HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-08-29, Page 2n
� once," said'Staniferd *11th'iWellingnbs-- t6getherf6t'goodo six " you;' 8%Y#`-'Z(0W-9 - , XWMALLF-JwomamA�Az .W%..�. ---.
THE LADY OF THE AROOSTOOK. I - 1111 . I - - � �
. - trils. "They may use their plemure you sisime UILDINGI LOTS FOR SALIC.—Tho under.
- — - , ` - . -
� . elsewher�." - I . . . 11 What do you my, my dear?" asked B 0 n has & number of Ise building LOU
I BY W. D. MOWELLS. 11 And I shouldn't care for their laugh. Staniford, on whom the poetio fitness of on God! ri I and James Streets for sale, at low
. — . prices. For particulars apply to D. D. WILSON
Ing, either," said Lydia. "Butoh,why the captaiti'd proposal had wrought. . . I M
. . XXVI. did you come?)) . , m, blinded by rom.
L (Continued from last -week.) 1: Why did foome ?" Wo an are never ARM FOR SALE. —Being Lot 11, COBOW
F o
While this stupefying thought gradu-' I Was it because you felt bound by ance, however much they like it in the irn 0, Hiowick, county of Huron, con
I - ally filled his whole"sense to the exclus- arly�thillg that's hap a . ned, . and you abstract. - I I It's coming .winter. Do sainin loo mras, 75 under crop, bal � anoe cod
- ion of all else, he stood looking at her you think you wouldn't be seasick ?" hardwood bush, good frame house, bank tarn
- with a dumb and helpless appeal, utter. wouldn't let me bear tle laugh *alone? returned the bride of an hour, with the 'and bearing or3hard, 8J miles from Wrozater
I'm not afraid for myself. I shall never . station. Easy terms. Apply to WILLIAM
. ly wretched. He felt, the life die out of You can, go perfectly piactical Wisdom of a matron. - B RYAN$, Brussels Pi O., Ont. - - J178x20
- his -face and leave it blank, and when at blame you. . Staniford laughed. -She's right, amp.
last she spoke, he knew that it was in free. " , . - tAin. I'm no sailor. I'll et home by ]FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 81, Con -
I pity for him, or contempt of him. "Mrs. . , 11 But I don't want to go free I" the all, rail route as far as fcan. 11 cession 6, MoKillop, containing 100 acres
Lydia looked at him with piercing ' I about go acres cleared and all in a good state ol
- I Erwin is not well," she said, 11 and she ) Captain Jenness threw back his head, cultivation. it is twell underdrained and well
wished me I'- earnestness. " Do you think I in and laughed too. "Good I That's fenced. There is a I good brick house land 1,00d
But he broke in upon her : 11 Oh, proud ?". she &liked. . aboutit." And he released their hands, frame barns, stable@, sheds, &c. There 9 a
: . NIrs. Erwin ! It was " Yes, I think you are," said Stani- so me to place one hairy paw on a shoul. larqe bearing orchard and a never failing
I don't talk to me of I . spring well. it is situated within three miles
� , . I wanted to see. Are yi�u well ? ford, vaguely. ' . der of each. ,, You'll got along togeth- of Seaforth and will be sold cheap. Apfly to
. you -
I � Are you &live ? Do 1you "- He stop- 11 It isn't for myself, that 1I should be er, I guess." . JOHN McCLURE, Porter's Hill P. 0. 169tf
: . -
I proud with other people. But I wpuld
. I tely as he began ; and "But we're iust as much obliged to -
. � ped as precipita rather die than bring ridicule upon one �1 ARM IN STANLEY F SALE. -For gale
� . after another hopeless pause, he went on I-u1non YOU." . -- . you as if we went, Captain Jeun6se. chea , the - ut half of Lot 20, Bayfield
I r heie to be- Stanley, containing 64 acres, of which 52
. piteously ; 11 I don't know w " f can believe that, " said Staniford, And tell all the crew that I'm homesick '
: gin. I ought to have been here five for the Aroastooko and thank all for,,be- acres are cleared and in a good state of cultiva-
i I . . I devoutly, and patiently revereucing the � - tion. The balance Is well timbered with hard-
� i days ago. I don't know wluat your . Ing so -kind to me ; and I thank on,
1, ; - I '
� wood. There are good buildings, a bearing
� . i . delay of her scruples. Captain- Jenness Lydia lookel &t orchard and plenty of water. It is within half a
� nd if -and "- 'Her lips trembled
I I thou f 1: mile of the Village of Varna and three miles
. think of -me, or whether you have 46A
! Lgbt of me at all; and before I can . I her husbaind and i e startled the cap-
! ask I must ;;ell yon, why I wanted to but she steadied her . trembling voice. tain with a kiss. � from Brucefteld stat4on. Possession at any
I �
I "If they laughed at. you, and thought time. This is a rare chance to buy a first clue
� �
I , come then, and why I come now, of me in a alighting -way because 'I- He blushed all ov , but carried it off farm plea antly situated. Apply to ARTHUR
I "a'
I 1. and why I think I must � have Staniford gave a sort of roar of grief as boldly as heoould. "Well, well," he FORBES, seaforth. � 1144tf
I come back from the dead to see you. said ; 11 that'is right ! If yoft change .
2� and pain to know how her heart must CH. -Two houses and
t . You are all theviorld to me, Mid have vour minds b'efore the Aroostook sails, . SPLENDID CHAN
been ever since I saw you. have been Wrung before she could come ion let me know." Alots for sale, pleasantly situated in. the
- I to this "Youwereall so good that V!Ilaga of Egmondville, being one frame house,
- - . ridiculously unneceseary thing to eay, I you dian't let me think there was any- This affair made a great deal of talk th stable and half'acre of land planted with
. � have been looking and acting and living in Venice, where the common stock of;' fwr'uit trees, and one new brick house, %itb
� I .
I . - it so long ; but I say it, because I choose � thing strange about it"- leisure is so great that each person may laze frame stable and one and halt acres of
� , It Oh , good heavens! We only did Ian . .The house contains six rooms, bath
I . ., to have you know it, whether you over what it was our precious and sacred without self-reproach devote a much room and closets, brick basement, ciiaterti and
cared for me -or not. I thought I was larger share of attention to the interests all I-
11 ' . necessary conveniences for a first clua pri-
. . ; . I I I coming here to explain why I bad not privilege to do ! We were all of one of the others than could be given else- yate residence. Will be sold id one parcel or
�� - - sooner, but I needn't do that un- mind about it from the first. But don't where. The decorous'fictione in which separately to suit purchaser. For particularE
- f Come torture yourself about it, my darlin ' :)ply to SAMUEL WALLACE, Egmoadville
11 I .1, - less -unless'- He' looked at her g' Mrs. Erwin draped the singular facts of Pzl 0. or to A. STRONG, Seaforth. liestf
- It's over now ; its past -no, it's present I
I i 0 where she still stood aloof, and he add- the acquainte,nee and courtship of Lydia , - --
1. I
I . 4. . - i and it will always be, forever, the dear-
- I � J ed - " Oh, answer me something, for unfailingly ARM FOR SALE CHEAP. --$6,000 will buy
. . '. Lydia, do and S6&niford were what :
4, 1 � . eat and, beat thin in life. F 100 acres on the 9th concession of Me-
.. . pity'saake! Don't send me away with: astonishedand amused him, and he
� � .. word. There ha*vebeen tim6g .you believe that I love you 9" abetted them without scruple He Killop, belonging to Thompson Morrison, who
�� i � out a I . * is residing in Dakota and does not intend to
. ! I [ 1: Oh; I must I" - .
� z . ,
� � � 1; -1 when you wouldn't have done that !" found her worldliness as innocent as the return, eighty acres cleared and the balance
.1 �
. __ I � . , " Oh,6I did care for you !" she broke . ' And don't you believe that I'm tell- unworldliness of Lydia, And he gave good hardwood, maple and rack elm, within 6J
� ; I - - � I Ing you the truth when I say that I miles of Seaforth and within J of a mile of
t It
. , - hool house, Methodist and Presbyterian
��� _ out. 11 You know I did "- . Mrs. Erwin his hearty sympathy when
I wouldn't, for all the world can give or go
I � -
� . � I, He was- instantly across the rODV&, be. she the effort to
- t !wngeunguously owned that Churches, stores, mills, b1heksmithing and
I � . I q I - " But take, change anything that's been ?" � ro d t ropean
I 1, . 'i , side her .--. " Yes, yes, I know it ! 6 6 , h in the eyes of her Eu wagon making shop, post office, &c., good build.
. . Yes, I do believe you. Oh, I have- .
. Vt. � z I ings and water for cattle, and good gravel roade
I I : i - she shrank away. . - .1 acquaintance was simply killing her.
�_ n't said at all, what I .wanted to any part of the township, taxes the lowest
� � f -
I - . i -1 11 You tried to make me believe ,you to E*y - He found endless refreshment in the of any of the bordering townships. A moTtg
� " . _ - There was -a greatdeal that I ought to a e
� 7 . " cared for me, by everything',you could . contemplation of her attitude towairds will -6a taken for $3,000 at 6 per cent.- Apply
� , z 4- � say� I can't seem tor6collect it.",
I � -
�� : 11, do. And I did believe you then; and her burdensome little world, and in her to JOHN 0. MORRISON, Winthrop P. O., Ont.
. I
. � I I He smiled to see her grieving at this I 1170ti
� I ! . yes, I believed yon,afterwarda, when - . reasons for enslaving herself to it. He -
. I �
. . � : recreance of her - memory to her con- .
, . . i- were was very good friends with both of th
� i I didn't know what to believe. ' You -v ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 12, conoew
: � - . science. I I Well, you 6hp6ll have a vh'ole e tim: F sion 4, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, containing
� � the one true thing in the world to me. . Erwins. When he could spare th
I , i _r I lifetime to recall it in." . loci acres, 86 cleared, 63 seeded to grass, 8
1 , I i But it seems that -you didn't believe it from Lydia, he went about with her
I , I - 66 gown to fall wheat. The farm is well -fenced,
. J� _,� 1; k yourself. " No, I must try to speak now. And uncle in his boat,'and respected his skill well under -drained and well watered ' by a
�� .
� ii -
.. 1- � � 11 me the truth now, -no
I I - it
i � I. . ThatI didn't believe it myself 7 you Must to in rowing it Without falling overboard. never failing spring. which runis through pipes
, I I - __; - matter what it costs'either of no." She Into a trough. There is a brick house and
r " -:-I be
i'l �, . -1 driving shed.
L �� e could not sea why any one should
11 .� � � That I don't know what you H
I I- ; � _11P # . laid her hands upon his extended arms, . kitchen, frame barn, stable an , i
I : _ . 11 -
, ... r. I - �� mean. vl - so Mach interested in the American Good orchard. The farm is situated within
�: I T ___ t-, and grasped them intensely. 11 There's
- i !.. 41 11 You took a week to think i r
� , . :, , t over!
. � I
I � oharseter and dialect as M . Erwin: two and a half miles of Seafortb, with good
I., ,_ -
� I _: - -, � something else. 'I want to ask You
__ 1. .�. - . I have bad a week, too, and I have was ; but he did not object, and he.- re- gravel roads leading in all directions. Will be
. � i- �
i ,J
: Jr. . � what you thought when you found me sold on easy terms. For further particularE
.-. , th - flected that after all they Were not what
I ,i_. .
J 1 -:, t � , ought it over, too. You have come -that ship apply on the premises or to JOHN PRENDER-
- . -
r ,� 1� � 1�_ alone on with all of you." If .
. , _- i f?
, ;_ #
i , , ,� � 1: � . too late." their admirer supposed them.. GAST, Seaforth P. O., Ont. 1136tf
� i_. i .
I � -I .. ?, � . 9 Yoa don't, you can,t, she had stopped a6 this poiut,'Staniford's
;1 , � " i, - 11 Too late. The Erwins came with the Stanifords -----:-
:; "
J. - - N - I cause might have been lost, but,. she
.. tr ? - -VARM FOR SALE. -For sale, the south hall
0 � I - , ". Listen to me, Lydia ; I want as for as Paris on their way home, and
- � , 1. mean -
, .
I . r � 1 __ went on : "I want to know whether
11. f . I
It Inin.g
i, " . : " - - -,.,f: � to tell you "- afterwards joined them in California, X of Lot 23, Concession 6, Morris, corital i
I - -
,; you were ever ashamed of me or de 100 acres, about 90 of which are cleared, well
I I t ; - " No, there is nothing you can tell me where Staniford bought a ranch, and and well
i , It . * 8 In ver felt fenced, about 70 free from stumps b
� t. pised 'e for it ; whether you e
� -
�, - that would change me. I know it, I , f and occupation if not profit in its underdrained. The balance is well tim ered
.- that -because I was 4elpless 'and friend- 0
! i understand it all." , management. Once out loose from her wittr mrdwood. The cleared part Is nearly all
: ,., less there, you had the cright to think . seedevi to grass. There is a frame houseand
.- t toed
I . . European ties, Mrs. Erwin experiela � irame L)&rn, also a small orchard. This is one of
I . 1) � less of,me ikhan if you bad first met me .j� . . .
i � m:'But You don't underst%nd what kep -
� . aningOmparable repose and comfort in the nest farms in the township and has no
I - 6 here in this house." ' � life of San Francisco ; it was, she broken or bad land -on it, and is good lor either
. I I don't wish to know what made It was still a terrible question, but it the . grain .or stock and will be sold cheap. It k
� � you break your word. I don't care to offered a loog�hole of escape, which declared, the life for which she had within three miles of Brus"sele and within � a
. know. I couldn't go back and fe Staniford was a � wif t to seize. Let th . ose really been adapted, after all ; and in quarter of a mile of a school. Apply on the
% did to you. Oh, that's gone I It isn't who will justify the answer with which the climate of Santa Barbara she found premises or to Brussels P. 0. WM. or JOHN
. that you did not come -that you made he smiled into her solemn eyes: ,, I all that she had left in Italy. In that ROBB, Jr. 1144tf
. me wait and suffer ; but you knew b\bW will leave you to say. ". A generous un- land of strange and surprising forms of ARM FOR -SALE.-Containing 119 acres,
it would be with me after I got here, dor like this goes as far with a ma every sort, her husband has been very 'F being parts of Lots I and 2, on the 8tb
and all the things I should find out, and � can. g' happy in the realization of- an America concession of Morris, NO acres cleared and b
I how I should feel! And you stayed n,n,mo,, and serious-h6arted woman as surpassing even his wildest dreams, and acres chopped. The ba ance good hardwood
I- pe'rhaps anything else. -' - bush
:1 _� &Way! I don't know whether I can he has richly stored his note -book with , fairly fenced and v �-,Il underdrained, good
I . : " Oh, I knew it, I -knew it I" cried frame' house and kiichen with woodshed
I forgive you, even ; oh, I'm afraid I to philological curiosities. He - hears attached, two frame Nano and frame stable,
S� L dolR't; but I can never care for 'you Lydia. And then, as he o&ught her around him the vigorous: and intagins- good orchard and three wells and a soft water
. -
_�,% again. Nothing but a case- of life and him'at last, 11 Oh -oh 'are you sure its tive locutions of the Pike language, in cistern. Within two miles of Blyth, where
I _1 I 1: death. "- right?" � ' which, like the late Canon Kingsley there is a good market for all kinds of produce,
". " I have no doubt of it," an wered
- � school within five minutes'walk from the house.
� . t 11 It was a case of life and death !" I! ' he finds a Scandinavian hugeness ;- and Would take fifty acres in part pay. This is a
, Q - Staniford. Nor had he any question of � .
-1 1v 1ydia stopped in her reproaches, and ' pending 6e publication of his Hand- first class farm and parties wishing to buy
1- ... - 1�', � looked at him with wistful doubt, the strategy through which he had � tri- -Book of Americaniams, he is in confi- would do well to call and see it. Apply on the
� ,�? .
I . . . : . I umphed III this crucial test. He premises or address Blyth Post Office. N`ICH-
i-- j�. changing to a tender fear. may dent search of the miner who uses his
, ,f have thought that there were always' I OLA$ CUMiNG. 1139tf
. 1� - . " Oh, have you been hurt ? Have pronouns cockney -wise. Like other . —
'i ' - e after- -VARM FOR SALE. -For sale, lot 5, concession
; I., � explanations that had to be mad
E . you been sick ?" she pleaded, in a break- English observers, friendly and unfriend-
,, t � - , wards, or he may have believed that he 1, H. R. S., township of Tuckersmith, con.
, .01- ing voice, and made some unconscious ly, he does not permit the facts to inter-.
i N�� .. had expiated in what he had done and lining one hundred acres more or less, 97 acref
: I 1-: movement toward him. He put out his fere with his misconceptions. cleared, 80 of which are seeded to �msa, well un -
I 411, hand, and would have caught one. of suffered for her any slight which he had Staniford's choice long remained' a derdrained. three mever failing wells. On ont
11 _i�
� A- felt ; possibly, he considered that she fifty of said lot'there is a log house, frame barE
z I �T;� I hers, but she clasped them in each .. mystery to his acquaintances, and was
. . ,1� t: % � had asked more than she had a right to . and very su erior orchard, and on the other i
I ,
11 %__ other, - . I but partially explained by MrA. Dun- good f rametouse and barn, stables, and good
,,# . do. It is certain that he said with
� ,_ "I " No, not I,-Danbam "- . orchard. The whole will be sold together oi
. � ham, when she came home, " Why, I
. I .� -
. - earance of sincerity, "It be- each fifty separately to suit purchasers, locate�
, � I Iz
� I i I V sup h her" she
�� - I : " Oh !" said Lydia, as if this were not every app pose he fell in- love wit I 11 miles from Seaforth, will be sold re&sonabl(
. I -he wharf, -
I I �_ -enough. .
I gain the moment I saw you on t
I ;
! - I 6 - at all - said, 11 Of course, thrown together on easy terms as the proprietor is retirin
'. ��� 1� . there, and when I came to know my I fro"
� � , 11 He f ell and struck his head, the
i _
a � � it .� '. only till I could that way, as they were, for' six weeks, fartninF. For further particulars appl to th(
" . i. mind I kept it from You
� . .. 6 - . otter t(
; - ��* night you left. I thought be would , undersigned on the premises, and if by i,
I I 1, .. it might have happened . to anybody -
. � ___1 4� . tell you here. But now I wish I hidn't I SeaforthP.O. MICHAELDORSEY. 1175tf
� - 11
I 1, ; � .;
. li-3-i i i I I die." S.taniford reported his own d'ag- Life is too short for such a week as but James Sta,niford was always the'
. ,; �
p 1 J. , ii 4; � . —
.. -
a - , z -
� 11 - - " nosis, not the doctor's ; but he was per . 11I . - most consummate flirt that' breathed ; I
. - . this. - LE PROPERTY FOR SALE. -A
� i. -Jr, "! ;1 .1, I haps in the riiht to do this. 11 I had and he never could see a woman, -ith- -VALUAB
4 � I � 6' No," said Lydia, "you acted for w Good Dwelling House, main part, 16x2A
. � Zi �! � _
I i � ) _
7 i 11 V:, made him go own to the wharf with out coming up, in that Metaphysical and 14xl8 It storeys with kitchen l2xl8 and 1
1 - .
i " Z_ i "; ee yon again before the best, and you are�good." first class I her(
. t;'_ _ 1�1 � V
N . me ; I wanted to a ce liar under all the main part. T
. , . � 9 way of his, and trying to interest her in .
I ;_1 � . .
. i - %
- I
: - I " . earned ' is Also a good well and cistern and "youn�
. i �., � , � 1, you started, and I thought we might !I I'll keep that praise till ill-", � him. He was always laughing at wo-
� � -,
: J,� -.; "! '.
: .. i I vl find you on the boat." Re could seeher it," Answered Staniford. , who orchard, with plenty of land for both garden an(
. . . . . . - men, but therp never was a man lawn purposes, also Cider Mill,26x4o, with stabh
, I
- .
7 � I - 1, � i, I
: il v tiol � 1. face relenting ; her hands released each
� � and wheel house attached, in first class workin�
: , _.. 'L, cared more for them. From all that I
I 1, j'�, i. �, ."
� 1, -*-1 I - � ��__ other. Hewas delirious till yester- . XXVII. order, with good trade established. The si3
- ,[!A +�_ .- , ,_ - , could learn from Charles, he began by ,
- A i , � - -at
� i irty _. _� -,�! � day. I couldn't leave him." , In the Campo S&nti Apoatoli Vea. fine village lots adjoining to and forming part o
l 'I ,-. � .11. i, " . . making fun of her, and all at once he
� _ - ,� I 1- - . the above mentioned will be sold separately oi
� _ . 1-1 11 Oh. why didn't you write to me ?" ice there stands, a little apart from the became pqrfectly infatuated with her. together to suit purchaser or purchasers, afford
: -- �� - , -
. il ,_ � � �'., L, I
t 7;, I- 1��,. - , She ignored Dunham as completely as if church of that name a chapel which hm Ing a good chance to ,any one desiring to pur
� - - , .
, A .
.. .
, I � �.,. - 1.
� I- i -1 4 � I don't see why. I never could got
, ''
. .
�' -, . ,� f
, jr�! i �1. N..., .. " You knew that been for many years the place of wor.
.4 , chase a good new dwelling, first class W evar�
� � -1.1. . - he had never lived.
i . - � I— - -
�� ; 14.� _�: 1_1�� I )I Charles to tell me anything remarkable- respect or lots on which to build as the situa
� I �: " 11 I - Her voice died away, and her ship for the Lutheran congregation. It a , .
� I ar _ 1., - _5 - that she said or did. She was simply tion is equal to that of iny in the village. Thii
I 'A� �, ',- .
� � 1. I 1, �Cr- 4'� 't, breast rose. was in this.church that Staniford And ' ' -
�- 1, .. AITLt, F� country girl, with country ideas, and property will be sold at a bargain as the ownei
1.'� � - . :
t : 1. '', - -1 .
�� I , 11 11 I did wiite "- Lydia were married Ax weeks later, be intends sdourlDr a. farm. For full particulari
� . i. 1; - �,� 0 -� ,r:� I no sort of cultivation. Why, �here
I �
� r . .1 � �
� _ , , " -
i ! . � --" , _ 1,10 �. , "But bow -I never got it." fore the altar -under Titian's beautiful apply to BHR9ARD THOMPSON, or G, J
� - . -., ef 14 � " - SUTHERLAND, both of Herisall. 1175tf.
. � I - , 1� I � was nothing to her. He's done the
!, � I -, j..f. I "No, -it was not posted, through a picture of Christ breaking bread. . . '
. : _� i wimest thing he could by taking.her out --- - -
� - 14 faf 11 cruel blunder. And then I thought- The wedding was private, but' it was I ARM FORSALE.-A rare chancetoobta'r
. i : I . , - �
� -
�7 � .. 1 7 . �!, �E � to California. She never would have - I
� , , , t � I
. . . , :: ;� 1�1_�,
� , '' - I got to thinking that you didn't not quite a family affair. Miss Ribbard a fine property, being Lots 11 and 12
.� .. F
� it'' - il_A
. , - , ; k gone down, here. I suppose James
- , - . j , : � Concession 1.3, Grey township, Huron County
, � I
.. �,_. I I- t T'�. I ,;, care )2- had come down with her mother " from Staniford khew that As well as any Of -containing 200 acres, 146 acres under cultiva
� � , , I I �
j, .. ILL -; - _1
� _� � L. �. , � . 11 Oh," said. the girl. "Could *
,� <�__ �� � -11 I Yon Dresden, to complete Dunham's cure, us; and if he finds it worth whil t3 to tion, balance drained and partly cleared, witl
- 11 .
4 i I i . ; I -
I � �i. � � ,
, - � _ �.
- $ 1 li , T 1. ., 1_17� doubt me?" 11 - I and she was there -with him perfectl bury himself with her there, we've no the exception of 15 acres reserved for. firewood
- , � ; - �!' � , . y
, �.
� . il - 1�� . . . 11 You doubted me," said Stanifoid* - ecovered ; ,he was -not quite content, of reason to complain. She did sing, won- I nd very productive ; a commodious framo
� -:. i rzi -
I ,
z��- . I .1� I _
�� ,�. I I - P r -and fence timber ; soil, rich clay loam, iollinj
4 - , � � � ;
I ,* .1 , L" seizing his advantage. " I brought - the -*�course, that the marria, e should not derfully ; that is, he' per- 'd1welling. large cellar, with woodshed and. othei
. _,�
: � " - 9 r voice was
, ,
,�� t I i�+�', :
fi � s'�4_,__, - - - i, F. . � letter with me to prove my truth." take place in the all conveniences attached; ,two large barns, ow
. 4 - _
. '... �1� � ,., � ,,� ,�! � - English chapel, but he fectly divine. But of course that's
. ��- - � � !, .. She did not look at him, but she took was largely consoled by the 'candles over, now. She didn't seem to are with stone tabling underneath, b sides othei
I � , ;� ij, , 8 e
i ,-,f :.! . - " 0
1 1. ; i , - cut buildi"Ingg ; two large bearing orchards 0
. . .
, .,-.!
4r __ , -
J� - I -11 the letter, and ran it greedily into her burning on the altar. - The Aroostook much for it ; - and she -really knew 90 choice fruits, besides a variety of small fruits
114. z �i �r �.._
� ��, - 1, I ��, pocket. "It's well Idid so, since You had been delayed by repairs which were little 0 e a
- I
� � �_, � -1 I f lif th t I don'i believe she ornamental and shade trees; 1,400 rodis o
. i iij, � - " - don't believe my word." straight rail fence, recently put up, a portiox
, '
I - .. I �11 ;. r 1 . found necessary at Trieste, and Captain could form the idea of an artistic
- - I . underdrained, watered by two never failint,
. i a -'; -. �-, , 11 Oh, yev,-yes, I know it," she said; Jenness was able to come over and career, or feel that it any. sacrifice .
, .
� �A 1 " �A� , '. was
� I , wells and a sppng privilege for stock. Th
I � �,14 f - �, 11 I never doubted it !" - Staniford stood represent the shi, .
. � . .;a _;_ ,_ � pat the'weddiDg cere- togiveitup. James Stanifordwasnot farm is pleasantly situated, has an even our
. .. ;. "�� .. � ��
) ;-t � T - bemazed, though he knew enough to mony, and at the lunch which followed. face and. drainage facilities that cannof bo
� t ii -, r -t- �- Y. �_ worth any such sacrifice; but she
I - , .
� Iii- - surpassed, while the buildings command a viev
t � I 11-1 I take the hands abe yielded hirn; but He reserved till the moment of parting couldn't know that either. She vras
- �
� �� . - li# of the whole property and a large portion o
. I . - 41i`
I � : I . she suddenly caught them away again,
. , ,. F a supreme expression of gbod-will. -
I I .11 -
! t . � � � z t , 'i - good, I suppose. She was very stiff, the surrounding country, adding much to thi
o I �;.; t I.. and set them ag%inst his breast. " I When he had got a hand of Lyaia's and and she hadn't a word to say for her- � beautv of the place it is dfitant 41 miles froir
. -
: � I- - �_ - 1� ,�; -, .
� . . . .
- I.. .
I I �
I I - .8
1. � �_A was very wrong to suspect you ever ; one of Staniford's in each df his, with self. I think ' Brussels on the G. 'T. R., while post oflace an(
f ` ; I , �,!�� he was cold. To, be
� I - ,�, � �, , _ Z:,; I'xii sorry I did; but there's something his wrists crossed; he said, " Now, I � churches are not far distant, good roads. Wil
� -
. I - �
� I - � - L:I- . � . . sure, she was a beauty ; I really never be sold reasonable. For further partioulan
� I . -ii � 7 -11 - else. I don't know Bow to say what I - ain't one to tack round, and stan(I off sawanythinglike it, -that pals coM- apply to D. & J. ROBERTSON, on the premise
- . , I - .-4 1
. I �
4. : ..I 1. , "' , . I
� � " i". , ,�- -
I .
- ,4
� I- - 1, il . - want to say. But it must be said. 11 and on a great deal, bxit what I -Cranbrook P. 0. 1174t
z z - j :, -- , " �, - . - w,%nt to plexion some brunettes have, with her orto
I � � ,
. 4 * . : -� _.; � I
I . _. I - � Al 'A I I Is it something disagreeable?" ask- say is just this : The Ar6ostook sails hair growing low,. and such eyes and
fti -
i - � , �
I � :1 -_ a.�, � �1, - ed Staniford, lightly. . ' !J) . � ARMS IN TUCKERSMITII AND STAN
I I- : - - . LEY FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 21, Con
. �! .
. ,,- 66 IVs right," answered Lydia, un. to go back in her the ship's yours, as I " Per - haps the beauty had something
i. *:; next week, and if you two are . a mind IvAheg . F
� ; 1, -
I ; 1*1 - _i �:. -, �: k -A�:�t.- cession 2, L. R. S., Tuckeremith; containinj
i � I � il! .
I I _
- - I I 1. smilingly. I loo acres, of which 96 nerbs are cleared, f re4
I - . said to Miss Blood, here, -I mean Mis' to do with his falling in love with her,"
I 1! . _�'�
- I ,w, �11 .-, 4.
; ; � .- V.� , . 6.9 Oh, well, don't say it!" he pleaded; Staniford ; well, I hain't had much time suggested a listener. The ladies -pres- . from stumps, all underdrained, well fenced an�
: -
I � , 1 '
1 4 � I&
- .. � I �
- � I in a high state of cultivation. The balance ii
� , 1 � I?, or don't say it now, -not till you'
- .1 -_ i ve
- � -.
� 4 I � � : " Ei to get used to it !-when -she first come ent tried to look as if this oug wall timbered with hardwood. There 'a a goo(
I , � lit not to
� I ; � � 1�!, -
t. � i,
I ,,� h.o -11 forgiven me for the anxiety I've cansed aboard there at Bosion. I don't mean . brick residence containing " I
I - � I _,__ - be sufficient. the latest im
. - ;
� _ - �� you ; not till you've praised me for try. any pay; I want you to go back ' provements and conveniences, a good barn
- , . . 4 I:, as my " Oh, very likely," said Mrs Dan- stables, driving house, sheds and other out
. .. 1� ; -I., - I
- I I I T -_ . ing to do what I thought the right guests.. You can use the cabin for your ham.. She added, with an �ir oif being -buildings all in good repair. There are thre4
I q � I I "f I
� ., I , � �
I - z . q,
I - � . - . , .
I 11. . � '.7'' -1 thing. You can't imaigine how hard it parlour ; and I 'promise you I won't the wreck of her former self, 4 I But we -
. �, . I ,�, - ,, I acres of orchard and garden containing al
. � � .1 . I kinds of I%rge and small fruit trees and tho
.� I 1; 7 1� . was for one who hasn't the habit !" take any other passengers this time. I all know what becomes of beauty after
� . L : - �. ?!!�, " .
.., I � I ,�. r i � whole farm is surrounded by maple and othe
. . 11 n., I "I do praise you for it. There's declare," said Captain Jenness, lower- marriage " . It is close to school and is con
, I �. r, � shade trees.
� ; i� -
z . . .1 e �. . 1:,
I 11 :
. ;_, _� nothing to forgive you; but I can't let ing his voice, and now referring to 11 icks The mi d of Lydia's friends had been venient to, markets, railways, churches, etc.
I I r � � _.� - I
I � 2;, n
�. � .
� . . . you care for me unless I know -unless " for the first time since the day of hii expressed in regard to her marriage and good gravel roads leading inever direction
.: I I � .
I � �. y
: . x � r ` I . Thete are three never failing wells. Thisis or
I . . .
. I ,
- .t..,
I i �- -, : _ - She stopped, .and then, 11 Mr. escapade, " I did feel dreadful about --when the Stanifords, upon their arrivai of the -beat farms in -Huron and will be sol(I
� __ . I .. 1. . Stani,ford," she began firmly, "since I that fellow !"
,� .1 .
� I _* � - . I I home from Europe, paid a visit to South cheap as the proprietor, desires to remove tA
� � .1., - I ;� � I :
� 4 i . . came here, I've been lenn things ' "Oh, never mind," replied Stanifoed. Bradfield. It was in the depths of the Manitoba where he has purchased more I
I I P� �, I � rl f I g . and
- � . .
� - �, "i , . � - - ' Apply on the premises or address Brucefiel(
� . . � .; ? thatI didn't know before. hey have 11 If it hadn't been, for Hicks perhaps I- winter'following their union, and the
� t, f ,: I to, I
I , 4 . . P. 0. GEORGEPLEWES.
I Z ; I I , 1. I., - changed the whole world to me, and it mightn't have been here." He exchang- hill country, stern and wild 46ven in
I �It . . � !_ �
- , _ �
I L" ,
t - - I
� .
. i� . . I . :1 can never be the -same again," I ed glances with his wife, that shoWed midsummer, wore an aspect of savage He also offers for -sale f6r the same reason hi
z . - - -
. .
I I . I
� J � , I "I'm sorry for that; but if the they had talked all that matter. ove '. desolation.. It - sheeted in heavy farm in the Township of Stanley, being Lot 12
� - . y r Was
. 71 � . -1 -
z � �, � ., �. haven't changed you, the world may 11 . Coneession 5, Stanley, containing 100 acres
I .
I - 1. . � . -1. _ go. The captain grew confidential. "Mr. snow, through which here and there in about 75 acres cleared, free from stumps and h
I .
; __ I .
7 : . - , i� A 6 No, not if we're to live in it," an- the pastures, a craggy bow1der lifted a state of good cultivation, the balance wel
iv. � . - - ,
;.. 1P : . I . : with th � Mason told me he saw you lending that to face and frowned, and along timbered. There is a comfortable frame house
. -
I . - . � awered the girl, 0 soberor Wis- i the
j . ,
. . - chap money. I hope he didn't give you
I I . I � �,� �
. I
: I 1� dom women keep at such timfjo. 11 It frame barn and driving house and stables
I '. I . - woods the stunted pines and hemlocks There is a ood orchara and plenty of water
L 150 the slip?" . 9
v )i IP � : 't� �
; I � will have to be known bow we met . I
� i �
. Ir
. I- . L It blackened against a background of leaf- It Is withir three miles of Varna and con
. . .
I �
1� .
�' ��_ � : I What will people say? They wili � No ; it came to me bere.at Blume,- veniently situated for m rk t . Apply on ,
� I . .
. .
. . V 0) tbals'the other day." I less oaks and birches. A northwest a es th
: � .�
� laugh. - wastes; remises or to either, Qf the undersigned. WM
� V �9 . I I wind out shrill aeross the white
q :7 �
! � f � I I 19 I don't think they will in my pres. " Well, that's right! It all worked (ibutinved r,n 8rd page.) Brucefield. 1127tf
- . . I
I ��. j; - I I
I t, 4 I . - ,
: 11 1� .� � . - .
� r 4 .11 I I -1 .
:� I- .� E � . z
�. .- I I �. I _. . I
� I �
7' 1 1 . � . I
� - I � I ; . .
I 4 - __ � 2- - .
M� - I
- -
� _. I �_ - . I �
I ( .f � '. . I . I � .
I Z.- A I � I 11
. I I , f I
4 i 1, � i . �
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I - . I I
I I .
c � �.
-, IV :,-, � , I .1 � . . I .
.. .
i - I
. . I - I
. .
I I �
� � .
-1 . I
. I .
I W, M r. ri r. U %J , I I U1 fw%.L.0 A. a A
I � I -
Faith, Hoten to that now !- Is there any - reason to ask me when
you can reason it out for yourselfl ,but IM tell yOu. I . tmde where
I can get I I . . . .
. . ., I
X . El :B:E S rT .
AndWhy shouldn't I? . Is the best too goocl for one of us I When the
I figL . 7
goods are right ure on buying at 1 - I
I'll not patronize'big profits. There's a reasonable profit that's. bigo,
enough. Then I trade where I get # -
- . .
And Pickard's is the spo�t. They have some big drives there just now
in Ginghams, Flannelett6s, Shirtimg, White and Grey Cottons,'Dress
; ' �
Goods, Clothing, &c. I �like to be treated right and I go to the Bar-
. i -
gam Dry Goods and utothing House rnn by
- �
# I
Oorner Main and Market streetsv Seaforth.
- -
- I
Oentr,* ouse,
We wish to draw theattention of the people of Seaforth au&, Sur,
ro�nding country to our large, extensive and Varied stock of ..
We manufacture the most of our � Furniture, and canoguarantee it to
the public. At present our stock is very largei and is daily increasing.
To. reduce this enormous stock, our prices have been marked awa,y down. ,
At our low prices everybody can afford to purchase. Our establishment
is open to you all, and we want to see you and all your friends. Bring
the whole family with your and pay. us a visit. We will be very happy
to show you our goods, whether you purchase or not. Hoping soon to
have a visit from you, we remam, respectfuRy yours, THE CENTRAL
07URNITURE HO -USE opposite -McFauPs Dry Goods House.
X y
. � I
_. i��Iv
, .. , I
__ . i
aA - I I ''. Miftlo'
, .�
. I'll A, z R , -
, ,� — .
. � . '. - �' 4i'19'n'lit -_ 1._ -
I 40.1 "I, ,� -
I ,�
1, ,;, 0 1 ,mfm Fit I
- , 1T...
, - .
I'll ,� ,,I .
`� �m .__,1]t`!J_ , - I
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� . / , % I .. # I
. R ,7 r',R;- t,
. . 0_111_U-_�t' I 151A:o_
". � 113-
I . 1�!974_ mcb—ort - .;"
I . . - r L At
I 2A(f
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- - - � — - ... = -
fux� �mzig!'� �� . M
- -_ _ _ ,
- � � . �.
.. I __ . . . . . . - . - -
! - . �._ __ -,-. � -_ -
- - - - I ___
I This department is complete in every respect, and prices the low-
est. Two first-class hearses on hand. Funerals attended to at the
shortest notice, and satisfaction guaranteed.
M. ROBERTSON, Funeral Director.
� . .
I .
. . —v_u :PU MJ:0 ID
To J . ohn Logan's old stand, on the. corner of Main and
John Streets, first door narth of AT. R. Counter's
Jewelry Estabhshment. .
We are now opened in our new store, which ' is fitted up in - first-
class shape, and everything Diade for the accommodation of -our cus-
tomers, and we are prepared to do better for our customers than ever
before. We bave plenty of room now, plenty of light' ani everything
' cl
made pleasant br everybody, as well as Boots and Shoes at right
. prices.
Don't forget -to call on SATURDAY, August 9th, as we will be
giving Special Bargains that day, as we will celebrate it as our Open-
- ,
ing day. .
- .
- Boots, Shoe's, Trunks'and Valises
. ,AT-----,—
- '
F . . 0 When. I say Cure I do not me=
merely to stop them for a tim-, and thes
tave them return again. I M E A N A r. A 0 1 CAL C U R E. I have made the disea,%e of Ffte
Epilepsy or Failing Sickness a life-long study. I warrant my. remedy to C,Nwre thl
worst cases. . Ek -cause others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send rW
once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Expi ass an(
?ost Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address: -H. 0. L100T
lmp.owtant I AnPouncement.
S IM -A-397 0 1=?,r-V3a--
6 .
The Leading Olothiers of Huron, -
_ . .
Beg, to inform the people of *Seafo'rth and surrounding country, thi
they have added to their large ordered clothing trade oue of the
. .
Most 00 lete and best selected stocks of Boys
. You S' and Men's Readymade Clothing
I . 0 A, . .
. ' r
- Prices Unequalled. ' We lead the Trade.
Remember the Old Stand, CampbelPs' Block, opposite"the Roy
Hotel, &aforth. . - a
. -
. -
� .
I - .
� I
A-UGuST 29,1890.
- I
Musical Instrument
.- I
. - :
I .
:MM:P01:z1_UM& I
I -
Scott Brothers, - I
PIANO�8.—Dunham' New York
W. Bell& Co., Guelph; Dominion Piano
Company, Bowmanville.
ORGAN& — W. Bell & Co.,
Guelph; Dominion Organ Company,
Bowmanville; D. W. Karn & co':
' —
The above instruments always on hand, also
a few good second-hand Pianos and Organs for
sale at from $25 upwards. Instruments sold on
the Instalment plan, or on terms to suit cus.
tomers. Violins, Concertinas and small instru.
ments on haud ; also sheet mWIc, books, &c,
� .
Wre LEyes I - . .�. I
,atarrh � L . . . . . .
. "I'll, __....
.ameneSS L ,
i. . .
,emale L
- L
,OMLplaints I
. �unburn .- . .
) '
wreness FAC-SHMILE Of
) rains WRAPPER.
J? afing' I
kulses_ USE .
% �
)calds - PLOND'S
lileo -
3urns y
. — -
% * ,
Aings . L
1% 1r, I
I oi
) re Feet -1
- I
� .
I . I
and ' I �
.- ��
I .
- I
I �
I "I
� "I
------- —.---- ____ __ __ ___
New Music Store �,
Papst & O'Con nor
. �
Have opened out next door to J-ordan'ie% Grocery
Seaforth, an
the agency of the THO.'JAS ORGA& �d_tb
,Lte I
ScribneeaResonant Pipe Combin. ion. They
have also Violins and other small instruments. L
. tar Please Give them a Call.
John So Porter's-,
— .zi]
Undertaldng and L,
ture Emporim, .
11w, -
. .
Funeralsfurnisiled on the shortest notiee'
andsatisfaction giij V,f.teed. A large assort-'
ment of Caskets, Coffins -and Shrouds, &c.,'
always on hand of the best quality, The beat
of Embalming Fluld ased free of charge and �
prices the lowest. Fine Hearse. I
S. T. HOLME8, Funeral Director. Resi-',
dence—GODERICH STREET, directly ,op'
posits the Methodist church in the house
lormerly occupied by Dr. Scott. 1.
d of Cotton Root, Tansy and
ennyroyal—prepared by an old phy-
- ician. ,Ts 8uccessfully u8ed manthIll
I by thousands of women, and has Lbeen
L rescribed in a practice of over thirty
ye ce, $1. Will be mailed to Sny addrese
in aiiads, and United States. Doctor's wrisul-
tation hours, 9 to 11 and 1 4� Disemes of
women treated -only Sealed part:culars, two
stamps. Ladies on 3 Addrew POND LILY
COMPANY, No. 3, F11 -he Bloc 13i Woodward --
Avenue, Detroit MkI119an. 1163-13
Steam Boiler Works.
Chrystal & Black,
Manufacturers of all kinds of Statioe.
ary, Marine, Upright & Tubular
B10 . ILERS19--
Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Irorz
Works, iste.
Also dealers In Upright and Horizontal Slide
Val,re Engines. Automatic, Cut -oft Enginess
specialty. All sizes of pipe and pipe litting
constantly on hand. Estimates furnished
abort notice. I
Worlks opposite G. T. R. Slation, Goderleb.
. . I . . � _�
� �
I � . . I L � . t
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. f "� J* drove,
1,,*oir face
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an -f 'he weii
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equal piew
sim r,ounc
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when strai
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- I burnt thei
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Min Mari
"I I ation. from
L eake and
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I I b-fillisint b
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But it
I the
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. paused
I burnt I
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