HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-09-19, Page 2-
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. I . - I . . . . SEPTEMEBER 19, 1890
� - . ,� I . XPOSITOR& - I - -- -- - . -- ----------, —
� � - . . I � . . 01001010MEN000001 101000010001- --
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2 - 11100111011000010MON I - - . -- . , . . - - � I - I REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE I SEAFORTH
- - , --- I ' I � . der- I I
IF is - h I 11 aid in. What would you have thoupht, . I � rblUILDING LOTS. FOR SALE.—Th* Un �
- � REVOLT OF WOT4PR. -ij-'anything like t at, any oW, a . 11 . . Bsigned has a numiDer of fine building Lots 6 '
THE -- I . Nanny. - Her delica face flushed pink, fathers if, we had had our weddin' in a - � - Ion Goderich and James Streets for sale, at low — .L
� - room no better than this? I was mar- Musical Instrume
BY MARY & WILKINS. . her lips pouted softl,, , an if she were go I � . prices. For particulars apply to D. D. WILSON at
r,ied in my mother's parlor, witil's car- : . I 909 I I
(From Harper's Magazine.] . jug to cry. . - . ...
. 66 You wait an' a( . I guess George pot on the floor, an' stuffed furniture, . . . Lot Ii. Conoes- �
I . 11 Father I" I I be ter th�n other men. and a mahogany card table. An' this is .. I- 0 SALE. -Being U, con . MM3P01P*A4:E-U1& ��
Eastman ain't no - . . dau liter will I FARstionFeNowicle, county of ]Eluro I'll
11 What is it?" � -you hadn't ought to judge father all ;the ' room my . DIRESS GOODS. ta . inbig 100 acrea 76 under crop, balance od I
What are them men diggW a ae h to get married in. cook here,, � � ' arn 4 �
Cc - over though. He can't help it 'c u � hardwood bush, good frame house, bauk IV ..
there in the field for?" I . do' father I" � - bearing or3hard, 3i miles from Wroxeter , I � L
. . dou�t look at things jest the way we . and ' WILLIAM * '
There was a sudden"dropping and en- Ani we've been pretty comfortable here, Sarah Penn went across the ioom as . station. Easy terms. Apply to 1178xW - ^,Ms
� . BRYANS, Brussels P, O., � Ont. � Scott Brothlux
larging of the lower part of the old in't though it were a tragic stage. She flung ' . I
after all. The roof don't leak—& Our collection of choice Dress Goods in mixtures and — I
mau�a face as if some heavy weight had never but once—that's one thing. Fath- open a door and disolosed a tin bad- 1 complete. In plain fabrics we have FOR SALE.—For age, Lot 31, CQn-
his Mouth " room, only large enough for a beYand plaids. is 'now pretty cession 5, mckwop, containing -100 acres,
settled therein; he shut er ke.nt it shingled,right up. . . alities and shades. Trimmm"gs to FARM PROPRIETORS,
tight, and went on harnessing the great � � bureau, with a path between. 11 There, added some nice qu . * about go acres cleared and- all in a good state of
'I f do wish we had a parlor." . elvet Ribbons ; also DrEiss Buckles cultivation. it is well underdrained and well � -
bay mare. He. hustled the cellar on to 11 I guess it won't hurt George East- father," a-dd she—" there's all the room � match in Velvets and V I fenced. There is a good brick house and good . . .
her neck with a jerk. * i � you in a nice I've had to sleep in 40 year. All my . We have opened 'a Dress- frame barns, stables, shedg,&c. There is a -
. .- main any to come to see e—the two that andsiiaes in great variety. la e bearing orcha an a ne e SEAFORTIE1, ONTO
11 Father I" clean kitchen. I guess a good many children were born ther . king department for the benefit of our own customers. it is situated within three miles r
The old man slapped the saddle upon * Is don't havens good a place as this. died and the two that's livin'. I was I ma � op ng well.
I . ") ,,`I� to solicited. . of Seaforth and will be sold cheap. Apply to PIANOS.—Danham, New York
the mare's back. - I , , sick with a fever there. Your patronage - s mccLuRE, Porter's Hill P. O. 1168tf
. I I Look here, father, I want to know ro'body has ever heard me comp ain.- - . I J W. Bell &Co., Guelph; Dominion Piguo
61i I ain't. complained either, mother',." She stiepped to another door- apid open- � I I I . - I
, I
i what them men are diggin' over iii the (I, Well, I don't t�kink you'd better, a edit. It led to a small and ill -lighted i ARM IN STANLEY FOR SALE.—For sal; Company, Bowmanville.
cheap; the East half of Lot 20, Bayfield �
field for, an' I'm goin' to know." good father and is good home as you Pantry. I I Here," said she, " i�, all the F aining 64 acres, of which 62
"I wish you'd go into the house . t—every place I've got 5 Road, Stanley, cont W. Bell & Co.
I have got. S'pose �our father made you buttery� I've go I EDWARD M)FAUL, SEAFORTH * acres are cleared and in a good state of cultiva- ORGANS. — I
mother, and 'tend to your own affairs," go out and work for your livin'? Lots for my &hes, to set away my victuAs I � , bard" Guelph; Dominiolt Organ. C pauys
. ! tion. The balance is well timbered witt
� in, I an' to keep n 11k, Fathers . I There are good buildings, a bearing om
the old man said then. He ran his of Prls have to t at ain't no stronger . � ay milk pans ' . I wood. It is within half a BOwmanville; D. W. Karn A C019 .
words together, and his speech was al- an better able thaa you be." I've been taking care of the milk of . ! orchard and plenty of water.
I . I - � mile of t d three miles 'Woodstrock. - �
most as, inarticulate as a growl. Sarah Penn waehed the frying pan six cows in this place, ark nov� you're . � ! Posgessioil at any �
Bat the woman understood; it was k�ep more from Brucefield station- . The above inst�tkiments always on hand, also
S with ao conclusive air. . She scrubbed goin' to'build a new barn, an' . . � time. This is a rare chance to buy a, first class
her most native tongue. " I ain't goin I he in. cows, an' give me more to doin it." I farm, pleasantly situated. Apply to ARTHTJR 6 few good second-hand Pianos and Organs for
into the house till you tell me what them the outside of. it us f aithf ully; as It oor.I A nar-! - aforth. 1144tf :ale at from $25 upwards. instruments soia on
. f , side. She was a masterly keeper of her She threw open another d ; - -- . FORBES, Se - - the instalment plan, or on terms to suit ca.
men are doia' over there in the fie - Ids' box of a house. Oer one living -room row crooked flight of stairs w6und up -i - . SPLENDID CHANCE.—Two houses and tomers, Violins, Concertinas and small Instm.
said she. never seemed to ave in it any of the ward from it.. 61 There, fathei," saidl If - Alots for sale, pleasantly situated in the ments on hand ; also sheet mwic, books, &a.
I Then she ,stood waiting. She Tras A' - she ; " I want You to look at the stairs I Village of Egmondville, being one frame house, I �
small woman, short and straight- waisted dust which the friction of life with in that go up to them two unfinished with stable and half acre of 1and vooun:� with . -
animate matter produces. She swept, fruit trees, and one new brick 'Rith
� like a child in her brown cotton gown. and there seemed ;o be no dirt go be- chambers that, are all the places our large frame stable and one and hall acres of SOOTT BROS:11'
Her forehead was mild. and benevolent folio the broom; she cleaned, and one son and! daughter'have had to sleep in, I . land. The house contains six rooms, bath
. - I . � . mement, cistern and I
between the smooth curves of gray hair , could see no differ nee. She was like all their' lives. There ain't a prettier' . I � � � room and closets. brick bi . -
;- . i I conv6niences for a first class PrA
there were meek downward lines about an artist so perfec that she- has ap- girl in town nor -a more.ladylike onei , . all necessary
tly no art. , To dbay-she �ot out a than Nanny, — ]:�) Hi :P 0 "T . f �— vate residence. Will be sold 'in one parcet or 'Ce A WhitnA.11's
her nose and mouth; but her eyes, fixed and that's the place she' . separately to suit purchaser. For particulars
paren - . I ondville to,(/
upon the old man, looked as if the . . ' d rolled his to aleep in. It ain't so, good asl � - apply to SAMUEL WALLACE, Egul
mixing bowl and a oard, an . � I P. 0. or to A. STRONG, Seaforth. 1168tf - If.
� meekness had been the result of her own some -pies, and there was no more flour your h6rsels stall; it ain't so warm and� I
Will, never the will of another. - upon her than upon her daughter who tight." i - I : STOVE AND
They were in the barn, standing be Sara� Penn went back and stood be- ARM FOP. SALE CHEAP. -96,000 willbuy .
g doing finer v -ork. Nanny wo,s to , th concession of Me- 1
fore'the wide open doors. The spring be � and she was sew- iore .h6r husband. 11 Now,. father," Killop, belongin to Thompson Morrison, who
Wilmarried in the all, � 'LUMSDEN & WILSON, F - -
air, fulk of the smell of growing grass . some whit B cambric and em- - said shb, 11 I want to know if you think � is residing in takots and does not intend UL
Ing on �1 �bty acres cleared and the balance
and unseen blossoaks,. Zame - in their broidery. She ewed industriously you're doing right and accordin' to what � i � return, ell FU R INI I S H IN Q
� I - � good hardwood, maple and rock elmi Within 5
faces. The deep- yard in front was lit- while her mother ooked. Her soft milk- you profess. Here, when we *as mar-; I I h and within I of a Inile 01 I
tered with farm wagons and piles of I . . ds of Books used in Public Schools, High Schools, mileb of Seafort at and Presbyterian
white hands and riste showed whiter ried 401 years ago, you promised me Dealers in all kin . I school house, Methodi . -TP1 .1 -
wood on the edges, close to the fence C es, stores, mills, black8mithing and 0 S
. . than her delicate work. faithful that we would have a now house! 0 1 stock is now, very Chur h I
I Collegiate f�stitutes, Separate Schools, &c. ur wagon making shop, post office, &c., good buildl I
and the house, the- grass was a vivid �
" We m"qat have the stove moved out built in that lot over in the field before! complete, not only in books, but in all sorts of siipplies for scholars) ings and water for cattle, and good gravel roads .
jorne dandelions. the year was out. You said- You -had I I . es the lowest
green and there were F ' lolug", aa, ags Com- y part of the township, ttix
The old man glanced doggedly at his in the shed be � fore id Mrs. � n I you wouldn't ask rn� such as Slates, Pencils, Pens, Ink, Foolseap Papei'Y'School B I to an Seaforth, Ontario,
Penn. " Talk about not havin' things nkoney,�snough, a of any of.the borderinz towi
wife as: he tighten ed the last buckles on I . I Y Books, Scribbling Moks, Scholars Com -
it's been a real blessin to be able to put to live �in no such place as this. - It i passes, Copy Books, Drawing 0 , will be taken for $3,000 at 6 per cent. Apply
the harness. She looked as immovable up a shed in hot weather. Father did 40 yeak'now, an' you've been makin . . I to JOHN C, MORRISON. Winthrop P. O., Ont.
. i panions, Rulers, Rubbers, &c. � . . . 1176tf , We are offering Bargains in I
to him as one of the rocks in his pasture . one good thing wh n hefixed that stoire more money, an' I've been savin' of i . � � . . .
. �
land, bound to the earth with genera- . . ) . P ARM FOR SALE.—For sale Lot 12, conces- . I I
. for yoki* ever since, an you ain't built n(I � � F lith, containing '
tions of blackberry viaes. He slapped pipe out there." 'rolled cow sheds anc I ! sion, 4, H. R. S., Tuckcrs to gram, 8 :
. I Sarah Penn's face as she her house yet. You've built . . 100Tacres, 85 cleared, - 53 seeded , Coal & Wood Parlor Stoves. -
. the reins over the horse, and started � pies had that . f meek vigor cow houses and one new barn, an' nom 1, S P E01 A L V A L U E sown to fall wheat. The farm is well-fene4d, , -.
forth from the barn. which might have characterized one of -you re goin 0 III another-, Fath I I i well unaer-drained and well watered by a . All Stoves Guaranteed.
" Father !" said she. I , if you think it's right, . never failing spring which runs through I
. The old man pulled up. 11 What is it?"' the New Testament saints. She was I want. to know Note Papers, Envelopes, Blank Books. &c. into a trough. There is a brick housepi9do
11 I want to know wha't them men are making mince pies. Her h6aband, You're. lodgin' your dumb beaistabettei In all kinds of Stationery, �: for all denominations kit6en, imme barn, stable an -1 driving shed. .,% full line of I
Adoniram Penn, liked them better than than yi6u are your own flesh &�d blood - Bibles, Testaments, Prayer Books, Hymn Books;, Good orchard. The farm is situated within
diggin' over there irk that field for." I want1 to know if you think it's right.' . 1. - - ; . I two and a balf miles of Seaforth, with good
-- any other kind. She:baked twice a at � gravelroWeleading in. all directions. Will be
I I They're. d�iggin' a cellar, I s'pose, if I � I
I week. Adoniram often liked &'piece,.of- I I I e6lin't got nothin' to say. ". � i � sold on,eaoy terms. For further particulars ldcGlaxy's Famous Stoves
You've got to know." . pie between meal . Sh'6 hurried this 11 You can't say nothin' withoutownJ � ; , apply ori the premises or to JOHN PRENDER-
I I A cellar for what?" morning. It �ad been later than usual in' it �in't right, father. Ain' there' I S GAST, Seaforth P. O.,.0jit. 1136tf For which we are Sole Agents.
I " AL barn." )ve LUMSDEN &WILSON I ----- — ��
when Fihe began, a d she wanted to have anothe� thing—I ain't co�rkopl,ained; I � I . —For sale the south half '
"Abarn? �You ain't goin'to build a � got along 40 year, an"I sp a should . . AR9 FOR SALE.' % Great BaTgaius in. Table and Library
barn over where we was goirk' to have a a pie baked for diliner. However deep 1 .0 more, if it wa'n't for that—if we F of Lot 23, Concession 6. Morris, containing
. a, resentment sh6-might be forced to 4 , . SCOTT'S.BLOCK, MAIN STREET, StAFORTH.
i 100 acres� about 90 of which are cleared, well Lamps.
. i nd well �
. house, father?" hold against her husband,_ she would don't 'have another house, Nanny she t � fenced, about 70 free from stumps a
The old man said not another word. never fail in sed attention to his can't �ive with us after she's mar- . ,� I I .. — underdr9ined. 'The balance is' well timbered
. He hurried the horse ieto the farm wag- wants. 'ous ried. She'll have to go sofiiewhere I 8 - with latdwood. The cleared part isnearlyall C. M. WHITNEY
! ! seedea to grase. There is 9; frame houseand
- on, and clattered oat of the y,%rd, bounc- live from us, afil . it don't : I
-Nobility of ch ac�ter manifests itself else to u ' " Hou s -e,- trame oatn, also a small orchard. Thia is one of I
ing as sturdily on,his seat'as a boy. .1 w a I . Oentral Furnit re , . .
at! loopholes he is not provided seem as if I could have it ad nowwys, � the oest farms in the township and has no
� I I . I i �
The woman stood a moment looking with large doors. ; Sarah Penn's showed father.� She ws'n't never strong.- Shb!s .1 . � broken or bad land on it, and is good for either
after� him, then she went our, of the - - - in or, stock and ,A ill be sold cheap. It i5 MAIN -ST. i - SEAFORTIL
itself to -day in flaky dishes of pastry. got-004siderable color but there..wa'n't MAIN STREET SEAFOIUH., g ,
. I - ) ,A!iath n three miles of Brussels and within a
barn across a corner of the yard to the So she made the pies faithfully, while any b Ickborke to her. I've always,took -- - � . . I � . quarter of a mile of a school. Apply on the -
I ' " - .
house. The house, standing at right adross the table she could see, when she the helt of everything,qff her, an' she misela or to Brussels P. 0. WM. or JOHN
angles. with the great barn, and a long I � eight airk't fi I t . to keep house an' do everything We wish to draw the attention of the people, f Seaforth and sur- PP.rOe B B, J ir. 1144t. I f
glanced up from her work, the I
!each of Rheds and outbuildings, was -her patient and stead- herself. She'll be all worn out inside a rounding country to our large; extensive and vari d stock of - Wall Papers, -
ihat rankled in I ARBI FOR SALE.—Containing 119 acres, I _
infinitesimal compared with them. it I � � . � . ...
fast soul—the digging' of the new barn year. � Think of her do'in' all the wash- Fb�ifig parts of -Lots i: and 2, on the 8th �
. . was. scarcely as commodious for people in the place w e Ado iram 40 years in I an ) iron I and bakin' with them soft concession of Morris, loo acres cleared and 6
as the little boxes Under the barn eaves hands I HOUSEHOLD FERN ITITIRE, acres c o p - e a an, ood hardwoo
I I arms, an'swee&'. I Ecan't - � .1
. ago had promised .her that their new I . � . I OW SHADESI
were for 46ves, I �R.U.4 bush, fatrl enced and well underdrained, goo V= ..
. A pretty girl's face, pink and delicate house should stand. . havei , noways, father. ' '' � i - P her We manufacture the m6st of our Furniture, an can guarantee it to frame house and kitchen with woodsh .
of . The pies were d one for dinner. Adon- Mrs. Penn's face was burning I . I . attached. two frame barns land frame stable,
. as a flower, was looking out of one . d the public. At present our stock is very la rge, is daily iner, easing. good orchard and three wells and -a soft water
iram and Sammy were home a few min- mild eyes gleamed. She, had pleade i Z5 i - ar ed aw down. cistern - I of -Blyth, where . I
the house windows. She was watching utes after 12 o'clock. - The dinner was her little cause like a Webster; she To reduce this enormous stock, our prices have be ay . Within two miles e, B'
. three men wht were digging over in tbLe .1 & there is a good market for all kinds of - produc .aby. Oarriage�,
eaten with serious haste. There was had ranged from severity to pathos ; blut At' d. to purchas�. Our establishment school within five minutes'walk from the house.
field which, bounded the yard near the . I our low prices everybody can affor
. never much conv�rsatiork at the table in her -opponent maintained that obstinate . Would take -fifty acres in part pay. This Is a I
road line. z� She turned quietly when the the Penn famil I . Adoniram asked a . silence which ma;kes eloquence futile is- open to you all, and we want to see you and al your friends. � Bring first class farm and parties wishing to buy
woman entered. I y .. with your and pay us a visit. 6 wi I e very bappy would do well to call and See� it., Apply on the )
I , and they ate promptly, then with mocking echoes. AdQndram a,rose the whole family -
9,, bleseing � � premises or address Blyth Poist Office. NICH- �
" What are they diggin'for, mother. Hoping soon to ! 1139tf
11 Did he tell 9), rose up and went:about their work. clumsily. , , I to Show you our goods, whetlier you purchase or not. n OLAS CUMING. � �
. said she. you. � " Father, ain't you got . nothing to have a vi,sit from I . -----
"They're diggin'-�-for a cellar for a ' Sammy went Lack -to school, taking YOU$ we remain, respectfully yours, THE OENTRAL ARM FOR SALE.—For sale, lot 5, concession OHEAP -THIS WEEK
I T, I soft, sly lopes out of the yard like a �say?" said Mrs. Penn. ' F - . .
new barn." - P of FTJRNITURE HOUSE, opposite McFaul!s D 1, H� R. S., township of Tuckersmith, con
I marbles ' " e lot to go off after that load tainIng one hundred acres more or less, 97 acres �
" Oh, mother, he ain't goin' to build ribbit. He wanted a game of . stan' here talkin-'all . . cleared, So of which are seeded to grass, well un- —AT—
. feared his father graveiv can't I P�OPRIETQR.
another barn ?" b�fore school, arid )) I . derdral6d. threo never failing wells. On one !
- day M. ROBERTSON, I fifty of said lot there is a log. house, fritme b a
-- -� A�ould give him some.chores to do. ' -, � I � arn 9
" That)s what he says." " Faither,, won't you think it over, an' . . . and very superior orchard, and on the other a BookstollysV4
A boy stood before the kitchen glass doniram hasten to the door and cal ' I- h k house built there instead of a . ehouseand barn, stables, .and good Papsts I
ave a good fr4m .
- combing his hair. He combed slowly ed after him, but he was out of eight. . barn ?" I . 4�- b !. orchard. The whole will be sold together or . 7 -
and painstakingly, arranging his brown ': " I don't see w at you let him go for, � - ,%- � .� I . I . each fifty separately to suit purchasers, located ' no, goods,
hair in a smooth hillock over his fore- mother, )1 said h�. "I wanted him to 11 I I ain't got nothin' - to say. " I ; - 11 miles from Seaforth, will be sold reasonable Headquarters for Sporti t), .
Adoniram shuffled out. Mrs. Penn . I I .
He did not seem to pay any at- help me unload t1ilat wood." . - - nn Pasy term s a-3 the proprietor is retiring from new and second - hand Bicycles,
head. I I . Undertaking Depart ent.
tention. to the conversation. . Adoniram wen out to work in the went into her bedroom. When sh I ;_ 41 farn'ling. For further particulars apply to,the
. I . I
ng came - out her eyes were red. She had . I I I . undemivned on the premises, and if by letter to
"Sammy, did you know father was y rd unloadin ood'from the wagon. . � . Seaforth P.'O. MICHAEL DORSEY. 1176tf
� a roll of unbleached cotton d -loth. She . . . t, Foot Balls, Base Ball
going to build a new,barn?" asked the Sarah put away t e dinner dishes, while spread it out on the kitchen table, and . . -- - . -- - ;L ! �- Croque
girl. . Nannytookdown her curlp%persand . R FOR SALE. A I
� The boy combed assidnously. changed her dress. She was going down began cutting out some shUts for her This department is complete in every respect, and prices the low- V Good Dwelling House, main part, 16x24 Goods, Lacrosse Sticks, 1AWU TeU-
to the store to buy some more embroid. husband. The ,men over iA' the field' , nd. Funeralg attended to at the and 14,�c18 1 1A storeys with kitchen I 2x18 and a
11 Sammy 1" had a team to help them this afternoon - est. Two first-class hearses bil ha � . � first class cc ar under all the main part. There nis, &c., at
He turnedand showed a face like his ery and thread. : � is also a good -well and cistern, and youn
she could hear their halloos. She had a' shortest notice- and sati4 'action ,guaranteed. ani
father's under his smooth crest of hair. When Nanny was gone, Mrs. Penn . I * orc4ard, with plenty of land for both garden
-- �- TT!T��������� - - — � I
----------- � — I ---, ��
ie, I I
en m
I 4'Yes Is'pose I did," he said, reluct- went to the door. 11 Father !" she scanty patterin for the shirts ; "she had . � I M. ROBERTSON, Fulleral Director. lawn purposes, also Cider M111,25x40, with stable
y - - to Ian and piece -the sleeves. and wheel house attached, in first class working
aintly. cried. I I order� -with good trade established. The six Papst's - Bookstore, -
.6 it 11, what i I it?y) Mny came home with her embroid- — fine vitlage lots adjoining to and forming part of I
How long have you known it?" We a
asked his mother. . -I want to see you jest a minute, ery and sat down with her needle- I the above mentioned will be sold sepavately or �
, ""Bout three . months, I guess." father. 7) . i I . work. She had taken down her curl- Oentral Oommercial 10ollege, together to suit purchaser or purchasers, aff-ord- .
. nd there was a sof t oil of f air- , ing a good chance to any one desiring to pur. -
didn't you tell me?" - I "I can't leavethis wood nohow. I've papers, a l chase it good new dwelling, first class In every
11 Why t, ; I; 6 i'l niir�" 1k � f^r�vinmtl I
� I I dida't think it would do no
. �
got to.git it unload' ed an' go for a load
of gravel afore 2 o'cloek. Sammy had
- L %� "" ""IV V V .9
her face was as delicately fin� and clear
I respect, or lots on whichtO D1111a SS Lne SIT,Ua-
-� tion is equal to that of any in the village, This
good." . - I
"I don't see what father wants an-
ought to helped me. You hadn't ought
as porcelain. Sudderil elooked up,
'Y " a
and the tender red flamed
, , I propeIrty will be sold at a bargain as the owner
�e I intends securing a farm. iFor full particulars
other barn far," said the girl, in her
sweet slow voice. She turned again to
to let him go to school so early."
"'I want to see you just a minute. '
, I
face and neck. " Mother," aid she.
i apply, to! BERNARD THOMPSON or G, J.
I . ! I
I ! SUTEIERLAND, both of Hensall. 1176tf.
the window, and stared out at the dig-
men in the field. Her tender sweet
it I tell you I can't nohow, mother."
"Father, you come here." '.Sarah
" What eayV 11
16 I've been thinkin'—I don't see how
�11 . -
Stuaents may enter at any time. We see more and more every day of our lives the necessity !
' a ARM�FORSALEA rare ebancetoobtain
man and woman being qualified to earn a livelihood, and there is no better w y to FA being Lots 11 12,
face was full of gentle distress. Her
Penn stood in the door like a queen; she
we're goin' to have any weddin' in this
I'd be ashamed to have his
of every young flue propeity, and
.secure this qualification than to attend this popular traininz school. heads and skilled Concession 13, Grey township, Huron Coiinty,
forehead was as bald and innocent as a
baby's, with the light hair strained back
held her head as if it bore W crown ;
there was that patience which makes
room. L
folks come if we did n�'t have auybody
Remember, it pays to secure the very best blialness.educatioo. I )ntainink 200 acres, 145 acres under cultiva.
hands are always in demand, if the education and skill are of a superior order. The course of c(
thorough, but the *most Seven exper- tion, balance drained and partly cleared, with
from it in a row of curl papers. She
authority royal in her voice. Adoniram
else. " I
" Mebbe we can have
study given in this school is not only the most practical. the exc'eption of 15 acres reserved for firewood,
ienced instructors are constantly looking after the student's interests. I
and fehee timber ; soil, rich clay loam, rolling
'Was quite large, but her soft curves did
went. I
som!1e new pa.
bUore then; I can it on.
Satisfaction guaranteed every time. Good board only $2.60 per week. Write for catalo and yery productive ; a commodious frame
I - I
not look as if they covered muscles.
Her looked, at the
: Mrs. Penn led the way into the
kitchen, and pointed to a chair. 11 Sit
Per p6t
guess you won't have any call to be
� 1wellitig. large cellar, with woodshed and other
. . W. H. SHAW Uonveniences attached ; two large barns, one
mother sternly
boy. " Is he goin' to buy more cows ?"
down, f ather said 'she; "I've got
� ,
ashamed of your belongings."
I f
SECRETARY. i PRINCIPAL. with stone stabling underneath, besidesother
� outbuildings; two large bearing orchard8of
Is aid she.
somethin' I wan I to say to YOU."
might have the weAdin'in the
new barn,"' said NanD7, with gentle
- I
. I I choice fruits, besides a variety of small fruits,
i trees 1,400
The boy did- not reply ; he was ty,ing
1 He sat down heavily ; his faee was
but1he looked her
pettishness. 11 Why, mother, what
I ornamental and shade ; rods of
� I straight mil fence, recently Put up, a po�tlon
his shoes.
. . . 11 Sammy, I want you to tell me if he's
quite stolid, at with
restive eyes. � " Well, what is it,
make's you look . so ?"I
undeidrained, watered. by two never failing
HAMILTON & MINNIS, SEAFORTH wells and a spring privilege for stock. This
: + 1, . n- 09))
�-other 9) I I
Mrs. Penn had started, and was
I farm is nle%santly situated. has art even our -
go ng o uy .
I I I s'pose he iq. " I 11 I want to know what you're build- staring at her with a curious expres- � , I - face and drainage * facilities that cannot be . �
" How many ?" . in' that new barn for, father?" sion. - She turned again t6 her work, . I surpassed, while the buildings command a view -- - .—
Lnd spread out a pattern carefully on . of the whole property and a large portion of � �
I I Four, - I - guess. " 11 I ain't got nothin' to say about it." I L the surrounding country, adding much to the TTON ROOT COMPOUND. -*M, ,
he dlQth. " Nothin'," said si e. TT'
His mother said'nothing more. She I 11 It can't be that you think you need t h =-A--vvT--E1 T—VIE :D beautv of the place It is distant 4J miles from d of Cotton Root, Tansy 'Ad
- 1 1 Brussels on the G. � onn
went into the pantry, and there was a another barn?" Presently Adobiram clattered out of : Y R., whilexot office and ' yroyal—prepared by an old Ar
- � , an. IS SUCCeSS
,at fUlly fl&
. churches are not far distan -, - roads. Will lot used mm,
.- 1he boy got his coat 11 I tell ye I ain't got nothin' to say the yard in his two -wheeled dump cart, a]
clatter of dishes � I ' be sold reasonable. For further particulars e.by thousands of women and has b0W ,
from a nail behind the door, took an old about it, mother, an' I ain't goiLL' to say standing as proudly upright Oka a Roman co -ner of Main and apply to D. & J. ROBERTSON, on the premises prescribedlu a practice'of overthiutf
� . i To John Logan's old stand, on the .
� I -
arithmetic from the shelf and started i(lothin"." . character. Mrs. Penn opened the .door 4 or to Cranbrook P. O. 1174tt years. Price, $1. Will be mailed to sny.addrsw 1
for school. fie was lightly built, but 11 Bb you goirk' to buy more cows ?" and stood there a minutei ; the hal- .John Streets, first door north of . R. Counter's I — in Canada and United States. Doctors MOP
clumsy. He werit out �i the yard with Adoniram di(f not reply ; he shut his loos, of the men sounded loAder. . Jewelry Estabhshme t. ARMS IN TUCKERSMITH AND STAN. tavion hours, 9 to 11 and 1 4. Diosw of
. FLEY FOR SALE.—For gale Lot 21, Con- women treated only Sealed pirb'eulaw, tWO
a, curious tilt in his hips, that made his mouth tight.' I It, seemed to hcr all throuth the Tuckeromfilk, conZining stamps. Ladie on3 Addreft p6A�,M LUX
. I I � cession 2, L. R. S., a
loose home-made jacket tilt up in the i "I know youlbe, as well as I want spring months that she had hear noth- loo acres, of which 85 acres a're cleared, free COMPANY, No. 3, Fi,,he Bloc 131 Woodwalil
I — , I I Avenue�, Detroit Mi�higan. 1168-u
�to. Now, fathdr, look here—" Sarah ing but the halloos and the noikes of , : from, stumps, all underdramed,'well fenced and
rear* I I I � . � .
I The girl went to the sink, and began Penn had not sat down'; she stood be- saw $� and hammers. Thenewbarrigrew i ; . in a high state of cultivation. The balance is ----;— ..
- I il I well timbered with hardwood. There is a good 7 �
. to wash the dishes that were . piled up fore her husband in the humble fashion fast. It was a fine edifice ,:for this lit- W e are now opened in our new store, whio�h is fitted up in first,- brick residence coiitaining all the latest im- .
� . .
there. Her mother came promptly out - of a scripture , 6man--" I'm goinf I., nt8 and con ,� GODERIGH
w .5 to tle N�ill&ge, Men came on,, Sundays in class shape, and everything made for the acconimodation of our cus- proveme veniencf-4 a good barn, �
. talk real plain to - . -
of the pantry and shoved' her aside. you;- I never have -their meeting suits and clign shirt bos- stables, driving house, sheds Pand other out
. "'You wipe theta," said, she - "I'llwash. sence I married you, but I'm goin' to 'ornal and stood around ii admiringly. , tomers,. and we are prepared to do better for Our customers than ever buildings all in good repair. 1 There are three .
� ) I of it, and Ad- before. , We have plenty of room now, plen-by ' ' 1. acres of orchard and garden. containing -all Steam Boiler WorkS,
There's a good many this mornin'." now. I ain't'n'ever complained, an"I Mrs. Penn did not speak of light, and everything kinds of large and small fruit trees and the :
The mother plunged her hands vigor- ai'nt going to now, but Pin goin' to talk - oniram did not mention it to her, &I- whole farm is surrounded by maple and other ' I .
� made pleasant fDr everybody, as well as Boots and Shoes at right shade trees. It is close to school and is con- (ESTABLISHED 1M.) ..
ously into the water; the girl wiped the plain. You se�l this room here, father; though sometimes upon a -return from I
fp I pri6es. I . � venient to markets, railways, churches, ,,etc.,
.. plates slowly and dreamily. " Rother, ,you 1,00k at it well. You see there ain't inspect�ng it, he bore, himself with in- and good gravel roads leading in every direction.
said she, "' don't you think it's too bad � no carpet on th II floor, an' you see the jured dignity. � Don't foro,et to. call on SATURDAY, August ah, as we will be
. . - � 0 Theie ar� three never failing wells. This is one Chrystal & Blackq
fatker's goin' to build that new barn, paper is all dirty, an' droppW off the 11 It's a strange thing h4 your moth giving Special Bargains that day, as we will celebrate it as our Open- of the be8t farms in Huron and will be sold � .
t cheap as the. proprietor desires to remove to I 2
. much as we need a decent.house to live walls. We ain't had no new paper on it er feels about the now barn," he said ing day. . . Manitoba where he has purchased mare � land. Manufacturers of all kinds of Statiomi
.) .-
in. I ... for ten year, an' then I put it on myself, . confidentially, to Sammy ofie day. I - Apply on the premises or address Brucefteld ary, Marine, Upright& Tubular
Her mother scrubbed a dish fiercely-. an' it didn't cost but nine pence a roll. Sammy only grunted after an odd I ., P. 0. GEORGE PLEWES. I � �
. .
� I
it You ain't found out yet we're women- You see this room here, father ; it's fashion for a boy ; he had- learned it � . He also offers for sale for the same reason his -
f�oiks, Nanny Penn," said she. 11 You the only one I've had. to work in, and from his father. ' —Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Valises farm in the Township of Stanley, being Lot 12, 1B.01LERS)
11 co pleied ready for . Conceselon 6, Stanley, contairning 1:00 acres,
� - ain't seen enough of men folks yet to. eat in and sit in sence we was married. The barn was all in . I .
One of these days you'll find it ouf, an' There ain't another woman in the whole use the third week in July., Adorkiram ' I ! about 76 acres cleared, free from stumpq_and in
then you'll. know that we know oRly town whose husband ain't got half the kad planned to move his stock jn on — AT . a state of good aultivation, the balante well Salt Pane, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Ira
I .
what men -folks think we do, far as any means you have but what's got better. W,ednesday; on Tuesday he received a I � I timbered. There is a comfortable frame house, Works,. etc. I
' � frame barn and 4rivinr house and stables. . .
use of I it Poeg, and how we'd ought to It's all the room Nanny'agot to have letter which changed his plans. He There is a good orchara and plenty of wa Also dealers in Upright -and Horizontal slidO
9 . I - es
reckoii men folks in with Providence, her oompaDy in ;'an' there aint one of , canis in with it early in the morning. _ HAMILTON & MOINNIS, It is withir. three kulles of Varna and C116y. Valve Engines. AutZmatle Cut -Off E ' 4
. veniently situated for markets. Apply on the specialty. All sizes of pipo an
an'not complain of what they do any i her mates but what's got better, an' I 11 Sammy's t)een to the post office," said - - I I . ises or to either of the unde qued WM. d plp:%;
I t I rem rs constantl on hand. 9sfimates furnished
. more than we do of the weather." �, their father's not -so able as berm is. It's 11 he, and I've got a letter from Hiram. ' ' �. PLEWES, Varna P. O.; GEORGE PLEWES, Z
. a room she'll have to be married ' Qmt1nued on 3rd page.) J. LOGANS OLD STAND AIAIX-ST., SEAFORTIL Brucetield. 1127tf shortirkMe. �
96 1 d6n't care; I don't believe George � all th . . . I �, ; Worlis opposite G. T. R. Station. CrodhOrldl,
I . : �
� 2i6( -I.' � � �
I , , � � "M � Was - Id
. - - 11V�A in veral
- �
''I . - it Wo U ,
. , 11 , Bat,
. I
. be � pq abo dt t,
. - " I -guess thii
I .
I � �Vhj�kx If I
- � re's a chaw
a horse I wiiht
1, . out of the win
1&ra. Penu I
I Wdat on eta]
lbo Crusts &It
oalier hftrt I
.04 j,ciunlxko� .
� I nows right ia
t e 10
- ,he ten nor -
� :aUl the others
. three or fonr d
-and here U
. to I
. I
- -
I - dot to hn'Ve Sin'
16uliag in tl
Weueh out, at
� . cod horas to i
18;�r- go."
i -I- 4is 111-1 get 0114
istl Wv said W, rs
$he laid �out; ,
-#ad Iiis clean i
littie bedroon
wa I ter and n
bultto'1116`1 On hi�
. iladir cravat.
AdQuiraw, u
tr*vat- ex-cept;
held his hea&
Aity. When I
cost and hat
pie,and cheese
. tated on the t
looke at his -1
. eto- 11 i
- t,h,o,new barns'
- . �. the li�
thoref -.
it Well )I
� " rej
- . AAouirarn 19
Snd Started. 7
- doorstep, he 1
With 0. kind 0.
aboll be baekl
I pe!okf I> said he
i . D& be car,
Wife, 4
She sti�oa ji
. her elbow and,
Hereyes had
pression in th4
was zontraeb
. -about her bi
: -
. Sewing. Her I
I nissrer, an a
-thin -with hl
mother kept 9,
�� . 0 0 liave yo-
1i4e this mori
I t16 A little.Y2 �
: . - un. penn�
chianged, her I
ad� her eyes 114'
.. met. She forn.
I - Although incol
: tered thoug,h
, tabuies are tt
. to -the uew rem
in effect, and i
I , L
her,course of I
� PoSin, I L
�, $1, 1
she muttered I
. t vs I
Pan L ry-- 2 po
him if h- kne,N
didn'to an' fat]
Ry d". 11
tr voice ran
last. ,1�
I'll What ary
]or *)IV
. called Ni
. Mrs. Penn'-
eleven eelock,
. I of hay from tt
. down theicari
the 110W- bar
I -1 Stop "'she I
� I �
1he men, Stl
appeared fron
etared -at his i
1* stop 11", lot
You put the h
old one �w
the , . I
11:1 Why, he�
turned . one --of
!ugly. . He w
. boes abon, wh
year to help i
I '14 Don't yo
- barn;thereaj
atn't there VI
'94 I
. Room �e�
man, in his tt
need the ne�
concerned. I
L his mind. , 1�
widles. .1
Mrs. Penn - I
Soon tho k -
I edy and a, 11 I 1.
came into thi
Nanny - w
thoughtfath � ,I
hay into the -
,4;. �
tinY. I
all i
I .
Unmy 'Ali
eta a
, ame in�
� :i
. *1 I ain't -.
I to -day, sa -1
his mother.:
Yiau "'n h �
� , Pie,I. I thou
I She set,out'
hre4%d,, ands
,61 yowd bet
u.1d she. -,,
� t;hroughivit
%, me afterwar
. . Wanny ai
dther. The
their ukothe�
not ,eat -, an
- �
ikito-tto I "
� %,moving is
- I she- come
71he got the.
shed sud psi
At�d S-amtiiy
Cups And BSI'
the pastes.
4, L What A
9.nquired Ni
sense of soi
. tremble, an
.1 - "]
rolled his e
;6tfi �� L
oUW,11 I
; plied Mro. L
Nauncyl I,
1 4.
I tmck up ,]a
�. v
. $2. to
I t Inmy, �
in the bedr
I " Oh� m
... L i "I You'll �
, L
,W, �y to � .
" 11
*ud and i
� act
alikeer lin'
Lit L ep prec -
Of the ene
_; -,t h e . h, e &�Ad
F, -
- .
- -
t . !