HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-09-05, Page 214�1
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. . ': ; i SEPTEMBBB 5,1890.
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. I I . � . . . . ii I . .
. � . -1 I I . . THE 11OR6r4 �EXPOS�TOR.. - i� 11 - - - �— -
. � = I
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2 - �;,. 7 "I
. - . I — � � -- . � and got them answered - 11EAL ES ''. ATE FOR 8 LE. � I , , . I . SEAFOY-1 I H . .
� . . � I .
' the and of the room. . I believe he man. brief questions. . I OK
MY,WEDD.J,NG DAY. � -to do his duty, if no one still more briefly, with most aggravating ' 8 -FOR' SALE.- I e under- SEAF 1TH SCHOOL B ' I �
- I fully intended so . IDUILDING LOT of fine building Lots l�, � I . -
!. � I
. also did, and finieli that ceremony to interruptions at interesting point _D I d has I i number . Musical InstrUMent -
- . 9 " I for sale, at law 0 i I
A SOUTH AUSTRALIAN STORY , Ig it a big fire ?" . ori 0024,11h and 3 xines Streets - I ! �
: I - the bitter and; but to read that ex- ;� prices, F r parth ulars apply to D. D. WILSOIN �. � - . I
. - I 11 Yen." i I 909 I I . i
IN TWO GHAPTERS.—CHAFTER L hortation at one poor woman left all � . . . � � I .
-- :; � I
0 — -- - - - r I
) alone would have be", to sa.y the least, 4,Where were they when Y. u got I � —DH1:P0rX.-- . Z 3EM&P101EZ"#1,UM
$ . . 711 . I . -nARM FOR —Being Let 11, Conces- I - 1, -
4 . 1 1 1
Well, Miss Grey yon are going U I SALE. . � �
. . ! i 4 *
- � ) of! it, personal; so be, gave it up and up )f Wiron, con I i . 11.
haive a, scorch.er, said Mr. Green, its M Just coming off the steep, range. T slon C, He iok, County ( . .1. I � .
I I I -V.ftwr� . I
. . - is the prUctice of oler- - " baliLtice Irod ; . - I
_ shook hands, ws I aloag ; but ta;inlug 100 .acres, - 6 under crop, ' .; I .1. t - .
I il
. � i e,. bauk arn ! I I ' � .
greeted ale 'one sqmmtr morning. I I They had stopped the fife &I hardwood butih, J�ood frame hous , 1
- I would gladlyllave doubted his word, gymen. � it got into the stringy bark and came, d bearing or-,ljard, 3J miles froitiWroxeter
I I—I wish you eve ry happiness Mrs. Easy Jerms. I I pply to - WILLIAM I I .
�- �
for it was Christmas Day, and, more- ' em- along over their heads.—Are t6se the station. - , L . - Brothers I
. - rem 1 1178%20 1 : I
I , - I , i -' �Vc 0 t t
Rushton," he stammered ; then BRYANS, Bruissejs:P� O., Ut. . ; , WILSON I
over, my wedding day as well; but - —Yes ; they had to I .,!_" 1 LUM � DEN I & - - - � . 9 . I'
- bering that I had jui t been unceremoni . bags, Mrs. Green? I . 11 --- i� I .. � . I . . L
+ arly as it was, the 8111-1�'WaS SlliniDg from ',ushtofi and J ii I L I .
bridegrooiri, and run.' It got behind Mr. B I a i, Lot Isi, Con. . :,t L � .
ARM FOR §� '&'or sale I . - I : . .. I �', PROPRIETORS
.9usly deserted by my . cession 5, � I :�K o�, containing 100 .acres, I � 1. -
-,-, Ek cloudless sky;�-Ishining With_L&ll his not being sure whether such was the lot of lem.—Where do you kOep the F I I
- . might;" and t1loilgh he had browned the - wele ?" � i L about 90 acr r � High Schools, . - �
- .
custom of the country or not, he mat- clean to and well 1 I - d in Public Schools, I .
es �le o ' ed and all in 9, good state of
. .
grass, baked the earth., and pumped up tered something about " sympathy; 31 Imagine , my feelings when at this cultivation. it I well underdrained Dealers in all : kinds of Books ,use . I Our stock is now very . . �
ago,leaving � I into cup- fenced. Th6re is !good brick hodad andgood Oollegiate Institutes, Separate Schools, &c. SEAFORTH - ONT.
every drop of water long and then, gathering his wits together point she dived head first I frame barns, e�28ies, sheds, &c. T ere is a I chola�s- �- )
nothing but hot stones in the creek beds, with a violent effort, he burst out like 6ard and became deaf to Vestions. I large bearing o�,ohard and a never failing complete, not only in booksg but in all Sorts of supplies for s ) - .
he set to work as earneRtly as if he had 9 that countiy " I itchen, spring well. it S situated within three miles ----' Papeir, School -Bags, Coin- PIAN -OS. -Dunham, New York
( Seaforth an I i, *ill be Bold chea , :
just taken a contract to dry up the - del- Mr. Winkle.: -Where are they? What can see it now f Christ. o (�. , ApplY to such as Slates, )?encils, Pens, Ink,, Foolsca�p 11 - W. Bell & Co., Guelph ; Dominion Piano
is t mn f this most' indecorous fresh whitewashed in honor o JOHN MoCLUE 9,1 Porter's Hill P. I 1168tf Books, Scribbling Books, Scholars Com
� uge and wanted to get done in time. behaviour?" I - mas, with a bunch of gum-bougi s hung. - I ,i ..- passes, Copy B!',�oks, Drawing 0 1 � . 'Company, Bowmanville.
I- Ali, well,' I �-aid, trying to make the r by way of a fly- atcher. SAL i -For sale panions, Rulers� 1! Rubbers, &c. I . . I
4-o the door from the boiling -DARK IN I .
I did not answer�,- bu� ran to " I
best of it-" ah, well, blessed is the. to look out. A good sized room,- with a roug ly flag- _U cheap, the�A�Iast hall of Lot 20, Bayfleld �: I . .
. , I : � �
- .64 acres, of which 52 . � - I � I I . - GANS.—W. Bell & Co. .
bride the sun shines on, you know." a are cleared �� nd in a good a - � OR I
t, L 9 6 What does this mean 9" he repeated, god floor, just now intolerabl ot, for Road, Stanley, o itaininif �
I left the shady verandal and wen . . ,fire in the large fire- acre ate o I cultiva � . Guelph; Dominion Organ Company,
� across to the woul-shed to -give a Iiiiiall_ following me.. , we had &'roaring wo large ke tles and a tion. The balan is well timbered with hard- 11 $ PE01 A L V A L U E 1. I Bowmanville; D. W. �Carn & Co,,
- . 11 Can't you see? Can't you .smell?" place, on which t wood. There iA good buildings, A bearing i . ak. .
ing tcruch to#e wedding breakfast, al land splAtering. orchard and plenty of water. Itlowltbin halfa, i : �. I Woodstr,-
. ready laid there on a long.table impro- I answered, impatiently. ',It is a bush fountain were singing lot � to the mile of the villige of Varna and tbree miles - � .
fire." The window -panes were I from Brucefleld !station. Possessioin at any In all kinds Oil Stationery, Note Papers, Envelopes, Blank Books. &c. Th.,,b.,. 1.
vised for the occasi6n. Oulythedecora- s i18 a. ri � e chance to buy a krat class . struments alwaYs on hand, also
The head station, was built in a val - touch ; piates taken from. the : shelves time. Thi ,nt,y Hymn Books for all denominations a few good second-hand Pianos and Orgaris for
ting part was left to me; and as I ar- were already warmed, and the L butter farm pleasa - tuated. Apply to ARTHUR Bibles, Testame, ts, Prayer Books, I � saleatfrom $25 upwards. instruinentosoldon
ley at the foot of a range of hills that � �i. 1144tf . .� L ..
ranged such greenery and flowers as I parent oil. It c6rtainly FORBES, Seafo � . ! . -11 instalment plan, or on terms to suit cus.
ar r", I - �
. . formed a sort of semicircle behind it. was a cle' trans -- I at . 1. the
0 haS,' the old tsaw kept running in my . tomers. Violins, Concertinas and small instr.
� They were thickly wooded with I I stringy was warm Work. SPLENDI� CHANCE. --Two fiol'ges and - 1, mentson hand; also sheet music, books, &c,
I 22 the bride the8un k bark,"- and covered over vp ith fern and At the end o ng table stiood Mr. �
head: " Blessed is f the lo I L A lots for sa]6, pleasantl situat 1 in the -
L nes on. Surely the omen hi true illage of Egm ridville, b i
shi st now with � knife and fork V eing one frame house, I .
sta I -
this once, for was there ever such a grass trees, and from among them there Smith, ju of land ted with LU4'SDEN & W ILSON'S)
now rose, through air already quiver- suapended, as.he gazed at Mrs. 113rown, with ble and half acre .
splerldid fellow as Jack orsuca a lucky I tent on sorting , towels. f ruit treb's, and one new brick oltse, N�ith � . I � SOOTT BROS.
ing with heat, a column of thick white who was now in large frap'e stable and 0 nd hall acres of I . I
girl as I? I changed my opinibn of old smoke, that floated upwards in billowy 64Bat 'but, Mrs. Brown" . he land . eThe ho so conta%i�asix rooms, bath . I I I -
sa-ws before the day -was over; b4t ' , d SCOTT'S �,BLOCK, MAIN STREETP SEAFORTH. !
� clouds. The fire was near -that one gasped room anacloset% brick basement, ciitern an . .
f in 11 necessary cob, 1(iniences for a first 31ass ri- � i I AVOID ALL iM1ITk
I there, that's telling. I �� 1, Whal's that ?" she said, emerg 9 a I , -- - -,!: ]poll TIONS. THEY MAI
i could tell by the smell of, burning gum. vate residence. I' Ill be.sold in orn Iyarcef or I
P ,- ,� I :
11 I
- , Then I thought of my past life, an( leaves ; and though it could not have from the upboard. . 0 ' I . BE DANGEROUS,
. I separately to gu t purchaser. F 6rticulars : 1i a . - III, �-
ape. � MU, P - g I � ' ae .
971 , !�
Wondered if I was the same Mary Grey, 11 How did. they eac apply to SA WALLACE, t , ondville .
been burning long, it Oromised to be a �,L I I
who two years -yes, only two years ago, large fire, and a fierce one, for, as we 941 Oh they co � P. 0. or to A. ST�ONG, SIBaforth. i 1168tf Oentr:al Furniture House,�, )ore EpQ I -
. me through it, of r course. I .
' ;
had been alone in the world. I reitem- watched, puff,s of red�ish-brown rose be- -Hele's a tow o at dding I --------T - — . . - - , i
� i
bered my timid, sjared feeli-og at -being in." � I ARM FOR P4LE CHEAP. -$6,000 will buy I I I I I - ! %atarrh -
among strangers when I came as gov� fore the white smoke, showing that the . F 100 acres th conceisidn of Me- . -MAIN STREET, -SEAFORTH. I I I .
flames were getting stronger. � I supp se, if I had had time to think , . �
� Killop, belonging!! to Thompson Morrison, who. ; �� �
erness to this up -country run. Bow i - w uld have been wretched about Is residing in D o a an oes not intend to I I . .1 ' . . -
� I z� The first set of men had disappeared of it, I -w .ameness
� '
queer the 11fe had seemed at first and over the ridge already ; but Jack and Jack's.danger, lwasanxiousasitwas- return, eighty a kes cleared and the balance We wish to draw the attention f the-people'of Seaforth and sur-, . I .
I I 11 good hardwood, Maple and rock elin� within 6J , i : .
I '
� how home like it seemed now. It was his men were only half way up, and had but we w �re all so, busy that I had no a mile of ' I stock of -
� . . mileb of Seaforti; and within I of rounding country to our large, extensive and variec . . -emale
: hard to realize that I could evog be, � �
stopped *to cut boughs from some Youn time to fi ot ; besides, I knew hei wag school house, Methodist . and Presbyterian . I �
. store g mills, blac nd . 1% a
; d back, and I safi I I
; d build - I
L loving mother to -me. I soon got to like a. waagon making- s p, post office, &c., goo . .
, . - veil and waved it to hurt, nothing would have hindered Mr . a ! Amplain%
I I good gr�vel roads ' gEffOLD- FURNITURE ;
� afraid of Mrs. Green, who was like a saplings. They looke e. If 1he had been � killed or ,badly Churches ksmithing a
I snatched off my ings and water f cattle, and. I -101T
� .
i k my work too; and.1hea-yes, then came Jack ; they returned the salute with a Brown fr�m telling me every det I to any part of the township, taxes ,the lowest . � . ; % I
9 I - all looked b ' �poo -- ee it to' �,
"as been ever so bad, 81 r . of an� of the bordt ring townships. , mortg ture, and can guarant ;
i Jack, and had thi ot ; b We manufacturb the most of our Furni unburn
� flourish of their branches, and then re- I suppose we i ' )
I . .
� life would have seemed couleur de rose, en MOW at 6 er c tit. App .
I iae,ry, as will a I! 11
W sumed their climb ; while I twisted that Mr. Smit i was the picture of rn ,-ry large, and is daily increasing.'
i to me. � . I licing to JOHN C. . Afo ISON, Winthr O., Ont. the public. At�:present our stock is v4 i %
� unfortunate veil into a turban and went he stood ] n his hot black 'Clothes 4 i I . 11*�J 1176t our prices have been marked away down. i 5oreness
" '
� So I was dreaming over my work on ' - beef in a mperature considdrab [y above ' To reduce this enormous stock, � FAC -SIMILE 04
t -
Z / to the house with the bewildered par FOR SAaE.-Forsale,Lot 2,conces. ;o purchase. Our establishmenC % a
I I that hot Christmas morning thirty years -" � AR. At our low. prie�s everybody caii afford t BOTTLEW1TH8UF1
il son. I . � . a hundred degrees. � -RI) T 0 41, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, lontaining . i , ) rains WRAPPER.
. I
! ago, when I was disturbed )$ by Minnie We found Mr. Green giving orders for ' 11 Why, don't you take off your �0%1 . 100 acr , 85 cleared, 53 seeded ti,grass, 8 is open to you all, and wewantto se6 you and all your friends. Bring, � .
:1 110h, Miss Gray, i
i, Green. she said, d Biddy, noticing his i distre ' n fall wheat. The farm i8v 1 -fenced, e will be very happy! N
.i the bbughw with which . the verandah make sow the whole family with your and pay us a visit. W �
� . I Mr. Rushton has come, and Mr. Stan- � I .Poor lAtle man'; I believe he I ushed well under-diain atered by a . Hoping soon toi . afl ng -
. posts were decorated in honor of Christ" ' never ilin s ri g which runs th ugh pipes to show you,our goods, whether you purchase or not. Uou
i failing spri �
4 ley " (Dick Stanley was to be Jack's beat J Was . I '
- mas to be pulled down and all - inflam- furiously, but can't be sure, for �it a 1 There is a brick ouse and I
a Into a trough. I rs, THE CENTRAL[
'i -man'] " and Mr. Bruce, and "-without I n respectfully you �
:1 7 0* -1 dri g shed. have a -visit from you, we remain, �
I mable t Inge to be p;t away. simple impossibility for his face get kitchen, frame b4n, stable an I I � r dises ob --
�4 . elftphasis-" the parson ! Such a f uuny k
ili I tEe fire cor 'e here ?" -asked � the any redder than it already, was. -Good orchard. The farm is situa , d within use.
I i 't Wil .� aforth * good "FTJRNITTJRE1, HOUSE, ,opposite McFauPs Dry Goods HO , � % '
:� little man, Miss Gray, with yellow hair . two and a half miles of Se I I .
17 . I Rev. Augustus Smith anxiously. "Do, Mr. Smith," said Mrs. Green. onS Will be . ..
-.".t &I gravel roads leadink in all diret ; calds . jr)-niffs
. sold on easy ter�as. Fc r &V
�� id a pink face like a baby's, and white "Not' if we can help it," said Mr. - 11 I wouldn't work in a hot thing like )r,,fu her articulars PROPRIETOR. : 5
2: 1
4, ban -
LI ds -Do, parsons always have pink ' M. ROBERTSON, ! Nies f V .
- Green; " but it will be hard work stop- that for anything ; besides, it's real apply on the promises or to Jo HN I I I ENDER I
. 1. faces and white hands?" . ilt.- GAST, Seaforth P. O., Ont. ; 1136tf I . �
it on a day like this, -and it its well good cloth, and it's sure to get 0 po' I I � I
I never had an opportunity of answer- Ping , I I . � -
to be re a�dy. " Here, Biddy ; take Mr. 8�m'ith's, coat, - - ; Louth hall L . I I . 1%
ing this question., for just then Jack ap- "If the fire 'don't come the sparksi and ban . it up somewhere out f the ARM FOR.SALE.-For sale, the' . %. � � 3urns
I i
peared, and Minnie having gone to have . 3) k, a F of Lot23, Concession 6, Morris, ,Ining v � I
, I . i deaorr`,�d well �
I another look at the cleric English com- Will ssid Biddy, whose experience of way. " 1 . I 100 acres, about 90 of which are c i --
" and them I I Look, sharp, Biddy, � hold- , �d, about 70 free from stump and well Department. ' Yo
. bush fires was extensive; air." said'- fence Undertaking I � i unds EXTRACI
. plexion and white hands which had so 0 time to lose." underdrained. The .balance is we] timbered ,
- branches is just the thingy to catch." ing out li�r hand ; I've n � with* tardwood. The cleared part I nearly all I . - � i -
impressed her, we fell into a conver8a - ' ' :kk I "t
- "Yes get them down at once,," said So he ad to give it up.1 AO I thit .eedeci to grass. 'There is a fram , houseand . . - � DEMAND PONDISEX
i . � ' ;
� tion interesting enough to ourselves, but Mr.tG reen, and he hurried off, calling .that af to , a while he was'glad,1 1h6ugh frame oarn, also ioaniall orchard. T is is one of . . I- � . - . nsec TRACT. ACCEPTN(
I - .
of no concern to outsiders, till we were ' a d has no - - SUBSTITUTEFOR11
back to his wife: send up some tea to just at ft st he looked hotter and more the nest farm� in the townshi I for either I . low-� Ites
interru&ed by Mrs. Green. . broken or bad land on it, and is o ; 1,
uncomfo able than ever. i . I 'This department is complete in every respect, and prices the ' I
. the men as soon an you can." I i a- be so d 6ap. it is S40 * the' *% a �
"Well, Apon my word," she .said, � the I grain or stock: and will Two first-class hear s on hand. Funerals attended to at � I
-vent to my roilm to change my dress When' e hall packed up . provi iles of Brussels a ,within a est. ;
4' what on earth can ,you two have to -I twitbin three in � ly on the !
and there on the bed was my habit laid ions and Iseen Jackson start we &I I went quarter of a mile of a school. A P r JOHN shortest not -ice, and satisfaction guaranteed. i Aings I
". talk about ?-Come, Mary ; it is time for out for my homeward ride -with Jack. into the back verandah. and looked up premises or to Brussels P. O. W , 0 1 - I . -
� . � 1% � I
��, I
. �
I you to thijak of dressing. You can't � . ROBB, Jr. i 1144tf
is arer now,, --- - :
I " Dear me I . how' different the day was at the hill. The fire was' ne ' .M. ROBERTSON Funeral Director. i
. i
4 have anything very particular to say to 1 1 i ) -- ; 5ore Feet -
! I
I i turning out from what we expected," I and the smoke wits thicker ; ashes and' ARM FOR SALE. -Containing '119 acres J .
f Jack here; and if you ,have, there is . -- - 1
i3 . ; th Tit. If it had not been for that bits of bi�rnt fern and gum leaves, were F being parts of [,ots 1 and 2, Ion the 8tg � I IF �
1 all the refit of your life to say it in." 0 1 . r, � 5 1 '
�1 - fire, would have been putting on my . falling u shone hotte concession of Morris, -100 acres cleared and - 11. :
1 sent I acres c oppe . The 'calance od hardwood �
. . I
I With which profound remark she th:11,wound ; the a n h 0 . ffly� NFLAMMATIONS :
f habit instead of this print morning- , and relied air seemed t core lerZiined, good HAMILUN & MINNIS, SEAF and '4i' .
., Jack to the dining room, where a picni bush, fairly fe co,d anti well un, I I
1� XC men frame house 'nd 1�itchen with . �
H . dress. No. On second thoughts, I de- one's fac4: On the hill -top -woodshed . I : �
R sort of first breakfast was going on ; and - cided things had happened so fast that, were cut�ing down lbranches, evi- attache , tw9 fr me barns and fraine stable, � . 1EMOUNHIAGES —
; i
� ; :
�1 taking me to my room she brought me I - I
t 0 1 i
q a cup of tea, and told me to rest a little, -= :
; � " I -- ;
�i I is a good u ark6t for all kinds of produc - -v- -D
� supposing the ceremony to have been ' dently gotting readv for a stru good orchard and tfiiee wells and & soft,water . .
I . it cistern. ithin 1 two miles of Blyth, wher
I for I had a thirty -mile ride before me. finished properly we ,would just have sat " They are going to burn a track 9 there L" IT : PU _U M /T 0 i
1; . %' - said Mr . Brown. "I expect they'd school within fivE mi�utes'walk from the house. ! A LL
� down to breakfast, nd.I would be cut . T �
.. Now, though my dresH was simple in . I � -- i I .
i ting the cake ; instead of which I went like thei .tucker now ; they wo6't have Would take- fifty acres in part pay, This is a - I : I )
[� the extreme, and I could have put it on . tw ent e . first class farm and .parties wishiiig to buy 71, o , ' TH4S IS THE ONL'% '
. . to the kitchen and cut large hUDk8 Of time to e fire comes." the
It 111yeelf in five minutes, being a bride I : would do well to call and see it. APP13' on RIG+4T KIND. DONCr
I I bread with cheese to 6atch. 6 I Where is it now ?", I asked. � . premises or adlrbss Blyth Post Office. NICH- To John] &O gan s Old stand, on ffie corner of Main. alid! PAIN TAKE ANY OTMEft.
inust be dressed. Mrs. Green and Min� I P 1139tf f
. t t wont OLAS CUMING,.: .
;� It was a, really disappointing wedding " About half a mile off ; bu I - John Streets, first door north of M. R. Counter's [ ' "
'i nie, who was to be ray bridesihaid, un. . ...-- ;
� ; ----- -.-
:1 i
�; dertook this office and hindered me day. What was the good of getting take Ion to come," said Mrs. 11r1lown. . . M FOR � LE. -For sale, lot 6, concession - r I ---
�� I 44 I Jewelry Establishment I I
i married only to lose� eight of my bride- But , I said Mr. Smith, looking puz- - I i
; F 1, H. R. S�, township of Tuckersmith, con-
.� sadly. My dress was plain white mus- - ' .
�. � or less, � . q
i� groom at once, and have to work away zled 11 why- don't they extin''uish it tainin one huh red acres more ; New Music Store
I 9 - , I I
� lin, simply made, u,nd I had not intend- as if nothing had happened 9 And Jack faWer off 9" clear%, 80 of which'are seeded to grass, well un. — , , ; I
ed weair-ing a veil ; but Mrs. Green said * ' derdrained. three never failing wells. On one I i �
4 I that as they seldom saw -a wedding, and boor fellow, what a day he must be hav- M Because they can't," said Mrs. fifty of said lot thereis a log house, traine barn . � t IN SEAFORTH. '
I ing, bard at work in the heat and dust, Br' "f It's a grass -tree gully. If and very superior. orchard, and on the other a - ' .
�i she did not suppose I would be . married - - "w opened in our new store, which is fitted up in first�i
�. � We. are no I -
.i and smoke. I felt hO inclined to give theoywanre fools enough to try to', stand _ good,trame house and barn, stables, I and good Lis�
�If again in a hurry,. I might as well do the orchard. The vOhole will be sold i;gether or -
7 in and have a real good cry; but laugh- against it, they would be shrivelled up - 'lass shape, and everything made for the accommodation of oar c, , Papst & 010onnor -
I thing in style while I was about it ; so, each fifty Beparaiely to suit purchasers, located C 6 .
- .
- -
.1 ed instead, for through the window I like so uch brown. paper." AOd she- sold Ireasonable tonierS than ever - I
i toplease her, I shrouded myself in a . . . 11 miles from Seaforth, will be - d to do better for our customers s Groce'
� I saw the 'Rev. Augustus working haid went into the - kitclf�n, wber� Mrs. on easy terms is, the proprietor is retiring from \ , and we are prepare
I . length Of plain t tU110 that covered me a - to the before. We bave plenty of room now, Plenty of light, and everythin� Have opened out next door to Jordan' 0
,� under Biddy's directions, taking down Green and Biddy were already. ' repar. farming. For fi�rther particul rs appI3 I Im Seaforth, an
; I p undersigned oti t�e premises, and if by letter to I as Boots and Shoes at
;4 almost from head to foot, and really the ade pleasant f:)r everybody, as wel
i- . and carrying away the decorations pat ing morl tea and provisions. SeaforthP.O. .MICHAEL DORSEY. � 1175tf M. I righ� ORGAN AND PIANO DEPOT.
,I effect was rather good. ' I I I . .
4 . up with so much care an hour or so All th s time I had been lonking to I - � I— -- prices. ; - I .
'AtlastIwa' dressed; butsomehow � i . '
i I before. I . hear mote about Jack , but evety one on SATTJRDAY, Augustj 9th, as we will be DEATH TO HIGH PRICES NOW. They ha*J
;i 116 I ALUABLE PROPERTY FOR ! SALE. -A Don't forg't to call � .
I we managed to be late, and it was a Mrs. Green and i set to work at once had been too busy to answer questions ; V Good Dw(lling House, main �art, 16x24 � . I celebrate it as our Open, the agency of the THOMAS ORGAN, with
. � qu and 14x18, 1J a . tc i I
,I arter of an hour behind time when I giving Special Bargains that day, as we wil .
. on woman's work in time of fire -boil- now I tAed again. -, : �eys with kitchen I2x18 and a 6 . Scribnees Resonant Pipe Combination. Th8Y
A went across to the wool shed on Mr. I I& 90h . first clan cellar Wider ill the main part. There : � have also Violins and other small instruments. ,
d ing kettles and getting tea and provi- Wh�t 9" said Mrs. Brown.' I ing day. .
I Green's arrin ; while Biddy held an urn . I Is also a good., �well and cistern knd youZ I . � I AW Please Give them a Call.
A ' ady for the men -no light task Mr. Rushton? He's not.hurt ; not that orchard, with pI of land for both garden an I
f sions re .
I brella over my head, and Mrs. Green " 1161
1 in this instance, for there were thirty or .I know �n at least. Some one got his lawn purpose 190tycilder.Mill,25x40,; with stable I - � . i . -
1 - I . and wheel ho8=1 . — I
i followed sticking in utterly unneces forty men and no other' station near arm burnt, but I don't think it was Vtac%ed, in first class working - n
11 �
. us to thevery last moment; Every order, with goot trade established. The six Boots, Shoes, Trunks a -d Vali.ses i �
� 4 pi I e providing. When him "-in an aggravatingl doubtful -
-1 enough to share in t� y fine village lots fordiing part of ,
:, one was waiting; and the shed, decor- �djoining to and i I I
4 � -
� i the first batch was ready itwas taken tone.-' 1 Mrs. Jones here saw it all ; I the above mentlO ied will be soldse�arately or . : .
I . ! I
11 .ated with such greenery as was ayai - - i
:1 up the hill by two o the -men's wives only saw them afterwards. T �ey .did together to suit J urebaser or purchasers, afford � '
. able, looked quite festive. At one end - * . Ing a good chane( to any one desiring to pur- —AT 1
l . �
- .
,I - stood the breakfast table with the cake, -- Mr. Smith an -i � next busied out-. look like sweeps, and no mistak " base a good new dwelling, first class in every i .
� �
selves in taking out and filling all the 11 I didn't see much," said Mrs,: Jones 0 . John S. Porter
'J � respect, or lots o4 which to build as the situa-
- home made, but imposing, a towering �
i 1ment, and in them modestly ; "I only see half -&.do en men tion is equal td t4at of any In the village. This i , . .
,� . I
4 monument to Mrs. Green's housewifel , tubs in the establisl . � . 0
� � t a bargain as the owner i
!, . y p rt s a I
:� � .
,� bags and branches t' be uaed.in beating, beating like mad ; and all at once the rope y will be old --
� . skill. By a small table stood the cler- 9 . intends see farm. For full particulars � I UndertaYmg and .
- I � I i . .
I pp y to BEMIRD THOMPSON or G, J. I I .
I should the fire come near the house. fire got into the trees and come along I :
, yman in his surplice, looking a trifle I � .
11 9 ads ; and they never took a ture Emporium,
. out of place ; while round about were We -paused, Mr. Smith and 1, when over their he SUTHERLAN�, �oth of Hensall. � 11 76tf. : .
I I I :
I notice till the sparks and things had - - ' . i -( -
I . ranged all available seats from chairs to we had done all we could, and gazing no EAF )RTH - ONTARIO
I I I � ee to obtain T -OL SEAFORTIEL I I . .
i , , rds. w - ondered what it must fee lighted the fern behind them. -Where's ARM FOPCSA ,-A rare chan MAIN -ST., �
11 m ls and slat) benches with upwa had F a fine prop ity, being Lots 11 and 12, 0. LOGAN7� D STAND, i
I - stick legs. They were all occupied, for, like,, to be before that awful fire. Even the sugar, Mrs. Green ?-Yen ; they a _ Concesoion13,iGrey wn ip,HuronCounty, -- I OUTSEDE OFTHE C0=1NATION.
I I . u . i - 1�
where we were, the air quivered and to .r n for it, they did I But i was 11 containing 200, ac re6i 145 acres under - cultiva- I
.! as I have already said, a wedding Was . I � Funerals furnished on "the shortest node*
� ) smoky yon couldn't make out which tion, balance drained and partly cleared, with
! not an every day occurrence, and people danced with the heat and - smoke, and M and satisfaction ga i anteed. A large asso
:� . a which. The fern was blaz ng and the exception of 15 acres reserved for flrewood, THOUSANDS ffi," BOTTLES ment of Ca8kefa, Coffins and Shrouds, to.,
, � had. turned out in full force. the baked earth almost hurt our feet. wa ' and fence timber ; soil, rich clay '16am, rolling
the buiniDg bark was coming down like V du tive ; a commodious frame always on hand of the best quality. The -
We advanced with all possible de- to and GIVEN AWAY YEA111Y, - I
i Wh&t must it be up there? we wonder- . e � I ; of Embalming Fluid �med free ,of charge ann
4 in. If it bad been up -bill thty had dwelling. oodshe and other
�� cora,m, and the ceremony proceeded as ed. The win(I had strengthened, driv- ra ,ch'd; two large barns, one 0 When I say Cure I do not ineit prices the lowest. Fine Hearse.
4 usual till the ring had, been put on a i ing the smoke across the sky; and the go, not down, they wouldn't have got conveniences At' E - IT I rely to stop thern for a tim�,, and thiet S. T. HOLMXS, Funeral Wirect6r. Red-
1" I nd I � . I - . with stone st kbl ng underneath, b idea other Mel
;1 I way, no not one of 'em. Oh no '-Mr. Out buildings ; two la e bearing orchards of tave them return I i I MEAN -A RADIC LCU RE. I bave made the dism%eof Fift dence - GODERICH STREET, directly OP
.� the blessing given, when some o sunlight coming through it, shed a lurid a
.;, . 901 - --pliepsy or Fall ne Glickness a life-long study. r warrant my remedy to Our,* ths posite tte, Methodist church ixi the bouse
I ,breathless and,dusty,. dashed in at the yellow glare on all around. Behind th� Rushtoil isn't hurt ; he's got his eye choice fruits, I �esi lee a vat iety of all fruits, ;orst cases. Be se others have failed is no reason for not now receiving &.cure. Send s: formerly Occupied by Dr. Scott. �
. �
11 door and cried : " Fire ! Bush -fire ! bill the smoke rose thicker, faster and brows s nged and lost the ends, off his ornamental a ld shade trees; 1, rods of treatise sl�d a FreeBottle of my infallible Remetly. Give,E]Moss am -
Close here!" Instantly most of the ,-darker, and the deep sullen roar Lof the Mousta hem, that's all. -My , husband -straight !ail ep recently put 4, aportion. ace for a ENOMB
11 . derdrained w e d -b two never failing ?ost Office- it cosft you nothing for a trial, and it wiq cure you.. Address .-H. 4L MOOT � .
, r&nch Ofneep 186 WEST ADELAIDE- STKEET, TORONTO. � I
I -has lost alf his beard, and got, a hole rivi e e for stock. This ILQ69 0 I
4 forms were upset, and there was a rush fire could be heard. As we watched, a wells and a ipt 9 . I
I- �
1 .
I for the door. figure appeared on top of the hill, then - the size of your two hands in ''he back farm is ple in s tuate , has in even sur- I I ; .
I � face and drt in facilities thatl cannot be . �
�, 11 Hi i Stop a minute," cried Jack, another and another, till quite a dozen of his Waistcoat. I . d a .view 1. i -- �.
I . . I surpaned,whle ebuildingscom . � i
; - fi operty and . ON ROOT COMPOUND. --Coin
� 868 he collared his two friends and drag- were in sight. I could just make out . i of the whole, p a lajr'�ee"3portion of I
: . I I ,
t -k - 11 we will get this eve Mr. Green with Jack and his friends I - CHAPTER 11. the surroundjQ country, adding - uch to the d of Cotton Foot, Tansy and
, I .
� ged them bac , r . , I m Po r1itant Announcement -by an old ph .
I ) IIWV!at time'is it?" asked Mrs. beauty of the �liice It is distant 4�1 miles from I � onu,pared �Ojp _
I beside him. They seemed to be consult- � - __ �� ician. Is guccenfuliq used tt% -
'now., on th T. R., while post office and ,�
I een, �hen the two women hdd started Brussels n th .
z -
z More m " ant, good ioads. Will I .
i The clergyman hesitated, then skip�- ing auout something. churches are ot dist thousands of women and has 1)een
I the hill once more.-'-' Two o'clock ? be sold rea na le. For further particulars � I I �
I ping a good deal, he began the exhorta. - coming up by twos and threes* (I ragging up I . - pre ri in a- practice of over thirty
4 ] . . Will be mailed, tesny addraw
� tion in which wives get so much good or carrying scorched branches; some You d t say so I Well, we i may as a D. &J. OBERTSON, on the premises
; 0 , I pply to : y 08, w
. . it of something ourselves. or to Cranbro�k .0. i 1114tf � I nads sod United States. Dodor's consul
I dvice and hasbands so little. flang themselves down in -- the neare,3t well ha e a � . ;
- a 4 - � tation hours, 9 to 11 and 1 4. ffiseases of
I - I
I will be on the to of that hill in ARM I . -
� 11 Oh,never mind ag th' ," cried Jack shade with the characteristic impulse of The fire p S IM T CK Al,�D STAN- BRIGHT BRO HERS women treated only- Sealed paxt*eularra, tw*
at , I
i half an hour, at the rate it is Coming. V FOR AIE.-For sale,lLot 21, Con- . - � I T
, I I � stamps. Ladies on 3 AddreSE POND LILY
1i Stamping with impatience; 11 we will old hands at bush fires to take a rest . - FLEr - . . I �
i V - I
-1 have the "amazement "and all the rest when they could.g6t, it., - The rest stood If they canyt stop it, it will come down ces8lon 2 L I R4 S' Tuckeramith, containing I ; I ; COMPANY, No. 3, Fh1e Blob 131Wbodward
' , �
i 6f it some other time. -What have we to or lolled in groups, ,evidently waiting for here, and we'll have to turn ou� too and 100 acres, of whi�h 185 acres are �Ieared, free . I - I Avenue, Detroit Mi,Jagan. 1183-13 .
I from stumpB� b6n �nderdrained, well fenced and -- - I i
f . . - Z'rX3a- � I — .
I sign? Be quick !" orders. ecouncil of war on fight ith the reab of them." S , �
i At last th� 11[k a higli statel 6� cultivation. The balance is . I 3M-A-3FC)M, I
. i �
T I - the hill top came t' an -end ; Mr. Green . 49 ;ent have to look out, nyways", well timbered with hardwood. There is a good /I � - : . ! - .
�� 0 1 . i I U
f Jack's friends made the poor clergy I I _ . all brick residen6 containing all th� latest im- .5 I I%,..# "
! ds said Biddy. 11 The sparks wi I be proveme '9nd conveniences, al good barn, GODERIt"'
S man show where he had to sign; and we pointed along the ridge and shook - han uts
. with Jac ver thi i place, with this windJ,I and it's The' Leading Olothiers of Huron,. . !
'i all did it- in a desperate hu* rry, the two k. who wi h ten or a dozen men 0 stables, driving house, sheds and other out- I I . i
,I witn6ases scrawling something when started off in the d rection indicated. not much time we'll have th�'n to be buildings all in good repair. Tfiere are three .
. I
.; � ,
� s thinkin, of dinner." I I acres of orcharl and garden containing all . � 1 .8t6am Boilu Wo,rks,
I their turn came and bolting at once. 'We had not not* qd-or, at least, 1 n I - �
,; . The children were called in ; and we kinds of large iind small fruit trees and the Beg to inform the people of Seaforth and. surrounding country, thal�
i s and gave had not, for of cou se I had eyes for no whole faria is silrrounded by maple and other ; I � (ESTABLISHED 1880.) -
i Jack just took me in his arn� [araeardered clothing trade one of the i i
is , . at dow n to a picnic sort of n eal, con- they have' added to their I ,
,. ; ;
t me a hurried kiss. " Good bye, dear one else while'Jac was in sight -that 8 shade trees. it is close to school and is con-
, . sisting of cold beef, plum-pud( ing, and venient to arkets, railways, churches, ek-., . I � � . I
I - � . ,
I . ! - I I
,; little wife," he whispered - "Good all this time the t 6 women had - been !
� as tart o two from the unfortunate wed. and good gra el roads leading in every direction. . ry
� -" and he was gone, leaving the scrambling down t' e never failing wells. Thisis ore' Ch stal & Black,
� 'e hill, accompanied � I Y
I bye .. Thete are thr selected stocks of Boys, .
I I I . ding bmakfast. These tarts reminded Most 00 ete and best
1; clergyman and me alone together. by a man, who turned off to the stables, f the best f rins in Huron and will be sold
� ;
.1 F me of a fact that I found hard ;o realize 0 I- I �
He -the clergyman- was a young while the women eame down to the cheap as thel proprietor desires to remove to Youths and Men s Read-,ym—ade Clothing J
: I Manufacturers of all kinds of Statioxes
! I I _that*' was really married, �: md that Manitoba where he has purchased more land. . . . I
I I ; i arine, Upright& Tubular
11 man just out from home. He had a house, whither we followed. . this wa i my wedding day ; 3'es, &Ctu. Apply on the premises or address Brucefield I I ary'.M
i clear complexion, and fair hair parted 11 Mr. Green says will you give Jack. P. 0. GEOR13E PLEWES. IN THE COUNTY.— .
,; for ten men ; Mr. ally my wedding day! an er was I, I - i --
I down the middle, and was altogether the son tea and tucker , - �
� er to the bi 3) the bri ,,sitting down to a de oralized He also offers for sale for the samo reason his I
: mildest -looking little man imaginable; his Rushton is going o 9 range, ort of hristmas dinner in a hot kit- farm in the Township of -Stanley, bbing .Lot 12, i ! . I I BOILERS,
t � little tound face just now displaying the Mrs. Brown, one o the women, Was say- � 11 . Concession d, Stanley, containing i0o acres, . I i 7 . - i �
. . Chen, with a half -roasted clergyman in � � �
-1 2 about 75 acres ejeared, free from stumps and in � . . It Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iror
and Mrs. Green in a . I
, blankeist possible astonishment. " Ye ing as we came in. hid shir4 alleeves) . a state of good oultivation, the balance well ' ' a
huabande-loveth himself -ye wives- We all fell to 7ork at once. 'Mr. volumir ous cooking apron. -A d Jack? timbered. Thereis &comfortable frame house, Prices Unequalled. We'lead the Trade. q Works, etr-.
� 1. I
� - .
subject -plaiting of hair and wearing Smith cut beef and i liced plum -pudding ; � I frame barn and drivinZ house.and stables. . ' e
.� - " RIO.
- ':-7�-� � ----- - - --
I 1. RHAL E�§ A�TE F�Olt "iE- R 0
1 K�- e under. Q
$ 1
I k
to e4
0 .�O�
I � , :
I ri,
, T
. "
g 1�.
--- notc*
, e
a, '
n a a � Jda
'rou 4'
a '. r e
I CUO F S 0 ch Ve
of gold -amazement," be muttered in. while Mrs. Green a6d I made � sub6tan- Where Fas he? Over a mfle ,Away, There is a g I ood orchard and plenty of water. - I ' Also deniers in Upright and Horizontal Slide
fighting the fire to heat and i [net and It is withir three miles of Varna and con. Remember the Old Stand, Campbelll's Block, op i ",the Royal Valve Engines. Automatic Cut -Off Engines*
coherently, looking from me, standing tial sandwiches ; . .ddy hurried up the I posiWe specialty. AII sizes of ripe and pipe fitting
�, smoke. , In danger, perhaps ! Oh Jack, veniently situated for markets. Apply on the , -
alone in my white veil and ,dress, to the kettles ; and Mrs Brown and Mrs. I "Ifin loving remises or t4 either of the undersigned. Hotel, Seaforth. constantly on hand. Estimates furnished
deserted and uptumad forms, and the. Jones packed thin as they dear Ja?k ! And, ,I lost-myse E PLEWES, Varna P. O.; GEORGE PLEAE's", short notice.
�� � up,as soon .1 I . -BRIGHT BROTHERS
ke towering in solemn grandeur at were ready., As wi worked, we asked I Gbutinued cn 8rd page.) � Brucefleld. � 1127tf a Works Opposite G. T. R. Station. Godericb,
. Ca I I . .
I . . . I � ! ., .
. I � . . �
. t . .. I
� : I . L I -
. . . i
. , . i
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