HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-08-29, Page 5' ame to wait. � again post. in f8106 Of & , I a straliat tedtimeL WIM done. F&jt� hrist's wora so 'similar. � case into n accepted, * case W as ' death the ', not,, belleve , %de whole.31 that . build. �� �nd that 01clug faith 0 , were the stances aild er Promise, A anificieno without a., y . A, 16- I W, as p u . 'ha,t then ap. ,m appeal at � report). the � vould use it I �L of Christ;;.: L k ,the Word L be healed $y : .9 Ad seemed . riate truth � 9 ulad so e of I ' ' latel , . � , - . _ '. jVa '. vVar u, . e a � - L 0 that . �. rized - �% building I Ply, dee�,; Y of prayer . I 'than ever I � ; T Other dear 7 ,,vho had felt ,rayer, have :too. ,41'sing, � done excel- . :t in all the � ' ,ed to have 'in , 9 anxious I . I I ,,a beautif.ul .t the, whole ;� � nat be e 11 at that time . I � up, and is - �. May the I e, it in His � - _fA Ross. : � � 111890, � - mishing' of �t received a L 3. many have . , . lelp, - in put. �i we not oth- y take their ' Ifere, ia an ich will ex - L Irs, Dr. Par. L I to, trying to )1regation, to � - d. " (Cost. L ; " We need �eda we re- ats, kitchen ,es dining , I 3, crockery, ate these a8L I ),, excluding ,,e sum, but , , �g, with ac� -ra and all.' Gld,—some Of the new I none of, it g to former hings. We icteat econ- - �;y and dura. ber that it is � for his own 'o supply us I tha- t,hey i i �at us whose, ? One will ' seats, an- ings. Some �r the sheet - ad another m. 'vVhat- quickly, for , Gbh of Sep - L � honor and be fellow - n V�light to III it not ie love that f debt, fur- , . - iong should �'arden, 198 1 A � R-.' . . week Mr, . 'farmer on Itace town- Itraws f OM t wh en (the r desce)�d- Of the �ft aus pinfied � ,the binder : L below the ; his knife Iree of the I � cutting a , t free until � with cold j6 been an � . - - 4 , � ; week Mr. � received a Pepper, Of . I :his span of Itation that � . I rplied aad 10--ly. Just I .Vir. Pepper i at $450, ' , Ine city the : handsome I � and Mr. � I his money I m into the vho forr the �, Wing with , Wallace, . aueerl died : � w August, , ' . I ms barn in �n the year IS9,31 land- iort stay in ved to the . ioon af ter- mth G are, : ,; he was m in 1826. - I � that farm 11 I xve to Ohio xt year in , ity, wheV loved inti) i bought a C7 X. Of his I I �- daughte, a , r I . -ter survive . olght years dren living � I .1 . , ! . � . 11 - - I h . I . . I I , - � � I - I � � I , I � 7� 1 � - I I . . . I � I I — 11 �� . ! I I . � . : I I � � I , I I .. - I ! I . - V � � � . - I I I I I . � i � " � � . . I . , � I :� ! . , , I I . 1; � I I I I'll .1 � . � I . � I - . "I � .! ,� I I : : . � � I I 1 - : , , I I 1� . , � . - - . . a . . - . I , ,/— �� . I I — I . !I T 11 I � I I . � I I I . � I �, 1. Ir. I . . I . . I � I : 6 I i _. I L I I - - - - � , , . I �.. I I Z. . . . - I I . :- . ___ i I, . � . I I � I i I . � . - �, - . I , � I , ( ... 1. - ,� � -1. F -_ 11 - 't IV,' - I I . � �. . I !,: � � - _. I I I �A '' - j ,. � I I I ", . . . - I - � I - ,­ � - I ." � � .�. . . I - . I - 1 14� ,if I � ,, � ,,, . � ot . I . - . I .- ­ . , ­ ­ I . � - . . , 1 �1� - ,� - �-� . , I . . , " � ", , , , ., . , . [ * :. � I . � - - . - � I 'i : , 4 � I 1� � .,. :_ - � , - , - , .1v I _. - , ., ,� � __­_, � ­­ ­.- ­ ­ _. _..'- - . , "., - I I!i .1 . - I - - � ­­­ � ­�'­!- - -4.-;_ _ ­. ­­_­ - - . I - I � � . . , , ­_ 1� - -- , :�, - , I I I I � .. I � � � . � . I ____ ­­­_ '. � i.--------,,�-��i"---..'�.--.�--�--ili�'-�---,,.-�..--,��� ­ 1�_ 'I �- � ­ - ­ - - - - - � - -- � —, . ­ - '. - - - -- ­ - _.­ ­­- ­__ _­­­ ,-,--,-''-, - - �_ - ,----- .1 -1, - . . I it'. i ­ -- -. � I . . .. 7 � I � � I i - . . . � I I � I . i _;11 I . � I - I . � . ; �- I 11 � I � / - , I . , I i , � I I I . I � � � I . . . . . I I . . I - . . I . 1 � 51 . . . - AUGUST 29 18900 � .. . �. . I . . 5 1 ,- � - ) I . . . I I V. �; 6 - -1 1 � ___ I � . THE "HURON ,EXPO�IITOR. � 11 . . � � ,� I)�_ , , � I i . � . 7::-_____�_____ - - - � MWEN I � I * I I I I - I , I ­-, I � - . — � �_­ J_ . r-"-,-, -, - - -_ � -_ -W �` . - _1 I I I - - -1 ' _'. I -1 Exeter. ' , ' After his a to to the, pulse. It`t1&,ke§'h�1dis__1 -6 "got over � 11 THE] MARKETS. , � ' � ' . . . * � I I "upe . I - . .; � A SUCCESSFUL ENMRTAINXINT.—On Canning, where he had since resided on a too , sudden .4,i�t I sing. 'Givej uji time, . __ I � I ill I . .. i WHY I Wednesday evening of last week, says a small farm. He leaves three children, after you call us,� to roll over; _)Pze ab- slu.1rolma, August 29th, 1890 SEAH , SCHO-OL - BOOK � I the Times,. the annikq6l entertainment Edward, who is in Australia, Mr . i a. the world full inhhe face, a'n& 164 be. 'Fail Wheat per bushel ........ .. 0 90 to� 0 92 I . � I �, ; . � , under. the auapices of - the Ladies' Aid Chas. L. Newell, of Paria,'William fore we- leap. —Ladies' Home ournal'. ": . Spring Wheat per. bushel .... .... 0 90 MR 0 92 1 . I I 0 - � . . I Oats per bushel...........-..... 0 88 to t 0 40 � Do so many people - of Cavan Presbyterian church was held S-* .of Toronto, and Arthur, on the - � � Peas per bushel.......... ...-... 0 66 to 0 58 - ' in the roller rink. The rink never look- homestead. V..� . . - i .� Barley per bushel .......... .. - 0 40 to '10 45 . : - c . I . , , , � omplain. of not feeling ' ,the decorations being superb. - . Picnics. . . Butter, I No. 1, loose ... �. .. .. .... 0 12 to 0 12 _DM1__P0r_V,. -- i . - Butter, tub.,-*... I ....... .. '..... 0 18 to 014 � � theSamesince, they had - 04 Pr"tt'er Almost any boy or girl can tell you ., Ir I - From aid to side, overhead was trung Perth Items. � - .M...... .. .... .... 0 14 to 014 1 - I what a. picnic is like, but I wOnder how Flour, per i66 i�.':: * .... 2 60 to 800 I . the " " last Win. bunting of various colors, whil: from —'Nichols Brothers have bought from I ^­­­ - � grip - . , . .''. -the 3rd many Anow why it is so ,,called, or Hay newper ton........ ........ . the ceiling hung innumerable Chinese Mr. Willard Ingram, lot 18von I 1 5 00 to"5 60 . ter ? .. that theCUStDM is 8&idlodate-only from � lanterns, w , ' . i- . Hides per 100 lho ............ * 4 50 to.. 5 00 ' ith evergreen trees placed on ooncession of.,Fullarton# containing 100 Lamb Skins, each .... � ........ * '. *. 0 40 to - . I end of the rink a large apartment was . farm, price as now, when such an entertainment wooi.......... ....7.-- ­­ 0 364o 0 55 �o - This. farm was sold, last spri . .......... 0 18 to 0 20t I the floor at various intervals. At the 84,300. - 1802, not a hundred years ago. Then, I 0 65 L VM, S D, E N & WILSON acres, known as, the Stone Pelts .............. partitioned off in which tea was served � ing was.being arranged for, it was custom- Potatoes per. bushel ............. 0 60 ito 0 50 9 ANSWE-R �� i _ , by auction for $3,900. 1 - � Salt (retail) per barrel.. ... 1 26 to 1 26 ! � - ,� I ary that those who intended to be pres- I . I . while at the side of the rink., midway in -Mr. John Mahoney, of thei 12th � � Wood per oord (long) ........ * *: 2 so to 3 00 . � � I the promenading department, there was ent -should supply the eatAbles and " * I 60 to i2 00 . concession of Logan, lost a Val' Woodpercord (short) .......... four-year-old- horse uable � I ' & handsome enclosure made by curtains, driqkables * Originally the plan was to Apples per bag ...... I ........... 0 50 to 0 60 Dealers in all kinds. of Books used 'M' Public Schools High Schools Because the dregs of la 2 last week. I I , . a from which issued sweet strains of mu- Some draw up s'list of what was -hecesear , Clover Seed ...................... 3 76 to I 00 now very ' .. ; time ago the animal got hurt, which. F Timothy Seed ................... 1 76 to 2 25 Collegiate Institut es, Separate Schools, &c. Our stock is grippe have never been �41 tic by the Italian band of London, and which is an excellent one to follow, for � 7 1 caused a swelling ih the neck that Pork, per 100 lbs ................ 5 76 to 1600 complete, not only in books, but in all sorts of supplies for schola-rs, removed from their sys- . ,I others. The decorations were the finest brought on other complications that the often, when there has been no previous I . I I . . � . � ever seen in the rink and reflect great credit agreement, it is discovered, when too - � I such as Slates Pen ' s Pens Ink Fololocap Paper, -School Bags, Com- � veterinary surgeon was unable to cure.' I Ci,tN ton, August 28, �im y ) ) tem� and will in time - I on the princi als, Rev. *Mr. Martin and . late, that there is too much of .one kind , passes I Scribbling Books, Scholars Com- i . p -A pecial meeting of the Presbytery Fill Wheat per bushel .......... () 90 to 10 92 . , Copy Bo6ks� Drawing Books', " 't � B. W, Grigg. The ladies did their part a of food and not enough of another. The . Spring Wheat per bushel.. -.. .... � ca,L se death. Man - I of Stratford was held in K o' � 90 to 092 panions, Rulers, . ' . n x Church, list was Passed round, and each person Oats per bushel...... .... .... .. 0 38 to 'ji 40 ! � . 11 creditably, as usual; and on the whole Stratford, recently, to consider the call Barley per bushel....,.. ..,. .... 0 40 to 45 1 I drake - Blood. Bitters . the entertainment was a thorough suc- from Knox Church congregation to the picked out the article of food or drink Peas per buihel .... 0 Iti to 9 i � 6 . . - --- .- cesa, the proceeds amounting to upwards Rev. Robert Johnson, of Lindsay. The he or she was willing to futnish, and Butter..-..........." ­' ­­ I 0 12 to is I : � � . ..: . . .. ....... :.. 0 14 to 14 : - of 1960� 4? ti : I . -the name of the article as then nicked Evas .............. *.* ' * . �00 _Q D � C7 r%- I A I X/ A I H 97 . I %Ice a unan mous., and has attached to it I i tihese germl, 6. arpen.rs : - i� , wo I i . I BRIEir NOTIM-Our worthy produce between 6' off the list. So it was from these t Hay per ton.............. ..._ 6 00 to 5 60 1 i � 00 and 700 signatures. Potatoes per bushel ............. 0 60 to 0:60 I I . I merchant, Mr. A. Q. Bobier, on account —One day last week a sad accident words picked and nicked, that this forkn Hides per 100 The ..... i .......... 4 60 to % oO . . the appetite, relieves I 9 - . � 1 1 ' I I I of lack of premises to accomodate him befel of out-of-door entettaidment. first be- Cordwood ...................... 3 00 to S 00 ;1 1� , . a son of Amos Weber, who lives in . 1, In all kinds of Stationery, Note Papers, Envelopes, Blank Books. &c. you O� that tired sleepy I came known as a " pick -and -ri ick,'-' arid Wool per lb ........ .. .......... 0 20 5 Pork, per 100 lba.., � ............. 5 00 W � in the Oper then as a picnic, the old-fashioned name 0 18 to �6 50 Bibles Te8tamer ymn Books for all denominations for storage, is now occupying both stores the neighborhood of Listowel. While . - ' a RousezV 6ck.-Mr.: W. D. attempting to ride on Mr. Keesawya . � I its, _Vrayer Books, H I . feeling, by regulating I 11 I . - ' z forthe basket parties of to-d� .-Ilar- - I at 11 � i Weekes, who has been in England for traction e4ine be fell off and 'the separ- . ly . Lt"RPOOL, Aug. 27. -Spring wheat, 7! 07d . the liver and kidneys. I the goo4 of his health - during the Past ator passed over him, crushi . ng the life per's Young People. . red winter, 7o 64d; California No. 1. 7i 7jd . - I . : - - i b7ttles, 75c . I few months -has returned and looks out of the poor boy, who w . - WENNMWEEENNNW� California No. 2, oo 00&; oats, Ov 00d ; barlf 'F1 Os , . . Large pint �s a promis . I Od ; peas, 69 &,Id, po . � � I � I much the better of his visit. -Mr. Fred ing young fellow of about nine years. rk, 1669 06d ; cheese, 42i d I each. I To keep Meat for Summer Use. 10 . : . Moore who has been studying for the -The trotting contest �1� LUMS EN .& WILSON'S ,ministry with Rev. S. F. Robiln'son has As I am a farmer's wife, will ehre ToxoNw, Aug. 28. -Fall wheat, 40.98 to $ .00; f I - � trotting mares of Mr. W. G. Murray my way of putting away ams and spring wheat, $0.92 to $0.93, oats, 41, nts . � 2. - . .. gone to London -to attend Huron and Mr. W. R. Davis, on Thursdayof to 46 cents; peas, per bag, 70, cent to I . /. V. FEAR, Druggist, � ' College. -Miss Su,3ie Weekes left Tues- last week in Mitchell, was won by Mr. smoked beef for summer use. , First,rub $1.00; barley, 48c to 67c ; hay, per ton, $0 - I , I . all the cut surface with powdered ho- $10.50 ; buttflr�'1801 to 20c ; potatoes, pe ribibl SCOTT'S�,BLOCK, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. . . I 1 7 . 1� I � 'I day morning for Toronto where ,she will Davis' mare. The first heat was won $1.60 to $1.75 ; eggs, per doc, 16c t 70; SEAFORTH. . get, styles for the comio g- season for a. by Mr. Murphy's horse,. in the second a rax ; then take a large sack (those of �rep,@-ed hogo, per cwt., $7.00 to $7.25. - 11 I millinery % firm' in Norwich. -Miss foul W' burlap, that can be bought forlten cents,, . - as - claimed against Mr. Davis' I I I - are just right), put some clean boy All - I . I � - . I . ,THE Bowey, of Chicago, and Miss. Bowey, horse. - The fastest time made was 3.31. 1 Horse Markets. I . i of London, visited Miss Carrie Drew oung man around the inside. Then, if large ones, August 2(th.-The horse trad has - ' - this week. -Miss Ada Jermyn and Mr. -About five years ago a y put a ham in each sack ; if small ones, MONTREAL, . � I CANA- MAN BANK OF COMMERCE W.R. Oounter, � I of unsound mind, son of Mr.Alexander . been ratber slack of late, as American b ers � . � W. Jermyn, of Granton, were the guests Linton. of Hibbeit, wandered away you can put two together.' e sure the are not ol�erating to ar y extent. Durin the, . � I of Mr. John Gould this week. hay keeps the meat from'tou,,;hing the past week4here were shipped from here t the � Established 1867.' - - -Quite a from his home, and no trace of - his sack in any place ; then tie it tightly, United SWea,! one fast horse, which cost 350, . 1. number intend leaving hery on Saturday whereabouts could -be found. His father - - I and 16 other ]h rRes, w tich cost $1,238, c 1, an . . HE�D OFFICE, TORONTO. - - 1 �n m) 8 "I ace. a% erage of $77.37 each. ,I evening to take in Detroit fair. -Mr. advertised his , disappearance at the and hang in a cool, dark, but dry Rl �, 1; I S EAFORTH, Fred. Collins, assistant Postmaster I always hang mine i� the smoke house. . CAPITAUPAID� ) IX MILLION DOt-LARS - $6.0009000 . ., and time, but it was not until a few days . . - 4 - - - - - - - - If thus prote-c-ted the meat wpl rema' �" RESTs - - $800,000 - family were in London Saturday and . ago he reebivied' word, that the young - . I Dairy I darkets. , � - I Sunday. . fellow is at present in a Minnesota hos- sweet and ffee from insects. t must be TORONTO, August. 2M. -Butter -Good B. E.1 WALKER, GisNERAL MANAGE& . . -THE- 11 1 , I RowE-JAcKF,LL,-The Trivitt Mem pital. . done before any flies are about'. -D4 re d t d. The ' i I . I . - . , ,,ra. �. butter is sea ae, firn; .ap wanrl�ea � ; I i I r 'to 1 1 L M. I seems to be no obje , , is dily paid ra ! . * i . orial C ,hurch on Thursday morning about -Some good threshing recordo'have : I � . lot of good dairy tub, p�ail or crock by reta jers. SEAF.ORTH BRANOH. . . . eight o'clock was the scene of one of been made in Blanshard township I All other grades are du�fnnd can be boug t at A General Banking );usiness Transacted. Farmers' Notes Discounted. PEOPLE11S JEWELLER, . -1 those important events that so frequent recently. On the farm of Donald Me- Punishing the Guil o so for old and 10c to 12c for new emo I on "� ty Part. 6c t Drafts issued pay %ble at all points in Canada, and the principal � z - ly occur at this time of the year. Those . � to medium, creameriem 18c to 20c. Cbe - I i i . who were immediately connected with. Kenzie, 200 bushels of wheat was Judge Kent, the welL,kno n- jurist, Q)uiet. Dealers are selt ng .1une make at 9 td cities in the Unfied StaLes,Great Britain, France, B,ermuda,&p. i threshed in one hour and 25 minutes, presided in a case in wl�ich a man Wis later at 9 c to Die. Th') cable was up 6d - 429. 1 i � . Eg a , , per dozen 1 5c to 160. . i - 11 � - � 9 the affair were Mr. Howe, a young man which is supposed to break the record. indicted for burglary, and the evidepee t SAV NGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Is holding out Great Induc6ments I 'Toronto, and Mi MICA, August 26th.- -There was quite a 1160M . . . . � I "I . I I from go, Emily Jackell, Another good . threshing record was at the trial showed - that the burglary in the cheese market .here io:day. Adviceo , In Peposits of $1.00 and, pwards received,.and current rates of interest allowed. for the, � . daughter of Mr. Jackell, of the made by Mr. John Glenn, of the base consisted in his cutting a hole through Now York were favorab e, but more than ' Y- INTEREST ADDED TO THS ,PRINCIPAL AT THE END OF MAY AND :Novxmi3EF. IN EACH . Thames Road, north of Exeter. line, at Mr. Johnston Stewart's, when a tent in which several persons w, -re thing else probably the demand for chees, � for ,I . - i Mr. Charles Jackell , brother of the he turned out 840 bus I the hom e trade occasio ied the activity. The YZAR. � . . . . � . hels of wheat,. 13 1 . i . - 0 sleeping, and then projecting his heAd ', market was one of the i iost active of the se%son. " I i I bride, acted as beat man while the bride of oatr, and 250 of barley. and arm through the hole and abstradt- Transactions :-Four 10 bi, 400 boxes, at 71.( ; 58 Special Attention gtv4n. to the cauection o:r Commercla Paper and Farmers' i herself was supported by Miss Fanny -Miss Mary B. Jefferson, of the 3rd ing various articles of value. � lots, 5, 125 boxes, at 7jc ;- 46 lotB, 4,W3 b ,. at sales Notes. I I I . Next 30' Days i Bawden. The young couple left in the co* 7 jo ; 10 lots, 1, 180 boxi � , at 8c ; 12 lots, ,133 . ; A ncession of Hibbert, received a valu- It was claimed by his couns �l that 19 1 1 ; - ; early -morning train for.-., Toronto, their a 'n" boxes, at 81c ; 6 lots, 8Z boxes, at 81c Z 3 ots, F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. JOHN AIRD, Manager. J � ble medal 'in the Montreal Witness asmuch as he never entere� into he 366 boxes,. commission. Total, 139 lots; 1 1,8W I � I— I i - — 1 4 future h6mi, amid the "Congratulations prize competition, for which thanks are tent with his whole body h( had . ransactions i ime - . , i 4 their Many fr , iendB ot boxes. Ituling price 721c. .T I I . To all customers wanting goods in � in Exeter, and the returned. - When it is � understood that ' date last year aggrega 4 14i,767 boxes ; r hng I I I committed the offence chai ged, and - Loc&1 Not ces. i beat wishes of eve*rybody. The ,cere- price, 7jo. T I � IMPORTANT� 'NOTICES his line. . I . . several hundred competitors from all must therefore, be set at libert . In re- . - � . � . . LirrLz FALL9, Augus 26th. -The cheese nar- MoNRY LosT. -Lost � In Seaforth, on I - I � . . I . i mony, which was indeed a very interest. parts of Cana'da forwarded their pro- Ply to this'plea the judge told. the jury ket has shown a better feeling to -day, andp ices Friday, the 8th, or Saturd4y, the ?th inst., a I . 0 . * . H. PORTER Ge eral Auctioneer and I 7 ing one, was performed by the Rev. S. ductions to tbe Witness ffice!. and the are adyancing about ic -An effort was MR( eatber purse contsi�ning six or seven ; . that if they were not satiafie I that the . , by black I i 11). Land Valuator. ,rders sent by mail -to . 4 F. Robinson. THE'ExposiTop. joins in severe criticism each produe' . buyers to hold the pric down to 81c, but 4light dollars In bills. The finder ,*ill greatly oblige wishing them a prospeious future. Mr. su I tiOn W968 whole man was involved in the orme lots were found -at the i!lose that received � the - the owner and be liberally reWard0 by leaving my address, Bayfield P. O�, will receive prompt - GIVE HIM A CALL. � attention. Terms moderate. 1185-62 � . bjected to', the young lady has much they might bring in a verdict of gui V .half. Transactions :- ifty-nine lots at ric; the same at THIC ExPoBiToRprace, Seafortb. �11 I � Chas. Jackell accompanied them to To- to be proud of. - I agai - nst so much of him as was � involv, d. 54 lots at Se ; 24 lotis at Sic : 8 lots at 8je 11 . � P 1183ti , - I 'es. ! ALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. -The I - � . ronto, in *hiab place Mr. Howe is con- -On Monday evening of last week a The jury, after a brief consultati, in, lots, commission. al, 10,214 box The SzKD WnxAT.-Ac4oice selection of V undersigned offers for sale six acres of land . sales of farm dairy are reported at 970 box( S at � I I nected with a large Gents'. Furnishing party of young people met at the resi- found the right arm, the right sho I- . 8je, with bul 8c Seed Wheat on hand at the Soforth Seed Store, on which is a good frame house and stable, Situ. . House. , I . ' . 71 to k at . Butter-Twent r -six including.the Rodgers at $I_P6 per bushel, the ated on the corner of Sauble line and Main dence of Mr. and Mrs. Broderick, Of der and the head of the prisoner gu y. packages of creamery butter sold at 22 to 1:*. , a R. Counter I , Mediterrenan Delhi at $1.50. !I Cali and see them. street, Bayfield. Easy terms. ARCH. STER- I . Mitchell j to take a friendl '" farewell of -of the offence of burglary. I he jtui e mostly at 22c. . I . . I I Y i 1 1183 LING. . 1183-13 HuaH GRmx. ; I I . Wingham. Mr. John Murray, who li;is been deputy accordingly sentenced the Aght a 9 PETERBOR0, August M. -At the regular v eek- 1E1F,ADQVARTZR8 Fola:� . LOW POIN .I- . � - I . � � ly cheese sale here to-dqq the bulk of the ffer I w . � HymzN-HAL.-The good people of our postmaster in that town f 6r about four the right showder and the hes[d to ,- was sold at 9jc, Linf say section bringi ig 9 IncludinF, Hogan & Nonro�p'4', Hendry's, Tees- ARM TO RENT. -A good farm of 100 acres. MAIN'STREET, SEAFORTH. . I , I years. After presenting!Mr. Murray 1. water, Mitchell, Goderich, � rt Perry, South F being, lot 39, on the 3rd concession of town were in quite a flatter of excite- prisonment w th. hard labor in' the a e 1-16c. 1 Bend, Massey 13, and any em so a Iti uc -ersmi , . . .,is o e e o ren or a erm. . - with a handsome gold headed cane all prison for two ears, remarki g that as IYGERsom, August 2(. -Three hundred t )X'es line of plows and gangs on lia�d it the Seaforth of years. About 85 acres 61eared and in good � I mant on- Wednesday morning over a y � August make sold at 9c before the market (: p,en- I � very interesting occurrence taking at do * n to a sumptu supper pre- to the rest of - 'he man's body he mi ht_ ,d. Nine c6ts was freely offered all nd, Seed store and Agricultural Wareroorro. JAB. condition ; frame house, good barn and stable, . � � pared by Mrs. Broderi Mr. Murray do with it as he pleased. -Gre an Bay; : but refused, salesmen hAding for 9je. , - SIMWAILT. 1 1183 bearing orchard, plenty of water. Schools and Halsted & Scott, I in the family of our much. respected left -for Cleveland the fo lowing morn- . I I . I arl � PASTE THTS rN Your, (HAT and when churches convenient. Apply to W. G. SCOTT, I - - � � . � 0 . 11 Brucefield, or A. STRONG, Seaforth. 11185tf townsman., Dr. McDonald, M. P., Re Ing. - I . . . � - I . you want anything, sucb� ,as Deeds, Willsp . —_ - :B.A_1.MqI_K:E1zLS . � form member for East Huron. This -The Thousand fals Tl New York ':_Pj9g Market. I Agreements, Contracts, Letto,rs, etc., privately 7 , - i . __ -Oif Tuesday of last week what is 25. -Eggs & . Lt print on th� typewriter, you IDUILDING LOT FOR SALE. -For sale. a ' I was the marriage of his eldest daughter, ' I and about twe ty other buiU ings w, we August m. ; fresh easteM, 20 copied in neE � . � known as the- Halfway house on the te 20jc ; Canadian, 20't ) 201c ; western do, 120c. will know that the place to gq is the Shorthand JJ valuable building lot on the south end of , Miss Leila, to Dr. Horsey, of Owen burned Thuriday inorninglast week. I . Josephine -street, Wingham Ont - Stratford and St. Marys oad: was de- - and Typewriting School 4ofthe Cady Block, Main street, in the best bus - iness part of the ta- f I Sound. The officiating clergyman was Several wome i, domestics in. the h4el Sealorth. Rates -6 centsler folio for first town. Having sold out his business the under- J. A. HALSTED, Mount Forest. I stroyed by fire'. The l�o6e was for . Live Stock' Markets.' , re. . I Rev. H. McQuarrie, andi" the marriage were slightly aurned in esca3ing, and I ;,p cents per folio for tw copie,s ; 4 cents signed will sell this lot at a reasonable figu . I Cc 0 r. so a For further particulars apply to JAMES Me- J. W. SCOTT, Listowel. - ceremony was performe4i in the Preab some time kept by Mr. Thlomas Lennon, one perished in the flames. TChe hotel UONTREAL, August 26.�', There were no rally pepryf io for three copies or�ll e gency I . . . y- but it had lately changed hands and was i . . choice stock offered on his market to -day, and for the 11 Caligraph " typewii er (8190.) 1178 GINNIS, Scaforth. 1185-2 - � . terian church be -fore a 'very large as- only a few weeks ago trai4l of erred to a . was occupied y 400 persons- � It Was the best animals sold a f,rom 41 to 41c pet lb., ANNOUNC-EMENT TO � PEOPLE OF Deposits received a . nd Interest &I I I semblage of relatives and friends. The remarkable tl at they all e caped so with common to good dry cows at from 31 t ' 4' SEAFORT11 AINM VIOINITY--HXV ARM -FOR SALE. -That fine farm proper y, 'L 7 young man from Tavis�ock, who was 0 * - do., and some of the lea er beasts down to 21c 444 ng purchased from t lowed . . !, bride was neatly -and becomingly attired conductin'k it well. The, house was a safely. A $ ,000 set of diair onds ial in per lb. Shippers bouglit no,cattle here to. lay, Mr.' M. R. Counter his 14. d extensive Fknowh as Lot 23, Concession 2, Hay, situat- Money advanced to Farmers and Busi- . in cream colored silk with� all other � the ruins. 11he fire is supposed to be ves Jewelry business, of whi.-h ,11 i ave been manager ed on the London Road, within I of a mile of ness Men, � I . ) j brick and in every sense a . , . I I I as -prices were much toc high for them. Q I for the past two years, the change makes it the Village of Uensall, and known as Welland On long or short fime, on endorsed notes of suitable accompaniments,, including the � � incenL. tary. I - wzrc In good Irlemand at (ironi $3 to $12 ( tch. . . good stand. There was a .out $3,300 in- I It T�iereare no clianges id the prices of old,sh, ep; necessary for me to raise zP6 large amount of Hall Farmjs offered for sale, and will, within collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair . ,� I traditional 11 orange blossoms." The surance on the building, . but none __!__i _. _�� � 3 I .shippers are paying abo t 4c:per lb for sui ible money, therefore, forthe next 30 daYs I will two m I onths, be sold at the highest offer ob- valuation. Monty remitted to all parts of . amiable and lovely bride was the cyno- � FALL FAIRS. � aninials, but goo(i lanIA are dearer. Me srg. offer the entire stock ai follows: Watches, tained as the owner Is moving to Calif ornia and Canada at reasonable charges. . stre of all eyes, eich and all wishing on the contents, so' that the .I- - � -Brown Bro's. bought IT, tood Iambs to -da, I at Clocks and solid gold Jewel ' r3 at 10 Y. discount; investing in property there. There is nearly 80 Special Attention' given to collecting . - for her and young manager 'Will be a considerable Goderich, Sept. 5, 16 and 17. . I an averagre cost of $3.72 ?,ich, Atoong Et loi of silver Plated Ware at 20 discount; Fancy acresof land.in a fine state of cultivation, five Notes and Accounts.�, I her w4rthy consort a,. happy loser. ,I Goods, BiequeGocds, Pip ,Ripectacles, etc., at acres -ready to be cultivated, and 16 acres under I I . es, 4 1 - w, ere boug artment car- ; � t from Mr, Sparkc of I united life and a successful career. The Listowel, Sept. I , 18 and 19. 1 � these, which were boug 26 % discount. The repairin r dep good hardwood bush. There is also a first-class . -A syndicate, compos �d of 16 far- Industrial -At T ronto, Sept. 8 t 2 Ottawa, was an extra rdinarily fine balf- ed -. on as usual. All goods Zold by me engray. two storey brick dwelling with kitchen two Agents in Canada -The MerchantE . I . 0 - I I ried I newly wedded couple left by tho after- .�. . , mers of Downie, agreed dfiring the, hot Western -At Lo 'dOD, Sept. 18 to 27 � .Shropshire Iamb for wh,oh Air: SparRs had re- ed free of charge. Hopli g to retain past storeys also, costing $3,50D apart from builder's Bank of Canada. ; . fused $6.26 This fine I nib was raised y . I I noon train for Quebec and other eastern weather to slaughter a b�ef between - 2 Mitchell, Be and 24. �6 patrpnage, I remain, Youri Truly, W. R. ownlabor. Also tbefollowin outbuilding-aina OlKee horurs-Frorn. 9 a. m. to 5 p. M. . .Y I - - , . � cities, where. they will spend,a few Exeter, Sep nd 30. IF, , Jeromcft�!P,of Russelrtownship. near t: Coln*w_ 1 1184-4 Yery fair state of repair : two Urns, each 6Ox36 ; . A. E. SMII`H, Ageni, �, � and 3 years old. Each M6nday for six- Seaforth, Se *t. 3( and Oct. 1. ' I 11 � Fat hogs just from off the cars sell at a ut 15 c - ' ,_ weeks before settling down to everyday i I P 5 OTICE-Vo the Farmers: stable and shed attached, 90x26 ; another stable . I I . een weeks a beef was k 2 and 3. . per 1b, and those that a�e fed sclUl at fr - 1164-52 . :1 � . lilled, divided Clinton, Oct. 1 1 We againdeeire to call your attention tio the 5Ox22, and tool house and stable attached 6OX22, � . 'Y' : . . I - 1� I life at Owen So7nd. into 48 pieces, and the nje'mbers of -the - Stratford, 0 t. � thd 3. � ; 51cao. %.L � , . I B,i,iE.Ps -Division Court was held in . I Bv.Vl:.kLO, August 26.-LExport cattle watoin fact that we are once more !fully prepared to and other small buildings. This is a rare chance I . syndicate allotted by numbers three Brussels, Oct. 2 f nd 3. - f at a] ut supply you with Seeds for t�e fall trade. we to purchase one of the finest farms in the coun- �, ' � . Wingham on Tuesday, Judge Doyle Northern-Walki xton, Sept. 30 to O& 3. light supply, niedium. q .�ility selling " , -steak, roast and oil -in evich 1, . $4.40 ; f,_-�tra heavy fat e port stock worth ,44.-75 are,offering you this seaso ±c�d e wn ty for situation and buildings at a good bargain. W Iiowick-Gorrie, Oct. 4. � r�e 10i 'ab I e g iri0i e n. There is not one foot of waste land, good -water A presiding. Mr. Walter Scott, of To- cuts � ; Timothy Seed, grown by LLAN L-1 N E h, a manner that at the end pf the sixteen Belgrave, Oct. 7 and 8. . to84.86 choiceheavy utcbers' active at - Also the*Surprise and Rog�,r wheats, which and every other convenience. For further par- # - v I ronto, was attending court as a witness. Wroxeter, Sept. 0 and Oct. 1. I 1 41.50; active dell Mnd r1light handy but,ebers ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, , � weeks each member woul, have receiv- 01b er any here were sold by us last season,� t4nd gave splendid ticulars and price, apply to G. J. SUTHER- ' -1, -Thomas Bell was one of the judges Bayfield, Oct. 8 a d 9. � at 16 to 20c hi : no too ni, . SIck cc Hensall. � L. 11 T I ed a complete carcass, the person killing I I : satisfaction, yielding as bRgh� as 40 bushels per LAND, Notary Public, Conveyan r, � :: I at the races in Clinton and Seaforth this ' Zurich, Sept. 15 nd 16. . I I ers and feeders in libera oupply, and sold �i , acre.. We can also 8uj)plY �y ... U with Canadian 1183-8 CHEAP EXCURSION'S TO EUROPE, keeping the bead and hide, This would Wingh,axa, Sept. 8 and Oct. Ist. ! feederswerelmoreactiv at$2.76to1,,',3.25;nilch . wei�k.-Trotter Gray Tob was at on � . Velvet Chaff, Early Red C awson and other - ----------- MONTREAL OP. QUEBEC . Clint I . � cows,Lnd spr'ingers in li� 11ited supply andhig er, .) give about 25 or 30 pounds of. fresh meat I I , - ; clioice at 4ot much demand for varieties. Our Flour and FIC'ed Department is . , I and goes to Mitchell this week. -Mr. per week to 6aeh member of the co-op- i — I . � $35 to $46 ; also complete in all lines. Give us a call and be THE PEOPLE)S .kNiNUAL HOLIDAY TO DERRY OR LIVERPOOL. Barber, Government Inspector of factor- . I �. . I ' . common. wbich ran d)wn to. $15 per bmd; convinced that Scott& Crich's Seed Emporium � � CABIN RATES -q-5, ' ,Mand $W Single. ,M, $100 - � - eratiVe 6ompany. - M 1A R R I A I C -3E L I 0- E ' ,'S E 8 calves: scarce and high �r ; veals, $5 to 8.1.76. is the place to buy your good'e. Scorr & CRICTI, I _i6s, gave NVingham a call on Monday. -The Stratford Beaoo of last week I - f4. Sheep and lambs -The sapply of Canada ]a ubs I I and $115 Retu'rn, according to location of . i . A boy named Elliott fell out of David . wrw liglit. White Michi an was fairly repreE ,-nt- Seaforth. 1183-3 Staterooms. L . says ::--To his relatives -& d more inti- � 19 S F; r11 D A, � . ed. Canada lambs wer 'taken quickly. ocKET BooK LosT.--t-Lost in Sea- Per SS. PARISfAINT, $50,.$60, �$80 single; $100. � � Campbell's wagon and broke his leg, but I I . I , , G ood P CANADAYS' GREAT ' � t) mate friends, the death of Mr. John am ])sot 75 lbs brought M�)out 9.6.75 ; of SC lbs forth on the 16th inst., a la�ge Black Iforoco . 'I $110; $150 return. is getting along nicely. -D., McKay got el of I I Gray, of the Terrapin, which occurred THE flunoml EXPOSITOR FFICE 'and upwards, $6.85 to $7 ; general average, air Pocket Book. It contai4ed a laTgb sum NO CATTLE CARRIED. I the top of his finger t%ken off with a cir- '. I to extta Canadas, $6.50 to �K90. Hogs -T c money in bills. There was al$ ' o a recipt for a INTERMEDIATE, $730. Return, $60. cular saw in ihe u-nion factory. -The on Friday morning, was no surprise. a.-RAIF0 �IT]a,- 0NTA . F - wcu fairly active and hig The name JS written' on the INDUSTRIAL FA It? Steerage at lowest rates. I . qier for all good we4ht. regidstered letter. . . _T . The fell disease, consu iption, which corn-fc,d hogs, aDd price, Were firm. t. iDsi e of the pocket book. Tlie finder will be Apply to H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or Q. ' base ball match between -the Union fastened on his system, as the result of , . I ___ LiVKRPOOL, August -26 The rnarket thisNy'leek liberafly rewarded by leaving the game at TmB . BETHUNE or A. STRONG, Seaforth. . factory and Chair factory was played in NO VvVriv�sst�s R F` V I P- E 11) is mther improved, owiwz to li-hter supp ies. EXPOSITOR Office, Scaforth. 1161 —AND - a severe cold contracted at a lacrosse � .D I . 1168-b2 1 . � ,eck -1 � ­_­ ­­.- ._�___­,%­­_ t T,h6- ' ou-nds laet-Saturday and was won q , In fact first stock- is 8011i 1,g better thau a I — . I 1� I . Itural M * � gr match in Seaforth last fall, developed. � i ago, choicc b. eves being quoted at 13c perli 1b Exposition. . , I by the Union men. -Last Wednesday ' .. i ii s' - j which is an advanes of �q per 11) from a Aveekggo. I I I rapidly and months ago itj became ev'i- - I . Birth Seaforth C,ollegia I stitute. I I John Hamilton, of Wroxeter, shipped � a � There Nvere offered at the Stanley market tojday . i I I dent to his friends that hi� life was fast McCANN.-ln Tu -,kersmith, on the 11th in, f —_ I Western Fair, . car load of fine fat cattle b,y. the Cana- ' of � " 350 Canadian cattle, while a week ago there Y�,ere . � ebbing away, in spite of e best medi- the wife of Mr. Jamew, Mc( ann, a The Seaforth Collegiate Insfitute will re -open than Pacific Railroad to Montreal. -Mr. . daughter. 1 1,276 head on sale. Thit will probably explain f Spec- . . I cal. skill and caref uJ nurain . Mr. Gray HOLMES.-In Seaforth, on the 21si, inst., Jc 4i n the advance for the gel ral condition of t 1 . e on Monday, 26th inst., with a�jull staff 0 The 'Beat of Canadian Pairs, I m6wn conductor .M- ialists ip every department. i�upils are requir- I -L. ADILNTrTo -, John Baillie, the well 1, was born in the North of' Ireland and ErIbert, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. in the Old 00'Untry does not appear to aye[% ' ' tary before, be- _LW1 -) Tt . . on the London Huron and: Bruce - Rai"' came to Canada whi ,y young, set- Holmes, ag),ed one month and 12 days proved. .NLo sheep were offered at the m0 ket ed to pay their fees to the See LONDON, ONTARIO. - . I ing admitted. .1 to 20th, 1890. 1 way, has retired from tha� positio a ARMSTRONG -In MeRillop, on the 11th ini t.1 to -day, and prices remain ronliAally.the me. -4 SEPT. 8th _j . . � . . I n a tliDg for a time in Logan.' In early life the wife of r. Wm. Armstrong,. of a son., The foho�%,ing were tO-E ay'S UOtations'. b ing C. CLARKSON, B. A. 1 P. JOHNSON, . . is now station ma8te�r at Clandeboye, i q Principal. :1 ,! Secretary. he was employed in the L store of Mr. ile calculated at $4.80 to th( ,t (sinking the o %I : I I ' - 8ept. 18th to. 27th, 1890- * � I AIRD.-In Seaforbh, on the 14th inst., the vv - ) — The best anO largest exhibition in the Dornin I near Landon. -Part of -the brick WZ�118 John Fishleigh, one of !the -first iner- of Mr. John Aird, of a eon. I Finest Eteerg, 13c ; good to choice, 12jc ; oer ­- - - - -- --- ­ -'- _'__'� ion of Canada,'and attended annually by � , � . 1:1 . Large increase in prize@. of the new town hall -have reached there chants of Mitchell, and fo�-a number of KERSWELL.�ln Turnberry, on th� 17th im t.7 to medium, 112�c ; inferi r and bulls, 81 -to )c ; TO THE Pu. U0. - I . I full height. -James McLaughlin and I the wife of 1[r. N. J. Kerswell, I f a dau I ft- best sheep, 05 to 14C ; econdary, 12 to * ; ! _ii Over 250,000 Visitors. kachinery in motion in Mdin Building, � years past a �espected and prosperous I ! merinos;111 to 12W; inferior and raw, 9 to 101c. � I i i - _. Mr. Ha,ugh have bought out the shoe tee. � - in: reference to the notic � published by John � � I merchant in Chicago. Si�ce coming to RUNCIMAN.-In Goderich, on the Ilth in t., TORONTO, Augmt 2 .- a a ming, in I igainst jlViRg The greatest entertainment of the year. Manufacturing goods in view of publlc.. Best . shop and business of McCormick & the wife of M -. J. B. Runciman, of a, son - are not of a very higli qualitY, and any re�tlly Henderson, cautionin t e Alic 2 . ,Stratford Mr. Gray was �employed as me � credit in his name, I I . y with all hon- . speed programme ever offered. ,Grand and , fie choice export stock - . Tenant. cander Ross STRANG.-In Goderi-ch, on the 6th inst., wfu reely bought up at 5c �ive 3 r -one a h nce to attractive SPECIAL,EXHIBIT of the Southern I . -Mr. and Mrs. .4ley bookkeeper in several stor6, as manager per 1b. Most of the &ale� were made at from 4k esty that I have not I , ' " left on Friday by the Canadian Pacific wife of Mr. B. 1. Stran he d n iaster G a- refuse me, nor will I. h js Inot my principie. $50,000 � FOR PRIZES States -cotton, figs, rice, peanuts and wild nuts . ' ' �nd also for a " to 4-1c per 1b, at which figure a large tmde 'as , . I I of some of the hotels, erich High School, of agAa"Whte r. 4 1 Notwithstanding Mr. Eende.4on's statement I . � each as they grow in the South, carpets made Railway to visit friends in Quebec. time in the Sheriff's office� He was a XcINNES.-In Exeter,on the 16tl in3t.. he done. Stockers sold at f rotn 3 to 3.je per lb jor ' i from the leaves of the pine and other woods of - . I n i!a I i say that I had just cause for 1+ving my home. And educational, instructive and- enjoyable - , - � . They expect to be away about two O,x, ert account- wife of Mr. Jifalcoltv McInnes, �f a dau h. mtdium, wbile the bettc r class of a inial X11 HENDE MON. I Special Features. The newest and best atttac- the South. Products of the turpentine stills of ,splendid penman and ter. . . demand at 3jc. The fol owing sales will glyl an MRS. JOH I Georgia. Minerals, herbs, plants, barks,.&c,.&c., , - I I tiona attainable. Grand International Dog show, � weeks. The book store will. be looked ant; he was an honorable obliging and _� . ideaof the range: 20 ekports, 1,052 lbs 41c etc Brighter ndgreaterth And a live alligator of Florida. Famous Wild - . at my wif 011 an e -ver. The beet per Jp pgr 2 ' 1 after in their absence by Frank Ken- kind hearted man, a favori e with. all his . Afarriag0s.� i o . lb ; 20 do, 1,200 lbs, lb : 21 do, U I hereby certify th 1�8 not crazY, I" - time to visit tUmetropolis of Ontario. Choap West Show, Balloon Rae" & Parachute Descents, I nedy'.-Duncan Stuart shipped the other . lbs, .�58 each ; 22 8tocke .-s, 1,050 lbs, ,1;73.40 per reported, now, nor never wa�,'but on the eon Fireiiorks, Bands etc. da,y by the G:and Trunk lKailway, two acq . uaintances. � 11OFFMAN-31CdONALD.-In Strat1ford, on i he cwt ; 11 do, 1,040 11m, 31, per lb ; 3 do, 940 lbai trary �he bas always been i ,good, savinz wife excur6ions and low rates on all railways, Oc. . � � � - — 0 27th inst., at he residbnce of !the bri "a 34ac per 1b; 21 do, 775 IN:, 3),c per lb ; 12 do, W qpd a. careful housekeeper.",40EIN RENDER- Entrie* positively close August 16th. For all For pri7e list and information address �_ost I eEkr.10ads of fat cattle for Montreal. --- - mother, v. Mr. McDonald, Mr. Sa . 9 c r lb ; 3 do, 804 lbs, $24 cau . Wic - SON- . . ! information drop a post card to card to - - � A Modern Need f:)r Sleep. ,, It 11. J. HILL � � �. . Uel Hoff inan, of the firrn of Hoff man Bro, h- ers a tie -The local bu Chem ap ar to W ant Receive,i from Mr. J. Henelez;son, August 20th, J. J. WITH OW, N . I �js ; I M . 1185-1 President. Alanager, T � oronto. CAPT. A W. PORTE, ,THOS. A. BROW3 E, __�wo - more of Ontario pioneers There is not one man or woman in ten ers &Elder t) I iss Lizyie McE I onald, all of more stock aud boughl up more free)y t imn 1890,-A. STRONG. I . 1182 ProBideiRt. Secretary, ' thont Stratford, I they did last weeki the I rices paid ranong 1i orn 1183-8 - - have passed to their long home.' On thousand who ca!n afford to do wi MvKELLAR-TAYLOR.- At the Ma,489,1313'th on 3j to 31c per 1b, tRe uiorc choice lots . I . - seve r. Al % -1 4c per 1b. hi iurn A�,ek ' � S List. V � n or eight hours' sleep. All these Notice of Voter ' &J Su6aak, Phillip Kelly, of South Du,m the 19th inst. by Rev. A. McLean M. - realising ' g 1 Notice to Creditors. I I fr - . . 1 ' ito )a-, sold at from 31c, and inferior pe lb ! � � THE FARMERS .. ' Brant County, died in Dundas, storie6 written about great men and wo . McKellar,of ?orfiage la Prairie� Man 340 all r 6;e ;q�cip�lity of the . I . I He men who slept only three 'r four hours to Miss Bellal third daughter of Rey. J. B. Export 8heep-Were Beffirig fairly well, d 'e 9 I supply was moderate. Prices ranged froin Ac I Voters' List, 1890. M u Oputity of liuron. P'S1 - whe�e he was visiting his daughter. i I , UANT to Chapter 110 of the Revised - The deceased a night make very interesting reading ; Taylor. � ' � erg': 3 I To"ship of Tuckeramitli, . PU Statutes of Ontario, 1887. Ail patties hay. 'Waal in his 85th year. 11 I — ]� Banking House IYATES-RANDS�-At the Meirho4ist pars n- to 4.1c per pound for ewes afid weth � 0 1 1 1 ,r and moved to but I tell you, my readers, � no man or. age, PQrt Art ur, on the 18th i1st., by R V. 4c for bucks. Bulls fetcaed froin. $4.50 to $� so ing any claim against Donald Robertson, late of _q . I was born near Aneaste , _ iflustrate the business OTICE is hereby giveni that J.bave trans- the- Village of Hensall, in the Counry of 11uron, o. He woman e-er yet kept hea thy in body A. W. Ress, 4r, J. T. Yates, m,erchant, 4 of each. These sales will : Nmitted or delivered �oj the persons naen- S E1_A__P (Z):P,r_rJ.H_ - South Damfries,some 56 years ag - and mind for a n �. years with Heron BAY, to Ifiss Mary E. -Rah6, of Nhn- dane :-Sixteen head, 140 pounds, $5.50 ' r I tioned in See ions 6. and- $,!Of " The Ontario Gentleman, deceased who died on the 4th day of . ' Was one of the oldest and most respect , , insula Harbo � formerly of Seaforth. �, head ; 72 h6d, 162 pou r ds, 41c per pound 68 t -6�lpies required by June, A. D-, 1W, are required on or before the o.,n.ectico with the Bank of Montreal.) .. . eave,s less than seven hours' sleep. 'Ameri- 11 - __ . 9 head, 150 pounds, 4.1-c per pound, Lam i Voters' List Act, 1869," thc� , lot day of October 1890, to: send by post pre- (ID c - - I ed pioneers of that township. He I . I � 8ajd,1:,ectioustobeso transnii$ted or delivered a widow and eight children. The three cans need more sleep than,they are get- . . . "I Were.in less 6upply and rather firmer in p 1�ce, of the IM made pursuant rw . ac , 0 a pa:id or deliver to the undersigned Solicitors for � ' . G A N & C O., a . This lack makes them so nervous . Deaths. i selling�jat from �B&65 to .--,.26 parhead, an ad I earlDg by the I t revi8ed Assess- the Executors of the willof the said deceased, , L 0 , boy8, William, Thilip _41d Jacob, live . ting . w p nt of their resp-ective claims, with If LANG. -At Virden, Manitoba, on the 17th it)gt., Of f"113,25 per nent. on ],st week's prices. I �se mett Roll of tho said M11YAipality t be.on_ 'a stateme . BANKEI�.S M\'D FINANCIAL AGENTS. in South Dumfries. Nairs. Mans, and and the insane asylums so,populous. � sales were affected among otherd :-i-00 b -ad, I their christian and surnami--s, addresses and de� . Jessie,3-OuDgi!st daughter of Janies and nn i titled to vote in said MunM dity at ections � . , . in Parisi e scription, the fall particulars of ttie clainja and I Margaret, unmarried, live you can get to bed early, then rise Lang, aged V years and 10 mon hs. 80 pounds, $3.90 per head ,; 32 head, 84 pon ids, , for menibers of the Legisi 1,' Assembly and zt z ., -tir own premises on Market,&'reat . � unmarried, live early. if you CaUDot get to bed till -In B ytli, on the 25tt in8t., r. $4.25 per head ; 106 head, 82 pounds, 905 per ' &, alld that be said list wa-8 I the nature of the security (if any) held by them. Now h!ad ! Munizipal Election -t the rzaid Seaf,_�� -site A. Strong's oftlee. Mrs. A. Kay and Mary, WILSON. -79 3, ears. ; per. _ first poited iq After the said ist day of October ne> . ill Dundas, and Mrs. A. Markle at late, then rise late. It may be as Chris- william, Wilson, J. P., aged head ; 160 head, 78 poinds, K10 , i at'my offlae ir Tuckersmith, on Executors willdistributet�e assets of the said HENDERSON. A; 11derton, on the 14th in t" Hogs. -Pat hogs were in request at fruin 1 .25 , the'llth day of Anagust, 101i and remains there Gs - - . ­a3king Buinness,done, drafts im ied . � Drumbo.-Benjamin Woods,of Canning, tian for one, man to rise at eight as it is daughter of Mr. ]Chos. H in- to $6.50 per cwt. Stores are rather plenoful - ction. Electors are called upon to ey- estate having regard to th� claims onlY of which . ts Agnes, secon I for inspe . . I I , - Thev sold to (lay ab an ' received, and will not be liable : whi,­ , ,,. Interest allowed on deposi , � "I � � i" N 'I �. , I 111 ' rI 'a C ) �n ' . g � 8 14 i , � E.2 , g, tt "ou ck.; to I I P 9v , � THE i ir'. I li 6 1 1 k� � � ?r Ur ,Wa. I 0 I to bo om �u '� 4 tj D k 6 : I � I � . . , AMP 1, I- I I 0 ,__ .3. �_ I : I 6_111i ) b I I I �, I �r h y ca , na T at I I �` .� . t � It I I P I i?16 I 14 �, Ivic t li� 0 IX V, 4ied Tuesday in his q0th year,, He was for another to rise at 6ve. I counsel my derson, of Wi ghan-t, a ed 22 ye irs, 1 mol Ith and not -in demand. . amine the 8aid list, and if wiv .1alisbiond or any notice has been I - ben.th6y are res't d - ,9 � . average of 6c per pound * I � errorsare,oui� tu'�*; inauediite pro- for tiny part of such a.snets to ai)y person of , I - � Lorn in Dublin, aad came to Canada readers to get up w e and 14 days. I & thereiij to wbOse claim they had not notice at the time of I I O... ,,,, iv!OKEY TO UND - I I y-eirs ago. But let'the rousing -bell be rung at lea.j McPHAIL.-At Porter's Hill, an th � 16th in i ! t., I eeeding,4 to bave the said � ourrors eorretted ao- such distribution. . � ,J riotes or mortgages. . about 60 He settled first in I Arch. McPhatl, aged 72 3 -Mrs. old rooker was burned down cor4ingtollaw. ' . Kingston, then in Northumberland thirty minutes before your public aP. GIBSON.-In Go�erich tewri,�hi ugust!13, . -An Clf�k ed Tuckersmith, i . . ELLIOT & ELLIOT, I ROBF,RT LOGAN, MAN -AGER. . pearance. Physicians say that a sudden ,K, on A ,,�,l in Mitchell, an Nqj'nday night of last I! SAMUEL SMMLLE. I Somtors for Executors, Exeter. , IM ox- terwards in Wentworth, Bridget Gibdon, relictrof t e ,ate 8 I � � 1183-3. t Dated lath August, 1890. 1 � .r * , C nity and af . p out of bed gives irregular motion , Gibson, aged �190 years �nd 4 11101 th8. � week. The lose w slight. j)atwj- this LUh da.,y P.: -vLTwj� 1856- �_ - � I and in all t ss he taught school. jum i 1. ! I 11 . hese plac I I . I j . . .� . 7 I . i : I � . . . I I . . I . I � i� i I , ; � I � I � I I I I � . i I � � I � 11 . ; � I � � � ­ . . . I - i . L . i i I - I lzi � I ; I i ; � . [� ,� I I I 1 � I � . I - - .. I � � . � . . F � � i I � i . � � I . ­ . � - I ( - I � . I i � 7 ; . I , 14 � ,�, � , ,f . �1 .; , . I . i . , � I � t. I � � � I � � - t � . � . I I . I L 11 , . . I � - - - � --- � � ­ - � I � - - I — - . - - ---I , I . . - - � I I- . i '-- - -.1 - , I I . I I I i I . I . i . � . I I . . . ­ . , - - - - - � . ! . I . . I I . � . - . . . 11 I i � :1 ! � I I i I i ! I , I - � I . f I � �. I � !� . . i I � . . I I . . �_ f- . . - - � , . - I - 1� ­ 11 I ­ - � 1- 1. � - -1 ­ ­_ - I I . � I I � .1 .. I ­ . . I I I . . I ­ 1.1- -1 ­­­ .1 , - , � I � . I - I . ____ __ ­­­ ..1 ; I i � i __ ... - ­ -1-1-!1 1-1 1-1. 11-1-1 _­­ ­ ­ 1-11. — ­­_ I � � 1_;___.____1____ _____I ! - . -1i - � I I - . . _. � : ! . - � , . _1 I --.-__1-.-- ­­-, __-jt--_._._- ­­­.- ___,A,.j__4_- ­_­ ;._______.-_1_._ I .. � . . - - h��", I .