HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-08-22, Page 3xbL
Dunham "he agke(l) CLO YOU TinInK I'Q
better telegraph V
- "
When -Washington was President, �
bold Iolole, '
wunlyn wure aburnIMM 16DUU&I VVWJr im.All
kettle'�, and pan. Once a week was
gly � -
44 What would you say.
As as any I
He never "on the railroad want,
sweeping,4ay, then the handy carpet -
-C�t_ �-
�_,. ,
cfSay that there's' been a mistake ;
And never rode a. bicycle. I �
sweeper. did, the rest. Ea P�h - child did
Oat a, letter miaca,rried; that I'll -be
He read by. no electric lamp, .
his'portion of the' Work ; boys washed
so that if we get $4,000 for the $6,000 :worth
there in tho mornin- - that"
Nor heard about the Yellowstone ;
an well as girls, Whenevermunt
g, Wouldn't that �el takiii�her anx-
� He never licked a. postage stamp,
made a fire she tried to see how mucK
� i - projected
. .
lety a little too much, for granted?"
And never saw a te lephone. -
that fire could do -the. . most possible
rs I -
. s. Yes, that's true. Well you'vo got
� � '
your wits about . you now, Dunham,"
His trousers ended at the knees,
By wire he could not send dispalch ,
cookiDg and baking. Her washings
-were not large, though they all went
iri,6d Staniford, with illogical bitterness.
filled his lamp with whale -oil grease,
clean. She never wore a large number
I � itself into his waking mood; and steeP-1
� I
� ed it, -in a gloom which he could not
.$I Very probably," he added. gloomily,
� -
And never had a match to scratch.. �
. - I
of wash dresses except for kitchen
sales of this kind the best goods, the cheapest
41 she doesn't care anything for me, af -
But in thesi6 days it's come to pass, .
work. Light , basques were .pretty
).". r )
�) , -, I
ter alk . . I
. All work in with ouch dUhing done,
enongh, and it made Uncle Amos and
a good
" 1 av frame of mind to go
We'ye all those things; but then, alas
We seem to have to Wasbington.
the boys happy to see her thus dressed.
The boys helped baking
L I .
in,)) said.
.4 Why is it?" demanded Staniford.
BuRinnu, in American Paper.
- � 0. .
always on -
day, so their bodies got 1 a training in
0-ork .
cc Did I ever presume upon any w4p,
' Love -making Simplified.
kneading, cutting out cookies and crul-
I . .
posed interest in her 9." A)
t, Yon did at first," replied Dunham.
. -
To my mind Mr. - Edison's most valu
lera-Illeg work " the lade called it.
Aunt �Brina believed that housework
I �
Staniford fluahed angrily. Bat you
able invention is the -phonograph. I
think the -gentle or otherwise reader
was good for boys and fitted them to
� Co. I
cannot quarrel with a man, lying helpless
his bac k ; besides, what Dunham
will fully -agree with me when I have
become good husbands. Aunt wore
few white skirts ; seersucker and mo-
on . -
said was, true.
finished my tale.
I have a girl -one of those dear,
bair.were good enough, so she said.
'common light
� I I
The arrangements for Staniford's
. were cj,�ickly made, Fo quickly
soul -satisfying girls who insist .upon
Her night-dresses were
print with Hubbard fronts, Her fruits
when he had seen the doctor
your calling three times a week. Not
were not baked between crusts but eaten
14, also
kna for
that , I
&nd been down to the Aroc-stook an4
being over strong minded, I have for
104 weeks -two years to a minute-
. 1. Their July diet differed
au natura '
Vd on
, cus-
engaged Captain Jenness to come and'
his with Dunham for the
yielded to her wish in this -direction.
greatly from that of January. How
some families will have Aheir greasy
take place
ne:Kt two nights, he had twelve hours on
My last call, took place Sunday night.
I am due again this evening, but for
messes in summer as well as winter.
� I ;
his 1hands, before the train for Venice
. .
reasons that the reader will soon be
Instead of sweet milk they used butter-
milk, as they were- bilious folks. Grain'
I, I
-ted at last with
would leave, and he star
but Que clear perception, -that at the
�ware of I will while away the hours
in my own elegant bachelor q6arters.
food and fresh vegetables were good
I . I
I �
soonest it must be twelve hours more be-
. .
Yesterday I received from lthe father
and suited them well. Sabrina's par- '
entg came from a water ourewhere they
fore he could see her.
fle, had seemed intolerably slow i
of my inamorata, collect, a beautiful I
brass mounted phonograph. - I paid
had- lived for years, so in that way she'd
arriving on the train, but once. arrived
he. had
the charges after having made a brief
learned . wholesome cooking. They
lived vensibly and did not starve them- -
on -
. �
in Venice he wished that come
� by the steamboat, which would not be
canvas among my friends -the sum
was only S1.20 -and then I set -up the
solves as some people do. -
__ .
... I
�&L' I .
. : I
in for three hours- yet. In - despair he
went to bed, considering that after he
machine. I placed 'one of the little
gelatine tubes in its place and put my
I I 0 1
A New Departure
�. I �
� 1,
had toned there till he could endure no
- .
foot on the pedal. I pressed 'once and
from all the old e8tabli hed conditi ons
�� .
- .--
longer, he would still have the resource
I .
a jumbling noise came from the phono-
on which proprietary medicines are sold
7 �._ .-
of getting up, which he would not have
graph ; then I heard something that
has been made by the World's Dispen-
unles he went to bed. When he lay
sounded like idle thrumming on 0,
sary Medical Association, of Buffalo.,
down, he found himself drowsy ; and
piano, followed by a distant ring of a
New York' who having for many years
I I - .
while he wondered atthis, he fell asleep
bell; then in 96 few minutes the machine
observed the thousands of marvelous
and dreamed a strange dream', so terr�i-
said : .
cures of liver. blood and lung diseases
I �
ble that he woke himself by groanibg in
- .
.. "Good evening. I'm so glad to see
effected by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
. �
I :
spirit, a � thing which, as he reflect-
you." Then in a lower voice: 69 you
Discovery, now feel warranted in sell-
nrc .
ed, he had never done. before.
are latter than usual.' What was the
ing this wonderful medicine, (as they
The sun was piercing the crevice be-
matter ?" .
are doing through druggists) under a
. �
uls abuttere and - r1lance al his
. �
1nositiye ouarantee that it ill vive eat-
b, .
JJ Breuding Mares with foAls at feet, %&led
April 2nd, will be sold cheap., JOHN $COTT,
I '110
Roxboro. , �
. .
BLLCKSMITH WANTED .-Wanted, at once,
a journeyman Black$With for horce shoe-
ing and Ireneral jobbing. Apply to THOMAS
MELLIS, Kippcn. 1179tf
. -
FOR SALE -BARGAIN. -One large Taylor
Sale, combination lock, doub)e door,
as it left the factory. Alsol,,260 acr#s on b!xun9kt
of Lake Huron; 160 acres olearid. E. N.
LEWIS, Solicitor, Goderich. 1168 ,
LOTS FOR SALE. -Two building Lots on
darner of Chalk and Gouinlook streets, ad-
joining Victoria Square, Seaf orth. For further
particulars apply'to,A� STRONG. 1117 tf
TEAC ff ER WANTED. -A male teacher want -
ed In School Section No. 12, 14th conces.
sion, Hay township. Any applications must be
made personally. BE11.UIRAN SUIELARUS,
Trustee. 1182x4
. I
ed for Union
T School Section No. 3, Wallace and Grey,
with 2nd or 8rd .class certificate. Apply- to
THOMAS ELLIOT, Molesworth P. 0, Ontario.
- -
TEACHER WANTED. -Wanted, for this fall
term, a male teacher holcing a second or
third class certificate. Apply up to August lltb.
State salary expected, and enclose te8timonialo.
Address, PETER F. MoNAUGHTON, Teacher
S. S, No. 2, Hibbert, Mitchell P. O., Ontario.
-DULL FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will
JO keep on Lot 23, Concession 5, McKillop,
th Ili hb ed Durham Bull "Jeff Daviol"
r t oroul rhe Dominion S�crt Horn Heid
e 8 ered n t
Bc� k , No. 13049 _ This animal "&-bred by Mr.
Isaac Hostetler , New Hambuig, and is' one
of the beat bred aniinals-in the Province.
Ternis-To insure, $1. GEORGE LOCKART.
I : 1 1370
MONEY TO LOAN. -Private and company
funds to loan at lowe43t rates. $10,000 of
private funds have been placed In our hands
which we will loan in sums to suit borrower.
. Loans can be completed at once if title satisfac-
tory. DICKSON & HAYS, Cardno's Block, Sea -
forth. 1143tf
_ . .—
OTEL FOR SALE. -The undersi ned offers
for sale on very reasonable terms the Drys -
ale hotel property, in the Village of Drysdale.
The hotel will be vacant on the lat of May. It
is well situated for doing a large and profitable
busimess, and is in a condition to obtain license.
Apply to JOHN BRESSON, Johnston's Mills
P. 0. . � 11 1160f
I �� J A) I U, AL -B 11 V I V U K3 "Oil .
_ju_u - 10VINOILIP"ILIV,5151 I
, -
. . - 00000001
� I I - ! Is ftble 110 L
. Ir -not remodiod ft' mma,t
I I . bwome hobitug and chronic. DrA&
� �, ,OF A— �' tic purgativesl, by weakening the bow*14
: , , . J . ConArmf rather t1UM Cure, *0 STM
L .
. �&yer9s PlUs �Aiv a, and .
� ,, being wild, effe
� z . . I . guengthening in their action, are gener-
I. &Uyreconiniended the - faculty " *0 -
$4 500 BANKRUP STOOKbest of &"ri011t8- .
I I I oe.Having been subject, for ears, to
. - ho bein
� I . tomstilation, witholo _ IZ
� . _g ab. a to MA
. I raueh relief, I -at I tried Ayer's PM& .I I
I �
I .
� 'A .
. �,d an a ple"MV
� .. I dem Itboth a
. I . —OF - . to testify tbat I have;, arived great bew- _.
. � I : . I
I L I efit from their For over two yews
1� .
� , I p"t I have taken Due of these pill&
I I � - ,� i ,&vsry ujMkbefore roUring. I would sot
� Wfirmg 5F,u witho4t eew., — G, W.
Boots-, Shoes, lia ts, -Caps' and ljow=U, LW IC"t X&M at.., CarUSIG.. F&. '
I I , h L kyerf 'Plus and .
L ' - ' . 101 have been s
Groceries - uwaing themmn in my y since 1857, and -
. I - . recomme to an In
- - � need of a safe but a ectuAl cathartic." - �
. . —John X, BQW, ville, Ky.
I �
I . � ecryor'4elght 3iem was afflicted with I ,
on, . . _ ILat last beelinie "
BOUGHT AT 55c ON THE DOLLAR. bed the C could ido no more -
� . n to take Ayer's
I I for me. Then 11
� . N Pills, and soon the bowels recovered .
. their natural aud re action, so that
. I - . - - now I am in exoel nt health -"—S.- L.
! - I Loughbridge. BIB Texas.
I I � . ,11 Having used Ay is Pills, with good -
I MUlts, I fully � e them for the pur-
_PQ_ poses for which they e recommended."
T W .-, T T\ -d—: 6.1 ��� H -i :7 ;�T. Conners, X. D., Centre Bridge, Pa.
l I
� .
I . I 1
- I . 1. 1. ere's i -
- i
* ,,
- :1� - '. into. Molie,, Ay PHIS9 .-
I Want - the Stock ",,Tu I rnec .y PP".UZD BY -
. . .
. - . - - `�y=&&-4mW_W_-1N1- Dr. J. C. Ayer & 100., LOW0, Mzs& I
; S. . !- Pold b3r allDruggists Dealersin
Inside of Six Week ; " '.1,
-V!_%_Ii�V_0,��O�_,M-�r-�~ !T I
. i
I -
I ,
. � -
I I -. I
-By actual count there are 2,900_pairs Boots, .. .
-, ,
.__._��__ __ _! � mmW�MWntzWommmas
I.% _..
Shoes and Slippers; 623 Hats and. Oaps, � ., I
. . .-
I . ,
% � I _ .--. .__..1M6T"ft_ ��.._ .-
. -
- _.
and $1,000 worth: of Groceries, - r .
I " I W �6 "I
4E Of rywov" I
� . watch showed him that it was eleven
ineardanindistincrt reply and then
the voice was plain again. It was &
I ey paid
isfaction in every,case or mon
-.ISTRAY'COW.-Strayed from Egmondville
Eon coming
The marked- price -Df which is $6,000. :We arf
'busy re -marking down,
-C�t_ �-
�_,. ,
i BUF1
� . o'clock, -
The shadow of his dream
familiar tone and I seemed to have
for it will be promptly . refunded.
"Golden Medical Discovery!' cures 1611
the 8tb IDOL, a red milch cow,
six years old. She has a white star in her fore-
head, fine horns. She is giving
so that if we get $4,000 for the $6,000 :worth
icds 1 -will be satia-
:)f gc ,
" � �,
� i - projected
. .
heard the words'it uttered somewhere
blood, from
with projecting
lead to the
re 6, iui
fled. D6 not raske the mistal the f
. At. all
3take, of delay ,
- t -
I � itself into his waking mood; and steeP-1
� I
� ed it, -in a gloom which he could not
before. -
"Here, this is seat -and this
humors or -impurities of the
whatever cause arising, as eruptions,
milk, Any information that will
recove ry of this animal will be thankfully re-
sales of this kind the best goods, the cheapest
goods, and the mo
).". r )
� I .
I esea-De. He rose and dressed', and
^_ v; ht 'harn h nn is mine" .
blotches, pimples, old ;�ree and scrofia.-
ceived by the owner, who is a man.
DAVID HAYS Eir ondville. 1183tf
able sizes zo firist. Whv then delay I You
must ha-ve Boots, you
C.+ C )
- �J Is J J I . tinc affections. It is 'equally efficacious
� I ineagerly-breakfasted. Without know- Here the talking 'became indis t 10118
�� . ing how he came there, he stood an- again. I pumpted on the machine for. in bilious disorders, indigestion or dys
� . nounced in. Mrs. Erwin's parlor, and fifteen minutes without getting a clear - epsia and chronic catarrh in the head,
- . I waited far her to receive. him. aentence, when I heard this : Eronchiol throst and lung affe.-tions, ac -
- � His card was brought into her where. "Now, there, that is- enough that - companied by lingering . coughs.
8 : - she, lay in bed. After supporting Lydia last one was square in the mouth. No, - --- - I
throughthe first sharpshockof disap, sir, not another one. Sh—someone is Women T4rough Men's Eyes.
011 pointment, she had yielded to the pro- coming. I . A SPANISH MIXTURN OF TRUTH AND
longed strain, anA the girl was now tak- There was a sound as if of -moving . XONSIMSK. .
I .
Ul � . , ing, care of her. She gave a hystericAl chairs on a carpet, after which a dead
. I laugh, as she read the name on the card silence prevailed. Then - there. was Every man in a her6 to the woman
: D'S EX Veronica brought and crushing it in more muffled talking, which finally who loves him.
��PT N( . her hand, " He's come!" she cried. * became audible. ' .� . Men never love women whom they do
,FOR I' I " I will not see him !" said Lydia, in- G 4 A.nd yo� love me just so much as not, and women never love men whom
.. - 11 they do, understand.
- U stantly. you ever did? Honest, now.
� � . . " No," assented her aunt. " It nded . Women, in affairs of the heart; never
7 . I There was something that sou
. !
I " wouldn't be at all the thing. Besides, - like the breaking of a peanut - shell, learn anything by experience, and are
; -
� �. : he bas asked for me. Your uncle might when the voice continued, almost in -J entire incapable of preceiving conse
� .
� . I . - I quenoes. Yesterday is the dark age
� 9___ 1. see him, but he's out of the way I of audibly : .
�_ course he would be oat of the way. Now "Dear, but you are selfish. Look with them, and to -morrow is an impossi-
� - � .
z let mesee !" The excitement inspired where you hand is—what- if someone ble era.
� her ; she rose in bed., and called , for should come in ?') Women desire to love, primarily, and
� . the pretty sack in which she ordinarily There were more inaudible sentences .men to be loved ; hence women idealize
. bre%kf4sted. and took a look at herself and more breaking of peanut shells, and men analyze the object of their af -
z � I in a hand glass that lay on the bed. followed by an uninteresting, discon- fections.
I . ly Man are won by the love of women,
7 - I I Lydia did not move; she scarce nected conversation that came quite men by the fascination of their own
111- � seemed to breathe; but a swift pulse in clearly. Then I heard something like WO .
r%* � a .
EW . her neck beat visibly, "If it could be a clock striking. I count�d the strokes; P 8810n -
Pool F I . If a woman will not love you, make
I -decent to keep him in waiting so long I there were ten of them.
, bar bate Von and she if half yours ; for
I ON -L" could dress and see him myself. I'm 11 That isn't late," came the voice.
)ON07 � well enough." Mrs. Erwin again re- ,, you didn't,come till nearly 9'.)) hate is too unnatural to her to last, und
14ER. its first rebound is tenderness, and the
. flected. 'I Well, " she said at last, I I you There was a slight noise, followed .
.— I .must see him, Lydia." I by more breaking of peanut shells, second passion. .
� . )) Women like men who flatter them,but
I I t's
I I I - I "— began the girl. mixed with half -smothered ,"don . .
I It , love those who dispise them.
� Ust. It will without
I � Yes, you. Some one in I pumped another half-hour
.re be all right.. On second thouuht, I be--' . Women become attacked to men. not
�, . I I hearing much but the breaking of the t men do to them, but for what
I lieve I should send you, even if'I were peanut shells—although.I-am not, sure for who,
. I '
I - � � � quite ready to go myself. This affair that it was that - —and an occasional they do for men. Gratitude paves the
I 1) ad way to their esteem, but selfishness
h&s been carried on so far on the Amer- 99 don't,." "love, quit," 11 to -morrow
i b r . - ic-an plan, and I 'think I shall let you night?" and ' c deary. "_ Then the � voice opens the road to their love.
.� �fini,sh it without my interference. 'Yes, became clear again. A women who will listen to a declar-
I mery as your uncle said when I told him, your -Don't hold my bands, so—do you ation of love cannot- resist the love
I —the breaking itself.
I aRAmericans together; and you are. see where they are?" I
. �.OT. I Mr. Staniford has come - to see yout of two peanut shells interrupted. the N,Vomen never pardon in men the do-
. I fecfa they possess. themselves. They
� '
. though he -asks for me. That's perfect- voice—'4 and to -morrow n lit? No? worship their opp9sites in the opposite
r haxe . � ly proper; but I can't see him, and I Well, the next will do. Wow, don't Belt. -
7 with I want. you to excuse me to him." forget. Good -night, good -night." The smallest tenderness outweighs
I is all, but before I
�They I 11 What would you—what must I "— I thought that wa ith a women the- greatest sacrifice.
ntg� � Lydia began again. had removed my foot from, the tram- w
, . �he will forget the hero who -would die
� I
I ar the machine called out:
. ,, No, Lydia," interrupted her aunt. pling ge
, 1161 - in her behalf, fori the mere gallant who
— � 11 ' I won't tell you a thin -, I might have 11 Hello?" - -Would give her caresses and nothing
� advised you when you grat oai�ne; but ,, Say, young man," it continued, .
I now -I— W . ell, I think I've lived too ',I filled this machine up as beat I more. ,
, . I Women in�their affections: are either
I long' ju- Europe to be of use in could from recollections of my c6urting .
t I as. As tyrants they are
won't have anything days, and I holpe you'll get some con- tyrants oralov
� . I such a case$ and I indep udently wretched; as.slaves they
1L � n't tell you. how to solation of it two nights in . the week. are a e missive .
�� I to do with it. I wo ub . . ly satisfied.
S I meet `h-im, or -what to say: but oh, I say two nights because I'm going, to Women always measure their strength
� . I I shild,."—here the woman's love of loving draw the line at one call it mY house in the beginning against men 'they are
.. .. : � triumphed in her breast,—" I wish I for every seven days. When you get , the eve of loving. They make a
� I place I Go I" lonesome and want to go calling, just On
7T � was in your', great display of battle at first. Bat
- I Lydia rose slowly, breathless. pull the machine down and you've got hen they yield, --they yield forever.
�� w
I - � 11 Lydia "' cried her aunt, 11 look at s6 pleasant evening before you and you ster,
IM aye to fi I up your toilet either. Any man can be his own ma
, ine !" Lydia turned her head. "Are don't h X I but no woman can be her own
I ling to. be hard with him?" The gelatine tube, in good for 5,000 . .
� You L701 istress. . .
� , - - - 11. f don't know what he's coming for," calls, and if you and my daughter are I . n No two persons can harmonize with
5tic ime they'ri) gone a with
sort -
I said Lydia, dishonestly. not married by the t each other who do not harmoniz
,ft., I for what you I'll furnish you- with another one. If
, 44 0 coming � mselves. Before there is union there
I I' But if he, . the
best - . you feel at any time 9s if you'd like
i and I hope W - to hav . e a lover's quarrel, the other tube - must be unity.
� I'll don't hope for anything." When women's hearts are touched
- �
� lesi- I . "But - you did. Don't be severe. inelosed in the package will give it to they are all kindred. The humblest
� . QP_ You're terrible when you2re severe." you. . . .. sister of th(
� wench then becomes the
buse I � L I -I will be j uet. " 11 Yours econornizingly, ) . proudest duchess. I
. I BARBAM's DAD.' I .
4 1 114 Oh, no, you Mu9tn't, my dear. It _-.110— �i I —_ .
Mama I won'tdoatalltO be as justwithmen, . � I .
I I iss me,Lydia "' She pulled Short Cuts. -Good Moat. � -
. poorfellowc K L
I - her down and kissed her. When the �. BY PATW IrCKER. Professor Vaughan, of the- Michigan
1. , as far as the door," Lydia I . - state b9ard of health, tells how to kno%
____ girl had goLr - That is what Aunt Sabrina Weather He says
I Cora Lydi . a,"8he called after her.Lydia turned. bee calls them, an' I never heard her good meat when you see it.
: c ize what dress you have got 11 Good be9f has a reddish -brown color
I and
. I
�phy� i . I Do you i eaLl looked down at her robe ; spoken of as shiftless. Some speak of and contains no clots of blood. Wel
. nthpj . on?" Lydia it as knack and others call it faculty. . shed beeves furnish a flesh which
,been . itwastheblue flannel yachting suit of Aunt 'Brins, has a long head with plenty nouri -with spots o
hirty the Aroostook, which she had put on - of sense stored away in it. You never while raw, is marked Old
- 0 e ironing table white fat ; it is firm and compact.
Oresa , for convenience in taking ' care f her � See her a-standiug at tb which is
,nsul- aunt. "1sn't it too ridiAous !11 Mrs. all day as some women do, burning. Up lean animals produce flesh
le's, of - it to praise the .coincidence, er.. tough, dry and dark ; the fat is yellow
L tvi O Erwin mear wood by the cord in a senseless mann Veal is slightly reddish and has tender
� L, d led
�Trly � the dress. L dia smi treet
c ighbor over on Spruce s
ward not'to blam e nd t next mo - An old ne 6 I I know that white fibres ; the fat is not distributed
. -13 1 faintly for an answer, a or door. . said only yesterday : ixty do]- through the lean, as in beef. The sanit
� I meat she. stood at the parl my daughter-in-law has used si 11 ; but is true of mutton.
� -- I Staniford, at her entrance$ turned lars' worth of wood since last fa . mals white fat accumulates, along th.(
I d as my son doesn't complain, it's none of an' ' f the muscles. Pork is ros(
E from looking Out Of the � window an-- .
, border 0
2 saw her as in his, dream, with her hand my business.7 This family, their name red, mixed with fat. The lard is whitt
I but ,
L behind her, pushing the door to ; 18 legion -lie &bed late of mornings,then
I ich she looked at him all through the day that old roaster of a and lies in heavy d§posits under th(
k. the face with Wh whole duty. The skin. Good beef is not of a pale pink
I was not like the dead, sad face of his cook -stove does its
I I color, and, such a color indicates tha
I . .
� as thrillingly alive, and all baking, steaming, and broiling bring on
I . dreami It w ' the animal was diseased; . nor does i
. � blent in'it-10ve, doubt, .a fine crop of flies, and no wonder.
I - I passions were ood Early morning for me, then take have a dark purple hue, for this color 1
pproach, indignation; the tears atthe things easy during the heat of the day. evidence that the animal has not beer
k I I ut a fire burnt through
I I I in her eyea,b slaughtered, but died with the bloo�
� adlong impulse Aunt Sabrina reared a large family well.
� tears. With hiff first he in its body, or has suffered from activ
- Is . -Good beef has no, o
ion, I .to console) explain, deplore, came a She always sat at her work as much as febrile affection.
thought that struck him oilent -at eight she could. Ironing, paring vegetables, but little odor, or if any perceptible, i
,, .
I � of h I er. He remembered$ aa he h%d not making is a and butters, she was always is not disagreeable... In judging as ' t
4 I till thbn' rememberedv in ell his wild nested on er high stool that Uncle a cl. nif
� - longing and fearing, that there . had not Amos had made for her. Two of hin the ' odor of meat pass ean k
:� 91 yet been anything explicit between, none are preachers � and two doctors, which has been dipped in hot wate
ient; good vigorous men whose moiber did through it and smell it. Good meat i
� Meat that is we
[roc I them ;-� that there was no engagen elastic to the touch.
and t4at he had,upon the face of things not use up her vitality before they were and flabby should be discard'bil. I
4T_ 1, _r more than v,.-.v.n as some extremelv industrious : go.
iERSET BULL. -The undersigned will keep
during the present season on his farm, 2nd
concession, H. R. S., Tuckeramith, a thorough'
bred Jersey Bull, sired by Canada's, John Bull.
Term"1.60, payable at the time of service
with privilege of retuining if necessary. JOHN
HANNAH. N. B. -Also for sale a Jersey bull
calf, eleven months old, thoroughbred. 1164
. - -
T0 PIG BREEDERS. -A large Berk8kire pig
will be kept the presen-ti .season at tke
Winthrop Cheess Factory. Thij is a registered
hog, bred by Charles Young, two years old and
shown at the Western Exhibition in 1888.
Terms, $1 for one sow and- 75- cents each for
more than one. JOHN 0. MORRISON. 166
re . quiring lots or owing for any already
selected will please call on Mr. Geo. A. Gray,
near Cemetery, who %-ill give all the neocosary
information and who is also authorized to re-
ceive money and give receipts for saute. 19th
June, 1890. WX. M. GRAY, Treasurer. 1176-8
. -
-The undersigned will keep during the
season at Leadbury, a thoroughbred Holstein -
Friesian bull by 11 Lady Collins Nepthune "
No. 15667, sire, I I Maud Hanning's Neptune:"
No. 5870: dam, " Lady Colin," No. 3734, milk
record 85 pounds per day ; butter 21i pounds .
in seven days. Terms, $1.50, payable on the lot
of 1anuary, 1891. J. T. MoNAMARA. 1178tf
EXXGUTOI�S' NOTICE, -All parties haying
� claims against the estate of Edgar Ralph
Evans, late of the Village of Hensall, pierchant
tailor, deceased, who ed on or about the 14th
day of July, A � D. 1890, are hereby notified to
send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to
Ralph Augustus McIntyre or Erastus Ronnie,
both of the Village of Hensall, and executors of
the last will and testament of the said deceased,
at the'said Tillage of Hen8all, in the County
of - Huron, on or before the fifteenth day of
September, A. D. 1890, their chnistlan names
and surnames, addresses and descriptions,-tbe
full p rticulare of their claims, a statement Of
a r,
their accounts and the nature of their se-
curities (it any) held by them, and in default
thereof and immailiately after the said 16th day
of 8 tember, A. D. 1890, the assets will be die -
ed among the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of which notice
shall have been given as above required. This
notice having been given under the provisions
of the 'Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter
110, the Fiaid executors will not be liab,le for the
said assets or any part thereof to 9,13Y person of
whose claim notice shall not have been received
at, the time of such distribution. 'Dated this
15th day of July, A. D. I890. RALPH AUG-
Executors. X. B., -All parties owing the estate
of the said Edgar Ralph Byans, merchant tailor
deceased, are hereby required to make vmr
t on or before the said 16th ay f
ptemberi A. D. 1890. Ralph Augustus
McIntyre and Erastus Rannie, Executors. 1180-8
1 . .. .
TyOUSE A19 -D LOTS FOR SALE. -The sub-
. _L_J scriber offers for sale the house north of
the Egmondville manse I together with three
acres of land, suitable for building purposes.
On the front are a quantity of young fruit trees
commencing to bear. Wli. ELLIOTT. 1116
&4 FARM FOR SALE. -Being north
.4v 1000 half of lot 22, in the 6tk conoes-
sion of Morris. The farm contains 100 acres of
choice land, 90 cleared and balance good hard.
wood. The farm Is in a good state of cultivation,
well fenced, a never failin� spring creek runs
through the farm, a first claw orchard, brisk
-house and good frame barn and other out-
buildings. The farm is within 3 miles of the
villa e of Brussels. Title perfect and no on-
eunifrance on- farm. For further partioulaip
apply to H. P. WRIGHT, on the premises, or
Brussels P. O. Il75x13.
or to rent, for a term of years, Lot 12P Can-
-Xillop, containing 100 acreri, of
9 cassion 9, Mc
I which about 90 acres are cleared and in a good
state of cultivation. There sie about - 70 acres
0 seeded to grass. The fences and buildings are
f good, and it is one of the best farms in the
i three miles of ,the village
i county. it to within
of Winthrop, and Smiles from S�aforth, and a
good gravel road past the place. it Is within a
. mile of school. It will be sold cheap, or rented
for a term of years. Apply on the farm, or
address Winthrop P. O. ROBERT G. ROSS.
1181-tf �
0 .
I Loan and Investment
' .
t This COMPan 'is Loaning Money on
t y
3 Farm Security at lowest Rates
of Interest.
e mortgages Puchased.
t. . �
e 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Ilsterest Allowed oi
r Deposits, according to amount and
time left.
9 � �
t I
t . OFFICE.—Corner of Market Squai
had North Street, Goderich.
must hv annot very do without a Hat. 11 �:L � - P W Ir" I �
Why should you put it off and pay one-half te'rie Ifor the Yery same (D C-11, I .
-4 )..am e.,� t I
goods I I . )-I I �
�.� - I
.. � X ).� I . 0 (D I I -, � .
p :� . . .
�.". I _P I
, :
Thisis the greatest opportunity for sec�ring cheap goods ever "M �-j �.o )::� : 0 RD �� -
M (D - � -
offered in Seaforth. The.nale opens on SATURDAY, the 19th inst., 0 P W . , z
. I M '.4 - * . �
. I �
will continue till all is disposed of. I � 44� 0 - �
I ;
a I.. - - = . 9 0 P�, �
� � I
�, , 0 C.c� . � 0, 1-4 . I 1
6 (D W t� . I
- C 0 . �
o- � W � I
r ).d lb� I
- �
. .- .10 I , P - I -
. . rX-PORAES 0_41-S -. 3P , a) .
. J I I
X . . -
C-4- CD 0 1
1 1 �
M �_q 0 . I
I I �r -0 �3' -4 . - �
> 'n W z �
..W. - .
M 0 - �_ I
GEORGEw GOOD, I C-4 V 0, 90 :! � I
--d )..d. 0 1 1
- 'I I
� ' W r .4 r" C+ W � I I
i . 14 11 �. z
SEAFORTH — AND BRUSSELS. M ' 0-_", �-aft P . 1. I
- V rl** .
I . 70 (D b. W r".4 I -S, - , .
7 �
� Ch � 0 - i
I I -
. -
____ - �_, Cn 0. Sna :
-1 �.". -
. . �
. � . .. I . r:7'i " M "
� -
. P p, 1-9� I
1W n :� - .
. I
OUNDRY, ` -,� � .m - I
THE - SEAFORTH. . 0 0 0-1 ID P . - � I
- I
- - .
- . � M ;O -H - -O.- Pt . �- - I-
I- i�r V `4 CD
, - i �
Having completed rebuilding and repai i g the old foundry, a�nd 3 CD ;z . .
n 1" CD
a Os 0 9 I
. -
introduced the latest equipments and the ost improved machines, ,p 0- p 0 )_i. I t
� .4- - I
I am now prepared to do � . z � I . �
. 4
; O �� Cn (D (D I
. -
' I I .
- -
W 0--d . . - -
All Kinds 'of . Machi ,ie Repairs I m 10 .
I r+ 1� P., W . I I -
-4 I I .
. � 0 pa I ,�
X 1:34 . . I .
. O..� - � " n', I
AND GE NERAL FOUNDRY W__ OR K. , m ;ql �-� V W � . .
- . I M .r+ M 0 __ ��ii
I . T. T. COLEMAN. -1 0 C4 - P. Ct. __�__ � f �
�7 .� . W " 0 � . _.
.. w� i
- 0 w I Ul I
I I cc - i
. 1-0 P1 PV ;� 1. ,
I M �__ I
Q -: - - W CD �` . 11
I -4 0 .1
. . 0 ),.11 M CD
. . - : O. -W I I
0 0 5 2� �9) i
. , cn 0
NT.- X i
. ) . � )1 P-45
; .. I -i P I .0 I I - .
; � . � . X - 0-., � P 0 )14 1.1 . .
. . . � I W. -4 � 0 �r (D C.t. .
Re-opdns Vacation on �Xonday, September 1st, 1890. ' �� ' CL CD 0 � . -1. 1,
I 0 1, I- 0� .
a7 I . . 0- '1 P, 0 ,�.
. I I -1 - z J---; V, �-d ).,. . � . .
� - P, - N �
� I � -i M r-, (D 0 -
. I a �L f,.4 W M -
This institution Vas just closed the moot succissf tern, : Df its existence, and duAW the year C+ %0
between 800 and d$0 students were enrolled. srl�yyll +the raduates of the last t4rA_ have se- , . � , I- -
� wb arainterested in commercialwork � ,
I cured good paying pesitiots. All youlng me d women � . ,
are invited to correspond with -us. ThIs is the most progressi re and prosperous business trail - . I
se L hool in Canada. it to established and conducted for the so e purpose of traininir young men a . I _' � . .
womien in the principles and methods of business life, sad it ii � to -day the most successful axpon, � � I N E . - - .
I .
of this important work. AW Handsome catalogues free. I . t AL -LAN ; L _ - - ___ _____ .
W. J. ZLLIOTT, Seoretary. 1182 W. H. SHAWO PRINCIPAL .
. I � I
I ! I - I
: " "I �
IF- - __ � IRST CABIN, $45, Single, $95 Return. , - �
BUTMAIN RATES $45, $50 anal #60 Single. $25, $10D and . -
$116 Return accordihg to location of Stateroome, -
0 Above rates do not apply to �,
rJ%!S1Af POV16 - - SS. PARISIAN or Sune voyage of SARDMAX. . __ � .;
I � � I ;
: INTERMEDIATE, $30. Return, W. I
4 Steerage at lowest rates. , I
Please inform your readers that I have a , *0 0 remedy for the abo" nuned A ly to H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or C. . I .
It"Vell Uveen permaxwMidy cured. I shad p
disegm By fts timely age thoosands of h6poless cases ? - BETWUNE or A. STRONG, Sesforth. I - , -
be gind to send two battles of my remedy FPWX ts ; I)y of your readers who have COW 1168-62 - ;
mm peon U the send me their Express AA PeA office Address. Reqwctfift
[ wMM.O.V I" West Adelaiddo St.y TORONTOg ONTAW& '
T.E----- � . I I
11 �,
- � i Removed I Removed I � . . . I ,
� . ! I
. I I G_ M1 C) M1 _W I MT Gw., -
I � The Old Zelablioned Butchay has removed to - :
I preageas Immediately opposite his Old __ �
24ew - I
I �
I �
I . Stand, Math Street, $ezforth, where he will -be � I
I pleased to meet all his old patrons and as many I I
I new ones as may see At to favol him with their I
' ; . ! patronage. I . - � I
;: AWSemember the place,between Reenderson' .
� -
AUGUST 890. .1 .
I E[smen Shop, and McIntyre a Shot Store, IWD .
, - �
_ . Street, Beaforib,
- - -
. - I . , � 898 PEORGE EWING. . �
- �
� . - ., � �
. .
s .1 I -
� I . 0 nfnfr . �.
a 2 .... X* sum er Yard . I
- '
e have Some SpeciaL Lines in A" SAW MILL IN CONNECTION . .
� The subscriber would beg to call aftsention to -
. the large stock of dressed . and undressed lumber . - . �
which he always keeps on hand, at the Tory .
. lowed Orlon. I
I 1) R. -E S S G 0 0 DS9 Bi ILI StUff CUt to_ - . . I
. - any order on I . ��
� . Short Notice. i . .
I � I I
. - Good Ce"r out into timber or .posts. A ,good -
stock of Hemlock -Logs at Saw Mill, Lot 2D,
EAP8 :Concession 16, Grey, which will be mit too any i . -
11ICIE1 ARE VEIty 0111 .
. order on shortest. notice. Lumber delivered at V
I . reasonable rates when desired Ordeis by mail I
. - I promptly filled. Address BiLoPmAoxx P. 0. -
at least, no right, to 0 L 0 ' . Eb UL ,
lid& I of regret for not women do In the preachers' parishes should not become gelat onous HORACE HORTON, . .
1. . some formal expression " ept in.& cool place two days, but . MANAGM Cawles 42"rengen".
es ii . I having been able to keep his promise to they never ask whether or no these bein dry on the surface and - - . R - J * M I ES 0 No 1106 Concomiong, Lgoan.
,ling divines slept on unirened, sheets in their shou d remain . - -M . . I ! -
Id I oome sooner. . hood. Aunt 'Brina told them firm to the touch." . Goderich, August 5th,1885 . I . . � I .
(To be continued.) child , - . . . . I -
. �
� -
,h. � . . � . �