HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-09-05, Page 3------- __ -.1 I., �. � __111 � � - � �-
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I . SEPTEMBEr. 5, 1890i. I 11 � .. I . THE- HURON EXPOSITORN . I . . . I i � I i I 1. . . I
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. anxious thought, till I wilis roused by when Mrs. Brown and �Mrs: Jones had 'Pretty Margarita. . IMPORTANT NOTICES
I - I I . � � �
Biddy's voice : 11 My word?" she said, departed - to their res, ctive homes—� 1 1 I � I
I -By LfLtlls )�,,. BARB. . I i I
coniing to the back- door—'l-it's' near en a little distanoe off—and Mrs. � . � I PREPARING! FOR FALL
. , I . . I 1. . . W LOST11�ost, a btindled milch cow
� . ck I �
now, roaring like anything, and they're =and Biddy were'busy preparing three 1 ears old. A' infornma ion whi r - ,�Fl
. I beating I ike inad. " I Pretty Margarita vras seventeen years old : 91101ead to her reoover '21 be liber . ly reward � . . �
I I I I y � . .
. for the men, whom thei ex peoted soon, - She had eyes of clearest blue, bait of, palest, ed. A.,XURDOOk & CO, Hensall. .1184-3 : � . i I
, � We jumped up at once and went out- -I @at on the veranda and tried to talk - , gold; - � .
. I . . � I
I �
I -
- side., Thertj was a fierce deep roarin the children into* a- calm enough st-tte of Young Augustus loved her r�ore than .he could -Volt SALE. -A first -elms rei4dence on the . . � I
, I 9 . . . i 11 . I
I pushing soutid like a big bush fire, and mind for bedtime. It had been a wild "y _U corner of Victoria. and Georic 8treet8L ' . � � � U
. nothing e6e. The -smoke, 11ung ly Though he. tried to tell her so, tweuty times a Good stable and orchard. Apply to A.ICARON6, :
. over us exciting day for them, anti a "con- day. � ,_ I I . Seafoith, 11 1 1183 ' I
,, thi-ker t4lau ever, and like a. lurid cloud tin'ual feait-" as well ; for they had . -_ I . I I To - thO Population of ,Seaforth at
I kept off the sunlight, the sun itself made raids on the kitchen every now and 11 11. , . . . : - ot
. - � -VOR SALE- B�RGAR.;_O,e large Taylokl .
. showing through it as a dull deep crim- then, carrying off their booty to be do- " Wait a'vrhile, AuguAus," said his father, _U Safe, combination lock, -doub)e door, just -
wise; . � , as It lef b the factory. Also, 260 aer. a on bank � � �
.1 son disc ; and through the roaring and voured in some pliicewhere there was a and Surroundinc, C)o,untry,.
vie I " More is wanted In a wife than bewitching of Lake Huron;. 150 acree cleared _. E. N. I ! . �n I � . I
r;rackling of the flames we heard the good I w of the fire.. They implored eyes ; '. � . LEWIS, BoUcitor,'Goderich. 1168, ! I � .
I !
mound of the br&nl�hes as the men fought me not to speak of bed at first ; but When you're ten years older, perhaps 'you may I ! : . � : . 44
. with all their might, . in spite of themselves they rew drowsy regret � . I OTS FOR SAILE.-Two building Lots on ! I 1
� - �
' 9 . ad ever mdt.1 corner of Chalk and Gouinlock streets, ad- I I I
. . While we watched, Mrs. Brown and - an they -calmed down, and were soon That the little . maiden you h . - I I I �
joining Victoria 8 - -
. . .quare, Seaforth. For further I . � ��i to
� -
i . _��- �
- - ;�,_
. Mrs. Jonu-h came hurrying down again, ready to say " Good-ni ht. 11 III. f#: . . particulars apply to A. STRONG. 1 1117 tf t .
. bringing with them some of the eatzLble8 When they bad go'ne lost myself in Never .youth*of twenty had a surer mind . We have been busy all week marking clown our entire-,9tock, and
' -_ . I '
. IbI That in Margarita he'd perfection And , . ONEY TO �OAN.-Private and company
I had just taken up. my own thoughts agaill i. --How Ion , give you what you may -require, below' e whole-
. thely . So In spite of all things age and prudence said, M funds to ,loan at lowest rates. $10,000 of are i�ow prepared to i
. ,,They've no time to eat," said Mrs. eat there dreaming I dc not know'. e . Youth was far more confident,, and tfie, lovers -Drivate funds ha�e been placed in our hands Sale price. Everything marked down -no reserve. We mupt 11ave
I . �,��
Brown; " but they're just dried up with sun had set ; the short twilight wits ; wed. - . . ;vhich we will 1�an in sums tosuitborrower. re room for Fall Goods. Come earl and secure some of the grancl B
thirst. They want some more tea as over, and- the sinotild' Ing logo 7 ov-0ne �� . . IV. ; Loans can be completed at once if title sati8fac. MO _. I Y I
, . -
soon as you can send it up." � � out like large red stare romthe blacken- Many years went swiftly by ; riches odim'e, and tor DICKSON& RAYS, Cardno's'Block, Sea- bargains in . . I - U
� 49 - fame, , - . f orflhl. � I 1143tf . ; I .
I will take it," I said, ed hillside above,- Mwn I noticed a I I I I - �
I Young Augustus madlehimself both a place and - : � - : 214
1 11 E'ray, allow me," said. Mr. Smith. strange light to my left. Going to the , name; . OTEL FOR SALE. -The undersigned offers � -
11 Well," *aid Mrs. Green, " I expect end of the holl se, I asw a' !ins of fire Then hebuilt a mansion, wonderfully faft, H for sale on very reasonable terms the Drys- I -
Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Jones are tired ; coming towards us al ng the, flat.- A Set in gardens beautiful, full of treasures rare. dale hotel property, in the'Village of Drysdale. *
The hotel will be vacant on the ist of May. It DRESS GOODS, PRINTSs LADIES' UNDERVESTSg
besides, thev want their dinner." smouldering log must'have rblled down V. ; is well situated for Aoing a large and profitable '
- 'h of my shadiest hat, from above and Llighted the grass. Suddenly it seemed to him that so fine � place business, and Ia In a condition to obtain license. t JERSEYS9 COLLARSy TA-
I went in searc L
and the parson donned' his coat -a, great "Fire! fire! juit here W I Phouted. Ought" to have a mistress, very fair of face ; Apply to JOHN BRESSON, Johnston's ]kills
I L With a royal manner, confident, serene, P. 0. I . I 1160tf BLE LINEN, GLOVES9 TOWELINGSt TABLE NAP-
, mistake, as itproved-and we started - Mrs. Green and Biddy rushed out,and " - I � 6 .
I at & glance. L And the many graces of a social queen. r milch C comin" KINS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFSo � ' C . a
off, he with two buckets. of tea, and I took in the situation Biddy � . VTRAY COW-�Strayed from E6mondvill
. with one. Now, full buckets are "awk- just th - on the 8th inst., a ed I . g . OTTONS,
. rew back herl head, put .her . V1. six years old. She has a white starciner fore- . -
� � ward things to ckrry up a hill -side at hands 'to her mouth . and fig coo-eed " I' Father, dear," li�e said one day, I I ou were head, with fine projecting horDs. She is giving S H I RTI N GS. . I
I . 1,
the beat of times, and when they are loud and long. . . right, ife doubt I ruilk. Any information that will to the I . . I
" . fuH of tea, every drop of which you " Get a can and wet the grave at the Margarita's faded i�ucb, and she's growing recovery of this animal will be th=ully re- � -0 ------ 11150 �
� . ;
. stout ; I ceived by the owner, who Is a: laboring man. I
I know will be precious to the thirsty men end of the house, M r "' Mrs. Green Not at all the kind of woman I would Wed to. DAVID HAYS, Egmdndville'. - 1188tf .
. I I above, you get nervous, and consequent- called tome as sh�6 �round the 'house . day- � � ; - ' . . .
- ly spill more. Mr. Smith started with Not as pretty, not as witty, not as yo"g and BULL.�The undersigned willkee S� ef,
.. �
- , -shutting. the win �:, to keep the .11 . ERSEY p 2 000 'Grain Bag ' to be, Sold Ch' Ilp-
a-light heart to carry.those buckets up sparks out. . . gay �� i during the present season on his farm, 2nd 3 I 4: - �
I I .
� that hill, -and if his heart was h,3avier " Biddy," she con inued " throw . V I � concession, H. R. S.,'Tuckersmith, a thorough- 1. - - A
- ) VII. . bred Jereey Bull, sired by Canada's. John Bull. .
I when he reached the top, the buckets water on the roof ; its as dry as tinder." But his father answered him, speaklia stern Terms -61.50, payable at the time of servic
. 9 0 §They will go fast.8 Call early and:secure what you will require.
. were considerably lighter. We got on - . and slow; I with i ilege of returning it necessary. JOHN
Biddy gave one morelODg "Coo-o-ee Vp " Are you just the man you were twent 3. .
I well enough at first, but soon came to a �y years HANTA N. B. -Also, for sale a!Jersey bull
� steep place, where, though our arms and seizing a bucket, fell to work ; ago? I calf, eleven months old, thoroughbred. 1164 A.
' Are you young and handsome, witty, dr*cef ul, .
- I were aching f uriouely, there was - no while Mrs. Green disappeared into the -J,ay ? - : 1 1 0 PIG BREEDEIR.S.-A large Berkshire pig I .
� .
. I 4, lace flat enough to set the buckets house, 'returning with the' children, No, si ; you- are middle aged, bald and, slightly T I .
- blinking and bewildered. Rolling them my.11 I . will be kept the present season at the
. I 9011wn on. Then we had to siddlelalollIg i ��, . "i Winthrop Chees,3 Factory. This is a registered I
I in blankets, she de sited them in the I � hog; bred by CharleeYoung, two years old and �
. the hill, and Mr. Smith had to hold one po 'Vill. . shown af the Western Exhibitiou in 1888. Ordered: Clothing, Gents"'FurnishiAgs .
bucket higher than the other to keep it- bed of a dried -creek near the house. . : Q I .
- . _ Then Augustus thoughtfully went u to his Teruis; 31 for one sow and 75 cents each for -
off the ground ; and in spite of all his Meanwhile, I had been running back home, - I . 11i more thin one. JOHN C. MORRISON. 1166
1 c%re, that up -bill bucket *ould keep wards and forwards with two large In the evening shadows, letting memory roam, - . . Hats and Ca'sMUST GO. !
I Catching on tstick8 and stones, and send- watering cane from the tubs we had Backward to that happy hour, when' iM sweet EACHER WANTED. -Wanted for school . 1P 16 . I
. I
ing cataracts of steaming tea over his filled in the morning, trying to soak a ,young bride, . I T section No. 2, Tuckeremith, a male or I I I ;
I . legs. He did not comph.in ; but it string Of grass to check the fire in its ad- 'Margarita's lovIiness wag his joy and pri Ia. female teacher, holding second or,third class i : � I—, _. .
. I - certificate. DutiA to commence on January I �
. Mast have been too hot to be comfort- v6nces on the house. My task was only . IX. I ist, 1891. A lications, stating ealary will be , . . i
� receiv 1p
� on to & cattle half finished, however, when the fire Till at last he found her, comely, rosy,:fa�r, ed by t e unedr8i ned up to October list,
able. At last we got i We are prepared in these lines to almost give them away. Think
I came up. I caught up a bi Just a'silyer thread or two in bar golde* hair ; 1890. ARCHIBALDhI REGOR,KippenP.iO. I
. track, which made walking easier, ranch and With her children t round her, gentle,' calm, � - 1184x4 of it ! Men's Socks, fall sizes, only 5c ; Men's Fine Braces, 20c ;
though it had its drawback' too, being called,to the others for help. We beat serene, I. . . I . . — Men's-fo 0c ; Men ) s Overshirts, below wholesale
a, I .
six inches deep in soft . well -trodden and beat with all our' might ; but the Loving wife and mother. not a social queen. PPLES WANTED. -The unde6igned will
dust. The condition of the parson's wind wag hiRh and -the grass long and, � .1 Apsy the highest price for go6d shipping price; Men's Undershirts from 25c: up, worth from 50c to 75c ; a new
� ' X. � apples. Any one having apples - to 1 diffpme of _ i
. moist legs' after - two minutes' ' walk it seemed an. if we could not. keep it can lot us know either by leaving word at Scott lot of satin lined ]�Teckties for 29c, worth 600 to $1. Don't miss this
. through this may be imagined. He back. The heat was intense, anti the Teuderly he kissed her, and she never� knew, 1, I .
That for one bad -hour or two he hao .been Brothers Shop, Seaforth, or dro i I po tal chance. I . . a I
. sailed benigrily on, however, 'with one smoke choked and blinded us ; but we untrue ; � card, letting us know how maby Ult"lls you Zil I I . � -
� kept on, till I felt as if each blow would Love, and truth am con* have and we will attend to them. GbVENLOCK .
long. coat-tail in each bucket of tea, till , and'honor, drove off v, ' & SCOTT, Seaforth. . 1184-3 .
I could stand it no longer. - be the last, .6nd dimly wondered what ceit, i I . Come early and secure what you want from the BARGAIN
I "I said, "i am afraid would kappen when I gave in, as. I must And dearer, to the end of life, grew his'Mar- - EACHER WANTED. -Wanted - for. School .
11 Mr. Smith, . . garita ?' . - NTER ; � it will be filled on Saturday with choice goods.
. Seotion No. 5, Tuckersmith, a male or C01J i
the'tea will spoil your coat." do soon. . - - T � .
ear me!" he said, "wha I do not know hOW long we worked ; . - I female teachor. holding a 2nd or 3rA class certi- . I I �
. " Dear me ! d t it seemed hours ; but I suppose it was - . . Gaieties. fi(ate. Duties to aommence about the middle . : I , I -
shall I do? -They will. go in, and I can't . -All who pass through the door to Suc- of October. Application stating salary and tes- Remember the place- I .
� put the buckets down, and the te not infiny minutes. All at once we timonials will be received by the undersigned : "
a iss will find it -labeled "Push." � .
I wilt be spoilt. Dear me! what shall I heard women's voices and running feet, c up to Ootober 1st, 1890. RICHARD ROBINSON, . I
and a dozen strong r es -He that riseth late must tr;ot all Secretary, EgmondVille P. 0. 1184x4 I :
I do ?" I t day, and shall scarce overtake his busi- . . . - . : .
. I beside us. It was a sharp tussle ; bu - OTICE TO B REEDERS OF G4jOD STOCK. '
I 11 Shall I pin them up for you ?" . 11
I ng in ocks once at every an's . oroughbrbd Holstein- UNCAN & ]DUNCAN
they got it under, .and were just con- ness at night. X1, �, -The undersigned will keep during the
, asked. ' . -Fortune kii ' In se=n at Leadbury, a th
64 Thank you, thank you Mrs. Rush. gratulating themselves on arrivi Friesian bull by " Lady Collins [ Nepthuue," . D
I L I I . the nick of time, when &- voice -J a�k's door, but she doesn't go hunting through No. 16667 sire "Maud Hanningre Neptune, " . I � �
ton, if you would," he answered grate voice . *as heard calling for help, public -houses for him if the man haP- No. 5876 -tdam 't' Lady Colin," N;; 3734, milk
fully. ' . -and pens to . be out' L record 85'poun6 per day ; butter 21i pounds I 4 .
I managed to set my.bucket down and they saw that the fire, . though tuined -There are lots of people who mix in seven days. Te�ms, $1.60, payable on the let . i I
L steady it with,my foot while I pinned away from the house, was making of January-, 1891. J. T. McNAMARA. 1178tf -
I the tails of his coat together�.bAind, so straight for the wool shed, which stooc, their religion with business but forget to . - I Montreal House, Seaforth,
ir it up well. - The business invariabl _� I . I -
that it looked like a dementid swallow_ on a slight rise a little beyond, Jack 8t' y XECUTORS' NOTICE,_All 4"rties having i - �
. I � I I was, fighting it single-handed. It seem- rises to the top as a result. i E claims against the estate of JEdgar Ralph � . � . I
tail. . uite Likely.-" Now Mabel," said Evans, late of the'Village of Hensall. merchant . I
. 46 Thank you, tharili- you, very .much ed to be getting the better of him ; _Q , .
i indeed," was all he sodcl just then ; but then, while -1 watched, I saw him fall a young womanto her friend, 11 you are tailor, deceased, who died on or about the 14th I
welcome to my library at any'time,- but day of July, A D 1890, are hereb o ;
- when we came to a place where we could and the fire rushed onwards. And then s6nd by post prepaid or otherwiO6 deliver
I suppose be careful not to leave the books about Ra$h Augustus, McIntyre or ErAtu �
, set down our loads and rest, he observed, . , e. THE ISEAFORTH ,
I,fainted, for I remember a Ranui�
I carelessly. I don't think some of them both of the Village of Hensall and `xecutors of ! .
I as he mournf ully gaized at his muddy nothing more till'I felt myself slowly would be proper for mamma" to read." the last will and testament of'the id deceased, � . � - I
I I and painfully coiiiing back to life in my �_ , �
�ega : - Re;ally, Mrs. Rushton, I am at the said Y-�ll�gge of 4ensall, idil the County i
I - -One of our exchanges devotes a i
I own little room. At first, 1. was only of Huron, oji or before the fifte6nth day of � . -
. I afraid this kind of work is detrimental . column and a half to "�Row to Go to 'S6ptember, A. D. 1890, their christian nanies Having gomplated rebuilding and repairing the old foundry, and
conscious of a deathly sick feeling ; then , - .
.1 I to my cloth." - t( . - Sleep.11 Has our coiitemporary'- tried and surnames, addresses and des ptions, the . ved machines,
A t JaAt we re I remembered that something hi.d bap- full particulars of their claims, a atement of M
IL achei the )p, and found troduced the latest equipments and the most impro
. t was lying downand closing the eyes ? This , :
: the men hard at work. The fire had penedl, something dreadful. What - their accounts anO the nature of their "'" I am now prefared to do ! . I .
it 9 Ah !-Jack. I believe I called big practice of hanging feet foremost from 8 curities (if aa�) held by them, &;d in defanit . -
. come upoethern before they expected. name &loud; and then -could it- be hat -rack in the hall camnot be too thereof and immediately after the said 15th day d . Z
. Where a track was atready burnt, they of September, VA. D. 1890, the assets will be dia- :;
. l stopped it easily enough ; but just here true ?-I heard his dear voice answer- otrongly condemned. . .
I tributed among the parties entitled thereto, .
I So much Ing me, an rrd .only to claims of 1which notice 1�
d felt his strong arms and his -&e of blany.-Thomp,son -You haying rb . . All Kinds of Machine Repairs
. they were havi n g a h lard fight. c pale and thin, Johnson. Why will shall have teen given as above required. This
� we learned from one and another as kisses on my face. . It was no dream, 1001 - . I � I
. they stopped t6 a% allow a pannikin of but Jack himself ? I hid mi face on his you persist in killing. yourselt working notice having bten given under t e provigions -
night and day such weather as this? of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter . : ''
tea, and then rush back to their work shoulddr and sobbed. 'I have a dim re- 110, the said executors will not be liable for the � is
� � Johnson -I am trying to earn money said assets or any part thereof to any person of AND GIENERAL FOUNDRY WORK
membrafice of hearing: some one say., I . . I
again. How hot they looked ; hot and $$She'll do now ; 4' then the door wag enough to pay the expenses of a week's whose claim notice shall not have been received I .
� 0 i �
I tired, with faces scorched and - grimy � at the time of such distribution., Dated this .
I . 9 shut and we were atone. I bad my arms rest in the country� I I - 15th da) of July, A. D. IWO. R&LPH AUG- i T. T. COLEMAN.
and eyes red with the stinging smoke. et ! ,�
ot round his neck, and clung closely to -Scene-On a. lorry in the Mar - k USTUS XcINTYRE, and ERASTUS RANNIA 11
I I had seen thirst before, though n him, udwillingto lose n-ry ]Yold-evento Place ,of S—. Dram.atis persome- Executors. N. B. -All parties owl g the estate � . I -
quite so bad as this. Mr. Smith had . tailor
.y look up at his face. � Small boy and Phrenolo'gist.-The.plire. of the said Edgar Ralph Evans, me h&nt : �,
a' face grew ver . uired to
. �r.. not, I think, I and hi 11 Hush, Mary," he said-" hush, my nologist having got a anfull boy to oblige deceased, are,hereby requirM to I ake prompt I l. . �
atched them. I . . ))) payment on or before lhe said ,15th day of -
It � grave as he w pp Septeinber,-. A. D. 1890. Ralp� Augustus
� � 11 Well, parson," Said one, as he drank darling. I am here, safe and sound, him by " stepping U commences CENTRAL BUSINESS . COLLEGE,
the tea in a voice husky and weak with 1,00k up, dear, and see for yourself." - operations on his head. After he - he& hicintyre and Erastus Rannie, Executors. - I
exhaustion I , L C you're a Christian for this, At last I did look up, Could that be dilated on the boy's qualities for about � — I I . 1180-8
� if you never sa.id a prayer. " . Jack ? It looked more like - a bad] half a minute, our urchin friend inter- ' STRATFORD, ONT.
- Y' rupts him with-". What are ye lookin' REAL,ESTATE FOR SALE. .
. � . . . - � �
: The little clergyman looked distressed; blacked Christy min6trel. 11 Whyp for ?" ' 11 I am feeling for bumps, my - . . � . � I
� : he was a little ,shocked at first, I th�ink'; Jack !" I cried, - 11 you are as blackas little fellow," says the professional gen- -XTALUABLE SALE. -The
then I hewrd him murmur to himself : a "— and I paused for want of a tleman- I I Oh, that's what ye're dain', - V undersigned off errs for sale six acres of ]and I .
. . cup of cold water ! I never knew smile. I I on which is a good frame house and stable, B!tF- Re -opens after Vacation on Monday, September 1st, 1890.
" A . "A kettle?" he suggested-" Come, is't ? - Weerm can tell ye ye're makin' a ated on the corner of Sauble line and Main I I .
. what that meant till to -clay." mistake in lookin' ma head, for m -A street, Bayfleld.. Easy terms. ARCH. STER- .. .
When we got down again, he insisted little woman, don't call names. " I fancy mither was far ower carefu' wi' the sma' LING. 1 1183-13 � I I
on making another trip at once. I there'sapairof us, he added, looking tooth c: - omb. " - . � .1 . OUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE.-Tbe sub- I . . I .
could not help admiring him as he start- laughingly at me. ' This institution has just closed the most successful terip ofAts existence. and during.the year
, -Stathtics for the Census -Between H scriber offers for sale the house north of the gruduates of the last term have se -
� ed up the hill again with a bucket in Of course I sat up�at once, and looked the list of April and the 18i of May, the Egmondville manse, together with three between 300 and 400 students were enrolled. Nearly all
I clared good paying positions, All young man and women who areinterested In commercial work
each hand, this r,ime without his coat. towards the glass to see what was. the I ht out of every ten tenan'to - in the acres of land, suitable for building purposes. . .
. eig � are invited to correspond with us. ThIs is the inost progressive and prosperobs businepo trainin
- -Well," said Biddy, tookin- af ter matter, and this is what I saw --Jick itL ified their landlords On the front are a quantity of young fruit trees schoolinCanada. it is established and conducted for the sole purpose of training younF men ang
9 Un adStates not commencing to baar. WM. ELLIOTT. 1116 ent
him,." he's got some pluck in spite of kneeling by the side of the couch, look- that unless the house was repaperod, re- . . wortmen in the principles and methods of business life, and it,le to -day the most successful expon
� his coat." . ing like a gadly-dishevolled sweep, for painted, repaired, and the rent lowered, ARM TO RENT. -A good farm; of 100 acres, of this important work. -mr Handsome catalogues free. I
I I Re's a brick !" said the child'ren,and one of his shirt sleeves was burnt off to they would not remain another year' F being lot 39, on the 3rd conces9ion of W- J. I i ELLIOTT, Secretary. 11812 . � W. N. SHAW, PRINCIPAL �
I quite agreed with them. the shoulder, and he was more or less About one landlord in .500 con : ented Tuckersmith, L,R.S..,i,3 offered to rent for a term I !
he hill behind black allover ; while big eyes were red, I of years. About 85:acres cleared and'in good
I T he fice was stopped on t . and hbout one tenant in 1,000 k pt his condition ; frame house, good barn and stable -_ -_ - -
i the house, and the men had izone along and his teeth', displayed just now by a word and moved hnd was sorry for it. bearing orchard, plenty of water. School$ ana I " I I .
. : the ridges tq� -stop ib farther ol We had broad grin, shone like a riegro's from ttled until another spri churches conyenient. Apply to W G. SCOTT,
I the neglected breakfast beneath the singed -and stubby ends of All is now se , Ing, Brucefield, or A. STRONG, Seafort�. 1185tf , - -�---- - - � X, . I SU
. � dimmantled -Teacher to class, after commentiDg . � i �
table, and reai with more re* 'what had once been his moustache. As on . - ARM FOA SALE. -For sale, part of Lots 29
a than elegance, for me, my light cotton dress was orD&- - Illop, containin i 1
. - gard for compactries I. and at last mented by sundry prints of a human ed the journey in two hours. In dd F and 30, Concession 1, MCK I i
rranged it bicycle -one of you said it re- 5o acres, all cleared, well fenced and in a goo 81 �
the sente i nce-The bicyclist perform is ?_ X0
. ready for the men'9 supper , scribing a , f ,
I � ly over. Hay. hand in black, while round my wrist. state of cultivation. Buildings fair. There in a I � . ^ ; CUIRV410 .
I the Iona hot day wai near] sembled a-a4-philocipede. Again about- good orchard'and plenty of water. This farm is I
. . .) :
lrLg nothing particular to do, I went and was a broad band of the same hue. My ed the same boy-" Very � ' -a within two loti of the corpomeow of. Scaforth. :1� I Olt: 4 : -
. a to reat. * Mrs. left cheek was one dark smear ;' while , good TO Z ED bo"
Sat und here'h E6 poser. It will be sold cheap and on easy tems. A ly � Pie iaferzt� your readers that I have aposid" remedy for the a nan"
er the back verand velocipede. 'Now, then, P. � 0. k7D �
did likewise, and leaning her on the other, as well as on my forehead ' on the prem,i8eq or to Seaforth DA i disexim. By Its ZLse tbousands of hopeless cases hirre been parmenently cured. 1shaU
Jones Since a person who rides on a Picycle is DOR-RENCEj Proprietor. 1184tf I .�-. � Xy of your readers who bave cow
: i chin on her and lips, were. numerous rough but un- I be send I s of my remedy FP4W , i
elbows on her knees and he I P . - called a bicyclist, what will Ia person JIM to I d POA Office Address. RespectfullA
' ia r5 a IV t h sen me their ExprelIS Afift
silently upwards at the mistakable impressions of Jack a mous - a .C.p I" West Adelaid4p St.p TORONTCh ONTAR10a
hands, gazed I who rides on � velocipede be called 9" FARM FOR SALE. -Being north To 4 OLOMUO I
� Q?4
smoke that told of the fight atill going tache. that had befofe spoken Q 000, half of lot 22, in the 5th conces- : . -
Only the boy .i :
a broom and It was no use trying to be sentimental 7 - i
I on. Nlxs. Brown seized held up his hand. "Well, my little sion of Morri�. The farm contains 10D acres of i I I
. proceeded to sweep up the, leaves seat- under the circumstances, so I laughed man ,"-said the teacher, smiling in bland choice land, 009jeared and balance good'bard- I . ; I f -� � . � .
r- instead, to Jack's relief, for he had a opher," was the wood. The fa .sin a good state of cultivation, I ,
tered about by our discarded deco I e4ectation. " A philos I .. 11
. I � e . through the ar , a first class orchard, 6
� 64 How did you escape 0 , 0 'LION, SEAFORTH -
'n) anwhile ther man's hatred of scenes. well fenred , a ever failing spring creek runs
ations, talkinR prompt and stunning reply. I brick
bash -fires ohe-had seen. Now that the I asked. ! house and 06 frame barn and other out- G LPEN I I
� in eight, the sense of &( I -thought I saw the fire go over you." I " i Urm is within 3: miles of the I - i - -
fight was no longer Heinrich's Clinc#er- . buildings. AD . I I
F Btussels. Title perfect and no en- i i ��
excitement and conflict we had felt all illage of , : / .
."Why, so it did," he answered. A Philadelphia manufactur6r of shbe v farm. For further particulars - i . i
� eumbrance on � �
- . day in some degree abated. Peaceful 11 When I found I could not to� it, I - )pers, much annoyed by a competitor apply to H. P. WRIGHT, on thp premises, or � : I
he 11 III t Brussels P. 0. ". . i , .
f -the crying of a calf, t m , esolved to ca I � �
I � home sounds- lay down, and let it go over e.' 11 on him an compsre I
) � . musical sound of milking from the 11 Oh, Jack ! you must have been r . s, says the Shoe and L ather Re- —
, and the cheerful hurt," .. pripe ARM FOR SjkLE OR TO RENT. -For @ale ,&UGUST 18,90.
I, bail -yard Glose byq poiter. They agreed to ti ure on the For to- rent, for a term of years, Lot 12, Con- ;
tinkling of teaspo 'ns- in he kitchen- -Well, I found it- rather warm, cer- various 'parts of a Qonress gaiter. cession 9, McKillop, containing 100 acres, of �
: ng y with the lurid glare ,which about 90 acres arq-: cleared and in a good 1 !
contrasted str tainly ; and I am afraid my clothes have 1 Every thing proceeded sati fabtorily un- i . - I �
I ktate of'culti�ation, Theie are about 70 acres . I � .
� of the smoky sun ight and the distant I I
I , 8 u ffered. -There, there, little wife don't til the cost of fitting was! broached, seeded to grass. The fences and buildings are I . �
I . - .. .. e s. in 11.,gum tree
I roaring of the cry like that." The thought of his dau- which the manufacturer placed at forty good, and it is one of the best ,farms in the I -
L a crowd of magpies that m . . i . county. it is within three iniles of the village �
I I close by were ger bad'been too much for me. " I a cents per pair. I f Winthrop, and 8 miles from Seaforth, and a 10% pecial Lines in.
had flown screaming away from the fire _ e. thai k God. I don't think I 11 Oh ! no," said the German, " my 0 Wehl ve Some S
L and were watching it intently, now aril, quite . saf n good, gravel road past the place. ,It is within a �t I
. �.
I am seriously damaged, though my com- wife does dot." i I . mUe-D..f school. It will be sold cheap, or rented 1 I
into a flood of angry song; . I
I then bursting 't your -wife's labor worth for a term of years. Apply on, the farm, or I I I
11 � . I plexion is a little spoiled for the-pres- I I Well, isn ��
-while once or twice a flock of paroquets ent. " . . as much as a strangerja?" address. Winthrop P. 0 . ROBERT G. ROSS. I
I whizzed shrieking overhead. -*. d9 He stayed talking a -little whil,�,and 91 Oh !.,but she doe$ dot ven she has; 1181-tf i I I - � I
I paid little attention to Mrs. Brown's a bey FO� SALE. -For D I,, it Jv�j 00 S I GOODS i
then had to r sh back to his task. T nudiDg else to do." � ARM IN TUPKERSUITH L y
: thinking -of t 9)) , i � - � . i
9 couversation, but fell to had just .managed to save the wool is When is itha . I . F sale, lot 7, 0oncession 6, L. 9. S., contain- . i . - �
, ; ' . ; .
I Jack, of course -till Biddy came across mg 100 acres, abbut 85 of which are cleared, well i . !
I I shed, but a good deal of fencing had 11 Oh I when dor is no mending, no I . . .
feneed, under -drained and in a good state of I - I
' � j . I u
: to the dairy with her buckets of milk, gone. The worst of the fire was over, cooking and no sweepings." I itivation. Thp remainder is well timbered, . I - I �
and Mrs. Gree he . it impossible to r cu , - OHBA �
. n came oat and called t but it needed watdhing. Finding iake him halt hardwood �nd the balance first-class rall
� They came scamper- - _. timber, all un re good frame ps
children in to tea. his wife's labor should be WHI10, H AIRE VERY - I
t Flo events with Next morning a rather dilapidated concede that ]
. buildings and a lendid young orchard. There I .; 4
il4g in, discussing the de and brideuroom, ceunted, the Insnufactur c�er, wells. It is : � I
- da! . � I
� �
. -dreaming out but very happy bri are three never 9 , oe des I 1. - �
I lk. vivacity which put day started on their homeward way, - after said : " See here, He cliu your within five miles of slerallotogAlh and three from ; i
, I �
. .,6f the question for the time. being- u do Brucefield. The purchaser will be allowed*to ;
was still bush- sayin good-bye to a still more dilap- wife should die, what � I
r_ During tea, the talk �r asi do fall work right away. Apply on tle pro- I I
'idatel parson, and being honored with then ?" Won h iyf 0 1 i
ything mises, or addrep DAVID ROUAT, Brucefield ; R - J A M I E S 0 N.11
. fires ; no one' ever talks of All %& Vy, den I vould get anuoder vife. " � I : I � �
Afterwards, three[ very husky cheers from all hands. � P. 0. ! I I i �� I
else while one is burning. . � I � I I � : I I I : :
0 . I, :
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onsti-L .at*ion`-,
L. P I _.
*_ not "Medied in 5WM., JS lijbie to I
I beeorats bAbitUZ1 Land cbrcnIC' Dras.
purglatives, by welakeningthO bOW014
ftm, rather thau cure, the *V1L
srorl's Puls� beft maild, effective,, and
enj$beuing in their actiOus AM 90&sr-
ly recommended by the I&CIAlty 98 the
11st of iiiii,L31113,111MU. - . �
� .
1 J4 L M
Ha*ft been tubJect, for. ears to
,Ltitpagon, without being & 0 to -1
Ch reUef, I at lut Uied Ayer"a P111sit,
eem it botli a duty and a ple"ure
that 1 have derived great bon- I
from their use. For over two ymn '
t I[ have tak$U ,One Of 'th918 PLUS � .
beforere . . I would iiot
mn*y- vi.thout I em.0-G. W.
Swift, Mtt I.
AWMAR, 26 Utt Main st-s Qr1b.18i, PS-
Ill I have been takingAyees 1%1s and _'
g them in mi famally since 1857., and,
�eeifa.Uy recoijimend them to all- in
ed of la Wde -but effecbW cathartic.!'
I �Tohn X. Bogp, Louisvffie, Ky- .... �
#1 For e1glit yaar� 1,was Sf Meted 'WitTl 11
I ti tion. whibb at last became 80 -
Xe' doctors could do no m6re
;!me. Then I began to ts&e Ayer -'a
si snd,'soon the bowels recovered
I __1 natural sud regular actian,lso that I
�ir - -
Ow I am in zexeelleut bealth."t-S. U
,oughbridge, Bryan, Texas.
�, Having uSed Ayer's Fills, with 900d
�sults, 1, fidlyIndorse, them. for tbe,pur-
c!�" for -which they arerecommended-it' -
-T. Conners, M. D., Centre Bridge, P46
1 1
kyees . Pills.- -
PF. J. C. Ayer & Co., Low911, Mang
I d b.v aU DrunlsU and Desk= In X"1640,
! .
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Removed I Removed I
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� —.0
i(3_ M Q :0 _W 1: M;6 Gl_�,
The Old Established Butchei has removed to
ImTediately opposite hio OI&
iiew premism ,
Stand, Main Straet� Seaforth, where be will be -
pleased to meei, &H his old patrons and " - inalay
new once am may see lit to favor him with Abelt,
patronage. .
SWRemember the place, cetween.hendei;son'
Haman Shop, and XcIntyre a Shoe Store, Mab),
Street, Seafarth.
i .
:LT 0 rX T_ C JE! .
The under � signed wishes to inform the.
public that be has thoroughly re-fitW ,
hie Mille witb �a: -
Oombina,lion RoUer System
Of the mostlapproved kind and in now -
prepared to do all custom work with
which he may be favored; guaranteeing;
in every case, satisfaction, as well AWP -
the Flour �ground out of their -owns
wheat. Flour is sold at $2.25 per cwt.
A trial is re� ectfully solicited,
f -P
- -
. .�7_. - JOHN McNEVIN, Kippen.-
nm .
� -
. * t I ' Yart
pialljmg M er
The subscriber would beg to call attention to,
the large stock of dressed and undressed lumber
which he always keeps on haud, at the v*vy
lowest price&
Bill, Stuff cut to any order, on
Short Notice- I
-Good Cedar eat Into timber or posts. 1� A goo&
stock of Hemlock Lop at Saw Kill, LO 29. �
Concession 16, Grey, which wM be out to any
order on shortest notice. lumber deliviered st
reasonable rates when desired Orden `byxnaU
promptly filled. Addrm ftowuONS F. 0.
Charin Quffemeww,
I , ,
1105 : C*n i ons 140an-
1 4
I �
I �
I I ..