HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-08-29, Page 81J HU --------.-, ­ - 1----—----,1 — - ­ I ­ - ­ - 1--- ­­ t V . -_ I . - ­ ­7­ , ­­-- ­­-, I , I [ 1. I i i . i ­­ I ­­-] 11 - I .- - nl i . - - I ! I , - . I . ­ ­­ --" F- . I - -, -­;­­­----­­- , ''--,- l"- 4, -- ,—, ----.-,-.-,- I I f . - - -1 . I . . . I - - I I I - I I hl* i -1 ,T: I - i one of his valuable brood mares together . . I . I . . i . . i i i - . I . % . . I . . . . - . ) I I I ! 1. i I . I FALL TRADE, I . , - J I I i I - 11 I PLOWS AGAIff.-T. Mollie, Kippen, 10 I - --------- . - . , ; I I - i . . , I , I . . I R - i -. 7 - qI , ",):, - , . . ­ F , ; . - 7'. J , I , 1 r, * ' 11 ; . I 1 31. 11 I F 1 , 1"i , % , -- - I 1 1-1 I '. 41 It f -- ; . 0 Z ­ , 1. I P, I . , .1 I I -1 I . , I I . - ... f - I 1 - , - .1 & - , _-_; , ij , i il;-v I . k I ; Z 2 I I , I ; e " - . .. ' - - , i , . ,- , , Alt i a T 7 . X - Elf , ? i 3 I -1 . 4 t- -, , , t - I i ` . i - . I . , -,f .4,- - 1! ; .11 . .:: , - 1. , i 1 , I ; I I it. . -, 1 f -' ; - I . 1, ;;; j , ", ; , . i - , id ,! j - I . - - ) ;-! e ;1 , '444 U I . . - 11 - i . I - 2 1 .- I : - - J .. I . i I , L I X , , 1: , , , . I - -i I I I er .1 . . - -- - "i , . . i - - , I 5 , . , . - i . 1 ,-1 , . I it i.J'J, A i ; I i - i- ` - ,­ t .1,. , I -1 I ' I -. , - , .1 - , i . C - .1 I a, I , I -- , - : j- - p - V- ,, , z I r, . - , ; ,:;:, i- I . , -- I 0 I -x ] - , ,- , , - --j I' ; i- ; , I , -; - - -, [", i ­ , f I I . 1:1 J , , . . : , 1: , - '! , - I 7, , " J, " I . . i--: , - I', I - - , ; - ., il, - - . - - , , -, 1 . I I . J . WP, . 1 - - - , . 1. ; -.1 1 1 L . .; - t- ,- L - - i ; ,; . I - -- . F-, .. C .:It. t , - . I . I ;: - . ­ I i - - , , . , i ". , - , . x . " . I I . , . . .. I . I , I I I ;t .. - I - ii i ! -1 . - I c l 7 . ; :t I I - --- I . L ­ - - I - I . - - - . .1 7 - . 11 8 --- I 110110100100100-- Isl onamon . I - . - I -­- - - played The, boys igreally felt the I near Gode -Ch for several eeks, have ily can'take goot music out ,of any an membership would be increased fully abseno of McCosh, who was laid .*Off returned h, inie.-Mr, Kenn It . McLeod evdry lustrumepc they handle. -Mr. A ; .EDWAR*D OASH . . d, favorabl know four' fold and the -usefulness- of the ith a broken finger recei d in the was in Pori Huron last wee attendibg Johnston, well' Sri y . 'Societies 'would be proportionately en- w court thert 4s a; witness. e does not here as a pro essional horse train( -WILL BUY FINE- hanced. It would be a good thing if Stratfc rd match &,couple of m eekB ago. and driver, and who resides in Bran . farmers, especially, would take a more Stratford and Bright play thi i (Friday) think mu I of Yankee ustice.,-Mr. * lively intere,it in these Societies and to af terric on, and should Bright come out Alfred Pel 3 i- of Uxbridge, a here visit- ford, . is sp;; ding a few dki . New Made Dai ry Butter mbership . yvictori us our boys will have 9, good ing his p I . , ts.--7N.1r. Job , Porter of amo his frie do in this village.- . -- I D 4 iss Dickson . . the extent, at least, of the me . Hastings a at resent in t?-wn attend- Mrs.- Logie and .9 of God, —ON, AND AFTER JbTNE 2nd, 1890.— f ee give them their aid and countenance. show f )r the pennant atch be- i i . hia!'v -eek the guests of Mr; . wery farmer would consider it a -K, ,ep, in mind the junior : n rig to t busi eon of h a 1 brother -in- 'rich, were t , O: thin place. -Mr.. AW I If ( on the law Mr. . I'S. R6 er , dur ing his ab- James White, Ar Must be uniform in color and sweet. privilege to be a member of his local tween Stratford and Seaforto 91 o 11 nto and Ot Moir, sort of Go rize Moir, Esq , of tl . . - .forward voluntarily, Recreation Grounds this afternoon. sence at to ta a, winning tending the Hih society and come . - township of Hai is a ,- SEAFORTH- every year, and kive his subscription, This 11 be a very exciting n atch, and laurels - marksman. "I Ire. James 9 I — instead of waiting to be dunned and every erson who can should -attend and Scott is i 1 ncknow this ,w eek, attend- School at GodeAch, &,rid W. Bonthrol — s 'k bed of a sia;er. - Miss of this village,' i i %ttending the Colleg ga badgered for it, the Societies would re- encou ge . the boys. Ball fac, A at 2.30 ing at th( sib . rp. The team will )e chosen Carder, of Blyth, is visiting friends in ate Idstitute at 'Xinton. We wish the Tailor Made Clothin ceive a, mighty impetus and, the few P. in- Cc , town. - I lie'. Huckins, of allouccess in their studies. f romm* lollowing players : S. . . . a ` Stratford, who voluntarily give 'their time and t e w.P ' Mrs..( v.) ic . the . . . - . 8 29 Made with the, liest intelligence, from, the money to keep them going would be en. G. Bel hune, H. Jackson, PL Cron a , mother o Re V I oy, is Bi ucefleld. I choicest materials and by the most expert couraged and stimulated to try to excel. G Evying, J. Campbell, W. Sutherland, guest of Urs. W. J. Fes Egmond- . I I ` skilled labor to be obtained, the only diffeFence in the good work. L i. Cresswell, W. 9dmond, "'. McLean, ville. - h .iss Nellie Wrigh :of Wood- NOTES. -OWillg to the damp weath between it and the finest made to - order gar- - T. Copp, G. Bald in, J. Hen at i i town this we ik.-Mr. A. the Ro &I Templars' garden parfy h wi erson, G. stock, w ,h. y m ent being the price, Cheat your tailor out of I " de i,, head clerk in C. McFaul's been postponed ;o next Tuesday evenin hi anticipated profit by,buying one of our tailor ATTxxi-TED Bu'RGLARY,-On Wed. Jackson and C. Campbell. - * Chitten . I establishment, left on Mohday to go The Seaforth b as band will be in a made suits. we can sell you the same goods nesday night som evil disposed person i - res .1 I no ;well earned ho lidays. -We tendance, and a good time is expecte made in like manner and give you equally ebtered the denep, of Mr. W. J. Lockt, BwErs.-Mr. John Hannah east on soi as goZ if not a better fit for wha - t it would ' her car Ion are requeE tod to state that he reception -Alies Bella ,1k,meson has taken a p cost him to make thein. All sizes, men's, Fear, Egmondville, aftor all the inmates has pu lr hased &not d of cheese to be held ihi the Presbyt lan church' alition an milliu(r in St. Marys. She youths', bays' and children's .at away down had retired for tbe ni;ht. T-heintruder from the Blake factory, which was de- thisevenQis free to all,no entrance attending the fall openings in Toron at the Bargain Clothin 9 - I ' ' 4ined admission to -the house by remov- live 11 9 red here this week, and w aich he in - W locciae . . - .1 fee and 11 I refreshments on the pro- this week,­Mi s Ellen McDonaldl ing one of the back windows. Fortun- tends to job off. -Miss Melvin, of ramme. I as- Libbie Wilson. is holi- 'Clinton, was vi -4 ting parents and frien WM."PICKARDI . ately, Mrs. Fear,'who with another lady Brook yn, is at present hot e visiting I ying in De, roit.-Mrs. J6hn Beattie here this week.T T. Kidd's old',stand, Seaforth. and -_-the childreh were alone in the Mrs. JLrchd. Scott and -other friends.- a i ­ . I I 11 - - — house, Mr. Fear being absent, heard Mr. A. J. Bright, of the firm of ,Bri ,ht returned I 11 a,st Friday ev, ning from . — 0 4 . . 19. a ver 6 joyable tri on the " Ashfield. '11cr I . him and calling lustily for help, the y I . I met. Itor* f I 11 ,Brothers, clothiers, has gone to Man'" Mackin& oute. She NOTES. -We tire sorry to learn' th aturou WXPJ00 ellow, evidently 'considering discretion toba o)a a trip. -Messrs. A. J. Willson anted or son --in-law, Mr. J. H. . . k'' I . the better part of valor, left more quick- 11 . . Mrs. John Sort geour, o - — -- he came. Nothing was missed and Walter Willis have gone to Detroit Pyper.-A I& G. Taylor, o ` this town, cession, is very low at prenent.-M I than 0 i and ot.hei points of interest to spend who has ...oen visiting. her sister and Wm. McDonagli, who used to teach, DISTRICT MATTERS. fiom the h use. The same person, evi- their holidays. -Mr. Win. Hawkshaw dently, visited th house of Mr Marsh, has rented his hotel in this to to Mr other friei 6 in Toronto, as returned the township of Kinloss, stood first , home.-blie6 Peary, of Tqironto, is at acrosathe street from Mr. Fear's, and * - the second class examination in Victor - James Murray, the very oh iging 'and- I ylor.-On College. -The recent wet weather It A SmASH.-Whille printing the got into the kitclien through the win- . I present visiting Mrs. G. a - efficient baggage -man at the x %ilway sta- Wednesday 1evening last r. and Mrs. inside pages of THiF, ExposITOR do*. The door! between the kitchen tion. Mr. Hawksh4w has leased a n stopped the pro, gress of harvesting f I I . ew Hor itley p se eil through here On their way a time. The fa -mere are busy preps . - t iit; w6ek some of the machinery and the other part of the hardae was se' hotel in the city of Lo don and re. East on 11libir wedding tour, they hav ? . y bolted, and further advance being n ing the ground for seeding. -The h 11 . curel moves there next week. r. Hawk- .1 . . . . I ing been married that day Wingham. .. - Act 9%t wrong, causing s, ,very serious b%rred the would-be burglar left with. shaw is a genial, obliging Ian lord and wheat in this -" nity"is turning of , 1 to 35, . ", . Ti . out doing any damage. Mr. Marsh was Mrs. Hon e I is the eldest aughter of from 25 ahels per acre break in our large printing press. underE tands how to run a ood hotel Dr. McDonald, M.P. for E t Huron. - is a pretty goQ I also from .home, and it ia likely the well, and will soon become a favorite in . J eld, the best for son 1I As it is necessary to procure a cowardly rascal was aware of this fact, hi tere with the traveli Mr. James McGinnis, one 0 our oldest years. k `.- . . I - . a ne. w quar rig business eh has disposed f his prop. — ," -0 --- machinist from Toronto to repair , public -Mr. Win. McLeod left here orty and grocery business It e to Mr.R. A BUSINESS CHANGE. -R. Beattie & this Qek for Augusts,, Georgia, where arnoch. . it, much delay is the result. We Co. have bought J. McGinnis' Store, Dwelling he hasisecured a good situation in the Beattie, foirerly of Brucefield. Mr. ' AcoIDENT.-During Saturday afte . . and Stookin Seaforthi and have re -fitted it up . ,.Beattie in a youn man of good business , while eng, %ged in hauling in grai are, therefore, obliged this week to with a fine new seleotion of Sugars, Teas, Can- - ,J xlori g.establishment .of Mr. 1. B. ,con, - 6 6 I I ned Goods and all kinds of Spices; also a full Jones, a former I Somforth boy, who has ability ani will make a worth), citi- Mr. john Bonemm rather seriously i furnigh some five or six hundred line of Cro kery and Glass Ware. We will also prospered in.the South. Mr. McLeod zen. We wish him every success here.- . . I in tryingi to descend from t . %, . carry oil the Pork pa his fall is a steady, industrious y and Mrs. Jas. Beattie arrived home Wednes- Jure( Being 00 the beam he 'ump, of our subscribers with a half shoe tp and pay .the highest cash price for Dressed Ho a. . . - day evenhig, after spending some time mow- i We are meeting the hard times half way by g v- will dq well wherever "ito in .-Mr. I T he ..:'-* visiting he parents at rara.-Miss into the mow, and striking a rafter and the whole'issue will be delayed ing 6 lbs. of Tea for 26 cents. R. BRATTIZ & CO., Willis, Evans, Jr., of McKillop, lef t threw him so n4ar the edge that he ic 1185 Seegmille , ho has been irisiting her Main Street, Seaforth. his balance and fell head -first to t so that it will not reach many post here o on ay with six line young sister, M r i. I J. A. Wilson, left on Thurs- 1 MANTLES. -E. McFaul's Mantle Room st&llio u floor, a distanoe of about sixteen fe( is for Lincoln, , Nebraska. He dayforG-a Rapids, Miabigan.-Mise 11 I . offices until a day later than usual. for the Fail and Winter season v ill be opened He fell on his ; I . had two roadsters, one Pere eron and ace, which was bad ' the Orst week in September. An -experienced I # Grace Pol a , I of Leadbury, has received blood to flow free M: tle Maker will be in charge, and the stock three Canadian Clydes. He , rjacbom- bruised, causirlo , an 1 Under the circumstances, and in b word from he Education Department ose on -At first. 1 ' ill be found not only large, but - sple panW by Mr. Rowley, 0 ert. thatthroug ,an error her name was from his n d molith.';;, -view of the fact that this is the sorted,with the choicest materials and tirmmings. We hope he will make a good sale and covery seemed 4ery uncertain, but no ' . . 1182 Come' ack with his pockets well , lined omitted fro , the list of tho e who were we are glad toj s that he is improvii first time for over fdteen years that 1! TRuNKs. -Special -Sale of Trunks.-_ successful a the late teache a' examina- F . - . reen-backs.-Mr. John Ward, of . . favorably. 1! 1 I . . t We have purchased the baiance of a,wholesa' , tiOD'S. SEe,rbeeived her ce tificate this ]h i: - THF, ExPOSITo-P. has failed to -show stock of Trunks at exactly 60o on the dollar off , this town, recently sold to Mr. John . i 1 - , ' up . in good time and in proper manufacturers' price.list. These goods are not Fortune, of Tuckersmith, a ty O -year-old week.-Mr.1 John Walker, ', f Roxboro, Hill's Urmen. . inourline. We bought them simply because we has been lln,y6g 7ples thisseason for got them very cheap, and in order to dispose of filly, f r which he received the snug - Mr. Canteld4, of linton. #e has pur- LOCAL NOTIE .,". Mrs. H. J. Smit . shape, we know that no further them quickly we will sell -them very cheap. Our .-sum oJ $180. She weighed ( ver 1,500 chased in I i's neighborhooili about 1,400 with her younoest, child, is visiti es for Fall is now being 'Ibs. 18he was bred by Mr. J eph Ward ' . apology is needed. . stock of Boots and Sho I barrels. r; Cantelon was ortunate in friends down past. -If Clinton has a . received. Great value as usual. George Good, and wis sired by " Pride of ?ife," the . I . I a Seaforth and Brussels. . ecuring ].:Walker's services, as he other editor w,bb can preach as well , '- black itallion formerl owned by the late shoroughl i 'nderstands I . he business R. Holmes of We New Era, we won A PIONEER. -The Collingwood Enter- t , WANTED sitting -room and bed -room David Dorrence, Jr., of McKillop. -The hii'm In the absen prise makes the following reference to furnished, with board for two in a private fam - and is we li,4ed by everybc dy. He says like to hear . preach. I . ' I Seafor h Presbyterian church choir were . one of Seaforth's most respected citi- ily. Apply Post Office box 124. , 1185 - . the apples I about a qua. -ter crop.- of Rev. Henr j irvine, Mr. Holmes d , treated to a picnic to Bayfiel , by their - l zens: " The Rev. A. D. McDonald, of N oxoN'S HOSIE]k STEEL Dpal.,L. -Guar- I . - " Mr. Robei i 'o orri( Mille, was good se ; - e last Sunday.' Hi eader Mr. James cott, on duesday. e as Green choir, iln the absence of t Seaforth, went up the Mackinaw trip on anteed the best in us6 ; over 2,600 sold this year in town ursday. Mr. Black w I . Mr. Me. qall and see sample drill at John Dorsey's car: The d iy was not -very favc rable, but I I im the Pacific last Thursday. riage shop, before buying elsewhere. Also a they bad a pleasant time for all. -Mrs some years o a resident pf Seaforth, leader, Chaa. %elck, will be unable" 'Donald helped to erect the first board variety of single and two furrow plows, made by - being eml III ,e in the Rod'i Mill. We assist at the i ppen Harvest Hon 1 1 1 . ' Duncan McBeath and Ms. Brown,. The committe s, are hard at work. Th, shanty in Collingwood, and was thQ the Waterloo Manufacturing Co. These Plow" daughters of Mr. John MOdeland, of were mueb, pleased At seei g our old t . , . first to preach to a Presbyterian congre. are guaranteed to giVe satisfaction, or they can . friend loo'r,ihg well and showing signs of. are arranging Mr the whole continge I 'k I let of Septei . gation in this town, while he was yet a be returned. TiIOMAA Bitowx, Agent, Seaforth. Tuck smith, who have been spending proiperity.! 1 Mr. John Gofton, Lof going to Ki& on on the . - ;,. I - student for the ministry. It is almost GIRL WANTED. -L-A good girl wanted. the suhmer months visiting friends here, Wroxeter, I od Mr. Doig, jeweler [ I er. Highest wages. Apply to MR&- Whi. PICKARD, left fo heir homes last week the form - I of ber to go toget - to saV, that Mr. McDonald Gorrie, w w at also in town tbe same day. - j - near Catholic Church. er gobig to Victoria, British Columbia, . :1 was full of admiration of the beautiful - -Mr. A14 x, ardno is still pursuing the i orris. / . I and the latter to Medicine Hat. -Mr. I : .-At the last me( town that now stands on the wilderness - apple busi n) this fall, and is paving COUNCIL Do . GS. where he first commenced his Master's ANOTHER BREAK IN THE RAN.NKs. - M. R. Counter having disp. sed of his the top pr,c) for good fruit " San'dy )$ ing of Mor.ris council Air. Gerard Kii work.." . . Mr. James Elder, lof Virden, Manitoba, jewel y business here to his nephew, is a pusher, 4nd will -no doilt secure a : . . . writes us as foli4s, on August IS: I Mr. 'Or. R.1 C o*unter, who has had charge . presented, a roqukeition to have t " Death has bee , here large share 16 this year's cr p as usual. engineer brouglit on.to make -a sury I THE Pu-Brac SCHOOL. -The several de- I and b rne a . 'Way, of the business for nearly two years, in- ;_ lo a- -5 and 50, concessi A sister from %or side. Miss Net ble Armstrong, o Xhicago, is of drain from lo 4 partments of the Sciforth Public School Just In the morn ng Of her da tends going to Na B . ish Colum- abt presen 5 - - were opened?on Monday. The teachers Dg she diey"' . , town,g spen ing a few I. After heari g a number of the pi SO young, so YOU bia, t start in the same bus neso. We ' li I , a the uest of her sister, ties interested t was agreed that se - did hope that when- Mr. Coudter return- weeks' hc . Ay 9 P were all on hand invigorated and re We are sorry to record the death of . Mrs. Georg,oA.. Sills. ;! requisition be4aid over until next cou . fre8hed after the long vacation, and the Jessid, youngest aut'ghter of Mr. James ed from Winnipeg he would stay with i - i cil meeting. 11ames Proctor was i - . children presented an equally bright Lang, which too place atVirden last us, but he in not so disposed. However, flensaU. atructed to ha ,v ' Maxwell's hill put in and happy appearance. The promotions Sabbath morning. In the month of he lea res a good man in his p] wee. Mr. ' . proper state I!,'o repair. Geio. Kirk' were' made and the several departments W. R. Counter, during his residence CALL al leir's; new Book and Fancy Februaiy she, likb many others, had an nsall. o have the. h A Code Star(, t for good Goods at lowest was instructe - ill at lot " arranged for work. The school opened attack of la grippe which left her sys- here h ke proved himself agoo4bitizen and O' fi Com with an attendance of 528 pupils, ar- ' diligmt and competent bubin-ess man, prices. Stc rej mercial Hotel Block. 1185 -1 on the 7th cc 1, ssion line, put in a pi tem weak; and shortly after -she had an & IN orde - id, close up business at. once per state of 4 i - John Nethe p ir. Mr. .ranged as follows : Mr. McFaul's room, attack of what the doctor thought was and wIl well retain the reputation of I will give f a ' 116 to -26 X discount for cash. appeared in ref ence to having engino 40 - Miss A. Cowan, 60 ; Miss Kate this o d and favorably know establish - I 96 Red River fever," from which -she Remember ave the beat stock in the vil- brought on tq.; make survey of drE Cowan, 61 ; Miss Elder, 60 ;-Miss Kil- seemed to recovei only to relapse in a ment. Mr. Win. Gibbings, Of the Hu- lage and it , a all be sold at once regardless of from lot 5, ,co,tceasion 7. The coun loran, 62; Miss Annie Watson, 61: very short time. However no one ever n road, got.& splendid ne separator p oe. &N11IL. 1184 1 0 . r1ce. F approved of the lbove mentioned schei Mrs. Campbell, 60 ; Miss Bella Watson, -suspected that her sickness would end thresbing machine this seaus n, and is . TuB it d6signed has on Lot 5, Con- and ir tstrueQ the clerk to notify t 58 ; Mrs. Coulter, 66. The total cost fatally till last Thursday, when she be now cession 14, 1. 4. S., a quantity Seed Wheat - . usily engaged turni for sale of tie Bannell variety. I is free from engineer wh6t'n proper requisition I of maintaining the school this year, came worse and . lost consciousness, grain or his nume era. Mr. all noxious ;e s, and yields 40 ushels to the filed. A n I tuber of accounts w( . . including salaries, repairs on buildings, which she never . regained. Jessie Was a Gibbil go. is now one of the oldest and acres. Pri(e,'tl per bushel. P`ply to JOHN passed, after ;Itich the council adjout &c., wil . I amounf to about $3,766, which' fine,, christian girl, and was highly re- most 'experienced threshers 4n this WOOD, He.Ml P. 0. . i 1186-1. ed to meet ag iwon the 29th day is a very reasonable sum considering the , orhood.-Miss Counte , of Sim- A. Wxi nton, haslopened bu " I . . spected and esteemed by both old and neigh ' f Cli ( .1 81- September neit! . - large attendance of pupils. young, and her body was followed to cOO, 'ister of Mr. W.R.Counter, is at new at He R' ith choice ' steak of !, I - . I" an & ' ew . .,; I - a JI r'y,wF Ov PiBerlin Wools, ! 1, .- - preserit visiting Iriendai in tAim.-Mr. Books, Stat tel eto Goods, . the grave by a lArge concourse of peo- hes, Fe ., etc. Call and seee tnem. . I Farquhar. - Sv,AroRTH RAcEs. -The fall meeting, ple. This is now the second break in Alexa dor Wilson and Mr. J. S. Rob- Plus I I i 1186-1 11 on Fairview Driving Park was held Qn. SUDDEN DkkTji.-The late Mrs. Th, the Rodgerville colony in Manitoba. erts, epresent Seafor that t:;B Ontario I - Mp.. Tkio !AS SCOTT, of Glas-gow, in Rundle, whose rid-eath occurred on I . . 90 . - Thursday afternoon. This was one of .. Rifle `19 ' ciation'o shooting match being about to at &A I dancing slid singing classes in 14th inst., 'gad 33 years and soi -the most successful and, satisfactory CLINTO.N RAOE The fall meeting of held this.week at Toronto. Both have the village )f Henaall, for the yol g folks in th e meetings, of the many good ones that 'linton DIQng Park Association I months, leave ; 15 Dehind her a sorrowl the C iaken- several prizes. - bliss Jessie neighborho)df Mr. Scott will at Mr. Cox ' have been held on thin park. The was held on Taesday afternoon last. Thom son returned home on -Monday worth's Ha I o ' n Monday eyening, September lot, husband and , number of small chi .. from 8 to 1), entoll members; ; $3 per quarter. ren to mour her untimely end, ,Q weather was delightful, the attendance' The weather was'not very favorable,the, -from rillia,where she had been camping Mr. Scott I i open to'take a limi,. ed number of was taken to I d tchell f or b Fial. of spectators was large, tbLe r%ces were. sky was cloudy,4nd threatening, and a on.Ce ar Island opposite that beautiful private pu ) , in sing lbeywo For terms . * ' P . ; V D. -M . apply to hiinipber'sonalliing I D? r. nam Hal all well filled and very closely contested light drizzling , or - ;er to Hens I FARms Ric ­ rl 0, or several weeks. She has now the . all I , &in commenced about taw , 1 1185X1 ney, or.,, has a , ted his farm on the 14 and every person appeared perfectly .noon and continuled most of,' the after. fashio able complexion. -Mr. J. A. Wil- P. 0. i I I . , satisfied, although some, perhaps, The rac6s proceeded, however, son w%s confined to his bed from illness BRimrsi -- I LThe weather . still * continues concession, Rif' b ert, to. Mr. TempleitA disappointed, We gave a list of the rid th4ire was ,& splendid afternoon's- for several days, but is now)'recovering. unfavorable for harvestini.-Oonsider- of the same 1;1 wriship, for a term . horses entered laAt week. All these,. a port. , All the: races' were well filled -The many friends of 4r. Robert able new ' alin is already b, ling brought years, at $25 , payable in advance, N. we believe, were present and competed, r --Mr. Alex. - Weir, late of Hackney agr e ,rig to do coniidera' . nd were the most keenly con., Jamie son, of the Golden Liori store, are into ma et. . . t I . - -Mr. Thor ' . . and the list comprised several of Provin- tented ever held n that.track, There please d to welcome him home once Clinton, s.oRening out a fanoy, goods improvemen . nas Rundle, cial reputation, The track was in was a good at n'dance of spectators, more from the old country, where he store *in t e Uommercial lit tel block, - the saine con . i sion, as rented his fa splendid condition. and we expect some about 1,500, andthere would have been had been on his serili-annual visit to the Mr. M. c,r,herson, son of Alex. Me- to his neigh ' , Mr. Walter Gardin fast time. 'As the races are -still in pro- great --many more had the day been markets.' - Mr. D. D. Wilson re Pherson, E 4., merchant tailor, has re. for a term of 1 , mrs, for $300 per annu gress as we are preparing to go to reag home f ro-m his extended European tour turned home fromWinnipeg, Manitob3i NOTES.- I p f vorable. The tradk was in good con. - F. William Kay has I and none of them closed we can not give dition, the moist re being just sufficient On Tuesday evening, His daughters will and will I ak6 charge of the grocery busi- for thi Northvi ee't.-Mr. Thomas A I farther particulars this week and re- to keep down th4 dust. The following. also be home this week. They were ness that1h 9 been carried on in the past Laughlin sold & valuable young ent I I is a summary of the 'several races : V Troyer. -The! members of - col. r a handso serve an extended report until car next , one about three, months. I The - town .by Mr. J t to a SeO6r tli buyer fo - I ipsue. " . - 1 2.60 class. . - End and a number of citize s attended Plymout d e,,iExeter, and Sheffield figure. -Mr. , aul Madge, bay ft . v site, - ) -Chester....1 3 4 2 1 I' at th station to give Mr. Wilson a cor- I , - agent, has sold ,over two hundred foi 0 1. m lRuoban Lodge, C i in! .d the ISons of Eng , ' an's . g. 9 THE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. -The. W. W. French's b. 9 Joe Mowat....3 1 1 3 3 3 dial v relcome home. -Mr. R.i Sparling, a land in t i village on Monday evening this sewn, opid he advises people m I Collegiate Institute opomed on Monday _ E Livingston's ch. Dr. Livingston.. 2 2 2 1 2 2 former resident of this vicinity, but who last,. whe . a very enjoyable time was have suitable'! buildings to get one, J: Burgess' blk. m. ennie B ........ 6 6 3 die. .1 with a small attendance, which will has belen in Algom% for some yearn, has "Pent t e brethren. -Mr. John H. they are a grq labor saving article. , J. R. Wititely'8b. in,, Daisy L ........ 4 4 dr. yJ I ! ,: - swell to the usual nur ber in a few days. W. E. Birtch's b. gt Roy H ........ dis. gone to Victoria, British Columbia, to Petty and wife, of Toronto, have been . I . - 0 * I uns ne. 2.371, '2. pu ' This is the first vacation for a c uple F. Restrick's b. m. Sarah R ...... . dis. sh his fortune. , Mr. Spawling is a spendingltbe present week among rels- . . Time- "I 3J, 2.32j, 2.3i, 2.3W-., 2.401. . : of years that a change has -not been . 2.34 class. . I . racy and clever writer and promises the tives and ffiends in this , place. -Miss BRIEir Not,u . - Miss Kennedy, I made in the staff. The Classical Master R. Thompson's ch. g. Baldwin.,. . readers of THE ExposiToR a few letters, Smith is n Hamilton spending a few Clinton, eld 01 daughter Of Mr. J( spent his holidays at his home in Chi- J. R. Kimble's b. h. Walter Drake..1 8 2 6 descriptive of his -observations and ex. weeks amo g her relatives and friends. Kennedy of this place, is home on D. Hydman's b.h.PrinceFrederick..8 2 . . . cago, helping the citizens of that enter- 3 3 periences in the west. -Mrs. 1C.O.Kemp -Mr. D. 154acarthur, V. IS,, of Ailaa visit this wee .-Mr. A. Hood, of Br D.A.MeEwen's eh. h. AmerF ...... 6 4 5 2 - prising town to prepare for the World's French's gr. g. John Doddridge .... 4 6. 6 4 and family return home to -day after a 'Craig, wis in the village this week.- sels, spent Sij ; aday here. -A good mg Fair. The Principal was busied with R. Rocho's blk. g. yron Cole.... . pleasant and healthful sojourn of four Miss N. iirlisle, who has been home of the counQ1 people are wonder - the entrance papers for the first. two * Whiteley's br. h. Carlisle ........ dilli . - weeks in Bayfield.:-Mr.Thos. McFad- for the past few weeks on, visit, has why it is that 411 the excursions to 1S weeks and with work in the Educational Time -2,311,' 2. 11, 2,321, 2.351. zean, of Grey, passed thro4gh here on returned t l Brussels. -Miss M. Morri- gar& Fatle arO on Saturday. We thi ree for all. . Department for the next four. At that . W. Field's gr. h. John Duncan.. 2 1 'I. I Wednesday on his ,way ho ,ie from who 4o been spendinj the, past pw we c%n give li, 11 reason. It is to- di iry pleasant weeks in Bayfield, returned home this the last ceDti: rOM the pockets of -3. 3 3 3 ; , H. A. Gilroy's b. g.,Toc Bower ....... I charming little spot where the Aux Coleman Bros. br. m. Florence G..l 2 2 2 old country. He bad ii, vi,i Satuble he'sitates to give its *aters to , ' eek.- iss Doan, of Clinton, is visit- Poo keeping them there o , . J. R. Trimble's gr. . Finnegan.... d is. passage both ways and enjoyed his visit w r people by, Lake -Huron the Modern Language I Tiine-2.34.,2.20J,.2.33, , 2 37jo. 1 i . ISO!,: I rig as the pe I . to thb old land very' much. i', I,t i1a nearly ing frien a in this neighborhood. -Th a Sunday , ople are a Teacher spent her vacation. The paren- I I I . forty, years since hb left the , Ild country many fri nds of Mrs. H. Doan will be ple enough tt,o patronize Saturday tal -roof in Tuckersmith shaded the 1 FouR.STRAIGfJTS FOR SFAFORTH.-.A' and e noticed many change , especially pleased to learn that the ecent treat- curviops they', ill never get one on r Mathematical Master since July 5th. schedule lacros4e. match, between the in th people. He diet onlW' ne person, mentsher ceivedforthecureof cancer ot'h er'day. -W, e. understand that M a ; The Science Master divided his time be- Bri lit team anA -the Be -avers of Sea- an ol, lady,who reiiiembere-d and reco - has thusifar produced gogi effects ind second da *t r of Mr. Adam Hallid - 9 9 I 9 twep-n Toronto and- Brookville, 'with a forth ' took plape on the Recreation . nized him. -Miss L. Living4on, of Hul- marked improvement -in .her health.- o the 5th lir ce of Morris, intends go . vis Goderich. -gh School for the puru paxtiality for the Queen City. . Oxrounds in this iown on Friday after. lett, near Alma, is' itin , friends in Mrs. Debt 6nd Miss F. Deht, of Mitch- t i - * noon. last. The day was a little cool, Point Edw ii week.' Mr. R. L. ell, were in the village this I week visit- of perfecting r education for a' seb Tur AGRICULTURAL SaCIETIIN. The but there was a ood crowd present to ! Sharp, of To'ronto, has been in town for ing frierids.-Mrs. D. Urcluhart, who teacher. W ape that her effirts n . following is a statement of the number witness the ma h, a large number of the past week visiting fri-eLlds and -re- has been in Chathars for the' past week be crowned Nv, , ,h success and , that of members for this year returned by whom were ]a ilea. From the face-off, newihg old aoquaint nceshiip, .-A large' or two oh a.visit, returne , home this higheaVexpe't Ltions may be realized I - . the Secretaries of -the Branch Agricul- Seaforth had the best of the game, and lqum6er went fromhere to I Clinton on week accompanied by her siater-in-lam, the profession A her choice. -We h turad Societies in t6, Electoral District kept the ball doi'vn on the Bright goal Tuesday to attend ,'the ra -es in that Mrs. Urquhart. -Miss Gill, of Exeter, 'been shown a., a talk of oa to, grown I " , of South Hmron: Steplien and, Usborne, most of the time, and after several at- tovini-The enterta . nments i of the Cos- was recently the guest of A re. H. Cook. the farm of ' which m . 11 . . e'er Cantelon, . I -1 on Sa;urday and Mrs. M. E of thq township of sured 5 k 5 ; Tuckeramith, 328; St%nley, 172; tempts to score, Werredith took a hot re , feet 33, a grov family be dwards inches in length. -I . . i . Hay, 112. This makes a total of 947 4tid scored, timd 11 minutes. After a Monday evenings were ver; 7 thinly at- Hay, is spending a week 'with friends JosephCleorol -awayat Montreal I member& in the four Societies. -rhese shortre-stplay as resumed, and the tenddd.-Miss Tyt ondon, - is ' - and vicinilW. he concert week with ,all . ler, at Ilderto -T 11 ge shipment of cattle numbers will be increased considerably ball kept g ing I rom one end to the I this week the guesf bif Mrs., It. Kirkman. given by t e Cosgrove fa ily, in Cox- Mr. Wm. Scott has been nursing a a I 11 at the Shows, and although already a other, but Meman secured it, and again -Mrs. Robert Logan left oil Thursday worth's HaIll, on Thursda evening of eye for over a week, caused by runn I I . I I very respectable list, there should be a it went tbro*, time ' 17 minutes. on a visit to friends in .oronto and laitweek,-under the aus ices of the against the br ch of a tree. -Mr. J4 ' greatmany more., The membership fee From this out our boys did most of. the Orillia.- Our old 'friend r. James Hensall :0 : adfellows' Lodge, was very H,alj , aatlia,gn cy John Michie, cut i ia.only one dollar, and considering the playing, and Freeman succeeded in scor- Nichol, formerly of McKill p, returned largely a'ttb' ded, the hal eing crowded bouna 6 screo f heavy oats in 10 ho I 4 . great advanta e that these Societies are ing two more goMs, time 6 and 20 min- from the old country on We needay. He to its atin he musical on his farm on i the 6th line of Moi ' ai - has been abs i ; let capacity. T to the farin i7community, nearly every rites respectively'. A person would have ent several mohths.-Mrs, selections were all well rendered, more one day last,we'ek. This is wading i I ' farmer should, arld could well afford to to travel a long way before he would see D. McIntyre, Mrs. G. E. Henderson and than delighiing the audiEnce, and it it in good et'14, and Mr. 'Healy is be a member. If this were the case the sach an excellent pass game as our boys Mrs. 0. Neal, who have be I u I -1 y . 0 camping may well I said that the Cosgrove fam. likely to lnv fllt in a self binder for ac I I , I ; 09 1 . . I . . i 11 . - I 5 I . I . ; I - I I I . I I I- I I I 11 . I . . . I i ! .. . I ! I - I I i I % I I I I G It ! . : -- .1. I - ------------ --------- T 4131 — I i eeko, have .,Jnh . McLeod I 8 attendi' nM I vq, . . does noi I . J . " , 0.%L 61i 3 -,- 4 il I I " , IIt I , , i i " . toiah , I ; n f 4 In I '; n . I , t D 81 a r ; , I4 , 1,19. t It , , 'i . It , , I lal, r i2l I ic V - to Q- 4 J i i ll. I e , 4 i I li r ,6-11, 3 w 6 +ud , i ., . 1 !f 4 . 1 4 1 . - . 1. I - - . .. - ­ -- ­ - -­ - -­ - - - I I . I . i ­ ; i . - . - . : I : . .. !! 11 . - I . 1. ! V . I . i I I - I I ! : i - ! : i I - ! 1 - , . i I . i . ! i 1! . I i -- 1- - - - ­ - - - . i - 1. .- --1-1--- ­.. ---1---- ... I ­.----­­­- ­----­­­­­ ------- -.---.-,--.- ....--:.- -.,.-----I., - ---.-- ---. ------,.]- ---- 4 - time yet. —Mr. Thomas 'Killer, - of the Morris,met with a veiy serious Jul PR"PARING . - -1 . ,-I . , 5th line of I .1 - lose about a week ago by the ' death of - I - I one of his valuable brood mares together I I . A.,--. with her foal. The cause of the mare's —FOR.— - . I . death was from injuries received while , . - I I I foaling. . 0 — -. FALL TRADE, . - , . ­ . . Kippen. - - 11 I PLOWS AGAIff.-T. Mollie, Kippen, 10 I - --------- . I - - rIn ready to supply the farmers with plows. large stook of and gang plows Our New Goods 11 - - . e has a plows which will be sold at very low profits. A full I TW line of plow castings and gang plow castings al- VM ways on hand. Plow repairing of all Itinds done with neatness and despatch. Plow handles and I I ARE— ' . I ------- b - bolts a specialty at'the Kippen Plow Shop. 1184-3, I PERSoxAm-Mis. D. Weismiller is friends in New Ham -Miss . I Rapidly Coming to Hand* I -14 - 0 visiting -burg. M. E. MeMordie left on Monday to re- . .-- . - sume her studies at Goderich Collegiate I ------- - -- - , . Institute. - We will -show this season 9, I 11 - A GOOD RnEACHRA.-On Sabbath P. - I . I .1 M. next, Rev. W.R.Wifloughby, D.D.9 Toronto, will --occupy the pulpit of GREATER V,&RIETY -- . I Che of the Methodist 9hurch here. .We trust - . THAN EVER OF - . - . I as many an 'possible 'will ai.'ail- them- :. . L selves of the. opportunity of hearing I ' I thin renowned speaker. Service to be- Choice Dress Goods . - gin at 2.30 p. in. ... A . . I Ho HARVEST HOME. -On Monday, Sep- . tember Ist, a grand 'Harvest Rome, in I . —AND I . . connection with the Kippen circuit, will - - , be held in Mr. James Cooper's grove, Dr. MANTLE MATERIALS. 40 east of the railway station. Rev. Willoughby will deliver an address, and . . reverend gentlemen from Clinton, Bay- . . . . sa field, Hensall and the resident mint- to be d r% VUr Mantle Poom 11 . ;L .4- present an o.ers are expected- . take part 'in- the 1programme. Music - I I . . . will be furnished by the circuit choirs. I I — —1 - Committees from the different appoint- Will be LOpened the I - ments have been appointed to atteAd to the branches of work every- , . I : - Gr. various ,sr,a =]Rsr-c -W-MIMIK, * thing is being done to make it a success. - We hope to ,see a IrArge gathering. A . I hot dinner will be served from 12 to 2 2.30 OF SEPTEMBER .1 . I - p. in. Speal,-;."g to commence at . . . I (By an Occasional Correspondent) - . - - DF NOTIS. —Miss Hutton is remaining at * . A:FJLRST-CLASS I our burg, L the I at of Mrs. R. Mellils, 99arveat - I . . . - - M till after the Home. — Mr. I - . - Ivison, Toronto, is home on a visit at home his father, Mr. John Ivison. Mantle * Maker I I the of . He is remaining for our great gather. . . I . Oul ing ri xt Sunday and Monday. —About . i foll-ad L &'dozen Kippenites are to spend all day 718aturday WILL BE IN CHARGE. Cash - . preparing Mr. Jamea Coop- . - I erls grove for the large company expect- I — H-< ed September let. It is a beautiful - place. Visitors from Seafortb, Clin " E. McFAUL 1 . -ton, Exeter, etc.,hre enquiring for he. . NO tel accommodation for horses, etc, . 11 Mine Host," of the Kippen hotel, vrill.L . I - , SEAFORTIL kys t try to meet the wants of all. —RX61mes, tionFl. — Clinton, preached acceptably in the hories and rig belonged to Mr. Christie, -- . Met.hodist church last Sunday, - of Exeter.—On Sunday last betwoon .. A Th . . . . I Chiselhurst. thirty and forty of our villagers attend. The -1 . . ed the Salvation Army camp meeting in CoR-REcTloN. — DEAia Exrosrror.,— Bayfield. They were well ileased with minion Sandaj In reference to our civic holiday in last what they saw and heard. —Those ,of our stormy week's issue a part was omitted, which people who were attending the Sai-enger. from, L Iflade the item nearly meaningless. It feet at Waterloo are home again. They Augual hould have read: September let has ss it was agrand success.—The pull#t : - bos been proclaimed our annual civic holi- of the Evangelical church was occupied on I - ; day. On the - above date a Harvest last Sunday by Mr. E.' Rannie, a --sta. . - - varlout sif ter It Rome Festival is to be held at Kippen. dent from Naperville, Ilimiois.—Mm . . she enc The citizens and choir from our Village . Thompson, of Michigan, who has been' . heavy are going to take an important part in here visiting her father, Air. A. Geiger, ereasij the programme at the Harvest Home left for home on Tuesday. when I ! Festival, and a good time may be ex. 0 . - I 'Tons 4 pected.—CouREsFoNDENT. . Myth. deck, f NOTES.- Harvesting will likely be LAwN SOOTAL,-On Wednesday Leven- I I W46re d1l I finished this week. —Mr.Robert Holmes, in . of Gle e ing, the 20th at., the Hop ra an ,is their fe of the New Era, Clinton, gave 9, good of St. Andrew's church, held a lawit , works sermon in the Methodist churah last social at the residence of Dr. Sloan. It deeke,4 Sunday morning. .Next Sunday Rev. Dr. Willoughby was a delightful evening and the laim the sall . 4 will preach, and on was beautifully lighted with lantern This Monday address the .Harvest Home and a U-rge bonfire. The' town, bind I I Tuesdi gathering at Kippen. The church trus- discoursed sweet music, and Mr. Oaks modob tee board ought to hurry up those new &,rid Miss Jackson, of Clinton, and other% - - - , a uIlml benches for the aisles.­,N ext Monday , sang several selections. Belgrave cru. to lav is our civic, holiday. About 40 or 50 . quet dab was present displaying their I E;C1 rigs are going to take- passengers to Kip. J talent with the mallet.', - The imociability I voyag4 pen. Chiselhurit Methodist choir as- of all present added much to the even. . about 1 sists in the singing. - . . $ ing a enjoyment. The proceeds amount. - . . and. th SAD.—Mr. John Swan; who has been ed to o;e; $50, which the Society use in I P will b attending his brother Alexander for ;;sintaining a pupil at Point -Aux Trera. as Ion nearly two months, contracted the same blea school near Montreal. - I set in, fever and on Tuesday was buried. He NoTEs,—Mrs. A. - N tiort has taken to adl was a quiet, inoffensive young man, and the position of Assistant in the Post ,, thoug much sorrow is felt over his death. He Office, rendered vacant by the removal a6rve was 26 years of age. Alexander Swan, - , of Mr. .-Phillips.—Division Court7:ww I ahead though appearing to- improve few a time, is worse now, and may not recov- held ke re on Monday. The legal lighbla were numerous, but business w" wame coven er. His brother's death has been a severe shock. —The Women's Guild of Trinity shuroh . .,der gineei I intend ho, Iding a bazaar on the ,second late ti I 'Bluelvale. day of the fall show. . One of the lead- . --notice I LxAvING.-Mr. Thomas Dillon, who Jing features will be an autograph quilt. —inspector Paisley was in town a few was fof several years has had charge of the days ago, and as a result of his visit one screm conful Bluevale cheese factory, and who has of our hotel -keepers was required to go ' ribly . lately given up his position for a more to Clinton, confess and disgorge. I I come. lucrative and easy one, paid our village M'XL&NcuoLT- - AoCIDIENT.—Ou Wed- into t a visit this week. Mr. Dillon is a skilful . . nesday of last week an accident occurred doorw workman, is careful and energetic, an" during hie stay in Bluevale has brought here which has deprived Blyth of one of -to be I our factory into the front ranlike. His its oldest and best known citt W-115. ,ft - 0 betore. . I obliging manner and cheerful disposition that day Mr. William Wilson was paw ing -slong Diusley street, *hen. he wm A arr, i 6' wl' 'O I ,r made him a universal favorite. We are all sorry to lose him. We wish him overtaken by a ranaway. horse. Being CHRUA success in his new sphere of life. % a little hard of hearing, he did not hear the infuriated animal, and not getting Ing,c, I 'an 0: BRIEFs.—Mr. Robert Camemore has out of the way he was knocked down, . I thau bought several teams of horses to take and received such injuries " to reBultim . 1he , to the Michigan lumber woods, at prices his d,nth on the following Monday . . verse ranging from Wo to $300 per t am. Mr. Wilson has been clerk of the vgf.' strmd. He bought one team from Robert Weir, lage since its incorporation, and ww - and t of Turnberry, weighing 2,700 pounds, also &Justice of the Peace. He was . 1- ror I and one from Henry Hawkins, of Turn- - one of the oldent Free Masons in 'the Jl: . ,w*r& berry, and George Underwood, of How- county', &Rd h1waYs took a very activO I had b ick, weighing 2,SW pounds.—Peter Me. interest in the Order. - He was a, con. went. Ewen, of Turnberry, lately sold- a two-. sistent member of the 'Methodist church - so tu year-old fil)y to J. Schneur, of Carrick, and a Conservative in politi a. He wag c . . Again for $145. This colt was sired by ' 'Hon- I greatly respected in the communit y - said t eat John " and weighed 1,460 pounds. — where he hid lived so long, arid all will he his The brick work of the new Methodist deeply regret the :sad circurnstanou I - leIng church is nearly completed. It is a . which led to his deafll,. He was butisa , 0 I I 0 a a handsome structure.—The Presbyterian on Wednesday with Masonic- hoitiort. main church has now an organized choir, and He was 79 years of age, - &-rid leaves 'his - - pullii there is t in the aged -partner and a family,of four son# the singjng.L—The harvest in this neighbor- and - . fOUr.daughters to mourn his loss. I 11 L she it hood has been a bouRtiful one4his year. I I and I The recent rains have prevented some . . . Brussels. I I Mind of the late oats from being stored, but have greatly revived roots iiind meadowell - BUIX-1s.—John Leckie, formerly 4 year'll a thing to -be desired,.—The saw mule this town,was here this weeksellig the old Armstrong farm,west of the villagee* ' A ro, had ( are.shut down at present, which makes ---xT.W. Shaw has returned' from like [K things look rather dull.—Quite a num- Military College, having obtained a car, RO& ber from here attended the Clinton races on Tuesday.—The recent gloomy tificate.—The Harriaton cricket club. Seaf( weather reminds us that fall is at hsnd, played here on Monday with our' club, -.-; I . Coun —he is stealing upon us and soon will ' and won b 8 wickets. In the first in- y nings Harriston made 42 and Brussels I pass I ae S be here. L made. 38 ; in the second innings BK#ssels their . Zurich. L made 23, thus le ing '15 to maie by avt X I . pass . L Iffarriston, which th succeeded in do- . ey . I Will BRIEFs. —While ism Wever, son ing. They went to Wingham by the %, —J of Mr. C. Wever, contractor for the evening tr&iu.--John Cormack, an A ... lers', - . briek work.of the. new town hall in this Brussels boy, spent a few days this week . Hurla : village, was carrying bricks the other visiting friends- and relatives but has I Well day he fell aff the scaffold to the ground, again left for Duluth.—Mr8. Cormackp the L I a distance of about twenty-five feet. who has been away visiting at De- I I War One of his arms was broken, and he re- troit, returned home last week.—Stau- we, , ceived some severe cuts auout the head ley Hays and T. F. COleM9,nL of Sea. , and face. —'As a boy, who was driving a forth, played with the Brussels$ cricket 'here ; Ta M. X.7 . . commercial traveller, was unloading -the team,aa also did their old wicket keepers I heres trunks at the Huron hotel here, the Murdo.MeLennan,'—W. F. Vanstone -- ,flour, horses started for the barn. The door has gone to Manitoba on -a trip.—Judge I the 1 was open, but one wheel struck, fright- Tome will hold a court for the revision . and ening them so that they ran through the . of the voters' lists for Brussels on the said4 barn. Getting free from - the wagon ; , Uth day of September. There &To - Octol they'ran down the street,but got tangled appeals against the list, 12 by Iteforin- . . . in alamp post which stopped them. en and 38 by Conservatives.`1 0 ; . The wagon was slightly . br6ken. ThO I I . I I Tke above was r"stred too late for last w"k.- I I I ---1 I 41-- - - L-IAIA-Al