HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-08-22, Page 1.
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r ITWBNTY-TB:IRD YEAR. . . . . moLBAN BROS. PubUshers.
. 'WHOLE NUMBER 1,1814. 1 .* 8' I . SEAFOR H,- FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, .1890a - 1 101-50 a Yeam, in Advanoe. -
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. TEMPERANCE AGENCIES ' ple have been induced -to sign the andarising hefound upon observation while the train was moving out from for themselves comfortable homes. He Toronto, then to Ogdensburg, New
Clearing Sale I IN NEW YORK. . pledge. It is to be regretted, however, that the -portion of rock -upon which he Gravenhurst. He fell outside the rails, was a crack ploughman and a life-long York, and in Watertown formed a part- m
- . that no way has been devised to keep, he had been sitting, was quite smooth but the oil box caught him, and be was Reformer. At the rebellion of 1837 he nership with Mr. Wood, ending up by .1
. � LIQUOR SELLING A LAWFULLY AUTHOR- these signers together, so as td strength� and hollow; We presume by this time doubled and twisted round and round accompanied the. yeomanry of York to I eloping with Wood's wife. The pair
—AT THE— IZ'ED BUSINESS —TEXPERASCH WORK A, en their virtuous resolutions, and to de- he has conceived the idea of blasting till his neck and back and legs were join Wm. L. Mackenzie at Montgom- went to Chicago, where they purchased
. MOVEMEITT CARRIED ON BY AND VOR � THE termine what proportion of them remain the rock and preserving the hollowed broken, and his body frightfully man- ery�s tavern, Yonge street, and although tickets to California. From this- new
- PEOPLE—TEmrERAwcx SOCIRTIRS —THE steadfamt. . part as an excellent specimen of an In- gled. I they (the so-called rebels) were put to clue the det�etives hope to have Stock
4n " n CHRISTIAN ROME. � Possibly the beat organized " d equip- than mortar, in which the aborigines —T. C. Doidge, of 372 Wellesley rout, the liberties we now enjoy were arrested and extradited.
an . .
CheCL]v Cctioah Store , In a city like New York, with its c I- ped of all the temperance agencies in used to grind their corn. Frogs, too, street, Toronto, a fourth yea*r under- afterwards conceded. —Mrs. Jane Wheeler, mother of Mr.
- 0-9 New York is the Christi . an Home for In- -assume immense proportions, which the graduate of Toronto University won —On Monday evening last thieves Frank 0. Wheeler, of the firm of Wheel -
i �
I -OF-- mopolitan population, and the extra- temperate Men. It occupies' a commo- following incident will show : An old the Free Trip to Europe prize i� The effected an entrance into the Roman er & MoLean, hardware merchants, -
. . � I ordinary number of transients who dious and comfortable building at the Scotch se4ler relates - I I One - Sabbath Canadian Queen's Word Contest docid- Catholic church at Portneuf, Province London, committed suicide Tuesday
daily come into and pass beyond its corner of Madison avenue and 86th morn- shortly after I located, I took a ed last Friday. Mr. Doidge made over of Quebec, by way of the steeple, and morning of last week, by cutting her
HOFFMAN & CO. boundaries, there is especial need for Street. Victims of' intemperance are bit of a stroll doon by the lake side, ad- 1,100 words from letters contained in stole the contents of the poor -box, which throat with a razor. She had a severe .
3 continual energetic iefforts on behalf of received there f ree, if they can pay miring the works of nature, and v�as The Canadian Queen. He sails by the amounted . to about 50 cents. Suspic. attack cif Is grippe in the winter anel
I . temperance. Wherever there is to be nothing, and for very moderate charges just considering them marvelous, when Parisian on September 3. 12Y ions -looking characters have been in the eince that time has had fits of despond -
I I found a large floating population thece is if they have not gone utterly down into I heard something go bur -r -r -r. This —Mr. A. D., Hodgins, of London, has vicinity, and it is surmised that they ency, and it is thought while in one of
. CARDNO'S' BLOCK, said to arise a demand for places of 'R A a think that a quaint old Volume containing the first are part of an organized band of crooks these fits she took her life, She went
I I the depths, and have yet a little of this sort.o'startled mejok di n'
. I amusement, and as, unfortunately, many world's goods left. The superintendent, Sandy Dunbar across the lake was sic a five chapters of the Bible, printed in travelling through the countr for the to bed in good health on Monday night.
. - - y . .
can only enjoy themSelves when liquor Mr. C. A. Bunting, is a thoroughly fool as to be running, his million the Sab- 1622. The book is bound in letAber, purpose of robbing churches in this On Tuesday morning her son went to
' I
S E A F 0 R T H 0 s a feature of the programme, sa- practical man, and among the directors bath day, but being so engrossed in my which is the original cover, somewhat manner. waken her, and receiving no answer, be -
loons flourish where other businesses '
I . � or supporters of the institution are such meditations I walked along, when the the worse for wear after its handling of —On Friday afternoon last, John came alarmed, broke in the door and .
— . . would fail. The laws whicli regulate . * of Glanford, found his mother lying with her throat .
. I the sale of liquors, even for a misgov I men as John S. Kennedy, A. C. ,tkrm- burring thing went off again. I had over.260 years. The type is old- Eng- Calder, a young farmer, cut. .
- — W -E ARE GIVING— erned city like New York, are ample strong ,, John Baird and W. S. Sloan, now seriously concluded that Sandy was ligh, and the language plentifully inter. Wentworth County, fell uuder the —Fred. Penfield, employed as a hoo-'
� enough to keep the -trade within due while among the official I visitors is the trying to get through a pine log, but a spersed with Latin. wheels of his wagon and was crushed to
� I . Rev. Dr. W.: M. Taylor. The. Home step or twa mair revealed that it wasna —A letter -carrier across the Don in death. Deceased was driving a load of tler at Green's hotel, on Merrick street,
S bounds,to make the saloons close at regu-, has been in existence for twelve years, Sandy, but a muckle big beasiy o' a Toronto has in his "rounid" frequently wheat into the barn, and was stepping Hamilton, suffered a terrible aipcident .
' Great Bargain lar hours each night and wholly on each and according to the last -report about frog, about the bigness o' my heid, had to deliver letters in one small locality to on the whiffletrees when a couple of last Friday night. He was slee,piniz 'in
. - . � Sabbath, to force the proprietor -to pre- ought its shelter and - hopped out o' the water and gied a great families whose names suggest an endless sheaves fell on the horses and they ran the loft over the stable, and sh(rray
- 1 3,000 inmates have a � . - I -
- �
f 1. —IN ALL KINDS OF— serve order and decency in his establish- I protection during that'time. Of these bur-r'r. I now turned and sauutered variety of good, substantial food and away. He fell offthe wagon and the after nine o'clock fell down through a
ment, prevent him from selling to mi- about 2,000 have remained true to the awa hame ta tell the folk o' the wonders drink, as wall as wealth. - In one . street wheels passed over his body, crushing in hole in the floor, injuring his back
� 1. I nors, to prohibit gambling, -and to con- total abstinence resolutions they took o' creation, thinkin' - to mysel that, he calls on a Butcher, Baker, Water, his ribs, He was 35 years of - age azid severely, His groans brought some of
' duct thd business just as any well-regu- while enjoying" its shelter. In these 'doubtlesg�, God could have 'made a,big- Vine, Bank, Ham,r Egge, Drink, Gold, unmarried. Re was a son of Mr. Jolin the, servants into the stable, and he
'DRY G 00 DS lated business is conducted. The ttou- last figures, which have been compiled ger frog, but doubtless God never did." Good, Easy, Drinkwater, and Silver. Calder, of Ancaster. : was removed to the hospital. It was
,� = 3 ble is that all the�e good laws are seldom . found that his spine was in ured, and on
. . =, � � as carefully as human ingenuity could Although this is known as a somewhat - town. —The Hon. W._ Macdougall, who Jett I i
. I enforced, and a saloon -keeper, if he has , . - I
I vise, can be found the most convincing backwoods place, yet there are many in- —There is a big boom in .Cape Breton' Ottawa Tuesday night of last week for Saturday an operation was performed
- he- necessary "pull," can run his store de ,
MH_ALIN__ERY,. ETC' argument in favor of the' efficiency of dications of its being inhabited by coalshipments.' The expor� this year Cobourg, via.Toronto, while in the act on him. Dr. Olmstead states that the
. in defiance of all law' decency, and or- tem - . � . ry of of ste,pping off the train at Cobourg, manys case is worse than at first sup -
9 , white men. The. potato bug holds will be the Jargest in the; histo:
. � peranoe work even among those who i
. . der, it he is so minded . * posed. A portion of the vertebrae in
. . - ha:ve become apparently thoroughly con. forth abundantly in the remotest of po- trade ,in that island. Existing mines missed his footing and fell violently on
. �
- Whatever may be the case in the f u- firmed in their drinking habits. -Every tnto patches. The beaver, long since are unable to meet the demands and the station platform, where he lay until pushed �out -of place about an inch. The
. . Our stock in all lines *iU be ture, liquor selling in New York is at one of these 3,000 were drunkards when has found 'More -distant streams where new mines are being opened. Burchell assistance arrived. He was at once. man will be a cripple for life, which I
'heap, present a legally licensed business, and � -me like habitation. The Brothers have purchased an area of two conveyed to the residence of Dr. Be - I
found very complete at the G � they entered the Home, and that two- to rear his do sty may not be long. last Mr. George
Oash Store of all the active machinery and majesty of thirds -of these should have been *re.- busy bee plys to and fro, gethering'tiae acres known as the Gardiner mine, esti- his father-in-law. It ,Was at first —On Saturday
. . '
I the law is employed in helping to make claimed is as gratifying as it is surpris- sweets of the wild flowers. From the - mated to co*ain six million tons of thought . that he had sustained a frac- 'Young, of the Creek road, Harwich,
HOFFMAN &�00. people drunkards rather than trying to jug. In winning a victory over intem. little log school house by the way side coal, and will immediately open it up. ture of the�hip bone, but later advices.. Kent County, died in his 82ad year.
' . I
� . keep people sober. There is no doubt of perance the system pursued at the Home rises the jocose sound of the little ones —Satur ay morning the body of an convey the information that upon an ex- Deceased was a resident of Ahat town- I
— � that. The many agencies at -,work for - ' * njunies received it was ship since 1842. He was for 30 years a -
� - - is a Simple one. - Mr. Bunting and those at play. Unwholesome sounds. pollute unknown an was found in the Holland amination of the i ' county councillor, retiring from public
NOTICE.—A-gents for Butter- . reclaiming.the fallen, for protecting the associated with him look upon drunken. the air, which have issued from the River, nea�' Bradford. He'was about found that no bones were broken. .
ick�s reliable patterns and publica- youth, for teaching. temperance in ness as a sin, and believe that none but vulgar breaths of some reckless youths. 70 years of age, 5 feat 10 inches high, —Convict Depew, of the Kingston life ton years ago, aud: one of the found-
� � schools, for preventing drunkenness in penitentiary, has completed a difficult ern, as well as builder, of the first high
. G-od caii work a redemption from it. As Immortal man may be seen working out perfectly grey, and dressed in dark � . Re was overseer of
tons. I every shape and form, are simply the the report says, "It is only through for himself an eternal home, -while tot- clothes, the coat and vest being made of piece of workmanship, and presented the school in'Chatham.
. nell, steward of the the building of the jail and court house
- ___ - work of private individuals�- The ,gov- God'o grace he [the drunkard] can' ever tering homeward from the effects of in- striped duck. The lower portion of the article to Mr. O'Don
__ . � erment and the law, paactically, do hope to effect a radical cure ; it is to the temperance. Toward the village chapel, left side of face is ea'ten away by cancer, institution. It is a representation of over forty years ago,and put- down the
, —A -romantic marriage took place in nothing to aid them. Indeed it i placed in an first pavement and sewer in the town of
is a foot of the Cross' we shall direct his Sabbath worshippers are aeen wending -and he is badly ruptured. There is the " Cross of Calvary," .
Ottawa, last week which his caused. question that is often agitated. now'a. footsteps, there to cast off forever the in little groups of two or three. nothing on his person by which he can ordinary pickle bottle. The cross Chatham. Previous tGeoming to Can- '.
h excitement in society circles days, whether the law could enforce burden -of his guilt and misery.". When As yet few riff _ the places have or be identified. stands in the centre, surrounded by a ad& he was a large contractor and build -
m - L - er in Glasgow. Three sons and one
t . man enters the Home all liquor is de-- dained clergymen; The spiritual mel- —The Dominion Grey Cotton Associa- fence. A spear and ladder lean against �
M�eere� It appears that some time ago temperance, and whather prohibition a l Fig 8 Ar -is affixed in the daughter survive him. - - .
M% A. Guinard solicited the hand of can ever be thorough where it is laid nied to him, no mattcr how badly he fare of, the people is directod principally tion held its third annual meeting in the- the*cro ,and a t
his betrothed in marriage from her down simply by an Act in some �State, . 1, juflu. by students. who"generally have charge Windsor hotel, Montreal, last week. ,centre of the arms. The cross and - lad- —Early last Friday morning the ex -
father, but was refused. In the mean- statute book. The question is a- grave may crave for it, and every si( ' - They de'cided to continue the a- tensive lumber mill on Rayter street, -
. ence and association is placed before of three or -four mission stations. All associ der and part of the fence are made of
time the young couple met And kept up. one, and can hardly be discussed here. - him to make him give his whole heart to the chief denominations are represent- tion, and to maintain the cotton. at ita pine. The spear and every other paling , Toronto, owned and operated by Messrs. -
their acquaintance unknown to the We may say, -however, that if the North � � a erected present price until next meeting. Mr. in the fence its mahogany. Scott & Cross, caught.fire in some mys-
his Saviour. Meetings for prayer, help ed, each 11aving small churche was quickjy doomed, to
bride's parent, Mr. Morin. On Friday west Territory in Canada, the States of and enquiry are daily held, and the in. at suitabl,a placeer throughout the dis- A. F. Gault was elected president, Mr. ' —A s9d accident occurred at St. terious way and
they were driven to the residence of Maine, Kansas, Iowa and parts of mate is taught to seek that all-powerful trict, and some of the villages contain as Parker, of Halifax, vice-presid,ent ; Mr. Thomas(last Thursday evening. Mr. destruction. When the firemen reached
Mr. Bogert and were married. After Georgia and elsewhere in the South be John Doyle, wholesale liquor'dealer and -the spot the entire building was in
aid which is never denied to any poor many as four or five places of worship, Findly, inspector, and Mr. Pimsoll, sec- 4 . . ..
the �ceremony was performed the newly- taken as examples, it -can safely- be said and erring man when humbly, trust- many of which are a credit to the peo- retary-tressurer. - a prominent citizen for the past ten flumes and the fire was sl�rexding rapidly,
,wedded c'oupl7e-drove' to the residence of that prohibition does really prohibit. Of fully and earnestly asked. That is all; ple. The education of the Young is at- —George and Murray Hundrie, of years, was run over by a yard eiigiue at among the neighboring lumber piles. .
the bride's father for the purpose of ask- course there are drunkards to be found but it has been enough to make two- tended to well. Neat log school houses Hamilton, have just completed a, novel the Mi hi a Central depot and had his Two small tenement houses off Hayter,
ing his forgiveness. Upon being in- in these sections, just as murderers turn 11 I 'c 't n n , near Yongestreet, were � totally destroy-
. I t irds of these 3,000 erring men return are found every few miles, nestled holiday trip by riding on horseback right arm ut early off at the shoulder - Hayter
�- , ives of cosily at the edge of the woods by th' boys his left han7d badly crushed, and v
- formed of what had taken place, Mr. up in New York; but their number i - a from Detroit to Hamilton". The .vaq cut ed, and four houses fronting on
is back to the world and to lead I -
Morin took his sor in-law by the throat, small, and the bulk of the people show hap iness and hope. Mr. Bunting has wayside. In these places the children are fourteen years of age, and as much about the head and le&s. He was car- street were badly gutted. The two
and after giving him a severe threshing by their healthy lives, pleasant homes, p 8t Wilcox house and Drs. Me- tenement houses were completely burn -
no faith in the theory that a love for in- are taught the rudiments of knowledge at home in the saddle - a in a rocking- ried- to the
threw him into the street. While this increased savings bank deposits and geu- toxicants is inheritud, and his statistics in a modernized manner. Female teach- chair. One of the horses waa a cream Larty a�nd Fulton summoned, who found ed. Some of the inmates of the houses
. I
� .
was going on Mrs. Morin took her eral air of contentedness, that there are prove that he is . right. He believes in 6rs are in the majority and salaries - broncho, and the otber a grey pony. it necesEiary to -amputate the right arm barely escaped with their lives. The
daughter in liand, and after chastising more potent inspirers -of real pleasure no patent remedies, no "tapering -off" range from $200 to $350. Rev. George -The horses were quite fresh at the jour- at once. He now lies in a critical con- loss amounted to about 81.5,000 ; pirtly
� 4 T y
her looked her in a room, where she has than a glass of whisky.. process, no trifling with liquor. Drunk- Grant, of the town of Parry Sound, in- - ney's end, and the boys are esger for dition, but hopea are entertained of his co ered b insurance
been confinedTa' prisoner, it� is stated, . Bat in New York we are confronted . . . . pects the-schoolB of the district. The another pilgrimage of.the same sort. —A.few days ago ihe people living in . �
' enness is a , sin, and, sin can only be 8� - Baird, Rockford, Illinois, the vicinity of Mannheim, a small post -
ever since, not being permitted to leave with the spoctacle of the law arrayed washed away through the Saviour. teachers have their annual associattom, ' —A young - man Damed -William H. —William office village in Wilmot township,
the house. Guinard will institute .legal -on the side of the saloonkeeper, and Durin . g the twelve years the Home has generally held about the and of June' Allen, who lives at Niagara Falls, who is evidently a lunatic, has written aTerloo county became alarmed as to
the work of prevention or reformation been in existence its inmates have been This year they met at BU'rk'8 Falls and wag Mayor Pearson, of Winnipeg, claiming W I
,proceedings to recover his wife. arrested the other day at the Grand the whereabouts of a Mrs. Sehl, an aged
—A house in Peterboro was burned left in the hands of tempererance work- drawn not only from Now York, but Parry Sound. Inspector, Dearness, of that the Queen of England gave him the .
. � Middlesex, was present to ssoht in d Trunk station, HanAton. He was on whole I Province of Manitoba, and to lady who iived alone. Word was sent
down Tuesday of last week, and Martin era, none of whom have any political in- from all parts of the States and Canada. 'a- his way to London F-1
, .� - 8 d stopped over to show his good feeling towards people to her son� who carries on a business .in
O'hially, one of its occupants, was fluencet but whose honesty,- earnestnes Among them have been clerks, sales- cussing educational matters. hear the band tournament. Allen was there he deeds:to bis,worship,for gratui- , the village of Baden, and he came home
.burned to death. The house - was occl�- and restl�as endeavors have enabled men, actors, mechanics, policemen, ETTI&IOK. very drunk when arrested, and had a re- tous distribution, 20,000 tone of sugar, and forced an entrance into the house. .
pied by -Mr. John McDonogh, Mrs. Me-", them to accomplish a vast amount. of tradesmen of all kinds, 'and also a � volver in his pocket. The police .mag-
Donogh and a son, Martin OlMally, son- good. These workers know they have large variety of professional men—array . Canada. istrate fined Allen $20 for carrying a $2,610,000 worth of agricultural imple- A search finally revealed a horrible
. confiscated th ment8, $2,000,000 worth of flannel and eight. On entering the bed chamber -
. in-la,w of McDonogh, and his wife and right on their -side, and believe ultimate' and navy officers, architects, lawyers) Port Arthur is going to have an concealed weapon, and e luestg. the body of Mrs. Sehl was found on the
child. Mr. and Mrs. MoDonogh'were ly that temperance will prevail over the Journalista and even ministers. It has . I shirtings, and other similar bei
I electric railway to connect it and East shooting iron. . Baird says that by British law and repu. bed. From appearances she must b&V,e
awakened by the flames and shouted up whole land. They have saved many a accomplished, and is daily accomplish- Fort William. ! —John Grey, Principal of the Moore- Sent- expired a week or ten days before found,
I stairs to the others to escape. O'Mally man from going down into a drunkard's - irect, practical and successful , I . tationheisEarl of Strathmore, as decomposition had set in and the
ing, a d —It is stated that the � rape crop in field public school, !on retiring from the laud
- I , � 'L - , but otherwise blacksmith, machin -
caught up his child and ;�ith his wife grave, they have directed public atten- "$
1 . . ; work, and has done more to show how the County of Essex is very promising school -after five and a -half ' years ser- jot and manufacturer. body was -,almost &live with vermin.
got out of the house, which was burn- tion to the evils of -the liquor traffic,and, ' i �1
. drunkenness can really be overcome, or and will give a better yield than has vice, was honored w to a public enter- —On Wednesday morning of last week The cause of her death is suppozed- to be '
i an apoplectic fit.
though they bad not time to rescue any- views., Through their teaching and a Mr. Grey —The _�Iennonite camp meeting, now ,
ing fiercely, and all had thus escaped, have drawn public sympathy to their -conquered, than any other institution. in been known for several years. tainment, at which h� was presented a farmer named Ward was digging a oldageor
a9l' the country. God grant that it may —There was a cold wave in the'North- with a valise and toilet et. well on a farm owned by Mr. Wallace
thing, and, were only dressed .in. their tation the drinking habits of the people always find friends to support and west on .5sturday nig I ht, and the ther- was also presented with a very hand- Bailey, on the Lake Shore road, about being held in the Georgian Bay park at
night clothes. After coming out are by no means what.they were a quar- strengthen it in--- performing its noble some leather photograph album by the jeason of
, m0metei went perilously near the frees- three-yarters of a mile went of Lorne Collingwopd, in proving a F
d the h�use unno- ter of a century ago. The .cause of . . . . , .
01dadly again entere . . mission, a mission the good results of ing poiA, but Manitoba reports say pupils of the public school, and -with a p rk, oronto, when the well caved in, great religious bleiising, A large num-�
ticed, and it was not until the firemen temperance in New York kained a great which are not alone for this world, but. there was no damage. I valuabl� gold -headed ebony cane by a barying him under several feet of soil. ber of peo I's from a distance, not to
discovered the burned remains of his triumph when the old-time custom of . � � reonal friend. F, I
also for that which is to come. . —A 12 -year-old daughter of Francois I warm po Although e' ry effort was made to ree- mention mmense numbers from the
body in*the kitchen within a foot or two New Year's calls was abandoned. An- . . ' —The four-year-old son of William ve d �djacent country, is inattend-
z Carriers fell over the cliff at Labadis cue him, more than an hour passed be- town AD
of the door. Both of his legs were other point was gained'when it was de- Notes on Parry Sound Di8trict hill, Levis, Quebec, luesday of last _�annah, a farmer, residing about two . fore he was taken out dead. He leaves &nee, and; sauch good is being done.
gone and one arm, and the face was un- monstrated that temperance resorts, (Written for THx ExposrrojL) week, a distano� of 200 feet.- She in�ilex east of Port Robertson, County of a wife and family fairly well provided Among those who have come from other
recognizable. It its supposed O'Mally like Ocean Grove and Asbury Park, ome bruises. VNIlington, was drowned in a well 11398 arat -
d 'enjoyable as The Highlands of Ontario is the place escaped with v for. No blame attaches to anyone, and places to assist iki these meet'
went in the. house- after his money, could be as popular an —At a meeting of the Conservatives about 6 o'clock last Saturday night. all inquest was deemed unnecessary. Rev. N. Detwiler and Rev. Peter Cover, ,
- I
which was upstairs. Coney Island or Bowery Bay. In many for the poor man,if .his expectations are, f East Hastings, I held at Roslin on Fri- The parents became alarmed at the non- Mr. Ward was a ituch respected and of Berlin J Rev, D. Shantz. of Stayner ;
—About three months ago, 'a man other ways, particularly during the past never to have anything more than a 0 appearance of the child-, and search was Miss Kate Gamey, Miss Susan Weaver.,
-have the temperance workers of comfortable living. There is a happi- day it was decided to prosecute a num. well -liked member of the community -
named Samuel Vineburg deserted his decade, - ber"of Reformers for. corrupt practical , made in the river, but not finding any —Corneliug Kerr, a well-known citi- Miss Lydia - Seller and 31iss Furguson.
wife and came to Toronto in' company the city exerted a great. and direct in- mesa among the people peculiar to pi . the recent election to the Legials- trace there the well was examined, and zen of Woodstock, passed off very find- Thebeauiiful Georgian Bay park, in
with Aunie:,Smith, a young wOman,who fluence upon the drinking customs of the oneer life and unknown to the people of In I the lifeless body of the little follow d's' denly one day laht week. He was en- which the meeting is being held, 'is
ij7j�jp . house. Mrs. people. . . older and more densely p6pulated com- ture. . - .
had been a servant; . were The temperance agencies are many, munities. Tfiere, generally, I I the rich. —While chopping on Friday, about covered. r. and gaged writing out some notices calling a - rapidly gaining a reputation that bids
Vineberg and her four children i . abund- two miles from Leamington, John Young —On Wednes4iay last week as M meeting of the Board of Trade when he fair to rival the fame of the most p*pa-
left to shift for themselves as beat they and a glance at some -of them may be of eat are poor, and the poor. live in 2 re. Papple, of St. George, were driv- was seized with a convulsion wh lar summer resorts in Canada.
might. The wronged 'wife, however, service. First of all, it may be said that ance." Numerous opportunities for was struck and instantly killed by part M job car. ,
of a tree which'split as itlell. His age ing homeward near the Hogback hill, a ried him off. Deceased was for many —A number of young men from Wood.
and the, girl who the churches are more actively alive to hunting, game ranging all the way from h -
followed her husband 1. I was 37 years, and he leaves a wife and cow that bad been resting in the big years bookkeeper in the dry -goods estab- stock who went out yachting from Port
was with him to Toronto and laid an the evils of intemperance than they for- a mosquito to a moose deer. The gov- four children. .. . way chose that time to arise and fright- lishment of ,John White & Co., and -vas Dover on Sunday afternoon had a close
information against him. The result merly were, and many Presbyterian ern ' ment has instituted a law prohibiting —Mrs. Ali�e Helena McCormick ened the horses no badly that in spit6 of regarded aa an expert accountant. He call for their lives. - There were nine
was, he was sentenced to a year's con- ministers make it � rule at least twice a the killing of moose for a term of years', died at her late residence, -Richniond Mr. Papple's siertions the wagon was t Board of 117rade, eop, e on board altogether, made up
finement in the Central Prison.. . ar . to preach a permon. having direct but as regards taking the life of a mosqui- n was secret .
Since ye . street, London, last Thursday, after upset and Mr. aud Mrs. Papple throw secretary fo a time of the cheese mar. rom Woodstock and Brantford, They
y of total ab- to, against such there -is no law. Deer are - I - ?
his enforced confinement his first wife, reference to the I inocessit . having reached the ripe size of 86 years, to the ground. Both received severe In- ket eacrets y of Brock Council, 719, reached Port Ryerson and -were on the
repenting of her harshness in having stinence. In quite Wnumber of churches, and may be a Ro
. yet quite plentiful 60 of which had e ndon juries, but may be thankful that they a
I Hope " are in active -organi- e evenings quietly grazing along the � I Arcanum, and a member of King return tiip when the boat capsized
th and vicinity. The deceased leaves a escaped with'their lives. tw' miles from shore. All c �
him imprisoned, has been interviewing 61 Bands ol - to the edge of -a pond or lake. Their sense of Solomon Lodge-, A. F. and A. M., the 1. about 0 1 n
the authorities in Ottawa with a view. zation, and 'doing good service - farnily of three sons and two daughters. —A large seizure of tobacco and cigars 0. 0. F., and the A. 0. U. W. He was to the craft, but a Young man name
of obtaini g her husband's release. Th�6' rising generation. Indeed many believe hearing is very acute, and consequently i in Hamil- was made last week by the Inland Rev- ' who divested
n l h. But —A printing establishment very generally esteemed for his generous Patterson from Braintford,
negotiations were successfully accom- that the beat way to promote - temper- they are very difficult to approac a got into trouble with the Cuez anue officers at Winnipeg. They were nature. I himfjdlf of a portion of his clothing and
" -to inculcate its necessity into the the mosquito is a beast-of,prey, similar ton ha
plished and Mr. Vineberg was once ance is 0 me Department, the officers in Hamil. ]Drought into that city by a Pullman -car —A prominent lawyer in Montreal bravely struck for the shore. He W
more allowed to breathe the air of free- heartis of -the children and young peo- t the weasel. . It lives in the woods,but to ized a Goss printing porter and sold by him to a local tobac' has received a letter that throws light made about half of the distance when a
. . ' . , just Be . . ,
. 11, who Still remained ple. To this end temperance lessons can be domesticated. It is very vora, ton having
dom. Wife No.' . d from - New- York and conist. A sharp-eyed officer of the de- on the career of a man well-known In farmer, who had put out in a boat to the
in T , oronto, also in the meantime, ap- have been introduced directly and indi- cj6us for its size, and has a passion for press importe $4,000. The ground upon partment detected the cigars and cigar- business, religious and temperance sir- rescue, picked him up. The farmer .
.- r Vineberg rect�ly into a large number of the most human blood. It roosts ,standing, has a valued at over ettes without the inland revenue stamp, cles there. The man is G. B. Stock, landed the whole crowd safely, after
have forgiven the ga, . the seizure was made is. false �
, pears to and it which .
and together with the gentleman in popular school text books, and in sev- musical voice peculiar to itself, I and a seizure was effected. The tob ' ac- founder of the Stock Oil and Grease making two trips. Several of the party
question and wife No. I departed for eral institutions teae,hers Fpecially show is not always sleeping when its eyes are invoicing. -in-law of conist ackn 'wledged the corn, and ull- Company, president of the St. ,Louis 'lost their clothing, and the plucky young
I . reecute it with —Mr. Charles 0. Card,'son O�
.30 the effects of drinking -on the human shut. The inhabitants pe aid $100 as a penalty for Royal Templars-of Temperance, and a' Paitersoni lost his coat and va5t and a
Chicauo. a few nights ago by the 11 . 3ge,11 con- the late Brigham Young, and leader of willingly P . . . .
train " th the intention of all living tO� system in the course of the us,ual lessons an instrument called a " smul colony in Alberta, in a transgressing the law. . - prominent church member. He came valuable gold watch.
wi , to - return inph , iology. . � sisting of an old tin pan filled with ma-� the Mormon —A Montreal correspondent says : to Montreal eight years ago from the —A claim of considerable interest to
gether, Vineberg refusing ys - communication -to an Ottawa paper, It was a humiliating spectacle at the United States, where he was unable to the people of Ontario, is 'likely to be
with the first wife, even after she had - The Order of Sons of Temperance has terial, which when . �ighted causes a vol eople are peaceable -
got him his liberty, -unless wife No. 2 now been in existenc6 for about half a uaie of smoke to rise there -from, and contends that his p no obstacle Windsor street depot to see a company remain, and went into the business with ventilated in the courts before long.
and industrious, and- that -
, - '
�_ was -allowed to accompany - themi The century, and during that time has won a this either suffodates the marauders or should be thrown in the way of their of Chinese ladies and gentlemen con- the widow of Andrew Hood, ending �y The Indian Department of the Domin-
two women were friendly to all appear- noble record, not only for inculcating drives them to a new hunting ground. efforts to develop the resources of the fined to the waiting room in bond like swindling her out of $18,000. She in- ion G-6vernment contend that the Gov�
. - ' ture of the country uch merchandise. They had arriq-ed a 0 the In -
I ance in the waiting -room at the Union the beauties of temperance, but for keep- One redeeming fea - Canadian Northwest. so in . -, stituted an action for forgery against arnment of Canada, on beh If f
, ime of waiting drag- ing men sober. Its work amon the is,, no matter how warm the days are !Y tiod nder a treaty made with -them
station but as the t, 9 . 6bly cool, --John Lowrie, ,w Youngman twenty-. from Hong Kong via Vancouver him, but through an informality he was dians: u'
� . 1 - through its system of cadet the nights are always comforts ., were bound for Boston and New ork. y years ago, not only own the Mani�
ged heavily, they moved further aipart young, ears of age, who was a brakes- From their elaborate and artistic toil- not convicted. At this time ,he had man
seat and sat in silence. The lodges, has been particularly successful. and one retires with the intention of three y
on the man on the Grand Trunk Railway, was I d the variety and extent of their living there a contingent of three wives. toulin islands of Lake Huron, but also
young girl held in her arms a baby eight The Order. of Good Templars has reach- glorying in a good night's sleep. -of. killed last Thursday ,near Gravenhurst. ets an He had three separate establishments, what are kinown as the Thirty Thousand
days old, and another child about a year ed a class more directly than any. other Fishing is a great characteristic He bo rded at 105 Bellwoods avenue, in baggage they.are evidently a party of one st Outremont,one at Cote St. Louis, -:blands, including La:Cloche, which lie, - I
old, wh . job claimed the first Mrs. Vine- agency, and at pcesent there are a great the country, go much so that they are a and was unmarried - He had wealthy travelers from the East. � and the third at St. . Lambert, with b.Qtween the Manitoulins and the main -
berg for -ts mother, lay asleep by her number of other societies, partly social, importing fish worms to help in the in- Toronto, y. -'His death —At the -nd. The Ontario Government, how -
1 - relatives in this countr residence of James Dalziel, three separate broods of children. He la
. Bide. Samuel went -from one woman to partly beneficial, in which thousands of dustry. In fishing, the nati-ves never no ven lot 1, concession 5, � Vaughan,. CouPtY again lapsed into his habits of forgery, ever,insists that all these smaller islands
1) a sit or recline, for the was terribly sudden, and seldom, e . *On-
. ,to both. The young working people are enrolled. For years .stand, ut alw- Ys � . the most fatal railroad accidents, is of York, there passed away at the ripe used the name of a prourinent coal mer- come within the jurisdiction ef the
the other, speaking - past public meetings have been hold in fish pull so at one's hook, that one may - in y Who chant, and passed worthless upon tario Crown Lands Department, and the
ilanswered him'ehortly and impatient . eath accompanied by such horrible age of 87 years, Walter Dalziel =7113the question to be decided by is
oa'ded the train together such plac6 as Chickering Hall, Masonic be - suddenly prbeipitated into a now d aa well-known and respected farmer the firm of 19vans Bros. On the courts
fyi. They all b r anner of Hall, and elsewhere in this city. They sphere of life. A certain piscator went mutilation. The young man was on w a ,hanfor4Oyears. He and his disappeared with one of his -'wives land as to which contention is right. It is
to return to Chicago. What m th river, and taking Conductor HODry's special freight train in Vaug
� life they will live there, and how long have presented able speakers and really trout fishing in Son Thursday morning. It was about 10 family, who emigrated from Scotland in all the goods that were secreted., and probable -that -� a friendly arrangement
a our- high class programmes,of lacred music, his situation upon a rock, he sat with part of the present century, under seizure, leaving the gdardian re- will be reached for the purpose of deter-
I they will stay together in such til he o'clock when ,he missed his footing on the early mining the question of title.
iously constituted home, may well afford and been very largely atteided. Through his line dangling in the water un he rear - of a box car, settled in that township, and hewed out sponsible. It appears he Went first to - -
. I - � . arine8s of the flesh, the ladder at t � �, . - . I
� food for conjecture, I their instrumentality tho-geands of peo- found angling a we . - � . I i
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