HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-08-15, Page 7
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AuGUST 16, 1890. : � � -_ . .. - I I �
LM . -,-- -.-- - � - � � I 1 i
. Z.— r_S'n--1.%�*1,*�X---- . THIE HURON- EXPOSITOR . .
. I — . -_ I a � . i . I I
I - I
. � . - I I y I
. I -_
11 A Little Girl's - Victory. the breast bone,'etc., can positively be : --- - -_ I � . I - -_ '
A coal cart was delivering an order in cured. No 0 re, no I Suddenly Prostrated. - I �
� Pay. Send for I - �, . � r .
Clintonplace the other day, and the book. Addireu . V '' 1 V I ENMLEMEN,-1 was suddenly Prostrated I : . VETERIWARY. . ,
. —OF— � . ss- M. V. LUBON, .5o I I... *. � !- - - . � i
horse made two or three great efforts to Front Street East, Toronto, Ontario. 0 G while at work by a severe attack of chol- ' I '' I
era morbus. Or A, Whitnnow's:: - * I .�
I back the heavy loaded cart to the spot ' knom We sent at once for a doctor, but - � : OIIN. GRIEVE;, V. S Honi� r i
I I � 118162 Ivor, AN TRIE he seemed unable to help. An - evacuation . I I I""i J Ontario Vete � )r �graduate of I
. and then became obstinate . _____16 ------- L_ p. ONLY about every forty minutes was fast weari I Anary College. Ali diseam i
__ ,desired, ' . A
I . nulms -L ng me . . 'Of Domestic Animals treated. Calls promp* 1
- ssys the New York Sun. The drive" Practising her Princ 4VAMOO, out, when we sent for a bottle of Wild Straw- *1 'attended to and charges moaerau. veterinary , �,
, . , r iples. -- . . STOVE AND
. Is berry, which saved m life. 4
began to beat the animal, this quickly There are some anxious people in the , MM - . y � � . IDentistry a dpecialty. Ofilee-At Weies Roya
111EA MRS. J. X. VAN A . i
,Collected a crowd. He was a big fellow world who would seerh to carry all -its / , � 0.1p, of .) . inowl, seaforth, I
I . . Mount B des dtariq. 1k, ... 1112-tt i
- -
- with a, fierce look in his eye, and the affairs on their own �ghoulders. Usually 1 - . 1
. I 141 . . -1- I FURNISH I NG I . C. DOAN. Veterinary Surgeon, Graduate ,
. I
onlookers were chary about interfering, they are women, and the smaller the wo. ... I . - 1111. of Ontano veterinar A
- � what would follow. s, I pi, . - I What is Imperi ? - Z 1 4 . -_ y college, Tbranto iz
knowin� ty zaan the larger is the load of care which . - If I Honorary member of the medical Society ,
. It is an article manufactured byan expert . . � CAIIQ from a distance promptly
the horse, but I don't want to get into a she volu r i, . i Veterinary Medicines kept I
Yi, nta HY. assurnea. Not many ,_ \ chemist after many years of careful study and attended to.
"`_UT?.0:2S ,row - ,rimarked one. - 0 S _P1 constantly on harid. -1
.-I I days Since - one of the - inany stormy i C careful scientific experiment ; called Imperial . i :1 Office opposite B. BoBseuberry's Hotel, Hen. I -i
. - Cream Tartar Baking Powder. 'Makes lightest, all. N- B.-YeterinaryDentistr -
, 4iii I am satisfied that I could do him days to which the world has b56n treat- � 41'. 0, . � I y and Surgery 4
.P A whitest bread, rolls, biscuit, cake, &c. Sold by .
up with the gloves on, but he wouldn,t ed during the- P, co, � 0 0 . Specialty. _1
Past twelve months -a ,r, I/ . 116" i
fight that way.," added a second. . little lady sat in! a crowded street car. I �, . all grocers. - I ; Seaforth I - nt . i
. �
-1 - ! I �
She couldn't 1 4
� 4tIlm not in the least afraid to tackle. I bave.weighed over ninety � I � arlo, I BANK S. Beattie, V. s., graduate of OntarIG J
I - -_ . r Veterinary College, Toronto, Menber of the i
ey Trouble him,", put in a young man with a long pounds with all h ' . � , - Four Years in Sawyerville*. We are offering Bargains in eterinary Medical Society, etc., treats an di& i
I � But she �_ ,
41 but about the time I got him . er wraps on J . � - \ " For four years I had pimples and sores lt's eas . - ates of the Domesticated Animals. All ,O&lb . i
romptly atte . I
I . neck made her presence manifest. Eve � nded to either b . A
. �
1:157 -62 -ii . ry . � breaking out on my hands . and face caused ky with DiamondDye ' . .y day or night :
- I fresh - . 9
a K i S i
0.4. � 4own along would come a pqliceman and time the car stopped to t ke on The only medicines gold''by druggists bad blood. Medicine from the doctor wM tried .Special 'attention given 10 �
__ - q
noyance ry dentist . opice on 3
______ - __:__�_ . arreSt us both." . passenger wlook of troubled an tinder a positive guarantee from the�; without avail,but after using two bottles of o simple* Coal & Wood Parlor Stoves. ,= m erate, Main Stre* :
manufacturers, that they wil �
. The driver was beating the horse and came over her face. Finally 8 I do just what Burdock Blood Bitters I am weiv, caforth, one door sotith of Kidd's Ilardware ' .1 .
.. - . I— tore. i
. pl', ... I � he could IS claimed fo,r them -that is, benefit or cure MISS MABEL LiNDSAY, Sawyerville, Quebec. I � 1112 �,
..... . I ce nothing wag being done about it, when stand it no longer. She jumped to her ' : � All Stoves Guaranteed, . �
I - I I "oft . -u all cases bf diseases for which they are . � I _-
� i
a little' girl about eight years old ap- feet, motioned the conductor to stop - recommended, or the money paid for them I '. I RAFORTH HORSE I i i
C2 . I . t's safe to dye - witf, . _ 8 INFIRMARY. -Corner a
i - .4
. 0 .6 I , A full fine of . Jarvis and GoderichStreets, next door to ft i
I at . p'roached and said : saying as she did so: will be promptly refunded -are Dr. Pierce's Daughter's Influence. h � '11
� 0 1 � This is shame! world -famed specifies, manufactured by . A resbyterian Church, Seiaferth, Ont. An d1s, i
� - fz , "Please mister." ' ful! Crowding the cars tp, this extent, World's Dispensary gedical Association. Ihad a very severe attack of bloody diarrhma i eases Of Iffones Cattle Shea or any of the db. �
� 1111M A �ft Df fluffalo, N. Y, . and was perisuaded by my daughter to try Dr. � I i
I . - Well, what yer want?" and in such slippery weatheT ! Think of 8ticated an ;
t I �. ItIf You'll Only stop, I'll get all the the poor horses i I � Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, which I �'RZ, iZcceffi?9y treated at as � �
- I
I MCC-11ary's Famous Stoves 'no � .
� I � must get out and vu- Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest noti �
� res all diseases arising from a torpi(I or did with great success, as less than -two bottles - -re � , as i
. it be one less t Jeranged Ii JAMES W. ELDER, Veter. I
( I ca � children around here and we'll carry walk ; there shall at leaf liable* , �; . Charges moderate �
� ", =1 - ' I 0 ver, or from impure blood. cured me. It is worth its weight in gold. - i . . iftary Surgeon. �� S. -A !&Me stock of Veterin . " � i
- every bit of the coal -to the manhole and be carried.!" - 1. as Dyspepsia, or . � - J
I 0 roft . I Indigestion, Pimples. MRS. MARGARET Wuj-N-, Pembroke, Ont, I For Which we are Sole Agents. Medicines kep - 11
. Blotches, Eruptionig, Salt -rheum. Tetter _ -1 f, . I . t constantly on hand ;
� 0 at while we'�.,e doing it." umped, amid the audible 'Erysipelas, and Scrofulous Sores and � . ty YP. -i
. Cz I let you re 4 I
. 'i
The manstood np .and looked around smiles of her fellow travelers. Messrs. C. C. RICHARDS & Co. :� - �
: at I I , r When 3w6llirigs. Consumption, or Lung-scrof- I to d ' . i -1 I
I— I 'i
1 1
t in a defiant way, but, meeting with only she reached the sidewalk, she looked at ila, is alio cured by this wonderful rem- NARD'S LINI- yes, . I
. . Gents, -I have used your MI mdD - I i
I �
Ct- . pleasant ENT in my family for some years and believe I . Great Bargains in Table and Library I LEGAL' � . s
�& 0 - and the retreating case with the satisfaction ,Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is, the it to be the best medicine in the market as it lecause the strongestil Lamps. i ---I- - I
looks, he began to give in I ady, if taken in time. . M
I . N
�J t:74 after a moment he smiled and said : that only a virtuous action can give. world -famed reuJiedy for all those c ronic does all it is recommended to do. ! ATTREW MORRISON, Waltoh ln.3ur;�oe i
- , �:74 1 J weaknesses an h - i . I � i
; � - I .. I
11 Webby he didn't deserve it bai'llm She probably thought the -horses would d distressing derangements Canaan Forks, N. B.- DA,,irL KIERRTHAID. i M Agent. Commissioner for taking'affidavibe, 1;
I c .
go common American women. it is a QOnveYan es, &c. Money to loan at the I
out of Sorts to -day. There goes the turn in their gratitude and thank her f Iowa* I
I=; P-4 - (D bi , , to
Most Potent, invigorating, restorative ton- John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs us that he d �o ai
whip, and perhaps --a ft on the wheels for her thou htfulneas. But she was 7 L - q
DIJ, �5 1-� ", Cq I - ii . 9 ic, or strengtb-giver, imparting tone and waseured of a verysevere attack of rheuma- It Is pleasant,to 0. M. WHITNEY ... te". m. `01mm'"alton, �
I � I I �,
- will help him." disappointed, 1, vigor to the whole System. As a soothing tism by using MINARD'S LIN . - M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &a. oz - . I
IMENT. s i
I � I- I 06— �
__ Rooms One Door North of theCommereW i
.- Ilotel. ground floor next door to iBeams butchol I
(D 0 _. The crowd swarmed around the cart, It v�as an electric ca'r.—Sally Joy printed 6n the bottle -wrapper and faith- ei, MAIN -ST., SEAFORT11. . i
" � r:; I nervine it is unequaled. See guarantee i .
,� tt 0 P � �
.., , a hundred hands -helped to push, and White, in Wide Awake. rully carried out for. many years. Minard's Linimentis used by Physicians . I
the old horse had ihe cart to the spot . . shop. Agents-CAMMRON, HOLT& CA)dXROX. 870 1,
� A
-D With one effort. I - I I
-D 1"< V2 ( N faila .
. - i
� 0 ct- �t - - t4 9 . . Flax Seed. Copyright, 18A by WORLVS Dis. MIED, Ass'N. . I n ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, S01161. ' 1,
. - 1
. The flax, seed inspection department - Minard's Liniment Cures Garget i n- Cows. ?I � . . X�X tors, &a., Gederich, Ontano. J� T. GAP-10*W. 4.
. � .. .i Q, C., WK. PROUI)FOOT. �
--- , I
��. 1-t rfi � 'Weak Hearts. I . of the Chicago Board of trade has is. Minard's Liniment relieves Neuralgia. d'YQ, W�tl I tr- TCO "I'll, 4986 t, q
The practical evils which are asso- sued a circular, 0M - � - �
D �-3 W telling whyflax should � AMERON, IIOLT & CAMEROX Barristers, I
1 ---'CD 0001 --- Diairno-nd Dy6s, ' ,1 g 8:4 -0 ( .
ciated with a feeble heart are innumera- be- stacked or h used at the proper tim � . . , crtr 4 � Solicitors in Chance �
:5 - �-a :� - 0 , 0 e. " . - _' C .S_ = ry, &O., Goaench, Ont. I J
ble, and will readily suggest themselves Thegrowers annually lose th O 0 OFFERED Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. C, :4 00. Air 0 � M. C. CA]"RON, Q. C., rinmu, no1m, M. .o �
-,I. �_� i --J - ousands of ;ecau�.Jt , I
L. i = I
0 9) 1_1�, !4 $5 gffl - 0AMBRON. i
� to those who possess so unsatisfactory a dollars by the depreciation �� - = I _606 I
. I in the value � . AA so I I
I pumpingengine. Weak hearts.are by of theirflaxoee byleaving it .., . for an incurable case Of Itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind, on � - is = D J. DOWNET, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &a 1i
tz t Cj�tarrh In the 111ead human or animals, cured in 30 minutes by Our new book " Successful Home Dyeing" gi,.im 0 0 E&% I
pt CV no means so common as is often sup- in the field to h� weather unti by the ro PUE.R.P.:4 0 Late Of Victoria, B. d. oince-ovAll ;
= Bank" of Commerce, Main street, Seaforth. pit. i
_prietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. R directions for all uses of Diamond D ;es, , I " . ;
— 4W 0* vate funds to loan at fiJ and 49 per cent. i,osb . 4
�-__��a posed. Many a man who thinks he has ed, and then rushing it off to market. Remedy. Ey its mild, soothing and heal- sent fr, .9p I W It P 4
iv im 11 - Sold by 1. S. Roberts, Seaforth. 118052 01 "I 0 z
in properties, it res the worst cases, no . F I
�_ td got one is merely dyspeptic; many a About one half the crop. much of . i a application. Diamond Dyes are sold cvtryWherc i I
I - . it be- ong standing. ,By dwig- ! any color mailed on receipt of price, I a
P , woman owes her symptoms to tight Ing :atgr of how I cu o �enLt , F .1%. . M � � NING & ,1 i i
i-4 - unfit for storage, is sold within sixty &6, 60 cents. � in Liniment removes all hard, - ers, Sollolt,OM
-t- t:� lacing or insufficient feeding. - - V I WOW, Barrist
- fisi.Ls,, RICHARDSON & Co., MO .1
. -_� . . ntreal, Que. �- Conveyancerv, &a. solicitors jar the Bank 1]
- V �," W if the . days, and the result is a regular annual __ softor calloused Lumps and Blemishes from I �,
- P of ... I
- horses, Blood SpAvin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, � P ston, Tisdale & Gtie. Money to _1OWL I
0 �
D pi 1-d . dyspepsia be cured or the tight lacing break in the flaxseed market. When that had paid off all its. debt. He there- Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen, � . , v4I oft = e-BUiottBlock, Clinton, Ontario. A.B. a
0 .0 81JL&
It , . P r 0 be dispensed with, the symptoms of left in the field fo " e Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one r .= 781 �
I r any length of time fore deposited the remaiuing $500 in th I
�i Seaforth -Dairy, SIP 11 I �i
__J heart weakness will' disappear. Even after harvest, flaxseed is greatly da' bottle, Warranted the most wonderful Blemish � I , 4 i
M 0 (D M_ ' m- bank, and will devote it to some of the Cure ever known. I i a 9 HOLMESTED, succemor to tht, �ate ftmi 1
.A. . 4 when the heart is genuinely weak, the aged. Being so soluble ih water, it is I Sold by J, S. Roberto, Sea- I & i
:9 �. '
tt 11 other schemes of the church. forih, I F McCaughey & H-ohnested, Barrister, . I
. 118062 . ! eel 80 i
I a
. . - - liqitor, ConveyanGer and Notary. Solicitor lbs i
� 02 P, $:L - weakness is not always due to special easily damaged by the rain. Exposed -Mr. Laing, of Varna, was diaging a � _____ _!!!!�� Having purchased the Dairy Business the Canadian Bank of Cominerce. Moneytolend. ii
� disease of that organ. It may be only to the sun om Mr. Roderick Grey, I beg to solicit a ton- R I Farms for We. office in Scottie BlOok, Rain �
" 0
, both,seed and strawbe-o'ome fr I ex i7
well for Mr. John Reid, Bayfiela road. tinuance of, the patronage which he has� re -
D A-%,% cc part of a general weakness of the whole brittle, and break up when *threshed,and' A few days while he was as r 0 00 � Street, Seaforth. i
cending in , J ceived in the past. With the advantages I I i . I �
� �_v I 1-a 0 . system, which is easily curable. The mix with the good seed, and it is then the bucket, having reached a height of _PQ_ 0 r -r 11 C JE - , have in my refrigerator a nd situation,1 hope, to Wil - I CO* I
I be able to give my custom ers satisfaction as to - ICKSON & RAYS, formerly with Mears, �
I I 0 * . late Sir Robert Chriatison, one of t" graded low on account* of impurities. some 35 feet, tile raising apparatus The undiBroigned wishes to inform the . I D Garrow & Proudfoot, Goderich - Bv,&,. , - -
0-% �
- quality of milk even in the vc-ry hot weather., - I
. riatere. solicitors, etc., Seaforth and Ej6aselL �
. I i
0 9) most eminent of British physicians, Again, seed threshed from the field,how- - broke and Mr. Laing Lot a quick, ti,ough public that he has thoroughly re -fitted . Seaforth Office- Cardnole. Block, Main Street. �
.n ��J �-d W used to smile at certain persons who ever dry, will heat in the bin, and is- un- rather unpleasant rVde to the bottom. his mills with a: . Realizing that the cash system is the m " �
ct- were always epmplaiiiing -of Ost Bermuda Bottled. I I I �
r:�a %a ust and satisfactory to At 11 It! S. HAYS. W. B. DICKS01q. I
D ct- d M weak safe for storage. When stacked at the He was considerably Shaken up, though i all concerned, I have, You 'Must go to Bermuda. If � i
" 1=4 I I decided to sell for cash. only. I Money to Loan. I= I
- I .
hearts, "Gentle " en," he would say to proper time, it passes through a sweat, . not much hurt. ' you do not I wilt -not be responsi- -
. � his students when lecturing on digitalis which greatly improves the -condition of tar Tickets supplied at reduced rates ble for the consequences 11 41 But I
"* CD '-C 4 f -On Saturday evenirg last, as . _� �
, -1 1-t - gentlemen, the best tonic for a weak the seed and makes it fit for stora Mr. - I doetor, I can. afford ne?ther the' i
.4. ge. Elford, of Boluiesville, was moving Mr. Urne nor the mone,k." "Well, it � MOXEY TO LOAN, I
0 heart is a good 'brisk walk." Not a There are other good r - Of the'most approved Idnd and is now 1171 D.- D. WILSON. �
(D 5 ,easons why flax C. Cole's separator from his place with that is linpossible, try . �, .
:� )lot doubt of 'it. The'majority of weak should be stacked and cured before it is the water tank fastened behind, five I z
GO 11 . prepared to. do all custom work with I — --straight4oxna At a Pell q
D �34 M (Ti - flabby hearts are weak and flabby be- threshed and sent to market, but the -;- which he may be favored, guaranteeing X cent., with the privilege W berrowes .
, , . nall boys got between the two, on the - of repaying �
W cause every other muscle in the body is fact that the grower can put more money in every case, a '- artolthe principal money at any i
I atisfaction, as well as time. Appy to F. H2OLXXSTED, Barristol .
tongue of the tank, and were there but the Flour ground, out of their own Senforth. s�
� 't 9) weak and ffa,bby ; and this general weak- in his pocket by so doing should be suf- a Short time before one Will Proctor � S50
:)J (D ' ._� 1 F,
I I wheat. Flour i� sold at $2.25 per cwt. � I SOOTTPS - . �
ficient to induce him to take better care fell olf, the wheel of the' tank passing . .
pt OV ness and flabbiness is due to want of Catarrh ,
� -
ii'l . vigorous use. Exercise of the legs and -of his flax crop. -Ohio Farmer. A trial is rer,pectfully eolicited. S a Wbod disease. Until the poison Is I
'd M (D '. t4 over his bare foot, tearing the skin bad- 1 .4 DENTISTRY. I .
1'.1 I . back and arms gives -additional and ly and making a sore wound. His I eij)elled from the system, - — .
__J there ean - I
C"I_ I � much needed exerciselto the hea'rt; and - JOHN McNEVIN Kippen. be no cure for this loatilsome a
D �74. -ft �.. .. � - . Neveii� � �Came Back. brother narrowly escaped falling back- 1168 . f -��d . W- TWEDDLE, Dentliit, snecessor to W. 1 �
I the heart grows strong by vigorous ex- The . I � dangerous malady. Therefore, the o N F. Fear. I
The others Ontario. Nitrous Oxide Gas adzuinistered for - I
MIN - � . Germkns arb -given to,, taking life ward and being killed. � effective treatment is a thorough cou�se- Office in DaIeY'S Block, Seaforth, ' :
12 1--w % , I eroise, exactly as every other muscular rather seriously; even theii'j,lokes have escaped unhurt. The injured boy is im- . �'y OF PURE NORWEMAN the painleEs extraction of teeth- �,
- M.- art is a muscle. . . I I
. t organ does ; for the he ' often a sombre cast. , - proving -nicely. '_ . of Ayer% Sarsaparilla - the best of �11 _ lice �
-% � W W � If a man has no organic disease of the I COD LIVER'V311te I
D Im " Anything remarkable about this � bloqd purifiers. The sooner you begin I sometimes call It Ber=uda Bol- - S., Dentist, Graduate of
I . . I
I heart, no enlargement, and no function- the Royal College of D . .
-S if - . mountain ?" asked a tourist of a driver. the better; delay is dangefous. - , Hied, and many cases of � DR. BELDEN, L. D , extal Surgeons or- - �
W . al disorder, plenty of brisk walking, "No," answered the driver, GRATEFUL -COMFORT d 4 i Ontario, and Graduate of the Toronto Unpv�z. .
0 t PJ " there, ING. I i was troubled with cata.rrh for over CONSUMPTION sitY, succeSsair to Mr. Ball. Preservation of I
the natural teeth a speciality. Office in Mr. .
� .with occasional running, will soon dis- is nothing particular about the hill it. . � . two years. I tried various remedie�, BPODCbkis� Cough - " . Balre old Stand. . �
I I (D (D 0 � . pel his breathlessness and heart weak- Self, but there is� I a queer story � and was treated by a number of I)hy$i- 1164 �
ness t . a I -it until! I I .
,T (D 0 , other things being,equal. The with it." connected EPPS'S,-- --COCOA ' cians, but received no benef or savere - Cold I __ - ____ — I
+ 1.0 �-J P ;_ - N . - muscular inactivity of the modern town " What is that?" � BREAKFAST. - . - 0-01111-11-101- � begau to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. , I have CURED with it; and t1he -I' I - .
� �, - __ few bottles of this medicine cured advantage Is that the most menst- , . TTKINSMAN, Dentifft L. D. I
man is the parent of more ill health than " By a thorough icnowledge of the natural laws ; I Uve stomach can take It. Another : - - I
D ' "Ayciiing lady and gentleman went - X, this troublesome: complaint and I - ' �+k�r-X JUL. S., Exeter, ont. �Ril be at : - I
,a I - ,� . e �e - ' Zu
_-'I" � any other single cause whatever." - � chigovern the operiatione of digestion and , < 'Ile - _ rich, at the Huron,Hotel, ez
I for a walk on the hill ; they ascend- miti4t on, and by a careful application' of - ;. - thing whlelbk commends I I th - , 'k the ! �
%& . - out the n= . 0- - , T LAST TBUASDAy 1W 11AC], Xch,M .
D 0 1 d .> wbi . . � co f
ed higher and higher, and - - I N � �� I
_., P 0 ` I I ly restored my health," Jesse . ,
,--j cc came fine properties of well -selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps 1- I b I
�f" "
- -never stimulating properties of the By-
� It is Cnrious Who Give. back again. " - �;,-(,,, p) .
� 0, ca 5, , � � I LAJ J" (I 0998, 1101nian's Mills, N. C. .9phospildtes whieh U contatms. � at Murdock's Hotel Hensall, on the ir��
% 'i has provided our breakfast tables with a delicate. W - M I I .
, . . ly flavored beverage which may save us man NEAM _, <4 't Z 11 "When Ayer's Sarsaparilla was rdc- X ou will find It for sale at your I "I I b TaIRD FRIDAY in e�ch month. Teeth ex. �
" 'a '5
. I � an
i "It's curious who give. There's "Dear me, What ever became . -of y i -_ N�,., RTA tracted with the least pain possible. All work
14 i � I M . " , . ornmended to me for catarrh, I wAs In- Drugfflsni, In Salmon wrai�rr. Be
- �__ 1. - - - sure you .
. q � . Squire Wood, he's put down two dollars; them," � heavy dootors'bijls. It is by the jij,dicious. use - . , clined to doubt its effic' . li I get the genullne.1' first-class at liberal rates. ,gill I
I 1
4 S� f such articles of,diet that a constitution may � -=-- .. I acy. Havi g GCOTT .& A0'WW1l,:Re11evl11e. I
L) t - �, cc 11 his farm's worth $10,000, and he'a'money " They went down on the other side," oe gradually built up until strong -enough to re- . . � � .=�= 1L_ . I tried so many remedies, with little be�-' I I
. __ __ - I
- Bistevery tendency to diseFase. ..-.1 - . :
01 at interest. And there's Mrs. Br' � . - ____
�,_ 0 5 M . .. own, I � ' Hundreds of - .. . efit, I had no faith that anythipg would 11EDICAL. I
I sl�ia's put down five doll&rs; and I�don't A Birch Rark Antique. - subtle ,n. Aadles are floating around us ready to � ,., , cure me. I became emaciated from lo$s . - . �
r1l � , " .
._J I attack w�ierever'thorc is a NveAk point. we may A.�',� vv_!� .-', of appetite and impaired di .
believe she's had a -new gown in two A
. 5"i c '
� ."', W.7 -, igestion. I S. FERGUSON, M_ D. C. M., Seafo
� I - f�, V - rtb, .
. _.V1 - - t 't". . had in early lost the sense of sniell, �
; �� Birch bark has been put to many uses escape many a fatal shaft, by keeping ourgelves [ , ,; �,-�,,', - ! -_, 7
12 crt- P pL. I " :
9 I -_ . �� well fortified with pure blood and a properly �, .Ull ;!". .. . , - . - Office and residience,thatforinerlyoc. . .
� f- , .. - I I my systein was badly deranged. I w�s ou I dby Dr. Hanover, near Goderich
years, and her bonnet ain't none of the The Indians used it in the building o' . - " ,I7 - ani THE BIC% ' MILLS ' W
I - newest, and she's them three , - . nourished frame. '-110ivil . ..", f__._,Vl� .1, .. - I I 9 pie street.
. �_� X I
-'--- - Service Gazette.,, �� . .-. -- ;P, _�% I I
,grand canoes, and the sunimer visitor , ,- 1:ii about discouraged, when a friend urged
Tong Made simply with boiling 41 1, 1. - ": I, I s Calls night or day Promptlynttended to.
I . - 1-il �
� -water ,or MilK. Sold i,4, �. .", — � ; :
- - I i , � 11�. � %A ,-. I
� - .
children to support since her a4n was the hills converts it into napkin a only in packets by grocers, labelled . :4 me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla and r - 1173
1 rings, * . I Il'l .
�othing visiting cards, and all the innumerable JAMES EPPS & CO., Honi(Bopatbic Chemist@, ferred me topersons whom- it Kad cur q R. COOPER, M. D. Ph,1q:
� killed in 'the army; and she's n .J `
thus: . . -y- �;S�. WN
ed & Scott, but her pension to live on. Welli she'll knick-knacks of which th London, England. 1 1041-62 1 'After taking half a d e� The above ghl: R I : 3—iolan.suraeoni- .
� �p f-'� mills have now been thorou y 4
� I ,,,g -,,V- * - of catarri . oze and Accoucher, a;nlstx,n-c,e Ont. 1127
. e summer ., 'F#
� f . $
. — - 0 bottles of this medicine, 1 am co built upon the complete - . .
. ; I nvince
ecret. `_1 k1l, ki `
But f 0. "I , "
have to scrimp on butter and tea for a visitor alone knows the s I .i - rsr .
. � - -. - yqt t.11
. .
. while, bat She'll pay it. She inst loves V_W at the only sure way of treating th's RS. ELLIOTr & GUNN, Brucefleld, Licen. -
A Child Saved 11 � - . D
:DT1_K__:ST1V1 S � I -th,
ly this summer, 1889, I' have discovered .. ` �_- -i I
- I I F4 -," 4., obstinate disease is through the bldo(l. I I ysiolans and
the cause ; that's why she gives." My little boy was taken very bad' with zFflrl 0 Surgeons,'Edinburgh. Bruceffeld ont.
v another use to which it has been put in � t"tes Royal College af Ph 980
I M ;ki,e N55 iver st� : I I
.1 I . � ) `
. .
aeon . diarrhoea, he was very delicate and got so low Lowell, ]Uass. - I �
- These were the uttetances of De the past. On the sight of ancient 11 &vv A� Charles H. Maloney, 113 R ", Theyall and Storehouse IlLd,l� ,ave been T G. SCOTT, IL D., &a., P —
,street, Wingham,ont turned from church, we had no 4ope of his life, but a lsdy friend re- WREST, STRONGE ST, BESJ � hyildau, Surgeon
� � Igrl
,. the day pledges were taken for contri a . � . greatly enlarged, and riew y ap .
I Pemaquid, Maine, stands an old colonial commendeo Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Str w- � C0N7,A:NC- fliO throughout. . piled U . ,and Accoucher, Sestofth Out. Office and
i, Mount Foreat. - house, sole remnant of what, in 1628, berry, and although he could only bear a few residence South side of
� butions to foreign missions. He .read was a . . . n � Alum, Ammonia, -1-_-1-.,ic, Phosphates, . Goder'lah street, Second -
� I J. w. ScoTT, Listawel. more important post. than that of drops at a time he got well. It saved my child. I Door out of the Presbyterian Church. 8#2
z —
i . . . Quebec, Canada. Under the shingles of i L - 'S C!,',' ,'�Tt.:; 6 E.
them off, a,nd'I took down the items to MRS. WIM. STEWART, Campbellville, Ontario. OR Al�',' fi ;UE'Liu A-yer's Sarsaparilla THE LATEST IMPROVED ROLLS . -
Deeived and Interest &I End the aggregate. He went on : RONTO, 0-T. . W. BRUCE SMITII, M. D , 0. M. Mom - I .
; this house are -layers of birch bark. Only a Sister. . E. W. G I L L V� 7 7, I*: . ri�EPARED By � beir
. - I - . C111CAGO, EW of the College of Physici" and A eons,
� " There's Maria Hill, she's put down I I AND-- - I It.
� North With its firm texture -the result of " My sister and r each tried a bottle of Bur- Fe_1::1""Ar,11;17R CF . . I &c.. Seaforth, Ontario. Offies and res deface
teed to Farmers and BU'd- five dollars ; she, teaches in the dock Blood Bitters with griRat success forbilious yl.n�*�, f ' .-. J. C. Ayer & 70o., Lowell, Mas� same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. =
� growth and not of manufacture�it ser HE CELEBRLITE'D . .,LrJ YE,AST CAIU _ 848 - ,
but twenty dol- ved to keep out the beating rains of the for headache." " I � . .. i � — lk
�, nesg Men, district, and don't have l headache. We recommend it to all as -a specific ; s;x bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottler' Flour D Machines
�rt time, on endorsed notes- of - . - — I ressing ��
. .
by, Sale notes bought at a fall lara a month, and pays her board ; and climate, and added "to the warmth of MISS CARRIE SCHERER, Baden, Ontario. . A LEX. BETHUNE x D., Follow of the I
I j-
. ,
�.ey remitted to A parts of she has to help support her mother. But the house. . I .LA� Royal College 01 Physicians and Surgeon@
amble charges. when she told her experienct, the time . _� History of 15 Years. . G. N. W. TelegTaph Co. I From the best Manufacturing Firms have been Kingston. Successor to Dr.. Mackid. office
�: . - i Ent In, and everythin necemary added to enable lately occupied by Dr. Mackid, Main S eetv
OR fifteen years we have used Dr. Fowler's . - I 9 tr
"'on given to collecting' she joined the church, I knew the Lord Too Intelligent. ' - FExtract of Wild Strawberry as a family . ESTABLISHE or to turn out flour SeRfOrth. Residence -Corner of Victoria Sqlmro, .
' * D 40 YEAM. 11
�co'unts. had done, a - work in ber soul ; and " Is that an intelligent dog ? Looks medicine foesummer complaints and diarrhoea . . . 1� in house lately occupied by L. E. Dancey, I I
I � where he works 'you'll generally see the a and'we never bad anything to equal it. Direct dup]J - � . � D . Mackid has gone to the Northwest and
'C ad& -The like one." The responsew s quick and We .*cate wires to all principal points; I Dr. Bethune has taken his .
. highly recommend it. I ffices eveiywhere ; prompt and reliable service ; � practice, The
�_ Wa Merchliutl' ' fruit in giving. And there's John Ba- angry: "Nosir! - I i In the Dominion. The facilikes for receiving Doe r will be found In Dr. Mackid's office
That dog is Seven- SAMUEL WEBB, Corbett, Ontario. _ connectswith Western Union Telegraph Com- duri g the day
ida. . . I o
From 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. I I m . ker, he's put down one dollar, and he'll teen different kinds of a fool ! I'm- en. - pany to all parts of United States, and with, I grain from farmers and for elevating and -shipping the ight, and at his own residence during
I . chew more than that worth of tobadco Trouble at Melita. . have also dean extensively improved. Grain . 1127XI2
1 A. E. SMIrff, Agent- .- gaged, you know, to Miss A. She" cables to all parts of the world ; money orders . I can
. 8 Mrs. W. H. Brown, of Melita, Manitoba, states by telegraph ; use the best. IGS AND DOGS. -The undersigned has on now k taken from farmers' wagons, weighed i
I 1-1 it a fortnight. Cyrus Dann�ing, four profoundly jealous of Miss B, to whom that two of her children and two others belong-
� . . I I . I and loaded Into can at the rate of 700 bushel; 1
�; I . dollars. Well, he'll have to do some P his premises in Harpurhey, a good, thok- i
k . I formerly paid attention. Well, the in g to a neighbor, were cured of the worst -form ' Onghbred Berkshire Pig 'which he keeps for per hour, by the work of two men. — AUCTIONEEM.
� . . ,extra painting with that crippled hand; other evening the dog was of summer complaiYA by one bottle of Dz. Fow- - CANADIAN EXPRESS CO. service. Terms --$i per sow, I * -
� ; with me with the privilege
buit he'll do it, and sing the Lord's abings ler's Extract. of Wild Strawberry, nature's ape- of returning if necessary. A so for sate, it fe7
- 9 . when I happened to meet Miss B. I (ific for all summer complaints. I P. BRINE Licensed Auctioneer for the
= FARMERS 1. Offices at all railroad points; forward mer. good collie dogs from imported stock on both - A LARGE FEED STONE oi- 'County Of"Iburon. Sales attended In &I
� while he'sz at work."- l Missionary Mes- walked home with her, and stood Ior a chandise, money and packages of every descriip- s CE, Harpurhey. I ., —FOR_ Parts of the County. All orders left its Tim
, senger. . � TJae Root of Evil. . . � Oil
. � moment at the door. 'While we chat- tion : 'collect notes, drafts, accounts, &c. �" "YOR Office will be promptly attended to.
. I mitters of money secured wainst logo, - I I
I Dyspepsia and constipMion are the sources of CHESTER WHITE k1G.-The undersigned . .
ng House,. � I . 0 Re. 114ftf ,
I ted, the young woman I belong to and the
I � �
� . All Men various diseases, but root and branch m be re- eharge for transmission is very low. Produce OUSTOM OHOPPING ;
I passed by on the other side of the street ay for merchandise requirin A willkeep during the present seaso W- G, 1) U F F.
� � g protection from heat �
r !noved by using Burdock Blood Bitter n On 146 Elu been put in, and the necessa machinery for
- f , 1 $ or cold, will have our best attention. r CTIONEER FOR THE
-M it is endorsed by the.press, . . handlin chorand coarse grams. COUNTY, Convey
k -0 C)-T?,r_r_ - young or old or middle aged, who flnd- without noticing us, and then that Mg to directions. I 21, Concession 2, L. R. S. Tuckersmith, a Tho . ry AU �
i with the Bank of Montreal.) ... which a limited cei, Collector, Book-keeper and Ac wuntant -
� themselves nervous,weak and exhausted, beast woke out of a' sound sleep, gave 9, the public and the profession, and cannot be ex- ough Bred Chester White Pig to A goz shed has been erected, so that wagons - IL12 . Life, Accident and fire insurane'
L who are broken down from excess or cclied for the cure of constipation, dyspepsia 1160 . number of sows *111 be taken. Th, , Real � Estate, �
� I
r — - tremendous bark, rushed over to Miss W. SOMERVILLE, Agent. farrowed on May 16 red lb P11. was MR be unloaded and reloaded tinder cover. ARent; moliey to Loan, Correspondence, &c'
� and all diseases arising therefrom. � .— tho 1887, was b y H.
I overwork, resulting in many of the fol- 'A., and then back and forth between Todd, of Wakeman, Huron County, Ohio-, one of PartiO requiring his se -
AI I .� - . rvices in any of these I
N & G 0-y - lowlng symptoms : Mental depression', us until an electric light couldn't have Ile most extensive and- reliable breeders bran6bes will receive prompt attention. om
&I � . cN
fll,q in the United states. This pig has so -taken WHEA IN DA11,9y's Bwm, (upjTAi"), M,,,,, ST,a-3 &,,�.
ND FINANCIAL AGEM- premature old age,- loss of vitality, loss made things any'clearer. S�y, would It takes like Wildflre. 8eaforth Roller Mi t . " I
, (9) Terms $1, pay FO
. , you drown him or poison . Promptly attended to, and i74 , 1134
Of memory, bad' dreams, dimness of I first Prize@ whereever shown. . ZT,
vr.n premises an MarketS�18d sighti palpitation of the heart, emissions, ton Times. him! . '-BOO- Thousands of voluntary complimerits and re- - able at the time of service, with the privilege of i
. i EX returning if necessary. GEORGE PLEWES. - .
,ie A. Sticog's, office. I lack of energy, . in the kidneys, I 's commendations are pouring in from all parts, de� Gristing, ChOppmg and _ IRST-CLASS ROLLER FLO �__ . -_ I
� . pain . claring Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder ____ 1039-t.f. F
ng Business done, drafts 19 . headache, pimples on the face or body, much better than any other Chal3ge promptly attended I ME
. "d , � What is 4 Truncheon. . All grocers sell it. I to and - - - I UR HAND �MADE
;erest allowed orr deposits.., - I itching or peculiar sensation about the At an exaministion a few years ago I ___ � best of Satisfaction guaranteed. 1. - GUARANTEED.
� . . A, I � -
Scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzi- in a school about thirty miles north of - I ,-quantity of good it I ., 0 1 .
, Cash for afiy . �
,(,KEY TO LEND Party Politics. Wheat � I Boots and Shoes I
. ]less, specks before the eyes, twitching Aberdeen, the Inspector taking a class EN partYpolitics run high bad feeling and B%rley._* -1 I - - 0_USr_V(D1& :P -14"1M__0 i
or mortgages. . . I —
� 0 M. � LOGAAff. of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, on historical poetry, on COMIDLY Upon Wand bad blood are often caused, but all. Feed of ail kinds for sale. Arrange- I 9 Chopped s2tisfactorily and withoutdolay.
Z. W - bashfulness, deposits of urine, loss of the sentence, parties agree that when bad blood arises froz ments are made for regular arrivals of .
. 1068 - . .n I I D. MCINTYRE
t' Ritrl Gilbert -waved his ordinary causes the only satisfactory cure i, i -
i Will power, tenderness of the Scalp and truncheon high," -- asked the meaning of Burdock Blood Bitters, natur- Manitoba wheat'and very best of flour -1 I 0 ROLLER FLOUR, -
I .
I . ePine, weak and flabby muscles, desire truncheon e's 'blood. purifiqr. - . Has on hand a large number of Bootsand Shoes
I - The boy at the top said it Recommended bythe medical profession. can be obtained. , . . . ... f ) of his own make, bed material and
,ite Star and I=" to sleep, failure to be iested by sleep, was an article need for carrying bread. I Business conducted on cash ter' . - BRAN, SHORTS, Warranted to give Satisfaction. I
tates &Royal MR Constipation, dullness of hearing, lose of The inspector shook his head, and would - .
. . I Miss Helen B. Sinclair, Yours Truly, And all kinds of � If you want your feet kept dry come and get
I , I voice, desire for.solittide, excitability of have put the question to the next boy, of Ninette, Manitoba, writes that she has used a pair of our boots, which will be sold -
,ti,a Steamsn`- lip- S - temper, sunken eyes Surrounded with but the first boy's father, who happened Burdock Blood Bitters for loss of appetite and
D to SO-' oily looking skin, etc., to be a member of the School Board,and headache with the greatest benefit and heartily W. WCODE & CO. Bowel Complaints, biarrhcea Constantly on hand. I'!
10, return $Go Steerage, p n,ommendo it. Her experience is shared by - . I Repairing promptly attended to.
thousands. B.B.B. IN a specific for headache. All kinds of
� classes of pass that lead to. insanity and death. unless ness, came up, and addressed the In- - - , Boots and Shwa made to order. Ali par,tics who
JV, are all sym toms of nervous debility who had been watching his son's clever 1139tf I
I ,
xeat Britlain to any, point I ' - -AIND ALT� * �,_.� Highest Market Price Paid in have not aid their accounts for last ye I
I aresending for your f,riendg d I - cured, The'spring or vital force having Spector thus, " Oh, ay, the laddiels - V. McKiRop Directory for 1890. , . ar will
re . cine of our repaid tickeo lost its tension every function wanes in rLcht enouch. Ye dinna ken ow'r ways, The SleeP Of the Just. - � I ' CashforanyQuantity of Please ealFand settle up.
consequence. Those who through abuse man. JOHN B SUMIERCOM FLAIN!'77.3 ,��
-1 avoid all troi re We say, Fe'ch-ben the truncher OR sleepless nigbts depending on worry, ENNEWIES, Recve, Dublin P. 0. �4 'Wheat. 1162 D. -McINTYRE, Seaforth. .
ifle Railway an� Steamship committed -in ignorance may be perma- an' the* kebbuck. " � '. I F vexation indigestion, etc., Burdock Blood JOHN MORRISON, Deputy Reeve, Ward 3, -r T � �
S ; L Bitters is a relarkably efficient cure. " I have ! 04 '.
its. Itelt to manitobkl nently cured. Send your addre a 'for Winthrop. KEEP A BOTTLE 1'
- ' , - E
'Peto'a' rahrough sleer,,., _�_ I DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor,Ward 1, Beech- . THE HOUSE. ! APPLE' BARRELS
ust ,,, S. T used Burdock Blood Bitters for sleepless night wood. MARRIAGE LIOENSES
- � book On all diseases to man-. Add�es8 and now sleep well ,all night. recommend is :
Ist connection � . ' ' .
-,;, - ,,-,r -���_A
. .
iread , ,�� �-r - , I
I X V. LUBON, 50 Front 8treet East, to all sffering from imperfect rest. I &,k!_ --__?.'N'; - -AND- I .
to ail poin -Rev- Thomas McPherson was on I t JAMES EVANS, Councillor, Ward 2, Beech. - ,Zy,�� ,
E;, Australia and Chips. Friday, !Z5th ult., paid $1,500 in"full wood. � . I - I
� lutual -roronto, Ontario. Book GEO. H. SHIEL, Stoney Creek, Ont.-
.st stock an - d il - , clasw at a 'sent free settlement of his, claim against Knox , ; CHARLES DODDS, Councillor, Ward - 4, Sea- SOLD BY ALL DEALERS, 1 FINE, COARSE AND LAND SALT, ISSUED AT
� � NO troubw � forth . . �
rie,,v loaned on All . sealed. ' Heart disease, the symptomi of church, Stratford. He at once sent � It Saved His Life. JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, . . . - . FOR SALE- . � - . ..
c rates of interest- 'which are faint spells, purple I ps, $1,000 of the amount to the Treasurer of , � aged monfhly by
In. Real estate and I Winthr6p. I
i ttur . GE.NTLEMH.N,—I can recommend Dr. Fowler's SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Win- E G
.' ST. Ticket, SteamAwat" I , . nbne8s, palpitation, Skip beats, Et the Aged and Infirm- Ministers' Fund. throp. =,ni%odo awee- are sate, pleasant. Only fint- lan wd obllglAg men will be kepti TH 'ILRON EXPOSITOR OFFICE
- . I ,
MAIN ST� L Ik ffect; a My'a veatest friend attend ouskmars. The liberal patronge of' I -
. flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull His intention was to send the other $500 Extract of Wild Strawberry, for it saved my life ROBERT G. ROSS, Assessor, Winthrop. at home or abroad; box by mall mere and generaltrade respectfully solicited. 1 4 I
when I was about six months old. We have ADAM RAYS, Collector, Se&forth. XrOm ggist. ed particul
I "The A' Ageutv . Pain in the heart with beats strop , ,to the Manitoba college, to.help to pay used it in i ur family when required. ever since, DR. SMITH, Medical Health Officer, Seaforth. 2e st4mp. Address ars , Fi�AFORTH,OXT
MONG, rapid and irregular, the second h, 9 and it nev or ' dru i Ca red . . ARIO, I
SgAiVR'04 - � __ art off the college indebtedness. but learned er fails to cure all summer complaints. WK. ARCHIBAT , Sanitary Inspector, Lead. XURZKA ( MEXICIL CO., Drnorr, MICH. . __
- � beat quicker . than tlae, first, pain abbut that the -college had been left a legacy I I am now fourteen years of age. ur Sold by LUMSDEN & WILSON, Chemists ani Aw W. OGILVIE & CO.9
.1 � V � I § � . FRA-xcjs WAL811, Dalkeith, Ont. U4 ' DruggtsLo, Seaforth Out. 1121-D2 - PROPRIETORS NO WITMESSISS RECOUIR199t '
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