HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-10-24, Page 3Nsk
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� OCTOBER 24: 10vu- I � !
I Y! - � . 1.
. i I I I . . THE!� HURON EXPOSITOR@ � i . 3
1 1 �. . I
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____"" � I ___ ____ i I - -
: � I --- I�___.__ _ ---I---,-- -.--- r7t�� __ - .__�____.__,__.__ I -_ ______. --- - I
. I . . 0 --- I - � - � "I . -
at my giant milk even - -she finds � � � . I �
. r
bmak the *Ad news to Imes t ; . a quiet, clean, c6noulteds doctor - P-nd lie said I had � I . � nliPORTANT NOTI(�F% sjm.&:FcxRr_r3Hr
� io loving my father�s - life, h d sacrificed. warm place, curls herself up and gently Bright's disease of ti e,kid neys and -that . ! �
- i � . . � � - � I -
but it prove� a blOw that well sleeps it off. � he -would not stand ' ! : OR SALE. -I -A first,class resideitee on the
bit Own - � i,i my shoes for the I . i I corner of
nigh took my own lifo' fro M: me. For If we do not sleep well we do not live I State of Ohio." BuL he did not 'lose . I F , Victoria and George Streets.
IL - I � I
� .1goaths I . . L' . ! Good stable andorchard. Applyto A. CARDNO, Seed Emporium,
I Was JoAngly watched and well. People have many theorieti About courage or give up; he says: 11 I saw ' � I saforth. - I I- 1183 , � -
I .
wed for by those who feared at any sleep. hlimy wh(iouglit to know bettur the testimony of 11r. John Coleman, 100 ! . i . . I I
� � .
1noTaeuvi. inight slip from��them. But advise A, hearty ineal before uR to Gregory St., N9w 'Haveni Connecticut, I . i IG ASTRAY.-Cametoti)e Promises ni to WHOLESALE & RETAIL.
I .1 � . t . I - . I :
for some wise purpdpe, kept me bed. We think the process o i � P undersigiied,lot �7, concear-ion 2, hicHillop , ,
God, T . hey to I be well uri-le.r way be %i estion and I wrote to bi in. In due time I re- . I t � - L asmallSowPig. Theowntir will please prove I I . I ,
,ok lm'6 abrhad, where I should f di
here. I fore retir- ceived an answer, stating that the testi- � . . 3ropert),. pay expendtg and tskc her away. � .
. . I I I
sWva for several years to -forget. I ing. Quiet, pleasant exercise, such as a M'oni'al that he gave was genuine and not 1 In stock just now some beautiful, goods, guaranteed � E70DF,HICK G[tAY. 1191-4
bad no, other int�rest in life!. till a dear slow walk or a rock in a -chair, on the open overdrawn in any particular. I took a ; -
$ . - , Scott & Crich, Proprietors.
,_ . I to give satisfaction to every buyer. Sealette, mantles ' I OR SALE- BARGAIN. -One large Taylor � I . .
old lady, whom I Met I in England, by & porch, or,'be'tter still an hour's drive, good many bottles *of Warner's Safe � 'fud -
. re �1_1 , : to refreshing Cure;' have !not taken any for one . I made to order'in our Mantle Department. - safe,eembination lock -,double door, J Xv.ScottbeptoeUteto the public tha'the
mark, le(I ' e to see 1 was conduces wonderfully F
. I . asitleft thelactory. Also,250 acrts on bank
a very selfish �, life,: in a world sleep. , Late suppers, especially of high� year. " I . . � I - E. N. hasapin goneintothe Flour, Feed and Seed
fe wad ,I In, 19, t - . of Lake Huron;, 150 acres cleared. L
full of asef ulness for such as I. . � 1168 . business -b-v entering into a partnership with the
. � LEWIS, Solicitor, Goderich.
. ly. seasoned foods, with wine, beer or Governor Hill is accounted a very suc- i � I : present proprietor, F. W. Cricb. The new firm
4ij came back, then,," to n�y old home champagne, are really dangerous experi- - cessful man; he is cool and calculatirig . I STRAY PIGS.;mmIoCome into the premises of will be conducted under the name of Scott &
,arente wl I ' Ethe undersigned, lot ig, concession io Crich-atid having our shop full of the choicest
and to the p k4se li�es had been meats, and bring on a condition of un- and belongs to the class -that do not- lose I � I
saddened bi grief, an life sooiL be' rest interspersed with horrid - dreams their heads when emer0ncies arise. - . ! EDWARD MC'FA UL about the 7th of August last, two white pji� seeds, we feel confident that we can meet the
- ! I y about a year old. The owner can have the same wants of every one favoring us with their ens-
O&MO full of duties Ahmaty learned t� and aightnire, that is 0111y one remove . I � i . .
Ufe � � L 0 . I I * - i r on proving property and paying charges. . t-0111-
� i
-0ok on as pleasures.. i . could never from apoplexy. Of courne, if one is . Gaieties. I BARNET BOLTON, Winthrop P. 0, 119U4
, L i Among the now varieties we offer you thi .
� ' ! , season are the following: Colorado Spring
bo the samep but it � grew More earnest very hungry�and not tired by overwork ��The oppressed la�borer,-Forenjan- i I .-
at I realiZed that otheis bad and: were or muscular exertion� a - moderately . i i 1-SEAFORTH. . ONEY TO LOAN. -Private and company Wheat-tbis is a nfiw variety introduced here
. I , You might as well look for another . . I I M funds to loan at lowest rates. $10,000 of last season and has done well in t1kis locality,
sufl(ering even as I had done, 14 time healthful meal and even a full meal may job, Jerry." Bricklayer -11 What's the . : private funds have been placed in our hand running from 20 to 28 bushels per -&Ore. Ameii-
. I : which we will loan in sums to suit borrowe'r" can Banner Oats -the leading variety ; Mum-
(Sme, the war, bringing suffering , and be digested and not materially interfere matterT'-" Your trowelLfrill of mortar . L my Peas; also the improved English Chevalier
distress such as you can scarcely real- with sleep ; but as a rule, .three to five struck the owner of the liailding down . . � L i Loans can be completed at once if title satisfac- and a -splendid stock of common two
. I I toW. DICKSON& HAYS, Cardno's Block, Sea- Bar,
ize. At its clo8q, poverty and grief our- hours should elapse between eating and on, the first floor."-" Theii let him keep . � I forth. : 1143tf rowu Barley, also a full stock of Clover'and
, rounded us on all sides. Family] silver sleeping. 'By observing �his an a out of the way. If e bell strikes i . . ____ Gram Seeds-aomething extra in Lucerne,
that had been saved! was now sent north restful, refreshing night is passid�' and t � i ERSEY BULL. -The undersigned will keep trefoil and other Clovers.
twelve When I've got a ttlowel of mor- - ' Our Flour and Feed Department is complete
sud mold, that its former owners "might one gets up with a feeling of -Vigorous, �J J during the present season on his farm, 2nd
I tar, I don't care where it 1drops." concession, H. R. S., Tuckeremith, a thorough. in all lines.
have the necessities 'of life, � or might re- recuperated strerigth, and a sharp, ap- 0 candidate WONDERFUL SUCCESS bred Jereey Bull, sired by Canada's John Bull. Goods delivered to any plhce in town.
tain in the family the home that-Lliad preciative appetite for breakfast that -Would Not F rget.-, A -A I 0 .Terms -41.50, payable at the time of service Give us a call and be convinced that we have
� met.Uncle Mose on Austih Avenue and r .
beea theirs for generationi. -1 had o'f- gives strength and vitality.of the best . � I *th ' 'lege of returning it necessary. ne of the largest and best stocks of seeds in the
. said to him, 11 Be ibure and come to the � I I wi privi JOHN 0
. I HANNAH. N. B. -Also for sale a Jersey bull county and prices to suit the times.
ten thought of our silver, for in the con- sort for the activities of the day. ward meeting to -night, ,and bring all � -11 calf, eleven months old, thoroughbred. n64 Remember the place, 0. C. Willsons Block
faaion of that terrible iiight the thief had - In this day 'of fast, living and hurry of your neighbers with you."-" You kiu , ' . I �'_Y- __ . . — ,-Seatorth. I
,lot been traced. L What I was left of business our nerves give out. We go to jess bet'dey "will come ere loug wif me, The'purchases made for the fall trade of 1890 have been aL'grand OTICE TO BREEDERS OF GOOD STOCK. I SCOTT & CRICH.
mine, together -with my brother's per- the doctor for a remedy. He gives u N-Thei undersigned will keep' duringthe I I
. or I stay at home myself. Dar would- success. Wle are confident we have now the largest, cheapest and most .
. I I I season at Leadbury, a thoroughbred Holstein- � �
tion, wag sold after the war to ve him atimals6zits ; for if he given anything it i: n't be a chicken lef' in earefully selected stock of Scotch Tweeds, Canadian Tweeds, French Friesian bull by " Lady Collins Nep,thuDe,"
L . my coop ef I wuz G.
No. 15667, sire 11 Maud Hanning's Neptune," . .
capital with which to start'� Pin fusiness a stimulant. 11 The nerves need strength- ter go to de ward meetin' an' leff dem Pantings, Cork Screw Coatings', Venetian Finished Worsteds and 'No. 3734, milk IT PAYS TO ILLUSTRATE YOUR BUBOES&
here. . . : ing," he says. Yes, we know that, .nabors at home." � 13 . No. 5870 : dam," I Lady Colin,"
66my father was able � keepland send'long for something soothing and -A Thoughtless Joke,-" OvercoatingS in the yecord 85 pounds per' day ; butter 21J pounds Portraits, and cuts of colleges,hotols, factories
. So you're in seven days. Terms. $1.50, payable on the let machinery,&c.,made to order from photographs. -
,manage the plantation, himself as ong restful, but when one looks over the studying law, Jones?" "Yes."--"" Like I I . I I . of January, 1891. J. T. McNAMARA. 1178tf Prices Low -Send stamp for specimen sheets.
as: he lived, and moon afteri he died, ray btore-houae of drugs We do- not find any* it ?)j '# No, sir-ree!"-11� -, ow is that ?" .1 ' Metropolitan Press Agency,
- i a , I _P,
mother* died too, . I ad I came here to thing that will give the desired effect.. 11 Well, I'd read about�ialf through r -DO J>"T OF S IFO;J:Z�12 - HOROUGHBRED STOCK FOR SALE. -For .
i 17 " . I Sale, 6 Leicester ram lambs, ot by a ram IIW2 New York City.
: I C
1 —44 1 .
. live with my brother. ; Three yeors ago It is not there. There are remedies, Blackston' Yesi" ' - T L
� I I e. ,� Bad a book- . . - that took prices at the Provincial. fadustrial and �_
we, decided to sell the old 4 home' and I however, that seem to serve the pur- mark to keep my pla�e."111 see." WeaternFairs. Alsoanumber of Short Horn
. went to take a last 4o6k at it, ch`ooeing pose, but the relief gained is at the ex- " Some one stole the bo'ok-mark. I The Gents' Furnishing Department is crowded with as fine a stock Cattle of either sex, amongst which are 3 youn
Hpillow Ven to be 'there. You will . . ans New Music Store
� . ', pense of our vitality.1 as could be selected. We have a special line of satin lined Neckties at bulls fit for service. Also some good colts
I ' couldn't find my place, and had, to go tallies As I have more stock than I hava room
. 1.
laugh at an old woman's roma tic no- If you will turR to kind nature and clear back to the beginning. and read 35c, worth from 60c to $1 each. Men's White Shirts from 35c up. , A for, I will sell cheap on time to suit purehasers
__ I
tions, bat. a strange'� fancy'Possrelied me observe her simplest laws, how quickly the dratted book over ai in !" I .et your choice. DAVID MILNE". IN SEAFORTH. ,
. a full range of Men.1 and Boys' Underwear. All the latesto novelties in Come and F
W carry away some roots of ivy from the tired nerves will I be quieted. Ab- CIOL . Ethel-, Ontan'o. 1191 -
I � -You never sit and t�'lk to me now Men's Fur Caps,' th Caps, Corduroy Caps. A special line of Men's -
thewhispering oak in' methory of the solute rest. How few understand J , - . I
. ., in as you did before we were married," OUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -For sale
day my giant bad told me of hi's love, what that consists. If they keep quiet sighed the young wife 14 No " replied Soft Felt Hats at 500, worth from $1.50 to $2. A large L and well H or to rent, a dwelling house adjoining Papst & 0"Oonnor
and had gatliered some to plant f or the .they think -they must eat often, and' the husband, who .vv as a 'drummer selected stock of Men's and Boys' Readymade Clothing, Overcoats with Seaforth, now occupied by. mr, Wm. Copp. It I
ivy-covered home we meant to have. - thus foil the object they were seeking as - -- I . contains 9 rooms, and cellar under the whole Have opened out next door to J*rdan's Grocery .
"I found the vin d i - i . " the boas always told me to stop prais- or without capes. - . house, soft and hard water on the premises. - Seaforth, an
- es ying w many a.remedy. A tired stoma --h can never ing the goods M soon as the bargain was � - L There are good stables and i6bout an acre of land
places, and as though I could no even give strength to tired nerves, but give 'struck." . I . . with all kinds of fruit on it. The above proper- ORGAN AND PIANO DEPOT.
. �
then see them neglected, h6gan a rat- that organ long intervals of rest between -"Joe, I think y getting a bit - - ty will be sold or rented on reasonable ter -me.
i�g the dead from !the living. ,. t laid meals, give it time to relieve the -over- ou ar Dtess Goods Department, For further prrticulars apply to .11R. JAS. Mc- DEATH TO HIGHPRICES NO'W. Theyhave
I , I bald," said a working-mali to his Mate, ' - I MICHAEL, Seaf6rth. 1189tf. the agency of the THOMAS ORGAN, with
bare quiteL 9, PortionL of the old runk, loaded veins and catry off the effete playfully smacking the shiny place with I . I - Scribnees Resonant Pipe Combination. They,
whioh had rotted badly. While: I was matter that has clogged the system, and his palm. Joe answered with dignity.: . � . - have also Violins and other -small instruments. .
at work a great piece fell off, re,�ealing the terrible nervous, flying-to-pieoes " That isn't anything new. I was al- We have one of*.`�thp,. largest stockw in Canada. c,,No old goods, TEACHERS WANTED. . Mr Please Give them a Call.
' ' . .
what upon examination proved to: be my senastion we are in such dread of will , nothing but new and fashionable goods, the newest checks in all the 1161
I ways bald; Coo why? My mother 'ad
missing'ailver and,a human skeleton. soon disappear. : . 1EACHER WA�NTEDA second or third L .1 -_
, I BID often to pat me on the 'ead and ilay : latest shades. - Remember we have 600 different kinds of Dress Goods T class Teacher wanted for School Section .
"Just -how they'got there I !do not � 0 — 4 TV 11 A T �: . $ .
� � 11 ) t. 'ki -1 o Q4 1, - # . 1 QQ1 ,n-+;.. +_ _.— - �L
know,for the thief could not have Olimb- . * � W"V, Oev my OY - -110 8 e To choose trom. we nave the most fashionable Stock or Mantle vloths -- I 'F . , � . I
I I Good-Mornmg. wore all the 'air off." . � . ist January. State salary and send testilmonials
ed up without tearing the ivy so badly it I . we -could secure. "If it be your wish to have your Mantle cut, there- to LOUIS T. WALPER, Grand Bend P. O., Ont. ...
' GGod-morning, world!" On the window seat -It has been shown by recent elabor- . . 1190x4 . � -.1. _. _.
would have been noticed. My theory She balanced her two little timid feet. ate experiments, carri6d on by Dr. will be no extra charge for that. — I . --
is that he was alarmed at once and i 0 TEACHERS. -For School 'Section No. 9, .
� Foogay, of Boston, that malaria will A full line of Factory Cottons Bleached Cottons, Table Linen,
started to climb the second tree,when he She clung with her dirop i led hands, and stood I ' ) TGray, i school teacher having a second or '.
became entangled in the fallen branches Framed in like a picture of babyhood. frequently get hold of a man and hang Table Napkins, Crash and Linen Towlings, Cottonades, Ladies' Vests, third class certificate. Duties .to commence .. ��
nome of which leaned oyer the whisper : . on ti - 11 sewer -gas comes up and finishes oi Oves, Hosiery, &c. We are now prepared to meet the many wants January 2nd, 1891. . Applications stating salary ,
- The clam bering vines -hung low and green him. Dr. Foogay has also shown that kxA . desired, must be addressed to JOHN Mc- .
ing oak. In some way he had Missed .'Round the sunniest curls that e'ergvere seen, of our numerous customers. NAUGHT, Secretary, Carmunock P. 0, 1192-4
: I I there is nothing safe in this world ex- . I -_ I
his footing, and, ha& fallen into the hol- - . ---. .
low trunk." .1 i I As she stood with beauty and light impearled, cept bran -pudding and a vacuum, sud EACHER WANTED. -Wanted for School
. . And bade " Good-worning" to all the world, he is prepaiing an indictment against t T Section No. 6, Stanley, a female teacher 0 - � I
. . M � W � z
"HOW horrible,"' said Edith, 1 " -tut Our Millinery Depart e n" ing a third class certificate. Duties to 0) 0 �, 0
� the vacuum. 1 7--- hold 0
you must have been delighted to sim " Good -morning, worla " 1 and the great world . � � . I ipommence on January let, 1891. Applications � _S 01- 0
- heard ; ! . - - stating salary desired,and accompanied liy testi- .P� ) P, tt. .4
yoar silver again " : � 1FAch rustling tree and each singing bird. Franklin's Words of Wh3dom. Is now in full,blast, working on the numerous orders that -are I coming 4nonia.18, addressed to the undersigned will be Q (D
" Did, it not make you feel queer to - Creditors have better memory that in daily. New shapes and new designs arriving fast. received until the Ist of November next. ALEX. . 2 0 - V 0 CD W
find it as you did?" ,asked another of The dancing flowers and the fields of grass debtors. . . . I . FOSTER, Secretary, Varna. , 1189X4 �.dv. �.,. CD- 01
the girls who, had listened eagerly, Nodded and waved at the little lass ; O.- C+ CD C -da
!� : to the . � Keep thy shop'and thy shop will keep ' ' 0 1 C+ r+ bi I
� i ) . - RACHER WANTED. -A Teacher holding a (D �3' 0 H
I And the far-off hills and the sky overhead thee. ," 0,
� . story. I List.ned and beamed as the word was said ; T secoad class certificate wanted for School �-
" Rather, yes; but I had another _� CD CA
When the well is dry, they know the DUNCAN & -DUNCAN Section No. 1, Morris, for first half of 1891 � r+
chance to feel queer a year later, when, And the old sun lifted -his head and smileA - worth of water. . . . I Duties to commence January let. 1891. Appli- ).A. CD C.� tj
-in & curio shop, I saw my dish covers. I I . . . cations received till October 319t, 1890. Person- -4 ;� ,.. o P1
" Good-mornin , world!" - " Good-mo;nlng, If you would have your business � al application preferred. Address JOHN X "- (-) 0 CD ,
It is needless to say I bought them, lie- 'IF . )-Wp
. child I done, go; if not send, HUNTER, Secretary -Treasurer, Bushfield, Ont. M CD �
tening with apparent interest to the tale . -Woman' u M__ ontreal House, Seaforth, - 1190 )-I _4 - 0 go
� the shopkeep�i tried to tell,of their hav- - - . What maintains ' one vice,would bring � —_ - 10 CD (D. .
I up two children � . P ;0 Z4 ).., 0-
. I — EACHER WANTED. -Wanted a female 0 � ..41
ing belonged to an old English family. Fee:t- if you would inow the value of money, . . I T teacher,holding a oecond class oertideate to � C.4 0, CD
. I
I I You can see them, with the test of A plump little foot, as white an the snow, try to borrow some. I . 11 I I teach in School Section No. 10, Hay. Duties to X - %Z 0 P. :�
the silver, next Wednesday,.when it &11 I commence on the lot of January. 1891. Person- 0.4 � �r
Belonging to rollicking, frolicsome Joe, - . -Not to oversee workmen is to leave I PROCRASTINATION � - 0 I
goes out od my possession." I In a little red eock, with a hole in the too, them your purse open. � . � al applications preferred, it by letter address 0 (-$ CD No
either of the undersigned trust4es, ROBERT C
ti Why that—" began, Edith, and then And a hole in the heel as!well. - . tq -
I . Want of care doesmore damage than CARLILE, WM ELDER, WM. MOIR, Hensall - r 0 $11 0 )-W
looked at me and blushed, " will be my A trim little foot, in a trim little shoe, want of knowledge. P� THE THIEF OF. TIMES P. O., Ontario. . 1191x4 0 "O SD Ul
wedding day. "—Godey's Lody's Book. Belonging to sixteen year old Miss Sue, - the master will do more . . 30 - 19 CD P1
I _�__ I . And looking as if it knew just what to do, The eye of . -,- - EACHER WANTED. -Wanted for School X a ).O .- )11 M 0
He Blamed the Water, I And -do it in a way that would tell. work than both his hands. ______ - I TSection No. 13, McKillop,a male or female H 0 r+ I
. - . I By diligence and perseverance the teacher, holding 2nd or 3rd clam certificate. 0 CD
A farmer drove up to our mill door A very large foot in homely array, . I L Duties to commence on January Ist, 1891. 0. rp O� ,Q
, mouse eats the cable in two. Many the ills -with the sorrow and care,' Sealed applications stating salary and testinioni- )p U) A)
with a grist. He had a fine team of Belonging to Peter, who � follows the -dray, Now I have a aheep and a cow, every- I z
L . als will be received by the undersigned to P.d. 0 P
So big that it sometimes is in ita own way, 0 In V I U orth
horseff'L but was himself a sickly, meagre ; And' any the bills even harder to bea r, CD %Z -
, And moves with the speed of a imail. b dy bids nie good -morrow. November lot, 18N. THOS. E. HATS, SeaF4 :* C,4
looking c6ature. As he handed out his Expe I rience keeps a dear -school, but Incurred by the- afflicted who often defer I P. 0. - 1191-3 . V
I . . - . - � )-- 0
tacks- of wheat, he came to a water Ah I a very big 6hing is the human foot, fools will,learn in no other. i In prmuring a bottle of Balsam -of F *1 I'. I I P F.04 r+ C.+.
bucket, half filled with apples. In dainty made shoe, or in clumsy boot, Industry need not wi6 ; b ; and he that - I I . 0 SCHOOL TEACHERS. -Teacher Wanted M .1 I P --d ).aft I M
� '6 -Here, boys," said he, as he psand Be 'tis well there are various tastes to suit, � I T for School Section No. 2, Grey, holding a 310 - CA t;, t:r - r"O" LD
And that fashion can't always preysil. lives upon hope will die,f%sting. . This Balsam of Fir is not a 11 cure all " - third class certificate. Dutiesto commence on . , I
the pail to the miller, "I would you . . For age and want sav6 while you may; ; I I January 1, 1891. Applications stating salary will 01 0 P 9-0, Pt
- ! And many a patient a doctor should call, � be received by the undersigned up to November 9: En
like: some apples?" I never eat them The plump little foot, a beautiful eight,. no morning sun lasts all the day. - I - -4 ).dx 0
And the trim little foot, so taper and slight, � � But as with the former they sometimes delay, 1, 1890. JOHN STEWART,Secretary-Treasurer, 0� t- CD " I:L
myself."' And the very large -foot, though much of a Lying rides upon debt's back ; it is I � CrAnbrook P. 0. n9ix4
I asked him why, and he replied that: f right, hard for an empty bag to stand upright. Which increases the penalty they have to pay. Go A) r -L 1 .4
they always made him sick. So the Are travelling all the same road. Work to_day, for you know not' how . . � -4 - (D 0 :4
half dozen hands about the mill moon � � REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. V CD " P
And it matters but little how small or how much you may be hindered to -morrow. But with Coughs, Cclds and Bronchitis � ).- .9) I
devoured the ripe, golden fruit with a great, Women and -wine, grain and deceit, . Asthma and Sore Throat which often affect us, OUSk AND POTS FOR SALE. -The sub- fil ;D )-q V .4 00�
relish,.'. for they had been taught that so they never grow weary of paths that are make the wealth small and the want . H scriber offers for sale the house north of O' CD p (D
nothing was more nutritious than a . straight, � . . . Who doubts the testimony hundreds do bear, the Egmondville manse, together with three, - -q � , co .
And at last walk in at the golden gate - great.. . That " there's nothing like Glycerated Balsam of Fir. " acres of land, suitable for building purposes. 3 0 .I,
good, 'ripe apple. I Asked the main, Who Alwa a taking out of the meal tub . 01 0 �0 )-Am �
Of the city whose Builder is God. y . On the front are a quantity of young fruit trees )p �
to kindly gave us what he could not use -From the Springfield Musket. and never putting in, soon comes to the � commencing to bear. WM. ELLIOTT. 1116 � 0 �� N 9
. I
himself, why he thought he could not i- --- - bottom. I 31-U1&S3D3MMT &I -W:ET_iSC)W3S z 9L CA CD CD
eat of the fruit. His answer was that The Success'ful Farnier. Drive thy business, or it will drive thee ARM IN MORRIS FOR SALE. -For Sale, I P I 0)0..., 0. 11
they distressed him, but upon further , Sloth makes all things diflicult, in- ROYAL GLYCERATED BALSAM OF FIR FLot 2, Concession 2, Morris, containing 100 Go CA)
The successful farmer knows no- hours . acres, and well adapted either for grain or otook. " tz 0
injuiry I found tha,t everything he sito of idleness. Be the weather wet or dry, dustry all easy. . It is within two and a half miles of the flourish- -4 C+ � .
diatressed him to a greater or less de- 01 We have published many testimonials pf reliable and well-known 0 W �
cold or warm, every hour has its alloted ing town of Wing ham. It is a- good farm and X 0 A)
greie. When Asked what he lived upon, School Report& peoplei who certify to the ouperiority of this reme4y. We could publish hundreds will be sold cheap and on easy termR. A "s
the premises or address WM. FIN ly n - I" pv 9.4, )..q tf
he said: � . task. and is made conducive to success. EGMONDVILLE.r--The following is the if desirable. If you are suffering from any of thdoe troubles for which it is re- 011011t, M (-I, 9) .
- I t
" Principally salt meat, sausage., eggs There are always jobs to. be attended to : 'o 71 Wingliam P. 0. .- 1192x2 (D 0
L ' in the *house, the stable or the barn, in report of the pupils of Egmoiadville commended, -give it a trial.-, It will not cure 'all 11 the ills that flesh is beir � - . -1 0 C-4 �� "
and white bread. But," said he� " the I school for. September : Senior 4th alsm - but we think it will cure a larger per centage than any other remedy, if used in -pARM FOR SALE.=For sale, part of Letg 29 Is " 0 ct-
I even the coldest and wettest of weather, I . X and 30, Concession 1, 19cKillop, containing
water is bad where I live, and I guess and steady employment of both head —Sam. Jackson, .Jessie MoDoulzall, those cases for which only it is recommended. For sale by dealers ; price 50c per 50 aerts, all cleared, well fenced and in i good g sn Ul
my only chance .for better �health is to t Tommy Jackson, Bessie Gemmil. Jun- bottle. Wholesale and retail by state of cultivation. Buildings fair. There is a to V " 01V %a
- )� i I and hands induces ,thrift and industry, . . 4 d orchard and plenty of water. This farm is M (D. :�
sell out and move '�Away. T . I L . . ior 4th—Flora Porter, Katie Purcell, 10-6 . )..§*
ing his filee 0 within two lots of the corporation of Sesforth. 30 P) . 11 Cn - )-% Go
Notic, I k-looki � g horees,_ I without which success is impossible and Aggie Kehoe, Clara McKinley. SenioK L WILSON goo y
remarked :. 14 Do )'your horses drink the Poverty of mind and pocket is assured. 3rd—Frank Jackson, Albert Moreny,) L U M__SDEN & I It will be sold cheap and on, easy terms. Ap I : 11 "
i t on the premises or to Seaforth P. 0. DAVID -
I � � ; Pr d for opting use, mend . 0 _;�_Ogb ,+ CD (D
,,same water ?" ; I � the harness, fix the wagons and the Harry Purcell, Ritchie Elliott. Junior . DORRENCE, Proprietor. 1184tf - 0 )1� O� "
tf Oh, yes," Baid� he. " They have no � � SOLE MANUFACTURERS, SEAFORTH, ONT. � - I I 0. CA 0 9)
; 3rd—Annie Quinlon,Gertio V^bEgmond, I X - C -D
i i plows, repair the stables, barns and all I ),I "_ -
I . I 000 FARM FOR SALE. -Being north
other, " the outbuildings, get paint and brushe!t Eddie Martin, Maggie Charlesw"orth. I QQ41 halt of lot 22, in the 5th concea- -4 I P, 0 N 0,
" I see you use tobacco pretty freely," Senior 2nd—Loui,3 Aberhart, Robert X P__ A)
I . � for wood -work and; use it thorough . Sion of Morris. The farm contains 106 acres of . -.4 0 t:r 11 -1 �
yes, I couldn't live %', There is lots to be done indoors when. it choice land, go cleared and balance good hard- . '
" Oh, ' Othout C -t-
- I and Junior 2ad— Walter � Powell, Maggie C)OMING ! ' wood. The farm is in a good state of cultivation .
I remarked - I � is wet or snowing outside and the h ly' Adams, Minnie Young, Arthur Colbert. COMING!. CD
thwt.11 , I I Callaghan, Alex. Charlesworth, Arthur well fenced, a never failing spring creek run; 0 -
. - 0 IM C)
" But, 2) said I ` your horses seem to Of the diligent maketh rioh.—Rural Hadden. Senior Part I—Eddie Jack- - - through the farm, a first clam orchard, brick z )-dig � 10 )-,. %a
$ I World. � . . I I house and good frame barn and other ouV N V
thrive on, the water. . Do you think if - son, Addie Weiland, George MoMaun, I buildings. The farm is within a miles of the (1) 0
. . 0 - _q (D 0 - W U -q
they had to chew ,the tobacco that you - . . Willie Bruner. Junior Part II. -Bessie village of Brussels. Title perfect and no en- 8
do, and live on your diet, they would I A Level Head. . Elliot, Oscar Turner, Aggie Turner, . COMING INTO STOCK DAILY. eumbrance on farm. For further particulars . " 9-4 ,r+ .
thrive, or would the water Make them During the late strike on the New Gordie Martin. � a . 1 -4 apply to H. P. WRIGHT, on the premises, or --du-mmum
I - Brussels P. 0. . 1176x17
3) 1 -VV- :F -DS- ..
aick, too !" ; York Central Railroad, the militia were 0 . TQ:M T � i T � G�rOO_
" Well ,_ s%id he, 11 I hadn't thought ordered to be in readiness in case of a —Messrs. Hiram' Walker. & Sons, of -- � . ARM IN TUCKERSMITH FOR SALE.-For�
. .
of that.11 � . . riot, but they were not called out. � Walkerville,- county of_16sex, are pre- F sale, lot 7, ooncession 5, L. R. S., contain - -W,,R, 0ounter,
, � I
: I ing 100 acres, about 85 of which are cleared, well
He went home, 'ehanged 'his diet and In an interview, Governor Hill said paring 400 acres of -marsh land near that .
� . . � fenced, under -drained and in a good state of
left off tobacco, ,And now; the water the troops were not, to be called upon place, upon which they will grow oran- ' .
i cultivation. The remainder is well timbered,
agrees with him Ao perfection and he except in case of an emergency. be berries. - . I .Opened last week a lave assortment of made up Clothing of that
I St. t_N . halt hardwood and the balance first-class rail SEAFORTH11
� eats apples with impunity. 1. Louis emergency- had not arisen, therefore —The celebration of the centenary noted manufacturers' goods we have been handling the past three years. timber, adl unculled. There are good frawi .
; � � they would nbt be ordered out. He re- anniversary of the birth of Father. Mat- buildings and a splendid young orchard. There I .
� Magazine-. . 1 � I Also ne'�w Carpets, Undershirts and Drawers, and a lot of smallwares, are three never failing springs, besides wells. Itis
t I I . . -temperance reformer, within five miles of Seaforth and three from —THE— -
. � ; 0 i marked that this was the first' great thew, the great
. 0 'ening this week a la importation of Dress Goods bought
The R6st Cure. � .strike with which he had had . experi-- commenced at Cork on the 10th inst.' p . rge Brucefteld. The purchaser will be allowed to . .
I . e n the -direct from -the manufacturer's of Bradford, En2land. Altio a lot Of �.-do fall work right away. A ly on .
. Drugs must go. Even the most con- ence, and he did not propose to lose his with the offering up of a mass i \ i 9, or address DAVID RoVIT, 11=
� , i n- head ; the only point at which there Charlotte Quay Church, which he found- Fren6h Dress -Goods, Blankets, Bed Covers, Gloves, Hosiery, Table and, ' " PEOPLE'S JEWELLER ,
, lervative people are coming,to tlx,,e co I P: O., 1182tf � I It
� elusion that drugs!do not ogre. 'If one had been serious trouble was at .Syr&- ed. The city was full of 'visitors from &11 Floor, Cil Cloths, Cottons, Sheetings, &c. .
1 4q not fully given UP the! fallacy of came, and there a -deputy-sheriff had. parts,of Ireland. The Mayor gave a - -"-
. I � . I, ext week we- receive our importation of goods from Glasgsw, con- F for a term of years, or For Sale on reason- IS holdin out --Great Inducements.
� doaing, let him st and consider what lost his head and precipitated an en- luncheon to prominent -residents and- h . . . able terms. Lot 9, concession 12, McKWop con- � 9
' I I ' Lr
I I . visitors which was followed by a recep. sisti][11 of Scotch ',Tweeds, Worsted Coatings, Mantlings, Ulsterings, e
gives ua health. 0yurely it is not bad counter. . � .. I t,ining 100 scres, of which 90 acres ar cleared for the
; � and ir a good st.ite of cultivation. There are
air and bad food, nor can it I be any The strike continued several weeks .tion. - Silk nd Linen Handkerchiefs, Silk Scarfs, Brown Hollands, Silks, �
. . 1 14 good barns and stables and two good wells an
I 11auseous compound. What' sound body and there was riotous action at various - —The notion that the J'ews are unpo- Satin6 Velvets, and a host of other goods. the farm. Itiol2milesfrom Seaforth and the
I could withstand the drugs given' to, the points along the road, but 'the civil pxilar because -they are never landowners I ' same distance from Brussels, with good gmTel Next - 30 Days.
- Miss McLachlan has returned from eastern cities, where she has 9 leading to both places. it is convenient __41
� poor, sick ereatures that fill out land, authorities were able to cope with it is exploded in Buckingh am shire, where- . road -
� .
r asks the St. Louis'gagazinq. it I would without calling on the militia. the Rotheehilds own a I& ge portion of beeell -looking into and purchasing the latest, newest and nobbiest styles to sciiool. Possession to work given immediate-
� . I I ly. 'Apply on the premises or address MRS.
I sicken a well person ; the�u surely it The test of a man's real ability cornea the land in the county, where they have in niftlinery ,goods. I . RICHARD McKEE, Leadbury P. O., or JOHN To all customers wanting goods izt
I -
would not reclaim: the sick. To get when an emergency, arises which makes all built or are building v.-ry magnificent Our trade being large and on the *increase, we have bought larger * C.- MORRISON, Winthrop P. 0. his line.
well, one should have the most favorable a hasty -call on his good judgment and residences. At one of tEese' residences . I -_
I thanusual, and expect to cater to the publie wants still more effectually N. B.-Als. For Sale an Imported Clydebdale
Surroundings, perfegt re9t for the body, discretion. The man who retains his Leopold de Rothchilds.is just unveiling - -
. ' this fall thanin past seasons. - We invite inspection, having no doubt mare, four years old, with foal , a three year old
mind and nerves ; keep quiet and take presence of mind, maintains his equi- a superb renaissance fountain Jn many i - ' driver, 16 hands high and good action, also a ,
plenty Gf sleep, and stop eating for one, poise and exercises sound discretion at colored -marbles, the fineA of the kind whatover but that the. Bargain Dry Goods House of - -.S.eaforth will this bull calf, nine . months old, with registered pedi- (IWE -HIM A CALLs
� 1 in England, which he had set up in the - I I I I . gree. I18Qx4 .
two or even three clays, and you will. be such critical * tures, "is to be -relied on fall -surpass all previous seasons' records. -
. Junc I I
surprised to nee howq . uickly kind nature and will be put to the front, . � center of his garden. It is the work of I I ' I ' �
! Will come to your relief. One may learn - Men with level heads have the staying- Waldoi.Storey. In the si�me county the .
I how rapidly repose cures ,by observing qualities which do not falthr in the face residences of Lord: Roseoeiy at Ment. � RD, A FINE ASSORTMENT W. R. Counter,
h , PICKA ,
� I "s
the !inipie movements of a eat. , � � of danger. Otis.A. Cole, of Kinsman,. more and of Baron Ferdifiand de Rothe- " -, - '. - Ribbons,
: When , and
1 iradisposed from whatever cause, you Ohio, June 10, 1890, writes: "In the, child at Waddeeden -stand among the : - '
If I_ - _� � - __ _� -.- __ —.*&I- �1_ - Z___1. __6. __� fall nf I ARR T wAA fAdtliner warxr ill T mnsf. o"mnf,nninn ;n m^Amkr:n Rnrylainil Gorner Main and Market streets, Seaforth. -at HOFFMAN & CO'S., Seaforth.., - MAM STREET9 BZAFORTJL
4 1
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