HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-10-10, Page 6a � - I . . -.01 " to v* villagers attended the fall sbc � 4 at, Exe- . � I . I I . . Aiav I � I I Wellington. Grey and Brape. 4voll ewpool ter on Tuesday last, And speik of it as . 1 1 . . I . I . I GonFe'Nokvv­. PA or. lazed. - R � i ___�___ being a first class- show, which is credit- ! . . . . 'i . Zael...... .. _ 2.51 :=31 p.m. &38 P. IL - -1 able to our sister village. '-Mr. Wk. .: I . Brussels.. * ... _ sm W 45 9.20 1 1 . * DISTRICT_] MATTERS. Carroll, of near Woodstocki is in the . - Blu"e. -� - ... - .. 8.21 10"00 , O.w __ - ___ .1 . I - visi ing re -A . . I I � Wingham.. .. � 8.90 10tiq 11.10 . village this week i iti latives. . � I I F NNELS. . GO= Soum- , Passenger.' Ifixed. Deferred, LoemA Intended for number of our villagers have.with oom-" I � . I . - I Wingham_. .. 0.89 A.M.11.1 A. N. 1.20 F. is I I Last WeelL mendable enterprise recently nvested in . I I I I I � Bluevale .. .. _ 6.48 111 , 7.51. - I a number of fine, large stree, lamps.- I I Brussels. . _.. .. 7.02 11.45 &56 [ - I i ' I . Mel ...... .... 7.14 12.00' 9.81 I � I , The Messrs. Petty WOO era have The co der weat r will soon be setting in -1 ou . -_ � , E 1 Glenf�rrow. chased the well known f'Yorkshire I � . I i Dur L = � BruEni. Mr. .Peter McLaren was must have flannels; and it is just as well that you London, Huron and Bruoe. E - &eking House, "' from Messrs'.'G. & J. I I r i risiting at P. Camp�ell,�'s Saturday la Petty, and inten'd enl I should know where to fi the stand and goods. � � � I at. arging the same at I . GoiNo NoRTH­ 1 Passenger. � � - I .-Miss Etta� Harme0ou was the -guest of once to meet the requirements of their - __ Flannel is Flannel it may I e mid, but there is a viat London, depart ............. 7.55A.M.,4.85P.M . . � Mrs.H.Ren!uing Iasi week. -Miss Scott, increasing business.' and ba e already - I Exeter ..................... 9.16 , 5.57 ! .� v. I differelice, -in the wear-Wc look clo's, ely at the m t- . Hensall .... ........ ...... gm 6.09 � of the 10th i concession, ,spent a few days opened up'the fall trade, ;& ing this . I Kippen .. .. .............. 9.84 6.17 - . with Miss B, Wylio'. 'Mr. Jog. Kitchen week bought in a large number of hogs, ter -of quality and every bu, Fer should do the sar ie. , . Brucefield........ .. ...... 9.42 6.20 1 riends and relatives at Sag- and the firm being pushing nd prac- , _iArge stock to look througlL. I . Clinton .... ........ � ,. .. ,,4, o.00 6.4 inaw, this week. -Quite a number from tical men, we are certain tht will ex- . I Londesboro ............ C.,�Ja.iq 7.08 - this part attended �he Walkerton show tend and still further inere"e the well . Blyth. ... ._ .... ,..... _ 10.28 7.12 1 � Belgrave .................. 10.42 7.27 Monday. -Owing to the recent frosts earned reputation of the Yorkshire i . I 7.45 the rich, yellow hue of autumn again Packing House. . - . . Gonqa,)8ouTn- Passenger. � . I . . . . . adorns, our farests',�Mr. Hunter,- of - . ED WA RD MeFA UL .' W ,depart .......... 6.50A.X . Wingliam, has been - acking apples in staffa I I . . I I � Bel rave .................. 7.06 4.00 � p . . . . Bl3h .... .............. .. 7�18 4.15 this vicinity for the )�ast few days. NOTES. -A great number of our citi-, . . . Loudesboro ........ .... .. 7,.2o 4.25 , � ' I I � . . zens patronized the Toronto xhibition � - . . � Clinton! .............. .. .. T.65 4.45 � � - . Gode'rich. this year- with great's%ti . I SEAFORTH.1. - Brucefleld .............. .. 8.15 5.04 - . 9 sfaction of the i I .. Kippen .. ........ .... .... 9.24 5.12 trip. -Mr. Saddler and -daughter left . .� . . I . I . Hensall ...... � ....... .. .. 8.82 6.19 H Es., 5 RETURINW.-Joe Hess, the tem- i . , I - I . ; i . . ' perance revivalist, is conducting meet- home on the 22nd of last month, with 1 1 Rxeter......-............... sm 5.88 , ingg inithe Opera H use,under theaus. . the intention of tak I I I 0 ing a tri through I . . i Vces of Young Women's Tem,peranco the States. They have not been enjoy- A . 11 Grand Trun-k Railway. nion. .His first meeting was on Sun�� ing' good health for some time past and ___ - I . I I I . , Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton station , � day afternoon,and he will hold one each thought a change of surroundi gs might, - - , 11 - follows: � i � Goixa Wwr- SNAFORTH. . Cimmon evening of,'the present week. He Beems be beneficial. -The cider � . pre s, owned i . - Passenger .. .. .. _ 1.08 P. x. 1.20 P. rL � , &live to his work, and we hope his com- by Mr. Saddler, has not yet been in Fassen 9.10 ?. x. 9.27r. x ing to Goderich will awaken the people operation this year, on I FURNACES, . FURNACES Mixed Q�. ..-...-. .. - 9. 20 A. x. 10.05A.M. . accouLut of his I � I @ I Mixed Train .. ...... 6.15 P. X. 6.40 to a sense of their duty in temperance absence, but after his arrival ome the I , � Gonts EABT-- work. . public will be accommodatedJh Apple . I - � I i . � Pamenger. .. - - .. .. 7.59 A. X. 4.48 A. I I . Passeng . PuLpm%-Rev. Mr. Henderson, of traffic has been very small ar�und here . ; � .r,,.:..::.:: 1.41 P. X� 2.25 ip. � - I . Mixed 5. 80 P X. 4.66 P. m , Bayfield, occupied the pulpit of Knox this fall, but we hope Mr. Sa4dlei will I ight Train .. .. .. 4.30 P. 'u. 8.30 P. church veryacceptably Sunday niornillg, be well supplied with custom afte* ng OO'al and Wood Burning Furnaces. "" . ! . I - 2.8th ult,, preaching from Revelation the press is in operation.-M�. James' � � I 22,17. -Rev. A. McMillan, of Manches- Oliver has given up the farm bwned by I i . I , . � . i . ter, filled the pulpit in -the evening, his John Davis, and has purchasedia farm of i - � ! I i 'FS . ` : i . DR, FOWLER discourse consisting of remarks upon 120 acres at Port Arthur, for t e.sum of X I I � ' I .i . the life of David. $3,000. -Mr. Joseph .- 11ambl has pur. GARNET COAL' � i -u four lk HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. - The High chased the Pellow farm* for t e sum of sizes -5. 6, 7 and . 8-St6el Radiators,� portable or brick set. I , a -EXT'.- OF 0 . I �, � I . School literary Society is now in good $3,500. �. � i I 1'. - - -WI LD o working order. Meetings are held fort- - __ i IN mightly on Friday ,evening. The next Gorrie. . I THE 'ATLANTIC -WOOD BURNING .. 713)kWBERRY regular meeting will be held on the � . -1 - NOTES. -Mr. Blou has alm1lost com. FURNACE in iwo sizes ji NOS. '43 and 53. 1--'. No. 43 190 . -a-iZ,Jij-,­ evening Of Ottober Ift, when a debate pleted the brickwork onMr. MoL mughlin's &�i-4"41 ia anticipated, " Resolved, that Modern new store. When finished th is build.- takes wood 43 inches long, and No. 0 takes wood 0-3 inolies long; ­ CURES ' ' . . portable or brick set Aas an ]EXTRA HEA[VY FIRE I Life is more conducilre to happiness and ing will greatly improve the a earan Steel Radiators, I I - . � - � ILERA op �t a mps 1101, morality than Pioneer Life. "-The High of that part of the village in w, ich cc BOX ; is the 1 t POWERFUL)ffEATER, Economi I Strong, h i ) .. hole;ra, PTO,rbivi and Model School foot ba4l clubs have situated. -Mr. Kingand hisgangof men Durable Wood Fiirnace made. Theso'f ulrnace i are put under the ,.. re -organized. * . . . UP - Thus far three matches are putting in a culvert on Main street, supervision of a niechanic with an e.�ip rie"rice of 25 years in the fur- OL: I C__ -I- . � have been played resulting in 3 to 0, 9--i .neax the railway track. -One 'day last . ei2 to 1, and I to 0 in favor of the Mode , f, nace business, an . are guaranteed to give 'goodl satiifaction e,very time. ' . , boys. Z . 11 ',week our foot ball players went- to ". ... I - F1 P%_ M PS � 'Brussels and played - a friendl match 111000MOZZ� . . - . 0 1 - I 1. trith-the team in that village, at both EEP EST � TES FURNISH ED. 'Vama. . : I I �1 � - teams ftiled to score., -A few of our . I . 1ARR . SuRpRrsu.-On Monday evening, 29th base ball players went to Slelbburne - ' . ult., about six of,ithe members and. 'last week, to assist the teanil of that . :k , K 1rAV.kVN1k. - I adherents of IL Methodist church, place in defeating a team fromi a neigh-' Kidd's Hardware I d 8to ve House, A su I . TSE I � A -d a lk I t t� I C HffA Ry Varna, took possession' of the %residence . boring burg. As usual, our 1 batters, . I - I . . . I � I of Mr. William Ilayo. After the fright McLaughlin and Sanderson, did effect- I AND ALL SUMM1'2.R COMPLAINTS . . was over, a beautiful China tea get and' 'ive work, Shelbourne winning the ., . MAINI* STREET, SEAFORI 7 H. OF THE BOWELS pickle cruet were placed upon th * match. -For some time " Nels " --S the .1, -.1 1. PiND FLUXES -e table. I - I . P Then Miss Ella Hays wag conducted to boys call him, has been regar ed as. a . i. I . !T IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR r the table, when Miss L. Rays Yead a first class ball twirler, and �� ntily he . [ - I I "HILDREN OR ADULTS. - short address, and presented the tea get eems to have become more acoiv6 and 13M I 11 . --- - : and cruet to Miss Ella, as a small token - energetic, wearing even a broa4er smile ' Or- BOTTLES I of respect for her willing and valuable than usual. The change is easily . ac- . T . � I co services as organist of the hurch, pray. counted f or -a short' time ago 1his wife When I say Cure I do not meat I E3 c CUE- I - -GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. ing that her valuablo life Inay be long presented him witfi a' " bounci�g b6y. " I F . merely t45 stop them for a tim, - �, and thet � . vices in the -Mr. Robert Wiggins is spendin' tave them return again' MEANARADICA CURE. I have made the aisea.teof Fits > 0 = spared to render similar ser Ing ri . . g a few .'Pllepey or Fallin Sickness a life-long s�JdCy. I warrant my remedy to Cl,ur* thi 0 . V1S'.rJSkUVAkLX, __ - TOEIN GRIEVE, . T. S., Honor graduate of tj Ontario Veterinary College. All diseases of Domesdo Aximals treated, Caft promptly attended to and oharM moderate. Veterinary Dentistry a fpeolalty. Office --At Weies Ro Hotel, Seafortb. I 11121TO . ..... - H0. DOAN, Veterinary Surgeon, Graduate V of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto Honorary Member of the Medical Society Calls from & distance promptly attended to. Veterinary Medicines kept constantly on hand. I Ofilce opposite E. Bonsenberry's Hotel, Hron- I sail. N. B. -Veterinary Dentistry and surgery ep'e IL166-5 I - . . RANK S. Beattie, V. S. i graduate of Ontarir, FVeterinu [j College, Toronto, Menber of the J Veterinary M ical society, eta., treats all die. - easea- of the Domesticated Animals. All calle 8romptly attended to either by day or night harges moderate. Special attention given to veterinary dentistry. Office on Main Street, Seaforth, one door south of Kidd's Hardware etc".. 1112 SEAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY. ---Corner o Jarvis and Goderioh Stree* next door to ft - Presbyterian Church, Seaferth, On*. All die eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do. Himbloated anintal , suooewfully treated at fte Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shorted notice Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER Voter. Inary Surgeon. P. S. -A !arge stock of �eterin ary Medicines kept constantly on bAndl I ' � I LEGAL MATTHEW MORRISON, Walton, Ingurance Agent, Commissioner for taking affidarits, Conveyances, &c. Money to loan at the loweei rates. M. MoRmsox, Walton. . - JM. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &o. Office. - . Room@ One Door North of the Commercial Hot,31, ground Iloor next door to Beams butches shop. AgeDt8-CAMBRON, HOLT & CAMMO11. 870 GARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Sollol. tors, &c., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. GARzow, Q, C.; WN. PROUDYGM. � - ego . . AMBRON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, C Solicitors in Chancery, &a.,. Goderich, Ont. M. 0. CANNILON, - Q. C., PEW HOM, M. Q. CAMERON. 500 . DJ. DOWNEY, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &e Late of Viotoria, V. C. Office -Oval Bai& of Commeroe, Main street, Seaforth. pri. L vate funds to loXn at 5J and 6 per cent. 10005 - - AlANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, ke. Solicitors for the Bank of .Tohngton, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. Offlice-Efflott Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. MAXWM.%, J"m soon. 1 781 FHOLMESTED, once r to tht, iste firma( ( e McCaughey 4; Hollinested, Barrister, go, Bettor, Convej*anoer and -Notary. Solloitor for the Canadian Bank of Commeree. Money to lend. Farms for sale. Office in Soottl@ Blogk, Man z Street, Seaforkh. L . DICKSON & HAYS, formerly � with Messrs Garrow & Proudfoot, Goderich ; Bar'. rioters, Solicitors, etc., Seaforth and Brussels, Seaforth Office-Cardno'g Block, Main Street. R. S. HAYS. W. B. DICKSON. Money to Loam. 1127 . . - . - MONEY TO LOAN. - MONEY TO LOAN. ---Straight loam at a psi cent.. with the privilege to borrower of repaying 'part of the principal money at any ti time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barridet B Seaforth. 850 DENTISTRY. I . T � � - . ..... 1w, I 11' 011 JE N : I . � � . 0 i OF9 I , I I HEALTH.., � CURES L . Stomach Tronbles and - Blood` an,d'Skin . 9 DISEASES, , 1166 -52 -No. a __ - 9 - . HURON AND BRUCE Loan and Investment - CC3M__P_A_1V_y__ 9 - - This Company is Loaning Money on I Farm Security at lowest Rates . of. Interest. - Mortgages Puchased. _ SAVINGS BANK BRANC11. � 3,, 4 and 5 per Cent. I-Rterest Allowed on Deposits, according to amount and . time left. OFFICE. -Comer of Market Square ind North Street, Goderich. I . HORACE HORTON, M"AGNE. . Go,derlah, August fth,IW. M . , JOHN ,BEA IE Merk of the Second Division Court - County of Huron. - - ' ommissioner, Conveyancer, Land, Loam and Insurance Agent. P hmds Invested and to Loan.. . OFFICE- -Over Sharp & Livens' store, Main- treet, Seaforth. . 11116tf �AUCTION SALE -OF- . _ 3plendid Farm. . There will be offered for Sale by Public Ano- . on at the AmERIOAX HOTEL, in the ViLLAGm oF, I R-asaxi's, on hunday, Nou. 6th, 1890, . At I o'clock p. m.., -, hat splendid farm being composed of Lot 2, en future. Miss, Ella responded in very days in our village visiting ... ends. - rorst casm Esecause q,thers have failed is no re son for no�,now receivina, vajoure. Send a- qza W. TWEDDLE, Dentist, successor to W. J. the 9th Concession of Grey, containing 95 aczmk, ' * 4 1�55 g _ �" feeling terms. The youing ladies set to ce for a treatise and .Froe Bottle of m Irifal ")'e I I � ( r . F Fear. Office in Daley's Block, Senforth, of which 85 acres are cleared, well fenced, un. "' ' ost me. it c4onsts y � nothing for a trial, a�nd it will cure ou. Address: -H. 1W. I . i Ont6lo. Nitrous Oxide Gas adminis der -drained and in high state of cultivation. Mr. Garthy is again at worl: in the ? V emedy. iv E I 00i 30 I tered for work to, unload their baskets fr'om which apple factory, and quite a number have AaG4 Dromak OM # ;66 WEST ADELAIDE ORONTO. . 'J the painless extraotion of teeth. ' 1169 There are 10 acres of fill wheat and half of the been employed by h � im. A factDry that � A . STREETp 14 0 - . L they set a sumptuous tea. After all had I 'L : i i i . 4= olearance i# seeded to "8. The useleared. partaken of th-e rich. viands, the eom. would furnish -yearly employment for i . ___� I 0 , 0 WOM F. BELDEN, D. D. S., L. � D. S., Dentist- part is well � timbered and Yea on it a good dog' . . I - 0 4= of cedar. There is a comfortable brick cottage pany were entert%,ined with music and twenty oi thirty hands woujd be a I A � � M G. Office -over Johnson's Hardware Store, ar bank barn 64 by 52 feet, with oomfortable ana � conversation, and about el ven o'clock great boon to our village. -Mr] John- I i THE. I . � . a � . i =_ Seaforth. Electricity for painless extraction of oommodleus stone stabling. There are two - e - teeth. . 1164 . the proceedings, were brought to a close ston, who a few years ago kept,� a Atore never failing 8 ring wells and an orchard. This - , , with prayer b�y the Rev. James Walker. here, was ' CANADIAN BANK OF COMM IRWE --- farm adjoins t9e Village of Brussels, which is - . in the village on konday . CD 0 - " - I�INSMAN, Dentist, L D. one of the best warketo in Western Ontario. . . .. I .last. -Our nimrods amuse thdinselves - I . - - -, II S., Exeter, Ont. Will �e at The farm is one of the very best in the county . It P, I - , - -hunting. - . f,&J.: the of Huron and is adapted to either graW or - those moonlight nights coon 39stabldshed 1867.: , �� 4p. - 00 I M�Killop. , I . t2 q �_�� Zuri h, at the Huron Hotel, on _.W I . � �_J a LAn THuRgDAY at xAcH mox7m, stock raising and rr ust be sold as the proprietor I HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. A GOOD SALE. -Mrs. Michael Burk's - I 0 P (D � C-1 and at Murdocles Hotel,'Hensall, on the Fian is determined to retire, and It should command ., P, A" THIRD FRIDAY in each month, Teeth ex. the attention of intending purchasers. &uction sale on Monday, 29th ult., was News Notes. 11 CAPITAL (PAII) UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS - $6.000j000 0 P I tracted with the least pain possible. All work '_ thefirst of the season, and proved- a o REST, - - - - - - . - - - . 0 flrfft-claq8 at liberal rates. TiRms.-Ten per cent. of the purchase money, -At one of the se9sions the G n- . $8001000 (D t4 . 971 on the day of sale and enough to make one hW ` grand success.� Two year old steers eral Conference of the Methodist Church B. E. WALKER, GENERA MANAGEIL, I i - within 60 days and the balance on tiMe to Suit r - . sold a a high as $80 peir pair ; calves, $20 ; at Montreal' adopted the report of the Z 0 0 $:IJ C) � N purchaser with Interest at 6 percent Immedfi-- - sheep, $t8,50, and soon. Mr. Thomas Committee on Precedence recommending , . I . P) (D J . MEDICAL. - ate possession if deffired. . Brown, of Seaforth, was the auctioneer. thatthe Dominion Pa . I SEAFORT'H BRANCH. . I Z P M 1 - F. S. SCOTT, WALTER RICHARDSON, - ! rliament ,be me- A General � 0 _t� �. !4 S. FERGtSON, M. D. C. M., Seaforth,. Auctioneer. 1190 . , morialized to abolish the present rules, Bankin r Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes Discounted. . � C 0 L I � Proprietor. . I � 3 0) . . W Office and residence, that formerly oc. cupied by Dr. Hanover, near Goderich street. . .. Brucefleld. whereby Roman C%tholic bishbpe take Drafts issued p %yable at all - points in Ca , and the priheipal Pi (D c.t. CD " W * CIDER -MILL. � ! 0 Calls night or day promptly attended to. NOTE.S.-The Sacrament of the Lord's precedence of Protestant miniiters on cities in the United States,Great Britain, Fr),nce, Bermud�,&c. 0 0 �r 0 ! 1173 Supper will be dispensed , in Union State occasions. . . � 0 I..j 0 ; I . Bernard Thompson intends running his Cider -The Canadian contractor Ao took -r- CD 1 F4 R E. COOPER, 31. D., Physician, Surgeon Millt o days In the week, Tuesdays and Thurs- � church on Sabbath', October 12, the SAVING'S BANK DEPAR TIAENT. Z F W Deposits of $1.0 1 tes of interest allowed. __ days for a while on account of apples being services on Friday, "10th inst., and on 0 a4d upwards received, and current I 93 � 9) , , a and Accoucher, Constance, Ont. 1127 . ,or i the job to remove a sunken wr ek from. -a P -a 0--d �R$. ELLIOTr & GUNN, Brucefield, Linen warce. If any person wishes any other days- -1 the path of navigation INTEREST ADDIRD TO TAX PRMMAL AT THE END OF MAlt!AND :NovEmiajdR iii F,AcH . Sesides these days I have mentioned, will they nday, lath inst., �vill be conducted 3J mi els from' 0 0 0 ct- b i . . "a 11) tiates Royal College -of Physicians and -Point Pelee in Lake Erie found the 6 I ow in time. - by the Revs. J. S. Henderson, of Hen- 'b- YEAR. 1- I I I t M P P Surgeons, Edinburgh. Bracefield, Ont; - 980 be so kind as to let me kn sall, and A. McLean, of Blyth. -Miss jaction gone when he went t3 do the - . I ,..� :� (1) W , n88 BERNARD THOMPSON, Hensall.. work, and is now in the peculiar sit- SpOqW Attenti G. SCOTT, M. D., &e., Physician, Surgeon � Alary Gardiner, -of 14yfield, has been on ;ven to"the Collection of Coramj'rcua Paper ' d Farmers' - F ,, � .visiting for a few days at her uucle,g uation of a man asking pay fo� a task MUSS NOtO8. i P I F-Ja 0 CD U1 W J . eaforth, Ont. Offleeand - , , .. I , 0 ! P) �-J - CQ C.t. 0 reoldence South vide of Goderich street, Second . , .,. , I . - . �, I a hie hands. I . � ED, SDIiCitO I I - I r, 0 c7t- I Door . east of the Presbyterian Church. 842 ". . . .- . . put In an appearance on I ,� - 4�"��_.i�_'Itl_,_ Mr. It. Mark .--2fhe, Clinton foot ball thatthe winds and waves' took out . of F'. HOLMEST r. . JOHN AfRIJ, Manager. club failed, to I - . I 0 1 - -,.k *.. - '. 2. . Tuesdayevening. The club here waited -Roderick Rea Mackenzie,a book- . � i I , Z (A CT _D W. BRUCE SMITH, M. D , C. M., Membei I � . , . patiently for them to como. keeper in the employ of Bush & La- : I . � � I a �d 0 9� JLt. of the College of Physicians And SuWne, . . .. - . � . � . %01 &o-., -S�aforth, Ontario. Offies and residenes I f. I.. e_ - � _�- jeunesse, of Walkerville is defeq'dant in opi t1. q �- ��. - ,_ ­ . � I 1. w - -.-P a breach of promiae suit for $7,600, the G . P_J same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. 848 ­­ I . z., . ,; -! - � - 9 0 1� i 1� - I ,',;1'V._-_-) .. ' Rensall. OLDEN LION - S�AFORTH I I !�_m r, r L­;,,�,._ if I rr* .l 'D . - - ,., .1"', �--4 ­ .'I '.�[ , LoCA,L BwF_Fs.-Mr. and Mrs. James plaintiff being Miss Florence Ha ison, � � 1 - p t 0 ( W 4 LEX. BETHUNE, M. D., Fellow of the I - ;4Z - . - �, �! P ,� . 1�1 - ) of Toronto. Mackenzie attributed his . i I ­ (D 1"I ARoyal College of Physicians and Surgeons -�___ 11, . White-ure visiting relatives and friends � ____ �_� P --J � i" - I; - i "I . . 3 -_ U, - ; change of mind to having read Tolstoi's �, . P) ca Kingston. Sucdemor to Dr. Mackid. Office tr� I .1 in Paisley.-Mrs,Grapt and Miss Grant "Kreutzer Sonata." He is still injail. . , I P> lately occupied by Dr. Mackid, Main Street, I I �F C;,:� �V_�Z I , ­_ , - r- - --.I V�­d mother and sisttr of �4rs. J. S. Hender! )IN Seatorth. Re8idence-Corner of Victoria Square, . io -) I I son, spent last week at the Manse. ffic Mayor's I 00001 0 ca in house lately occupied by L. E. Dancey. - 3." .I- M . . AmoDg-the visitors at the , V .., $ 9 of C -Mrs. 0 _ ,London,the oihermorning *asWm. 00TOBER1 . 1 1 1. et- t Dr. Mackid has gone to the Northwest and D ri W. Buchanan returned home a few days Smi' � � I Z 1--i 0 tj .10 .1 agofrom visiti,n . frie�ds in Grey town- th, an intelligent looking man minus . - � P-1 CD C -t- Dr. . Beth%ne has taken his practice. The � �_ one of his legs. He stated that he had I I . I i I . . �t � (.D Doctor will be 6ound in Dr. Mackid's office I . 11 � ship. -Mrs. Griln and .Mr8.Cowan have ' I � : � . � during the day And at his own reoidence during . --' - ; - been visiting, their parents, Mr.and Mrs. just walked from Chaiham and was in . the night. ' I � __ _� - A. Buchanan, of this place. -Mr. G. search of work, but big stump was too ' CD -c4 * . 11111i.ill ' Switzer, our popuiar veterinary surgeon, sore to allow him to walk. He was sent We have -Some S ecial Lines in ' - AUCTIONEERS. . � I w. ho, by strict attentio� to business com- to the hospital for a few days' care, af- � I . =q �> - - - . I I . 12 ter which he will be helped on his way. I`t � W . bined with successful treatment, has al- � . �, .. I ;Q P) P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the . ready worked dp a very- nice practice, -An old man named George Weaver - ! : I , , P C -4d . , J. Countyof Huron. Sales attended In id THE HAY TOWNSHJP . , N . parts of the County. All orders left at Tun _ , Mond-oy morning of - - . aoved his office from Col- "I will be promptly attended to. - has recently ren was knocked down 0 well's shop to Troyer's block, and one last week in Hamilton by a hoise driven . (D - $:L I--'- t ' Empe"t" office Farmers' MutUal by William Biggar, of"Brantford, Mr. " D. R S S, 4 0�'-o D S9 M P-18 -_ door wesi of the grocery. We under- Weaver was , .. . Pi 0--i H. PORTER General Auctioneer d stand the change was r-nade owing to th struck on ,the head,by the . 0 0 D. Land Valuator. Orders sent by Inallan Fire Insurance Comp' .. . I I . to " point of the shaft, b . I =4 (D my address, Bayfield P. O., will receive prompt - I _ any. fact that Mr. Colwell required all his �t-' the driver was . %A attention. Terms moderate. 1185-52 ely Irarwers' Company. Livt' � able to pull up his boi,se - without run- % A pur Stock also ahop, rooni for the. display of his car- - Insured when in the fields or on the ro ' riages and ning over the old gentleman. The in- WHICA ARE VhRY CHI�, AP. ad in buggies. -Mrs. Hoover, of � I charge of *owner or serriant. - ` (1) bJ W- G. DUFF St, Marys, spent a few days recently -juries were soon attended to by a doc- � � I I - I , � :� W � - ' among her relatives. tor, but the escape from - sudden- death - �_ (A . :� P (1) AUCTIONEER FOR'THE COUNTY, Convey A180 manufacturer of the I -Mr. W. Luker was almost miraculous ­ � . ; . i W ancer, Collector Book-keeper and Accountant ; � made a good job of opening up some of 0 - C+ F --i 0 Real Estate, Lde, Aocident and Fire Insuranct Improved s8urp'rise Washer ' _Just now, amon � R. -IJAMIESON, M 0 Money to- Loan, Correspondenee, &c. . i . � -D '_� our drains, which were almost, if not g the Thousand ! I ; .1 . 1. pl ( entirely Islands, camping parties are ;01 the )IN =requiring his services in any ofthese AND WRINGER MACHINES. � - cloaed'.Up.-Mr. A. Nicol is rage and so little as of froni eight i - pt 0J branches will receive prompt attention. .Omom - � erecting a neat �itcheh to his dwelling. 1 M iN DALxy's BLocK, (UNTAIR8), MAIN STRisT, sNA.- Agen fez TOMBSTONES and the WATSON looks like business. , to twenty start oui for a few dais' fish- FORM I � I I -The Rev. 0. H. O F_" - . 1.134 COMPANY'S - - Bridgman, of St., Paul's church, who has ing and hunting, both of which are fine CARDNb, BROS., S�AFORTH O' I'd'o > I I � I . labored here go faithfully, earnestly and sport now, ,and are said to be better than . ;I . � 0 31 M :P mi 3M IS& M lvr-vs- - i I OU"NIERTAKING promptly 'attended to a - � I V at any time in over a year. The summer , . . UQ moderate rates. � . guccessf ally for P. nuinber of years in- business is practically over on thb river, . � 1'. M Id 0 4 , HANDmMADE I - tends about the " middle Of this month to and about all the principal I I =4 (D - t=j G. HOLTZMAN, Zuricb. sail for his old home in England there to plages are ' � ct- 1119 Ij U - ` spend the fall and wintor months, and it closed, and the river looks ind ted for- THE C -ET -b I APEST HOUSE IN'SEAFO-RTH . - t H Boots and Shoes , saken and lonely. - . . ,. am . . is tha feeling of his ecingregations and t . 0 � friends here that, :w4ile they regret -Mr. .James Osborne, of Haimilton, . �>�o P �0 .D. McINTYRE RTH - losin hia able .services for the time, yet lost $20 on Sunday morning - in an an- For Gents' Furnishings, 11�fts and Caps', � it 0 �, . �, � 9 ' I he has well earned a rest, and owes it to noying wiLy. He was paying a �abman I; - c7t- Has on hand a large number of Boots aad Shoes his own health and future usefulness.- on Merrick street, and had a number of I I I Pi of his own make best material and BANKING COMPANY. " bills in his hand at the time, %v -hen a -R othmog', - Warr e' . The Rev. J. S. Cook, of thi� village, re- man ran suddenly past him, snatching . I � ant d to give Satisfaction. (NOT INCORPORATED. � . . . turned home the end 6� last week from the roll from his hand and disappearing 'I � Alan, White Star and Inman' " youwantyour f � eet kept dry come and get . � 21-1(,ntreal and other plades in the Lower westwards with $20., a pair of our boots, which will be sold A General Banking business trans - province, where lie was �spending a few AND, : SUITS 'TO ORDER Unked States &Royal MaR CHEAP FOR OASH., ..t.d,., . I I -In the case of "Paimer vs. Barton - . Atlantic Steamships. I . - weeks'well earned vacation. Mrs. Cook, township, for damages sustained by fall- Repairing promptly attended to. All kinds of Farmers' paper discounted. who also accompanied Mr. Cook,has not I � I . ing through a rotten culvert, tried at � - . 11 I Boots and Shoea made to order. All parties who I yet returned, owing tolill f,ealth., and in Cabins, $60 to $100 ; Return, 000 t16 0", have not paid their amounts for last year will . Drafts bought and sold. Wo, intermediate, $30, return. $60. s�,eerage, .-V, please call and settle up. , , . the hopes that the chinge and a few the Wentworth assizes, the j ary brought . Everything ne.*, good and substantial, and at prices that return $40. All classes of passage to and frt m Interest allowed on deposits. - I weeks at -her hom p cial. in a verdict for i'$375, whereupon Judge a,gtonish the most 4�onomical buyer. . - I . , all points in Great Britiain to -any point i . - -Mr. J, Wau ' Rose sent them back to reconsider 0eir Canada. it you are sending for your friends d 1162 D. McINTYRE, Seaforth. OFFICE -In the Commercial Hotel. I ' h banker in Iowa, verdict, and the second time they am � ess- .,, The latest styl�s in HARD and SOFT HATS. An el�gant line not fail to secure one of our prepaid J tickets United St,%tes, i�he're at present visit- ed the damages at $0-63. The leg of - FALL 'CA -PS . clear through and avoid all trouble. I building. ing his brother, TMr. W.A.Waugh,hard- al fra- I just in. I I I � I ternity.,ut Hamilto� discussed the ques- � We have a ver . . large stock of GENTS' UNDERW. I Canadian Pacific Railway and � fteamehip MARRIAGE LIOENSES J. 0. SMITH, Manager. ware merchant, of this -place.-Mrs. L. - BAR that we Ticket8 to all points. Special rates to Manitoba I tion as to the judge's right to redirect a a �, and P"e Coast points. Through sleepen F. HOLVENED, Solicitor i06 Dickson, of E,ye ' ter, was in the village jury on such a question. re selling at pnices'never before offered !in Seaforth. : swured free. Best connection 0 all points in ISSUED AT this week on a,, visit.' ; Nearly all our -A carload of live geese numbering Gents' Furnis4ag and Staple Dry doods at rock bottom �ric es. the United States, Austrah' and Chkm Hand � - I I -_ ­_ � . - a 0 . I . . � . � k and mutual Insuranoe . . I . KI& f . � ; -I - oompanie8. Money loaned on all elawes of THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE Cures WealcnW, Spermatorrhe 1,300 went torward the other day rom I ! � agency for the best stoe The Great English Prescription ' . L ' . - % B Quebec to North Dighton, M alisachusetts. . . - OALt AND SEE OUR NEW GOODS. -" security at lowevt rates of Interest. No trouble . �� L . I- UP Eminions, Impotency and all L . I a -The steamer Peck, from Chicago, is I to give information. Real efftate and Insurance ' I diseases eauwd by self-abuse or - I Originail aad only reliable. credited with having - delivered the � I Office -MARKET ST. Ticket, Stemboat, mmd SEAFC)RTE, ON7."ARI00 it indlocretMa. One pose e $1. Teleqmph Oftlee.-MAIN ST. . Ralsix $6 ; by rnall. Wrl : I= . largest cargo ever -reported at Kingston, P A lic r for 12 1 � % Beware of oor itnitations. - , A. STRONG, " The " Agent, __ 7 i;4@4- 11MMU CMWCAr, . I . . 0o 'Detrol � P namely, 75,600 bushels of com. VARDNO MOS69 No. I Cardno's Nock, I d8ANft1R- NO WITNIESSIES IREO -ON - Choolow & Drumisti, sworib, on%. , � - , I , I t, IMOtL For sale by LUMSDEN & : - . I . . I UJRIED WitA . I . ! . - : ! . I I - : . . I . � I . � I � I . I .. I . � I I I I I � I I . . I � . - ! . I ! . I I � . i - . . . p I ! - 4 . . I I . I i I . I I I I I � . . z � � ,� ; I i I I I - I . � I � . . . I., I I . .1 � . - r � . . . I I - . � � - I . I . I --- ­­ �� - . I . : - I . I .: . �,�� - - 1�� I I . r � I- . . ; I I � I � I , I - . 1 -, � : . i -.1 - � I : . � . I . 1. -1.1 11 . I � 6 . . . I I . : I . � i I I I I . - - - _ I ­ ­ I I I ­ I - - - I I .11 ­ , . --,�-.�.---.---...--.,-",--.-.,-�.-�--�---.�.-.--�--��,.--,-.,.�-�,�-."-.-.- �__­­,___­_,__.__________ h,-- - . ­ -,,---.. ­ ­­ 1 ­ J - _� - ­ - - ­ I—- - � A - I - I F " I � I . . . - � I � . 00TOBEf. . � - . - . �,�� I - I . . I - in -44 XXT ,Vs WAU The most ron - I hAve beard it au4 -merriext_� . ture-,aud the I Lo:don beats' a I . str4et, and rat I holoses for the ,trying to squee. ,witli four or fiv�, ., #tr#e,,every of] 4r, until we *4 vmAting table b holes. The -stv Joe, Uot the R troAsing would I _J ' ,�# , buses and lorri . � lrowing greY in ad it a place was just here at that we nodded I the last time -1 Saturduy-and i . that dark passal -phew ! the PS is twenty years, vad door to the. that talk abou J-, who: man, only he to< of writing to him That tired man talking volubly - that might be,Jqa Gowerstreet to: Through Pate man trudges wil I ing,pockets. E . breast. Yes, it street in the woi there so many 3 _ I - devil by the bear of romances are I jug -where anot their last chapi pictorial advert�, . -what-willtie hem a portraitof thlE sets of illustral him rising to hon -other picturing h nameless man. ' , seen here with � Take the first yoi . the chances ate - one. . Suppose v Fleet street. He I - a hopeful, and I I the ;ountry this , that on account 6. more e�perienced cause his hands.& I biA pockets. He � wa -. 3 beexam . _vf aren pewspaper office - he passed the Dal I . . ,drew a big bre -that breath that I -the Daily News 8( . -how he cuts a _ht -the Office* It has i -visiou that he will in a room there, V .1 daresay all his i paper at present. ig articles returned -thought .of whAt I ,draw.himself up al �, in only twenty 01 . . - - -we follow him furt a side Etreet, 1 ok-i , io kouse to - horae�', �Oppo4fte the olfipe�..-. which you and I I Yet here he sdau� minta", Vill he thl � some one &t a win( sternly. I eau I ,coine here.-instes Tower,or St. P4 The second f16or ,dirty vvindows, is 1 that printed his ab mumber. I hope i I I tellyou that V :Fleet street in J Arams, in three act when the curtain 11 - mot inlodle-agedf I e "I ' �of a �aewspa)?.er o ' waxd. Already - tibi f -me is too jad He can be nob . I think., or lie w,oul( . have % thinner un fellow he meets -tt . bas the air of i boots are broken. tween.them, of W ashamed, though genially. It is ha; need not follow et obviously he to on A auccessful Jai thotm-nd a year c -side % newspsipe )him. L Abrilliant, 7leet street, bat h travelled as far as )xaeanO. to 41 write i though -when he A cheerful sec. but two dramasj, . ed in Fleet L I I r.h. _ a the POMP( . , He h., changed fo saw hhngaZing at ,office. � Then he 41 and one of thim m becomoa loafer.i. ( Of Fteet street i I to speak otherwise Walk to -day weba who but a few yea .ant and versatile I seemed .their#, al -known them at tol to their talk after I I that there was no I , .-migkt not nolimb. ly fall further. 01 striking parts, yet , industrious, -and so -one would have sa ' - . ,equally assured. . . . t a ive . a them i , i cult to tell wb3 � who began so bra, . miserable graive', balla�st I ; thiy lost af L � flush tot Irst Eue ac brains than char I of jourualism.run I why certain of thei - found a port in F14 .:Bay. I kUQW than some who brella, because they , hansom,, . . And the 'last i -pick out our hero � .gentleman' who _V L - . club. 'He is still p , careworn , has I say he Ismot ,so -Au . eight and,thirty round to hu way 0 - eminent journalist] with the book he h before his hair chai he has not. The be r -after au. I cau ti,