HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-08-29, Page 7__
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I ' � __. . - JktTGUST 29, 1890.
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"t I Bone Spa -vin.
le .110 I spavin is the result of a sprain or ir
jay.tto the.hock, and usually makes il
- 1 3 r . .."a In
X_�v7pewsnce in five or six weeks after tb
first syr�ptoms of lameness. The lam,
ness varies according to the amount (
I i.u&mmation and i*s location, front b(
TRIED - ing scarcely noticeable at first, and pasi
I ing off entirely, to severe lameness a
- firgtr N!hioh improves or disappears whe
. the animal is warmed up, but appearin
� muoh worse after a hard drive. A
I e1krly diagnosis, rest, and treatment t
Health aliq the. inflammation will in man,
I t: I ,Meg prevent the deposit of bone (exot
toai.$). Hot bathe and cooling lotion
. - I should be used during the acute stag
I of hock lameness. In -three or four *eeke
0AP Or, % ? should the lameness remain, blistering i
. the only practical and reasonable' treal
- : glint, making use of some remedy ei
. pecislly adapted for such cases, givin
TSITE, . the horse rest during treatment, whic
I 11 should be repeated every three week
I Until lameness disappears. If in two o
� 1155-52-2 1 three months the lameness still remainE
;_ Z7:: -_=_-_--
I _, rder; blisterin
I or firing during the acute stage of hoe
. BRU()E . lamelless is wrong. To fire for th
- oure: of incipient bone spavin is extrenic
VfttMel) t � ly cruel, and grave results often eneut
: I - Piring t� great depth is most ut1human
0-MT,y__ � . � great Pam, suffering and often suppui
� . -, irts are the result. Th
i ,_1 ation of the pa
. .
iing 14ojaey I I pyro-puncturing process is known to b
q �Weat Rates 04 I the in - oat effective. The art of firin
it. I can be learned reliably only from pra(
I tice; severity of application does nc
� i=rease its benefits, hence the cruelt5
ichased. In no caseshould the iron be carrie
I deep enough to break or cut throug
I BRA.NCH. � . the skin. The horse that is fired fc
Test Allowed CM I . spavin should be given from six weel;
. > amount amd to. two months rest in a box stal
I , Horses lame from bone spavin will I
- I greatly benefitted by the application (
. I a special shoemade low at the toe, hee',
I" 7ket SquM � the horse to ate
rich raised; this enables
! upon the toe, and will in all cases giv
�R HORTON2 relief. The above rules of treatmer
. M-&XA4X36 apply to ring bone and splint lanienesi
- . M also to all acute sprains and injuriv
I � �
I I Avoid counter irritants and blisters,an
. . the firing iron. It has� n
place whatever for the cure of acut
.rAJIFT11E lameness and should never be used t
. DiViSiOn COUrt cure incipient spavirts. Remove the it
luron. flammation first as per directions; th
� I is the great secret to the successful cut
1. � of acute diseases. Animals should I
-1 ceer,_ Land, I,ou- : treated with the same care and skill t
.Agent. exercised by our physicians and su,
7 . goons in their treatment of the huma
ad to Lom family. Thi's is practical, humani
: . and worthy of note. There is a tirr
rAyene aim. Xwgn and place for remedies and cures - ti
I 111eit firing iron also has its place of usefu
. tiess, but its untimely use should I
o .
I �
Lmd:ls I avoided. - .
I Sheep and Colts.
, flestoret : Says a San Francisco paper -. We]
informed wholesale dealers and slaugh
I erers inform us that there is a prob
XX HAIR - � bility that good mutton will touch nit
: . . cents before Christmas. The reason
— � . the great decrease in the sheep availab
� lity', . Saftnen. for butchers' uses in every part of tl
soast owing to the winter and the hea,%
. I � sales both -in the north and south -
i Gool and Free .
A. I eastern buyers. Every sheepman wl -
�_ - has any good wethers or barren ewes
.ng of the Scalp, . sell has no difficulty in finding a buy
- I . at almost his own figures. Of two -yea
md perfume to the ; old hardy _.weth,era there is hardly a d
Viland win aboptho cent flock -1n the hands of the breeder
I not sou the skist - Wallace's Monthly recommends ski
east. . . -
- milk for colts. It says: A colt w:
. ZACU NOMI. drink from fifteen to fifty pounds
: I
I � skim milk per day, depending on al
: I and condition. We think well of V
I CONVINCED, , practice where the milk would otherwi
. go to waste, and are not sure but
. � 0 SuboUtutes. .. would beau economic food, We ha-
- . I I neverseenanybad effect fromit. I
1. oourse, in certain instances it is u
. .
I % E . necessary., where the mother gftes
R 0A6 f'' - large quantity of milk, and sufficie
� ,
I I forthegrowth and nourishment of t,
I 6 'King St., West. �
. . colt, but where a eolt has just be,
� -
, I weaned, or has not done well, it is
I . I moot excellent food.
� I I - .
gERTS, Sesjorbh� I __
� .
I . � A Severe Test.
, W-------- I When a manufacturer, from years
, . I observation, has so completely satisfii
- � , �;-.rr-�J himself of th-e universal satisfacti,
- 1.
- __�
- .�:,. _. ,I-
, given byhis products, that he fe(
�T. ,;, � '
J�_, .X
. �4--.N_A . � fully warranted in selling them u
� .e.", --,i
. - "it. � ficate of guarantee,
:, .� " .� f- 1 der a certi
''I _
�%'.,�", �- __ A, is very natural to - believe th
j ,.1e, V�-7:,
.. ,; - 11 -
o. __ I e -1.,- j -p . -producer has implicit , ac
� 't.- - Such a
� I 0 %., i -A.,
, 1, 'r; , - the merits of his good
. - -11, fidence in
f � 1*1h
-.--- .; 3-1 . and that, too, not without good reasc
I I ,�, �
;ILD �fiik,�v �t Such confidence is possessed by t
V, I, t 4
�� I'W�f .
I . i� I- . World's Dispensary Medical Associatic
_:�, , e � I
. C_ .V- � I
- , - - Y., in Dr. Pierce's Fai
,.0 -0� � of Buffalo, N �
11-J ,.-. - I ily Medicines, and hence his " Favor,
,:) -
,J�� rmi I Prescription " is sold by druggists,
;. Z:6 C> . no other medicine for, similar purpq
--- f
__ ___ I - ever was, under a positive gdarant:
__ __ ___ - that it will in every case - give gati8ft
- .
. tion, or money paid for it will be refun
� ed. It cures all those distressing ,a
, delicate ailments and weaknesses I
I r - culiar to women. It is not necessary
. I
i W _N S ff I F - - � enumerate the long catalogue of �
rangements, both functional and orgc
� I lutual I ic, of the female system which this mi
I I �
� . � velous remedy overcomes. They a:
� compaxv. -, --Alas! but too well known to moot
X or I
- . . males who have attained womanhood,
I I - thi
� y. TAve Stock 1�20 rleed more than a hint to make
� the road la
I . or on , I plain to their understanding.
. __
. I
er of the Ancient Feet.
t Ise Washer : A noticeable thing about the statu
: round in our museums of art, suppos
- ACEIINES- to represent the perfect figures of anciE
- men and women, is the apparently d
7 � and the WA"01( proportionate size of their feet. V
�S . -
-0,:DTr_r8- moderns are apt to pronounce them t
11 y - .-atunded 10 6 large, particularly those of the fema I
It will be found, however, that J
a . symmetrical perfection these feet cot
-1 r , Zuricb. not be better. A Greek sculptor wot
� . not think of such a thing as putting
r 1. 1 -inch foot on a 5J foot woman. Th
� FO RTH - : t1les for these classical marble figui
� I - � vmre taken from the most perfect for:
I of living persons. Unquestionably t
� MPAN-y- 4aman foot, as represented by th4
I I TED. 11 old Sculptors, was larger than the m(
I ern one, and, in fact, the prfmitive f(
: I - of all people of whom we have any �
business trao' I cord, either in printing or statuai
. was considerably larger than the
I I � ted. stricted foot' 'of modern timea., I
. Id. I Masculine footforming an approximE
average of four different countries, v
ep0aits, . about 12 inches long. This would
� ornmercial ff0tel I quire at least a No. 12 or a 12i shoe
- cover it comfortably. The avert
� Taasculine foot to -day is easily fitl
. ; Iganager. Wlth a No. 8J shoe, and is, therefo
,I I 106 not a,bove 10 7-16 inches. Now, by i
.r ------,- old scriptural rule of propbrtion, a tr
I , tion . Z feet, 9 inches in height should hav
I Prescrip foot Ill inches long, or one-sixth
I _�
ermatorrhe I I height. It was of no great consequej
11 d all what Size Sandal he wore, but he wo,
I 9Y,lf .;abmuse or . have required a modern shoe of at le
� package $It I .4 lj�. 10i for a minimum fit or a I
11 Wrilte for,-.
.A CKAOM 'AD ]w & -
, I by LY - I
I �
I I -
,�, 1�
L, Jr- , _r� � =_
7 �7---- --- � I /
__ I I 11 I I I/ �, 1
� t . - I i
I i � i �
, �. .
. - , ;
I 4-:
11 ;_
. I 4
i , I
- � ,�,�. !
, ,
� _.., I
1� .
i t i
� . . . I ; . � . 1, � I I - �
. i .1 � f - -_ I - I - 1, I - - i � . 1*
� I � , 11 :
I I !
� � . . . I .! I.- I �
. . - i . 1, i I
. - 1, I . . i I - .. il �
. - � . - 'TH Fr4 HtRON,, JOSITOR. 1
- __ .--- 11 i ,�ir wni�
� . I
- . . � . i i, - I 1
ii for real comfort. For women, allow. 11 wool - ___. ------ is The Sleep ' L i
. . 0 ,the Just. i
ing for the difference in the relative size, gS.t .L.3tM 11
C>ip t
- '1�16v& � ,
. -VOR I sleepless bights Ae ding'on wor ry -
of the two sex -es, which was about the I - _U exation, indi i , � ,e .,
V 6%es io 'eL.n, Burdock Blc �d
r I I I
same then as now, a woman of 5 feet, Bitters is P, remark& I e .ient cure. "I e
t i
-1 gre
3 inches in height would have had a urdock Blood ittis for sleepless nP I .
� CHRONIC , CouGH Now =w sleep well all n1 ght. I recommen&- It I
foot 10 inches long requiring a modern . t � I .
- �, r i� to all offering from imperfe6t rest. r
shoe L't 012cpht -to be spoken only in a - For It yan do pot It may beo�me 00 � ., Gmo. H, Sinx�, Stoney Creek, Ont," .
, - Ro'. 6 , r Consw floiN :
whimper as the most comfortable MV r -
for that foot, or a number 51 as "the =W�=� and Wamw Ea; I '
thwe is no Uke � �. I It Saved His Life. * *
limit of torture. The reason for the . �11� � I � -
difference between the old classical foot . . i GENTIsSAIR'N' -1 can Ve( mmend Dr. 1powl�leo i
Emmet of Wi-l( 1�.�, for it saved my . 0 ;
." .
and the modern one is obvious. Re . I' when I was about six nonths old. We 111 e 1 4
strietion is what hafs. done it. -Shoe, . used it in # ur family wh ,required eversinbe, i
. .
. TT'S and it never falls to cur,e 11 mmer complalu . .
and Leather Reporter. 600' I 0 its. ;
, �. . � � I i am now fourteen ye f : ul� e. ' - �
0 1 � FRANois Apsu, Dalkeith, On4 I
Drifting away froin God. I I ,�, i . 1: .
� . I I I
�� . i
, 4
I was invited to be pre'sent at a wed- Miss Helen I" - Sinclair, _. I 'Tt I
ding in a distant city. Iwasnotableto EMULS10i of Ninette, blanitob, rilt a that she has tIied -1 ; ,
reach the house of my friend till late i "a�'_ -
Burdock B11 tters
. n ,?od B f I lose of a etite �R Wit
" ri d I
the even' ng of the day before the au- Of P ' ,headache i% th i 'r.., t aull hea 31y
i ure ( Dd Liver oil and it the 't I I
spicious event. We oat in the pleasant - . . . . recommends it. Her 0 pbrience is shared by 1�ec
HYPO DHOSPHITES : thousands. B.B.B.i8a, 8 1 'Cific for headache,
parlor chatting for -a time; then,th6ugh � . . ? I I
C)O:r X4 a ALIMCIL 016cam. I I . - ____ I I
we were all weary, andthe ;hands of the V Suddenly Pr6strated. i t 11,
clock indicated that it was almost mid- it Is almost palatable as milk. rlaa� I suddenly . prostraied i a
a I ENTLEMEN,-f i�a i .
, 121;
night, the bride -elect said: I I Papa, we better than ot er so-called EMU1810 6 while at work, by A evere attack of cl�oi � :
. ul nit G U . i
must have evening prayers to -night, 'A wonderful fl h producer. �;L, era morbus. We sent at d cc for a doctor, .
, I . e acua � 1: B
just the same as usual. ' � S][O.W L I he seemed unable to - elp. An v t,on I
Then turning to me, she added in a SCOTT EMUL I about every forty minut6,was fast wearing pe i
bottle of Wild Straw- I
; berry, which saved my lif�. ,!
low tone : 11 I am so afraid that in the is ruf up in a so Inwn coW W"� out, when we sent for a
mtre and get the i7epamine. al I ,
bustle and preparation.we may drift Dealers at Joe. and $1.00. SZI� . MRS. J. IT-YANNATUR, !
away from God." . I Mo,,4�t Brydes, Ontari k
. There is often danger that the current - SCOTr & BOWNE9 Begeyffle. � I i It, Is
I 11 —_ .1 - wit,
of the world may sweep us along with k Four Years in 6awyervfllo ,
� ��
it, but if anchored by pra er we need - -------- �. I -i' 11 For four years I had pimples and sores led,au
not fear. -American Maga ine. obliged to do so I remarked I to bin breakini out on my ban6 and face caused1by I �
. - . � I I bad blood. Medicine from,the doctor was t ed I
-40' ---------7 - that I Iived : u Washingtoo, and Iii without, avail, but after usin I of �
� �
. I
I atn' well two bottles'. It , S
All Men I couldn't come ;LDY such g, e 011 (TW, * Burdock Blood Bitters I dr4 .)F
young or old, or, -middle ed, who find whereupon he 4110hed his hat :and beg�� . MISS MABEL LINDSAY, Swyerville, Quebei
thenisqlves nervous,weak :Jd exhausted, ged my pardon, but went on driving tH6 � I t 7 i� W i
who alie broken down from excess or others about." --New York Press. ; I 11 Bec
I 11 A Daughter's � Influence.
' I �i I
overwork, resulting in man'y of the fol- — 0 . 1 4, Li
� I had a very severe att L�'k of bloody diarr
lowlng symptoms : Mental depression, Burning ver Strawberry � an� was peri,unded by* n5y'daughter to try r.
premature old age, lose of vitality, loss Beds. �� Folvler's Extract of il - :: Strawboxy, whi ,fl I
of meniory, bad dreams, dimness of ] ' did with great success, :: less th�n two hot les �
I I I We have for five seasons tried burn- �38
. . cured me, it is worth lit weight in gold. I - .ou 0
sight, palpitation of the hesirt, emissions, ing over the Ad Strawberry patch s MRS. MARGARLET1 ,I N, Pembroke, Ont
lack of energy, pain in he kidneys, which we wished to have beari anoth(Ir ; 11Y . __M�w I
headache, pim' plea on the, f ice or body, crop, and like tbe awthod So %V! ell 'that ,___________,___ __ I .
. PUBLIC i INOTICE. ;ecw,i
itching or peculiar sensati)n about the we shall follow this plan eXCILi-SiVely in � I i
scrotum, wasting of the o,gans, dizzi-, the future. I Ujink t116. plantS begin to - The public are hereby L autioned against I ly- .
w ing any credit whatever !to my wife, Mrs. Ji hn Our new b
ness, Specks before' the eyes, t itching grow again soor er gaid are more vigo�,_ Henderson, as she left m'y bed and board on
of the muscles, eyelids ani elsewhere, ous and healthy for tho burni6g. Th,e ,11 direction
t Friday, August Ist, 1890, without any just ca ise,
bashfulness, deposits of �rine, loss of fire in Some way or other causes e or provocation, and I N4 i not hold myself krea 1 applicatio
. ,�
will power, tenderness of the scalp and soil to 14 inello up" and hold tuoist le. gponsible for any debtolc[',ntracted. byher fi6m : any colo
opine, weak and flabby Tuscles, desire much better, wfiere it has become ha .1. the 1st day of August,J, 0. JOHN HENDER- rm_Ls, Ric
res�ed by sleep, . 1`�" SON, John Street, Seafoi, ( -
to sleep, failure to be - ped over -by pickerl,. h. 11E �
from being tram I
constipation,- dullness of hearing, loss of Weed seeds and insects at the surfa0e I IF
� .
voice, desire for solitude, excitability of will be de,gtroy(d andmearly every wee� - Sea
temper ', sunken eyes surro'unded- with will succumb while only here an�d IT rAYS TO ILLUSI R �TE YOUR BUSINES1 I I .
LEADEN GIRCLE, oily looking skin, etc., there' will a str w led.. I I
Portraits, and cuts ol ( p1leges, hotels, facto Ties Havin
are all symptoms of nervous debility In '88 we had, a patch which burned machinery, &c., made t( ( rder from photogra S.
I 10 f rom Mr.
that lead to- insanity and - death c- unless "' spotted" on account of old half -rotted Prices Low -Send sts'Lm,p for'specimen shee a.
. - _�_ I%v IL ceived in
The spring or vital force having straw� being us d for a mulch.: Whe - Metropolita Press Agen - '
cured. - I tinuance
lost its Aension every function wanes in ever the' fire reached, the plahts ,gre i rt I have in In
consequence. Those who through abuse 118352- 1 New YoWCitt'- be able to
. beautifully and were free from grubA. —, I —_ .�__ quality of
committed in ignorance may be Parma- - It is also claimed that burning tend! �o —�� Re 1. alizln
nently cured. Send your' address for cure and prev ut rust or leaf blight, Knight's 61pod, Our'
. I e. just and
book on all diseases to man. Address but 1 can not e peak from experience as I ! __ fl decided to
M. V. LUBON, 50 Front ;Street East, tQ this. A valuable advanta e gained STANDARD hZ;ZId. remedy in suco' Ba-
r & n & : U 4.. C A � , A AW Ti
�, I
, �
h Diamon'd Dyes
' . -1i
ause s o �- mplee
. � I
. :
safe to �y . e wil
)iamond PY e s,
economy!to dye
3e the st-rongesi
pleasan to dy(
h Di.amoT.id Dyes
ause 1,-Lney, never
, I
ght to 1 -ye 7ril
Jamend Dyes&
Ire besl
ook " SlIccessful fflo (� Dyeing" ]gi,
s for aX uses of liiarnz)nd Dyes, sent
n. Diamond Dyes a. -e --old everywb
r mailed - on receipt of price, io cc
HARDSON & CO., M�ntreal, Que. -r
forth Dairy
o, purchased the. kDairy Busino
Roderick Grey, I be to solicit a c,
of the patronage; h ich he has
the past. With'. the advantageE
y refrigerator and *1 uation, I hope
givemycuetomerp satisfaction as
milk even in the vei y hot weather.
g that the cash My 3tem is the mi
Satisfactory to all concerned, I he
sell for cash only.'I . .
ckets supplied �tlreduced rab
oron o, n &_1 0. � 00 a SUP L r, by i)nrn)Dg 18 t lat the patch, will not- f ul use more than 40 years A post, I've ;
sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms Of need any work except to run between cure for Dyspepsia, Str4fula, Nerv,ous Pros ra ! -
- . r d, 1171 - D. D. :W I L S 0 N.
- ' tion, Constipation and all diseases of the BIJ � . I -_
which are faftit spells, - purple lips, the rows with the cultivator -,for fotir . Stoma , , - V- . : ; .
. ch and Liver. � pl-.,t,;�, � w*. .. -A, � i,:�"e, . �!
numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot or Six weeks af ter " baptism of firei" � : i " . I I
I Unequalled for ioducing a Clea ' , I
flushes- rush of blood to the head, dull � 41 - � �
1 `1
. ! ,
They can then !)a carefully ho�d and the . .1 !i -4, 1 �
-' I .. � I , Comp 1.4 � - -91 . � W
pain in the heart with beats strong, job with us has never been more than half � A.- I .xion. -1 i . ,
rapid "and irregular, the second heart as hard as when we did not burt]. -B. K A botanical compoun( , put up in pao ges I Cata: , rh
and Sent by mail at onb � bird the cost of or in- � I �
beat quicker than the first, pain about Engle in Popula'r Gardening. , ary medicine. Large pa � ages, dufficient f$ 18�& blood disease. U, il the poison to
� � i , , 3 4
'i �4
the breast bone, etc., can positively -be . - - � I quarts', $1.00 ; half size ) ckages, sufficle expelled from the sy, tem, there can
, I _n "' r
cured. No cure., no pay. Send for : I Planting Evergreens. I ,3 pints, 60c.; sample pao t ges, 26c.
1 be i no cure for this i oathsome and
book. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 ! A reliable Agent wanted in this locality. 11.1 � li
. KNIGHT BOTANICAL CO.,i- _1��"-�;
I have adopted evergreens as orrig- -_1 I I da gerous malady. The efore, the onl�,
Front Street East, Toronto, Ontario. mental trees, � �are, arid 1183-62 262 Bioadway, NewlYor
� . - . . 118152 _planted with i i t-�- effective -treatment is sli, thorough course
.0 I lost hundreds of trees. . Yet I thought I I OI -.A 1yer's SarsaparRIA, -the best of all
� . I
I ,. rlr," I
things were done in the best m -0 �, 4LOZ1,; blood purifiers. The so':)ner you begin
Rag Carpets and ThiDgs., ' I 9T.g 1,T) f.
. , -
,f rA
4 .
� i4 � I
I . .1 I . v *.
possible, but that won't.save 'the eve I ir- �� � I , Vh the better; delay is dit�f �erous.
I have -made rag carpets for twenty greens from dying. All the water and I 01 ,.-. M21 14 I Was troubled with "tarrh for over
-years, and have colored cotton brown in Is , V . ..�� I ,
all the c re in, the world will not pr,6- 'I .. I zA4 11
a great variety of ways. 1 With catechu � , W ?.�. I I two y9ars. I tried v4iious retnedieso
(or japonica, which is the same thing), it serve evergreens, if you once; let the . 11 � I 11 . t I i and was treated by a "mber of physi-
I � .
, � I - �
dirt dry on the roots. The outside V! . cians*, I but--i,eceived no ibenefit until I
; - %�,
' I
is sometime ' a quite a permament color, moisture on'the roots must not'be allo*- 0 - - I Ai begai garsaparilla. A
- , � to take Ayor's
and sometimes it fades quickly, and yet I I : . . , . xn
"I -
I have not discovered the real reason for ed to dry, if you want the tr�e to live. :: .._1 - .� . few bottles of this medic' e cured me ot
I I =-. this troublesome complaint and com-
There is a resinous substanbe on the z=� < C , �.
� ___ t�
! 't- , ! " Z letely restored my h6alth.11-Jesse M.
this difference. I am inclined to think .�
. �
, ' LU _f.,"' RTJ 6 oggs, Holmau's MillsioN. Q
outside of the roots, and if i the roois P .k 1, � '_-�: -'� L- - il X .
I it is in the length of time the rags are. once become dry water can ng I I ,fi "' _ -,W1"X b,
ver pen . JA� i 1,,'.�.�. 1.,, v Nnen Ayer's Sarsaparilla was rec-
some rags in , . . 'T , I', I
A Z- -
in the dye. I once' had �_ ILI�1) R, L I = I
trate that resinous covering, 1 and tfie I E� CE I V1 *;,,6
the dye, was taken sick, and they were I ".. E�i - % ornmended to me for catarrh, I was in -
plant can not but die. There Js not'a, ..a\., w,%A, .
- " I e cac ng
�, I
� :q51 :.=v, -
' in nearly two weeks. The result was - - .. �. --1. " I - . clined to doubt it Havi
�, -
� - .
tree on my place that I don't pru e I � _ � '. . me! e ben -
I , 11-� . - - tried so many re es;� A9,11tal
the most permanent color' I ever had. � _._:��! _1� ,_
� I .�_
every year. I have a pair of long Shea 8, .. __ - it, I had no faith that mything would
Catechu with* bichromat6 of potash 1 4-� 1 �,..: 131'. I I D , ef
.. ,
and in aome cases I climb th�� trees.- � V � 4 cure me, I became emaAated from loss
� - Sta f , -11 I � 10�) 1; (A) .
makes a very handsome brown and 'a Dr. Lyons before the Illinois te Hcr- I lZr, f 441- 1 of appetite and impaiied digestion. I
� 1�'11 11 111'r - I
as good as any on cotton. It is perma- - �. ',I. 1. :;r so of smell, and
.. % � � .. / 04 bad neaxly lost the sep
. , * .....', , I a., I .
I � _ , � . `_ , �8* _
0 � - I rL . I , I . %.* ,,; - I was
- ,�
1. . .,( my system was badly deranged.
I V, .. 11 � X -tpl . . I V-1. . I .
center of brown and a border, I would : I I W1,11,1111 - - I I about discouraged, when a friend urged
nent on w I ol, and for a . citrpet with a ticultural Society. , . t 'e, ,
I Sparrows. ` . �" '-, I "' , . I - I -, 9. , I me to try Ayer's Sars4parilla, and re -
put in as much brown as.I could. A-1- k..4 . , __ .�� � '�,�& &U;
. , , . � .
ways ask the druggist to � ive you the A. correspondent of the 14ev 'k I - - I I persons whom it had cured
7. -yo � 1, ferred me to, I
9 Tribune Eays: We had in Ohip fpr p ,f- -,11,1 1- LT . 'P,%
.r-, _ , . of catarrb. After taking half a dozen
Z , '. I tf. L
� _; ' '� , bottles of this medicine!, I am. convinced
receipts for coloring when you buy your - i . * ,* . ; x � W
some years a bodn of ten cehts ,�J a 9! r',/, ,�:'- , � �,
.14,,�,, V: ... ', ,
i . ty A L_ %,J. I ,_ , I I that t1le only'sure way of treatin thi
dyes. I NJ I'Y? . ,., A".., 'I )� � .1 Is
Ki, . . food."
say -who is- "I , ,� .j., .1 .� . I .
. to tLhd lady dozen on the European spow.row, butlit �._, 1.
I also want to Q _�J . �,� ,�, 4 obstinate disease is throuilt. the.b
. v , . - ��' - I
arranging I her ' did not make the boys active in pursdit - it', I � � .? I -C 13 River at.,
back yard that if she k ; rZ - .J. 22 harles H. Maloney, . I
will jet knot grass grov�ing in it she of the birds. Last year the bounty "a T ` 'i'F 'F Lowell, Alass.
. - doubled, and i in one township alone d 'r- V 8 E8 C ,, -!1 fV 0 , S T;, B � 7. S.', . .
will have something that *ill not wear 4 ., %_` r -, .
ing May,over 4,000 sparrow -heads we.e C ".) P , P �1 ri 0 . � -ifla,
11 ' .
off. 11 What is this little #eed growing delivered to the township clerk-abo t Alun:4 AM -,.i'(-:"`1 -line, Phosphat at . I
allover your back yard%, Why don't three a,'nd 9, half times as many as w re CH ANY 1,:,,J-',-1-_1,,_ ,SQ:15TAU17 1� Ayer s Sarsapar
, -
you tear it all out?" said friend to me killed during I 1:ie entire two years Pre , i- ....- .T ".C'\TQ. ONT. - PRZPARE * D* BY I
once. I replied that it was knot grass, 011S. It would Seem that such who e- E:. W. G I L L �,_ -� - , CAICAGO nJ : I
and I wouldn't have it taken out at any - sale slaughter must soon di rn�inish t�e [�.A.%11!)W� , - " :- , n r,F Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co,', Lowell, Mas&
price. It grows in places, that are run . I HE CELL. Ell!,,;.-',:' I ,'-* -" ,,7:.-T1 .N_,_1RL8T CAM Price $I; Eix bottles. $5. �� Worth $5 a bottle.
� �
pest. ,: "
o,� er the inost, where the blue grass will _.— I � I . .. L ,r
not grow at all. it fills �be paths and - _. I------.--- ___ .. - _______4. - i � .
_ __ '
18paces Around the 1woodhoitse, cistern, GR'ATEFUL-COMFORTINC36 1i . G. N I � :.
0 1 , 6 W. T�Iegraph Co.
well andshop,where it 'is constantly . . 1� I i __.
. over, ye � ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS.Ell - .1.
walked %Dd driven , t is fresh EPPS COCOA. - ; A. �
and. green all thro the hot dry I �_
� .
weather. The only 0 . tion to it is, . s Direct duplicate wires to ,all rindipalp6ints, I
that it does not start soon in the "'By a thoroug Knowledge of the natural liwa offices everywhere; prompt anlreliable sen ioe ;' —
. connects with Western Union Telegriaph Com -
Spring and dies earlier in the fall. Of which govern th operations of digestion 'n nited States, and -ith __ ...
:)f �d pany to all parts of y
� a nutrition, and by a careful application 0 e to all parts of tl�e world ; money oz dere I .
course, I would. not recom) neDd it, for 86 � ies of cables -DIGS AND DOGS. -The � undersigned has on
. fine properties of well -selected Cocoa, Mr. po by telegraph ; use the best. �
nice lawn to be looked 6t and never has provided our reakfast tables with a delic te- I J[ his premises in Harpurhey, a good, thor-
used, but a back yard is !or use, while ly flavored beve ge whioh- may save us mi by i onghbred Berkshire Pig which he keeps for
I ii.
at the same time it maybe very pleas- heavy doctors'bil a. it is by the judicious ise CANADIAN EXPRESS CO. Service. Term"l per sow, with'the privilege
I of such articles of diet that a cons0tution. r sy . - .
ant. -Kate, in Ohio Farmer. - be gradually built up until strong enoughto ire- Offices at all . railroad points; forwa of returning if necessary. :Also for sale a few
, rd er. gGod collie dogs from imp6rted stock on both
.6 I . sist every tenden y to disease. Hundreds, of chandise, money and packages of every des rip. S des. OBEAT TORRANCE, Harpurhey.
11 1142tf
� -subtle maladies a e floating around lie ready, to tion : collect notes, 1dr9fte, accounts, &e. Re- I
He Prayed With: Ferver. '.1 attack wherever t iere is a weak point. We ay mitters of, money secured against loss, and the CHESTER WHITE P1 ! O. -The undersigned
Sister Lizzie was to b married in a escape many a fa shaft by keeping ourlielves charge for transmission is very low. Produce A ,
e . !.: vill keep durin the resent season on Lot
well fortifie pure blood and; a properly for merchandis requin protection from 'heat -CIL V 1
few months and she was ; utting in the .It . . 21, Concession 2, L. Ig. S. 11�ckersmith, a Thor
� nourished frame -'I Civil Servi�e. Gameti 6 " or cold, will have, o 1,W attention.
interval of leisure from I reparing for Madebimply with boiling water or I milK. Soid I ough Bred Chester White Pig to which a limited
. . . . number of sows will be taken. This pi WAS
the ceiieMODY in the wa I of dress by only in packets by grocers, labelled thilb: 1160 W. I OMERVILLE, Agei it. -w
- JAM F,S EPPS & GO., Homceop&Wc Chemh to, .1 farrowed. on May 16th, 1887, as bred by 9. H.
experimenting on her family in th I . -
e London, England, 1 1041-62 � : Todd, of Wakeman, Huron Cd,Gty, Ohio, one of
I I * reliable breeders
cooking line. � � I the most extensive am ,
Little John was going to bed, -and �Iler Mills in the United States. This, Pig has also takOD
. Messrs. C. C. 10 ARDS & Co. Seaforth R 1 first zes whereever shown.' Terms 81, pay
I . I I � i
al ' to I . pri of
when through his usu G,1prayers up Gents, -I hay used your MINARD'S LIF_ I - able at th6 time of service, 'i h the privilege
the point of saying it ve us this dp6y MENT in my fam!ily for some Years,alld beliQve 4 o returning if necessary. G 11, GE PLOWES. -,
,our daily bread," h I depressing it to be the best niedicine inthe narketa�it -Gristing, 04.0p1ping and X_ I 1039-t.f.
I w en sotne . I does all it is recommended to do. � ' change promp�ly attmided to E,nd , � i , -
memory struck him, and lie added ., Canaan Forks, 1�- B. VANIFfi �I_HRSTZAD: .
11 But don't let our Liz�ie bake -it."_ . I . . best of satisfactio ri guaranteed. .
i .
Washington Post. i I � John Mader, m4hone Bay, inform us that he Cash for any qu i niti , ty of good VVI eat - � .n
.. I � . I was cured .of a �ery severe attack of rheur ia- . 1
------ *� . � 4 I and Barley.
. I i I tism. by using MI�TARD'S LINIMENT. , � ;
'* '
A Polite Sh,,a er. - I Feed of all kinds If or sale. ' Arrat ge- I .1
l ' ----- i
11 A visit to Mount VerTon is accom: i ments are made fol ,regular arrivals of .. I
I Minard's Lini*nt is used by Physician s LL
I . i I I � .. i
e curious experiences . I Manitoba'wheat arid very beat of Aour I I
I partied by som I . i . . I I
these days," said a'gentlel an the other' Minard's Linim4nt Cures Garget ilk Cows. can. be obtained. . .
day, who ,.,was recently in Washington - � I Business conducted on cash terms. WILL POSIT111VIEL -CURE
and went down�to Mount N'ernon. I I 'The, ____ � I Yours Truly, . . . .
Minard's Linimt nt relieves Neuralgia. I -
place has been given overto Coney Is- � I . I 11
--- -_ I � . CAMPS, RIM 11N T �[ STUVIAH
land practices, and you can be relieved Minard'S Linim -nt 6ures Distemper. _C 0. rhoea
of a nickel or a dime e ery time you . W. H. CODE & Bowei Complaints, iar, H
. : �
turn around. They have a restaurant � 1139tf- 1 � � . ./ �
itch, Mangre an Scratches of every kind, 611 I �,
11 - - -A:ND ALI, '
I - Is, cured in 30 minutes lby I .
now, and serve a lunch or dinner in one human or R$i � I
wing of the WaaMngton I mansion, the woolford's Sani ry Lotion. This never fa�'118. McKillop. MrHtory for 1890. � gp."r
�� I "
Sold by I. S. Rob rts, Seaforth. I 118 52 . I T: C I L? 4' � I. I . - I 6 i7:
meal being cooked in th old kitchen. , S U "If -E �Nqi E 1-7 f % rl IT; I 01 , A I '
I .
- __� JOHN BENNEWIES, *cve, Dublin P. 0. ! ;I
But the funniest thing o .me 'was a . . I h � d 11 PeputyReeve, Warl 3, KEEP A P_30`_�
photographer, who mus have been a English spavinI Liniment rewovps al a; v - �. � I f L E PNI
8 oused Lumps and Blehii8hes fr � In Winthrop. I
oft or call I I I 0 U S IE- - :1
,)good judge of human nature, You horses, Blood Spn in, Curbs, SplifitS, Ring Booe, I DANrEL MANLEY, ncillor,Ward 1, Beech- - I THE -i . .
. wood. � .,,-,^ ,4�-4�i:�;Z�.-�F 5�.,-_T.7-.,.-&--;:'-
- __1 - *''�. , - Fw.._ � .
know when there is &, crc wd'anywhere Sweeney. Stifles, Sprains, sore and Swollen - -i .4?, x. �_"- , ,
- ,�_ � -.--,, --
any one man who steps out and assumes Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one . JAMES EVANS, Couidillor, Ward 2, Beech .
4 wood- : I ' -..
iderful Blemish
leadership and directs what shall be bottle. Warrante'd the most won DODDS,1 OdunoWor, Ward 4, Sea- SOLD 0,Y ALL DEALEI;c
Cureeverknown' Sold by J. SJ�Loberts,Sea_ CHA'LLES : I L -_ i
done is generally followed blindly. This f 11 f orth �
photographer would' order everybody f orib. I I � 8002 JOHN C. MORRISON Clerk, Winthrop. � Oft AV used monthly b
— SOLOMON J. SH NON, Treasurer, Win- over 1%000 ea- ' are safe, pleasan
to go up on the - porch, would pose them �ct . sure In ect; a In ematest en
, . Some of the W gtern politicians c,illc .�he thro, at home or ab�road; 1 box mail
in front of his camen take their' nega- seeds of a lant, wder and sift th(m, and t4en R&ERT G. ROSS,As1s6saor, Winthrop. or from L, ed part -I
I I p y smear*ith aleonilar- ADAM HAYS, Colke6r, Seaforth. d
tives and ihen demand a 4uarter &piece bake into cakes, hich the- . 20
preparing tbfii article I of DR. SMITH, Medicil Health Officer, Seaforth. ZU=Fi1kALC1Aka1 (,.,Dz=orr,Yac1U
g�e and eat. 11' , u I -
for,pictures to be sent to each one by they use a article ]mown !as Impei-I&I WM. ARCHMALD,ISWtary Inspector, Read .
mail. The crowd obeyed him and paid I Cream Tartar B- Ing Powder, tha is a6kn�lw_ 9 . . I I . Sold by LUMSDEN & W1 ON, Chemish ani
. 1 1.54 Druggletz, Seaforth ont. : 119-D2
y were ledged to be the cot in the w4 � : a
him their quarters j not as -if the' i i . I i
- . i I � i, . I ,
I . i � I .
. I I I , i i I I .
. . I I . ! - - - I .
; I I � i - �
. I
! L
� : 1 7
. .
Or A Whitnp.-V's VETEPtINARY.
71/ OHN GRIEVE, V. S., Honor graduate at
. i Ontario Veterinary College. All dise�
of Domestic Animals treated. Calls promptly
STOVEAND attended to and charges moderate. Veterfnu7
. I Dentistry a specialty. Office --At Weies Roya
i Hotel, Seaforth. 1112-tf .:
I __
FU R N I S H I N G H C. DOAN, Veterinary Surgeon, Graduate
� . of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto
I Honorary Member of ,the Medical Society
Calls from a distance promptly attended to.
I Veterinary Medicines kept constantly on band.
- 1 Office opposite E. Boeoenberry's Hotel, Hen -
L sall. N. B. -Veterinary Dentistry and Su_rgery
1 11136-5 , -
-Seaforth Ontario, a specialty.
I RANK S. Beattie, V. S., graduate of LOnt&rIG �
: FVeterfnary College, Toronto, Menber of the I
Vc-terinary Medical Society, eto., treats all die-
. We are offering Bargait:I4 in ew.es of the Domesticated Animals. -All calls
promptly attended to either by day or night
Charges'moders6te. Special attention given 6o
veterinary dentistry. Office on Main Streek
Coal & Wood'Parlor Stoues. Seafortb, one door south of Kidd's Hardws" I
I store. � , 1112
All Stoves Guaranteed. - - --- -_ . - - .
A full line of 0 Jarvis and Goderich Streets, next door flo 1h .
Presbyterian Church, Seaferth, Out. All dis .
I I sages of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do
mesticated aninuds, successfully treated at the .
McClary's Famous Stowv,pp s Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest Aptice
. . Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Vel*r-
I u : L . I Wary Surgeon, P. S. -A large stock of Veterls
For which we are Sole Agents. , � ary Medicines kept constantly on hand
I -
. - I LEGAL -
Grest,Bargains in Table and. Library --- —
Lamps. � . ATTHEW MORRISON, Walton, Irrsuranoe
I M Agent, Commissioner for taking affidavits,
. . Conveyances, &c. Money to loan at the leweiR
J � . rates. M. WoRmsox, Walton.
0. M, WHITNEY, —_
I I X. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &c. . Office-
, J. Roome One Door North of the Cbmmerclal
MAIN -ST. , - : SEAFORTH. Hotel, ground floor next door to Beams butcher
L � . shop. Agents-0moRoN, HOLT& CAMIRRON. 870 .
I .
I . n ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, SQ1101.
- - � ky tore, &o., Goderich,,Ont&rio. J_ T. GARito .
I IL t$ el= I Q. C . ; � Wx. PRouDyeo!r. 1661t
I'll, 'I oft AXERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers.
F] 4 Solicitors in Chancery, &o., Goderich, Out.
W, a It C
.1 W91 = X. C. CmcsRON, Q. C., Pitmrp How, hL Q. .
E, ; 0 ,__ W '40 1= CAMERON. � 506
. F;
I *1 '0
0-b 1 Ap. " FW OF, J. DOWNEY, Solicitor, Conveyancer, ft I
Err; P % Late of Viothria, B. C. Office -Over
244 14A 0 0 0. = D.
9-1 Bank of Commerce, Main street, Seaforth. Pli-
0 eq. 0 vate funds to loan at bi and 6 per cent. 1085
� pltr� P . � . I
a L
0 am .M
go " g .. .0 ANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solloitom
. a 11 girr 0- a I Conveyancers,ke. Solicitors for the Bank
V pulp : 4 of .huston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to los6n.
. V i 0 -ElliottBlock, Clinton, Ontario. A.H.
? = I &OTT. 781
r .K161 1 1r, = I MANMO, JA
4 0 i
# t . I I -
0 P 60 , HOLKESTED, successor to tht. kate firmi 1
4 r. -I. �
9 Z Fe' McCaughey & Hohnested, Barrister, So- .
F ir" 0 M licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for
. I the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Moneytolend.
till 9 . CA15 - I ; Farmsforssle. Office in Scott's Block. hftin -
1W � Street. $eaforth.
� I
ftli' I i T'�ICKSON� & RAYS, formerly with 1&ssm
I - — I JLJ Garrow & Proudfoot, Goderich; B#4,- �
I risters, Solicitors, etc., Seaforth and Brussels.
� Seaforth Office- Cardno's Block, Main Street. _
- I ! . Money to Loan. 1121
m . .
I ;I a
Ld 0
; 1119-011
a .
41 1, I 0 1-1-409,
0 qr Er At
,P P;
lilrool 's Jo
il ffice
g V
IF" 1
L I .
. . ONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans at 6 pei
. . � M cent., with the privilege to berrowey
. t of repaying part of the principal money at my
ilN:N, -Z I
iii L time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barridell
. i Seaforth. 850
� i
� � � I .
BRISI U, f" 0 L, 3
. .
. I
W. TWEDDLE, Dentist, successor to W. J. I
I - S
Fear. Office in Daley's Block, Seafo#h,
Ontario. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for
the painless extraction of teeth. � '1169
R. BELDEN, L. D. S., Dentist, Graduate of
D the Royal College of Dental Surgeonj3 of
Ontario, and Graduate of the Toronto Univer.
sity, successor to Mr. Ball. Preservation of
the natural teeth a speciality. Office in Mr.
Ball's old -Stand. 1104
I I- .
For a'll Affections of the f
. __ - .- -
� i
� I I
. i I
-�� wwo. ][I KINSMAN, Dentist, L. D.
_! 0
W_ � ,.,:, $.,Exeter, Ont. Will. be at
f " Zurich at the Huron Hotel, an the ,
aVfr-5 il;3liSDAT 'BACH
I ,
and at Murdock!s Hotel, Hensall, on the F.nm
AND THIRD FRmAy in each month. Teeth ex.
tracted with the least pain possible. All work
first -claw at liberal rates. 9171
� . .
I I -
. .
- __________ MEDICAL.
� . . ; I
The above MIUS have now been thoroughly
I .
S. FERGUSON M. D. C. M., Seaforth,
W. Office and residence, that formerly oc.
I built upon the complete
cupied by Dr. Hanover, near Goderich street.
Calls night or day promptly attended to.
� - 1178
. 1
no HUI and Storehou9e Buildings bave been
E. COOPER, X. D., Physician, Surgeon
R. and Accoucher, Constance, Ont. 1127
greatly enlarged, and new machinery applied
R$. ELLIOTr & GUNN, Brucefield, Lioen.
tiates Myol College af -'Phyfficlans and
Surgeons, Edinburgh. Brucefield, Ont. 980
� —AND—
- SCOTT, X. D., &a., Physician, Surgeon
and Accoucher, Seaforth, Ont, Offloe and
J. ,
residenceflouthpide of Goderich street, S000nd -
' :
Door eagt of the Presbyterian Church. 842
Flour Dressing Mach-din–es
SAUTH, M. M., Membel
� I
. i
111. of the College of Physicians and Surgeons,,
From the best Manufacturing Firms have �been
t In, and everything necessary added to enable
&c., Seaforth, Ontario. Offles and residenow
"me as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. 948
or to turn out flour i
LEX. BETHUNE, M. D., Fellow of the
A Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons
Kingston. Successor to Dr. Mackid. Offloo
lately occupied by Dr. Mackid, MAin Btreelh
Seaforth. Residence-Cornerof VictoriaSquare,
I In the Dominion. The facWt.es for receiving
in house lately occupied by L. E. Dancey. . �
Dr. Mackid has gone to the Northwest and
Mn from farmers and for elevating and shipping
tralve also deen extensively improved. Grain c",
Dr- Bethune has taken his practice� The .
now )p taken from farmers' wagons, weighed,
and lo-%ded into care at the rate of 700 bushels
Doctor will be found In Dr. Mackid's office
during the day and at his own residence during
per bour, by the work of two men. .
� . .
,the night. 1127x12
. —FOR—
P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the
Countyof Huron. Sales attended in at
parts of the County. All orders left at THs
Has been put In, and the necessary machinery for
Expeorrou Office will be promptly attended to.
� .
handling -chop and coarse grains. -
A od shed hu been erected, so that wagons
I �
. W. G.- DUFF.
cm e unloaded and reloaded under cover.
I ' - ' - �
ancee' Colle'etor, BooR-keeper and Accountant;
Real -Fstat�e, Life, Accident aDd Fire Insurance
Agent; Money to Correspondence, &c.
. Promptly attended to, and
Parties requiring his services in any of theoe
branches will receive prompt attention. O"ICA
ALRY'S Bi,ocx,'(unTAiRs), MAiN STR3=, SxA-
F"O'RDTH- . 1134
- —
—.--- .1 _____ -
Chopped satisfactorily rind without delay..
Boo s and Shoes
Has on hand a large number of Boots . and Shoes
And all kinds of
of his own make, best material and
Warranted to give Satisfaction.
if you want your feet kept dry come -and get
a pair of our boots, which will be sold
Constantly on hand.
. .
Highest Market Price Paid in
Repairing promptly attended -to. All kinds of
BootsandSh-A%madetoordcr. Allpartkuwho
Cash for any Quantity of
hl e not paid their accounts for last year will
Vn.eat. i
p ease calf and settle up.
1162 D. MeINTYRE, Seaforth.
__ I
-1 - I
. .
� �
only first -claw and obliging men will be kept'
- t. V -
attend cuakmers. The liberal patronge .
mere and general tr#A,3 regpedlay golicited. '
. . I
- BAF011TH, ON'AP-10,
: . A. W. OGILVIE & C061 i
� I
. 1� .
� .
- .
- ,
� . - � I
- ;, .
� -
I . � .
. -
. -
! � - - _?_j!�'_ I � I � . I 9 -1 - I . - -
M -6-1.
W ;-
- I - ___ � - I
I ,
- -
L_ k, -,, .-,I
. .
. I
I I I . .
� / -
� ,
I � I �
I 1
i . . �
. .
. I i
� �, i _,� . ,�� -,
1� � ___ - -Y
1— ______ � �_ L".."