loje. shall have received notice, and after such distri 1, proved endorsed notes A discount of 6 cents
vening may be ex- -Seaf.orth, Hou 11 4 . I .
Ig in2, and a pleasant e I bution the Executors will not be answerable to I on the dollar will be Zowed for cash on. credit
, M
Is. oted. . I hold furnituie. - , Win. Dorrance,, pro- — any creditor of whose claim they shall not have t ....... _ amounts, , JAS. BROADFOOT, Proprietor ;
c- , pe prietor ; W. G. Duff, auctioneer. - - I Buffalo Barley Market. receivednotice. Thisnotice is given pursuant I . i . v I' ARCH. BISHOP, Auctioneer. 1192-2 1
, .
ir. Goderich a I 11(l Wingham - On Monday, November 3rd, at one Bu"ALO, October 20th.—The supply of Canada to the statute in that behalf. . ' School Bootso Ladies , - i
L RaIlWaY, 0 clock p. m., on Lot 2, concession 13, barley is growl beautifully less, and the ar Solicitor for Executors of Will . . - IMPROVED FARM STOC;&—Mr. W. G. i
I . n1th an upward tendency, al- . . I
. ng,,w -11 Richard Mc- I
'e, (From the Goderioh Star.) a. Andrew Murdie, Deceased. I. Duff has been instructed by Mrs. ien 11 I
. , -Hullett, Farm Stock and Implement . or Canada barley sold D)oots, I E
ve I J Allardyce, prop rietor ; C. Hamilton, though 5 care of very po 92c ; No. Seg. forth, October 21st, 1890. 119" misses and Ohildren't Fine 13,0 Ki..A to se]l hy public auction on lot 8, conseef :
At a meeti of the Provincial Direc- - , at 78c : good. , o. 1 is strong at 90c to . . 1 12, McKillop, on Tuesolay, NOVember 4tb,. 3890, __ 41 ,
Of i Ln - auctioneer. . 2, 87c to 89c ; No. 3, extra, 84c to 85c ; No. 3, . 11 , I commencing 4 12 o'clock noon, sharp, the fol- i
I i tora of the GoNerich and Wlyliam rail - I I . s and Overshoes viz: Horses.—One Imported . i
. )n . * Garrow, o'elock go to &U ; Western barley is in ,good demand, . Rubber lowing- property, I
. Way held last week, Mr. . . On Thursday, October 30, at 1 1*41 and held strong—No. 2'at .76 to 78 ; No. 3, extra, J
. -
i I I ;
le p p. m.., on lot 14, concession 7, Hullet., Clydesdale Mare, supposed to be in foal to Im- i
i M. P. P -t as chairman, tated the ob- - 73 to 76c , No. 3 670 to 71c. An afternoon I . I I rted Crystal City ; I mare, 6 yearwold,. aired i
as I i ments. Andrew P 3, bullish barley dealer figures It . i
I the meeting, as published, and Farm Stock and Imple tiper says a ver . gy 'Enterprise and Eupposed to be bf. foal t$
- i ject of ut this 'Way - 11 The east is now a - I ears old
to s from those present,. Reid, Proprietor; Thomas Brown, - Auc- o n unusually .
i )scriptiQn . -'f( - larg iy for brewing . MC)_W,* _J3:,V3:MT(3_ :p]Ra:W:1rTS_ Crystal City; I Percheron Mare, 6 y I
I in.vited snl e buyer of our western barle aga . ,
in t supposed to.be in foal to Crystal City,; I
I _ J - "IBT 'T 4
1 but each member of the Board announc. tioneer. _,,,, nn " _. -:.,A W,-. " -A.r:p L
1111 purposes, Canada usually. sends -about 13,000, . I riage Golding,. 3 years old, by Bon- t
I . I I . mare; I Car ; I
19 ! heavy draught gelding, 3 Years OLQ, BY
I ed.himself as unprepared I to subscribe. On Saturday, November Itat 1 clock 000 bushels over the border each year to Supr .Y . i .
YOU CAN SAVE . i ner ; I
ta I , and the figures show that this i tter; 1 Yearling Clydesdale :
i Dr. W. J. R. fj[olines, who Was present, p. m.;, at the Commercial hotel,Seaforth 9 eastern brewers en im- I r - imported Lucky Gel
I - I year scarcely 2,000,000 buehele have be I filly; 1 spring Clydesdale colt f rean imported I
by i the Board wagons, buggies, household furniture, ported. Calling it an eventual round 4,000,000
' then made a proposition to . I dam and sire -, I spring colt, from Enterprise I
' - , L I
ffs . L oald secure the subscription of &c. Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. bushels, this still leaves & shortage of fully 9, __Nff_01*+*T3E",5r - kI City;, 1 1111711 a ars old, by
in 11 that he w I e up from western . i mare and Crysti I oll'by Rankin k
?L stock to the amount of $60,000, and the On Thursday, October 30,'at 1 O'clock grw"r ea. Again, the consumption of beer I I - M. Scotlandli Farewell, ; spring c Je.-2 cows, 6 1I
of i payment into bank- of the required 10 I o, which will call for Bev- BY BUYING YOUR - GOOD, I BOY'L Thoroughbred Durham Cati I
at L Cent, thereon, on ondition that P. m., on lot 11, concession 14, Me- shows a large inereas, L I I GEO RG.ui .1 years old, one near calving; 2 cows, 4 years old, I 'I
per Killop, Farm Stock. John McLaugh- eral million bushels of barley, and even though I I - - - . supposed to be in calf; 2 heifers. 2 years old, I
I done the charter be lin . . supposed to be in calf - 3 yearling helfem, BUF- L i
when this was , . Proprietor; George Kirkb , Aue, brewersuse a substitute for this cerealtosome
extent, a shortage is all the same inevitible." I - . Llf ; 1 bun calf 9 months old. .
id in and is associates, I . - I ed. to be in ci i
. i i
handed over to hi fioneer. . . - nwn WALL ' I - I .
in . I i . FZI these cattle have registerea pedigrees and
who would organize a) permanent board ' . I BRUSSELS.
On Tuesday, November 4th, at 12 ; I AND are from' the very best and. most fashionable I
of direotor& Ite was ready io guaran- I oncesgion 12, EXTRA VALUE I L I . . strains.y Durham Grade Cattle.-4milch COWS,'
to clock, noon, on lot 8, c i ! I i - ,
L I ; - supposed to be in calf to a thoroughbred bull ; a
I - tee to push. the organization and secure 0 t —i i
At , McKiflop, Superior thoroughbred and In Grey FlanneIS-L at HOFF31AN & PAPER' ; I . heifers, 2 years Old, supposed to be in calf ; .3
i I the construction 'Of the road at the. . . I rears bld; I year- 1
, i high grade stock, hay and straw Mrs I . I ; .earling heifers ; 6 steers, 2
I - 1 4
possible date, making applica- ; : Co's., Seaforth. . . . a . Sheep. -Six ewe I
rid, I earliest Richard McKeep AdminstratriX W . % * 4 Y§" CLOTHING -Ing steer; 3 spring calves old; all f
I Von for the: Government subsidy at once, I __ . . - . - . BO lambs ; 4 ram Iambs; I ram, two,years - I
I . ; I
Lt_ , I il and do everythin'g possible to secure the G. Ruff, Auctioneer. I AND— : well-bred Leicesters. Feid.-About I6 tons of
., 1 )9, at 12 1 L . ! d about 25 tons of timothy bay I
I c , - I ; : clover hay, an -n
he On Wednesday', October 'A' local No-tices. . I ill
I consummation of ,the a home. I . . I . — I I I of stmw to be ;d o -
. Rib- AyrLES WANTBD.-A. Cardno, - . . -1 In the barn. A large stack I
Ie - o'clock, on lot 22 concession 121 , 'I)ER 1, rtable and com- i
is after 'Some dis 0 to th .% where there is comic
L'se . This proposition wa Stock and. Implements. Sea I _._ pay the highest market price Window . . Q10 farm ' above valu-
asion,agreed t0 and the' doctor is now bert, Farm r trude for any quantity of cider en I
It I . aither in ca. moolleus stabling. The whole of the
I cu - . able property must be sold." the propnetrew
he Z_ I rt, proprietor; A. Bishop, e We- believe we sell the largest aMoUn+,_ L of' Boys' and- Childy
Duncan Stews s RDNO. 1191-3 .
he " at work to fulflu it. . pples. A. . nsequently we have- to keep a large hasleasedone of the fame. Tieft-MB.-On the
. auctioneer. . FoR SA' , at a bargain, the St. Julien It Coulftty, and co , 'of $10 end under, Cwh; over -
This brings the Goderich & Wingham I . I . - I stock, all sums I
ed - I . L
I z iore tangible form than . Restaurant eaforth. This restaurant is the ; . credit will be given. On
11 .
Railway into a n . - Shades 2'ort m egn'tu. th e I - that amount 12 months
st . L. — - oldest, sod 9 the largest business of the kind . . an a8SOr`t- furnishing approved, indorsed notes. The y
- ,c-
th it bas yet had, or than has been THE MARKETS. ave also for sale a Food quiet driv- r the fall an& wi uter season trade Z
11 . in town. I I We are now showing fo -'and straw will be cash. MRS. RICHARD
f the f 'ilway schemes - Ing horse, 6 bugg.f, -cutter, harness, rob* . i
.1 . reached by any 0 % I OU_r KEE, Adnitnstratrix ; W.- G DUFF, L
Ir. - I - SNAFORTH - Octobpr, 23tb, 1890 T— , nt that cannot be beat'p and good buyers should. see ' selectiom I Aiiationier.
D and judging by o blankets, & ,'-& full drivin outfit. For par- —A rae i 119lx4
Ili- proposed heretofori ,. 9 ' ; ticulan appi V to the, proprietor on the promises. . I . - : I I . I . -
,, th' road is to be Fall Wheat per bushel..... . 0 90 . . I I
I t ex I - jftgs BURG] as. ,
gperience, if 0 .. .. 0 88 to - il& A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND
I V! IL Spring Wheat per bushel .... .... 0 88 to 0 90 . - .
I U jft it will be done only i h HOUSE, ,T0 RENT. -To Rent, a com- 0. W . PAPST982 1-1 IMPLEMERTS.-Archibald Bishop
. in suc bubeen
. 1. uIlt %t , 1, .
me I . .... 6 . ' instnicted by Mr. Duncan Stewart, to
_ ropoJition is a fair 6ats per bushel ............ hing in a cenvenient part of the . . a,e=U
Fr. . Way 863 this. The p I Peas per bushel .......... ...... fortable dwe L fl .
z I if any Man can su AFORTEL . ,ot 22,Concession.12 'I IL I
: . . 0 45 town, containing 'sitting -room dining room, . i
W . - one, and Barley per bushel .......... .. ... 0 40 60 BOOK STORE, SE BOYS"' KNEE PANTS, 85C. Public Auction on L
. 4 kitchen and.liour bed -rooms, besides closets and - I i .- 0, 1890, at is owook
. ; carry it through Dr. )1olmes ill. that Butter, No. 1, loose.... .. .. .... s - L i . I I . on Wednesday, October 2E 0. .
a - so 4 wood -shed. ii Hard arid soft water pumps in the . . - % . ; noon, sharp,the followin9property, VIZ: none ,
. ton 0 15 6 . " I bibod ware, It years ;
I Connect" with' the Canadim Butter, tab .............. .. .... 0 18 to 01 kitchen, -A ply at Tim ExposiTOIL Office, Sea- 1 2.00. - -1 aged working horse ,
n. - man. ... 0 16 . . . BOYS ,SUITSt, $ — Of Glase .
L . L . old in foal to finported 11 Pride few, ; -
, Eggs ................ .. .... . , L I
I Pacific Railway system is what Gode- Flour, per 100 IM ....... ......_. 2 75 to 2 75 forth. I i, 1 1192 - . I . L
I I ' 1 ZcVi3g foal, sized by. Pride of Glashick ; I -
. , - Wingb RK CITY. :1 'OVEROOATS) $3.00. 1 .
: 1, rich wantli'L and. the road' to am Hay ndw per ton ........ ...... -P 5 00 60 6 60 Two FiakE TRips To NEW Yo I
3 BOYS' heavy draught horse, rising 5- years ol
I I is the easiest and most feasible at Hides per 100 Is - - - - ............ 6 00 to 6 60 . _For this al bnth only The Fireside Weekly will i . . ght filly, rising a years Old, slol ty I
; - . ; . heavy drau -
I ..... 0 60 to 0 76 : I ,
i -
1, ieve it will in no way Lamb Skins, each ........... give two return tickets to New York for the two . i . tland; I driving horse, rising 3
. I present. We bel 0 60 to 0 76 received in October. The winners of i . I . Bonnie See - .
L '
C , etard either of the other schemes, but Pelts ...................... ...... largest lists I - L.- by Joe Gale. Cattle. -2 mikh
: r 001......,.... ...... ........ _. 0 17 to 0 18 t " prizes will of course have equal i I years old, sired I %lf; 4helfers, n'619n&S 1
1)16 so . As a w I 0 Soso 0 86 these ex ra I 1. - - cows, supposed to be in o:
, on the contrary hasten them. potatoes per bushel, . - - - - - - - - - - - chances for the free trip to California and to be In ;
Florida I i
h - s line, has much to SiLit (retail) per barrel.. .... ... and'keturn ; $200 sealskin sacque, made Boys' Waterproof Coats all ,sizes with and without Chpes. years old, and 2 of them supposed
- .
I - I local road alone thi I . 2 50 to 8 00 to order; handsome Shetland pony, silver tea. EXCELLENT I . r Boys' Clothin and can show goods and 1,fat cow ; 2 steers, rising 3 years old; 8 o: 4 '
I of 4 unforeseen ab- wood per cord (long)....... - - - - 1 60 to 2 00 s I we manufacture a OU
. 'it and unless . 9 . rising 2 years old; 1 heifer, rising 2 years old,, .
. . commend I Wood per cord (ohortJ . - - - - - - - - et, wort , and many more. These are prizes s in - ]tjosiery and - ` ready mades. spring -calves. Implements. -4 self -binder, .
" 8 ate naU
11 stacles &rise there is now every reason . 0 60 to O' e 01 Lines and value &a ith pan harvester jvt-
,as I I I )lee per bag .................. 60 for the 12:g i 11 f words made from the let- _ Styles totally different frbM ordi 4ne"y new; I mower, w
I be fully 3 75 to 4 00 The contest is O en to FFMAN & C ' I rake, I lumber wagon, I
I to believe that t AIFP,er Seed ..................... I Gloves at Ho : 0 S.,
a I o I TISI - the best goods at the "ow -
1 C ov, ters Firesidi Weekly. I I
................ 1 76 to 2 5 : Ing, in with their list 61 For the ' . To deal with us means that you will get Whments; I horse
a I . e pregent life time veryone so d - forth. I I ir bob sleighs,'nearly new/, 1 cutter, 1 top
A constructed during th Timothy Seed ... 6 Fireside W'ekly for six months. Send five one I i I
a I of. the charter. . Pork, per 100 lbs ................ in to 9 delaide Shreet, west, Toronto, ' I - est living prieffi. I I . . Eauggy, nearly new ,61 1 road cart, new; I breab - -
"I I ------------- #_ cent eta I . mf cart, 1 hay rack, new; I set of Iron harrows,
"I . ; 1890 for copy hol preniluni supplement. All lists E
I I wh CLtyrox, October 22, st be in before November 16th. 1192x2 A U C T I ON SALE - 1 1 and roller$ 1 cultivator, 1 scuffier, new; I
-I , mu J generat pur lie plow, 1 sod plow,l iron Iowj I
-Mr. G. A, Walton, ........ 0 88 to 10 90 if. . jACKSON BROTHERS t
. 66 per busheh. — INO I - I turnip ou ter, 1
9 i a visit to Irall Whed - OF . . I I . fanning mi , near y new ,
few days ago to Listowel from kt er bushel ........ 88 to 0 90 ... I . ry cans with boxes
DM i - I I 1, , Spring Whei 36 i ! ne, Bet of 4 crearnei
I I the Killarney district,', in ' Oats per bushe ...... .... .... Notimll to Members of the - I - r'ndMo new; Isetof double team harness,
3outhern S .. 'O 36 to 0
. r- I h him a bunch of Barley per bushel ...... .... .... 0 46 LOTHIER-Sy CL NTON. comple ,
7- Manitoba, brought wit 0 Mechanic! ' Institute. Splendid - Farm. THE FAMOUS C . nearly new; I set of plow harness, 1 set of Ein-
wheat grown from One wheat grain. It Peas per bushel . .... .... ....... 0 67 to 68 i . . . — , , I . I I I— gle harness, 1 set of single driving harness, new;
I ......... 0 12 to 0 13 ! 1. — - - - - i ket-
rn . straws, and Butter ................ 111111111, .... .. .. 2 sets whiftletrees, 1 wheelbarrow, 2 sugar I
__ cont&ineduo less than 157 Eggs .................. .... .... Members, will please bear in mind that all There will be offered for Sale by Public Ano- __ I ._ 0011 ' - ties, 2 logging chains, I grain cradle, 2 apple
. ' 6 00 to 5 60 books must be returned to the institute (or sub- ti on at the AMERIOX-N HoTgii, in the YuJAAAZ OF . a lot of bans, a lot of field roots a quan-
the heads were Well filled. Hay- per ton .............. . - . er lot . -] ladders,
; 7 ......... : 0 30 0 35 scription rebewed) on or before Novemb 131tu.solIM, On ',. 1 .4. 1890 shovels,
. -rules of . 11
d. -Mr. Keller 8 boot and shoe store in potatoes per bushel... The 06 ntr I Business ege, tity of bay in stacks and mow; sythes,
Hides per 100 fbe- ........ 5 006o 5 60 next the fine prescribed by the =forks, binding twine, some household
... 8 00 to - Wednesday - th, .
Y Mitchell was bul I -.--. 3 00 th L 1 l I ,. r . 0 1 ' and otber arficles too numerous to
11 .-glaris d on Sunday --111 * e Xbr2r I WM Atop,, : re,
Woolperlb........ .- . mention. The whole will be sold without reserve
I . 6 06 to 5 5 ' 1193-1 1 :STRAT leased his farm. Oak t9
Pe. night, 12th inst., to I the amount Of CordwOOd .. .... :: . 0 17 to 0 18 . MOORE, Librarian. At 1 o'clock p. W., , - . . FORD ONT. .
,on also takeu. :.: 0 Seaforth, ` tober 24th, 1890. , I . has 1
$350. Two overcoats were Fork, per- 100 to ............ . I I np eed of 1A 2" as ! as the proprietor'
That iplendid farm.being coi . I I .
- I nts at
11t, 11 - I i Intaining 95 . : ; commence at 12 o'clock, sharp, refreebme I
Entrance was'gained through the back OTSWOLDS FOR SALE. the 9th Concession of Grey, cc I I I
iail . , 1 GHBRED C . . I .-The 6 year old .
.1 I arties in Mitchell LWARPOOTA, Oct. 22. -Spring wheit, 7a 08d; . 2 o'clock. TERIkis OF SATZ
cellar, red winter, 7s 05d ; California ' No. 1, 7e 7d; TH-Th' Bubscriberoftersforsale a Shearling of which 85 acres are .cleared, well fen"d, - I I I a to be cash, on
ud ! , Ram, a fe Ram Lambs, a few Shearling Ewes der -drained and In h h state of culti"0916 I I draught hone, fit cow and lambi $6 and under
- ! s, Os 06d ; barley, 09 11 - . all othet stock effects, sums of f
are suspected. I Cslifornis, No. 2, Ov 00d ; oat res off .51 wheat and half of the ' titution is RU Lp.y. Waste of
at- - .- V,VM. Babb, !of Carlingford, Od ; peas, 6s 6d, pork, 67a 06d ; oheese. 49s 00d. and Ewe , ambs. Also Durham Heifers and There are 10 ac Pan WOL I ; over thet xmount 12'morith,s I
I -Mr i Cows, regi" tered pedigree. Will be Bold on ires. clearance Is seeded to am The uncleared The rd among the students of this ins direct Caell , credit will
I - ---------- *—. I Ce n it a good deal i oung people should estimate time as having a given by furnishing ap roved jo tnotes. .A
i He owns imbered and time, means waste of life. Y
: - has a passion for fast horses. sonable t rins. JOHN CUMING, Londesboro. , A is. well t ! d foresight be T 77,
: I
. -
. Ris bay, $elly, has taken ToILONTO, Oct. 23. -Fall wheat, $0.9i to 10.96 ; 11934 pofacedar. There is a comfortable brick cottalm monJy value, and their investment of it should recelve.f4i more care an discount of 7 per cent. wi I be allow d for cash
. 0 rtable abd . e'time is lost here; students must work. on credit amolin Everything to be at pur-
AV four now.. rs this fall, and his spring wheat, $0.88 to $0.90 1 Oats 40 cenfia '. . a bank barn 64 by 52 feet, with comic, investment of money. N chasees risk no" ton As knocked down, and
t Tany prizes at Fad V . per . bush, cents to OR SALE. -The subscriber has for commodious stone sta ling. There areAwo than their ye
5rk n w in trainin.,C: a,t to 43, cents; pass, $7.100 t10 HEEP. . ; F person who knows anything about the business colleges of Canada, so, nothia to be r0moved until settled for. DUN-
. Golden Cro n " is 0 barley, 6 2c to 61c ; hay, per I e bred Shropshire never failing %rinq wells and an orchard This Yien Catalogues and. ; ARCH. BISHOP,
'he W I him 64c; 9 S sale '... number of pur , hich , e beat spot for business education or shorthand., CANS EWA ,Proprietor
1 tting $11.00 ; butter, 17o- to 20o ; es pot ba ambs. JOHN T. DICKSON, Call- farm adjoins t e Village of Brussels, w is. ,, Stratford is th . I 1191-3
CloderiGh, with the hope of ge d X., 18 to 20 Ontario, . : Auctioneer. .
MoIl i : $0.60 to 80.76 ; eggs, Per c; 1193-3 one of the best markets In WederD lars frw . . stock there I,
I dressed hogs , . — r bept in the coudy clrc * N. B. -In ad ition to the abrive
down to 2.20.1 6 to 16.26. s one of the Ve
alt I : - ,per cwt. $5.7 The farm I .
, plosion of a thresher en is adapted to either grain or . are 9 owes, 7 we lambe and I ram lamb.
. 2 -By the ex I I 0 I of Huron and W. H. SHAW1 I
. I
086 .. 'within 12 or 13 miles of . tRETQNr4ES, stock raising and rrust be sold 9A the proprietor WA. ELLI-OTTS . I
Vht - gine boiler, son of Mr. I Dairy Markets. 11. i PRINCIPAL. I
I Clark Dakota, Newton, . -TLere is a ' lof 'all makes at Isdetermined to retire, and it should ---'A . I I - SECRETARY. - . L .
.!al 31 I .-Butter OUrtai s, etc., ' urchasets. money I .
Isaac U11yott, formerly of St. Marys, Toitowzo, October 21st rM " I] the attention of. intending ? I z THE 1S EAFO RTH
good demand for choice qualities which are fl ' N & 001.5 Seaforth. .. Tzitms.-Ten per cent. o the purchase ,
Dry t f rom St. %rin HOF"A . INCUTORS, SALE OF VAL'UABLE FAR]&
. and a Mr. Stlikoey, Who wen _ i , ____ on the clay of sale and enough to make one half -
at 16c to Ift for tube. Medium PCI 110 to ., -
, I
-7-- within 60 days and the balance on time to 111111it . PROPERTY
knd Marys to Dakota last sprinq, were killed jobbing way. 14,,ggs-Recei fair and — , ' — ED FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, JE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY. .
ling t. I he engine * C In a cht Cheese- -,, ed,lm raved Yorkshire White purchaser with interest at 6 per cent. Inisnedi- SPLM Tuckerswith - con. .-The Executors of the estate of Henry V. DIr- BANK N07 COMPANYO
- . belonged 1'2' e un Lnged at 18c per dozen. Impol . t 9, let concession 'cleared, well fenced
on the 10th ins . PrIc f 0 g is firm, with b Pig, Despot. ate possession stein, Jete of the Township of Hay, deceased,
116, the eeli, e8t makes jobbing here if desired. jaining 100 scres, nearly a
1yott. . -SCOTT, RICHARDSON, seeded to grasa. There is Public Auction at Peine's Hotel in - INCOI&PORATED.
nd to Mr. Ul I at 10C to IOJC.. . . I _e; - F..S. WALTER' Propziet'Dr- under -drained and all i .. - I T r 30th, (N I ,
Auctioneer. - 1190 and costain w B 10,q 7 ctobe I / ,
I . Z _ UTICA, N. Y., 6etober 26th. -At present the P.) [12] . — a Is e brick house with tin thTe V e of Zurich, on Thdroda, 0 '
v to I Pedigree Certigeate.--Sire, Sulton, (Tin r tl a larze,bank t 2 ' lock p. m., the to wing Lands.
I gly dull and there 1%, modern improvements
; BirthB. . in dam) 381, by Magis- I Ing a - A Generi kl Banking business tram-
I- , cheese market is exceedin I %Naisroe0 01L.'-The north half of Lot. 15 in the
I - -dam, Duchess 3rd, (Imp, -
rff, . . . 6th inst., the Beems to be no immediate piospect of any boom 99). Derry, (Imp.) [201, by M'Ld&w. barn with, stone stabling capable of accom6dat
I - SPARLTING.-I ' X0 I d 32 cattle, also straw house 12th. 3ession of said Township of Hay,exce t
I " xris, on the I trate 3rd (51 Acted.
dis Business on the Board of Trade is slow and rate LaffieS2 Ing 8 horse$ an 31 . I I
ding, of -Underwear for " driving and imple- ten n Bold off the east end of said north h f.
UL a daughter. ,3rd, (747;. -Lady D6rry 8rd, (1742),by Magist ares unted. I
'Of wife of Mr. R. SPW At the T, - rillers, Otes disco
- , -InEgmondville,on the 19th inst., so. Transactions were 3 lots 300 boxes, rd, (639).-IAdy Derry 2nd, (1210,)by Magi8- . root house, stone Pig
I ..
. % CLEA 441ota4823boxes at8jo : Yfloto,1,140 -Colonel, houses and allouf0blildings usually found e -Seventy acres of Lot 14,. in the l3th .
The build ga are all in el [1; -acres being the !
. RY. spirVII!, 8 rst cleog farm. 1, i P:rnces!i n kip, 60 tg bought and sold.
Wnt the wife of Mr.Bryan Cleary, Of a daughter. at 8 trate 2nd, (348), -Lady Derry, (372), by - Mi Seg and Childrens at 11OFFJUX ri ent . of said Townsk -
1. , , s ; I? lots, 904 boxes, it*91,c ; 21 lots, sister to Great Eastern, by Duke of York, York on afti . I . . d on deposits. ....
. ; .,A,GKi:1.lOp, on the 20th inst., boxes, at 9( , .st allowe
fA 0
n Fi
In i
'ee . I
ml- I JOHNSTON.-IA ts, 1,063 boxes, at 910. & CO'S. Seaforth. gooilrepair. Also the adjoining farm beinglot easterly and 10 acres in the south west cor-
. i the wife of Mr. 1,994 boxes, at 91c ; 11 10 . * — These parcels will be offered . %, , ' ' NOTES disdounted, or taken
shire Lass. ) IV - 1 ,
i . Alexander Johnston, of a I ly all cleared and neir of sa d Lot.
an I . I Transactions on the same date last year aggre- t
. d i rned will keep for service during I I
: I The un ersig a foot. of wa8te together. There is a large bank barn, a
i . Vch
r son. . to gram There is not fol - :.V'etiou. .
I T 'in S -gated 14,076 boxes; ruling price, 9J0. e Iw-proved Yorkshire seeded ,
er. it - - eaforth, on the 19th inst., . t1he prSen se, _ Is a good remises w
4 ROBERTSON. _ _ - Estate of the Late Donald land on either farm. On Lot 20 there frame li storey house on the P1
. I daughter. oncession 6, Hul . Lt tKyee mifes from N101PvTGAGES PURCHASED. - I
the wife of a,r.John R-obert8on,of a LiTTLm FALLS, N. Y., October 20th. -The ", te pig, I)espot', on I ot 4, c . two large sheds etc. are well situa,ted, being abolu
I. 1 GREY. in Morrig, on the 11-th inst.j the wife of cheese imarket 'was decidedly slow to -day. _ .. to which a limited number of sows will be . McIntosh. frame house, frame barn, . Duse within one I-
- tt orchard on each farm. Zurich and having a school ho .
rce ,at 9c : There is a good bearing mil - cent. cash at - . ,
r M.z. James areY, Of Transactions were 10 lots at _W ; 63 lots ko arms are situated. on the'Huron'road one e. Timms OF SAz 0r,FJCE---1n the Commercial HOt@1
(, a daughter. n . --Ten per
I , Terms $1,payable at the time of service, I
el I editon, on the 14th inst., the 10 Iota, at gic ; 12 lots commission ; -total, 6,103 ta,ith he privilage of returning if necessary. - ) sell the property occu- These f Seaforth, and are among the time of Bale and & balance in 30 days or as . .
LOCHNER.-In Cr A 4- k " TY"W QTJP.T.T. Constance P. O. I have instructions tc mile and a half from AW -2 will be I
wife of Mr.'Charles Lochner, of a -01 0 - boxes. Butter -23 packages 01 creamery - - 1191 tf All I 0 pied b he late Donald McIntosh in njapurney. thebeiltfumointhe urontraet. Theywillbe may, be agreed. rurther con 131LIL(Ilng. I
. __ Addings. will be sold .
; t her bu For further
on the 9th inst. , the wife of old at 20c, and 66 packages of farm dairy butter i conals y g Of brick cottage terms. They made known at the time of sale. j e . .SMITH, KaWer.
ANT_ln G ey, mghter. o L . tin and ot sold cheap and on easy, .culare WILSwN, zurIch P. .
Mr. John Grant, of a da sold at 20c to 210. 1 . L MAKES an acre of land. The property is r 8epayzWIY; Apply on the IN6 partj I' to CHAS. -
ullett, on the Sth inst., the I eggs SPECIA and about hAlf d farmer AM win be together o tr.em to ;S& & ELLIOT,Vond1DW Solicitors, 105
&MBLYN.-In H MONTREAL, October 21st.-Reecipto of very suitable for a retire P_ CX addye", WK. FOWL ER, Sesforth, P- O., or F. HOLXM TED, Solicitor
wife of Mr.'John TamblYu, Of a son. 6f Grey Flannels at HOFFMAN & 11434h 119.2 td
AMPBE16-L-InHarpurbey, on the 15th inst., continue ffirlit and prices rule steady at sold very 9hesp for cash. Immedias Possanim . Exeter. I
. - 1% to mt%Ueztorth ,
' I , of a daugh. , 17ic for held stock and 18ic to 19ic for c oice Ojo'S., Seaforth. . 119itf V . - HOLM L
the wife of ;-Mr. Wm. Campbell I new laid. The butter market is steady and un- . I I . I L . /
ter. I . . - . .
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