HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-08-15, Page 61 . X - t - E >.. _:. m _ _ _ __ .. f 4 . t - T K G tl u� EVEN .E.' jLrVal 1 vn.,. - Two Strange Pwsengerg, jt enough to make tea of the strength de- i an el sired,: and it must be served at once. Wall Papers, _"AY T Ea airL •ehorizon on thRAwa es g_11 Away One of the rattiest materials for a � looking vessel was discovered. by the F _ �. tea core is Chinese crape in Ohina blue cart. look on fife steamship.. Bath boa►te y � were in mid -ocean. As the steamer ap• or delicate tea green decorated with the�� SHADES, preached the strange looking craft, the Chinese alphabet in gold, the same `fig- _. lookout reported that part of her spars ures which are familiar on tea chests. A - were gone and most of her rigging. The Well made coney is shaped like a hollow'ate��T DCN smshi came nearer and nearer, all. hemisphere, and fits snugly over the tea Baby Oarriages,,D v NCoax board lool£ing anxioaasly for some pot, entirely covering it. It should be / . 4 sign of the crew, - bat could discover heavily wadded and lined with any . - ions, though signals of distress were strong. suitable material. C1a1RPFrT k'ELT Montreal House, Seaforth, lying. At last the steamer stopped; a . Genuine lovers of tea usually prefer small boat was lowered and put off for a fine Formosa' to any other brand, the wreck. As the men drew , near though many use a mixture of -half and there was heard the frantic barking of half Oolong and Young Hytiori or Oolong CHEAP THIS WEE K The Leading Dry Goods Dealers. a dog, aid moans that resembled the and Japan. Very few people now drink voice of a human bein The al little._boat Young Hyson or green tea alone. It in . drew nearer, and finym caalongside, almost superseded by the best quality of AT . but it was almost dark, The` sailors _Japanese tea. English breakfast tea . climbed up the side of the ship and has never become popular in this coun. ANOTHER OFo THOSE 'BIG SATURDAY SALES %ILL found. a little do running about so wild- try, though properly made it is delight. Papst s Bookstore• ' TAKE PLACE ON ly that they knew at once he was mad, ful. The better the tea the more neees- . Still the moans could[ be heard. The sity for care in its preparation. A fine men lighted the lanterns and started to Formosa tea becomes especially rank Headquarters for Sporting goods, find the human being in , distress„ The if boiled for any length of time, It is Sat u rd ay, August 2n 189os from the forward art of not an uncommon practice in some parts .new and second-hand Bicycles, _ sounds came P . the vessel, and grew more and more of the south to boil tea for several pitiful. At last the lights flashed one hours. An inferior tTand of tea will Croquet, °Foot Balls, Base Ball • little white- pig lying in a neat little bear each treatment without developing pen. The pig laying i at his rescuers, a flavor that makes it intolerable to the .Goods, Lacrosse Sticks, Lawn .Ten- During the past our Saturday sales have been a success. Special alone of the men said, with s azures- Fate, but good tea becomes -so bitter bargains are offered at our Special Saturday Sales. Crowds have sion that seemed to say, He thought that no one can drink it. It is almost , &c., at l thronged our bargain counters at our special Saturday sales. . it was a long time between meals." One unnecessary to add that no metal, not ) _ of the sailors took the little pig in his area sliver, is fit to make tea yr coffee Papst s Bookstore•, Those who have purchased- from our bargain . counters, at our • arms back to the steamship, but before m• -hew York Tribune, _ the men left they shot the poor little S E A F O R T tH . special Saturday sales, can testify to having received good value at low dog who had gone mad. At daylight Flfte@n Minutes a Davy. prices. the next day the wrecked vessel was in- An excellent amateur pianist was re- - New and seasonable goods, and no trash are placed on our baB- spectedr and it was decided that her cently asked chow she had managed to `E o CRAMPS. COLIC, an '� S t d 1 � crew had been taken off by some other keep up her music. She was over forty, vessel. It was considered dangerous to and had reared a large family., She had all Bowel Troubles, use leave the wreck afloat, and the captain never been rich, and she had had more ;PERRY DAVIS' of the steamship Roured oil over the social burdens -to carry- than fall to the , vessel and set it on fire. He stayed by lot of most women. until the charred bulk sank, and than "How have you ever done it?" re- - atarted for New York with his queer iterated her friend, who had long ago little passenger, who, it is evident, will lost the the musical skill which she had be allowed to Pave till old age, so fond gained att-an expense, of ybara of study EAll. _ Lap have the crew grown of him, and thousands of dollars.. - `� s t t I have done it," replied the other, Used' 'bath and externally On the Church Steps. by practicing fifteen -minutes a day, Itactequip'lly,aii'oYdingalmostinstau P whenever I -could not .get more. Some- •rolief from ,the soverest pain. I went to church -last Sunday. Not times, for several 'months together, 1. _B.E.SURE'•to•GET T14E GENUINE_ that it -was an unusual event, for I have been able to practice two ,or� ,three always go to church when I can, but I hours each day. Now and then. Q -have . 25c per.beittle. • elo not go to this particular church every term of lessons so as to keep up to -the Sunday. ;It was a typical country times, but, however busy and burdened church, built in the days when material •MEDICIN-E anti IR0OD -COMBINED t y I have been, unless actually ill in -bed, T . was cheap and work plenty, and the have practiced at least fifteen minutesjcf principal requisite was a room to hear every day. That has ' tided me over •' P IMU-1S'O the preacher in. It was situated on one from one period of leisure to' another, • of four corners. On another corner was until now I have still my one talent, at 4,oF* CODLIVER 01_ w Hrrj nFLIAfEANoSODA. the schoolhouse, and all around were least as well improved as ever -it was, .Increases "Weight; Strengthens Lungs orchards and green fields. From its with which to entertain my friends and and Nerves. steps one could view the roads in all amuse myself." Price, 50c. and $1.00 per Bottle, four directions, also the score or so of It is amazing to those who have tried . farmhouses standing, from' -a few rods it to see what can be accomplished by to over a mile distant. As we ap= laying aside even a small portion of time Ministers and Public Speakers use preached the church it seemed as if the daily for a set purpose. You find your I I %CER'S congregation was gathering on the out- habits of religious devotion wavering. aide, for the little platform in front was " The cares of this life " are choking Chloramine. Pastilles full. A closer inspection showed them out the better growths. Seize a fraction For Clearing and Strengthening the. voice. to be boys and one -men who were of our time and la it aside for read- Cure Hoarseness and Soreness of Throat. y y g Y y Price 25c per bottle. Pstanding there to view the last arrivals. ing the Bible and for prayer. If you Sample free on application to Druggists. The murmur of talk died out ; all eyes take it as soon as possible after break - were turned on as as we drovtl up, and fast, you will be surest to get it. Do were not removed until we were out of not curtail your sleep for any purpose. TO MOTHERS sight within the church. Then. the talk The duty of sleep is just as bwod_ PALMOM TAR SOAP began again, a perfect buzz. So that ing as the duty of prayer. was what they were standing there for, men will never amount to anything in to see, and hear, and telly They would any department until they learn that Is Indispensable for the Bath, Toilet or watch the houses and see when anyone the care of their health is a sacred duty. - Nursery, for cleaning the Scalp or Skin. started watch them all along the road Do you find your mental furnishings THE BEST BABY'S SOAP KNOWN, as the came • watch them as the stn 1 � Price 28c. , y y p• growing rusty and dim By reading a ped upon the platform; watch them as good book fifteen minutes each day, they entered, and then the comments you can effectually renew your mental - Physicians strongly recommend were Be funny they couldn't help but vigor. laugh! And a stranger or an occasional You cannot master an art by working wyeth s • Malt Extract, visitor was such a delight. They . were fifteen minutes a day upon it; but the (Liquid) so afraid there would be something fruit of years of study in literature, To patients suffering from nervous exhaue- About their persons., or clothing, or music or painting can be conserved tion; to improve the Appetite, to assist Di - carriage, or horses they wouldn't see.. . through busy months by the devotion of gestion, a valuable Tonic. They looked. and they stared, and they even a few minutes daily practice. Than 40 Cents per bottle. Met and they squinted until the the health can be greatly benefited by last flutter, of the last garment disap- even a short stroll in the open air when The most satisfactory BLOOD ruRIFIER is peared in the church. it is impossible to take longer ones. It As the people were coming in, and is like the proverbial saving of the Channings Sarsaparilla, while waiting for the minister, a few pennies and gathering upof the frag- It is a (band HEALTH RESTORER. familiar hymns were sang, and during ments. The` results are simply aston- every pause in the music the murmur of ishing. will cure the worst form of skin disease; will' voices from the steps carne in " like an.cure Rheumatism; will cure halt Rheum. interlude," through the open doors and` A Wonderful Magnet. Large Bottle&, $1.00. windows. At last there was an unusual Probably the largest and strongest buzz. Some one said, "-he's coming," magnet in the world is that at Willett's and -then the minister arrived. The point, New York. It came to be made ALLEN'S services began, and they all entered the by accident. Major King happened to church,. but I observed they took seats see two large fifteen -inch Dahlgren guns . LUNG BALSAM as near the door as they could. I must, lying unused aide by side on the dock. For CONSUMPTION, however, give them credit for being He immediately conceived the idea that'Asthma quiet listeners during the exercises of soughs, neglected Colds Bronchitis, the hour. a magnet of enormous power could be ind all diseases of the ungs. constructed by means of these cannon, In three sized bottles -25c, 50c, and $1.00. Now I don't want to leave the impres- cion. that this scorn or more of young with submarine cable wound &boat them. . Electricity was brought into use, the men and- boys were all bad. I know cannon being wound with cable, and FOR HEADACHE AND NEURAL.GIAf thata great many good, christian peo- they were converted into a huge per- , ple live in that neighborhood. All are manent magnet. An idea of its power � / t good citizens ; not a rascal of any Bort may be gathered from the following lives there: The only dissipation of description in a New York paper any kind is this meeting house gossip. For Lumba o, Sciatica, "Cricks;' Tic, ' stitches." I3ttt there they flock every Sunday, to The magnet; which stands about ten Rheumatic Pains and Chronic Rheumatism. feet ifrom the ground, is eighteen feet Each plaster in an air -tight tin box.. '25c. the disgust of strangers and the terror long, and has eight miles of able wound of the timid. In how many other et . places dobe this: habit revail?-Visitor, about the upper part of the guns. It In Ohio Farmer. P ' takes a force of 25,000 pounds to pull off VNYETFi'S - - the armature. A crowbar applied to the ;S E E � IRON AND WINE. magnet required the combined force of A Cup of Good Tea. four strong men to tear it away. -A For Pallor, Weakness, There are a great many people in this seemingly impossible experiment was Palpitation of the Heart. country who consider themselves good performed with some fifteen inch cannon Valuable Restorative for Convalescents. cooks who do not know what a well made balls. They were solid and as much as Oombines Nutriment with Stimulus cup of tea is. It would seem a self-evident a strong man could lift; yet the magnet jW Be careful to ask for WYETH S. the only GBNUINs fact that tea has I stood " a long -time, held several of them suspended in the To be in perfection a cup of tea must be: air,. one under the other. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO. Limy., absolutely fresh made.. If •it stands The most interesting experiment was1. fifteen minutes it is injured in flavor. the test made of an American non -mag- MONTREAL, The Russians, the great tea drinking netic watch. Ever since the great rail- proprietors or General Agents nation of the world, always make it at roads of the country have compelled the table. It is there -made in a porce- their -employes to provide themselves FOR xo§r OF eticalPOPULAR lain or stoneware teapot and served in with time pieces that would not be af- PrePnetat"r or PharmaceriticalMedicines, glasses, in each of which rests a pretty fected by the magnetism generated by Toilet Articles and Perfumery. enamelled silver teaspoon to prevent the the car trucks there has been much . hot fluid- cracking the glasses. The speculation as to whether such a watch- K ],, Russian samovar is simply the urn in could could be made and. a sharp rivalry ippen Plow Shop. -which water is, heated for the tea. A has been going on between the American little five o'clock tea kettle mounted in and Swiss manufacturers. The test was - a wrought iron - frame over an alcohol highly satisfactory. The magnet was so lamp will cost only -$2,50, and will heat powerful that an ordinary watch was. the water at the table for tea just as stopped stock still as soon as it came satisfactorily. within three feet of it, while an Amari It is of the greatest importance that can non-magnetic watch was for ten the tea should be, made with water that minutes held in front of the magnet, Plows . for - All has not boiled over two or three minutes and it did not vary the hundredth part or at " the first boiling," as old house. of a second. t I wiveli say. Another mattEr of equal An amusing experiment was made THOMAS MELLIS importance is that the pot should be hot with a sledge hammer. When one tried when the tea, is put in. If boiling to wield it in a direction opposite to. the _ water is poured into the teapot and left magnet he felt as though he were try- Again getting ready for the benefit of his many I in to hit a blow with a lou feather in customers, and all farmers in need of Plows one moment or till the ware is thorough- g g Gang Plows, Land Rollers, Cultivators, Har ly heated through and then poured out a gale of wind. This simple experiment rows, which are all genuine, and sold at bottoir andd the tea put; in, it is all that is re- takes the conceit out of a strong -man. Prices. why, farmers, throw your hard casn Another amazia test was made with a away, when you can save by calling on me for glrirecl. Boiling water sufficient to $ your plows and implements. Plow Repairing - number of carpenter's ova t c r he tea welt moata ik nowea. A spike be pouredp pa a Farmers, now is the time to boat up your Plows. over and the teapot wrapped up in a was put lengthwise on the end of the A larger stock than ever of plow repairs on hand. cosey to keep the water at the boiling magnet, then another `spike- was attach- The best American mould boards for all kinds of ed to the first and so on until a lin® of plows on hand, and put on every kind of plows. temperature. In about sbven minutes, Genuine plow handles, plow bolts, plow cast-, or as soon as the leaves settle, the tea- them stood straight out from the mag- ings, gang castings, in fact everything in the pot should be filled up with more water, net at least four feet in length.-Treas- Plow line, to be had by going to the Kippen Plow ® - -ure Trove. . success Good work and small profits leads us to I hereby return thanks to my many customer '1 -James McGuire, proprietor: of for"their large ebare of patronage during the L+n le -ld hotel at Ee p � %���wl Ile I'slls near est and also for their prompt a �ments during %%,. g , g , � P P 3 anus Owen Sound was fined X70 and scats i the hard times, and is�ing you all better sue- O� igir�s l and Drily reliable. cess this year. - the other day for selling liquor without , T. MELLIS, Kippen, 15,nvarC o poor imitations. ( a license. . 1161•t:t gain counters at, our specie aur ay sa es. We invite you to, our next special Saturday sale, to be held ;on Saturday, August 2nd, ECnd ask you to secure a pair- of Lisle, Taffeta or Silk Gloves for 15c, worth 25c to 60c; a pair of extra heavy Cotton Hose for 121c, worth 17c to 25c ; a pair of good fitting Corsets for 290 ;= a pair of Towels for 5c; a ladies' extra quality Merino finish Undervest for 1 Sic ; a pretty colored bordered Handkerchief for 3c ; a handsome Lace Handkerchief for 12 je ; ten yards of new style fine Dress Goods for $1. y Remnants of Print, remnants of Dress Goods, remnants of Ribbon; Millinery at greatly reduced prices; Dress Goods at 10 per cent. discount. All. summer goods offered at reduced prices to clear, SPECIAL BARGAINS IN d I Readymade Clothing, Clothing to order, Men's Underwear, Men's Hats and Caps, Men's Unlaundried Shirts, Men's Collars and Cuffs, Men's Summer Coats and Vests. Saturday will be the day of our Cheap Sale. . f Duncan & Duncan, --S.-eafortb, 1 4 N�TSCE_ If you are looking for bargains in Clothing and Gents' Furnish- ings, we extend you a cordial invitation to visit our store, as we are positive that we are showing the finest goods at the lowest prices. . . _ AGENERAL CLEARING SALE. We have a large stock of Men's Summer Flannel Shirts that we are offering at cost, in order to clear them out. Also Light JUnder- wear, Summer Hats, Celluloid Collars andCufts, etc. Common Straw Hats five and ten cents each. We keep the largest and nobbiest stock of Hais, Collars and Ties. Braces from 10c up, Ties from 5c up, . Collars from 10c up. Special prices in Suits to order, and a perfect fit. Slaughtering prices in Readymade Clothing. - Remember the place, THE TEMPLE OF FASHION, Cardno's Block. . CARDNO BROW., SEAFORTH FURNACES. FURNACES; - Leading Coal and -Wood Burning Furnaces. GARNET COAL FURNACE in four sizes -5. 6, 7 and 8 -Steel Radiators, portable or brick set. THE ATLANTIC WOOD- BURNING FURNACE in two sizes -Nos. 43 and 53. No. 43 takes wood 43 inches long, and No. 53 takes wood 53 inches long; Steel Radiators, portable or brick set, has an EXTRA HEAVY FIRE BOX; is the most POWERFUL HEATER, Economical, Strong, j Durable Wood Furnace made. These furnaces are put up under the supervision of a mechanic with an experience of 25 years in the fl:r nace business, and are guaranteed to give ' good satisfaction every time. . gar ESTIMATES FURNISHED. I i ' Kidd s ,Hard ware d stove House, MAIN.. STREET, .SEAFORTH. THE SEAFORTH If BANKING COMPANY. DUNN.S (NOT INCORPORATED. AKIN A General Banking business trans- acted. POWDER Farmers' paper discounted. C Drafts bought and sold. P . SBEST Fl�lfP g Interest allowed on deposits. OFFICE --In the Commercial Hotel JOHN B EATT I E building. J. C. SMITH, Manager. Clerk of the Second Division Court F. HOLMESTED, solicitor 106 County Of Huron. The Great English Prescription Cures Wealme.so, Spermatorrhe Commissioner, Conveyancer, Land, Loan *indiscretion. Emissions, Impotency and all 0 and Insurance Agent. diseases caused by self-abuse or One package or Funds Invested and t0 Loan. �o�eii $b, by mail. Write for, pamphlet. EuRNKA CmWnucAL - _ .• Co., Detroit, Mich. For We by LUMSDEN it OFFICE -Over Sharp &i IAvens' store, Main LS WION, Chemists do Druggists, Seaforth, Out, treat, Seaforth. 1116M I . - , { - - - - . --. . - .. _.. { i ..,_ -. _ -. I . - i, - . I . AtGV81r 15, x.$90, - 100011000000011001 __ wenington, Gre-v and Bruce. "pA%WWN Goute Notvrs_ pwenger. Miz•d. Mel.-.. .... 2.di r. r[. 9.81 F.U.8.85e.>r. . Beam b ...... 8.06 9.45 9.20 :81gerde......... 8.21 10.00 9.50 Winghifti.. -- .- S. 10.10 n.lo • Gem" 8oarrs- Passenger. Mixed. Winsham.... .. 6.89 •.M.11.10 A. N. 7.26 r- X Biuevalb ..... 6.48 11.22 7,66 -OF--- Brwnels ...... 7.02 11.46 8.65 Mel.. t .... - 7.14 12,00 9.81 London, Huron and Bruce. Pisan er. REAURPIff Gonxe Noi�a- Lond•n�depart............ 7.66a.Y. 86r.n Exeter................ 9.16 5.67 - Hensall t .................. 9.28 6.09 Hippen � . ................ 9.84 6.17 - Bruoefleld.... ........... 9.42 6.26 Clinton .. 0.00 6.4 `J��E+�J Londesboro ............ -. 10.19 7.08 Blyth ........ _ .. 10.28 7.12 1- - Belgrave...... 10.42 7.27 Wingha4m arrive_ ......... 11.00 7.46 Goma Sours- Passenger. dney Tl x171 ble WinghMn,depart.......... 6.60A.Y I C� td. Belgrave.................. 7.0G 4.00 Blyth. ' ................ 7.188 4.16 ' Londeebcro.............. 7.26 4,25 1167-52-No.4 Clintont.................. 7.66 4.45 --- ---- Bruoefleld .. 8.16 5.04 Happen ... 8.24 6.12 . Hensall:............... .. 8.32 6.19 00 • Go Exeter..................... 8.60 5.83 f7 ° Grand Trunk RW1W&Y, C; I 0 on a Trains leave seaforth and Clinton station follows: r , "'�' Goms Wrier- , BRAPORtcs, Ommou O ca Passenger .... .... 1.03 P. Y. 1.20 P. x ' Passenger ... .. .. .. 9.10 P. Y. 9.27r. Y r'1 � � rft fl Mixed rain......... 9.20 A. Y. 10.06..x. \•J 70P C C2 Mixed ........ 6.15 F. Y. 6.40 , � Goias Passen er......... 7.69 A. Y. 7.48 A. _ Passen er ...... .. 2.48 P. X. 2.26 P. Mixed rain........ 5.80 P R. 4.66 P. x Ht G't' ' Freigh Train...... 4.80 a m. 8.80 P. 0 � t::r I I �aso 0 !�- CD s+`'' "•g DR z FOWLERS P O ` ` 0 O � CD 5 ; O-E�`: OF • _ " 0� o P -WI L, D • h-�rn M N �..� • .. TRAWD'ERRY ce 00 CD � - I I 1114CURES. 0 ~CD 0 . n ' 2 ` ...1. !4 1 "'OLERA I ! Q Lm 0 L.: I � an. --- � CB W V�, I C:F'(D i td M$ P F.+. et rl 0 w �+ CD I P1 i./ Wi1RHCEA_ r I�r� �IC,��T RY 1-i 5�rn p., pi - W_ AND AtL SUM1'%F COMPLAINTS " (D W I U �^ ' AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS � �$''" 0 1!_J" L1 -- iT IS sAFE AND RELIABLE FOR ^ Pi 0 Lm P> bHILDREN OR ADULTS. � pt.p 'l1 C+md I W S _A.F'ORTH Ff---9�t CD "'d Id . � CD- i I CD SeedEmporiuln,i5 P11 A =4 CD mI PD0>. ` � �0 ca, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. mti CD Pi W l__ cr W% % - Scott & Crich, Pro rietors. " . W 2 p Wd i ____ (� I t4 Dir. Scott begs to state to the public that he Co 1.110 has again kone into the Flour, Feed and Seed . I 0$:�j W business b entering into a partnership with the present p praetor, F. W. Crich. The naw flimCD a will be co ducted sunder the name of Scott Crich and .ing our shop full of the choicest `tea @ CD 0 W seeds, we e00 el confident that we can meet the �'}' {�) wants of j very one favoring us with'their ons• C r..l �t d tom. O �.i ,b Among the new varieties we offer you thl � .0 E/ season are the following : Colothdo 'Spring � )--a � W v Wheat -tris 'is a new variety introduced here �J Zlast season and has done well in We locality, running from 20 to 28 bushels per ;&ere. Ameri•Z q esti Bann r Oats -the leading variety Mum- v 5, my.Peas ; leo the improved English bhevalier Barley &n a splendid stock of common two -M . rowed Ba ley, also a full stook of Clover and i;,,,i �- 0 5 M 0 GrawSee Ie something extra in Lucerne, " trefoil andlother Ciorers. - Our Flour and Feedrs Department is complete W , � P pAy in all linesi Goods d livered to any plhce in town. Give us q call and be convinced that we have - one of the largest and best stocks of seeds in the county ani prices to suit the timeA. Halsted & Scott Remember the place, O. C, Willsons Block I Seaforth. B1�l��ER SCOTT & CRICH. ' Josephine sheet, Wnghaln,Ont J. A. HALSTED, Mount Forest. J. W. SCOTT, Listowel. De sits received and Interest &I lowed,E Money- advanced to Farmers and Bust- IIess Men, On long or short time, on eridoreed notes or collateral security. sale notes bought at a fair valuatiol. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention given, to 0 collecting 4. Notes and Accounts. Ajzent8 in Canada -The Merchants, Bank of Canada, - Office hones -From 9 a. in. to 6,p. in. 1164-52 ' A. E. SMITH, Agenji. �MTM-AARIEC3 - Mut i al Live Stock IN URANCE CO. Head office : Seaforth. THE O LY Live Stock Insurance Company in Ontario having a Government Deposit and being duly licensed by the same. Are now carrying oi k the 'business of Live Stock Insur- ance and licit the patronage of the importers and breeders of the Province. f . For further particulars address JOHN AVERY, Sec.-Treas. I164 . r,��_,�_- ,_ I-,- 1 - ,.-' , ..' I _. 1 i I y ,r:_ ;t -c THE 1HAY TO-WNSHTP Fi,armers' Mutual Fireuranse Company. A purely armers' Company. Live Stock also insured when in the fields or on the road in charge of o"er or servant. - I . l lso manufacturer of the Improved Surprise Washer AND WRINGER, MACHINES. Agen for TOMBSTONES and the WATSON COMPANY'S is E1a/.tENTs_ NDERRTAHING promptly ;attended to a moderate rates._ Go . H'LT7�AN, Ur & I 1119 l THE ;:FARMERS' Banking House, SIM. FORTH_ (In connection with the Bank of 3fontreal.) `I LOG AI & C0.1 BANKERS ANP FINANCI.A.L AGI. Now in heir own premises on Diarket 8t`reet Seaforth, opposite A. Strong's office. General Banking Business done, drafts isa ped and cashed. Inter allowed on deposits, MONY TO LEND On good notes or'Imortgagea, JOHN WEIR. I WM. LOGAN, 1068 Lan A►L ate star and Inman United States & Royal Mail Atla21t1C Stems11ips. Cabins., $50 to 4100; Return, $100 to X00. Intermediate, $30,I return $60. Steerage, 490,. return $40. All cd sses of passage to and frt a all Points in Gr t. Brittain to any 1►cint i Canada. If you ar sending for your fr=' d not fail to secure one of our prepaid tickeie I clear through and qvpid all trouble. Canadian Pacifi Ratlwa and Steamship Tickets to all poin . Special rater to Manitoba and Pacific Coast points. Through sleepers secured free: Best connection to all pointsin the United States, ustralia and China. Head agency for the best stock and mutual inaur&noe companies. Mone loaned on all classes or security at lowest tes of interest. No trouble Mto ve information Real estate and Luuranae ee -MARKET 9T. Ticket, Ste&wboat, and Telegraph 08ice.- IAIN 3T. A. S 1VG, ,,The,, Agent, 1 rKA>i+ BTIL . -10 � I -j . , t . ,Mmmh--. � t. /I's ij. AiLTaust, .tile �l A 1 � deli nton place . e ,Ott made ,two or thi � Vthe heavy loaded and then l tithe New York B V_� t© int the AM] a crowd. H with -a $erre look mi ,ken were chary i K what would 1 bite Horse, i3sut I don't marked one. ss I m satisfied the' with the ,gloves on, in that way," adde< ra I,m not the lease ;" pat in a young ]Wks .6 but about the ,dc,n along would con •ext tib both." _ The driver was beat thing was being don! a little girl about ei ached ind said Ko' Flease mister." jo well, what ^der wi s4If y€ia1'll only stop, children around here eery bit of U4 coal to I 14 YOU t while waif The man stood up al s defiant way, hut, t pjeaisatat looks, he bassi i>`ft. a Xnome'nt he a it . 4s bobby he didn't d', ,Out of starts to -day. wap, and perhaps a h,h011%eip him►." The crowd charmed fs iitindrscl hands ,help€ the old horse had fhe A ,pith one effort. Weak Hf The practical evils :meted with a feeble hes Ibis, and will readily su .one who possess so pumping engine. 'Wea no means so common a Many a man W. gott one . is merely dy womu owes -her syn laai8 or insufficient': -ayepepsia be cured or - be dispensed with, tl -heart weakness will d when the heart is ken: weakness i$ not always disease of that organ. t of a general wear system, which. is easil latae Sir Robert Christi inost eminent of .Brill IIBed ty smile at eertai were always compli hearts. $ ,Gentlemen ', itis students when lectur --ogentlemen, fiche best. heart is a good briek doubt of 'it. The uta labliy hearts ,are weak clause every other muscl weak and flabby,;, and tl .nese and flabbiness .is mgotous use. Hxercise back and arms gives much heeded exercise to the heart grows strong - 1. etese, exactly as every, eau does ; for the h If a man has no ,organic lieairt, no enlargement, a - 41 disorder, plenty of with occasional tannin pel his Breathlessness a neo, other things muscular inactivity of man is the parent of mor any other single cause w It is Cnrion$ 46 It's curious who Squire Wood, he's puts Itis farm's worth ` 1-0,000 #.interest. And there', 1%'a prat down five dol believe she's had a n years, and her "bonnet a' newest, and she's the. children to support sitie_ imed in the army • but her -pension to live c .have to scrimp on 'butte' while, but she'll pay it. tho cause ; that's why s . These were theutter Daniel, after we rete -n the day pledges were to - lmtions to foreign mis them off, and I took dfl ftitd the aggi. ate. He "There a Maria HilL five dollars ; she teach diistriict, and don't have Urn a month, and pays cite has to help support ''Wben zhe-told her e she -joined the church, I had done a work as Where he worlds you'll g in gv;«g.11 d icer, he's put down one chew satire than that I a fortnight. Cyrus dollars. well, he'll ha Fh painting with thae'lldoit,and sing he's a . work. "•-- senger;. All Me , young or old, or middle themselves nervous,wea who are broken down 'Overworks resulting fel lowlug symptoms : Me 'Premature old :ages loss i. c€ Memory., bad dreatr §ht, palpitation of the k of energy, pain latche, h Pimples on china or peculiar sea: . OStt#)taati ;wresting of the u"s, specks before the ' Of the musclela, eyelids hfulnen deposits o will power, tenderness -o 1 Rue, weak and flabby to alae P, failure -to bee e -r pation, dullness of "'mg, desire for solitude . temper, sunken eyes au u>sx CMULE, oily ion ate all symptoms of n t lead to. insanity an LrThe spring lir vi ' Its tension every fa '�qusnce. Th€ise wh °emitted in ignorance cently ,cared.Send yo book on all diseases to = LUBOIN Frog Torouto, ontalia. B �tled Heart disease, t which Are faint spells �mbae8s palpitatiou, a bel, rush of blood to iii the heart Lith PId sad irregular, the i wicker than the a