HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-09-19, Page 1aft kss" i ds, )E - Loll 7 . - I I . ft , - I I I � 11TY I I I I � 7(ods - � -1 , �: ; , .1, I � I � . L _LLSY I I . I r I . �rira_ �ade, � . I ------- o ; I I QOM I : - I Ile Of 5 � : I, . . I Drd, I � comes . ,nencled. �.er care ices. � . , . . � rL7 . I 00000M � - o . L its fury, )rris, got : f ram the ,of water. � aerioualy � - I . . � ge streets coating of was much ti'lao being Inalia, who �� � ,, 31-r. P � oat - I to, Chicar ad N1 essrs. . � McDowell nd, for the Commercial � Strong, or- aer of For- - , a, - Foresters` Ong's genial , I � I � �a,ble him to .. �-niats in the . . lel a club and I . � % Wroxeter, y last, -the .of 5 to 3.— � ter, Friday, �� ioring town�s . . c,f her GiviG ; I Ile with the 7 3 have begun 4- e i th former a the latter . The sample I � of oat, s, fair. I i iturned from a trip thither I I i .N_1r. Evans Id prospects - - I ., �arts is here � . and parents I 1riling horne I j jNlit helly I uncle T. R& I ile J. Woods � berries last ittle mishap- . . e bushea h-0 of horne,tsy ith -their h%r' � e ;11 s--iag his . a to, his heelb'%� I lothes on the ht he alt,umbl'Od - I - mea and diBIO' [e succeeded ill Way f roru his [le� had left A , . I e &qre an hiln, �� a. . , around &9al" I ., . k list ,-i the sic �, who has bee" ' - �i, .Z M. on.ths N � k..—Mr. Tonasp �aool Inspector, ' - �i 1,st NNVedaeg- �eased Nvilth the . �, Mr. J- .0' � 100i —The pt -c' L - hl .N.Ir- A. �D, �d tof SeptOrrPberg ' Ing ladi�s'Of Our ' � be a grand "a' . rogramMey Con' yingy , ti).tions, sing ­_ - ,ccompanied , bf . e of ��rielldly gam . I -0tic tep., to the �.-_ � -ntles ,k of the bou 11 thern. After i Ss were ec"Itent � ver� 8 housey whell :., D Hoover's I. - � .,,.tZ,d her Will �e � � I ; ac - liet, 'cOl"Panleu jj.reS8 ,Whioh'WSa` �e Bowatt- The Asented by Miss I I I— s ia j�welve , inahe 5ed in southerIlt .1 to be Of flne ppw�' I � ., : I , , I I Z - . . . E . . . I . . I I � -- KA - I . 'i 1. I . I$- __ . � - . � . 06- ­ -_ . . . I . - � � I .. . . - 1� 'i i 11 WA . 3 �1 - Z� . 4 1 � �, I � 4# . i I � . - I - .f . k � - . . . . ,! I I 1 . fl, I . � ­ ! .. J1 � I i - - I I ! 0^ , I . i . J - 44 i , " Ir .)I , , � , I J , JA , i. V � � I , - I I , 11 r, 11ri I I ( ill I I �; . � � � � I - J/ I I . .., - - . . I 11 � . - I .. .. � 11 . I - . . 11 . I . . � � .1 I . � . 4 . .1. . �, � .... � ... I . i ; . 1. � - . , . � 4 1 � . I * . - : I . - q � . . . . � I . I 1-. , . I . . i 1. � � -------- I � . . I � . - I - � . - - . - I., � - � TWBNTY-TBa-fZD YEAR. � � ! MCIAEAN � BROS. Publishers. ! - . WHOLE NUMBER 1,188. � -, SEAFORTHs )FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 19,1890, 1 i . . � - 5 1 01*50 a Year, in Advance. I - . .1 - ., .- I I I I - � - i I � . ­ — — � I . I . -, � I , ' ' I - , i 1. I A � - Xew York L�tter. . . themselves, and he intended to do so at which he had raised from a colt and operation consisted in removing a per- Tyler, Mr. Hobson and Chas. M4cken� rangements made on his behalf. Much . � I I _ once. m used entirely for riding 1 en N E W FALL (Regular Corres ' purposes, 6ever tion of the gums and cutting some dist- zie,. M.P.P., passed through the, com- comm, t is being made in Freneb-Cana- . � Nxw YoRK, Sepiember-15, 1890. Now, Mr. Editor, a word or two having had a harness upon it., But ance into the bone tissue of the jaw an - d Pressed air apartment and came out of than society circles on the fact that . - A I . . about the frost. I see by the' Ontario after 35 years'faithful service thJ aged was successfully perfornmed. Mrs. the. tunnel on the United States side, Prince George did not dance witb a - � . design for General it Grant's monu. Press there are many coDflictin . ne died the other day, so Mr. Meyer retained consciousness through- The Governor-General expressed himself 1 single French-Canadian lady at the ball! � .. � g ac- equi I ,-AND- ment hawat last been selected and ev. � I � counts, and I do not Wonder at" it, as Waters undertook the journey on fuot, out, and with the exception of a slight in idmiration of the wonderful piece of —On Saturday evening the barns of I � erything seems to Point tD an early cc,, the reports from the different points in and accomplished a remarkable feat for headache felt none the worse for, it. engineering skill, as shown in the con- Mr. E. G. Wilde, concession 121,CulroBs., t , . I mencement of the work' f construction. - � Manitoba. are also conflicting,,. although one so old. . . —At a meeting of manufacturers of struction of the tunnel: were totally destro' d by fire. It ap- I .ye . . . 1 he committee in cliarge are evidently the reports from each individual point —Maggie Fulmer, of Leamington, harvesting bindors, held in Toronto last —The other evening one of the stills pears, that a young man in the employ- - filled with grand idcas, oth as to the . . .1 , .. are in a measure correct. To e4lain ' died the othei, day from, the eff6cts of Friday � vening, the leading firms of On.* at the works of the Imperial -Oil Coin- ment'of Mr. Wilde had gone to the barn . Winter Go.ods nature of the work and the amount of � 11 I I subscriptions. ' The estimated cost is this sort of see -saw repotting,the facts of eating starch. I tario w re represented. The condition pany in East London Exploded in some with, a coal oil lantern and having cc- - , Z 1 $500,000, but this estiniate is rather the case in a nut -a - bell are, that' the '—Rev.'Mr. Edmunds, of Hayiville, of busin sa,was discussed, and the opirt- unknown manner and scattered blazing � casion to set the lantern down, One of a ! r t frosts generally go in streaks here,anA the returned home from his Eu opean trip ion expressed that the stagnation is due fluid over property 'for a considerable number of hens which had strayed into � I veeks to over- production. It was decided to distance. The noise resembled the dis� Ahe barn became alarmed and flew 11 I —AT THE— elastic and may be reduc d to *150,000 one on Thursday night, August 21st, was last week. He was. absent eight �. . . - I or raised!, to a round mi lion. The de - � . I - . nd returns in good health and spirits. organize an association. I I , I . no exception to the rule, some- a . . charge of a cannon, and caused coficus- against the lantern upsetting it, and the - � � � - . sign adopted is the wc rk of J ohn 11. times hurting grain on one part of a —Mr. George Forbes, of Wood6tock, —Mr. Kynoch, of Galt, the other sion of the ground. Firemen succeed- oil which flowed out at once taking fire Duncan, and was selected from among 'ei was dayshipped per ex . I section and leaving it on the other part while driving at the Simeoe rac press to New York, ed in confining the firb to the still,which . the place was soon in flames. The - I . . Chen" Cash Store fiv.b compejjtors; but 65 designs'had of the same section untouched I a .;henoethe run into and thrown out of the sulky. from whence it will be conveyed by sail- was completely destroyed. young man managed to draw out the . F_ been previd'usly submitted and all re- i - conflicting reports. One farmer will Beyond sustaining a cut on the head he ing vessels to its destination in Cuba, —The Allan steamer, Grecian, which .binder and saved a few dther articles, I - jected. ThL-� proposed mortument will - .. 9 � . ; embody the idea of a memorial hall, i come into town and say his grain is not was not severely injured. a fine mastiff pup, from the breed own- arrived at Montreal on Thursday last but the whole season's crop including I 111 hurt, and his nearest neigh�o'r will have —The town of Essex is about to fore- ed by Mr. Roos. The dog is only a week, had -a narrow escape from total four or five hundred bushels of wheat I , —GF— front of which will be aced a colossal a different story to tell. The truth of cliose a mortgage it holds against the few months old, but already weighs destruction during -her passage. , Fire whieb had been threshed was consumed. - . equestrian statue of the dead hero. The the matter is, that the hail and, recent Essex Center Manurileturing Con�pany. about fifty pounds. . broke out four different times, twice on Though partially covered with insurance I � hall will be Grecian i tyle, cover a "the y the loss is a very heavy one, . :.. . . in a frost will considerably decrease' The count owes the town upwards of —Mr. Robert Thomson, an old resi- the 5th, once on the 7th. and again on I space of 10.0 feet square, and will rise to dent of North Dumfries and Galt, the 9th in the cargo of linseed oil and - —A fashionable wedding was arranged , quantity and quality of wheat available $10,000. I a height o� 160 feet front the ground. It f ,v, to take place at the B4silica, Quebec, HOFFMAN'& CO., or export. MrA. S. Aikins, of Win- —The Windsor assessors bavb con- died on Wednesday last week in his 86th wool in one of the holds and was ex- � I - I I will be capped by a doma-like structure nipeg, who is a son of the ex-Lieutenaut eluded their labors, which allows 9, popu- year. He w" a native of Berwickshire, tinguished on each occasion with great. the other morning. After nearly an . . � with sculptured figures on top. There , . 7 . . I Governor, who made us a friendly call lation of nearly 10,600, one -eleventh be- Scotland, and came to Canada in 1832. difficulty. . - hour's waiting, the bridegroom, Dr. �� - will bean interior gallery 122 feet above -ships, failed I : thib week and has traveled over the en- ing colored. The assessment has been He at once settled on a bush farm in —M,r. Bond, with Misses Dolly Tay- Steele, of the Eastern Town , ' � 4 �i � .CARDNO'S BLOCK the base from which visitors can look .1 . raised about $1,700, -, I I �, . I ) down into the hall, which will hold tire Province collect,mg crop figures, North Dumfries, retiring a year ago lor and Bessie Taylor, all of Burford, to appear, and the bridal party, finally I 1� - I thinks that we will have, after all t90 ' —Two brothers of Birchall, tile al- to Galt. were driving home from Brantford Fri- retired, announcing that the ceremony l � I . 1,000 people. The sarcophagus to con- dangerous places we have passed, at leged murderer of Benwell, are at Ter- —At Baden, Friday morning, Mrs. day evening, and when passing through had been indefinitely postponed. It ap- I . - � . - . .. . tain Gen�eral Grant's remains will bd in least ten millions for export, not very onto putting in a pirt of the timb that Doerfling while dressiug the other , West Brantford the tracer got loose and pears that the bridegroom left his dress I a crypt opposite the ma n entrance. The a I . ; , . children for school laid a seven montbB' �. S E A F 0 R T H a* insignificant figures when we turn up they have to wait fdr the opening of the the team ran away, throwing the occu- suit behind him in a city hotel, but 4 � I . � . I monument as a -whole w 11 somewhat re-' the crop figures for other countries, trial at Woodstock. " old babe on the bed as usual while doing pants out, the buggy passing- over and gives no explartatit)n of his peculiar con - I L i semble the Pantheon -at Rome and the &me, is the work. By some 'means it rolled in �', many of them showing big shortages. —H. M. Stanley, of African seriously hurting Miss 'Bessie Taylor. duct. A somewhat- similar case cc - I � ; I � � I I I . tomb of 'Napoleon i § to be paid $1,600 for his lecture i6 Lon- between the bed and wall with the The team was found in a ditch a little' ciirred at Kingston about the name time i ' ' I Our crop i� not all stacked yet, owing i 1 _�HE CHAMPION STARVER don on January 7. Two hundr6d and clothes and when found it was suffo- distance from town, both horses dead. only it was the lady who backed out. 'I i DELINEATORS o the unprecedented wet weather for The I�alian professional faster: I I . Mr. J. Clapper, of Arden, was to have � � OCTOBER � , Signor t , i � � ty- - fifty-five tickets have alrea ; . the paat two weeks, the last forl . —On Tuesday last week his worship . � - �i Sucei, has just arrived in New York and . a merchant of Petrolea, beenmarried. The guests were invited A I bacribed for. —A. F. Ross, I i . - - I t : - TO HAND. 4ght hours ecording several inches of all the Mayor of London, in behalf of the , It . � is preparing to give an exhibition of 'E . � . d the minister engaged, but for some , 1 rainfall, but#e farmers are hopeful�of a —E. Fitzgerald,, of near Picton, has started out with & load of goods to an . � 1 people of that city, sent a greeting to . - e I � — fasting which is intende& to eclipse any. the bride elect changed her mind � 1 ; about four tons of hops from 15 acres deliver Monday morning, and before cause t, . Lord and Lady Aberdeen, then guests I - - thing of the kind ever attempted be -fore. change soon.' Mostly Huron boys are for which he was offered $2,400 baing 30 getting very far complained of feeling , and: the ceremony was postponed indefi- Ill I Perth ItemB. He brought with him a trunkful of doc. settled here,: and, Mr. Editor, as cents per pound. This is a good et n nick. He got -off the wagon, and just 68 of the city of Toronto by a carrier I . 1.. . sometimes iell us that Huron blyo'd r ur � pigeon. The message was tied in a quill nitely. I is identity and he entered the door of his store he � Among the visitors to the Toronto - . � I . t � —There are 18 pupils in attendance uments, to- prove b haa tells, it may have full adope to exhibit for the land. to one of its tail feathers. The winged fair'is Mr. Win-. Beecroft, a well-to-do � , - at Mitchell Model school. his title of champion faster certified to - it' . —According to. the Ingersoll I hro-ni_ dropped, and upon examinatiQu he was with its mes- farmer of Mariposs, Victoria county. powers ;before this freak of the Oxfor messenger quickly arrived -i ea ve , Mr., Beecroft'came to Canada when but 't —A black bear is wandering araund by more,than 200 physicians in different t6er is o' r. However, as we - have cle, Mr. H. T. Garvey, of North d found to be dead. sage, which was duly delivered. This R in North Easthope. 'A good many peo- parts o 'Europe. tie has fasted pub-., w . . obtained the last'season from .35 colon- —Ham Wann, a wealthy young of re- - our name up we can but ponder over . was a novel and delightful way - -1 ple have seen him,but there was never a liely 30 days in Lisbon, 35 in Brussels ) . � ies of bees, 2,625 pouitd'a of hone�. This Chinaman from San Francisco, Califor- . . I sev6n years of age, and tells many in- . 'lli ceiving a complimentary greeting. i the example of the Presbyterian hen terer,tiug pioneer experiences. At the ;� gun handy when he was in sight. ' ,and 40 i i London. He intends to beat in an average of .75 pounds per Clolony, - nia, arrived at Windsor on Wednesday I- . . that showed so much real pluck in the —Mr. Arthur Pequegnat arrived at - T - rd now by fasting 45 days in onsider- night last week on his way to Montreal. � —The handsome span of drivers re' ; the rec) which is a pretty fair showing a time of the rebellion of 37 he was living' / 11 ceutly sold by Mi. John S. Coppin, of New Yc rk. While fasting he takes vio- vain endeavOr to hatch chicks from door ing the shortness of the boney season. He paid the $50 cha!�ed by the Govern- his home in Berlin a few days ago from in Brook Township, and spent adl one - - , . . . Mitchell, to Mr. G. Pepper, ha,s won lent exercise, like fencing, climbing and I knobs. I can'tell you, that hen . was —Rudolph Rankey, a butcher of Port merit for entering Canads, without a an extended and novel tour on the con- night in heating lead in a beech log and I — C I , A committee of prominent I properly trained, and a like spirit, only tinent. He visited France, Italy and .:.. second prize at the New York State walking' L8t privail Lambton, has been committed to stand murmur, and told the customs officer running it into bullet moulds. The Fair. . I physiciains and newspaper men are to tampered by human reason, Mi his Switzerland ; he ascended the great wife of his employer had a keg of butter, � -if success is ,to be attained. In conclus- .trial at the approaching Lambton that he was still worth $2,000,000. Eiffel tower overlool�ing sunny France, —Mr. J. J. McKenna has bought the watch him all the time during the fast. . allsizes for setting fire to the butcber —An Eastern paper - says-. There but, she was so sure the district would Kidd estate farm at Dublin, on which is His muscles are as hard as iron, and ion, I might say that THE ExposiTOR - . rode on a bicycle down the great .St. I d waste I the "rebels" that she I . received for August 29, before the wrap- shop of Win . Davis, a rival butcher of was an utter lack of control of the peo- Gothard, in Switzerland, and went be lai )y � situi*ted the handsome residence former. he claims to be sustained while fasting, per was broken, se eimed not so weighty that village. ple at the Kingston fair. A through the brigand country of I made such quantities of short cake that I .. I ly occupied by the late Joseph Kidd by an electric force. generated within —Messrs. Scott & Martindale, stone man was allowed to totally suspend the taly' every member of the family hated short � and family. The price paid was $5,500. him. i as usual, but your explanation of the cutters. Galt, have received the contract base ball game for about 15 minutes. He made his trip ou a bicycle, riding cake for years af terwards. He -worked I I � � —Mr. A. B. McCallum, M. A., for-' PRESERV ING THE OBELISK. - 61 smash " showed the reason why, but from the murdered Benwell's fither of The people were allJwed on the race about ei hty miles a day. for' two years for his board and the I . I merly principal of Listowel high school, The I b - elisk in Central Park is again then, we know Huron blood will again furnishing the monument to be erected course without any attempt at restraint, —On Thursday of last week as Mrs. third year for a cow which be sold for . � , — come to the front. . Edward Zavitz, of Strathroy, and her � - I has passed a brilliant examination at demandug attention- by reason of its . Yours truly, I over the grave of the unfortunat6 young and the scoring of tb'e horses was made ther, Mrs. Lewis, were (Iriving out $19 at 29 months' credit without I . - Osgoode Hall, Toronto, and is now a decay, and the Commissioners have &- - W. BARBER. , man. in the midst of a crowd. mo interest. Mr. Beecroftis a man Of wide . to Poplar Hill, ihey met on the road a 1, barrister in full degree. 1. aided to! apply another coat of paraffine. , —One day last we�k Mrs. Sie'vers, of information and good grasp of pubrie I I - � —A- self -binder for cutting fodaereoru � . company of men and women in rigs, and '. . . —In the township of Hibbert fall The Obelisk was treated in a similar . � has been working very satisfactorily on New Hamburg, was returning home questions and 'an entertaining com- ;� I I . leading four performing bears. The :. 91 the Globe. � . I wheat, as a general thing, is about the manner five years ago and, as it is still Canada. the farm of Mr. James Scott,.near Wat- from Baden by the r ilroad. track., when horse became frightened and ran away, panion ; so say , f- � I � average, many -farmers reporting be- standing, the experts claim that the The - Rev. Father Chiniquy is report-. erloo. The machine employed is the she was overtaken by the express which - . L ' Mr. It. G. McConnell, of the Geo- � L . tween 30 and 40 bushels to the acre. coating �vasa success. Others,however, . ed to be dangerously ill. . "Wide Open," manufactured by Harris struck -and killed I er instantly. She 'Pitching the occupants out. Mrs. Zavitz log � ical Survey, arrived -in Winnipeg on 1ple . t ' escaped with a few bruizes, but Mrs. il - I The sample will also be good. I are convinced that paraffine will destroy —Lady Macdonald, wife of the 'Pre- and Sons, Brafitford. was very deaf and consequently did not - the Athabasca district, .. .. I Mani- I t � - a gone to Banff for the ne warning w ; riisile. She leaves Lewis, in addition to several bruises, 'Friday from 9 I ' —Robert Blair, of Brandon,., he sto�e in a comparatively -short time. mier, ha . benefit —A raft ow I d by Mr. John Bryson, hear the had her face somewhat severely cut. where he ban been en aged alI summer. ' I toba, formerly of Harmony, South East. It is . well 'known that the obelisk in of her health. M. P., containing- 93 cribs of square a daughter to mourn her loss. The buggy and. harness were badly He was sent out to look into the re- 1� I I I hope, lost one of his legs recently, hav- London is decaying, and it is equally —The Un' iversity of Melbourne, Aus- timber,recently passed down the Ottawa —Dr. Bradley, of Woodstock, is limp- ported petroleum fields of that country. it ing it broken and lacerated with a reap- W-311 known that our climate is much tralia� has Aonated.to the University of in tow of the tug John. The raft will ing on account of a �p I ainful wound in- smashed. � Mr. McConnell says there is in the . I * ' ; I king an —The number of sea -going vessels ar- - I iDg 'Machine so as to necessitate ampu- more severe. Nevertheless. I think we Toronto a riumber of -books.' be boomed at Quebec until the market flicted on his thigh, i while brea riving in Montreal during this year was Athabasca district a petroleum are& I - tation. can compose ourselves ; it lasted for —Mr. JohA A. Sawyer, of the. De- improves. old shingle across hi 4 knee. There was 695, against 767, the highest number in greater than -anywhere else in the world. - Samuel Woods f ormerl 3,000 years on the banks of the Nile, Ottawa, is —Fire estr6yed a barn and stables a runty nail in the a ngle, and it pene- 1887. The number of inland vessels I ar. Along the river there are- vast beds of —Mr. 9 y . partment of the ;,nterior, d ' . principal of the Stratford, and lately of and will probably last a few years critically ill with typhoid fever. with their contents and three stacks of trated through to the bone. The wound iving was 5,847, compared with 6,489 'and, about 250 feet thick, saturated w the , London, Collegiate Institute, has here. 1 —It is expecteo, hat Mr. Henry' M. straw Wed n saday- night last week on was promptly cauterlind, but it is still 1 1880. The report of the Toronto with tar. These cover thousands of � ­ EDN,v-iN ARLINGTON. -an fame, will lecture in a je . in miles, and indicate that an almost in - secured the PGSition of managing agent , Stanley, of Afric thefarm, two miles from Br ntford, v ry painful. q . ­_ . � - i- . harbormaster, dated January, 1890, 41: . �� I � for a large insurance company, at Spgk- Toronto about the end of November. occupied by Mr. Markle, and owned by —John A. Crai�. one of the most calculable amount,of petroleum has in 14 It I shows that the total number of arrivals I � N —At a ineeting of the typesetters in Mr. A. McIntosh, teacher, Normal highly esteemed coinmercial travellers past years oozed out to the surface and .".4 . aue Falls, Washington Territory. Fr m Southern Manitoba. Boston last Week a strong feeling was School, Toronto. . in Western Ontay last yesi was 2,313, a decrease of 13 I'll , I � -� ., died of typhoid evaporated, leaving the tar beds as they . I I —Mr. T. Hamilton, for the past two , st(OWYLAKE, Septemb6r 8th, 1896. - expressed in favor of coming to Toronto —Mr. Auger, of St. Hyacinth�, Que- fever in London on Saturday. He was from 18818. The. number of steamers are. Where these beds dip below the, � : & . � . years in the employ of Mr. J. H. I i loaded increased 163, and the schooners - , - DEAII ExpositroR,—I bad intended '- - � a native of London Q was a life long decreased 197. newer rocks petroleum should he found. . Keeler, at Fulla�rton village, . has pur in 1892. bee, while on his way to bring a doctor ; I . to address a few lines to you some time —The Rev. John Burwash, late of to his sick son, and while prossing the member of the -Virst Presbyterian Mr. McConnell will recommend the, - - - - - � chased the general ,store from Mr A. 0. but was deterred by the harvest ad- � %nd secretiry of the Sunday —The Salvation Army began on Sat- Government to expend $20,000 or . Ferguson, of Stafla, and will take 0- Sackville, -New Brunswick, has been ap- Grand Trunk at Petit Rouge, did not Church I - . . upon us at a rate nearly ap- School for years. lie was 37 years of urday in Toronto the celebration of theit $W 000 in einking wells. He is quite -, . - session on Or about the first of Octoter. val:kclll* * pointed,to the Chairof Natural Science hbar.the Montreal express appr6aching. ife and two children. eighth anniversary. ' Particular interest I _�' . —The firm of Hay Brothers, grain proaching the speed of- a "Limited in Victoria College, Cobourg. He was struck and instantly killed. age and leaves a wi confident it in there. It is probable i. ! at is well on to ing de- in lent to the proceedings by the pres- 1, . expect to handle Cyclone," but as the harve —The London, England, committee —A stick of timber 120r feet Idnk and —The Thousand Islands are be that in time the tar can.be put to somw ir � buyers, Listowel, . ence of Colonel Cadman, from the Inter- . 9, , , els of barley before completion we will take this opportune aiding in the restoration of the Toronto three feet square is being exhibited by serted, the shutters put up on the cot commercial use4or pavements or mixed - & - I about ' 150 000 bush time of, saying. something a I bout. things University library, has -now in hand, or the British Columbia ExIlibit Associa- tages and the hotel -3 preparing for clos- national Readquarters, London, Eng- with lignite for fuel. V I . - the, new American duty comes into in general, including a harvest limited. - land. He was the first Army Captain I I force. . . in sight, 150,000 volumes. tion at the Toronto Exhibition. The ingi although in �truth the days are under General Booth, and has been 22 ,—The Rev. Mr. Cockburn, - of Dum- v I —Mr. A. W.'Snider, who hag been I might say here for the benefit of your - —Mr. John Milne, aged 80 years, specimen was out into two piec�s, each fairer, the scenery more beautiful, the . years a Salvationist. In early life the fries street Presbyterian church, Parino. i ., . I - . employed as head miller in Hay Bros., readers that insy not know, that harvest formerly part proprietor of the Men- requiring two flat. care in ti-anspor- fishing better in September than any nel was a chimney sweep. Thin in in�� his morning discourse on a recent I . mill in Listowel, for a number of. years, generally begins in Manitoba about the treal Gazette, died lastweek at kamil- tatiom. other month, and golden October sets all CO10 Sabbath, made % very caustic allusion n - 11u, his first Visit to Canada, and his tour . -- -- ha,s accepted a similar position with 25th of August, but tl�is year being a ton. —Prairie chickens are being �xported the islands in a blaze, the grandest i' will extend over six weeks. - to the worldly methods adopted to at Alexander Kelly & Co., Brandon, Mani- exceptional one the binders were . at —Fire at Sault Ste'. Marie, Ofitario, . wholesale from Manitoba, the prohibi- mination of the year. - —The patrons of Galt Pablic Schools tract People io church entertainments, I - work the first week of August, making Friday morning, destroyed a planing tionary clause having .been o�itted in —Seven applications were received - and to unworthy means in vDfue to raise ), � . tobal, at a salary of $1,000 a year. it about three weeks earlier than usual , -J a Object to the teachers engaging in oat . . I . —Mr. John Fairley, of Lebanon, near mill and a lumber yard, causing a loan the act of last session. The shooting of for the po3ition of: science in ster of I for ba ",eat operationa to begin, and as a of $14,000. . chickens for three or four ye6ra will Paris High school, three being from B. side occupations or baginesses during the money for church work eople, ,he . Listowel, got a. scare the other day onsequence most farmers were taken by —The Bell Telephone Company are have to be stopped by -law to prevent A's. The Board bas accepted that of hours they are not engaged in the schools. said, frequently criticisea . theL exagger- 1 which nearly ended his mortal life. Six c . when a camp is taken by i I Mr. Pugsley, B. A., of Port -Dover. Mr. A motion at the Board to prohibit such at -ed statements .made by business men, : Aig of a scaffold, surprise, and about to erect a four-story brick build- total extinction. voted down but, according to the to attract custoin, but it could fairly be leads of oats, by the falli surpris : e, be it a military or. farmers' ing on Temperance street, Toronto, to —At the Sainis tunnel a man' named Pugaley in a graduate and a gold medal- was d thatthead are too often rivalled ��, , � fell on the horses and lamed the poor in I s in brilliant charges are very cost $35,000. . � Stevens had a leg badly crushed Men- ist from Cobourg Uuiversity, and is .Reporter, thb public appears to hold claime - � animals. John escaped more scared ca P, 0 e f � for un- most highly recommended. His salary that where anything like sufficient s&l- by the schemes used to raise money for- � � than hurt. necessary, and in this present case' to —F. W. Wilson, of Cfiatham, day morning by a plough use aries are paid to them as teachers, they the churches. Voting for ariieles to be- � r passed use the words, a little transfixed, of the made - thirty -three entries of his dogs loading dirt from cars at the tunnel to start with is $659 per year. of Mrs. shouldnot undertake other dutieso es- presented to the most popular man or 4 —Am unf,ortunate ebaracte t the I sathor,of the 'Charge of the Light Bri- at the To onto Exhibition. approach dump. The leg had to be —Mrs. Thompso ,the mother � � along the Embro road in- Downie gade,' " It was � grain to the tinter, Wes Oxford, has passed ocially such as bring them into com- the handsomest young woman, and all. - 11 . other day. Flo claimed to have been right of us, I .; to the left —A ca , with twenty blind people. amputated. Stevens is a married man J. B. H petition with-buginess men who in all such plans to raise f undn are out of t ,- grain ough Guelph recently on its, with a large family'. her 103rd birthday. On August 27th 4 - I )� passed tl�i I robability depend upon such oc!cups- harmony with the spirit of Christian . ? �& deprived of all his belongings at the f last she was 103 years old, having been P ,�i . ge a), of the example of Christ himself, who in I L, three children—the of us, and grain in -front o us. � Judgment on Mr. Peiter Jacobs (Pahtahneg ?'l � - Johnstown disaster, the principal lose i way to B ntford. —Mr. Justice Rose gave, ons for 9, living. religion, and are in striking contrast to t-, not'exactly into the ' St� being his wife and "Onward we rode," . 'll of —Ther are at present seventeen S turday in the celebrated . Geor born in 1787 in Lordon, England. Mrs. ti 1i . valley of death, but leveling a wa t' nts the Brantford hospital suf- railway disaster ease, holding that the Thompson is still sotive.and entertain- � — pa ie . 6y tribe, died at me, every way avoided sensation. The plain - � entire family. bout four! feet high. This- f - i ing and in full possession,of all her the Ojibwa Ra 1- 1 -grain 'Of a ering fr feven jury in their answers to questions sub- � . � � L I —Mr. J. L. Corcoran, Of Mitchell., , _ 0. ntario county, on the 4th inat., aged duty of every member of the Chriitian I � - ; go down to history, but faculties, and hasfe r erinfirmities tocom- 0 , 1" 16 was highly successful at the Detroit In- charge *ill nol —TherE are no complications in the case mitted to them did not find cause of W 82 years. He was formerly a missionary church, who earned money; was --to, � � it,*nevertheless required a good deal of of Hen. C iarles Drury, and though weak accident. - It is likely a reversal or new �lain of than many -of a younger gener- : ternational Fair with his -poultry.' He . � I in the North-West for many years, and contribute cheerfully his portion " his- [ i ' i I -T- _� won first on Plymouth Rocks, Cochins, nerve on the part of - the splendid yeo- from fevej a speedy change for the bet- case will be applied for. ation. Goodwood, had been an extensive traveller, having me&= permitted and not to receive the, Z . - ! cond .on Ply- r6anry of Manitoba. . ter is look A for. —On Friday night, when driving a —Between Stouffville and spel without money or with out price,. L . ;cockerel and pallets, se . Ii I rl of three years visited England twice. He was poises- 90 � i, , � ch an earl harvest —A Ca"adian football team may visit few miles north of Bradford, Thou. Me- the other day, a lt� e gi I � I month Rock hen, beating Charles Ma- " Thi3 causes for su y f the sed of considerable natural talent, and as too many were in the habit of liter-- 11 , the noted a I re-fwofold : First, early Bowing last Europe n, xt year, and a committee has Nab,& farm hand,fell from the buggy and stood ten yards orl so in front o P Cbvre, of New London, Ohio, , . ing on at full speed. was a good speaker, both in his native ally interpreting the passage. t_ . . Midland train com . �14�1 - ig ; se�ond, the hot weather of the been appointed, by the Western Football broke his neck. Death resulted very . . English. His funeral wa's - lbreeder and judge and other crack west- sprin - . I reed his engine, but dialect and . rif , I " colored silver. grey latter part of June and July, accompan rtge the details. soon after. The deceased was 61 years The engineer reve :--The members of the Atwood Metho- i I 1. - : - Association to a�rra I 00 largely attended at Rama by the Indiana �ii ern breeders. On . i o have been in- too late. , The child was knocied down re h * esented Mise M. - � iod by hot winds froi� across.the domain —Messrs. R. S' Holt and James'Roris, of age, and is supposed t i of -his tribe. The Rev' John Jacobs diet chu h a oir gr I I ; . . W 'I I . : N ,dorkings he won six firsts., four seconds, I ,giving the, wheat railway contractors, purchased about tQxicated. I and the whole train passed over her, but . -nd, is one oi flawkshaw with a eautiful gold chain. r , �and three thirds, and on other varieties of Uncle Sam, not 1 - nary, of Walpole Isis -� �, . I ' - I . fill, which we $100,000 'Worth of property in Winnipeg I --�­The matbh for the single ,paddling she fell between tl1ke rails and escaped , m18siO as a tangible recognition of her long and t' � I � . a ac- co�l enough weather to , - I '.three firsts and four thirds. 0 . his none. - � -A . . nhurt. i I a--, . ny not re- generally get, and the consequence to recently'. championship between Ha ry: d —A verdict for $1,500 damages was faithful services in the choir. Miss 11 � 1 , I count of the Express Cc - —One of the most respectable an -t '3 mt ay h -the sample will not be up to the —Dres6gmau and two others, the last Kendrick, of Galt, and M.. Fig 'k John the Assizes in Toronto last Hawkshaw has arranged to take a corrime- I turning the fowls on Sa u!rd he lost t at rs, and which ex- of the Riel. pebellion prisoners,-' have stone, of Toronto, the result of a chal- solvent business men in Brantford re- given at at Alms Ladiee'College, St. Thomas, . % Q I one of the best birds and some of the standard .of former yea ed a circular recently inviting him week Mainst Mr. H. A. Massey, of the �� .. I cited the admiration of the grain iner- been ,released' from Stoney Mountain lenge issued by the former, is arranged ceiv � 'home for the benefit of 1. . others were badly used up. . � to correspond with a certain man with 06 Massey Agricultural Works' for li�bel : —A rescue t � . � I I enitentiary. ' " — chants of Liverpool. � P, to take plaie on the Grand River at tained in resolutionit alleged to, bave fallen women in Stratford and surround- ; I ... hich —Alex,' Cline, who was caught in -Galt on Wednesday, 24th inst. view of piarchasirig .825,000 worth df .1con in towns was form%Uy opened by the .1 i I Harvest hands are very scarceg w playing a "green goods" game, was - A raft of very fine timbin came United States bogus notes for $1,000. been passed by the employees of the in ; 11 � ph of Salvation Army on Wednesday after- I li � reminds me of a newspaper paragra] ipany at his instance, charging a fel- I . I i - r, sentenced last week at Barrie to three down the Ottawa last month, belonging It is needless to say he acted as -any COT% he noon of last week, Captain Mackenzie, t I I TT:m recent date, tothe effect that a farme I - ; would, and placed -low-employee with conspiracy. T , V, . accosted a years' imprisonment. to B%ruet and Mackie. It was taken other honest man occasion of the matter was the suit of an elderly lady, assisted by Lieutenant. ti I I � who was looking for a man, ed —A heavy tariff imposed upon ties by out at White Trout lake on the Pette- the whole matter in the� hands of the )loyee named Taylor against I the Smith, will be in charge. This is the � . : FALL GOODS lady of somewhat mature age and ask of Southampton wawa containing 207 cribs of square and police. I an eml *� her if she knew where he could get a the harbor authorities , Johnston, for seduction of a second home of this character that has f, 4 . I I __ "he replied in has stopped the trade altogether, ,and waney white pine, of wonderfully fine —H. B. David. the guest. of Mr. foreman, -Johnston !case, been opened in Canada, the first ,one- z: jl . -the nega- [ghter. The Taylor . ,� . man,:to which a a � . I tive, saying that she 1had been loo shut off a revenue of $1,206in wages. quality and large average. Thomas Harkness, of Yarmouth, has a dau I , ,7. king &a -it is called; created at the' tim e* scan- having been opened in Toronto over - , -West, copy of the Quebec Gazette, dated June I f1i Special Departmentso for one herself for twenty years and had —Mr. John Rutherford, of 'Waterloo, —James M. Marshall, Tilbury a N�. 1, vdl. 1, and is dal in Methodist circles. year ago. It is to be hoped that this r I - 21st, 1764. It i �F - fi I not found him yet. For fear the above is a larg� exhibitor of fat sheep at. the Essex county, has been awarded a ' pen —Prince George second son of the very commendable step will meet with, 1, � I I pay printed in French and English. This � 4 � . V, - MILLINERY, MANTLES, g impres- Toronto. lExhibition and will also ex- sion and a handsome sum in back . ince of Wales', who with his suite had the encouragement it deserves. . I I I might .possibly create a wron was the first newspaper published in Pr . Edward T. Mathews, on of I - . . sion-on the minds of yoilr lady readers, hibit at t e Chicago Fat Stock Show. for wounds sustained in the American Brown and Gilmore being the been staying some days at- Montreali � --Mr. ' 8 I I I DRESSES, FANCY GOODS, I think I might stake my word of honor —Cardinal Taschereau on Wednes- rebellion, and, he has purchased-& farm Canada. Mr. David left that harbor early Saturday mom- Mr. Edward Mathews, of Elms town-' . P I I citizen of Manitoba that the lady in day, loti, inst., celebrated the 48'tb an- three miles from Detroit, where he will printers. Th6'copy owned by , and is ing. At half past six the �, Canada" and ship, died at his home in Port Huron, q . . y shortly remove with his family. is in a good state of.perservation � I � chig&n., on:' Sunday, 7th inst. The- � � . READYMADE CLOTHING. as a - niversar of his consecration to the I I closely following each other Mi' I _. I question never did twenty years seaTch ' I i red heirloom. "Thrush" � �*, I . I the priesthood. I —During Dr. t a treasu cause ;f his death was rather peeriliar. � � I I - I ing within the four boundaries of Clair left the harbor amid a steady downpour � __ —on. Friday 5th inst., Mr. D. -professional visit to Tavistock, he,was —Lord Stanley visited. the St. The Prince was at hi t on He swallowed an orange seed which - .1 Province of Manitoba, that is, for a man impanied by Sir of rain. intestine and . r or worse. But, Waters, rather of Mr. John Waters, M. called upon to perform a rather singular tunnel last week, ace( t.�aefetook. swelled and lodged in- an I to be'taken for bette' . C. Meyer has had a Henry Tyler, Sir Joseph Hickson and the bridge when the ship a ) �' 1 . - .. to Choose From. P. walked from bis home near operation. Mrs. . . I sailor. We talked free- could not be: removed. ,An operation . �i Great Vaiiety then, 1-tarvest. hands are in a different P. the outside ing-like the idea . . ,,, ringbank, to Parkhill and -return, the serious trouble for a long time,and Dr. others. After Tiewing � . category, as one - of i the Ontario boys SP . ly with the pilot and waved him hat as a was attempted during his illness, but ' T �. - __ that came up on the harvest excursion round trip being about IS miles. This Eidt, on making a careful diagposis, work the party entered the tunnel on ons who had 'the doctors were afraid t;o cut into this - - . . i wage - of $60 per is a remarkable feat considering that the � found the ca�se of the disturbance to the Canadian side and were taken by last adien to a few pers Before leaving ,intestine, md the exact cause of the wanted the -modest the lorries through the tunnel to the com- gathered on the wharf. I think he had read old gentleman is 90 years of age. He proceed from a tootil imbedded in I , Ouse he personally thank- trouble waa not discovered until tim- � - - Edward McFaull month with grub. pressed air part.' �Lord Stanley, Hen. the Windsor h ' . - ' . and- had for many �ears been in the habit of � j aw-bone, wilich had never irrupted, but ation. I - that' where they were comm I - d St&nley,' I A.D.C.; 'Sir Henry ed Mr.' Swett for the comfortable Ar- post mortem examin I 1. passage , to town on horse back on a horse 'was lying or6nowise in the jaw. The Edwar � I 1 � TIL I ed to �into a distant land and possess riding , : . , �, SEAFOR , go I - . I i i- - 1114 � i � . I . � � I - I �. � � . � : . i lyi � . . . I I . . - I � � : � ji . , ; I � . . � I - I i I , . I -�,_, ! . - I . , . . 1, �� T I- . I - F, � I I I ,,- � .. al p I . 1 ­ . . . t . . . - . . I I . I - , �7 1 . I . I � - . . i � .. . . I ; . r I � I I ,- -1 I : i _-, I .. ! - 11 � I - I ­ . - �_ - , . . . . I I - ­ � . . . r.— Im � __ . - ­­ - . I f � � , , -1 -._�, I 4' � . , � - 1� . , . -.1 I 11 , -�_-` �