HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-10-17, Page 4-! ---- �­ -- I . . ,� L � . i � ! - ; . I: � � . I '! I 9 F — - . - . . . I i . . I . . . - � �' ! � . I / . ! . - . I . . I i � i . � . I . � i I w. � . ! . . . . � . I I I . I I - . , . i . ; I . . i . � � . : 7 . I I i � I . I I I , . I I I I . I I . � . � I . . I � . I . i� I . � - - ­ I . . � � . - 1. I . I . � I � � - . . . � �r � ­ ­ - ----I------,- --L- . --' ­­ ­ , � - - ­, . . � ­ - - - I I I , - - I . . . � I . � I - . �, 1� � � i i I I i : I I ! . . - . � ' I . . . I � I I q 4 I � I - i - THIt HURON EXPOSITOE., I . . I OCTOBER 1791890. 1 - I III 11111 I ---- i � i I I I . I . "�l ------. . - ­ - I � f . . . . . I - I . I . . . -� I - � I " .I- I � , � . - id retary, Mis the English two -rowed barley (im I � . B 0 Y S' SUITS pencil marked him -ss an artist of some ist church, *&a hild on Sunday and full cos * ts be anteied after the second a union meeting, next spring, the " . - . a Mary Jane R&msay, tress- - , ported . i i . Monday evening last. On Sunday day of next sitting of the Divisional meeting be held at Clinto'n; (3) that in - Win, McFadzean; choir leader and by the Government) a . � I i I I I ability. His, education, however, did .. urer, -. thorough best, and . � a — 'D— morning Rev. J. IV. -Shilton preached , Court. It is stated that the company event of there being no union meeting organist, Miss 'M. O'Connor ; Com- he planted some -'giving it the t I � not suffice to �oave him from the career # bee &t�. I ! f - to a crowded hous�, and in the evening have given notice of their intention to at Clinton, t 'he na�xt meeti�g of inittee 'of four, Misses M. O'Connor, tention.: The crop looked excellent.bo' ! of deceit upon which he entered with his 'Rev. J. Edge, of ,linton, preached to is appeal from this decision to a higher this Associotion be al at Brussels, Bello, Moore, and Maggie Smillie and fore harvesting, and yielded � - ' d 1 40 bushe OVEA OATvSh . ­ , is I � VICTIM, nor th stay his hand when the large congregation, On Monday even- court.. I . I at such time as eemed fittin - McLauchlin. � of good grain to the acre, but in Weight , i ; I . . - _g. by the Mr. T. A. . - i - ing a large crowd assembled at, the McLinchley, vs. Cooper. -An action Executive. Miss McInt re, Winghain, =Mr. Jeptha Holland has bought the - it was considerably below the required . We have d6u�l,d the size of our Clothing I temptation arose to end that career by . . . i church, and after a sumptuous supper to determine' the true boundaries to with a glass of her pupils, . 20 acres on the 16th concession, Goder. ,standard. He ives it as his positive room and tre led tho 96 of our stock. We pay embruing his hands in his Victim's blood, had been done justice to the pastor took land in the township of Stanley. By cellent exercise in voca music, Miss iA township, owned by Mr. McDoug- 'Opinion that R'nadian farmers cannot � I . special attenttoo to w at the boys Nvant, and In the most recent of the horrors served the chair, - ' , McIntyre leadi I . ' I . . I when an interesting pro. consent, defetidant to got a road two ng, wit e violin. The all. - It is Mr- Holland's intention to raise a barley that will be satisfactory . I " strike out to flt�, and s.2 every boy and e . I I very up to us in all their hideousness by the gramme of speecheo was gone through rods wide along the McKinley bound- performance was much a plauded. Pa- ere -It a house and move on the place as, for the English market, for the re.soon I I boy's raother, �wlth honest goods that will give with. The affair despite the unpro. ary, instead of the -acre which he had pers were - also read, by the President, soon as possible. I J that the season is too short to allow the ; .1 daily press -the Cumberland tragedy- . the beat of 11 Atisfaction. We opened latel . . y pitious weather, IvIras a grand success. fenced in,* and to remove his fence with- Mr. Taylor, and Mr. If. W., Lowrey, of -The trustees' of school section No.0, grain to fill out properly. .. - i A lot of splendt�d Suits and Overcoats in new pat- the individual upon whom suspicion has The proceeds amodrited to over $91. in one month,f eich party to pay their Hullett. , A very successful musical and McKillop have re-engaged Mr. John G. -The prisoners Nesbitt and McDou- . terns, which are guaratiteed to be excellent ma- fallen is at the lowest end of the social - � I . . ? . ' I I . -� own, costs. . literary entertainment wa given in the McLeod for the coming year, at a salary gall, who were sentenced the other day I - . -- � ter1aJ and per ect fkttin�, Remember the cloth- . Se�ord vs. James. -Action on Bill of town hall on the evening of Thursday, of $500, an advance of $50. As this by Judge Toms to fi . . . ing departnie t I . scale of which the erstwhile Lord Som. Young. Men's Christian Asso-. Exchange. By consent of counsel his which was liateii4d to � by a 'goodly, is the highest salary paid in the town- ston for larceny too ve years in - King- � - . k the dose. quite to . - I clation 0 . �, I . � I I � ereet was once an ornament. 'Yet while onvention. Lordship directed judgment to be an- audience. I . I : ship, it speaks well for M I r. McLeod's heart, for on Sunday of last week they . . , � Birchall's education did not restrain his The fall convention of the Western: tered for the plaintiff for $400 without . . I � -ke . � . "/IF Faul . Made an attempt to break jail, havin Edw � .J �The West Huron teac)iers held their ability. �a I y District of the Yo Ing Men's Christian Ontario was o ZI i -Y hana in the fatal hour, so neither did . I costs. Convention at Goderich, on Wednesday -On - Sunday, September 28th, a pried off the door of their cell, and � I Association of pened* in � S�E 6RT11. Hodgins vs. Tierney was postponed , and. Thursday of the same week. This young horse belonging to Mr. S. Cox, actually reached the jail yard, and were . . I I -- I - the lack of it (presuming the arrested the lecturelro n's till next Assizes on the ground of'the was also a very interestin. I . . I 9 gathering,and Hull�tt of the Maitland Block, broke piling chairs and boxes on a h other � Christian Association building, Strat- � - man gui ty) keep back the human brute ac � absence of a material witness. a good deal ,of �practical ' work was out from' the church shed, where he was with a view to'scaling the wall, when NEW ADVI�hTISEMENTS f�rd, on Friday ,afternoon last. The, ; - . I : � � -.who so foully did to death the McGon- . . ,� Coleman vs. -Johnston at al. -Action got thro:ugh with. A committee, con- tied, and started for home. He left the . I � afternoon session as principally taken , . they_ were discovered. Sowellhadthey 9W The figare betwe4n the parenthesis after aglechildrenthe otherda-y. Thefact . for replevin of.,�&,trottlng mare. By sisting of Messrs. H. Beacha im, J. Grant wagon, badly smashed, by the roadside, calculated everything that a few minutes , , each line denote i the pa' e of the paper on which I up with organizatim. The evening seg- conient His Lordship directed hat and S. J. Latta was appoint6d. to bollect but arrived safely himself. . � seems t .. more would have sean them over the I- the advert,semeint will be found. o be that when criminal instincts sion was held in tile Central Methodist * t , I Judginent'. should' be entered for the material for discussion at the next As- -On Thursday morning of last week, . . . church, which wto well filled. Rev . . wall. They were brought before Mr. I � Boys' Clothing � cksot'Bros. (6) exist in a man they are likely to break . . I i - . plaintA, entitling him to the property, sociation. meetirtg at Exeter. Mr. G. W. while working around the threshing Justice McMahon for this offence; they , Hosiery �'&`u I. (6 Dr. Griffin was - i A intro- I I . -E. Mel, ,; forth at any time, unrestrained by any 9 iairman, at -thedebri'dants to beat liberty to with- Holman delivered. an address on the i M- machin in operation on Mr. John Wil- ' . � Precrastination--i-Lumsden & Wilson. (6) duced the speakeri with a few humorous draw,their counter -laiiu� I a were sentenced, the former to IS months I , A Wonderful su6cess�ptincan &Duncan. (5) checks which .education, not applied to remarks. I .portance of teaching ,"Llistory and Geo- lis' farm, Stephen, Mr. Harry Parsons in the Central prison, and the latter to I , I -1 , Berkshire Pig-11as. BroWfoot. (6) ' - Queen.va. James Barr.' -Assaulting graphy togetiber so far as necessary to had the tips of his second and third two years in Kingston Penitentiary, to 11 I'll his moral n ­ . a. I � LLL Express AgencY-;-W. Sonierville. (5) ature,seeks to lay upon him. Mr. Thos. S. Co a, Provincial Secre- bailiff in the discharge of his dut 0 give the pu� 1�& -thorough knowledge f fingers taken off by the cogs of the crank follow in each case after the expiration . .11, � 3BOYS! Suits -E,. kcFaul. (1) To educate the mind only, leaving the tary, sketched briefly his own connection y n e subject h 0 . I, - � Auction Sale-Ja�s. Broadfoot. (5) - I - . with the Society id the growth of the the 18th March ` ' Bailiffit Campbell and th ronology � should form shaft. . . of the sentences imposed by Judge - . , moral aide of a man Haggart, of B - an important factor in -�istory lessons. . -Rich � . Farm For Sale-N'Vm, Findlator. (5) a being .untouched, lyth, went. to the defend &rd Sparling, of the 12th con- Toms. , "I'll, In Co.- . C. S . - movement in vari= cities. They have I .. �� . Seaforth Bankin ith. (6) ant's premises in Hulidt, to seize a Mr. G. �M. Kilty took up reading for cession of McKillop, who sold his farm -On Saturday afternoon, 4th inst., W -W- in. Efliott. (6) is but to give him greater powers to three buildings ft Toronto and nine horse under a chattel mortgage Partl.,�and exemplified his method of to Mr. Archibald " .anted . U I . . I To Teachers -John McNaught. (5) commit evil and greater facilities for others in'other parts of the Province. - . , some time ,ago, has a fatal accident occurred to George, a 19 � warrant, and defendant guarded teachin g� the little ones the' ir initial lea- purchased twenty-five acres of lot 23, year old .son of John Porterfield, of the � - , . Two Trips to New York�Fireside Weekly. (8) Much is done in an educational direction. � i ,�- � . I A Canadian Bare�Wui. . I . PIckard. (4) concealing -it. The only redeeming fea- -his stable with a large pitchfork . The sons by:a class of;children sent up from concession 13, in the same township, -13th concession of Howick. It appears *� � Executors� Sale . Evening classes are formed and young evidence showed that the, bailiffs had no one of � the town schools. Inspector from Mr. Alex. Gardiner e sum � 1, P . -bhas. W 18on, (5) ture about these cases is the determined men prepared to fill ' 'tions in 9 , 11�1.li � Edward McFaul'o Column. (9) . various posi , he was an aged in assisting threshing at , - � I . �i , - 1111­� i authority to make the se�izur'e Tom then took up Reading for. Part IL, of $1,200. � . The Right Place4R. McFaul. (1) efforts made by the autheritie . , as the' . iq Tr : �4 e- arn. He and several other , ", -- - U ... i a to find lifei In the city of Montreal the. r , bis father's b � t quiremen .� ' - 11 . , �.� w House to Rent.-- �apooltor Offlice. (8) out and punish the criminals. To le . to for graduation from the .mortgage had been paid, - Thp jury ac- dealing � mostly. with word making. -Mr.-McEwen, of SaItford, has re- boys were in the mow pitching peas to , � i t�. . . , � quitted the defendant. . I This proved a very interesting lesson - � r �mU � Stolen or Strayed�-Thos.� Tipling. (6) - - � .1 I . built and refitted his aaltworks in first' the machine, and, of course X I : Young Men's Christian" Association . , like boys, ......... . 1,.,;1 't - Conyeyancer---G.4. Sutherland. (8) one of these scoundrels go unwhipt of I A charge of'- assault 6n a Division The class was well conducted, and the - class style, and there isalso a first-cla,as l � ll?.--- - �, Groceries, &c. -I . classes are higher than those of the publio were playful. By some means the fork c� : 11 - kcPherodn & Co. (0 , I I i . � " ,� � I l justice would be to bring shame and dis -Court bailiffagainat the s�me defendant children showed great skill in analyzing cooper shop being 'erected near by. in the hands of one of the other boys - I . t - - - 11, � I -I -­ 3 ,-� - . � schools. Promotid of social intercourse I -I - .,I.-' - I I lf I I I I - .11 I . -was then proceeded with, and had been the sounds of words and sy - These new buildings add veky much to struck young Porterfield, one of the - m1lllt 11 , , ; 0 grace upon the very name of Canadian, and physical culture receive i Pa -;1lables. The I 1, - -.1 - I . . - consider- rtially, heard, when �His Lordship County Council at, its laof session hav- the appearance of the village, and prongs entered the neck just back of the , I � , I I U , j ustice. . . able attention, but' the spiritual part of !SUR - - fr, �1 i f I I . � , , � �41t V 0 11 expositoro I g agreed to pay the cost of printing I they will also employ a number of ear and apparently only Penetrated the . � I I , ", i , - 7 1 ' , gested that the jury i�turn a verdict -in I ., � 1�1 -�. - ,--- d the work is the in t im ortant, and to I -) � I � I i4 ? � �t? " f � � .. q I - V . � -�t - .. n papers, required for men. � ­ 1111 - I -r �, �� . it all others are ma e an ear 'ient. The of not guilty, which they did. the examinatio - F, ;! ,�-, - � I t, v ,skin. Young Porterfield turned around � --- 'i a - I THE Dominion Government, after The Queen vs. Elliotti-Thi otion from 5th to 6th classes, and -While Wilson Evans was taking his - I �. �� . C ,.I. � � work of the Young Men's Christian As a -was an prom � and said: " What are you doing ?"when. I 7 �,, .1 1 i - SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Oct. 17,1890 ' - -indictment against Thog. Elliott, of the also to provide suitable - diplomas for - � A-! -, , 411� - threshing machine to Edward Camp- , he suddenly dropped. His elder uroth- , 61 . I , ii, � long hesitation, have decided to remove sociation is the work of the Christian -township:of Stanley, n ,- � Ba I [ , 'such ex bell's, of Grey, the other day, the team er being close by picked � .1 I - - 'i � . i;� � 1. .. l! 11 . I - I - � . � I , I , . � , . . I aa yfield, for those who succeed in passing - - ., 1-1: spruce saw c `� him up and � I, 71 -1 ! the export duty on pine and hurch, not of any denomiii ,tion, and, assaulting Minnie Nichols, a y 'ung girl amination, the convention decided to 'with the,water tank ran away, breakin carried him to the barn door, but before J. � - I ,; --�,- - � 4 1, 1� lri�3h A,ffairs. t , , .1 f i therefore all can share in it rf 0 i 41, ,, �4i' - A logo and on shingle bolts of pine and )g4rdless of -brought out'from. the,01d Country by hold an examination for the County,:for a w o n I � I 1� 41y pogsible for any one � the' xle and tongue of th3 a n a n - - t�l �, -;: 'I It is scare I he had re -i - , � �, I . g , 'I- I . � belief. It was som.4imes said "there was ihe Guthrie Home, Londoh Out. smashing the harness. The horses were expired. .. It is upposed that the prong - � , - , � cedar, and cedar logo, capable of bein I I Af ter -ached it young Porterfield had I � �� � �1 A-, -1 Fif &h form pupils, the limit of work to , - -the our a I ; : � k , # viewing C se ot events in Ireland 9 'no necessity for such an organization in . . I � . - V � he prosecution had proceeded for some '� be betweeh the High School Entrance I � 11 2i 1-i 4 � made into shingle bolts. The removal the smaller town! al d iti butif par captured shortly afterwards in an ad- of the fork had entered the jugular vein ;. !r. !: : I ��j. ­- I ,� , .. at the present time from a disinterested - ' � 1� - ,I i - I - n ci Iles, . Examination �nd the Primary. The a : �, i, -� 4 -$ ime the Court discovered a technical joining berry p tch. . � , I -4!- of this duty, b "rnment will . - . . . I �Z � )� ?7 N 'I Canadian standpoint' to do so without a y our Go ants knew just what their boys were do rregularity in,the indic Executive Committee of the Association I and caused instantaneous death. No I : .� '. I ,. um. , t- - $1 tifient, and a -The entrance examinations for ad- blame is attached to any one as the �� 1� . . i I . seen inarily closed further proceedings. The . � ,� _ : _; , 0 'd- Ing some ti tnes,' and I the temptations to :111, 11 .: -'. V 1. .4 A . a III , re the entry of .ur manufactured was appointed to act in union with a, mission to High Schools and Collegiate cause of death was purely -accidental, . or fle, notwit�atand'ng the gravity of � % ­ i. � It " t . t . which they were exposed, they would � - - �- . - _-- - lumber into the United States at F6 ne- �rosecuti will be concluded at the committee from East Huron to prepare Institutes will be held at Goderich, Ex-. and none regret the sad event more than �, - * r .. on I - � I I the situati Evidently the, Salisbury r make sEh , n assertion. The fiext general sessions. &,definite scheme for such-� examination. eteT, Dungannon, I I �­ on, � I . -� � (-- t I - -11 I � . - 1, w ­i I � i duty 6rd of ithe oun a Men's Christian ; . Seaforth, the young man who was ti I I . � - I- . !, I gover I . of $1 �er thousand instead 'of hav- rec'e Clinton I I I F . I nment arel very uch in earnest in . . - I ie cause. De- . I l ; ; , I � Association is Coulter vs Young. -Action for the and to conduct the first ex'amination as Wingham, Brussels and Wroxeter, on - - ces-ed was a model young man and high- - - . � - �i � Ing to pay 82 per thousand, wi provided 06 g 0 � I i I � 11AV �.s - ; le ne, and he caffled , ; - q their attempts'at throttling the people's * ancellation f the will of the late Thos. onday, Tuesday and �n . I � 0 they may agree., This examination is M � L : I I upon- all to furthe its work by any Coult - Wednesday, the . ly t-espected by every one who knew : Z� _ 4 � for by the McKinley Tariff Bill. The erl of Blyth.., . Judgment reserved. to embrace the follo subjects : 22nd, 23rdand 24th of December, com- hi­t� as was attested by the funeral on ' � '� ves;� and so to prevent th means in,their pow I ;. _: - k representa,ti e I I � # , LL L. * !y � I I _ ­ change was much desired by the lum.- 1 Richard'Nesbitt and William McDou- Read ing----;High School der; Writ- mencing at 9 a. in. on Monday. TLiusday last. * ­ Tega . ,S:f-!L �:-'�Y�' world at large 0om hearing the people's Hon. 9. H. Blake, after compliment- i . ?, _ i , I 'r , - I gall having p ing-Same as entrance examination ; -One evening recently Alexander I . - . . . bermen and will be of considerable ad. ing the citizens of Stratford upon their ) leaded guilt to the charge -- . ., S . side, of the tiage. T4ey have placed a - . y — . L I Drawing -Any two books; Arithmetic Robertson, who resides near Moles - L _ Of jail -breaking, His Lordship sentenced I ,?-" I - I � utage to them. fine public buildi said he regretted . I numbe al Glenfarrow. . I i t that there was n "'gNuilding owned i)y two yesi � - . � I r of t4 7 moral outspoken of the va McDougall* t '- Entrance work, discount, stocks, part- worth, turned his team into the orchard, . Ot � 0 .-s in the peniten- I . . HAPPENINGS.-Misaes Sarah and L . � Irish M. P.Wunder �rrest, and are now - the Young Men's Chriati#n Association. tiary, and'Neabitt to eighteen months in nerohip, square and cube root; Algebra and in the morning whea he wen L . ; �� . I tout Eliza Bently spent a few days in Blyth I _ - � bringing them"to trial fo&on&�iracy-a Newsof the Week. He hoped that h b ilding would be the Central Prison, the sentences to fol- -Elementary rules, Elementary work on-, of them was missing. On going � . I . I -Twenty-one Chinaman erected at sue, a U low the term which the prisoners are at 1�. C. F., L. C. M., factoring, fractions, 'over to the well near the house he ' visiting relatives. ----;Mr. A. Bremner and . i L - --- an early te, and as he never saw I charge which in Ireland seems to ma�an have been sent from Seattle, Washing- likdd to advo' simple equations; Euclid -Book 1, 1.26, the mare standing in the bottom of . it, sister, of Belmore, were visiting friends I . : present serving in the Penitentiary= � cate a�ylthing without as- easy deductions ; Bookkeeping -Mc- and with the help of some neighbors here last week. -Miss Maggie Crawford, ' . - chiefly opposition to l e Government of ton Territory, �back to Victoria, British sistiDg it as well, ha� would be glad to q The Gran4 Jury in their preseiitment , - Columbia. I Lean's bookkeeping, to of Millbank, spent last week with her the day. Messrs. Dill land O'Brien I subscribe a couple bf hundred dollars s!mong other things said: I I Therff are page to -cover. they got her out none the worse. .1 sister, Mrs. John Ray. -Mr. McAlpine � � ELECTRIc LocoMOTrvE LIGHTS. - towards such a prolpet. Every city has sit present fifteen prisoners confined in work of a set of double entry ; History -The Bank of Hamilton- have pur- were among those arrested, but while Electric bead -lights for railway loco- the jail-fou'rte , an males and one femalo. _Canadian, same as entrance; British, and wife spent a few days -with Mrs. . a need for such a building and such an chased the old Royal hotel building and the proceedings were, being got under motives are the latest things on some institution. Y`6un�k men . must have 'Three of the males and thei female were 1688 to present John Green before leaving for the -1 I I � . time; Geography- grounds in Wingham, and intend p ?i Western American roads. .. Om- committed as vagrants The vagrants 0 - building ull- Prairie Province. -We are glad to hear �! 7 way, they quietly slipped their bail and . recreation, and they should not be c' N rth America and British Empire; ing down the old next spring * �f � . I I ,p SPY ARRESTED AND SENTENCED.- pelled to find it i6 the devil's pla are fit subjects for a Ho I Grammar -Public School Grammar; and will erect a handsome brick build- that Miss'Bella"Wylie, who has been - at last accounti were I on their .way to M us �� I y- � 0 of Ref uge Literature -Ten lessons selected from ing for the use of the bank. The site is ; adame spy ar- ground. Why not kovide for them they are totally unfit to . provide for, . confined to the house for the past few I � pr,m,%ry e days owing to a severe cold, is able to � � emselves- and your t America. Of � cour e their bailsman rested at Cannes, has been sentenced to place where the can find innocent a Glraiid Jury ex - i . I � I' y I t� I xamination work; Composi- one of the beat in that town, and there 1-f ; were entirely iguoran� of the Irish main- five years' imprisonment and a fine of amusement, g press regret that a prop r place has no tion -Same as entrance with be around again.-Aithur, son of W,m. .. I .-I . I l ood r[ading matter' and e t easy is no doubt but the building to be erect- Mae - 7- ,Ii .� bers' eac a, and equ�lly of courie th 5,000 francs., ' religious instruction 9 The work of the been provided in Cte County to serve as themes ; . Agriculture -Public School ad will be a credit to Winghsuk. kersie, is now able to be about again I, ; A i ap . a . e I . .. LE Text Boo � a _ i " z private purses of the bailsman will suffer TitouIt S IN JAPAN. -Mr. Dunlop, Youn' Men's Christ'ian*Asaociation is a. home for such un f ortunat�s. " k,orBotany, or Temperance' �On Thursday oflast week'Mr. Ed ' fter-along and severe sickness. He A � I . . 9 . . i i . had a'hard pull for life, but has regained - i . I " ; a missionary in Japan, in writing to and Hygiene. Model School work ; .Man- mund Crawford met with painful : � 4 -. when their bonds are 4eclared forfeited. nwmnw-� : � . - 1, � many-sided, and fe I know of its extent. . — � I a ,see" his usual health through the skilful r � 4 friends in Kingston states that Japan is Such associations mi a Jeru- . i suration -Practical work on stf�ces and dent. He was hauling a load of a shing- � . I There is no'd in a bad state fr y be found ,i Teachers' Conventions.' rectang, tar solids. I treatment of Dr. McDonald, of Wi . - I "t -, .hance at all that the om floods, storms and salem, in Madagasc r, in Ceylon, and in ; . "he follo Ing gen- les, and some slipping he fell loff while Ing- . - q amount will be ch cholera. . East Huron Teachers met in convention tleme�n were appointed a cominittee to trying to fix them, alighting heavily on ham. -Peter McDougall returned from I -i a ad to the league . fact in nearly every part of the civilized ai Winghani on Thursday Ind Frida of act with the Inspec Manitoba Friday last. He had been . I .r � . � .� t ;A. - �. � � i to .which CIO tributions from A DirpicuLT WORK. -The committee world. You have wandered y ter in Preparing pa- his wrist. - It was a wonder it was not - , � ,, z fandt ng me Twho :: L � - I ll V, - - Z1. "i working on the revision of the Pres- away from thiome a 1�st week. Although the attendp'nee pers for the promotion examiLtionet and broken, in fact the doctor says it w uld , spending the past six weeks in the I , ; I America are so anxio sly 4olicited. - was not so large as on some vicinity of Brandon. Peter seems well ;: i8grace I k " z ` I fallen into d' 0 , I . � 11 �� . - I .. I onnection heal quicker if it had been. Itis very 11 � $­ . � . ", , I -Irish members byterian Confession of Faith at Pitts- have freque n hunted up and sions, there was a fair, repiesentation of with these examinations, viz.: George painful, and . . i1pleased with the character of the coun- ntly b former occa. attend to:other matters in c' ,�, -, Meantime, while t a ,, burg is still at work, and they can see rescued through the agency of the the teachers of th will lay'him up for some ]try and reports th . I , -- , � . . 11 r . 4'. a long job before them. e distfict present. Baird, J. 'R. Balfour, George Sheppard, 'time. at the people of that � I � Z are playing their anti a, and the Gov- . . Young M&n'slChrig-'tian Association. A �­ -, 1;nl', . - . . I , f-, ',,:! . I I ! ety that.does suoh work, and which I A - i � ; .s� ernment fo shly tr in - I - .. . I , h .,: I ff j � g . Sobi I 'district have excellent crops but that . � I oli . to suppress PROIE11131TION'ON TirE AFRicAN COAST. The proceedings were of an interesting W. H. Baker and W. S, Lawrence. -The ladies of the Kirkton Woman,s I . �: fz , � � i -The German authorities hav' a d practical character, and several ex- Mr. J. W. Hogarth read an excellent Foreign Missionary Society met in large 'harvesting was not finished' when he 1 . -, e forbid- is indorsed by the g0eatest and best men c . client papers were read hud exhaust- paper on Sociology as a branch of . left. -Peter McTavish left for the old 4' 4 � � , "i � them, a portion of the Iris people are den the sale of intoxicating liquors ex- of all churches, needi no further His-. numbers at Mrs. R. Radeliffe's,on Wed- �sod Saturday la,st. , �3 , -- -. , �.. r"- -1 I ; - -- . I � , I I . I - . .;­ � I4, - � . com I � . - I;-, �. -. � . ively discussed. Addressa6 were also tory. Mr. W. H. Johnat6n introduced nesday of last week to welcome home : �, rr, �- ;!�- - - in dangar Of fainine �! et�failure of the cep.t wine! beer, and vermuth along the J "ndation, Christi n people ha . He is.taking out a I 1. I � - ; . � , : f me ve not d6livered by ,number of fat cattle for Mr. Hamilton. I - t � I I I— African -c tact line, under heavy penal- done their duty, Dr. McDonald, M. P., and the discussion on " Fifth Class in Pub. their pistor's wife wbo had be n b t I -1 ;-, : I ­ I . � -j'�! I p � ,� 0( of the island Unti I :i , ��,� I . � . I .� - .1 ties. 1. r � � ::, �' ,� tffey have pro- Mr. J. A. Morton, barrister, -of Wing. lic Schools." He favored the mainten- on an extended tour to the Pacific coast. It appears that this is Mr. Hamilton's �rtairk part� e a son otato crop in , 1. ­ � ;:;" � vid ke pl ce, r- -i 1 ; wit . -1 : �0- . I I surroundings, I first attempt to hip direct to England. - ad a home-li h Christian ha'm. The following were �he principal 'once of the class as it would �aid both Mrs. Pletchert-ook this first opportunit I . . � - , has once more V.'rought,btarvation-never BAD Fix. -Dr. R. V. Pierce, the -for th boys of other Pao- I I 8 . � 14 1�- -1 �. I- ,:�,' � f ar distant-wi�hin clutch; of celebrated .patent medicin ' fo L I 7 i g distance sibiects discussed : " The late Entrance teachers and pupils in pur ing y It is to be hoped that it will be a success . men present he -the to r the generous � I e man and p16. To the youn� Ej�amination," by Inspe toi Robb, who higher studies prescribed foar such a purse they had so quietly handed her be- - �. r. � . thank the ladies i �:. .1 1-- I . I . T, -­­ I n . c -� I I- - . L -�- . - � . 1 6 1 business in . I e millionaire of Buffalo, has been sued by ni�de an earnest appeal to lead pure and d a t very thoroughly with the subject, clai . Mr- the future. -Mr. flerbo Hennings left . umbers of the wreich peasantry. so that he may continue the z I ��:: ,-f 11 r I , , I -� � , i or alien- hoii I 8 . Geo, Sheppard pleaded also foreshe and Mr. Fletcher started on last Saturday for Toronto with a car . � ­ - , r w 11' . � �` ( � - � - - fi, h are being taken ating the affections of Mr � especially the arithmetic paper. He at- for the fifth class to be retaineo, as - it their long' journey and for the ,arm load of potatoes which he bought around I � . I 11 The contributions . Win. S.- Wyse, of New York, fi eat lives. I � � . ­ a. Wyse. � - . i % � ---- - E, I - i tributed mhny of the failures in that would confer a great boon on I children welcome on their return. � I , 4 1 ..� ; C'l UP will doubtle is brin some relief, and - REDUCTIONS IN RUSSIA'S FIGHTING Huron Falt Assizes. , : ,I I �i . � ­ 1. - I t I � the public worh a projepted by the gov- FaRcE.- . su bject to the ) . � .Russi this vicinity, .1 I � a has dismissed 12,000 inaccurate calculations who for various reasons could not attend ' -Mr. D. C.* paying 32 cents per I - � . .1 � - The Huron Assiz a were held last Carr, who since 1878 has - � . � I . I - I I r -1 -.I " ernm -if n men from her army and navy in the past I made by Jandidates-only about one-, higher places of learning. Mr. !Thoa.- G. been a resident of Clinton, is moving to bushel. Mr. Hennings' many friends . I :.. J� .11, eat ot too Id,ng deferred ----�wil I week at -Goderich, efore Justice Me- third getting a correct answer to the Allen als favored the retention of the Goderich, 'where he has contracted to do I I . : I I I two months, and it is stated that�further 0 wish him success in his first attem.Dt as . I - . � I � - I . I i . in tiding over ' coml , Mahon, Mr. Coulter,lof Cayuga, acting question in addition. He advocated class, but urged that too mu h ttention the action work, bellows and keys for a Nroduce merchant. ­�Misses Iviaggife . - I -,.�­. .- . . assidt I th, ng winter, discharges will be made shortly.:� as Crown Prosecutor. The following better trai6ing in the fundamental should not be devoted to itc : an Mary Crawford, of Milbank, who � -�­ - , -. '� - , but after all is 4 1, � �, I ,�, 4,� one, tte amount of suf- . X&GNIFICENT BEQUEST. -The will of ge6tlemen compog , S'peoially the.Goderich organ factory. Mr. Carr have been pending a. few weeks with - � - . , .- � . -ii 7 S. : -1 edfthe Grand Jury : -r�les, and, discountenancod long and where there is a large attendance of is an 9 � I 'r ; ! . � -- f .f ering cannot flail to' be very great Newton Case, of Hartford, onnecticut, Jaines Johnston, We t Wawanosh I � active church worker,and has been � - I -. :;, � %-' , .� . Racked by internal e rd. Theological I , fore- tepious solutions. The subject of estab. smaller pupils. The discussion was a teacher' in Willis Presbyterian church 0 , , � � - - - I 1: . man; era( -! � y - . I. diBlsen8ions, torn b' J. A. And )n, Myth ; Joseph 11 hing. an eksmination mid relatives here, returned to Milbank " ' � I f 11. I Seminary $100,000 Outright and the r, I -1 1, � ", � religious and p6litical i strife, and ever esi- Bebk, Saltford ; Qeorge Brownlee, -way between further continued by other members and Sabbath Scho' for 11 years, and at the on Tuesday Isat.-Mr. Jos. Kitchen has � �p. .. - it � - . duum of the estate after certain other Tuck t4le entrano and the primary was fully the CODCensus of opinion was largely in present time "01 returned from a trip to,Saginaw, Michi- - � 1: �. � - I ergmith ; Alexander Cathcart,A8h I 16 assistant sitperintendent I n F is I I . R ­�k - , ield ; John Coultice, Morris; John iti ju in that school. He well pleased - : I - . on the eve of st;arvation, if not actually bequests are made The residuum- is f - di�cussed, and as the county council at favor of continuing'this class. l On the also took an active gan. Mr. Kitchen seems I f �� F ,:, - - within its pale, 1�ihe Emerald Is -le is an over $500,000. . . Hutton, Wingham; enr Kerr, ne session had made arrangements evening of Wedne"aday a very large part in the Mechanical and delighted both with the trip and the I I , . . y Wing- for is exa, Institute and a . - .. � - draft a set of rules for the bled in the Opera House, wber6: a splen- ly missed in Clinton. � . - � I - r . ­ I . erich ; obert Armstrong, purpose of carrying the scheme into did programme was ca ; � it all, whether the BYS- ad mother died in August, leav-Ing him Stanle ; Robert Bon;hron, Hensall ears has Brussels. , I � is to blame for w York, whose widow- Pridham, God - . � . 1, � J,� anomaly amongleivilized natic?ns. Who COULDN'T LivE ON IT. -Justin Glenn, ham ; Richard - M i a Grey; Albert a- pointed t nation a committee was audience of teachers and others assem- other public societies, and will be great appear nee of the country.� - � , is � V of Syracuse, Ne I I , . i I � - � I I . I ; . . I � . rried out. The -Another of the aged pion ' I . . n t � 1. 1 $100 a month in additio living ex- � . i* tem of government fastened upon the y ; M- 6eration. The report of this commit. features of the entertainment were three gone to 11 The Great Beyond," in the PXWONAL. � � . � BrELithwaite, Blyth; James Cox, Gode- e - The Jamestown, New � . � � ­ I . � I pauses, Jumped from a wiod . t'it, as finalli passed by the convention well -rendered recitati6na by Misses Me- person of Mr- C�eorge Oakes, senior, 1. I w i � � �� . people against their . ill,-: the people n Ow Satur- rich; John Campbel, Stanley; David York, papers state that the Rev. A L. � . I day and smashed himself &41�,up, - be- iO!Ae followi:'(1) That no fee be charg! Mordie, W lliams and Rusk; an address' Maitland eoncession, Goderich Town. McRae, of tbeFirst Presbyterian church, � � i a P themselves, or the heavy burden of land- Johnson, Seaforth ; Klam Livingston, edi; (2) that the examination be held a'. by Rev. W. A. Young B. 1).,.descrip-. ship. , I � I � I I . . n 0 The sad event took place on of that city, and formerly past -or of � 7 . - I ­­ � . ­ ca,use the money was not sufficiept for Myth ; George Neibe.-Zall, Goderich. n ally at the same time and place all tive of a trip to the Pacifia coast ; an Wednesday the lot inst. He w 79 the Presbyterian church i - - I lordisin, we do Aot pretend to say, but the pace at which he wished to live. The following case were disposed of : ? as I - , . . , , , at any rate it is 'i,me the present order KANSAS is DyiNG.-A correspondent - th entranc� ; (3) that the inspectors exhibition of club s*inging by several � years old. The' deceased was a Reform- ' , , - .1 � . I �,� -, ' I - . I I I I in Topeka writes that Kansas is dyi Dancey vs. Grand Trunk Railway pr, �pare t - son of John McRae, Esq., of this Al - I .. of affairs w6xe b ought: to an end, and . he papers; (4) that the inspector young ,ladies, some of whom were teach- I er in politics and � consistent member lage, who has been troubled with insorn- I I I - I I ; that it is for a truth the " Great Ameng' Coinpany. -This action was brought by ap oint a c9mmittee of teachers to ex- ere, under the dire�tion , of � z � . , -1 � � 11 -. Professor' of the Methodist church. He was a nia for the past eight mo th , has , . ; ri- Mr. Dancey, harbor master, Goderich, . n 8 � , Irishmen given a chanc6 to bring,if pos- can desert." He estimates' that 200 - . art me the wers; (2) a committee Bundy. This part of th given i . � . 1 ' - �, ! , .. I aible order and I eace and prosperity to t the Gran run I way, to e programme good neighbor and a loving husband and up pastoral 'work for a time, and will " , - 1.4 I I P C 000 people have left the State in t�e agalno . I a . consisting o Messrs. - the audi- parent, and leaves a widow and large undertake the raising of an endowment Z ­ I .1 Plummer, Mus- was particularly enjoyed by � r� fr I � ; 0 � recov rn them because, a, Tay r and the Inspector be ap- ence. An orchestra under the leader- family to mourn his decease. Their for his Alma Mater, the Presbyterian 0 _ grov , their unhappy e 7 untry i past three years. Topeka has at pres er damages , � - �, � � - ant over 2,000 vacant houses. � plaintiff alleged, they wrongfully eject- po�nted to repare a limit table and ship of Mr. S. P. Halls also gave a. many friends extend to them their Co � Ilege"Montreal. On leaving James- - i -- ,I 1, I . -1 . I Crime -Epidemics. AID TO EVICTED TENANTS. -Mr. ad him from one of their trains on the, rules for t a guidance of *candidates. variety of musical selections which, with hearty sympathy jin their bereave- town ' ,: , � . � V - . � I � 9th of September, 1889. On the ist of This is an 'exam Mr. and Mrs. McRae received a - i . I Dillon presided on Tuesday at a meet'- ination intended for a humorous reading from Mr. I H. I. ment. . I I I L . I - September, 1889, plaintiff purchaF most affectionate farewell from the peo- I I . � I , It has been remarked that, crimes of ing, in Dublin, of the Tenant's Def tic jed a thdoe who hive passed the entrance-, but Strang, made'up aninterestingland an- -The Rev. G. B. Howie, M. A., late ple. - Among the valuable gifts Mrs.Mc- I . . , violence seldom occur singly., but gen- Committee, called to o . ence return ket, Goderich to Sarnia, and who.do iaot desire to proceed as far &,a joyable evening, The proceedings of of Brussels. is announced to speak in Ras received a purse of $150, and Mr. � . - . if; . t rganize parochial . � . � ' I f I . travelled from Goderich to Sarnia on his thi P, 1 ­­� . erally in twos or,threes, and that such collections in aid of evicted tenant,, c as. It is merely a county ar- the Institute closed on ThMrsda� by the Lachine, on the 26th, 27th, and 28th McRae a purse of gold containingnear- . . - -1 - . i I I Donations to the amount of $5,000 were ticket, and on September 6th started ra gern nt, and the passing will confer L N �. � is the case the experience of the - past election of the follovin� officers : Presi- inst. The Woman's Foreign Missionary ly $200. While deeply regretting the � �; ll i. , ; I., . - P i., no status as,, a . �. �­ " �1.- announced. on his return trip. The conductor took teacher. Hdwever, it is dent, G. hl. Kilty; Vic ' � . �,� few months seems to prove. Hardly e -President; Society have arranged to have hi * I . m p hims tiAet, and in in give cause which led . .. MR. STAN return gave him a . I to Mr. McRae's re- . � - .11 cretary of War, r,bfer- efore reaching Lucan encourage pupils to work and push on- G. W. as ; ,I I HOPE'S OPINION. -Mr. Stan. u I thought thaj it will bg an incentive 4o Miss C. V076r, ; Seeketary-Treasurer, two 16 --tures in Ottaw the 14th and moval from Jamestown, where hew ,- had people's minds begun to recover hope, British Se' cheek for it. B Ps � a on � H-Olma - Executive Committee, 15th November.. on � ctor told1he plaintiff that the wa rd. The Messrs. W. H. Johnson, A C. Dor- Mission Field." Dr. Howie, is expected many friends here will unite in wishing � ; from the shock caused by one ring to the new American tariff, said he the condu I -subject, 11 How to teabh " Palestine as a evidently, doing such good work, hie . I �- . . I believed it was-largeIy directed againa next station was th� one he would re Ge�grapby,"l was introduced by Mr. rance, R.,E.D Brown- Misses Burrows in,Pembroke on the 16th, 17th and 18th him Puccess in his new undertaking, and in i: blood than they were stunne I ) � t - � �.� I � I . d by the re- England -and Canada, and that it would quite to get off and change cars, .but the Blelck. He rould use maps drawn on and Blair'. ' � I � i November. It is felt that his addresses the hope that the change of ocenpation � . , volting details of, � a second, to be in turn do the latter country serious iniary. plaintiff says the train did not stop at the. blackboard, and first , teach po- I I ­ I , , I I k I followed by a, third. Luciin Cres ing, where, he 8hou -i , t are calculated to stimulate interest in may have the result of fully restoring � - - Is there. really DOM PEDRO'S PITIABLE PLIGHT.- 11 . Id take sition, -then shape, size, oundaries, Huron Notes. : Biblestudy and missionar work. He him to health. � i � . epidemic, of crime Dom Pedro, the ex -Emperor the train for Goderich, and consequent- . coa t and I'land features. I In fillin , such a thing as an of Brazil, . i y I - ,. � - 1. J I 9' Mr. Bender, of Howick lectured in Spenceriville (Rev. Dr. Kel- � by has arrived at Cologne. He is described ly plaintiff remained �on the train,'In- in ould pla�e mountains firlt and from LOCAL BRiF,Fs.-Our grain buyers � � i 7 1 1 � 11 I . . I I tending to return; to �Goderich by way the e 'deduce slope and trend of rivers the farm at Mayne Corners, owned by lock's) on the lot October, appeared in � � which th -a contagion of viQlance is spread as looking unhappy and broken down, t complain that the Grand Trunk Rail- � r Z from man to man as an infectious di,9- of Stratford. After - B. S. Cook, for the handsome sum of native dress and sang an�d recited in way does not supply them with cars, ; . I ) � and is continually accompanied he train had left Mr11 Turnbu 1, of Clinton, took up the $4,700. Arabic. I R. Graham has had his sales cancelled i by an- Lu.a., which is two miles as u *act of g mar, as view'd from the . � I- I ease is spread thr ugho t a community? attendant, owing to his enfeebled con' Lucan Crossing, the:`� conductor came 'at& dpoint � . . . . : ... . L �, dition. At intervals he is heard to mut- -On Tuesday of last week Mayor -Last week a peculiar runaway acci- repeatedly this fall on account of grain I (� ! This may be a que stion for s ientisto to I tf�"a sub-exami er in this Doherty, of Clinton, fined a man named dent occurred near Holme8ville � � - I I ter " Brazil . . rouud and told plaintiff he should have - A not being deliverWas agreed, and the l W answe I Oh, dear Brazil !" - � it is ' subject at Toronto for th , past two Tunks, who pleaded guilty, $5 and' horse driven by Miss Jacques, of Gode- failure to deliver it was on account of . . r, but however thoir reply, it is to feared that his mind is weakened by his got bff at Lucan. Plainti - � � I -��-;�' ff said he was yea culty in the way, he $4.85 costs for assaulting Mr. W, S. rich Township, bolted and ran into a rig there being no cars. It is - time our . . � - . 8. One diffi I � � - be hoped for the gake of our' country's misfortunes. . going home by Stratford. The condue- poi ted. e.nit, the fact thit the man Swaffield. ­ . I was I � good name, that the list of. crimes com- TiiE DEATH OF MRS. BoOTH.-Twelvc ter then told plaintiff he would have to wh driven b Dr. J. R. Shannon, of Gode- Govarament paid more attention to the . set tho paper did not read the ans- I � - � I . - -Two. new teachers will be engaged rich, anythe front wheel of the buggy manner in which the railways supply i � er thousand people, have been daily flock pay the fare from Lucan to Stratford, we s, ken-ce' "it was difficult to decide for Ethel school for next year. jPrinci- which was attached caught in the hind the public. The law should be that mitted with -in h ; bounds -is for the - 85c. j or get off the train.-, Plaintiff re- w I I I I I Ing to the Salvation Army Hall to gaie fused to get off, and 4at the examiner- consid red a full pal MeTaggart intends pursuing his wheel of the vehicle driven by the . . I I . he alleged the con- an& var. Sometimes* the que" tions were stu ies at the University,'and Miss Me- ter. After some plunging Miss Jacques' tain notice being given, or .make ; preseat at an end.1 It used to be thought upon Mrs. (Gen.) Booth in her ffin . doe- they be bound to supply cars on a car- � i co , � � . . that e- duc&tiGn w Newspapers which formerly only ' ductor ordered the two brakemen to put op ' d I as a ctirel-all for crime, oneer a I to two meanings, and an. era were Neil's certificate will expire. : I . ad at the Booth - him -off at GrantOn. 1 Plaintiff stated given by candidates altogethdr different ' -On in or tio laid by horse and buggy finally got free, but the good any loss suffered by their non- , and that when ev6ry one was taught to 8, now give columns in ' I I that he Was forcibly a specter 4 large type to this remarkable wom . . f ma a - In buggy was turned completely over, rest- comp-liance.-Profemadr Panton, of the � � . I read and write the�re would be no more an, train that mote force iected' from the from what was expected. H4 found the Paisley, of Clinton,the proprietor of the ing on the hood and the dashboard. ,I was ,used than secc nd class candidates defici"nt in an- Grand Union hotel, Clinton,was brought a miraculous manner Miss Jacques and , and all the indications go to show that . In Ontario Agricultural College, will de- � ' " - criminals. This has turned oat to be the Salvationists were never so much was necessary, and. cla�rned that his left alyqis, and also found the �liver alecture at the town hall here, an , , � I I - . I ; . bird class before M . - � an illusion, and,hi fallacyhas been con- I respected in England as at the present shoul ' derwas severely i iured when he candidates put in mych neater papers e8srs. McGarva and Steep, and child with her were thrown oat witho a 'Friday, October 24th, �at 8 o'clock p. in., . . t time. The remains of Mrs. Booth was I -at es of the fined $40 and costs for violating the austainir,g any injury. The horse freeudt under the auspices of the Mechanics' � car. tha I . elusively proven, if proof were were those for secon class. He favored Crooks Act. I . I . Afte� the train started. from C itself from the buggy, which remained Institute, entitled "Wonders of Ydljow- . I taken to Olympia on Monda Tranton t g put in runding order, - -On 1hursday evening of last week an intact, but the harne3a was badly dam- stone National Park. The hallshould ; Y. 25,000 he nal sis bein . y . by a recent case which excited surpass- p'aintiff got on again and paid his fare rat er than in . . � . � . I people attended the funeral service. a tabulated scheme. Mr. adjourned meeting of the Young People's aged. -'The animal '- I � i � ing interest. Biroha,11's education, so The interment took to 8tratford. The case began about A le aul, deleg&te to was afterwards be well filled as Professor Panton . . . I place at Abney in , the Provincial . 1, � Park Ce P. . on Monday and continued u ft T Society of Christian Endeavorw�6s held caught about one hundred yards from should be heard by every,one wishing to I � far from having 6en neglected, was metery on Tuesday, and the nti a& here' Association,' gave ,in his re- in Duff's church, Walton, and the fol- the scene of the citastrophe. listen to something good, while the i � . 1 9 p. m. on Tuesday, w an the jury re- por , which . wa; a full and' p a � . pageant then was of a nature only sur- tired an tuTn,ed a 0 � much. superior to that of the ordinary passed by royal occasions. d re cOrn I tO lowing fficers were elected. :, -Honor- -11r. David Tiplady is known &a one benefit for the Mechanics' Institute L . � . .:10 P. m., with bne.'� The Committee on resolutions re- ary-president, Rev. Mr., Forest ;' -Dresi- . E individual. , He ha:d spent some time at - - . . . answers tothe questiou a submitted to of the best farmers in Hullett, and his should also draw. If this lecture is a . I I I . ported, among other things als follows : % I - . - . , - , AN , I I I , � I I � 'i . i I I li I e n I D� nd U I , ee � I , 11 '� e H : �, � 1 1 i� I , � ill � I L z a Universi ; could speak more than them by His Lordship, and awardin (1) That the present dent, Alexander Gardiner ; first'vice- opinion on any matter carries weight. success, the directors intend to have ' �, . I .ty, and -The harvest home festival, in con- 9 public s6hool geo- President, Hugh Ramsay ; second vice- Having had considerable experience in more of them this winter. -A friendly , I rect, a . I U- ad that udgment for this &Men president, Miss Lizzie Smillie ; secre- barley growing before he came to Hu- game of foot ball was played between one language. while his. facility with the nection with the Holmesville Metho' $1000 to Plaintiff. HislLordship di gr phy is unsuitable as a text i book :- (2) - � i I I i . at and in case the Went Huron Tese 'ere d' � . . . i � 4 esire tary, T. A. McLaughlin ; masistant-sec- ron, he this spring determined to give the Hurons, oi Seaforth, and our clubs, � . . I t I � i � . I - . I ! � - . I � I . . I . . . : ! . I . I � � .1 - I I I . I Z It I . I . . - I - - I I - I . . , . I - � 1� 00T0,BE.R . " �' 018� � � � � - I . on -80 turday last, - . ,victory, for the Hm , grnee t Gerry, thi I Gerr5 i who,4as Ix . I time, pmeed"Away Monti and Was I , .. ,odf thi week.—Th4 . in rur ning order ii I — I I i GIG I . I � Lod4LITIM.—Mi Fete*i. rough, forn , � t . . visiti friends it 09 , spent Oart of the el and speake; vgy fal vince.-LDr. . 'a. 11, . last , Atto our vill I week. i From the I train t ntil after dal I busy o ' 3erating on I I eases c x the ear, ey4 . By his great skill al I he wox many friend . . jnembe r him. 'He 1 � Britirs-N Columbia, ,m - open A 41�raining schc � tion in itnedibine a-nf � giyea 6 thos6 w.ho: . . I * missionfid, 08. We J God speed in his la: foot ball players wei I - I � week arid suffered a I of the.aigb School j N \—The 8'acrament w I I large cangragSVO.n I'l ,church bere, last Sun r&nco, mon of the, Rei Gorrie,Aas secured a in Moualt Forest, -, ,foot ballplayer, and' wuisitila to theciu, .. , ri,ell, V S. T. Fen ' . . 0 ri� er and ba) . v a . I a, from ber: I R. 11 e ,rys.,—Mr% sta - . - ville, is 'Visititig her d H- McLaughlin, in Friday nigfit, Octobei or persons entered th4 stole abont twenty or . � lars worth. The thi somewhat t.ony, jud -' I .. 9-1 cles takeo----cigars, bo Theyare also ad-inirer ; I is Said they - took two: 4uality. .. Itlis passibI restedero loxig.—M-f.. ,gone to Toronto to w( I Welch-, who -u.qed to rt ,ourAllage. - Mr. We Joing -a good business i ,our province. —Mr. J, I turned yostarday f,-O)n- pri.-A. be&vy rainstol by wind, thunder and I I �over our village last M� I � - I - I � I � Stanle DIRECTO, Rs� MEETM -the officers and director . Branch Agricultural - A hold at -Railley's hotel,, 1 urday-, tliaz2fth inat., al I to wind up tho affairs 01 - the season,: The - treatt - Armstrong� will also be - prize money to 'prize win show.. Moitay-shovid br . C O'UX,CiL - Dom,s. —T� . I on Fridayi last. All . present a�r,ept jas, I Vollectors bond was I ' � council Ana being sath pepted. Tlia colla�6r Im have all the:t.sx-es collect� the 10th d0y - of Decen Person* halving AccoW 'Council are t,eq�ested to I in on or befbr4i the,22nd I ',ber next. The ,council meet again Ont)ie 22rid A - at one o'clook p. in. �i !0.!!! — -- I British 4r.in ' LoNDox, 'October,, I Lane Exp6sal, iri ft� L British grain ,,trxde, a � ­ � �� wheat is 5a below A= n , I Lfus dersells the 4mported- - VWV of English ' wheat du. - amounted to: 92,476 quar.' per quarter, Against 85,5 L 29a 4d for the eorrespon . year. Foreign wheat wa, Californian recovered 9, tember dacliolevad the ot ,. in the face � of the -colos L die -&tea the abrength of tht large quantitT ong .passage trade for the next t.hree - contracts f or.later deliver3 before the wilater is over t deficiency r4ther than . , . Ing a y was quotec -- � 7inding a easier owinj �� n &asage. ,Oats we day . e den�s'e fog intei I I Vvith bu lness�� Wheat ww Oalifornia wat Sd better t Barley had a jairsale�. .0, Good barley And fine 11; I Alericau Patent and sfi dearer. . . Perth Item ,,—Mr- Thotn" Statten, at went of t-ke corporatio One of the oldost settl - 'borhood, went, to bed eorns 0 last week in, tilt very IN 'I A 14ttle later he coinpluine( at his istomach aad a bo Mitchell for som. medicine turning i a I - -Mr. Statten Was , . V Years of ag4i- but looke L � luau ' ii. ? � Deceas - - known in Miteh�lr--as a- hi I � -able and Straig,:htforward . I —We have Xnuch ple-az I M I the.rems,rke of the Beacon correspondent anent . _�_ our . UcLaren. ,He8ays--,1 ' !d-fnienda and'admirers'llim 'lee "the Laira! ) � ''r. 'Glebquaich ' I Hibber .ttul as Judge of ,stock,, He - 9"lial man a elose obser and a thinKer, .'Well versed agricultural 3� political and te 1 .. r*, He pointed out wh . ht I (In whatas tow : b�u,tiful I Mr. this farrn,'�when he Way over forty yea. Pit" haa no great attracti ' L then, and he returned to S -t r4oved West. His vettate it Otte Of the finest in the cour —With the p*ssjn,g &way -ert R. P&terjoll j: another 01. I I has beeri rera9v,ed from t "Orty-five; yeAto ago he ( I fore.st O� the third concessi( R"thope, whero he he*ed I I � .%-Md 1*18ed a 14iga family. --I `90 he retired fron, the fat 11,111ce resided at I Shakespeart . ' 'is 80th year., Another 7 "Ivrth E..thope passed , al ite -, in th f- 'I -the ro n * M `�Orn i riaMba,ch " . - --"L e Inv 181 h, .�ria '�ttlta u.f elrnalng? ame 0 � L - L 4 - , . . � � I , I � -,; , � -4P , � -­ I �-�,� I