HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-08-29, Page 1- _,_----- �
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9 T11 CROPS OF ONTARIO. somewhat unfavorable in many locili- an]& the -indications are not so good, but, selves splendidly, until they reached ing the box off the gear. The box, 'top � the:� saw icebergs and did not like them.
I . `�`l .-
. )r � 's . I — . .
Olearing ale ties, the grain has been discolored ,by elsewhere, and especially in the eastern Detroit on the return journey, where, and contents were a total wreck. Mr. -No good," they said. They shivered
� I W11AT T11R HARVIEST HAS 13EXN. rain bo - th'before and after cutting. - �he part 6f the Province, .there will prob- Mrs. Kerr's son, a lad about fifteen Scott was driving aga , inst the wind and when they saw the glittering peaks, and
The following extracts from the last early varieti es ed this mi6fortune ably be an abundant -supply of fodder years of age, was standing -watching the a rubber lap -robe had aided the flames they shivered when they reached Port
—AT THE -7 report of the Ontario Bureau of Indus- to a large ex ent, b t otherwise the crop corn. - The crop is rather backward ow- crew of tMe ship hoistang ometh _ on to make strong beadway,''before being. and the sun shone upon them. They
. n in I r sailors. When
tries, on the crops of Ontario, will be has suffbred very generally to a greater ing to, the wet seeding time and the cool board, and the rope,,�_roke and atoruck observed. The fire is supposed to have make capital fair weathe . 19
' '
� found of interest and service to most of or less -degree. Reports respecting the spell which followed it. These condit- him on the bead, jr-aicturing his skull. caught from Mr. Scott's pipe. Mr. the storm breaks they'rush below -and
^L n" our I readers. Theinformation given is imported 0 two -rowed barley—of which ions combined did a large amount of in- The poor lad was quickly taken ashore Scott's hand was badly burned, but the shrink in terror. I I They are no use I �
Ullecw C a Ss h Storel based upon the reports of 793 corre8pond- small samples were sown by many farm- jury in the west, where irr quite si few and medical aid was called in, but the ladies escaped without injury. then,)) said one of the officers. "I Their ��
. ents, scattered. over every part of the ers—are perhaps about equally divided instances seed had to be planted a second doctors haye no hope of his recovery. . —Mr. Wm. Bell, of East ' Oxford, own safety is all they care about. They I .
I .
—OF— - Province, and a perneal will give the for and against. It has been ascertained time. Latterly th,) general drouth has - - I brought in the first load of this year's areq ordinarily quiet and well behaved; ,
� . -
. I I reader a very good idea of the results of that this variety is from.a week to ten been adverse to its 'growth, but the I barley to Woodstock on Saturday, 16th but they have contracted the English
the present season's operations on the days later in maturing than the ordinary showe i weather in .th . e - early part of Canada. inst. Mr. Harry Hill bought it at 45 sailors' vice Of drinking, and at each
. ry I -
HOFFMAN & COG I farrl,s of this Province - ; six -rowed barley, but as it had been cut the present month has apparently im- Next'year's . Provincial Saengerfest cents a bushel and. pronounced it a very port they drink gin and beer like Eng
I �
. AREA AND ESTIMATED YIELD. in hardly a single instance it was diffi- proved the condition of the crop, so that will be held in Hamiltom ; good sample. lishmen.
. The are& of fall wheat is 10q,000 acres cult to express a definite or reliableL it may be said to have recovered itself —The beet sugar industry is� to be - —The Galt Carnival Committee held —Rev. J. G. Fallis, Warwick, receiv- �
� - .
. -
less than last year, and the area of bar- opinion . upon it, and the reports are very in a large measure. . established at Guelph. . I its final meeting recently, and straight- ea a letter from B%rnurn recently urgin
CARDNOIS BLOCK, ley is 174,000 acres less. There is also a. guarded, in this respect. So far, - how- - I � ROO . TS. --- 1he New Provincial Ministers of ened out its financial- position. The him to bring his fam6us white and ref I
- decrease of 41,000 acres in the oat crop. ever, thie evidence does not warrant the. The reports on the condition of the Quebec were sworn in on Friday. surplus over and above all liabilities, colt to . Port Huron last Friday, &she -
I I .� .At Brandon men are obtaining $55 which have been paid in full, amounts was anxious to see the curiosity with a -- **
On the other hand, -the area- of spring belief that it is in any marked - degree different root crops are very variable, . - view - of purchasing. The invitation .
S EA 1: 0 RT His wheat is greater thain last year's. by superior to the ordinary varieties, in accoraing to the nature of -the soil and per month for work in the harvest field. to $1,4001. . ,� , . �
. I 1 203,000 acres, -of peas by 73,000 %or", spite of the fact that it has been favored the situation. Low lands, owing to the —The grape yield in Essex county is —Lucknow will * vote on a loan of was accompanied by a number of com
� . ances -
I . . of beans by 17,000 acres, of rye by by aseason of unusual, rainfall and slow copious rains of spring, proved bad for being eagerly bought up. Fifty dollars $5,000 to Cliff & Forster, furniture _ plimentary tickets for the perform .
13,000 acres, and of bay and clover by growth. I potatoes, much of the seed rotting. On a ton is being offered. manufacturers. The firm is to pay back but Mr. Fallis did not take advantage
I .
— _NVE ARE GIVING 76,000 acres. The estimated yield of OATS. . . high and well -drained soils i a more —The stories of Minnesota timbpr $250 a year for ten years, and at the ex- of the occasion. .
I . .- i —Messrs. D. & O. Sorby, importers of -
: vvbeat exceeds last year*s crop by -5,700,- At the time of writing the oat harvest cheering condition, is reported. Pre- being stolen by Canadians"are declared. piration of that term are to pay back . � I
000 bushels, that of peas by 2,500,000 was only commencing, except in the mature ripening of the vines is reported 'to be quite untrue. I the balance. . Clyde horses, Guelph, have lately been --
Gre'at-Bar-gains con y , .Of Picton, is the New —Near Blackwell station Lambton ther day a very 11 -
� , bushels, of beans. by 470,000 bushels, south-western nties of the Province, from different points, more especiall ' in --Mr. Hubbs I heavy losers. The o I
� � and of hay and clover by 577,000 ,tons. where operations were well under way. the eastern half of the province. Several Deputy -County Court Judge in Prince ,county, the express was signaled by a fine two year old stallion, which was
—IN ALL KINDS OF— But the estimated yield, of barley is less The opinion is general that the yield correspondents complain that not only Edward county. - boy who had discovered i broken rail ' bought specially to sweep everything in .
- . than, last year's crop by 7,000,000 bush.- will be a light one both as regards will the yield be small, but I that many —Alady at Smith's Falls has been The train was stopped in thne and -the his, class at the fairs this fall, died'and
els, and the yield of oats is less by 8,000, - pounds to the bushel and bushels to the - of the tubers will be � undersized. Tur- poisoned by taking hellebore in mistake rail spiked in position, when the train 'was followed a day or two after by a
� 000 bushels. Compared with th6 an- acre, but the deficiency is likely to be nips suffered considerably from the fly, for licorice powder. . proceeded. valuable heavy mare, also a. prize winner
DRY GOODS nual averages of the eight -years 1882-9, offset by the largely -incremsed area of, and the baked condition of the soil on —Oats were placed on the market in �Dr. Barnardo's travelling agent, in the old country. The combined loss -
- -
. - I there ie a decrease of 2,400,000 bushels the crop as compared with the average account of the h4 - weather following North-Western Manitoba on Friday, George Griffith, has been in Forest and will run close on $4,000.
. in wheat, of 4,000,000. bushels in barley, of the past eight- years. The straw is floods from thunderstorms told greatly morning. the neighboring townships during the —Ou the 21st inst., the statement of
and of 500,000 bushels in oats, but an also rather short. As in the case of against ihe progreap of turnips, mangolds � —Rev. J. K. Uneworth, recently of Past week or so visiting boys from the mortality for -the month of July last was
- MILLINIFARY, ETC. 'Home *They have some 2,500
. . . I increase of 3,000,000 bushels in peas, - barley, the crop suffered severely- from and carrots. The two latter crops, how- Paris, has settled down in the Congre- Orphans. . issued by the Department of Agricul-
I I ture. The highest mortality in any city
400,000bushels in beaus, and 1,264,000 the �vet and backward spring and the * ever, promise to be comparatively one- gatibnal church at Winnipeg. boys located .with the farmers of On-
Our stock in al , I lines will 1�6 tons in hay and clover. 'Ae latter is heat and drouth which followed. These cessful should the remainder of the* sea- —Mr. Moore, t English agricultural tario. . � tion was in Qua-
' . according to its popula
now the most important crop we grow. conditions, togetherwith a red, rust . son be at all favorable. The frequent editor and writ r, in at Montreal, and —Saturday' forenoon a young man beco which was 4.70 per. thousand. In -
I .
found7very �� I y rains in the early 'qrt of the growing intends to make ur through Canada. named Stanley Hughes, while w Galt the death rate was .54, the lowest I .
� -e wheat area is less than the average blight which attacked the crop very p m of
complete at the Cheap' Th I orking
�r on a threshing machine on the far
06A 'Store of . of eight years by 176,000 acres, and the generally eaily in the summer, appear season appear to haverfootered weeds to —Twenty Barre a (of smuggled whisky Of any of the cities recorded in the list. .
I I barley area by 71,000 acres, while the to be the chief sourcea of .injury. The an unusual extent, and this has rendered were captured by the cuato�a* officers at Mr. Stephen Haight, two miles from London comes next at.62; Woodstook,
HOFFMAN & GO. oats area is greater than the average by isrgest amount of damage from all the cultivation of roots more difficult Ste. Anne, Quebec, on Tuesday night. Picton, had his leg badly mangled, up to Ontario, .15 ; Chatham, Ontario, .68. .
. � . " in chine. �
. I 269,000 acres, the peas area by 137,000 causes is reported from the southern than usual. --Julia Morrow, laundress, was burned* the' thigh in the cyl der of the in& r_
- .4 —The bridge over the Big Otter Creek
acres, the beans area by 17,000. acres, lake shore counties, while in the more FRUIT AND FRUIT TREES. to death iA the Thousand. Island Park He died in two hours. :
,r- and the hay -and clover area by 225,000 northerly districts—particularly in the The splendid promise at the period of —The two sons of Elisha Newton, a on Talbot street, near Aylmer, gave:
NOTICE. =Aggents for Blitte . Hotel fire on Thursday morning of la%t French-Canadian miner, living in Ottawa way while Mr. James Marshall was
$ week. . I
ices reliable patterns and publica- acres. The corn area is 41,000 acres counties of Huron, Bruce, Grey and blossoming has not beed fulfilled. Much � r. ,county, both deaf mutes and of unsound crossing over with a load consisting bf
more than the average of the previous Simooe—ita condition is perhaps' UP to of the fruit did not set, and apples, —The barn and its conten to of M face of 50 boxes of cheese, throwing all in the .
. I I portions off .the
� Thomas Birchner, near Welland, were mind, ate large * at
tions. � bight years, and the buck -wheat area the average. In these counties the p0ays, Plums, and other fruits have been ul Cote's baby, ad that the infant water beneath.. How Mr. M shall and
� — more by 29,000 acres. The root crops I great . proportion of the crop was still un- falling in an immature condition to an burned Thursday by being struck. by Pa iscs the team escaped from instant death . is a
__ have an area of 22,000-aqres above the I ripe at the time of reporting, but it pre- alarming extent. Apples will , be less lightning. � died in a few moments. The inan mystery, an they fell fully twelve feet', I
—The intervening str of land be- average, the principal increases .being sented a fine appearance, having largely than one-third of a crop, and the quality, —Two men from Utica,* New York, will be sent to an asylum. � but- fortunatel they received only a
. —Sheriff Perry, of Woodstock, says y
tween Windsor and igmndwich will in turnips, mang6ld-wurtzels, and -pots- recovered from the effects of the blight- so far as appearance is concerned will were capsized from their boat at the few cuts and bruises.
shortly become part of Windsor. There toes. � � � ..� . � Early varieties .on well -drained land' not be of the best. *It is also & poor Thousand Islands on Friday and were' the County Council of Oxford.willbe —Miss Bowler, aged about 20 years,
- I successful. Professor year f or pears. Plums are a compara- drowned. admitted to the T6wn Hall during
are 600 inhabitants on it, and all but irALL-WHEAT. have been most I. -John Bloom in in custody at Birchall's trial, and with them, the re- daughter Tof a farmer near Sheffield, met
one ban signed a petition for incorpor- loultural College, was ti. with a serious a cident while driving to
I Fall wheat throughout almost the Panton, of the.-Agti ve failure, except in Grey and ono or , T e 9 lawy6ra, clerks, etc., the build- 0
ation. Windsor has about 12,000 in- whole of Western Ontario is of good consulted respecting the blight on oats, two other localities; the,,black-knot and Welland on the charge of robbing an po t r , 1. Galt Tuesday morning last week. Her
habitants, Sandwich 3,000, and this new quality, and in every re�pect-an unuou- and in a report on the subject to the the cuiculio are doing deadly work. American lady visitor of jewelry valued Ing will be filled. He has many appli- horse wag frightened by a Grand Trunk
strip of land 600, so that the pOPu, .ally fine crop. In the Georgian Bay, bureau he says : 11 Some time ago sam,- Cherries are reported. as - giving a . big at $225. : cations for tickets from curious parties. train, and swerving around threw her
lation of Windsor next year will be Lake Huron, and West Midl�nd coun- � plea of affected grain were ,sent to. me yield in several sections, but the black- —Three convicts were flogged last —Dennis Lyons and his two sons, - I
about 16,000. A bill will be introduced ties some loss by winter -killing axid from the eastern part of the Province,, knot has also claimed this fruit for its week at the Central Prison, Toronto, for aged 10 and 12 years respectively, wer out.4 Her head was badly bruised, she , .
- e had several contusions upon the face,
. -_
i-neorpor%ting the two towns into a city ially and I also noticed similar conditions own, and in mauy places the trees are a criminal assault on a Salvation Army drowned at Coboufg on Thursday of teeth knocked out and jaw fractured -,
spring frosts was experienced, espec I ng, and -_
at next session of Legislature. L on low lying %nd new land, but in'those elsewhere. It at first appeared as if an rapidly disappearing from the Orchards. woman at Guelph. last week. They had been fishi 'it also opine and arms injured, and suffer- .
—The largest wheat farm in Manitoba, counties -the crop is almost invariably. insect was the cause of the trouble, but There will be a few early peaches for the —Collingwood's handsome new town were returning in their boat when - I
- Was capsized. Two little boys who were ed concussion of the brain. .
so the Winnipeg Free Press tells us, is reported good. In the counties east of in the specimens examined I saw none. market, but the later and ,better varie. hall which cost $20,000, was destroyed . —At Ottawa the other evening, at a
that of -Mr. Sandison, of Brandon,_cOm- Kingston and upon the Ottawa river, Some observers have noticed in the earn- -ties will be very scarce. Strawberries by fire the other night. Insured for bathing in the creek wi 11 ined the acci- special meeting of the Society for the
prising 1,800 acres. He also � has 300 where but little fall wheat is grown', -the plf,s the pupa cases of the Hessian fly, were not so abundant as was expected, $12,000- dent and gm -0e the alar . . - Prevention - of Cruelty to Animals and
acres of other grains. He expects to report is Better than usual as to -quality but not in such numbers as to account but small fruit8i generally were about an —Messrs. Crossley and Hunter, the —Baron 11irach, the well known of the public, John 10 .Dunne, of the
els of'No. I hard rage. Grapes give promise of a Evangelists, commenced revival ,services Hebrew philanthropist, of -Vienna, has Department of the Interior, was present-
. harvest 50,000 bush and yield per acre, but, as usual, .40 to for so general a blight upon the gisin. ave n Sabbath, the 24th. inst., at the Can&. donated $120 to the Galleymea's
�,000 .
wheat this year. The next largest farm 50 per cent. of the ground sown in these In the cases where rust affected the, glorious yield in th�'Lake Erie region, 0 . Hebrew Benevolent Society of Mont- ed with a subscribed gold modal in recog- . I
is that of Mr. A-dana McKenzie on the districts was. wintpr-killed, The major- blades, it in likely that this resulted where this fruit in now being largely than Sault. - . real for charitable work amongst -poor nition of his bravery in stopping is horse
Big Plains. He has' I 300 acres of ity of observers report no injury what- after the plant bad become weakened grown. —The Gaelic i Society, of Toronto, will I � society had opecially and saving a little girl who- Was in immi- -
� wheat all in first class ) condition -and ever from dfouth or, insects, but there and its vitality so impaired as to render PASTURES AND LIVE STOCK. -hold a reception for honorary members Hebrews. Th( �o the nent danger.. When only 16 Mr.Dunne,
I and all Highlanders during the second called the attention of the donor. I fourteen years ago, saved the life of a
promising a large yield. are indications of !slight injury from it liable to attack by a parasitic plant From the eastern half of the Province week of the fall fair. needs of refugees and pauper emigrants. child in Toronto harbor. �
—During July there were 119 lake weevil, midge and rust, -in some few like rust. It seems to me that the trou- most encouraging r . eports come * regard- —Messrs. Cowan & Co., of Galt, have —The Tor'onto Children's Fresh Air .
disasters,'against 108 in June,- the loss fields of nearly every county. Because ble is due more to climatic conditions, ing the condition of' pastures, but in the of three Fund gave three trips to the poor -child- —The Berlin Telegraph of last week
aggregating $354,400. On Lake Michi- of the droath of last fall the grain ap-' such as front or excessive Moisture, than west mud in the Niagara peninsula the' just finished the coilstruction f the city last Friday, taking 150 says: Mensrs. Klase & Beckly,of this
gan 27, Lake Superior and Sault River pears.to have been generally sown late, to insects or parasitic plants, and at dry weather appears to have affected large boilers of over 100 horse power reno town,, have just secured a wonderful
-am inclined to the view ,that ,bly. The abun- each, for the St. Tho-nas waterworks. , to Long Branch, 125 to Centre Island, � ' .
17, Lake Huron and the Straits 18, especially on heavy clay, many fields of preo6nt. I the fields more unfavors —The new traii, Ing school for high and 400 for a sail on the lake. This natural living curiosity ti) exhibit 'In con -
rivers 17, Lake Ontario 3, Lake Erie 30, which were bare during the winter. excessive moisture was largely to blame. dant supply. of hay and straw augurs made the twenty-fifth excursion of the. nection with their giant steer and mon-
Georgian Bay 4, Lake St. Clair 3, With the exoessive rain of spring, fol- As far as I can learp no definite con- well for the fall and winter keep Of school teachers opent;d at Toronto last
rrived' at regard' week. It will run -a course of six weeks season, and in all about 7,000 mothers ster hog, of which we made mention
Stranded- 31 ; loss $31,000. . Disabled lowed by great heat, came such a rush elusion has been a lug stock, although of course much will de- d will qualify for assistant high and children have been given free trips. list week. .It in an iron, grey calf, 6
30 ; loss- $W,400. Fire 8; lose $79,000. of plants that much rust and shrinkage the cause of the blight, although it has . p'end upon the root crops, Stock gen- a" —B. Gunby, of Burlington, near monthe and a few days old 43 inches in I
Heavy weather 13; lose $16,300. C01- were expected but the damage is slight commanded a good deal of attention -both erally are in fair condition, but good school pasters. . Hamilton, has found pork very prbfit. height, and weighing 222 pounds. The
I United States." early in the —The Quoian's hotel at Sundrige, .
lisions 21 ; loss $124,800. Sprung aleak and will not materially affect the sa iniple, in Canada and the . cattle were picked up very . Parry Sound District, with all contents, able lately. Since August lot, 1889, he curious thing about this calf is that it
12; loss $26,700. 1 Ashore 3 ; Ions S3j- The berry is generally reported plump, RYE. - d there will not be as many has realized $1,600 cash, from feeding has a large and perfectly formed udder 1
50:0, Explosions 1; loss $50,000. June the straw bright, and the crop the beet The rye crop has given a fairly good animals as usual left for fattening. was .burned to tne ground. L Monday his barley to* his pigs. 'This will un-- and tests and given two quarts of milk
out the Province wherever morning. Two men perished in the every night and morning. Thin wonder.
losses were $145,400. The deaths upon for years. Cutting began from the 10th yield through - ' While in the western districts comPla'u" flames. . doubtedly be interesting to farmers.
the lakes during July were. 94; from the to 15th July in the most advanced coun- grown, and has already been well secured are made that the flow of milk is falling —J. D. Wilson, of Stratford, and Mr. Gunby has besides 84 hogs left ful calf -cow was raised by Mr. Wm.
following causes: Drowned 33, fatal- ties, from the 15th to 20th. thro�gbout in most cases. In the east, however, it off considerably owing to 't4e drouth ' Garland, a -farmer residing near New
I Miss E. 0. Wood. of Kincardine, have which are being fattened for the Boston
ities 55, natural causes 6. - most of Weitern Ontario, and fr�m the was somewhat light on the ,ground ow" the great cheese -producing counties been chosen English and French teach- market thin fall. I Dundee, about eight miles from Berlin,
—Some years ago a widow insured 25th July to let August in the 4istrzot iDg to winter -killing. . ad from a Holstein father- and Durham
� I . along thfe St. Lawrence and in the ers in the' Winnipeg High School, re- I --m-John O'Henly, of the Center ro , .4
roperty in Western Ontario with Mr.� east and north of Kingston. H4rveat- . PEAS. county 0 Hastings appear to feel little . . near Parkhill, met with a heavy loss in mother. Lily " was quite a little pet, k
9 �ncan Munroe, Cornwall. The pro- ing weather was very favorable, a d the Reports concerning peas indicate a difference in this respect, and report spectively. bles and as well an a curiosity in the neighbor- .
crop has been housed in excell, t crop. It per- much activity in the factories. The —Fully $20,000 has been paid to the destruction of his barn, ats,
mium was regularly paid till this year, , con- very fair but an uneven farmers in the vici�ity of- Tara for at oick contents by fire on August 18th. He hood, and they were exceedingly aorry
when she decided to allow it to lapse dition. hapt- Suffered more than any other crop low price offered for milk was comment- during the past aix'weeks, Mr. Ge rge was threshing that day, and during the to part with her, but a tempting money
throug� lack of funds. Mr. blonroe . SPRING WHEAT. � from the rains, of May and June, and on ed upon by several correspondents in the I 0 hour some one is supposed to have consideration prevailed. Mr. Klase in
advanced the money, trusting to cir- Fro � ,r spring low clay lands it is almost a f#ilure. ' Dunn alone having contributed over noon
m the reports regardinj I wastern part of the. Province, . accidentally set fire to_the, stable while quite tickled over his Intent purchase,
eurnatances for its return,; On the 28th -wheat it would not be iafe at this date The straw was afterwards scalded by . BRAS AND HONRY.1 1 $15,000 of this sum. - to j. B. lighting a pripe. . . which he pronounces the wonderful
July the buildings were burned down, to assert that the crop is any better than the hot dry weather which followed, Swarming was late as a rule, but in —James McKellar has sold calf of the worl,A. The . calf in now ..
and this week Mr. Monroe handed the an average one. Still there is much and this throughout the Lake , Erie Thompson, a Detroit florist, a ten acre . , —Miss Roger of Peterboro, on return- �
the majority of cases was qVite frequipt. piece of land at Petite Cote for $2,500. Ing last Friday night to her residence, stabled with the big steer, who has al -
lady a cheque for $2,000, which bat for reason to expect that it -will turn out counties appears to have materially Although occasional mention is made- of The land has 200 feet frontage on the which had been closed during the ready become quite attaoched to the lit -
checked the growth of the vine and the absence of the family at a summer re- tle pet. These living curiosities -will be - I
kis kindness she Would have lost en- better than fair. Harvesting had not ' spring dwindling and dysentery, very. Detroit River. foL a it on exhibition this season at all the nrin- e
tirely I . been completed at the date of the re. filling of the pods. In this district the little in said about foul brood, and the _J. P. Thompson, a Guelph cabinet- sort, saw a light in this house be r
—miss .H. S. Fitzgerald, for the past ports, except in a very few of the most crop is a. very �oor one, but throughout general health of bees may be classed as. maker, eloped.'Monday of last week with was opened. A man servant on search. cipal shown and fairs throughout Ca6da
three years principal of the Niagara advanced townships, while in the I coun- the rest of the Province the yield is good. There was a full supply of white Annie Bracken.,& young woman about 20 ing discovered under a bed a burglar, wtd the United States. ,
a ped, and is not likely on -the whole to clover, but linden was a failure owing . has a wife and with his pockets and person loaded with —Seldom i1l it given to 'a husband and
Falls south high school, has resigned ties where most spring wheat is grown ars old. Thompson I
her position the 0 Lindsay, as large proportion of the grain was at te much behind the average per acre. to unpro 'tious weather at the time of ye Bowinanville. spoils. He was arrested. wife to enjoy the companionship of each - -
re to g to . -west a large ortion of the bloom. I com- four children living in � .
classical specialist in -th6 Collegiate In- least a week from maturity, and much In the south il he bees, however, found —W. J. Fox, Canadian Pacific Rail- —Two young men from the township other for a term of year's sufficiently
stitute at that place, where she receives would depend on the.tRather interven. pea crop has been harvested and secured pensation in thistles and dandelions, way brakeman, fell from a train last of Westminster, were - brought before long to give them an I opportunity of �
I a salary of $1,000. Miss Fitzgerald is i�ng between then and'the end of bar- in good condition at the time of report- which yielded considerable nectar. The Friday night in the yard at Winnipeg E. S. Jarvio,,J. P., Saturday morning, celebrating what is generally known.as
amid to be the I most successful female vest. A majority of observers declare ing ; elsewhere operations were about to aver . Id of honey per hive may be and was instantly killed, being badly charged by E. Brady, Grand Trunk "The Diamond Wedding." A y In-
ce. The crop has Perhaps -suf- PI&C 'go ' " d my detective, with having on the simnee of this kind is worthy NO note.
teacher in Ontario. Recently one of the crop to be fair or promising, and commen e ed ; a, apd. in this - matt -or mangled. Fox came from Oxford Railw - the celebration
. . " - go this year in th eastern at po r. v
ker pupils, A. N. Meyer secured the generally good on'bigh land, but there fered more from bu blee appear to ha a been county, -Ontario, and was a single man.' 20th inst., thrown stones through the On Friday, August 8th .
' more favored than those in the want. a "
fi Scholarship of $140 at is almost Unanimous complaint of much older portions of the Province than �
rat Dickson . . —Four young men at Barriefield- at- windows of a passing train on the Port of �the 60th anniversary of th wedd 9
Trinity UniVersity, Torofito, and an- injury to low-lying wheat from the wet, usual, notably in Essex- and Kent and The outlook for the apiary was fair as tacked -and cruelly beat an'old man be- Stanley branch. They were each &s- day of Rev. T. B. and Mrs. Brown, of
other of her pupils, B. L. Fessendenp cold, and lat� spring. In some locali- par ' to of Middlesex, but the peat has j3ot correspondents wrote, although some cause the village saloonkeeper refused messed $1 damages snd $20 fine and East, Nkesouri, took place and was at --
obtained the second- Dickson Scholar- ties a blight that reddened the leaves is extended its opeiations into other sec. were fearing the effects of the drouth them liquor on -Sunday. The villagers costs, which were paid. terldid by over 100 guests. Present&- I
, J - degree. Worms then prevailing. —A little 5 -year-old son of Mr. J. D. tig7ris were mw
ship of $100- at the name institution. somewhat complained of, and in the tions to any marked . . turned Wit and nearly lynched them. le the aged couple, and
—The Kincardine carnival held last midland counties midge and weevil are have also.done some injury in Huron, LABOR AND WAGES. —While Wrn. Patrick was coming to -Booaey, Petrolea, met with painful in- 4propriate addresses were given by
. week was a grand success every way, credited. with . effecting considerable Bruce and Grey. . . The supply of farm labor has been Parkhill with a load of bay the other juries a few days ago. While playing Rev. Mr. Morrison, Rev,. Mr. Sabine,
while large crowds of people visited the dams - majority of reports HAY AND CLOVER. about equal to the' demand, but very near a mortar Miserii. George Sherwood, and W. K.
. . � ge, but the With the exception of the counties of rarely in excess of it. Year by yeaw the evening, one . of his horses, a valuable with some other children
town during the two days. -Intheb&nd. agree that the crop has suffered little animal, stumbled and fel). breaking his bed, one of the youngsters playfully - McLeod and others. Then a group was .
. competition J. -Thompson, of Toronto, from insects or droutb. Few observers Dundas and, Stormont and a few other demand for outside help is gradually leg. The horse bad to be killed. threw a lot of soft mortar from a stick, ' formed and several photographs me- I
made the awards, namely : I lot prize, in the midland oountif,s hazard an esti- localities along the St. Lawrence, eveT failing off with the more general use of —Crop reports publishcd in Winnipeg among the group; with the result that cured. The balance of the time was
eL -a gives e - -O&ViDg machin- a
$150=Truax band, Walk rton; 2ad, mate of the yield, but in the eastern county reporting - . . � binders and other labor indicate,that the damage from the re- Boosey had both eyes filled with the spent in pleasant social intercour e, and
$1-00—Listowel band ; 3rd, $50. San- districts, where the injury from -spring pression to the opinion that the hay eryi so that many farmers with' their cent frosts was very slight. The qual. mixture. He is recovering. discussing. Bellsmy'S I I Looking )3&ck-
gem ludian band. In the cornet cOm' rains Was particularly great, the average crop has been a magnificent one. Many son$ (if they are fortunate enough to ity of the wheat in some diqtricts will —The Grand Trunk Railway tunnel, ward." Mr. T. B. Brown was born at
ondents report that such " cro have sons who will stay on the farm) be under the St. Clair river at Sarnia., in L'Original, Ontario.,in the year 1804,and
affected, but in no instance will .
petition - Walter Hume, leader of the is occasionally estimated at from 15 to corresp known-. In the we i Dow do the whole of the work them. . now open clear through. ' A large auger with his parents moved to 31ontrea), af.
17 bushels per acre. The bearded varie- was never before 8 there be any diminution in the n
home band, received the prize, being a ei
most ern and central counties hay ,was savell, selves, and lordly find the work of bar umiture bored out ten feet, the remaining dis- telr:wards living' in York State, and at -
silver cornet, valued at $65. The hose ties, especially Colorado, are . _W`m. Berry, of Windsor, lux t1ty.
� interesting event, d thlroughout the Province, and in splendid condition, but "catchy' vest heavier than that of any otker sea- dealer, undertook to prevent a lady tance, This enabled the men working Grimsby. He was married in 1830 to, I .
reel racing was an I as reported in various see- t
-and the Wingham team won the first =Russian, French Imperial, and weather w ' Sen. The crowding of the immense bay tenant from removing her I goods out of on he Canadian aide to talk to their Miss Amanda -Harris, daughter of Mr.
ended tionH further east. Taken altogether, crop upon the rest of the harvest caused Harris, who was born in 1813 on
.20J, and the Blyth wild goose are rather more comm . his house, when the w
prize of $75 in 1 to, whether of howeverp the crop is a remarkably large some scarcity in a few 021ities,m and .9*an bit him fellow -workmen on the American end. Elisha ' I
tearn secured the S40 prize in L�6. than the Fyfe seed wheal &erose the arm with a bed slat, fractur. On Monday men were able to � walk Harris street, where the town of Inger-
� In those one, and the general condition .is first- made the work somewhat heavy for the ing one of the bones of that member. through the tunnel, its entire distance soll now in built, and moved at once to I
—The I I Lake Winnipeg" which or. Scotch or Manitoba growth, In different parts of the Province time being, but as a general rdle little —Mr. Alexander S-cott with his wife from Sarnia to Port Huron. his present residence, where they have �
rived at Montreal Thursday inorning few districts where the crop ban been class. in thebarns for the difficult' -has been experienced. The - —The 11 Knight Companion," a Clyde lived ever singe. There are at present
was delayed for Eve hours by heav�yfog harvested the report is fair, and this there was no room y and niece were driving in Greenbush, . ,.
interspersed with icebergs - about two will probably be the final verdict on the cut, and many haystacks are to be seen' rate of wages has ranged from $1 to near Picton, on Monday of last *eek. built steamer, in the Bombay trade,is at 11, children living, 49 grande.hildren,and -
crop as a w hole-. The area sown is Cutting was rather later than usual, $1.50 by the day, and from $15 to $25. 1 They had, a top buggy, and under the present in port at Montreal. Its crew 2 great grandchildren, At the time of
wiles east of Belle Isle. James Thomas, The midge was reported in several coun- by the month, according to the efficiency Mahommedan , accustomed to the heat their marriage Hamilton wag the near. .
a fireman, died when the ship had been much larger than last year. ties, and this. pest, with the dry weather and supply of laboi. The rate was seat was a quantity of . clothing and dry is
out. While stripped . . goods. Th� little girl mentioned that of the Indies, they shiver in the vig- est market to", where everytb gng for
only twelve hours BARLEY, - . . � Dressed in white sale had to be taken and all the neces- .
to th,e waist in that fierce stoke hole, Barley is somewhat light. in yield, prevailing9 was spoken of &a likely to slightly lower in the eastern part of the -she felt very warm and presently Mr. orous air of, Canada. red. and sa'ies of life purchased. Afterwards . .
which the passengers on board the big and uncertiin in cofor, so that taking *thin the yield -of clover seed. The re- Province than elsewhere. Scott himself noticed the thermometer kuickerbockers, blue costs and ' r
into account the decreased area under peated failures -of the past few years . rising and smelled something,burning. blue turbans, the forty-five members of when London made its appearance it
steamers shudder even to look at, he Vation1the crop is likely to be 4,000,- have deterred Many farmers from at- �About three weeks ago a party corn- He investigated and found fierce flames the crew present a most- picturesque b6came'the centre of trade. Mr. Brown .
.coiapsed—shrivelled,np, as if the heat culti Brage, and tempting to save clover for seed. . go were issuing from tho back of the &PPearsuce. They are as dark -as night. spent over forty years preaching. In the
had dried up his blood. Nothing could 000 bushels less than the avi I CORN. I . posed of Mrs. T. G. Watson and Mi M
probably not a great deal , will . rank ' The occupants immediately They climb the rigging -ladders in their early days his circuit reached thirty . I
be done for him and he very soon ex- first-class. The wet, cool spring, fol' e'indications of a favorable Gouinlock, of Paris, Mrs. John Gouin- buggy. - re feet like monkeys. They are am im- miles on either side of ,hifn, and -very .
.' There or vacated the rig and Mr. Scott In
pire& 11 Cause of death 9" a passenger crop of corn in the counties of Essex lock and her son, of Toronto, and Mrs. ive as the sphinx. They oat their many can bear testimony to the comfort
asked the chief officer. " D -rink," lacon- lowed by the dry, hot weather at matur- - Kerr, and her son, of Hamilton, left for to unhitch the horse. By this tinie the Pass i. They never laugh. and peace brought to their souls through
,, On a big ing time, did a considerable" amount of and Kent, and in ptirts of Elgin, Lamb . whole buggy was a bonfire, and with a rice in grave silenct
ically.replied the latter. , nd Middlesex, In the southern a trip up the lakes to Duluth. .411 went . succeeded - in pry- Coming up the Straits for the first time the blessing of God on Iris ministrations.
spree before he shipped ; couldn't stand damage to this cereal, and unfortunately, ton a 1 counties of the western penin- well with them, and they enjoyed them. rail Mr. Scott barely - . -
the heat; heat killed him." as the harvesting weather has been centra . - � "I'll
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9 T11 CROPS OF ONTARIO. somewhat unfavorable in many locili- an]& the -indications are not so good, but, selves splendidly, until they reached ing the box off the gear. The box, 'top � the:� saw icebergs and did not like them.
I . `�`l .-
. )r � 's . I — . .
Olearing ale ties, the grain has been discolored ,by elsewhere, and especially in the eastern Detroit on the return journey, where, and contents were a total wreck. Mr. -No good," they said. They shivered
� I W11AT T11R HARVIEST HAS 13EXN. rain bo - th'before and after cutting. - �he part 6f the Province, .there will prob- Mrs. Kerr's son, a lad about fifteen Scott was driving aga , inst the wind and when they saw the glittering peaks, and
The following extracts from the last early varieti es ed this mi6fortune ably be an abundant -supply of fodder years of age, was standing -watching the a rubber lap -robe had aided the flames they shivered when they reached Port
—AT THE -7 report of the Ontario Bureau of Indus- to a large ex ent, b t otherwise the crop corn. - The crop is rather backward ow- crew of tMe ship hoistang ometh _ on to make strong beadway,''before being. and the sun shone upon them. They
. n in I r sailors. When
tries, on the crops of Ontario, will be has suffbred very generally to a greater ing to, the wet seeding time and the cool board, and the rope,,�_roke and atoruck observed. The fire is supposed to have make capital fair weathe . 19
' '
� found of interest and service to most of or less -degree. Reports respecting the spell which followed it. These condit- him on the bead, jr-aicturing his skull. caught from Mr. Scott's pipe. Mr. the storm breaks they'rush below -and
^L n" our I readers. Theinformation given is imported 0 two -rowed barley—of which ions combined did a large amount of in- The poor lad was quickly taken ashore Scott's hand was badly burned, but the shrink in terror. I I They are no use I �
Ullecw C a Ss h Storel based upon the reports of 793 corre8pond- small samples were sown by many farm- jury in the west, where irr quite si few and medical aid was called in, but the ladies escaped without injury. then,)) said one of the officers. "I Their ��
. ents, scattered. over every part of the ers—are perhaps about equally divided instances seed had to be planted a second doctors haye no hope of his recovery. . —Mr. Wm. Bell, of East ' Oxford, own safety is all they care about. They I .
I .
—OF— - Province, and a perneal will give the for and against. It has been ascertained time. Latterly th,) general drouth has - - I brought in the first load of this year's areq ordinarily quiet and well behaved; ,
� . -
. I I reader a very good idea of the results of that this variety is from.a week to ten been adverse to its 'growth, but the I barley to Woodstock on Saturday, 16th but they have contracted the English
the present season's operations on the days later in maturing than the ordinary showe i weather in .th . e - early part of Canada. inst. Mr. Harry Hill bought it at 45 sailors' vice Of drinking, and at each
. ry I -
HOFFMAN & COG I farrl,s of this Province - ; six -rowed barley, but as it had been cut the present month has apparently im- Next'year's . Provincial Saengerfest cents a bushel and. pronounced it a very port they drink gin and beer like Eng
I �
. AREA AND ESTIMATED YIELD. in hardly a single instance it was diffi- proved the condition of the crop, so that will be held in Hamiltom ; good sample. lishmen.
. The are& of fall wheat is 10q,000 acres cult to express a definite or reliableL it may be said to have recovered itself —The beet sugar industry is� to be - —The Galt Carnival Committee held —Rev. J. G. Fallis, Warwick, receiv- �
� - .
. -
less than last year, and the area of bar- opinion . upon it, and the reports are very in a large measure. . established at Guelph. . I its final meeting recently, and straight- ea a letter from B%rnurn recently urgin
CARDNOIS BLOCK, ley is 174,000 acres less. There is also a. guarded, in this respect. So far, - how- - I � ROO . TS. --- 1he New Provincial Ministers of ened out its financial- position. The him to bring his fam6us white and ref I
- decrease of 41,000 acres in the oat crop. ever, thie evidence does not warrant the. The reports on the condition of the Quebec were sworn in on Friday. surplus over and above all liabilities, colt to . Port Huron last Friday, &she -
I I .� .At Brandon men are obtaining $55 which have been paid in full, amounts was anxious to see the curiosity with a -- **
On the other hand, -the area- of spring belief that it is in any marked - degree different root crops are very variable, . - view - of purchasing. The invitation .
S EA 1: 0 RT His wheat is greater thain last year's. by superior to the ordinary varieties, in accoraing to the nature of -the soil and per month for work in the harvest field. to $1,4001. . ,� , . �
. I 1 203,000 acres, -of peas by 73,000 %or", spite of the fact that it has been favored the situation. Low lands, owing to the —The grape yield in Essex county is —Lucknow will * vote on a loan of was accompanied by a number of com
� . ances -
I . . of beans by 17,000 acres, of rye by by aseason of unusual, rainfall and slow copious rains of spring, proved bad for being eagerly bought up. Fifty dollars $5,000 to Cliff & Forster, furniture _ plimentary tickets for the perform .
13,000 acres, and of bay and clover by growth. I potatoes, much of the seed rotting. On a ton is being offered. manufacturers. The firm is to pay back but Mr. Fallis did not take advantage
I .
— _NVE ARE GIVING 76,000 acres. The estimated yield of OATS. . . high and well -drained soils i a more —The stories of Minnesota timbpr $250 a year for ten years, and at the ex- of the occasion. .
I . .- i —Messrs. D. & O. Sorby, importers of -
: vvbeat exceeds last year*s crop by -5,700,- At the time of writing the oat harvest cheering condition, is reported. Pre- being stolen by Canadians"are declared. piration of that term are to pay back . � I
000 bushels, that of peas by 2,500,000 was only commencing, except in the mature ripening of the vines is reported 'to be quite untrue. I the balance. . Clyde horses, Guelph, have lately been --
Gre'at-Bar-gains con y , .Of Picton, is the New —Near Blackwell station Lambton ther day a very 11 -
� , bushels, of beans. by 470,000 bushels, south-western nties of the Province, from different points, more especiall ' in --Mr. Hubbs I heavy losers. The o I
� � and of hay and clover by 577,000 ,tons. where operations were well under way. the eastern half of the province. Several Deputy -County Court Judge in Prince ,county, the express was signaled by a fine two year old stallion, which was
—IN ALL KINDS OF— But the estimated yield, of barley is less The opinion is general that the yield correspondents complain that not only Edward county. - boy who had discovered i broken rail ' bought specially to sweep everything in .
- . than, last year's crop by 7,000,000 bush.- will be a light one both as regards will the yield be small, but I that many —Alady at Smith's Falls has been The train was stopped in thne and -the his, class at the fairs this fall, died'and
els, and the yield of oats is less by 8,000, - pounds to the bushel and bushels to the - of the tubers will be � undersized. Tur- poisoned by taking hellebore in mistake rail spiked in position, when the train 'was followed a day or two after by a
� 000 bushels. Compared with th6 an- acre, but the deficiency is likely to be nips suffered considerably from the fly, for licorice powder. . proceeded. valuable heavy mare, also a. prize winner
DRY GOODS nual averages of the eight -years 1882-9, offset by the largely -incremsed area of, and the baked condition of the soil on —Oats were placed on the market in �Dr. Barnardo's travelling agent, in the old country. The combined loss -
- -
. - I there ie a decrease of 2,400,000 bushels the crop as compared with the average account of the h4 - weather following North-Western Manitoba on Friday, George Griffith, has been in Forest and will run close on $4,000.
. in wheat, of 4,000,000. bushels in barley, of the past eight- years. The straw is floods from thunderstorms told greatly morning. the neighboring townships during the —Ou the 21st inst., the statement of
and of 500,000 bushels in oats, but an also rather short. As in the case of against ihe progreap of turnips, mangolds � —Rev. J. K. Uneworth, recently of Past week or so visiting boys from the mortality for -the month of July last was
- MILLINIFARY, ETC. 'Home *They have some 2,500
. . . I increase of 3,000,000 bushels in peas, - barley, the crop suffered severely- from and carrots. The two latter crops, how- Paris, has settled down in the Congre- Orphans. . issued by the Department of Agricul-
I I ture. The highest mortality in any city
400,000bushels in beaus, and 1,264,000 the �vet and backward spring and the * ever, promise to be comparatively one- gatibnal church at Winnipeg. boys located .with the farmers of On-
Our stock in al , I lines will 1�6 tons in hay and clover. 'Ae latter is heat and drouth which followed. These cessful should the remainder of the* sea- —Mr. Moore, t English agricultural tario. . � tion was in Qua-
' . according to its popula
now the most important crop we grow. conditions, togetherwith a red, rust . son be at all favorable. The frequent editor and writ r, in at Montreal, and —Saturday' forenoon a young man beco which was 4.70 per. thousand. In -
I .
found7very �� I y rains in the early 'qrt of the growing intends to make ur through Canada. named Stanley Hughes, while w Galt the death rate was .54, the lowest I .
� -e wheat area is less than the average blight which attacked the crop very p m of
complete at the Cheap' Th I orking
�r on a threshing machine on the far
06A 'Store of . of eight years by 176,000 acres, and the generally eaily in the summer, appear season appear to haverfootered weeds to —Twenty Barre a (of smuggled whisky Of any of the cities recorded in the list. .
I I barley area by 71,000 acres, while the to be the chief sourcea of .injury. The an unusual extent, and this has rendered were captured by the cuato�a* officers at Mr. Stephen Haight, two miles from London comes next at.62; Woodstook,
HOFFMAN & GO. oats area is greater than the average by isrgest amount of damage from all the cultivation of roots more difficult Ste. Anne, Quebec, on Tuesday night. Picton, had his leg badly mangled, up to Ontario, .15 ; Chatham, Ontario, .68. .
. � . " in chine. �
. I 269,000 acres, the peas area by 137,000 causes is reported from the southern than usual. --Julia Morrow, laundress, was burned* the' thigh in the cyl der of the in& r_
- .4 —The bridge over the Big Otter Creek
acres, the beans area by 17,000. acres, lake shore counties, while in the more FRUIT AND FRUIT TREES. to death iA the Thousand. Island Park He died in two hours. :
,r- and the hay -and clover area by 225,000 northerly districts—particularly in the The splendid promise at the period of —The two sons of Elisha Newton, a on Talbot street, near Aylmer, gave:
NOTICE. =Aggents for Blitte . Hotel fire on Thursday morning of la%t French-Canadian miner, living in Ottawa way while Mr. James Marshall was
$ week. . I
ices reliable patterns and publica- acres. The corn area is 41,000 acres counties of Huron, Bruce, Grey and blossoming has not beed fulfilled. Much � r. ,county, both deaf mutes and of unsound crossing over with a load consisting bf
more than the average of the previous Simooe—ita condition is perhaps' UP to of the fruit did not set, and apples, —The barn and its conten to of M face of 50 boxes of cheese, throwing all in the .
. I I portions off .the
� Thomas Birchner, near Welland, were mind, ate large * at
tions. � bight years, and the buck -wheat area the average. In these counties the p0ays, Plums, and other fruits have been ul Cote's baby, ad that the infant water beneath.. How Mr. M shall and
� — more by 29,000 acres. The root crops I great . proportion of the crop was still un- falling in an immature condition to an burned Thursday by being struck. by Pa iscs the team escaped from instant death . is a
__ have an area of 22,000-aqres above the I ripe at the time of reporting, but it pre- alarming extent. Apples will , be less lightning. � died in a few moments. The inan mystery, an they fell fully twelve feet', I
—The intervening str of land be- average, the principal increases .being sented a fine appearance, having largely than one-third of a crop, and the quality, —Two men from Utica,* New York, will be sent to an asylum. � but- fortunatel they received only a
. —Sheriff Perry, of Woodstock, says y
tween Windsor and igmndwich will in turnips, mang6ld-wurtzels, and -pots- recovered from the effects of the blight- so far as appearance is concerned will were capsized from their boat at the few cuts and bruises.
shortly become part of Windsor. There toes. � � � ..� . � Early varieties .on well -drained land' not be of the best. *It is also & poor Thousand Islands on Friday and were' the County Council of Oxford.willbe —Miss Bowler, aged about 20 years,
- I successful. Professor year f or pears. Plums are a compara- drowned. admitted to the T6wn Hall during
are 600 inhabitants on it, and all but irALL-WHEAT. have been most I. -John Bloom in in custody at Birchall's trial, and with them, the re- daughter Tof a farmer near Sheffield, met
one ban signed a petition for incorpor- loultural College, was ti. with a serious a cident while driving to
I Fall wheat throughout almost the Panton, of the.-Agti ve failure, except in Grey and ono or , T e 9 lawy6ra, clerks, etc., the build- 0
ation. Windsor has about 12,000 in- whole of Western Ontario is of good consulted respecting the blight on oats, two other localities; the,,black-knot and Welland on the charge of robbing an po t r , 1. Galt Tuesday morning last week. Her
habitants, Sandwich 3,000, and this new quality, and in every re�pect-an unuou- and in a report on the subject to the the cuiculio are doing deadly work. American lady visitor of jewelry valued Ing will be filled. He has many appli- horse wag frightened by a Grand Trunk
strip of land 600, so that the pOPu, .ally fine crop. In the Georgian Bay, bureau he says : 11 Some time ago sam,- Cherries are reported. as - giving a . big at $225. : cations for tickets from curious parties. train, and swerving around threw her
lation of Windsor next year will be Lake Huron, and West Midl�nd coun- � plea of affected grain were ,sent to. me yield in several sections, but the black- —Three convicts were flogged last —Dennis Lyons and his two sons, - I
about 16,000. A bill will be introduced ties some loss by winter -killing axid from the eastern part of the Province,, knot has also claimed this fruit for its week at the Central Prison, Toronto, for aged 10 and 12 years respectively, wer out.4 Her head was badly bruised, she , .
- e had several contusions upon the face,
. -_
i-neorpor%ting the two towns into a city ially and I also noticed similar conditions own, and in mauy places the trees are a criminal assault on a Salvation Army drowned at Coboufg on Thursday of teeth knocked out and jaw fractured -,
spring frosts was experienced, espec I ng, and -_
at next session of Legislature. L on low lying %nd new land, but in'those elsewhere. It at first appeared as if an rapidly disappearing from the Orchards. woman at Guelph. last week. They had been fishi 'it also opine and arms injured, and suffer- .
—The largest wheat farm in Manitoba, counties -the crop is almost invariably. insect was the cause of the trouble, but There will be a few early peaches for the —Collingwood's handsome new town were returning in their boat when - I
- Was capsized. Two little boys who were ed concussion of the brain. .
so the Winnipeg Free Press tells us, is reported good. In the counties east of in the specimens examined I saw none. market, but the later and ,better varie. hall which cost $20,000, was destroyed . —At Ottawa the other evening, at a
that of -Mr. Sandison, of Brandon,_cOm- Kingston and upon the Ottawa river, Some observers have noticed in the earn- -ties will be very scarce. Strawberries by fire the other night. Insured for bathing in the creek wi 11 ined the acci- special meeting of the Society for the
prising 1,800 acres. He also � has 300 where but little fall wheat is grown', -the plf,s the pupa cases of the Hessian fly, were not so abundant as was expected, $12,000- dent and gm -0e the alar . . - Prevention - of Cruelty to Animals and
acres of other grains. He expects to report is Better than usual as to -quality but not in such numbers as to account but small fruit8i generally were about an —Messrs. Crossley and Hunter, the —Baron 11irach, the well known of the public, John 10 .Dunne, of the
els of'No. I hard rage. Grapes give promise of a Evangelists, commenced revival ,services Hebrew philanthropist, of -Vienna, has Department of the Interior, was present-
. harvest 50,000 bush and yield per acre, but, as usual, .40 to for so general a blight upon the gisin. ave n Sabbath, the 24th. inst., at the Can&. donated $120 to the Galleymea's
�,000 .
wheat this year. The next largest farm 50 per cent. of the ground sown in these In the cases where rust affected the, glorious yield in th�'Lake Erie region, 0 . Hebrew Benevolent Society of Mont- ed with a subscribed gold modal in recog- . I
is that of Mr. A-dana McKenzie on the districts was. wintpr-killed, The major- blades, it in likely that this resulted where this fruit in now being largely than Sault. - . real for charitable work amongst -poor nition of his bravery in stopping is horse
Big Plains. He has' I 300 acres of ity of observers report no injury what- after the plant bad become weakened grown. —The Gaelic i Society, of Toronto, will I � society had opecially and saving a little girl who- Was in immi- -
� wheat all in first class ) condition -and ever from dfouth or, insects, but there and its vitality so impaired as to render PASTURES AND LIVE STOCK. -hold a reception for honorary members Hebrews. Th( �o the nent danger.. When only 16 Mr.Dunne,
I and all Highlanders during the second called the attention of the donor. I fourteen years ago, saved the life of a
promising a large yield. are indications of !slight injury from it liable to attack by a parasitic plant From the eastern half of the Province week of the fall fair. needs of refugees and pauper emigrants. child in Toronto harbor. �
—During July there were 119 lake weevil, midge and rust, -in some few like rust. It seems to me that the trou- most encouraging r . eports come * regard- —Messrs. Cowan & Co., of Galt, have —The Tor'onto Children's Fresh Air .
disasters,'against 108 in June,- the loss fields of nearly every county. Because ble is due more to climatic conditions, ing the condition of' pastures, but in the of three Fund gave three trips to the poor -child- —The Berlin Telegraph of last week
aggregating $354,400. On Lake Michi- of the droath of last fall the grain ap-' such as front or excessive Moisture, than west mud in the Niagara peninsula the' just finished the coilstruction f the city last Friday, taking 150 says: Mensrs. Klase & Beckly,of this
gan 27, Lake Superior and Sault River pears.to have been generally sown late, to insects or parasitic plants, and at dry weather appears to have affected large boilers of over 100 horse power reno town,, have just secured a wonderful
-am inclined to the view ,that ,bly. The abun- each, for the St. Tho-nas waterworks. , to Long Branch, 125 to Centre Island, � ' .
17, Lake Huron and the Straits 18, especially on heavy clay, many fields of preo6nt. I the fields more unfavors —The new traii, Ing school for high and 400 for a sail on the lake. This natural living curiosity ti) exhibit 'In con -
rivers 17, Lake Ontario 3, Lake Erie 30, which were bare during the winter. excessive moisture was largely to blame. dant supply. of hay and straw augurs made the twenty-fifth excursion of the. nection with their giant steer and mon-
Georgian Bay 4, Lake St. Clair 3, With the exoessive rain of spring, fol- As far as I can learp no definite con- well for the fall and winter keep Of school teachers opent;d at Toronto last
rrived' at regard' week. It will run -a course of six weeks season, and in all about 7,000 mothers ster hog, of which we made mention
Stranded- 31 ; loss $31,000. . Disabled lowed by great heat, came such a rush elusion has been a lug stock, although of course much will de- d will qualify for assistant high and children have been given free trips. list week. .It in an iron, grey calf, 6
30 ; loss- $W,400. Fire 8; lose $79,000. of plants that much rust and shrinkage the cause of the blight, although it has . p'end upon the root crops, Stock gen- a" —B. Gunby, of Burlington, near monthe and a few days old 43 inches in I
Heavy weather 13; lose $16,300. C01- were expected but the damage is slight commanded a good deal of attention -both erally are in fair condition, but good school pasters. . Hamilton, has found pork very prbfit. height, and weighing 222 pounds. The
I United States." early in the —The Quoian's hotel at Sundrige, .
lisions 21 ; loss $124,800. Sprung aleak and will not materially affect the sa iniple, in Canada and the . cattle were picked up very . Parry Sound District, with all contents, able lately. Since August lot, 1889, he curious thing about this calf is that it
12; loss $26,700. 1 Ashore 3 ; Ions S3j- The berry is generally reported plump, RYE. - d there will not be as many has realized $1,600 cash, from feeding has a large and perfectly formed udder 1
50:0, Explosions 1; loss $50,000. June the straw bright, and the crop the beet The rye crop has given a fairly good animals as usual left for fattening. was .burned to tne ground. L Monday his barley to* his pigs. 'This will un-- and tests and given two quarts of milk
out the Province wherever morning. Two men perished in the every night and morning. Thin wonder.
losses were $145,400. The deaths upon for years. Cutting began from the 10th yield through - ' While in the western districts comPla'u" flames. . doubtedly be interesting to farmers.
the lakes during July were. 94; from the to 15th July in the most advanced coun- grown, and has already been well secured are made that the flow of milk is falling —J. D. Wilson, of Stratford, and Mr. Gunby has besides 84 hogs left ful calf -cow was raised by Mr. Wm.
following causes: Drowned 33, fatal- ties, from the 15th to 20th. thro�gbout in most cases. In the east, however, it off considerably owing to 't4e drouth ' Garland, a -farmer residing near New
I Miss E. 0. Wood. of Kincardine, have which are being fattened for the Boston
ities 55, natural causes 6. - most of Weitern Ontario, and fr�m the was somewhat light on the ,ground ow" the great cheese -producing counties been chosen English and French teach- market thin fall. I Dundee, about eight miles from Berlin,
—Some years ago a widow insured 25th July to let August in the 4istrzot iDg to winter -killing. . ad from a Holstein father- and Durham
� I . along thfe St. Lawrence and in the ers in the' Winnipeg High School, re- I --m-John O'Henly, of the Center ro , .4
roperty in Western Ontario with Mr.� east and north of Kingston. H4rveat- . PEAS. county 0 Hastings appear to feel little . . near Parkhill, met with a heavy loss in mother. Lily " was quite a little pet, k
9 �ncan Munroe, Cornwall. The pro- ing weather was very favorable, a d the Reports concerning peas indicate a difference in this respect, and report spectively. bles and as well an a curiosity in the neighbor- .
crop has been housed in excell, t crop. It per- much activity in the factories. The —Fully $20,000 has been paid to the destruction of his barn, ats,
mium was regularly paid till this year, , con- very fair but an uneven farmers in the vici�ity of- Tara for at oick contents by fire on August 18th. He hood, and they were exceedingly aorry
when she decided to allow it to lapse dition. hapt- Suffered more than any other crop low price offered for milk was comment- during the past aix'weeks, Mr. Ge rge was threshing that day, and during the to part with her, but a tempting money
throug� lack of funds. Mr. blonroe . SPRING WHEAT. � from the rains, of May and June, and on ed upon by several correspondents in the I 0 hour some one is supposed to have consideration prevailed. Mr. Klase in
advanced the money, trusting to cir- Fro � ,r spring low clay lands it is almost a f#ilure. ' Dunn alone having contributed over noon
m the reports regardinj I wastern part of the. Province, . accidentally set fire to_the, stable while quite tickled over his Intent purchase,
eurnatances for its return,; On the 28th -wheat it would not be iafe at this date The straw was afterwards scalded by . BRAS AND HONRY.1 1 $15,000 of this sum. - to j. B. lighting a pripe. . . which he pronounces the wonderful
July the buildings were burned down, to assert that the crop is any better than the hot dry weather which followed, Swarming was late as a rule, but in —James McKellar has sold calf of the worl,A. The . calf in now ..
and this week Mr. Monroe handed the an average one. Still there is much and this throughout the Lake , Erie Thompson, a Detroit florist, a ten acre . , —Miss Roger of Peterboro, on return- �
the majority of cases was qVite frequipt. piece of land at Petite Cote for $2,500. Ing last Friday night to her residence, stabled with the big steer, who has al -
lady a cheque for $2,000, which bat for reason to expect that it -will turn out counties appears to have materially Although occasional mention is made- of The land has 200 feet frontage on the which had been closed during the ready become quite attaoched to the lit -
checked the growth of the vine and the absence of the family at a summer re- tle pet. These living curiosities -will be - I
kis kindness she Would have lost en- better than fair. Harvesting had not ' spring dwindling and dysentery, very. Detroit River. foL a it on exhibition this season at all the nrin- e
tirely I . been completed at the date of the re. filling of the pods. In this district the little in said about foul brood, and the _J. P. Thompson, a Guelph cabinet- sort, saw a light in this house be r
—miss .H. S. Fitzgerald, for the past ports, except in a very few of the most crop is a. very �oor one, but throughout general health of bees may be classed as. maker, eloped.'Monday of last week with was opened. A man servant on search. cipal shown and fairs throughout Ca6da
three years principal of the Niagara advanced townships, while in the I coun- the rest of the Province the yield is good. There was a full supply of white Annie Bracken.,& young woman about 20 ing discovered under a bed a burglar, wtd the United States. ,
a ped, and is not likely on -the whole to clover, but linden was a failure owing . has a wife and with his pockets and person loaded with —Seldom i1l it given to 'a husband and
Falls south high school, has resigned ties where most spring wheat is grown ars old. Thompson I
her position the 0 Lindsay, as large proportion of the grain was at te much behind the average per acre. to unpro 'tious weather at the time of ye Bowinanville. spoils. He was arrested. wife to enjoy the companionship of each - -
re to g to . -west a large ortion of the bloom. I com- four children living in � .
classical specialist in -th6 Collegiate In- least a week from maturity, and much In the south il he bees, however, found —W. J. Fox, Canadian Pacific Rail- —Two young men from the township other for a term of year's sufficiently
stitute at that place, where she receives would depend on the.tRather interven. pea crop has been harvested and secured pensation in thistles and dandelions, way brakeman, fell from a train last of Westminster, were - brought before long to give them an I opportunity of �
I a salary of $1,000. Miss Fitzgerald is i�ng between then and'the end of bar- in good condition at the time of report- which yielded considerable nectar. The Friday night in the yard at Winnipeg E. S. Jarvio,,J. P., Saturday morning, celebrating what is generally known.as
amid to be the I most successful female vest. A majority of observers declare ing ; elsewhere operations were about to aver . Id of honey per hive may be and was instantly killed, being badly charged by E. Brady, Grand Trunk "The Diamond Wedding." A y In-
ce. The crop has Perhaps -suf- PI&C 'go ' " d my detective, with having on the simnee of this kind is worthy NO note.
teacher in Ontario. Recently one of the crop to be fair or promising, and commen e ed ; a, apd. in this - matt -or mangled. Fox came from Oxford Railw - the celebration
. . " - go this year in th eastern at po r. v
ker pupils, A. N. Meyer secured the generally good on'bigh land, but there fered more from bu blee appear to ha a been county, -Ontario, and was a single man.' 20th inst., thrown stones through the On Friday, August 8th .
' more favored than those in the want. a "
fi Scholarship of $140 at is almost Unanimous complaint of much older portions of the Province than �
rat Dickson . . —Four young men at Barriefield- at- windows of a passing train on the Port of �the 60th anniversary of th wedd 9
Trinity UniVersity, Torofito, and an- injury to low-lying wheat from the wet, usual, notably in Essex- and Kent and The outlook for the apiary was fair as tacked -and cruelly beat an'old man be- Stanley branch. They were each &s- day of Rev. T. B. and Mrs. Brown, of
other of her pupils, B. L. Fessendenp cold, and lat� spring. In some locali- par ' to of Middlesex, but the peat has j3ot correspondents wrote, although some cause the village saloonkeeper refused messed $1 damages snd $20 fine and East, Nkesouri, took place and was at --
obtained the second- Dickson Scholar- ties a blight that reddened the leaves is extended its opeiations into other sec. were fearing the effects of the drouth them liquor on -Sunday. The villagers costs, which were paid. terldid by over 100 guests. Present&- I
, J - degree. Worms then prevailing. —A little 5 -year-old son of Mr. J. D. tig7ris were mw
ship of $100- at the name institution. somewhat complained of, and in the tions to any marked . . turned Wit and nearly lynched them. le the aged couple, and
—The Kincardine carnival held last midland counties midge and weevil are have also.done some injury in Huron, LABOR AND WAGES. —While Wrn. Patrick was coming to -Booaey, Petrolea, met with painful in- 4propriate addresses were given by
. week was a grand success every way, credited. with . effecting considerable Bruce and Grey. . . The supply of farm labor has been Parkhill with a load of bay the other juries a few days ago. While playing Rev. Mr. Morrison, Rev,. Mr. Sabine,
while large crowds of people visited the dams - majority of reports HAY AND CLOVER. about equal to the' demand, but very near a mortar Miserii. George Sherwood, and W. K.
. . � ge, but the With the exception of the counties of rarely in excess of it. Year by yeaw the evening, one . of his horses, a valuable with some other children
town during the two days. -Intheb&nd. agree that the crop has suffered little animal, stumbled and fel). breaking his bed, one of the youngsters playfully - McLeod and others. Then a group was .
. competition J. -Thompson, of Toronto, from insects or droutb. Few observers Dundas and, Stormont and a few other demand for outside help is gradually leg. The horse bad to be killed. threw a lot of soft mortar from a stick, ' formed and several photographs me- I
made the awards, namely : I lot prize, in the midland oountif,s hazard an esti- localities along the St. Lawrence, eveT failing off with the more general use of —Crop reports publishcd in Winnipeg among the group; with the result that cured. The balance of the time was
eL -a gives e - -O&ViDg machin- a
$150=Truax band, Walk rton; 2ad, mate of the yield, but in the eastern county reporting - . . � binders and other labor indicate,that the damage from the re- Boosey had both eyes filled with the spent in pleasant social intercour e, and
$1-00—Listowel band ; 3rd, $50. San- districts, where the injury from -spring pression to the opinion that the hay eryi so that many farmers with' their cent frosts was very slight. The qual. mixture. He is recovering. discussing. Bellsmy'S I I Looking )3&ck-
gem ludian band. In the cornet cOm' rains Was particularly great, the average crop has been a magnificent one. Many son$ (if they are fortunate enough to ity of the wheat in some diqtricts will —The Grand Trunk Railway tunnel, ward." Mr. T. B. Brown was born at
ondents report that such " cro have sons who will stay on the farm) be under the St. Clair river at Sarnia., in L'Original, Ontario.,in the year 1804,and
affected, but in no instance will .
petition - Walter Hume, leader of the is occasionally estimated at from 15 to corresp known-. In the we i Dow do the whole of the work them. . now open clear through. ' A large auger with his parents moved to 31ontrea), af.
17 bushels per acre. The bearded varie- was never before 8 there be any diminution in the n
home band, received the prize, being a ei
most ern and central counties hay ,was savell, selves, and lordly find the work of bar umiture bored out ten feet, the remaining dis- telr:wards living' in York State, and at -
silver cornet, valued at $65. The hose ties, especially Colorado, are . _W`m. Berry, of Windsor, lux t1ty.
� interesting event, d thlroughout the Province, and in splendid condition, but "catchy' vest heavier than that of any otker sea- dealer, undertook to prevent a lady tance, This enabled the men working Grimsby. He was married in 1830 to, I .
reel racing was an I as reported in various see- t
-and the Wingham team won the first =Russian, French Imperial, and weather w ' Sen. The crowding of the immense bay tenant from removing her I goods out of on he Canadian aide to talk to their Miss Amanda -Harris, daughter of Mr.
ended tionH further east. Taken altogether, crop upon the rest of the harvest caused Harris, who was born in 1813 on
.20J, and the Blyth wild goose are rather more comm . his house, when the w
prize of $75 in 1 to, whether of howeverp the crop is a remarkably large some scarcity in a few 021ities,m and .9*an bit him fellow -workmen on the American end. Elisha ' I
tearn secured the S40 prize in L�6. than the Fyfe seed wheal &erose the arm with a bed slat, fractur. On Monday men were able to � walk Harris street, where the town of Inger-
� In those one, and the general condition .is first- made the work somewhat heavy for the ing one of the bones of that member. through the tunnel, its entire distance soll now in built, and moved at once to I
—The I I Lake Winnipeg" which or. Scotch or Manitoba growth, In different parts of the Province time being, but as a general rdle little —Mr. Alexander S-cott with his wife from Sarnia to Port Huron. his present residence, where they have �
rived at Montreal Thursday inorning few districts where the crop ban been class. in thebarns for the difficult' -has been experienced. The - —The 11 Knight Companion," a Clyde lived ever singe. There are at present
was delayed for Eve hours by heav�yfog harvested the report is fair, and this there was no room y and niece were driving in Greenbush, . ,.
interspersed with icebergs - about two will probably be the final verdict on the cut, and many haystacks are to be seen' rate of wages has ranged from $1 to near Picton, on Monday of last *eek. built steamer, in the Bombay trade,is at 11, children living, 49 grande.hildren,and -
crop as a w hole-. The area sown is Cutting was rather later than usual, $1.50 by the day, and from $15 to $25. 1 They had, a top buggy, and under the present in port at Montreal. Its crew 2 great grandchildren, At the time of
wiles east of Belle Isle. James Thomas, The midge was reported in several coun- by the month, according to the efficiency Mahommedan , accustomed to the heat their marriage Hamilton wag the near. .
a fireman, died when the ship had been much larger than last year. ties, and this. pest, with the dry weather and supply of laboi. The rate was seat was a quantity of . clothing and dry is
out. While stripped . . goods. Th� little girl mentioned that of the Indies, they shiver in the vig- est market to", where everytb gng for
only twelve hours BARLEY, - . . � Dressed in white sale had to be taken and all the neces- .
to th,e waist in that fierce stoke hole, Barley is somewhat light. in yield, prevailing9 was spoken of &a likely to slightly lower in the eastern part of the -she felt very warm and presently Mr. orous air of, Canada. red. and sa'ies of life purchased. Afterwards . .
which the passengers on board the big and uncertiin in cofor, so that taking *thin the yield -of clover seed. The re- Province than elsewhere. Scott himself noticed the thermometer kuickerbockers, blue costs and ' r
into account the decreased area under peated failures -of the past few years . rising and smelled something,burning. blue turbans, the forty-five members of when London made its appearance it
steamers shudder even to look at, he Vation1the crop is likely to be 4,000,- have deterred Many farmers from at- �About three weeks ago a party corn- He investigated and found fierce flames the crew present a most- picturesque b6came'the centre of trade. Mr. Brown .
.coiapsed—shrivelled,np, as if the heat culti Brage, and tempting to save clover for seed. . go were issuing from tho back of the &PPearsuce. They are as dark -as night. spent over forty years preaching. In the
had dried up his blood. Nothing could 000 bushels less than the avi I CORN. I . posed of Mrs. T. G. Watson and Mi M
probably not a great deal , will . rank ' The occupants immediately They climb the rigging -ladders in their early days his circuit reached thirty . I
be done for him and he very soon ex- first-class. The wet, cool spring, fol' e'indications of a favorable Gouinlock, of Paris, Mrs. John Gouin- buggy. - re feet like monkeys. They are am im- miles on either side of ,hifn, and -very .
.' There or vacated the rig and Mr. Scott In
pire& 11 Cause of death 9" a passenger crop of corn in the counties of Essex lock and her son, of Toronto, and Mrs. ive as the sphinx. They oat their many can bear testimony to the comfort
asked the chief officer. " D -rink," lacon- lowed by the dry, hot weather at matur- - Kerr, and her son, of Hamilton, left for to unhitch the horse. By this tinie the Pass i. They never laugh. and peace brought to their souls through
,, On a big ing time, did a considerable" amount of and Kent, and in ptirts of Elgin, Lamb . whole buggy was a bonfire, and with a rice in grave silenct
ically.replied the latter. , nd Middlesex, In the southern a trip up the lakes to Duluth. .411 went . succeeded - in pry- Coming up the Straits for the first time the blessing of God on Iris ministrations.
spree before he shipped ; couldn't stand damage to this cereal, and unfortunately, ton a 1 counties of the western penin- well with them, and they enjoyed them. rail Mr. Scott barely - . -
the heat; heat killed him." as the harvesting weather has been centra . - � "I'll
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