HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-10-17, Page 2�
. 00TOBETt 17,1890.
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� INNIN00011011 -_ - - - - -_ . . . . . . . _� I . --- -
I ; � . - - - - � . . � I I
I it i - ' . I . PLIZAL ESTATE FOR SALfg.
. GUAING A BACHELOR. I'm afraid, Mary, that I eat too I ad to resist. "There they go across the � I � _____ . - SEAFORTH
i much I Pve been thinking it over, and road toward the orchard ; foller 'am-"' . I . � UILDING LOTS FOR SALE. -Tho under.
, . I
I �, . I �� I B I �
11 Le a got a letter from his Uncle i don't killow wilen I've been so impra- make all the nclise you can I" , � � � signed has a number of fine building Lots I
i I eta for sale, at low
LUj&ewis he invalid, yoh khow-Aunt dent. I idon't think I'd better have Sharaninto the wagon house, and, � . I : . on Goderich and James Stre
I wi * h a string of sleigh b . Is - . prices. For particulars apply to D. D. WILSON Musical Instrument
Auldah,', said Mrs, Wells, one late May anything �for my.- dinner -but some coming oat I .1 . . I I 909 �
I ,
. beef tea or grael." . began to jin' le them as hard as no I ; , - I
morning 11 He wants to know if he it I . ! a -Being Lot ii. Comes-,
can corn here to bopird. I'm so sur- 11 Do you feel any worse since you eat could, as she followed the bees. , n I I Si]�JKS - T,1ARM. FoR SALE. UM
I ' I T idon 0, Howick, County of Huron, con
prise4 I don't know 'what to do, and your breakfast?" demandoid Miss Hui. - 64 Can't yott make more noise It . . 3R31&:P01E?j1
worried too!" , dah, who overheard it. : that I" said s6u Mr.' Wells, who Vq" . I . � - I . taining 100 acres, 75 under crop, balance tood
. e. . hardwood bush, good frame house, -bank arn I
. ' J , � I .
It- Why, don't you want to have him?') 6 6 VV hy no, I -I don't khow as I.*do ; feebly and spasmodically tapping the . . of and bearing or3haI 3J miles from Wroxeter -
. I ,
it We are dhowing a fine range this weeki. Sever�l of station. Easy terms. Apply to WILLIAM
I do a't know whether I do or not. but I can't go acoording tb my feelings ; pan and lookiA r at her. ' 11 � - N
I I . �' Why, yes, I [ could, but I do not iee the best makes and fashionable Cloillings. Fine BRYANS, Brussels P O., Ont: - 1178x20 I
They m4st have ihad a real flare up. at I have to ase my judg�ient." I . i I -I reall � 4 . � I Scott . Brothers
Henry'a.1 He's been there fouryears, an' "Well, I 'low what you eat this the sense of it rr y think you-ve s -de to order in our Dress Making Dol�art- ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 81, Con- I
the last time saw Lucy, --she .said morniu' wouldn't hurt no. livin' mortal; gone crazy 19) t I . . I ment. I 0 . I . Feession 5, MoKillop, containing 100 acres,
she aboutl wore out with him. an' a plateful of good roast. beef would "NonBeusei ain't you never scien � . ! about 90 acres cleared and all in a good state of PROPRIETORS,
, �,
He iz� al Rick, you know -that is do you a � sight more good, soul and honey bees bifore? There, t1ley act 48 - : I cultivation. it is well underdrained and well
I re I I I r - fenced. There Is a good brick house 'and good
to be h0pless ; an' he walks around body, than the tea, but have it just as if -they were going to 'light." frame barns, stables, sheds, &c. There is a
I Y, of course "' I The puzz] larqe bearing orchard and' a never failing 'ONM
some, b4t to have his meals later you sa "DWARD McFAUL - J X*
. tea man watched the �0_ E!J I - SEAFORTH -
I I Dear me ! I forgot my cup of hot man with mu_1h more anxiety than he I springwell. it is situated within threemiles
an'earli�r than the rest, an' different e . - I of Seaforth and will be sold cheap. Apply to :
things t6 eat all the time, an' he looks so water, too." - `.� - . did the bees, is she stood undernealth : � ; JOHN McCLURE, Porter's Hill P. O. 1168tf PIANOS.-Dunham,'New York -
I - . .
gloomy an' solery ,n, an'� talks as if the The two wome�7 looked at him in. the tree and shook the bells. . . � - W. Bell& Co., Guelph; Dominion Piano
graveya�d was next door to him, an' shet amazement. I." . ."There, they're settling," said a e � ! � SEAFORTH, I ARM IN STANLEY FOR SALE. -For gale Company, BowmanKille.
. ! - a sife' I . Fcheap, the East half of Lot 20, Bayfield
said she was getting sick of it. They was "I always drink -a cu.pf ul of hot water with a sigh. of relief ; " it' all - I I I -
dreadful! rst 6ecause he first thing in the 'morning ; it's a very enough now. 1�m so glad I" - 1. I I Road, Stanley, containing 64 acres, of which 52
please at fi . , . . . acres are cleared and in a good state of cultiva- IRC3
come there, You know he's good thing for the holalth, and I don't The ball of bees was rapidly growi . . i tion. The balance is well timbered with hard- � - W. Bell & Co.,
wanted �o . , . . 9 . 0 ANS.
� $ J;)
got mo ey, an of course he'll leave it to see how I ca me -to be s6 foigetful I on a convenien; limb, and the buzzi . I . � . wood. There are good buildings, a bearing Guelph; Dominion Organ Company,
his nephews and nieces, an' most of- it'll - 11 Humph !" commented -Miss Huldah hum dXing do Wn, Miss Huldah tur ' 9 T - . I . orchard and plenty of water. It is within h%lf a Bowmanville; D. W. Karn & Co,, 1
1 1 1
likely I to the ones that use him best. in the saf � mile of the Village of Varna and threemiles Woodstock. -_
90 e precinct - of .'the kitchen, and saw the b?wildered and horrih d i .. from Brucefield station. Possession at any .
When he went to Henry's he nor no- " hot water 1 'bout as nouitshin' as east expression on er companion's face, ik, id I I time. This is a rare chance to buy a first class The I above instruments always on hand, also
boay else though � he'd live six months, wind; he's nigh starved -to death, an' the spoon and hanging limply from I _ % - I farm pleasantly situated. Apply to ARTHUR a few . good secon4,hand Pianos and Organs for
but its � been f ur . ears, and he ain't 'fra-ld to eat for fear he will die ; it beats either hand it was too much for her FORBES, Seaforth. I . 1144tf saleatfrom $25 upwards. Instruments sold oil
worse, u0r bette . " : all W � . � self control ; a; id she broke into a me y I � Ik - ARMYOR SALE OR TO RENT. -For eale the instalment plan, or on terms to suit eug.
" Wh �t 'pears ito be matter of him, He sat at the dinner tLble with the peal of laught4 r which -'was so infecti �� a 711AW MARK a, " . � r� For ' tomers. Violins, Concertinas and small instru.
si . �Jla " I . . to rent, for a term of years, Lot 12, Con-
anyway ty) i ! a man joined in, althou I I cession 9, McKillop, containing 100 acres, of mentson hand; also sheet music, books, &c.
. .. -
' . . . . which about 90 acres are cleared,and in a good .
S, I gu. sa don't anybody know. of beef -tea, and caused the others to he feared it in! ht be another phase � lof � . 1. I 11RE state of cultivation. There are about 70 acres : I
rest, but clung courageou iy to his bowl that the dazed
H .. I .
e saya �is syst m got all wrecked in feel as if their hearts must be made of her insanity. � I I -1
� . seeded to grass. The fences and buildings are SCOTT BROS.
the war� but I never heard nothing �tone that they could eat the way they " You needni a it . . , .1 good, and it is one of the best farms in the
It It lobk at me s I I . county. It is within three miles of the village . 5 %
about it �ill a fe yea�s back." did, in the face of such self denial. crazy !" she said, as soon as she cou4d .
. I 11 ' )(DIA9EA of Winthrop, and 8 miles from Seaforth, and a 1.
"flumah! I 'lo*, them that was " He's got grit?". said Miss Huldah) say anything I But you did look.,so � - . . I good gravel road past the' place. It is within a 11
much hurt by th wai'r was dead long " but I will stick to it that the most funny, I h4d laugh in spite of my-'- . ANWMAU" mile of school. It will be sold cheap, or rented n
ago.2) i that ails him is want of victuals an'fresh self ! Ain't , �' never seen a swar � m1;of I � Ia.'s .1 for a term of- years Apply on the farm, or Cr A Whltn. . v's
r wa woi � inded, but he says air an' exercise !" bees ' t� . . - address Winthrop P. b. ROBERT G. ROSS. 11. W11
" He ii eve I before J U. . I . . - 1181-tf, . �
it undermined hi strength. I guess his as over -tempted -by a 11 No, I can seure you that I've ne�ler QRMIRMW - I I
all ont , f order, for he's full - of dish of custard and a bit of sponge saw such per oTmances as this I t, - . ... -_ I . -_ , . I - -.-- SPLENDID CHANCE. -Two - houses , and STOVE AND
nerves is, )efo � I . A lots for sale, pleasantly situated in the I
whims and notio a, and dreadful hard to cake, and then oat up till nearly mid- and I may say #tther that I don't Iiie :
, I Z - . ' ' V!Ilage of Egmondville, being one frame house, I �
please- o Lucy ays. ' night to see if he was going to have a it. I feel as if I had acted like Is foo L- �he growers and blenders of Ram Lal's ,Teas ask you to give them with stable and half acre of land planted with
- � "Old aGhelor al a is that way"' 11 bad spell," and to get Polly quieted. ' or been made: ' fool of V� a faii- trial for the; following reasons: I : 0 fruit trees, and one new brick house, %ith FU RNISHING.
. . large frame stable and one and half acres of
� I
said Mis Hfulda . Ske had no fellow, - The days went on much, as the -first, . " Now, donl' be offended, Mr. Wells. . land. The house contains six rooms, bath I . .
feeling o sympa;hy for men who were except that the invalid did. get � up Folks always have to make a greid st,--Tbey ard absolutely. pure. I I - - roomandclosets, brick basement, cistern and 4�
broastin . the bi. low :of life alone -in earlier mornings and improved in looks racket when �beee swarm to keep_'�,� 2nd -They ar6 grown and prepared on the estate ty the most an necessary conveniences for a first class fri. - -US
I vate residence. Will .be sold in one parce or 2=1,0 Mll
fact she Father,d spised them. The war . and flesh, although his .staple dishes from goin' off. ' It's a great lose to lose,1 a skilled labor and e hy that money can buy, whereas separately to suit purchaser. - For particulars �
. .
had ended her lift e romance as soon as it were beef tea, arrow root, farina and swarm of bees ;. an' now they've got
. . Chin i Teas are - pi�ked and carried by natives long di -stances before apply to SAMUEL WALLACE, Egmondville
was well;lbegun ; but that was one of the such things; but there were always more be hived. I d�d't suppose yon'd thi P. 0. or to A. STRONG, Seaforth . 116
things all I e never R poke of, and few knew substantial viands set before him, and you could do t4at," she said, looking It bein made ready for the market. �. stt Seaforth, Ontario.
', . �
I '
of it. "� It's my belief he needs a reg'. he quite often dared his fate in partaking him doubtfullk, while he shook $rd -Ram Lal's is a blend of three Teas grown and prepared ARM FOR SALE CHEAP.--�COGO willbuy
� 6
lar takin?-in hand, Mary, an'if he comes of them. . F 100 acres on the 9th concession of Me- We are offering Bargains in
� , ' . head. I I That limb has got to be saw espe&ally for this brand. Will always be the same flavor to -day to Ijillop, belonging to Thompson Morrison, who
here you better do it.';' The parrot soon became accustomed off, an' the be jarred from it onto a ten years hence. is residing in Dakota and does not Intend to .
`6 0 A4nt Huld h ! if he comes here I to her new abode, and 'made friends white cloth, an a hive set over )am, a al I return, eighty acres cleared and -the balance
all have to - 4th -'Tis cheap; only Fifty Cents for a pound packa( ge, which good hardwood, maple and rock plm1-::yV1ith1n 6J Coal & Wood Parlor Stovies.
sb be'just as good to him as 1 with ev'ery one except Miss Huldah. a body's very likely to get Btu g. We 1, . . _ miles of Seaforth and within 1 of a mile of -
can an' e carefu not to hurt his feel- "You git out!" were the only words she mebbe they'll' ang there tilnl the in ILL will go as far as two pounds of China or Japan Teas. . , . -
. I I I I chool house, Methodist and-- Presbyterian All Stoves Guaranteed.
ings in , y way. You know Lewis is ever bestowed on that dignified'- lady. come; it's aft r elaven now, an' I mu t When ovivino, Ram Lal's a trial if the firsti cup does not strike "Churches, stores, milk, blackimithing and
b b ) . wagon making shop, post offied, &c.; good build - . I
his nam Bake, an' he seems real pleased There was certainly no love lost be- go in and'put he potatoes over. C n your,palate, try a ,second one weaker than th6 first. After'Usmig a ings and water for cattle,and good gravel roads .� full line of
I that he ook a notion to come, But I'm tween the� two ; and Mr. Wells him-. you stay an' w tch 'em till I get back " I �
. ound you will onl� drink Ram L' a from henceforth to any part of the township, taxes the lowest -
thinking � about the extra work. I will self stood a little in awe of her as she A Whyl as, I can" stay ; but -b t P ; I . of any of the bordering townships. - A mort - -
I I I . gule _
U . A �
,have to have a girl, for when you offered flitted aro nd the house in her energetic . what must I d(� V' - Nvill be taken for $3,000 at 6 per cent 0 - Ury's Fam us Stoves
. Ont - X43
to stay a�d help Ime ,through the sum- fashion. ,�But it actually tired him " Nothin' at all,;as long - as they're to JOHN C. MORRISON, Winthrop P. b. P11 Y ___0
. i ' . -
Por 'S -We by � M. JORDAN . 1176ti , ,
mer's w0k, I never dreamed of this, an' sometimew to watch her go from one quiet; but if, they begin to fly up an; a -It . . - . V - . �
I it'll mako' a great i difference." thing to another, and he would ask : oneasy, why y . - jest jingle them be . �ls I I i I - ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 12, conces- - , For which we are Sole Agents.
. .
I " It wo'n't make none to me. I like " Don'tYou ever get tired, Miss Hul- for all you are � vorth ; you ain't no grei6t F sion 4, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, containing
. . . SEAFORTH, 0 N' Tfs , 100 acres, 86 cleared, 63 seeded to grass, 8 '� Great Bargains in Table and Library
. to work if I can. �e independent about dah, and -want to keep still and resta hand at drumm,ul. ��y - .
, I'll come back prel i
. � I . I . . I sown to fall wheat. The farm is well -fenced, Lamps. I `
it, but if I there's 4'6goill' to be a hired girl few minutes?" . - - soon." 1� . i — , . well under-drainf-.d and well watered by a -
I . I
to work along with, I'd rather go away; 96 Of course I do! but I'd like to 1, But wait, Niss Hulda . I I i never failing spring which runs through pipes
. h I wil yqu � I , .
I can't a�ide them !" � know what would become of th I I into a trough. There is a brick 'house and
I . world tell me what 11 t's all for -the idiotic Qentrad Furniture, House, kitchen,.frame barn,stable ant driving shed.
" Oh ! - I don'b #ant � you to go ! my if folks std�ped doin' as soon as t1ley got noise, I mean? I Good orchard. The farm is situated within co M. WHITNEY,
. )) .. U ;
aunt has got as good right here as Lew- tired ; somebody' got to keep doin" She laughed gain and sai : -_ ; two and a half miles of Seaforth, with good � � .
I a I i . .
Ws uncle an' I raither'not keep a, girl -Uncle Lewis did not it . gravel roads leading in all directions. Will be I
I , know what Some folks say -that it charms tie MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. sold on easy terms. For further particulars MAIN -ST. 9 - SEAFORTIEL
here for comfort, �ut we don't want to would become of things, or did not care bees so they can't leave the music, a d" :
. . I . I apply on the premises or to JOHN PRENDER-
work'our3etves O'death-with a board- to think, and sometimes after one of others say it conf uses 'em so they ca.�4 I I k - I
. I u, t I I GAST, Seaforth P. O., Ont. 1136tf
I ,
er an' all " � her bru'que answers, which stung him' a consultwhere go, and so they settie We wish to draw the attention of the people of Seaforth and sur- _ .
: i � litt
won � , - b -to our large, extensiv :
`6 We !t ! wait a spell anyhow, an' le he almost felt like echoing Polly's down where th y'be. Whichever 'tis, I roundinc, country e andl varied stock of ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, the south halt
see how i goes 1), I phrase. Y I . don't know; b ,�I do know they wo I ' I . F of Lot 23, Concession 6, 'Morris, coritainin.K Wal I Papers,
a rai ` ' atchless go off if there'sk big fuss mad ' ' 't 'I 100 acres, about 90 of which are cleared, well I
for you, this summer, Aunt Huldsh, beauty. The tide of the year -was at . Left to himself Mr. Wells ' OUSIHIROLD FURXITURE fenced, about 70 free from stumps and well I
. 0 underdmined. The balance is well timbered I
. ' I � The cleared part lanearlyall
it � - - pleasant The June days went by. in m ' ]q I
I'm f d it Vvon't be so 0 fo 'em' '
po erd�
having h m here." ,I its height,;and the air was fall -freighted over it in[ his mind until the utt6I ,b. � with iardwood.
" Law, chltd I : I ain't going to let no with the scent of the roeesi We Oap#ufacture the most -7 of our Furniture d can glarantee it to see -dei to grass. There is a frame houseand WENUDOW ISHADIR
. 11 I surdity of the whole matter overeanie - I an " - irame oarn, also a small orchard. This is one of Els, -
man spile my comfort, unless he's really " An' there he sets," said. Miss Hul- him, and he I u hed loud and long-sudh the public. At prese'nt our stock is very large, and is dail� increasing. the Dest farms in the township and has no I
a I 0 f . .
sufferin' so I've got to pity him. Idon't dah, wrathfully as she preparedtbe a laugh as he �ld not indulged in for To rel duce this enormous -stock, our Prices h2.ve been marked away down. broken or bad land on it, and is good for ,,*tb,r
. . .
eniov seein' sick folks much." vegetables for ifinner ; "there he sets years. . I � I grain or stock and will be .sold cheap. It is
'64 bh ! the � I . At our low prices everybody can afford to purchase. Our b'ptablishment within three miles of Brussels and within a Baby Oarriages, ,
- re's nothing frightful about all humped up in the parlor, an' &-Iie- Miss Huldah Isoon came back to see if g quarter of a mile of a school. A ly on the I
. -croakin' of that bird that's all was quiet, 44� then they laughed to.
Uncle Lewis, only it's wearying to hear tenin' to the is open to you all, and we want to see you and all your friends. Brin I
. premises or to Brussels P. 0. Wy or JOHN
anybody complaining all the time. Lucy more of a demon than Poe's raven #ver gether a I the *hole family with your and pay us a visit. We will be very happy ROBB, Jr. I 11"tf CARPET,FELT
said that, she could not endure it. much , .66 " —_ ' I I
thought of bein', and fussin' with -that I'm so thankful that there was no to show you our goods, whether you purchase or not. lRopina soon t ARAI FOR SALE. -Containing 119 acres,
. f � 1-15
longer -not if he �paid, as much again ; 'lectric batter when he ought to be one going along the road !" said he, t . 0 F b�ing parts of Lots I and 2, on the 8th
: I Y have a visit from you, we remain, respectfully yours, THk CENTRAL -
he pays a dollar and he thinks it' -q out 'doors' the hull time sech days as -last, as herefleltedon the appearance a I I concession of Morris, 100 acre's cleared and 6
big pay c9naided g how little he eats, these and! listen to birds that k6ow and she must bqve made t FURNITURE HOUSE, opposite McFaul's Dry! Goods liouse. . acres chopped. The balance kood hardwdod' CHEAP THIS WEEK
P � � . i bush, fairly fenced and well underdrained, good �
but she s s its more trouble to fix his enough to sing -instead of trying to talk racing along, porforming -their music�l � � . ram n with woodshed I
little mes es than if he eat like other ,' duet. . , � . —AT—
like humans.1 The air and exercise M. ROBERTSON PROPRIETOR. attached,two frame barns and frame stable, �
folks ; a d that's DDO thing I'll be gl , % I � �
I ad would put twice the life in him that old " Henry's fol�e didn't keep bees, and � I good orchard and three wells and a soft water
. — i I ci8tern. Within two miles of Blyth, where
of if he comes$ because you're such a batter machine will, an' You know, - m,tch in the country befo e . � I I there is a good market for all kinds of produce,
,it !" I neverlived I . 4 � Papst's Bookstore,
good hand to make jellies, an' broth, an' she said,. turning on Mrs. Wells, who I went there, so, I had no idea bees wele �%.)A6 , I' I 1 - school within five minutes'wulk from the house. � . -
i H � I . I , I
SO on; tn� folks a�e all. so hearty that I was laughing heartily. such pecaliar t ngs. . 11 , - Would take fifty acre3 in part pay. This is a -
. Mr. Wells latiently - wat I I Headquarters for Spprting goods,
ain't had ,much e perience in sick folk's "I haven't ,a doubt that's all so, Aunt cbeA untli I I first class farm and parties wishm'F to buy
Cooking."! � I � thenoon hour )roughtthe men hou Undertaldng - .1 .. I . Dep�rtment. would do well to calland see it. Apply on the
I Haldah; but who's going -toconvince � , it, Ii. premises or address Blyth Post Office. NICH.
11 Oh I can feeid-him on a variety Of him of it?" � and then he stj 6id to see the bees tran - ' I � � . OLAS CUMING. 1139tf new and second - hand � - Bicycleo,
. I I
slop. dishes if he wants 'em, but I don't " Well, mebbe I will 'fore ever I got formed into the: r new home, and then I - �� - - I i I -.-- . .
a . I � - - - - I i ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, lot 5, concession
to his dismay . .. . - :
pprove of 'em all� the time'.." through with him. If I only dared to 11emembered that he ha"d - ! F Croquet, Foot Balls, tase Ball
, sc am b ead is one thing he's . r � 1, H. R. S., township of Tuckersmith, con- - I
` An' gr missed his eleveh o'clock medicin taining one hundred acres more or less, 97 acres
I . pitch them liver pills into the Wh bar. 0, sn4d Thig dep is complete in every, respect, -and prices the low- 80 of which are seeded to grass, well un.
particular about.' . � rel, that would be a good beginning . but had been bn hisifeet over an honr ; b4t - dlesred, Goods, Lacrosse Sticks Lawn Ten-
, I I I o first-clas� hearses on hand. Funerals attended to at the derdralned, three never failing wells. On one )
I "d H_ h it'sh. su sign of a fidgety he eats more like a Christian than when he felt such a ti gling. in his veina as tile est. Tw . fift of kid lot there is a log house, frame barn
'-u TfftJhe-y have a reeravin' after bran; he first came here, that's one comfort !,, battery had ne, er- -given him; all tEle notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. anIvery auterior orchard, and on the other a ni
:person i shortest 81 &c., at
no more heaft in it than there is in saw- I ,
. The next day she said in - her brisk nerves of his Peink. had been stirred good frame ouse and barn, stables, and good �
I .1 I I
dust; but law ! if; that's his taste let way: .. into healthful I vibration by his fit f X. ROBERTSON, Funeral I)Xrector. orchard. The whole will be sold together or
� ,
rt �
i� %11� - !
8 1
4 f
t 6�
h ,�
4 T,
P [11 t
� I � � each fifty separately to suit p rchasers, located
him have jit; as for me, I'low I'll eat . 41 Why don't you go out an' take the genuine mirth, - and the dinner he a e ! .. . I 11 miles from Seaforth, will be sold reasonable
bread. " ! air these fine mornin's, Mr. Wells; It that day would have amazed 11 Henry's - I on easy terms "as the proprietor is retiring from Papst's Bookstore,
. I
The letter telling �ncle. Lewis that would do you good." folks " if they ad been there to see. I � 2 I farminF. For further particulars applT to the .
he wou�ld; be welcome Went by the ne It About a wee . I Lt. undersigmed on the premiAes, and if by etter to SEAFORTH,
� " Why, I thought -that is,.perhaps I af ter this- episode Mige Oentral Oommercial 0011lege, - Seaforth P. .0. .MICHAEL DORSEY. 1175tf
- day's mail, although I.Mrs. Wells haxd would in. the -middle of the day if it Huldsh appeared in g - . - . .
. I. . 1 - reat basteat the i
some misgivings, and 1she said to her stays fair.'�' . parlor door, and said: - I . � ! � i . .
� . -
, .
husband :, . I 44 That a � in't the best time ; go now 11 I don't knoiv' how on earth, I'll g4 , ONT. V - Good Dwelling Hoiise,'main part, 16x24 .6 __ - -
11 I don!t know how he and Aunt HUI- while the air is fresh and sweet. If it along, Mr. Wells, nuless you come and � and I4x18, 1J storeys with kitchen 12x18 and a
- . I first class cellar under all the main part. There John S. Porter's
dah will get along; you know he's sen- wasn't for the housework I'd be oat en. -help me again. ' The- cows have been ail' , . . . I I is also a good well and cistern and yo n L
sitive, an! she's so outspoken, she's good joying the',weather the hull time !" � got in the corn,lan' they're jest the co - ,� orchard, with -plenty of land for both garden u I . *
hearted as she can be, but she's pecn- . I lawn purposes, also Cider Mill,25x4O, with stable I
Py ; I " I wouldn't wonder if you would," trariest things �o drive I . It seems aelf Students may enter ' any time. We see more and more every day of our lives the necessity Undeltalan and : ;I I
liar. ; . . U and wheel house attached In first class working - "
said he, looking at her bright eyes eomethinj happens every time the folks of every young,man andwoman being qualified to earn a livelihood, and there Is � no better way to order, with good ' I I
I -and trade established. The six 11 , ture: Emponium,
" Now,, Mollie, don't worry over that. 11 fresh complexion, and half envious -of go off, an the ;6n's over to -the'far mad-, secure this qualification than to attend this porular training school. � � fine village lots adjoi to and forming part of .
She'll be a good tonic for him ; maybe her strength and energy ; ". but you see der to -day." I Remember, It pays to secure , the very bes business education. . Educated heads and skilled the above mentionednwinif, be sold separately or SEAFORTH, . ONTARIO.
what be needs." . . hande;are always in dew d, if the education and skill are of a superior order. The course of together to suit purchaser or purchasers, afford- . - I ....
that's-jug�. its different with me. I don't suppose " Well, I'll 0 me and help if I can ; study given in this school is not only the most thorough, but the most practical. Seven exper. ing a good chance to any one desiring to pur- OUTSIDE OF THE COMBINATION.
A very �few days later the invalid gen- the dew is dried up yet, isjt?" but Vill we have to go through any ienoed instructom are constantly looking after the student's interests. chase a good -mew dwelling, first class in every : . I
. tleman ar�rived, and after him, by ex- I I No, 'taint likely it is; but you need. more heathenisi i antics V I Satisfaction guaranteel every, time. Good board only $2.50 per week. Write for catalogues. regpecti or lots on which to build asthe situ&- Funerals furnished on the short*A notice
.press, came his large wardrobe, an inval- n't go traipsin' through thb wet grass ; "I guess u(t; your cane will �e I tion is equal to that of any! in the village. This and satisfaction gm i anteed. A large aw
id's chair — warranted adjustable to walk up and down the patfi and see the weapon enough, 'or you, an' I'll break off W. J. ELLIOTT,!, W. H. SHAW, property will be sold at a bargain as the owner ment of Caske* Coffins -and Shrouds, &O.,
forty different positions — an electric ! . I intends seen* f For full particulars always on hand of the best quality. The .
. roses, and hear the birds an'—" a switch -on the way " SECRETARY. apply to T
.� . ! i PRINCIPAL. BERVARDarmilOMPSON or G, J. of Embalming Fluid ased free of charge
. !
0 lingo - The corn field, though in plain sight 6f - . , I SUTHERLAND, both of Hensall. 1176tf. prices the lowest. Fine Hearse.
battery, and a. parrot whose fee --- z
had been so ruffied by the experiences -of 4- " You get out!" croaked Polly, think- the house, waa nearly a quarter of a I -_ . i ! ! — S. T. HOLMM, Funeral Director. Reg -
her jonrni6 , that she was ready to'm&ke ing themention of birds esIlled her into . i . � - I .
ly A the -conversation. . mile away, and iss Huldah set out at a � ARM FOR SALE. -A rare chance to obtain dence - GODERICH STREM, dir�ctly op -
war with�: the whole -world. . -1 pace that threa ened heart -failure to h r � a fine propeity, being Lots 11 and 12, posits the MethoditA church in the bouse
- owis had a gray shawl pinned anu � . I Concession 13, Grey township, Huron County, formerly odcupled by Dr. Scott. �
Uncle L 11 You had better git out yourself HAMILTOIN & MINNIS ; EAFORTH F .
a � eers, a railway rug over y bird4 companion, if he kept up with ber—at . I I containing 200 acres, 146 acres under cultiva- NN WIN
bout his 'should take an airing, you onmannerl least he thought so at first—but, to -his I tion, balance drained and partly cleared, with
' you'" retorted Miss Huldill, while Pol- i
his knees for all it was: the last -day of - I � the exception of 15 acres reserved for firewood, I
May and very . summer -like, but, as he ly's m*astersaid sternly, surprise, when they reached the trei- I and fence timber ; soil, rich cIsy lo,sm, rolling -
I . meers he found he could breathe fairl� and cry productive 1, a commodf &*-w
said, the weather was� not settled yet; "Keep still, you're* geiting to be a P T=_T _V__P1 T_Z:HM_/_T0 __0 - ous., frame 41MON ROOT COMPOUND._ -Cow
in fact he never conceded that the weather saucy thing!" but instantly in her most well ; and whin his- spirits rose to the - . � .1 � dwelling. large cellar, with woodshed and other I of Cotton Root, Tansy mad
I occasion as a r4ractory cow baffled ll� conveniences attached ; two large barns, one rinyroyal-prepared by an old pby.
was settled, no matter what the time of wheedling voice, she said : " Pretty dignified 'move . ents, he fairly ran to . with stone stabling underneath, bersidesother I clan. Is succe4efully used won"
the year : : I Poll; Polly good! give Polly a,cr4cker I" out buildings ; two large bearing orchards of by thousands of women, and has bow
i head her off, and, at last, flushed with ToJohn Logan's old stand, oi� the colmer of Main and choice fruits, besides a variety of small fruits, prescribed in a practice of over th1rq , -
. ornamental and shade trees ; 1,400 rods of years. Price, $1. Will be mailed to sny addrew
. Re ha4'Atracted a great deal of atten - " He an", that bird is a -precious pair 1" heat and victor , he laid the misplaced - John Streets, first door .ii.orth of Mil R. Counter's straight rail fence, recently put, up, a portion
tion, and s, said Miss Huldah, after this encounter, rails after the routed contestants ; aua - � ! In Canada and United States. Doctoes cons& .
ympathy from his fellow trav-
ellers, who said to themselves and each "an' he can set there all day an' all then Miss Huld h and hetook theirlway . Jewelry Establishment. . underdrained, watered by two never .failing tation hours, 9 to 11 and 1 4. Diseases Of
I n . wells and a spring privilege for stock' This, women treated only Sealed part:e-ulars tim
66 � farm is pleasantly situated, has an av�n sur- -0401 ladles on 3 AddreBE r
other: " Poor ma I ! how pale and inter. night an' all summer for what I care 1" leisurely homeward. .1 1 Z�6 ILle
esting he is I wonder if he's got ,% wife But her words did not fail of their ef 1 . i W* oc a rd
to care for'him?" i I , fferent man than I : . i I face and drainage facilities that cannot be - CO ANY,No. 3, Fishe BI 131 W odws
I feet, for Mr. Wells took to walking out was I when I c1me here; I could no � I , i : ; sarpassed, ,khile the buildings command a view Avenue, Detroit Michigan. 1163-13
1 1 1 -
He went right to bed on his arrival, more, and sometimes est on' , : . of the whole property and a large portion of. I
t mdre do then wha i I .
after m%k�ing sure that the sheets were he porch , t I've done to -day than I � - -
I . the surrounding country, adding much to the - .
I L and, even rode out a few times, findin I could fly like I that bird We are now opened in our new store, which is fitted up in first, beauty of the place. Itiodistant4imil' I .
-t the room was air- to his great astonishmesit he was not That last medi ne seems to be just the class shape� and everything made for the accommodation of our- e ErmselsontheG. T. R., while post officeanLd .
not. da,mp�, and tha 9 -up yonder ! . es from . GODERICH :
tight, an e his nephew sat by him an prostrated thereby, but 'nothing ever thin ! Y) q - - US- churches are not far distant, good roads, Will L
� I hurried him. . . is it � we are pr be sold reasonable. For further particulars
hour or t 'and Hitened to his pathetic I wouldn -wonder," said his corn- tomers, and epared to do better for ou� customers than ever apply to D. & J. ROBERTSON, on the premises
account his treatment at the hands But one: day chance gave -Miss Hul, panion demarel , knowing that it was before. We have plenty of room now, plenty of , light, land everything or to Cranbrook P. O. . 1174tf 8team Boilar Work& .
I n Tr I � ks. " . , I .
I , ,- dah �n opportunity which she was not her prescriptio of food, air and exer- � and Shoes at right
Of 11 Hen � i fol made pleasant f or everybody, as well as Boots'
. the room back of the slow to avail herself 'of. Her neice had cise which was ( oin the good work, but prices. . I
parlor, ou 9 . . I . . I I FLEY FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 21, CI
- i ion 2, L. R. S., Tuckeramith, containing .
, 'the groa�hd floor, to save him gone after berries, and the men were at like a wise woman she did not tell him Don't forget i to call on SAYURDAY, August 9th, as we will be ce6s
the fatigue bf going up'And down stairs, work a long distance from 'the house 150. . . . 100 acres, of which 85 acres are cleared,, free
, . 1, I I giving argai from stumps, all underdrained, well fenced and Chrystal - & Black,
As the a to a little stream she : I i
and the P06-rior was' to be his sitting room when a peculiar humming announced y eam Special B ; ' ns that.day, as we will celebrate A "as our Open-
when he prqferred. to be alonb. � that th � ing day. � . i I in a hign state of cultivation. The balance is �
I . a bees were swarming. The care. stopped and sad ; . I I � well timbered with hardwood. There is!a good Manufacturers of all kinds of StatloD:
The morning aft,er his arrival he came ful woman snatched up a sunbonnet and ," When I wals child I used to put a � ; I ! I brick residence containing all the latest im-
oat about nine o'clo'ck, looking thin and rushed tot e parlor. 1. ary, Marine, Upright& Tubular
I � . c ip in the water and call it my ship, . F 1 4 provemenbs and conveniences, a good barn, . '
heavy -eyed � and ilanguid, and full of 460 I I stables, driving house, sheds and other out- '
P . Wells! you'll have to come and -follow it down stream, and see if it — � I -
: buildings all in good repair. Therearethree
� .
I . Boots,l Shoes, Tru n ks and. Valises
anxiety about hH - baggage and bird, and help ir, e I I'm all alone'and the sailed safely orgot wrecked. I'm fool- � . I . . acres of orchard and garden containing all
which had not arrived - but he bright- bees is a-swarmin' "' . ish enough to have. a longing to do it � BOILERS,
, I ' . ; i kinds of lArge and small fruit trees and the
. . . . . I I I whole farm is surrounded by maple and other �
ened. up ovok his breakfast, which was I' Bees a, varming I help you, why, I yet whenever I come to running water - I —AT ; .
1: - r
� � shade trees. It is close to school and is con. Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron
well cooked:and neatly served, and con- can't—I can't do nothing; I don't know like this." ' � venient to- markets, railways, churches, etc., I
. sisted of oat:meal, delic4te toast, omelet, what to do J!" . 11 All right, if iaid Mr. Wells ;_ " here's 11 . I I � and good gravel roads leading in every direction. I Works, etc.
� ..
S There are three never failing wells. Thisis one A.16o dealers in Upright and Horizontal Slide I
raspberry J*n, ano cocoa, and he ate " I'll show you, only come on ; it's a some pieces of bark, and I'll launch one, . HAMILTON & bf ' of the best farms in Huron and will b6 sold
with a relish, . . � mercy I spied 'em I here, take this pan Uo, and as it's on our way home, we'll --- ___0INNI Valve Engines. Automatic Cut.off znginess
. I
But an hour or two after breakfast he nnd spoon, 'an' beat with all your might, follow them and see ho ! I J cheap as the proprietor desires to remove to lopeciolty. All sizes of pipe and pipe fitting .
I . I - w.they fare," I Manitoba where he has purchased more land
said *to his Owe : - too I" The man looked at her' too am& - - �f� loonstantly on hand . 11dimates furnished
m ; Apply on the premises or address Brucefi
� I . . . I short notice.
� (Continued on 8rd page.) � J. LOGAN'S OLD STAND, MAIN 9 )
i I -1 .
I I I . I 'ch. -
I I i � i : ,�, - � Works oMcf-te G. T. R. Station, Goden
I i � . i I I , .- - .
. . I . I . �
� � I i ! - .
I I I . i I � . � - - - I : : I ;
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. . . - . - . I � I -
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I . .
� . . - ; . I
. j . � � - - I - . I i � ; � � . I ;_,..�. i ]
- 4 - I . �-w.k_-_-'o, � - &Qiu �-a�------.--�-----��-------,----, - __A_ — �&,,11 . I
- --.--- - _ ___ I_ . I 1- . - -, � - - --1.1- I 1_-_-__-_ - _..___1__'_.--_ __,_______ -------- -.-�---.-.1'.�,--�---.--�-,�----,----
I- -
I -And so like ti
. �
_�, - 4
7 rtulp the staid �
[ , , Asiost and. W41
� , �
, firist swift ' then
11 -
- - ID�_`.Slh from eome
I I � i
� - �it ,t - I
I _ ro, 2 . hen .gut(
I -
, 0 I 0�ky point, I
. p6a-�fully out�
I - sttieam spread i-1
F - - imrs. Wel* 10
� .her P%ilLful Lof bi
I U0,kiber. eyes a
� I I
: � I 311 '' 8 -
; 9* an -
. 1;
� I do declan
I .
: � I � I ex. - Aunt E
� i
is .fadling in'.
an oh) what -
. h V,
. d then the
--- "I �t with surpri
; L L
of h-�er discovery,.
� Rua` e Unt
M �� - Ide-h I
I z
90,043a the house:
. ho'. I
gone., and I
. -
- P11-5 ation about I
1anee that her �,
. not,
J *L
. erinj on the he
wo'some time af
. =4 interested 1
� W* Wells had 11
- gotIn the ,wrn.
AU4 -Miss ffuldahL
,and �as little� toler,
or &ople ; and A,
Is 1,
- y "ide his boot
rano and gather J
� th& . t i in*nd and �
- � i I
. agr,d�d on any 87a
stay Apart, and w
out What others h
I i � .
cruc very had 'in I
* allight. .
. #A 'T I - I
R�, was invalid L
tery was ducarde I
and i ot water weri
. ate �tbRt beef, and
ateaA. of beef "
, iteaa of grftel, - an
1 . =; but ,sea w
I f"rfay: 44 What.
whaCon earth won
- �. h
. got 14, t- at alwfal'�
i't� Jet him -qut .
L- Lewii trembied *n.
. �
� 'I .
L Sal w th the query,,
the of my life
4 48 1 1 a
wont or can't rest,
bo �else to ?"I I
Bu # after a whil,
dence:was heard no
Jful elaerly eouplesi
selve,i4nd.each othi
vrorI for richer, f
does U11.8 part !" I
" 444 now" P0113 I
f'is Y�u don'truaki
you'li, 1 have to 4gi
flom4 ,Maga4ne, .
4 -
� I
� I
Z Myth:
i L
H _Oksm. —Heavy �
1'' 1, .
Sta I I a—
Iliop 0 wo, ye
' .p
A Cull�'ninlgham; H I
18tallio � fi, 1 L sIrrowil L
I .
J McMillan L
, 1:
L . . & sons,
- Geniral Pu *
rpose 4
, J Frarey. �:
I 1111101 ter Stmllio�
stallio, " J W cook,�
old stallion, W Cart"
colts, �Zohn Armstrox
Hea�y Draught 11
Dale; �� Brood mare
� � I I �
� Two-y`0u old geldtiq
I � roth is ; Two yei
. . 1 Brown.; Ow
Carr, 1,
list an 1 �
di2nd J F DA14
. filly, 'Y r' J Carter J 11
i Barr I we I
� 0 11orse -1
Son, H Taylor.
Gen(fal Purpose I
Kelly, 1#amea Piw,ynol�
J A &1�11ough, -D -
� - i 6
iiing, Glenn Bi
old Ry, R Masont a
ipg, I
,old geld li, H T-Syl
filly, Z Anderson- TV
, I P Ty J
feal 'T And J I
$ f . ers0l
fosa, Hi, .-Taylor,,, �3 gi
JUD69&—j W` C
gannon! at, John Lei .
Reatty I Broiheri%, i
, I �
Sibbeu,�i W Leary - '
. I 0 .
Ing, John Sibben$ W
zold fitjyj Andrew
.Kirkbi �; on I
Sibben �! T Strac I ,an ; �
I , �
� �
� r. ; I 6 ii�
&I, . �� i I lars J mar4,
I cii'larnar-A ; Sin
Dick -Boni ,Be%tty L
horse, 1�. Scott, w H
JUDC "-.—Peter Cc
now ; Georzge Whiterl
&Arlettp� "dbury.,
Mileh cow, Jamessm
ye&r olA .
, heifer, JA
Web_ste� ,; One year �
our,. T Rioss ; HeUer I
James Prazer ; Bull 4
Webster ; Best I nifle)
. 11 11 . v*, ,_ ,
I I I I '' ttle'— � Z
I e! � Ca ...
We , t4r,, X Mcl)oual�
heifer T Rose R Cc
old QIfeit, J'am's wail
I e
-Helfer,cQf, pi. Corley,
C%lf, let *ud 2nd T . I
Old steer,_, T Ross, W
��r old�'*teer, W McD
-FA, ox ior steer, Ist
Pat cow-o�r h , eifer, R ,(
Hard. T �A,o#sv X Mcl
JUDGES:, --D Milne
Londesb6jough ; - J �11
, .
'ing ; 16im_&;;W7
, Po j,
Owesi J iPotter - Ewi
J Camino. 'Shearling
J Potter4l
Gowan - I S 1-arl- .
. , , hearling
Curning . � 11am ,
Snell - I b - -
7 , ear.lL11g eWe
McGo � 10
Snell 17 ge a
C ; 'we I P
uf�iug;l Fot;Bheep,
Snell. I
George, elly; Sliff-arl
]Brothers ; m lamb, a
Ing ewes 04,ewe lambs
l8t'and 2 id in each '
derson &,:Sen, R B
'Ing rarn', �,V_m Snell, Jc
Rim la-nal�, 14 and 2nd
,, ed ew 0�0 W Snell,
8% y
; Sh6arling ewes,
tool R B IL.aiaiaw ! FIA
ThOMas - __ -_
_ud,trsou, Dux
-, Py14S----$uffoJ1k,Bro
Call - Sow, James Gra
�v ,
Cheisteei White,�Agt
Broodsow, T Bailin .
I ! . -1
orson T ]$Iailiss - go
- �
? , , I B&O . �7
0 1 1 1
i .
i .
. i