HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-09-19, Page 7--i------1---1- - I 7- -, �.�7 - - - - - - - ------ --
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Sr'PTIMIR'Ell 195 1890. ; I I . I
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Preabytery of Meatland. piteously as they were driveia on board : . 0 3BMi(DM A -1S I
I .
I The Preabytery met at Wingham on and shipped -to the winter hotels in I . . � . I -
.SepteMLber 9th. In the absence of M,r. Bermuda. There they , will be cut en . I � I
irr-.mix, PA,Lr- A MCKfoy wix. -. *. 4- A train and al; bf-.1 .1 11 A. .3 Z I . Fle P. trip. H.9 ;P R,P.q M."Pp. -
� Stock 9J80 -
t the mad Iry
I 1
0 ;
�: I
� e WATS02-T
�.nded to a
1 . , Zurich..�
V . . ]VFW " %; . 5 .y eno e te, an a tier . . t
- Moderator, pro tem. Elders' commis- the rest of the party,had reached the .
. I I L
Siong were received. Session.., -records railL-- the minister turned and said im- . . I - ,; I . RESTORES GRAY HAIR
. were received from Molesworth-- Huron, Pressively : ,I cann�o, bid more than 6J . TO . -
Aahfield, Ripley, Chalmers',XI'acardine cents for State veals, but cablegrams . I H EAVY STOCK. .
I . townwhip. Committees were appointed from London quote refrigerated beef at . r - . . . Original Color , t , Softness, -
I to -examine these records, and reported a price that will enable me to pay $4,90 � - -
them carefully and correctly kept.'- for- a car of choice Indiana beeves,' and I Keeps the head Clean I and. Free
. :� We bavo'in- our ceilar and in the shelves' a heavy L19coo
They were attested in accordance with hearing this there 'was a rush for the i f rom Dand I -
the report. Rev. Mr. Gallagher was in- young married couple, and the bride Stock of Cottons, Sheetings, �Slhirfino,s Cottonades, . — I
vited to sit as correspondin member. � - fell into the arms ' b ) Cures Irritation & Itching of the Scalp.
of fier father', which -is Tickings, Linens, Grain Bags,. Carpet Warps, Flan-
Mr. Robert F. Cameron, of Unbrook, known to bear a itriking resemblance to . . els, Blankets, &c. - .Lots of goods, and at figures Gives a bea � utiful glow I and perfume to the
applied to be certified as a candidate, A , Connecticut ox weighing - 1875 1 w down for cash. 'Come and see. I I Mir, produces a new grow�h, and will stop the
� . with a view to study for the ministry. Pounds. The market here took an up- � failing out in a few days. JWill not soll the skin
A committee was appointed to confer ward turn, and the guests, who number- . � . � or the most delicate headdress.
� - . �
with Mr. Cameron, who reported favor- ed about 200, were served with a sump- I . I � . I . ;
ably, and the Clerk was instructed to tuous. dinner at the house of the bride." - -FIML ]DIRIMONS WFrH RACH BOTMX..
certify him in accordance with the re- New. York Times. - . , EDWARD MC'FAUL,,
port. The Rev. Mr. Howie's fesigu,a- — I . . � TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED.
. . tion was considered. A communication A Joke on General Fisk.' � I I �. . I .
. I . I Price, 50 cents per bott ( I .
from Mr: Howie, regarding his absence, Major Ford H. Rogers tells an amus- . I SEAFORTH. .. - I Refu ie all Substitutes.
I I was read. Mr. George Crooks appeared in .'Iecdote of the late General Clinton . I : —
issioner from the congregation B�Fsisk. The General was addressing, l- I 1� I
ag Comm . . - . . SOLE AGENTS PC R CANADA,
I and presented., a resolution of the con- a Sunday School Convention. One of . i
, . . I � � �
i gregationq','ex ressing high appreciation the speakers had reminded the children I � . H. ,
. - .
I of Mr. Howie a ministerial services, and that it was Washingtou's birthda ' . i
. . Y.
strong attachrient.to their pastor. Mr. "Children," Said General Fisk, "you . . I I . �. Chemist and Druggist,150 King St., West,
. Strachan also opoke in similar terrns of all know that Washington was a Gen- - I . I . .. I HAMILT - ONTARIO.
L Mr. Howie. After several members had eral. Perhaps you know that I am also ON, - 1�'
� �
I spoken, it was agreed that the resigna- a General. Now, can any one tell what . Sold by J, S. U0BERTS, Seaforth.
I tion be accepted-, and that it take effect was the difference between General A BUSINESS, OHA NGEN --------- � I
I o6jhe last SabbAth of this month. Mr. Washington. and myself?" . . — � . � . R 1: (Z)
. I . (DMTr-V-A-T- I
I McNabb was �appointed to 'preach in " I know, air,1" piped a am -all boy in . 4 . � I I �
Knox church, Brussels, on the first the back part of the room. .
- Sabbath in October and declare the " Well, wbai wa8i' the difference ?" Mutual Stock
. charge vacant. Mr. Forrest was .ap- said General Fisk, smiling at the lad's NEN�r MEN IN AN OU) STANIX L Ve ,
I 'pointed interim Moderator of Session. eagerness. - I
. . � � INSURAN�CE C.O.-
� f6 � .
The pulpit supply was left in the hsnds George Washington couldn't tell a I i . - . . � .
of the Session till December. ' The l,i6, air, " cried the boy in exultant tonns. 4 IR.-BEATTIE &,:CO.
. - Head Ofnic �: Seafo.rth.
Piesbytery agreed'to apply to the Pro- Screams of laughter followed, in which q I
bationers' Committee to supply the the General joined as heartily as the Have pu chased- the store, dwelling and stock of Mi. James McGinnis ' . THE ONLY Live Stock insurance Company-
' ' '
charge in December. Mr. Forrest was rest. -Detroit Tribune. in Seafo4b, and hope to recelive a continuance of the liberal patronage in Ontario having a Government Deposit, and
I I -
: instructed to communicate with Proba- ; � being duly licensed by the same. Are now
I . so long e tended to their predecessor. . They intend making it . - Insur
. I � carrying on the business of Live StocK -
� tioners' Committee anent supply. Mr. - Live Stock in California. . � . ! - ance gnd tiolicit the patronage of the importers
Harris' ' resignation having- been accept- In his recent exhaustive "- History of f ' and breeders of the Province..
. ed, Mr. McLennan was appointed Californ�ia'� Mr. Bancroft, the eminent Real Inieresting as Well as - Profitabk for .CUStOMeN. For furtherparticula" ! address
. Moderator. Mr. Sutherland, Convenor historian of the Pacific coast, gives a I
. . i 11 I JOHN AVERY, Sec.-Treag.
of Committee, reported regarding the 'long history of the live stock interests I � - 1164 - - i I
manner in -which the Presbyterial Visi- of the State It appears thatthe nom- They bav added a fine new collection: of Sugars, Teas,'Canned Goods, i --
. . I I
tation scheme might be worked. . The ber of horned cattle there increased f�om. and all kinds of Spices. Also' a full line of I nd
I report was received, and after some dis- 262,000 in 1850 to 2,000,000 in 1862. 1 't , For CRAMPS) COLIC, a
cussion it was agreed to defer further Then came a' series of disastrous � . I
consideration, till next meeting. Mr. droughts, with the results that in 1870 ' all Bowel Tr6ubles, use
Hartley gave notice of motion to recon- the cattle numbered but 631,000. .Even i G
� � - .
I Bider the motion passed at-lastmeeting in 1889 there were only about 725,000. . I . I I
We �Ivill also carry or, the Pork acking Business extensively this .1
. regarding Presbyterial VEsitation. Mr. Of these 260,000 were milch'cows, and ; � - ..
I iw his motion to the production of b�tter amounted to fall, and *ill - I - . - . � . I
: changethe system of appointing Com- 17 1 000,000 pounds, while that of che�se I . .. � . 11 '.. I
nilissioners to the General Assembly. It was domputed at3,000,000.* Sheeprais- ..
waaagreedtabolda Presbyterial Sab, ingha8 been more successful. The Pay t e Highest Cash Price for Dressed Hogs - %* --
I bat,h School Convention in Wingharn on whole number of * sheep in California .. � . . . . . I . - . I
the last Tuesday and Wednesday in Oc- last year was 4,000,000, three-fourths I I Used both internally and externally
I tober. Mr. McLennan and Mr. J. Mc- of wh . ich were high-grade -Merinos. We !are meeting the hard times. more than half. way _by giving It.,wts qlliokly,affarding almost instair
Bain were appointed to audit the Treas- . I FIVEPbUNDS OF TEA FOR 25 CENTS. � . . . . relief from tile severest pain.
urer's books and report to the next The wool clip in 1880 reached �3,000 1 - . � BE SURE to GET THE GENU.INE
tons, after which, however, it de- ! ^ ' ' I .1 . . I
l meeting. The Preabytery agreed to ap- clined. The average price of California Give us a call; it will pay. Far Remember the -place, first door � . 25c P r, bottle.
ply to the Home Mission Committee for wool for a dozen years has exceeded 19 south of :ffawkshaw's Hotel, Main Street, Seafortb. � I � -- 2C 01 , a
. $500'for Dungannon and Port Albert, as cents a pound. The Spn�nish horse, in- � wwwwarow
supplement to stipend for this year, and ' I . ' INED I
trosiuced by Cortez into Mexico and : MEDICINE and -F()�?D COMB
I reaffirmed their application Of last thence into California, is neither honest ! R. BEATTIE & 006 I :
I March in behalf of Belgrave, Laugaide I I . AL
� nor gentle. It is small and deficient in . . PM. ULO
sm,",,, cmok
- and Pine River. Sessions were enjoined strength and beauty, and little fitted COMFORTING. ".01"Ift""lam-fffte �
to make arrangements for holding mis- for cart or plow. Through admixture - , tlyl, 1 , r I IA;,L-
- . I VF COD LItIER 0E, 'k - -AmpSr�,DA.
I ook Cold, �
� sionary meetings, and report at the with the larger, stronger, and finer EPPS'S COCOA& 11 t Increases Weight,SirengfaenS LUngfi-
I American breeds the' native -mustang - and Ne ve-a-
March meeting. The Clerk was in- . . - I took Sick , i . T '
, . Btructed to make out an estimate of the stock was, by 1888, reduced to less than "Byath ough irnowledge of the natural laws I TOOK I Price 50c. and $110 per Bottle.
amount each congregation is expected to 0 on I nd , � I .
a fourth of -the 237,700 shown- by the which govern. the operations of digesti a -WEEMEMUMEMM1141 il� I
contribute for the 9chemes of the church, census of 1880. ' The same. census nutrition, an! by a careful application of the ! �
: on the basis of families. Mr. John N. - placed the number of mules'and asses at fine properties -of well -selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps ' � I ic Speakers use
KneGhtel, a member of Knox church hasprovidedlour breakfagttableB with& delicate- sco T'S'.
I , 28,300. Draft oxen are scarcely at all ly flavored beverage which may save us many - SPFINC PIS
. Brussels, applied to be received as a lay used. We may add that the number of heavy doctor 'bills. It is by the judicious use
catechist. A committee, consisting of swine increased from 2,700 in 1850 to of.such articles of diet that a constitution may -Chlo=ine Pastilles
I Messrs. MoQuarrie, Sutherlandi McDon- 6031500 i I n 1880. be gradually built up until strong enough to re- For Clearing and Strengthening the voice.
I ald. and Geddes, was appointed to c6n- 1. 0 - � slat every twidency to disease'. Hundreds of ,, Care Hoarseness and'Spreness of Throat.
I - subtle ni &lad Rs are floating around us r6ady to 1 E - Price -25c per bottle.
fer with Mr. Knechtel and report to Backwoods Hotel Accommo- attack wherever there is a weak point. Wemay . RESULT: I .tion to Druggists.
! .
. next meeting. Messrs. Sutherland and I escape many a fatal shaft by keeping 0�rqelves . Sample free on applicA I
. I Mcqueen and their Presbytery Elders dations. , well fortified withj� re blood and a properly 31 talke N xeals-v = �r �111 �
� I This happened away in the backwood nourished "f�ame. - 'Oftil Service G4sette." � I .
were appointed a committee to consider . a Made i5implymith' boiling wa�er or m1bi. Sold I t3emy -ROw TO. MOTHERS
� .
the remit on deceiised wife's -sister and of Arkansas.. A tourist going over the only in packeti by grocers, labelled thus: AND I AM VIG6R'OUS ENOUGH TO TAXE
I report to next 0 . eeting. Messrs. Me- State on horseback stopped for -the JAMES EPPS & CO., HomoBopathic cRemists, ANYTHING I CAN LAY 14Y HANDS ON;
, Quarrie, tfartley,- �and their Presbytery night at one of the popular hotels -of a London, England. . 1041-62 . I PALMO-- TAR SOH
Elders were appointed to consider the certain locality. -The hotel happened � — I etting fat too, FOR . 18 Bath, Toilet or-
remit on regulations regarding aged and- Ao be a log and slab,affair of three - .A. Severe- Attack. T . fm-ulsion of Pure Cod Liver Is IndispenRable for tl
. infi�m ministers' tund and report at next rooms and the a . a,me . number of beds, I never felt'better in'my life than sincL I used .and HypophosphitesofLime Wurgery, for cleaning th, 3 Scalp or Skin.
. -
Burdr ek Blood Bitters.. I had a severe ,billious S6da NOT ONLY CURED MY THE BEST BAB rs' soAp nawg-
meetlng. The'6 t meeting will be while the,proprictor was the proud par- Price 126C.
ex w" unable ient Cons' tion BuT Bun.T
held at Wingh ! ent of nine woolly looking sons under attack, I could not eat f or- days and UMP %
- am, on Decerubgr 9th. to work. One bottle cur�d me. For billions ME UP, AND IS NOW -PUTTING �- - I ,��
- J. M cNABB, I twelve years of age. After a sup- ills use B. B. B. . - 1
, - j611-4 m. J�IcIIARDs, Tara, Ontario. y recommend
Presbytery Clerk. per of '"hog and-hom'ny " the following I . FLESH ON MY BONES Physicians sriror�
� ' I . I I
� � occurred between the host and one of - - AT THE RATE OF A FOUND A DAY. I
I .
� The Hog Not a Mormon. n Peril. i I TAKE ITJUST AS EASILY AS I DO MUX. " Wye S act,
i Oft I I [�
his t�oys: I , qu
in National I I Come, Billy, get the broom straws," IVES of children are often endang�red by scotes Emulsion Is put up only In SaImm u d)
i Mr. J. M. Stewart, � To atient8 a (3 ir g101rom nervous cixhaua-
5 Nine broo t a%, of unequal .1--.jngth L sudden'and fviolent attacks of obolera, color wrappers. Sold by all Druggists a&
� Stockman, says - " The beat thing I n "' r 50c. and $1.00. Lion; to i t)ro til Ailpetitc, to assist Di -
i o were proolu- )-,.d b y illy. The father hid 6holera morbus, diarrhoea, dysentery, and bow(d � . I 11q-
; t * , gestion, a valu e " i ' '
. see about the hog is that he objects to them in b is and in- such ,a manner that complaints. , A reasonable and cer ain 1precau- SCOTT &� B 0 WNE, ,Oel&vUle. . .40 cents p '- .
,6r bottle.,
being a Mormon.' and when you confine . * I tion is to ke;ep Dr. Fowler's Extract 6f Wild ob,-- 4-------�� . I
. . him in a house (let it be ever so'fine) only an end f each straw could be seen. Strawberry 41ways on hand. . I I - . I . I - ��
� Then each b y drew a straw. I
I with a crowd of other hogs, he will 'I I Ha, ha I ' said the merry parent I The most satisfactory B OODrURIFIE]Rls
I hold his head down, lose his appetite. .' ill, you an' Buck an' Lige R'ad These Lines. LLAN- LINE. . F I
. jovially. 11 A
I sicken and die. But put him in a sheep 1 to 2 bottle2 B. B. B. will cure Headache. I AL
. git the short ones." I 1 to 2 bottlO of B. B. B will cure Biliou8ness. ROYAL 11AIL STEAMSHIPS, Channing s Sw .apardla,
shed, where all the manure is out, and I
. " What do a that mean ?" asked the I to 4 bottleo of B. B. B. will cure Constipation. It la a Grand HEAI�H P,ESTORER
allow him the run of the sheep yard and amused guest, whose look of amusement I to 4 bottleO of B. B. B. will cure Dy-spepsia. CHEAP EXCURSIONS TO EUROPE. e; -
all the water he will drink, and he will 1 to 6 bottled of B. B. B. will cure Bad Blood. . Will cure the worst form of skin diseas wffl
I faded �awa when his host said : i to 6 bottlO of B. B. B. will cure Scrof ula. MONTREAL OR QUEBEC,
z use up all the apples, potatoes and corn i y . I I euxe-Rhoumatism; will ctl,ra;�alt Rheum.
. 11 Mean ? Why, that's a little way in any case elief will be had from the first few
I you will give him, and in return for ' � . TO DEARY OP. LIVERPOOL. I'arge ]Bott, ; �e--:a. $1.00.
I your kindness will give you back about we have o' settlin' which three of lem doses. , � mwwmm� C.kBiN RATES $4d, $60 and 8-60 Single ,11"95,$100 ----- !— -= I
shall sleep with any gent that happens . and .$115 Returni according to location of --- �
I four pounds of pork a day on an aver- to. stop over night with us. I 'spect Yor .. F4rin, Moosomin, Staterooms. I � N'S
I age,, which will aell at 4� to 5 cents per yqu'll find Buck 'an' Bill an' Lige N. W. T. . Per SS. PARISIIN'l $50, %0, $80 single; $100, , ALLP.
- . -pound. � He will not object to stop mighty lively bed -fellers om this fertile- -district, Mr. G. F. $110,$150 return. L �
of middling4 -or bran, and is very fond , but don't you Writing frc a severe attack of NO CATTLE CARRIED. � N LSAM
(1, lark, sayE 181 had i 5-30. Return, $W.
of a lump of, rock salt, which should �be af ecred to give 'em a w armi n' up with d iarrhoea, b,. t N%:a quickl� cured by using Dr. INTE1thr1EDIAtE,, L U G PTION, Z .
- lboot or a bed slat if they git to . .
always be in - his parlar, near his e asy your , . r owlees pract of Wild Strawberry. . Steerage at lowest rates. For CONSUN
trainin' too high. -Go 'long boys an' i MEWWWNEMMENNEWM� Apply to If. & A. ALLAN, 'Rontreal, or C. �oughg, neglected ColdF Bronchitis, Astlima-
,,chair. A few bushels of slack or char- , - BETHUNE or A. STRONG, Seaforth. .tnd all disemies of the Lungs. ,
coal. is a great treat to him, and it helps *pile in' with this gent, and mind that Itch Mat and Scratches of every kind, on I . 1168-62 In three sized bottle 50c, and $1.60. ']
you behave yourselves. "-Detroit Free h u rn a'n' aniwals, cured in 30 minutes by -- --- . I
I ----
him keep his digestive organs in good _ ,
. Ptess.� Woolfol anitary Ution. This never fails. . -
� or so of coperas and Sold by T. S 1 Roberts, Scaforth. 118G52 :0';c't'-�-'449�.e--N"-:,"-'g*:"��'%'-'- '-;� 4� - I .
0 � . 4t,
. shape. A po and � � I Ird "' ' . ID �, ��-m w` 0,,-�'e, %� , , i I
. . - I - -- ,- - L4 0 'k, ' $�j,vA'-v`--' -; ' ,. I,'.,, FO A
. I sur�hur in one end of the trough will . , �11, ,rf, - - .. I iR HEADACHE I NEURALGIA,
.U,�ited After Fift'y Years. . I r .. .,. � .J � k� . -
'I! , -
. keep off lice and other vermin, and also , moves all".hard, r, ..� " 'Jt� , -1. .",
� . Quite a romantic wedding took place English Spavin '.Lminient re Q I .... � . � .414 :%, -..-� -
F A i4
ward off disease." - recently in Bowie, a town a few mile softor calloused 1umps and Blemiehes from I 0 ,� I.` ,c, r , , a
i , - - horses, Blocol SpAvin, Curbs; Splints, Ring Bone, I t", �'4 1 lk ! I
11 , - V.
� Gainesville, Texas. Over 50 Wfles. SpraiqB, Sore and Swollen - 9 I �-' I v)
� West - of Sweeney, E 3I ,;.� I am I
I Saved By A Proof -Reader. years ago a young couple ktiew each Throat, Cmighs, etc. Save $50 by use of one 1. 1. "' y. T �-, - - -- -
I , I . . � ;" Tic, * Stitches,'
I I . . %6,.:�2.,-e�--. For Lumbago. Sciatica. r'Cvicks q
I aper office other in one of the Eastern States and bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish , I ,� Rheumatic Pa s and ChroM4 Rheumatism .
I In a certain Western newsp . I Cure ever known. Sold'by J. S. Roberts, sea- ' "' J. tight tin box. 25C.
� the gentleman whose business it is to re- were engaged to be married. The lady's forih 1 118062 WI.LL P0'::A)9V1E-*LY C-131-1'-7 r. Each plaster in an al, i
� -- I- I - -
. - --ord the fluctuations of the live, stock parents objected and Lient her to Europe, . � M� : - I ej, -� .. 1!1 � I
I - � .
. � S n.� 1j, p � 11 -
. from the young man .where, after remaining some years, she - Ll plr,, 11 ;;,,-- I i - � .-
market Bits across UFSSRS. C. C. RICHARDS & CO. 11 il N U . R, I 1i �. U I ,,, - ,,�,) 0 WY Lilct
I � -0 %.W
I to whose lot it falls to report wedding married and finally came to Texas, Gents, -1 have used y-pur .MINARD'S LiNi- "". hrrn I * ETW ..
. MENT sucedssfulb, in a serious (,ase of croup in . . FJ* . ,
� Zeremonies. Both are graphic writers settling :in this country. with her hus- 6mi!y. it, fact I consider it a reniedy no Bewel cdmpfai�ntsl . r .... BEEP, IRON AND WINE.
I and enjoy that latitude of expression -band, who has ,since. died. The gentle- my fn hould be without. � - � ";T For Pallor, We -ness,
homes I ..) -
I . J,: -�
I - characteristic of Western journalism. man to whom she was first engaged � - t J. F. CUNNING11AIM. - I � . . ?, . I Falpi 16 ion ot the Heart.
� . Both us6 the same kind of paper, and went,' sooi� after the departure of his Cape Island. I , '. , . I
. I I .., io;,.-L�,.j*.,1,.- ; -', Valuable Restorative f 01T Co va eseqnts. .
- . .
their penmanship is not unlike. intended bride, to Indiana, then the far SO SAY ALL. -That )JUNARD'S LINIMENT is sum rvirt, 1EF1 Pf�,;:*- , r, Combines Nutrimqpt with Stimulus
]Not long ago the wedding reporter West, where 'he settled and has since I ,1,1 T r gg- Be caxeful to ask for WY � T11 S. the only GEul4uwa
the stan(i ard liniment of t lie day, as it does just KEErP A �3C,,-' [-I. - - � linm=��
was suddenly called out of the office and resided. what it is represented to'do. . T 1-i E � i ( --I ". '-'75 -* I . �
left in the -middle of the table several About a year- ago this once -engaged - - � - - . .
, a paper . on which there was a couple learned of . each other's where - ' *" . I - , Lt.,, - ,:, DAVIS & LAWR NCE CO. Lim,
heets of Minard'g Liniment cures dandruff. ---U��.- - . �
' �
- description of a fashionable wedding. &bout ndence was I . SO L D B Y A L L D E --%-!" �- " MONT' I E
. I These sheets were gathereA tip by the opened. The old flame which once minard'8 Uniwent is the best. . , neral Agents
� live stock griter when he had finished burned in their hearts was rekindled, . . I 11. Proprietoirs or . e
. The Tuckersmith Cider Mi . -Fol MOST O�, THE POPULAR
his report, and tile two stories becarne and as a result the old gentleman arriv- I
. i 'INfinard'8 Liniment cures diphtheria. � !
inixed. This is what the zealous care of ed from Indiana and hasty preparations I , ill Ppopriefary or Pha�m' aceulical Medicines,
� ' -- . . PPER [will ba%-� -his Cider M . L
. of reader, 16,te in the evening, %vere made for th-e.wedding, which took ,
a pro . ' - Toilet Articlos iwd Perfumery.
. saved from reach �ng the public eye : place in the Episcopal church in -Bowie, Minard's Liniment for RhewnaW . m. ready for work by th�l 20th inst., and will be pre i
I , --- -� pared on and after that date to 'take in any
- ' - - . (lu"tity of apples a�ffl the I
. 'The church was elaborately decorated Rev. Mr. Yelton, the P%stlor, officiat- Cheap, trAsh'y Baking Po -.-der must go. lin- convert thern into the I
with holly and evergreen, and tile altar ing. . . � I perial Creatil Tartar Bi - king Powder is pure and most d.elicious fresh cider. Parfies bringing
I have the cider home with them. It
ea.1th of flowers. Out News of the intendpd marriaae had -reliable it is,inade of best Crystal Cream ;� rtar I apples can . if pai 61 8eaforth Roller Mills.
waa hidden in a W 0 and Enj.li,ih soda. All grocers sell it. would oblige,mr. PE�pper i -tiea would brin- !
of tke recesses rose rare tropical plants, leaked cat and the church was filled to .. their apples in the.afternoon if pos8iblc. Terms I -
I - - Cider mill on Lot 36, Con-
I and from the ceiling hung� fifteen West- o-erflowing with an eager,expectant �- — ". reasonable as usual. rith. A'kettle for Gristing, Ch6pping and Ex-
' c R. S., Tuckersi .
. � ular . F' cts and Figures. eE8ion 3, L., er day-
� ern veals, which v.t this time of the year crowd. At tbe conclusion of the reg . 14. boilin�f cider will be rented for 35 cents p promptly attended to and
I are scarce and correspondingly dear al. services Mr, Williams and Iiis intended 110USANDS of people hto,e been mired arid ROGER PWPER. - 1187xs , ange
I .
from 6 to, 7�, cents per pound. There bride, Mrs. Barnes, entered the churen, T thoutakds will be cured by the use of Bur- I -- - best of satisfactiali guaranteed. -
where they dock P,I,00d 111itten, the best rewedy for billious- . Wheat
wati also an active demand for choice walked to the alter, ' were ness, dy�pepbia, con-�tipation, bad blood, lost 9S Cash for any qua�tity of good
I lambs, and farmers east of the Mi886- naet by the rn , ister, and were joined in , Afillions of bottles have been sold amd Barley.
I I appetite, etc. I
marriaue. TrayAre each over 70 years and all ha%le.gk,en satisfaction. Feed of 411 kinds for sale. Arrange-
Eippi river can profitably turn to sheep 0 - . mur" U N ,
raiaing and take the bride, who wore a 4 and will reside in Texas in future, both I I -- - . Inenta are made for regular -%rrivals of
gown of white � colored silk,a creation being qu]Le wealthy. The Deadlit- st of Serpents. " Manitoba wheat and very best of flour
of Nlvlorth's, with pearl ornaments. . - The cobm deAroys leEs life iti the aggregate %& can be obtaine(� -
"Then came the maid Of honor, the -The prohlbition Ia*w went into ef. �ra mor- "Al "mm"k I N so% Busin s8 conduated o
I th-in the various fornis of cholera, chole n cash terms..
4U y
. 6
2 5.
L i. -1i
I ki. K
A 44t; I Lai
, I
, i
cousin of the bride, Miss Henrietta feet on Wednesday, 3rd inst., in Dead- bus, cholf-ra infantinti, -ciiarrhoea, dysentew, P 41WA W 9=k � ZEMPA "
. I xvoA South 1)4tkota, but the saloons c,ampe, colic, etc. .Nicrta)iw in Callada frout W '" Yours Truly, �
Blower, of Mie&go wearing a dress of i Moff �
3 I ! these cauges ii X., -ht owin�f t-) the "'(111cral use I
. diamond ornaments, kept lopen in defidnce.., Trirty-eigbt s E'xtractof NvildStnawl)erry, U U L " W. K .
white tulLe with f Dr, Fowler' i WDE & CO.
I Aiid she was followed by a small bunch saloons were seired by the Sheriff. In- 1 'which is\ -an unfailing specific for all 'bowel J �
� tense'excitement prevails. I eorw1aints. � TO r PrInV-PS REST FPIFNB 113M
-of Montana sheep, which bleated most I I , ,, h ;
. �
. -
. . I ..
- �
I . . I
I .T �
. �t- �- I . .
I �
� - . : � � - - . - I
� - I -- -1 - I—. 1, - - . � . � - - . . . - . � .. . - . I .11 - I—- -- , ,,----.---- - -...------1--1- - . -..--.- -1- --1.11-11 ;--..-,-,--. -1---- --------- —�
; . -
- I .
IK �
,night!s Blood Cure.
I . �
ASTANDARD household remedy in sucasse.
, ful use more than 40 yeam A ,positive
cur for Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Nervous Prostra- , I
t Constipation and all diseases of the Blood, .
8 Lo 11ach and Live.-. -
. Unequalled for Producing a Clear
, .Complexion.
A I botanical compound, put up in packages
and! Eent by mail at one third the cost of ordin.
ary �medicine. Large packages; tiufficient for 8
atts, $1.00 .*half size nackwres slifficien+ for
- 1q11k1jj;;1jj1!: Spi 7
,� V Uts, 50c.; sample packages, 25c.
. A ireliable Agent wanted in this locality-
� i
i 1183,-62 1
: 252 Broadway, Xew York.
� �
-1 �
" - H"alsted & Scott, I
I � �
� �
-Because so s3*.*mple* 1 :B.A.1%T--2C--P,1=;L;S
t I . 15
I . .
Joslepaine street,.Wingham,Ont I
t's safe to dye wittl , .
I J. A'. HALSTED, Mount Forest.
A � X. W. SCOT1% Listowel.
Deposits-recei7ved and Interest *1
reliablee lowed... I
No�Ley adVaneed to Farmers and BUld-
I- mess Men,
On! long or abort time, on endorsed notes of
I collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair
with Diamomd Dy'es ,valuation. 'Money remitted to all parts of
- . Canada at reasonable charges.
iecause the strongestf 8,becial Attoition given to collecting
. lotes and Accounts. -- .
. .
. I Agents in Canada—Thle Merchants �
It's Pleasant 11,o dye Bank of Candda. I -
OfFice hoars—Frolu 9 a. m. to 6 P. ni.
. .
., � A. E. SMI]CH, Agent . ....
fail* . 1164-52 -
. �
- - - N. W. Telegraph Co.
p . G. .
.ou ought to. dye witl , � -
. �
Diamo-nd Dyes*. :
Direct duplicate wires to all principal points;
s,t4. oftes everywhere; pron't, and reliable service;
I I- . connects with Western I , on Telegraph Com-
�, pa4y to all parts of United States, and with
Our new book " Successful I -ionic Dyeing " givir.l. cables to all parts of the world; money orders .
. by telegraph; use the best.
,11 directions for all uses of Dianiond Dyes, ,ent fre .
1, applicadon. Dia -mond Dyes are --old everywher-O � .
-� any color mailed on receipt of price,- io cenL, ; CANADIAN EXPRESS CO.
fzLLs, RicHARDSON & CO., Montreal, Que- - Offices at all railroad points; forward . mer-
- . . chandise, money and ackages of every descrip-
tion.- collect notes, Nratts, acemnts, &a. Re-
. mitters of money secur0l against loss, and the -
charge for transmission is very low. Produce .
Seafo'rtll. Dairy, for merchandise requiring protection from heat
or cold, will have our best attention.
; . .
. ILLE, Agent. 1
1.160 W.. S 0 M E RVI
Having purchased the Dairy Business I I
from Mr. Roderick Grey, I beg to solicit a con- I
tinuance of the P3.tronage which he has re- I I
. i 4
ceived in the past. With the advantages I � I.N, ", ., 1, I!f ,
i 16�,-, �, �\\, S ,
have in my refrigerator and situation, I hope to ',Q.'� lit , 1�', I I
- .. .- .,
Q, ��:',;_� 11 .
be able to give my cuatomers satisfaction as to q .-1.34�
quality of mUk even in the v, ry hot weather. i *-:�-,-.,,�') , I I
I -, , - . if
z. It I
.=� `
I I �11 ��,
*��7�� ', �01
- -1 Xfl.- -
Realizing that the cash system id the mogt ��::---,-,�%-:k
.. �� .1
., ,,,, !�, , �,
just and satisfactory to all concerned, I have 7. :�,,,
. Z,.",��' - I -
-Z;". -
. .
decided to sell for cash only. I , ., �-tl-,.i - �� I
I , Z-1, ., -, "". . , - I �
, ,
I - -, �
'�,'�,' t NJ— I
zx�\ '7 ",
sar Tickets supplied at red ,need rates It ." .... A -
),. - --. �� �.
' ,� . -
1171 D-. D. WILSON. .
- I 1-� P. ,q F31 4" . � L' S I
- ,
� "-M (fV, -IM AVOID ALL lij.,TA � f--4. R I �n
, "
11E DS. I
It W-4- I` , all
k, -- . mi" I , �, , L I
-- 4 A * -4 I
z ,
- "I ; ,!� U � k )) ) -
3 ,
. 1�� �r I �
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.a -- -A�� - Z, X- 14'..P -P I 9,
0ore, Eyes A. �,� r,� -n --,
" -1 � -1 ..
Z ,.J� (� , IN ,
\1 tarrh . �il . . -
� I 0, arii a -
I .
.!-Nd I
- z.:,. t
. -il!
.Z-- �:..
-ameness --::�t_-- .. 10 , t
.. ..
,- . - I . �
� f
- . I
. 111
emale I I Tb e Great Purifier
L . — OF THE — - I
% VH� I
I I - I I .
% 4,im= -
)oreness . f WTIM
F----1m1LE Of
) rains WRAPPER. I THE Bir"t L MILLS � 11 .. - �
%�7 1 �-,
' I . ) .
I Ana I -1-6 11 - I
A C& r-- *% F, Ift- " Is A �
1 T ;
I �
� - ---
. I
kuises . b � I'll �
.. The above mills have now been thoroughly _ LLL
I ,11 -
% built upon the complete I
. LL
)calds is ULN L � �i
. �
- I
5iles - . . #-
The MUI and Storehouse Buildings havd been . �
� �
- greatly enlarged, and now machinery applied �
3urns ., ti throughout. I - �
. ��
Younds JUITRACT i .�
I �, I
: - � —AND— 1-- �
nsect �
- -
3ites — Flour Dressin ' Machines .
— . 9 � I
1% a . . - :, I . I I
� I
. I
I �
Aings '.. From the best Manufacturing Firms have been IL.
. - " Is L
1% I � 't In, and everything necessary added to enabl
. .
rej to turn out flour . I I
- I � . ,
)ore Feet � �
� :
- : .
- �
. �
: -
� I ,
. 11
� L
i 1.
and I ' �
n the Dominion. The facillt.es for reaebing I
from farmers and for elevating and -shipping I
IEMORRHAGES iavlen- . � .
. also deen extensively improved. Grain can I t
- . now A taken from farmers' wagons, welghed, I-
and loided into cars at the, rate of 700 bushels I .
- ,4-
a per hour, by the work of two men. � .
. I
ALL �� .1 I �11
MI � I � I
! �
:) RIGHT KILND. DONO' : —FOPI— '.. �
I �
. A I �
- CHARLES DODDS, Councillor, Ward 4, Sea- I Cash fQr any Quantity or - i
. forth I -1
, ,
JOHN C. 1101tRISON, Clerk, Winthrop. i T7heat- . I
SOLO110IN J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Win- - * I � - i
, .
throp. I
FLOBERT G. itoss, Asse,4E-qr, Winthrop, APPLE BARRELS -
APA�l HAYS. Collector, Szaforth- th. —
DR. SMITH 3�eaical 11(-�.lib Officer, Seafor � 11,
I I Inspector, Lead . I -
u I - 4, i
154 FOR SALE- -- �, � -11
-rlt �
S used inowhhy by
over 10,000 ladl are,safe, pleasant.
L sure In effect; a W8 treatest fr4end
. I at home or abroad; rbox1)vM;Afi
or 3�rom druggist VaIrld nartfci��fi
2c, stamp. Aydr�b., 'TIZOLr, YXICIL
1Kr.RE"(;11kJ1L,L1,-(, 22
Sold by LUMSDEN & WILSON- Chc"'OLS a"'
Druggist--, SesfOrth Ont. 1121 -*2
u-. :irst-claw and obligin men will be kep6 I - .
9 _ - I - I ,
i. I
att�ud custc,mers. 'Ine 111)OMI Patronge of ;- ,
I �i.ers and generailtrad,-r"pecUu;l�'EOL'dtOd- - � I
: � - . - I
I i I I
i .1
i ! A. W. OGILVIE &,00., � - �-. '. I
I � I - .
. � � . I
I -
-1 i-,.",
. �
� 1
. !�
� .
: - - :
� I
�, -�
7 -- .
--# . I
� ,
0 i
� ,
� �
- I �
I'JU0 I kilvi %.It F-1 %-J F- F- I %A
9 .
Has been put In, and the -necessary machinery for
�- � - �
� I
, - .
V, .
. I
handling chol? and oo&rse grains. .
. 1� I - �,
� I
- . I
i. 1%4 t
A good shed has been erected, so wagons
can be unload -A and reloaded under cover.
. .
. � �
�� - I
I i
�., 11 .
� --- �'
I " - -
., . �
I .
I I � -1
-*--._ ... �
- - --
- -- - -
Promptly Attended to, a -nd - .
- I I
: I
�. I � V
11 ,
. .
A CHESTER WHITE PIG, -The underol nod
during the seagowbn Lot
� i
I �
:.. I
3 I I
tV will keep present
Th -or
. I
I .
; 1 J
21, Concession 2, L. R. S. Tuckeremith a
ough Bred Chester White Pig to which a limited
. � 'I
) �
-4 -
number of sows will be taken. This - P-14. was
� : - .- 1
' , I
farrowed on May 16th, 1887, was bred byl� S.
( loungr, Obio,bne of
Todd, of Wake.Tan, 3 . I
0 S.T!C)M& -
� r: 1 4
.� 4 I I
. the most e ive and reliable breedere
in the United States. This Pig has also taken
Chopped satisfactorily and without delay.
- �
� . �
. I
� I
� �
� Z
first prizes whereever shown. Terms $1, PaY
� � .
: �
� 1
-able at the tirue of service, with the privilege of
� -
�- . --1
returning it necessary. GEORGE PJ,E'%VBS.
. 109-t.f.
, �
. .
� -
, . �
� .
McKillo Directory for 1890.
And all Idnds of
. � . . �
� �
- I �
. . - -
c .
JOHN BENNEWIES, ftecve, Dublin P. 0,
� z�� I
f- . �
'! -
?I , . -
JOHN MORRISON, DeputyReeve, Ward 3,
DANIEL MANLEY,Councillor,Ward 1, Beech.
! Constantly on band.
� -
� I
s. �
� i - -
JAMES EVAN'S, Councillor, Ward 2, Beech-
� .
laidheSt Market Price Paid in
I - I
-� s
f ,
-, i
- CHARLES DODDS, Councillor, Ward 4, Sea- I Cash fQr any Quantity or - i
. forth I -1
, ,
JOHN C. 1101tRISON, Clerk, Winthrop. i T7heat- . I
SOLO110IN J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Win- - * I � - i
, .
throp. I
FLOBERT G. itoss, Asse,4E-qr, Winthrop, APPLE BARRELS -
APA�l HAYS. Collector, Szaforth- th. —
DR. SMITH 3�eaical 11(-�.lib Officer, Seafor � 11,
I I Inspector, Lead . I -
u I - 4, i
154 FOR SALE- -- �, � -11
-rlt �
S used inowhhy by
over 10,000 ladl are,safe, pleasant.
L sure In effect; a W8 treatest fr4end
. I at home or abroad; rbox1)vM;Afi
or 3�rom druggist VaIrld nartfci��fi
2c, stamp. Aydr�b., 'TIZOLr, YXICIL
1Kr.RE"(;11kJ1L,L1,-(, 22
Sold by LUMSDEN & WILSON- Chc"'OLS a"'
Druggist--, SesfOrth Ont. 1121 -*2
u-. :irst-claw and obligin men will be kep6 I - .
9 _ - I - I ,
i. I
att�ud custc,mers. 'Ine 111)OMI Patronge of ;- ,
I �i.ers and generailtrad,-r"pecUu;l�'EOL'dtOd- - � I
: � - . - I
I i I I
i .1
i ! A. W. OGILVIE &,00., � - �-. '. I
I � I - .
. � � . I
I -
-1 i-,.",
. �
� 1
. !�
� .
: - - :
� I
�, -�
7 -- .
--# . I
� ,
0 i
� ,
� �
- I �