HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-09-05, Page 4M -,---�.�----�"-----''-,.�.---..-",-,---- ______.___, , - - __ _____ , " . , - -r-7-�-,-.--"-.--�,.",-�-!��--,--''..-"-,.--���.- . . --.,--I,-. ­_ � � — ­ ,.,,_.__­1­--iZ­­_­_'. ­­ ... - �­ - --,.. .-I F I _ I . ___ ___-___----_---—_-T- i � .1- � � '__._____,____ 7 � ___, -11 . I i � � I . . I I . i ,� _. � . � I I . I � I I � I I I : . I I � I - � : I � i . . . I I . � . i � � I � � - I � . - � . i . � . I . . I - . � I I - i � . � . . � " � 11 1. , I i I i 11 � � I i I . I i . I I . - . . . . . � . � . q . . i , I . I * � . I : . ! - . . . I . I I i I I . / I I I a - - i I I , I t . I I 1. I i I � � ; . : i t I� I 1. I . � I I . I .- � . . . . . I I I I � . . , - � � . I � . � . . ! I t � � . � . � � ! I - i . , � . I ; I . ­ . . � . � � � . - . I . � . . - I � ; � i . .7. � . ". � i - I I I - i I - . . ! � - I I i I 1 6 . I 1 7 1 . I . - I . I ; . � I - � . I . � - . I .. I I ! . , � . : . I .1� , 1. - � I . I . 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I _,�,_, ­­___ - - - __ .­ - - . � - - -­­i­�- . _ � -- -- I - I � , . - . - - I I :��: � - - r- � , -:_ - - � - 1 4; 1 ­- - I � �-­ " � _­ � .,;,j�j,"�j;:_� I . i I I .: ., � i i I . I . . I , I ­ � I _-, 11 - _ � I I � . � . . - � I � F . � - I � I , , I . � I � I '. . I . I � I �_ I i . � . . . I � , '. I . . I � I I I � I ; . �., . . � . . � A . � . � � I I - , . � . : - - I I � � i I - , i . I � X I I SEPTEMBE]a 5, 1890. I I ; . . : I -_ V . . � 11 - . I � E OSITOR. . ; ____ - ­ . � - I I if - - � I . .: . ! I . ,]THE 14URON I I . I __ - . . � � - I i ! - � - - � 4 � � I � - � 11 I — __ N0110101�� . � � __ __ � � : . � �___ , - - - � I I I --- . . I - . d in o I k 91 y camps which were located- on the ises, and is now prepared to supply all Presbyterian church, making all the I . OW &VID64 separately it the rope, - his customers at the lowest- prices ; Air. 4ifference. The many friends of the - i6rturcii made to us, and ward'aff the north of Griswold is n, t I , by a d - re of the road, a4 in its mad career . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . rival railroad, there are now. at thij road- moment was I over 100- lest i the air. ni - iderman has constructed a new young couple will unite in wishing . � � . threatened injury �by placing ourselves ation four elevators with'united The balloon I rose rapidly an4 Charles backed the buggy over a small bridge, A. T hoponhislot in thenouthend them a pleasant and prosperous Voyage - I side st in which crossed th ' ' � ad, into the ditch, cooper a Ar The ftgure between the parenthesis after in- such a position that the 1nereaPed - could be seen attempting to dro1w Red 40 to f the village, and has commenced to down life's turbid stream, while TU'R � ; ng the vehiclIe and occupante,and 0 Z capacity 0 90,000 bushels. Macdonald, P di � clung to uP9etti ' siToR expresses the �earnest hope . - page of th�e paper on which inuten ' is ; Mr. John E_XPO each line denotes thf duties imposed will not affect us. If we at the wee corner of the Portage Plains, up. For ton in . we in ufacture flour barrel . the advertisement will be found. , . � I . I I heat the small line as I the balloon wLs whirl- had it not been for !ionic gentlemen who man a 6 1 � s els ' - eir as- Soldan has treated the front of his store tha,t their joys may be many nd th ir . -R. Beattie & Co. (6) are so stupid or so bigoted as to ref use will send out say 250,000 bu h ,w uthward. While at a height of were not far dist4n, rendering th I . � - A Business Change -1. V. Fear- (6) 1 and and build ure es an stores where no' ed so eif and sistance, no doubt' b th ould have to a cost of paint, which much improves trials and tribulations few. Mr. Ches. � Worth its WeiFht in Gold to do this, then % e deserve to suffer At 1,00o feet ITin's hold was loos the buildm*g'.-Mr. iney has purchased the residence in Eg- . body ever expected to see them'. . suffered death, as i� Zola W I Ready for Business -E. McFaul. (8) . fall. His body shot � atop rig. Hap- the appearance of dville of Mr. David Sprost, and , Clothing-Airm. Pickard. (8) suff,er we triost undoubtedly will. � towns of which I hardly know the loca. h was see to Mon To Pig Rreeders-James Sutherland. (5) - . __ __ . - it elevator 7- III 06 cannon, at, pily to say �oth es6aped unhurt. Thomas .Snell, who was attending the I imself and his worthy young wife will I � �i . - — tion, such as Martinsvillej a 41ownward as tro d struck -The Clinton,N..ew Era of last week Collegiate Institute in Clinton was one - � A Fine Exhibit -W. Climie. (8) 1 the earth half a mile &why When . mring have a' 'comfortable and pleasant home �Compulsory Voting. goes up, and ever'thing shows we mean. ns of the succeopful candidates in proc � I A Bargain -Wm . R. Wilson. (6) C . y found the clothes 'were torn off., Every says: DuriAg the holiday@ some perso . - . Teacher Wanted -Jam" McNair, (5) Ing has a big exp , t. Still we are rather near . . y wa7e' havebeen making 11 themselves too free athirdelass certificate; he is nowat- in. which to enjoy matrimonial felicity. The idea of compulsory voti thenorth ' Is and wheat growing alone bone was broken, end the bipwd � . � MINUTIES O)r COUNCIL-CoUneil met at Teacher Wanted -Peter McKay. (5) been discussed over'and over again and blan J . with the gymnasiOn in connection with tending the Model School in Clinton.- I xon's hotel, Brucefield, on the 27th To Farmers -Rev. Isaac Barr. (6) & good many people are in favor of it. is a big ri k. 'This is not a season for crushed out of human sem, igon and Di Football Meetinx. (8) . . I may have more to a RUINED ]SY Joubert, the Collegiate Institute., As amatter of Mr. C. Hartleib has sold his wi i Riam.-General - . coming, Gorning-Wm. Pickard. (6) it an long letters. AT curity, the windows had been barred carriage business to Mr. Racey, formerly �day of August. The chief buitnese was , q - se I � presents The %iord 11 compulsory " give. I I the noted. leader of the Boers, I 0. Mr. 'the striking of the annual rates and the , Trunks Trurka-Geo. Good. (5) objectionable sound. But many other when the fall fairs come, on. in an ititerview that terrible m sery has with heavy iron I_bars, but these were of Blake, for the sum of $1,70 � V , , of special rates on certain school . Fail SiWi-li. F. Edwardij. (a) - ­ ion on the let of le YIDL - Oculist and Aurist-Dr. Proudfoot (8) L-thitigs are compulsory, such as paying I . e of South broken in and the apparatus injured in Racey will take P088088 ' . - - been ce;used among the native I 'Hartleib will remain in . in cordauce with the report Card of Thanks -Bridget Purcell. (5) taxes, serving on juries and giving evi News of the Week uor . tra; fie. The various ways. The board has determined October. Mr. sections Ac i speciai-m. R. Counter. (5) dence in court, yet . people are required MORTGAGEs FORIECLOSEM-The fore- Africa by the liq d to prosecute in fature, any one found Dashwoodduring the winter, and in. 'of tbearbitratore appointed to adjust - General says that in 1884 h warne I . icing a. trip to Washington 'and settle claims &rising out of the 6vi_ - cTiving up Business -Frank O'Neil. (8) - to'do them. To'compel an elector to il �nd tends ta Mantle and Dressmakers --E. McFaul, (8) . closures of mortgages in Kansas last King Umb Swaz , that guilty of injuring the property. - e for one or two year coverbd $2,000,000. . a dine, of . State in the spring. -Mr. R. Cook has sion of the school property of the town. � Notice to Apple Growers -A. Cardno. (6) go to the polls to ',vot gold concessions and drink would de- -Mr. W. Keys� of Clinton, got a ' the school sections. - . candidates when.perhaps he does not STANLEY COMING TO NEW YORK.- stroy his couatr�. Umbandin did not tumble on Saturday of last week that dispoted of his interest in the flax mill .ship among . The . take much stock .in either of them, Henry M. and ,Mrs. StaDley and Mrs. heed the warning, and three years' later has confined him to his room for several to - Mr. Jonas Hartleib, formerly of the amount required by the. county ig would certainly seem hard to the elec- for New York b the days. He was sitting on a load of egg firm of Hartleib & 'Eidt, I � '$3,210.62, and will require a rate of 1.53 41trou txpoox I he was& h)peless drunkard. Disease . � - 0 1 N� I - � . . 3 0 for*. tor, but it must be borne in mind �that- Teuton; y c boxes on a wagon, when a quick move- mills on the dollar. For township pur. ,, - to. and - drunken'neis are making bavo , r_3 - voting is a duty as well as a privilege, . ELEVATOR BuRNED.-R. D. Hubbard - notw, ent of the hors6 t1hrew him backwards. Wroxeter. :poses the amount required is $2)215.601 . .- among the ative tribes, ithstand- In L requiring a rate � of 1,05 Mills. The . I - . SEAFORTH, FRIDAY,. Sept. 5, 1890. and if a man does 6ot do his duty he and Co.'s wheat elevator at Mankato, ing the effort of the missionaries. He sustained uo,� �articular injury be- Gooi) CRADLING. -Among the big lamount required for Railway bonus in- ­ . � cannot complain if his privilege betaken Minnesota, has, been burned. Loss, � I yond the fall ana *as able to go about � . - I I . � I ,I - feats of harvest work now going the 'terest and sinking fund, is -$1,006,41, re. � from him. The penalty of not voting $50,000. I , his work that a ternoon as usual, but - 1 . . I — - - .. i -, Auron Not6s. � 4 rounds of the- press, the good work re iquiring a rate of -.� mill on the dollar. The McKinley Bill. would be disfranchisement, the non- FOR RivE.RS AND HARBORS. - The - - i , the next day an 8 nee, felt so sore that ce tly performed . by Mr. Rizh. Graham, I - nt than is usu , i This is a larger aniou � ,ally ' - It mov nd is not yet able to � a . . I . The There are 33 lady electors in. the he couldn 11 � 'MeL bill is still receiving voter losing his vote next time. - rivers and . harbors appropriation bill of 0 OL� ; Of Howick, deserves to be put on record. � raised. The increase is necessary to The lKinley . weak point in compulsory voting, it has the Unit�d,States provides ior the ex- township of Grey; 18 Smiths, 17 M - get about. . . elve acre field � ' L to Us, 9 - e -Mr. Gibbin of Clinton, who was Mr. Graham cradled a tw .meet the payment of railway debentures. � the attention of the Washington, legls- always seemed is that althou h penditure-'of $24,981,295. Donalds, 15 St warts and 158 Mace are L - r I it is gradually growing nearer you ma compel the voter to go .to the RFASONABLt 'DEMAND. -Eight thous- to be found on the - voters' list this supposed to ha" of heavy oats on Mr. Wmi Evans' farm, 'The debentures are payable twenty years I ' lators.. . y ­ L I . Wen drowned at lot 2, concession 10, Howick, in a day !from. the passing of the by-law, the date -- polls you cannot compel him -to mark his and Northampton , shoemakers, who year. Scotland is well reprepented in Goderich about the first of July, has well, top. If ; .4 1 i . its final stages, and it is likely to be- ballut.i He may spoil it or leave it have been working at home, hiave band- Grey township. turned up. He re almed home Friday of and a half, and cradled it I of which is October'the 10tb, 1873. No - I come 1,*w in a few days without further blank.' You can driye a horse to water ed together and'demand to'be furnished -_-Mr. Thomai D. Morton, formerly of last week. He Wis found in Alpena any users of the " Armstrong " reaper Irailway rate was collected till 1875., and A I have done better than this, now is the ' . ntly resided in Michigan. It is 8 that worry over ex- . 'in that year only enough to pay interest I � amendment, and will be put in force by - but you cannot make him drink. Be- -with .workshops. -. Clinton, who subseque time to speak. I I i couponi. ' Had $500 been invested ev- i a gera i . fore compulsory' voting can be made NENv TER-RITORY.-Dr. Bowman, an Tucke'remith, died a few days ago at a 9 ?ed financialldi. culties so preyed lery year since 1875 on redemption of de. the first of October. In order to give BAD FALLS. -The rainy weather is . . . . practicable this weak point will have to Austrian explorer, in a letter, dated small place in North Carolina, where he upon his mind tha, he actually did in - our readers some idea of how this meas- -D-undas Banner. says he marched -has been li' fie as a son partly responsible for a couple of heavy 'bentureg account the fund should show . ving lately. I - 9 be overcome. Buegungega, July 17, - tend drowning 0 self. his will ac- � - ;at the end of this year an accumulation tire will affect this country, and especial- , . - a8ily for 4' fortnight in Central "Africa still living in Tuckeremith., � count for his gett ng into' a scow and falls recently received by two estimable i This " Weak point " can very e through mountainous territory � th'at nev- -Jarnes Scott, of Blyth, wais charged leaving his hat an d clothing in the way ladies of our village. Mrs. Isaac Elliott ,of $7,500. This it does not show. - And ly this -Province, we give below a table � be over -come. It is not at All neces- . . I a few days ago fell on the steps while sed each year to al. � er before had been explored. -by Inspector Paisley, with violation of be did. I . I I a sufficient was rai I showing the value of the products ship- sary that the votgr' should be required i down cellar, breaking two of her a BISMARCK's NOTION. 'One of the hab- the Crooks Act. The case wai tried be- , low of an investment of $500 yearly, it -,- t ' � . -On Saturday lvening last week, at going i - - ped last year from Canada to the United to mark his ballet. All that is desired its of Prince Bismarck at Kissehgen Js fore tr" -es McGarva and Me- I ribs and receiving other serious injuries. � follows thatthe nione of this fund has � M agis about six O clock, object wag sighted . y � and' fell been misapplied. To make up thet, States, and which will be most largely is to get him to the. polls and cast his to get weighed every da'. His Weight is Murchie, of .,Glinton, who found de- U Mrs. A. L. Gibson also slipped . y from the light,b se b%nk, Goderich, last. Friday morning, and though fortu- I ' I p - dant guilt I and fined him. $20 and Mr. R. �Ue_l Onortage .brought about by these two . affected by the increased duties provided now 205 pounds. In 1879 he reached fen by, Camp�`, ell, about ten miles � . ballot. He may cast a bla:nk ballot if the highest point 247 pounds. costs. I - I H nately no bones were broken the shock causes an increased rate is this year im- . for in the McKinley bill : a I . out on the - lake� 1 upposed to her system was very great, and she is �� he likes.' By so doing, he expresse's hi Dim) IN CALI;oRNIA.-Tristatn Bur- -Mr. Alex 6nder Wa,tson, ne of the to be a boat adrifl.�. Captain Babb was . posed. The, sums asked for by the re. , � I . I � � 1'.. Barley .................... $ 6,454,000 opinion, that he is not'favorable to ges, past grand comn�iauder of the best .known residents of 1 oderich, notified r,till fee ' ling the effects. � quisitions . of the various Boar -do of - 1 114 , W.... 2,157,000 ,� and tel6graphed the Marine BASEBALL. -The Unions of Gorrie I trustees was ordered to be levied on the i� Eggs .................. either candidate. That is what isde., Knights Templar of Cali'fornia, died at breathedhis aston Friday,. August 22, Department, as�inlg permission totake - - !I 2i I 14,000 � . I i and Wroxeter met the Teeswater club in I respective se6tious. It was decided that ' I I Horses . - - .: .............. his home near San Jose Thursday night after a prolD ged illness, in� his 69th 1, i this , the Government Itug Trudeau. to the deadly conflict here las ;; I I Sheep ................ � ..... . 918,OW sired. The system which procuree of dropsy.' He was a 'native of Rhode year. He W8 A man of sterling quali, rescue. At ele0en o'clock Saturday t Friday anid took, !the striounts ordered to be paid to the : - I them into camp- by a score Of 8 to 3- � township by soctions No. 3, 5 and 7 be. Hay .............. � ........ 822,000 may be called I I compulsory voting," or Island and 41 years of age, . ties, and posse3ged the confideoce of all evening he went out with the tug, but . � � Cattle ...................... 488,000 may receive some other designation-. It HAD To LEAVE His GOLD. -George with whom h 3: came in contact� , � . it was so dark t* wreck could not be Some very good playing was seen on 'ing small sums, t,hould be levied in full . , , 405,000 . both sides. Mr. Donagh, of Teeswater, ! � . Z Beans ..................... a comfirmed miser, died at _G. A. Deadman, of Br4ssels, in- . the presentlyear ; that the sum awarded - !. 11 .313,000 matters little, so long as the end sought Gills,' found. On Sunda morning the tiig and . & . . v, . � umpired the -game very fairly. The ' i - ,I, Peas ............... ? ...... I . Youngstown, Ohio, the other day. His tends taking &� trlip to Winiiipeg this life boat went ouit .again, and the, sup- to be paid to the township by section 230,000 for is attained. That end is to Pecure � attendance at the game was good, con- �`4 . No. 8 should be levied and collected in ! 1" Apples .................... : estate is valued at from $125,000 to week. He is Itaking up 4,000,1pounds of posed ivrock proteA io be. a crib of e, I Sidering the disagreeableness of the fiv-, equal annual installments of $283.70. -: � �t . -- I �_ I Potatoes. ......... ........ 193,000 'the attendance of , the elector at the $450,000. He had no relatives in that honey to tickle, the padates 6 e ,in- dar posts, ties : 4nd teleg 'a C I 'I � rap po so .. �, I le I _,-I V 111,000 I -1 I day. I i TJ - , �, the amount awarded to be paid by � "I Poultry.. . ................. polls and to get him to deposit , his bal- section. � I habitants of ihe western �etropolis. - which was towed 1 to t e bar or. e THiK HARVEST. -Harvesting �opera- N . 10 should be levied and collected in I - I r _� . . '41�� . � 1 . lot, whether it be blank or marked, and . RUG WEAVERS' STRIK;X.-All of the The freight on the consignmen amount- crib was one of fo r which broke loose I � 1 $14.205,000 . tions have been greatly delayed the last I theee equal annual instalmentsof-S84.25. 7 . , rug weavers employed at the Bethlehem, ed to over $115. ' �A on Friday morning, two weeks by* the rainy weather. The 1 It was also arranged that the amounts I � . � . . - � to thereby do away with the tugging ' from the tug Bra � I ­�� � I In addition to the abovr� there are, . Pennsylvania, merino mills Weint on a -A little-, g aughter of ! Ir. Fred and the four wer valued at $15,000. L14 - � . .11 � i 06 and.buying - Winthro ,was badly scalded the bulk of the oats and a large proportion AW.L17cled to be paid by the township to . � , - bring strike because Of the announcement of a :Horn, The owners arei essrs. E. F. Allen & , nd hauling and coaxing ! I , several smaller items 'which will i of the peas are yet in the field, so me be. , I . . � : sections No.. I,. 2, 4, 6 and 9 should be i��, - � tal Up to about fifteen millions of which is now too frequently nde,essary 25 per cent reduction in Wages. other day. ItIll ppears that A 'rs. Horn W. Lindsay, of' Cleveland, Ohio, who as � . � ' ; � � I � I the to . ' FiRED INTO. -When: the Santa Fe 'had poured 'so e boiling waiter into a ing still uncut. Fortunately there h 1 paid in three equal annual payments as _. t -per- . I arrived in Goderich last week and made � k_ I - Z dollars. The duty on barl�y is to be to get voters to come.forward apd been little warmth wKth the rain, and I I k . passenger train was within twenty miles Ivesael, and left lit standing 0 a table, followi : To Section No. 11 .%7.�; too ,�' - h -a ; I ­ increased, from 10 cents to 30 cents per form their dut as citizens. . i rrangementg to r6over the remainder little or no injury has vet been done, 1 'y I section No. 2, $117.06; to section No. of - Kansas City, Missouri, on" Friday and the little,O I e pulled the vessel over, of the raft, which caine ashore about but farmers are-beginni;g to feel anx- ' No. 6, $151,21 -V We are glad to notice that the Globe ni lit, it was fired upon by a party of severely se Idih it arm and breast. four miles above Kincardine. � 4, $205.12 ; � to Section r bushel ; on eggs, which now go in free, . - ions lest the long -continued rains should : � . . rilemen concealed in high -1 al 11� I 8 � is comiDg around to view this Reform gra6s some fames Sa� s, of Centralia, who has , r to section No. 9, $117.53, each year, for to 5c per dozen ; on horses -to $30 per distance from the track. Several- shots been in jail lai It Goderich for the past end in spoiling the crops still un- a period of three years. A number of head, and. on those valued at. $150. per. with favor. In a recent issue it .says : passed through the cars, but no ne was two or three 146eks, in defaul of sure- The Grain Situation. housed. I red to be paid and � head and. over, 30 per cent. ad valorem; "To compel a man to attend, at the injured. . � . I.. he, peace, was riased on The whea� markets in the States ha.ve BiLiEF NoTEs.-Posters for the fall the council -adjourned to meet at Kyle7s I I I d a ballot . , is neither im- � . ties to keep t . been inactive and depressed during the show to be held here on September 30th -- c " BALLOON ACCIDEINT.-At Charlotte, Mondaf, Au, t 25th, by His Honor . hotel, at the call of the Reeve.-S,Ax. 'Is an " y ge wall immediately ar- past six days, closing to -day (Tuesday) a -_ po 6 e goo If the elebtor did house made a balloon ascensio a .Stack- Jud Toms. :a ab)l within a fraction of the lowest prices. - I on sheep under a year old, 75 cerite per tiCE ble nor unj as and we t4ink the Michigan, on Saturda , Professor nd October Ist have been issued. There SMXLLIE, Township Clerk. prac t Wou is the usual goodly array of prizes, and � effec Id b d. 'nd at- rested by Cc 9 , head; on sheep over one year, $1.50 per . t n . e Gill cha�rged with head,-, hay, $4 per ton; cattle, $10 per not approve of ei 2 candidate, he we haveno doubt the first-class exhibit. i � tempted to drop with his par chute, insanity, and taken back to Exeter for The more favorable- weather in the . I � could cast a blank ballot. These blank . Northwest and the decline in exports ion generally held here will be repeated 1 - Howick, .1 �. - head; apples, 25 cents per bushel; po- which failed to work, and.he fellir about preliminary eicamination. I . . are the causes att0buted to the weak- -Mr. J. Homuth, Select ' BEES I_N� His BREEKs.-The Harris. ii ballots would show that the abstention 500 feet into a ploughed fiel . He -On Wedn eday afternoon of last this year. I � tatoes, 25 cents per bushel-; live poultry from votin was due 6ot so much to 'in- Councillor, and Dr. Fowler, Past Conn. � ton Tri ne is responsible for the fol - _11 . 9 , has a chance of recovery, ,so the loctors week an import nt and pleasant event ness. Many think that when receipts I . bu � . 'P,", 3 cents per pound, and so on. Although dolence or indifferen'.ce as to the fact . . I I - increase prices will, have to go still low- cillor, of Wingham Council, Royal Temp- ! lowing bit of romance in real life t � Q I Z. say. took place at the i -isidence of 1Mr. Wm. ; J I':- that neither candidate was acceptable, e . andy Barns, of the 9th concession of 4f, Ontario is largely interested in all the B"K FAILED. -The Hastings, Ne- Ba�lkwill, London I'Load, near xeter, it er. The visible supply continAes to lars of Temperance, visited th ' Council I S - -, I '.., � and the moral effectip would be ex�el- to show a decrease, but it is still over here last Friday night, and gave the ;Howick, is perhaps one of the best , �11 items enumerated above, those on which � , braska, City National Bank closed i being the mariiage of his aughter, .,�. lent." . . I ,000 bushels I more than at the brethren some needed instruction in the I known farmers in that township. By . 41 I she will lose. Most heavily are barley, i. doors Friday morning. The failure is Miss Eliza, to 'Mr. John Tho peon, of 3,250 : I industry, straight and honorable deal- .- I , . - I -hose � . �1, - - � I . ? _. attributed to the poor character of loans London. The ceremouy was erformed corresponding period last year. The work. -Mr. B. J. Hazlewood, w 'ing8, he stands at the top of the ladder, . - . I �i., horses, eggs, sheep and poultry. The OUR MANITOBA LETTER. and was precipitated amount afloat increased over 1,000,- High School career so far has been so ; - ", I � I I by Rev. JaspertWilsou, in th presence -0 - I United States is almost our sole market (From Our owtfc6rrespendent.) I a 8 000 bushels last week. The British successful, left on Monday last f r St. I notwithstanding the many mishaps that .i - Treasurer withdrawing[ a deposit of of a few of the:bride' relativ . i , I . i . I _. .� -, . WINNIPRG,.§eptember isf, 1800. $25,000. , ; I - : iickard, of H Iniesville, markets are easier the past few days. Catharines, where he will attend the : have befallen him during his life. I 1 I-— for these animals'a`nd articles, and under : I I � . 1. Mr. Ezra. 1 rs ago he nearly chopped I I - According to an official Russian re- Collegiate Institute and study for a first- 1, About 12 yea - I J� 4. A good many read6rs of Ti-iE EXPOSI. A-78TRALIAN NEws.-Specia' con -i met with an accident on Wed eaday of � his lef t hand off while hewing a wedge. . � ­ � ' f-, i the heavily. increased imposts of the I _ ' ' � class certificate. Mr. Hailewood, � ' � �,_ 1 . J - To)a have friends in Manitoba, and how stables have been enrolled at -Me' bourne last week, Which Will prove troublesome port the winter wheat crop is about ten . . � ­ I � , i � . ' 'A few years ago while driving a reaper . T, McKinley bill, w(i will either be entirely, few of you there are w eat thou;ah not yet sixteen; possession .12 ho have no friends in view of threatened labor riotp, The for some wd��6. He was engaged in percent above and the spring wh 0 � - - , .� e � his horses ran away, knocked him down '� wi , � shut out of that market or we will be I here, will be anxious to hear how our city is. without gas. The shippi Ig com- levelling a -pi - tl!i a road rop, about equal to the average for the of th�rd and second-class certificates. .� JP ece of land . .1 ,. � I ml g panies are eml I , ' I eft to at. � and ran the reaper over him, mangling I * 11 � past five years, Miss Elda Hazlewood has also I I.,I'll 1` forced to sell at a heavy loss. It is said crops, are farin . You have, beard ru- )1oying non-uni ti men. scraper wh6n the tool caug�, 6 in the Ary weathe � - k more of much damage, and next day the The wharfmen at New Zealan. ports ground, throwing him over it . In Germany hot, r has tend the Model School at Mount Forest. him so much that those who saw him I I I causing I . -,*: ther market. : . M - but I . .� by some that we can get ano . - P I �, contradiction, and so on. The truth is -have struck. I favored harvestin . The rye crop is Mr. A. L. Gibson returned from .the concluded that his end had co, e I - him to.alight 'on one arm, breaking it . 9 ' I I - - � � L � Sandy did not think so, and was soon 1� �, I 3 " . For some of the atticles possibly we can, that the best informed among us can MONE I FOR THE PRINCE1.' I irregular, in sorrie,4istricts turning out I hospital, Toronto, Saturday last, for a 11 � -The near the. wrist I ir, i - ; � I - to, e seen at wor again -as usua . I � ; - . �. I . but our leading. products -barley, eggs, hardly tell, and when they do know, Princess Actoria sist G -On Saturday, August 23, about well, in others po4lrly, particularly as tol short rest from the treatment he is r.e7 Lk Sandy's ,I - , ''y . - q-' . will not tell. It i8,� not the man that . Emperor and grand-danghter of Queen eighty of the descendants of Mr. John quality. Wheat rornises a fairly good ceiViDg there. Mr. Gibson is slowly However, one day lastwee -1 .-J � ine Scotch blood was made to almost - 1. _.� and horaes=are not wanted to any ex- I Or - ' _Qr -9 . howls loudest that' is most hurt. I Victoria, who has but recently ecover- Morris aeseml 1ed at his residence, Mor- - crop. Complain 0- of disease in potatoes I gainin 3 ground, but suffers great pain. genui I . � I J - tent in an other country, and, coiase- PRESENTATiON.-A number of the stand still in his veins, and this is how . 1­� y think myself that p4tial damagewift be ed -from I er love for Prince, Fet dinand., risdale, Colbo -no township, to, celebrate arespreading, th�jmportunee of which �; I �, I . LI I remember I friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Sander- we are informed that it happened. He . 1%1 say that the United found to have been dion .six years point is app%rent" heu it is i - -1 i quently, we may e at a good many and whc is shortly to be wedded to his eightieth birthday' Fifty ii " I . � I of bees, keeps innumer- - - Olero I I � I � States is our only market and we must places where none is now adraitted to Prince Lippe,t ha's just been endowed by ago Mr. Morri s left England and came to ed that the potat ' les aboui I son call6d at their house on Monday is a great lover I . I i � ; i she ;�, i ?lace. Out 18, . I evening last and, presented them with an able colonies and takes great delight in I i i have taken I I am pretty cer- the Govetnment with a douceur Df X50,� Colborne tow ��hip, and with his wife 890,000,000 bu, 1, i . , - I sell there or give up producing in these . d r . Potatoes form an important article of address and a _ very handsome marble working among them. Upon this oc. . � � tain that after all discounts are allow 000 ,cash i and an annuity of zC1,000 for bravely faced all the toile and'hardships � � � i ,� .. 4 - . - 41 lines. But even if other'markets can ed, there mno crop ast of the Rockies life. I i . . of pioneer life in the backwoods. food throughout Europe and America, clock on the occasion of their leaving the casiou he was trying to secure a fine : . . - - I I , - on this continent th kt iwhat we I -Six fires, e ridently -Mr. W.;Dale, of Hullett, delivered an I - be got, great loss must necessarily en equals ' NCEN111AItUR d when good, and cheaper, unques. vlllage for Portage I& Prairie, Manitoba, young colony that had just swarmed �! - the work of Mi ia Clinton on Thursday of 'last week 30 L and had nearly succeeded when the :L i- sue, as it will take time -to form connec- have to show for thii 'season, unless it be fire bugs, took. pla�ein tionably take the ,'Place of bread to some where they intend going into business. � 1�­ a I that weighed 42,430 lbs., exten by ,affecting the human . ­ your own. I have i iddeh for days as' Brooklyn, on Saturday night. 0 ne was' head of c tt e t, there ,Mr. Sanderson has been long a resident queen lighted. upon Sandy and began z L __._ tions in other countries, and the differ- . � consumption of, *best and rye. Pre- and one of the most prominent business rospecting for a suitable location. �, ��. much as fifty miles a OaY - y in a double fiat house on Atlantic or an averag� of over 1,400 lbs. each. I . ,, in distance ca;n not be over -come I M and scarcel - . . is 1 , i ence I Been a mean -crop. � li aliy good weight for you sent indications are that the 1890 crop men of Wroxeter, and stands high in Wow, unfortunately, there was a lace �� � _� I - ghtest are avenue. Three tenants were iDjured, a This unsu I ng 1p , . : a I ,� I but must be provided for, and those districts that clid.best last year. I fireman was overcome by smok , and a cattle., and if 44y one can beat them Mr. in the principal 96untries of the world the opinion of his fellows as a - man of on the seat of his pants where patch ,� ,. I - .1 v . , -4 will largely decrease our pres think the' PortagePlains as light as baby was'fatally burned. TwoT will be either sho"t in yield'or defective integrity and worth. The chair was should have been, and this opening the � . i uspects Dale would� JiLie to bear of it. These I t � I � .� � I ever I saw them, an a heavy crop east were arrested. Loss $5,000. f in quality. Germany is the country of occupied by Mr. Robt. Miller and the queen soon found, and in she went, fol- � ,� . were sold iol Andrews & Bawden, o I � . z 11 To say the least, the outlook at present of Killarney is, r re. Further west THoUS4ND.13 OF MEN WANTED. -IM-' 'Goderich, who shipped three car loads, productio , the crop there aver- address read by Mr. J. Cowan, Mr. 1 lowed by thousands of her faithful I i I I I i - . , � . ,� � in not the most encouraging. hail has done much arm, and- I reckon. provemeni to, especially railroad construe- . -A team belonging to Mr�. Thomas aging 890,007,000 bushels, a very large Sanderson replied suitably in a few subjects. Hece was a dilenims that � r 9 � 1 ,..4 , w ich is ,man - -Sanderson will it :� on half a bushel o the acre of our tion, in '�Colorado is greatly retarded ; ords. Mr. and Mrs. taxed thi i cool, canny Scot. � -, �! It is thought by some that the Agri- Cole, of Hartock, which was; attached proportion 0 ' ufacta.red w ­: I I Z� 7 � � whole crop being lostiby hail. Allowing for throughthe inability of the companies to the wagon iii the barn Mon ay morn- into starch, our, alcohol, etc., for feed- be missed from our town. It is the He knew to attempt to stop .:, I I I ' � �71 cultural provisions of the McKinley bill those who are not hit at all, tl�j is is a to secure laVor. The Denver and Rio ing last w'eek - -broke through the barn ing. Disease 'Is said to be rapidly former's intention to return in is few: them would be fatal, and as viery I li_ � I I - t, �t,�� � I � . King- � have been designed for the express pur- heavy loss on those whose crop is nearl Grande sie the greatest sufferers. The f oor where ly lay unable to get ou spreading there.,' In the United weeks for a longer or shorter stay before second added to his trouble he shouted ­; I y I ,­ I I . , 1. finally taking up his residence in Mani.' for help, but when the help arrived the - -A wiped out. All you hear of such losses officials Of the road say �they ca give Mr. dom, where the I% mrage annual as 237,- 1 ;,,4. poise of operating injuriously to Canada. n Cole wit h the assistance of some of I , 6 1 i 1. ,� turns out as a rule overstated. I rode employm6xit to from 5,OQQ to 8,060 men the neighb6 8,, got the horses Out, wh 000,000 bushels,: t 'e disease is reported tobs. insides of his clothes were bulged out � en 11 . -1 � . � i ! ­' This, however, is not the case. It in through the country east ,of Brandon at $2 peir day. Ditch companies and they were fol' �'a to be somewhat in- to have done % ery serious damage. � with' bees. What was -to be done? ­ '_ � 1�_ . . � � t � � _. simply a part of the tariff reform scheme Hills that got, the first hail, and found smaller corporations are equal if. not jUred. i France, which a 3-, ivally produces about Tuckersmi4th. Anger the bees and death was certain, '' I . and although he received many a good e Ao � ' FOOT BALL. --A foot ball match was � � � �� . L and only operates against this country, such fine crops that I had to ask where greater sufferers. i ' -A resi& t1t on the 2nd con66ssion of 415,000,000 buol: els, ,has - h �, ore largely the hail belt was. . It will bb later, but GOOD AND ABLE,EvEi YOUNd.-Lonr Hullett has �A his possession �. -common exempt from thii trouble, though a played last Tuesday evening O'n Mr.' sting he still stood solid as a rock, -not __� because we happen to sQll in I . . I he - � � daring to move. The assistanin had ,'�' the second growth was so vigorou'S that� don Speaker says of Eon. Mr. Glad- glass lantern ivhich formerly belonged will have a good surplus for support. Archibald's field between the Moonlight � . � -14 I to the United States than to any other the crops may prove heavier tbom that stone ; to have seen so I I Holland also co�nplains of injury _ wits and soon procured a pair .0! � . I-, many colleagues, , to his great rand father, and which has - ,_ In Buffers, of the brickyard corner, and I - ' , 4 1 . country. Had we not used that market on.land, never hurt. Our government trusted and loved, fall by his side, can. been in the �mily for more than a hun- the United States a "decidedly short the Mill Road boys. The gain . e � was. scissors, and by gentle handling of the 'l-, . . . . . pantlege and shirt, he was soon cut out - at all, the tariff increases would have reports are, I am glad to say, as accu- be no commoa sorrow to any- man, and I k is nine a crop is inevitabl;, and higher prices keenly contested.' It almost seemed' I � s, dmired by the - ,.-; rate this season as it is possible to have least of all to a man of Mr. Gladstone's . I must be looked ' � of his clothes -and safely, in the bones, . T:1 �.� been made all the same. presentown �safamilyreli The ar- foir. for a time that the Mill Road would 1 .i I them, sud to them I refer you for our ardent and sympathic te- I I although his legs, body, face and hands - mperament. ticle is in s;", did order and ias never I take everything, but the tide turnedi - . , I' I were badly swollen from the effects of American politicians have already given totals. Then we have grass.as green to- Yet whilst his heart �vtill clings to the had in ' t, spent on it foi - repairs. � I and the Buffers came out victorious one , the many stings. Presence of mind and - . . i 3 � Da�phwood- . _ nany ce t , - - I I . �., the most aband e that they day as in June, a;nd abundance of feed, memories of the psof� it is op� t n Mor. - I 11, ant- evidene n 0 the -0 . 'ivoters'list there are 771 AcCIDENT.-Ad accident that might game to none. I Mr. McIntosh, of 'Eg- i ,� � I I . . i cool Scotch courage saved him this time, � , - ish the most friendly and neighbor- if we keep clear of the straw burning impressions of the Present; and �bere persons entit ea to vote at elections to have proved se'O'bus took place a short mondville, acted as referee to the gene. . I- I - I � , t cher folly, to serve us for two years. Ha� is has been no.period in his long life when the, legislative- assembly and I municipal distance west 0� , this village on Satur. ral satisfaction of all. The re 1 as it. had saved him many times before. I � ly feelings towards this country and - ; I turn � .� � . I . - still 'light on the natural bottoms, but Mr. Gladstone has b6en 'surrounded by 9, elections e layed, on W,edneed - I I -11 � . ; 106 are entitled i10 vote at day evening last. It appears that Mr, match is to b P � , m . that they are anxious to enter into Pons Ben Wit I . , � . unless we have drouth next year, �which band of friends more loyal and more de- municipal elec' and 23 are entitled ikenweder, of the 14th conces- next in R. Coleman's field. % GlenfaiTow. , i: � � �J " I � I Ili,, tiations with us by which we can � don't count on, both hay and pasture voted than those who now ei6etions to the legislative sion of Stephen' ward the PERSONAL.-Mias Carrie Wrigley, of' NOTES. -Master Willie Thompson, . Y�_, � . nego stan . by the to vote at o &a driving to i . ' ' . � , - - , I P oid these duties and have the freest will be in such shape next spring as,to veteran's side in eager expe tation of assembly, m ., n g a total of 900 voters; Grand Bend,withi a horse and buggy,and London is visiting at R sevale Cottage,; who has been laid up with the - . :1 . av I I . 11 0 1 utnatic , �. 11 ensure good returns next season. Our his next. and greatest battle for the 418 are qu I e to serve as jurors. was accompanied - ' fever and inflammatory, rheumatism, is � 11 rodue-ts,to their markets, by his sister and Miss the guest of Miss Hannah Sproat. � "I access,for our p I . I all, 1. rivers are about as low as ever, but the cause of justice and 'freedom. Most There are 2i ady voters on t le list. Mitchell. Whe�n about opposite to Mr. Mr.Johnston,who has taught with much ',� able to be around again. -Miss A. Scott, �? I - I . I . , ; .i and it is only the hostile attitude a,- land is getting .beautifully sou i, ed, Pmd men of 80 have withdrawn from the -Mr. W Glen, of Wei t %Vawa- Baker's sawmill yard, they were met su, I peesa and satisfaction to all co I . . . _. � .1 . ncerne& of Torouto,� has been visiting her aunt, ' � ! I 11 ; sumed by the Canadian Government if we can keep'out prairie fires, there' fight, and live alone with nosh, on Fri hy ihorning, 22,nd inst., by two men dri'i ag with a horse and at the Red School for about two � ,-' . their mem- - '.­, . . y . years, Mrs. Thompson, for the past few weeks. - . .P - p goings . I., . that prevents our neighbors making an will be a covering of herbage every ories. In Mr. Gladstone's case �nemory took ill very ,�ddenly, a�A in the after- buggy. While,' the buggies col- intends retiring from the school at New ' -Miusers. Powell and Taylor, of - j,Uck- - . ! � I �­­ . that will help to form mulch to crops and hope and effort dwell 'aide t)y noon or evening of the same day de- lided, smashing � i he front wheel of Mr. Years witb the intention . oug . - � . offer of this kind, We have four of the 4 I . uting � now, have: been eaves tr h int. Mt. � . , I i _. - - there for years to come. We have had side, . . parted this, Jife. The dece�sed wag a Winkenweder's i buggy and thro*ing his studies in another direction,an obert .. --, i, I most prominent politicians in the United I I - d Mr. 'F Alex. Gemmill's barn and Mr. ' �. . I some days of rainy weather, hindering -THE QUEEN Dis ASEDI -Queen good husband, kind father, an amiabld him out. He b6came tangled in the Shillinglaw has been engaged as bis�i Yeo's house and barn this week.- 4.$� cutting, but now it is bright and dry. Victoria has a 1�,Ltll * � ­ , - 11 - States, representing both sides of Froli- L . rrived a Balmoral, her citizen, andill f a quiet, unassuming dis- wheel partly un� ar the horse's feet. In successor. Mr. Shillinglaw.liss taug4t� Master Arthur McKersie, second sonof I . pl. . and unless something happena we.cannot beautiful estate in Scotlando for her position missed by this perilous position he was drag ed a in Hibbert, east of Chiselb � . . � 1'� ties, all with motions, which indirectly . will be much uret, Arl Mr. Win. MoKersief post -master, has ' - - nowforecast, this will be a big year for customary autumnal stay. She Was his family a I the communit - considerable diAance before the orse several years; driving from � hi .1. . invite Canada to make overtures for re. ly The be E 8 farm, in! been suffering from a. severe attack Of -.1 ll � Manitoba for both yield and prices. much displeased at Perth with the con- reaved widow %nd family have the sin- could"be stoppedi, He is now under the Tuckeromith every day. The red school' inflammatioxi of the lungs. He is not i - ,�� . I I 11 i . . - ' �­ ciprocal trade. Only the other day, Those who have potatoes will do better duct of her loyal subjects, who resorted cere symp y of the neighborhood. - medical care of! r. Cutten, and is im- will be much more convenient to him. I � _: to all sorts of devices to obta I -yet out of � danger. Dr. McDonald, of ! Z Senater Sherman, a leading Republican, even than the wheat growers, for price - in I glimpse -On V;!�didesday of last week Con- proving rapidlyl ut it will be some time The trustees of that,school, in engaging VkTingham, is attending him and his I.. � moved as an amendment to the McKin. at t � station J . . 1�1 and yield are both good. I of her when breakfasting ��-, stable Wheatley, of Clinton, rreste a before he is able betaroundagain. The him, have made a good choice as, sister, Miss Melissa, who is recoverm � I ' 1-1 !, ,bill,,anaddiiion similar in import The crop promis has had another ef- hotel. .For the remainder of the, journey young ma,n;,,,,med Walsh, of West Wa- ladies were more rtunate. Miss Wink- he is a sharp, pains -taking, com-; from an attack of inflammation I 7 r � I ey . feet that we did n t count on.. Lots of north the Queen kept out of gight and . wanosh, c rged wit t e se notion of a enweder eacal3e unhurt, while Miss petent teacher and will make a worth ' -JAr. and Mrs. Reddaway, -of I . . ' I . . . y� pleurisy. I, to the Hitt I and Butterworth resolutions, Americans c6me round -this way and would not show herself even to the young girl iMinedEllison. 1h6prison- Mitchell got 'OL with a sprained arm successor to the many goo t . 11. I I I . d teachers' New Hamburg, are visiting friends in L , . � . look at the big- country behind us, and enormous L �� ! ; and it is generaJly believed that it will crowd which lustily'. cheered er was brou' 1� t to Clinton ani tried be- and a good sbaki g up generally. that have been employed in this school.! this vicinity. -Mr. and Mrs. Bentley , I , . I I � I ' invest in city real estate. How much the royal car on its arrival at Aber d6en, fore Ma - Not � thstanding the back- STILL AxOTHER.-Mr. IT. M. Ches, paidfriendoin Lucknow a visit this : �ely be passed with this overtifie . ., . , gist, ite McGarva, ho found DOTS. - i . ultimat I 1. I they have bought not yet published, oneiof Victoria's favorite towns. sufficient evi efice to warrai t him in ward weat er , e harvest is nearly all ney, the well known cattle buyer of week. -Word has been received by his ­ to Canada attached to it, In view Of but Winnipeg are getting quite A TERRIBLE DEATH. -Ten thousand committing pr soner for trial. Bail W'ao gathered in. -Ill . Henry Wilbert ship- this township, made a very importan. , family here that Mr. John Green, sea- � ' , . . .. col - . . I these facts, it is silly for any one to try high, and even intry, property near people gathered at the fair at - �usfield, subsequently!! ranted in thesum of $400. ped a carload of' ambs for the American visit to London on Wednesday of last, ior, is on his way home from Australia the city has sold wc 11. There is no noise Ohio, on Saturday last, I � see the . . �� and stir lip ill feeling in this country t� -What might have proven a serious- market on Saiurday.-Mr. M. Fried week. He stole quietly away, but did via Scotland, where he will visit friends worth speaking of, but it' is surprising [ balloon ascension by Professor Charles. accident happened to Mr. Is - '' . � inst our neighbons on the grounds aae Carling and Mr. Baird, o� Parkhill, spent Sun- not go alone. He took with him one o for a few weeks. His many friends here . . aga to see the run -of -private residences go. The balloon was a hot air ong and was , I . .: and daughter, of Exeter,,on Monday af- day in our vill�ke.-Mrs. Henry Kell- Tuckeremitb'8 fairest daughters, in th ' will be pleased to see him after his long , t they are trying to inj are us. It is ing up . - . tha at every p, int, not only in this held oyer a furnace by- ropes in the, , ternoon C , , on, eldes; absence. -Mrs. Crawford, of Wellesley I . . . . of las week. Mr. srling,who erman is at pre§le;nt in Dashwood. She person of Miss Rebecca Hort _ . . our own Government that is injuring us city, but in most of our outside villages hands of bystanders. As iti.shot up- has not enjoye the -beat of health for is under the med , cal care of Dr. Cutter. daughter of Mr. John Horton. And township, i3 visiting her daughter, Mrs, I - and not the Americans. If the McKin- and towns.. Brand 3n is filling up fa,st, wards the spectators were h rrified to some years, 'Was taking hiq constitu- -Our village sti I continues to extend altfi�ough she went away Miss - Horton' John Wray. -Rev. Mr. McIntyre, of � [ atLd what we build now is built, not see Milton Redin, one of , leading tional drive, ' I a a - ' I . tedly . . &I usual, togethe - with hie. its boundaries. : r. Jacob Weber has she came home Mr . Ches e,y; a few in -1 Grand Rapids, a former pastor of the I ley bill squeezes us, as it undoub rushed up.as in -the boom days, Take' young men of the country,- h ing to a ,daughter, and when opposit -� Messrs. erected a new b�ick residence on Queen teresting and important gregational church here, -paid . . I , Will, it will be our, own fault, Griswold.and Macd nald as other- ex- rope dangling from the ball , -Rodin George and Th D11165 Horton's fi 6rm, north street; Mr. Fred Elsie has completed a by Rev. W, J. Clark, the you . I , �, . . . we do not faccept the amples Though e country to the must have lost his head, for e 16lutched of Exeter, the horse took fri ' at some commodious pu - ng, clever .1 friends ..in this neighborhood a visit z � because 1! I g�t rap factory on his prem- and popular pastor, of the . Firsi7 lately. . I � . � !1; � I . . % � � � . I I i - 11 � � I i r � i � . % r! � I , . . : , . I �1 I , : � I . . � I .1 - . � _f_ . . - - . : , ! I i i � 1 1 1 i I : - I . I I - i I i �, I i i I � � . ! � I : 1, I . � . I . � I I ; . . i � . . . � I w . �i � I �, . � . . i � i �, . . � � - . � � I! :1 � � ; . I I lit � I . I I ,I- , � ., i � � I I � . - . � - - : I � - i ! . . I . � --- _� .; _ . I � �1. i � I # I � . a . i, , - a P11 , , I !7 7 ����� �.� 11� ­ --- _� a7d 7n a I 71psy I I re 11 a I i` I'm I v � i i � I [ 1k t, ., ie I t I'm I - - ` - I r : , � - t �. 01 '' � e t. , , ''I 1 6 d a I a I t � ,a k I . ia, , I I t - , L Ni'fi , ' iii, O � all , " 0, I � 11 c) I I - V ghl �l L I; " wi I hil 8 11 %I. r � I c � le �Ll t� al nl,� I con h � - 11, � ; I . . i - . . - . 1� � . i - I I -1 - I- - � ­ -.-.---- . ­ �_ I I - � � ­­­­ _­ -1. � . I I :1 ; I ; I - ­. ., ! I � t . - . - ; ! : _; � . � - � . I -- I I - I � I . . i . � I ..- - -, � . I - -1 -1 I I - � ; I i I I I .-; � - I . - I . I - I � � I i I i . � . � � � I I . �, I I : � � . .11 I : I . I - - � . . - I I I i , . - - - ­ _. ­ . I - .1 -.1.1-- I . 11-11-.11.1-.. ­ ­­ -1.1 ­­ -_-11 ------ �.--..�-,--.�-----.-.Il-.------�.�.--..-.�-�--�--,-----".J;,� I _� - -__1111-% -JI- I ______­ - - __ - - .- - ­ ­ -1. - _ I ft. �.. 91". )IVSICA: I Itt I Trivi . ch - � Won well: "emed U . I I - V:IAYIA9 . .... id ;ror . 11 is the - I , , ,the world, , b" prove, assisted W, were Zub. 11 the -concel t t�he Chora � twu4uet il - 110-wTi . zber of the �Ocwn four � , . f 'or twoj = I 7 (fay � So" - nal J..Oung I � - iself the 61' . � lffswkshal � . - ducenient4 . never befc- - cent on tb were indit . r iaolisra fol . . . , proinise ol. _ f A ihape of - . - log the in , lople as A, I sold as Ma to baud il were so ea . I nearly tra got their ( 'were vids and a p, . quired -to, I � . .. none, So vested 2 o � getting a I � � 0� daught � I . -,he futur . e, - , 0 - and catch. - � -BREM, Johed thle� iolpe�fbdon, 16oklea hA_ f&ther�on � nished his � The naini , ,_�,gold wat,c] javed. and - I -the missio a vefy rib so much -a wissions.11 6 large ncwl � - dsy,—Prc . Is ties . - On eggs I vereary sO Trilvitt MIA Sermons i av-ening b, Clinton.— , - : day in tov the fore P, Another a derstando. , lug boot al I h�uoe neal' _,mr. E. . I 'Detroit R. Bishop X iturned fro ,try last8i VQt very� � turns .com r I L OBITUAI I__ - cord the d., [ I of this ,1�11 I don lut.%v I I been in To I .years, but -three weel , - ..give up. � I the beat I taken to � ,died and i here on Y � . p0q,M41 it 41 � . b teriatt 4 - . lbayth Sch niournhio . N�OTES*� , ,are tj�kin$ ractice.' , I I I . - L . irl . Ve 1 P is 'I I no more I � farmers It - I i and the Messrs. I and are ri soh's thre. tural So( I nual fall 1, Siegel,�Of L itig frienc with,coni was once . now in Is I . - I . No,, Thougi - . ,ed more < tere of4d It. * - it lumot r - ' and deep L - r' ' L Ong -the con � I � to pre* . who ha - ,areng an I I as that � Thereis i UnoUppo - 1twell, out Dean neft � I short eno I n I ��cased i ' tedstoc *t "'7 Ally- Wit ' , 11 'Of str.11 yellow a- upp -11 , ,eer �on � I - I � - .Vitch ov, I .. 1; They i I over whi L 'the ehin I . - 2 ; - i ,band 4, : I I � They L h � 0 'bodice's, � bows an,'' L snowy- I dark blu -hood, su" prevent I � 1. -creel �or .'women N L out -the , I . to keep, L *ith a 8"� ness is , I howe�ver, � � further At but do, : L purity O L *hen -J I a ;el;J � � -of To - *he, a ... . , , "'t''.1