HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-09-26, Page 7I
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,9FxTnmBErt 26, 1890. 1 - , I THE HVIRON EXPO91TORE
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I I 1 i
� Sugar Pines ofthe Sierras. Toron o, Ontario. Books sent free . I -_ I I :BJEJo-3t A M&I's I
. -An American paper says, the sugar sealed Heart disesie], the symptoms of L , 1. I
. � � -
pilae t)f the Sierru is the most superb of which are faint spells, purple lips, . � . . ' Restorer
i I . . Eleotrio Hallr
.all the pines, and the territory it occu- numb e8s,' Palpits-tioji, skip beats, h4ot . I .
� I . ; I
pies from an elevation of 3,000 feet to flusheo, rush of blood- to. the head, dull I I I -
I I I �
8,0W i i, beyond donbt, the most inter- pain ii � the heart with beats stron , i RESTORES GRAY HAM -
a 9 � - I
esting portion of the mountains for rapid and irregular, the second h-aart i .
� campers, tourists or botanists. Speci- beat q icker than the firat, pain about I HEAVY STOOKH —TO rts— I
he b�l . I I I . I
mens have been measured that were t ,east bone, etc., can positively be . Original Color ,.Bpauzy, 8ortness.
. forty feet in circumference and 360 feet Cured.1 No cure, no pay. Send for I I . I
. .
- .
. '
in height. This pine has a smooth, book. I Address M. V� LUBON, 50 . . I keepstbe head Cleap, Cool and Free
. � round and columnar trunk, rising -with. FrontlStreet East, Toronto$ Ontario. .1 . We have in our ceIlAr and in the shelves a h,aavy from Dandruff.
I � - �
out limbs for two-thirds of its height. ! 118152 1 stock of Cottons Sheetings, Shirtings, �,Cottonades, I
i ---------- *_ I
It is the most valuable timber tree of I . Cures Irritation & Itching of the Scalp.
Ily dissappearing,and Z - I
the Sierras, is rapic A Trick of a Lawyer. . Tickings, Linens, Grain Bags, Carpet Warps, Flan- '
I . is not well represented among the A few days since a famous lawyer sat � - lielsi Blankets, &a. Lots of goods, and at figures. Gives a beautiful glow and perfume to the
� . ! � I � . I - hair, produces a new growth, and will stop the
younger � growth of the forest. A few in his �8hirt sleeves in an inner office, � low down for cash. . Come and see. falling out In a few days. Will not soll the skin
.. .
. I D a � I . I . .
I .. large trees growing on. private estates withhi.s feet on a window- sil a d - .. I � � . I or the most delicate headdress.
I wilt remain to be famous generations cigar in the corner of his mouth, at I .i - . . ,.- : . Ynr, I)MMMoks wrru lucil wmF-
I - hence over whole co,untries. David 10.30 in the mornin . People came to .. I I . '
. ., 9 . .
� Douglas, the discoverrof .this .species, see him at short intervals and they were .. I EDWARD McFAUL TRY IT AND BE 'CONVINCED.
� . � measured a fallen tree whose circum- all told that he was engaged at an im. - .� . . . I -
I ference at three,feet .from the base was portant conference up town, but that . I f I - Price, 50 cents per bottle.
I nearly fifty-eight ' fiet. Trees of .2,50 he would be at the office between- 12 1 Refuse all Substitutee.
� feet in height -can.be found itill. standing and 1. � At 12 -o'clock the lawyer had . I . SEAFORTH. . I I ..
. I �
� near some of the old towns of thle upper finished his cigars, got through with the . ;
Sierra region.. In wonderful contrast papers and narrowly �scaped falling . I I .
to these giants of the Californiia forest asleep half a dozen times. At the I . I H. SPENCER CASE,
1. . .
are the dwarf pines that grow from the I stroke of the -clock a remarkable change I L ; .
- . I I
limits of the third climatic Zone of the comes over him. � . . . - . Chemist and Druggist, 6o King St., West,
� Sierras to the very base of the glaciers. Re pulled on an alpaca coat, brushed L I i - I . BAMILTON, - - - ONTARIO.
James Muir once out a dwarf pine w -hose his ha# back from the bulging forehead, . .
trunk was three and a half inches butto0ed the coat up severely to the Sold by J. S. A3BERTS, Seaforth.
neck �nd sat down in his consult* ' � _
Ing —.-- i - -
. through, and counted 49-0 rings. The . A-- B(JSINrSS CHANGE-, I
little tree was tough as a whip cord, as room, I surrounded by ponderous tomes � : >
. - . � I (DZTr-r,A-:[-:,T (D
� I it had need to be in the Alps of Califor- and lekal documents. - All the people . � r
. nia, on the very limits -of eternal who ad been to see him that day . �
4 1
� � .snow. crowded into the office at 12 o'clock and . - Mutual Live Stock
- 6 patieni�tly waited for a chance to speak I I
How to Destroy Moths. to theigreat man. All were impressed NEW MEN IN AN OLD STAND. INSURAI CE CO. i
i . ,� I - :N
. .. Close all the windows and all doors by the tremendous r6h of business in � I I ! �
�� I - , lep6diug from the rooms about to under- hand.,'I Theouterrooinwas'arowdedto . R�. BEATTIE & COO -
, -7 treatment, open wide each drawer suffocation. At I o'clock the last of - . . I . I ., . Head Offi�e: .Seaforth
I I go I � I . I
. ana closet, and hang the contents over the cailers had been 'disposed of, and, )any
I I � Have purchased tl�e store, d*elling and stock of IVI r. James McGinnis, THE' ONLY .Live S k insurance Coml
-hor'se brought the st4tement went forth that the law- in I I in Ontario having a &ernwent Deposit and
� chairs or upon a clothes 'er co�ld see no one else until 12 o'clock Seafortb, and hope to receive a continuance, of the liberal. patronagO being� duly licensed 1by, the same. Are now
I into the room for the occasion. Take Y carrying on the busipess of Live Stock Insur-
� a piece of gum camphor, as large as a the next day. It is quite a trick and I so long extended to their pre&cessor. They intend making it I ance and solicit the patronage of the importers
-;o doubt that it� is practised ex. ; I . and breeders of the Province.
hazel -nut for an ordinary room (as large have I I �
.7 as a. walnut for a room 2046, put it in tensiv6ly. —Blakely Hall's New York . For further particulars address
w Lettef'. Real ng as Well as Profitable'for Customers. .
au iron pot and pla--e the latter , within I � I - . I I L . JOHN AVERY, Sec.-Treas.
an iron pot or upon an iron stand. Set � 9 . . I
' i . 1164 1
j .
fire to the camphor. It hurns,very I Two Su rises. —
I They hav� & added a fine new collection of Suaars, Teas, Canned Goods, �
fiercely, so set it at a safe distance from When Mrs. Curti.9,11 if New York, was I .
. furniture or hangings ; the middle of sendWg her daughter to visit, for the and all kinds of SiDices. Also a full line of . For CRAMP% COLIC,, and
. � .
� I
� . .
I -
the room is the beat place for it'. unless first time, her cousins in a Pennsylvania . :� - - all Bowel Tioubles, use
I -
� this be directly under a chancrelier, in inland. town, she warbed her c,nxiously I . (-A � . el -
1 which case it can be placed more to- not toi allow her manners or opinions to I�J V- 0 1 � PERRY DAVIEW
. ward the side, ..as the heat is apt to be influenced by theml I f ASM .
injure the gilding or bronze. The dense I . 4 W.0 are at an iml)iessible, imitative We ,v�ill also carry on the Pork Packing Business extensively this I
- � smoke soon permeates every nook and age," 'phe said. R,em6mber that these fall, I and will . I . i . . I -0 I
corner %nd suffocates every insect that poor Oirls have lived in an out -of -the- I _ � . . I I I .
. - -
inhales it. C.ansry birds or goldfish way v�illage. Their pinds necessarily I . 11 I It
are to be carri�d from the room -before will be untrained, th�ir views )I narrow, Pay the, Highest C�itsh P�ic' e for Dressed Hogs = , -
:31M ,
- 'I OF,,
� , �
'I al " I
1�, ,
- Ale,, �� W Lk
beginning operations, and as soon as the and, I fear, their an era bad. . I n
. I in : , Used b4h inter ally and externally
. burn. the operator - Ma'y went, and f und herself in a . y it, acts quickly, affording almost instav
camphor begins to r ' ! I i I ' -
I i
m&y leave the room, as, provided she home!where the hab t of thought was We are meeting the hara times Wore than half way by giving relief from the severest pain.
ZD . � � -
I has taken the above precautions, there far hig'her and broade than in her own. FIVE POUNDS OF TEA FOR 25 CENTS. I BE SURE to GET THE GENUINJ�
. V
will be no danger, of the fire spreading. Her cousins were familiar with books I . . � . ' P
, . 25c per bottle.
The camPhor will'burn from a quarter and 4ctures of which she had never . g�� Remember the place firsi. door I
p Givie us a call ; it will pay I 7 -
to half an hour,but it can be extinguish- heard'- they had frieiide arnong men of . --- — ---I
ed at any moment by placing over'it a note, �oth in this country and _ in Eti. south of JHawkshaw's Hotel, Main Strbet, Seaforth. . .
stove lid or the cover of the pot. Let rope. - I
, '11 il 11
the smoke reinain in, the room about am surprised," she wrote frankly i R.. BEATTIE & COE ��,,C, y I
I I. I 16 "'
I .
. half an hour, then open the windows to her I mother . "I have come to a.place � I . . I . . mu uN
. wide, leaving them so all day. After a where1can improve greatly bothmy I - -Em's"LS10
0. -14rl, -
. �
few hours airingthe traces ofamoke mind �nd my manner4." EL—COMFORTIM4. 1 "4� . ',OF oLIVER 01L,9HrP-?.,rLiAfEAmn8P,^A-
1. ;
pt� will be scaxcely� noticeable. All the Ab6utthesame tiffieJane Hoyt,the � W luermses V7efght, Strengthens Lunfra
, %J,�_,A I and Nei-vres.
� rooms can be treated thus in succession daug ter of poor, devout parents in a EPP, S'S COon 0 I I TEN POUNDS�,
. I . . ST. I
� . care being t�ken to couty neighborhood, went to New il I
I or all at once, a . . Price 50c. and, $1.00 per Bottle.
7 11 By a thorough Itnowledge si tine natural laws T � - -
I guard against fire, —Harper's Bazar. York i to visit her relatives in that city which gove�u prations of dil-�ea�ion and IN . I . I :
'I - for t4'e first time. Her mother,too,bade nutrition, a0d by a careful applicatio of the , , I �
I , t
� Rest. . I her good by with an anxious heart. fine propert es of well -selected Cocoa, �r. Epps i �' K81 Minist'rs and Public Speakers use
, �
I I I TWO WEE , ,i
� 66 ing among fashionable has providel our breakfast tables with a delicate- : .
- . When you are so tired as to feel on- are go ly flavored ?"Deverage which may save is many ' , I SPE.VCERIS ks
I , . .. "
i I
- olly. of such arti6les of diet that a constitiat ion may i.-' N 11, t I Chloramine rastille
- Ift ready to drop,",� sit down, comb your people," she said. " Their hearts are heavy dootois' bills. It I I 9 by the Judi(ious use " ' i TH ff
- This will doubtless given to money and f INK 0
hair and change'yonr shoes. Riches, fine clothes, balls, receptions, be graduall� built up until strong enot gh to re- t , . � . For Clearing and Strongthening the voice.
rest the bead and feet and give new . Bi8tevery t6ndency to disease. Hundreds of - a Vtw& l?"ducer the" 01 = be- Cure Hoarseness and Soreness of Throat.
- ll these things wi�i win away y ur eady to* qundoil . I I -
strength for the. work which at house a 0 btle mal#es are floating around us k ,A4 but eat Price25c per bottle.
cleaning or moving time refuses to be hear0rom the high�r and. truer life. 'a' i �i Sample free on application to'Druggists.
ttack wher ver there is a weak poin We may 1 i
* ' �
. postponed. That lying down ten minutes Remember how hardly shall those who escape man, - a fatal shaft by keeping �ursjelves I
� well fOrt a perly ,
I wU1 rest one Much more than sitting have riches enter into the kingdom of ;ifle with pure blood and pro
- erated often for the heaven. They are, 11 am afraid, serving nourished �frame."-" Civil Sirvice Gazette." I SCOTT, - I
down has to be reit Made aimply with boiling water or milK. Sold I I
I AA _n 11 r�!_ - A Y) 11 I V, 11 A 4..V.-. ARM M
-711- - - _ __ -
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It's easy to dye
� .
Because so simple* .
— . 0 �
t's safe to dye witl
� I I
� � d
I with Diamo-.-iid D -yes%
: -
It's pleasca_-)It ".-o dye
I .
i Because. th-ey --qeve'r
. �
�ou ought 'to dye witl
I D�amond Dyes*
�ecause they are bestf
I � I �
- I ! :
Our new book " Succ ZSful Home Dyeing" givin.-
C�� ,
,11 directions for all �uses of Diamond Dyc�-, sent fre,
� ,
it application. Dimmond Dyes are sold everywhere
-'any color mailed on receipt of price, io cenL-
tXLLS, RICHARDSOX� & Co., Montre;A,Que. -
Seaforth Dairy. .
Having purchased the Dairy Business
from 31r. Roderick Grey, I beg to'solicit 9, con�
tinuance of Lhe patronage which he has Ye.
ceived in the past. With the advantages I
have in my refrigerator and situation, I hope to
be able to give my cuati-miirs satisfaction as to
quality of milk even in the v- ry. hot weather.
Realizing that the cash system is the most
just and mtisfae ry to all concerned, I have
decided to sell for,!Lah only.
Xff Tickets s!'upptied at ra-lii.-ed rates
1171 D. D. WILSON.
� .
1 1
1 -4-W ff-t va, AVOID ALL JfV,JTA.
.&,- %& Ak TIONS. T1-1EY MAN
% .
)ore Eyq's ,:�
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latarill ,I - . I � :34.
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i �
, � 7
. I
'Knight's Blood Cure,
: I
ASTANDARDbougehold remedy in succew I
ful use more than 40 years. A positive
cure for Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Nervous Froestra-
tion, Constigatiwon and all diieases of the Blood,
Stomach an Liver.
I .
unequalled for Producing a Clear
� *Complexion. �
A botanical compound, put up in packages - i
and sent by mail at one third the cost of ordin- "
ary medicine. Large packages, sufficient for 8
quarts, ,81.00 ;half ike packages, sufficienf for 1
3 Pints, LOC.; Sample packages, 25c. . �
�L reliable Agent wanted in this locality-
1183-52 ; 252 Broadway, New -York.
I �
Halsted & Scott, -
I :B,A_M'-T1-K::E�__P,S, z .
i6sepnine street,,Win'gh_,aM,0nt
! — .
I ,
J. A. HALSTED, 3fount Forest.
: .
i J. IV. SCOTT, Listowel. -
. .
Deposits received and Interest al
lo*ed. - I
Money ad,vanced to Farmers and BuJd- -
' ness Men, �
0 � long or short time, on endorsed notes ov
co�Iateral -security. Sale notes bought at a fair
YAluation. -Money remitted to all parts of
og I nada -at reasonable charges.
!Special -Atteniion given to collectit;g
A�Ptes and A,ccowds. .
gents ha Canada—The Merchants
Bank of Canada. I . -
Office bourr—From. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
� �
i - A; El. SMT1E1, Agent.
11,b4-52 �
a W. WE Telegraph Oo.
— .
)irect dupl-cate wires to all principal points;
ces everywhere ; prom t a & liable semice;
inects with Western ...
iy to all parts of United States, and with I
ilea to all parts of the world -, money orders
telegraph ; use the best.
� � I
)ffices at all railroad points, forward mer -
kndise, money and packages of every descrip- �
n. collect notes, drafts, accounts, &c. Ite-
Lters of money secured agamst loss, and the
irge for - transmission is very low. Produce
merchandise requiring protection from heat
,old, will have our beat attention.
160 W. SOMERVILLE, Agent.
Ift if IS
�� I
= 'I S
For all Affections of the
- benefit of those ambitious wonten who Cbmtulvu. U .Yvu 0 L V0 V . oniy in puckets y groms, a e , a 110TT L E W I T H Bur, . , � I
. rest in this way dur- After a few weeks..� Jane wrote -to her JA3iES EP�S & Co., Homcaopathlo Cheml8te, PA INU_ IM 4yUAp � rains WRAPPER. 10"% I f%
sometimes scorn to i # B L I
I .
I other, I 'I have been reatly surprised as I : - BI MILL—Ov.
ing the day time, and others who fear *m London, En land. 1041-62 ', THE V
I have learned to knot my cousins. Their .r I . I Is Indispensable for the Bath, Toilet or -
A- 0 - I Nursery, for cleaning the Scalp or Skin. .0 I
. that it will be kn: wn to their discredit wealth is great. lh6y are lead i A Severe Attack Sig, ' afing I �
if they so indulge themselves. I once ers-in so- I never f6lt better in nly life than since I tived' 11popko THE BEST BARr's SOAP KNOWN. SEAFt_RTH.
Mrs. Lincoln talk upon this ciety.' But they are faithful servants of I had a severe billi Of Pore Cod Uver 011 and I priee 9.00'. I .
heard s:h every farmer's wife Burdc ck B, Od Bitters. able C . 3ruises ` USE
Christ. Their wordd and thoughts are P Of LIMe and Oda 1. I The above wills have now been thoroughly
topic, and I wi . attack, I c6uld not eat for days and was�un I
might have heard the woman who has ruled by Him.. Tfiey not only pray for to wor1r. )ne bottle cured me. Pot billious " % built upon the complete
study tell bow to the , heathen and fiend money for them, ills use B. . 3. B. j I is vVithout a zivaL Many, hom calds 3 I
I . I ffullued - povind a day =0 Physicians strongly xecommend, )
I m,,Ade housekeeping a it � - . onx M. Ricn-kRDs, Tara, ntario. .L by. We . ' I
"� -
�. get rest enough to instare health. as we do, but they take a. vigarous part - 11rewes I � �. HUNGAERIAN ROLLER PROCESS.
� . I - I .
� � not of the theorist, in visiting the sick ai�d prisonQrs,.and in trad, )i1es POND
P_ was the wisdom, . I CONSUMPTIONg'! I 77yeth's,Xalt Ex .
� erworked many� s6hemes for lif ting and teaching � Oft Ill Peril. - . (T;Iquid) . - I The Hill and Sto -rehouse Buildings have been
11 but one who ha&so nearly ov I ati
T dful to stud the d4ugerous classes. It seems to me, IVES of children are often endankrered b3' SCROFULA BRONCHITIS, COUGH AND To patients sufferipir from nervous exhaus- rr go y enlarged, and new machinery applied
, y . bl COLDS, AWD ALL FORMS OF WASTI Ms.. 3urns 1V I -
Y. as to have found it nee tion; toimprove thq'ikppetita, Lo assist Di- roughout. .
� . too, that they judge those who are not L Budden and violent attacks of " 0"r' Z
� means of making good housekeeping holera mo rbus, diarrhoea, dysentery, and bowei ' EASIES. AS PAZA.TA.BLE_ AS gestion, a 0'rohic. �. *
1, possible without slowly killing the like them8elves more�charitably than we 0 . � valuabi ,
� complaints A reasonable and certain precau- Genuine madd byScoft& 8owne,Bel1evM6.Sa1mw 4,0 c,ento per bottle. Younds b 11. THE LATEST IMPROVED ROLLS
t ife.-New England Farmer. do injour village." tion is to keep Dr. Fowler's Extract I i Wrapper; at all Druggists, 606. and $1.00. I . . - XTRAC I
housew rry always on hand, .--- , � ="Ir � � .
�. - Young people, and those who live Strawbe I � . I . —AND-
. I 0� I I : I OEMAND PON D'S EX '
�� I Care of the Work Team. narro,w, isolated livel.are apt to judge I I The most satisfactor',y, RLOOD MMIFIER Is nsect TRACT. ACCEPT N( !
i team in Of their fellow -men in classes. Anybody' B,bad These Lines.. ^L & F. I oil SUBSTITUTE FOR V I '
I . The proper wa,tering of the utsi4e of their own clique or town 1 to 2 bottl . xill cure,Heo4ache. ALLAN L INE  partila, 3ites, __
hot weather is one of the very import- 0 I . � es of B. B. B. 1 . � anning s Sarsa - Flour �)ressing Machines
; 6% 9 I : .
must:;be lacking in good breeding or in 1. to 2 bottles of B. B. B will cure Biliousness. I - Rr)YAL ,44AIL STEAMSHIPS, - � . . : i I
�, t 1 to 4 bottl,,� of B. B. B � I
ant fea,mres of good care. It is not .will cure Constipation. � � It is a Grand HnALT11 RESTORER
. he trough knowledge; the wealthy man must be I to 4 bottl,,s of B. B. B, will cure � Dpa)Jepsia. I i 5tings. . 11 !
enough t6 lead the team to t CHEAP EUVS1093 TO EUROPE. Will cam the worst form ot'skin discase; wilI
[ sordid ; the fashionable woman, a stave 1 to 6 bottl -as of B. B. B. will cure Bad Blood. I �� From the best Manufacturing Firms have been -
I at- morning, noon and night. and expect � , 1 to 6 bottl e� of li. B. B. will cure Saof ula. - cure Rheumatism; -will OUTO 641t RhOum- �% � . . ut In, and everything necessary adde& to enable
f supply them- to wickedness and folly. � - in any casc relief will be had from the first few , ONTREAL OP. QUEBF,C, I,arge 1B I qttlaji4, $1.00- 5ore Feet - -11 UrE to turn out flour . -
t . the horses to sufficiently Charity is most quickly taught by in, �, . TO DERRY OR LIVERPOOL. I I
1, -
U selves to be perfectly at ease throughout tercoh,rae with the world. doses. i : , . � MUNIN R.,kTES,,,16 . , ,,;. 5 0 and �60 Single $95, $100 - _ ;_ . I - � �
11 the intervening periods making up the " The mair - . and R115 Return, according to location, of I m NFLAMMATIONS .
I twenty 4 our hours. . 6i . I gae aboot,"says Jean Yorl ' i ' .
r There are so many ,� Farm, Moosomin, �
I Muclirose the- mair I see that men Staterooms. L AL EN'S �� -
� influences that create an unsound thirst, y ; N. W. T. ' PARTSIAN, $60, S60, $868inglo; sloo, I and
i - - Per qq.
I are r�uch *alike, whether they stan' on i In the Dominion. The facilit,es for receiving -
. -and if these are intensified by the ab- , Writing fion3this-fertile district, ir. �G. F. $ii0,.%50 return, - winers and for elevating and shipping
I the b re earth or on a pile o' siller, or ck of NO CATTLE CARRIF,D. LUNG IBA ' AM .IEMORRHAGES grain from fr
� sence of water for lolig periods the � � ) Clark, sake: "I bad a severe atta . For COT�SU)IPTION, - have also deen extensively improved. Grain tan
horse will gorge his stomach when an wear a shepherd's plaid or a gown 0 dia�frhoea, �but was quickly cured. by �5in., Dr. lNTr-,10lF,DlATF., �30. Return, $60. � & no%vW taken from farmers' wagons, weighed,
gold.� God'a eye sebs only the man in- Fow'ler'p Exbract of Wild Strawberryi St.eera.ge at lowest rate6. �oughs, -neglected dold;x 'Bronchitis,."thma I T r_d �,aod loWed into care at the rate of 700 bushels
opportunity offers to quench this thirst. - . . . f tho'baigs. a T Owl
est to: proyide for this � toy giving Bide 6'tbe claiths. "-Selected. . ; - — . � Apply to H. & A. ALTAN, Nontrc�l,or 0. %nd all discabes o . A LL� , I . A= per hour, by the work of two men. � .
It is b i - BET110NE or A. STRONG, Seaforth. In three sized bottless 25c, 50c, and $1.00.
1 � 0 Itchi Nan �e and Scratches of every kind, on I r I �
the team frequent opportunities to take ! human or animals, cured in 30 minutes by - 1168-62 - I I
. *
water, even if only I a quart at a time is i Useful Recipes. . - - 113MEMMCKM - - UZZ&=d i � THIS IS THE 0 N L: A LARGE FEED STONE
I Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. V , R
I �.niw-e...._ ,-, _V. �.p .1
. - ,A,SPARAGUS. - The prettiest and I Sold by, T. S Roberts, Seaforth. 118G62 .. :1 .. �. . , .,�O,;"H ,,��; .- _. 04 * " -?44; 1 1 —FOR—
'the allowance. This can be done at lit ' ' 1!� � .,( 4! %�) % qk"- � 1",M Ly FORE I PAI N, I I ��
, 4 �A jq
� � . I __# " , 11 , '. i .. --- - -
tleinconvenience'by keepingafew gal- think the most enjoyable dish of aspara- I I 1, � I I . — I
I Englii3h Spavin Liniment removesall hard, . !"I V ill 0 � OUSTOM OHOPPING
convenient g 1 1 .P',-1 lr�j . " _____ .
t�_Wl ., :
Iona of water in a barrel or us i mad by serving it cooked wholej soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes f rom , . �, I . -
vessel. Many good horsemen pjactise says Mrs. Vith, in the Prairie Farmer. Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, vi,�, J�_�Z_�_�Z - , -"* - I I - . - Has been put in, and the necessary machinery for
horses, Bloorl Spavin, 1 �), 11 1" �.,91 P 0 .0 .
- go on -the top Lay t perfectly straight in your cook- Sweeney6o,,Stifles, SpraiDS Sore and Swollen VA��t. k ?4". . __hl handling chop and coarse grains.
the wearing of a Wet SPOn Sav� $50 by use of. one ,, i�. � U I - " 1'1� L 3) 61 ,� . A. good shed has been erected, so that wagons
. ixig- e ' el, tied at the top and bottom' Throat, i:ghs, -etc. - J . " i For Lumbago. sclatii;a - Cricks," Tic, * stitches,* i N -
, ��,� !;,X-ot- .4
L of the le. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish is . 1�rv; sd and reloaded under cover.
. L horse's head during the excessive in "" � � , , Rhetunatic Pains. and Chronic RbemnatisnL 'k. ic, - , 4 can be unload
I at work and exposed so it a be taken out without breaking. bott 1� V . �, %
. --..L 1� -
I - 4'. ,,� - kT� r . I I
. - S. Roberts, Sea - ,,,,,,,. �� -
hot weather, while it 7 Cure ever known; Sold by J `. ' " -tight tin box. 25C. -
I a general custom Boil in salted water twenty minutes. ... - 118062 ----I' i I Each plaster W an air - .
; I ,- ITI t__ . I i I I
to the sun. This is . f6rih . P 0 �, I V'-7-; Y V - ____ � WHEAT EXCHANGES
I Lay it on a serving dish before Cutting L - W Ve il �.. 1. i 'Upc — - - _.- trL_ .-
. - � '1-1- _. , t.
among the city teamsters, whe I � , .
re the �i � - I 1� ,� I
. � " 'L
. I the iron, stone and the -.6tring, ,act in a warm place while - .. 0 '.I C'. ) - ' ' q T IQ �1�31 P � . - -'—'-.- � _ - _. Promptly attended to, And
excessive heatfrom �, i MESSRS. C.,( . RICHARDS & CO. .1 Ir, 2 t�!�!(, � fil L I .
sauce -of butter,- Gents, -1 have used your MINARD'S LINI- � -0, .___ - 1, : WYETHYS..� I . I
L brick buildings and paved streets, is 80 you prepaLre- a white ,�L U, P.Ml T4 L U IU [Uptc, 1, I
I milW and a -very litile flour for slight 1UENT succi ssfully in a serious case of croup in tj t _* CHESTER WHITE PIG. -The undersigned
to , require the grea � I * BEEF. IRON ANP WINE. -Bent season On Lot FIRST-CLASS ROLLER FLOU11-
intense as � my fainivy. I n fact I consider it a r4inedy no i.'-, r)'a r t, " C, Ba' '� � A will keep during the prc J
- thickening lks'n the sauce with salt ,'J'q 12- c -,,,-,, c i C. 6-_--rril 2 i ilts, L I It .
. 1, . I
care and precaution to protect the haul hoine should be without. 11 . I' For P�Lllor, Wealcriessi 21, Concession 2, L.'R. S. Tuckersinit
. . ing team from heat exbaustion. -World. and white PePpeffr 6nd, pour over the J. F. CuNNIG HAM. , . I _-,".'l ,'."_!� Palpitation of the HearL ough Bred Chester Whit,et Pig to which a liniited GUARANTEED.
I I be taken. .This pig W&O
� - —.— - . aspa -agus ; take . the string and send Cape Isla d. . _. 11 . I i-,-. Vaivablo Restorative for Convalescents. number of flow wil I
I . � I farrowed on ma;, 15th, 1887, wm bred by S. H
,C� - a, j, r- ,ountj
- -
. � ' - .'"- :_:� 11"� , -u S,x (Z) M :F im M ID
- �� L. . , r "", u no
IENT is - 03.�,V;, -. .., ,I- , k�__. ,,,;, I � TcKid, of Wakew4n, Huron ( . . ,; I
I I �T Be C - T11 S. the on)y GF -MIM and re ble breedere I
� 11 ... .�
. to tl� e table - . '�' - Combines Nutriment with,gtim I y, Ohio, one of a
AR Men (I PdTATOE; HASMED WITH CREAM. - SO SAY A,L.-That MINARD'S LINt L i - r;1 Fv, "" " " I- E_ areful to ask for W YE _' S extensive ,lia
i - young or old, ox middle aged, who fln potatoes fine, aud. stir the standar liniment of the day, as it OeS just " . - the mofft es. This Pig has also taken Chopped satisfactorily and without delay.
themselves nervoug,weak a,nd exhausted, Cho cold boiled what it is re resented to do. I V � E ". , I I I ,.'.,,,* ,�-I_t*� �.�i I ZUZ==-- in the United StM I .
� I:,,. .�_ . J . �. . ! . - , .. I unne $1, pay I .
who - are broken down from excess Or thern into a cup of hot milk in which . . I—— � - __ . I '... , , - , � first p izee wheri�,cr4�r fibown. T
I r -i: - ) - . 11
� . 1% � - . - privilege of
A. 1� , � I Lim, ! al)le at the time of s6rvice, ,with the
� 01- has ,)eeu melted two tablespoonfuls of ' 'I , . . � .Zr DAVIS& LAV�R NCE CO. re�yurrjing If neft&sary. GEORGE PLEWES. I ROLLER FLOUR ' 11
� . -
in. Many of the f Alinard' Liniment cures dandruff. � I I ,
overwork, resulting .T-,,----- - - i - _i_ - 1. - I 1039-t.f. �
" : Mental depression, butter. Pepper and salt to taste. If - � - a6-- -- i - , ---.-.-. - I - MON REALp _. � I . BRAN, SHORTSIr
lowlng symptoms . -and half as ___ � t. ',-�:;11, .-- ;_ I I
.. ,%r �', L L D E, , ,,, L ". �..�. . � �
. - old age, ifogs of vitality, logo yon 1have cream, use this , minard'� Li.niwent is the best. ,3,- 0 1- D r f --n I I . -
dimness of much butter. : . I I - Propdetors pr (;eneral Agents
t - . -----7- 1 t-ory for 1890. :
.of memory, bad dreamSp . . POTATO SALAD. -Boil four large po- � I FOR )AOST OF THE POPULAR NeKillop Direc And all kinds of
. f the heart, eull-qslOnsy I �ilinard'o Liniment cures diphtheria. The'Tuckdrsmith Cidcr-foill. . -
sight, palpitation. o __ I Preprief ary or Phqrm acoutidal Medicines, , �
.pain, in the kidneys, tato a, slice them, peel one large ODiOD,. . ! I JOHN BEN-NIEWIF,S, Rc(,N,e, Dublin P. O.
lack of energv, 7 on the face or body, cut i four and slice with the potato, I _�_ - __� I nd Perfumery. I JOHN HOP.RISON, Deputy ItLeve, Ward 13, CHOPPED 7FEED
I . . Minard's Liniment for Rheumati8m. . 'ROGER PEPPER i0ll have his Cider Mill Toilet Arficl�a 4 j I I � :
lie, pimples , I ; . i DANIEL MANLEYX Constantly on hand. -
headac, I ; 'add % teaspoonful of salt, I Winthrop. . , 1
1 itching" or peculiar sensation -about Wet ouncill ,or, Ward 1, Beech
. the 1111XIE19 � � . ready for work by the 20th inst , and will be pre-
� ene of black pepper-, a little mustard i ___ —_ pared on and after that date to taka in any - . I I �
sL m . If there IL e anv of our imbaeribers -e i wood. -�,___ J L -
,rotu _, wasting' df the organs, dizzi- Lt bm qvantityofappl�s and corwerb thcni bito the �
I twitching and a half teacupful of vinegar; gar- not tried lin eri�l Cream Tartar Baking, Powder, JAMES EVANS, 001Mcill", Ward 2, Beech- 1
ness, specks before the eyes, s i really Most delicious fresh cider. 1 Parties bringin od. : . I Highest Market *ce Paid in'
It, 8'aforth flo'ller ME 4
ewhere, nish with hard-boiled eggs, sliced on we by all in ans tirge thein to do so, a I it apples can have the cider hotne'with them. L e Ilk# Wo
of the mUscl-es, eyelids . and els ' I es Mcuit that CHARLE'S DODDS, Councillor, WaM 4, Sea- 1 , Cash for any Qu*ntity of
- , This is nide for tea. . is the best vile TN,cr f ound,and mak would oblige Air. Pepper it parties wntild bring I I
� I I
� deposits of urine, 10138 Of top- : am really d�liciotis. I EX forth � .
bashfulness, RicE-PUDDING WITH BERRIES. -Cold I i their applei in 1.116 afternoon if possible. Terms - joJ1,-j C. _VO�RJSONN Clerk 'Winthrop. 4 __ W'heat.
i EEEGWWNWW3NENNW0� . '�O, Con- - " ' i I
� will power, tenderness of the .. scalp and I reasollaWe a� U81141. Cider iifill on Lut Gristing, Chopping and AN X, L -
L SOL,O1IO,_N1 J., SI -1 NO. Treasurer, Win i �
weak arid !flabby mutseles, desire boiled rice may, be. made into a very nice -ovith. A Icettle for - I
. ' 1
spine, � Fdcts'and Figurest ce�,sion 3, .'R S., Tucker y attended to and I
� be rested by sleep, pud( ing with. the addition of berries. ' J)Oiling cider w*41 bo rpnted for .05 cents ner day. change promptl thRro&F.RT G ! Or, V.'intl4op. I i .APPLE BARRELS
tc, sleep, failure to 110USAINDS of people have been cured ,nd ROSS, AsEess - f , .
. Soft4n the cold boilEd rice with ROGER PEPPER. 1187x3 uaranteed. � .
of Bur- - best of satisfaction 9 ! � �
�, . —AND—
constipatian, dullness of hearing, loss of milk, T thousands will be cored 1)y the use ADAM ITAY*S, Collector,Se-foith. � .
� . � olitude, excitability of usit:4 two cupfuls milk to one -of rice, dock Blood 13itterL4, the best rewedy for billious- 2& 2 9fift Cash for any quantity of good Wheat DR. SMITH, 13tedic-al Hezalth. Oflicer. iiaafortb. � i -
voice, desire for ��a . ; :
� and �tir until all the lumps are dissolved; ness, dyepel)sia, congtipation, liad blood, loHt W.A. ARCHIBALD, SanitarN I,,!_1)e!-tej, Lead- ; .
,leyes surrounded with VILD1. and Barley. ; . � F" , IMAM AND LAND SALT
. temper, sunken ; ily lookin�g skin, etc., oon- -mctit L -ja . � . . . 154 * % )
add phree well beaten eggs, a teasp e,et�. �Iillions of bottles bave been sold % Feedofallkinds for sale. Arrange- ' � ;
LEADEN CIRCLE, �O . ful of butter, a small cupful sugar and and all.havd given satisfaction. 0 1 U �11 Im i I I FOR SALE.
� ,
I gy,_npto,q1s of nervous debility . i I mentsaremadefor regular arrivals of � -
. . .
M are al � wo Icupfuls blackberries, raspberries, �20' a 0%at Manitoba wheat and very best of - flour dnl()nlhlyb,T � � -clam and oblizim men; will be kept
� -
: that lead to ins40ity and death unless t PENNTROYM-WAIERS use Oiii� arst -
�j . .
� 11 tre4berries or atoned cherries. B The beadliest of Serpe nits. � . over 10,000 ladJes; tire safe, pleasant
. 13 � sure in effect-; a lady" '?ntll attend cugkmars. Tne liberal patreage Of
' " og el ! ii.erg and general trade yegpedfully solicited.
cured.. The spring or vitp,,,l force having L - The cobr de,atro3-s less life in the ao- re -ate -L Fgreatest frl I
' in ']low no hour in a bu ake = .
y for o ttered pud I - KI cbvMaj1 ;
. lost its tension every function waties .- at home or abroad; flz .
. than the va�ious forais of cholera, cbolera wor- Business concluCted on cash terms. ,%r bo) �
. moor& I . t. sea ed particulars
I dish. � - ii, diarrhoea, dy.":nterv, 'Momk ( !'� `_.." ----vJ Yourii Truly, I or from. A ,4 I xi;.
�Iconse( ,e. Those who through abuse ding .--- .- bus, cholor.4 infannit _U 1 ;y- f!c stamp.ru=drem ,0��,,_-G;_,J� :E & CO.9
, I A—i I
tuenc, craml),, - - 'I -.A i% ti, -
may be perma- I colic, etc. I)IC119.1ity ill Canida fro � � I KURE"Cill - A. W.; WILY
. I
committed in ignorance -ing to the g 4 eV, I . � .
' t:�,11- & W1T,.Sk)_V, Chemists ani
. - —Mr. 'Vidis Jacks0l), of Trowbridge, these d.a11qe8 is Jig "'., , .M _ : L "
Send your address far ,)A, o,A - ,eheral uEe IMN D K WE KICODE & CO. '_ -
. nently cured, of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild 8tra%v))err3-, � Sold by LUMS EX
-book on all dis6ases to man. Address recently sold a heavy span of horsei Specific for all bowel r .�� n p, I : - Druggiatt, Seafo th Ont, I 1121-D2 , � PROPRIETORS .
. . which is .an unfailing ; ,g'S RE�T FRII:Nri um �
L M. V, LUBCNi i5o Front Street East, the sum of $400. . I complaints. � TV , .� A V V-;., . :
� .
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