HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-09-12, Page 3P_1__ �_____. �—) .& %-,r VV W 9 . I � .
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- mi-MMMMMO� � � I HE HURON EXP SITORN . � � 3
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. Touched the Right Chord � at t be looked upon as $a fety valves and out- accurately known to t *ie uninitiat'eid, but IMPORTANT NOTIC�S . I -0:
Last. F -1 Iota forthe feeling o the great masses of this is cortain that ?jmsll herri I , cot- * � U Q I , 8"w"r
lie (dirlidiintly) .. population. The a veral strikes, &c., ton seed o,,I, tin cans )knd labels re fe4 '-DOB SALE.—A Ifirst-class residen a on thifif _1M13 0
-44 Not since last year ! 8o TRUN TRUNKS I
tVad again to find you[ above alluded to wil no doulSt serve to into one and of � these factories, i � a T corner of Victoria and Gee Streets. i i . . I �
I've often thought of —place and - I I
,'I' sweet greatly augment th demonstration U Good stable and orbliard. Applytojr!� � I 0 � 0 8eed Emporium,
you. A - of sardines direct from the Mediti i a e ! k CARDNO, i . .
to-dayo and the p foe t of the othei. The 1, as r Seaforth. � - , 1183 � . I
I wish I dared of your last words remind youL_ ,p ptets are that a come ou t i I . � __
� - - __ � I
She (lAnguldly) , " Yes, most boys do I" Magnificent anili4id , y turnout will be m uit be a Wasteful one, for, ol 3ourse, SALF.— B RGAIN.—One larke Ta-y—lor I I �_ WHOLESALE & RETAIL.
. . He (excitedly) ,- k the result. i t � the destruction of infant herring life is Follafe, cenibin tion look double door, just ,
f,It Aut wlederselien I ere . caprice bereft me. THE FA�,jTEST A PE ON RECORD. enornik,us and the sacrifice )' food as It left the facto . , Also, 1260 aer. i on bank -
uron; 150 acres cleared'. E. N.
4 Bol ars, firm In manhood - a 4his week are. lull'y greatfir still, for a tin box which' holds LEWIS, Solicitor, cderich. ' I 1168 , 'KS*
,I V Aye, in ;e but Sporting circle 11 of Like H 1
- --- � . .....
at ; carried away with j ful excitement on ten or, a ozen baby herrings would not . . . Scott & Crich, Proprietors.
I would have banked on hopes your deep eyes account of the I �f_ . . . OTS FOR SALE. -Two building ...
ieft me--�, fast t, me in racing which *hold mor than half a full grown one.- - � Lots on � I- - - .
. She(calmly): "Most fools bet!" has been recorded �t Monmouth. Park, Montreal Witness. I . L corner� of Chalk and Goninlock i�reets, ad- � � Mr. Scott begs to state to the public that he
. . and especially by th race Of SwlVator �7 . ! . I � joining Victoria Square, Senforth. F6r further I .
I � L �
He (reproachfully): � 0 — I particulars apply to A. STRONG. ;1 1117 tf . I . . . has again gone Into the Flour Feed sad Se"Md �
11 How cruel .' I have tLarked your every mo- �g&inst- tinie. The tter achievement I Gr�y Council Meeti�g. — - * �f — i ; _� . business by entering into a PaAnership with, the
I pr etor. F. W. Crich. The new firm -
is, without doubt, lie greatest of its O PIG BREEDERS. -Th, 'gned will I wiesent propri
tion, I - . ii Counci, met at Burton's hotel, thel, e under4 11 be conducted under the .name of Scott &
Have caught your least light smile all night, 1 kind ever attained, t4e horse havi . Tkeep for service during the pre@ nt seasen � We have purchased the balance of a wholesale stock of Trunks at
think ; � 1112 cov- August Wth, pursuant to ad our ment- on Lot 1, Concessibn 5, Hullett, a the oughbred I Crich and having our shop full' of the choicest
, ered s, mile in the extraordinary ti'me of Members all present. Re i Berkshire Pig, 15 months old, bred b rott, ) ,seeds, we feelloonfident that w* can meet the
prank in each glance and gra cc with fresh de- 1.351�. Not only is this the beat re- eve n the §eafarth. Terms 1,with rivilegeoll, - exactly 50c,on the dollar off manufacturers price list. wants of every one favoring us witb their cal-
votion-P . chair. A linu'tes of last meetin ES Sg 'retu Ing I tom. I - .
I cord ever made by about four seconds were . If necessary. JAll JUERLAN�. 1186x4 . � � I
� , read and d. Moved by dWard - � Among the new varieties we offer youthl .
AD 8 . . season are the following -- Colorado Spring
She (demureiy) : " Yes, most men drink _1" 'bat the race was in every way one of the Bry , condedeby Walter Oliv ,that OZ;AY TO LO'AN.-Prlvete and company . Wheat -this is'& new variety Introducedbem
. �
�, __ __ I grandest performances ever Witnessed �
� He (bitterly): the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized M funds to lokn at lowest rates, !$10,000 of � I last season and has done well in this locallty�, .
. on -the turf. On all hands Salvator 4s urivate funds have been placed in pur hands . running from 20 to 28 bushels per'scre. - Ameni-
,, Sweetheart, for one brief moment lot me fold ''to borr6-1V of the Bank oU-HaTi4ilton, - ' . 0. - .
� which we will loan in sums to sintloorrower. can Banner Oats -the leadin variety; mum -
you, declared to be the peer in looks,in breed. Lietowel, the sum of $800 for township Loans can be compietedst once if titlb satisfac- ,
And on your fair, false lips a last kiss got I Ing jand in performance - I -tory. DICKSON&HAYS, Cardno's block,Ses- These Goods Are .Not in Our Line. my Peas ; also the improved 17nglish Chevidier 1,
And,then these eyes shall never more behold Of any race purposesUntil taxes are collected. Car. I . .- Barle and a sp I lendid stock of common two
forth. : � , ed
you-" horse in tfie world. The record of Ten ried. � Petition of John Smith and thir- � I 1143tf I row Bailey, also a full'stock of Cloverand
She(softly): "Don not yet V1 Broeck, 1.391, has stood unchillenged teen others,' requesting the Cou6cil -to — - Grass Seeds - 8omething extra in Lucerne,
. _' for 13 years until last Week Salvator
� �IoZn Moran in Life. - ERSEY BULL. -The undersigned will keeg ,trefoil and other Clovers.
smashed it. . Ili$ speed equalled that of appoint an arbitrator to arbitrate 'in tie J during the present season on his farm, 2n We bought them simply because we got them -- Our Flour and Feed Department is complete
When a Wife'S Ag"" ' matter df altering the boundaAes-of concession,H.R. S.,Tuckersmith,a orough- - .. � � . � in all lines. �
o'n t- AWay. a fast limiteid express, and was -four Union School Section No.. 3, Wallace bred Jereey Bull, sired by Canada's . ohn Bull. I � . , Goods delivered to any pluce In town.
Somehow yarns around the groc ry times as ,great as the speed -of a tral' Term8-$1.60, payable at the tinie of service . I . , Give us a call and be convinced that we have
. 0 4 and Grey, laid over for furthei con, Ith vilege of returning if necessary, JOHN � I
AWt so funny as before, ,- I I - I one of the largest and best stocks of seeds 10 this,
An! I'm all the time forgettin' on the elevated railroad. - I sideratio2.- Application of Geo.Shields, WHANZAM N. B.�Also for sale a3 arsey bull I . county and prices to suit the times.
Thiaor thatt"ere little chore; A NEW DRESSED � BEEF L BOHR ' ME. for ditch on road at -lot 20, coiidesoion calf, eleven months old, thoroughbred, 1164 1 — . Remember the place, 0. C. Willsons Block
When I gi t out in the kitchen, The fact that an eii Ormoua amount of 15. Moved by Edward Bryan 1s6coud- L I — . —V—:MIR 0 TPI :P1 Seaforth. I �
0 PIG BREEDERS. -A large Bar . cohire fig . I I . � SCOTT & CRICH. .
Want to hang around an' stay ; West I ern dressed beef is shipped from- ed by Win. Brown, that Mess-r1s.1 Oliver will be kept the present season id hf, I I I I
Why -my wife's a go'n away. . - i and Hial p be instructed- .to e'xamine -1h F! t . Thi8i8 a: ,egistered . I . I
Guess I'm foolish calie'this ev'nin', New � York to foreign ports ham in . T
Winthrop C ees,3 c or - � - I - ' .
- She's a fudn' things up for me duced �some New Yorkers to organ-' the prom sea and act according'. I Car. hog, bred by Charl 8 Yo'Lg, two yeari i old and L PHOTO - ENGRAVING.
shown at the W stern Exhibition in 1888. dy we will sell them very ic
With a thoughtful loving me, ize & company 16 compete with the ried. A by-law was passed f: And, in order I to dispose of - them quick heap. - ' � ��
Western companies by a new scheme. "vying Terms, tl for one sow and 75 conts� each for IT .PAYS '.TO � ILLUSTRATE- YOUR BUSUfMUS.
Tellin' me that somethin's here, two Mille on the dollar county rate, and -more than ond. , J HN C. MORRIS014. 1166, 1 . I : I
An'somethin' It ia intend:e-d to establish elmughter tw i I
else is over there ; I 0 nil . Portraits, and cuts of colleges,hotels, factoriat
I _ Ilar township rate . machinery,iko.,made to order from pbotogmphs.
Lookin! sober, SPeakin'low-voiced, houses within a short distance of the for the ci ,rrent year. Moved by Wal- . EACHER Wxi-TED.-Wanted fir school I I Prices Low --- Send stamp for specimen sheets. ....
. Viough she hasn't much to say ; grazing lands of Texas, and thus save section No. �, I LLLL
Ketch her eyea on. me all dim like- ter Olive -, se in Brown, T Tuckersmith, a male or I 1
. Guess she hates to go away. � female teacher, hdlding second or third class I � —OUR STOCK OF— Metropplitan Press Agency,
. the expense of transportation to the that the township be divided into two certificate. Dutifisf to commence on January , I :
, I .- Chicago abaittoirs, the fatigue to' the divisions for collecting taxes, north di- Ist, 1891. Applications stating salar will be � -1 I � I . 1183 52 . New York City.
Wisb.'twaa over -wish 'tw&8 wa '_ __ cattle, and the reshiomenf of thiii dress- vie ' . �
y off- , ion f0in the lot to the 9th conces. received by the u ledreigned up to Oc ober let, ' ' �
Wish we didn't have td part ; ed tn�terial to this �ity. The.66 - 1890. ARCI tb,N1cGREGOR, KI pen P. 0.
� That's jist what I kee a thinkin', has ' urchased &plot of ground, m1L&DY sions incl,iiisive, south division from the � � ; I 1184x4 I ' -&%AV%
An' a feelin' in my teart. p at Fort 10th to t e 18th concessions inclusive, - I V .
rraps our speerits see much furder Worth, Texas, containing 15 acres and add that, two collectors be appointed. EACHER WA$TED.-Wanted for School Boots and Shoes fo r Fall New Music Sto
Than thqpartin' of tolday, has erected a large plant, wit4 facilities Carried.. Moved by Edward Bryan, T Section No.. 6, Tuckersmith, a male or � . I - - � - I
I An' jest hiiii what they can't tell us, for killing and storing 700 he�d of cat- female teacher, holding a 2nd or 3rd c ass certi- . IN SEAFORTH.
When a loved one's goln away. seconded by Walter Oliver, that Dun- fiente. Duties to,commence about the middle .
� tle daily. A contract has � . .. �
! �een made can McDonald be appointed. Collector ofOctober. Application stating salary and tes-
Calls to mind another journey, with ,a London company whico a a will be eceived by the un Jersigned .IS NOW BEING RECEIVED. . - & O'Oonnor
st'r . I
_, provides for the north division, salary $45 tim,ni I �81 Papst I
By -an' -by we all must go. -r I 8W. RICHARD RC BINSON, - .
I Wonder who's a gettin' ready for the delivery of �00 tons weekly of Carried. Moved by -Walter Oliver, sec: up to Ootobe .
; Secretary, Egmoh,dville P. 0. 1184x4 11
For the train that moves so slow? dressed beef to the steamers of the Lon- onded by'Archibald Hislop, that John -- - ---- I Have openod -or to Jordan's Grocery
� I I
� I ---gat next do
Brings the tears to think about it, don 'compan)r at 'New Orleans. The McNeil be appointed collector for the OTICE TO BR'EEDERS OF GOOIP STOCK. I I Seaforth, an .
I So I git nigh her an' pray - New �Iyork company will be known as the south division, salary $45. Carried. N -The undersigned will keep during the - - I -
It may be my tims for startin', season at Leadbdey, a thoroughbred Holstein- 'ORGAN AND PIANO DEPOT.
, Dahlman Dressed Be6f Comp&ny,and has A by -'Jaw to be passed at next meeting Priesian bull by ."Lady Collins N5pthuve,11 . . :
Jest when she's a go'n away. .
-Lu B. Cake, in Omaha World. a caotal of $1,000,000. . of Cold noil conferring -the above a p -point- No. 15667, sire, 11 Maud Hanning'a Neptune " DEATH TO HIGH PRICES NOW. They have �
, .
I 1� "
.1 e I . I I � . I � - ' ments. The following accounts were No. 6870: dam, ".Lady Colin," No. 3�34 mifk the- agency of the THOMAS ORGAN, with
. New York Letter. I I All Men !ecord 85 pounds ,per day; butter 24 �ounds - CREAT VALUE -AS USUA,L. 'Scribnees Resonant PI 8 m ina c
I . . presented and ordered to be paid :- in seven days. Wrins, $1.50, payable on the Ipt have also Vi Co bi ti on. Thoy
(From our own Correspondent.) young or -old, or middle aged, who find Agnes Brown, keeping up fence . at of January, 1891. J. T. MONAMARA. � 1178tf . olins and otger small instrunienfiL .
thentselvea nervous,*esk and exhausted, gravel Pft, lot -17, concession 9, $2; Al- I ; . - � . ,ar Please Give them a Call.
NzwYoiitK, Sept. lat, 1890. V .. - � I _____V_ . 1161
who are broken down from,, excess or bert Whitfield, repairing side road 5, EACHER WANTED. -Wanted f r ,School . .
� The trouble between the New York overwork, resulting in many of the fol- � . TSeotion No, 'O, Tuckeremith, a m: %le or le- U- .
Central Rad1road and the Knights of lowIngsy I concession. 12,47; Charles Williamson, male teacher, holding second or third class cer- : . . I I -
Labor and the impending strike on the mptoms : Mental depression, underdrain lot 25, fdoncession 14, $2; . tificate. Dutiewto commence: on January 16t, I
premature old age, loss of vitality, lose Wm. Duke, gravelling at lot 23, con' 189L. Application stating salary will be receiv- .
who ' le Vanderbilt system is by all odds of memory, bad difeams, dimness of cession 12, $6.98 ; John McLeod ,d by the undersigned up to October let, 1890. SEAFORTI AND — BRUSSELS. b � "I
phief topic of interest at present in .9 - .
the sight' palpitation of the heart,emissions, gravelling on side road 6, concession PET�hll McKAY,.Kippen P..O. 1186x4 � J ; ; ,-:-., -
thia'oity. We are much more concerned I . . . . . I � . - . I
� here than thoee at other points can be lack i of energy, pain in the. kidneys, 18, $11.55; James Cummings, repairin EACHER W NTED.-Wanted for School _F__ � ' 1
11 headache, pimples O� the face or body, , road lot 35. concession 14, $2.50 ; John TSection No. . Grey, a male teacher, hold - " IF
itchin is third-ol __-.� I
direetly or indirectly on commerce and mence on January Ist, 1891. Application t- I ,_ - � �
because so many thousands of us depend - con James Mann' ass bertificate. Duties to cow." ING! -
g or peculiar lenaation about the McTaggart,, gravelling on side road 4 it1g 11 a" -
transportation. No one who has seen scrotlim, wasting of the organs, dizzi cession 15, $10; Is Ing salary will be received by the undersigned � COM COMING 0 . �
. the enormous aniou int of traffic in our ness,lopecks before the eyes, twitching grading at lot 35, concession 16, $3 ; lip to October lit, 1890. JAMES MoNAIR, �1 I j � -
of t�,e muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, Enoch Clark, culvert at lot 15, conces., Secretary-TreasurBr. Cranbrook P. 0. , 1186x4 . .
� .
. . . �
streets the endless procession of trucks, bashfulness, deposits of urine, loss of *ion 17, $8 ; W. H. Karr, part - . ' ,
the mountains of merchandise piled on I pay XECUTORS' NOTICE, -All parties having
I . will i1power, tenderness of the scal and ment of printing contract, $25 ; 'Jacob - I 0) 0 . 0 -
the sidewalks,- can fail' to understand , E claims against the estate of Edgar Ralph � COMING INTO STOCK DAILY ra P, �.J P. t3, P
I .
. opine, weak and flabby Inuacles, Tesire Ffirtney, gravel and damage to crop, Evans, late of the Village'of H 11 erchant : -
that a freight blockade fr*m here to ! ).-. .1�
- . I , 'to
Chicago -and the W`efst on the* main ra-il to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, $11.42 ; D. Byers, grading on boundary tailor, deceased, who died on �ernfi'ab% he 14th Z 0 CD V 0 (D
. . day of July, A D 1890, are hereby n tifled to � I
constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of Grey and Elm%, lotL 35, concession, 2 . ,�tt T_F_7 L, _DS . W
. It ! - :L
I road means, a great deal even to those of send by post pre pAid or otherwise deliver to . :F (:;_ 0 0 )-da Ji.a. CD 01
� voice desire for solitude, excitability of Grey share, $7.25 ; James Brown, re- Ralph Augustus McIntyre or Era9tus Rannie, _ J _A.T 1][J _ _ .0 ).— C+ C-.Jlo �
I us who are neither on strike nor struck � W CIO bi
i temper, sunken eyes surrounded w4h pairing ,railing on bridges at lot 50, both of the Vi ,of Heusall, and executors of . 0 C-+ t3, r, j.4-
i , against. At this writing no further hids- LEADEN CIRCLE, oily looking skin, ete., concession 1, $1 ; Daniel Robertson, I the last Will and b -itanient of the said ,Ideceased, . . an Cn
I tilities have actually taken place, and are all symptoms 61 nervous Aebility gravelling at lot 29, concession 14, $13 - I at the said Villag 6. of Hensall, in th" County L - _� P. � " CD C+
the strike is stiU confined to the Knights -that lead to insanity and death .unless Thomas Alcock, inspecting P of Huron, on or before the fifteent; day of I -_ -4 ).Wx CD C..4 t
. � . gravelling at September, A. D. �890, their christi n names I *.-d )I
of La;bor employed on the New York Opened laist week a large assortm;iint of made up Cloihing of that X 0
Ing or vital forbe having lot 29, coucession and surnames, k dresses and desoril tions, the � )-"
�, cured. Thespr' 13, $3; 1R. Burns, in. :� 0 0 CD g5i� -
' .
� Central. War has been declared, how- lost its tension every function wanes m specting gravelling on boundary Gre full particulars of'their claims, a stalenient of noted manufact rers' goods we have been handling the paRt three years. ' 01 )-- .
I , . -
ever, on the whole Vanderbilt system, � y their accounts a d the nature of their se- .. )-I �O CD t:4 10
� consequence. Those who through abuse and Morris, $3.30; H. Jackson, gravel- cUrities (if any) ield by them, andm default Also new Carpe. , Undershirts and Drawers, and a lot of smallwares. (D CD1. - .
and unless,the company backs down very kted in ignorance may be ling on boundary Grey and Morris, thereof and imme liately after the said, 15th day .. . CD 11---d
comin perma-
I L - 0 W 411 )"I
speedily the axe will be on in earnest. tember, A. ). 1890, the assets will], be dis- Opening t is week a large importation of Dress Goodw bought . x ,.� C) -14
nently.cured. Send your address for M. 43 ; Adam Sholdice, gravel, $4.56 ;I Of Se M
The imen declare it to be a fight for � tribuM anion "he parties entitle� thereto, direct from the �nanufacturers of Bradford, Enldlland. Also a lot of X L 0 0
principle, and appeal to all workers to book on -all- diseases to man Address Robert Rae, gr&vel, $3.60 ; Thomas having regard o ly to claims of wh ch notice French Dress Goods'Blankets, Bed Covers Gloves, Hosiery, Table and Q � :�
�� "sist tham financially. . M. V'�. LUBON, 50 iiront iSireet East, Strachan, gravel, $10.80 ,Thos. Steven- aball have1ficen van as above requij ed, This I -1 Y . C4 � 01 r-1 H �
. notice having bee i. gliven under the )revisions - 0 CD W L
_; Toronto, Ontario. Books sent free soiii, gravel, $15.80 ; Richard Rupp, re Floor Cil Cloth , Cottons' S C 0 mi
I -- OFF FOR SWEDEN. - of the Revised Statu'we of Ontario, Ch.pter ., heetings, &c. I � va 0
- I Next week we receive our in Glasgsw, con- r Z *"
� � The body of Capt. John Eriocson� the sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of pairing bridge lots 25 and 26, :conces 110, the said exeeptors will not be liab a for the . � . . importation of gooda fro .6 P 'M
� - COun- said assets or any Oart thereof to any Orson of
' -
I which are faint spells, purple lips, sion 8,-$1 J, A. Hu'nter, safe, $11 )), 0 10
I inventor of the first Monitor, and who - sisting of Scot Tweeds, Worsted Coatingm, Mantlings, Ulsterings, I CD -,*.$
I died in this city 18 months ago, was on numbness, palpitaticin, skip beats, hot vil then adjourned 'to meet again at whose claim noticB,shall not have bee" received - 's X
. flushes, rush of blood t the head, dull Zimmor's hotel, Cranbrook, on.the first at the time of such distribution. I?ated this Silk and Linen JHandkerchiefs, Silk Scarfs, ,, Brown Hollands, Silk , ,�-d )"I aq
I Saturday ceremoniously ta,ken'aboard pain in the heart wit0h beats strong,. Monday in October next. Wx. SPENCE, 15th day of July, A. D. 1890. RALPH. AUG- Satins, Velveta �alnd a host of other goods. I , - � * 0 C-+-' 0 , 0
the United States Cruiser 'Baltimore, USTUS KcINTYRE, and ERASTUS NN E ' '' (a )-i
rapid and irregular, -the second heart Clerk. - . Executors. N. B All pa ties owing ' A e8t'ate' ' � cl 1 where she has > th 0, P
. ,�h e Miss McLa I astern es I
I bound for Sweden. The preparation" beat quick r than tfie first, pain about . of the said Vdgar ' 1ph Evans, merch nt tailor I I 1, 11an has returned from e ' U) 0
for the transfer have been e � I I i urchasing the latest, newest .and nobbiest styles � 0 Z
in progress the breast bone, etc.., can positively be Short Ones. I deceamed,,areher yrequired to make prompt beeen looking im to and p C11 0-- :3 5,
for a long time, and the Government, . . 1. y�e,nt,on or Ofore the said 16th day of in millinery goods. . � -1 , I �1 C. -I t)� � I
cured. No cure, no pay. Send for Never borrow trouble. The �nterest P& p b P--" 1f.aft 0 ;
I � Se r, A ). 1890. Ralph Augustus �
. through the Navy Department, have book. Address M V. LUBON, '50 you have to pay for the accomm�dation McIntyre and Era 68 Rannie, Executors. . Our trade I eing large and on the micrease, w r I SD &.4 V-1, C-0.
. given the utmost honor to the remaih i M �,
. I If Front Street East, 4`oronto,'� Ontario. is excessive. i 1180-8 P-." ).d. LM
the dead inventor. . .. Secretary Tracy � - .� - I . ' morn- — i - - than usual, And expect to eater to the public *ants still more effect-aally 31, M V r:r V14*
, was preseRt and personally led the . -1 . 118152 Air the house thoroughly cvei� i REAL EsrATE F' - fall than i1i past seasons. We invite inspection, having no doubt I I &.4 F1
ing. Open opposite doors and *indows I OR SALE. this 0) 0 go
I I I ! 0 Cn
fleet during the ceremonies. All the Famows3 by a ingle, Hy.mn. for five 'or ten minutes, even if it is � � I whatever but thot the Bargain Dry Goods House of Seaforth will this �01 td
� . I I I ) )".d. 0
available vessels of, the Navy in the I I storiny. - . ERTY FOR SALE. -The P-4 (T " 1:L .
1. rhe deathof Cardinal Newman,whose VAtTfidAeiB1gEeP toers for sale six acres of land fall surpass all previous seasons' records. I . I 10
. North Atlantic, took part, and as each I . 01 . in, .,4 - :�
I famous " Lead, Kindly Light," render. Good tdmper, like a sunny day, F,heds on which is a gob( frame house and stable, situ- � 0
. passed the funeral shi the Swedish flag 6 1<44 CD C)
P a brightness over everything. .It -is the ated on the corn " of Sauble line and Main � ,
I wa 3 Bwoetenel, 14sy terms. ARCH. STER- :CD
. ed his name familiar �he world over as a - . -D _" .
s hoisted,to the fore and each fired a ' � street, Bayfield. 1`11 � iw P
. national of 21 hymnlal writer, brin to mind other of toil and the soothe- of dis- LING. I � 1183-4 W, M, PICKA-ali 10 -
salute guns. The re- authors, many of the�, prolific in the quietu"de, , .1 . . � � . . I � M - ,w H lot I J
mains were conveyed to the Baltimore I ey . Whobf.7duld succeed 'in the world -UOUSE AND lit, TS FOR SALE. -The sub- - I
, by a tug and the coffin was hoisted over . I who . .JLJL ib I,pffe for sale the house north of 'in and Market" streets, Seaforth. 3 CD p j,
number of hymns th wrote but . I . - 01 V "' CD
nevertheless came intb particular prom- should -wise in th . Oorner MA 0-9 )"I CD
� e use of his pro- � . I
. . �
the guard rails and placed upon a cata- ,,, Ela�cwrlbl Wville I anse, together ' *th three - 0
1 . - � � I
. inence through a par ular hymn which nouni ; atter the 11 voll 1� twenty times 1i ; d itable for building purposes. � — 11� 3111 0 )-da �
falque draped with the old flag of the - i I .
M where' yo I once utter' the I - 1. " Un We xro;419re , , , ��'. �
. Monitor aud the colors of Sweden. they -'penned Lyte's "Abide With e, � I . 0antity of young -fruit trees I "" """""' % I
� -
ke I good men your 11 meneing to ba T. WM. E i I I Z CD tT
' e Even Tide," Heber's Make well- ishers; com � LLIOTTI. 1116 -_ - --- �
� . About 5,000 took part in the procession - _ Fast Falls th I . 2) and then, in the years' steady sifting, : . b�al , U � P, 0 .
Icy Mountains, I I I , � I
. - on land, and hundreds of thousands 11 From Greenland's ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, part of Lots 29 SU I P ).. CL P1
I 41 sorne of them grbw into friends. Friends - . to - -to
I were spectators of the unusual cere- Cowp!er'g God Mov a in a Mysterious F and 80, Concelision 1, McKillop, containibir � , C+
� Wa 3) are the sunshine.of life'. . . I 1 rJ%$X1 ? TIr
Y, Montgomer a 11 Hail to the 50 acres, all cleand, well fenced and in a g9od J -4 - � FL W
monies. , - if � a � f M 0 0 P �
I Lord i'i Anointed," a, d Bishop Faber's you lare a Ji 11 woman, �avp. . your state of cultivLitin Buildings fair. here is a . I ____ - ____��� CURED
. AGAIN' THE SMALL BOY. � d orchard and Ilenty of water. T is farm is I . I I
. 66 ' Worktabl6 and irorling-board'a f e,w in- 900 �i 4 I ; in 0 4.4 0-4 P1 � A',
. Hark! Hark! My oul,Angelic Songs within two lots of t'�e corporation ofl Seaforth. TO THE RD31TOR: Pv '. V P
The Italian fruit vendors of this city, ' cbes high�r than they are usuidl t made. It w I
I who sell their wares from a " push cart," Are Swelling,"are ca es in point. -And. y ill be sold clitap and on easy terms. Apply Please form�your readers that I have af.positive iremedy for �he ab�vi umfea- 01 -
a who does not recolle t Adams' 'I Nearer This little precaution will prevent many on the premise%oi ito Seaforth P. 0j DAVID disease. By its timel use thousands of hopeless cases h%ve beien permanently. cured. 13W _1 6 . C-94 (D 0
havei joined the innumerable throng and I . a backache. - - _. DORRENCE, Prop ietor. 1184tf * ly of your readers who have con. W �" 0
. My G' d to Thee" K ble's 11 Sun of � I I 111 - . - . be glad to send twOLbottles of my remedy FP9F �= , S $:L 4-t- I
. formid an organization for the'purpoae ! M7g Row .Much 'trouble he avoi( a who sum tion If th will send me their Express Aah PoA Officst Addres& Respectlulla
Soul, lou Saviour, Detir," Wesley I t 0 A) - 02
of protecting its members generafly and ,, rT FAY A% FOR S ALE.=Being' north T -Z SLOCU;f, MJC., 11M West Adetuldiiiiii St., TOIRONT01 ONTARIO. cc %N I
I CR Ob. �or a Thousand Tongues to Sing,"� does not Ic)ok to see what his neighbor I --- - 10 ,% P;,
from the persecationa of the police' and $1 000 hal f lot 22, in the 6th conoea. I - :�
I 64 says or d es or thinks, but only I o 'what � � - ____ - . I M *--d I (D ).a.
I the attacks of the American small boy � . . n contains 100 acres of . I I
NealJs' Jerusalem tl�te Golden," Watt's sion of Morris. T i:fari I - � P lift
'I Jdy! to the World,ti Le Lord.has Come." he does h meelf, that it may le. just choice land, 90 cle kied and balan . 30 31." " , &a I- &D
I in particular. .rhe grievance against Topla : dy's "Rock of Ages," P6pe's 64vi- and . ure. . . wood. The farm I In a good state of cultivation, �
. p I failing 8prin 0.0A
� . policemen is that -they help themselves � P Mrs. Talmage, wife of the celebrated well fenced, a n r g creek runs THE SEAFORTH' FOUNDRY, . an 0 P ,r+ 0 CD
tal Spark of Heaveti ly Flame," Stone a � . I � 0 '0 Ji.." 0, P_-t.,�
I preacher, is said to be the financier of through the farm, first class orchard, brick I � — , �.:. W 0
to the 1talian's stock of peanuts or fruit " The Church's qne Foundation," house and good fillame barn and other out- . M . CD I
� and then peyhaps turn round and order the family. It is she who 1111&11es� all buildings. The firm is within 3 miles of the . I . )"I �_�
Youn "a "There is I a Happy Land, " . -4
1 the vendor to " move on." As to the 9 0)
. the doctoi's engagements and dDes his village of BrusselW Title perfect and no an. Having co p ate re uilding and repairing the old fou-ndry,'and X P-" A) 0
Whitfield's 11 There's is Name I Love to . eumbrance on fa For further particulars 0 M 11
I small boy, it appears that -96 constant � is Read banking bisiness. , . I introduced the I test equipments -and the mos improved machines, - g 0
- Warfare has been waged looking to his Hear,�' and Watts' ' heu I can There is this difference between hap- apply to H. P. WR�611T, on the premises, or ,� I t I 0!ff CD C+1
extermination, but without success. He. My Title Clear to ,M%nifione - i � ' �L (D 0 1
. I n the . Brussels P. 0. I I am now prepar to do 0
� nded pinem and wisdom: He that thinks . - ___ -
. Skies "'all of which h I . 0 P C) W
I still thrivesand contind�a to make life a down I from -generation to generation long himself t e happiest man,: really is so ; ARM FOR SALt OR TO RENT. -For eale t Z V -d. bd )J:� ii,.'. %= I
burden to. the luckless push cart veni- but he that thinks himself the wisest, ' For to rent, for 6 terni of years, Lot 12, Con-
. dar by numerous well kniowni Methods, after the authors have passed under the . I cession 9, McKillool containing 100 acres, of � (D .
I gene greatest fool. W Uq
1 " "' N ' (D 0
rod and joined the innumerable caravan ? rally is the which about 90 scri3s are cleared and in a good All Kinds of Machine Repairs - C.4
. and hence the argent necessity of the Henry Newman has written many One - of the nest of !the firework Etate of cultivation. I. There are about 70 acres I � i - P. C+ %a
� present move.- This is the second so- pieces at the London Crystal &lace, seeded.to grass. TWe fences and buildings are . I �
verses of simple, soulful song proclaim- . good, and it is -on6- of the liest farins in the I
ciety of, a aii-ailar nature, the other be- this seas D, is a representation the is withi6 three miles of the village
, i
� . ;ngn 1� glsdness " or pra ing , 11 light." county. It �
. ing composed of men who own stationary . Y 0 3agara. -AND GJENERAL FOUNDRY' WORK. Removed I Removed I
fruit stands on the corners. e of these have, h c)wever, shared the. falls f N' It is 50 by I feet, of Winthrop, and 8 mileis from Seaforth, and a I --
there are 4,000 of It is said glory:of their elder in 'song ; indeed, ,and alwsy a elicits the cheers of -the as. good gravel road pa 3t the place. It is within a I . -
� nil ch - - M! C) X! _W 31 MT 43�v -- .
these stands in New sembled crowds. � *le of se ool. It vill. be sold cheap, or rented T. T. COLEMAN. (3
York,the own,'ers th they are almost forgotten. , . - for a terni of yea,s. Apply on the farm, or i .
ereof making from . . � A devoled Christian was in the habit :
� address Winthrop� 1,. 0. ROBERT G. ROSS. . . ;EAFORTH,
- ;
$5 to 87 a day. Three fourths of the 1 About Sa,rdines. of aay'ing: " I am so busy in thanking 1181-tt � � � I I — S
fruit business in this country is carried ' i God for his mercies, that I reall .have — . . The Old Est&bIlaned Butob�vf has removed to.
on by Italians, some of whom are very Th tch of I I sardines "on the Bay Y' comp aints.)) ARM IN TUCK11,118311TH FOR SALE. -For iiiiiii! - new premises Immediately opposite .his Old -
I of Fueneds" coast this yefar is so large that no time tic spare for an .F sale, lot 7, con,.ession 5, L. R. S., contain- -
I wealthy., y - a Stand, Main Street, Saisforth, wbere he will be,
. the price has fallen tola Mere bagatelle. The.more we than ing 100 acres about 85 of which are cleared, well GOLDEN LION
I . . k God the mor occas- I T I L pleased to meet all his old patrons and " many
LABOR DAY. and in many places . the fish are unsalable. ion we sh4l -gee for doing so. ' fenced, und�r-drai�ed .and In a good state of , i - now ones as may we lit to favor him with thelir
cultivation. The romainder is well timbered, i I
- .8 � . I patribriage.
At a time when contests between The "i sardine" indust on the Ba is a I "You fneedn't talk about ''eeping halt hardwood andi the balance first-cla s rail I
Capital and Labor seem to rise up and I Y, Y : .
I - somewhat remarkabl , one. Of course one s. wor� " said a husbain s wife timber, all unoullW There are good frame : - AWBetneimber the place, between Itenderson, .
I I I z 11 . d to � . Harness Shop, and McIntyre s Shoo Store, Rain,
confront u,3 on every hand it is quite e ' during slight misunderst ding - buildings and a sp.10did young orchard. There I
appropriate that the workers should cours 'there not a" sar line" within three Ad I Y are three never fai e3 'd s wells. It is I AUGUST , 18900 1 Street, Segorth.
when .1 first asked you to Ina ry me 8, ' e . I
thousand miles of ti e stormy bay, nor , Y "!e ing"' b nd �,
'i r
I 1�ave a day like this set apart in which . within flve miles three from . 898 GEORGE EWING.
,you declared that you wouldn't marry Brucefield. The rcha atort ill I
a gallon of oli vie oil w,thin ten miles of a be allowed to . ! I
r p a 8 r w . I ,- .
they can aall ' blic attention to thei h ay. Apply on the pre- i I
. P11 the be8t a an in the world." 11 ell I do fall work rig
I � side of the controversy and the progress the 11 sardine " canner , and the contents 9 . ; 1 721
1 �
I of a ban of sardine3 is supposed to be didn't` spapped the wife. -Ne I mises, or address DAVID ROUAT, Brucefield : i
. - , York P. 0. . i 1182tf . � � Planing Mi]�Lmber Yar&
. "
I __ they are making. If I judge rightly, sardines and olive oi . Therq is, ho � -—L- � I i
. I �
I the sentiment of all fair-minded people I 0 -FA MERS-A SPLENDID CHANCE FOR I
ever, 1 any qulantity of small herring - A GOOD FAII.M.-The undersigned is de- J_L
is that the observance of L%bor Day l .. -Two carloade of cotton wer3 ship- T We have Some Spo.cial Liv'ies in -
should be universally encouraged, as it along 'the north shom and cotton seed ped from the Montmorency Mille last sirous of procuring t be services of a thoroughly I I � The subscriber would beg to call. attention to,
oil can be brought up from the south in reliable nian to takelebarge of an improved farm : - the large stock of dreised and undjeased Innibef
-with the spirit of 'the na- ' w market. containing 340 acresi within four miles of the . : which he always keeps on hand, at the very I
is in keeping , petroleum vat cars, at a. very low price. eek for the Chinese � .
tion to lighten the lead of the. toilers -Mi�s arah Jeannette Dfuncb6n, the City of Saginaw, State of Michigan, either to lowest prices.
I . I Exactly how the 'transn-iogrification of . ' The farm is all
and allow tb�em at least one day Which well known Canadian authoreos,, ar- work on shares or on salary. .
- they may call their own. . I . material takes place, --unless it is effect- rived in Brantford the other eveoiDg on under cultivation w1th 20 acres woodland. D 11 E KS -S GO ODS Bill Stuff cut to any order on
ed wholly and Bolely by the virtue of a There are extensivb buildings, crean�ery, &c. ! I .
I When the processions of workers fill a short viE it to her home. Miss Diu�can There is on the farm 6 breeding mares in foal ; i . . Short Notice.
� .
. our streets and avenues to -day node but label printed in Fren -,h-can never be returns to England at the begin , hing C,f 40 cows and a lot of �oung stock, and all neces- . � I : Good Cedar cut Into timber or posts. A 9004
I- 6
1, r
t yt, I
� rt,
b �9 d
I iii
I er
Xr I
)J 9
f W,
i ,
. s
1i RIE1111
y t
m I
a sordid eye can look upon them be- 0 implements ano household furniture. All I I ' ., -.1 stock of Hemlock Logs at Saw W4 Lot 29 �
, October, End from there goes to - -India - sfiry I
I . � to stay on the farin. This is an opportunity Concession 16, Grey, which will be out to any
grudgingly. It is not an army of de- iake her' future home. HIC AIRE VERY CHE A'P order on shortest notice. Lumber delivered at I
- - where she will n � rarely met with for a good man. None need X -36L& a
. Z� stroyers, but a m.ultitude of'forgers and _ I rd,00' ly a It may be of interest to 'note that Miss apply unless ress ng the highest te6timonials I reasonable rates when desired orders bymaU
builders. Their weapons are not glis- In 0 P6 i r , i .
� Duncan it cently had the � honor of being as to chame r an fitness. Reference can be . � promptly filled. , Address BRoon"iN P. 0. 1, I .
. Origlnal and,o ly reliable. , ExpoarroR Office or address RLW. -
teiiing ba'yemeta, but implement;i of toil; _; presented the Queen'i;t the Bucking. made at T'03 I
ISAAC BARR, Saginaw East, Michiga�, United : . �
' _P , I States. . 1186x3 ! Concessionis, ligesin.
and these peaceful demonstrations should Beware of p bo imitations. ham .a a e rawing-room. R. JA MIES 0 N 6 uo6 . C'wles Querenge"".
. . I Ito, �
i I
I � ! : r � � �; . . I � : . .
- - �
I - i � . I , I I I , I I