HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-09-19, Page 5 rr _ . _,-.-__-_-__1__-1_1 ". . . -
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SIPTEMIM 9) 1890. . I . I -1 . . I _. ., H N XPOSITORv I . I . I . 5 . .
11 . THE" URO I - !
101, __ I . L - __ __ I . I i
. .
. I
1 4!_W-!7__ i I - . I . I - I
I I . . .. , ; I
. *as, not right, and acceptably did duty #A accDmpsinist. THEM RKETS. very ample supply of lambol at the mark*4 OM % . . ANOTHER, . I
beia beat, given thlkt le found it w" The P6ck Brotfiers rendered s veral flne — . naturally prices were weak t from $8.80toscio I . . I - . .
060 le hmining . ekoh. Abunchof64 avoriging75 lbs,sold at' i i I .
6U the . 11 SZAFO I -
stons wasinum 10ir. Brt n , - of Exeter, musical selections. " The conceit proved AIFO a, Septautber 18th-, 1EM0 10 each ; a bunch of 75, i 6veraging 76 lbs. sold - ; I -
lillow, - . . I I the little snf - _ ver I g notwithstanding the I i I Customer whahas u se(i .
i. no at once summone an . y entertainir Fall Wheat per bushel i .... ... .. 0 93 to 0-96 t-$8.80 each ; a bunch of 2), averaging 76 lbs, ' - 11 f
k E, I ght. IT will recover. absence of M . Spring Wheat per busii ) .... .... 0 93 W 0 96 sold at 04.10 each - and a bunch of 17, averag- . -
Iston few put to rig I esers. Shane and! Watson. Oat# per bushel ...... L .......... 0 85 to 0 36 Ing so lb.j sold at J4 each. I Milch oowo--Were F LED U- P ' Mandrake Blood Bit- . - I
] . ,,Do Sunday evening of last week, as It was through t ,a enterprise of Mr. -Peas per buahel ....... I... ...... a sold at from Sm 0 $40each, Spring- I L ters says:. I was, sick -
Thos, - .Mr. James Tighe, '4f Hullett, was re- Baker that the oliday was had, and he per bushel.... - - - .. - - - - 0 48 to 0 60 ers—Good specimens brought from $50 to $65
from attending &urch in deserves speciai ,' = No. 1,looise... .. .. .... U 13 to 0 13 each ; tund secondarylgradets from $36 to $40 ' - I .
g on turning home , praise for the able way -Butter: tub .............. .. .... 0 13 to 0 14 each. Hogs—Storeg were *quoted at $4 60 per I . and dbetoring all. sum- . .
K on Wviich,,he had the biisfortune to have in which he ms'naged affairs. It is to E .....,.......... .. .... .... 0 16 to 0 16 cwt ;. miked at $4.76 ; arid good light fatlogs at qualities,.. shades .1
work, - ( . - ' With Velvets, Velvet Ribbons—all mer without any bene- .
his log broken. At the railway cross- ba- hoped that on another such. Occasion FFOPU;, per 100 tie ................ 2 90 to 2 90 from 0 to $6.25 per cwt. . -
got& ing inst out of that town, on the Huron we will have fair weather. On Satur. Haynow-perton........ ........ . I and widths; Lk Ribbons, Plug es, Dtess Buttons, . fit until I tried Maii - I .1 I I
chlef. ,,Oa,the horse took fright and .ran day evening Mrs. Johri Whiddon enter- Hides par 100 tit ................. 4 50 tn 6 00 Horse Makkets. Buckles and Slides, Hosiery, Woves and Corsets. , I .
I . Lamb Skins, each ............. L " " 0 40 to 0 65 I
mitolk ,,&Y,, throwing Mr. Tighe -into the tained the members' Of -the Committee,, pelts ......... ............ ...... 0 40 to 0 65 TORONTO,; Sept. 16.—Busiften Is very quiet, as The new Millinery is to hand, anA our Miss- SWbie * drake Blood Bitter&. - - .
k, J. jitch and breaking. his leg. all spending:& very-i-n*oyable time., ' Wool .......... ...... .......... 0 17 to 0 18 both buyers and sellers are holding back for the . . . . - I
Mrs. i _The Wingham, quoiters who oom- I 3 . I . Potatoes per bushel ............. 0 60to 0 50 large sale of next Week, At bleurs. Grand's re- is busy preparing for the opening, which will be on , - I am not through the .
letou, I Lucknow tournament . on -_ salt (retail) per barrel .. .... .. 1 26 to 1 26 pogitory to day only 16 animals were catalogued, ' Friday and Saturday, the 26th and 27th,inst. I
Dated at the Young Me . 2 60 to 8 00 of hich n t more than 10 sold at prim ranging : first bottle yet but feel,
It n, Don't Despise Wood per cord (long) ...... ,; - - - - . W . Z
reorge Weduesda,Y Of last weo:k were success , . . . . 00 from 9W t $116 each, All of these were gene- I I . . . like a new man. It is . I I :
U. A. ; Ing off honors. Wm. Me- r the -Old Farm. Wood per cord (short) .... .... -50 to 060 ral purpose horses. . . ; I - I
ful in, carry , Apples per bag .................. 0 1 . I
socitt, There is a growing restlessne .... I 1 --- - ____ ; . I I I
Cl mont took the first prize in the'heavy as among Clover Seed.. * ' .., ....... I I i splendid medicine for
the . young farme Timothy Seed. , ... I ... ; .... I ..... 1 SALE REGISTER. UL' I . :
f bat- - I WX a+ championship medal and reof this country. Not Pork, per 100 lbs ................. 5 76 to 6 00 . . - EDWARD McFA I . I the Stomach,Liver - d - .
I ,eight claw, I . all
riston. - . , I - content with their situation, they begin *_ at I --. I
S15; F. Paterson, second prize, $10; S. . I On Sal urday, September - 27th, . * . I . ' s - I I I
Em- ' _ ga,tt, fourth .prize, $5. There wexe to look for a fairer and better -land an CwN rox, September 18, 1890 o clock p m., in the Village of Dirich, , ` . I ' . . Kidney I - and alwaY% .
1Ag . - . .
. Mer- seven competitors in , the heavy weight soon as they arrive at manlibod. . The Fall Wheat per bushel .......... 95 1 valuable. property. E. - Bosoenberry, FORTH. I .
. I . . ' SEA i,v e s satisfaction..
I ,_ Geo. - - ,jag, and eleven in the light weights. old farm is left behind'fora cattle ranch,, Spring Wheat r. bushel.. . - - - - - 08 to 0'96 Auctione or; H. Roesei, Proptio-tor. . - , . I 9 " . .
I I I .... .... . 0 35 to 0 313 ,I) . .
maton, C -Oats per busher..... - On SAurday, Septemb r 27t, a C - L I I .
—The sale of the Schaefer estate,com- an orange gro, ,e, a cotton plantation, a 0 43 to 0 60 . . . -arge pint bottles 75c I .
- - Barley per bushel ...... .... .... I . I
Its, A. . ores of 1 farm and timber great wheat f irm, or for the factory arp, on Lot . -
I rjoing 500 a or Peas per bushel...... .... ...... 0 68 to 0 60 Wolock p m., sh 1, Conce9_1 . 0 '.. -
- I
Mitted 9nds in Grey ihip, took place at store in the gr at cities, and ihe happi- Butter................ ........... 0 12 to 0 13 sion 9 Morris, farm stock. A. W. . ) each. ' Easy t take. I
Johns- . I Brussels on We=ay of last week. ness and comfort of early ,life .on thp Eggs.................. ._ .-.,. 0 16 to 0 16 Slolin, pr oprietor; Hamilton & Kirby, 11 . a. Prompt ,to act. Ask,
, 6 00 to 5 I - - I - .
Johns- - Hi y per ton .............. ..... 60 Auctioneers. - — . - I
a great success. Four of farm is for a *hile forgotten. But the Potatoes per bushel ............ : o 60 to o 50 - - fot it at the Medical 1. I
lerner, The sale was e Hides per 100 U)@ ................ 4 50 to 5 00 On Friday, Septemb 3r 26, at I o'clock I .
, i . . the 100 acre lots'realized $3,200, $3,100, cha ces are th t the young man will se f
I I'llam . tively, -bein' " tily Cordwood.. . - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 00 to 3 00 TO RTH ` Hai -I. -
F. g a his mistake* so;ner or later and hear . In., sharp, on Lot 39, concenion 7, CARDNO BROS., SEAFO
N 1 100 and $950 respee 0 17 to 0 18 East Wawanosh, Farm Stock and Im- - I . . I .
- rayon . I of $8,350 or $1,150 more than wish himself back on the old homestead. wool per lb.%.-..... - .......... a
toi il Pork, per 100 His ... :' ............ . I I I I - . I L I -
Lgtone- . No class of men should becom plements. W. J. Martin, Proprietor; . I
, the, reserved bid on the 500 acres. e so attach- - - : . . . I a . L
2 1 --- - .
.-The Goder"ich Signal of last we constitutes their I . C. Hamilton, Auction er. 1. I I .
LrvzRPOQ1L, Sept. 17' 8 fln he&t, 78 04d 1. V.. FEAR,: Druggist, I I
r1k, T. farmer, for he not only lives red winter, 7o . I 4jd On Monday, September 29th, at one , _h CHEAPEST HOUSE IN SEAFORTH . . . 1.
. s. - 2jd; '&111ornfa wNo. .1, 7o I , - I
exy , on Thursday evening, of last week home a.9 a
, Prazy the Salvation Army held what they upon it, bat from- it. Food and drink California No. 2 us 00d ; oats, Os 00d ; barley, Os clock p. m., on Lot 6, Concession 6, TH. .
Anson. -a meeting at come to him from it and. he I learns to Od ; peas, 5s lod: pork,,57s06:1 ; cheese, 44d ood. McKillop, Farm Stock and Implements. . . . % i I
L called, a pound meeting . - I . .. SEAFORTH . . I
b.inson. which every one who wished to gain read each fooi of its surface as Other I - Mrs. Michael Burke, proprietress; Thos. I I
yn Oat- men read a b ok. His children are born ToRoKmT o, Sept. 18. all wheat, $1.00 to $1-00; Brown, auctioneer. t
, I admission could do so by contributing a spring wheat, 60.90 to $0.92 ; oats. 42 cents -_ 11 . aps `
a wool I . I $ . . I I
ge upon it and t ere gro w' up to manhood — For Gents' '-V imishing , 11ats - and C . I _;
- . I ;
otlitlin6 anh od, receiving health and Ole; barley, 68c to 7be ; hay, per ton, $7.0k) 60 . j
I I number of pounds oil the drum a mani . 4 .' W-,R,.00U,nter . I
I pound of anything., Besides a lar - and wom to 43 cents; peas, per bush, 60 cents to -, FALL FAIRS.
- -
uloth b"ket of provisions was obtained streng . - C 16 I L, ! -1 I L I I I .
Fancy I - th and ourishment of their bod- #10.00j buttor, l7c to l8c ; potatoes, per bag . I I
. work,. I I ies from it $0.66 to 0. 76 ; eggs, per, doz., l6c to 17c ; Mitchell, Sept. 28 and 24. Rea(Vmade thing - - I
I in pound lots. 1% sO that they verily partake dressed hogs, per awt., V-60 to 87.00. 1 - L L
, I
E sham, Exeter, Sept.- 20 and 30. 1 1
j6 -A meeting for the piirpose of re -or- of the soil and it becomes a part of - Seaforth, Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. I %
I - - . j
& E. ganizing the Clinton foot ball club was them. Young man, stand by the old - Clinton, Oct. 1, 2 and 3. ' . SEAFORTH9 - - I
J &E. ollegiate Institute in that farm, whether it be in the east, west, . Dairy Markets. . I I
- ; . I .
Aerner. I Ulonday of last week. The north or south part of this grand coun- , LITTLN FALLs, New ' York, Sept. 16. -0heese- I " Brussels,'Oct. 2 and 3. - - R - .1
held in the C Stratford Oct. 2 nd 3. I
town on - T -THE- I
binson... . ' st us small and prices off .- Northern Walkerton, Sept. So to Oct. 3. 1 AND S . ITS 0 ORIDE - I . I
I following 0 cers were elected: Honor- tr . It has beeri a friend to you in the Dull; volume of bu ne . I ; -
ffi y bout 1c. Transactions : 28 lots at 8jc ; 39 lots T Howick-Gorrie, Oct. 4. 1 - I
A.; past, and will continue to provide gen- a - - I
. nt, James Turnbull, - B. at 81-c ; 30 lots at 9c , 1 lot at gic ; 1 lot at 9.je ; 1 Belgrave, Oct. 7 and 8. —
ary Preside ; i . - I
Urs. U. Mn erously for you if you give if a chance. 13 lots eommission ;I total, 6,770 boxes ; of farm Wroxeter, Sept. 30 and.Oct., 1. I I .1 . -1
L . .. Presidentp 1 J. Burgess, B.A.; Capt 9 i PEOPLE'S JEWELLER
. I xy, J. G. Stan- -American Farmer. . dsiry cheese 921 boxes were sold at 81 to 91c ; Bayfield, Oct. 8 and 9. al, tand at prices that win' I I
A. hlcCalliVm; Secrets nly one lot -sold at the top price. Butter -47 Wingham, Sept. So and Oct. lift. - Everything new,. good and substAnti I
w, Geo. bury; Treasurer, J.Giffi n; Committee : . 0 s of dairyl sold at 20 to 21C ; bulk at 21c, , m6iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - I . _ . I
k1liater. . — tonish the most economical bu er. . -
. 1. Ag w, Cook, Doherty, Ferguson and = packages of creamery at 22c. as . 'y Is holding out- Great Inducementz I
ne -The Listiowel Banner says: There Sept. lb. -The cheese market experi- -Mr. Widis Jac'kson, 'of Trowbridge, i .
! I 1 7,
. I
ararus,, UTICAI I HATS. An elegant line for the I . :
Johns- Kerr. i vices in con- is a rumor th t a farmerin an adjoining enced another boom to -day. Business was not: I recentlysold a, heavy. span of horses for- The latest styles in -'HARD and SOFT -
w . . .
. -The anniversary ser township, who was taken before the- particularly E od until the closing hour, theni . . I I I
i the sum of $400. . I
Z - z
I- I t
r made ection with Brussels Methodist church, . I ng' off erg, , 1113111 ...ii,,,1 of - FALL CAPS jus I in. I I
n court and fined for sending skimmed two or three uyers commenced waki .
n anyoni had "Iced fox. . . I
,omb, C. .1 Sunday of last. week. Rev. , . which were higher tha I --I that ' e N ext 30 . .
were -held On milk to the cheese factory, lay in wait *They said they wanted cheese. - and would ANT 1!ii'OTICES - 1 ge Stock of GENTSI Days I .
honey, . L Mr. Smyths of Harriston, preached watching. his can on the stand and whatever it might cost to ffil their orders. i We have a very lar, - I
f home- - . - both morning and evening to large con- f skim- of from 9 to 9jo were . mode,andin one or two I - are selling at prices nev r beforo off6red in.Seaforth, I I . . .
. I
Hauch. - caught a young man pin the tict o - -. . I
gregitions. In the afternoon, instead of . instances the latter figure was obtained. Most; rVEACIIER WANTED. A i t hi rd clam teacher i - I
w D. W. . i the r gular Sabbath school an open sea - Ming the can. Hb is said to have of the purchases made at Vc and over were to _L wanted for School Section No. 10, Grey, for Gents' Furnishincr taple Dry Goods at rock bottom prices. To all customers wanting, goods ill .
11,crock, - . .' knocked down the cream thief with a supply the home trade, whi3h continues quite. 1891. Duties to commence lat January. State . ty, I I . . .1
, sion was, held, at which entertaining ad- club and nearly choked him to death. active. The cheese now marketed is August salary and send testimonial to J. K. BAKER. ' . his line, . I i
dresses were en by Rev. R. Paul and _The Rev. Isaac Crane, of Wood- stock. Septewber cheese will be on hand now Secretary, Renfryn P. 0. . . - . I
lots, 53 - I
i Charles I -1 within a short time. Transactions: Six -118ax4 92r CALL SEE - OTjR N-F,W. GOODS. Ft -,X
I I giv On Monday evening a - ' . 0 I . I
. . Rev. W. Smyth. stock preac ed morning an(, evening in. boxes, at 8fic ; 68 lots, 631 boxes, at 81c : six KPORTANT SALE. -Messrs. Hamilton and . GIVE HIM A CALL. . I
. I 11 musical and literary entertainment was , es, at Kirkby have received instructions from A. I -
I the Metho ist church at Trowbridge, .-lots, 904 boxes, at &Jc: 19 lots, 1,307 box I ; I . I
I . held in the church. . 9c ; is lots, 1,344 boxes, at 91c ; 20 lots 1 930 1 W Sloanto sell by Public , Wetion on I& pre- . . I
- on Sabbath, 7tb inst. Mr. Crane spent I I I I I I .. ords, I
-Mr. A. Elliott, of the 13th conceg- three years on this circuit about thirty' boxes, at 91c: fonr lots, 195 tie ; I Out miges Lot 1, Concession 9j Own8hip of M from n " .
. I
. . -year-old colt - lots, 420 boxes. private ; nine lots, 660 boxes, adjoining the Village of B ,ytb, one mile 1P ardno's Block* - I
a- holt-' Bion of R41lett had a two . CARDNO E. .,b,s,,. No'.. 1 C
I years ago. The people were delighted commission ; total, 144 lots, 12,484 boxes, ruling the station, on Saturday, 4eptember 27, 1890, 1 - I
I . I I .
. re is no of a 11 breachy 11 dispositiqn tied down I Ing of HorsM I . R. Counter, -
with the ser mons and. pleased to see the price Sic. Transactions same day last year ag- i the whole of his farm 8todk, onfjifft . .
by means of a rope passing fron4 his reverend gentleman and his wife looking gregated 14,644 boxes, ruling price 81c. . I Cattle, Sheep and pigs. llckses.-1 brood mare6 __ - I I
. I
. lNomsom,, Sept. lO.-At the cheese market rising 6 years old, in foal tolLord of the Manov; . .
I Rurcingle, and on Tuesday MAIN STREET, SHAFORTH- . !
m, has halter to a so hale an d hearty in their ( ld days. held here to-da , 21.factories boarded ten thous. 1 brood ware, rising 5 yeari old, in foal to MCI- - . . I .
, ound him lying . foal to . . .
, town to, morning las w e I and cheee,e August make. Sales -as f0llQW8 * bourne. 1 brood mare, 7 y!,ars old, in
1; an'of SpIpridid Ireldings,riming .,LkN & D"UNCAN -
I with his hind foot fast in the rope. fle i 160 boxes at 91c, 600 boxes at 9je, whites, 600 George I;yon ; I p DUNC , I .
. I
rnesville, . . had abused himself considerably in his British Grain Tr ELde. . boxes colorod at 9 13-16c. The call board was three years old, aired by Masher King and War- ! . . AUCTION SALE . L
adopted to -clay for the*firat thno on this market. . . sired by - . . .
. rior ; 1 -gelding, rising two , ears old, - . I
ast week I Struggles to get free, but on being re- LONDON, September, 16th. -The Members o.re apparently well satisfied with the slInalman; 1 spa ' rising two years I . . OF— - L L I
- I
. -
I t will ol , gle LyoWand Sigm1man; I I " . I
I leased,was able to get up, ih.ough Slark. Lane xpress, in its review of the system. sired bi .
I i y Geor . .
MONTREAL, Sept. 17. -Very good and very bad horse foal aired by Georgle 1yon; I mare foaL I .1 I
'- e ef' British grain trade, says : -11 Glorious Farwgtoclf & Implements. .
- inburn, be some time before he get,1s over th . . roadster, sired by'VloungT6ntine ; I good aged -PNOWNED . I
butter are the two grades most in demand, the —THE . RAU . I Z
L, o fects of his unnatural position. we%ther prevails. Farmers have secur- price of one being 20c and the 6ther 10c. Eggs horse. This stock has been bred with great can I - I I
te sum of , meeting of the official and IZ,cs. and are superior : . Mr. C.'Hamil as . . I
-At a * ed their wh6at and much oats. Barley are easier, but at a continued accumulation of from the best import d , ... . I I I
. trustee Boards of the Methodist church - in excellent condition, All cereals stock. In cheese there ii t an .undetcurrent 6f animals. Thorough-breil ;Cattle.- Clementins, I - - . Mr- W. J_ martin to sell j)y Public Auction at Lot . I I IN
is - the country ;. Gern, red, calved No . I I 39 6oncession 7,7,ownship of East Wawaafth,= L . I - _ I
, I
e ' age ue to quiet buying in I g:tav'e'yd . , ' i - I
ld last -week, R v. Mr. Sell strength, d . vembei 6th. 1885, I
I for this Conference year in yield per' acre. The qua ity and con- erings ar6 FRDAY, SEMMBEIR, 26tbi 1,890 . . .
,a gold by , ToILONTO, sbpt. i7, -Butter -The off October 4tb, 1889 got Py 40bert, (Imp. I ;
er . I
; '
7's salary .. I lo " .L.TurnIsh-ers an . I
ahn,Link Brussels, he . - are frequen ... ly rather over the aiver 9je, is about the idea. . . Lord Yathan, (Imp.) FLOSSY, roan. i
,) Dell,
I I . was, fixed at S, It w a decided to i - red and white, caived January 16, 18A got by 0 .thler8 . d Dry -'
week to Q00- A dition var much, attho gh probably fair and the demaud,good for choi" lots at 14 th , , At 1 o'clock p. m., sharp, the following.valuable , . .
y . I I L ruilved. . . . I
I . make the envelope systf,m,general in the average. - Old English whe4 t during the 15c. Medium dull 'at 10 to 12c, and,. off- flavor 'at British Duke 2nd. NellW 10th, roan, .'. property viz,;. .
8to9c. Eggs-Thia market con ti aties firm at 17 November 22, 1887., Act l$y British Duke -2nd. .
I . .
wn, have I congregation and. have the envelopes week was scarce. New ran ged from 32s to 18c a dozen, the Bd, ca1v May 3rd, 18K- got by . I heavy draught broo4imare, I durham bull, 3 I 11
-former being the general Nellie 11th ri pposed to be M calf ; 2- steers, two years . L I
I . ; British DuG 2nd. Nellie 42, roan, calved.116r. cows, sul i I
Sab- i g . Good, DealerlS of . the : I
r fa,ctory I ced on the colleolhion plates each to 38s., ayerag n in the first half of selling price. I ,oneyear old; . .
I a . rinda,. red, I I old ;,..I steer, one yeg,r old; I heifer,
I - I 1, 1889, got by Mountain T ero; Floj . I
3aYoung, Eath morning. The Trustee, Board. is the week 134a 6d., and in the second - I - . . r 2 spring calves, 3 southdOwn, ewes, (grade); I I I : .
i, got by Mountain r I
I . arram in or a, $200 -reduction of the h lf 33-s 7d. I The sales of English wheat calved December 14th, 188E I i lumber wagon, 1 wagonrack, 1 reaper, (Waxwell : , .
. I
r . - Live Stock Markets. I-Tero ; Monarch, roan, calved 26th March 1W I I rake, I irdn plow, I nietal beam - .
o&ting debt on the church and a" sub- during the week were 81,659 quarters, . . Dublin, (Imp.) The above co;5'. Ana make); I sulky I I .
iat week L . MONTREAL, Sept.16-There was a fair supply got by I turnip cutter, I long sleigbj grindstone, j
L-110derichs a eting was started - quarters during the of eattW on the inarkets to-da;y. We had a, good heifers have been selectdd with great care from I House, Seaforth. 1pi.o,: ,,1, 40 or 50 hens, a quaiitity of flel&eorn, 30 .
cription list at the me against 55-,,989 . . - I the best herds in the Province, are all Montrea I
.. I embers present. week last e dentand for &he best.cattle, as there have not some o . : tons of firet-class tiniothy hay and other articles. ;
:a, 8ta-irs. - corresponding - year. registered in the Dominion Short -Horn Herd I
; with over by the m I
been too many of this kind offered lately ; but . . All must be disposed of as the goprietor has
. -
d, but no -The picnic held in Blyth on Wed- London a er ge on the 12th instant was )k, and are supposed to jbe in calf to some of sold hisJura suct is removing to ie_ igan- ! -_ I
' for the common tsorts and the lean stock there Bo( I x
I -
I r de the auspices 34s 10d, agaiuifi-3N ld laab year. The ther dull market at, pretty low rates. the best bulls irk the country. Pedigreei fur- c - .
, . . . nesday of last week un r was a ra nished at sale of to be see at any time. Grade I I . I . I . TERMS. -All sums; of $5 and under, Cash ; . . I I I
week dies of the Catholic foreign trade was against holders in ,the Cattle -A lot of seven good heifers weighing I redit on furnish- . - _.
,ant, of the young la Cattle.-Twoyoungeows ustatthe calving, 4 i over that &,mount 12 months'c I :
P,r da,v by -and success. Notwith- first half of the week, but the United 6,520 pounds was z3old at 4je per pound, and Successful in their purchase for the fall, and our ing.approved joint notesio or a discount of 5 per I
, I church, was a gr several other sales of good cattle were made by cows supposed to be in calf, 2 heifers, rising Have been,very wo .
States official report caused a reaction. Pretty three years old, supposed to be in calf; I far- . with the- latest and newest goods in the cent..allowed for cash on credit a . unto. I . .
h tomato standing' that a large number attended the dealers at about the same rate. I - .aro,filled - . I I I
er firm. Oats to4eper pound, and row cow, 2 steerti, rising three years old,7 steem two immense stores . haven't I .- I
. u good t-vock .
I circum- , t Lucknow, a Barley, be& a and peas w sold at from 3j --h ,we I
the Caledonian games a I . v fferent lines of goods wUe "
. ve secured di e), I
- . . eaker. - Maize is like- the common dry cows at about 3c per pound, rising two years old, 4 heifers, rising two years market. Wa ha F1 FTYGO LON [ES OF ITALIANSEES -
, turned out, bent on merri- and medze were w ;v. -Twenty- . I -_
I good crowd beasts down to 2c per pound. A , old, 3 spring calves. Sheep and Pil ore. imagine Satin lined neckties for 25c, worth, I Wnal ALSO RZ I . i -
2 BOWS. Also an immense . -
I wag gath- ly to -recover in response to bhe unfavour- with leanish four well bred sheep. been able to secure bef , I
inaition, to, re bought foi- shipment to . nil exam- C -y- . .
l ment, and a considerable sum AA to -day's mar- car load of stockeri we: s and h . Sale to commence I
_ Brimin at S c per pound, and seven heifers quantity of turnip nd h .
Institutes I I 8 OF SALF.—All from 60c, 75c and'$1 in the old -.Way of doino, baying. call a , ,r3:-V-jE MW _A_-W_A, .
. ered by the ladies'society in connection able American report. 4c pbr atlo'clOckl)-m--pharp. TF,&m 0 . . . 1;
* -yers were legs, weighing 6,i#00 weid *bought by Phippers at ey would if not previcusl disposed of, So "all Who wish I j
23rd and . with the church. Dancing was kept up ket English wheat bu joes slims of $10 and under, Caffi; ov r that amount ine our mon"s underwear at 30c, old wa of doing buying th , 4 -1
eager, confident of an eaeWg Foreign pound. Mutton critters -were s3arce, and pr ipproved joint . I I The 0 utin ]Eting to make a start In beekeeping had, better come I . 1_. , :
11 be bu t all the afternoon, excellent music being 1. i6 nionths credit on furn shing j cost you 45c. A11the latest styles in ckwear. 9 and learn the conditions oh which. they Nvill be i
was irregular. Flour wa ;low, but were higher than -on last Thursday or pound notes. A discount of 6 pe r cent. will be gtvtn7 I . I
Amination furnished by blessrs. Gidley, Bland and Lanib"hippers'are paying about 4c p All al timals to be at ppr- Silk- ]ElandkerchiefS7 Black Silk Braces, all given. Every colony -has an abundance of win- . -
, . pilayed firm. English who cheap r Grindin ht by .on credit arnonnts. Se'arf in all shades. Black - ter stores on hand and -Is In excellent condition
Maxwell. . The bage ball match I 9 for suitable sheep, aud ,lambs were boug era risk after sold. T ic above stock Is go- Canada. Our f ar- for wintering. . I I
Y_ n the Blyth and barley had 'risen 3d. Oats stronger butchers at from $2.60 to $4.26 each. Hogs-- chas . bring, as the pro- the rage now in the,citi,os on the Ameri8an side and : -
pile of the on the grounds betwee Fat hogs sell at from 5j to 61c per pound. ing, to',be sold for what it 11 dificourse on beekeeping . I
i buildinirs. Come .
nder the 'prospect of a ution of has lost all his out lete and' it must be to supply our many Mr. Martin will give a _ i
are ofit. . Wingham teams resulted in a victo - EA8T BUFFALO, 'Sept. l(J.—Cattle—NO top ishing stock, we consider comp . and subjects pertaining thereto.. You will there- Z I ilz 1 _ i
pa.rcels)_ the Wicigham boys by a score of 23 winter supplies. grade expart cattle harel;'good butchers' steerd Eol(n!toand buy them at S -our own price. HAm- n . stock. Afen's andl fore have a chance of not only getting BEES
I W. SLOAN, customers, come early and exami mense ..
I I . I . ILTON & K1RKBY,Auotiqnecrs. All . ine our im THING but also may receive much val-
Manitoba. I I ., were active and generally about ten cents high- 1187.3 , 99 We carry aii immense FOR No , I .
L runs to It. . k, a.26 to $3.75; mediums Proprietdr. . . I v,
I er ; light handy stoc Boy's Hard and - Soft Hats in every it style. uable information on tile same very liberal - . i
- `2 , I I
I Tuesday,' - . _2: Locar.Notices-,A iddle- — . I I
_ -=" and heavy, 1;93.65 to $4.40 ; most of the in — I terms. Friends you ca-anot; aftord to iniss a -
: I i
Bayffeld. - we rood and fat, were -taken on local ac- stock in this line..'." I
- , . chance like th*
I jghts, & . . L
I dal fine NOTICE To DF,BTORS -A.11 parties in- count at priees between $4 and 4.26 ; there wAs List of Lands For Sale . . C. HAMILTON4 W. J. 1,1,KRTlN,. . - .
isposed of CALL and 8ee 11. F. Edwar debted to the undertigne either by note or-: a liberal supply of mixed butchers' cattle, coarse I i . Auctionoer. . . Belgirave P. O., Prop# I I I
va,wanosh. stock of Fall and -Winter Goods - A large as' book account must call at his fc rmer store, Sea- . 1187-2 . I
i green steers, and light pony stock from North- ,e .
in the County of Huron', elonging to " Can I
'_ Mr. sortment of Dress Goods, v forth, and settle th- of - .
50. cry nice and cheap e same at o ice o e will ern Michigan ; the heavy green cattle were sold ada Company. Only 10 t 25 per cent. , I ur:. - — . I 11
A good assortipen . rwear and Top be placed in other bands for col ,9tic r th y ex. Ti Or .1othing Department& — . . 11
dichigan, t of Unde S_e in' and at 42.76 to $3.65 to near by farmers ; niix d ri, balance at any u1ne dered I 1. I J! I
I N 1188 af - chase n loncy required do ' . I
in the f a:- . within 10 years at 4 per'c nt. instead of Faing . - - . . -1
' I - will have no regard for pers3no. JAMICH MC- rs generally ten cents higher ; rnilch cows il looking for land C%n ,B.ARG-AIN. . I
Shirts. Flannel from 10 cents up. pi nses incurred, as he is leavin orth. He butchers' ranged from 82 to $3.35 ; Canada
LocAL DaiNGS. "Mr. joh,n McNaugh _ to the Northwest, farmL,r, b -
. il87tf . stocke Land ; calves, Mir r establishment as been a very* successful On& in A . I .
I to GiNxis. a;nd opringert5, not much det nd in Ontario on the This
; io&gG" ar- ton has returned from a pleasant trip I " secure Aome of the flne6t branch.,Of- 0 ' ____A . -
I . 11111011111 = . supply: heayy-fed at $2.50 to .$3.60; ch ce d our good re - -
1 I Ahe Soo and- oth places. -Mr. John veals,tfi to 06.50. Sheep and lambs --MR t easy terms mentioned. ounty of Ruron's Na- - der to the offers all hip valuable pr,operty in th Ing
, . er . ' , 0 cant Lands: I the past number of.,yeirsq, and we are no)w prepared to hol 'on account ot- failing health, the subscriber v
I last week I - McLeod, wife and fa Births. . r ie . Our $3.50 panbs, to order, is-- 6, Won -c thriv . ,
- " ,
e,, mily, who have 7 h last,, the , active, under influence of good shippi g GOT)F,RICH.-13-S ha f 37. Bayfield-Ehalf e f- ture, . , Lither .
. I Le past few monthst CASE. -In Rodgerville, on the Weather, better markets east, and improved ite 53, putation in th I ' a bargain, e . . ,
. Maitland Concessior -Island oppos tosuitpurchager. The . I
'O Tn'e o'f 11 I been in Ripley for tb wife of Mr. Geo. Case, of a 0 t . $7. present, age None but first class workmen employed and a perfect fit Village of Brussels for sa;le at I ,
io . quality of stock - sheep steady ; lambs in better . whole or in, se,parat46 lots
. He was . I returned last week. -Mr. Chats. Stalker ALCOC,K. 30 the wife of demand ; best banadas sold 64,55 -Y.-4-W half 6, IN' alf 6, N - . . property . is centrally loasto, comprising in I - ]
L -In Grey, on August th , L at ,%,.80, ch6ide half 7, W half * .
I - quality. .Rogs-Selected heavy, $5 ; choice HA I W half 6. W half of guaranteed. - part-ist, foundry -'and machine shops 'with A I
. I is home, after having been %W&y. on a . Mr. Theis. Alcock, of a son. , of W half il. 5-E half of -1 I . Planct'; 2nd, brick store, 1. __
I - 'e d
ce on a re. Jennings and BoWMAN.-'Irt Morris, on the ins ., e wi ; graosera aii all of R halt (, NJ 7. 8, NJ 9, 10, W .. plant and three termo %,
I . trip to the Sault.- -Al 0 corn -fed Yorkers, $4.76 to $4.85 .
I I E hilt 5,-S h - good cellar, hard and soft water, and fitted up --
sit np or - of 1dr. Joseph Bowman, of a son. rkers, ' 1.4.35 to 64-70. . half 11, 8 half and NJ 1:2, 3 half 16, W half - .1 I I
daughter, Nona, is visiting her par FORREST.-In Blueyale, on Se)teinber lot, the medium Yoi -Sept. N.-7his week another 4e. laifw2l. 6--N h If 4 for dwellinj above Srd, five dwelling houses all. . .
. . Ltvxiwool . of E half 20. W half of ` I under rent Pit present. Also wood werking ma- -
' '
I outs, Mr. and Mrs. T. Jj Moorhouse . wife of Mr. John -'D. Forrest , of a son. cline in prices is noted, due partly to larger s4 W half 6, Ej. 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 11,. 12, 8 half :I, i ,
th Conces- I McNab, who has been seri- DOUGALL.--ln Usborne, on th. 3rd inst., the deln*d - . 8 half 3, S ha f o 'IN half 4, N halt 5, 7, chinery.-1, large planer,made by McRechnie & .
. Mrs. John t plies and partly to a falling off in the half 16, ,13,14, Bertram, Dunda&; I moulding machine (3 sided) . -, .
- 1-00 acrest I me past, is now wife of H. Dougall. of a da ghter. At the Stanley market 1,075 cattle were offere 1, 8, E h2 If of S half and I alf 9, 10, 11, 12 . I .
I ously ill for some ti ' the b i '. made by Goldle & McCulloch, Galt; 1 band saw, .
I r _ I .
t M . . Stin. POCOCK. Xn Turnberry, on ti e 3rd inst., but the dewand was weak, best beeves rin Wj 16, Wj- 16. 8-E,j 6 Ej. 15, E halt 16, NJ. 18, . New Dress I , I . I
. -
. I
. slowly improving. -Mrs. Thomas . , John Pocock, of a daughter. wer range E half of S halt 19, N half 19, 20, 21, 22. 23. 24, partmeDt-is complete in all themewest patterns made by Maecimle & Bartriun. Dundas, and in -11 Z.:
' ;,,'.D T'hr; _. wife of Mr. ing from 1 to 12JC cents per lb., a lo ema6d, 9-E haif of E half 25, El of 4 This De SbLirtino, Cor Cretonne,Factory 00ttOn3 good, working order. For particulars address .
I visiting friends in NrCHOLLS.-In Wingham, on tpe 7th inst., the tho6nawebicago. Sheep were in bftterd Sets . I I ! .
:be- price is ., son, Saubl Mrs. A. wife of Alf. Nicholls, of a son. . for while supplies were - larger prices were 26, 26, 27, 28. 16 Nj 7, W half W Pt, 21, Goods, Mantle-Clothei, 07 )Siks) WK. R, WILSON, Brussels.F. O. 1186-12 . I . - I
I the vicinity of. Kincardine.- the tanley mar- 26. 13-N half 9. es,Yjannelst Velvets and Velve-teens, 1- .
- wy land is . Dunlop was iii flefisall for a few days ALLE9.-Iii Tuckergmith, on t e 6th inst.? about leper lb higher. At- the S 25. 16-E half 6, N half 0, iO, Wly pt. 11. 17- Hosiery,. Buttons,. Fri i g, Plush 'N I
I wife of Mr. Allen, of a daug ter. " quotation4 : NJ 4, 6, 6, S halt 7, 8. - half I& loves, Bleached Cotton Shawls, Trim- .
ket 1,200 sheep. sold a& the below N. By. -14,15, F MUi ery, Kid G . I
A - arrived home BARR ' In McKUlop, on e 8t Inst., the tations, beilig . ns,,3fiui I -
- last week. -Mr. Jesse Card OWS.- h The following were to -day's quo S.By_Wjlo,Ej33,NE70acS6 IA. ]LEast Duck, Ribbo s,.Milli . : . Notlt-e to Creditors.
. ,Qlrr1'0svjlle,, - last week from the Old Countryp after wife ef Mr. Geo. Barrows, a daughter. I calculated at $4.80 to the .f; (sinking the offal) : -4 halt 22. . I . - Thread,. Tick* 9. - I I I I
I . Ij to - 1.9- 113, 14, N half 15, N Wings) - -
, two -of his I pas- L . Finest steers, 12- to 12je ; good to choice, I IRULLETT-J,--W half . ,ention 9_11 the -new casei of new goods in this De- - F).URSUANT to Chapter 110 of the Re-vimed
L again l . 12.c ; poor to mediWiu, 10& to Ile; L E Ontarmi, 1887. All parties hav-
. He w&s . - He is now 9 and Marriages. inferior a d ' _' - -E half W 114 nd look _F Statute8of . I
h,&VinLr experienced a very rough 9 half 16. 5-W hall 13, 15, half 17. 7 e can hardly' .
. sage. at work - ' I . bullm, 8 to ioc ; best, sheep, l6c ; secondary, '13 19 N half 20. S -E half i. 14--N hall 23- we - 777 k is a very triffing reqUeSt ' Call a . ing any claim against Donald Robiertson$, late of - I
I I j- CLARK-PIRIE.-In Dundas, on Wednesday, to 14c ; ire r always pleased -to Show the Viflage of 11-eusall, In the Co
-, when the . will be pleased to meet all his old cuf rinos, 12.j to 1310 ; interior and rsLms, , kcKILLOP.-l3-l.N`ba1fofEbalf?, N h" partment, all
I unry of Huron, .
. I I ek oUnew goods,
h he -was Mr. 1. Sept mber loth, by Rev. John Laing, D. D., 10 to I lie. S. 14 -Rem. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, N half 7, E half of 8 through our illarmue e st
. tomers and lots of new ones.- e .1 Gentleman, deceased who died on the 4th day of I a
, - BUFFA 0, SOP 3,8 of tour imliaerl-Se-StOck of Fall Goods. . ,ed 3re t#* 11
precipit&- ji jy; oi Goderich, Rev. W. J. Clark, of ,First Presbyterian , t. lo.-Cattle-Saleg of extra halt 7, N half S. . -nd give , - June, A. D,, 1W, are r on or beh
, . prVI I .equir
* ,
ith the I Card, wife and fair church, London, to Makgie A., eldest steers at',Q4 75'to $4.20 ; chO cc 11350 to 1,460 STANLEY. -5-14. 8-tVVj 3, W half 4, Whalf, througha - I I lit day. of October 1890, to send by post pre- .
-I- w apent. Sunday in town. -Mrs. Craig, of leorzc M. Pirie, of lb,, J4.71t $4.60 ; good 1 200 to 1, 325 1 Lis, $4. to j 6 . . I . .
-aid daughter of Mrs. C I , 1 5, 7, 8. - S. BY. -W, "I 1; , R IhIlf & N half Of I . paid or deliver to the undersigned Solicitors for I
ill be 1, I j 1,o5o to 1,175 lbs, $3-80 to 4 q._6__ Viial . N . the said deceased, - .
;, ania, who has spent tile past - Dundas. 1 $4.25 ; goo( I %; STEPREI, , . the Executors of the will of .,
I . Pennsylv mother, Mrs. PE LTON-McBAIN.-At the L,idence of the coarse, green steers, 1,200 to 1,400 lbd, $3.40 - to S half 23. 10-E half of N half 10, E half W -
.1 b-, 0 a statement of their respective claims, wJith -
. . two months visiting her els o the loth ifist., me butchers', 00 to 1,025 1. 5. half 11, 13--S halt of 8 halt 17, N hsufM It- m T y Department I
, the bride's mother, Brum , 83,60; light, pri, illffier . I their christiab and surnames, addresser, and ide- -
, Efigh uead0y. Mr. Craig r. John Pelton, $3.10 t ws and heifers, $2.75 to $f3 ; i - L
. - Hickey, left on T, I o ,Q3.50 ; fat cc N h it 8, S half of N halt 17, Ej 20. 15-3. I . 3cription, the full particulars of- the elaims sud . _ I . I
of - , . by Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A., J I , . . .
salary her home. Ma gie McBain, of : stockers and "' a j t; E half of W half 10, N half 16. I urity (if any) held by them. 11 j
, " I
le came last week to accompany of Atwood, to Miss MR common'to good cows, $2 to $2.50 N 4 , I I the nature of the see
odern Ian- . ' f I 8 , . a We After the-said'istdayof Octobernext .the, said - . . I
. -Miss Florence England, of Kincardine, Brussels. feeders good to choice. stockers 69-50 to $2 65 : 1 a 7, NJ 22. 17-:-Reir. Sj 7, NJ 19, NJ 22L . . cy new Shapes for the W1 tr de. -
; iers 1, to $3.26 ; yea to $2.26 : 1 6 I'l alf 7 S half 8, 16, N half It', This. department is reCelvl'n'. - Executors i ill'distribute the assets .of the said . I I
'000. Miss retu d last week after spending a STEELE_ BEATON.-At the esidence of the I eed R3 flings, $2 8_14 h S ball 19. 1
:_ce j,ft Strat- me ride`s brother, Whitechu ch, on the loth cows a dispringers selling at $26 to $28 I]ier i9_Nhalf4: W half 11, E halt 16. 22-R6m-S, C jorth. The artistic tute and judgment Qf our estate baving regard to the claims only of which . I -
,couple of weeks visiting her. sister, Mrs. lead the style ill S will not be liable .
; 4 i,nst. by the Rev. Mr. 00 ie M. -A., Mr. head, extra quotable at $38 to -$42 ; stock 't? E half §, .8 half 10. North By. -E halt W half I ill of our -numerous cuStonle,rg in natice has been received, and
-d m order H, Erwin. -Hiss Annie Beattie, of Steeie, bf- Ripley, to Miss M' Beaton, of wood butcher,' bulls, ,1;2 to $2.60 : extra ,4iea 3 bles ed he good1w I person of .
, - ' 33. L. R. West --Rem. 1, S. half 3. Aux Sa as 15 for any Fa
I . She e. P, head milliner Y ,rj of ' such assets to any .
e G-oderich __ 'here. ' Whitec urch. , ,s to $3.25. ep and Lanibs--Export 1 h i -9, lo'4 ii, 12,13,14, W half & X half of E hall w e ask is to call and 'look I hadnotnoticeattbe time of
Clinton, is vjrd itjng friends ,- ding Country. All wh ain5 they
I IS-GERRY.-In Brussels, on the 16th choice to extra, 90 to 105 lbs, ,% to 5-25 i 01 16 W half 16, 17, 18, 19- seafoyth and surr 6 ./ distrib tion. I
V. I OUR CIVIC 110jJDAY.-Last Friday IVILL o, 70 to 80 lbs, $4 ,to u will be surprised at the such U .1 I
S. Sellery, Mr. W. H. Willis, 85 to'go lbs, $4.90 to*65 ; d " all . wo -are sure yo ! : ELLIOT & ELLIOT, i
ed 271, died I inst., by Rev. , 'e entlP - I solicitors for Executor -s Exeter. .
a,injed our Civic Holiday, and r. R. Willis, Se' ,%- ,,,4 25 - culls and common thin sheep 1, .75 Rented Yarms for sale at .,piration of exisfing through this depart , A
. .
Was proel - Ispr ng ! - -fall; I
of Mitchell, eldest son- of At ' ,i to Leases.
I it was intended to celebrute forth. to Miss Minnie J. Qerr augh- " :50 '; yearling laRibs, 4.75 to *,$5.25 . millinery.
e4 e, the the day by .y, eldest d $3 , novelties and low pr L16es.of. our . .
8 (;,octerich, . ter of Mr. B. Gerry, Brussels. lambs, common light to prime, '5.50 to 86 75 ; GODERICH.-Bayfield,-67 I Dated 18th August, 18N. . I . I.— I I
having a monster picnid, and at night a t the residence of Canada lain bs, $6.25 to 4,-80 Hogs -Best pack- HAV. -4,--N half 4. 6 N half 14- 6-W half . - _. . - :
, - . , , N 1. .
I left n hall. The LOCKHART-JOHNSION.-A I s beginning $4.85 to 5 half of 8 half 19. 1
- -
5ceased p.randftconcert in the tow 1 th inst., by Rev. ers' gride n . ; nii,xed lots -of 3, 14. 17. " N half 17 S . , - THE FARMERS . , c
. the bride's father, on the 17'. 1 -E half 28. 1" ball 4
f $4,90, and '8-13, 14, S IV I . I
since , or orably ,khart, youngest Yorkers and w ediurr. weights, --4. 85 to . - I
o most uufav P. Musgrave, Mr. Wm. Lo, 16 -Ni 4, N half .9,1 19 16--W half 61 R 8c, Duncan Seafortbf 8__ _:
ked in weather turned out I York weights;,,4.80 to $4.85, a few best $4.90 ; 718. . Duncan : 6 I r I
and prevented. M06nY from coming. The son of Mr George Lockhart , to Jane, fourth . By.7, ll, NJ 31 32 34. L_ . . :
e w r - daughter of Mr. Wm. Johr ston, all of MC- fairly good pork grassers to Yorkers, $4.60 to By. -AV -1 18, 28. S. , , . I
irne'd home . . . est -16. L R -Rem. 4, E aji 6. id -1 I Banking House,
Seaforth jjand had been engaged, but , R. W — , .
I rt) -A to -,44.25. I E halt t . - __i -
w Killop. - - $4.65. Pig , -K . alf 14, 6. ------------ — - -1 I -1
, was under - I as the morning was 80 et arid gloomy ....1,ii;- ToRONT0, $CPt- 17. -Cattle xport and. fat half 10, S h -16 W half 17. ' . . I
bought dvisa,ble to cance - , ery quiet. Tbebest price was 4.1c : HULLETT.-_9_--:Z half 17. 5- I , S y; -6.-F CXarTT1_ -
ease. it was t 1. their - cattle were v; alf23. 34-Rem.Whalf 14, S. pt, Of N I L GIDER IVI ILL. rVO FARME118--A SPLENDID CHANCE FOR
,n Saturdsy In the sifte:noon, how- s Deaths. I a load of 21 averaging 1,326 lbs, bold at this 9 -Sl . ; - A GOOD FARK.-The undersigned is d.e. . - I
. . . Angagement. osh,lonthe 9th inst. , figure and ihree or four smaller de%ls word, we half 2L, N half 22. ha f 2, E half 3 W half 4, Bernard Tb . raniiirig.his Clider _L thoroughlY (In conn oction with the Bamk. of Montzeal.)
red. fla_99 ltp , qlaite a la e number turned out, JVOODS.-] n West Wawan, I id effected at the same. Most of the McKILLOP.-l-W ' om n inten . sirous f ocuring the services of a I
. ever I itobert,' only son of Mr. lex. Woods, aged under8tan , S I df 7, Rem. E hall 4 E Mill the week, &ys and Thurs- ed farin I
L an enj oyabl time was Spent in -foot- . ys. I at fron, 4 to 4 je- toZtt; Shal 6,Ehalf7. 2-E ' W 4-3,Ehalf 4. 9-- d& two days in It of apples 1*incr reliable m,Ln to take charge of an'improv of the , OGAN & G 0-o I
al accident and - I 1 year, 6 months, and 13 d good cattle sold r half 8. yo for a while on accoldn -
I &c. A h, on the 11th inst., ranged froin 3 to 3-.7c pe lb, the gentral average half 'O 3-Sj 5, E 'a containing 340aerm within four railes
L the dark .00t ball, large i pU,L GHAHD.-In Seafort - '6. halt 7, N IWf of S scarce. if any person wishes InS, other da3's C -t ,of Saginaw, State of Michigan either to . L
; racing, playing , I ig from Z43 to i,,3.12jc per. cwt. Anio, g the -,\LThaf 11---:-E half of . til -i AND FINANCIAL ACEM.
. and, Mr. 1-1. beiu I have mhjitjoned, will they ia .3 - "
he gr 11 - I : - spread The coa- I Fy.inil fessie, eldest daughter of if WX on shares or on salary. The nil is all ';- - ,
l' ta,b .as bount fully ers one lot of 15, averaging, 800 lbs, sol i at , half imd S half of N ha 10- besides these da.N a ' — .
0 le Nv I T me kiiaw in time. , woodland. .
t' y ' if 1j, I
I out feat cert in the even'no, was largely attended, Punchard, aged 2 years and - 6 stock 10', averaging 800 lbs, Sol q. -13-S hal 14, S half of N W - he so kind as to let under cultivation with 20 acres %
. ' '
6 ' I . ( 3c per lb ; a lot of " ,VHO,NjPSON,Hensa1l- There are, extensive buildings, creamery &,C- . ., 1,i heir own promises on Market S-*reet .
ing the 1 Z5 I month' a lot of 21, averaging 8543 lbs, . e!ol . att ' 8 h8ldll P18, El half 19. 14-5, 6, 7, S half -k 9. 12- 1188 BERNARD . - .
4ptur I . aud a - WaS provided. WEIR. -11IT4irn berry, on the 23rd ult., Oeorge i '3c per lb ; . 8 half 4, W half 5 6_Ej 6, N halt of W __ the farm 6 breeding mares il foal; s.;.. jjj;,,,)ppo*ite A.18trong's offl,". .
:The good pro 1ramme a short Crawford, son of Mr. R&ber 0 1 veraging 900 lbs, sold at " ' 1 i G. F BF,LDF N, D. D -S-, U. D. &,, Dentiot, There is on tock, and all neces, I
. doctor Rev. Mr. ThibEi:d'eau gave ad- t Weir, aged 11 31C - a lot of 25,' a lq ai 'h5.Tjf_k. l7-Sjl6,Eh11fl6,Wjl6- 1"balf 40 cows and a lot of y:)Ung 15 . ;.%!nr,rz 11vinking Busines8 done,dr.'&A 11,iled .1
I Vfit cattle, a%-eragging 830 lbs, so ' I All I
. dress, and Rev. Mr. -Newton SaUg two months, - a lor, of ell ayer; ingr 950 lbs, 8014 at 7 N half 19. 19-E half 7, S half 8, NJ 9, E lum otice over Jobuson,A Hard,%,Are Store f sary iuN*ments iLnd household furniture asr.,A, intexestfailowed on depo-4its.
. len 3.1e; and a lot of ll,: half pal to stay nu the farm. This is
'C- SdOTT_lh Tullhberry,.onth .Ird inst.,, El d for butchers' c ttle 11. 2 *_S halt 12. N. Bdy.-'N halt 32. E Seafo,Ah. Electricity ior Jnlcm extraction 0 an OPPOrtunikv 11 -1 -d c . I
reek a four- - 1 of Miss er lb. The dewan '. e, need
11 W-2, 5. 1188 Non
excelle t solos. The recitations Beckk cott, inother of Mrj G. B. Scott, aged 21C p e I s4. S. Bdy.-27. L. R. teeth. met with for a good DIRIO, I
17t KerslpLkep ,3. Jennings 86 years. . was only fail,13r good and the selling was 3 33 W1 33, I , . r testimonials - MONEY TO LEND I .
I .Reta S,ltanb- s f row 3j td 3Jjc per I UdKERSMITH.-H. Rd. --5-N half Of S hAlt OUNG PIGS FOR SA _ he subscriber unless possessing the highest cc can he
f lau4anum unstinted applause- I VcMILLAN.-At Port Albert, on Sunday, Sep- The average pric!3 w Eled- 1. 7 E half 4. occetsion 2, Me- rare", charwj .r and fituese. R-eferen - notes or mortgaget. I
'OF brought forth - picked lots sold at 31-c ; rta I 011 "0,34 1
ged. 30 sinall number of y has for sale on lot 241 c' RBV. I
O,f i Extract sank in .ber 7th, 18jo Eliz% NicHillan, ag USBOI,LNE.-S. By..F-.-19. P. ROBB
I I --ad E. Erwin teir ium brou-ht frOt" 9i to 2*1e per pound. Sheep i.t Tnx Eu,ofirrOP, OMM or address I , FVT LOG,&N,', .MANNAOER.,
Misses L. Morgan , apply to THE Killop, two or tht-4,13 fit rt; f pigs from 4 to 6 made g Sagin4w F4A )Iiabi-ran United I -
I years and 8 nion'ths. m ri - 0 't, " I -
appears the . 4 - Oth, and lambs.. Export sheep brouglit froin 0.30 to I For particulars as to P ces &c old, whic)L 'wilut Qld, WA,AQn&blc. R, ISAAC BAR 9 -1 -11mis i log .
I their usual. fir& -alass, style. Mr. Grw:eY, I ST:VALTVAN. ln Ashfield, n . August 2. sidc price, but from $5 to CONXISSIONEB, Canada Co'y., TorontO. weeks . 1188-& wtes" . 1,
d- I readings : Catherine, wife of Mr. De We Sullivan, aged *6.50 each, as an oul 1187,911, Q01MN.. i . .
o mother & of Wingharn, j gave several I I I -'O each wa - e had a I I . I- -, .
I ' 36 ye rs and 10 months. . , s the general aveiage, X I - .1 -
MM ' F .. _ 111 , ,
1, eti e after pleasing to all.! Miss M. aulkner very I .. I - .
; i
e child acting i . . . - .1 : I
nk. aomethin& i i .1 - - I I
I i . . . I
. .
I I . - I .!
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